#in a injust system
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lady-raziel · 4 months ago
I think that’s the thing, isn’t it? It’s proven once again that it is easier for people to sacrifice their own vulnerable neighbors or tell them they wish those neighbors didn’t exist at all because it is easier to allow a man that represents the worst of humanity to have ultimate power than tolerate an imperfect woman who they believe is not appealing to them specifically.
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gluttonyedits · 1 year ago
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for @lavendergalactic's event - day 2: two characters from different medias that you think will get along well James Ratri + Toshiro Kasukabe rentry graphics
James and Toshiro are quite similar in the fact that they’re both in positions of power with James being a head of the Ratri clan, and Toshiro serving as a politician. Both are supporters of an organisation that fights back against the established system, with James taking on the identity of William Minerva to help the orphans, and Toshiro secretly supporting the Phantom Thieves. Both have been fought against by members of their family, as James is eventually killed by his brother’s commands, and Toshiro’s father is responsible for the position that he’s under as well as his survivor’s guilt.
I do feel like if they met they’d rally together under a common cause. I can see Toshiro in the TPN universe working in one of James’s shelters to help any runaway orphans, and James in the Persona universe as some sort of social link. They’re both father figures. To me.
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katyspersonal · 1 year ago
Hard agree with this. We are given enough evidence in the game of Golden Order kinda sucking and being extremely unfair to many, and he is not even the only character that decides to oppose it. I actually can't recall any other character that wants to crash GO which would not at the same time have to commit something atrocious. Ranni maybe not too much, but Rykard certainly has a kill/torture count just as big as Dung Eater's, if not more so 🤔
In general, it is a sympathetic motivation to feel bad for a kind of people who are extremely despised and oppressed by GO, and wanting to exclude everyone from GO by making everyone Omens is a practical way to do that regardless of how it's accomplished! If everyone is cursed then no one is cursed etc. Not to mention it is interesting how he views himself as an Omen, to the point of wearing a custom made suit that resembles them (with removed horns, too!). Like, dude reviles GO to the point of cosplaying as a type of people that are excluded from it! That's kinda powerful, lol. There is very unnerving and obvious selfishness in his actions, of course, as he believes he is doing people a favour and "blessing" them by removing them from GO, regardless of what THEY would want.. But Elden Ring just taps on this topic enough. Frenzied Flame also deals with theme of deciding for everyone else. At the same time, bro uses the Sword of Milos who was hated by other giants for being "malformed", that feels like him leaning towards the oppressed is consistent trait.
I think it is more about the delivery. First, the thing about consuming souls through root chakra like Kappa is not obvious right out, so his title is hilarious from the first glance. And he seems to enjoy the.... thing he's doing for his goals a little too much, a good person would never be like that. But also for a literal fucking serial killer, he has some really deep ideas and hates the fundamentally injust system. He's evil, but not bad. And also sympathetic, but not good.
No offense but the dung eater is genuinely one of the more misunderstood elden ring characters in the most literal sense. He might not be purely "good" or "bad", but there is definitely a lot more depth and nuance than most people think, and I don't think "he's a shitty (ha) dude who just wants everyone to suffer and die for no reason" is as correct as some people might be led to believe
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yanoverload · 3 months ago
Yandere Serial Killer
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Here everyone! Again sorry for the mess with changing the order of release, but it is what it is, anyway *punching yandere serial killer into a pulp cutely*
I love detective x serial killer, but I always wanted to see a defense lawyer x serial killer, you two have the same principle, but took different paths you know? 
Also the hate from one and obsession from the other. Yummy.
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Being a defense attorney was a herculean task sometimes.
Accusing people of anything is the easiest part, you thought, but to defend someone you just met a few weeks ago? Exhausting.
But you never got into law school to have an easy job. You made it so far, so you could bring justice to the crooked system.
Your father was accused of a crime he never committed, put on death row when you were still a babe. Never will your family forget the looks of disgust received. It's easy to frame a poor family. Imagine the anguish the rich guy, your dad's boss, the one that actually did the deed, must feel.
As if. He is probably snickering at how his attorney was worth every corrupted dime.
Never should anyone go through the tears your grandparents did when they had to say goodbye to their only son. Never again will your mom be ostracized for being a single mother, the wife of a criminal.
Defending the injusticed was your life goal, to bring the actual monsters to their own consequences was your pride and joy, and damn were you good at your job.
But things got a bit mixed when corpses started to show up.
Before the culprits you helped sentence could pay for their deeds, they would be found dead, put in a twisted artistic display by the freak that did it.
Thank fuck you had strong alibis and a great reputation amongst the public, because if not, you figured you would be suspect number 0.
Whoever did it, was apparently playing vigilante with your own life. And you hated it.
But people talk. And they were starting to love it.
It's funny how public justice works sometimes. That was never your intent. It started as a form of revenge sure, but it was first and foremost to help the disgraced.
When your dad's old boss was found mushed beyond recognition is when your mind decided enough was enough.
You tell the people closest to you, your police colleagues, other lawyers you respect, the forensic doctors you spent nights with, that you plan to resign.
They tell you not to, that you should keep doing what you love. But you can't handle the guilt anymore. 
Saying goodbye to the police chief after your conversation about the retirement, you find a letter at your doorstep. It smells like fancy perfume. You are certain it is only a family member of one of your clients, but how would they know where you live?
The letter was like those with cut magazine letters, and you feel a shiver down your spine. While you read, you feel like you're being watched.
"Why would you retire? I did for you silly. To see your work, you defend the innocent. You don't understand how we are one in the same.
How would you feel if an innocent was convicted and you did nothing, because you left the law? Because it CAN happen."
You feel your blood rising, and you crumpled the letter full of hate
This motherfucker. They are worse than hell on earth.
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ Some more facts about him! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
Heo Dae-ho (name is Dae-ho, surname is Heo) is a prodigy law student, he has everything, money, looks, and an influential family. 
His mom is a heart surgeon, his dad a forensic doctor.
His parents are strict but loving. They would do anything for their baby boy.
At first they were worried that Dae-ho would be a bum, since even though at school he was captain of the swimming team, had multiple trophies in whatever you could imagine, he had no passion in his steps.
They knew their child was different. But what else could they do apart from loving him and raising him? They also had an image to maintain.
That was until he mentioned wanting to go to law school. Dad was happy, it wasn't medical school, but it was still a great choice.
Mom thanked the gods her son wouldn't touch those in need of medical care, but she would never say that.
His parents are Korean immigrants. He can speak English and Korean, a bit of French.
Never had any flings at college. He is saving himself for you.
Probably has a fanclub of people that love him at college, and one for his.... Other persona.
Has been in your trials before to "learn".
