#in a very 'you going to come up here and lecture me' mood
mercale · 2 months
Today I learned David is taller than every speedster he has had to deal with. Only Pietro wouldn't need to tilt his head back to more or less meet his eyes. Jean-Paul has to hover to see him eye to eye. Tommy has to look up at his tall boy, but that's okay because he's a short king.
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kalinysu · 1 year
💮 Hello, I was wondering if you could do a muzan × reader where they're married, so he's the demon king and she's the queen, and they have been together way before he was a demon, so he turned her. She's also pregnant, and he won't allow her to go on missions anymore. I would like to know if he would keep her by his side or would he lock her in her room. She can also walk in the sun. Please take your time. 💮
𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏. — Muzan x F!Reader
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Gentle Muzan with slightly harsh words, stubborn reader.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Very cute request! I’ve never written for Muzan and a pregnant wife, so it should be fun. Might rewrite, this was a little lazy 😭
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“Darling, please lay down.” Muzan said with a sigh. You two had been going back and forth all night, and you were keeping him quite busy, busy enough to the point he had to ignore his other tasks and focus on you in the moment. “Stop!! Don’t you have any missions for me to do?— I mean, I can’t just lay here for 8 months straight.” You said, trying to sit up and get out of bed.
Muzan kept you away from the other demons, well more specifically Douma. He was far too handsy with you even if you were of a higher status and deserved just as much respect as Muzan. He preferred keeping you locked inside of his room when he couldn’t have you near him, such as when he worked on experiments or had meetings with the ranks. You were too distracting and required every of his attention, which he was willing to give when you two were alone and he wasn’t busy.
“Woman. Lay down, now.” Muzan said, furrowing his brow a bit. His hands were placed on your shoulders, occasionally switching to your waist, trying to be as gentle as possible with you even if his words weren’t. He let out a exhausted sigh, getting into bed with you. He then wrapped his arms around you, holding you just firm enough so you couldn’t get up from the bed. “Missions—“ You said, still trying to free yourself from his grasps. “Darling, I’ve made it clear that i’m not letting you go on any missions while your pregnant, go to sleep.” He said. He was right, besides, you hadn’t slept in days, but you wanted to do something, anything but be in this room.
“Let go—stop it! Stop!”
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Muzan eventually had to lock you up inside of your room, not allowing you out at all. He had practically began to neglect you after the first few days of staying by your side. He did bring you human flesh to eat sometimes, and spend short amounts of time with you before going back to his work. If you got into too much trouble while on your own, he’d have Kokushibo or Akaza watch you. And they watched you like a hawk. They treated you as if you were a human, and any minor injury would be treated majorly.
Muzan wanted to be near you, but he just had too much to do. Today though,Muzan had come to check on you while you were asleep. But when you heard the door open, you forced yourself awake. You felt Muzan pull the blankets over your body completely, before placing a hand on your shoulder. “Muzan..?” You mumbled, turning over to look up at him. He gave you a small smile, before getting into bed beside you. “Upper 1 told me you were crying today. What’s wrong?” He asked, and you could barely believe it. You were about to slap him, but he had caught your wrist. He was just about to lecture and scold you, but you had burst out into tears before he could.
He didn’t know that this was also just your hormones affecting your mood, and thought you were just sad. “Darling, come here.” He said, sitting the both of you up and pulling you closer, allowing you to cry into his chest. “Y-you barely ever stay with me anymore!!” You sobbed, gripping his shirt. “My love, you know I have things to do..” He said, gently stroking your head. He was being honest, but there was another reason. He wasn’t sure how to take care of someone he actually cared for who was pregnant, so he resorted to locking you away to keep you safe and away from others.
“My apologies. I’ll take you with me from now on, how’s that sound, hm?” He asked with a smile when you finally calmed down a bit, tilting your head up to look at him. You sniffled, before nodding, wiping away your tears.
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pomefioredove · 3 months
if you're still taking requests for the event could i request floyd with "Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension" ? ty !
hehe ofc ofc!
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summary: "maybe we should just kiss to break the tension" type of post: fic characters: floyd additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, pre book 3, kissing, yuu is very much canon yuu here lol a part of this event
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Riddle's noble efforts to warn you about Floyd Leech had fallen on deaf ears.
"And stay out of trouble!" were his exact words, if you remembered correctly.
You'd almost scoffed.
You had already been at NRC for months; you'd fought monsters, solved mysteries, and come out of all of it in one piece.
You could handle a history of magic project.
Sure, this is your first mixed-year assignment; and yes, the project itself makes up a great portion of your semester grade...
...but if anyone had asked you, you'd say that a measly school presentation is nothing compared to what you've already been through.
"Remember not to play along with his antics; it only encourages him,"
Riddle had wasted no time lecturing you about your mysterious project partner the second his name left your lips.
You'd come to him to ask if he knew the guy, not his entire life story.
"Stay focused... and stay out of trouble!"
Trouble. Ha. Every second at NRC since you'd arrived had been trouble.
You walk into the library; like usual, it's mostly empty.
Floyd Leech, Floyd Leech... now, where would...?
"Hey, you!"
You turn on your heels to face the source of the shout; leaning against a bookshelf behind you is the tallest boy you've ever seen.
He even gives off the vague impression of towering over you, making you feel small regardless...
"Man, I almost didn't see 'ya, you're so tiny," he grins, baring a row of sharp teeth. "I'm gonna call you Shrimpy. Now, come onnn, I've been waiting forever!"
You're early. Before you can say as much, he grabs you by the forearm and drags you off to a table.
"Alright, Shrimpy," he says, taking a seat across from you. "What's on the docket for today?"
"Uhh..." you're still slightly dazed. He's got some energy, that's for sure.
Riddle's words flash through your mind.
"...Well, I was thinking we could find our material first, then outline..."
"Reading?" Floyd asks, slumping in his seat as if he'd just received terrible news.
You blink. "...Well, we're going to have to read a little,"
He groans, loudly. A few people in the library turn to stare before awkwardly shuffling away.
"...Nah, I'm not in the mood. Let me do 'somethin else,"
What had Riddle said yesterday? "He changes his mind at the drop of a hat. Arguing is no good,"
"...Okay," you say, tentatively reading his expression. "I'll start with the outline. Do you want to look for pictures instead?"
He's quiet, as if seriously considering the pros and cons of the offer, and then he shrugs.
You sigh. Riddle was just being overdramatic. This is fine!
Floyd becomes lost in his assigned job, leafing through an atlas in search of a map from the time period you're researching, leaving you to your reading.
It'd be an easier job with two people, but...
"You're real quiet, Shrimpy,"
You look up from your encyclopedia. He'd shoved the atlas aside, his eyes fixed on you instead.
You raise an eyebrow. "I'm reading...?"
"Aw. Don't tell me you're the serious type?" a loud, dramatic sigh follows. "I was hoping we could have some fun. I was really looking forward to meeting you and all..."
You have to remind yourself that you have a reputation here. Great...
"Well, sorry to disappoint, but I'm a pretty boring person. Normal,"
Floyd's brow furrows. "Nah, I don't buy that. You wanna know what I think?"
You don't like this. The way he's looking at you, like he sees something you don't...
"...I think you only act normal 'cause you're afraid of being judged. You try way too hard to be a good student and stuff 'cause you wanna fit in here,"
Ouch. You blink, momentarily stunned to silence. He could tell all that just from watching you read?
"I'm just 'sayin," he gives you another sharp smile. "I wouldn't mind if you stopped acting all serious around me. You're way too tense."
"...Tense? I am not tense,"
Your denial only encourages him. A wide grin creeps across his face.
"Yeah, you know. You could feel the stress in this place from a mile away...
...Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension,"
Riddle had drilled you for hours; Floyd stealing your things, making you chase him, getting bored and leaving, a thousand possible situations that could come out of a simple study session...
...This was not one of them.
Floyd grins again, wider this time. "Ahah, never mind. You're way too boring and normal for something like that, right?"
You suddenly feel hot; he's putting you on the spot, and he knows it. He seems to be living for your agitation.
"Hey, that's not fair-"
"Fair schmair," he cuts in. "I gave you a dare, and you can't do it. Happens all the time to you, I bet. It's-"
Riddle had warned you, several times, quite clearly, not to play along.
But... in your defense...
Floyd giggles against your lips, the delighted little noise giving away a hint of surprise. His hands, cold and clammy but nice nonetheless, grab hold of your face, drawing you closer into the kiss. He's threatening to pull you across the table at this point...
...It's a good thing you chose a time when the library would be empty.
After a minute or two, he lets go, leaving you breathless with another smile.
"I knew you had it in 'ya," he says, reaching across the table to pull the encyclopedia back towards him.
"My turn to read, okay? I was getting bored of the pictures,"
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cameronsprincess · 4 months
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— summary: kook princess. kook prince. perfect match, right? wrong. you hated rafe cameron and everything he stood for. and he hated you. so when your fathers spring it on the two of you that they’d arranged for the two of you to be married, both of your worlds are flipped upside down.
— CW: strong language, forced/arranged marriage, kissing, slight sexual tension, alcohol consumption.
— note: so sorry for how long this has taken me. i’m still unsure how i feel about it but i refuse to scrap it again. feedback is very appreciated! likes, comments, reblogs!
prev parts: one, two
series masterlist ⤑ taglist form
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2 days later…
It’s been two days since the encounter with Rafe at the Country Club, and it’s all I’ve thought about. He was drunk, that’s what I’ve been telling myself. He was drunk, and he didn’t actually mean any of the shit he’d said to me. Rafe hated me, just as much if not more, as I hated him.
I needed to shove his face, and the way he looked at me that night, down. I needed to get my head on straight, because tonight… Tonight I had to glue myself to his side and pretend to be happy. Pretend that I was madly in love with my future husband, pretend we didn’t despise one another.
But as much as I tried, I couldn’t. I couldn’t get the look of pure lust he’d had on his face that night out of my head. I couldn’t get the way his hands grabbed at my body out of my head. I couldn’t get the things he’d said out of my head. He was stuck there… Almost like he’d wanted to insert himself deep into my mind and make me trip over myself, wondering, waiting… Did he mean what he said?
I squeeze my eyes shut, hearing his low and raspy voice at the back of my mind.
“Baby, you’re going to be crawling on your hands and knees begging for me to touch you. To kiss you. To please you. You can act like you hate me now, Lord knows I can’t stand you. But even I can admit, you’re fucking gorgeous. And I know you find me somewhat attractive.”
Fuck. What is he doing to me? He is attractive, but I’d never admit that out loud. He’s a fucking douche, and he knows that. I just wish this could be easy, I wish I was being forced to marry someone I somewhat like… That would make this a whole lot easier, but no.. Of course my parents would set this shit up with the Cameron’s. My dad and Ward have only been friends for as long as I can remember.
Fuck them, and fuck Rafe. I-
A knock sounding on my bedroom door rips me from my thoughts, and I sit up fully on my bed, crossing my legs and saying, “Come in.”
My door is pushed open, and I’m met by my mother’s eyes.
“Hey sweetheart, you’ve been locked up here all day, are you okay?”
I fight the scoff that wants to come out, not in the mood to fight with my parents today. Instead, I put on a fake smile and say, “Yeah. I’m fine, just trying to keep my energy up for tonight s’all.”
My mother makes her way to the end of my bed, sitting down and placing a soft hand on my leg. I sigh, knowing this is about to be some long lecture I wasn’t in the mood for.
“Sweetheart, I know how you feel about Rafe.. But this is a good thing, okay? I’m sure the two of you can learn to get along, he’s not that bad of a person is he?”
I open and close my mouth a few times, trying to think of what to say, but my mind fails to think of anything. She has a point. He isn’t that bad. He’s just had a shitty life — Well.. To an extent.
His father was known to be a major ass. I’d personally witnessed the verbal beatings he’d given his son, not to mention the few times I’d seen Ward actually lay hands on him. Rafe didn’t know what it was like to be loved and in turn, didn’t know how to love. Maybe things would be different had his mother not passed when he was only eleven, maybe she would have loved him, and taught him how to love. But we’d never know the answer to that.
“Honey? You still with me?”
I lift my head, finding my mother’s worry filled eyes once more.
I nod my head, “Yeah sorry, mom. I’m just tired. How long do I have until the engagement party? I think I might take a nap.”
Standing from my bed, my mom makes her way to my bedroom door, opening it but stopping to answer my question. “You have about three hours, guests will begin arriving in two. Take you an hour nap, then get ready. Your dress is on the back of your bedroom door. I love you.”
“Love you, too.”
She closes the door softly behind her, and I throw myself back into my pillows, letting out a deep breath. I close my eyes, hoping I can take a nap and not dream about Rafe and his fucking hands on me, I don’t want him to have this power over me, but fuck if he hasn’t burrowed his way into my head.
“Rafe, we’re leaving here in twenty minutes!”
I roll my eyes, looking myself over in my bathroom mirror once more and straightening my tie. I just have to get through tonight, and then I don’t have to deal with her again for another few weeks. I could do this.
She’d been on my mind for the last two days though… That night at the Country Club, and how good she’d looked, how her voice sounded. Fuck, how could I have never noticed her like that before? How could I have always overlooked her?
She was fucking beautiful, and fuck her attitude, and the way she looked when she was mad… It had my cock straining for days. I hated her though, and nothing would change that. Not even good pussy would change the fact that I fucking hated her.
I clear my throat, straightening my tie for the millionth time before finally turning away from the bathroom mirror and walking into my bedroom. I make my way over to my nightstand, opening the top drawer and grabbing out the flask I’d had hidden in there.
Quickly unscrewing the cap, I tossed it back, swallowing as much as I could before screwing the top back on and shoving it back into the drawer, closing it. Fuck, I needed to use some mouthwash before I got into a car with my dad. Last thing I need is him bitching me out for drinking before we arrived at the Y/L/N’s house.
After swishing around some mouth wash, i grab my phone, wallet and keys, shoving them all into my pockets before inhaling a deep breath and letting it out slowly. You can do this, Rafe. It’s just the engagement party.. You still have three weeks until you’re officially married off to her.
I make my way down the stairs with one minute to spare, seeing my dad, Rose and two sisters all standing by the front door waiting for me. I meet all of their eyes, one by one taking in the expressions on their faces.
“Let’s go. Don’t wanna be late right?” I say slowly, pushing past all of them and out the door.
We arrive at the Y/L/N’s house within five minutes, their driveway and the sides of the street already filled with cars and the yard all the way into the house filled with people. I swallow nervously, running my hands up and down my dress slacks.
“You okay?” I hear Sarah say from the right of me.
I glance down at her, narrowing my eyes. She never gives a shit about me or how I’m feeling.
“Just peachy, Sare. You don’t have to pretend to give a shit about me.”
She scoffs. “I’m not pretending, Rafe. I couldn’t imagine being in your position, I’m just-”
“Look, I’m fine. Can’t be that bad, right?”
Before she even has the chance to respond, I lean over her, opening the car door and looking at her, my face letting her know to get out of the car. She does just that, exiting the car and smoothing down the front of her baby pink dress.
“If you need anything, you can talk to me. I know we don’t get along, but I am your sister, and I do care.”
It feels like a thousand needles prick at my throat, my eyes stinging from tears wanting to well up, but I don’t let them. Fuck, I need a drink. I nod my head at Sarah, thanking her before climbing out of the Range Rover and slamming the door, slowly making my way toward the front porch steps.
As I enter the house, the sound of music and chatter fills my ears, and I can’t help but wince. I’m used to this sort of environment, lots of people, music, the works. But it’s always people my age, and we’re having fun, not celebrating the engagement of two people who could care less about one another. Every last person here is oblivious to the fact that Y/N and I do not want to be married, fucking ignorant bliss.
I make my way into the kitchen, finding various bottles of liquor on the counter tops. I settle for a bottle of Whiskey, grabbing a small glass from the counter and pouring two fingers, tossing it back and pouring another.
“Do not make an ass of yourself tonight, son. I swear to God if you embarrass our families..”
I roll my eyes, slowly turning to face my father who stands so close to my back I can feel his breath on my neck.
“Don’t worry, dad. I won’t embarrass us. I just need a drink or two so I can get through this shit fest.”
My dad’s eyes narrow, but he keeps his mouth shut, turning and storming off into the house, probably in search of Y/N’s father. Good, hopefully Mr. Y/L/N keeps him off my ass tonight.
I toss back the second drink, placing the glass into the sink before shoving my hands into my pockets and slowly working my way through the crowd of people. A lot of the older men and women stop me, shaking my hand and congratulating me. I guess some people already know why they’re here tonight, shocker.
