#improbably poppy
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cultofpoppy-tm · 3 months ago
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Revolver celebrates POPPY with special collector's issue
2024’s Artist of the Year
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gyallatina · 1 month ago
— Do you know about Poppy? Who is she?
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— That is Poppy! Isn't she beautiful? :)
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issela-santina · 2 months ago
You Won't Go Before You're Supposed To actually flows so well and consistent that it's worth a concert of its own where it's played live from beginning to end
it feels less like just a collection of songs and more like a full suite broken up into little pieces
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theonlybezo · 22 days ago
Poppy is so unhinged. I love her.
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gingerbeer-queer · 22 days ago
I think this might be my favorite thing Poppy has ever done. If you're ever wondering what my sense of humour is like, it's this!
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heal-our-natural-blues · 2 months ago
Does anyone know where I can watch Improbably Poppy that isn't oln veeps? Veeps is a cost and access nightmare in Australia
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badomensgoodomens · 12 days ago
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she’s here
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cherrythepuppet · 1 year ago
Puppets before Christmas [Part 3]
AU belongs to @cloudy-dreams [This is only going to have 5 chapters! Each is pretty long word wise ha ha]
"This has never happened before!" The clown Dog, Barnaby, said "It's suspicious!" A witch exclaimed "It's peculiar!" Another witch exclaimed "It's scary!" A vampire
"Stand aside!" Howdy yelled "Coming through! We've got find (Y/n)! There's only 365 days left till next Halloween!" Howdy announced "364!" someone in the crowd yelled
"Is there anywhere we've forgotten to check?" Howdy asked "I looked in every mausoleum!" Barnaby said"We opened the sarcophagi!"  "I tromped through the pumpkin patch!"
"I peeked behind the Cyclops's eye! I did! But They weren't there!" "It's time to sound the alarms!" Howdy yelled...."Frog's breath will overpower any odor" Wally mumbled as he poured the frog's breath into the pot but it smelled horrible and he began coughing
"Bitter!" He yelled while coughing "Worm's wart! Where's that worm's wart?!" He said as he searched the cabinets until he found the worms wort
"Wally, that soup ready yet?" Poppy asked "Coming!" Wally yelled as he poured the worms wort into the pot before getting a wooden spoon and bowl 
After a moment Wally walked upstairs to where Poppy was working "lunch" he said as he set the bowl in front of poppy "Ah, what's that? Worm's wart! mmm, and...frog's breath" Poppy muttered
 "What's wrong? I-I thought you liked frog's breath!" Wally replied "Nothing's more suspicious than frog's breath! Until you taste it I won't swallow a spoonful!" Poppy told him while she held the spoon out towards him
"I'm not hungry!" Wally lied as he knocked spoon onto the ground "Oops!" He mumbled before bending down to grab it "You want me to starve!? An old Woman like me who hardly has strength as it is. Me, to whom you owe your very life!" Poppy groaned 
Wally moved the wooden spoon to hide it under the table before he pulled out a trick spoon from his sock then he stood up "Oh don't be silly" Wally chuckled He ate the soup with trick spoon "Mmmm, see. Scrumptious!" He said, Poppy was still skeptical but she at Ate soup...
"Did anyone think to dredge the lake?" Howdy asked "this morning!" Barnaby yelled then everyone went quiet As they could hear the sounds of faint meowing Everyone then looked in the direction of the meowing "(Y/n)'s back!" someone exclaimed
"Where have you been?" Howdy asked"Call a town meeting and I'll tell everyone all about it!" (Y/n) told him "When?" Howdy asked "Immediately!" (Y/n) yelled"Town meeting, town meeting, town meeting tonight, town meeting tonight!" Howdy announced as he drove around in his truck...
"Listen everyone. I want to tell you about Christmastown!" (Y/n) told the town as Music began playing
"There are objects so peculiar They were not to be believed All around, things to tantalize my brain It's a world unlike anything I've ever seen And as hard as I try I can't seem to describe Like a most improbable dream But you must believe when I tell you this It's as real as my skull and it does exist Here, let me show you This is a thing called a present The whole thing starts with a box!" "A box? is it steel?" "Are there locks?" "Is it filled with a pox?"
