#imperious Rex
evilhorse · 4 days
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Warriors of the Chasm! Stand down!
(Namor Volume 2 #2)
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ranaraeuchle · 2 years
Okay, just watched the trailer again and then the moving poster.
obsessed isn't the right word. Pardon me while I draw the salty Ocean prince for the next forever or so...
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popculturejunkie89 · 2 years
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Amazing Film, and Amazing Cast, this is a must see and top tier for BIPOC representation.
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nickmarino · 2 years
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jasposeyblog · 2 years
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My acquisition of Namor by Alex Lugo
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misslittlemisfit · 2 years
Did I just go to see Wakanda Forever for the fourth time?
Yes, yes I did.
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robotsandramblings · 4 months
obsessing over the idea of a "tales of the clones" or "tales of the rebellion" episode set in the Rebels era where all the older clones - Rex, Wolffe, Gregor, Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker (hopefully Echo & Howzer & Cody too) - come together for a special mission, where they pretend to be these confused, slow moving, frail old men as a 'disguise' and then end up kicking everyone's ass
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rexscanonwife · 10 days
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Inquisitor!Brea is one of my favorite angsty AUs cause I can just SEE how the drama would unfold, especially being one of the universes where Kepler actually lives 0u0 certainly that has nothing to do with her speech bubble!
(Taglist + alternate hairstyle under the cut)
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
@changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer @in-true-blue-love
@tropicalgothships @little-miss-selfships @hotrodharts @cupiidzbow @frozenhi-chews @limey-self-inserts @candyheartedchy
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redbean-nom · 5 months
now that i think about it the empire probably developed those anti-droid ports from rebels because of echo
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2stepadmiral · 14 days
Under things the EU did better than Disney for $300, we have portrayal of the Empire.
In Disney Star Wars, the Empire is simply an exaggerated portrayal of the Third Reich. Most everyone in the Empire is shown to be fanatically loyal to the regime, and even when their motives are based in relatable reasons, like preserving order or stability following the turbulence of the Clone Wars, are usually portrayed in a fanatical light that seems excessive. Plus, the utter incompetence of most every trooper and officer in Rebels makes the Empire feel bloated and often like a parody.
In the EU, there was much more nuance to the Empire. Obviously, Palpatine, Tarkin, Isard, and other higher ups who are decidedly evil, and there are sadistic troops and officers spread throughout the ranks, but there are honorable individuals as well, and after the death of Palpatine and his immediate successors, the more noble members of the Imperial military become prominent.
Beginning especially during Thrawn’s campaign, when merit and creativity were rewarded, respectful decorum towards opponents was the order of the day, and incompetence, violent excesses, or conduct unbecoming of an officer were never tolerated, the Gilad Pellaeons of the military had a chance to shine and become the rule rather than the exception. Sure, Pellaeon himself took some more time after Thrawn to fully shake off some of the more violent tendencies of Imperial Officers and the anti-alien bias, but by the time he was supreme commander of the Empire, he had decidedly evolved into a truly good man and leader, the exact one that the Empire needed to lead it from being the absolute image of totalitarian tyranny to a well integrated society that embraced the same diversity of the New Republic and was just a bit more structured.
And don’t even get me started on the competence. It was clearly established that Stormtroopers were elite soldiers, and that their failures in the OT were due to direct orders not to kill (Death Star and Bespin) or due to being surprised and overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers (Endor). There was one novel by Timothy Zahn, Survivor’s Quest, where two 501st stormtroopers, worn down by the hundreds of adversaries they had killed, were reinforced by the arrival of two of fresh troops, and the two unharmed and non-weary troops completely finished the remaining few hundred.
Summed up, the Empire had a more complex portrayal in the EU than simply getting beaten and reformed as the even more radical second Empire, and that made the story more interesting. It’s a shame that we aren’t getting that now.
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badbatchsprincess · 4 months
Heated ~ pt.18
Pt.1 ~ Pt.2 ~ Pt.3 ~ Pt.4 ~ Pt.5 ~ Pt.6 ~ Pt.7 ~ Pt.8 ~ Pt.9 ~ Pt.10 ~Pt.11 ~ Pt.12 ~ Pt.13 ~ Pt.14 ~ Pt.15 ~ Pt.16 ~ Pt.17 ~ Pt.18
Summary: This is an ABO Bad batch!Poly x Omega Reader smut with a plot. This takes place as an AU before order 66. Y/N previously served under the 501st before being transferred to Special Forces 99. This is her adventure with these rowdy Alphas in a quickly changing universe.
THIS IS AN ABO AU ABOUT THE BAD BATCH (NO CANON OMEGA!) Due to the unfortunate situation of her name being Omega… Omega the child from the canon series is not going to be apart of this fanfic/porn with a plot. I feel obligated to put this warning in because it makes my skin crawl thinking anyone could make that mistake. 
Warnings: Violence, gore, kidnapping, Tarkin is a creepy hoe, Crosshair being a dick, Dom!Crosshair, smut, orgasm denial, spanking, mate bonds, Pip is influenced by Crosshair’s presence
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─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── �� ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
“I can’t believe she’s alive, sir.” You heard a woman’s voice echo in your mind. Her sound was unfamiliar to you. 