I approach the foyer of the house, scanning the length of the room when my eyes land on her. She looks absolutely beautiful tonight, shit. She’s making it really hard to not notice her lately. Why? I’ve been around her since we were kids, grew up together, and I’ve never paid her any attention. Why now? Maybe it’s because I’m being forced to marry her, so she’s been consuming my mind, or maybe it’s because Topper hasn’t shut the fuck up about her the last five days, ranting and raving about how “hot” she is, and how I should enjoy her. Maybe he’s right, and maybe that’s why I’ve been so infatuated with her these last few days.
Without even realizing it, I make my way toward her. My soon to be wife. The soon to be Mrs. Cameron, mother of my children.
“Hey.” I say lowly, my eyes scanning the length of her body in the tight fitting white dress.
She flicks her gaze up to my face, her eyes searching mine.
“Hi.” she responds.
I swear I see a blush cross her face, and I don’t miss the way she shifts back and forth on her feet, her white strappy heels clicking against the tile floors.
“So, we’re supposed to stay glued together tonight, shall we?” I ask, holding my arm out for her to take.
She hesitates for a moment before finally linking her arm with mine. A weird feeling erupts in my chest, and I shake my head, trying to shake the weird feeling.
We begin walking through the crowd of people, all eyes on us as we try and find our parents, knowing they wanted to go ahead and announce the engagement and wedding date so everyone can enjoy the rest of their night mingling and drinking.
Finally finding our parents, we slowly step up the stairs and onto the landing, standing between our parents — Ward and Rose beside me, her parents beside her.
Ward clears his throat, clinking a small fork on the side of his whiskey glass and getting everyone’s attention.
Fuck, there are so many fucking people here.
“Thank you for coming out tonight everyone. We have a very big announcement to make.”
He stops speaking, turning his attention to Mr. Y/L/N and letting him continue.
Y/D/N places a loving hand on his daughter’s shoulder, clearing his throat and speaking. “We have invited you all here tonight to announce the engagement of our two eldest children, Rafe and Y/N. We wanted to throw this party in their honor tonight, to celebrate two people becoming one.”
I discreetly roll my eyes. Two people becoming one my ass, more like two being being forced together so two companies can become one…
“The wedding will be in three weeks. Saturday June fifteenth. We hope to see all our friends and family there.”
The room erupts in gasps and cheers. A fifty-fifty of mixed emotions throughout. I notice Y/N’s hand tighten around my arm, her eyes scanning the room quickly. I take note of a few girls I’d slept with in the past, glaring at her. Fuck. I need to do something, these girls will eat her alive, they’ll know this is all bullshit. I need to try and make it seem real, but I don’t think Y/N is going to like my plan very much.
I slowly unlink our arms, turning her so she’s facing me and I cup her cheeks in my hands. She sucks in a sharp breath, narrowing her eyes on me.
“Trust me, okay?”
Her chest rises and falls quickly, but she squeezes her eyes shut and nods her head.
Without a second thought, I dip my head down and capture her lips with mine. The kiss is slow and soft at first, but I quickly deepen it, shoving my tongue into her mouth and feeling her body tense up underneath my hands.
She kisses me back, her body relaxing and melting into mine as the sound of the hoots and hollers slowly fade. There’s no one but us in this room. Shit, she’s a good kisser.
She finally pushes me back, wiping the corner of her lips with her hand and staring up into my eyes.
“What… What was that for?” she asks.
I glance behind her, seeing Jessie and Caraline rolling their eyes but stomping away. I can’t help but smirk at that, Y/N is the only girl I’ve publicly shown any affection towards, and they all know that.
I shrug. “I was saving you from being eaten alive by the bitches of my past s’all.”
She rolls her eyes. “Well, thanks. But I think I can handle a few girls.”
I can’t help but smile at that. She’s strong, she’s tough, and in three weeks, she’s all mine.
“I bet you can, but, you’re welcome.”
Her eyes continue to search mine, her hands shaking at her sides as she continues to stare up at me. God, my cock is painfully hard right now. I just want to take her up to her room and ruin her innocence, but I won’t. I’ll wait until the wedding night, I can wait three more weeks.
“Now, let’s go enjoy this party. It’s gonna be a long night, baby.”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @drewstarkeyslut @princessslutt @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @sturnioloshacker @starkeysprincess @rafescurtainbangz @atorturedpoetx @redhead1180 @jjsmarijuana @romaescapes @kisses4angel @lovelysturnioloos
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honeybeefae · 1 year
7 Minutes In Heaven (Bat Boys x Reader)
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Summary// After a night of drinking and a confession that friends should not say to each other, you find yourself on the receiving end of your three best friend’s wicked desires to make sure you are taken care of.
(Hoooooly hell this was a LOT to write and it took me so long but I am so happy with how it came out. 16 pages, 5K words, and I really hope you guys like this. This is obviously just pure smut but we all know that’s why you’re here. ;) Enjoy!)
WARNINGS: Smut, 18+, Foursome, Double penetration, Spitting
The fire was roaring in the hearth while the smell of bread and wine filled the cabin air. Rhys, Cass, Az, and you were all sitting in a circle by the couch as you joked about old memories, the outside world seemingly far away as you took a relaxing breath and enjoyed the company of your friends.
You had come up here after your father had surprised you with an arranged marriage back in your birthplace within the Court of Nightmares. Despite your job with the inner circle he still felt as if he had control over you and you were lucky that Rhys had been there to swoop you away and hide you here.
It had been three days since then and you had no plans of leaving anytime soon. The four of you were as close as could be and you were thankful they had dropped everything to help you out and be a shoulder to lean on.
Four wine glasses lay empty beside each of you though none of you were drunk by any means, the conversation light and mellow as you reached for the half-empty bottle beside Rhys.
“So, Y/N,” Cassian began, smirking when you rolled your eyes at his prying tone. “Who were you going to be wed to?”
“Really?” Rhys deadpanned. “Do you have to kill the mood?”
“It’s okay. I know he can’t help his gossiping ways.” You say sickly sweet, drinking down the red liquid faster than you should’ve. “It was some friend’s son of Keir’s. A terrible man no doubt looking to climb ranks like the rest of them. And with me being the only daughter of my father, you know he was looking to make alliances to secure his power as well.”
“They’re all like that. It’s pathetic.” Azriel grumbled from his spot on the floor.
“The men are the worst of them all, treating us daughters lesser than.” You snort and lean back on your hands. “It just sucks that us women are caught in the crossfire of your pissing contests.”
“Our pissing contests?” Rhysand echoed, arching his brow as you waved your hand in the air to gesture vaguely.
“Men in general. It’s so much harder for us than it is for you when it comes to scenarios like this. You guys get to go and do whatever you want, fuck whoever you want, etc., while we have to be everything all at once lest we ruin our family image.” Your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head in irritation as you ranted to the group.
“If I were a man I wouldn’t have to put up with being treated as a mere breeding sow or a stepping stool to a higher purpose. I could take what I wanted.” They were all watching you with amusement as you crossed your arms over your chest, glowering. “For example, I bet the three of you never once got lectured on the importance of maintaining your purity for a woman or how to please them properly.”
“Well, no, but-” Cassian tried to interrupt but you raised to sit on your knees and snapped your fingers in exasperation, cutting him off.
“Exactly my point! It’s a sexist, ridiculous outlook on women as a whole. We shouldn’t be made to feel bad about wanting our own pleasure when you lot can take part in yours whenever you please.” You realized too late how you had completely derailed the conversation and glanced at your now empty glass of wine, making a note to keep it that way.
“You certainly have very strong feelings towards this subject.” Rhys pointed out, his violet eyes twinkling in the firelight. “I didn’t realize this was such a sore topic. Shall we join you in your celibacy?”
All three of them laughed and you felt your face heat in embarrassment. It was your own fault for making it such a big deal and you were starting to regret the ammunition you had just given them. You rushed to defend yourself from whatever picture they were painting of you. 
“I’m not celibate, I just-” You tried to get out, your voice cracking as you considered your words.
Three pairs of eyes stare at you as you clear your throat and straighten your spine, finding a small stain on the rug underneath you to focus on. “I mean that in the sense that you don’t have to feel obliged to do that since I’m not. I just think the issue needs to be talked about more.”
“The issue of your sex life?” Azriel quipped, grinning when you threw a pillow at him.
“No! The issue of the scale of men and women.” You retort with a flip of your middle finger. “Can we just change the topic?”
“I just can’t believe you’ve actually had sex with someone. What would your mother think, Y/N?” Cassian faked a dramatic gasp and you resisted the urge to chuck the glass bottle at his head. 
"Listen-” You try to cut in but your pleas fell on deaf ears as all three of your best friends started to gang up on your blushing state.
“You have had sex before right?” Rhys smirked devilishly. “Touching yourself doesn’t count, it takes two people.”
“Or more.” Azriel gave you a wink and you blushed crimson, your mouth opening and closing as you tried to regain control of the situation.
“Yes, yes. I’ve done it before with someone else.” You felt self-conscious even admitting to that and you could tell they wanted more details. Before they could even ask though you held out your hand to silence them. “Why am I in the hot seat? Can we move on to someone else? Or a new topic entirely?”
“Oh no, this is very interesting. I want to know more.” Rhys raised an eyebrow, shooting his brothers an amused glance as you shook your head.
“Well if it’s so interesting how about I ask you how many people you’ve had sex with, hm?” You challenged your High Lord, blinking in surprise when he simply shrugged his shoulders.
“I have no problem telling you how many. What was it you said, we shouldn’t be made to feel bad about seeking our own pleasure?” His voice was dripping with sarcasm as you puckered your lips in silence. “I would say at least thirty.”
“Thirty?!” You were shocked.
“If you think that’s scandalous you really don’t want to hear Azriel’s…or Cassian’s.”
“How do you even? Were you courting all of them?”
Rhysand snorted while Cassian and Azriel grinned, the former laying sideways and propping his head up on his elbow. “You do know you don’t have to be courting someone to fuck them right, princess? Sex isn’t magically unlocked by writing poems and delivering flowers.” Cassian teased.
“I know that.” You snapped, frowning. “I just don’t see why. It doesn’t even feel that good.”
The room immediately fell into silence and your body tensed. All three of your friends were staring at you, mouths open, with shocked expressions. You brought your knees up to your chest, a comfort action, as Azriel cleared his throat and clicked his tongue.
“What doesn’t feel good? Sex itself?” He questioned, watching you shrug. “How many people have you had sex with, Y/N?”
“It doesn’t matter.” You went on the defense immediately, knowing they would laugh. However Rhys held out his pinky for you to hook, his face serious as he promised you that no one would make fun of you.
You mulled over lying or not but you knew they would be able to tell. It wasn’t something you were proud of but you truly never got the appeal of it. A few girls back in the Court of Nightmares were constantly bragging about it but you didn’t get the desire.
“Two.” You whispered, wincing when Cassian almost choked on his drink.
“Two? Did you say two?” He said hoarsely, hitting his chest with an open palm to clear his throat. “How old are you?”
“Why does it matter?” You ran a hand over your face frustratedly. “Why is any of this relevant to our friendship? Yes, I’ve only had sex with two people. It was painful, lasted a couple of minutes both times and just left me feeling frustrated and used. I didn’t like it. Can we move on?”
They watched you and you saw their gazes turn from shocking to pitying. 
“So…no one has made you cum before?” Azriel whispered, voice tight as you closed your eyes and took a steadying breath.
“No, they aren’t supposed to.” You said as if it were obvious. “I was always told sex is for the man, to make a baby. It’s not really something that we enjoy but we just pretend we do.”
“Oh you sweet, summer child,” Rhys cooed. “That’s….that’s just cruel. And not what sex is at all.”
You felt agitated, embarrassed, and frustrated all at the same time. It was like they all knew some secret that you didn’t, that they were teasing you again. The night was not supposed to have taken this turn but you had dug this grave yourself.
“I’m going to bed.” You huffed and began to stand, grunting when Cassian grabbed your wrist and pulled you back down.
“I’m sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable or anything, Y/N. It’s just that is a very…shocking thing to hear.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as you glared at him.
“Are you telling me that you all care about the women you sleep with? That you make them cum every single time?” Your voice was tight as they looked at each other and then back to you, nodding. A snort left your lips as you rolled your eyes. “Yeah, okay. I’ll believe that when I see it.”
Another pregnant pause filled the room as you watched them, their eyes darkening while they looked you over. There was a noticeable shift in the air, your mouth suddenly dry as you squirmed on the floor.
“Would you like to see it, darling?”
Your heart dropped into your stomach as Rhys’s words reverberated through you. They all had the same look in their eyes, one of hunger, but you were convinced they were messing with you. 
“Ha ha, very funny.” You laughed without humor, your eyebrows knitting together in anger. “You all are assholes for teasing me, you know that? I’m going to bed.”
This time it was Azriel who stopped you though not with his hands. Two silky, dark tendrils of smoke curled around your arms and held you on the floor. It made your breath hitch and goosebumps rise on your skin as you looked up at him with doe eyes. “Az, this isn’t funny.”
“We aren’t joking, princess.” Cassian purred, one of his hands wandering to your thigh as he made his way beside you. “There are many things we would joke about but your pleasure isn’t one of them…and trust me when I say that we would love to help you out.”
“What-all of you?” You asked softly as your gaze moved across all three of them. “I don’t…I mean you are all very handsome, obviously, but don’t feel obligated to-”
Rhysand sat in front of you and grabbed your chin with his thumb and index finger, the former dragging over your bottom lip as you held back a moan at the contact. Azriel’s shadows were drawing shapes into your soft skin while Cassian’s hand seemed to drift higher and higher, all the attention making your head spin.
Your High Lord knew it too, a smirk working its way to his lips as he bent down until he was a hairsbreath away from your lips.
“This is anything but an obligation to us, darling. This is pure, carnal desire in its rawest form. A primal need.” His voice was smooth as silk, your eyelids fluttering as his lips moved to ghost over your ear. “A desperate urge to take care of you until you’re drowning in pleasure.”
“Look at her,” Azriel growled from your other side, his hazel eyes appearing behind Rhys. He had on a wicked smile, his head slightly tilted as he surveyed you. “She wants it so bad.”
“Do you, princess?” Cassian asked teasingly, his hand stopping at the waistband of your pants. “Do you want us to take care of you?”
“Yes.” You breathed, your sultry voice surprising you as all three of them pulled away and grinned. All of their warmth and comfort disappeared and you almost let out a whine, wanting it back desperately. 
“How about we make this a game?” Rhys asks his two friends, standing tall over you. There was already a noticeable bulge in his pants that your fingers were itching to touch. “Seven minutes in heaven?”
“Person who makes her cum the hardest gets to fuck her?” Cassian finished, licking his lips. “Gods, I need to go first.”
However, before he could grab you, Rhys hoisted you up bridal style into his arms. You giggled as he looked over his shoulder and said, “Go ahead and start the timer. I won’t need all seven.”
The bedroom door swung open and then quickly shut again as you were pressed right against it, his lips on yours before you could make a sound. It felt so wrong and yet so right, your fingers immediately running through his midnight black hair.
“Stars above, you’re so beautiful.” He grunted into your ear as he kissed down your neck, his lips latching onto your pulse point while he shimmied off your pants. “I could smell how badly you want this.”
“Please, Rhys,” You whined, his fingertips ghosting over the wet spot on your panties. “Please touch me.”
He didn’t answer you by words but by actions, as he pushed your underwear aside to rub your clit with his thumb. It made your knees wobble from how good it felt. One of your hands came up to grasp his forearm, your head hitting the door behind you. “Oh my gods, that feels-I feel…”
“So fucking good,” Rhys finished for you. He kissed you hungrily, his own cock straining against its confines. Two more fingers dipped down and circled the entrance of your cunt before he thrust them in sloppily, choking back a moan. “You’re such a good girl for me.”
Your nails dug into his skin at the roughness of his motions, his upper lip curled as drank in every expression on your face. “Fuck me,” You gasped as a pleasure you had only read about overtook your body, those thick fingers curling each time they entered you. “Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
“Never.” He promised. “I will never stop making you feel this good, never stop making you scream around my fingers. You’re mine. Forever.” His words were like ice to a burn as you felt a strong surge of ecstasy boil over. Rhys held you as you exploded around his fingers, working you through the best orgasm of your life with words of praise and soft strokes.
“That’s it, darling, that’s it.” You mewled at his tone as your pussy tried to swallow his fingers deeper. “Such a good girl. You did so well…”
“Rhys that was…I’ve never…” Your words were breathless as you watched him with hooded eyes, your lips slightly parted as he gave you a knowing smile and kissed you. It was loving and warm, like a blanket on a cold winter’s night, and you melted into it.
