This is a live-preview blog. You can find the code for this theme under link IV. Make sure to check the credits for this theme under link V. Or you can check out other themes I have made under link VI.
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Steampunk Theme: Live Preview | Code
The most complicated theme I have ever made. Based on the Steampunk aesthetic, this theme is full of moving parts and detail galore. The only downside is it may take a while for the page to load the first time you view it, but it’s totally worth it.
Contains a ‘functional’ cog, pulley and weight system that moves with the page as you scroll.
Custom background colour.
Unlimited links. Your first 6 links display as fancy buttons to the right of your description. If you have more than 6 links, the rest display below your description.
Optional infinite scroll.
Custom sidebar image. Upload any square image and it’ll resize to fit.
Border and link colours are customisable.
Description scrolls when it gets too long.
Special formatting for the new reblogged asks.
Like buttons and reblog buttons on every post.
Works on all major browsers (yes, even IE).
A lot of images have been used to make this theme, from all over the internet. Take time to check out the page where I have credited them all.
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Details for the sake of details. A lot of images have been used to create this theme, and each needs to be credited to its respective creator.
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Customise Options
Background - The background texture is transparent. Darker colours work best.
Borders - The colour of the borders around individual posts.
Links - Link colour.
Infinite Scroll - Infinite scrolling enabled when ticked.
Like Button + Reblog Button - Like and Reblog buttons at the top of each post.
Show Archive Link - Displayed beside your description.
Sidebar - Upload a square image. It will be resized and displayed as a circle automatically.
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SteamPunk Specialist
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And this is a reblogged answer! Phasellus bibendum eu sapien sed hendrerit. Cras porta nec elit ut laoreet. Ut vitae eros tristique, consequat augue et, porttitor libero.
This is a question! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quam orci, vestibulum in ornare nec, euismod vitae magna. Etiam tristique fermentum augue, sed accumsan neque consectetur in.
This is an answer! Integer in eros at diam sollicitudin tempor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus ac auctor nibh. Vivamus commodo mi sed nunc tempus, ut blandit lorem hendrerit. Nunc sit amet turpis laoreet, malesuada nulla vel, vehicula urna. Morbi faucibus enim in arcu consequat ullamcorper. Fusce sit amet purus tortor. Vestibulum luctus dolor nisi, eu pretium purus auctor eget.
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Airship Of Doom by *Koshelkov
587 notes
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Songs we don’t talk about nearly enough: Panic! At The Disco - Oh Glory
i can only hope it’s true enough
that every little thing i do for love
redeems me from the moment i deem worthy
of the worst thing that i’ve done
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Anne De Pasquale
0 notes

245 notes
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I just think we’re living in a time of massive, amazing change, like the Industrial Revolution on acid.
Kelly Lynch
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This is a question! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quam orci, vestibulum in ornare nec, euismod vitae magna. Etiam tristique fermentum augue, sed accumsan neque consectetur in.
This is an answer! Integer in eros at diam sollicitudin tempor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus ac auctor nibh. Vivamus commodo mi sed nunc tempus, ut blandit lorem hendrerit. Nunc sit amet turpis laoreet, malesuada nulla vel, vehicula urna. Morbi faucibus enim in arcu consequat ullamcorper. Fusce sit amet purus tortor. Vestibulum luctus dolor nisi, eu pretium purus auctor eget.
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SteamPunk girls and Cosplay
35 notes
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Panic! At The Disco: The Ballad Of Mona Lisa
32 notes
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Airlords of Airia - Full Steampunk Sci-Fi Short Film
13 notes
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SteamPunk girls and Cosplay
221 notes
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Oh some sexy blockquotes hai
adipiscing elit. Nullam eget dictum arcu. Suspendisse quis urna eget ante scelerisque egestas non a nunc. Vivamus eget dolor at arcu congue auctor at ut quam. Maecenas lorem ligula, aliquam in ullamcorper ut, viverra eu libero.
Nunc adipiscing dolor nec erat ultricies aliquam.
In eu dolor felis. Maecenas scelerisque egestas nibh in rhoncus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nunc neque tortor, ultrices quis sodales quis, tempor id tellus.
Nunc aliquam felis a lorem ultrices eleifend vel non nisi.
Vivamus ullamcorper tempus sem ac vulputate.
Proin leo nisl, iaculis eu lacinia eget, volutpat non neque.
Fusce nisi erat, vehicula et semper lacinia, sollicitudin eu elit.
Suspendisse eu tellus odio.
Pellentesque vitae tortor id magna iaculis ultrices sit amet quis mauris.
Nam cursus libero a elit volutpat scelerisque. Sed vehicula lorem et mi porttitor rutrum. In tempus, tortor non bibendum accumsan, est lectus convallis tellus, vitae ultrices orci nisl non turpis.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Aenean volutpat, mauris posuere molestie pretium, neque justo accumsan sem, eget mattis diam libero sed metus.
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