The second thing you noticed was the mechanical whirl of the cold floor below you, everything was cold. Except for the warm softness under your throbbing head. Staying entirely still, you waited for your body to catch up with your hearing. You recalled your trauma training, wiggling each toe inside your boot, then moving up each joint and muscle throughout your legs before testing the response in your other extremities. It helped get your mind grounded in your body again as you lay on the cold ship floor.
Based off the smells, you knew you were no longer with your pack. This was new territory which only means one thing….
You’re in imperial custody. 
You heard Crosshair’s familiar silvery voice mumble something back to the woman but decided you were going to try and figure out your situation first, listening before acting. He was close by you deduced, probably standing guard over your pallet on the floor. You were also aware that you had very limited time before you’d get to wherever they were taking you. 
Listening a little closer, you heard plastoid armor shuffling all around you, there must be soldiers in the jumpseats lining his transport vessel. You heard the whirl of the ship knowing the engines were located on the under belly making it a newer model. Tech told you about their engineering. Usually the engine cores are located on the back of vessels, but new military class ships with loading ramps build the engines into the floor. 
“What happened to her?” The woman asked again probably referencing the cut to your head and whatever sorry state you were currently found in. 
“She got injured from that helmet they had on her.” Crosshair said shuffling his boots, he was standing right above your head. 
You felt the air shift around you and sensed someone was coming near you, “She looks…stronger… than most omegas.” She said skeptically. You could feel the woman kneeling behind you as he observed your form. 
“She wasn’t like that the last time I saw her, but she has been running with mercenaries.” Crosshair put a toothpick back into his mouth. 
“That doesn’t seem normal for her kind.” You felt her lightly brush a curious finger tip over your collarbone but Crosshair’s snarl stopped her. 
That was when you decided to act. 
Crosshair’s second in command let out a startled gasp when you suddenly flew up off the pallet wrapping your legs around her neck in a vice grip making her claw at your legs as you squeezed the life from the soldier. 
“Kriff.” Crosshair shot up off the wall but you got up quickly knowing you’d have to keep your distance from him. The second in command rolled her side, heaving, trying to get oxygen back into her lungs. 
You sprung into action, taking the other storm troopers by surprise. You reached into your back belt where Hunter had put his blade and you gripped the handle firmly bringing it to your front. The first trooper that tried to grab you got his forearm slashed deeply making him scream and retreat. You then brought the knife down harshly into his neck kicking him away from you to bleed out. 
“Get her under control!” Crosshair barked out nearing you. 
You grabbed another trooper kicking him in the chest sending him backwards into Crosshair while you turned on the others using your blade to cut and slash your way through the mob. 
“What the fuck!” One of the soldiers exclaimed as you expertly kicked out his knees and brought him to the ground using the knife and your vast knowledge of the human body to end his life in an instant. 
“Omega!” Crosshair yelled but you ignored him. The severed bond seemed to have also prevented his alpha command from working. You were free from his influence.
Crosshair suddenly realized his one fatal mistake… you had been trained… by Echo. 
He watched you cut down his men like they were nothing more than canon fodder. It was shocking. More of his men came flooding into the blood bath hearing the commotion. 
You snarled at them flipping yourself through the air using your boots and beskar armor to bash them down into the durasteel floor with a harshness you were unaware you carried. When you reached down to grab a discarded blaster, Crosshair’s second raised her blaster aiming at you. 
“Do. Not. Kill. Her!” Crosshair pushed her weapon to the side watching the plasma bolt burrow into the side of the ship. You watched her miss, and you turned on them, aiming your own gun and pulling the trigger. They both dodged out of the way in time, but you unleashed your training on the other unsuspecting troopers. 
“I’ve never seen an omega do that!” You heard his second yell over the bangs. 
“She’s no average omega.” Crosshair pressed himself into the crate keeping himself out of your range, “Set it to stun.”
He peeked his head out from behind the crate to find you heaving, covered in crimson blood, taking a trooper down into a flurry on the ground. Hunter’s blade had gotten knocked from your hands in the fight but that didn’t stop you. 
If Crosshair wasn’t so set on his mission to detain you, he would have stopped to admire your work. He guessed all those months with his brothers, you had changed. No longer were you the meek little republic medic, but you had turned into a warrior. 
“She’s going to kill the whole company if we wait any longer.” His second, Wren looked anxious. She was the best solder coming out of the imperial military academy. She was specifically selected for this very delicate mission which seemed to go in a direction neither of them had anticipated. 
“We can’t hurt her,” Crosshair drilled into the two of them, “Nothing can hurt her!” 
“I got that, but she’s fucking feral!” Wren scrunched back against the crate as a bloody helmet went flying by, “She’s going to tear apart the ship.” 
And just like you had with Echo, it was like you got a whisper in your ear and you knew exactly what Crosshair had planned to do. He was between you and the cockpit of the ship. Mate or not, you were getting to that damn cockpit even if you had to kill the bastard to get there. 
Just as you sensed him and the female trooper emerge from behind the crates, you spun, grabbing one of the flailing troopers by the collar, using him as a human shield for Crosshair’s stun ray. The young trooper dropped like dead weight and you watched as the woman pulled her trigger in your direction. You just stepped out of the way letting the stun ray fly right past you into a trooper behind you. 
You used your boot to kick a discarded riffle up into your hands flicking off the safety. 
