#implied skk at the start ;3
softmeetscreatureplz · 2 months
FOR @bsd-disability-week-2024 DISABILITY BSD WEEK (DAY 1: PHYSICAL DISABILITY) - Chuuya Nakahara with Chronic Pain!!!!
(Edit; Yes I just remembered Chronic illness is technically also a day. I will either post another thing or swap them for what I post shhh)
Chuuya had first started dealing with- this, a long time ago. Before he'd met Dazai, before he'd even escaped the lab.
The aching, shooting jolts of pain, that spread from his fingertips up his arms, and ate away at his lowered back. When he'd been younger, it'd terrified him. The amount of pain- striking at random seeming, going from dull, easily ignorable things to something that left him in tears and unable to move properly.
He'd ended up filled with experimental drugs from the scientists- handlers there- and for the most part it disappeared.
Then Chuuya had gotten out- living on the streets alone before being found by sheep. For the most part, the pain became dull. Something tiring, that stung every once in awhile, but manageable. He ignored it, keeping his hands hidden and warm in his pockets and protecting his back well in fights. The careful control kept the pain at bay somehow, and helped keep himself in control of Arahabaki.
Until he was fifteen. He met an asshole of a guy- Dazai Osamu. And, he fucking sucked. He was rude, lazy, worked for the PM, annoyed Chuuya, insulted his height, and didn't know how to shut up.
Chuuya hated him. With an absolute, burning passion.
Any sort of fondness there he blamed on his exceedingly poor taste in men. Nothing serious. Nope.
But, then they were working together; and Chuuya took his hands out of his pockets, and they worked together to beat Rimbaud. Dazais hands were warm- and his grip added pressure and Chuuya tried very very hard not to let on how relieved he was that he wasn't worse.
Joining the Port Mafia was- weird.
Weird and different as strange. He got gloves, which meant he didn't have a real reason to keep his hands in his pockets.
He did it anyway.
His hands ached dully, and trying to do both his and Dazais paperwork almost made him want to say fuck it and spree, his back and hands flaring up. He pushed through it, using the fact that Dazai and the others knew he hadn't received a real education to let himself be a bit more messy.
He still didn't tell anyone. He was fairly sure Ane-san had caught onto the fact that something was up, the way he sometimes shied away from picking up his tea and hid his hands more than usual when they met up. She didn't press.
Chuuya still didn't know what was happening other than this, but the more he tried to hide it the more sure he was that no one else here felt the same. He refused to be weak and let it get to him.
Storm bringer- happened. He got electrocuted, and beaten in a fight, and used Corruption. His friends died. He wasn't human.
When they got home, Chuuya hid himself away in his apartment. His arms felt like they were on fire, still being electrocuted. His back screamed at him, aching and stabbing, and he was exhausted. He didn't know how to do this. The redhead lay in bed for ages, pained and mourning. It felt like he had aged years in that time.
The silent tears on his pillows were left unnoticed, and forgotten.
No one tried to disturb him. His phone was left abandoned, the buttons too much to handle.
Eventually, his pain eased. Worse than the dull ache it had been, but manageable. He'd been gone too long anyways. He forced himself up. Chuuya was starting to hate this, just a little bit.
If he had to be not human, why did he have to get a body that hurt too?
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knightpetrichor · 5 months
akutagawa and atsushi are going to be the ones that kill fyodor/the tripolar singularity.