"A pox How delightful, a pox!" "If you please Just a box with bright-colored paper And the whole thing's topped with a bow!" "bow? But why? How ugly What's in it? What's in it?" "That's the point of the thing, not to know!""It's a bat Will it bend?" "It's a rat! Will it break?" "Perhaps it s the head that I found in the lake!" "
Listen now, you don't understand That's not the point of Christmas land Now, pay attention We pick up an oversized sock And hang it like this on the wall!" "Oh, yes! Does it still have a foot?" "Let me see, let me look!" "Is it rotted and covered with gook?" "Um, let me explain There's no foot inside, but there's candy Or sometimes it's filled with small toys!"
"Small toys?" "Do they bite?" "Do they snap?" "Or explode in a sack?" "Or perhaps they just spring out And scare girls and boys!" "What a splendid idea This Christmas sounds fun I fully endorse it Let's try it at once!"
"Everyone, please now, not so fast There's something here that you don't quite grasp Well, I may as well give them what they want And the best, I must confess, I have saved for the last For the ruler of this Christmas land!"
"Is a fearsome Queen with a deep mighty voice Least that's what I've come to understand And I've also heard it told That She's something to behold Like a lobster, huge and red When She sets out to slay with her rain gear on Carting bulging sacks with her big great arms!"
"That is, so I've heard it said And on a dark, cold night Under full moonlight She flies into a fog Like a vulture in the sky And they call her! Sally Claws!" Everyone was cheering as (Y/n) walked off "Well, at least they're excited But they don't understand That special kind of feeling in Christmas land Oh, well..." They mumbled
"You've poisoned me for the last time you wretched Doll!" Poppy yelled before she locks Wally away and a loud dingdong"Oh my head...the door is open!" She said
"Hel-lo?" (Y/n) yelled "(Y/n) Skellington, up here my Friend!" Poppy exclaimed "Dr. I need to borrow some equipment!" (Y/n) told poppy "Is that so, whatever for?" Poppy asked
"I'm conducting a series of experiments" (Y/n) explained "How perfectly marvelous! Curiosity killed the cat, you know!" Poppy said with a small laugh But that made (Y/n) frown "I know" They grumbled
"Come on into the lab and we'll get you all fixed up!" Poppy added, Wally heard everything as he was leaning aginast the door "Hmm. Experiments?" He asked quietly"Otoo, I'm home!" (Y/n) yelled as they began to set up all their science equipment then began working
"Interesting reaction....but what does it mean?" (Y/n) groaned before they heard a knock? At the window?(Y/n) walked over to the window and saw a basket hitting it, they opened the window and looked down to see the blue haired Ragdoll
Wally smiled at (Y/n) making their skull turn a small shade of grey, (Y/n) waved at Wally before taking the basketThey looked down but Wally was gone...After Wally gives (Y/n) them the basket and sneaks off He picks a flower which turned into a Christmas tree then catches on fire
"Something's up with (Y/n) Something's up with (Y/n)! Don't know if we're ever going to get Them back! They're all alone up there Locked away inside Never says a word Hope They haven't died Something's up with (Y/n)! Something's up with (Y/n)!"
"Christmas time is buzzing in my skull Will it let me be? I cannot tell There's so many things I cannot grasp When I think I've got it, and then at last Through my bony fingers it does slip Like a snowflake in a fiery grip Something here I'm not quite getting Though I try, I keep forgetting Like a memory long since past Here in an instant, gone in a flash What does it mean? What does it mean?"
"In these little bric-a-brac A secret's waiting to be cracked These dolls and toys confuse me so Confound it all, I love it though Simple objects, nothing more But something's hidden through a door Though I do not have the key Something's there I cannot see What does it mean? What does it mean? What does it mean?"
"Hmm... I've read these Christmas books so many times I know the stories and I know the rhymes I know the Christmas carols all by heart My skull's so full, it's tearing me apart As often as I've read them, something's wrong So hard to put my bony finger on Or perhaps it's really not as deep As I've been led to think Am I trying much too hard? Of course!"