Wren and Crosshair aimed for a second shot, but you beat them to it. It was like your body was moving on its own accord. Like something took over you… 
You momentarily wondered if this is what it’s like being Crosshair. If so, you felt powerful. It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before. There was such cool collectedness. Such pure concentration.
Raising the weapon up and tucking it into your arm, you unloaded onto their crates missing Crosshair by, well, a hair. You heard him curse and duck while Wren threw herself down onto the ground to duck for cover. 
“You’re going to take me back to Bracca now!” You snarled with a voice that didn’t even sound like your own. It was something silvery and wicked. 
Crosshair’s voice was breathier than usual, “Learn some new tricks huh, omega?” 
“You have no fucking idea.” You fired a few more bullets reminding him you still had the gun. 
“I can’t take you back, Pip.” He said grabbing one of his plasma reflectors. He tossed it onto the wall watching you through the reflection. 
You crept closer stepping over the gargling troopers who had fallen victim to your blade. 
“Fine.” You smiled viciously, “Then I’ll kill youm and take the ship back myself.” 
“You can’t do that mesh’la.” He sounded cocky, “You forget… you’ll die too.” 
You smiled devilishly, “That’s no longer a concern.” 
He furrowed his brow as he very slowly reached for fire puncher. Wren watched him anxiously clenching her own blaster. What the hell did you mean by that?
“Our bond has been severed, alpha.” You taunted. 
Crosshair’s stomach knotted… what did you just say? 
“Notice how your commands no longer work on me?” You kicked one of the destroyed helmets forward making Wren flinch. Never had she ever seen an omega like you. 
You chuckled, “Your brothers made sure I’d be severed from you.” Bending down, you picked up the bloody knife holding it in your free hand. It was like Crosshair’s base instincts were flooding your entire being. It was thrilling. Having a peek inside his brain was like being dowsed in chilled spring water.
“Thats not possible.” He bit out watching you raise your weapon.
“But it is sweetheart.” You noticed the curve of his second’s back bowing out from behind the crate carelessly. 
You locked onto your target hoping to roust her out of her hiding spot to get a clean shot. 
Crosshair had to time his shot perfectly, or it would just be you and him. And while he was confident he could take you in hand to hand, you may not let it get to that point if you keep acting like a fucking ARC trooper. Fucking Echo maker kark it. 
He watched you tighten your grip and peer down the scope, “What? Nothing to say?” 
He remained silent, focusing on aiming his own shot perfectly through the reflector. Right as he sensed you squeeze the trigger, he quickly pulled his own. He heard both you and Wren shriek, as your bullet graze Wren’s back, while his bullet knocked the gun from your hands. He stood up in an instant ready to stun you when you threw Hunter’s knife with all your force, watching it soar through the air rotating at the speed of light. Crosshair just barely stepped out of the way to made his shot while the tip of the blade sliced through the side of his skull just missing his ear.
He watched you collapse into the puddle of blood with a thump as he pressed his palm to the side of his head feeling the blood pour.
He did it. 
He made the shot. 
Wren whined in pain and he set down his riffle to check on his second. He flipped her over seeing the angry red canyon you’d carved through her back all the way to her opposite rib. That was definitely going to leave a scar. The alpha screamed in agony as Crosshair maneuvered her to keep her off her back. 
Then he ran over to you. Your stunned body lay amongst your victims. He almost couldn’t believe the brutality in which you killed them. It was like you had been trained your entire life in combat. There was no way Echo could have conditioned you that quickly. He was stunned. He looked around at the ship seeing all the blood splatters and stray bullets. It looked like a butcher was in here. He just couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
“Has the target been detained?” The pilots asked from the cockpit.
Crosshair radioed back, “Yeah, but let command know we’re going to need a clean up team.” 
He stared down at your limp figure, you were covered head to toe in his men’s blood. He shook his head still shocked you had caused so much violence, Wren’s pained cries echos off the durasteel walls drawing his attention away from the slaughter. 
Crosshair had taken extra precaution and used a pair of binders to keep your wrists detained as he slung your body over his shoulder. You dangled limply as the landing ramp opened up to the comfortable warm Nabooan air. 
On the tarmac, a team of hazmat troopers arrived to carry away the deceased, and a squad of medics came to help Wren while the remaining two pilots exited the ship with Crosshair. He didn’t miss the way the entire garrison stared in absolute abject horror at the tiny bloody omega on his shoulder. 
He heard their murmurs and knew that they were discussing his infamous mate. 
You had become quite the conversation after Tarkin made it his upmost top priority to track you down and retrieve you with no expense spared. 
Crosshair had also torn apart the base when he first felt the bond sever. He knew his outburst had reached every corner of the imperial base with gossip. Of course everyone was beginning wondering who this important omega was, and why she was so important to Tarkin’s favorite soldier and the empire itself. 
Crosshair heard the whispers and the gasps at seeing you and the damage you had caused on the way over here. 
“Is that her?” 
“An omega did that?” 
“Is that her blood?” 
“Did he do that to her?”
The hushed comments continued as Crosshair crossed the landing pad carrying you inside. Tarkin was alerted immediately that you had been found and brought back to Naboo upon entry to Nabooan airspace. 
“Is this her?” Tarkin asked approaching the sniper curiously. 
“Yes.” Crosshair replied coldly. 
“What happened?” Tarkin observed the dripping blood on his pristine floors from your bound finger tips. 