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long yap session ahead because Apparently writing theory posts is something i do now
so! tripolar singularities are a thing now. (which, What the Fuck, Asagiri). there are two ways that singularities can form in bsd: 1, when two abilities cancel each other out, and 2, when an ability user uses their ability on themself, multiplying the ability until it forms a singularity.¹ im assuming that the tripolar singularity functions similarly to the latter, like Verlaine and Chuuya, who are both man-made singularities. that would make it extremely powerful™️. in Stormbringer, Verlaine was only defeated because Chuuya used Arahabaki. so we’re able to assume that defeating a tripolar singularity would be even more dangerous. but why would Atsushi and Akutagawa be the ones to defeat it? and how? (<- rhetorical question) well!! glad you asked. they would become a singularity :D
in this essay i will---
The End of BSD Season 5
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(^ sorry for quality, just took these off of pinterest)
now we know that the floating fukuchi is the tripolar singularity. (at least that explains the three circles on his mask). and we know that atsushi and akutagawa are going to be fighting him. it wouldn't make sense to animate this scene if it wasn't important in some way. (also, sidenote, but i love how akutagawa is able to use his ability without dazai's coat. he's finally growing outside of dazai's influence 🥲). Yes, this doesn't really prove a lot. but atsushi and akutagawa are like glowing and flying which. im pretty sure they havent done before. so there could be something there? also, "just the two of us?" "do we need anything else?" 😭 AND parallels to the earlier sskk vs fukuchi fight, maybe :D
which, mentioning parallels....
Stormbringer: SKK vs Guivre and its Possible Parallels to SSKK vs the Tripolar Singularity/Fyodor
Disclaimer, i havent read stormbringer in a while so if theres any mistakes in my recollection... sorry.
In Stormbringer, if i remember correctly, Chuuya activates Corruption for the first time to take down Guivre, Verlaine's Singularity, and Dazai nullified the corruption afterward. In Stormbringer, Dazai and Chuuya were still in the earlier stages of their partnership, but Chuuya still trusted Dazai to nullify corruption.
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Eventually, the trust between them grew and they became known as Soukoku, or Double Black. Dazai fosters the partnership between Atsushi and Akutagawa in an attempt to turn them into Shin Soukoku, the second Double Black. Because of this, there are many parallels between skk and sskk. Both start off disliking each other, but grow over the course of many fights as partners. Soukoku's fight against Verlaine was a turning point in their relationship that allowed that trust to grow, and trust in each other was necessary to defeat the singularity.
Atsushi and Akutagawa are still in the beginning stages of their partnership with each other, but we can see how their relationship evolves throughout BSD. battling the tripolar singularity together by becoming a singularity themselves, learning to understand and trust one another, would be a large milestone in their relationship as Shin Soukoku.
Dazai's comment in BSD Beast
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yet another disclaimer because i am Broke™️ and do not have enough money for these light novels: i have only read up to BSD beast vol. 3, and have not read the light novel yet. i found this quote online. i apologize if i end up misinterpreting it. but this quote definitely implies that Atsushi and Akutagawa forming a singularity is possible. and in order to do that, they have to understand each other.
"...I needed to have you fight. I needed you two to face death to get you to understand each other."
Atsushi and Akutagawa have fought with each other, against each other, many times throughout BSD. Against each other, against Fitzgerald, in the Rats of the House of the Dead base, against that mf from 55 minutes, against fukuchi... and these fights have helped them understand each other, making them work better together. i saw a post a while ago about how skk is a relationship founded on trust but lack of understanding, fyolai is based on understanding but lack of trust, and sskk is becoming a relationship with both full trust and understanding and like. yeah!! they are learning to trust each other and understand each other!! akutagawa and atsushi are both privy to information about the other that even their respective sides don't know, atsushi's hallucinations and akutagawa's lung illness being the two largest ones.
If understanding is the basis of what allows two people to form a singularity, Atsushi and Akutagawa are almost there. It makes sense for their character development and development as a duo to progress there.
anyways !! this was pretty much just me yapping, idk how to write these theory posts or whatever, or if any of this makes sense (i rlly need to reread some of these light novels). but yeah. sskk vs fukuchi final fight ‼️
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chocsra · 1 year
"Size that Broke the Bonds of Love, (kind of.)"
15! Chuuya x implied fem! reader
A/N: sorry i havent been posting! i got busy w school, enjoy! thank you @sstarshroom for the idea <3 content: you turn into a child and placed in the hands of chuuya to take care of you in the mean time, oneshot, no physical descriptions but uses she/her pronouns, fluff, pure love, friends, slight skk, dazai mention, dazai interaction, pre-relationship, NO ROMANTIC SHIT W A TODDLER
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"Can't Dazai just cancel the ability?"