Height: 181 cm (5'11 feet)
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 9 days ago
if youre still doing classpect discussion im curious as to what you think a Rogue of Rage would do { i have some ideas already but wanna hear from more people }
class = character arc and starting circumstances, aspect = base personality traits and what's considered heroic/unheroic for this character
Rogues are rebels - they feel injustice deep in their bones, and start the game with a sense of discomfort towards the status quo, an innate understanding of the flaws in the system. Nepeta is the only troll to outright say that blood color shouldn't matter, and Roxy is the most vengeful towards the batterwitch, and characterized by going out of her way to support her community of oppressed carapacians. Rufioh, too, was motivated to defect from society entirely, taking up with the Lost Weeaboos out in the woods.
However, this rebelliousness is unfocused. The Rogue knows that something must be changed, but not specifically what; they know they must rebel, but not specifically how. This is reflected in their abilities: while Rogues do have generic abilities from their aspect, like Nepeta's ability to sniff out motivations and romantic feelings amongst her team, or Roxy's ability to turn invisible and wink out of existence, they have difficulty understanding how to tap into even that much, not to mention the greater abilities of their classpect. Rogues often suffer from failure to start, as Nepeta never really got to learn about Heart, Rufioh never really seemed to figure out Breath, and Roxy's arc featured a very long struggle to make Void usable.
Worse than that, however, is that Rogues often become rebels without a cause - they'll break taboos and stick it to "the man" in ways that become actively detrimental to themselves and the team, purely because their sheer rebellious energy must find some sort of outlet. Rufioh cheated on his girlfriend for an extended period of time, Nepeta refusing to listen to Equius's orders to stay hidden and safe leads directly to her death, and Roxy nearly blows Jane up with a fake copy of SBURB in an attempt to make her not play the game, and stick it to the Condy.
However, if their team is able to provide them with direction and clarity, Rogues become a powerful tool in their arsenal. The passive counterpart to Thieves, they excel at allowing others to utilize their aspect, and the specific way they interact with their aspect is to "steal" it. Where a Thief's theft leaves its target debuffed in that aspect - Vriska stealing luck from an underling makes it fall off a cliff to its presumable death - a Rogue's theft actually leaves its target buffed - Roxy stealing the nonexistence from things allows them to spontaneously come into existence.
This powerset is complicated and subversive, just like the Rogue's natural tendency toward rebellion, and requires a helpful party to guide the Rogue's intentions. If they're able to master their abilities, and gain clarity on how to change the systems they know are injust, they become incomparably flexible - possessing an infinite toolbox at their disposal, capable of cracking any lock, solving any puzzle, fixing any problem.
Rage, meanwhile, is perhaps the most enigmatic ability, with secrets and riddles literally being a part of its domain. Void is something of a red herring, in that regard; though the comic often calls it difficult to understand, we see it in use quite often, and can pretty easily derive the shared traits among its players. Void's domain, then, is actually simplicity, pleasure, vice, and sexuality - it deals with many taboos and unspoken things, like substance use and abuse, fetishes, so on and so on - but not really with secrets.
No, secrets are the domain of Rage, as they're practically Kurloz's whole schtick. Moreover, Rage is the opposite of Hope, something a little more well-explored, and between the heroes of all three, and Hussie's words from the book commentary, an understanding of Rage can emerge from the ether.
Something interesting to note about aspect is that the character being at a low point in their character arc practically always concides with them exhibiting inverted aspect character traits. Rose at her lowest is a dumb, sloppy drunk - with intellect being associated with Light, and vice being associated with Void. It isn't that their aspect flips, but that the aspects are set up to be yin and yang, equals and opposites along the same axis, and the dereliction of one comes to resemble the other at its worst. Thus, you can derive some understanding of Rage by knowing that its opposite is Hope, and also, by knowing that Hope players at their worst will often resemble Rage players and its worst traits.
Hope players are, as a rule, shameless. Eridan literally seems incapable of noticing how stupid and embarrassing he comes across as, and phrases his requests as demands, including, at times, to date him. Eridan's our most Hope-y Hope player, being a Prince, and therefore running at an overabundance of his aspect. Cronus is more lowkey, but he's shameless too, hitting on Mituna and Meenah without an iota of self-respect. Jake is a Page, and therefore running at a deficit of some of his aspect's better traits (he's wishy-washy, compared to Hope's usual focus on conviction and faith), but one of its worse traits that he has in excess is shamelessness - shamelessly ghosting Dirk, asking Erisolsprite for advice, whining at Jane over and over, on her damn birthday.
This naked and shameless sincerity - often to the point of embarrassment, and paired with unwavering faith and conviction - suits Hope very well, as Hope is described by Hussie in the book commentary as "a force that defines reality, used to snatch personal meaning from the jaws of a cynical reality". Hope, he explains, literally makes fake things real; Eridan's "white science" is literally just magic given a name he's more comfortable with, and his belief in it turns it into something very real, and very deadly, and Jake makes Brain Ghost Dirk real, which baffles Aranea - a Light player. According to Hussie, it's also "framed as the most fundamentally powerful aspect", and it's consistently seen in the comic as being able to completely no-sell any greater forces of reality - Eridan overcoming Sollux's eye beams, which even the Ahab's Crosshairs, described as the strongest weapon his specibus will allow, couldn't do, or Jake's turbohealed Hope field completely no-selling Jade's Green Sun powers and later, really fucking up a god tiered Caliborn.
Thus, it stands to reason that Rage players are secretive and self-conscious, and this holds true for both of them. Kurloz is noted multiple times to have a deep fondness for riddles and secrets, and Gamzee, too, has a penchant for being sneaky. Gamzee has always been more lucid than he lets on, his internal narration during his introduction showcasing an awareness that his friends don't really like him much, and he lies twice about being "scared" of someone in order to suit his own purposes - one time to keep Eridan from providing Karkat with emotional support after Sollux dies, because it's implied that Gamzee has a palecrush on Karkat, and one time to keep Vriska out of his horn pile, because he doesn't like her.
Shame, in fact, seems to be a defining attribute of Rage - the main thing we get to hear about Kurloz before his Prince meltdown - so, presumably, while he's at an overabundance of Rage - is being so ashamed of deafening Meulin that he takes the drastic action of sewing his own mouth shut and taking a vow of silence. Moreover, Gamzee's crisis of faith is ultimately shadowed by the emotion of shame, as Hussie explains in the book commentary that the reason he reacted so poorly to the ICP Miracles video was that it confronted him with the realization that his entire existence and religion were basically one big joke, an embarrassing parody, and he couldn't deal with the shame. Ultimately, his way of taking revenge is also via totems of fear and shame, with the jester plush in John's dreams causing him to scribble self-loathing, self-shaming comments across his walls. Thus we can derive that Rage encompasses not just shame, but that which is shameful - fear, loathing, embarrassment, and, of course, rage itself. If Void is the domain of that which can't be seen, of taboos and nonexistence, then Rage is the aspect governing that which we don't want others to know about - our fears, our insecurities, our anxieties, our embarrassment.