"I've been too close to see The answer's right in front of me Right in front of me It's simple really, very clear Like music drifting in the air Invisible, but everywhere Just because I cannot see it Doesn't mean I can't believe it You know, I think this Christmas thing It's not as tricky as it seems And why should they have all the fun?"
"It should belong to anyone Not anyone, in fact, but me Why, I could make a Christmas tree And there's no reason I can find I couldn't handle Christmas time I bet I could improve it too And that's exactly what I'll do Hee,hee,hee!" (Y/n) pushed open the windows "Eureka!! This year, Christmas will be ours!" they exclaimed as the town began to cheer but Wally looked worried...
"Patience, everyone! (Y/n) has a special Job for each of us! Dr. Poppy, your Xmas assignment is ready. Dr. Poppy to the front of the line!" Howdy announced "I knew it! Dr. thank you for coming! We need some of these!" (Y/n) said as they showed a picture of Santa and sleigh
"Hmm.. their construction should be exceedingly simple. I think" Poppy mumbled "How horrible our Xmas will be!" Howdy exclaimed"No--how jolly!" (Y/n) corrected making Howdy switch faces "Oh, how jolly our Xmas will be..." He said befire he gets pelted by rocks then sees the three trick or treaters
"What are you doing here?!" He asked"(Y/n) sent for us!" Julie grinned "Specifically!" Frank said "By name!" Eddie added "(Y/n)! (Y/n) it's Home's Henchpeople!" Howdy yelled
"Ah, Halloween's finest trick or treaters. The job I have for you is top secret. It requires craft, cunning, mischief!" (Y/n) told the three"And we thought you didn't like us, (Y/n)!" Eddie said with a laugh "Absolutely no one is to know about it. Not a soul. Now!" (Y/n) replied
(Y/n) whispered the plan to them before speaking louder nkw "And one more thing -- leave that no account Home out of this!" They demanded "Whatever you say, (Y/n)!" "Of course (Y/n)!" "Wouldn't dream of it (Y/n)!"all said with their fingers crossed before they ran out of the town and to a small little tree house
"Kidnap Mrs Sally Claws!" "I wanna do it!" "Let's draw straws!" "(Y/n) said we should work together!" "Three of a kind!" "Birds of a feather!" "Now and forever Wheeee La, la, la, la, la Kidnap the Sally Claws, lock her up real tight Throw away the key and then Turn off all the lights!"
"First, we're going to set some bait Inside a nasty trap and wait When She comes a-sniffing we will Snap the trap and close the gate!" "Wait! I've got a better plan To catch this big red lobster Star! Let's pop her in a boiling pot And when She's done we'll butter her up!"
"Kidnap the Sally Claws Throw her in a box Bury her for ninety years Then see if She talks!" "Then Mr. Home Can take the whole thing over then He'll be so pleased, I do declare That he will cook her rare!" "I say that we take a cannon Aim it at her door And then knock three times And when She answers Sally Claws will be no more!"
"You're so stupid, think now lf we blow her up to smithereens We may lose some pieces And then (Y/n) will beat us black and green!" "Kidnap the Sally Claws! Tie her in a bag Throw her in the ocean Then, see if She is sad!" "Because Mr. Home is the meanest guy around If I were on his list, I'd get out of town!"
"He'll be so pleased by our success That he'll reward us too, I'll bet!" "Perhaps he'll make his special brew Of snake and spider stew Ummm! We're his little henchmen and We take our job with pride We do our best to please him And stay on his good side!"
"I wish my cohorts weren't so dumb!" "I'm not the dumb one!" "You're no fun!" "Shut up!" "Make me!""I've got something, listen now This one is real good, you'll see We'll send a present to her door Upon there'll be a note to read Now, in the box we'll wait and hide Until her curiosity entices her to look inside!" "And then we'll have her One, two, three!"
"Kidnap the Sally Claws, beat her with a stick Lock her up for ninety years, see what makes her tick Kidnap the Sally Claws, chop him into bits Mr. Home is sure to get his kicks! Kidnap the Sally Claws, see what we will see Lock her in a cage and then, throw away the key!"
"Sally Claws..hahaha!" Home exclaimed.....
