#in any case it's in equal parts ridiculous and amazing
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pharawee · 3 months ago
The Renovation was released yesterday on WeTV and the first (of two) episodes is free two watch.
It's a very low-stakes show that's selling exactly what's on the tin: writer checks into resort that's currently being renovated and tries to get with the owner so he can use the whole thing as inspiration for his next novel.
There's basically like, 30 minutes of hurt/comfort with a focus on the comfort part - in the form of not one but two very long and drawn out sponge baths. It feels a bit like whoever came up with the whole thing is really living their best sponge bath enthusiast life.
And then, right at the end, this happens:
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What. the. Dickens.
Yeah... uhm... they won, I will be tuning in next week.
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msunitedstatesjames · 3 months ago
I've touched on this in a couple of other semi-related posts before, but I find it hilarious and I appreciate how much Johanna Hezenkoss thinks Emmrich is the protagonist of Veilguard. Like, this woman could not give less of a fuck about Rook. She almost always refers to Rook only by their relationship to Emmrich. She refers to Rook as "one of Volkarin's hangers-on," "that impudent whelp following [Emmrich] around," "Volkarin's companion," and as Emmrich's "paramour." None of these imply that she thinks Rook has much agency. Instead, she acts like Rook is just helplessly following Emmrich around like a puppy, helping him complete tasks (which I guess is partly true).
If Rook romances Emmrich, Hezenkoss assumes that Emmrich seduced Rook and not the other way around, even though Emmrich is noticeably older than Rook and has hardly left the Necropolis in years. She's seemingly amazed by it, and yet it never once crosses her mind that Rook might have initiated the relationship (which is actually the case).
She also refers to Emmrich as the one who destroyed her construct, which is technically true, but she ignores the major assistance he had from Rook, another companion, and most notably Manfred. He couldn't have pulled it off without their help, and had in fact given up, but Hezenkoss acts like Emmrich was her sole opponent in that battle.
I've said before that part of the reason for this is that Hezenkoss seems to think of herself as the main villain of the story, so Emmrich must be the main hero. Hezenkoss says that some of the other big bads of Dragon Age, the Venatori, were nothing more to her than slightly useful and genuinely annoying. She clearly thinks herself above an entire organization of some of the most powerful mages in the world. And she sees Emmrich as pretty close to her in terms of raw power, since she almost invited him to her Vengeance Party but ultimately decided he was too much of a danger to her plans. She also states that she tried to get him to join her in the past, which I don't think she would do for anyone she considered to be less than her equal. Emmrich is genuinely the only person in the game she shows any respect for. Though she mocks his age and finds him to be too sentimental, too moral, and too fearful, she shows signs of agreeing with him on some topics, and she obviously respects his abilities if nothing else. No one else in the game acknowledges his frankly ridiculous knowledge and skill level (except Solas in the end) as much as Hezenkoss does.
And really, Emmrich does have main character energy. Though he does have some age and mortality related fears, dude is overflowing with confidence. When you first meet him, looking for a Fade expert, he has absolutely no problem telling you he's the best possible person for the job. Though he apparently hasn't left the Necropolis in years, he's totally down to join the team and go anywhere you want him to go. If you romance him, he is initially surprised, but he quickly turns into the smoothest dude around, and throughout the game you can hear him comment on some of his many relationships through the years. He's well-dressed, well-spoken, charismatic, highly educated, unfailingly kind, extremely powerful, and he's done so well for himself that Harding mistakes the son of a butcher and a cook for a member of the Nevarran nobility. No wonder Hezenkoss thinks he's the protagonist. The real protagonist is just out here winging it on guts and good luck alone.
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very-straight-blog · 1 month ago
So I’ve been a fan of Tom since 2018. I’ve followed his acting, music, interviews, photoshoots, all of it. And he has always seemed like a happy, easygoing, fun guy with such a bright personality. It’s what, I think, draws a lot of us in to him besides his amazing acting.
But after the golden globes, I have seen so many people say he looks completely different. And I am one who would have to agree. And I’m not commenting on his looks because I still think he looks great but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t concerned like other people are as well. There is definitely a difference from the hotd season 2 press tour to what we saw on Sunday. And I don’t even think it’s because of being in house of the dragon. He would have already started changing more after season one than anything if that were the case but this has been a very quick change. He definitely does still get hate but I have seen him being supported and praised for season 2 more than most of the actors so I cannot see this being the reason for the drastic change.
Now I’m not gonna get into his personal life, I never really have focused on anything but his work. But I think it’s probably something more personal? And I really am just concerned about him and have thought this for months now. He doesn’t look very well. And I really do hope the best for him and want him happy
And being concerned about an actor you like and care about in my opinion does not equal those who are saying this is ridiculous, violating, and unfounded. It’s been very frustrating to see people judging fans for being concerned just like I think we should also be careful about it as well.
Sorry it took me so long to answer. Of course, we have the right to worry about the mental state of the celebrity we're fans of. Unfortunately, I can't speculate about what's going on in his private life - I don't know anything about this side of his personality and I don't consider it correct to interfere in it. For my part, I can say that the fandom's behavior towards Tom was disgusting and I just hope that he didn't take it personally and that it didn't cause any internal problems for him. In general, yes, I also hope that he's doing well and is ready to film the third season.
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literaryoblivion · 8 months ago
Abandoned WIP--SuperWolf Deancas/Sterek
As stated before, this is an abandoned WIP snippet. I’ll tag them with #my abandoned WIPs to organize it. If you see any and are so inspired by any of these to either create your own or finish, PLEASE tag me! I’d love to see if someone was able to take it and run with it since it stalled out for me.
Dean and Derek own a bakery together and Dean helps Derek woo Stiles and Derek helps Dean woo Cas.
Derek definitely remembers better than Dean when they decided to go into business together.
“It was after you made that pie for our Thanksgiving potluck in college, and I told you we should have a bakery and you could make pie and I’ll make cookies.”
“Dude, no it wasn’t. It was when I told you after you made me that birthday cake that we should sell it,” Dean replies emphatically.
Derek sighs because he’s honestly tired of this argument. The point is they have a bakery now, even if neither of them can remember the exact moment they thought of opening one. They had become friends in college, roommates soon after, and now business partners.
It had taken a while to come up with a name though… 
“No, Derek.” 
“Why the hell not?” 
“For one that’s a game Charlie plays all the time. And two, I think Double D’s would be better.” Dean says it with a waggle of his eyebrow and a smirk. Derek is not impressed.
Derek gives him a flat look. “You are such a pervert.” 
“What? It’s clever. What you want to name it something about getting some D instead? I’m an equal opportunity sort of guy.” 
Derek ignores him. Then says, “How about DD’s Desserts?” 
“Ugh fine, you are no fun, man.”
DD’s Desserts gets a lot of customers, and even though Derek and Dean have part-time employees that help them on the weekends and seasonally, they try to have at least one or both of them there all the time. They are the bakers after all, but they take turns taking care of customers’ orders, ringing people up, etc. They like still feeling like it’s their business.
They each have their specialties: Dean is the sole maker of the pies and pastry-related items, and Derek makes the cakes and cookies. It works and along with their specialties, they also take turns who helps with customers, which is why Derek is in the front taking inventory of what they have left and what he might have to make more of before the day is through, with Dean in the back working on a few orders.
The bell on their door chimes, and Derek turns to greet the customer who’s walked in when he freezes, struck by how attractive the customer is. He’s tall and lean, brown hair and eyes, a few moles scattered along his jaw. He is gorgeous and Derek kind of doesn’t know how to reign in his attraction so that he can be professional towards this customer.
Finally, he gets a grip and nods and mumbles out, “Hello.”
The guy grins and approaches the display case. “Hi.”
Derek coughs. “What can I help you with today?”
The customer smirks like he had some dirty answer to that question. Luckily for Derek he doesn’t say it, but he replies, “Well, I’m not sure. A few friends told me this place was pretty good, so I figured I’d come check it out. What should I get?”
“What types of desserts do you like?”
“I mean anything with sugar is awesome, but I have to say I’m pretty partial to pie.”
Derek nods and moves down the counter towards the display case that holds their pies. “Today we’ve got apple, blueberry, french silk, and coconut creme all by the slice. If you want a whole pie, you’ll have to place an order.”
***rest of the rambling fic idea: Dean is the pie/pastry dude, and Derek is more of the cookies/cupcake guy, and Stiles LOVES pie But like Derek goes and hides in the back when Stiles comes around because he gets flustered around Stiles and Dean thinks he's being ridiculous and he can tell Stiles likes Derek because he asks Dean where he is EVERY time he comes in and so Dean is like that's enough and bakes this amazing pie and when Stiles comes in, Dean just hands it over and Stiles is like ???? and Dean is like it's from Derek. Just take it. and Stiles is like *heart eyes* and then while he's mooning over his pie, Castiel walks in and Dean is just at a loss for words, and runs to the back to shove Derek into the front because it's his turn, but Stiles is still there, and Castiel is standing there confused & looking at Stiles, like ??? and Stiles shrugs and is like IDK dude. And like Dean and Derek are arguing in the back and finally Stiles jumps over the counter and comes back there and is like... YO. And Dean and Derek stop and Derek is super embarrassed and maybe Stiles walks closer all shy smiles and blushing cheeks to Derek and Dean is like I'm out of here and he mans up to greet Castiel and while they are in the front Derek and Stiles are blushing and stammering out hellos and compliments and finally Stiles just throws himself at Derek and kisses him. AND THEN later Derek finds out about Dean making Stiles pie, so he makes a basket of muffins/cookies etc. and gives it to Castiel and says they are from Dean, who is out on break and Castiel sits and waits for Dean to come back bc he wants to thank him and Derek is like... shit really? you don't have 2 but Castiel insists and Dean comes in and is like oh um heya cas what's up, and Cas is like, I wanted to personally thank you for this basket of baked goods that you made for me, and Dean is like WTF? I didn't make any- and Derek is like coughing and shaking his head and Dean is sideying him and finally gets it and is like Oh yeah, right, totally from me. You're welcome. and then Cas says, I'd like to repay the gesture, perhaps you can come over and I can make you dinner? And Dean is like UM YES OF COURSE I AM THERE YES. and it's a date and they make out and Stiles comes and hangs out at the bakery and eats the day old stuff and mess ups and makes out with Derek in the back. THE END*****
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lunamikin · 2 years ago
guess what?