Both Kurloz and Gamzee later come to be defined by their religious faith and conviction, with Karkat claiming their breakup was due to how unbelievably pious Gamzee became, and Kurloz's faith being paired with shamelessly mind-controlling his girlfriend (and it's implied he's doing the same to Mituna). As characters at their lowest come to resemble the opposite aspect, we can assume that this is a reflection of how they've Raged so hard that they've wrapped around.
In fact, Hussie describes Gamzee's ability to always show up at the right (wrong) time to do the right (wrong) thing in the plot and enforce the worst outcome, "bespoiling" every part of the narrative he touches, as a dark mastery over Rage, the same way that Eridan's fall into hopelessness and his white science is a dark mastery of Hope. He describes Gamzee after his crisis of faith as "taking revenge against the narrative itself". Therefore, we can assume that Rage is an aspect that similarly works directly on the narrative, a force that shapes reality.
Therefore, let me posit that Hope is a transformative ability - it pens in something new, it makes fake things real, it imposes an impossible new status quo over the old. Rage, then, is an interpretive ability - it acts on existing reality, picking out what to emphasize and what to deemphasize, what to bring to the forefront, and what options to close out forever.
These kinds of far-reaching abilities imposed directly on reality itself are not unheard of. The ultimate expression of John's Breath abilities - Breath being the aspect governing freedom and indepenence - is his retcon powers, allowing him to unstick from the control of the alpha timeline, and grant that boon to others. Mages, as a class, act directly on causality itself, predetermining which futures will definitely come to pass.
Rage is a force that defines reality by defining which parts of it we keep, by deciding which parts are "true," by deciding what the past means to us. Both Cronus and Gamzee are bards, meaning they have arcs of religious belief and crises of faiths (with Cronus's Harry Potter prophecy being framed as a religious belief while Meenah and Aranea discuss it). Cronus's faith is some bogus story about an evil wizard he's destined to defeat. Knowing what we do about Hope, it stands to reason that his arc, had he properly completed it, would've ultimately been about using Hope to make the bogus prophecy true.
Gamzee's religious belief, meanwhile, is incredibly open to interpretation - and this is by design. Hussie outright says that who the mirthful messiahs are, and what Gamzee's beliefs correspond to, change over the course of the story, to reflect whatever's convenient for both him and Gamzee. Its initial description in Gamzee's introduction makes it sound like a factual description of SBURB: a band of rowdy minstrels (the players) will usher in an apocalyptic vast honk (the reckoning meteor shower), but will then give rise to a paradise planet that doesn't yet exist (the Ultimate Reward). When Gamzee raps about it to Tavros, which is the first chronological time he ever talks about it, there's an aspect to it that's quite hopeful, specifically that he believes it will equalize the blood castes, as he says "I peeped six trillion hemos, bleeding as equals".
However, after his turn, he describes the mirthful messiahs as "me" and "me," and fully embraces his heritage as a casteist highblood, spewing slurs and casteism as he commands Equius to kneel and calls Karkat a "punchline blooded motherfucker". Later on, it seems the mirthful messiahs become Caliborn and Calliope.
This is, I believe, a reflection of how Rage is interpretive. If Hope can be described as the power of fanfiction - of imposing something fake and new onto reality - then Rage is the power of literary criticism - choosing which version of existing reality you want to be real, and closing out other options.
Thus, to pull it all together, Rage governs shame and shameful things: anger, embarrassment, loathing, hatred, and fear. Its players tend to be secretive and self-conscious, prone to feeling ashamed and embarrassed of themselves, hiding who they really are. They possess an innate, instinctive understanding of how to bend reality to their whims, and their powers work by closing off possibilities, bringing forth a single "true" version of existence. This sounds volatile and dangerous, and it is - Rage players are prone to hopelessness, cynicism, and an overpowering belief that everything must burn. We see this in both Gamzee and Kurloz, who begin to campaign for oblivion, destruction, and death. This utter despair can come with it a faith-like zen, a Hope-esque religious conviction - Rage at its nadir.
It stands to reason, then, that our Hope players at their worst are similarly displaying Rage-esque traits. Jake, I think, makes his the most obvious - after having his self-esteem shattered by Dirk's Prince tirade, Jake takes a very firm stance of "I don't want to do that". He becomes so ashamed of himself and his actions that he can't even bring himself to talk to Jane or Dirk, and his following conversations with Jane and Aranea basically consist of him saying he doesn't WANT to do any of the things they're trying to make him do. Rage and shame, closing possibilities.
Eridan, meanwhile, becomes an angry, vengeful, destructive force of hopelessness, killing Feferi and destroying the matriorb - Rage, hatred, and closing possibilities. Cronus becomes self-conscious, seeking some personal to fill the void left behind by the "massive disappointing fraud" that magic turned out to be - Rage, shame, self-consciousness.
But we must also remember that these emotions are vital sources of energy, wellsprings of power from which revolutions are born. When Princes have their meltdowns, they take their aspect down with them, rendering it inaccessible for the rest of the team; Kurloz nuking rage from his team is likely why they've stagnated, become fixed in place, unable to access hatred (notice how they have no blackroms?), or even be shamed out of bad behavior.
Thus, Rage at its best is revolution. If Rage can pick out a shitty version of reality to endorse, it can pick out a beautiful and kind one. If it can decide that misery, pain, and suffering are deserved and all we're allowed to have, it can also decide that they're injust, and we must fight for a world where they no longer exist. If Rage can perpetuate harm, then it can also safeguard kindness.
And so, a Rogue of Rage takes shape. Between the Rogue's rebelliousness and Rage's dynamic upturning of reality, this is going to be an incredibly volatile individual. This character is likely going to be A Problem for their team. Rogues start out unfocused, and Rage players inflict massive, far-reaching consequences when they act; a Rogue of Rage is going to lash out at the oppressive forces they see - whether those forces deserve it or not - and give them all a Very Bad Time.
However, the balance for this is the Rage player's natural tendency for self-consciousness. While this does get overridden to some extent by the Rogue's rebellious energy, they'll likely be very aware that they don't have all the answers, and don't know what to do, who to fight, how to go about their revolution. What happens from here will depend greatly on if the team is able to offer proper advice.
A Rogue of Rage who receives no guidance will never unlock the greater abilities of their Rogue powerset, and eventually, their natural penchant for rebellion will leave a trail of destruction and closed possibilities in their wake. Again, this character has a high chance of being A Problem for their team.