“She killed the entire squadron.” Crosshair adjusted his grip on you. 
“Alone?” The admiral questioned. His skepticism was evident. 
“Yes.” Crosshair said plainly, “It appears my batch mates have been training her in close quarter combat.” 
“How many of your men?” 
“All of them. She nearly had the captain too.” Crosshair watched Tarkin circle the two of you looking very pleased, “She killed the medic that treated her on Bracca, but he insisted I get her to a bacta tank. She fell nearly two stories during an explosion.”
The admiral hummed in displeasure. He gestured for another medic who came running over to them, “Get a medical team prepared to treat her. She must make a full recovery.” Tarkin ordered. 
Crosshair watched the medic leave and return with a stretcher which Crosshair carefully set your body down on. The sniper and the admiral keeping a close pace behind the medic as he pushed you towards the medical wing. 
“Has she always been vicious?” Tarkin questioned bending down to get a look at your face. 
Crosshair noticed a small audience gathering in the halls trying to get a peak at his mate, “I’ve heard stories of her past, but I haven’t witnessed it myself until today.” Crosshair said, “Her violence had been instinctual… protecting pups.” 
“Very good.” Tarkin approved, “I want you to take good care of her. She’s a remarkable specimen. She must remain in optimal health.” 
“Sir?” Crosshair questioned. 
Tarkin gave him a tight lipped smile, “I want you to retire being a soldier and be her… Alpha. You may keep her, as I am sure you desire that now that you know she is in fact alive” 
“Just so I’m clear, you don’t wish for me to serve the empire any longer?” Crosshair was confused. Tarkin didn’t want him to be a sniper anymore?
Tarkin gestured for Crosshair to enter into the medical lab before him. 
“You will continue to serve the empire but you have a new purpose.” Tarkin explained as the two of them trailed towards the new residential sector. “Your mate is a very rare variant lupine. She is not to leave this facility as she is integral to our new project. She’s a very unique specimen indeed.” 
“Rare variant?” He questioned, watching the beta scientists carefully lift your limp body up into the bacta tank. They removed the binders and started peeling off your boots and outer layers before beginning the sequence to drop you in. 
Tarkin watched the process as well, “Her kind is not bound by monogamy like the rest of us. I was skeptical at first, I don’t believe she knows what she is either. Most of her kind have been hunted into extinction.” 
“May I ask what you need her for?” Crosshair felt a tinge of anxiety simmer in his stomach. His alpha instincts weren’t liking this. He just got you back, he wasn’t letting anyone take you from him. Not now.
Tarkin explained, “We are looking for the most effective way to replenish our military. Sure, mandatory conscription is convenient, but it has been made very obvious to us that the clones were and are superior soldiers. We wish to bring forward another generation of warriors made from clone DNA and…” He gestured to your limp body. Crosshair tensed and bit back a snarl.
Tarkin continued, “However, we understand that the omega picks her mates, as she has with you and other clones we discovered through some… interrogations.” 
Crosshair knew he was referring to Captain Howzer. His fists tightened slightly. The jealousy he tried so hard to repress was rearing its ugly head. 
“She has a natural disposition for attraction to clones, she’s extremely intelligent, and as we have now learned, she has a calling to violence. She’s the perfect candidate for our program, and due to her very rare genetic variation she isn’t bound to monogamy, which means more pups… my head scientists believes that she will be a remarkable specimen for a new cloning program.” Tarkin clasped his hands behind his back. 
Crosshair forced himself to take a silent breath. 
Tarkin wishes to clone you? 
He watched the blood caked to your skin dissolve in the bacta solution as you floated peacefully.  
Crosshair looked sideways at the Admiral, “You wish to clone her, then breed her clones with other clones?” Crosshair was trying to follow along. The empire wanted to create an entire generation of clone offspring… using you…
“Precisely.” Tarkin nodded curtly. 
Crosshair turned and looked to the admiral waiting for the catch. 
Tarkin just smiled and looked up at his favorite sniper, “Keep her happy and healthy, those are yournew orders.” 
Crosshair nodded. This has to be the strangest set of orders he’s ever received. He watched Tarkin spin on his heel and head for the door.
The Admiral was about to leave the medical bay before he angled his head looking over his shoulder back to Crosshair, “and I expect you to complete the mate bond, and pup her, as soon as possible.” Tarkin paused waiting for Crosshair’s response. 
Crosshair just nodded, trying to make himself speak “Yes, sir.” 
Tarkin gave a satisfied huff as he marched out of the facility. Crosshair just stared blankly at the empty walk-way trying to even begin to understand all the information he just received. 
This just got a lot more complicated. 
The sharp taste of bacta coated your mouth making you smack your lips together trying to clear it. Your mouth was unbearably dry and when you tried to open your eyes, you felt like they had been welded shut. You groaned rubbing at them trying to will your eye lids to obey but they were heavy.
When you were able to finally crack them open, you blinked a few times trying to adjust to the lights. You then realized you were perched on a squishy bed under a thick duvet cover. Never in your life had you ever felt such soft sheets. You ran your hand over the white cottons before forcing yourself to sit up. 
The disorientation came to a screeching halt when you noticed the looming dark figure in the corner of the room. 
There lay Crosshair, still as a statue, seemingly asleep upright in a lounge chair. 