the owner of the hostel me and my gf are currently living and working in, for almost a year now, decided to threaten to throw us out…
so my gf is currently an equal partner with the owner of this hostel we live in, she does all the contability and basically runs the place by herself, while the owner is in the other side of the globe, and is not here to see the day to day things…
but the owner is not treating her as an equal partner and is being very racist and homophobic twoards us (this has been happening for a while but now things got unmanageable)…
the owner still demands things of her as if my gf was still just an employee and not an equal in the decision making of things (she started as manager but then they decided to make her partner). the thing is: she doesn’t pay any salary to my gf bc they “share the profits”
however, before the partnership, my gf had a fixed salary. in the proposal of the partnership, she was promised to make a little more money by the end of the year, when is the most demand and where we receive more guests here, so it was an amazing opportunity for us (to try and make some savings), to stay here in the slow part of the year (when there’s amost no guests), getting paid less than when she had a fixed salary. we believed we’d have a return for the months we spent here *not getting paid*
and now that the high demand of the year is getting closer, and right when we were about to start getting something in return after two months of not getting paid and having to deal with all the expenses from the hostel, having absolutely no profit in the end of those 2 months, the owner decided the partnership is “not working anymore” when the reality is that if it wasn’t for my gf, this place simply would deteriorate very fast bc it’s in the middle of the atlantic forest, and nature doesn’t wait.
she clearly doesn’t see my gf as an equal and still sees her as an employee rather than her equal partner. she’s clearly just wanting to exploit someone as long as it’s convenient to her, and now that the profits will start showing up, she doesn’t want the partnership anymore…
it’s rather sordid bc she’s clearly just trying to find anything to justify the dismantling of the partnership.
also she was supposed to pay the last salary (two months ago) to my gf and she still hasn’t
it’s ridiculous and outrageous
exploiting someone for the months when she doesn’t have money to pay a salary is very easy, but then when it comes the time to share the actual profits that’ll come, then suddenly there’s something wrong with the partnership…
it’s very suspicious to say the least…
anyways, moral of the story is: we wanna get out of here, as you might’ve guessed. this situation is very difficult and we just haven’t left yet bc we don’t have a place to stay other than here nor have the resources to leave.
the situation has become very uncomfortable and idk what else to do… the plan is to make enough money to buy a car so we can at least have a place to sleep while we don’t find another place to volunteer in.
also my gf can work as an uber if we have a car
so i made this goal to try and make this money, so we can buy a car and get out of here ASAP bc we’re DONE being exploited… this should help us start over…
my ko-fi page is in my bio, in case you wanna help us out! thank you!✨
i’m so angry about all of this… it’s unbelievable that someone has the nerve to do something like this and treat people like this, and still think they’re on the right side…
anyways, share this post if you wanna help us out! we really need it… and i’d love to draw something for you!! thank you✨
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ryuichirou · 1 year ago
A couple of replies! Starting with the one related to our Jamil art from yesterday hehehe.
Anonymous asked:
Scarabia n.1 boyfailure! You made him look so cool!!!!!!! I tend to rag on this design quite a bit, but I think Jamil's OB has become my favorite exactly because to me it's almost equally ridiculous and awesome. With the kind of life he has, he deserves to act a bit silly (violently attacking people).
Also I can't stop thinking about the jp fandom calling his outfit "ecchi". Honestly, I really can't blame them... I like the legs...
Yessss him!!! Thank you so much, Anon ❤️ Ah Jamil and his silly emotional self… laughing maniacally kicking people around lol
He really is ecchi, the legs are amazing. While it took us 4 days to finish this one and I’m very satisfied with it, a part of me wishes we drew his legs too, they are absolutely criminal.
Overblots are such a delight and a pain to draw at the same time. I’m very happy we finished Jamil… it’s been a year since our last OB boy…
irregardlessly-tish asked:
The headcanon about Ortho and Mira got me thinking about Ortho being rivals with a house Alexa and similar things. Ortho hating on commercial use AIs being all grumpy "you're giving the rest of us a bad name! >:["
(this is related to this post)
Omg YES Ortho and his surprisingly serious beef with all these AIs!! He is MUCH BETTER THAN ANY OF THEM, right? >:( !!!!
Anonymous asked:
So I saw that in a past ask that only two guys in Idia’s shippings is actually interested in becoming serious with him. How does Lilia see him then? As a friend with benefits? And is Idia aware of this or does he think they could become an actual thing?
The thing is, I don’t think Lilia is interested in having actual committed relationship with anyone at this point. I don’t know if he ever did (well, with one particular exception in his youth), but now he pretty much lives in the moment and enjoys human connections that happen to him right here and right now. Idia is pretty young, so Lilia wouldn’t want him to get too attached. While Idia isn’t a fae and his lifespan is much shorter than Lilia’s, Lilia is pretty old and yeeeeaah actually dating him would be rather cruel. I also think that Lilia probably considers himself not really... worthy of such a dedication? Idia is young and is going to change someone for serious relationships, and Lilia doesn’t see himself as someone who Idia would actually be in love with. Lilia doesn’t know how much he means to people around him, and Idia is no exception. So this approach would actually hurt Idia more in the end.
But another thing is, Lilia also hates having these conversations, so he isn’t going to have one lol To him he’s just having fun with Idia as long as it’s fun for them to be around each other. And since Idia is pretty young, Lilia also naively believes that whenever they stop spending time together, Idia will get over it. So yeah in a way he is still being cruel, albeit unintentionally.
Idia doesn’t know what their relationship is. He is a pessimist, and he just knows that something is unavoidably going to go wrong at some point, but he is also in love and really doesn’t want it to end. He probably tries not to overthink it to avoid getting too hurt and disappointed, but deep inside he would love to spend time with Lilia forever.
This reply ended up being not so funny, I’m sorry—
Anonymous asked:
Say, a quick question about fem Kalim, since she is the heiress of her family, would she be subjected to the same marriage law as Princess Jasmine where she has to marry by the time she turns eighteen?
Huh! 🤔 Good question, I haven’t thought about it.
It’s a bit tricky because the Asims aren’t really royalty + Jasmine was the only daughter and Kalim has 30+ siblings…  but for the sake of some juicy drama it could still be the case (being forced to marry during your 3rd year of college, yikes).
I guess it’ll depend on the scenario we’re going to go for any specific post or comic.
Anonymous asked:
hey saw you're getting into Treyvil! I read a really adorable fic on AO3 called Adequately Inadequate. I think the author was something like FabFoxFics or something like that.
Thank you for your recommendation, Anon! ❤️
While I don’t really read fanfics, I’ll still post it in case anyone is interested. Maybe I’ll check it out too…
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mackthecheese · 2 years ago
Mwahaha i have QUESTIONS
First of all, what's the best seating arrangement? On a couch, at a table, in bed, in a shallow hole in the park?
What's your go-to outfit if you're just doodling? Mine is high-waisted pants and something tucked in
What's your favorite wh ship?
Which jack stauber song/video creeps you out the most (Lima bean man)
Would you rather be able to only drink water, or no plain water ever again?
What do you think the worst job is?
If you're about to get up and an animal rests its head on your foot, are you legally obligated to stay there until they are ready to leave?
What's your favorite medium?
By myself? In MY SPOT on the couch. With friends? In a vaguely menacing circle or half circle. The council has decided death to be far too merciful a punishment. TO THE BABY SHARK WITH FART REVERB CHAMBER YOU GO.
Confused by the question. If you’re asking what I, myself, am wearing while doodling, probably pajamas tbh. If you’re asking what sort of outfit I like to draw characters in, usually just their canon outfit tbh. But I’m an absolute sucker for RIDICULOUS and FABULOUS blazers and coats for my original characters. ✨✨✨
Good ol’ canon FranklyDear. They’re just so cute together!!
I wouldn’t say any of them really creepy me out, so I’ll just share my two favorites, which are The Pumpkin Song (mention of a cat + mecore fr) and Hamantha (she’s just impossible to ignore).
No plain water ever again. If I’m really craving WATER, I’ll just drink water with a liiiittle bit of lemon juice or smthn in it to make it *technically* not “just plain water”.
The worst job? For me, personally, definitely a hooker. I’m asexual- I think that speaks for itself. I also just don’t really like touching people in general yk?
I pet that critter until it’s so happy it starts headbutting my hand. I’m gonna pick it up and carry it with me to wherever I need to go. (Unless it’s outside, in which case I will make that critter the BEST, MOST COMFORTABLE little spot to snuggle EVER and I will cuddle them when I return from The Outside.)
Clay! I’m mostly a sculpture artist and clay is super great to work with because of how easy it is to shape. I’m a bit pickey with my clay though- I don’t really like air dry clays or baking clays because of how weirdly rubbery they are. You can’t make slip (equal parts clay and water-basically clay glue) with them and if you’re building a Thing in pieces, it is an absolute NIGHTMARE to try to attach them securely. Low-fire cone 05-06 white clay and mid-high-fire cone 5-6 speckled buff clay bodies are my favorites to work with because of how soft they are- they make really good slip and it’s easy to build in pieces because they attach super easily with just a little bit of scoring, slipping, and pulling. I can get a ton of detail in firing clays that air dry and baking clays just won’t allow. I also generally prefer the look of glaze to paints on my art. I like creating utilitarian items from clay too, so I need glazed stoneware to make them food safe. Like this cool sgraffito plate I made last year!
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There’s also a ton of amazing decorating techniques that are possible with firing clays, but not air dry or baking clays. One of my favorites is definitely raku, which is where you fire a piece to bisque, then apply raku glaze (special glaze) and fire that. BUT here’s the important part that makes it raku- you have to fire it at an insanely high temperature (750°C) VERY QUICKLY and take it out of the kiln while it’s red-hot. Then you stick it straight into a metal container of some sort with flammable material in the bottom (shredded newspaper, dried leaves, etc.) and let it catch fire. Then you put the lid on the metal container and let it burn until it runs out of air. Now you can either let it sit in there for a while to cool or you can remove it to let it cool- it doesn’t particularly matter. Firing with this method makes the most INSANE glaze patterns and it’s also so gorgeous omg- Here have some examples:
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It’s really pretty and super fun to do because it’s not often that you get to set your art on fire and have it turn gay. I’ve done exactly one raku firing and it was one of the absolute best things I’ve ever done. SO fun.
