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storytowrite · 7 days ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Epilogue |Bang Chan|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst,
Word Count: 957
Warnings: 18+
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
Han lightly knocked on the door, which, as if on cue, opened before you. You glanced at him, uncertainly. Han only nodded and pointed with his hand for you to cross the threshold. 
“And you?” You asked. “Aren't you coming in?” 
“Oh no my dear. I'm not allowed. Only selected people are allowed in HIS office.” He replied calmly. 
You didn't know who HE was, or why no one was allowed to enter HIS office. You sighed quietly, but you knew you had no way out. You crossed the threshold. 
As soon as you did, the door behind you closed abruptly and the room went dark for a brief moment. Then you heard a quiet clap and the lights came on. Their smoky shade added to the mysteriousness of the entire room. 
On each wall hung a huge bookcase with a massive collection of books, stretching along the entire room. On the floor was a long, blood-red carpet, at the end of which stood a large, heavy dark wood desk. Behind the desk was a large leather chair on which sat a muscular man. Behind him, on the wall in a gold frame, hung a painting depicting something biblical that you couldn't yet identify. The seven figures in the painting looked strangely familiar. 
“Ah, so you are Y/N.” You suddenly heard a man's voice from behind the desk. “You finally made it all the way here.” 
“Who are you?” You asked quietly. The whole situation made you feel very insecure. 
“Me? I am the humble owner of THE MANIAC.” The man laughed quietly. “Come up please.” He encouraged you with a gesture. 
You tentatively walked toward the man. You swallowed your saliva while standing right in front of him. You watched him. Something didn't sit well with you about him. Something was not right. But what? Looking at him, you noticed that the man had no shadow. This frightened you. 
“You look charming.” He said and smiled slightly at you. “Do you know why you are here, Y/N?” 
“I... I had no way to pay for the drinks. They made me work them off. But I was working...” You started, uncertainly. 
“Ah, yes yes. Drinks.” He said with a note of amusement in his voice. “That was a very good excuse to get you here. I must congratulate the guys on their cleverness.” 
“W-what?” You blinked, not understanding anything. 
“You see Y/N. You performed all Seven Deadly Sins. That's why you found yourself in my office.” He replied calmly. 
“What?” You snorted. “What kind of bullshit is that?” 
“Ah, always the same thing.  Why is it so hard for people to believe it?” He sighed heavily and took a bundle of papers in his hand. He began to look through them lazily. 
“Believe what actually?” You asked, even more confused than before. 
“First, you met Pride, had a good time with him, huh? His job was to make you want more. Pride works very well with Greed, did you know? And thanks to Greed and your desire to get more and more, you found yourself perfectly trapped in Lust's trap. It was a fun night, wasn't it? Who would have expected that Lust is a playboy after all, no?” Saying these words, he raised his eyes at you and smiled mockingly. He then glanced at the piece of paper again. “Ah yes. Then good old Envy showed up. He's the one with the talk, no? When Gluttony entered the game, you couldn't help yourself. You wanted more of those damn drinks.... and probably more than that, but you likely won't admit it, will ya?” Here he paused, watching your reaction. “Then Wrath. Caused, in fact, by yourself and your own stupid decisions. And then there's our top on the top Sloth.... Who would have thought that physical labor would cause your laziness so easily. I thought it would take a little more time, and I have to admit, I am slightly disappointed.” 
The man got up from his chair and approached you. You watched his every move. You couldn't believe what he was saying. It was all so... strange. You didn't understand it, and frankly you didn't want to understand it at all. All you wanted was to go home. 
“You see, Y/N. As I said before, there are seven sins. Seven. Deadly. Sins.” He continued as he walked around you. “Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth.” His words were sharp as he named all the sins. “But, there’s also something else, my sweet, little angel.” He whispered to your ear, biting your earlobe, which made you shiver. “Me. The Creator. The one who made them.” He giggled like a little girl.  
“C-creator?” You stuttered and swallowed the gulp that formed in your throat. You were scared. 
“Yes, Creator… But you may know me under a different name, baby. What was it? Ah yes! The Devil.” He winked at you. “But anyway, I created them and you followed them like a lost, little puppy.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Sweet, little puppy.” He creepily smiled. “Right into my hands.” 
“W-what do you want?” You looked at him scared.
“Oh, not much.” He smirked. “I just want you to understand that from now on, you are all mine. You belong to me…” 
“N-no, I’m…” You started but he didn’t let you finish. 
“Oh sweetheart. Your poor soul has belonged to me since the day you met the first one… Pride. Sneaky lad, isn't he? Poor, little you.” 
“Pride?” You asked confused. 
“Ah, yes. It’s time to introduce to you my creations.” He laughed a little. “You’ll love them. Actually, you know them well. But under different names…”
-> Masterlist -> Sloth
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
49 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 7 days ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Seven: Sloth |Han Jisung|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1054
Warnings: 18+,
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
You sat in the sixth room and waited. You had nothing with you to kill the boredom. Your anger turned into sadness and regret. You have regretted your decisions. If you had not insisted on visiting THE MANIAC you would not have to sit here now. You sighed heavily. The only good thing about the whole situation was that no one called the police. Admittedly, you were worried about how you were going to work off your debt, but anything is better than ending up at the police station, right? 
Finally, the door opened. An undersized figure appeared in the threshold. He had a honey-colored skin, and his slightly overlong hair and unshaved, delicate beard added to his charm. You immediately took notice of his large brown eyes and narrow waist. The man was as beautiful as any you had met before, but there was something about this one that you couldn't even name. 
“Hi.” He said in a velvety voice. “I'm Jisung, but call me Han.... You're Y/N, right?” He made sure, to which you nodded. “Well Y/N, I was told that you chose to work off your debt at our club. Well, I invite you to follow me then.” 
“I didn't choose anything, rather it was forced on me.” You snorted. 
“Whatever you call it. Come on, we don't have time.” Han hurried you and the two of you left the sixth room. 
" Tell me, Y/N. What kind of work have you done? What can you do?" Han asked, leading you through the narrow corridor. 
"What do I know how to do...? Well, I guess the same as everyone else." You said, confused. "I just want to work off my debt and go home. If I work it off, I'll be able to do that, right?" 
"Hm... Well, I guess it's more like that." Han shrugged. You didn't like his answer. "Well. So what did you do? What kind of work have you done so far? More physical, or maybe mental?" 
"I... Actually, I haven't worked that much. I usually had help from my parents. But who cares?" You asked without understanding. "I just want to work off my debts and go home." 
"Well, let's start by cleaning the toilets..." You entered a rather large bathroom. You had never seen one like this in any of the rooms. There were at least five cabins on one side and on the other. Han took a bucket and a brush out of a cupboard and handed them to you. "Well, you know what to do. I'll be back in an hour and we'll go to the kitchen." He informed you and left. 
You sighed heavily and started to clean. At first it went quite smoothly, but soon you lost your enthusiasm. You thought it wasn't fair. Why would you clean a few toilets? No one even told you how long you would have to work to get it all done. 
Being halfway through the task, you decided it was not for you. That you didn't want to do it. You put the bucket and brush aside and just sat down, on an already clean spot. Tired, hungry and still angry, you began to reflect on your choice. Was it worth coming to this club? Was it worth the effort? 
You sighed heavily. You didn't even have a watch to check how long it would take Han to get back to you. It shouldn't be like this. You thought annoyed. After a while you heard footsteps from the corridor and after a while Han, accompanied by Minho, entered the restrooms. 
“Well, there you go, someone here taking a break while working.” You heard Minho, who spoke up in a mocking tone. 
“It's none of your business.” You hissed. 
“Uuuu, feisty. I like it.” Said Minho amused by your reaction. 
“Y/N, why haven't you finished yet?” Asked Han seriously. “I told you there wasn't that much time, eh.... I'll have to find somebody to do it instead of you now. Come on. It's time for more tasks.” He urged. 
“But what's that for, actually? It's pointless. Why should I do anything?” You started. 
“Oh, someone here is lazy.” Minho chuckled, at which you gave him a threatening look. 
“What do you mean why? Y/N, you have to work off the debt you made for yourself.” Han reminded you. “Come on, now the kitchen.” 
Han led you through another narrow hallway, into the kitchen. There, he pointed you to a huge mountain of dirty dishes to wash. This puzzled you, because you didn't recall there being an option to order food anywhere in the club. 
“Well Y/N, again, you have an hour. Then I'll come and check how you're doing.” Said Han and walked away leaving you alone. You set about washing up. 
After another hour and Han's inspection, you moved on to the next task and the next. By the fourth task your enthusiasm to work off the debt had dropped completely to zero. You didn't feel like doing anything. It would probably be better already if they called the police or something. 
By the fifth task, which was polishing the glass, laziness took over you. As you sat at the table polishing the glass, you began to yawn - partly from tiredness and partly from boredom. You put the half-clean glass down on the table and decided to take a little break. Another one, during this hour. 
Finally, the time you had for this task was over and Han appeared in front of you. 
“And what is this? Y/N, you were supposed to finish it.” He said, surprised to see the task barely started. “Are you that lazy? Don't you want to work off your debt?” 
“Screw it.” You burbled. “I'd rather hit the police station or something.” 
“‘Police station’?” Han scratched his head. “I don't know where you got the idea, but none of us even thought about the police station. Well, never mind. Come on, you haven't finished your tasks, so you're in for a talk with the boss.” 
“Great, maybe he will turn out to be normal.” You muttered under your breath.  “We'll see...” You heard Han's quiet reply as he led you to the office of, as it turned out, THE MANIAC club owner himself.
-> Masterlist <- Wrath | Epilogue ->
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
26 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 14 days ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Six: Wrath |Lee Minho|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 927
Warnings: 18+
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
The man led you to another room, which you hadn't seen before at all. The whole room was decorated in dark colors, mainly black and red. You had a feeling that by some miracle you had ended up in the sixth room, but the room looked more like a prison cell or some kind of interrogation room than a club room. 
You looked around you. The slightly dim lights gave a sense of mystery, intimacy and spookiness. The room was really small - just three leather sofas, small tables and a narrow bar. 
“You will cool down here.” Minho informed you, to which you snorted. 
“I have nothing to cool off with.” You rolled your eyes. “Never mind, which way is the exit? I think I want to go home.” 
“Where to?” He snorted amused and pulled a small roll of paper from his pocket, then unfolded it. “You're Y/N, right?” He made sure. 
“Yes?” You looked at him suspiciously. 
“Well, Y/N. Looking at your bill and how long you've spent at our club, I don't think you're financially solvent enough to leave our club.” He said calmly. 
“What the fuck?” Your voice rose slightly. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Well, you didn't pay for your last drinks, your card was declined. Changbin didn't inform you?” Minho asked, watching you boil over. “In other words, you don't have enough money to pay for our drinks and our hospitality. That's why you're going to sit here and calm down for a bit while I figure out what you can do to pay us back.” 
“You've got to be kidding me! How much do you think I owe?” You shouted. 