He threaded his fingers through your hair to deepen it, taking control, and just as you felt him start to rut into your thigh the door behind you shook with a pounding force.
“Don’t need seven minutes my ass! Time’s up, High Lord!” Cassian chuckled, his grin feline as Rhys opened the door with a glowering look. “Oh I’m sorry, did I interrupt?”
“Just remember who just made your eyes roll back, darling.” Rhys purred into your ear before kissing your cheek, purposefully hitting Cass’s shoulder as he made his way back out to the living room. You tried to follow him with your eyes but Cassian was quick to step forward and make you step backward., your thighs still shaking.
“Was it that good, princess? Or were you just pretending for him?” He teased as he strode forward, making you retreat until your knees hit the edge of the bed. You fell back, your smile growing when the general appeared over you. “You don’t have to lie, I promise I won’t tell.”
“It was pretty amazing…” You sighed as he rolled his eyes before sinking to his knees at the end of the bed. He threw your legs over his shoulders before you could process what was happening and by the time you tried to squirm away, he had you pinned.
“Nuh-uh, you’re not going anywhere.” He growled as he gazed at your swollen cunt, your lips puffy and glistening. “You have such a pretty pussy, princess. Is it sensitive?”
Before you could answer he blew a cool breeze across your sex, making you jump. Cassian smirked and used both of his hands to spread you wide open. He leaned forward and spat on your clit, watching it mingle with your wetness as he inserted one finger. “Gods you’re making it so hard to be gentle.”
“Then don’t,” You urged, your pupils blown wide in desire. “Treat me how I deserve to be treated.”
Cassian let your words sink in before he dove headfirst into your pussy, three fingers roughly fucking into your hole as he scraped the hood of your clit with his teeth. It was sensory overload and you bucked forward with a small shout, your hands immediately fisting into his hair as he ate you out like a starved animal.
Every nerve in your body had already been shot but this was mind-numbing pleasure. It had you crying out for more, fucking his face as his stubble rubbed against your thighs. He was no better as he sucked and fucked your cunt until he could feel you start to tighten around him.
You hated how fast you were cumming but you also didn’t know if you could hold it any longer, your cries to slow down falling on deaf ears. Cassian swirled his tongue up and down, side to side, making sure to not waste a drop of your excitement. He knew how to eat someone out.
“Cass, Cass-” You tried to warn him, shifting your hips, only for him to tighten his hold on you. “Cass I can’t. I can’t hold it.”
“Cum all over my face, princess,” Cassian grunted as he watched your face contort in pleasure, your body already falling over the edge of the abyss. “Soak my beard, fuck my face, use me to get off. It’s all for you.”
Whereas Rhys had been sweet, Cassian was a little bit of both. It made you yearn for more of his degrading praise and you quickly found yourself following his orders, your hips rolling over his face as you came loudly.
The door started banging again but you didn’t care and neither did he. In fact, Cassian was so lost in what he was doing he almost lashed out when Azriel appeared behind him. You whined when he was pulled back but quickly settled when you felt cool hands running over your body.
No, not hands. Shadows.
Your eyes widened when Azriel’s hazel gaze appeared inches from your face. He had a dark look and an even darker smirk as his shadows lazily rubbed along your skin, his hands gently pulling off your top.
“Did my brothers fully satisfy you or are you still wanting more, mouse?” Azriel cooed into the empty room, tossing the last of your clothing aside so that you were now bare before him. “Answer me.”
“I want more.” You gulped, drinking precious air as the Shadowsinger tilted his head in wonder. “Please.”
“Who taught you those manners, pet?” He raised a curious brow while both of his hands cupped your sensitive tits, thumbs barely grazing over your nipples. It was enough to make you squirm though which he was counting on. “I’ll be happy to give you more but I want you to beg.”
You faltered at first, not sure what it was he wanted to hear, but when he went to pull away from your breasts you ran with it. “No, no, please keep touching me!” You whined, groaning when one of his tendrils of smoke circled your clit. “Oh, Gods, that feels so good.”
“I’ll stop if you don’t fucking beg for it, Y/N. I want to hear you tell me how badly you want my fingers. How greedy you are for already cumming twice but still needing more, like the dirty slut you are.” He sneered, his nostrils flaring as he resisted the urge to just fuck you then and there. 
“I am greedy! I want more, I want it so fucking bad, Az!” You cried, desperate for his touch to grow stronger. He was keeping you on the edge. “I am a, fuck, I’m a dirty slut. I want you so bad, so so bad, please.”
“You’re a quick learner.” He smiled before bending down and capturing one of your nipples in his mouth at the same time his shadows started stroking your slit. Your mouth opened wide in a silent cry of euphoria as he bit and nibbled his way over to your other boob, the pressure on your clit increasing with each second.
“I always knew you were dirty, mouse,” Azriel murmured as he gave a harsh suck, enjoying the way you arched into it. “Always knew this how you wanted to be fucked. Just look at this greedy little cunt, hm? Look at how it’s swallowing my fingers.”
You couldn’t see it but you could feel it as he thrust two fingers inside of you, the walls sensitive as he stroked them and found that special spot with ease. His fingers plus his mouth on your breasts was heaven as your head thrashed back and forth, your body desperate to just be fucked.
But he wasn’t going to give that to you. At least not yet. No, Azriel was focused on making you cum one more time. The tip of his tongue flicked over your hardened nub as his shadows came back to rub your clit, all of the stimulations becoming too much, too fast.
“Azriel, fuck!” You squealed as you came for the third time that night. This time you felt yourself ascend from your body, watching yourself from below as he worked you through it but didn’t slow down. “Ohhhhh fuck…”
“Fuck you’re so tight.” He growled as he removed his fingers, smirking when your eyes had that glazed look to them. You whimper as he picks you up gently, shushing you, then turning to see Rhys and Cassian waiting in the doorway. “I think she’s done for the night.”
“No…” You mumble softly, needily. “I want you…all of you. Please.”
There was a beat of silence as they considered your state and each other before you were brought back to the bed and spread out for their viewing pleasure. You felt like you were cock drunk at this point, especially as Rhys pulled his cock out right in front of your face.
You wasted no time in bringing him into your mouth, your saliva dripping out the sides of your mouth as you worked his cock up and down. Rhys threw his head back and growled, the room seeming to shake before he grabbed a fistful of your hair to help guide you.
“If your mouth is this good I can’t wait for your cunt.” He laughed airly before moaning once more, watching as Azriel stood to your other side with his cock standing proudly. 
The bed dipped behind you and before you could blink you felt Cassian rub his cock up and down your folds, words of praise or prayer spilling from his lips as he sunk in inch by inch. It felt amazing and you pulled off Rhys’s dick long enough to moan loudly.
“Shit, Cassian,” You groaned. “You’re so big.”
“You’re just tight as fuck, princess. Gods, I don’t think I’m going to fit.” He cursed, his fingers squeezing your hips as you whipped your head to look back at him.
“Make it fit.” You said lowly, your eyes narrowed in challenge which had him grinning. He gave you a shrug of his shoulders before pulling out and slamming back in, rocking your forward and straight into Azriel’s cock. He took advantage of the situation and forced you to swallow him whole, his biceps straining as you gagged and cried around his dick. 
“Look at you, look at the little whore you’re being for us,” Azriel said as you started to go back and forth between him and Rhys. Cassian was fucking you like a beast, his balls hitting your clit with every thrust. It was intoxicating in every sense of the word and you never wanted it to stop. “You like being treated like this, don’t you? Like our own personal fuck toy?”
“You’re doing such a good job, darling.” Rhys’s voice soothed, your heart beating in your ears as you gazed at him. “Taking Cass so well. He’s close, I can tell.”
“I’m gonna fucking fill you up.” The Illyrian General growled as he pistoned in and out. You could feel him in your stomach as you closed your eyes and let yourself feel. “Take it, Y/N, fucking take it.” He ordered as he finally stilled in you, hot ropes of cum coating your insides as you hung your head in rapture. 
He seemed to cum forever and when he finally pulled out, you watched his cum drip down onto the bedsheets from just how much it was. Cassian smirked and collected the leaking seed onto his fingers, holding it out for you to take before Rhys snatched it and sucked it off himself.
Rhys’s eyes darkened at the taste of both of you and he quickly yanked you to him, lying back on the bed and positioning you on top. He helped guide you onto him and when you started sinking down, both of your groaned. The rhythm was soft and slow as you got used to his size, your hands coming to palm at your breasts until you felt a nudge against your asshole.
“Shhhh, relax,” Azriel’s voice shushed as he spat on his cock, lubing it up even more before he started to press into your ass. “Relax for me, mouse. I want you to take us both together. Can you do that?”
You nodded, a stupid smile on your face as you leaned back into him for support at the intrusion. It felt weird but the longer you waited, the more pleasurable it got. Soon you were rocking on to both of them in need, your sex hungry for more as they started fucking you at the same time.
It was a fullness you had never felt before but you don’t know how you could ever go on without it. They worked beautifully with each other, their moans mixing with yours as Azriel replaced your hands with his own. Rhysand watched from below, his violet eyes burning with desire as he pulled you down for a heated kiss.
They were fighting over you and it was driving you crazy. And just as Azriel went to pull you back to him, Cassian appeared at your side with his cock in his hand. It was already hard and leaking and you wasted no time in shoving him inside your mouth.  
“That’s it, that’s it,” Rhys praised. “Ride us, darling. Be a good, needy girl for us.”
“Our good, naughty little whore.” Cassian purred, choking when you took him down to the base. 
“Or just our whore.” Azriel growled as he smacked your ass, watching the recoil. “A whore we can use and abuse whenever we want.”
Their words filled your veins until you felt as if you were about to burst. You could feel a fourth orgasm coming, could feel the now painful clenching of your cunt, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. You had enough mind to pull away from Cassian’s cock before you let out a blood-curdling scream, your body collapsing on Rhys’s chest as you squirted all over them.
All at once, together, they also found their releases and followed you with reckless abandon. The sheets were soaked, as were the rest of you, as Azriel came in your ass, Rhys came in your cunt, and Cassian came over your back. You felt like you were leaking cum from every opening you had and you loved it.
You struggled to catch your breath as they all fell into bed beside you and Rhys, the smell of sex and cum permeating the room. Rhys’s soft hand stroked up and down your back lovingly while Cass and Az whispered praises. It was slow coming back down to Earth, to the three men who you had just slept with, and you realized that you never wanted to leave the room. Never wanted to leave them.
After a few minutes, you hear rustling before Azriel stands up and asks if anyone wants to shower, his eyebrows lifting in surprise when you sat up sleepily and said, “Second round in the shower?”
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kurogane2512 · 2 months
highschool au, Class president Signora x Delinquent Female reader?? idk, I just rlly love this trope >:3
This was very unique I love it, I don't think I have seen any high school au with Signora especially one where she's a student (I'd personally imagine her as a teacher but that's just me) so this was amazing to write, thank you for the request <3
Game: Genshin Impact
Characters: La Signora x fem!reader (class president!Rosalyne x delinquent!reader)
Type: SFW, fluff with plot (long fic, Highschool AU)
"Yo dude, did you go to that place I told you about?" a friend of yours asked.
"That shop? I didn't find it, did you send the wrong address?" you replied.
"Nah, it was right. Let's go there after school today."
"Let's just skip the rest of the classes! It's anyways that stupid maths class." you suggested.
"Yeah, that's right! Great idea!" both of your friends agreed.
You three were lounging at the back of the classroom during lunch and chatting away.
"Ahem, before you three leave, let me remind you that you still haven't submitted last week's assignment." a familiar voice spoke from behind you, making you irritated as you knew who it was— the class president.
"What's your problem, Ms class president?" one of your friends said in an angry voice.
"My problem is you three and your consistent indiscipline. This is my final reminder about that assignment, do not come at me when the teacher gives you 0 for it."
The class president, Rosalyne, declared before turning around with a 'hmph' and leaving. You watched her exit the classroom and let out an exasperated sigh.
"She's so annoying, always on our tails for homework and what not. Doesn't she have better things to do? I swear these model students are always so high-headed." one of your friends said.
"She's your typical prodigy, perfect at studies and sports and basically everything. Ignore her, she'll stop coming at us." you replied then stood up with your bag and proceeded to walk away.
"Yo, where are you going?" your friend asked.
"I have some other work. I'll meet you guys in the last period now." you waved to your friends and walked out, leaving them confused as they had no idea what you had to do.
"Hey, what about the plan to go to that shop?" your friend asked.
"Eh, let's go tomorrow. I'm not in the mood today."
You came out of the classroom and suddenly found Rosalyne standing near the corner talking to a teacher. You couldn't help but gaze at her from afar; it was true she was perfect- always well dressed, well mannered, top scorer and on the path to become the Student Council President next year. There was no doubt she'd get the position. You two were worlds apart, she'd never see you as anything more than a nuisance.
You watched Rosalyne finish talking with the teacher then slowly walked behind her to catch up to her. She stopped walking after a while and turned around to see you with a frown, "Why are you following me?"
You averted your gaze then clicked your tongue and proceeded to take out a notebook from your bag and handed it to her, "The pending assignment."
Rosalyne became confused for a moment then understood what you meant, becoming slightly surprised. She took the notebook from your hand and flipped a few pages then remarked, "Your handwriting is terrible."
"I didn't ask for your judgement. Bye."
You turned around and walked away, refusing to hear anything else from her. Rosalyne also spoke nothing more and went her own way. It would appear you both had a mutual disdain for each other, which wasn't surprising to you. You went to your secret spot which was a quiet corner behind the school building, a place that was generally empty and devoid of any surveillance. You liked to be alone here, doing nothing but rest in solace and tranquility. It was the only place where you felt at peace.
Back at your class, Rosalyne was taking attendance for the next lecture when she noticed you were missing once again. Both of your friends were still in class, she had noticed it wasn't rare for you to go somewhere on your own without them. She had asked them where you'd go but even they didn't know. She couldn't help but wonder what the deal was with you, she wished you'd improve and take care of yourself better.
It was the last period when you finally came back to class and the first person to greet you was none other than Rosalyne, "Where were you for the last 2 periods?" she demanded to know.
"None of your business, get out of my way."
You nudged her shoulder as you walked in, making her annoyed.
"It is my business because I have to mark a reason for your absence in the lecture." Rosalyne retorted.
"Oh yeah? Just write that I was fucking dead. Happy?"
Rosalyne's eyes widened but she didn't want to argue further. She decided to save her energy and walked away with a 'hmph', finally giving you some peace and quiet. Your days at school mostly went in a similar way; you fooling around and doing whatever you liked while this persistent class president tried to get you on track. Correcting your uniform every morning, scolding you for disrupting classes, correcting your sitting style, reminding you of assignments.... everything and so much more was part of her routine with you.
You genuinely wondered why she hadn't given up yet and remained so persistent. Perhaps she had some fun with it, bossing you around. Perhaps she was just that patient and determined to show this on her record- being able to correct a delinquent student.
One fine day, Rosalyne came to the library during a free lecture to self-study on her own. Rest of the class had all gone to different places to spend the time but she wanted to study for the upcoming exams and knew the library was the best place. She walked to the second floor of the library and searched for an empty table before finally spotting one in the corner. She walked closer to it and the table came in more view when she became shocked to see the one person who was sitting on it.
"Y/n? She's in the library of all places? And is she actually studying?"
Rosalyne wondered if her eyes were deceiving her but it was all true. She walked up to the table and silently sat on the chair in front of you, glancing at your work. You were lost in whatever you were doing and didn't notice her until she spoke to you.
"That method won't work."
You heard the familiar voice and looked up to see Rosalyne in front of you, "You—?! What the hell are you doing here?"
"That should be my question. I thought you'd take the free lecture to fool around."
You looked away with a frown, "I..... um.... w-what does it matter to you? And why did you come and sit here? You just like watching me suffer, don't you?"
Rosalyne frowned as well and extended her hand forward then suddenly flicked your forehead, "Be quiet in here at least."
You groaned in pain and rubbed the spot she flicked then proceeded to pack up your things.
"Where are you going?" Rosalyne asked.
"To sit somewhere away from you."
Rosalyne sighed, "If you study like that then you will fail."
"Thanks for the tip, Ms class president." you said with a scoff and walked to another table.
Rosalyne genuinely thought to help you but she knew it was futile to argue. She took out her own and started studying by herself, deciding to take her mind off you and focus on her own result. However, she couldn't help but glance at you every now and then. She could tell whenever you struggled with something, your reactions were rather obvious as you'd scratch your head or crumple the paper in annoyance.