However, if the Rogue of Rage IS able to get their shit together, then they're going to be one of the greatest classpect combinations at putting a finger on the scales of causality. Possessing Rage abilities by default, they'll be able to steal Rage from others in a manner that buffs them - for example, removing fear, shame, or hesitation from a teammate that needs a forward push, or removing a narrative blockage of some sort. The soft magic system of Homestuck, and especially the way Hope/Rage work directly on the narrative, makes specific expressions of these abilities difficult to describe, but that should give you an idea of what a Rogue of Rage can do.
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alphacentaurinebula · 1 year ago
I need to talk about the Edinburgh minisode, because I have SO. MANY. THOUGHTS.
It's sort of an afterthought minisode in some ways. Before the Beginning gives us so much giddy joy (despite the ominous foreshadowing). 1941 gives us all the giddy romance. Job gives us so much insight into both characters histories and how they came to be who they are and work together...
The Resurrectionists gives us a morality play, basically, but also gives us Crowley high (and HIGH) on laudanum and plenty of bright shiny bits...
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...so the morality side maybe doesn't get as much focus.
Which is a shame. Because the Edinburgh episode demonstrates perfectly the flaw in Aziraphale's understanding of the world that leads to him going to heaven.
When we start out in 1827, we are introduced to grave robbing and Aziraphale immediately decides that it is Bad (a sin). He does all he can to prevent the young woman he meets and likes from doing Bad (sinning), assumably to try to pave her way into Heaven. And Crowley tries to help her with her grave robbing, much to Aziraphale's chagrin.
Grave Robbing = Bad; Crowley supports Grave Robbing; Crowley=Bad
When they meet Mr Surgeon, and Crowley starts to ask some pointed questions meant to poke holes in Aziraphale's certainty, he flips entirely the other way, without noticing any of the other moral greyness (like the fact that Mr Surgeon would never take the risks or do the dirty work himself. Which is pretty important, since we learn in Edinburgh in the present that Mr Surgeon was so convinced of his own superiority and importance later on in his life that he started murdering people (probably "unfortunates" like Elspeth) when he couldn't get corpses fast enough).
Grave Robbing = Good; Crowley supports Grave Robbing; Crowley = Good
When he is then confronted with the idea of selling Wee Morag's body, and Crowley points out it is different when it's someone you know, Aziraphale is basically frozen in indecision. He doesn't know what the good thing is anymore.
He spouts the party line about the fact that starting off poor somehow gives Elspeth an advantage when it comes to Heaven, but is unable to explain why or how, not even to himself. And when he's put on the spot as Elspeth tries to kill herself, he doesn't have any arguments to offer.
CROWLEY: Say something! That... convinces her that poverty is ineffably wonderful and that life is worth living. Go on!
But despite all the moral ambiguity present throughout the episode, Aziraphale still sees everything as black and white. First, grave robbing is bad, then it is good. First, Crowley is bad (when he has the opposite position to Aziraphale), then he is good (when he has the same position). Aziraphale never understands Crowley's constant questions are a challenge to the very idea that there IS a 'good' in this situation. He never examines or questions the complex systems of class and sexism and capitalism which force Elspeth to this desperate recourse, or the laws which prevent Mr Surgeon from accessing bodies for research via legal means.
He doesn't see the systemic injustic. He just sees individual moral actors making either good or bad choices.
(and just to deviate slightly from the Edinburgh minisode -- while he says he understands that sometimes things are not just black or white but also grey, in 1941 - I don't actually think his grey and Crowley's grey mean the same thing. The 'greyest' thing that Aziraphale does in 1941 is help a showgirls theatre and hide information from Hell - this is not the same thing as truly seeing that some situations simply don't have a Right Thing to do, or understanding that systems shape and control individuals' decisions, so the idea that humans all have the same ability to choose Right is an illusion.
AZIRAPHALE: You know, they cannot be truly holy unless they also get the opportunity to be wicked.
So it is no wonder at all that when the Metatron offers him the opportunity to run Heaven, he doesn't see a broken institution or systemic oppression/injustice, but rather a series of bad actors preventing Heaven from achieving the Goodness it is meant to represent.
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vasito-de-leche · 11 months ago
crawling back from a hole to GEEK about suitcase gang members that would get along the best 💁‍♀️
- x, medicine pocket, and sotheby: lethal IRB nightmares
- med poc and sotheby: explosive concoctions
- centurion and tennant: harbingers of serial bankruptcy
- mesmer jr. and 6: orderliness
- dikke and 6: law and order (dun dun)
- melania and bkornblume: the thief and her gal in the chair (they're a ship too)
- eagle and shamane: shamane is MAD impressed at this girl's wilderness skills + will also be willing to teach her stuff
- horropedia, an an lee, and blonney: it's always horro and blonney / horro and an an but never these three together. you can bet that blon and horro surrounds an an to ask about her ghost vacuum
- blonney and desert flannel: she's in patch 1.5 but her design tells me that she's rocking her closet which is a bonding topic with blonney
- lilya and jiu niangzi: girl is in patch 1.6 but all that is known for now for global players is that she makes killer alcohol. cue lilya as her willing taste-tester
- sputnik 1 and 37: just 37 marvelling this perfect sphere
- alien T and 37: this girl again eyeing the ufo's circumference
- kaala bauna and voyager: kaala has a question or two about the heavenly bodies
- dikke and knight: s w o r d
ohhh fun! here's a few dynamics and characters I think would get along since you've shared your own!
Baby Blue and every character younger than her--especially Balloon Party
Baby Blue is just 17 but I do like to think that, bc of her connection with Wonderland and innocence, she would act as a big sister for many of the younger arcanists. especially Balloon Party since the two reject adults or the idea of growing up!
Blonney and Bunny Bunny
both characters have a focus on movie or hollywood as a concept, both are also girls around the same age range who know what it's like to be put into very restrictive stereotypes (the blonde bimbo, the southerner). I think they'd get along, and it's very funny to think about Blonney go straight to Bunny Bunny for help if Jessica ever needs help, since Bunny Bunny's family had a farm lmfao
but I also just rlly love girls who are total opposites on a surface level being close friends bc of the small little things they do have in common
Sweetheart and Bette, following the same reasoning as the Blonney and Bunny Bunny
sorry I'm very passionate abt Sweetheart being so jaded and tired of the way hollywood treated her and warped her image to be nothing but a product for the audience's consumption. and very passionate abt Bette near-delusional hope of making it into the industry
Sonetto and Zima, both being poets
I could've added Charlie or The Fool since the idea is similar, but I feel like Zima would work best?