Anyway that was quite the ceramics rant there… 👀
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ortelassa-goldstein · 1 year ago
Another shitpost about my beloved tav Haltyrr. Now about her relationship with companions. More details under the cut.
template by @raysoffrost, thank you!
(Please note - everything below is written on behalf of my oc. My own opinion may be different! I find all the characters charming, but from Hal's point of view it's a little more complicated) (oh and pls ignore my bad english, i try my best, thank you)
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Shadowheart. This girl is harmed. She bleeds painfully right front of me and pretend to be fine, pretend no one sees her weakness. She NEEDS something. Protection, maybe? I dont understand. She is so funny in her pathetic rudeness. When I look at her, I feel my own weakness, and it's sucks. I should stay away. Lae'zel. I never seen githyanki before, and this woman was mystery… For some time. She's annoying, she's predictable, and… amazing in her faith. I adore her directness and urgency to fight to the death for her ideals, but also this is a blindness. She always follows the line of least resistance. People like Laezel are good on battlefield. I need these type in our journey, but she and i will never be an equal and never understand each other. Maybe one day she'll try to kill me, or, maybe I'll kill her first. Karlach. A simple woman, maybe too simple for me, but, in any case, she knows how to prioritize correctly and live in the present moment. She is very sensitive and perfectly defuses the situation if tense raises because of someone else's sick ego. We need her. Actually, I think, everyone needs a woman like Karlach. Jaheira. I don't know how to treat her. Sometimes she looks so much like me and this is pisses me off. But sometimes I find sweet how she grumbles and looks at everyone like at stupid children. I'm sure she sees it too - we are quite similar, and it's better for us to keep a respectful distance from each other, otherwise one day well fight to death, and then we both regret it. Halsin. Well, he's huge, a druid and an elf at the same time. It's a terrible mix in my opinion. Sometimes I'm just freaking SCARED of him. Druids are strange af. Elven druids?! Please don't. Part of me despises Halsin for just running away from his beloved grove when it needs a competent guidance more than anything else, but at least my weirdos like him. (or I'm too soft-hearted). Gale. If someone hurts Gale, it will be the last thing they will do in their lives ever. (I wish I could beat the shit out of his ex, but it's hard with goddesses.) Perhaps this man is the only one from all over the upper world who really understands and accepts me. I don`t know how he did it, but my trust in him is unshakable. Magic, probably. Astarion. I don't blame him for trying to survive. I blame him for doing it ridiculously. Sometimes he tires me so much that I want to tie him up and throw into the river. Next to Astarion, I feel like a babysitter, and this is the last thing I would like to do in our situation. I think sooner or later this pathetic elf will get angry because of a something Very Important For Him in a teenager way and leave, and it would be noble of me not to stick a dagger in his back. If you want to be respected, respect in return, darling. Wyll. I don't understand what he's still doing in my camp at all. I mean, I've heard so many rude things from him about how unreasonably cruel I am that it's even funny. I behave quite decently and don't even point out to Wyll that he seems to be much more interested in wine, pretentious speeches and condemning everyone in a row (me in particular), instead of doing, you know, things. He also brought this annoying devil with him. Oh, spider queen, give me strength.
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greenerteacups · 2 years ago
I have a lore (idk if that’s the accurate word) question 😁
What do you think gender roles are like in Wizarding Britain? What sort of expectations (if any) are placed on witches, and pure blood witches specifically?
PS: last chapter of lionheart was AMAZING
Thank you!
So canon gives us some conflicting information about this. The earliest witches we know of are Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff (who come before Merlin, somehow, but don't ask me about the timelines don't do it don't do that to me. Merlin didn't go to Hogwarts, that was a bad dream we all had, don't think about it). Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are co-founders of an educational institution, which implies a significant level of gender equality in education and industry by the 9th or 10th century. (Ilvermorny also has a female founder, I think, though that's Pottermore canon, and I try to stick to the books. To me, Pottermore is that one really cool friend who has a bunch of ridiculously elaborate fanon about random shit, but hasn't read the books in like 10 years). Moreover, Hogwarts is coed — we don't see any reason to believe it wasn't always that way, especially given its name has "witchcraft" in it, so I'm guessing the Wizarding World has been formally desegregated for at least ten centuries.
But. But! That doesn't mean it's equal. For one thing, women take their husbands' last names. Why? I'm not saying it's wrong for women to do that; if you're a woman and you want to or have taken your husband's last name, that's great! But that's a trend that only makes sense if you're coming from a patriarchal society, i.e., a society where, at one point, women became "part of" a man's family. Furthermore, men are way overrepresented in positions of power: almost all the Ministry workers we see, with the exception of Amelia Bones and Dolores Umbridge, are men. Almost all the major commanders in the First and Second Wizarding Wars are male; nearly all the named (and gendered) Death Eaters are; Hogwarts faculty is pretty good on representation, admittedly, though we have no reason to believe it's always been. And then there's this, which I see as a smoking gun for the idea of a Wizarding patriarchy:
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This is the Black family tree. Which tells us the heir to the House of Black passes through the male line. It's a bit hard to prove because of all the intermarriages, but as far as we can tell, the line goes: Phineas Nigellus ==> Sirius (1877) ==> Arcturus (1901) ==> Orion (1929) ==> Regulus/Cygnus/Draco. All males. Which doesn't prove anything for the first three heirs, who all happen to be firstborn sons — until we get to the firstborn in Orion's generation, Lucretia. Who gets nothing.
"But GT," you might say, "maybe Lucretia just didn't have any kids." Possible! But that would mean she was heir up until her death — which, remember, takes place sometime during Chamber of Secrets, in 1992 — and only then did it pass to Orion/Regulus/Cygnus. Which we know isn't the case, because Sirius was the heir up until he was struck, and Regulus was the heir after him. And Regulus dies before Lucretia. Meaning at no point was Lucretia the Black heir. Was she disinherited for marrying Prewett, then? Nope! Because she's right there on the tapestry, and we never hear anything about her. It's just that Orion gets the estate.
Which means strict male primogeniture. Which, in my view, means everything that follows from that: women have to marry to secure their fortunes; babies, babies, babies, is the name of the game, especially sons; and highborn women, especially those who don't expect to work, are going to end up being terrifyingly dependent on their husbands, because unless their parents are generous or filthy rich, they won't have independent means. And this... makes sense, right? The Wizarding World frankly isn't big enough to be that culturally independent, especially in something as major as patriarchy.
Witches seem to have the freedom to pursue most jobs, for instance, and even pureblood witches don't seem to be subjected to that much outright misogyny in terms of their power and abilities. But I see the pureblood world as essentially conservative and traditionalist in most ways, including the traditional roles of women in minding the household and raising children. This is supercharged by the fact that pureblood infertility is suggested to be higher due to inbreeding, so the role of highborn witches in creating magical heirs takes on new cultural significance. (Also, this is all much more relevant for historical fics, because in the 1990s, the sexual revolution has already happened, and the Wizarding World and the muggle world don't look too different in this respect. In the 1970s, or especially in the 1930s, I think gendered expectations for women would be much more intense, even though witches would still be allowed to learn magic and hold positions of power. An enchanted glass ceiling, if you will.)
TLDR: I think pureblood witches are subject to the same sort of expectations that a female member of the gentry in, say, 1920 might feel subject to, though with a better climate. Sexually liberated, politically equal, but still entrapped by certain social structures and rules about inheritance.
CODA: I actually break several of these rules in Lionheart, because I thought it was more interesting if the world ran on strict primogeniture and also the laws were magic. But this is the canon as I understand it.
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perthshirecottage · 1 year ago
Been doing another rewatch of this amazing show. I have said before that I don't understand the way the FBI treats Jonathan.
While yes, Jonathan has been convicted of a crime, it was for INVOUNTARY manslaughter. It was something that happened, and that something was very serious and needs to be punished. But the average sentence for involuntary manslaughter is 10-16 MONTHS! This is because the jury understands that it was not premeditated. That it wasn’t even a crime of passion where someone could get so upset that they lose complete control of themselves and can become a danger to those around them. It was making a dumb choice, like drinking alcohol in this case, where another person loses their life. Honestly, by the time the show started, Jonathan should have already been out or close to it at this point. And yet Jonathan was convicted for 10 YEARS! This is not justice, this is retribution. The sentence doesn’t fit the crime. The most likely reason is because he ran, but still, that is an insane amount of time just for panicked running from the scene. I’m sure the prosecutor made Jonathan out to be a horrible person because he hid from the world for 30 years. That he was hiding because it gave him time to torture animals or something equally ridiculous. But Jonathan was not the only one hiding. Cameron, Dina, Gunter, and Jordan were all complicit in that. They just hadn’t broken any laws and therefore no one could punish them. No one wonders if they’re trustworthy because of the lying that they did. Cameron was a part of the secret for as long as Jonathan was.
Once Cameron started working with the FBI, so did Jonathan. Cam often went and asked for Jonathan’s help on making deceptions work. He helps to put away bad guys who are actual criminals who are purposefully going out and murdering multiple people and selling drugs and just doing truly awful things. The FBI even gave Jonathan special privileges to work in one of the visitor’s rooms to solve Bishop’s codes. And when Cameron went missing, the FBI gave a special allowance for Jonathan to get out and help. All of this clued the other prisoners into the fact that Jonathan worked for the Feds. It’s why they hung a rat in his cell and someone tried to shank him. And the guards don't even care. They're against him because he's a criminal. The criminals are against him because he's helping the Feds. He literally has no one on his side in a very dangerous situation. I have heard that there are special areas in prisons where they put high target prisoners, like ex-cops or criminal informants who are more likely to be targets because they fall a bit on both sides of the law. Yet Jonathan isn't given any kind of extra security. Gunter isn't wrong when he talks about how the entire team, including Jonathan, have done so much to help the FBI and yet they haven't gotten anything in return. During the short time he was out after Cam was kidnapped, they act like he is some master level criminal on par with MW. Like he is just waiting for any opportunity to escape so he can go on some kind of crime spree.
