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Wait xQc... Showers once a week?
i tried to find a clip of him talking about his disgusting bathing habits but instead i found a clip where he talks about HOW he showers and he said that he turns all the lights off and puts a towel under his door so no light comes in the room so that he bathes in complete darkness like some kind of a bat or subterranean creature and now im just straight up terrified of him
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@imperatrix-cj replied to your photo: “closer shot of delicious sorbet dice”:
beautiful. wanna see mine?
pls share dice
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I stumbled across your art just know & fuck the anons who call it bad because it's not ""cute."" Nobody tries to call the great artists of history's works cute either so does that mean they're bad? I love your ovw art already & I need to rb every bit of it.
i just got on tublr after a very... bad day and saw this??? And oh my god???Thank you so much for the kind words and the reblogging part... omg you really did it
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Bless you for kicking off pride month with some sappy gay love.
;) I try!!
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grumpyroosters replied to your post “Hey uhhhh, where do you go on a first date? asking for a friend”
some gardens usually!! like visiting flower fields or something would be nice :) otherwise a movie is good too bc u don't have to talk so there's no possibility of awkward silence
bbelladone replied:
i usually default to dinner + going to the movie theater because i am Unoriginal but damn mini golf sounds hecka fun lmfao
teamsladsandgents replied:
The one and only time I went on a date, we did mini golf. It was pretty fun
@imperatrix-cj​ reblogged:Â
Well for a first date, might I suggest something low key? Like a chill, casual place where you can talk but there’s also something to do to maybe help patch over lulls in conversation?
Holy shit, thank you guys!!Â
Mini golf sounds like a great time! Wish we had one nearby... Maybe bowling instead? We have a bowling alley underneath the cinema I usually go to, so, bowling, drinks, movie?Â
I’m totally doing the gardens though if we’re blessed with nice weather for once, that’s an awesome, totally sweet idea.
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Anonymous? Never heard of them. Anyway fly you've become one of my favorite blogs to follow & perhaps favorite people (in an admiration from a distance sorta way) & you seem like you'd be a delight to talk to any day of the week.
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Everytime I see your FMA spam I just wanna go back & binge watch it again.
i only finished it like maybe a week ago??? and yet i ALSO wanna go back and binge watch it againit’s just so GOOD wtf
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imperatrix-cj replied to your chat “An artist with a kickstarter: We're making the lesbian pin funding...”
Just an artist I followed for a while (I think back when I was into SU) was working on a Patreon project of pride flag enamel pins and like a lot of these projects, decided not to include the lesbian flag. They were called out on it and had the excuse of “well the lesbian flag is really obscure!”
Not end of the world kind stuff but frustrating to see it over and over again.
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When you get this, answer with five things that make you happy - then, send this ask to the last ten people on your recent activity ^_^
I have no idea how long ago you sent this because tumblr mobile is terrible about notifications but cj you are a wonderful human being
Five things that make me happy!
spending time doing much of anything (or nothing) with the people I care about very much
a soft blanket and hot cup of coffee on a cold day
unprompted kind words
a great story
#ask#imperatrix-cj#queue shoulda stayed handsome my fella#and when i get all of these at once#it's the best time
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imperatrix-cj replied to your post: did you know it’s really therapeutic to just,,...
seconded. do you need someone to talk to about it?
nah, i’m just venting;; gotta get it out or it’ll make me angry for days lmaooo. thank u though :)
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@imperatrix-cj replied to your post: “why are people saying reverse sweep in chat… a reverse sweep is going...”:
basically win the next 2 rounds, force a map 5 & win that
OH i'd somehow misread and thought it was 1-1, not 2-0... anyways im from LA originally so SHIELDS UP 4-0
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Catching up on your blog & seeing some jackass go "bUt WhAt AbOuT tHe DeMoNiZaTiOn Of JaCk FoR bEiNg WhItE?" like are you serious my dude. You know how little I see of that in relation to how fucking much I see demonization of Gabriel pre-reaper alone? Do you really wanna out yourself like that cause there's a lot simpler way of saying "I'm a racist."
I was literally just forced to see someone call Gabriel a “thug” for killing a man who took lives before and threatened to take many more and people want to cry about how Jack gets “demonized” in fandom? I was honestly way less salty about it this morning than I should have been, especially after seeing how some people have reacted to Gabriel’s actions in Retribution. Like literally just look around for five fucking seconds before you speak?
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@imperatrix-cj replied to your post “I would like it if literally no one ever listened to my voice and...”
Cuss them out in Welsh
solid solution, will try that next time with anyone who’s not my manager or supervisor and pray they weren’t also forced to learn welsh
@autisticheatherduke replied
I don't get those people bc you sound Welsh to me
It’s amazing that you’re one of the only people who thinks so and tbh thank u for that.
@badwolftimelady replied
Okay but now I really wanna hear your voice
If you’ve got discord, I’d be super happy to hang out with you on it some time for a chat!  ♥
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Tagged by: @vynessia
Relationship status: Poly, with a girlfriend, a paramour, and a partner.
Favorite color: Either teal or aqua
Last song I listened to: Kings and Queens of Summer by Matstubs
Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick. Always.
Last movie I watched: Wreck-It Ralph
Top 3 shows: Oh god. Steven Universe, Futurama, Leverage
Top 3 characters: God, choosing is hard. Valentine Degriz from The 'Mancer Series, Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect, and Iron Bull from Dragon Age: Inquisition
Top 3 bands/artists: 3 Steps From Hell, Icon for Hire and....idk. Does a genre count? Jcore.
Books I'm currently reading: I'm rereading Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
Favorite hobby: DnD, playing video games, or just talking to friends
Occupation: Relationship support expert for US Bank
Love to collect: Dice, odd cooking utensils, pokemon.
Tagging (not OBLIGATED, but tagging) @specialagentace @quiverby @imperatrix-cj @jorge-ryan @zingbrit @vannezen @nikineon and...I'm supposed to have 2 more but eeeeeeeeeh
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How 'bout I date you for free? (as long as we can lay between each other's breasts)
my ! chest ! is ! made ! to be ! a pillow !
this is a good deal, i say SOLD
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