“Hm, let's count... You have to pay twice as much for a visit to each room as you did in the previous one, that is, in the first room only one hundred dollars, in the second room it will come out to two hundred, in the third room four hundred…” He began to calculate. “That is, the total for staying in, now six rooms, came out to .... ah yes! Only three thousand one hundred dollars.” He smiled broadly. He said it as if such an amount was something trivial.
 "I think this is some kind of joke!" You exclaimed in disbelief. "That's impossible! You're lying!" 
"You can accuse me of many things, but not of lying." Minho said seriously. "Well, now you just sit here and wait, I will figure out what to do with you." 
"No, I'm going home. I won't do anything." You growled, fed up with the whole establishment. 
"Well kitten, I don't know if you have anything to talk about here." Minho shrugged. "Unless you have a way to pay." 
"Can I at least call a friend? He should be able to help me." You looked at him with a pleading look. 
"Of course!" He took the phone from his pocket. "Please, call. If it'll help." There was something in his voice that made you feel insecure. Surely Mark, from whom you had been separated for so long, could help you? He was your best friend, after all. Perhaps he would forgive you for your earlier behavior? A friend wouldn't abandon a friend in need, would he? 
You dialed Mark's number. One signal... a second signal... a third... By the fourth, you were getting nervous. Was Mark going to answer?
Unfortunately, Mark did not respond. You tried again. But there was no response. The third time, the call was immediately rejected. You sighed heavily and handed the phone back to Minho. 
" So a friend doesn't help?" The man asked with a mocking smile. 
"Unfortunately, no." You muttered. "But I don't want to sit here. I want to go home." 
"Kitten, I already told you. You have to work off your debt or pay up. Otherwise you can't go home." Minho said with a rather warm voice. "If I cared, I would feel sorry for you, but I don't give a damn. By the way, you could have thought of that earlier." He shrugged. 
You looked at him, and anger began to engulf your entire body. His warm tone of voice was as dismissive as it was mocking, and his mocking smile only added to your anger. You felt like punching him. 
"So what, I'm supposed to sit here like this!" You growled. You started to lose your temper. 
"Yes. When you calm down and all the alcohol Changbin pumped into you flies away, someone will come to get you. Don't worry, you won't have to spend eternity here." He winked at you and headed for the door. You wanted to get up and follow him, but an invisible force stopped you. Minho looked over his shoulder. "You owe it to yourself, you know? Next time, think before you get carried away by your emotions." And with that he disappeared, leaving you alone in the room. 
You were boiling inside. You didn't like Minho's tone of voice at all. You felt betrayed, both by Minho and by the whole system that reigned in the club. You started to blame everyone around you for what happened to you. After all, if it wasn't for Felix, you wouldn't have wanted to stay in the club. If it wasn't for IN, you would have left with Mark. If it wasn't for Hyunjin, you wouldn't have felt betrayed. If it wasn't for Seungmin, you wouldn't have met Changbin. And finally, you wouldn't have been angry when you heard words that were true if it weren't for Minho. 
-> Masterlist <- Gluttony | Sloth ->
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
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storytowrite · 28 days ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Five: Gluttony |Seo Changbin|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 811
Warnings: 18+,
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
Gluttony is characterized by a limitless appetite for food, drink and overindulgence to the point where one is no longer eating just to live, but rather living to eat. But you can be hungry for more than just food. You can be hungry for actually everything. And hell knows, that you were…
Changbin appeared right in front of you right after Seungmin said his name. You jumped up in your seat. Him appearing so quickly was unexpected. He smiled warmly at you. 
“Hello, bunny.” He said, leaning slightly over you. “You are lovely.” 
“Thank you.” You blushed slightly at his compliment. “My name is Y/N.” 
“Ah Y/N, a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman.” Changbin winked and kissed your hand. “I am Changbin. Let me, my beautiful bunny, take you to my kingdom, what do you say?” He gave you his arm, smiling encouragingly. You immediately agreed to go along with Changbin, who charmed you with words and paid you compliments. Changbin led you to a dark blue and brown door, which he opened for you. “Ladies first.” He said gallantly. You smiled at him and nodded, then crossed the threshold. This was the moment you forgot all your doubts. But what you didn't know was that this was the beginning of your downfall. 
The room you found yourself in was kept in dark blue-brown tones. Against the wall opposite the door was a huge bar, and on the other side of the room was a small stage, with live music. This interior did not resemble the previous rooms in any way. You couldn't believe that you were still in the same club, THE MANIAC. Being in the fifth room, you felt as if you were in some exclusive bar with live music. Everything was cohesive with each other and harmonized in a way you couldn't describe. 
Changbin walked you over to the bar and pointed to a high stool, encouraging you to sit down. He walked behind the bar himself. 
“So, what will you drink, my beautiful bunny?” He asked sensually. 
“Hm... And what would you offer me?” You asked, smiling flirtatiously at him. 
“I think you would enjoy the Midnight Feast. It's as sweet as you are, bunny.” Changbin winked and began preparing a drink for you. You watched his movements, impressed by his skill. 
Changbin was right. The drink he made for you was sweet and made you want more. It tasted like cherries. And Changbin himself was eager to make it for you. So you drank one after another, and each one tasted better than the last. 
"Tell me, my beautiful bunny, how do you feel?" Changbin asked you, handing you another drink. 
"Very well." You smiled broadly at him, your cheeks red from the excess alcohol. You took another drink. 
"You're so beautiful, you know?" Changbin asked, looking into your eyes. "Actually, I have never seen a more beautiful human being than you, my sweet bunny." 
"Ah stop, you're making me blush." You said, your cheeks flushing. "Can I have another drink?" 
"Yes bunny, anything for you." He smiled and made you another one. "Tell me, bunny, what do you think of this one?" He handed you the new drink. But this one was actually more intense in color and taste. You tried it. 
"Woah, it tastes better than the previous ones. How do you do that?" You asked curiously. 
"Ah, that's the secret." He winked at you. 
Time passed and Changbin prepared more and more drinks for you. After the seventh, you actually lost count. His drinks were too good. You couldn't resist asking for more. 
“I want more!” You demanded. 
“I think you've had enough, though.” This time Changbin didn't want to prepare you another one. 
“Wha?! But what do you mean?! I want more! Please!” Your voice began to rise. 
“Oh, my sweet, sweet bunny. I can give you more, but not alcohol.” Replied the man calmly. “You already have enough.” 
“Changbin, please. I beg you.” You whined. 
“You sound so damn sexy when you beg like that.” Murmured Changbin, looking you straight in the eyes. “However, I won't make you another drink darling. You've had enough alcohol, another one will only hurt you.” 
“No, I want more!” You shouted. 
“Sorry, sweet bunny. There’s nothing I can do.” Changbin shrugged. 
“Ugh, I hate you!” You growled, getting angry. “I demand another drink!” 
"Do we have a problem here?" You suddenly heard a mysterious voice behind you. "Miss, I'm sorry, but if you don't calm down, I'm going to have to run you out of here." 
"And who are you to tell me how to behave?" You even hissed as you turned to face the new man behind you. 
"My name is Minho, and you've had enough. Follow me." Minho pulled your arm and forced you to get up from your stool.
-> Masterlist <- Envy | Wrath ->
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
30 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 28 days ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Four: Envy |Kim Seungmin|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1067
Warnings: 18+
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
You woke up in bed alone. You were still in the third room, however, there was no Hyunjin by your side, with whom you had spent... actually, how much time? You had lost count long ago.  But was it actually that important? 
You finally decided to get out of bed and look for Hyunjin. After all, he couldn't have gone far, right? In the end, he himself invited you to the third room and, as a host, he should look after you. 
You looked around the room. There were definitely more women in it now. This surprised you a bit. Why so many of them? Did Hyunjin also invite them, just like he invited you? 
Last night Hyunjin made you feel special, but now, seeing so many beautiful women around, you begin to feel insecure. You didn't like the feeling. Your gaze finally located Hyunjin, who was sitting among the other girls and joking with them. 
You heard his laughter. One of the girls put her hand on his thigh, and another whispered something in his ear, which made him laugh. You squint your eyes. You didn't like it one bit. Why would Hyunjin turn to some girls after such a good, intoxicating night? You were overwhelmed with jealousy. Hyunjin's laughter began to become louder and louder. And you began to be eaten up more and more by envy. You didn't like the fact that he was sitting among other women. That he was letting them touch him. You decided to confront him. 
“Hyunin?” You started while standing in front of him. “Can you explain to me what all this is supposed to mean?” 
“Hm? What do you mean?” He asked, raising his eyebrow slightly. “What do you have a problem with, my muse?” 
“What do you mean, what do I have a problem with! You spent the whole previous evening with me and now...” You started, but he didn't let you finish. 
“Love, you are not my girlfriend. You let your emotions get carried away and now you are suffering the consequences. Not my fault.” He shrugged his shoulders dismissively. Well, he didn’t care about you. 
You looked at him in disbelief. Last night he was definitely saying something different from what he represented now. You watched as the women around him became bolder and bolder in touching him and whispering sweet nothings. Hyunjin apparently liked this, because his face expressed satisfaction. 
You boiled inside. How could he treat you like this? Like some kind of thing? You watched the view in front of your eyes for a while. One of the women sat down on Hyunjin's lap. You clenched your jaws with jealousy. 
“Are you okay?” You heard suddenly next to you. You glanced at the owner of the voice. A tall man, not much shorter than Hyunjin, appeared right next to you. 
“No, it's not okay.” You burbled, watching as the woman on Hyunjin's lap began placing kisses on his neck. 
“Ah, you've fallen victim to Hyunjin's charm.” The man spoke up with a slight smile that you didn't notice. 
“And what do you know?” You snorted, rolling your eyes. 
“Believe me, beautiful, I know.” He smiled warmly at you. “I'm Seungmin, and you, jealous?” 
“I'm not jealous.” You denied and turned toward him. “I am Y/N.” 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Would you like to join me?” He asked, offering you his arm. 
“Huh? Join where?” You asked slightly confused. 
“You'll see.” He winked. “I'll take you where few people have the opportunity to enter. What do you think? You'll make them jealous.” Seungmin said this loud enough that the women surrounding Hyunjin looked at you. 
“Ah yes? Then let's go.” You agreed. 
Seungmin smiled and, giving you his arm, led you to the exit of the third room. On your way out, you looked over your shoulder some more and looked towards Hyunjin, who, despite everything, did not look happy. 
Seungmin led you to another room. This one was black with green accents. You looked around you. It was the first time you had seen such a vibrant color combination. You liked it. You were in the fourth room. 
Appetite grows as you eat. Getting to the fourth room was easy. You spent a great time with its host, Seungmin. Seungmin was funny and intelligent. His comments were always on point. His stories were entertaining. You could listen to him forever. 
However, some doubts and questions began to arise in your mind. How did you get through four rooms in one evening, out of seven, when for years you couldn't even advance to the second room? 
You began to have some doubts. Something wasn't right, however, you couldn't tell what exactly. How long had you been at the club actually? How much time had passed? A couple of hours? One day? Several? You were so preoccupied with it all that you couldn't tell. You lost track of time. 
And yet, you longed to find out what the other rooms looked like. You longed to get to the seventh, or even the eighth - which was probably just a rumor, but your senses said otherwise. 