The redhead's feet were planted across from the Port Mafia bosses desk, his hands were placed in his pockets as Chuuya let out a hesitant sigh. The man across from him only chuckled stiffly as his white gloved-hands folded atop the wooden establishment, slick black hair cascading around his pale face. "She'll die. Just a few days, Chuuya, just a few days." Mori Ougai assured, forming a polite smile across his face with slight wrinkles lining his skin; watching as you huffed in a tiny body made from a ability user's work - you were the size of a toddler, even smaller than Elise. Your clothes were too big for you, and you had a scowl on your face that screamed maturity despite your 'chronological' age.
Chuuya glanced at you, tapping his shoe on the polished marble flooring. He was always a dick, whether it'd be out of arrogance or irritation, but you always stuck around; maybe you two were this shitty thing called 'friends'. The boy stared at your tiny figure, almost chuckling in victory that he surpassed someone in height. He thought of all the times you weren't afraid to smack him while laughing, or make fun of an embarrassing voice crack he'd slip out as an attempt to be intimidating. Chuuya thought that he had to repay you in some way, as a friend.. and well, a person.
"Fine." He quips, an annoyed smile creeping on his face; though Mori couldn't help but chuckle at the fact that it reeked of endearment. "I'm not babysitter, though. Just.." Chuuya pauses, spinning around on his heels to walk out of the man's guarded office. "Repaying a friend." The redhead nods in agreement with his statement, turning his head to urge you to follow him. Mori lets out of a mocking laugh, repositioning his once elegant posture in the leather seat. "Friend? Whatever helps you sleep at night." The mafia boss smirks, snapping his fingers, signalling the guards to open the office's sleek brown doors. "Whatever.." Chuuya rolls his eyes, continuing to stride out of his office.
"Careful, girl. I'm the real boogeyman."
Chuuya pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance, letting his arm be used as protection by you from the terrifiying Dazai Osamu. Your face contorted in irritation and slight fear, causing Dazai to send a mocking smile in your direction. The brunette wore a black and white suit with a large raven overcoat draped over his shoulders; gaining a rather large frame supported by his tall height, it made the young boy look horrifying to a child. "Chuuya! I don't like that thing! Kill it!!" You whine, grabbing onto his clothed arm even more, the redhead rolled his eyes as he sat lazily on the leather couch of the mafia's lounge rooms.
Dazai only let out a hearty laugh, leaning forward towards your small face. "That thing? Don't hurt the boogeyman's feelings, kid." the brunette smiled cruely, taking a a bandaged nimble finger just about to boop your nose with 'wholesome' intent, before Chuuya swats his hand away. "Dude, you're gonna kill her." He scowls annoyed, before sliding his gloved hands under your shoulders and hoisting you onto his lap. Dazai straightened his posture and adjusted the sleeves of his overcoat, "Ugh - c'mon, Chuuya. Enough child's play, let's go to the arcade." he gives an exaggerated sigh, causing you to frown even more. Chuuya shakes his head, "Nah, unless you wanna bring her with us." he points to your figure rested in his lap with a mocking smirk, causing Dazai to groan in annoyance.
"It's always about [Y/N] and not us - what about Double Black, man?" the lanky teenager whines, slowly pacing around the room. "Fuck Double Black, you suck." the redhead retorts with a scoff, letting your hands wrap around his gloved thumb, playing with the comforting feeling of his hands. Dazai wiggles his eyebrows in response, "Huh. Y'know, Chuuya, your ears always go red when you lie." he smirks, causing the ginger to twitch an eye and cover his ears in utter shock. "Shut up!" He scowls, before switching to a more endearing smile as you look up at him with pure offense for meddling with your playtime.