You sucked in a breath going entirely still. You were suddenly afraid your movements would wake him. 
You couldn’t remember much, but all you knew was that you needed to get the hell out of here… where ever here is…
Slowly, you shimmied your legs out from under the duvet before hopping down onto the plushest carpet you’d ever felt. You realized you were in nothing but a silk slip as your bare legs were now exposed to the comfortable air. Nothing about this was making any sense, what the hell is this place?
You crept forwards keeping your feet light and a concentrated eye on Crosshair’s form. He hadn’t moved one bit as you crossed the massive bedroom. 
Just as you were about to open the door…
“Omega.” His voice made you freeze in place. 
He still hadn’t moved, nor opened his eyes. You could hear your heart beating in your ears feeling like a little prey animal under his predatory aura. 
“Go back to bed.” He said lowly. 
You remained frozen trying to weigh your options. Run and pray, or comply and wait. Neither were good. And this was Crosshair, he was abnormally agile like his brothers. He’d snatch you up like a nexu. 
When he realized you weren’t going to listen, he opened his eyes without moving a muscle. You felt yourself bite back a whimper as fear suddenly started to ebb its way into your nervous system. 
You watched him stretch as he stood up loosing up the tight muscles from sleeping in that padded chair. 
You backed up a step determined to run if he made any sudden movements. You also realized he wasn’t in his military kit either, he was wearing a loose black t-shirt and a pair of matching joggers. His feet were bare too. You hadn’t ever really seen him like this outside of your apartment. You suddenly began to wonder if you were back on Coruscant? 
Well, this was certainly no apartment of yours… 
“You need to rest omega.” He very slowly approached you. 
You shook your head starring to feel like a disobedient child the way he was scowling at you. 
“Y/N.” He snarled, “Wanna do it the hard way? Fine.” In a flash, he lunged at you and you scurried out of the way narrowly dodging his grasp. You screamed running from him as you crossed the room. 
“Omega!” He yelled chasing after you, swiping for your ankle as you jumped across the massive king size bed and took off running on the other side of the room flinging yourself into the adjoining closet before locking the door behind you. He might be significantly taller than you, but you were speedier. 
He growled pounding on the metal trying to figure out a way to open it. You quickly dismantled the locking mechanism giving yourself some time before he came barreling in. 
Your heart was racing as you looked around trying to figure out a way out of this before he inevitably came to retrieve you. 
“Be a good girl and open this fucking door omega.” You heard him from the other side of the door. 
Looking up, you tried finding an air vent or something that could help you but you couldn’t find anything. 
Remembering what Tech always said, you got down on all fours crawling around the clothes in the closet looking for a vent on the floor. When you noticed a difference in the wall, you pushed the clothes back revealing a grated vent. 
“Yes.” You sighed crawling forwards to rip it from the wall. But to your dismay, it seems someone had already thought two steps ahead of you. The vent just led to a smaller one that no human could crawl through. 
You heard the door panel whoosh open and spun around to see Crosshair marching towards you. 
You stood up, ripping the clothes from the rail and started throwing them at him. He just batted them away unbothered by your attempt to stop him. 
“Alpha please!” You whined backing up into the clothes clearly frightened. 
Something in him switched and he stopped in his tracks. Maybe it was the sound of your voice warbling with fright, or how small you looked in the sea of black clothes, but he came to a total stop staring at you. 
You were a lot less intimidating outside of the beskar his brothers adorned you with. You looked too small suddenly, not like the fierce warrior that took out his entire garrison with your rage just a few mere days ago. The owlish eyes that frantically searched for an out, made his skin crawl. You shouldn’t be reacting like this to him… he’s your alpha for kriff sake. 
“Please.” You whispered the beg seeming like you were searching for something in him.
He sighed, “You can’t be up running around yet. You fractured two ribs and your pelvis from the fall.” He was the one now pleading with you, “Please, go back to bed.” 
You took a deep breath trying to read him. Was this a trap? You couldn’t really tell, but you knew he wasn’t lying about your ribs. You could feel the ache with every breath. 
Slowly, you stood inching towards him. He didn’t move a muscle, instead he allowed you to pass him before he followed you out of his closet and into the main sleeping quarters. 
You saw him following you from the corner of your eye as you very tentatively crawled back up onto the bed settling back in the middle like you had beed previously. You kelt on the mattress watching him stand at the foot of the bed crossing his arms. 
He stared at you intensely making your squirm in the silence.
“How did you do it?” He asked sounding pissed. Your heart began to patter. 
You stared at him trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. 
He narrows his eyes, “The bond.” 
You looked down at your hands fiddling with the sheets, “I was dying. You brothers took me to a planet where force sensitive wolves severed the bond to save me.” 
He remained stoic as ever. It was unsettling.
“I thought you died.” He bit out harshly, “Nearly killed me.” 
You whined quietly with guilt. 
He bit at his lip missing his toothpick, “How are you fine right now? It feels fucking empty in here!” He jabbed a finger into his chest, “it’s torture!” 
You just stared at his chest feeling your heart break for the alpha. You had thought about the kind of pain he might be feeling, those dreams kept you up at night. The others tried to convince you he’d be fine and that he probably didn’t feel much of anything, but you knew deep down it was so much worse. 
