Men and Their Private Moments
56 posts
When most men don't want to be seen; unless they want to.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
outhousesitter · 5 months ago
Man, would like to wake up in the morning and see that on the split rail fence in my backyard
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outhousesitter · 6 months ago
Man, he had to go really hot sounds
Hottie took a good dump after his workout. If he knew - he totally didn't care!
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outhousesitter · 7 months ago
Damn, I wish this was scratch and sniff!
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outhousesitter · 8 months ago
King of the Shitter
Finn sat alone in the restroom, pants down around his ankles, as he waited for any movement. His bowels had been slightly backed up and the young man had been unable to go for around three days. Now Finn might not look it with his tall, thin frame and handsome face with blue eyes and black hair, but he generally was able to poop every day, so this little back up was cause for some concern. The sound of footsteps approaching caught his attention, someone entered the stall to his right and locked the door. The stranger pulled down his pants and there was a small thud as they mounted the bowl. Finn looked down to take a glimpse of the shoes of his neighbor, recognizing the baseball shoes of one of his college friends, Cade. Cade must have also recognized Finn’s typical work boots, “Hey Finn, you next door?” 
“Yeah Cade.” Finn responded, he was used to talking while shitting, it happened all the time when he was in high school. Cade chuckled, “Well, let me tell you, I’ve been needing this shit for a while, was turtleheading as I was making my way over…Plop…aahh man, this will be bigger than I thought. That felt like a brick...hold on...here’s another...Plop...ohhh, that felt better.” 
Cade’s commentary continued as plops, splashes, and thuds kept sounding from the bowl, “So, I went out with this girl last night and...Plop...she was a nice nice gal. Talking a total ten, brunette with wonderful...Ploosh...green eyes. Man, I’m shitting up a storm in here, wonder what I ate that makes me produce steel logs.”
“New diet?” Finn suggested as he still couldn’t feel any movement from his bowels. The sounds of the turds leaving his neighbor’s body and the sighs of satisfaction only made Finn want to go more. Cade chuckled, “Could be, I know I have been eating more protein...Braaap...Oh speaking of which, here it is…”
*Braaap* *Plop* *Ploosh* *Braaap* *Braaap* *Plop* *Plop* *Braaap*
“Woohoo man, that was a rush, what a total relief! Feels like I just lost five pounds...aahh shit...here comes round two…”
“Whew, that’s what I’m talking about!” Cade exclaimed as he proceeded to pull off some toilet paper. Finn heard the sound of the other man cleaning his ass, Cade stood up and flushed the toilet, “Man, I needed that, feels like I lost ten pounds.”
The door unlocked and the baseball player went to the sinks. Finn stood up himself, no movement from his bowels so what was the point. Walking out of his stall, Finn washed his hands beside Cade, Cade gave another sigh of relief, “Nothin’ better than that feeling, anyway, I will see you around Finn.”
Finn watched as his friend left the restroom, slowly following afterwards before making his way towards his dorm. The heaviness in his gut wasn’t fading anytime soon and maybe the walk would help get a few things moving on their own. 
But the walk did nothing to help his backed up bowels, the young man sat on his bed, an arm wrapped around his stomach as it gurgled and cramped. The dorm room door opened and one of his roommates, Sid, came walking into the room. Sid’s brown eyes studied Finn, worry etched in every feature, before he sat on the bottom bunk bed across from his roommate. Sid tilted his head, “Are you feeling alright Finn?” 
“Naw Sid, I’m a bit backed up is all.” Finn answered as another cramp tore through his midsection. How the young man would have just loved to be able to sit on the toilet, give one push, and have an absolute monster of a dump. Sid reached over and patted his friend’s shoulder, “I have a solution, but I am not doing it for you.” 
“What is it?” Finn asked, curiosity getting the better of him. Sid walked into the dorm’s bathroom before returning with a small box, he pulled out a torpedo-shaped object, “It’s a suppository, you just got to insert it into your ass and it should clear everything right up.”