An hour or two passed when it was the end of the day and she began packing her things. She looked in your direction one last time but was shocked to see you had already left, she didn't notice you go. She sighed to herself and soon left the school building and was on her way home. She received a text from her mother telling her to buy a few things while coming hence decided to take a detour and stop by a shopping centre. She was nearby an alleyway when she heard some faint shouting.
She cautiously walked in the direction the sound came from and reached an empty ground. She spotted a group of people inside and hid behind the corner to silently observe, she didn't want to get in trouble unnecessarily but she couldn't ignore the shouting either. She watched for a while to try and see who the people were until her eyes widened as she spotted a familiar face, "Y/n? What is she doing here? And who are these people? Those uniforms.... it's the school near ours, I think."
Rosalyne continued watching but she wished she could hear what you were saying. Then all of a sudden, you lunged at one student in front and pinned her to the ground while choking her. The other students gathered around you and threw you off then engaged in a fist fight with you, it was just you against all of them and you were easily beat up by them. She tried to intervene but nobody was around and she didn't know what to do. She then took out her phone and recorded whatever she could until the fight ended.
She was on the verge of calling the police but everyone ran away leaving you alone, all battered and injured on the ground. Rosalyne looked around and waited for a few moments to see if anyone would come to help but nobody did and she couldn't stay behind any longer. You laid on the barren grass with cuts and bruises, blood dripping down your nose and a swollen eye along with other injuries mostly on your face.
You grunted in pain and tried to sit up then wiped the blood from your nose. A shadow appeared in front of you and you realized someone was standing behind you. You turned around to see who it was and saw none other than Rosalyne, her shining hair glowing against the setting sun and swaying with the wind. She appeared no less like an angel this way.
"You again...." you said in an annoyed tone, ".....Must be a pleasant sight for you to see me this way."
Rosalyne furrowed her brows then extended her arm forward, "Come on."
You looked at her held out palm then slapped it away, "I don't need your help. Leave me alone."
Rosalyne gritted her teeth and forcefully held your arm then pulled you up on your feet, your steps fumbling for a moment making you lean against her. You tried to push yourself away but had no strength in your body. Rosalyne seemingly didn't mind the way you leaned on her and in fact wrapped her arms around you and held you comfortably.
"Why were you fighting with them? And where were you friends?" Rosalyne asked.
"None of your business...."
"I saw everything so you better tell me otherwise I'm sending the footage to the police."
You clicked your tongue, "It's not a big deal. I hangout with these guys sometimes, this is our usual spot. As for my friends, they live in the opposite direction so I never go home with them unless we have plans to hangout elsewhere."
Rosalyne hummed then fetched a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to you, "Wipe off the blood with this."
"I don't need it. It'll be fine, not my first time bleeding this way."
You gathered some strength in your body and pushed yourself away from her and stood up on your feet. You picked up your bag from the ground and proceeded to walk away.
"Don't mention this to anyone. Bye."
You waved at her but Rosalyne wasn't giving up so soon. She swiftly walked up to you and tightly held your wrist and started pulling you with herself.
"H-Hey, what the hell?! Let me go!"
"Shut it and just listen to me for once!" Rosalyne shouted and you immediately went quiet, it was the first time you heard her speak like this.
You let her take you wherever for the rest of the way, her hand not releasing yours at all. It was a strange feeling, having her hold your hand and take you somewhere. You didn't know she could be stubborn this way. You turned a few corners then she stopped in front of a house and you noted the nameplate, 'Lohefalter'. It was her house. You tried to speak but she just pulled you inside silently.
The inside was a small, cozy complex, enough for a family of 3 or 4. You didn't know if she had siblings so you couldn't guess. Though, you couldn't admire the house much as she took you to one of the rooms straightaway and made you sit on the bedside while she fetched something from the cupboard. You looked around the room and it was easy to tell it was her room.
You suddenly became nervous even though it wasn't a big deal. Her room had a pleasant rosy aroma and had minimalistic yet sophisticated decorum, quite suitable for someone like her. It gave off a very womanly vibe that wasn't exactly cute but rather mature and elegant; and of course, there was a wall adorned with notes and study graphs, as expected from a topper.
Rosalyne came back to your side with a first-aid kit in hand. She sat beside you and opened the box to take out some cotton and bandages along with a disinfectant. She wiped the blood from your nose and inserted the cotton balls in your nostrills before gently scrubbing your other wounds with the disinfectant. You hissed in pain and looked away on an instinct, making her grasp your face and hold it steady.
"You didn't tell me why you were fighting them. I saw that you were the first to hit them, they must have said something to provoke you."
".....Why do you care?"
Rosalyne suddenly pressed a bit harshly on one of your cuts and you winced in pain then gave in.
"They insulted my mother.... called her names."
Rosalyne didn't know what reason she was expecting, but this was certainly not one of them. It made her realize there was so much she didn't know about you.
"What happened....?" she softly asked.
You furrowed your brows but decided to tell her, "My mom is.... my mom is a prostitute. I am basically one of her client's.... accidental thing. I don't know how they found out about this, I haven't told anyone in this city.... except you now."
"In this city? What do you mean?"
".....My mom sent me here some years ago all alone so that I wouldn't have to tolerate the discrimination in our hometown. She sends me money regularly and helped in school fees from the beginning. She tried raising me on her own but didn't want me to live in her shadow and struggle due to her."
Rosalyne silently listened while bandaging you up. It was a big revelation to her that made her understand you all too well.
"Are you still in contact with her?" she asked.
"Yes, we call once or twice a week. She didn't abandon me, just to be clear. She just wishes she was in better circumstances."
"I see.... so, you live alone? Or....."
"I live alone, yeah. All expenses are paid by her, I just have to do the usual household stuff alongside school work."
Rosalyne nodded in understanding as she didn't know what to say. This was quite a lot for her to hear.
"Thanks for this.... you are quite good at it." you said with a pout.
Rosalyne smiled and patted your shoulder, "If you stop being so stubborn, then I can help you in other things too."
You scoffed then suddenly leaned on her and soon laid your head on her lap, catching her off-guard.
"H-Hey, what are you—?!"
"Shut up, I just want to rest for a while...."
She couldn't help but blush at this. She watched you close your eyes and silently drift to sleep then smiled to herself. Her hands lightly caressed your face and hair, soothing you in any way possible.
"You could rest on the bed, you know...." she pondered but she wasn't against this. She could push you off but decided to give you this moment.
As she gazed at you, she recalled a particular memory. A secret about the past she had locked in her heart. It had been quite a few years but she remembered this vividly, every single detail about it. It was a day in her younger years, when she was around 13. She was a naive girl who got injured and was lost in an unfamiliar place, unable to go home. She cried as she sat under a tree and waited for her parents to come find her, the pain from the wound worsening her condition.
As if like a miracle, another girl who appeared close to her age came to her instead. This girl was rather chirpy and outgoing, she immediately wiped Rosalyne's tears and wrapped a cloth on her wound before offering to take her home. Rosalyne was reluctant at first as she was a stranger but the girl was genuinely trying to help, the smile on her face was reassuring. Rosalyne had tried to stand up and walk but tumbled due to her injury, and the girl didn't give a second thought to carry Rosalyne on her back.
Rosalyne was surprised but felt secure and safe with this unknown girl. She tried telling her the way to her home but both of them were equally oblivious about the area. Rosalyne discovered the girl had recently moved here and was exploring the area when she found her. Eventually, they were able to find Rosalyne's home after asking a few civilians on the street who guided them.
Rosalyne tried inviting the girl inside to thank her but the girl went away as fast as she came. That's when Rosalyne realized she didn't even ask the girl's name. Rosalyne spent all the next years on the lookout for the girl but never saw her again, it was as if she was never real and maybe Rosalyne only conjured her in her cry for help. Until one day when Rosalyne finally saw her again....
It was the first day of her high school and the girl was in front of her, in the same class as her. Rosalyne confirmed it many times and she was sure of it, it really was that girl. But what was this? This girl was no longer as the one she remembered. She looked like her but her mannerisms, her way of talking and overall demeanour was different. This girl was a far cry from the hero who saved her.
"Why don't you remember me, Y/n...." Rosalyne stopped her recollection of the past and pondered while gazing at you. While it was true she had changed quite a bit from her younger self, she had hoped you'd recognize her. Rosalyne still couldn't believe the girl in her memory was you. She denied it many times. How could an unruly delinquent be the one she was looking for all these years? But now she easily accepted this after knowing more about you.
Rosalyne wasn't sure if she should ever bring up the past with you. What if you had completely forgotten and it was never a big deal for you as it was for her? Not to mention, the two of you were always at odds that she even tried forgetting the past just so it wouldn't cloud her judgement about you. She smiled looking down at you and hoped you'd have a better relationship from now on, perhaps she'd finally be able to tell the past to you.
You went back home before her parents returned, thanking her for the help and asking her to keep your secret. Somehow, you were sure she wouldn't tell it to anybody. Maybe it was your impression on her due to her disciplined and trustworthy reputation, or maybe there was another reason you didn't want to reveal. The next day, you acted a bit different around each other. You weren't as unruly as before, preventing her from having a hard time.
At the same time, you gradually tried to get closer to her as a friend. It was strange how close you felt to her after unexpectedly revealing your secrets to her, in reality you had always wanted to friends with her but didn't know how to approach her. You found comfort in her touch when she tended to you and let you rest on her lap, you wanted that more. You asked her to help you study for exams and she was more than happy to oblige, your classmates found it weird how close you two got and felt like you were influencing her in the wrong way.
"Hey, can you teach me other subjects too? Math is done but I still struggle with others...." you asked her one day during your study time with her.
"I don't mind but we don't get time in school, you know?"
"Yeah, well uh.... y-you can come to my house, if you are okay with it...."
Rosalyne didn't expect this but had no reason to deny, she had also been curious about how you lived for a while now. You took her to your apartment after school, a single bedroom apartment which was decently kept as best as you could do.
"Do you want to eat or drink something? I don't have much stuff but I can try to make something...." you asked while looking through your fridge.
Rosalyne came to your side and looked inside the fridge too then hummed, "Would you mind if I make something? I can cook quite a few things with these."
"....You can cook?"
"Why, of course. Is that so surprising?"
"Yes, well.... you live with your parents who provide you with everything, right?"
Rosalyne chuckled, "How does that mean they wouldn't teach me to cook? My mother taught me at a young age and I quite like it myself. In fact, I always make my own lunch that I bring to school~"
You were surprised, just how much more perfect could be get? And how was she tolerating someone like you? No wonder everyone gave you weird looks for being with her. She cooked up a delicious meal for you in no time, a kind of meal you had never had in all these years you lived here. It was delicious and scrumptious, simply flawless.
"You are good at everything, huh.... So different from me." you mumbled while sitting with her.
"Hm? What do you mean, Y/n?"
"I mean, you are perfect. You have good grades, you are well-mannered and every teacher likes you, you are literally the class president since the first year and have never done anything wrong. And... w-well, you are really pretty too and can even cook. I'm surprised you aren't dating anybody."
Rosalyne found your mumbling adorable but also concerning, "You know, I wasn't always like this."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it takes considerable effort to be this way. I'm no natural genius, I have to study every day to maintain these grades. I had decided to be the Student Council President from the beginning so I started working on that since then, all these grades and good opinion from teachers matters. As for dating, you can guess by now I have no time for it. And for looks.... a-ahem, thank you for the compliment but I wasn't always pretty."
Rosalyne lightly blushed at the last part. You hummed in understanding, "No wonder you look so different now...."
Rosalyne's eyes widened at that, "What are you talking about?"
You averted your gaze, "Nothing. Don't mind, I'm just rambling."
Rosalyne furrowed her brows then grabbed your collar to make you face her, "Tell me. What did you mean just now?"
You became nervous and unsure to say it. Rosalyne sensed your uneasiness and slowly realized what was happening.
"You.... you remember the past, don't you? You remember the time we met as kids, right?!"
You couldn't keep it in anymore, "Yes.... I remember it all."
Rosalyne released your collar in shock and tried to process her emotions.
"Why didn't you say anything....?"
"....How could I? You changed so much...."
Tears formed in Rosalyne's eyes and she didn't know how to react.
"You didn't say anything either.... I assumed you forgot and well, I didn't want you to associate with me." you continued.
Rosalyne was silent until she raised her arm in a fist and lightly hit you on your chest. There was no force or power, she kept hitting you continuously in a similar manner as if scolding you.
"Do you have any idea how much I tried looking for you and wanting to see you again?! Do you have any idea how hurt I was that you seemingly forgot me?! You say I have changed but you are so different too yet I recognized you right away!" Rosalyne shouted.
"I recognized you too! I knew it was you right away! That's not what I mean by change! You.... You and I.... we are different people! Even now everyone gives me weird looks when I'm with you. I'm sure others must have told you to not bother with me!"
"Don't you see that I don't care about them?! Yes, many people have told me to stay away from you but I listened to none! Do you understand why? Or are you so convinced that you aren't worthy of me?!"
"I....! I just don't your reputation to be tarnished! You have worked hard to build all this! And you are so close to achieving your dream of being Student Council President now! I can't have you lose it now!"
Both of you were shouting your suppressed thoughts at each other with teary eyes. Your hearts felt heavy yet lighter with each thing you spoke, finally letting out your hidden desires. When you finally stopped, tears streamed down your faces and you panted heavily to recover your breaths. You looked at her teary face and remembered her face from years ago, the sight of her younger self crying for help and couldn't bear to see it.
You slowly extended your hand towards her and gently wiped her tears. She was surprised yet again but finally smiled now. You were about to pull your hand away but she stopped it by holding your wrist with one hand and extended her other towards your face and cupped it, wiping your tears as well. You were equally surprised now and blushed at her action. The next thing you knew, she leaned forward and kissed you.
Your eyes widened but you didn't pull away. How could you pull away when such soft and tempting lips were touching yours? Rosalyne crawled closer and gripped your shoulders as she kissed you deeper, eventually pushing you down on the couch and straddling you. It was messy and unkempt, both of you desperately moving your lips each other to take in everything.
It was your first kiss and from what you knew, hers too. Your hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer, she released all tension in her body and was laying on you with all her weight now. Your lips didn't stop seeking each other's at all, it was like you were starved of each other for years.
Soft moans and hums left her mouth, she sounded sweet and addicting and you wanted it more. You were out of breath by the time she pulled back, both of you gazing at each other with haphazard breaths. She was still straddling you and your hands were securely holding her as if you were used to this. You didn't know what to do now, and perhaps neither did she.
"I..." you spoke while panting, "I like you, Rosalyne....."
That was the first thing that came to your mind. It was the absolute truth that you kept in for years. Rosalyne smiled at your words and gently caressed your face.
"I like you too, Y/n...."
This was probably the best outcome, an outcome you never expected to reach. Both of you decided to start dating now, though you wanted to keep it a secret for some time. The loneliness and your desperation for attention that you felt all these years vanished as soon as you started dating her. She fulfilled what you were missing, and in return you promised to support her through anything.
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bosbas · 9 months
Chapter 13: it's never too late to come back to my side
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pairing: benedict bridgerton x best friend!fem!reader WC: 3.2k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, idiots in love being idiots in love, mutual pining, some swearing
Summary: You and Benedict have been best friends since childhood, but things change dramatically once you come out in society. You’re struggling to find someone you’re as compatible with and who knows you as well as Benedict, all while trying to quell your ever-growing feelings for him. Shenanigans ensue.
A/N: ahhhh we're getting close to the end i'm so emotional i love them so dearly
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August 15, 1814 - It has come to this author's attention that Mr Benedict Bridgerton will be in attendance at Aubrey Hall this year in time for his family's country house party. This comes after almost two months away in the countryside. Will Mr Bridgerton be shocked to find out that his best friend and his older brother have been courting while he was away? Or has he been kept up to date on the ton's happenings, perhaps by this very column? The lucky guests at Aubrey Hall will find out for themselves in a few days, and the remaining members of the ton in London will surely find out through Lady Whistledown's society papers in the coming week.
"Benedict it's been three days. You have to come downstairs at some point," groaned Hyacinth. She was tired of watching her older brother mope around aimlessly, refusing to participate in any Bridgerton-Beaumont activities.