His confirmation only made you feel more guilty. You studied his face better in the day light. He was skinnier than you remembered. It had been months running around the galaxy with your pack, while you had bulked up with muscles, your alpha across from you looked like he had been dragged through bantha shit for months on end. Even his hair was longer and mused from sleep. He looked so different.
He sighed seeming exhausted. 
He reached forward to touch your ankle but you flinched drawing your limb closer to yourself. The look in his eyes nearly made you cry on the spot. He looked… horrified? Guilty? Disgusted?
“Omega.” That wasn’t the reaction he wanted from you. He also seemed guilty?
You were about to open your mouth to say something… anything… when the door to the apartments chimed open and a small army of medical droids floated inside. 
He stood upright putting himself between you and the imperial doctor walking inside. The small beta man approached with his glasses and a data pad kind-of resembling Tech. You watched him hesitate in the doorway seeing Crosshair puff out his chest and cross his arms with a raised brow waiting for an explanation. There was no chance this man was stepping one more foot inside this room without Crosshair’s explicit permission.
Clearly, entering an alpha’s bedroom with his omega in bed wasn’t the smartest decision. 
You instantly recognized the uniform which only meant one thing… you were in imperial custody. That also meant that whatever this place was, it was also imperial.
You peeked out from behind Crosshair getting the doctor’s attention he looked at you before looking back at the alpha towering over him. 
You needed to start to devise a plan to get out of here. 
 “I-I uh, I uhm need to get new scans. If t-that’s okay?” The technician stuttered as Crosshair’s aura intimidated the hell out of the poor kid. 
You realized Crosshair had made some kind of reputation within this new empire… and it clearly wasn’t one of rainbows and butterflies.
You smiled suddenly realizing you could definitely use this to your advantage…You were his omega after all. The kid noticed your grin as you suddenly settled back into the thick covers. 
He slightly narrows his eyes watching your mischievous face turn sickly sweet as you opened your mouth to speak, “Alpha?” The tone of your voice was like a soft caress to Crosshair’s ears. You suddenly looked up at him mustering the most nervous look you could. 
When he turned his attention to you, you squirmed uncomfortably making worried eyes at the medical technician. Crosshair’s protectiveness kicked into hyperdrive and he turned back to the beta, “Get out.” 
“B-but!” He tried to explain. 
“Now.” Crosshair stepped forwards making all the droids and the medical tech nervously back out of the room.
You smiled and waved at the technician making the kid sputter as he darted out of the apartment. 
“The next person to walk in here without permission will not walk out, do I make myself clear?” Crosshair growled menacingly, locking the main door behind the kid. 
When he returned you were leaning against the headboard watching him cross the massive bedroom. He gave you a knowing look, like he knew exactly the game you were playing with him. You crossed your arms over your chest pushing up your breasts watching him approach the end of the bed once again. 
“You’re far more manipulative than the last time I had seen you.” He snipped and crossed his arms to match yours. 
You eyed him, “A lot has changed.” 
“Clearly.” He retorted. 
You steeled yourself, “You tried to kill me.” 
He stilled, taking a quick calming breath, “You defied direct orders.” 
“I am your mate Crosshair!” You snarled leaning forwards on the bed unable to keep your voice from raising. 
“Are you?” He narrowed his eyes. 
You took a breath trying to calm the anger raging inside. 
Maybe he didn’t view you as a mate anymore, not after the bond was severed. That thought hadn’t crossed your mind until now.
“Why am I here?” You lifted your chin trying to mimic his coolness. 
“You are, or were, my mate. I serve the empire. You are to remain here with me, as it should be.” He replied coldly. 
“And if we no longer have a bond?” You raised a brow. 
He blinked slowly, “You are to remain here under imperial custody.” 
“What do they want with me? They wouldn’t allow one soldier to send an entire garrison for one measly omega, now would they?” 
“You’re not just some measly omega now are you.” He pointed a finger at you, “You have some explaining to do, cyra’ika.” 
“I don’t have to explain anything.” You growled. 
He scoffed changing the subject, “Where are they?” 
You just stared at him. There’s no way you’d sell out his brothers to the empire. 
“Do they know?” He raised a brow, he was referring to your special designation, “I’d presume so, you begged them to fuck you all the same.” 
You felt your cheeks redden. 
“I bet they kept fucking you too, huh sweetheart?” He leaned forwards placing one hand menacingly on the bed started to crawl closer, “Once they thought I was gone and out of the picture, they had you all to themselves.” The jealousy in his tone was evident. You knew he never liked to share. 
“Did you know? All this time?” He was hovering over your covered legs making your heart race. The last time he looked at you like that, you had your nose pressed to his belly as you had taken him greedily down your throat. 
You felt a sudden rush of heat flow through you at the memory. 
“Know what?” You whispered. 
He smirked, “What you are?” 
“What am I, Crosshair?” You laid back on your back as he hovered over you keeping you pinned to the mattress beneath him. 
He watched you swallow and noticed the unmarred glad still in tact. He smiled wolfishly down at you. He knew what you were, after Tarkin was explained, all the pieces fit together perfectly. However, he couldn’t help but indulge his jealousy, “You’re mine.” 
He reached forwards gently making contact with your gland with his bare hand. Like a taught rubber band, you felt something snap violently into place making the two of you gasp violently and writhe on the mattress as an unbearable current zapped through your entire system like a lightening strike. 
