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blazernot · 2 years ago
I'm drawing a bunch of old ocs for the heck of it and it's fun remembering and revisiting them all
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wisdomandroyalty · 2 years ago
Seven Steps to a Better You: A Weeklong Self-Improvement Program
"Unlock Your True Potential: 7 Days to Self-Improvement 🚀 #selfimprovement #personalgrowth #innerwisdom #liveauthentic #purpose #strengths #servingothers #fulfillment"
Attention all readers! Are you tired of feeling like you’re living in the shadows of perfect celebrity lives? It’s time to stop living in a fantasy world and start focusing on your own self-improvement. But where do you start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some practical tips that you can apply to your life today and improve yourself for the better. Firstly, know your purpose.…
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alienatiic · 6 months ago
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specifically a year ago, (August 22, 2023) i made this account and started by posting this drawing, and since gregoryzer is officially one year old, i decided to redraw it :) i love you all, thanks for everything <3
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lemonboywriter · 4 months ago
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The fucking improvememt >:DDD
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cadybear420 · 1 year ago
What’s your favorite extracurricular path in HSS?
Easily the jock path. I did sports in HS myself (though it was mostly running sports rather than contact/ball sports), meanwhile I can't play an instrument to save my life and cheer isn't my thing, so naturally the jock route appealed to me the most.
It's also especially euphoric to be a girl jock in sports like football, and even though the teams are mostly male-dominated they still treat me as a normal part of the team (except for Brian in the running minigame and a NPC Hearst player at the hoco game, but they're relatively brief moments and it's fairly in-character for Brian). No patronizing, no tokenizing, just normal.
However, I am a bit fond of the band route because of the extra interactions I can get with Aiden. Siding with him in the conflict in Book 1 gives you a relationship improvememt boost with him, and there are some extra romantic moments with him in the ice cream contest in Book 2 and the bonfire team bonding in Book 3. One of my favorite moments is when you perform the song he composed in book 3 at the concert and they describe how his eyes "gleam with pride". Like, the romance route with him hits so much different between your activities and that's something I appreciate.
Eventually I do plan to do a male MC cheerleader route, as well as a few routes where I switch activities between books.
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quettasecond · 2 years ago
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could use some improvememts but this is decent enougj for now... i was thinking, since anwen admires múirín (probanly choose to get emo bangs cuz of her), what if there was an aspect in múiríns outfit thats also in anwens, which would have been something anwen incorporates from múirín? so i also added a flower clip thing
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mollyjames · 1 month ago
Now having watched some more, I want to point out there are clear downsides to this method of production. Putting together that many episodes of a brand new tv series without the benefit of experience or feedback is going to be difficult no matter what. There is a lot of noticeable animation jank in those first 65 episodes. I'm not talking about nitpicky cinemasins jank, I mean actively detrimental to the quality of the watching experience jank. And controversial take here: but I genuinely think Kevin Conroy's performance as Batman in this first season is a bit wooden. Some of his lines come off as goofy or stilted, and it feels like he's still figuring out that Bruce Wayne/Batman distinction he later became famous for.
If you ever do decide to sit down and watch all of BTAS (in production order), make a note when you get to the episode "Sideshow". It's the 66th episode and the first episode the team worked on when season 2 was ordered. There's nothing fancy about it; there's no "iconic" moments or shots that animation students study decades after the fact. But this episode, and every episode following it, is so much more confident and consistent in its delivery. The animation is good. Kevin Conroy is sounding so much more like the Batman we know and love today. Everyone knows much better what they're doing now and it shows.
Season 2 only got 20 episodes, which means out of the original 85 episode run, over three quarters of the series was made in one go, and I do think it suffers for that. But it's still great. There's more to a work of art than production quality. But I think it's interesting to analyze that kind of pragmatic improvement, especially when that improvememt might otherwise be overlooked.
Batman the Animated Series absolutely deserves its status as one of the greatest animated shows of all time, but a part of me also kind of wants to put into the context of a modern television production. 65 episodes were ordered for season one, which was standard practice at the time but is just unfathomable to me today. And the early stuff is good, but not nearly as good as when they start to find their stride. To put it another way, we dont get Two Face until episode 10. Heart of Ice is episode 14. Feat of Clay is 20.* And that's not to say there aren't good episodes between those, but if all we got was an eight episode netflix series, I think it would be much closer to a "hey, did you check out that Batman show? It's actually pretty good. Loved Mark Hamill's Joker. Hope we get a season 2."