“Hey, Seungmin? Can I ask you a question?” You decided to ask your host. 
“Huh? Sure, what's the matter Y/N?” He glanced at you from over his drink. 
“Actually, I have a few questions.... First, how long have I been here? Have I lost track of time? What time are you closing the club?” 
“Oh beautiful, it's hard to say.” The man glanced at his watch, which you hadn't noticed before. “It looks like you've only been here a few hours.” 
“Hm? How is that possible? I'll give my head cut off that I've been here more than a day.” You said, puzzled. 
“I don't know anything about that, Y/N. Our club was recently opened.... Maybe you drank too much?” Seungmin suggested. “Or maybe just not enough?” He smiled slightly. “I'll ask Changbin to take you to our special bar. Only the lucky ones can go in there. The others here, if they see you crossing about that door will be boiling with jealousy.” He persuaded you. 
You looked at him and contemplated. Your doubts began to fade. In the end, you felt pride, greed and desire inside you, and the envy of others made you want even more. You were hungry for new experiences.
-> Masterlist <- Lust | Gluttony ->
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
39 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 1 month ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Three: Lust |Hwang Hyunjin|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 1153
Warnings: 18+, suggestive
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
---------- When you saw him you could not take your eyes off him at all. You were sitting in the lodge, with I.N. but your gaze went behind a tall, black-haired man in a red leather coat. His beauty was captivating. 
You had never seen such a perfect looking man before. He looked like the son of Aphrodite. Perfect, high cheekbones, straight nose, slightly overlong hair. Every step he took was executed with the utmost grace. 
His black pants and black turtleneck perfectly accentuated his slender figure, and his distinctive red leather coat perfectly complemented the whole look. 
You swallowed your saliva. You began to desire him. Not only in a physical way, but also in a spiritual way. You didn't know what was going on and why you felt such strong emotions toward a man who was a stranger to you. 
“You like him, huh?” You heard I.N. whisper quietly over your ear. “You would like to own him, wouldn't you?” 
“Y-yes.” You stammered slightly. You didn't know what had gotten into you. 
“Go ahead, if you want him so much, why don't you talk to him?” Asked I.N. His tone of voice became luring again. 
“I don't know if I should... He is... beautiful.” You said, looking at the tall man as if hypnotized. “Besides, I'm here with you and...” 
“Oh, don't mind me.... Your greed is already enough for me, my dear.” I.N. gently moved his hand across your cheek. “Go ahead. Go to him. After all, lust is a very strong feeling.” I.N. leaned slightly over you and placed a gentle kiss on your cheek. “Go. He is waiting for you.” 
You obeyed him. You smiled slightly at I.N. and got up from the velvet seat. You adjusted your skirt and hair slightly, then moved toward the tall man, gently swaying your hips. I.N. was right. You felt lust. 
The tall man was actually waiting for you. Or maybe you only thought he was? He was leaning sexily against the wall, near a golden door you hadn't seen before. As you approached, he smiled warmly at you. 
“Welcome, my muse.” He said in a graceful, gentle voice. “I thought you would never approach me,” he said. 
“Did you want me to come up?” You asked curiously. 
“Oh yes. I have never seen a more beautiful woman than you. I wished you would at least take a step toward me.” He replied and bowed gently, taking your hand, in his own, to place a gentle kiss on it. “My name is Hyunjin. And what do you call yourself, my muse?” 
“Y/N.” You replied softly, blushing. 
“Y/N! What a beautiful name.” Hyunjin smiled at you. “Would you perhaps like to accompany me?” He opened the golden door beside him. 
“Where to?” You asked curiously. 
“To a more hm... private place.” He winked. “The third room is known for its intimacy. Thanks to this, away from the others, I will be able to get to know you better. Hm? What do you say, my muse?” 
“T-third room?” You stammered, being impressed. One evening you advanced to get to the third room? “Of course! Yes, I want to go with you!” You tried not to sound too excited. 
Hyunjin nodded and, still holding your hand, crossed the threshold of the golden door. The room was even smaller than room two. Soft, sensual music was coming from the speakers. The walls were lined with a velvety red material that inhibited all sounds coming from both outside and inside. 
Slightly dimmed lights added an atmospheric sensuality to the room. Against the walls were several tables with red couches. In the center was a small dance floor. But the most interesting thing was standing on a low platform at the other end of the room. 
On the platform, behind a pink, softly translucent canopy, was a huge king-sized bed. It was the first time you'd ever encountered such a room in a club. You looked up curiously. 
“Do you like it?” Asked Hyunjin, gently stroking the top of your hand with his thumb. 
“Yes, but why a bed here?” You asked, stunned by the appearance of the room. 
“We are in a place where desire plays the main role, my muse.” Hyunjin replied and stood in front of you. “Do you feel?” He asked, placing your hand on his chest. “That's what desire is. I am lusting after you. Do you?” 
“Yes, I desire you too.” You replied as if in a trance. Hyunjin smiled slightly and gently placed a kiss on your lips. As if he was asking for permission. Your reaction surprised you. Normally you would have pushed any man away, but Hyunjin had something about him that prevented you from doing so. 
Instead, you succumbed to the kiss, which grew more passionate and sloppy with each passing moment. Hyunjin took his time. His hands gently began to slide over your body, exploring every corner of it, and his lips moved to your neck. 
You sighed blissfully when Hyunjin came across the point that made your knees bend beneath you. You felt his smile against your skin. 
“It's time.” He whispered between kisses and picked you up gently, carrying you to the bed. You didn't mind although under normal circumstances, the prospect of getting close to a strange man in the middle of the room at a club was not something you approached willingly. 
With Hyunjin, however, it was different. With him, you felt not only safe but also comfortable. You couldn't help but be attracted to him. It was as if something was drawing you to him, some invisible force that had taken control of you. 
You moaned quietly when Hyunjin lightly bit the skin on your neck and left a hickey on it. 
“What a beautiful sound.” You heard his melodious voice. “I want to hear it more.” He decided and began to bite your skin, decorating your neck with hickeys. In return, you made louder and louder sounds of excitement. 
Hyunjin moved his hands over your body and lifted your skirt up slightly. You instinctively wanted to cover yourself, but you couldn't. That invisible force that took control of you made your legs spread, giving Hyunjin easier access to your private parts. 
Sex with Hyunjin was something you had never experienced before. Seemingly calm Hyunjin, in bed he was like a real animal. His movements were strong and firm. He knew perfectly well what he could offer you, and you eagerly accepted it. What you didn't expect was that his dominance would work even more like an aphrodisiac on you. 
You were vulnerable to his every gesture, his every touch. You gloated over it. In his embrace you forgot about God's world. You could have stayed in his bed forever. After all, the desire you felt for him was too strong to resist. 
-> Masterlist <- Greed | Envy ->
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
37 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 1 month ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin Two: Greed |Yang Jeongin|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 873
Warnings: 18+
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
“I want more.” You said a little drunkenly. You and your friend Mark had been at the club for almost four hours now and you were certainly drunk. 
“No sweetie, you don’t.” Your friend said, sitting next to you at the bar. “Maybe we should go back home?” 
“Home? No, that’s too early.” You opposed. 
“But Y/N, you had enough.” Mark said worriedly. "You don't understand me, Mark." You growled. 
"Y/N, please..."
"No, I want more. More drinks, please!” You called out to the barman, who ignored your demand. 
"Huh, I see someone here is a little greedy." You suddenly heard a quiet voice behind you. 
You turned around curious. In front of you stood a tall man, wearing colorful sunglasses and a striped fur coat. "Hello beautiful." He smiled at you nonchalantly. 
"Hello." You also smiled back. “I'm Y/N, and you're pretty.” 
“Nice to meet you Y/N.... May I join you?” He asked gallantly. 
“Sure!” You called out excitedly. 
“Actually, we were already getting together.” Mark interrupted. “Come on Y/N, it's time for us to go.” 
“But I don't want to.” You scoffed. 
Mark sighed heavily and stood up. He walked over to you and, grabbing your arm, tried to force you to follow him. But you didn't want to. You wanted to stay in the club, with a handsome stranger who watched the whole situation with mild amusement.
“Come on Y/N, it's time.” Mark continued. 
“No, I'm not going anywhere, but if you want you can go back.” You snorted. “Sorry for him, he's a real mood breaker.” You said to the handsome man, at which Mark rolled his eyes.
“Nothing's wrong... Would you like to perhaps join me in the other room? It's a little quieter there and you can get everything you want there.” He said, and his voice was luring. 
“In the other room?” You blinked. “In the sense that...” Did you manage to meet someone to show you what the second room at THE MANIAC looks like? Could it be that a slight social promotion was in store? 
“Mhm, that's exactly right. Would you like to join me? I bet you'll like it.” He smiled at you. 
“Y/N.” Mark began warningly. “You shouldn't...” 
“I want to!” You called out excitedly. “I'd love to go with you.” You said to the stranger, ignoring your friend. 
“Excellent! Then feel free to follow me.” The stranger gave you a shoulder and with a smile you followed along with him, leaving a shocked Mark alone. In doing so, you lost the last person who still cared about you. But your greed was greater. The second room was definitely different from the first. Maintained in brown and green tones, it was significantly different from the first room. The only common element was the delicate gold ornaments, but here they referred to the leaves on the walls. 
The room was definitely quieter and a little smaller than the previous one.  The music was also significantly different. It was more melodic and definitely less “clubby.” 
“Come on sunshine, let's sit in the lodge.” A handsome man led you to what looked like a VIP box. “Do you like it here?” He asked as you sat down on the velvet green seats. 
“Oh yes. It's so... peaceful. Definitely different from the previous room. I didn't expect that in a club like this...” You started, but the handsome man didn't let you finish your words. 
“This room, this is my kingdom, that's why it's quieter here.” He explained. “Not everyone is fit to enter here.... Let's say you have to have specific traits, but you, my love, fit perfectly here.” Saying this, he put an unruly strand of hair behind your ear. “What do you fancy?” He asked, pulling out a menu. 
“Hm... I would love to have some more drinks.... What do you suggest?” You asked and smiled slightly at him. 
“Hm... I think Golden Calf would be a perfect fit for you.” He smiled and snapped his fingers. A waiter immediately appeared at your lodge and served your drink. You were impressed with how fast it all worked. “Here you go, my love, cheers.” The boy winked handing you a gold-tinged drink. 
“Thank you... I haven't learned your name yet.” 
“Ah indeed, where are my manners?” He smiled gallantly. “My name is Jeongin, but you can call me I.N.” 
“I.N.” You repeated. “My pleasure.” You smiled and sipped your drink. 
I.N. turned out to be a real gentleman. You quickly forgot about Mark and actually the whole world. I.N. fed you with compliments and served you more and more drinks. You didn't mind though. You wanted more and more. You loved the compliments, and were greedy for them.Finally, you were happy. Your dream came true, you made it to the second room out of seven. You felt special. After all, according to I.N., not everyone could enter HIS kingdom. But one thing was certain, once you crossed the threshold of the second room, you would only want more. To the pride that gripped you in the first room, you were joined by greed. But you didn't yet know what that meant.