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 1 year ago
🔮 Good afternoon, my bookish bats. I hope you've had an enchanting, spell-binding October so far. If you want to add a little more magic to your TBR, consider these witchlit books featuring sapphic witches and other mystical beings!
🔮 The Scapegracers by Hannah Abigail Clarke 🪄 Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper 🔮 These Witches Don’t Burn by Isabel Sterling 🪄 Sweet & Bitter Magic by Adrienne Tooley 🔮 The Midnight Girls by Alicia Jasinska 🪄 Toil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & Witchcraft
🔮 Now She Is Witch by Kirsty Logan 🪄 The Dark Tide by Alicia Jasinska 🔮 The Circle by M. Strandberg & S.B. Elfgren 🪄 The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores 🔮 The Shadow Cabinet by Juno Dawson 🪄 Elysium Girls by Kate Pentecost
🔮 Edie in Between by Laura Sibson 🪄 When We Were Magic by Sarah Gailey 🔮 Marvel's The Runaways 🪄 Her Majesty's Royal Coven by Juno Dawson 🔮 Mortal Follies by Alexis Hall 🪄 Buffy the Vampire Slayer Willow & Tara
🔮 All the Bad Apples by Moïra Fowley-Doyle 🪄 The Severed Thread by Leslie Vedder 🔮 The Lost Coast by A.R. Capetta 🪄 Romancing a Gorgon by Tallie Rose 🔮 Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches by Kate Scelsa 🪄 The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow
🔮 Not Your Average Love Spell by Barbara Ann Wright 🪄 The Sting of Victory by S.D. Simper 🔮 Summer of Salt by Katrina Leno 🪄 The Reluctant Witch by Kristen S. Walker 🔮 Witching Moon by Poppy Woods 🪄 Keep Your Witches Close by Colette Rivera
🔮 Walking Through Shadows by Sheri Lewis Wohl 🪄 Spellbook of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle 🔮 Out of Salem by Hal Schrieve 🪄 Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker & Wendy Xu
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cousingrem · 2 months ago
"her fans sold out a $45 improbably poppy doll (because honestly the mockup design was pretty cute) only for revolver to post an updated picture of what the actual doll looks like and it turns out it's a visibly cheap redesign that looks nothing like poppy or the original mockup fans thought they were buying."
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/whisperhushh/772423543839424512/have-yall-seen-the-latest-drama-about-poppys?source=share
Oh god… now why a the actual hell would she do that? That’s so fucked up
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cultofpoppy-tm · 5 months ago
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Free ticket for Improbably Poppy tonight! Oct 11, 2024, 10pm ET. Go to @veeps on instagram. Link in bio, make an account, claim free ticket.
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wizardingworldlibrary · 3 months ago
Minerva McGonagall (2) Masterlist
part one
A Birthday For Kitten (fanfiction.net) - Hogwarts Duo albus/minerva G, 12k
Summary: The staff of Hogwarts decides to throw Minerva McGonagall a surprise birthday party. Albus asks her to dinner to get her out of the castle while they prepare...romance blooms and when they come back surprises await...
A Cup of Tea (fanfiction.net) - My Dear Professor McGonagall G, 3k
Summary: Minerva's birthday, a cauldron of Pepper-Up Potion, and a few cups of tea to improve the mood.
Autumn is a Time of Change (ao3) - wasureneba G, 2k
Summary: Minerva's birthday is 4 October. Although autumn is thought to be a time of death, it has always been a time of beginnings for Minerva.
Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart (ao3) - Squibstress minerva/snape E, 34k
Summary: If war is hell, Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall are in the Ninth Circle. During Snape's awful year as Headmaster, he and Professor McGonagall draw closer as they are forced into a desperate arrangement.
Fools Rush In (ao3) - Squibstress albus/minerva T, 12k
Summary: At nearly 100, Albus is surprised to find that he is, very improbably and most inconveniently, in love.
Growing Entanglements (ao3) - apricitydays minerva/pomona T, 200
Summary: Minerva has a crush. Pomona has something else.