It's been a few days since your transformation, you and Chuuya had been walking in the park downtown for quite some time; he was in black slacks and a black varsity jacket with several pins supposedly from one of the former members in the Sheep. He ran a gloved hand through his hair, his other one was grasped by the tiny fingers of your hand.
He sort of missed your reactions to his fake confidence, or the scowl on his face if you ever teased back. Actually, he missed a lot of things about you; since you can't really talk to toddlers, he missed your shameless jokes and talking about booze he never got to share with you. The boy was starting to get worried, it's been more than a few days, what if you never turned back? What if he had to watch you grow up so agonisingly just as he realised.. the boy shook his head back to reality, there was nothing to realise, pull his shit together.
"Chuuya, can we get ice cream?"
The redhead stopped at a bench, before reaching into his pocket to pull out some cash. Striding towards the small truck selling ice cream, he didn't bother to look at the menu; since he'd have your favourite memorised.
"Thank you."
He smiled softly at the cashier, before turning around with two cones in his gloved hands; walking towards the bench.
Chuuya's eyes darted to the empty bench, no child in sight - have you been kidnapped? Shit, if he wasn't so fucking stupid all the time-
You stood on the concrete of Yokohama's park. looking like a lost puppy as you adjusted the new clothing you were wearing. The sun gleamed off your confused face - but the sight was one of the things Chuuya dearly yearned for; the presence of your teenager self, just as annoying as it was before.
Chuuya wasn't a cheesy guy, girls were never a priority nor has he ever exclusively looked for a girlfriend. However, maybe it was the playlist you recommended him of tunes filled with romance, maybe it influenced his actions; maybe the fact that it was you who recommended it made the knot in his stomach tighten as he looked at your stupid face, and stupid hair, and..
The two cones fell to the concrete, but the sound of food clashing with the floor was the least of his concerns. The boy rushed over to the tree you stood under, the light that gleamed off your face, the mischevious sparkle that glimmered in your eyes, and as if the first song on your romance playlist came on all over again, he.. he hugged you. Chuuya wrapped his arms around your shoulders, surprising you as he buried his nose in your hair, pulling you into a tight hug.
"What the hell?!"
You shout, smacking his back at the sudden affection. The boy only hushes you with closed eyes, intaking your scent that he longed for so long. "Shut up, let's go to the arcade right now, yea?"
Oh, Dazai isn't going to like this.
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theroadtosomewhere · 20 days
Intro/Master Post
Started: 1stSept'24
hello, i'm jules, i write & draw but you'll only see one of those things. i mostly post to ao3 under roadtosomewhere, i also have bird app. i will now self-promo, thankyou <3
Semi-serious plot
Where the Wind Blows -> Chuuya dies (or does he?)
Reciprocity -> skk character study
23 Minutes -> Chuuya activates corruption without Dazai and he has thoughts about it
"Okay is Subjective" -> Sicktember 2023
It's Golden Hour Somewhere Else -> obligatory beast fic (implied)
Chuuya Wants Some Goddamn Peace and Quiet -> 2024 SKK Gift Exchange
Soul-> 5+1, entirely fluff (first completed fic my beloved)
You Could've Knocked -> 5+1, skk through the years
Call Me "Ane-san" -> Dazai wants a big sister and doesn't ask
Crutch -> Dazai and Chuuya post 109, Chronic pain Dazai
Just a Little Bit (In Love) -> Dazai pining over Chuuya (and Aya is there too)
Ribbons and Bandages -> christmas collab (bsdc) with Ami here or here!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (And Die Hard is not a Christmas Movie) -> 9k of domestic skk shenanigans
It Is Probable (That I knew Nothing of What I Had Said) -> bsdc Valentines Collection
A Place LIke This -> Chuuya re-emerging into a world post 109
Grief, My Old Friend -> Chuuya grieves
There Was No Peace, Only This -> Dazai's jaw gets broken (projecting)
Twitter threadfics
You'll Succeed (But You'll Cry)
Should've been Him (But it wasn't)
A New Truce
One Call is One Too Many
One Grave is Enough for Me
Random (that i've posted on ao3, the rest found under my twt pinned)
Fighting for Life
Unposted WIP List:
Five Years Away (I See Us) -> Dazai gets stuck in an ability that shows him a scenario he doesn't know how to accept (Dazai Osamu is Bad at Feelings)
Neon Streetlights to Guide you home -> Dazai discovers at what cost Amenogozen was beaten (Suffering Nakahara Chuuya)
I Want Him to See Tomorrow
Leaves Change with the Seasons
offhand comment, if you police other ppl online, kindly~
╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮
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im-a-chunky-potato · 10 months
ahaha okay so I have nothing better to do so I'll just say this:
Is this controversial? Idk. But it really does irk me. And full disclosure this will all be just opinions and stuff so don't take anything too seriously!