->Masterlist <- Pride | Lust ->
@dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
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storytowrite · 2 months ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Sin One: Pride |Lee Yongbok|
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: 18+,
Word Count: 1174
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
Pride. Something that you always had in yourself. The feeling of utterly believing in one's abilities. You always tend to repeat to yourself you have everything you need, you are the best. And that sticks in your mind forever. 
In fact you really believed that you were the best. Even if you didn’t come from the wealthiest families in Seoul, you were proud of how far you went. And you had the reason though. 
Thanks to your hard work you got the scholarship and ended up in one of the best universities in the city. You were so proud of yourself, so were your parents. After all there’s nothing wrong with being proud of yourself and your achievements. 
But when you grew older, your pride took the lead and you became rotten on the inside. You started being too egocentric and focused only on yourself. You stopped caring for your loved ones.  Your friends turned their backs on you and your family cut you off. But did you actually care? Not really. You had yourself and that was the only thing you needed.  
‘Hey, Y/N! Are you ready, babe?’ Your friend, Mark, asked while the both of you were preparing for the party. 
‘I was born ready.’ You rolled your eyes and went out of your bedroom while putting on some earrings. ‘How do I look?’ 
‘Amazing! Gorgeous! Breathtaking…’ Mark started listing all the verbs. 
‘Oh please, tell me something I don’t know.’ You said smiling at him. ‘Are you ready?’
‘Yeah, our cab is waiting.’ Mark said and the both of you left your apartment. 
The ride to the club was quiet but not long. You fixed your makeup, looked at yourself into the pocket mirror you always carried with yourself and smiled a little at the reflection of yourself. You looked perfect. 
You looked at Mark, who was sitting next to you, with the corner of your eye. He was occupied by his cellphone, probably texting with his boyfriend. You sighted a little. Your friends never gave you as much attention as you needed. 
‘We are there.’ The driver broke the silence. 
‘Thank you very much.’ Mark said as he paid for the raid and the both of you left the car and entered the club. 
The club you went to was one of your favorites and thanks to your friend you didn’t have to stay in the line as others. Mark knew the security guards that stood in front of the club so they just let you in without showing your ID. 
The name of the club was as atmospheric as the club itself. After all, THE MANIAC was the best place in town. It wasn’t just a club. It was an amazing experience itself. Each room had its own unique style. In total there were seven rooms, three on the first floor and four on the second. There was also a rumor about the eighth room, but nobody you knew had been there. The rumor said that if you enter that room, you would never come back again. It was just a story that passed from one person to another, but still it made you even more curious about that. 
The first one you entered was all blue with white and gold ornaments. You knew this room well but you had always been curious about the others. It wasn’t easy to enter the second room unless you knew some people or met specific requirements, not to mention the rest. Unfortunately, you didn’t know anyone who would be able to take you to the second one.
But anyway the first one was enough. Usually when you enter the attention of the people focused on you. You could feel that they were looking at you with admiration, and you loved it. You were an attention seeker, and in THE MANIAC you could get one. 
Yet, this time was way different than usual. This time no one even looked at you. You were well known in the place, but even so, nobody paid attention. It felt, well, weird. Instead of you people had focused on the man dancing in the middle of the dancefloor. 
He was slim and a little bit taller than you. His blue hair perfectly corresponded with his freckles. You could see some earrings and some jewelry. He looked both like a soft puppy and the bad boy at the same time. Yup, he definitely was handsome and you could understand that people paid attention to him, but still it made you feel uneasy. 
You also started dancing on a dance floor. Your movements were sensual. You tried your best to drag the attention. But you couldn’t. People didn’t care about you. They even dared to nudge or push you just to get closer to HIM. You scoffed angrily. How could they not pay attention to you? 
But suddenly something changed. The man that everyone’s eyes were focused on looked directly at you. His dark, brown eyes were scanning your body. You could feel his sight on you. It felt almost uncomfortable, like you were just a small, little girl. He made his way towards you standing in front of you. 
‘Hello beautiful.’ He smiled. His deep voice was way too much addicting. ‘How are you? Are you having fun?’
‘Y-yes.’ Your voice straddled a little. You cleared your throat. ‘Yeah, I’m having fun.’ You smiled widely. You had to admit, he was way beyond handsome. 
‘Good. What’s your name, love?’ He asked, stepping even closer so he could hear you better. 
‘I’m Y/N, and you?’ 
‘Felix.’ He sent you a pretty smile. ‘Do you want to drink something?’ 
‘Uhm… Yeah. I could use a drink or two.’ You said nonchalantly. 
‘A drink or two, huh?’ He chuckled. ‘Come, love, it’s on me.’ He took your hand softly and dragged you to the bar, asking for the drink. ‘Do you come here often?’ 
‘Actually yes… that’s my favorite club in town.’ You admitted. ‘I always come here with my friend, Mark, but…’ You looked after your friend but you couldn’t see him. ‘I don’t know where he is right now.’ 
‘He’s probably having fun too.’ Felix shrugged, giving you your drink. ‘Here, take this.’ 
‘What’s that?’ You asked, looking at the blue drink he handed you.
‘It’s called Heaven’s desire. But it’s just a blueberry drink with some gin base.’ He winked. ‘Taste it. It’s sweet, just like you.’ 
‘Ah, you are such a flirt’ You laughed and blushed a little, smiling at him. You tried the drink. ‘Oh my God! It’s the best thing I have ever tried!’ 
‘See? Told you.’ He smiled. ‘Do you want to go to the dancefloor?’ 
You agreed and went to the dancefloor with him. He was such a great dancer. You could feel like other people looked at you and him with jealousy. The feeling was amazing. Felix didn’t pay much attention to others but you, which made you even more proud. And the pride you felt started slowly consuming you.
-> Masterlist -> Greed
-> Prologue
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storytowrite · 2 months ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
-> Prologue
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst,
Word Count: 244
Warnings: 18+
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
Author's note: the idea of the story is inspired by the TikTok I saw. This is my iterpretation of seven deadly sins. It's not going to be biblical story. Each of the members is going to have their own chapter and represents one of the sins. Chapters will be slightly connected so I recommend to read them one by one. Please enjoy :)
“You see, Y/N. As I said before, there are seven sins. Seven. Deadly. Sins.” He continued as he walked around you. “Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth.” His words were sharp as he named all the sins. “But, there’s also something else, my sweet, little angel.” He whispered to your ear, biting your earlobe, which made you shiver. “Me. The Creator. The one who made them.” He giggled like a little girl.  
“C-creator?” You stuttered and swallowed the gulp that formed in your throat. You were scared. 
“Yes, Creator… But you may know me under a different name, baby. What was it? Ah yes! The Devil.” He winked at you. “But anyway, I created them and you followed them like a lost, little puppy.” He tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Sweet, little puppy.” He creepily smiled. “Right into my hands.” 
“W-what do you want?” You looked at him scared.
“Oh, not much.” He smirked. “I just want you to understand that from now on, you are all mine. You belong to me…” 
“N-no, I’m…” You started but he didn’t let you finish. 
“Oh sweetheart. Your poor soul has belonged to me since the day you met the first one… Pride. Sneaky lad, isn't he? Poor, little you.” 
“Pride?” You asked confused. 
“Ah, yes. It’s time to introduce to you my creations.” He laughed a little. “You’ll love them. Actually, you know them well. But under different names…”
-> Masterlist -> Pride
42 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 2 months ago
Seven deadly sins (OT8 x F! Reader)
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Genre: Suggestive, Angst, Fluff
Warnings: 18+,
Summary: Y/N performed every one of the deadly sins and that's means that she's going to hell.
Author's note: the idea of the story is inspired by the TikTok I saw. This is my iterpretation of seven deadly sins. It's not going to be biblical story. Each of the members is going to have their own chapter and represents one of the sins. Chapters will be slightly connected so I recommend to read them one by one. Please enjoy :)
Also it's a short series, chapters are not gonna be too long. And there's not much sexual interaction here, so if you are for the smut, go find it somewhere else ;)
-> Prologue -> Sin one: Pride (Lee Yongbok) -> Sin two: Greed (Yang Jeongin) -> Sin three: Lust (Hwang Hyunjin) -> Sin four: Envy (Kim Seungmin) -> Sin five: Gluttony (Seo Changbin) -> Sin six: Wrath (Lee Minho) -> Sin seven: Sloth (Han Jisung) -> Epilogue (Bang Chan)
Taglist: @dinogal97 @velvetmoonlght
190 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 3 months ago
❄️ Thank you! ❄️
Hi guys!
The end of a year is near so I decided to tell you some words 😅
Thank you all for being here and supporting this page 🥰 I am really grateful for every new follower and every interaction you make with the stories either it's a comment, like or a reblog. We've gathered here 275 followers and the amount of you is still increasing! 🥳
Your interactions keep me motivated to make new stories for you guys! I have a lot of ideas to write but unfortunately don't have that much time. But I'll do anything to post more often then I used to in the past 😉
I hope you will still enjoy my stories next year and interact even more! 😇
❤️ Once again, thank you for being here and Merry Christmas ☃️
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storytowrite · 3 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
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Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 1548
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
A week had passed since the events in the office. Since then, you had never questioned Minho's orders, nor had you tried to escape. You had followed every single one of his orders. You let him do whatever he wanted. You had finally gotten used to the idea that you were his property.
You were afraid of him, and the fear made you obedient like a lamb. You did miss your friends, your normal student life. However, you didn't have the courage to even mention it to Minho. You didn't want to anger him again. You knew that one wrong move would cost you more than just punishment.
Minho introduced more rules that you had to follow. You still weren't allowed to use electronics. You weren't allowed to leave the house. Every morning, you had to wake up next to him, and you weren't allowed to get out of bed if he didn't let you. You ate when he ate. You took a shower when he took a shower. You had become his shadow. A sad and lost in yourself, shadow.
You had had enough. You felt like you were in a cage. You started to lose hope that you would ever return home. Day by day your fear grew bigger and bigger. You lost track of time. You didn't know what day it was, you didn't even know what time it was. How long had you been held captive? Because that's probably a good description…
Minho, on the other hand, continued to function as before. He went to work, came back with groceries, and met with friends. He lived his normal life. There was no indication that a defenseless girl was being held captive in his house in the forest.
Life went on as usual. The everyday life that affected you was still the same. You were forced into a routine and you didn't even try to get out of it. Why, when every attempt came to nothing? You had already stopped hoping that you would ever return to your old life.
The routine that affected you also happened to Minho. The certainty that no one would ever find out what he had done made him let his guard down. He stopped being as careful and deliberate as he had been before. After all, who could have predicted that his one mistake would change the entire course of events?
That day, Minho left in the morning as always, leaving you alone at home. Not knowing what to do with yourself, you started to walk around the house. Boredom was getting to you more and more often - even if you had gotten used to it. Walking around the living room, you noticed that the garden door was unlocked. You approached it curiously, Minho always made sure that he locked all possible exits before leaving.
This time, however, the door was open. Remembering what could happen to you for disobedience, you hesitated. Should you try your hand at escaping? After all, it was now or never...