Knowing bits and pieces of what had happened between you and Benedict, Hyacinth was inclined to leave him to rot in his room forever, completely unsympathetic to his low mood. However, she couldn't help but notice your eyes searching every room you entered, looking for your best friend, only to visibly slump your shoulders when you realized that Benedict had once again failed to show up. So, after three days of watching your disappointment grow exponentially, Hyacinth had taken matters into her own hands. Except for the fact that Benedict was not particularly enthusiastic about Hyacinth's efforts, lying on his bed with a half-open book on his abdomen as he rolled his eyes at his sister.
"Go away. I'm not going to play Pall Mall, just leave me alone," he responded, laying an arm over his eyes.
Hyacinth scoffed in response. "I'm not here to ask if you want to play Pall Mall, brother. If I were, you wouldn't have a choice. Not that you have much choice now, anyway."
Then, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him as hard as her eleven-year-old strength allowed, she tried to make him see sense. "Y/N is even more miserable than you are because you won't even come down for dinner. I don't care that you're the one who upset her in the first place, she wants to see you!"
Seeing Benedict move his arm away from his eyes and give her a questioning look, Hyacinth sighed, exasperated. "Yes, I know about that. Which is how I know you're making it worse by staying cooped up in your room while she's downstairs with no one to talk to."
"She can just talk to Anthony," shot back Benedict, knowing it was a weak argument even before the words came out of his mouth.
Hyacinth did all she could to hold back from screaming at her brother, who was being exceedingly petulant. "You are such an idiot that it's hard to imagine how you lead a semi-normal life," she settled for saying, knowing she would get a lecture if she used any stronger language.
Benedict rolled his eyes, but his gaze shot over to his bedroom door when he heard hushed voices just outside whispering fiercely.
"Yes?" he snapped, loud enough that the voices ceased talking. The door creaked open and a very sheepish-looking Theo and Bastian popped their heads in, stumbling into the room unceremoniously.
After slapping Bastian on the shoulder, only a tad aggressively, Theo cleared his throat. "Ah, excuse our entrance."
"We're here to talk to you about Y/N, obviously, but it seems Hyacinth has beat us to it," finished Bastian, scratching the back of his head.
Benedict grumbled some expletives that were most definitely not appropriate for Hyacinth's ears at the prospect of two of your brothers, and the most athletic ones at that, giving him grief for the way things had played out between the two of you. He was already nursing a piercing heartache and the insurmountable guilt of having ruined his chances at being with you by an ill-timed attempt at a kiss, and he most certainly did not need half of your siblings making him feel worse about it. Having Hyacinth in your corner, and therefore against him, was difficult enough.
"Well, go on then," Ben relented, wanting to get this over with as quickly as possible so he could go back to wallowing in his sorrows. Perhaps his intense heartbreak would lead to some magnificent inspiration for his next piece, and he could find comfort in the fact that his art would be massively successful, even if he couldn't have you. A poor consolation prize, but a consolation prize nonetheless.
Bastian looked at Hyacinth pensively, assessing how crude he was going to be with such a young girl present to hear what he was saying. He knew she had probably heard it all before, given that she grew up with four older brothers nearby, but Bastian was hesitant to be the direct cause of any colorful language the youngest Bridgerton might employ. Deciding the benefits of being as direct as possible outweighed the possible lecture he would receive, Bastian spoke quickly, "We just think you're being a fucking idiot."
"Sebastian!" exclaimed Theo, hitting him on the shoulder again and ignoring that Hyacinth was currently dissolving into a fit of giggles. "What he means to say is that we think you're being rather foolish. Though the strength of Bastian's words do communicate how we feel about this, foul as they were."
"Why, thank you. I was sick with worry wondering what your opinion on my relationship with my best friend was," retorted Benedict, not able to help his sarcastic tone even though he knew your brothers were not the best people to provoke right at this minute.
"Don't forget your best friend is our younger sister, so I do imagine we're allowed an opinion," replied Bastian, wanting to keep Benedict in place.
Theo, the more level-headed of the twins, looked at Ben with what could have been construed as a look of sympathy if it weren't also laced with unimaginable anger. "We're quite serious, Benedict. We know what happened a few days ago in your studio. Why can't you just talk to her?"
Benedict sat up and put his head in his hands, rather sick of having everyone know his business. "How on earth does everyone know what happened?"
Theo and Bastian exchanged a glance, unsure whether they should reveal their source. But Hyacinth saved them from an explanation. Quite matter-of-factly, she explained, "Eloise overheard your argument pretty much in its entirety. And, of course, she told everyone. Though I'm sure the twins have heard some bits and pieces from Y/N herself, and perhaps Anthony, too."
Seeing Benedict look from Hyacinth to Bastian to Theo in disbelief, loathing that it was nearly impossible to keep a secret from his family, Bastian commented, "Perhaps if Francesca had been the one to overhear we wouldn't have known so much. But all the better for us that Eloise, quite inexplicably, knows absolutely everything about everyone."
Shaking his head, Benedict accepted the current predicament he was in. "Right, then. I'll have to remember to thank Eloise for allowing me to have this wonderful conversation the next time I see her. Regardless, this makes it easier to tell you that I can't 'just talk to her,' Theo. I can't act like nothing happened."
Bastian immediately rolled his eyes upon hearing Benedict's excuse. "It's truly a wonder your friendship with her has lasted so long. Of course she wants to hear from you! She always wants to hear from you. Even when she's upset with you."
"It's all she ever talks about, usually. How long until she can see you and talk to you about whatever trivial matter she wishes to spend hours talking about," added Theo, hoping to remind Benedict that you needed him. Twenty years of being best friends meant that you needed Ben even when the two of you were fighting. Especially when you were fighting, actually, since Benedict was the only person who knew how to properly console you when you were upset.
"They're not trivial matters," said Benedict defensively. He loved hearing you talk on and on about whatever plot hole was plaguing you, and he found it rather interesting, too, but now was not the time to get into that particular point. "Anyway, that doesn't resolve the issue. It doesn't matter if I talk to her or not, she still doesn't love me back. And I have been doing a splendid job so far of trying to get over her before she marries my brother, so if you could very kindly allow me to continue to do so, I would greatly appreciate it," he finished curtly.
Hyacinth scoffed, in disbelief at her brother's blindness. "She doesn't 'not love you back,' you big baby! I'm eleven years old, I shouldn't be the one telling you to grow up!"
"Hyacinth, stop it. That's unusually cruel, even for you," protested Benedict, feeling an almost physical pain at the impossible possibility that you might love him back after what happened in his studio. He had considered the possibility incessantly in his mind the past few days, of course. But to hear someone else say it, to hear the words spoken so clearly by someone else rather than hearing it in his internal monologue or seeing it written down in his sloppy handwriting in letters he had never sent, was enough to make him feel nauseous.
Up until fairly recently, his love for you had been quite manageable. Even unnoticeable, at least to him, for the first few years. However, now he was quite pointedly aware that every time his heartbeat faltered it was undoubtedly due to you, whether you had laughed in a particularly adorable way or worn a gown that made your figure look quite irresistible. And he had lost any chance he had with you because he was too overcome by his desire to be by your side in a more-than-friendly way and had had awful timing in attempting to kiss you. So, yes, Hyacinth was being quite cruel in his eyes. Even if the cruelty was warranted, seeing how you looked as distraught as he felt.
"I do believe Hyacinth is right," Theo spoke, causing the youngest Bridgerton to beam, radiant, beside him, contrasting Ben's positively ghastly expression. "Y/N has loved you for years. It's been painfully obvious to the rest of us, but apparently, you're too thick to notice."
Bastian piped in to agree with his brother. "Precisely. So we're spelling it out for you. She does love you back, you just decided to confess your love for her at an inopportune moment. If Eloise's memory serves her correctly," which earned him a snicker from Hyacinth, "Y/N never said she didn't love you back."
Theo nodded, "She just said nothing had been resolved. Which it hadn't. So resolve it."
As if trying to romance the woman Ben had been helplessly and irrevocably in love with for the better part of a decade was as easy as taking a stroll, Bastian shrugged and added, "It's simple, really."
Benedict swallowed thickly, hearing a loud ringing in his ears. He found he couldn't focus his eyesight on anything, vision growing blurry as his eyes aimlessly scanned the room. He had taken your abrupt exit from his studio as a complete rejection, a sign that he had ruined any chance of moving beyond the boundaries of the friendship you two had built so lovingly. But apparently, the rejection had not been because you did not love him back, but rather because Benedict had behaved quite like an ass.
The absolute bliss he should have felt was overshadowed by a tightness in his chest that he could easily attribute to fear. There was so much more to lose now. He was scared out of his wits that he'd mess up again and lose you in any way that mattered, friendship and all.
"But what if it's too far gone? What if I don't fix it?" asked Ben, voicing his fears shakily.
Bastian laughed dryly and Benedict felt it more than he would a physical blow. "That's not really an option, is it? That's our sister you're talking about."
Theo growled lowly, not opposed to resorting to violence when the matter concerned the possible heartbreak of his younger sister. "Fix it or we fix you."
And the two walked out, Hyacinth skipping happily in front of them, without acknowledging the garbled groan that came from Ben's throat. He would have to make it count, then. One last chance to make you his. To make a reality the only way he could truly be happy. But it wasn't an impossible task. He knew you better than you knew yourself, after all.
You were making your way upstairs to your bedroom after another torturous dinner without Ben when Anthony touched your arm and asked if he could walk you back. It took less than five seconds for you to burst into tears and nod sorrowfully as he led you out of the sitting room where the rest of your families had migrated and were now settling into cozy conversation. Thankfully, no one else noticed, or at least didn't think to call you out on your sudden burst of emotion.
"It's going to be alright, one way or another," Anthony whispered as he led you down the hallway. And though he felt it was appropriate given the circumstance, he refrained from calling you darling or really any other pet name, knowing Benedict was usually the only one to refer to you as such, and thus it might cause you more undue stress.
"I know," you responded tearfully. "I just miss him."
You hiccuped and leaned your head onto Anthony's shoulder. As much as you enjoyed Anthony's company, you secretly wished that it was Benedict's strong shoulder you were feeling. But it didn't do to dwell on such matters now.
"Well, he did tell you he loved you," offered Anthony as the two of you climbed the stairs. "I think you're crazy to not immediately go after him." Perhaps he had been too worried about the fact that Benedict was an idiot to realize that you, too, were an idiot when it came to matters pertaining to your best friend and your very obvious love for him.
You shook your head decidedly. "He did tell me that, yes, but look at what's happened now," you said, flailing your arms in frustration. "He's ignored me for three days. You can't just say you're in love with someone and then not speak with them for three days!"
Anthony laughed softly when you sniffed sulkily, but you kept speaking. "It's too easy for Ben to swoop in after I've done so much work to get over him and found someone I want to marry," you gave the man beside you a pointed stare. "I don't just want to be with him when it's convenient for him. I need Benedict to actually want me and to prove that he wants me. Which he is doing a very poor job of at the minute because I haven't seen him since he confessed he was in love with me," you finished with a huff.
But Anthony was saved from having to respond, as Alex was waiting for you by your bedroom door, hands behind his back.
"Ah, Y/N. Just the person I wanted to see. Do you fancy a chat?"
Seeing that you didn't have much of a choice, you nodded and thanked Anthony, sending him on his way as you turned to face your older brother. "Very well," you relented.
The two of you went inside your bedroom and Alex, ever the unwavering presence in your life, closed the door firmly and crossed his arms as he stared at you. You were a tad nervous, not quite sure of what he was going to say. Ever since you had started courting Anthony, he had steered clear of the two of you, not exactly disapproving of the courtship, but not particularly supportive of it either. Needless to say, you were fairly surprised that he was being so direct with you now, asking to talk to you and staring you down in your room.
"Y/N," he started. "I mean this will all the love that I have in my heart for you, which is quite a lot, but you are being so, so stupid. It's almost painful to watch."
You were completely taken aback. "Excuse me?" you sputtered, not quite believing that your brother would speak to you like this. Although it was nice to hear him speak to you in any way at all, since you knew he had probably been holding back from saying this every time you spoke with him for the duration of your courtship with Anthony.
With a determined look on his face, a slightly furrowed brow, and downturned lips, Alexander pressed on. "You are so obviously in love with Benedict," and before you could protest, he continued speaking. "And he is so obviously in love with you, that I just don't understand the problem. He told you he was in love with you, from what Eloise has said, so I don't particularly see an issue now."
A flicker of confusion passed over your face. "He– What? What are you getting at?" you asked, knowing there was something else that Alex wanted to say.
It was imperative to him that you grasped what he was saying instead of focusing on how he said it. So he sighed a tad impatiently but spoke steadily enough that you wouldn't be put off by his tone of voice. "At the beginning of the season, I wasn't absolutely bricking it over my little sister debuting in society because I didn't think I would have to worry about you actually courting anyone. I just assumed that you and Ben would end up married, much like the rest of our families. In fact, I assumed you would be married already. It's mid-August now, and I thought you would have at the very latest married in June. Again, I mean this with a lot of love, but you're being a massive idiot. Every single person in our family can see that you're in love. So go be with the man you love!"
You were stunned. Alex had never made any indication that he thought that you and Ben would marry. But then again, perhaps you and Benedict loving each other came so naturally that he didn't need to.
Nevertheless, you shook your head adamantly. "I don't care what you thought, or what the rest of the family thought, or even what I thought! Benedict left me when I needed him, and Anthony was there for me–"
"So, you're marrying Anthony, then? You've decided you still want to be with him after all this?" asked Alex, on the brink of losing his seemingly endless temper.
"I don't know! Maybe? I haven't entirely decided, yet," you argued. "But it's either that or no marriage since Benedict hasn't exactly provided an alternative solution, and I would rather die than marry a man of the ton."
"But do you love Anthony?" asked your brother, voice clear as it cut through your rambling.
"Does it matter?"
"To you, it does," he responded firmly, but not unkindly.
And he was right. To you, it did matter. Perhaps not to Anthony, and perhaps not to Alexander, either. But to you, it did. Or it had, at least. And shouldn't it still matter? Even if you hadn't had the most linear season, and you hadn't found exactly what you were looking for. Shouldn't you still hope for love? And shouldn't you still fight for it, despite your best friend's terrible timing?
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Loving the Zach stuff so far!!!
Could you maybe do something where yn hates his guts, but he is like in love with her and all her sass?? Then they're forced to go on some school trip together or something, and she realizes she likes him and a cute angry love confession, perhaps???
Danke 🫶🏼💐
Thank You, History Class
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.2K
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Y/N and Zach have been running in the same friend group since Freshman year, but it doesn’t mean they necessarily get along. Well, it doesn’t mean that she likes him. His sarcasm and puppy dog vibe annoys her cool and distant personality. He’s always asking her how her day is going and trying to make her laugh with his stupid jokes. Zach, on the other hand, fell for her grumpy soul the moment he set eyes on her. Unlike most people, who don’t bother looking deeper into her personality, Zach could see the soft side that she held within and never let anyone see. He would always catch how she would stand up from her bus seat when she saw an elderly person. She wouldn’t let people around her know it was the reason, but she always did. He saw the little bowl of milk she left outside her house for a cat mother and her kittens. Finally, he saw how sweet she was to children whenever they were around her. 
Zach didn’t want to take a history class and he certainly didn’t feel like going on a field trip to a museum. It all felt very high school to him. The only upside about it: Y/N is also taking the same class. When he saw that he needed a history credit to graduate, he definitely didn’t go looking for what classes she was taking this semester to try and be in the same one. The cost was giving Jason access to his bathroom whenever he wanted, but it was worth it. He knows the field trip isn’t mandatory for any marks, yet he knows Y/N is going to be there. As he heads toward the Victorian house, he finds Y/N out front waiting for the professor to show up. Her clothing consists of black and brown colours as usual. Her hair was held back by a shiny black claw clip. 
“Fancy seeing you here,” he grins, coming to stand beside her. She gives him a side eye, “Could you be more cliche? Try something more original, would ya? I still can’t believe you are taking this class.” He doesn’t let her sour mood dampen his energy. “Come on, you know you like having me with you in this class. The only other people in this class are girls who have a romanticized view of the era, or guys, who have a history stick so far up their ass that they think a history degree will take them far in life,” he notes, turning to look at her. She looks him dead in the eyes, “I’m a history major. And I am neither of those things.” “I know, that’s because you are so much better than them. You are far too smart for them,” he flatters. She shakes her head, turning her attention to the professor who has just arrived, “Flattery won’t get you anywhere.” The professor leads them into the museum and begins his lecture. After ten minutes of listening to the man speak, both Y/N and Zach realized that coming was a big waste of time. He doesn’t know what he is talking about and Zach can hear Y/N constantly correcting the older man under her breath. 