So let's just start off with the origin of the name. Shin soukoku translates to new double black. This is referring to how they are meant to replace Dazai and Chuuya, the original double black, as the new strongest duo.
And Dazai has stated this was his plan all along. But does the world really need a new skk?
Yes, they were strong. Yes, they saved the world multiple times. But now there's the agency! Which is you know the group made to complete the 3 way plan Natsume made.
And its been made very clear that a plan like double black won't really work out long term... not that they're weak but they will not make it against groups like the doa or guild. They need others to make them their best and give them the most potential.
And even if they are necessary, it's possible akutagawa won't even be able to make it until he's needed! Dazai/Chuuya are only in their 20s and as far as we know they aren't going anywhere? They may live dangerous lives but it's not like they'll die anytime soon.
You could argue this is their insurance and yeah that makes sense but Akutagawa only has a few months to live at best! Don't forget he has the lung disease.
Im sorry- double black? Have you met atsushi before? That guy is white.
And I say that because undeniably his soul is light and pure. He has a wave of innocence around him and wants to save people, you know?
But seriously double black works for soukoku because of their past. As the Demon Prodigy and a God of the pm the name suits them. They are undeniably black in terms of nature and soul.
I guess this leads to my main point. Atsushi and Akutagawa are not chuuya and Dazai. They never will be and thats alright.
By calling them sskk, this implies they have to fill that role. They have to be everything their mentors were and more... but no! They're their own people with their own morals and ideals and htsgsgs
We can see this clearly! Atsushi lacks the same mindset as Dazai and Akutagawa may not have the same strengths and Chuuya but they still work together and are a capable duo! They are their own pairing that deserves their own name!
Sorry I don't mean to come off as harsh! But that's all, I just have strong emotions about this. I know people love to talk about generational stuff in bsd but not everything has to have a predecessor!
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insoukokuhell-434 · 1 year
Dazai Taking Care of Chuuya fics
NLH helps with Arabahaki
The format I’m using is:
Title - writer (ao3 link) Fic length Time period (teen/mafia skk, 22! Skk, all ages) Additional tags (Tags in bold added by me for extra info) TW
the moments in between - hellcatspangledshalalala
3.7k  ALL AGES Hurt/Comfort Post-Corruption pining, fluff, angst, fluff at the end, character study, Dazai POV, first kiss, getting together, dazai’s depression
Recovery - rutu14
11.4k 22 SKK Hurt/Comfort Post-Corruption (Post Dead Apple) Angst, Confessions, Soft Dazai Osamu (or at least as soft as he can be), Reconciliation, Getting together, First kiss, Angst & fluff, Angst with a happy ending, Literal sleeping together TW -  Implied Chronic Pain, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction
Don't Leave Me - moonrice (moonyeyes)
5.6k MAFIA SKK Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, ability-caused sickness TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide References
all these reckless nights - feralrookie (ag_sasami)
3.5k MAFIA SKK Dazai takes care of Chuuya, Injury Recovery Post-Corruption Sharing a Bed, Hospitalization, Hair Braiding, Non-Sexual Intimacy, fluff
Stab Wound. - sp1tl0rd
1.3k MAFIA SKK Minor Injuries, Sharing a Bed - of course there's only one bed, Soft Ending, Dazai is Bad at Feelings, Tending to wounds, Protective Chuuya, Washing
it starts with bloodshed - parasocialism        
6.4k MAFIA SKK Hurt/Comfort Post-Corruption Pining, Fluff and Angst, Dazai centred, thats only bc Chuuya's too tired to think, Washing
*Fell Down and Nothing Bled- shadowsapiens 2.5k 22 SKK Exhaustion, haunted apartment, brief descriptions of violence Enemies to Really Annoying Lovers, Post-Dead Apple
all that I can give to you - BitterButCute
2.9k MAFIA SKK Hurt/Comfort Pre-Relationship, Literal Sleeping Together, Dazai and Chuuya are soft for each other, Chuuya POV, Chuuya-centric, self harm, Canon Compliant, Nightmares, Vulnerability TW -  implied referenced self harm, Dazai-Typical Suicide References