“Kriff!” He grunted trying to keep himself up and not crush you as he gripped at his sternum. 
You wheezed pushing up at him suddenly feeling claustrophobic. You needed to get away. 
Forcing yourself up from under the covers, you weakly crawled to the side of the bed wobbling on your feet suddenly overcome with the sensation of Crosshair everywhere. 
His scent, his energy, his emotions… it was suffocating. You felt like there were two people inside you as you let out a cry feeling it all come to a freezing halt. 
You clutched the wall trying to catch your breath. You spun around to face him as he hunched over the mattress. He looked at you wildly. 
“The bond.” You breathed. It was intact. 
Then came the burning desire. 
You were suddenly possessed with the need to mate with your alpha.
You crossed the room practically jumping up into the bed crawling to him as he pulled you closer. You sighed feeling his skin against yours once again and you realized just now much you missed his touch. 
You wiggled underneath him yanking at his shirt, pulling it over his head revealing his chest and a spattering of new scars you didn’t recognize. You also didn’t care. All you wanted was him inside you. 
Like he could hear your thoughts, he smirked, nipping at your neck sending your nerves into overdrive. You were flustered everywhere and it was sending aching tingles down into the base of your belly. 
You used your feet to push the waist band of his joggers down revealing the lack of boxers. You smiled and reached greedily for his cock starting to pump him rhythmically. He thrust into your hand as his breathing deepened clearly desperate for your touch. 
“Omega.” He sighed almost silently. 
He pawed at your silk covered tits before frustratingly tearing the straps to get access to you. 
He kissed south, ignoring your squirming as he left your warm palm to lick and suck at your hardening nipples. 
You cried out as he latched on with his warm mouth making you start to drip between your thighs. 
“I’m still mad at you.” You whined pushing your chest up into his mouth. 
“I know.” He tore the slip dress even further until it was fully off your body. His free hand slithered down between your thighs. You parted them eagerly as his fingers traced tight circles around your clit. You mewled grinding your hips into his hand as he worked you open. 
You growled frustratedly wanting more, “Just fuck me Crosshair!”
He withdrew his hand and sat back on his heels before gripping your hips and flipping you over. He brought down a harsh slap against your ass making you scream. 
“So, fucking bossy these days.” He teased rubbing the reddening area, “My vod let you get away with that, huh?”
You pushed your ass up into him ignoring his comments. 
“Who died and made you empress?” He laughed sardonically. 
You huffed as he brought down another harsh slap. You inched up the mattress crying out at the sting. You felt him nudge up behind you, pressing his thighs into yours, then you felt the tip of his cock brush against your dripping cunt teasing you with his warmth. 
“Are you going to behave? Or are you going to be a little brat?” He spat at you pinching your welting ass making you squeal. 
You snarled and whipped your head around to see his evil smirk as he trust forward in one fell swoop wiping that nasty look off your face in an instant. 
You felt like the air was punched from your lungs as he filled you to the absolute brim. The stretch hurt, making you squirm, but Crosshair was merciless. He gripped your hips in a bruisingly tight hold as he pulled you back against his thrusts. You couldn’t recover from his brutal thrusts, all you could do was go limp and take what he was giving you. 
“Give up so soon?” He mocked. 
You could only relax, feeling yourself adjust to his presence while he abused your dripping pussy. 
Your moans reverberated off the walls as his powerful thrusts rocked the king size bed against the wall. You clawed at the mattress trying to find purchase and push back against his onslaught. He chucked at your weak attempt as he leaned forwards to grasp the back of your neck in his hand, pressing you to the mattress keeping you pinned beneath him. 
This felt so wrong but so damn good. Ugh. You mewled as he hit that perfect spot inside you, and suddenly the room was filled with the sound of your squelching cunt and his thighs smacking against yours. You couldn’t believe this was happening right now. It almost felt like a fever dream. 
You reached your hand down between your thighs wanting to cum so badly but Crosshair knocked your hand out of the way to replace it with his own. 
He rubbed soft circles edging you as he continued to thrust. You cried out feeling your climax approach and you squirmed around in his grasp trying to throw yourself over the edge. 
You felt your end coming when Crosshair fully stilled inside you. 
You let out a defeated whine feeling your climax slip further and further away. 
“No!” You cried trying to push his hand out of the way and finish yourself off yourself, but he wouldn’t budge. 
He leaned forwards pressing his mouth to your ear, “Where are they?” 
Your body thrummed with arousal and anxiety… so this was how he was going to torture the information out of you. 
He was seriously going to deny your orgasm until you cracked?
You whined pinching your eyes closed. 
You heard him chuckle as he straightened back up continuing to thrust with a slower pace keeping you just idling on the edge. 
You cried out desperately trying to push yourself back on him but he held you still. 
“You don’t get to cum until you tell me adi’ka.” He smirked. 
“Why?” You sobbed into the mattress. 
He continued to stroke you just right making you shake. Your orgasm was starting to ebb into your field again and he seemed to sense it through the bond bringing himself to stop. You let out a deflated grunt as your joints shook with the need for release. 
“Please Crosshair!” You begged. 
He remained stoically still. 
You felt tears pooling in your eyes, “Please let me cum alpha! Please!” You were on the brink of insanity. 