He leans toward her, making sure his lips are close to her ear. “Wanna go on our own little tour? This man is getting half of this stuff wrong.” She thinks she has lost her mind because this must be the first thing Zach has said that she thought was a good idea. “That actually sounds kind of fun. They have a Victorian fashion exhibit I want to see, but I don’t think Professor Robo over there is going to take us to,” she whispers back. Her hand finds his and she hates to admit she likes the warmth of his in hers. They round the stairs to the exhibit. She looks delighted when she spots the first mannequin with clothes. Her feet find their way beside a girl about six years old, already looking at the dress. The child’s eyes find Y/N’s face and they smile at each other. “You know, this is an 1843 Evening dress. The bodice, the thing around the chest, is low off the shoulders. And they have lots of other skirts underneath to make it poofy,” Y/N softly explains to the little girl. 
They spent around thirty minutes in the small room. Y/N walks around with Willow and Zach, explaining each outfit to them. She is surprised that Zach seemed honestly engaged with what she was saying and would ask thoughtful questions. Eventually, Willow’s mother, an employee, came looking for her and took the girl to lunch. “Do you want to head to lunch?” she asks. He shakes his head, “Actually, I was hoping we could look at the Victorian sports exhibit. I brought some snacks, so if you are hungry, we can share.” He pulls out a bag of cucumbers shaped like hearts. She has to giggle at the sight because big jock Zach MacLaren likes to have his vegetable cut into shapes. 
“What?” he questions in fake offence, holding out the Ziploc to her. She shakes her head with a chuckle, “Nothing, just surprised your cucumbers look like an inaccurate depiction of a human organ.” “They make them taste better. Try,” he says with a shrug. He hands her a slice and listens to the sweet crunch of her biting into the vegetable. “Okay… I must admit it is more fun to eat it like a heart. I can pretend I’m a witch eating people’s hearts,” she agrees. He doesn’t look disturbed by her macabre comments, instead, he pretends to be ripping out his heart as he hands her another slice. She enjoys him playing with her deadly thoughts.
They spent about an hour looking at the different displays, eating his snacks and taking turns reading the display’s blurbs to each other. As they stand on the steps of the museum, Y/N towers over him from the step above. He looks up at her like she hangs the stars in the sky. “I hate to admit that you made this day pretty fun,” she confides. Her hands find their way behind her back, biting her lip as she looks into his eyes. His mouth turns into a crescent moon, “I’m really glad I did. I like spending time with you.” She takes a moment to think and moves her head away in frustration. Not at him, but at the turmoil inside her mind. Why is his charming smile suddenly getting to her? Why does she want to step into his warmth and let his arms bring her in? “Ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m falling for you, MacLaren. So… would you want to go to dinner? Like on a date,” she confesses with a hint of annoyance in her tone that is just normally there. She is disgusted by the excitement that crosses his face. He gets off the steps, running around the green grass in front of the building. He jumps every so often with a little whoop let out as he does so. 
He rushes back to her, grabbing her around her waist and spinning her around. She finds the sound of her giggles odd but enjoys it nonetheless. “Way to keep a poker face,” she sasses, looking down at him. He doesn’t care though all he wants is a chance to be with her.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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mountkennedie · 1 month
Kili x human!reader
Summary: Kili learns something new about you and loves it
Warnings: nudity but no smut
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"Y/N?" Kili called through the door. You had been getting ready for bed at the moment. Dressed in soft pajamas and ready for slumber. Your room had a great fire burning, and due to that, you stuck to just a night shirt this evening.
"Kili!" You were not expecting company tonight. You raced and put on the first pair of pants you saw. The shirt and pants combo you currently had going on was a fashion felony. You could only hope he wouldn't ask about it.
You walked over and opened the door. He stood looking up at you with a smile. "Hello," he spoke softly with a smile. You had joined him on the journey to reclaim this mountain. You've known him for over a year, and yet he still looks at you like it's the first time.
"Hello," you said in the same tone, "what are you doing here?" You smiled after your question, so he knew you weren't really upset.
He walked forward and placed his hands on your waist. His thumbs caressed your stomach as he spoke, "I can not visit the woman I love?"
You rolled your eyes at his comment. "Come inside. I'm not in the mood to be battered by lectures tomorrow about what 'is' and 'is not' proper."
"I will always gladly enter your chambers," he said in a smug tone.
"Kili," you laugh and pull him inside. He removed his outer layer and helped himself to sit on your bed. Once comfortable, he was able to get a better look at you. He looked you up and down, then cocked his head to the side.
"Interesting form of dress, Y/n... is it the new style?"
"Very funny. So what if it is? Not a fan?" You posed in your atrocious outfit as if it were fine fabric.
"Oh, of course," he said sarcastically. The fire roared on, and you had been sweating since he walked in. Kili stood and placed the sleeve on his shirt on your forehead and wiped some of the perspiring off. "Too warm? Are you feeling alright?" His eyes scanned all over your face for any other discomforts.
"No, it's just hot in here," you told him.
"Would you like me to put out your fire?" he began walking to the hearth, "it's no trouble."
"The fire is fine it's just -"
"Just me?" He smirked at his comment.
"No," you smiled, "I'm just warm."
"You can always remove a layer..." His smile grew, "I don't mind."
"See, that's why I won't. Someone refuses to control himself," You joked.
"What!," he spoke with mock offense. "Can't control himself?! I'll have you know, I have always been one of great control," He smiled brightly.
"You are ridiculous," you smiled and reached for the tie of your pants. You weren't sure why you were worried. Your shirt was long and came to your thighs. You pushed the worries away with the pants. You could tell he was resisting looking, to prove his claims of 'self control'.
"Feeling better?" He asked as you sat on the bed beside him. His eyes were boring into yours, and you found it hilarious. You wanted to test his patience, so you crossed your legs, letting one brush his.
"I am, yes," you spoke like this was nothing. "It's okay if you look, you know... I won't tell." You let your words trail off, and one could argue it was suggestively.
He gulped before letting his eyes climb down to your now bare legs. He cocked his head again, and his brows furrowed. "Oh..."
A wave of fear flooded you again. Suddenly insecure due to his reaction. "Oh?" You hoped that he would take the hint to elaborate as to why he had the reaction he did.
He noticed the unease in your voice and clarified, "Oh! I was just surprised. I wasn't aware that human women also grew hair on the bodies. I thought it was only dwarven women." He looked up at you with wide eyes, trying to convey how genuine he was trying to be.
"Is that a problem?" You wanted to sound strong, as if it didn't get to you.
"Oh no," He placed a hand on your bare knee, "It only makes you more attractive." He began placing warm kisses by your ear and worked down the neck.
You exhaled and laughed. "You scared me for a second! I thought you'd be disgusted! Also, I was right," you pulled him off, "No self-control."
His eyes looked foggy, like the idea of doing something else other than talking had taken over his mind. "Can you blame me, amrâlimê?" He leaned in and placed a heated kiss on your lips. You had always underestimated the strength of dwarves. So when he pulled you into his lap, like you weighed nothing at all, of course you gasped.
You felt him chuckle on your lips. You never thought that a new discovery of hair could turn him on so much. But now you know you never have to spend money on a razor ever again.
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head-empty-just-ace · 18 days
Yes, I know the Ace, Sanji, and Zoro fics have their own NSFW scenarios...but for the life of me— I cannot do that to Luffy. I have tried but no. Just no. Also, the first chunk of it is how the crew would react to him. I think it'd be a cute addition.
Monkey D. Luffy x GN!Reader
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CW: Hinted sensory overload. Mainly just fluff.
Word Count: 500+
Fluff w/ Strawhats
Just. Pure. Chaotic. Energy.
Usually, Luffy's already pretty hyperactive. Messing around with the others and just a fun goofy guy. But now it's even worse because of his canine-tendencies.
Sanji has the fridge just chained down and placed multiple locks because Luffy kept eating all the food inside of it. Sometimes, he has to stand guard at night just to make sure they'll still have food for breakfast.
Usopp and Chopper are just messing around with Luffy. They're throwing him balls and frisbees to help him burn off all that energy. Even taught him tricks.
Robin uses her devil fruit to just tickle and indulge Luffy every now and then when the mood strikes. He adores it. It makes him laugh so hard.
Nami would play along for a bit when Luffy wants to mess around. But if she doesn't, she'll lie that Usopp is hiding a delicious portion of meat in his workshop.
Brook does notice whenever Luffy gets overwhelmed a bit by the noise, scent, and sceneries. So, he'll distract Luffy by playing a tune. It works so effectively on the captain.
Zoro's the one to reign him in. If Luffy's about to go overboard because he was chasing after some bird or a ball Chopper and Usopp threw? He's the one to either grab him the shirt or dive into the sea to save the guy.
Jimbei and his blessed patience always puts up with Luffy whenever he starts getting chatty— if Chopper and Usopp aren't around to play with him. He and Luffy would just share stories with each other excitedly.
Franky would just be very chill with Luffy. Telling him all sorts of inventions. Maybe even tricking Luffy into think they're playing a game but its just Franky getting Luffy to fetch tools for him while he works.
Fluff w/ you
You would either join in on the fun or be the one to scold him whenever he made a mess on the deck. At some point, you didn't know whether to laugh or lecture Usopp and Chopper for teaching him tricks as if he really were a dog.
Whenever it was mealtime, he'd rest his chin against the table while gazing up at you with the best pair of puppy eyes he could muster. He already cleaned out his plate and Sanji wouldn't give him any more food.
He's be even more clingy than usual. Using his devil fruit to wrap his arms around you like some snake to keep you close.
He'll even ask you to pet and scratch his head. Ofc, you indulge the guy. He'd sulk and pout otherwise.
If Brook isn't around and he gets overwhelmed, he'll come up to you and complain that its too noisy. You'll hug him against your chest and place your hands gently over his ears and hum a song— he usually falls asleep in your arms.
Similar to Ace, he doesn't like it when his hat bothers his ears. It just doesn't sit comfortably. So, he'll give you his precious hat bc he knows you'll take care of it for him.
He does get protective over you. If you're talking with anyone on the ship and you start laughing, he'll walk up to you and just hug you from behind. There's a small sulk on his face.
If you do lean back into his touch and scratch his ear— he'll melt back into a smile and join in with your conversation with the others. Still hugging you tho.
In the case that you guys get in a fight, his ears are flat on his head. His tail dull and slack behind him. A pout visible on his face.
Woke everyone up by howling at the moon loudly (it unfortunately happened multiple times and it doesn't help that he does it even when he's asleep).
If you liked this and wanna read more, here's my masterlist!
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fleurywiththesave · 1 month
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@whatsaboomlakalaka sent me this and then things just kind of spiraled. i have no idea when this fic is supposed to take place, so it's whatever your little heart desires.
Leon knows while the wall is rushing up at him that it’s going to be bad, and there’s nothing he can do about it. At least it’s not my head, he thinks when his knee makes contact, but it’s cold comfort. There’s no way he’s going to be able to skate off the ice. He lets himself lie there in a ball and debate how difficult it would really be to just stay put forever. Davo would bring him food, probably. They could make a movie with Tom Hanks, maybe put up a little plaque. Here lies Leon Draisaitl. He’s not dead, we just can’t get him to leave.
“Can you hear me, Drai?” one of the linesmen asks. He nods. “Okay, how about we get you to the bench?”
“Can’t,” Leon tells him.
“What did you hit?”
“My knee.” The linesman hisses in sympathy.
“I’ll help you.”
“Nope,” Leon says. “No way for me to stand up without making it way worse. I live here now.” The linesman sighs and Leon hears him skate away. Probably to get reinforcements, but maybe to bring him a blanket and some hot chocolate. That would be nice.
At Worlds, of all places? It might, might, be worth it for the Cup. But Worlds? That’s like setting your kitchen on fire for a frozen pizza instead of Baked Alaska. Leon needs to write someone a strongly worded letter.
“All right, let’s try this again.” He did not bring a blanket and hot chocolate. Rude.
“Still no way for me to stand up,” Leon says.
“I can help you there.” Leon looks up at that. Matthew is kneeling on the ice next to him, smiling. His real smile, not his media smile. “Come on, Leo.”
“I really don’t think I can get up,” Leon repeats.
“You don’t need to.” Matthew and the linesman each wrap an arm around his back and get him vertical, then Matthew tucks his other arm under Leon’s legs and lifts him up, like it’s nothing.
“Jesus,” Leon manages, clinging to Matthew’s shoulders. He knew Matthew was strong, obviously – he’s personally experienced it before – but not like this. He’s skating. He can hold Leon and skate at the same time.
“Nah, just me.” There’s a lot of cheering coming from the audience, but Leon has a feeling there are also a lot of confused looks coming from their teammates. He doesn’t look around to see.
“I don’t think we’re going to be a secret anymore,” he murmurs in Matthew’s ear.
“Good, I was getting pretty bad at hiding it. Besides, Taryn is always saying I should do something really dramatic about it. I don’t think this is quite what she had in mind, but it does the trick.” And they’re at the tunnel, medics waiting to take Leon back. “I’ve gotta get back out there, but I’ll be in as soon as the game is over, okay?”
It feels like a very long wait, even though it’s probably only about an hour. Leon is lying on a bed with his knee wrapped and elevated, feeling extremely sorry for himself, when the door opens.
It’s not Matthew. It’s Connor. Who does not look pleased.
“What are you doing here?” Leon asks. “You don’t play until tomorrow.”
“Well, when I got messages from roughly fifty different people asking why Matthew Tkachuk was carrying you off the ice, it seemed like I should probably come investigate.”
Leon winces. He’s really not in the mood for a lecture about mixing business with pleasure or distractions from the game or whatever disapproval Connor is about to hand down.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
Well. He can’t say he had that one on his bingo card.
“We didn’t tell anyone,” Leon says. “Except our siblings, and that was mostly just because Brady walked in on us once.” Connor shudders. Leon throws a ball of paper at him.
“You still should’ve told me. What, did you think I’d be mad?” Leon raises his eyebrows and Connor rolls his eyes. “Come on, Drai. Anyone with eyes knows you’ve been stupid gone on him for years. It would’ve been nice to know that I didn’t have to worry about you pining for the rest of your life.”
“I’m deeply touched,” Leon says, but he actually kind of is. He would have felt really bad about it if Connor were genuinely angry or hurt, but now he mostly just looks satisfied to have been right. Plus, if he can handle it, then most other people probably can too.
“Hey, sorry I—oh.” Matthew looks a little flustered. He’s still in his gear and his hair is wild from his helmet.
“I guess congratulations are in order,” Connor says.
“Thanks,” Matthew says cautiously.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to bite your head off. I’ve been wondering for years if Leon was ever going to get his shit together about you.”
Matthew may have been talking a big game on the ice, but he’s clearly relieved by Connor’s reaction. “He took his sweet time, but we got there in the end.”
“Then I’ll let you take care of him,” Connor says. He pauses on his way out of the room and adds, “By the way, that was pretty impressive.”
“Stop ogling my boyfriend,” Leon snaps. Connor just laughs at him while he leaves.
“What’s the verdict?” Matthew asks.
“They want to take me to the hospital for x-rays,” Leon says glumly.
“Yup.” Matthew takes his hand and runs his thumb comfortingly along the back. “Can you talk about something else to distract me?”
“Whatever you want,” Matthew says agreeably. Leon grins.
“So once my knee is better, what else do you think we can do if you pick me up?”
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lovelyney · 2 years
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DESC: When your intrusive thoughts win you over, you start withdrawing from everyone, thinking that no one will notice. However, that is far from the truth.
PAIRINGS: Tighnari x (GN!) Reader
SCENT: hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: self-harm, intrusive and suicidal thoughts, mental breakdowns, mentions of hallucinations, blood mentions
FLORIST’S NOTE: each and every flower has its own growing conditions; people are the same when it comes to healing from trauma or mental illness. do not rush yourself. you will bloom, i promise. give. yourself. time.
SONG: Fallen Down ― VGR, CG5
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2023 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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YOU FLINCHED BITTERLY as you finished off your last Withering Zone for the day—one of the disciples of dismay hitting your upper arm before it fully deteriorated. And since you were dealing with this one by yourself, you’d have to wait until you got back to Gandhara ville to treat it. Wincing in pain, you pressed your hand against the wound and hoped you’d be able to hide until you (semi) safely returned to your house in the ville. The farthest thing you wanted to do at the time was alert Collei and Tighnari, not with how fatigued you were.  
As you reached the village, you exhaled a sigh of relief—the sounds of laughter dampening your already bitter mood. Typically, you wouldn’t complain about such a positive thing, but as of late, your mental energy has drained unusually fast, and seeing people live so carelessly when you can’t is a very bittersweet thing.