“I have to insert that into my ass?” Finn reiterated as a question. He was about to object to the solution before another cramp clawed through his stomach. Finn hissed before grabbing the device, “All right, I am doing it.” 
“Just remember to leave it in for fifteen minutes after you insert it.” Sid said with a small chuckle as Finn went into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. The young man dropped his pants before positioning himself in front of the mirror, trying to get a good angle in order to see his ass. Once he could spot where his asshole was, Finn gently inserted the device. It felt weird to have something in his rectum, but he managed to get it a good one inch in like the instructions said. Pulling up his pants and washing his hands, the young man exited the bathroom and sat back on his bed. Sid gave him a small smile, “Able to get it in?”
“Yes, felt weird, but it’s in.” Finn replied. SId nodded, “Well, like I said, wait fifteen minutes for it to work and everything should be right as rain.”
Finn nodded back and the two of them began to shoot the breeze as the time ticked down on the clock. It was around seven minutes in when Finn felt his stomach cramp suddenly, the stagnant mass inside of him moved a little. A few minutes later, the young man’s load went from not moving to getting closer to the exit with each second. The pressure in his gut built and soon Finn’s ass was beginning to sweat, his stomach contractions were getting stronger, and his need was beginning to grow more urgent with each passing moment. Eventually, at the ten minute mark, Finn voiced his need, “I gotta take a shit, I gotta poop Sid, I can’t…can’t hold it much longer.” 
“Just a few minutes longer,” Sid replied as he patted his friend’s shoulder, “How about you give a few farts? It might relieve the pressure a bit.”
Finn gave a small nod before meaning over on his left side, there was a small puff of air as he released a small fart. The two guys shared a quiet chuckle before Finn passed another airy puff of a fart. The pressure in his gut did decrease a bit with each pass of gas, but the third fart was a little different, being not as long and of a higher pitch. Finn gave a small gulp before sitting back down and whimpering as his stomach clenched harder, “It worked a little, but now I am near turtleheading, Sid I need to go now.”
“Sorry dude, you have around two more minutes left.” Sid responded with sympathy dripping from his voice. Finn whimpered once more as his gut rolled and cramped with each passing second, the feeling of a large log pressing against his asshole, which he had clenched tightly shut. Another cramp sent his load pressing against his closeup asshole almost like a battering ram, the young man gave another whimper in both pain and desperation, “Sid, the suppository worked, please, I gotta shit.”
“Just one more minute.” Sid responded as he got up and sat next to Finn, placing a comforting hand on his friend’s shoulder. Another vicious cramp tore through Finn’s midsection, the muscles holding his anus shut were getting tired of having to hold back what needed to be let out. Finally, after what felt like hours, SId patted his back, “Fifteen minutes are up, go take that shit Finn.”
You didn’t have to tell Finn twice, he bolted up from his bed and practically ran to the dorm bathroom, closing the door behind him. Not even bothering with the lock, his hands went desperately to his pants and somehow managed to undo them, pulling them to his ankles. Finally, the young man was able to mount his snow-white buttocks on the porcelain seat of the toilet, the cold feeling on the smooth skin of his rear caused him to give a push in reflex. His anus domed open as a massive, wide, hard turd poked its way out and crackled audibly into the bowl. Finn couldn’t help but release a moan of pleasure at the feeling of all the waste finally leaving his body, it didn’t help that it was also pressing on his prostate. The turd eventually tapered to an end and dropped into the bowl with an audible plop, his anus was forced open once more as a turd of a similar size churned out to join its sibling. This continued for a while, Finn’s stomach churned out thick, long, firm logs that splashed and plopped each time they dropped. Sweat beaded on his forehead as the young man gave small grunts to keep some of the larger logs on their way, his asshole which had to be forced closed was now continually forced open by the steady flow of shit. But eventually his bowels were able to take over and the rest of his load continued to noisily crackle and drop into the toilet. The door to the dorm opened and he heard the sound of his other roommate, Jason, saying, “Hey where’s Finn?”
“In the bathroom, had to take a shit, but was constipated. Had to give him a suppository.” Sid answered. The dorm bathroom door opened and Jason peered in, “Dude, sounds like you’re dropping concrete into the toilet!”