You gently pushed the door that opened in front of you. You took a few deep breaths and stepped outside the house. Now or never, you thought. You took a few steps. The garden belonging to Minho's house was not fenced. You took a quick step forward. You were afraid that you would get lost in the forest, but you had to try. This was your only chance. The adrenaline in your body began to pump.
You walked forward, hoping that you weren't that far from the city after all. You didn't have any supplies or a warmer sweatshirt with you, so you hoped that you would reach civilization before it got dark, or worse, Minho would find you.
Your journey was long. You headed straight the whole way, not turning anywhere. You made your way through the forest. Your legs and arms were all scratched by the low branches of the trees. It started to get a little darker and colder. Despite your fear, the adrenaline in your body was still pumping.
You finally managed to reach an asphalt road. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw it, but it didn't change the fact that you still didn't know which way to the city. You didn't remember the road, after all, Minho made sure that you didn't know where he was taking you.
You looked around and decided that he would head along the road anyway. You hoped that you had chosen the right direction and wouldn't return to Minho's house. You kept going until you suddenly heard the rumble of a car. You stopped and swallowed hard. Was that Minho? He came to pick you up? Will he lock you in the house again and not let you out? Many questions began to swirl in your head.
A red car stopped right next to you. You looked at it with wide eyes, terrified. Two middle-aged women were sitting in the car. You took a deep breath. It wasn't Minho.
“What are you doing here, darling?” One of them asked, rolling down the window. “It’s getting late. Do you need help? Why are you in the woods? What happened?” She began to ask.
“Ruth, slow down. The girl is scared… What do they call you, little heart?” The other asked in a slightly calmer tone.
“Y/N…” You mumbled quietly.
“Y/N?” Ruth repeated, surprised. “Wait… Y/L/N Y/N?”
“Y-yes…” You stuttered slightly.
“No way… Ruth, this is…” The other woman started.
“I know, Sarah… Come on, Y/N, we’ll take you to the city.”
You thanked her and got into Ruth and Sarah’s car. You sighed quietly with relief that you had run into two women. During the trip, you found out that the police were still looking for you until you were pronounced dead. Minho held you for a whole year.
The women left you at the police station, where you gave your statement. The police almost immediately went to the university, where Minho still worked, to arrest him. Your friends and family were also notified.
Jeno was the first to arrive at the police station. You couldn't believe you were seeing him. The boy had a bit more muscles than you remembered. You looked at him. Jeno blinked away tears of joy. Finally, after so long, he saw his friend. He ran up to you immediately and hugged you tightly. You snuggled into him.
"I can't believe it's you... that I see you. I missed you so much Y/N... What did that bastard do to you?" He asked, looking at you, tears streaming down his cheeks. "We thought you were dead..."
"Please... I don't want to talk about it. Not yet." You replied quietly, also unable to hold back your tears. "I missed you too." You stammered into his chest, snuggling up.
“Come on, I’ll take you home…” Jeno suggested. You were about to leave the police station when Minho was led into the next room in handcuffs. You hid behind Jeno, peeking past him at your captor.
Minho’s gaze was cold. He looked you straight in the eyes. He was furious. You swallowed hard. You knew what that look meant. After so long, you were able to read his every emotion.
Before the door closed behind Minho, he looked at you one last time, and a slight smile appeared on his lips. He nodded at you. It was a promise. A promise that he would find you again. And even if it was empty, you knew that you would forever live in fear.
Five years later…
You were walking down the street in the late evening, going back home from another art exhibition you attended. The weather was a little bit foggy and the lamps on the street gave not so much light. You felt the cold wind blow on you skin. You could’ve taken a warmer coat.
You shivered. The temperature dropped almost rapidly. The whole atmosphere around was mysterious and a little spooky. It was quiet and not a single living soul was in sight. I should’ve taken an Uber, you thought.
Suddenly, you heard footsteps behind your back. You sped up a bit, startled. The steps behind you also quickened. You turned slightly to see who was following you.
You noticed a not very much taller man right behind you. He looked quite familiar, however, you could not remember where you had seen him before.
After a while it came to you. You knew that body gait and posture. Your body has frozen. Is it possible? Has HE returned? You swallowed your saliva terrified of what was about to come.
The man caught up with you. He stood right in front of you. His face was hidden under the hood of his gray sweatshirt, but you could see a gentle smile on his face. He knew perfectly well what emotions he brought out in you. You wanted to run away, however, it was pointless. You knew you couldn't hide from him anymore.
"Did you miss me, kitten?" You heard his voice, and his smile deepened. Now you had nowhere else to run. Lee Minho has fulfilled his promise. He found you. "I told you, kitten. You will always be mine."
-> Part 17
-> Series Masterlist
Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @biujulia @inlovewithstraykids
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storytowrite · 3 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
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Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 1041
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
The pattern from the previous day repeated itself for the next week. Minho left for work every morning, left you breakfast and came back late in the evening. In the meantime, you watched TV or read books from the man's library. You had nothing better to do. You knew that you couldn't wait forever for the police to find you.
A lot of time had passed since the announcement on the news, but no one had found you yet. No one had come for you. You didn't try to escape yourself either, full of hope that someone would find you in a moment. Time was dragging on for you.
Finally, one day you decided that you couldn't wait any longer, that you had to take action. You waited thirty minutes after Minho left and started to wander around the house. You knew that the man had cameras in every room, so you were very careful. You guessed that the room with the main electronics had to be in the office - which you weren't allowed to enter.
However, you didn't give up and using chopsticks and a knife, you got into the locked room. Minho's office was spacious, in the middle stood a huge, mahogany desk made of hardwood. Behind the desk was a deep leather armchair and a row of shelves with books and other documents. If only you had time, you would gladly look through what Minho had in his collection.
You looked around the room, looking for something that could lead you to the place where all the cables from the cameras were located. You didn't think about one thing - Minho had an alarm installed and the moment you entered the office, he immediately received a notification on his phone. While you were busy looking through the room, the man had already turned back home and stood in the doorframe of the office. You didn't even notice him. And he was leaning against the doorframe, with his arms folded across his chest and watching you with a cat's gaze.
Fortunately, he didn't go far and thanks to that he was able to return home so quickly. You seemed to finally sense his presence, because you straightened up like a string and very slowly turned towards him. All red in the face and scared, you finally spoke up.
“M-Minho… are you back already? Quick…” You said quietly and swallowed.
“Don’t act stupid Y/N.” He growled a bit harsher than he intended, but it was your own fault. “Why did you break the ban, hm?”
“I… ahem… this one…” You started hesitantly.
“You wanted to run away, right? You were looking for a place where you could cut off the cameras.” With each word he was getting closer to you, until he finally forced you to lean against the dark desk. He stood between your legs and suddenly sat you down on it. “I knew I couldn’t trust you… You wanted to leave me, right?”
“What? No Minho, it’s not like that… I…”
“Don’t act stupid.” He repeated firmly. “We both know the truth perfectly well… Tell me Y/N, what should I do with you now, huh?” He tilted his head, watching you fight with yourself not to cry. You were afraid of him, but he was okay with that.
“M-Minho, it's not like that, I swear!” You squealed when Minho dug his long fingers into your thigh. “Please.” Tears began to form in your eyes. “I won't do it again, I promise.”
“Mhm, you're right, you won't.” Minho replied and picked you up roughly and then moved you to the leather couch that was standing on the opposite side of the desk. “I'll tell you what happens now.” He started, laying you down on the couch. “As we know, I have to work. But as we also know, you can't be left alone, out of sight for a moment. So we'll do this.” He took off his belt and leaned over you. “I'll tie you up in a very uncomfortable position and leave you like that until I come back. What do you think? Don't be afraid, you won't get bored. I have something else in store.”
“N-no, Minho, please!” Scared, you barely managed to stutter out. “Please, I will do anything you want.”
“I have no doubts about that, my love.” He sneered. “It's obvious that you will do anything. Remember my words Y/N. You will never leave me again.” Saying this, he tied your hands behind your back with a belt, which he then attached to the couch. He did it in a way to keep you as immobile as possible. “Oh, perfect.” He smiled smugly.
“Minho, please.” You started, but you weren't allowed to finish. Minho ignored your pleas. He pulled a gag out of the drawer next to you and covered your mouth. Then he leaned over you and stimulated your clit, previously sliding your lower part of the wardrobe off it.
“Oh, I guess you're ready.” He smiled to then insert a small vibrator into you, which was controlled remotely. Thanks to this, he could tease you while he was at work. “Perfect.” He said and took a few pictures of you, then activated the device using his phone.
Sudden vibrations echoed inside you. You shifted slightly on the couch and made a small sound, stifled by the gag. Minho watched your reactions as he played with the intensity of the vibrations. He liked the sight.
Satisfied with himself, he walked over to the shelf opposite you. He positioned the camera that was connected to his phone in view so that he could see you in all your glory.
"Well, now I can leave you." He said calmly. "Don't worry, kitten, I'll be back with you soon." He placed a kiss on your cheek and left the office, leaving you alone.
The vibrations stopped for a moment, giving you a moment to control your breathing. However, after a moment they turned on again, but this time they were stronger. Minho played with you, bringing you to the edge, but he didn't let you orgasm. This was your punishment.
He was gone for a moment, but for you this moment lasted an eternity.
<- Part 16 | Part 18->
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Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @biujulia @inlovewithstraykids
25 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 3 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
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Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 1717
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
You got out of the shower and wrapped yourself in a warm towel. You looked at your reflection in the mirror and sighed quietly. You didn't know what to do. You felt lost. On the one hand, you didn't know what to expect from Minho and you wanted to run away from him, but on the other hand, you followed his every command and longingly waited for his touch. You splashed cold water on your face. When you raised your head again and looked in the mirror, you noticed the man's reflection in it.
He was leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded across his chest. He watched you carefully. He moved his gaze over your entire figure and licked his lips slightly. His eyes lingered on your breasts, hidden under the white material of the towel. You blushed and swallowed slightly.
"Minho... I didn't expect you." You began, breaking the silence.
"Have I told you that you're beautiful?" He asked, coming closer to you. You leaned against the sink counter, and Minho placed his hands on either side of your hips and leaned over you slightly. “And you smell beautiful.” He whispered in your ear.
“T-thank you.” You stuttered quietly and held your breath.
“I prepared pajamas for you in our bedroom. Come on.” He offered you his hand.
You accepted it and followed him obediently. He led you into a huge bedroom. On the bed was a black nightgown, with thin straps. You took it in your hand. The material was light and extremely transparent. You bit your lip slightly, knowing perfectly well that if you put it on, Minho would be able to see everything clearly anyway.
“Do you like it?” Minho asked, watching you very carefully.
“Yes, it is, it's pretty.” You said, not very convincingly. “Just... won't I be too cold in it?”
“Nah, and if so, you can always cuddle with me, kitten.” He winked at you. You just nodded and put on the shirt Minho had picked out for you. “You look perfect.” He grinned. He broke into a smile. “You can lie down now, I'll be there in a moment, I'll just take a shower... and don't think about anything, although I have cameras in every room anyway, so I would still find you.” With that, he wagged his finger at you and disappeared into the bathroom.