“(NAME)! You’re back!” Collei hollered and ran over to you, a soft smile gracing her lips as you came in her line of sight. “How’d everything go? You didn’t get hurt, right?”  
You pressed your palm harder against your arm, hoping the blood that threatened to seep out wasn’t noticeable. “I’m fine, Collei. Everything went well! I’m just a little tired. . .” You assured, your voice breaking from your exhaustion. 
Her eyes softened. “I—I see! I’m glad to hear that. Go ahead and get some rest; I—I’ll tell master Tighnari you’ve returned.”
You smiled feebly, “thanks so much, Collei. I appreciate it.” Bidding the girl a quick goodbye, you strode into your small house, your body about ready to collapse. 
You walked into the bathroom and grabbed the necessary supplies to care for the laceration. Your medical knowledge was limited, but luckily, Tighnari gave you an entire lecture on how to cater to different kinds of wounds when you had gotten yourself injured in the forest alone. Gingerly pulling your sleeves up, you tried to tear your eyes away from all the scars that littered your skin. Whenever you looked at your self-injuries, they reminded you how terrible you felt about yourself. People always say scars are evidence that you’re strong, but all yours did was make you feel weak. You wanted to confidently say that you’re passed that part of your life, but truthfully, you started to feel yourself slip back into it. You haven’t mentioned it to anyone, fearing they’re going to label you as  “crazy” or simply just water down your feelings to “being dramatic.”
A familiar voice rang out and dragged you back to reality; “(NAME)? Are you in here? Collei told me you weren’t feeling well, so I came to personally see how you’re doing.”
You hurriedly finished up the bandages on your arm. “Coming!” you replied, leaving the bathroom and almost stumbling over your feet from how fast you moved. “H—hi, Tighnari! I’m alright, really. I’m just really tired,” you greeted, your shoulders tense from the ranger’s sudden visit.
Tighnari’s ears and nose twitched as he surveyed your expression. “I smell rubbing alcohol. You’re injured, aren’t you?” He asked curtly, his eyebrows furrowing.
You swallowed thickly, knowing it was far from possible to hide anything from Tighnari. You faltered, “[sighs]. Y—yes. . . But it’s nothing, really! One of the dismays just hit me before the zone fully dispersed.” Hearing your voice out loud made you want to shrink and hide.
Shaking his head dismissively, he stepped closer to you. “(NAME), I’m not worried about how well you performed I’m worried about you. Let me see the—”
“Nono! That—that won’t be necessary. I, um, already treated it. S—so, it’s fine now!” You blurted, your face burning with fear. You hadn’t shown anyone your self-harm scars, and you feared what he’d think of you if he did see them. You swallowed the lump in your throat and continued talking. “Y—you don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine, really. . .”
Tighnari’s ears lowered as he stared you down with a melancholy gaze. The biting fear in your (COLOR) eyes and voice had nearly caused his heart to jump out of his ribcage. He could clearly tell something was wrong, but he didn’t want to push his luck.
“[sighs]. Alright, I’ll trust your word. . . But if anything’s bothering you, physically or mentally, please don’t hesitate to come find me, alright? I really don’t mind taking care of you, (NAME).” Confided the ranger, softening his voice to ease a little of your apprehension.
Letting out a quiet breath of relief, you flopped down on your bed, your mattress bringing you some much-needed comfort. “Mhm. Thanks, Tighnari. . .” you muttered, your voice monotonous from your lack of energy.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. It felt wrong to leave you alone when you clearly weren’t well, but maybe all you needed was some quality sleep. “Alright, I’ll leave you to rest. Sleep well, rosebud.” He spoke before leaving quietly, making sure to close the door behind him. 
Through your bitter emotions, you brightened up a little at the nickname he’d given you. “Rosebud, huh. . .” you thought and closed your eyes, mind weighing heavy with uneasiness for an unknown cause. 
“Will I ever have a chance to fully blossom?” 
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You hugged your pillow tighter against your body as sunlight enveloped your room through your flowered curtains. It seemed your hypothesis from yesterday was correct; you were spiraling downwards back into your depression, judging by your lack of unwillingness to get up despite sleeping like a log the entire night.
Fluttering open your (COLOR) eyes, you peered up at your ceiling with a distant look. You doubted anyone came in to check on you; you didn’t consider yourself to be of significance to them. So it was natural they didn’t care, right?
Being alone with your intrusive thoughts with nothing else but the sound of the wind was excruciating—torture even. Whereas no matter what you did to try and move, the shackles that restrained you didn’t budge. Though you remembered how careless you’ve been with the withering zones and thought you maybe deserved to be alone—to feel the crushing weight of everything you thought you did wrong. 
Tears clouded in your eyes and fell down as the thoughts multiplied. And with each one, the light in your eyes that once rivaled the sun dulled to rival the twilight that washed over teyvat during the night.
“(NAME). . .? Are—are you feeling alright? You haven’t left your room at all today. . .” Collei’s warm voice asked on the other side of the door.
You jolted up and frantically rubbed your eyes, hoping to rid the evidence that showed you’d been crying. “Y—yeah, I’m in here! Sorry, I ended up oversleeping. . . Do you need me for something?” You answered and tossed your legs over the side of your bed.
She shook her head, “no no! Um, Tighnari specifically told me that you should spend today getting all the rest you need. So you oversleeping is not an issue at all!” Her eyes followed down to your injury. “H—how’s your arm feeling?”
You winced as you remembered yesterday’s events. You murmured, “ah, an—about that. . . I’m sorry for hiding it from you. I—I didn’t want you to worry.” 
Collei offered you an apologetic smile. “Please don’t apologize! I—I’m just glad you treated it. . .” she reassured. Her smile fell when she regarded your puffy eyes and wet cheeks. “(NAME). . . Are—are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look so drained. . . You know you can always come to master Tighnari or me if anything’s bothering you, r—right?” Worried the trainee. 
“She’s lying to make you feel better. Nobody actually cares about you.”
“All you do is make things worse. You’re nothing but a burden to everyone around you.”
Biting back another tsunami of tears, you cleared your throat and compelled a weak smile. “I appreciate that, Collei. But I promise I’m alright! I just, um, need to lay down for a bit more. . .” you said feebly. “Way to go; you made it sound like you’re trying to get rid of her. Now she’s sure to hate you.”
She nodded understandingly, her expression warm and gentle. She insisted, “t—that’s perfectly fine, (NAME)! I’ll leave so you can rest, b—but please come get someone if you feel the need to!” 
You watched her leave with a sigh, your gaze lingering on your bedside drawer. “I should at least change clothes. . .” You uttered and picked out some comfier-looking clothes to throw on. As you dressed, your eyes continued to fixate on one of your drawers. “Well, what’re you waiting for? Go on, do it.” You fell on your bed and tightly shut your eyes, mustering up all your strength to ignore your thoughts. 
Meanwhile, Collei strutted up to Tighnari and tapped his shoulder, the nervous feeling in her stomach increasing. “H—hey master Tighnari. . . Are you busy right now? T—there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She hesitated, her eyes fleeting back to your house every now and then.
The fennec’s ears wiggled as he turned around, immediately noticing her anxious countenance. “No, I’m not. What’s wrong? Is it about (NAME)?” He inquired. He wasn’t certain why you were the first thing that came to mind; maybe because he was already so worried about you. Seing her nod, Tighnari’s stomach flipped upside down. “They’re. . . they’re not doing well, are they?”  
Collei’s eyes glossed over with tears as she shook her head. “I’m worried about them, Master. . . Like really worried. They kept pressing they were okay, but the look in their eyes felt so. . . numb and impassive,” she explained.
Tighnari stressfully sighed as he tried to think of the best way to confront the situation without hurting you. He didn’t want to press you to say anything you weren’t comfortable with, but he also didn’t want you going through this alone. “Alright. Collei, could you take my place in this week’s outings? Normally I would have you watch over them, but I’d rather take care of them myself in this particular case. . .” Requested the boy, his ears drooping as his heart hammered against his chest. Her statement about you having a numb look in your eyes gravely worried him.
“Of course! Do you want me to go tell the others?” 
He nodded, “that’d be great. . . Thanks a lot, Collei.”
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Your back pushed against the wall as your head dropped further into your hands. You don’t know why you thought sleeping would magically fix everything. It didn’t help that you felt incredibly abandoned, despite being surrounded by people. People who, deep down inside, you knew cared and would help you without a doubt if you were to just ask. But each time you even considered asking for help, a mocking voice would belittle you for even thinking someone loved you. After hearing it so many times, you think you’d be able to successfully ignore it, but no. Instead, it dragged you farther down inside the grave you put yourself in. And the worse part was that there was no one around to help pull you back up, making the desire to give up increasingly stronger.
“Then why don’t you do it? It’s not like anyone here would care anyways.” A distorted, yet incredibly familiar, voice whispered in your ear.
Lifting your head up to look up, your entire body stiffened as you saw what looked like a hazy deformity of Tighnari. Even though you knew it wasn’t actually him, your mentality was shattered, and so was your sense of reality, so it got into your head with a snap of a finger; what worsened it was that it sounded exactly like him. You closed your eyes and covered your ears, striving to slow your rapid heart rate and clear your mind. “Go away. . .” you thought, fingernails digging into your skin. 
“Why don’t you give up and make everyone’s job easier? You know you aren’t wanted here. Your only chance at being useful is to just rid yourself, so you’re not in everybody’s way.”
Shakily forcing yourself up, you staggered into the kitchen—feeling like the only way to quiet your thoughts was to harm yourself. You promised yourself you wouldn’t put yourself through this again, but you’d instead do that than cave into your thoughts. 
Somehow, you clung to the last drop of hope that lingered inside your head—the hope that desperately called, “hang on just a little longer, and I promise everything’s going to be okay; YOU’RE going to be okay.”
Tighnari ambled to your front door, ears pressed tightly against his head as he knocked. “(NAME)? Can I come in? If you’re feeling well enough to talk, there’s something I’d like to ask. . .” He called gently. His ears flicked up and picked up the sound of your crying. Throat tightening, he knocked again, this time more urgently, hating every second wasted by not being with you. “(NAME), if you don’t open this door, I will find another way in! Let me help you, please!” Shouted the ranger, trying desperately to turn the doorknob. “Fuck this. No way in hell am I leaving them alone in there.” he thought before lock-picking your window and sliding inside.
“(NAME)!” he yelled as he raced inside the kitchen, finding you with a kitchen knife in your hands—blood dripping down your arms and covering the tip of the blade. It felt like a life or death situation as he stepped closer, never once taking his eyes off you. You looked so fragile as if you could completely break at one wrong action or word. ���(NAME). . . Please, put—put the knife down.” Tighnari pleaded and bit his lip, trying his best to keep it together for your sake. “I’m here now. You don’t have to bear through this alone any longer. . .”
Your head suddenly fell silent at the sound of his concerned and hopeless tone—a prominent distinction from the one your hallucination had given him. Your strength left your body, and you dropped the knife, tears flooding your (COLOR) eyes and falling down endlessly.
The second the knife hit the floor, Tighnari rushed to your side and dragged you into an embrace, letting you cry into his shoulder. His hand firmly held the back of your head as he rocked you back and forth, terrified you’d drop dead at any moment. He murmured, “it’s okay, rosebud. . . I’m here now. Nothing can hurt you. . .” His turquoise eyes fell to the floor, giving the knife a sharp kick, sending it skating across the floor. Feeling you latch onto his hoodie, he pulled you tighter against him, careful not to hit your bloodied arms. 
Every bottled-up emotion you had exploded just like that—each and every self-destructive thought twisted into a heavy sob. And with each one, your knees caved further and further in til’ you couldn’t stand upright. 
Tighnari was quick to catch you before your body hit the floor, his arms soon finding their way around you again. He stayed quiet, however, pressing small pecks to your forehead to show you that he was there—that he cared. He hadn’t heard such gut-wrenching sobs in all his life, and to hear it from you, his favorite person, made him want to cry. 
After a few minutes, your cries quieted to sniffles, and eventually, you had utterly enfeebled yourself. Tighnari showed a faint smile, “alright, rosebud. I’m going to carry you to my house so I can properly care for your wounds. Close your eyes and rest for a while, okay? I can see how tired you are. . . I’ll be right with you when you first wake, I promise.”
You gave a weak nod and leaned your head against his chest, finally deciding to give your mind and body a proper rest. 
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You stirred awake, head throbbing and memories blurred, to the sensation of someone gently patting your face with a cold washcloth. “Hmmn. . .” you muttered groggily, your eyes refusing to open.
“You’re awake. . . How’re you feeling?” Tighnari asked from beside you and set the cloth down, his gaze now fully fixed on you. “Do you need/want anything?”
Your breath hitched as you recalled what happened. Looking down, you noticed your arms, both sore, were neatly swathed in bandages. “I—I feel so numb. I’m—I’m so sorry, Tighnari. . .”
He shook his head and handed you a cup of a calming tea he had put together. “Rosebud, please. You have no reason to apologize. I should be the one saying sorry. I felt something was off with you and brushed it off.” He lamented, carefully caressing your cheek and brushing away the tears in your eyes. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, okay? Just know that you’re safe here—both from the outside and yourself. Nothing’s happening to you under my watch.”
You took a trembling breath as you sipped the tea. The intensity of his love made you feel small as he stared at you. “I’m sorry I never told you of my past with this. . . I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again, but everything got so loud—my thoughts, the world, everything. It hurt so much, Tighnari. . . So much that it manifested a hallucination of you. I—I was so scared and so alone. I tried so hard to cry for help, but it was like I lost my ability to talk. . .” You described.
Tighnari’s large ears twitched slightly as he carefully listened to every word you expressed, ensuring he understood everything before offering input. As he pondered what to say, his eyes dropped to your bandaged arms. The idea you’ve already gone through this process alone made him sick.
He mused, “(NAME) it’s your story to tell, not mine. In no way am I mad at you for not telling me of this sooner. . . I’m proud of you for speaking about it even now, given it’s something you’d rather not reminisce about. . .”
“I can tell by looking at you that you’ve been through so much. I know you might think otherwise, but you’re so strong. Despite going through hell and back, you remain incredibly empathetic and caring. Do you know how impressive that is?   
“I can guarantee you that whatever bullshit your mind fed these last three days is only food for your depression; that’s it. I can’t stress enough how much everyone here adores you—including me. rosebud, you’re so incredibly beautiful, from the inside and out. The way you flourish and flower is something I wish I could see every day. The thought of you wilting, let alone by your own hands, terrifies me. Archons, (NAME), you might not see it, but you’re perfect in every way.”
Tighnari finished and kissed the pads of your fingers, watching as your eyes glazed over with tears.
Each word echoed in your head until your mentality began to heal. You hadn’t realized how badly you needed to feel someone’s arms around you until he pulled you in his and kissed away the tears that fell from your (COLOR) eyes. 
You rested your head against his chest, racking through your brain to try and think of something to say. “What—what did you mean when you said you adored me. . .?” You mumbled. “Really (NAME)? That’s what you come up with?” 
Tighnari laughed warmly as his fingers smoothed your (COLOR) hair. “Is that what’s gotten you so quiet? Well, rosebud, I mean exactly what I say. I adore you. Collei always tells me how obvious my feelings for you are, but I didn’t want to rush anything between us, especially with how you’re feeling now. But I have an inkling that the reason why your depression chose me to manifest is because you feel the same. . .” He cooed.
You fell silent as thoughts swarmed your mind, none of which proved helpful in your situation. “Come on, (NAME)! Say something!” you thought and bit your lip. “Y—you might be right. . .” you replied quietly, slipping your fingers into his.
Tighnari smiled and pressed his lips to the back of your hand. “That so? Good, because I took the rest of the week off to look after you, and you’re going to stay at my house for that time.”
“That’s fine with me, but where am I going to sleep? I—I don’t want to kick you off your bed. . .” You wondered.
He chuckled, tail wrapping around your waist comfortably. “You’re sleeping with me, silly. That way, I can keep an eye on you and make sure you’re sleeping alright. Judging by the circles under your eyes, you’ve been struggling. . .” He hummed and started to rub circles on your side. “I already moved most of your things here while you slept; do you have anything that helps you sleep better at night? I’m going to have you drink a calming tea beforehand, but do you have a certain routine you need to do?”
You smiled a genuine smile, his calming and caring demeanor soothing your doubts. “No. . . I think having you by my side will be enough. . . Thank you, Tighnari. I—I appreciate it so much.”