“Well, this was very much necessary. This is three days worth of shit.” Finn answered with a chuckle as one last large turd dropped into the toilet, its sound muffled by all the other logs. The young man gave a sigh of relief, “And it is all done.”
“Mind if we catch a look?” Jason asked.
“Yeah I want to see the result of my help.” Sid replied as he rushed to the bathroom door. Finn shook his head as he rose in order to give himself and his roommates a glimpse into the bowl. There were around one dozen turds, all the same length with some being as wide as a forearm, and stacked one on top of the other. Sid whistled, “That’s the largest dump I’ve ever seen.”
“Same here.” Sid added in disbelief, “You should be called the King of the Shitter of all that. Might want to give a flush so as not to break the toilet.”
Finn gave a small smirk as he hit the flush, the toilet gave a choked sort of sound before managing to flush away all of the waste inside of it. Finn sat back down and proceeded to pull off some toilet paper, “Would you mind giving me privacy while I clean myself up?”
“Of course, your highness.” Sid answered as the two guys closed the door. Finn chuckled at his new nickname as he wiped between his two ass cheeks. It didn’t take much, and, with another sigh of relief, Finn stood up and redid his pants. He washed his hands before rejoining his roommates, lighthearted joking and teasing ensuing.
For those that want to see what Finn would have looked like while on the toilet.
Finn's doppelgänger – @theseguysgottago on Tumblr
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
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Building owner: “Just build a standard men’s room with a row of toilets with stall doors and dividers.”
Contractor who loves to buddy dump: “OK…no problem boss…” 😈
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
First story, let me know what you think.
All characters are 18+
Ruben and Angel
Ruben and Angel have been best friends since elementary. They were always together and they knew pretty much everything about each other.
Once they got to high school, it was only natural that they joined the soccer team together, Senior year, they both made varsity team.
"We should get going, we're gonna be late" said Angel.
"Yeah you're right, lets go" said Ruben.
The varsity team had to size their outfits after school today and make sure everything fits and nothing is missing. Ruben and Angel were both in study hall after school to kill time as the team wouldn't meet until 4.
The boys made their way down to the school gym where the team would meet. Walking rather quickly ahead of Ruben, Angel felt a pressure in his stomach that had been there for the last hour or so. He had been farting quietly in study hall to relieve some pressure, and luckily, no one noticed.
"Dude, slow down, it's only 3:45. It takes like 5 minutes tops to get down there, chill" said Ruben.
"I just don't wanna be late, you know how coach is" said Angel.
Ruben and Angel walked into the gym and neither was surprised that only the coach and 2 other team mates had been there.
"I told you. Dude, there's no one's here yet" said Ruben.
"What do you care anyway, it's not like we were doing anything." said Angel.
Angel just wanted to get this over with so he could take a dump in the privacy of his house. He had never really been a fan of pooping in public bathrooms.
They sat on the bleachers and waited for more of the team to show up. Those 15 minutes were agony for Angel. He had been clenching tight and the pressure just kept building.
"Alright everybody, now that everyone is here, line up in order of your jersey number" yelled the coach.
Everybody ran down to the gym floor and assembled in order in front of a table where the coach and his assistant were sitting. Ruben was number 4 and Angel was number 37 meaning he was one of the last. As the assistant handed each team member a bag with their uniforms neatly folded inside, the coach read off from a list of each item in the bag to ensure no one was missing a piece of their uniform. There were 7 pieces in total to this kit and each team member had to dig through their bag and unfold items to make sure everything was there.
Ruben had gotten his complete uniform and stepped off to the side like coach told everyone to. The numbers dragged on and on, 13, 15, 17, 22, 26. Finally, they got to number 33. Elijah, a scrawny white kid who happened to be incredibly agile, was number 33 and halfway down his list, he noticed he was missing his socks and an extra pair of shorts.
"Coach, I'm missing my socks and a pair of shorts" said Elijah.
"Hmm, that's weird. I could have sworn I ordered the right amount, Hold on, let me check the order." said Coach.