*A Place Like This - roadtosomewhere
6.5k 22 SKK (Post 109) Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, Literal Sleeping Together, Caring Dazai, Caring Chuuya, Chuuya is Good With Kids, Comforting Dazai, Chuuya Needs a Hug
Whispers in the Dark - CastielWho        
1.9k MAFIA SKK (Post DHC) Emotional Hurt/Comfort Grief/Mourning, Caring Dazai, Soft Dazai, Chuuya Needs a Hug, Literal Sleeping Together, Canon Compliant, Skk's unconventional mating rituals TW - Past Abuse
Arabahaki & NLH
(the hc that Arabahaki is a constant presence for Chuuya, and No Longer Human can stop the screaming and nightmares)
lend me your shoulder (i've never had someone to lean on) - scripted_suicide
1.7k MAFIA SKK Literal Sleeping Together, light angst, happy ending, Canon Compliant,  Still an AU though TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide References & Suicide Attempts
(the sequel)
i have died every night waking for you (all alone i have been waiting for you)-scripted_suicide
3.4k 22 SKK First Kiss, Fluff & Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Literal Sleeping Together, Canon Compliant, love confessions
an attempt at intimacy - uncanny cryptid
1.9k MAFIA SKK Emotional Hurt/Comfort Emotional Intimacy, Chuuya is Bad at Feelings, Dazai is Bad at Feelings, Fluff and Angst, Cuddling & Snuggling, Literal Sleeping Together, Nightmares kinda?? if you call arahabakis screams a nightmare, Dazai's mental health issues
Please like/reblog if this helped u find a fic, I'd be delighted to know asjsj <3
“Chuuya taking care of Dazai” recs here
Fic rec masterlist here
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sskk-ao3feed · 1 year
Dazai's feeling better!
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gM9mqkt by blue_worm Dazai is doing so much better since she left the mafia, and Atsushi, Chuuya, and Akutagawa are celebrating 10 days clean from self harm. I have decided to single handedly fill this relationship tag up because I love it. Why pick a ship? Just combine them. Also they're all trans but it's not important to the fic at all. Words: 1491, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: t4t, t4t4t4t, Trans, Trans Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Trans Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nonbinary Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Trans Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Trans Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Chuuya Nakahara uses He/She Pronouns, They/Them pronouns for Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Genderfuckery, as much as im milking the trans tags gender isn't the main focus, recovering from self harm, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, dazais getting better, Poly skk, akutagawa made a cake &lt;3, Any pronouns for transfem dazai but i used she/her in this fic, im ace so i guess they all are too, i need to start tagging that on all of my fics, qpr, You can read it that way, barely any reference to the self harm, not explicit at all, Comfort, Comfort No Hurt, trans author, Author is trans, author is projecting, Mention of scars, to be safe read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/gM9mqkt
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insoukokuhell-434 · 1 year
Soukoku Fic Rec - First Kiss <3
The format I’m using is:
Title - writer (ao3 link) Fic length Time period (teen/mafia skk, 22! Skk, all ages) Additional tags (Tags in bold added by me for extra info) TW
Some fics have parts of the summary/ comments added for additional info
Only for You - StormDew2
9.9k MAFIA SKK (Post 15) Literal Sleeping Together, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Kissing, chuuya gets banned from drinking so dazai gets him some wine, Underage Drinking, Light angst
give me a kiss like a kick in the teeth - communist_sasuke    
3.5k MAFIA SKK (Pre-Dark era) Kissing, Dazai is Whipped, Dazai is oblivious correction: Dazai's not oblivious he's just in denial, Chuuya Is So Done 
Summary: "Not that Dazai thought Chuuya was beautiful, because that would be a bit much. He was attractive, objectively. Not that Dazai was attracted to him.