Even if Jonathan was guilty of the crime he was convicted, then it’s still not the worst kind of murder out there. I’m sure there could have been a plea for compassion and safety granted to allow Jonathan to be put on house arrest where no one would actively be trying to kill him for his help. And that for every actual criminal that he helps put away that he gets something like a month off his sentence. But no one ever offers him anything. He just keeps putting his life on the line and gets absolutely nothing in return. I’m sure this is why he snaps at the end of the season. Maybe there’s some underlying resentment against Cameron, but I have a feeling most of it came from the FBI doing nothing and Cameron being the face that always had to convince Jonathan to keep hanging in there. To not escape and go find the evidence for his innocence. Now the FBI has left Jonathan out to dry despite everything he has done and all the horrible things that have been done while in prison. Jonathan just took it out on the only person who represented the people who screwed him over, even though it wasn’t Cameron’s fault.
And something to add is that at the end of the season after MW gets arrested she reveals information regarding Danic, the foreign diplomat. The team comes up with a deception and manages to save Danic and his wife. MW just reveals that Danic was in trouble and then yes she does meet with the bad guy (can’t remember his name) while surrounded by armed FBI agents. She didn’t contribute THAT much. Jonathan did a bunch to help with this particular deception and was treated with a lot of trust, especially after how he was treated last time. (I’m sure because there’s someone even more untrustworthy there and that person is MW!) And yet she managed to make herself useful enough to get into Witness Protection and not even get charged with anything because she proved her usefulness exactly 1 time! While the team still doesn’t have the proof of Johnny’s innocence, Cameron is a witness to multiple counts of illegal activities that far outweigh Jonathan’s INVOLUNTARY manslaughter conviction. Cameron has been held at gunpoint by this woman multiple times. She attempted to steal a $7 million diamond. Cameron was abducted by her. He watched her purposefully kill a man. Any single one of these is far far worse than Jonathan’s entire conviction because she did them all on purpose. And yet she just gets to walk. They still don’t even know her name or what else she actually knows beyond this one tip and yet they just decided to drop all her charges and give her a cushy life for free.
While the team was doing the deception, MW was obviously setting things up for herself. And because she was a prisoner, she had to have an agent reach out to the DA. It could have even been Deakins who did it. Deakins was the one who had to explain to the team why MW was just leaving with absolutely no consequences. Because MW could help put people who were much worse away. Which is what Jonathan has been doing but no one ever offered him a get out of jail free card. Or offered him anything at ALL!
I understand that the Doylist answer is because it kept Cameron and Jonathan sperate so that they weren’t having to constantly have Jack do a split screen. And so that at the end of the season they could have Jonathan off with MW. Also, if Jonathan had been released or was about to be release, then there wouldn’t be this drive for Cameron and the FBI to put everything into finding MW. Of course they would want to clear Jonathan’s name, but if he was free or on house arrest then it wouldn’t be something that was so urgent. When Cameron was kidnapped, yes he would want to get the evidence to free Jonathan, but he wouldn’t feel so desperate to break the law if Jonathan was on house arrest and at least had a modicum of freedom and had already taken a year off his sentence by working with the FBI. But Jonathan still got the short end of the stick.
It would be interesting to think about how the show would differ if someone were to decide that Jonathan deserved something for al of his help.
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project1939 · 1 year ago
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100+ Films of 1952
Film number 104: Washington Story 
Release date: July 1st, 1952 
Studio: MGM 
Genre: drama 
Director: Robert Pirosh 
Producer: Dore Schary 
Actors: Patricia Neal, Van Johnson, Louis Calhern 
Plot Summary: Alice is a “girl reporter” who comes to Washington D.C. looking for a story about political corruption. She begins following Rep. Gresham, a young politician from Massachusetts, covering his day-to-day activities. But is his idealistic image real? Is his vote on an upcoming bill being bought? 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
This is another “meh” film from MGM. It’s not especially good, but it’s not especially bad either. The main problem is that the poster claiming Alice will get the “surprise of her life” is a ridiculous oversell. There was some mystery about what characters were or were not corrupt, but it didn’t last long, and the stakes were disappointingly low. (Some spoilers)
The Good: 
Patricia Neal! Patricia Neal! A major reason I wanted to see this film was because she was in it. She’s got class and swagger in equal amounts, she’s beautiful in a unique way, and her voice is like mother’s milk to me. Her charisma carries the film. 
Van Johnson. I wasn’t sure if he’d be believable as a politician, but it worked for the most part. He had the air of a young, dashing, East Coast Representative- a bit like a more mild-mannered Kennedy.  He still seems like way too nice of a guy to be in Congress, though! 
Louis Calhern as Rep. Birch. He’s always delightful as a character actor, and he was a highlight here. He was the one character whose morality I actually questioned. 
The amazing access to the Capitol building. Some of the movie used sets, but a lot of it was shot in and around the actual building. It was especially cool to see the “subway” trolley thing that members of Congress used to get around at that time.  
The minutia of daily lives for Representatives was shown in a low-key realistic way. We see committee meetings, the floor of congress, Gresham practicing for a TV speech, talking to lobbyists and constituents in his office in the building, etc. 
“Ward Cleaver” as a House chaplain! It was a “blink and you’ll miss him” moment but fun anyway. I think it was an MGM movie earlier in the year where Barbara Billingsley (June Cleaver) had a role of similar length! 
A fun moment when Gresham meets a group of Boy Scouts and some are holding a sign that says, “We’ll vote for you in 1962!” 
The wrap around device of a Capitol building tour guide. 
The Bad: 
Van Johnson as a possible villain. Here’s a case where a lesser-known actor might have been better for the role. I only questioned for about 10 seconds if Johnson could be a “baddie” or not. Would MGM ever make Johnson a villain? Never! It’s not Johnson’s fault as an actor, it’s just that he was MGM’s golden boy, and I knew they’d never allow him to be corrupt. 
The lack of any real thrills or suspense. The big bill coming up for a vote in the film is about... ship building dispersal?? I mean... really? It’s not exactly something that grips an audience. 
It starts off seeming like a grittier version of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington but ends up much more sanitized than Capra. I adore Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, but it does have a dose of Capra sentimentality. However, it is actually a much more dark and cynical film than this one. In Mr. Smith, Washington D.C. is a place filled with corruption and smashed ideals. In Washington Story, all the politicians are good guys. It’s a lobbyist and a muckraking reporter who suck. This didn’t exactly feel realistic! Mr. Smith was a film that ripped your heart out- this movie was a mild diversion by comparison. 
The fact that a reporter writing a story about a Representative hooks up romantically with said Representative after only a couple of days! This was highly questionable, especially because the film made no issue of it, as if it was a perfectly normal acceptable thing. 
I don’t know if Johnson and Neal had much chemistry together. Their basic character traits didn’t quite jibe- Neal always comes across as bitingly intelligent, sophisticated, and worldly-wise. Johnson is the sweet boy next door “aw shucks” type.  
The style of the whole film was kind of flat. Nothing about the visuals or sound stood out at all for me. 
Some truly bad rear projection in a scene where Neal and another journalist ride the subway inside the Capitol. Apparently, the projected stuff in the background was from the real location, but it zipped past its stopping point twice! 
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christ2525 · 2 years ago
August 8th Zodiac
August 8 Zodiac Sign: Leo For Individuals brought into the world on August 8 the Zodiac sign is Leo.
Leos have an attractive character. They are liberal, steadfast, energetic, hopeful and enthusiastic about their work.. Thusly, as a pessimistic note of their character, they are individuals who will generally be to some degree self-important, obstinate and consideration chasing.
The Leo zodiac sign is generally connected with Sunday as its day of the week and Orange, Red and Gold as its tone. Leo is related with planet Sun and its connected component is 'Fire'.
August 8 Birthday: Character Those brought into the world on this day are dedicated, have serious areas of strength for an and assurance. They have various gifts and the capacity to handily complete what they do, which is the subject of tattle, envy, interest.
Conceived August 8th Zodiac they should figure out how to tranquilly answer analysis, not to surrender to sharpness, consistently put stock in themselves, the accuracy of their activities and their assets.
The many appearances are inborn in those brought into the world on August 8, they are prepared to assume any parts and take a stab at it endlessly. In any case, this want ought not be viewed as the flippancy and wildness of those brought into the world on August 8, who, similar to a tumbleweed, change the landscape of their lives.
Any chance of progress is examined so much that this change is basically ill-fated to progress. Conceived 8 August desire for proficient acknowledgment, and this is for all intents and purposes ensured for them, the exemptions are the people who set ridiculous bar for a vocation or who erroneously picked a calling that sometimes falls short for their personality.
Conceived 8 August they personally are astonished by their triumphs and results, assessing the size of their positions or changes. These are pragmatist individuals, they mindfully approach any of their activities and start to get familiar with another job just when they feel the fulfillment of the past one.
They are portrayed by variation and simple transformation to outside conditions, so a lady can rapidly go to work after the introduction of a youngster, and a man can fundamentally change his occupation.
Conceived 8 August can be entertainers and makers, in any case, with equivalent strength, they embrace the exemplification of various styles and types of self-articulation. Disappointment doesn't alarm them, they keep on pushing ahead or return to business that they left before.
Illuminated people don't permit themselves to be squandered out of a paltry motivation for change or for different interests. They are not leaned to shower on a few equal matters, since one day there will be a need to disregard something.
Brought into the world on August 8, loyal and dependable soul mates, colleagues, great guardians and incredible companions. At the point when they settle on some unacceptable choice or lose, they are prepared to pay attention to solid counsel and assessments, which is extremely amazing in these decided individuals. In such periods, they need the help and comprehension of those close by. Subsequently
A significant justification behind the joy of those brought into the world on August 8 is the variety in the agony of regular daily existence and dark day to day existence. Be that as it may, their prideful motivations should be controlled, and the objectives set should be genuine for execution.
They want to be protected, which will add dependability to their way of behaving and vocation.
August 8 Birthday : Wellbeing For those brought into the world on August 8, diet and the execution of actual buildings, an equilibrium of attentiveness, rest, and sexual action are required. Sports draw in them as a method of self-articulation through their bodies.
For an amicable sexual coexistence, they have an overdeveloped exotic nature and close to home connection to an accomplice. Overweight individuals are normally helped by an oat, natural product, or vegetable eating routine. Dynamic leisure activity with the entire family is gladly received.