"Fuck, are you kidding me?" thought Angel. "Not a single other person was missing anything until the number right before me?"
He watched as Coach took his time unlocking his office door behind the table and shuffled through a stack of papers on his desk. After about 2 minutes, Coach finally walked out and said "Yup, everything is ordered. I'm gonna have to call them. For now, just go stand with everyone else."
Angel was so excited and desperate to be next that he accidentally let out a little fart that was loud enough the person behind him could hear.
"Alright Angel, let's see what we got" said Coach.
He listed off all the items and to Angel's relief, everything checked out and he walked over to Ruben and the rest of the team.
Coach finished with the rest of the team and stood up, "Ok everyone, listen up. We gotta try on the uniforms now, see if they fit right. If anyone is missing anything, try on what you have and stay after. We'll sort it out. The rest of you, if everything fits, you're good to go, see you Thursday for our first practice after school. Don't be late!"
Everyone headed to the locker room. The changing area was enormous and had plenty of space for all the boys.
Unfortunately, there was only 4 toilets. The school was old so the toilets were only seperated by a half wall partition with no doors, meaning even sitting down you could see from the chest up. There was no privacy, you'd have to shit in front of everyone (and a lot of guys there did, they didn't care). And if someone wanted to peek over the partition, it didn't take much effort.
Ruben and Angel found a bench to change on. They had been friends for years but had only ever seen each other shirtless. Ruben noticed Angel was sweating kinda hard and when Angel took off his pants, he could see a sweat mark around his butt crack. Ruben was staring a bit too hard.  He has never noticed Angel's ass before and he instictively kept fixating on it. It was perfectly round and hung over Angel's muscular thighs. Angel was those Latinos with black hair and pale skin.
Finally, Ruben caught himself and looked up at Angel's face. "Dude you alright? You've been acting weird since study hall and now you're sweating."said Ruben.
"I'm fine man, I just wanna go home already and take a shower" said Angel.
They both put on their uniforms and went over to the mirror.
"How's the fit?" asked Angel.
Ruben looked him up and down, cleared his throat, and nervously said "yeah man looks good...turn around real quick?" Angel hesitated a bit and thought "why tf..." but turned around awkwardly. Ruben took this opportunity to look at Angel's butt again. He was so embarrassed but couldn't look away and even felt himself getting a little hard.
"Bro what?" said Angel.
"...uh yeah bro, looks good. *AHEM* what about me?" said Ruben.
Angel gave a quick inspection and said "yeah bro, you're good."
Angel felt a sharp pressure and pain in his abdomen but kept his cool. He was sweating more than ever. He knew it was time, there was no way he could withstand the 30 minute drive in stop and go traffic to his house. Most of the team left, there was just maybe 4 boys left.
"Alright bro, I gotta go, see you tomorrow" said Angel.
"Yeah for sure" said Ruben.
Angel didn't wanna shit with Ruben there and he definitely wasn't gonna shit in front of the guys in the locker room so he decided to go to the upstairs bathroom by his locker. He made sure Ruben didn't follow him. After a couple wipes of the toilet seat, he sat down expecting an immediate release. But all the holding in must have pushed his shit back up, so no release came. Yet.
On his way out, Ruben remembered he left a book in his locker so he went up there too. Ruben and Angel's lockers were only about 10 lockers apart. Just as he opened his locker, he also felt a slight pressure in his stomach, nothing compared to what Angel had felt though. He saw the bathroom and thought to himself "I'm already here, might as well shit."
He walked in and noticed someone with a pair of cleats sitting in one of the stalls. Ruben didn't mind shitting with other people. He would have done it in the locker room toilets in front of the team, but he didn't feel like he needed to go then. He had been constipated the last couple days and kept having strong urges to go but each time he sat down he couldn't do more than pee.
"Let's try this again" he thought exhaustedly while sighing and closing the stall door behind him. He sat down and waited and pushed. Nothing. He let out a strong stream of pee which relieved him a little but not much. Rested a little. And then tried pushing again, a small toot managed to escape but nothing else. "God damn it. Guess I'm gonna be in here a while" he thought and pulled out his phone.