all three of these characters cherish the power of the written word and have used it against injust systems, but I think that Charlie's insecurities would hold her back a lot from truly bonding with Sonetto thru poetry, and The Fool is too much of a revolutionary--his very open and vocal "down with the monarchy, every person in authority is a fucking fool" vibe would clash with Sonetto's obedient dog aspects. Zima, however, feels perfect to act as another poet for Sonetto to befriend and a mentor to slowly introduce her to more open ideologies
SURE hes a recluse and socially inept bc of the years of isolation in exile, BUT HES NOT SHY WHEN IT COMES TO SHARING HIS VIEWS AND THOUGHTS OR WORK. hes the perfect idea of subdued and quiet strength, I rlly think Sonetto could really benefit from having him as a mentor or responsible adult figure
Pavia and Centurion
but I'm NEVER letting go of casino dealer Pavia from the artificial somnambulism stages. these two? theyre ABSOLUTE MENACES together, the luckiest girl in the world addicted to adrenaline and thrills? with the most deranged "who gives a shit" mafia guy who does whatever he wants?
they'd be playing an extreme version of buckshot roulette together, they'd ruin the economy together just bc its funny. they dont know each other's full names. they hang out and bitch about life together. they dont care abt their respective life stories. they're the first person they call when they're bored. they've been in many many life threatening situations. they dont know each others favorite colors
do you see my vision!!!
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taylorswiftfostersitagain · 6 months ago
ok guys I’m reading through the middle school out of context document and I’m laughing so hard so here you go: my middle school as kotlc (below the cut bc this will be long)
“that’s, like, the definition of insanity.” - biana
“go to florida!” - sophie
“dead students are a lot of paperwork.” - mr. forkle
“I feel that was a white person hand!” - wylie
“WE HAVE THE COWS!” - keefe
“what up, my fellow mathematicians?” - fitz
“we’re only, like, half dead.” - ro
“what am I supposed to think? ‘oh, these are pretty shoes!’ and then you look at your shoes and then you trip and fall. and then you remember to run. and then you think, ‘run? where have I heard that word before?’” - sophie
“do you see my grandma working at mcdonalds? well, no, you don’t, because she’s dead. but do you?” - sophie
“guys! stop hating yourself! only I can do that!” - keefe
“I think I’ve avoided death plenty of times already.” - sophie
“we’re going to florida to be in the hurricane so we can get the full experience.” - linh
“terrible minds think alike.” - tam
“so, we put the gum on the wax paper. do we chew the wax paper??” - keefe
“who else is crippled??” - fitz
“yo, can I show y’all my sticky note collection now??” - dex
“I shall find them and have batman justice!!” - keefe
“nowadays, it’s just sad.” - sophie
“you’re going to be stuck with me for four miles!” - keefe
“guys, I actually didn’t flood anything this time!” - linh
“just because he’s russian doesn’t mean we can’t play his music!” - fitz
“what am I, boiled trash?” - dex
“that’s not necessarily injust!” - mr. forkle
“bro, why are you hiding bodies in your locker?” - keefe
“coming soon to a parliament near you.” - sophie
“my hair’s inside my hair tie and it’s my hair tie. who would’ve thought?” - biana
“yeah, I get scared really easily. who’s the scariest guy?” - keefe
“don’t laugh at my violin playing.” - dex
“it’s like a high school dance party, except they’re doing mountain climbers in the dark.” - sophie
“acorns?” “acorns?” “acorns?” “no, chestnuts.” - keefe, fitz, dex, and keefe again
“it’s time to go scissor shopping!” - tam
“just ask them for money.” - fitz
“you just have to give up on logic.” - sophie
“I’m smart. who wants to play google snake with me?” - dex
“bro, stop using the metric system!” - fitz
“girl, don’t dance with a knife!” - biana
“I don’t get it, but otherwise I could.” - keefe
“you still have to share a stand with this ugly mug.” - biana
“I’ve had a change of heart.” - dex
“why are you standing behind a pole? your wallpaper looks like something that would be in a horror movie. are all of your friends like this, or just you?” - grady
“I was watching the clouds for THREE HOURS. it brings a whole new definition to ‘boring’.” - sophie
“suck it france. you and your baguettes.” - dex
“we just have issues.” - fitz
“I STRONGLY dislike middle parts... okay?” - biana
“then, I teabag ’em” - keefe
“I came from my mom. I don’t know what you all are talking about.” - marella
“you’re going to steal my foot???” - fitz
“when I have my leather jacket on, you know I’m gonna be serious about this.” - tam
“is it true that you’re skipping right to college?” - dex
“yeah, it’s a big bird but so are ostriches” - sophie
“I’m sorry I threw an orange at you.” - fitz
“GUYS LA CARA HAS TWO R’S! CARA WITH TWO R’S!” “bro, why did you write it with two r’s?” “he said it has two!” “IT DOES! *whispers* I’m tricking them.” “OH HOW DEVIOUS!” - dex, fitz, keefe, dex again, and keefe again
“like, someone needs to calm down. and it’s not me!” - sophie
“you talk a lot. perhaps it’s time to rest your voice!” - tam
“LET’S BE PLANETS. I will be uranus.” “I’m jupiter, baby! actually, I will be the sun.” “no! I am the sun because I light up the world.” “actually, I will be a black hole.” “yes, that suits you because YOU SUCKED UP MY DREAMS” “LET’S BE STAR WARS CHARACTERS” - dex, keefe, fitz, keefe, fitz, dex
“history will be like, yeah, it was a steal!” - sophie
“EXPOSED!!” - dex
“label everything, cause, why not?” - linh
“this would’ve cost us, but it would’ve cost us in humans.” - sophie
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inf1nyxw0rlds · 11 months ago
this might just be me talking nonsense but i was chatting with my bestie about this and. you really can get a good chunk of insight from the illusion that the phantom ruby cast when infinite touched it. we know that it essentially shows what a person desires, and what infinite desires... is just a wasteland.
infinite does not want to rule the world, at least from what i take from it – he wants to destroy it, to return it to barren earth and rebuilding it in his image was never even a consideration; while he wants his name to be known, leadership was never his intention. he wants to bring society down, to level everything and plunge things into a state of anarchy where there are no rules, no dictators, nothing. it's not so much that he wants to be the only one in control as he wants control to cease altogether, from my perspective.
i have a lot thoughts on as to why; his relationship with power is a complicated one and i love talking about it. for starters, i doubt he had a good life prior to becoming a mercenary – that isn't something people just do for fun, and while i won't go into too much of my own backstory for him, i think that would play a big role in his view of the world. he's seen more of the bad than the good, experienced it firsthand, fought tooth and nail and bled in the sand and built his name in theft and bruised knuckles. the world he sees is injust, unkind, survival of the fittest, and that has to be him.