A loud organization on picnics, an extended get-away, on vacationer trips, on siestas, fundamentally tightens up and encourages you better than drugs and operations. Correspondence with companions brought into the world on August 8 is essential for mental solace and wellbeing.
Guidance for Individuals Brought into the world on August 8 Try not to restrict yourself to a functioning life, attempt to foster the psychological, pondering side of character. Put forth genuine objectives, yet don't be too pleased when you arrive at the unthinkable. Be adaptable, faithful and obliging.
0 notes
Right Where You Left Me
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Summary: Y/N never expected to see him again. He tore her heart out and left her in the dusty heat of a Las Vegas diner. She never wanted to see him again, but sometimes the heart wants what heart wants.
Word Count: 3.7k
Author's Note: This is the first prompt that I wrote for 400 followers and it is based on Right Where You Left Me. Some background info: Spencer and Reader (Female pronouns) were lovers when they were 23, Spencer left to join the FBI and Y/N never recovered.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem Reader
Content Warning: Angst till the very end, one use of f--k, reader cuts her hand on glass so blood is mentioned.
Right Where You Left Me
2009, Enterprise Diner, Las Vegas, Nevada
The bell above the door always sounds the same, no matter who walks into the little diner. Whether it’s exhausted truckers looking for a cheap cup of coffee or lonely souls looking to be a little less lonely for even an hour, the bell’s chime is always the same.
From the first time she met Spencer Reid, Y/N knew that boy was destined for greatness. His greatness is exceptionally painful when it juxtaposes her intense ordinariness. Part of her always dreams of the bell ringing and telling her that he’s back. He’s back and would no longer just haunting her dreams. But he isn’t back. He isn’t back and she’s right where he left her.
Y/N wipes the counter with a worn napkin, noticing how her skin is cracked from her fingertips to the butt of her palms. The bell rings and Y/N picks up her head. An elderly couple walks in holding hands. It’s amazing to her, to be that old and that in love. She wonders what it would be like to have the kind of love that you’ll never run out of things to say. If her past has taught her anything, Y/N tells herself she’s not the kind of girl that gets a lifelong romance. She’s not the kind of girl that gets someone who gets her.
She’s the kind of girl that’s frozen in the place right where he left her.
September 2012, Enterprise Diner, Las Vegas, Nevada
“One of these is not like the other,” Sabrina says in a singsong kind of voice. She walks out from behind the counter, finished with her shift. She wishes Y/N good night before she leaves the diner, telling her to lock up and handle the clean up. The busboy makes his way to the table of men with two kinds of coffee, decaf and regular, in her hands. Y/N follows, rolling her eyes, behind with three coffee mugs.
Apparently, there is a missing child case and the FBI has gotten involved. The two men, dressed intimidatingly in black suits and gray ties, looked very different from the younger man who sat across from them. It only took her a second to recognize that face. It’s the face of all her dreams that at one point was just out of reach. But now it’s just the face of rejection and hurt.
Before she even realizes it, the coffee mug that Y/N holds in her hand drops and shatters on the floor. The men, even vigilant, turn towards the noise. Y/N wanting to disappear into the night, drops to the floor to clean up the glass. She hears a shuffle from the booth and in comes a pair of well-worn converse into her field of vision.
“Here,” he says, his voice just soft and steady as ever, “let me, Y/N,”
Y/N drops the glass like it burns her. But in reality, she’s trying to get as far away as possible from Spencer, because she knows if she touches him again, she’ll never be able to survive letting go.
Spencer Reid crouches down before her just inches from her face all these years later. It seems unbelievable to see him in the flesh, but it’s him, even if he looks a little older and a little sadder.
“Thank you. I’m going to get you a new cup. I remember how much you love coffee,” Y/N whispers, wishing again that she could turn into the wind and disappear.
Y/N tries to ignore the way Spencer’s co-workers eye him when he returns to the seat. Clutching the pieces of glass, Y/N cuts her thumb. The dark red blood rushes out and she can feel her pulse rise. She wraps a white cloth over the cut. By the time she gets to Spencer’s table, the blood has pooled to the surface. She places the cups on the table, turning to leave, but a strong, yet gentle hand grasps her elbow.
“You’re bleeding?” Spencer says, his voice ends on a high note like he’s asking her more than telling her.
“Yeah, it’s fine Spencer. I’ll take care of it later, it’s just-”
“Let me help you,” he says, the two men, his co-workers, share a thoughtful glance. Y/N has the sneaking suspicion that they can read her mind or very much close to it.
She narrows her eyes at Spencer as her thumb pulsates and the blood soaked napkin grows even more red.
“Last time I checked you’re not a real doctor,” Y/N says, the venom in her voice all too apparent. The man sitting across from Spencer with the kinder eyes puts his hands up in defeat.
“What the hell is going on here? Do you know her or something, Spencer?” he says, his confusion about who Y/N is growing into frustration by the second. The man sitting next to the man with the kind eyes doesn’t say much. Y/N expects that he’s soaking in the entire interaction or is too tired to care about his co-worker’s personal drama.
“Huh, you didn’t think it would be a good idea to tell you FBI friends about me, Spencer? Huh, can I say that I’m not surprised by that at all,” Y/N responds, fumbling with managing to pour the coffee and covering her cut with the napkin.
“Please, Y/N you’re being ridiculous, let me help you,” Spencer asks or rather, begs Y/N. Y/N tries to not let him know how much it affects her when he rubs his thumb on the crook of her elbow.
“Fine, make it quick Spencer, I’m closing up tonight and I want to get home soon,” Y/N says, walking away from the table before Spencer can even get the chance to get up from the booth.
Y/N is too far past the booth to hear Spencer whisper to his co-workers that he’ll find his own way back to the hotel. She runs her thumb under the running water, watching as the blood clears up, revealing her clean finger. Y/N can feel Spencer’s looming presence behind her. She can smell his cologne and thinks if he cans any closer she’d be able to feel his body heat.
“You’re not supposed to be back here, Spencer,” Y/N says, she knows she’s being short and clippy with Spencer, but she supposes that should be expected, considering how he left her all those years ago.
“That never stopped me, or you for that matter before,” Spencer says, taking a step forward. His hand comes up to gently hold Y/N’s. She can feel his fingertips on her skin for the first time in years. Y/N has to close her eyes to focus on anything but how close Spencer’s body is to her’s. It’s restraint in it’s finest.
“Things have changed, Spencer. People have changed,” Y/N says, she doesn’t make a move that tells Spencer she doesn’t like him touching her. Spencer, whose hands have a slight tremor as they hold Y/N’s, practices an equal amount of restraint as Y/N does. He has to stop the thoughts of what it would be like to feel his hand against her hand again or how she’d sound if he could muster up the courage to kiss her again. He can’t even think of the first place he’d want to kiss her if he had the chance again.
“I’ve changed, Y/N, I’ve changed,” Spencer says, knowing fully that he’s pleading with the girl whose heart he broke 7 years ago.
“I have a hard time believing that one, Spencer. You were always the exception to the rule, whether you liked it or not,” she tells him. Her voice has lost all venom. It’s bare to the world without any weapons to wield.
“Let me fix you up and I’ll be out of your life again,” He says, still holding on to her wrist, still holding on to hope.
Y/N nods and tells him where he can find the first aid kit. She watches as he reaches up to the top shelf and carefully places the kit on the counter. Y/N holds out her hand as Spencer takes an alcohol wipe to her wound. He grimaces more than she does, afraid that somehow, all these years later, he’s still causing her pain. What he doesn’t know is that his touch stings more than the strongest rubbing alcohol in existence.
“So,” Spencer starts, hating that there’s silence between the two of them, when a decade ago that would have been impossible, “how’ve you been?”
“I’m good, Spence, I’ve been good. All I ever wanted was a quiet life, and I guess that’s what I got,” Y/N says, Spencer knows her answer is cordial. It's an answer that you give when you really don’t want to give an answer.
“That’s good, Y/N. I’m happy for you,” Spencer says, he doesn’t realize that he’s been rubbing his thumb against Y/N palm until she reaches into the first aid kit and tosses a band-aid at him. Spencer blushes slightly, but thinks that he’s not offending her too much since he’s still at the diner.
“What about you, Spence? Did you ever find uh….someone that could…” Y/N says, her voice trailing off, too afraid to finish the sentence herself, but aware that Spencer is probably the only person on Earth that could fill in the blanks. He was always good like that, he could always fill in her blanks and make sense of her senseless.
“Find someone, like a wife?” Spencer asks, the blush returning to his cheeks, “no, Y/N I’m not married. Are..are you? Do you have, um, a husband?” Spencer asks, hating the way that he stumbles over the word “husband” like it’s a dirty word. Though he supposes that it is a dirty word when Y/N’s husband is not synonymous with Spencer Reid.
“God no, Spence. I couldn’t not after, you know,” Y/N says, again letting Spencer fill in the blanks and hoping beyond belief that he’d pick up the pieces too. Spencer looks over at where his co-workers sat when they were working, he can't say he’s disappointed to see that they are gone.
“I never really apologized for what I said to you, Y/N. I know that I’ll never make it up to you, but..”
“It’s okay, Spencer. You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, I’m just a waitress. And you, god. You are you. How could I ever think that I’d get a happily ever after with someone like you,” Y/N says, brushing past Spencer to collect the coffee mugs from the table.
“Please Y/N don’t believe that for a second,” Spencer says, his voice full of pain and regret.
Y/N thinks about the times that she would dream of seeing him again. She can’t remember if she’d rather him to be sorry or if she'd rather him rush back to her and sweep her off her feet again with a love confession that rivals the greatest stories ever told. But then again, waitresses don’t get knights in shining armor. Especially when those knights wear sweater vests, despite being in law enforcement. Spencer always loved facts, and he told it to her in a few more words than necessary, people like Spencer Reid don’t end up with people like Y/N Y/LN.
“You still think too highly of me, even after I hurt you, I can’t apologize enough for what I did to you,” Spencer says, hanging his head low. His hair, that’s grown much longer, falls into place over his eyes, as if it’s shielding Spencer from Y/N.
“Did you come here tonight thinking I’d be here? Did a part of you still want to see me?” Y/N asks, she wants to reach out and touch Spencer’s hand, she wants to reach out and feel that his hand is still the same hand that would caress her face and make all her worries vanish. But it’s hard when that hand is attached to the man who destroyed you.