Meanwhile, Angel had sat down just a minute before Ruben walked in. "FUCK" he thought, "I can't get away from anyone."
Minutes had passed and both were silent. Ruben pushed and pushed but so far had produced only a tiny nugget of a turd. Angel couldn't hold it anymore. He let loose an airy fart that echoed in the bowl and it transitioned into a series of sharts. Ruben stayed quiet, he felt a sort of second hand embarrassment for the mystery person next to him, but he also thought it was funny. Angel sighed but knew he was nowhere near done. He pushed and felt the veins on his neck pop out. A thick torrent of diarrhea gushed out of his pink-brown hole. Shots of diarrhea rushed out of Angel for the next 10 minutes, and angry farts followed each shot. He hated every second of it. The smell filled the room, it was beefy. "Damn" said Ruben under his breath when it hit his nostrils.
"Why won't this guy leave?!" he thought to himself. Ruben had kept pushing as Angel was suffering next door. As funny as it was to him, he didn't really care. He still had the urge to shit and wasn't gonna stop because someone else was suffering next to him.
Ruben gripped the metal bar in the stall as he pushed. Another nugget of shit fell out of his hairy brown hole, this one slightly larger. It came out as Angel was taking a pause in his diarrhea, so the room was silent as a tiny sploosh was heard. Ruben pushed for a little longer but decided to give up and wipe up. He pulled on the paper and cut off a bunch, He made a wad and reached around to his hole. After he wiped, he checked and saw a clean wad of paper. "Fuckin of course," he thought. As a last ditch effort, he tried pushing one last time.
As Ruben pushed, Angel had neat squares of toilet paper lined up on his thigh. He reached around and could feel the wet shit entangled in his ass hairs. He had to quietly spit on the paper to clean the caked shit off his hole. He had gone through a little over a quarter of a roll just for himself. Finally he stood up and walked out and found himself at the sink next to Ruben. He made eye contact with him but didn't say anything.
Ruben couldn't help but smile as he washed his hands and didn't look up. He wanted to laugh so hard when he realized it was Angel. All his sweating and weird behavior made sense and it was hilarious to him. Angel was mortified and could feel his face getting hot and red.
They both dried up. As they were walking out, Angel said to Ruben angrily "Never fucking talk about this again." At which point Ruben started busting out laughing.
"Bro shut the fuck up" said Angel. And he stormed off. As Angel walked away, Ruben yelled down the hall, "Love you bro!" and kept laughing his ass off. "Fuck off!" yelled Angel. Ruben kept smiling and would laugh every time he thought about it all the way home.
That night, Ruben kept replaying the incident. Angel's body, the sweaty underwear, the noises and smells. It was all new to him. He had thoughts of men all year but never about them taking a dump and never about his best friend.
He couldn't help but get hard and kept touching his bulge. He thought about Angel's body and took off his underwear and started jerking off. He wished he could've smelled his sweaty underwear. He wished they were on his face right now. He wondered how his sweaty hole tasted and smelled. Then he thought about the bathroom. The farts. The diarrhea and the grunts Angel made. "Fuck, he's so cute" he thought to himself. He wondered what his hole looked like, how it must've stretched when he was shitting like that. He replayed the sound the paper made when rubbing on Angel's hairy hole, along with seeing him in tight shorts, and that made him cum.
Ruben felt embarassed to be cumming to his best friend but he kept doing it for the rest of the school year and tried his hardest to go to the bathroom at the same time and place as Angel.
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
Sexy college jock lets go. Then he REALLY LET GO…
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
Cute young guy had an urgent blowout dump at Home Depot
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outhousesitter · 11 months ago
Sometimes you gotta take a loud, gassy shit in public. Hope nobody heard me 😮‍💨
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
Damn, if only for scratch and sniff....❤️
He’s Got One Truly Superb Ass!  for more: http://thebananablog.com/blog1/?s=hump+day
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
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Term was finally over. Summer was here. Coach was ready to have some fun. He had an idea involving Jimmy. At least that’s what he hoped.