You sighed quietly and sat down on the bed, looking at the bathroom door. You looked like a puppy waiting for its owner. Less than thirty minutes later, the bathroom door opened. Minho came out with a towel wrapped around his hips. Drops of water were still dripping from his wet hair, leaving wet trails on his body. You swallowed unconsciously.
“What, kitten, do you like what you're looking at?” Minho asked, sliding on his boxers and putting the wet towel aside. “Lay down.” He added as he sat down on the bed. You followed his instructions. You laid down on the left side of the bed and glanced at him. Minho covered you with the blanket and laid down next to you, hugging you gently. “Go to sleep, kitten, it's been a long day.” He said quietly, gently caressing your shoulder. You involuntarily snuggled into the man's body.
“Goodnight Minho.” You whispered.
“Goodnight, kitten.” He replied just as quietly and you both fell into a blissful sleep.
The next day you woke up alone, in an empty bed. You stretched slightly and rubbed your eyes, looking around the room. For a moment you thought that the events of the previous day were just a dream, but that thought quickly left your mind. You sighed quietly and sat up. You glanced at the table next to the bed, with a note on it. You picked it up and read it.
I had to go to work. There's breakfast downstairs.
I'll be back tonight. Don't do anything stupid.
Have a great day.
You put the note on the shelf and went downstairs to the kitchen, where breakfast was indeed waiting for you. There were several fluffy pancakes on a large plate and next to them in bowls there were blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. There was orange juice in the carafe. Minho had also left you a jar of Nutella and whipped cream. You were dumbfounded at the sight, and your stomach started to react in a moment.
You sat down to breakfast. You didn't hurry, because you had nothing else to do anyway. You enjoyed your meal. After eating almost all the fruit and half a jar of chocolate, you decided to look for some clothes to change into and at the same time rummage through Minho's closet.
You went to the wardrobe, where the amount of women's clothes outweighed the men's. You admitted with surprise that all the dresses, blouses, pants and others were your size. Minho must have been planning to kidnap you for some time. You put on a black top and comfortable pants, and went downstairs. You decided to turn on the news channel to see what interesting things had happened since yesterday.
“And now a moment for the “missing ones.” A voice spoke on the television. “Yesterday, around evening, cameras recorded the kidnapping of a young woman returning from a store. The woman got into a black Mercedes. The kidnapped woman’s friends believe that she was manipulated by the man driving the vehicle. Unfortunately, investigators were unable to identify the man. If anyone saw the scene, please go to police station 143 on Red Light Street immediately.
You blinked out loud when your photo appeared on the screen. You were wanted. The police were looking for you. They considered you missing, kidnapped. You knew it was probably Jeno's doing. After all, only he could have come up with the idea to publicize this case. But why didn't they show that Minho was the one who kidnapped you?, you thought.
Deep down, you knew that they couldn't show Minho's photo on TV without having proof that it was him. Jeno knew perfectly well who kidnapped you and for what purpose, and even if he told the police about it, if Minho had an alibi, they couldn't do anything to him.
You sighed heavily. You hoped that the police would figure out that Lee Minho was behind all of this. You hoped that the police would find you sooner rather than later and you would be able to go home after all.
Minho did indeed return home in the evening. He was tired and hungry. In addition, the conversation with the police had exhausted him. Just like you, he had seen the morning news and knew perfectly well who was behind it. However, he promised himself that he could not get rid of another person who was bothering him until the matter ended. Now the most important thing was for no one to find out where he was keeping you, or that he was the one holding you.
He entered the house quietly. You were sitting on the couch and watching TV. You had nothing better to do anyway. On the one hand, the man felt sorry for you a little, he wouldn't want to be in such a situation himself. However, on the other hand, if you hadn't left him earlier, if you had followed his orders, you wouldn't be where you are now, and he wouldn't have had to talk to the police again. I'll have to ask Han for help - he thought.
After all, Han Jisung was his best friend and also the person who could do the worst job without blinking an eye. Minho knew that if he asked Han for anything, the man would do it for him without thinking twice. This rule worked both ways. He and Han were like brothers to each other, inseparable for years.
He stopped right behind the couch where you were sitting and cleared his throat quietly. You looked up at him. For a split second, fear appeared in your eyes. Minho smiled slightly. He liked that he sometimes made you feel scared.
"Oh, Minho... you're here." You said.
"I am." He smiled. "What did you do while I was gone?"
"I was watching TV... I didn't really have anything else to do." You shrugged.
“I'm going to take a shower, will you make dinner? When I come back, I'll tell you about my day, what do you say? He suggested.
"Okay, fine." You got up from the couch and went to the kitchen. The man watched you for a moment, then went to take a quick shower.
In that time, you managed to make dinner for him. You started to wonder if this was how your life would always be? Would you stay locked in your house, in the middle of the forest and be good for Minho? Would you follow his orders for the rest of your life?
You spent the whole day in the living room doing nothing. You could go out and look for an escape route, but you were afraid. You were afraid that if you went into the forest, you wouldn't get out so easily. Besides, you didn't know what awaited you there. You also knew that Minho had cameras in his house, you even managed to locate some of them. For now, you didn't want to do anything that would be against the man's will. However, you knew that you would soon return to your normal life. Now even the police were looking for you. It was only a matter of time.
Minho quickly got out of the shower and sat down at the kitchen table. You served him the meal and sat down opposite him. He started eating.
"So." He spoke, breaking the silence. "You probably saw today's news, right? I just want you to know that no one will find you here… You are mine Y/N and that will always be the case.
“No, if they find me…” You started, but Minho quickly glared at you.
“Believe me, kitten, they won't find you.” He replied in a cold tone. “Is that clear to you?”
“Y-yes. Sure.” You looked down.
“Great.” He smiled. “Come on, you were a good kitten today, you deserve a reward…”
<- Part 15 | Part 17->
-> Series Masterlist
Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @biujulia @inlovewithstraykids
23 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 3 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 2990
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
The trip lasted about two hours. Throughout this time, you were strapped down and immobilized in the passenger seat, while Minho was focused on the road. Although your body felt excitement, you began to have some concerns. You weren't sure what to expect from the man who had actually kidnapped you. And he did it with your consent, after all, you got into his car yourself.
“We've arrived, kitten.” Minho's voice suddenly broke the silence that had prevailed the entire way. 
“Where are we?” You asked, rubbing your wrists as the man untied your hands. You sat up slowly and looked out the window. 
Minho had stopped the car in a nice courtyard right in front of a fairly large wooden house. There was nothing around except the forest that surrounded the whole area. You trembled slightly. You liked it less and less. 
“You'll be safe here.” Minho said and got out of the car, then opened the passenger door and shook your hand.” Come in, I'll show you your new home.” He smiled broadly at you. 
“Wh-what? No, Minho don't joke around like that, okay? It's not much fun... I want to go home.” You said, looking around panicked. 
“As I told you, here is your new home, kitten. With me. Come on. Get out and do what I say before I run out of patience.” He said firmly. 
You obediently got out of the vehicle, trembling slightly in fear. You looked at him uncertainly not knowing what to expect. Minho turned around and started toward the house. You sighed heavily and moved after him. You knew that until you figured out some way to get away from him, you would have to play along as he told you to. 
As you crossed the threshold of the house, you swallowed your saliva loudly. The interior of the house was upholstered in light wood, contrasted by black furniture with gold accessories. It definitely did not look like an ordinary cabin in the woods. Until you were stunned. You stopped in the middle of the spacious living room looking around the room.
“Do you like it?” Minho asked, but didn't expect an answer. “Hungry? I'll make dinner.” 
“Minho... where do you get the money for all this? It's like you're an ordinary lecturer...” You started but he interrupted you in mid-sentence. 
“I invited you to my house, and all you think about is money, kitten?” He asked disapprovingly and stammered. “You shouldn't ask such questions. It's not nice to ask how much or where someone has money, you know?”
“Sorry.” You replied, quickly lowering your head and sticking your gaze into your shoes. 
“But...” He walked over to you and with his index finger lifted your chin, forcing you to look him in the eye. “I wouldn't know how to be angry with you, kitten, you know? I'll answer your question. In addition to teaching at the university, I'm involved in, um... how shall I say it? Ah yes! You could say I'm a collector of sorts.” He smiled at you and leaned gently over you. “And I collect not only beautiful objects.” He whispered in your ear, and ran your lips gently over his petal, at which you quietly sighed. “I collect many things. And you, you are my most important trophy.”
“I am not an object.” You said, and your voice trembled softly. You stepped back slightly while watching him. You took a few steps back, but Minho walked slowly toward you, smiling nonchalantly.
Your back encountered an obstacle - a glass door leading to the garden. You felt their coldness on your body and immediately winced. You wanted to take half a step forward, but Minho was already leaning over you. His hands were on both sides of your head. Even though the height difference between you was small, you felt really small.
Minho smiled at you slightly. He knew exactly what you must be feeling. He was enjoying this moment. He liked the emotions he was causing in you. He saw a mixture of excitement and fear in your eyes. And even if you denied it, he was definitely aware of the effect he was having on you.
"What are you going to do with me now?" You asked quietly. You knew there was no chance of escape. You looked into his eyes, which cost you a lot. Fear slowly began to take over your body.
"I'll rape you and kill you." He whispered in your ear and kissed you gently on the cheek, then pulled away with a quiet laugh. “I already told you, kitten, I won’t hurt you. You’re important to me.”
“Important people don’t get taken out into the middle of the forest against their will!” You suddenly shouted in a surge of adrenaline, and your voice was full of conflicting emotions.
“You can scream as much as you want, kitten. No one will hear you here anyway.” Minho shrugged. “You’re safe here… And only with me. Just as it should be. I already told you, you don’t need anyone but me.”
“I’m not your fucking property!” Anger began to take hold of you. “I want to go home! You’re fucked up!”
“Hm…” Minho tilted his head slightly, looking at you. “No.” He replied shortly. “Although you’re right, you’re not a thing. But you belong to me and nothing will change that, kitten. We’ll always be together, you know?” He pushed the unruly locks behind your ear. “And you can resist as much as you want, but it won’t change anything.”
“I want. To. Go. Home.” You insisted, your anger growing weaker and weaker.
“And I want a star from the sky! We all want something Y/N. I already told you, this is your home. Why aren't you even listening to me, huh? You’re mine now. My most important trophy that I have to protect!” His voice was getting more and more nervous.
“Protect? What the fuck are you trying to protect me from, huh? The only person I need protection from is you! You fucking kidnapped me! And you took me to god knows where!” You growled.
“I didn't force you to do anything, kitten. You got in my car of your own free will. I said I'd take you home. I didn't say whose. You didn't ask anyway." He replied calmly and shrugged.
"I didn't even think you wouldn't take me to my apartment Minho! You're some kind of a fucking psychopath!"
"Call me whatever you want kitten, after all you didn't specify what you wanted, not me." He replied nonchalantly. "You're probably hungry, huh? If you weren't you wouldn't be screaming like that. Eh... Sit down in the living room or explore the house. You won't get very far anyway. Oh and one more thing..." He pulled your phone out of your pants pocket. "You won't need this anymore." He winked at you, then broke the device in half, threw it on the floor and stomped on it.