“I didn’t think you’d still work here, Y/N. You always hated living in the desert. Remember how we talked of getting a place somewhere cold where you can see the snow, but still be warm-”
“And safe inside? Yeah, Spencer, I remember that. But that was our dream, how can I still want that when it’s tainted by you,” Y/N spits, walking towards the last booth in the row. She plops down, sinking into the plastic covered cushion. Spencer, nervously, sits down next to her. He doesn’t say anything, knowing how Y/N’s bated breath and tapping foot tell him she’s going to unleash 7 years of pent of hatred and frustration. And somehow, 7 years of desire and want and love.
“I lied Spencer,” Y/N says, looking down at the table. “I lied. I hate it here, you’re right. God, why are you always right?” She smiles wickedly and Spencer has to tell himself to not give way to his emotions. He needs to let Y/N finally release her justified anger onto him.
“You moved on, Spencer. You moved on and I’m right where you left me,” Y/N’s strained voice is perhaps noise that Spencer knows will haunt his nightmares, “It’s like I’m a ghost of that girl I was when I was 23, waiting for someone who’s moved on. Waiting for you, but god, no one wants to love someone so fucking pathetic,”
Spencer wants to react, he wants to reach out a kiss away Y/N tears that fall down her cheeks. He wants to make her pain go away, but how can he when he’s her pain. Spencer knew he never wanted to end up like his father, yet sitting in that corner booth watching Y/N cry, Spencer realizes he’s his father’s son. Spencer realizes that he ran away from the best thing that ever happened to him, when thought he got a better opportunity.
“I never moved on Y/N,” Spencer says, reaching down inside himself for the courage to tenderly hold Y/N’s hands in his own. Even all these years later, her hand still feels the same inside his.
“I’ve thought about you every single day of my life. It’s a curse, Y/N, not being able to forget how much I hurt you. As much as I try, I’ll never be able to erase the look on your face when I told you--”
“When you told me I wasn’t good enough,” Y/N finished for him. It looks like she can fill in his blanks as well as he can fill in her’s.
“I didn’t mean it, Y/N. I didn’t mean it and I know that you’ll never look at me the same way, but I’ve never stopped loving you, Y/N. I’ll never stop loving you,” Spencer says, he’s sobbing at this point. The tears trail down his face and his skin in blotchy red.
“Spencer,” Y/N says quietly, like she’s trying to control the mix of passion and fury that threatens to take control of her, “I need to get this out without interruptions, so just please listen to me,”
Spencer nods and tries his best to not react when Y/N reaches down to his lap and takes her hands into his. He tries to hold in the emotions that split seems in his not-so tough exterior.
“I created a fantasy for you Spencer. I gave you the life that I could never give you. In my head you had kids because I needed you to be deliriously happy. I gave you a wife and I hated her because I love you too much to hate you. I needed you to have the life that I couldn’t give you, because it beats thinking you’re a mess. It beats thinking you ended up like me,” Y/N professes.
Spencer brings his hands up to her cheeks wiping away the tears that fall rapidly. Even the time he was kidnapped, the countless of times he was beaten or held hostage, his heart never ached quite like this. His heart never yearned to soothe someone’s pain as it did when Spencer watched Y/N come to terms with the years and years of heartbreak Spencer left her in.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,” Spencer says, his fingers lacing through Y/N’s pinned up hair, “I hated myself for years for doing what I did to you. I knew that there was no one else, there’s no one else for me, Y/N,”
Y/N’s cheek presses up against Spencer’s chest, his warm body is home and is spicy, yet sweet cologne the closest thing to paradise. She tries to get control over her breathing, trying to steady it and not slobber too much over Spencer’s soft shirt. His hands anchor her to him. They latch on to her elbows, begging her silently to not shove him off and kick him to the curb, even though it’s what he deserves.
“Oh god Spencer. You really still are my Spencer, aren’t you?” Y/N asks, her voice slightly muffled by Spencer’s chest. She can hear his heart beat, even now, it’s still in sync with her heart beat. After all these years, between all these miles, throughout all this pain, Y/N’s heart still beats for Spencer’s.
“I don’t wanna lose you again, Y/N,” Spencer says, the tears back on his face, some have dried slightly and new ones make their way down and pool onto the back of Y/N’s head. Spencer brushes his fingers against Y/N, making sure that he’s actually holding her in his arms in this little diner he thought he’d left in the past.
“Please don’t hurt me again, Spencer. I love you too much to lose you again, but I can’t get hurt like that. I can’t bear to do that again,” Y/N says, raising her head to look at Spencer in the eyes.
She can see the glistening tears that fall down his face and the way his gaze softens when his eyes latch on to her. They could spend hours drinking each other in, making up for the lost years. She searches his face, finding new age lines and wrinkles, and maybe even a gray hair or two. But underneath all that, he’s still Spencer.
“I though our love was dead, Spencer. I thought I had my chance real young and the rest of my life was going to be spent haunting this booth, waiting for a man that in my delusions was married to a wife that wasn’t me and with kids that aren’t mine. But good God, Spencer, you really are too much sometimes?” Y/N says, her voice breathy and exasperated as she leans in close to Spencer.
“Can I take that as a yes?” Spencer says, terrified for her answer, even though he knew it already, based on how deeply Y/N looks into his eyes.
Y/N is quiet, and even though it’s just a moment it feels like forever. They are so quiet that all they can hear is their heartbeats. The little diner where their fateful love story took flight is never quiet, yet in that moment you can hear a hair pin drop. Spencer counts the seconds that pass, reading Y/N’s eyes, reading her emotion, and praying to a God he’s not sure is real that she’s not going to leave him this time.
“Yes, Spencer. I love you too much to let you walk out here again,” Y/N says, leaning into Spencer’s face.
She bridges the gap that they’ve both been ignoring since they realized they were in each other’s company again. Spencer is still when she leans in, he doesn’t realize until her soft lips kiss him how much he’s missed her. Before his mind is able to run off the far away places called doubt and denial, Y/N wraps her arms around Spencer’s neck, hooking him in closer. Having each other so close has never made them feel so utterly helpless and giddy. Spencer feels like he needs to tether himself to Y/N’s because he still feels like she’s going to float away. The world was dizzying and Spencer was the only solid, strong thing, holding her to Earth. Y/N always knew he was her anchor, it was just a matter of time before Spencer realized it too. Spencer’s quiet whimpers and shaky tremors spurred her on, kissing up and down the openness of his face until she felt the need for air.
“You’ve been practicing? You’re better at this than when you were 23,” Y/N says, not wanting to let go of Spencer’s neck.
“No, God no, Y/N. I haven’t been with anyone since you,” Spencer says, slightly ashamed to be reminded of his deepest mistake.
“Spencer, baby, you know I forgive you, right? And considering you kiss like that now, I know how you can make it up to me,” Y/N says, planting a couple light, feathery kisses up Spencer’s neck and to the corners of his mouth. Her lips are like a paintbrush on his, turning the grimace he holds into a winning smile. He remembers that it’s near impossible for him to not be flustered near Y/N. He’s glad, even now, that still rings true.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Spencer says, he leans his forehead against Y/N’s and lifts her hands to his mouth, kissing each of her fingers as he says “you are enough, and I’ll hope you’ll let me spend the rest of my life making it up to you,”
Y/N kisses Spencer on the nose as he scrunches it, causing her to laugh. She slips out of the booth and holds a hand out for Spencer to grasp. He takes it without hesitation and pulls her in closer. She supposes that after being apart for so long, it would take some time to get back into their rhythm. Y/N knows that it will never be the same; they aren’t 23 years old anymore. They’re scared and wounded, but together, Y/N thinks that they’ll never run out of things to talk about even if they are old and gray and wrinkled.
I really appreciate every like, comment, and reblog. It helps me know what people like about my writing things I should work on.
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pale-silver-comb · 5 years ago
So I know absolutely nothing about Leverage except what I've been seeing you post lately and I have to admit you're making it look tempting to watch! Can I ask what are some of your favorite things about the show/reasons you would suggest people watch it? And is there really a poly relationship that is canon?
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I am going to do my best not to just “asdfghkjl” at you and answer coherently.
In a nutshell, Leverage is about 5 people. 4 are criminals (Parker, Hardison, Eliot and Sophie) with different and unique skill-sets and 1 is an ex-insurance investigator (Nate) who, at one point or another in his career, has tracked down (or at least attempted to) the other 4. The whole show is essentially: man reluctantly reforms 4 criminals to use their criminal powers for good and 4 criminals move into man’s life and stubbornly refuse to leave because, goddammit, now they have morals. 
I’ve got a lot of favourite things about the show but the main ones are as follows:
1. Found family. And I’m not talking about loners who come together to fight crime and happen to co-exist to the point where they realise they happen to have found themselves a family. I mean, Nate and Sophie are the Drunk Uncle and Wine Aunt who somehow become Mom and Dad to 3 beautiful criminal children. Mom and Dad love their criminal babies and the kids love them (as well as each other, but we’ll come to that in a moment). You get amazing family moments such as: Mom and Dad packing the kids lunch before sending them out to kick corporate greed’s ass; Mom and Dad giving the kids ridiculously expensive and personal Christmas presents causing their most Grumpy Kid to go very very quiet and soft as he runs off to gleefully play with his new murder toy; the kids interrupting Mom and Dad’s big Movie Style Kiss to ask if they can please keep their new underground layer and huffing and puffing when Dad tells them no.
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2. Found family: the OT3 edition. To answer your question, the OT3 is indeed canon, confirmed by the creator. Now, usually, “confirmed by the creator” infuriates me because most of the time it’s a way for a creator to be seen as “progressive” without doing anything to actually be progressive. That isn’t the case here. The OT3 are built up carefully and while it is obvious the creators didn’t originally intend for all 3 of them to become a relationship in the romantic sense, by mid-season 5 we are given a very clear picture of where Parker, Hardison and Eliot are heading in their relationship. There aren’t any kisses at the end to signal this but there are solid marriage vows in not only one but two episodes. (And by marriage vows I mean literal equivalents of marriage vows: “for better or worse” and “’til death do us part”. I’m not even exaggerating). The OT3 also doesn’t need explicit romantic narratives to convey how much they love each other. Their love is laced through the whole show, from the way they teach each other things to the way they respond to each other and work as a unit. The way they fiercely protect and admire each other. Like someone once said, if you need characters to kiss or say I love you to let the audience know they love each other, you are writing them wrong. 