*By production order, not air date. Dont @ me.
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hauntinq-6 · 2 months ago
I am trying to follow a list of introspective writing/journaling prompts, and today's prompt is to write about a time I felt proud of myself and honestly? This shit is hard-
Like, I don't remember! Is it just 'cause I'm forgetful or because I generally don't feel proud of myself?
... I guess this is the introspective part of the prompt-??
I don't like it-
I suppose I am kinda proud of the kind of friend I have become during the years-? I see it sometimes in how I interact with my friends. I used to be less understanding, less altruistic, less trusting. There is still room for improvememt, but it's not so bad anymore, so... I guess that counts?
I don't know, this stuff is difficult-
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fartblr · 2 years ago
Trying to watch Home Improvememt, but Tim Allen annoys the shit out of me
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unusuallysized-nsfw · 2 years ago
Text Convos From The Technicolour OC Omniverse (Still Aeturnia furries boys) #3
Monday 1:04pm
RyRyRyRy: So you gonna do another?
Mel MyMelf and Mi: Prolly just gotta find a day they're free so i can book off
Ryx4: ooo they a N🐝
JustMel: nah they're a Folf uh a hybrid.
Ryx4: no i meant they're NonBinary... god youre bad at slang
Mel: uhhuh i stopped being terminally online when i turned 19 Aryl.
Ryx4: i just checked the nickname thing cus it kept pinging. you changed your DIsplay like 4 times
Mel: felt weird having it say my name for me, but me feels just as weird as all the others
Ryx4: i mean i can see it so yeah Me would be weird
Ryx4: uh..yeah unless you set it as a personal nickname. for example i can see you swapped me to RyRyRyRy and now Ryx4...which is not an improvememt from RyRy😡
Mel:ive called you that since the orphanage girl, if its actually an issue i can stop.
Aryl: nah gorl im jus messin 😝
Mel: oh ok good ^^;
Aryl: ooo...delivery boy is cute ttyl
Mel: dont.
Mel: aryl?
Mel: RYRY!
Tuesday 1 Months Later 4:06pm
Ash: oh you changed my nickname again.
Mel: oh yeah i figured...you'd prefer your unisex one.
Ash: i mean i dont see it most of the time lol. but i appreciate the thought.
Mel: Yeah tbh i didnt originally know you could see it at all!
Ash: i figured as much when i saw "weird ashur guy" XD that first night
Mel: So when are you free? still on sundays?
Ash: Yeye, usually a restock day but im pretty caught up on that front.
Mel: cool cool.
Ash: is...this the part where im supposed to ask you out or are you gonna or?
Mel: haha well youre supposed to be the bottom!
Ash: just cus im smol doesnt make me a subby bish!
Mel: *Photo Attachment of Her Maw*
Ash: 0_0;
Mel: subby bish? more like sub sammich filling.
Ash: 0n0;;;
Mel: told you.
Ash: not faaaaiiir.
Mel: Mine at 6, ill make ya dinner.
Ash: make me Dinner? or make ME dinner?
Mel: Guess youll find out shortstuff.
Ash: its a date haha ^^;
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kurumi-igarashi · 8 months ago
Looking forward to the future art works. The improvememts are fantasticcc 😭💜 (I saw this late wtf) 👁👄👁
Happy birthday Shinso 💜
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judyxd26 · 6 years ago
Lel i just found a 1 year old drawing XDD AM I ALLOWED TO SAY THAT MY ART IMPROVED? XDD i mean just dont even see that this is supposed to be star xD
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I mean look at this which i made 1 year ago and now at this which i made 2 days ago
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gentlesketching · 7 years ago
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March -> October
Im really happy with my improvement !
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edgy-dragon-trash · 2 years ago
If drawing Astor so much taught me anything, its how to draw horrible middle aged men. And it is great, because I like many and wanna draw them
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acecream-and-cake · 2 years ago
Hi anon. This is not ok. Screaming never solves a problem. I can imagine from his point of view, threatening to break your phone is a hope to spur you into action with the prospect of losing something of value. This only works if you can but simply refused to do chores. Like negotiating about the price/incentive for working labour/tasks. But you are rather not unwilling but unable to perform the tasks, either because you miss a skillset or because of physical limitation, like your body being repulsed by some sensory input.
As for practical advice, it is very difficult to give advice, without knowing the whole situation and reactions, wether both parties are ready to make a new communication strategy work and whatnot. Be advised, all I can do is make suggestions. You will have to evaluate yourself wether they are helpful or will actually escalate the situation.