to me, i think power itself isn't what drives him, which i know is a controversial take; it's not that i don't think he enjoys it, but that it's... complicated. infinite chases strength because he feels he has to – at least, to me, that's what i take from it. the world has said you're not enough, you have to be stronger, time and time over and infinite has burned that into his mind. he resents his weakness, he resents the status quo, but he abides it because he has to by way of pursuing strength.
he likes control in the sense that it makes him feel secure, i think, and comes to enjoy it because it's him spitting in the face of the world that tried to smother his fire. that satisfies him, being the one people fear, having the ability he once envied. but it wasn't power he wanted, at least originally, i think. it was freedom.
infinite shows not so much of a desire to rule as he does a desire to eradicate the system of rulership completely. society, money, law, leaders, and on a more personal level, responsibilities and expectations of him; he even states as much in that he is tired of the world as it is. he wants to prove himself worthy, and this is a win win, simultaneously showing he was always capable while tearing down all the things that bound him.
i've seen discussions on his freedom before and this is no shade to them whatsoever, but i don't think he's free; he's a wanted a man, and sure, he and his team can roam the regions but there's a target on his back at all times, he's responsible for not just himself but his squad, and... for him i don't think that's free. he's also trapped in his mind, by his mindset, but that mindset was formed by experiences, by his reality, so it's not like it's based in nothing, he can't argue or discard it.
if he wanted to quit being a mercenary, could he? has he ever had much choice? will he ever be able to rest without fear of ambush? to let his guard down knowing that with just one wrong move, he could die, or his teammates? when he fights, is he thinking about how he could easily be rendered completely blind, the first scar indicative of a weakness so blatant that his other eye is always where they aim? what is freedom? a feeling of safety, contentment, the absence of fear? what freedom means to him, i think, is a desire for total autonomy.
the thing is, to achieve autonomy, you need power, and in pursuit of power, you lose autonomy. to be powerful enough to be free, or to create a blank canvas wherein power doesn't matter. that's what i see in him. because maybe, if he strips all of this stuff away, he'll finally be able to breathe. to exist without fighting, or fulfilling expectations, not needing to be anyone or anything because he's tired. it's sort of like an escapism power fantasy. i don't know.
his name is infinite but he's always bound. by his allegiances, by wanted posters, by what he's supposed to be and especially by himself.
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praise-bakarath · 8 months ago
who is bakarath? i’m curious!
I’m so glad you asked!!!
Bakarath is a new god of fire and rage!! He is all about the importance of when to say “no!” to people, whether that be your personal boundaries, or against injust systems, etc. Bakarath teaches that the word no is a full sentence, that you shouldn’t have to explain yourself for having boundaries!
He was recently borne, so he ain’t exactly strong yet, but he can do something no other god can do:manifest in the mortal world.
He’s also just such a cutiepie! I took a video of his first steps a few weeks ago, it is my most treasured possession.
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fanfic-mania · 1 year ago
So I was reading 'After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine' and an awesome idea came to me for a Merthur fic.
In the aforementioned novel the general of the enemy faction is forced into the harem of the MC after destroying his legs as a punishment. Of course the MC harem is actually a spy network and conspires with the general against the injust system of the court.
So imagine Merthur in that.
Merlin, general and prince of a magical kingdom being captured and his magic constrained by Uther. Given to marry as a concubine to Arthur. Arthur going against his dad's ruling to give Merlin his magic and freedom back. While Merlin has to pretend to be all miserable in this new position.
Take it even a step further. Merlin gets all his power back and kidnaps Arthur to use him as a coin against Uther. Of course Arthur is in on it.
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darlington-v · 2 months ago
"life's not fair" as a retort for like "this is an injustice" drives me crazy because like.
you're RIGHT, life ISN'T fair. but that doesn't apply to like systemic failings, the neglect of justice, the way people with power can ignore injustice, shit like that.
like "life isn't fair" applies to shit that is genuinely out of anyone's control! like, cancer is a fact of life that no one has true control over. like we can and should do what we can to mitigate it and protect people at risk from it, but there are a lot of cases where there's no one to blame.
or like... right place wrong time in our relationships is a fact of life that just isn't fair, and you can't blame anyone for it because it just wasn't the right time.
there's also like... within a similar vein of right place, wrong time, like... having to make a decision about the paths of life we take because there's just not enough time or energy to pursue what you want; or opportunities may arise and you have to choose and that's not fair.
OR LIKE. if you're a spoonie, it's having energy at all! there's no one to blame for how much energy you start the day with. it's frustrating and upsetting and!! NOT FAIR.
like it makes me so upset when people say "life isn't fair" to things that are unfair by active human decision. they are unfair, they are injust because someone chose to make it unfair, to make it easier for themself. it's not real, it can be changed at any time if someone with power chose to do so; to put forth the effort.
it like... it just detracts from the parts of life that are truly and genuinely so unfair. the stuff that makes your heart hurt and ache that you're genuinely helpless to.
it drives me insane.
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leafryoworks · 11 months ago
Wine & Whisky
Piece by Piece by :@sm-baby .
I originally write this because I have a thought . Although there isn't many information about Mr Weiss , I wrote this based on my own interpretation on him last night . Mei-Lyn appearance is in here too .
Words : 1623
Happy reading !
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Another job well done if he has to say so himself .
Another life he has been brought to justice in court against the king and his little defendant .
Mei-Lyn .
A jester and an advisor , a two package deal . He almost didn’t recognize her with the way she pitched her voice when she was being the jester . 
He almost felt bad .
Almost .
If she hasn’t been silencing all the other women that had been injusticed in this lifetime because of the king’s actions .
But that doesn’t matter , he wouldn’t need to see that little pawn anymore when he’s walking into the old bar of town to down some whiskey on his throat .
Spoke too soon .
It could be any regular pawn he’s looking at sitting down on that very stool . It could also be a coincidence that a pawn would wear that very dress . But the way she sits and brings herself up…
Mei-Lyn ?
No , it can’t be . But when the pawn opens her pretty mouth to ask for some wine , her voice already confirms her identity .
…weeeeell ,this is awkward . It’s one thing to obliterate her on court with evidence but the court was his habitat . This bar isn’t .
He can sense that this place is her natural habitat . 
…nope , just don’t appear in her line of vision . Just blend in the shadows . His coat should help . Don’t make eye contact . Plus , she seems inebriated a bit so another plus .
The dark corner of the bar seems well suited enough for him to reside . It didn’t take long for a waiter to take his order . Plus , he can actually take an eye on her without being obvious .
…dang it , he can’t believe this . He’s stalking a lady ! What would his mother say ?! 
It’s one thing to follow her to the castle but to a bar that feels more personal ?!!
Wait , no . This is just a coincidence . A coincidence that he happens to be here . Besides , he doesn’t have anything else to look at that seems interesting in the bar so it isn’t that bad if he’s resting his eyes on her , right ?