Aside from that, each of the parings in the OT3 are just. Gah. They are so well done, with friendship being the solid basis for them all. The creators never expect the audience to assume anything about them or fill in the gaps. They give us their relationships on screen and reference many things off-screen to show us how these relationships continue to build in between episodes.
Hardison and Parker are a canon couple and date in the show: it’s approached slowly and they are so goddamned sweet. They are basically every fluffy slow-burn trope with a healthy dash of mutual pining in the mix. They are basically that quote “love is patient, love is kind”. (I would like to add their romance never becomes the focus of the show or overrides the importance of any other relationship they have with the other characters, especially Eliot.)
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Hardison and Eliot are the Old Married Couple and from day one are already bickering and looking at each other/making comments that are found in every UST fic ever (not to mention Hardison has a very good knack for making Eliot grin like a little kid, when usually he’s basically an Angry Little Chef Man). They argue, they play, and love each other plain as day. 
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Parker and Eliot are more subtle but every bit as wonderful. They have an unspoken connection and understand each other on a level no-one else can. Parker and Eliot are not good with giving themselves over to affection for different reasons (and Hardison plays a central role in helping them realise it’s okay to want it and have it- that boy has endless patience) but there is something so beautiful in the way the two of them come together on their own and develop their own special bond that works for them. Parker and Eliot are that trope where the characters don’t need to speak to understand each other perfectly. They just do. Their love language is a lot of the time non-verbal but speaks volumes. (Parker also likes to annoy the hell out of Eliot and Eliot....just.....lets...her. Because he’s soft. The softest, grumpiest boy.) 
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I could go into so much depth for each pairing and their dynamics as a 3 but that's for another post.
3. Subverting stereotypes. There is the occasional hiccup in the show regarding stereotypes but ultimately, Leverage gets an A+ when it comes to writing characters and making them 3 dimensional people who are not defined by certain characteristics or events. Nate could so easily fall into the White Man Pain trope where he uses the trauma of losing his kid as a reason as to why he is entitled to act like a dick. Nate is a dick but he doesn’t use his pain to excuse it and I appreciate that. Hardison is a black man who is soft and nurturing. Easily the most empathetic and patient of the group. He’s nerdy, an actual genius, and has the biggest heart of all the characters. Nate is maybe the glue but Hardison is definitely the heart. Media’s usual aggressive, amongst other, racist stereotypes can fuck right off. Parker is canonically autistic (I am sure this was confirmed by one of the creators) and she is not defined by it. It’s not written as some kind of singular personality trait. It’s part of what makes up Parker but it’s only one facet of who she is and not once is her actions, thoughts or feelings treated like a joke. Sometimes people don’t understand why she does and says the things she does but it’s met with patience and fondness over the course of the show. Equally, it’s not met with over-caution. Parker is just Parker. No-one tries to change her. The other nice thing is Hardison, who always makes sure Parker knows she’s amazing because of who she is and not in spite of it. Finally, Sophie is in her 40s. She’s not treated like she’s past her prime. Ever. She’s sexy, smart and never is she pitted against or compared to Parker (who is younger) for anything. Sophie is amazing and there’s never even a conversation of “I may be older but I am still *insert adjective typically associated with younger women here*”. Sophie is possibly the first female character I’ve ever seen who isn’t just unapologetic about her age but has never had to apologise for her age. It’s a non-issue and that’s that. The women on the show are written so well, right down to secondary characters and it’s beyond refreshing.  
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4.) It’s just fun. The show has a “monster of the week” type format. Except instead of a ghoul or a ghost, the monster is some corrupt wealthy and powerful individual or organisation. The show draws on real-life individuals to do this and therefore closely parallels real-life people and events. It addresses important political, economical, social and environmental issues while at the same time remaining fun and light-hearted. The characters constantly get the chance to play dress up and by GOD do they have fun with it. You get to watch Eliot beat up bad guys in the most delightful of ways, usually after a witty non-sequitur and with a weapon you’d never think could be a weapon. The dialogue and back and forth between the characters is everything. And finally - my favourite thing- the team can never resist striking a dramatic pose after they’ve taken down the bad guy, making sure the bad guy sees them. I mean, they COULD just walk away, satisfied they’ve taken the person down, but nope. They gotta be dramatic bitches 24/7 and pose like they are models for every single month of this year’s Criminal Calendar.  
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5.) Competence Porn. So. Much. Competence Porn.  
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Honestly, I could list a thousand reasons for why Leverage is amazing but to list them would to be spoiling so many amazing moments you’d get to discover for the first time on your own if you do choose to watch it. It’s the kind of show you can watch with an eagle-eye and sink your teeth into. But it’s also the kind of show if, you would prefer, put on in the background for something entertaining while you do something else. Each episode is about the job at hand but it’s made up of so many moments between the characters that show how much the creators and writers care about them. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll do whatever it is you do when something Soft and Wonderful happens that makes your heart melt. I am so beyond grateful for Leverage. It’s everything I always wanted in a show. Nearly every show I’ve watched in the past 10 years has disappointed me in some way, usually either because the writers run out of steam or characters who I love are treated poorly or given some kind of unnecessary “shock value” arc. Leverage doesn’t do that. Leverage is what it says on the bottle. Fandom isn’t something I joined because I needed canon fix-its. Fandom only enhances and celebrates an already excellent canon. 
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Could we get a I.M.P poly (Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie) with male Imp Overlord please
Blitzø, millie and moxxie Poly with a male Imp Overlord
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If there was anyone who could make a relationship with these nut-jobs work, it would be you.
Being an overlord, you'd be a master at keeping cool under pressure, never letting a situation cloud your thought.
An expert at balancing your work and private life, while enjoying both to there fullest.
How you ended up with all three Imps, at the same time, was quite a feat. A lesser demon would never have been able to make it work.
But you weren't a lesser demon. You were the first Imp Overlord.
It would take some time.
Being an Imp Overlord, you made it your business to find other exceptional Imps and bring them under your employ. Your attention inevitably landing on them.
You would naturally take an interest in the thre Imps, taking them under your wing, helping them thrive as a business as you slowly have them working directly for you.
Initially you approach each member individually, slowly getting them used to the idea of a relationship with all of them.
Blitzø was easy, he was already single, the Imp would be practically drooling over you.
Millie & Moxxie were a bit more difficult.
Youd essentially have to get both of them to fall for you, before bringing all of them together. Making sure all three were to smitten to back out.
A night of drinking, uninhibited romance and wild sex, would lead to the four of you waking up in the same bed.
The couple were a little unsure of the relationship initially, but you weren't gonna let them get cold feet or hooves, in Moxxies case, now. Not after all the work youd done.
The early days were shaky, as they all still had there doubts.
Accept Blitzø, he really wanted the foursome.
You'd give each of them lots of attention, making sure they truly wanted the relationship.
But with a firm hand and a gentle touch, the relationship would slowly become a settled in there minds, each member fully committing to the relationship.
You would be the backbone of the relationship, with Moxxie being your trusty right hand, always there to help you keep Blitzø and Millie out of trouble.
Out of all of them, you'd likely need to give Moxxie the most attention. As we already know how awkward and self concious he is.
And being in a relationship with three other Imps, all of whom are more capable and confident then him, on being a literal Overlord, would likely cause him a lot of emotional stress, coming to feel somewhat inferior.
You, of course wouldn't let that happen.
You loved all of them equally and there was no way you were gonna let any of them think of themselves as anything less than amazing.
You would absolutely spoil the trio.
Using your vast resources to utterly pamper each of them, getting them everything and anything they could want.
A night out, parties, Clothes, jewellery, weapons, ponies. Anything they could want.
The theatre would be a particular favourite as all three of them.
You would of course have a day dedicated to each of them, spending your time pampering that Imp in particular.
Making sure they knew they were loved by you.
Having them under your service would also be ridiculously beneficial.
Having a harem of three assassins would be your greatest asset. With there help your power would only grow, your newly acquired power just meant you could spoil them even more.
Millie & Moxxie would be easy to keep happy.
The two wouldn't need all to much, you'd just show them lots of affection. Taking your time on each of them, make them feel like the most important Imps in hell.
Blistzø would be surprisingly easy to keep in line. At least for you.
A few harsh words there, a present here, the occasional punishment there. And you'd have him eating out of the palm of your hand. The hardest part would be getting him to play nice with Mixxie.
Sex would be something of an ordeal. With three different partners, it would take time and lots of patience.
Blitzø, unsurprisingly, would always be down to fuck, anywhere at any time.
Something you'd often take him up on, the two of you having the most sex in the tro. Blitzø loving to be dominated by you.
Millie & Moxxie on the other hand, were a little more complex.
Millie would be all for it, but would also be very concious of her husband. Always wanting him to enjoy the experience, she'd often prioratize his pleasure above her own.
But she'd still be a very physically affectionate partner, often eager to sleep with you.
Moxxie would be more difficult.
Intimacy was something he'd always had problems being open with. So you'd take it slow, never pushing him past what he was comfortable with. Drawing it out, you'd make sure he experienced as much pleasure as possible without pushing him to far.
And eventually he would open up to you, *cough* Literally *cough*
Sex with all four of you would usually only happen on special occasions. Birthdays, hellmas, your anniversary or when you've all gotten good and tipsy, or were feeling particularly frisky. And when it did happen, Hoo! It was a once in a life time experience.
Your relationship would a Chaotic mess. Made up of love, fighting and affection. Initially only keeping together through your ability to keep all of them happy and safe.
But they would eventually fully embrace the relationship, loving each memeber equally, all under your watchful care.
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lilmajorshawty · 4 years ago
I hope this isn’t to vulgar to ask but have you experienced men of every rising sign? More so would you be able to speak on the genitalia of all the eighth house signs in men you’ve encountered? I would like to see if there is any merit in the general depictions of the eighth house when it comes to sex organs
Haha you’re fine my love! I don’t mind being of help!
I personally attract virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio rising men the most. I have had sexual encounters with men of all 12 zodiac signs and I’ve managed to get rising signs for a great deal of them! Sadly I can’t speak broadly on many of the rising signs considering the higher volume of the four I just mentioned being the majority of the ones that come my way.