Manual Transmission (ao3) - Ms_Anthrop minerva/snape E, 9k
Summary: Severus Snape was never one to lose a bet, but then, neither was Minerva McGongall...
"Are you willing to increase the wager?" she repeated, and he was startled to see that her emerald eyes gleamed with a cunning, predatory anticipation.
"That depends," he answered slowly, not above dragging it out a bit. "What are you offering?"
Masquerade (ao3) - FairyQueen (etoilecourageuse) G, 200
Summary: It had been quite a while since Minerva McGonagall had last attended a traditional Masquerade.
Minerva's Birthday Surprise (fanfiction.net) - kidarock G, 10k
Summary: UPDATED AND COMPLETED! Minerva is looking forward to her 70th birthday but it seems everybody has forgotten!Why are the staff acting so strange? How will Albus make it up to her?
Tatters (ao3) - aspionage T, 10k
Summary: In which Severus and Minerva pay a visit to Number Four Privet Drive. Takes place during chapter 14 of A Patchwork Family.
The Art of Self-Fashioning (ao3) - Lomonaaeren M, 283k
Summary: In a world where Neville is the Boy-Who-Lived, Harry still grows up with the Dursleys, but he learns to be more private about what matters to him. When McGonagall comes to give him his letter, she also unwittingly gives Harry both a new quest and a new passion: Transfiguration. But while Harry deliberately hides his growing skills, Minerva worries more and more about the mysterious, brilliant student writing to her who may be venturing into dangerous magical territory.
The Cat and the Parasol (ao3) - songquake minerva/sybill E, 8k
Summary: Sybill Trelawney adjusts to her appointment as Hogwarts’ Divination Professor.
The “Mrs. Clauses” (ao3) - Shanone minerva/poppy G, 591
Summary: Minerva has a holiday tradition to fulfill for her Gryffindor cubs. Poppy helps.
To Some a Gift (ao3) - kelly_chambliss minerva/snape M, 6k
Summary: After Voldemort's first defeat, Severus has a great deal to atone for. Minerva finds a way to help him.
Worth the Wait (ao3) - Kittenshift17 sirius/minerva E, 3k
Summary: *ONE-SHOT* Sirius Black had been trying to sweet talk his way into Minerva's knickers since before he'd had any business fancying girls, let alone fancying a witch like Minerva. Ten years, he'd been wanting to ravish the witch, and this year for her forty-fifth birthday, he might just get his wish.
Yellow and Gold (ao3) - sdk minerva/pomona G, 200
Summary: At a Halloween gathering for the professors at Hogwarts, Minerva has a hard time controlling her gaze.
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haumanuspeaks · 11 months ago
What are we?Why are we?Answers no easier with ageBut maybe the questions are clearerLife clings tenaciouslyWherever it canConstantly striving to beA poppy, a bird, you, or meSo much improbability, entropyIn Life’s TreeYet so much defiant braveryYes, I will exist!And do my bestTo use my giftsTo wonder, and discoverTo meet the gaze of a wild creatureAnd ask that question … Why?To feel, if only for…
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theonlybezo · 15 hours ago
"Once you've conquered the world, there's only one face left to dick slap and that's your own." - Poppy
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occasionallythreeowls · 1 year ago
for the ask game, 9 + 13 for whatever fic(s) of your choice :)
Let's see, how about
she sleeps below (so down you go)
(aka, what would happen if only Van survived the crash? Bad things. Bad bad things.)
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
The fic had an alternate ending: while driving her mother home from a bar, Van has a panic attack at the wheel and crashes. Her mother dies, Van survives (again), and having another instance of stupid, improbable, absurd survival (and the fact that she now has no one left to take care of) causes Van to break. After this, Van makes her way north to the wilderness, chasing her ghosts into oblivion. Ultimately, I went with a much more immediate, grim and violent ending. But hey, at least Van's happy. Her mind is shattered beyond repair, but she's happy.
13. What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don't necessarily listen to anything in particular while I write. That being said, there are two songs that I think of for this fic: Exit Music (For a Film) by Radiohead, and Growing Poppies by Alec Lambert.
Thanks for the ask!
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romanlightman001 · 1 day ago
Improbably Poppy | Episode 2: Education
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