“You know the rules sweetheart.” He reminded petting the raised welt of his hand on your ass, “Tell me what I want to know, and I’ll give you as many orgasms as you can take.” He lightly toyed with your clit making you shudder.
You sniffled gripping into the covers. 
“I can feel you resisting.” He sounded curious, “I can feel it in the bond. Poor thing, you want to cum so badly don’t you little one?
You huffed trying to gather yourself. 
“I know you’re a stubborn one.” He smiled nipping at your shoulder, “Good thing I’m stubborn too.” 
You were karked. You were karked because you knew he wasn’t going to like your answer regardless. 
“Please.” You whispered rubbing your face into the bed. 
“Tell me little one, and I’ll make you cum.” He promised. 
“You won’t like my answer.” You whined clenching around his hardness. He rewarded you with a little slow thrust trying to egg you on. 
You sighed, “I don’t know where they are.” 
He hummed speeding up his thrusts slightly giving you a small taste of relief. 
“You know them alpha, they’re never anywhere too long.” You cried feeling him start to rub your under stimulated clit, “T-They were taking mercenary jobs for money. We were never anywhere longer than a day or two at most!” 
“Why were you on Bracca?” He started to rub faster making you moan. 
You stuttered, “T-the chips.” You sighed as he picked up this thrusts, “Wrecker’s chip was hurting him and I took them all out.” 
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He slowed and you whined.
“I needed real surgical equipment. The old republic ships all had them!” You admitted. You were careful to leave Rex out of this. There was no reason for the empire to know he was alive and rescuing clone prisoners. 
“Good girl.” He praised bringing his pace back up to the brutal pace you craved, “Now, was that so hard?” He couldn’t help but tease you. 
You just groaned finally feeling your climax approach as he rewarded you for your confession. His skilled fingers brought you to the edge and swiftly threw you over and you came with a deafening scream. It was so powerful your entire body shuddered and convulsed as his thrusts got a little sloppy too before he came with a grunt. 
He continued thrusting through his orgasm until he couldn’t take the stimulation anymore and pulled out watching as your cunt fluttered and his spend oozed out of you in creamy droplets. He watched mesmerized as you collapsed onto the bed totally worn out. The edging had been rough on you, and he realized he probably should have been a little softer on you since you were supposed to be in recovery. 
He tried his best to catch his breath as he slid off the bed to hunt down a wash cloth. He came back to clean you up and then himself before he disappeared into the bathroom again. You curled up on your side pulling the sheets over you trying to still come down from your high. Your brain was laden with pleasure as you felt yourself drift off into peaceful sleep. 
You sighed, escaping Crosshair and this place would have to come later. 
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These next few chapters are going to be fucked ngl, dirty Crosshair smut to come, and angstttttt
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
Taglist: @substantial-exposure
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cloneshipficquotes · 3 months
"Something on your mind?" Rex asks.
"Yeah," comes Hunter's quiet answer. :"You didn't tell us we'd still be aware, deep down."
Rex flinches, then lowers his head in agreement. Hunter's hand lashes out and catches the other clone's shoulder.
— LorienDarenya, from Chapter 1 in ‘Zero to the Bone’
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snototter · 2 months
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An emperor shrimp (Zenopontonia rex) perches on a sea cucumber in Negros Oriental, Philippines
by Robin Gwen Agarwal
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yzur02 · 1 day
*The 501st is boarding the gunships after a battle*
Anakin: *sees something moving inside Fives's backpack*
Anakin: hey Fives, whatcha got there?
Fives, panicking: a smoothie, sir!
Gizka in the backpack: *happy gizka noises*
Ahsoka: what?
Anakin: I'm sorry Fives, but you can't keep pets, it's against the regulations
Fives: *sigh* I understand, sir, I will give it back
Gizka: *pokes head outside the backpack*
Ahsoka: aaw, it's so cute! can we keep it?
Anakin: pets are against the rules and, if I let Fives keep it, everyone will want one too, besides Obi-wan will have my head if I keep ignoring the rules, so no, sorry snips
Ahsoka: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: no is no, I'm sorry
Ahsoka: *elbows Fives*
Fives: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: *struggling* I will not yield
Every other clone in the gunship: *sad puppy eyes*
Anakin: no, I am a Jedi knight, I am stronger than this
Gizka: *copies everyone else*
Anakin: we can't keep pets
Everyone: *sad noises*
Anakin: however!
Everyone: *looks up*
Anakin: as the General, I CAN recruit republican citizens as officers in my legion
Everyone: *gasp*
Anakin: *looking at the gizka* congratulations on your promotion, lieutenant!
Everyone: *cheers*
Obi-wan in the Resolute's briefing room: Anakin, what is that?
Anakin: what is what, master?
Obi-wan: *points at the chair labeled 'Liutenant Cazul' where a gizka is sitting*
Anakin: that's Lieutenant Cazul, master
Obi-wan: *annoyed mom look* Anakin
Anakin: so... fun story, actually...
To this day Marshall Commander Cazul remains one of the most decorated veterans of the Clone Wars, and the most mysterious individual in the Imperial databases, nobody knows for sure who was Cazul before joining the 501st, how he looked, or where he went after his retirement, when the war ended, but his legacy lives on every Imperial cadet who grows up dreaming of being just like him.
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kashasenpai · 1 year
Chopper ready to throw hands with that senator is a mood.
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