Aries rising men: in my experience? Sweet, they are very much what you see is what you get types considering their entire chart is a reflection of the natural traits of all 12 zodiac signs in their comfortable houses. Sexually I would say their sexual organs look dark, like literally they have a darker tone then the rest of their body. They aren’t rough sexually but they can be very intense, if I could describe them? I’d say it felt like I was swimming in a pool at night with strobe lights at the bottom. They know how to have sex and it feels good, they are very much so emotionally available during and after. Very violent orgasams and can seem very spiritual during.
Taurus rising men: in my experience? Babies. They can be needy and distant at the same time, very weird mix. They want things at a very specific time and can be hard to compromise with especially sexually. the thing that stood out to me is how fast they ejaculate, and I don’t mean this in a bad way, they are just very easily aroused much like a literal bull. They tend to love foreplay but if you’re too good at it they’ll cum fast. They can be very vibrant and bubbly during sex lots of laughter, but if they’re not laughing they’re usually just super into it lmao. They have very big and long sexual organs. I wouldn’t say thick, I would say more like a long sword in typical sag style. They are very out of tune emotionally during sex so that’s the only downside.
Gemini rising men: in my experience? Sad boys. They got issues and they’re not good at hiding them. They can seem moody, aloof and slightly misunderstood. I can’t peg them sometimes, they seem like they have a mixture of mommy and daddy issues but then they can seem arrogant and self assured at a moments notice. Domination kinks and restriction plague them. I would say the sex is often sensual and deeply attentive in its nature. They want to feel all of it and none of it at the same time. Touch and physical intimacy is the thing they adore the most in sex and I think that’s what makes them so special. They’re really sweet and good natured and you get to see that part of them more freely during sex as contrary to the belief of Capricorn in the 8th these natives are tremendously affectionate and loving during sex. I will say that they get sad or more serious after climax and I have no idea wether Saturn does that or if it’s something deeper. They may be a bit on the smaller side when it comes to sexual organs in most cases but they know how to use it for sure. They are very horny like the goat
Cancer rising men: in my experience? I’ve dealt with some who have cap and others who have aqua in the 8th, for some reason the result is still similar in a way. They can be soooo receptive, they know what you need better than you do. They are present but not overbearing. They feel parental but in a way that feeds the parts of you that felt like they were missing something. I’d say sex always comes with a lesson with them. It’s never just casual sex. They tend to nurture during sex and can be very emotionally deep and connective during. They are definitely the type you spend the night with naturally or hang out with the next few days or unexpectedly end up dating. The sexual organs are usually pretty unique! Some curve, some have like those cute beauty marks on em. They also tend to be well hung.
Leo rising men: in my experience? I found them to be distant, perplexing and heavy. They seem a bit disengaged but can have moments of affectionate behavior and romantic burst that come from nowhere. Sexually though they can be passive, they feel real wet and liquidy I dunno how to describe it. Sex with them just feels very moist and like there’s a lot of fluids everywhere but idk it doesn’t feel like a bad thing. They precum a lot and can be very submissive. They are not horny per say? They are more on the “if you wanna” side of things. So Neptune and Jupiter rule Pisces so as you can already imagine these men tend to be packing some heat. They sorta dunno how to use it though? For some reason they have a very clumsy way of having sex as if they’ve never done it before? They don’t really have boundaries either so you’ll need to make sure to ask them if they’re okay cause a lot of the time they might not be.
Virgo rising men: in my experience? I’m gonna try and not be biased. These men are very ethereal. They are very quiet and genuine. They have this very honest and blunt way about doing and saying things. They carry a lot of pain though and you can see it in their eyes which I will say they have very intense eyes. Sexually? They are VERY passionate. They treat sex like a sport but not a fun sport, rather they treat it like a life or death ring match. They definitely pack a punch and will rock your shit. They can be deeply sensitive and intimate all the while being completely in tune with every part of you during sex in such a way that’ll make you feel like you’re freefalling. The genitals in my experience are veiny, very masculine in the way they look. Every time I see a guy with a Virgo rising it never ceases to amaze me how rough and aggressive their penis are. They are also very intense ejaculators and can be very big on equal ejaculation(my pleasure is your pleasure theme) contrary to the Aries myth, they can go and go and go for hours without cumming so as a warning please try and build your stamina
Libra rising men: in my experience? Confused? They can seem like they’re waiting for something to start but also won’t do anything to make something start. They can seem aggressive but are secretly hoping you make the first move. They are very touchy and very adorable in their being but they definitely can be the types to let the other person take the lead. One thing I’ve always liked about libra rising men is their cute butts and their charming way of seducing you without oversexualizing the situation. Sexually they are AMAZING Jesus. Once you get them going they will really run rampant. They are very sensual and they love slow touching and intimacy. They are emotionally present and can have a personality change during sex, they turn into a whole other Individual. A warning I will say is that they get very caught up in the moment and you’ll have to snap them out of it from time to time if they’re to caught up in the pleasure. They’re sexual organs like most fixed signs is pretty thick and heavy. In my experience the length is normal but the girth is what will really kill yah.
Scorpio rising men: in my experience? Fuck these guys are HOT. They don’t have to try very hard either which is annoying, they literally just exude this strong, mysterious and emotionally unavailable energy that makes you want to strip right in front of them. Are they into you? Do they care? Are you more into it then them? Who knows and they probably won’t tell you. They can be very manipulative and tend to gaslight(and I’m not joking about this nor am I jokingly using the term) they tend to have mental detachments from their emotions which can give them sociopath like tendecies. Sexually they are curious, very control oriented. They want to watch you go crazy so most times they leave you in charge. Riding is one of their favorite positions because they get to see you fein for them. They are senstive to your feelings during sex but don’t mistake this for them being emotionally invested in you, the Gemini in their 8th house is playing whatever role gets you to respond in the way they desire. They are very loving nonetheless when they do truly care for you. The sexual organs are usually very thick. I think they’re the ones who invented the word chode. The penis tends to be girthy and also has a pretty good length to it, and they definitely know how to work it.
Sagittarius rising men: in my experience? These guys are some fucking heartthrobs! I hate to say it but man they are so rugged and masculine you can’t help but love their boyish nature. They are definitely obnoxious, loud and ridiculously dense when it comes to reading the room. What makes them so hot though is how reckless they are with all things. They don’t give a shit. Sexually though? Emotions run HIGH they tend to be very drawn to feminine energy. A lot of guys like this adore feminity in all forms be it in men or women. If you have that feminine glow to you, they’ll eat you up. They tend to have a strong desire to impregnate and the idea of being connected and having that sort of emotional receptivity with the person their fucking drives them wild. They are very intense sexually and can be very overwhelming the first few times mainly because adjusting to them is impossible, you never know what emotional spectrum you’ll get. Their sexual organs aren’t that big, sometimes they can be girthy but most times long and or average size tends to be what I see more. Are they good at using it? Yeah, you’ll fall asleep right after trust me.
Capricorn rising men: in my experience? They are very unassuming. They are so fucking calm, so fucking unmoved and so fucking ahead of you every time. They don’t rush things and can really make you feel so comfortable with how respectful and real they are. They have a very boy next door or upstairs neighbor vibe to them. Sleeping with them feels naughty sometimes other times it feels like it was a long build up. Sexually they are exhibitionist. They definitely will fill the hell out of you with their more modest persona at first. They want to enjoy all parts of your body but they also want the show to be about them. They want to hear you want them, how good they make you feel, they want it to feel like a performance where the crowd is watching. And dare I say they are constantly mastering their art, sex gets better and better and better with them. There’s never a dull moment and every time they have sex with you it gets more personal, more intense, more all consuming. They have a high libido and they are practically insatiable. They are selfish but I will say this, if you can’t get them off they definitely will do it themselves. Their sexual organs are often brighter than the other parts of their body. Very pretty too look at and also a bit on the hairy side.
Aquarius rising men: In my experience? They can seem really standoffish and for a good reason. They tend not to like ignorance and the more they see you trying hard to relate to them the less they’ll acknowledge you. They like the idea of someone who is down for them but not the idea of someone who is groveling, don’t and I mean don’t by any means act like a fan. They tend to run hot and cold for ever even if they like you. Sexually they can be meticulously planning the whole thing. The meet up, the positions, the foreplay all of it. They tend to need warnining or to know both parties had time to clean up. They’re not ones for sex on the fly or random sex as it can lead to a lot of unnecessary accidents. They’re attentive and very much the types to make you feel like you’re clay and you’re being sculpted into something magnificent. Their amazing at sex, they are like gallileo, or Mozart when it comes to the act. They move around your body like a serpent, then a leaf in the wind, than rain touching your skin. They are more focused on your pleasure than theirs so orgasms/reaching climax can be tough for them. The sexual organs are pretty small or average in most cases. If mars/Jupiter or Neptune/Uranus is there that augments things.
Pisces rising men: In my experience? They are definitely ass men. Everything revolves around booty. They are definitely soft and very sweet, but they have a sweetness to them that is fake. The real them is far more serious and self aware then they give off. They know what they’re doing and they know what you’re doing, so don’t ever be fooled by the veil they put up. They’re incredible receptive and sensitive and a lot of their internal feelings come out at some point just not at the moment it needs to. Sexually they can very hotel sex types. Like I don’t know how to really explain it and it’s so opposite of what you would expect of libra but they are very impersonal people. Like sex can feel very romantic and as if they are treating you like a significant other but something about it is detached, far away and unavailable. They are good at creating the engagement aspect of sex but can fall short at the emotional part which is semi-strange considering what you’ll get up to that point. They are very experienced but at the same time they may need to be taught to connect a little deeper or to open up more. They have very soft and gentle sexual styles that will still make you feel cared for but sometimes in the back of it all you’ll still feel that “I’m fucking a stranger” vibe. Their sexual organs tend to be very beautiful, nice length and nice width. They’ll definitely be a lot better at the sex part once you guys are committed though.
So obviously this is a general word of mouth and does not take into account planets being in the 8th house nor does it mention decans which can greatly alter much of what I’ve said. And honestly you can apply the decan rule here if you’d like! Simply use the decan lord so if they’re a third decan Virgo rising and have Aries in the third decan in their 8th house which is Aries/Sagittarius: you would mix those interpretations. Anyways hope this helps love.
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