You looked at the remains of your phone. Tears welled up in your eyes. You knelt on the floor and started to pick up what was left of the device. You felt bad. Lee Minho, the man you met a few months ago in the club turned out to be a completely different person than you imagined. You glanced at him out of the corner of your eye as he bustled around the kitchen. You were afraid of him and at the same time you felt the hopelessness of the whole situation. Alone with HIM in the forest. Without a phone. Without the possibility of contact with anyone close to you. You didn't know what to do with yourself, or what awaited you. Only Minho knew what he would do to you. And that was what you feared the most.
Minho, on the other hand, was pleased with himself. He knew that you were afraid of him and he understood you to some extent. In your place, he would probably be distrustful too. However, he didn't care that much about what you felt. The only thing that mattered was that you were with him. He wanted to keep you as close to him as possible and forever, and he knew that he would do everything to fulfill that desire.
"Dinner's ready." He said, placing a warm meal on the table. He glanced at you, still kneeling on the floor over the broken phone. “Y/N, come on, it's getting cold.”
But you didn't react to his call. You stared at the shattered device and tried to think of a way to escape.
“Hello, earth to Y/N!” Minho approached you. “I said dinner's ready. Come on in. Before I start getting nasty.”
“I'm not hungry.” You mumbled. “I want to go home, please.”
“I already told you this kitten, why don't you listen to me? You're home. Your home is where I am. Now I invite you politely to the table.” He said in a tone that didn't tolerate any argument, staring at you. You swallowed hard but followed his command. You sat down at the table and took a fork in your hand. “Enjoy.”
You started eating. Although you had no appetite, you ate what Minho gave you because you were afraid of his reaction if you accidentally disobeyed him.
“I'll show you around the house after dinner.” Minho suddenly spoke, breaking the silence.
“Okay…” You nodded. You knew that for now you had no choice and had to do what Minho told you. Otherwise it could end badly for you. You quickly ate your meal. Minho put the dirty dishes in the sink and walked over to you.
“Come on.” He said shortly and headed towards the stairs.
The house you were in had two floors. Downstairs there was a huge kitchen in a modern design, connected to the living room and dining room, all in an open space. In the living room there was a huge, black, leather couch, similar to the one Minho had in his apartment in the city center. There was a large TV hanging on the wall, and right next to it was a door leading to the garden.
The upper floor was decorated in a similar way to the living room. Upstairs there were four bedrooms and a study, which Minho immediately forbade you from entering. Each bedroom had a bathroom with a shower. In the master bedroom, apart from a huge bed with black satin sheets, there was a spacious wardrobe. In the bathroom, apart from the glass shower, there was a deep bathtub in the middle. On the counter against one of the walls were two sinks and a lot of cosmetics.
You hadn't noticed before that both the wardrobe and the bathroom were fully equipped. It looked as if Minho had been planning your move to this house for a long time. However, you didn't dare to ask him about it. You were afraid of what kind of answer you might get.
When you had already walked around the entire apartment, you went back down to the living room, Minho sat down on the leather couch and looked at you. His attitude was extremely nonchalant. Two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned from the top. Even though you were afraid of Minho, you had to admit that his attitude and appearance impressed you.
“Okay, kitten.” He began, looking at you standing in front of him. “We need to establish some rules in this house. First, you have to listen to me. You are not allowed to go into the study upstairs and you are not allowed to leave the house. Besides, even if you tried, you will not succeed. There is nothing around, there is only the forest. Second, you can of course walk around the house and garden, but the garage is off limits to you. And third and most importantly, from today you belong to me. If I decide that you are a good enough girl, I will get you a phone… maybe you will get a computer in some time.”
“And what am I supposed to do here?” You asked, annoyed. “Wait for you like a faithful dog? You are psychotic! I want to go back to my apartment!”
“Kitten, apart from me you have nothing. This is your apartment now, whether you like it or not.” He replied calmly.
“You can't keep me here for the rest of my life. What about my studies? What about my family? And friends? They'll be looking for me!"
"And they'll find a dead body. It will be so massacred that they won't even think it could be anyone else." He replied unfazed, making you shiver. “Kitten, I've already arranged everything. You don't have to worry about anything. Your loved ones, well... they'll forget about you quickly. And as for your studies. What do you need them for when I'm your professor anyway? You're homeschooled."
"That's not how it works, Minho. I need to have contact with others. I can't sit around and do nothing all my life because that's what you want. And what if you get bored with me? Will you get rid of me like you did with Rheena?"
"Rheena, ah yes... Well, luckily you're not Rheena. Your luck, of course." He winked at you. "Rheena deserved what happened to her. But you don't have to worry, kitty, I won't hurt you, which I think I've already mentioned. You have a really bad memory and you don't listen to what I say... I think I'll have to teach you some lessons."
"I don't think I need your lessons. I don't know what sick game you're playing, but that's not right, Minho. Please, let me out and let's forget about this, okay? I won't tell anyone, I promise you." You didn't give up.
"Hm... no. I won't believe any of your promises, kitten. Besides, you already gave me up to the police once, right? I don't want it to happen again. Now, come to me."
You swallowed hard, but approached the man. For now, you decided to follow his orders and in the meantime figure out a way to escape. Minho looked you in the eye and pulled you onto him. You landed on his lap.
"Perfect." He smiled slightly. "Like I said... I have to teach you a lesson." He added and suddenly put you on his lap.
"Minho, what are you doing?" You asked, surprised.
“I’m teaching you how not to behave. Any disobedience will be punished.” His hand landed with a force on your right buttock. You let out a surprised cry. You didn’t have time to say anything when you were hit in the other buttock.
Minho gave five hard slaps on both of your buttocks. With each subsequent one you let out louder and louder cries. You didn't want to admit it, but the man's slaps caused a slight arousal.
Lee Know knew it perfectly well. He knew your body better than his own. He knew what he had to do to arouse you, without too much effort. And that was what he wanted. He gently massaged your buttocks, then moved his hand between your thighs, at which you let out a quiet sigh.
He began to rub your sensitive spot through the material of your shorts. Your breathing quickened, the more pressure he put on. You began to moan quietly. Minho took his time. He relished your voice. He began to gently make circles, then pressed lightly on your shell, making you moan even louder.
He felt the material of your pants getting wetter and wetter. He smiled slightly to himself. He laid you down on the couch and stood over you. He took off your pants and panties, and then looking you straight in the eye, he inserted a finger into you, which he began to gently move. All flushed, you began to writhe under him and sigh louder and louder. Minho watched your reaction carefully. After a moment, he added another finger, and pressed his thumb on your button. In response to the sudden stimulation, you moaned loudly. Minho didn't take his eyes off you.
Your lips were parted and your eyes were half-closed. You were all flushed and you were letting out louder and louder moans of pleasure. Minho was proud of himself, he almost brought you to the peak. However, as soon as he noticed that your orgasm was approaching with great strides, he stopped all movements. He pulled his fingers out of you and licked them, watching with a slightly mocking smile as irritation appeared on your face.
"You're cute, you know that?" He asked, slightly amused.
"Why?" You asked, surprised and irritated. “Minho, I was close.”
“I know, kitty.” He smiled. “But you haven’t been a good kitten lately.”
“But I was close… I can handle it myself.” You were already reaching out to finish what Minho didn’t want.
“Oh, you’re not allowed.” He grabbed your wrist tightly. “You’re not allowed to touch yourself without my permission, is that clear? Be good and you’ll get what you want, okay?” Saying that, he pierced you with his cold gaze that always made goosebumps rise on your body.
“Y-yes…” You agreed and looked away.
“Great, kitten.” Minho smiled widely. “Now, go take a shower. It’s been a long day, don’t you think?”
“O-okay.” You listened to the man and went to the shower, where you were lost in thought.
Maybe it won’t be so bad? You thought, standing under the stream of warm water. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you missed his touch, but the thought of it made you very uneasy. Your mind was saying one thing, and your heart was telling you something else. You weren't sure if you really wanted to run away from him. And that was what you feared the most.
<- Part 14 | Part 16->
-> Series Masterlist
Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @biujulia @inlovewithstraykids
38 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 4 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 1364
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
It's been a month since you moved away from Minho. Since then, you had no contact with him other than at the university. Lee Minho still remained your lecturer. The denunciation you filed didn't change much - Minho was interrogated, police officers even came to the university and interviewed other female students, but it didn't do anything. 
Minho knew perfectly well that it was you who had filed the complaint against him. He also knew that the idea was suggested to you by Jeno, but he was not angry with you. He knew he deserved it, and yet he couldn't stop thinking and fantasizing about you. About your body, your touch, the moans you made when he gave you pleasure. He wanted you to come back to him, so that you could be together again. He was willing to do anything to fulfill that desire. Even if it involves forcing it on you. 
The day was rainy and chilly. You went shopping, to a nearby market, but you forgot your umbrella, and the clothes you were wearing - short shorts and an oversized hoodie - did not add to your warmth at all. You were returning with a bag full of shopping when a black car with tinted windows drove past you. You did not initially pay attention to it. It wasn't until the third time the same vehicle came within your sight that you freaked out.
The car finally stopped when you stood in front of the lanes, at a red light. It began to rain harder and thunder could be heard in the distance. The storm was approaching the city. You jumped up slightly in your seat when you heard another thunder, and the car window lowered. 
“Hey, Y/N.” You heard the familiar voice of your lecturer. “Why don't I drop you off? You're all wet...” 
“Ehm.... No need Mr. Lee...” You replied confused and even more stressed.
“Oh come on, I know you don't like thunderstorms, get in.” He opened the door for you from inside. You thought for a moment, but got inside. In fact, you were all wet and cold.
“Thank you.” You said quietly. 
Minho just nodded to you and took off. He closed the car imperceptibly from the inside so that you would not get out of it so quickly. In fact, you lived not far away, but the man took a longer route that you did not associate - he just wanted to stay with you a little longer. 
“Ekhm... Minho... I mean, Mr. Lee... this is probably not the way to go.” You began uneasily, breaking the awkward silence. 
“The main road is closed due to this rain, so we're going around.” He explained without taking his gaze off the roadway. 
“You don't have to be afraid of me Y/N, you know very well that I won't hurt you...” Minho began. 
“Well, I don't know, last time...”
“Last time I got a little carried away.” The man said, interrupting you in mid-sentence. “And for that I would like to apologize to you. Actually I overreacted...”
He was answered by silence. You didn't know what you should say or how to behave around him. A month has passed since your last interaction. A month in which you were both angry with him and missed him. 
“I wish...” Minho continued. “I wish you would come back to me... A month is a long time, don't you think?”
“I don't know... We really shouldn't. You're still my lecturer and...”
“Somehow it didn't bother you before.” He replied firmly. A gentle annoyance could be heard in his voice.
“Well, yes, but we shouldn't have either before...” You defended yourself. 