(Or, more accurately: Dazai was, in fact, very attracted Chuuya.)"
Threats Made in a Hotel Room - Moonyeyes
2k MAFIA SKK Kissing, Making out, Drinking, Sexual Tension, POV Chuuya
Cross-reference - chuuzxi
2.6k MAFIA SKK Fluff and Humor, Bickering Lots of it, Bets & Wagers, Gay Panic, Dazai Osamu is a Tease, Developing Relationship, Mutual Pining, that tag runs HARD here, Denial of Feelings, chuuya goes thru the 5 stages of grief in thirty minutes
Stitches - orphan_account
11.3k MAFIA SKK (Post 15 and Dark Era) First Kiss, Canon Compliant, Mutual Pining, Feelings Realization, Denial of Feelings
it's always been you - devantsun    
2k 22 SKK Love Confessions, kind of???, telepathic soukoku strikes, Fluff and Angst, Rated T for language, softer than the tags imply lol, this is very soft in general, blink and you miss it fukuzawa x mori TW- Dazai-Typical Suicide References
of sunsets and first kisses - Bl34ry
2.5k MAFIA SKK Fluff without Plot, very soft, Fluff and Angst, Maybe a little angst, But it's very soft, and there's kissing, Awkward Conversations, Awkward Crush, this is set to before dazai met oda actually…
Fireside - littlewritergrl
1.9K MAFIA SKK First Kiss, Light Angst, Internalized Homophobia, but just a little??
Fics with good first kiss scenes
(less focused on first kisses)
the moments in between - hellcatspangledshalalala
3.7k  ALL AGES Hurt/Comfort, Post-Corruption, pining, fluff, angst, fluff at the end, character study, Dazai POV, getting together, dazai’s depression
I'll Make A Home In Your Gut Because its Somewhere Warm to Sleep - arahabakii
8.9k 22 SKK Fluff, Angst, Mutual Pining, Feelings Realization, Making Out, Getting Together, Domestic Fluff, Touch-Starved Dazai, Dazai needs a hug, Chuuya needs a hug TW - Dazai-Typical Suicide References
A chance to start again - Root (Fyki)
4.4k 22 SKK Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Fluff, Introspection, they work they shit out
hey look, the sky's falling apart - saffroncassis    
24.8k TEEN SKK (16/17) AU - Canon Divergence Hurt/Comfort, Protective Nakahara Chuuya, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Developing Relationship Found Family (the Akutagawa siblings, Oda's kids, Kyouka, Oda, Ango) TW- Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse and discussions of both these, also cw food for the whole fic
a piece about tensions unresolved - acuteguwu
2.1k 25 (AU) Alternate Universe - No Powers Fluff, Friends to Lovers, chuuya is a mess, dazai is no better tbh, kinda unrequited crush, First Kiss
Summary: "Chuuya’s been into Dazai for so long that it doesn’t seem relevant anymore."
the same groove - halfbloom (diphylleias)
11.3K MAFIA SKK (16), 22 SKK Feelings realization, Pining, Love Confessions, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Growing Up
Summary: "Dazai always knows too much, and too fast, whether it be for the better or for the worse. But for Chuuya, the realization comes slower, gradually, clumsily over the years"
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