Also, some of the methods only work if your dad genuinely believes you want to try and works with you to get things in order. And he needs to understand, changing this routine needs time and patience and there will be setbacks. It won't be a solution, this is about getting an improvememt, ok?
This might actually be the hardest part of all. Don't be discouraged however. Life will get better when you get older, being a teenager is a phase and I am glad I grew out if that. My relationship with my parents even improved somehwat. Best wishes and some advice for you in that regard:
Chores: to not keep forgetting chores, google ADHD tips. For example, use some kind of colored plastic wristbands with littelle nametags. Write recurring chores on them, if you get asked to do things, immediately take the band and put it on. If your dad starts to talk about chores, ask him to wait a moment, so you can get the jar of chore-bands. If it is a non-recurring task, immediatley write it on a piece of paper, with a color and put that unlabeled color on your arm.
Designate a place for the chore paper, like the fridge or a pictureframe in your room. Always place it there. Always. If you see the colores bands you know you still need to do something. But you don't need to remember what, you can read it. When you start tasks, go through all open tasks, start one ignore rest. Repeat.
If you can't perform a task, write down why, is it a sensory issue? If you get stuck because all open tasks can't be done by you, tell your father not only which task but also try to explain why you can't. Work on a solution, maybe offer doing another task, show you want to pull your weight, but for you that chore in particular is a weight you can't push yet or maybe with your range of motion never will.
If you are expected to remember yourself which recurring chores to do, make a sheet for 7 days write down the chores on the days, even if they are only every 2nd or 4th week. Put it somewhere where you start your day and place the jar next to it, like in your underwear drawer. Start your day with the bands you need to do before school, or come back for bands after school.
Also talk to your dad if you need what I call "decompression time". I can never start household chores after coming home from work. I need at least 30-45min me-time. Sometimes I nap, sometimes up to 2h, sometimes I am on tumblr, listen to music or read comics. I need that time, otherwise I can't start tasks but still worry about them and get into a guilty spiral without getting anything done. Nowadays I take "time-off" and afterwards I have the energy for at least some tasks. Seldom all of them. But before it was none, so thats improvement. As I said, not a solution, but better than the starting point.
Personal hygiene: that is tricky. As with chores, look up other neurodivergent life-hacks. Try out which ones help you.
Hair: maybe get a different cut. I rock an undercut nowadays, and my very thick hair is less nasty because my head actually gets some air, I even enjoy growing it out on the top. I switched my shampoo to a block of solid-shampoo which I just rub over my scalp, also I need some conditioner and found one I don't need to rinse. You are supposed to use it after the shower. I use it inside, and rinse it partly because this was the only way the texture didn't give me sensory discomfort. I don't use it as advertised but this works for me
Brushing teeth: I still struggle at age mid-thirty, because in my country literally every adult toothpaste is mint-flavoured. Took me until last year to realize I have a mild allergic reaction to mint, like in my gums feel mildly on fire or like a rash, after brushing. (This is why you should take kids complaints about pain and discomfort serious, guys.) Try switching to a kids toothpaste and see if it helps with sensory issues. read that ingredient list: I can't stand mint, menthol, sodium-laural-sulfate (sls). Check if there is one with the same amount of fluor as an adult one or as in the pharmacy if they have some fluor gel stuff you can take weekly to top up.
Showering: never was a problem for me so all out of ideas? Is it a specific sensory trigger? If it's hair, try showering only neck down, a friend of mine also uses dry shampoo for their hair. Or use a washcloth instead of actually running water. Try sitting down in the shower, see if positioning helps. I didn't really have a self-awareness as a teenager of my body and how dirty it was or wasn't, or my own smell. So maybe like me, stick to a schedule: shower (or washcloth) on mon-wed-fri mornings, shower after excercise/on P.E. days; depending on the weekend plans either bath or shower on sat or sun.
Hope this helps in some way. Feel free to PM me, no matter how trivial or silly you think it may sound. Find ways to improve your quality of life on your terms.
Is it okay if my dad screams at me for having hygiene problems and not doing chores. I'm 16 and autistic(undiagnosed because he doesn't want to 'label' me), I go days without showering or brushing my hair at least partially due to sensory issues, as a result I often look messy. My dad tells at me for this
I also often forget to do chores around the house, this enrages my dad so he screams at me , sometime for almost an hour at a time. He said he wants to break my phone because of this.
What should I do?
Any advice from followers?
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mintmatcha · 3 years ago
tendous not dead--------
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