“But it didn't bother you, so why does it bother you now?” He asked and put his hand on your thigh, squeezing it lightly. “Pretty much, you liked it a lot before.” He began to make circles on your bare skin with his thumb. “I would very much like to get back to the way things were between us before.”
“Minho, stop...” You grabbed his hand and removed it from your thigh. The man clenched his jaws, he didn't like the fact that you were refusing him. “We won't go back to the way things were... ever.”
“ No? And why is that?” He asked a little more sharply than he had planned. 
“Because it shouldn't happen, understand that.”
“Well, but I don't understand.” He muttered. “And what are you going to do about it now? Are you going to file another complaint against me?”
“Y-you know it was me?”
“I wasn't sure, but now I am.” He lied. “Why did you do it, huh Y/N?” He asked, and his hand returned to your thigh again. He squeezed you tighter than he intended, at which you let out a quiet moan. 
“I...” You started but didn't know what you should answer him yourself. You swallowed your saliva, and his hand began to move higher and higher up your thigh. 
“You what, hm?” He asked, turning the car into one of the alleys. He continued to massage your skin with his thumb, causing a slight goosebump. “Did you think they would catch me like this? That they would lock me up in jail? That you would get away from me?”
“ W-what...? Minho it's not like that, I just...” You started, not knowing what to answer completely. 
“You just what? Hm? What kitten, have you suddenly run out of words?” He asked with a slight smile. 
Before you knew it, Minho had turned off the car's engine, stopping in a dark alley, and the back of the seat you were sitting on was laid down. The man pushed back your seat as far as possible and unbuckled your seatbelt. Before you knew it, your hands were tied with the seatbelt just above your head. And although for him, the position you were in was completely uncomfortable, due to the small amount of space, he still couldn't complain.
The sight of you completely defenseless and bound beneath him excited him greatly. You looked up at him with big eyes.  Minho leaned over you slightly. 
“I miss you, you know?” He whispered in your ear and moved his hand over your cheek, pushing back a strand of hair.
“Minho... please.” You whispered quietly terrified. 
“What are you asking for, kitten?” His sensual voice had a mesmerizing effect on you. He gently ran his soft lips from your ear to your collarbone. “You don't even know how much I would like to take advantage of this situation right now... But no, it's not time yet.” He added and moved away from you, returning to his seat. The car's engine started running again. However, you continued to remain strapped down. 
“Untie me.” You said after a while breaking the silence. 
“Hm... no.” He replied with a slight smile. 
“Minho, untie me.” You repeated nervously and tugged at your belt. You didn't know by what miracle he managed to tie you with it so that you could barely move your hands. 
“I'm not going to... we're going to my place.” He replied calmly.
“What, but I...”
“You have nothing to talk about, kitten. I already told you, you are mine and mine alone.”
He decided to take you to his place. To his property outside the city, which, apart from him and his friend Han, no one knew about. The position you were in was so uncomfortable that you didn't realize where he was actually taking you. 
On the one hand, you were afraid of him. You didn't know what he would do with you. You were afraid that he would go further and hurt you. But on the other hand, even though you didn't want to admit it, you missed him as much as he did. And a month without his touch was a torture for you. He had made you dependent on him and didn't even realize it. Or at least that's what you thought. However, only Lee Minho knew what it was really like. 
You sighed heavily. It's going to be a long night, you thought. Because you hoped it would be just one night....
<- Part 13 | Part 15 ->
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Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @biujulia @inlovewithstraykids
39 notes · View notes
storytowrite · 4 months ago
|You will always be mine ~ Lee Minho series|
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Paring: Minho x Y/N
Genre: smut, angst, university au
Word count: 1541
Warnings: sex, 18+, Minho is a psycho, dom!Minho, sub!reader, abuse, slight BDSM, kidnapping, violence, age gap, Minho is an university professor, Y/N can be hurt physically (and mentally too I guess).
Synopsis: Who knew that accidental fuck in the club bathroom with a handsome man will bring you to a lot of unexpected events.
Author's note: I kept this series for a really long time not sure if I want to post it or not, but I decided to do it anyway, so I hope you'll like it.
The car trip did not take long, but for you it dragged on mercilessly. Minho did not say a word to you. His lip had already managed to swell. You glanced at him uncertainly. You knew he was angry and that you had broken the rule he had imposed on you from the very beginning of your strange yet intense relationship. 
You didn't want to speak up. You were afraid that if you said even a word, Minho would explode. You didn't know what to expect from him. The man's lips tightened. You sighed quietly. Now what?, You thought. You felt more than lost. 
“Get off.” Said the man coolly but calmly, although you could see by the posture of his body that he was tense all over. “Are you deaf? What are you waiting for?” He hissed already a little more sharply and left the vehicle. You quickly got out of the car and followed him to the apartment. 
“Minho I...” You started once you had crossed the threshold of his apartment. 
“ Did I let you speak?” He growled. “No, so don't speak without being asked. Go take a shower, you have fifteen minutes.” 
“But...” You started, somewhat surprised by his reaction. 
“I said something!”
You obediently went to the bathroom. You took a quick shower and changed out of your dress. You looked at your reflection in the mirror. Fear was painted in your eyes. You didn't know what Minho would do with you now. And fear stemming from not knowing is the worst kind of fear. 
You left the bathroom at a fast pace. Minho sat in the kitchen nursing a cut lip. He didn't speak to you at all. 
“Let me help you...” You began hesitantly approaching him with a slow step. Your nightgown stuck gently to your still damp body. He looked at you with annoyance and... something else you couldn't classify. 
“It's your fault.” He hissed as you touched his lip with a cotton swab, cleaning it. “You know? You're the reason we got beat up. You liked it, didn't you? You enjoyed having two men fighting over you.”
“What, no Minho... I didn't like it. I didn't want it.”
“Don't lie!” He growled. “We both know the truth. You like being the center of attention Y/N.” He rolled his eyes.  
“No Minho it's not...” You started.
“Why did you go to that club, huh? I explicitly forbade you! Why then?” He didn't even let you finish your sentence.
“I wanted to meet with friends and...”
“And what was that for? They are not suitable friends for you! I don't want you to hang out with them.... Besides me, you don't need anyone else!”
“What, you must be joking!” You fuked, and irritation began to grow more and more in you. “You can't forbid me from seeing my friends, Minho.” 
“Of course I can! And that's exactly what I'm doing.” He replied coolly. 
You moved away from him in shock. Your raised voices echoed around the kitchen. 
“You can't... You know what Min? I've had enough, I can't be with someone who treats me like his fucking property!”
“What do you mean by that! You belong to me!” 
“No, it's over, do you understand? Today, now, you have crossed the border...” You didn't have time to finish the sentence when Minho's hand found itself, with a loud smack, on your cheek. 
The man wanted to silence you in some way, and that was all that came to mind. However, the moment he realized what he had just done, he regretted it. He looked at you in horror, and you looked at him with big eyes. Both of you did not expect what had just happened. 
Tears began to appear in your eyes. You looked at him in disbelief. Your cheek began to pulsate. You stood for a moment in shock, then with a quick step you ran to your bedroom, where you grabbed the first better bag and started packing your things. 
“Y/N! Wait! I didn't mean...” The man ran after you, but you, as if in amok, did not hear him at all. “Y/N, look at me, kitten.” He grabbed your wrists and forced you to look at him. “Sorry kitten... I got carried away...” His heart broke into several pieces. In your eyes he saw only hesitation and fear. He immediately regretted his act. He himself did not fully understand what he had just done. 
“Minho... let go.” You said quietly, avoiding his gaze. 
“Sorry...” He immediately let you go. “Please don't do anything rash, okay? I'll go to sleep on the couch, we'll talk in the morning...”
“No Minho, I... I have to go home. I don't want to be here.” You said with complete seriousness.
He didn't argue with you this time, he knew he had to step down, although he didn't like it at all. He sighed heavily and left the room giving you space. He was doing his best not to lose you, and now he knew he had crossed the line and there would be no turning back. He had to come up with something that would make you not leave him after all. Only... he didn't know what yet.... 
You left Minho's apartment in the morning. The man insisted on driving you away, but you didn't agree. You didn't want to stay with him at all. You felt bad. You didn't understand his reaction, but you also didn't try to understand it anymore. 
In rapid succession, you found yourself in your apartment. You locked yourself in it with all the locks, then cried out of helplessness. You sat curled up on the floor leaning against the door, and tears ran down your cheeks. 
After some time, you decided to contact Jeno. You were worried about your friend. You only hoped that the boy had not crossed off your friendship. 
“Hello?” You heard his voice in the receiver. He picked up.  “Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Will you come to me? Please...” You said, and your voice faltered slightly. 
“I'll be right there... we need to talk anyway.” Replied the boy calmly and hung up. 
Not even fifteen minutes had passed since your conversation when you heard a knock on the door. You immediately opened it, letting in Jeno, who as soon as he crossed the threshold of your apartment, hugged you gently. His ribs were still giving out, and his right eye was purple.
“Are you okay?” He asked with concern watching you. “Your cheek... Did he hit you!” He immediately boiled over. 
“Don't worry about it... We just had a fight...” You shrugged your shoulders. “How's your eye?”
“Now don't worry about it.” He muttered irritably. “You need to report this pervert!”
“No, Jeno... If we report him, I'll be expelled from the university too. Don't worry,” I ended it. He... He won't bother me anymore. I'm sorry, it's because of me that you're hurt and...” 
“I'm fine Y/N. I just don't understand how you could be with someone like him. How did it even start?”
You sighed and told him everything again. How you met Minho, why you let yourself get involved with him, what happened after their fight. She also mentioned to him about Lisa and Rheena, who only lost their lives because Minho wanted to “protect” Y/N. Yeno had been listening to her attentively all this time. 
“You really don't want to report him?” He asked finally. “He killed two girls, if there is any evidence of that...”
“That's the problem, I don't have any evidence.” You sighed. “All I know is that he had a gold necklace with a rose in his room... I remember that Rheena had a similar one. But I don't know if anyone will believe what I say. What if I get kicked out of the university for sleeping with a lecturer?”
“You can bring an anonymous report, Y/N.” Yeno said. “And in my opinion you should do that. You can also mention to them that he manipulated you and hit you...”
“I'm not convinced Jeno. Minho is... a sociopath. He will take revenge on me. I don't want to lose my life.”
“I won't let that happen Y/N.”
You nodded. You admitted your friend was right, and with his encouragement, you decided to make a report. If only that would free you completely from a man who, as much as he attracted you, terrified you, you wanted to try. 
That evening you didn't stay alone overnight. Jeno decided to move in with you for at least a week to make you feel safe. The two of you started spending more time together than before, but you didn't go outside your apartment for longer than needed. 
The only thing you didn't know was that you were constantly being watched. Lee Minho was still present in your life, but now he kept a decidedly greater distance than before. Still, he registered every step you took, even the smallest one. After all, he had long since decided that he would not let you leave, and was capable of doing anything to get you to return to him. Even if it meant another murder.
<- Part 12 | Part 14->
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Taglist: @yaorzu-blog, @iovecb97, @hpnsfwaddict, @syedazarintasnim, @palindrome969, @inlovewithstraykids @biujulia
38 notes · View notes