“Oh, (NAME). . . You don’t have to thank me in the slightest. I’d do this 10 times over if you asked. I’d do just about anything for you. . .”
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darlingmisa · 1 year
what if you were having an attitude and doing whatever you could to ignore everyone and be alone? the type of attitude that couldn’t be dealt with by sex?
i need some abby comfort and i love your writing so so much
Don't Hide...
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There's not enough Abby comfort on here and I'm definitely here to fix that! And I'm so so glad you enjoy my writing! It makes me very happy to hear you guys say that <3 (846 words)
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It was one thing for you to have a bit of an attitude sometimes, who wouldn't? Living in a post-apocalyptic world wasn't the dream scenario, so of course, everyone was a little snarky at times, but something about the way you were acting, felt different to Abby. It wasn't just your normal attitude after a bad patrol or generally rough day, something was different.
All week you had been getting more and more irritated. It started as simply rolling your eyes when Issac mentioned something you could've done better, walking away before he could even finish his lecture. Next, it was ignoring your partners, who were simply trying to keep everyone, including you, safe on patrols. What got Abby's attention, was how you'd shut yourself away from everyone the minute you could. That on its own wasn't abnormal. What was? You were pushing her away too.
Abby tried everything, asking around to see if something happened to put you in such a mood, but she never got a clear answer. Always just a "She just started acting like that," from every person she asked. Her concern only grew when you started spending the night in your room, something you hadn't done since the two of you had gotten together.
It got to the point where Abby had barely seen or spoken to you. She was extremely worried, especially when even on your days off, you were nowhere to be found. This just wasn't like you, but every time she went to your room, knocking on the locked door, something else you never did, she was met with pure silence.
She decided she would just give you the space you seemed to be so desperately begging for. And that lasted for a few days until she realized you hadn't been going out at all. Not for food, not for your patrols, not for any reason at all. No one had seen you, and that's when she decided to snag a room key and make her way back to the door with your name written on it.
She knocked, muttering a small "Babe..? I'm coming in okay?" and that's when the panic settled in. You knew it would come to this eventually, and you could already hear the worry in her voice, only making you feel worse. You could see her slightly from the curled-up position you were in. As she slowly moved closer, you couldn't miss the furrow of her brows or the frown on her face caused by your current state. What stood out the most though, were the bags under her eyes showing how little she'd slept.
You felt the tears immediately fill your eyes and overflow, beginning to sob out apologies as she rushed to your side. Abby was quick to speak, brushing stray hairs out of your face and wiping your tears. "Hey hey, what's wrong sweet girl? Talk to me."
At this point you'd rolled back over, unable to look your girlfriend in the eyes as you tried to speak through broken sobs. "I-I don't know Abs… I can't explain it." And that was the truth. You weren't sure why you'd been feeling this way or what had caused it. You just couldn't do it anymore.
"I need you to look at me baby, and breathe, please." Her voice was soft and calming compared to the whirlpool of emotions, ones that had been swirling inside of you for weeks now. You turned around at the feeling of the bed dipping beside you, a sign that Abby had laid down as well. Once her eyes met yours, she spoke again "Did something happen?"
"No," You began, voice barely audible from where you'd buried your face in her chest. "I just..broke? I don't know." Abby felt the rise of your chest before your voice reached her ears once more. "It's so much baby I just can't-"
Abby cut you off before you could finish. "I know pretty girl, I know." Her hands trailed down your sides, rubbing gently. "You've been working so hard, was it too much for you?" And all you could do was nod, hearing her put what you'd been hinting at in simpler terms. You were exhausted, trying to seem tough for everyone but you just couldn't keep the act up anymore.
The blonde held you as you cried, running her fingers through your slightly tangled hair, mumbling small comforting phrases, and leaving kisses across the crown of your head. "We'll get you a different position on base okay? Something that might be easier for you yeah?" And you nodded, coming to terms with the fact that you weren't ready for jobs like that, for something so stressful.
Eventually, you'd calmed down and raised your head to look at Abby once more. The rough feeling of the pad of her thumb wiping a stray tear grabbed your attention. "Next time, don't hide yourself okay?" A small smile graced her features as she watched you nod again, still not risking speaking and bringing more tears. "I'm here, just come talk to me."
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eddieboi23 · 1 year
Could I please request a Wenclair x Male reader where Enid and the reader have been at a party and arrive back at the dorm drunk and both flirt with a very sober and mildly annoyed Wednesday?
Silly drunks
Wednesday Addams x male Reader x Enid Sinclair
(Wednesday )
Summary: you and enid get drunk at a party, and come to the dorms to flirt with your annoyed girlfriend ,,, Wenclair
Tw:, swearing, threats, alcohol
(Y/n)=your name
“-this is thoughts-“
“This is talking”
Requested by: @lica24
(I’m aging the characters up, but let’s pretend nothing else changed💀….sorry this took me a bit, life stuff, ALSO, I didn’t think I’d have to say this, but this is not smut, I don’t write smut of minor, that’s gross)
You and Enid haven’t been partying for awhile now, and you both are starting to feel a bit, wonky?
It’s only then you realize the punch seems, more sour than it’s supposed to.
You nudge enid, and slur. “Heyyy eniee, the punch seems a lil, weiRdd. Maybe we shouldd leave?”
Enid blinks and slurs back. “Whaaa noooOo.” She chugs the rest of her drink.
You hold her hand and go up to Bianca.“Mm hey did someone spike the punch?”
She looks at you, seeming drunk out of her mind. “Wha?? Who are you?” She suddenly giggles.
You raise your eyebrow at her.
“Ok, mm hhow about we walk you to ur dorm?”
She stops giggling, and just nods slowly. “Mmm Yea ok, sure.”
Enid speaks up “Mmm oK Yea i don’t feel good Let’s go.”
She kinda just, drops her cup on the ground and leans on you.
You being the most sober walk Bianca to her dorm, while practically carrying enid. You’re actually kinda proud of yourself , being as drunk as you are.
Soon you and enid get to her dorm, loudly at that.
You walk in to a pitch black room, then suddenly a lamp turns on , revealing a tired and annoyed Wednesday.
You jump in surprise and Enid squeals.
“Do you have any idea what time it is?”
Wednesday stats with cold eyes and raspy voice, likely from her waiting for you two to come back ,past her bedtime.
You blush. “Heyyyyy weddds-“
She shushes you.
“You’re both intoxicated, arent you.” She asks, but it sounds more like a statement.
“I thought I told you both to get here around 19 pm sharp, It is now 3 am.”
You giggle, trying to lighten her mood.
“We’re just intoxicated from your love.” You say, giving her sloppy wink.
Enid then stumbles to Wednesday.
“Dont be mad babbyy.” She leans on Wednesday, who begrudgingly lets her, for the sake of not falling over.
You get on the other side of her. “Yeaa cmon, it was only once, well be carefulll.”
You say, resting your hand on the back of her neck, and head on her shoulder.
Wednesday doesn’t know If it’s due to lack of sleep, but she feels a burning feeling in her face whenever you two get so close.
“Enough.” She stated with a flushed face. “I was only waiting for you two to get back ,so I could lecture you and go to bed.”
Enid pouts. “And because uou love us right?”
Wednesday scowls. “No. Now get off me, both of you.”
You smirk and sink to kiss her jaw. “What if we dont wanna weds?”
Wednesday nearly chokes and push’s you both off.
You fall and Enid falls on you. It hurt, bit not too bad because your body is tingly.
Wednesday huffs and walks to her bed, then gets in it, clearly ready for sleep.
You pout and help enid up. Then you both try to get in bed with her.
She glares at you both. “No.”
“Awww come on Wednesday….” You whine.
“We’ll be careful and quietttt.” Enid whines along with you.
Wednesday says nothing to you both.
After a few seconds pass, she looks at you both, clearly annoying.
“Are you getting in bed or not?”
You and Enid perk up snd go to the bed, slipping in and cuddling with Wednesday.
“Not a word.” She declares.
And you both ignore that and continue to flirt with her until it seems she will catch on fire.
Then you both pass out cold on top of her, leaving Wednesday to deal with her complicated feelings.
“-Idiots.-“ she thinks to herself.
“-I’ll lecture them more tomorrow, im too tired…not because i like them sleeping on me. That would be idiotic.-“
She eventually falls asleep.
In the morning, you and enid have no idea what happened, but still get and earful from Wednesday about, “inappropriate behavior.”
You both don’t care.
476 notes · View notes
daisybianca · 1 year
Hi hi!! I love your blog sm!!!! Can you do something for mick?? (He's been looking wayyy too good I NEED SOMETHING) HSJSHJSHS BUT ANYWAYS ILY AND I HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING DAY SWEETS🤍
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pairing: mick schumacher x femalereader
summary: mick is literally the perfect boyfriend. the guy that is in every rom-com as the good, gorgeous, generous, and polite kind-of-guy. that's the surface, right? that's what people see and think. but what lays beneath the perfection is somehow even better.
warnings: angst, sexual activities
(a/n): Thank you lots once again. I seriously love writing for you guys😭 please feel free to recommend anything you'd like to read!
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"BABY, MY TUMMY is purring." You claimed next to Mick when your eyes had finally started to adjust in the morning light that invaded through the curtains of your bedroom. "It hurts."
Your body was utterly exposed beneath the sheets, and you could feel Mick's bare leg caressing your thigh in slow but smart and teasing movements that required your attention.
"Yeah, but I'm the one with a belly being rubbed at at the moment." He laughed and you realized your hand had been rubbing the spot of his stomach the entire time since you exposed your eyes to sunlight.
"C'mon, you know why I do this." You tried to voice, but it came out muffled because of your boyfriend’s strong arms being wrapped around you tight and hard.
"Yeah." He said behind your messy hair. "You do this almost every day we wake up"
"You rub my belly every time you want it in the morning." Mick exclaimed. "I'm a very observant bastard when it comes to my girl's tendencies for getting away without saying a word."
His hands were placed on the flesh of your belly and started creating soft circles there.
You knew he was a teaser and didn't know if you liked it or hated it. Maybe both but on different circumstances each.
You grabbed his hand and pulled it away, clearly stating you were mad at him.
Your bodies had been tangled together, and you bet was just like his. Sex hair from the previous night had been a total blast.
He was right. You hadn't noticed, but you indeed caressed his chest and stomach when you were in the mood and had just woken up.
But you weren't going to admit it anyway.
"(y/n)." His finger was brought on your jaw, forcing you to look at him. "Say it, and it's yours, baby." He said, as if his dick was a prize to win.
Which certainly was, but...
You forced a smile. "No, I-I don't--" You stuttered.
"Baby..." Mick started. "I don't want you to be embarrassed or uncomfortable or shy around me." He placed his hand on your cheek and brought you closer to his chest, still captivating your eyes into an intense staring contest.
"Mick, I--"
"I want you to be happy with me and--"
"But I am--"
"I want you to know that I'm always here. And when I say always, I mean it." He stated in a mumble. "I'm here whenever you need a warm hug to feel better, or a strong shoulder to cry on and release the stress..." His lips found the sensitive skin of your neck, and all of a sudden, your heart roared in your chest as if you were a schoolgirl. "...or even a good fuck to make you remember what you mean to me and maybe erase the word embarrassment from that beautiful vocabulary of yours."
He stopped the kisses and looked at you.
You thought your heart had ceased beating in your chest for a moment.
You inhaled and exhaled slowly.
Mick's lips were curved slightly, and his blond hair was messy. His gaze was surely intoxicating, his blue eyes so pure. The purest you'd ever find.
Contrary to his intentions...
"You got me?" He asked and you nodded.
His expression changed to fake annoyance once again.
"Words, baby." Mick mumbled. "You're not that quiet when I fuck you every morning."
You couldn't help but let a laugh escape. You got up and on top of him.
First thing to do in the morning: give a lecture to your girlfriend about vocabulary matters and let her ride the shit out of you till she can't walk for your upcoming race day.
You started kissing him passionately. Your soul, body, and mind screamed his name. "Yes, sir."
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mothiir · 1 month
What do you think are the kinks of each of the Primarchs?
part one of the kink headcanons can be found here. :)
cw for konrad’s part specifically: noncon.
Roboute Guilliman:
the obvious answer for this one is ‘oh he’s perfect at everything, clearly he gives great head and enjoys making his lady cum’ — which is true, don’t get me wrong, but it is more complicated than that.
he’s the Avenging Son, the Last Best Hope for mankind — there’s very little in his life that is about what he wants, rather than his duty. Because of this, although he feels very guilty about it, his favourite thing is to be selfish in bed. He’ll happily bury his face between your thighs for hours, but if you really want to make him happy you’ll let him fuck your throat until you lose your voice, or roll over in bed, shove your face into the pillow, waggle your arse at him and tell him not to stop even when you black out. Or tell him that he can have you when you’re sleeping — your schedules don’t often align perfectly, given that he works a twenty five hour day, and so the chances for intimacy can be slim. He wouldn’t want to ask it of you, because he’s achingly aware of the fact that baseline humans struggle to say no to a primarch at the best of times (more than any of his brothers he understands the impact his supernatural charisma has on mortals and the implications of this) — but oh, he would love the idea of coming back from hours of work and just sliding between warm, welcoming thighs.
is it possible for a primarch to have an anti breeding kink? Roboute is practical, and although he loves the idea of maybe one day having little blueberries he does not want to bring children into the hellscape he currently rules over. He will put you on birth control and ensure that it’s up to date. Not taking any risks there. If you breathlessly beg him to put a baby in you, he’ll immediately stop, roll off you and start a well-rehearsed lecture about how it is not yet the optimal time to have children.
Sex is scheduled. Of course it is. There’s an excel spreadsheet and everything. Your diary is synced to his. You get reminders — not that you need them.
Yes, he likes getting blown while he’s at his desk. Please do this as much as possible. Do not do it around his sons, however, since they’re either far too awkward to point out that they have noticed and that’s just mean — or they’re Cato Sicarius, and he might just start unbuckling his belt, wanting to go next.
Rogal Dorn
so do you know what the pain glove is. yes? then it will come as no surprise whatsoever that Dorn is a bit of a masochist. Unfortunately, given that he is a primarch, the chances of you hurting him is less than zero. Still, he likes it when you try: bite him until your jaw hurts, pull at his hair. Just be careful: the one time you tried slapping him across the face you ended up breaking three of your fingers on his cheekbone, which really ruined the mood.
Dorn is methodical. He doesn’t like quickies, and he believes that sex is like a siege: best when well-planned and well-supplied. You two may only fuck once a fortnight or so, but it is an event. He sets aside time, he gets lube and massage oil and nice candles (he’ll have your favourite scents memorised) and ensures that you cum thoroughly and repeatedly. He’s not very good at cuddling afterwards — it doesn’t come naturally to him, and you will have to remind him to stay and snuggle when you’re feeling needy.
Has a lower sex drive than most of his brothers. He likes spending time with you, and doesn’t feel the need to spend that time trying to get inside you — he’ll want you to tell him in great detail about the books you are reading, the things you enjoy. Oh, and he will buy you space Lego.
Konrad Curze
don’t fuck this man, end of list
but seriously, konrad does not have a healthy relationship with sex. Despite what Sevatar says, Konrad isn’t a virgin — he just hasn’t had sex since the Emperor showed up. In his wild youth on Nostromo, Konrad did occasionally indulge himself. It was always with the nicer girls; the ones who gave him food when they thought he was a starving orphan; the ones who helped out their neighbours, even when that was an objectively stupid thing to do. He liked how bright they were against the gloom; the little splashes of colour in an otherwise red and black world. When he fucked them, he really did try to be gentle, but their mewling and sobbing tended to overexcite him. He never killed them after he’d finished — that seemed like bad manners.
As head of the Legion, he unironically bemoans the presence of rapists and other scum under his command. Like his father, he’s a monstrous hypocrite.
Konrad is a man of contradictions. He will lick your tears up, snarl in your ear, taunt you — fuck you harder and faster and deeper, telling you to cry more, to whine and squeal for him, because he likes how you sound when you’re in pain. The more you ask him to slow down, the faster he goes, his palm pressed against your belly so he can feel how his cock bulges through your flesh. He’ll bite all over, wanting to mark you; you’re often left thinking that he actually wants to eat you. He’ll cum inside you, or on your face, and then refuse to let you clean up. And it’s when he’s cum that the desire for affection kicks in — he wants you to pat his hair, to curl close to him, to soothe him. He’ll never ask you for it — only grab your wrist and shove your hand into his tangled hair. When he falls asleep like that, breathe humid against your neck, his forehead just a little less tense than before…you could almost pity him. Almost.
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