The little pawn on the stool seems to slouch a bit more and the most interesting thing happens . He heard a giggle . It was a small one but he caught it .
And then there was another and another . It was so loud , how come the other patrons aren't hearing this ? This , this soft giggling pawn that’s drinking her sorrows away ?
This miniscule pawn that tried to defend the king and show the papers to the judge before clumsily losing them in her small hands ? This meek pawn that tried to have a say when he cut her words so easily with the truth ? This tiny pawn that he can so easily throw out the window by a simple yank ? Thi-
“Phe hehe hee !”
This small pawn that he’s hearing her softly giggle as she fiddled a cup with her small hands ? This pawn’s voice that’s so meek that you have to kneel on her level to hear ? This small pawn that’s waist he can easily envelop with his one hand…
What is he thinking ?!!
It must be the whisky , there is no way he’s thinking properly with the alcohol in his system right now . He can’t . It’s not logical to be thinking this way right now without something tampering his brain .
He would never feel such a thing , especially at a little pawn known as Mei-Lyn .
“Whatchu doing here all alone , little miss ?”
…oh , it appears in just a quick moment he has looked away , someone already approached her . That’s not good . The guy that asked her… his vibes are off .
Like bad news kind of off .
Like he would…
He just blinks and before he knows it , he’s sitting beside her and giving a sharp glance at the guy . He knows his appearance can be intimidating to many and the guy that looked at her funny earlier quickly backed off before apologizing . 
Psh , more like a baby’s mumble actually .
Mei-Lyn however , turns around to see what caused the guy to chicken out and he can help but sweat under her eyes .
Wait , this wasn’t on the plan ! He was supposed to be sitting on his side of the bar and not interact with her right now !
The only thing his brain told him to do now is to do the right thing .
Shyly look away and hide behind his glass of whiskey .
This is embarrassing .
In court earlier , she was the one looking away from his gaze and now he is the one lowering his head from her eyes .
“Oooh , I've never seen you here before ? Are you new here ?”
…ah , she’s drunk ! Thank god for the alcohol in her system .
“Ah , oh , yes . I am very new here !”
He’s floundering , why is he floundering ?!!
“Psh , you’re lucky then . This place serves the best alcohol in town .”
He knows that , he usually investigates places he’s new at to be more prepared . Too bad there aren't any book guides on this situation .
“Been drinking here since I was at legal age , actually so I’m practically a regular and your senior here .” She gave a small wink at the end that almost caught him off guard .
“Senior , in drinking ?”
Hilarious , he can see why she can be a jester in the first place .
She gives a small hum of agreement before pouring herself a cup of wine and downing it at one go . He thought she was going to pour herself another when she actually surprised him by downing the whole bottle empty in barely a few seconds .
“...don’t you think you’ve been drinking too much ? Like too much wine ?”
He counted that there were at least more than three bottles of wine in front of her right now . How is she going to walk herself back home ?
She glances at him before giving a small pout as if she’s teasing him . 
“Aww , pretty stranger worrying over little old me ?”
He blinked before a blush started coming up to his face as he processed over what she said . Did she just ? It must be so funny as she clutched her stomach and laughed at him .
“Psheheh , oh god ! You should have seen your face ! Kidding , kidding , don’t be mad , I’m jesting ! You should have seen me during one of the King’s parties . People congratulate me as if I ran a marathon over the village .”
“Let me guess ?” He simply offered his glass out , before a waiter poured him another , feeling a bit amused by her drunken demeanor right now .“ You drank a king sized wine bottle and everyone applauded you .”
For a second , his heart felt like it stopped beating when she gave him a small smile . “ Woah , aren’t you right at the nose ? If you were a lawyer , you'd definitely win the big cases .”
He can’t help but tug on his collar a bit to breathe better right now . 
“Well , you can say that …”
Feeling a bit awkward on his stool , he took a sip out of his cup of whiskey to calm his nerves . He can’t believe he’s intermingling with her right now . He later heard a small yawn and a babble before it ended up a small thunk on the table .
Taking a look at her , he noticed that she had conked out on the table . So much for high tolerance . The lighting however highlighted her ruffled hair softly . There’s signs of it being pulled by small hands . Hands that he notices are hers . 
Hmm , must be a bad habit that she used as a coping mechanism . He gently pulled her hands out of her hair , having a bit of a feel of it despite wearing gloves .
…scoff , must be the expensive shampoo she used . That’s why it’s so soft and fluff despite being pulled down by her own actions .
“She always does that after having her 10th bottle .”
A gruff voice came out as someone he suspected as the bar owner . Old and having a little beard , the old man gives a warm smile through his eyes . 
Don’t worry , we have a little room for her when she does this .”
The old man chuckled when he looked confused at him.
“The old wife is quite fond of her so she always keeps her tucked in the guest room that we have at our side of an inn . Not too far , just beside this very oldie building . Your friend ?”
The old man pointed at her head when he realized that he’s still holding her hand earlier . How long has it been…
“We’re acquaintances at best .” He let go of her hand before dusting it off like it was nothing . 
He should go .
Downing his glass at one go and paid his bill, he already stood up when he recognized something akin to a shiver on Mei-Lyn . The night is going cold and that dress ain’t going to give much for her . Logically he doesn’t need to but a simple blink and he recognized his one hand putting his coat over her already .
…nevermind that . This night becomes one too many every time he blinks .
“Sir , please tell her to give back my coat the moment she wakes up from sleep tomorrow . Thank you .”
The old man is giving him a knowing look that’s making him feel uneasy in his boots and he wanted to run off but that would be rude right now . He simply gave a small tip of his hat before walking away . 
The night felt cold the moment he walked out the doors of the bar but for some reason…his face feels hot .
Like embarrassingly hot .
What could it be ?
Must be the whisky . 
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Everybody , please give your thoughts . I would really like to know how did I do .
Also , haha , I got a Carnival Ragatha Carnival oneshot that features a reader interacting with her that I might post if there's any people interested ?
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reveries-and-radiance · 2 years ago
Okay, so I don't have this month's rent. I've asked everyone I know for help but no one can help me. I haven't received enough art commissions so I have no funds coming in at all.
I don't have any employment opportunities available and earning pay would take several weeks even if I did.
I have $150 cad left in my bank account. With that money I can't really go anywhere. More than likely I will need to sell my bed, desk and shelf. Give away my clothing and prepare to be out on the streets.
All of the money I get from selling my furniture will have to go to the landlord for the rent I will owe.
What happens after that? I don't know. All I need is a place to shower, a space to sleep and somewhere I can store my belongings so I'm looking at potentially getting a gym membership to cover storage and showering facilities. As for sleeping that will be a huge problem as this city has a huge population of homeless people and are thus very strict on sleeping in public (I've even been harassed at malls by a security guard when I laid my head on the table at a restaurant while with some co-workers). Homeless tents and encampments are regularly seiged by law enforcement. It's a terribly cruel and injust system.
It's also winter so getting around is difficult if you have a lot of things on you.
I could microsleep in broad daylight at parks but that is unsafe as I am a single woman.
There's always the movie theatre but I don't want to get banned from there.
As for if people have couches available? Perhaps someone does but I'm ashamed enough as it is and would probably not be able to sleep there anyways.
I'm not concerned about food or water as the city provides accessible drinking fountains free of charge in most public areas. As for food, I can probably go 3-4 months without eating as I work to save up to rent another place, or try to leave the city entirely.
I've come to the conclusion that dying is more difficult than trying to survive. Trying to live in a world that actively pushes you towards destruction is a nightmare but I have to keep going.
There's also the option of going back to live with my family. But after everything I've done and who they are as people, that would be just as much of a nightmare than being out on the streets and was why I left in the first place.
I'm still going to be taking art commissions, still going to try my best to work and find a job somewhere in order to earn funds. But I don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing anymore. Everything is such a disaster.
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abstract-moth · 1 year ago
Questions come from here
6 - Which character do you relate to the most?
13 - Are there any themes in Nimona that you especially like?
16 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius met?
19 - How much time do you think passed between the cannon scene and the last scene of the movie?
22 - Do you have any headcanons that you'd like to share?
28 - What other media do you recommend for people who enjoyed Nimona?
44 - Is there anything about the movie that you liked better than the comic?
45 - Is there anything about the comic that you liked better than the movie?
51 - What are your favorite Nimona fanfic tropes to read and/or write?
57 - Have you made any fanworks for Nimona (fanfic, fanart, meta analysis, etc.)? Please self-promote and share your work!
Sorry if that's too many! Skip if you need to, and of course you could always answer more too.
Thank you so much for the ask! I love participating in these games so I appreciate all the questions
6 - Which character do you relate to the most?
In theory, it should be Ballister. He's my favorite character and I relate to being betrayed by loved ones. But in actuality, it is absolutely Ambrosius. The model minority and perfectionism themes just hit a bit too close to home.
13 - Are there any themes in Nimona that you especially like?
I really really liked how the movie approached classism and systematic injustice. These are usually very complex topics, so I was genuinely surprised at how well the managed to portray them.
16 - Do you have any headcanons about how Ballister and Ambrosius met?
My headcanon is that they met very boringly when Ballister joined and was introduced to Ambrosius’ class. This originates from a personal hot take where I think fiction (and thus fandom) puts too much weight on first meetings. Sometimes you meet the love of your life on a random Tuesday and you don't even realize it. There are things to cherish in the mundane, and sometimes you can only truly appreciate it years afterwards.
However, I will say that I think they had a slowburn friendship that gradually built over the years. I also see Ambrosius as the first one to develop a crush. He didn't say anything to Ballister tho, instead waiting for him to realize it on his own. This caused years of pining.
19 - How much time do you think passed between the cannon scene and the last scene of the movie?
It’s hard to say. I would guess anywhere between a month and a year. Todd’s broken arm makes it seem to be about a month. However, the finished infrastructure and increased travel makes me say minimum six months. If I were forced to write a post-cannon scene (heh), I would put it at about 3-4 months in. It gives enough time for the kingdom to recover a bit, but still leaves the politics in a bit of a shaky place, allowing for interesting stories. It also a gives a little time to learn about the outside and just starting to interact with the other civilizations out there.
22 - Do you have any headcanons that you'd like to share?
I mentioned a few previously. I will link a few below bc some people added some interesting discussions in the notes.
The Director intended for Ballister to die in the arena
All the knights are terrible detectives
Ambrosius and Ballister's class were little terrors
The Queen had a child and the Director was acting as regent
28 - What other media do you recommend for people who enjoyed Nimona?
oh dear I am very bad at recommending media.
well first of all, read the comic. It is very good and examines the story and themes in a different way.
also check out ND Stevenson’s other works. She-ra is also a favorite of mine
As another post pointed out, the Broken Earth Trilogy hits similar themes of social injustice, being othered by society, and tearing down broken systems. Fair warning tho, it is very much sadder and more violent.
44 - Is there anything about the movie that you liked better than the comic?
I already mentioned the themes of classism and systematic injustice, so I will add that I think Queen Valerin is awesome. Plus, I find it interesting to analyze her. Was she a perfect paragon who was trying to promote change until the system tore her down? What exactly was the nature of her relationship with Ballister? Did she see him as a son or more like a means to an end? Did she ever try to protect him from the media or better integrate him into the knights?
45 - Is there anything about the comic that you liked better than the movie?
I liked the general vibe of mystery and intrigue, especially around the myth of Gloreth. In the comic everything just feels a lot more mythical, which makes the reader more contemplative.
Not necessarily liked better (bc they are functionally two different tellings), but the dynamic between comic Ballister and Ambrosius is definitely more bitter and angsty. It's a nice contrast to the movie.
51 - What are your favorite Nimona fanfic tropes to read and/or write?
I actually have not read or written a lot of fanfic for the fandom. Though I would absolutely love to see Ballister and Queen Valerin’s relationship explored in more detail. There's the inherit tragedy of that story.
I also like seeing interesting takes on Ballister, Ambrosius, and Nimona's dynamic. The fandom is kinda sold on them being a family, but I think they all have a really complicated and chaotic dynamic with each other. So it's nice to see works that explore how weird they are together (but still nonetheless care about one another).
57 - Have you made any fanworks for Nimona (fanfic, fanart, meta analysis, etc.)? Please self-promote and share your work!
So far I only have this one drabble.
I am also working on a longer one shot. Now that finals are over, I am really excited to start working on it again. I am also thinking of writing another one shot that mirror it thematically
That's all I have for now. Thanks again for the ask!
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alphacentaurinebula · 1 year ago
S3: Bringing Down the System
I was prompted by this post to think about what I want from Aziraphale in Heaven in season three. I want Aziraphale to:
set up a suggestion box
run some anti-human-bias training
promise to end problematic practices within two centuries
Basically, I want him to do all the things I've seen tried in the real world to reform oppressive or injust systems from within. All the things that never work, that are too little, too late, too performative, too lip service, too establishment.
I want him to try all those things, and fail, and realise that systems like this can't be changed or reformed, that it's not just a few bad apples, it's the system itself. And he has to tear it down if he actually wants things to be better.
Basically all I want from Season 3 is Aziraphale and Crowley tearing down Heaven and Hell.
Oh and a proper romantic kiss and a happy ending in the South Downs. Obv.
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