Coach knew young people don’t like spontaneous phone calls. So he texted.
Hi can we talk
Who is this, coach
Yeah it’s coach. I hope this is ok
Np go ahead
I have a proposition for you
What’s up coach
I was thinking it’s been a while since we pooped together
You have my attention now coach. lol
My idea is to meet Saturday morning at the home depot on 2nd avenue
It opens at 6. Around 830, the men’s room gets busy. There’s 7 stalls and probably half will be full
I never thought about doing that. You been there before
Yeah Jimmy. I’ve been into our thing for a long time. You get to know the good spots I’m in coach. It sounds fun and kinda risky. Of course we pretend we’re strangers  You’re catching on Jimmy. I went to the airport back in the day, but I don’t play much anymore. I never did rest stops or anywhere remote. I like busy places Thanks for telling me about yourself coach. At first I was ashamed about wanting to poop with guys. Like I was wrong or something All of us who are into poop felt the same way at first I think you know by now I’m no shameful shitter! So this Saturday Yeah you’re a natural. I don’t need to give you any lectures on what to do, right lol
No coach. Eat big Friday night. Don’t drink too much. Get some rest. I’ll get a coffee on the way there’s a Starbucks nearby Perfect. You go in first. I’ll hang back then follow. Don’t poop without me What if the place is full coach. Which stall do I take. You want me to leave a space between us My bet there’s 3 guys pooping, mostly in the back. Guys don’t take front ones first If 1 thru 3 are open, you take 2. I take 1 or 3. Another guy might poop next to you
I’ll just say it coach. I get a hard-on when I hear guys pooping, esp with farting. Wiping too I like Gen Z. You don’t waste time overthinking stuff. You know what you want to be We do coach. Good plan. I’ll be ready, I know you will. Let’s put on a show for these guys. 830?
Yes. I’ll be ready Jimmy. And loaded!
Jimmy texted Coach upon arrival. The place looked busy, he thought.
I’m here coach. U here Yeah Jimmy, I’m in the store. I’ll be behind you. I want a stall next to you. You loaded up Ya coach. Big dinner last night and coffee here. I can barely hold it. Gonna blow quick. What color shoes you wearing Black Skechers
Even though he needed to poop, Jimmy didn’t want to draw attention to himself. Instead of heading directly to the men’s room, he pretended to shop for a few minutes. Then he walked toward the back of the store.
After rounding the aisle, he saw a good-looking Hispanic man walking toward him. He was in his late thirties, gym body. He entered the men’s room first. Jimmy picked up the pace.
Coach, lurking in the area, saw Jimmy. It was time.
Jimmy saw the set-up. No music. Seven stalls, two occupied, #5 and #7. Built Hispanic guy took #4, leaving the first three open. Jimmy locked the door to #2, then heard footsteps. He wiped the seat, pulled his pants to the floor, and sat on the toilet. Seconds later, he saw Coach’s shoes in #1.
This was a pivotal moment for Jimmy. It felt like the beginning of a journey. He was glad that Coach had confided in him, and for including him this morning.
Built Hispanic guy opened with an explosion. Chunks of mushy poop hit the water forcefully. Shit just kept crackling, accompanied by loud, farty air. Jimmy had pooped next to guys on the football team, but this was a new experience. He liked it. He visualized the guy’s athletic bubble butt covering the toilet seat, a massive load of shit underneath it.
Jimmy farted twice, loudly, the sounds reverberating off the tiled walls. Then he pushed. When he felt his asshole expanding, he realized mushy chunks weren’t forthcoming. Extra effort was needed. A large mass of poop hit the water, splashing his butt. He looked between his legs. The shit was above the water line. This was going to stink.
Neither flushed. Meanwhile, a few low farts were heard down the end of the line.
Jimmy knew Coach pooped long, fat turds. He’d seen the pictures. Such was the case today. Numerous logs crackled out of Coach’s asshole, plopping in the toilet. There was something to be said for a quiet performance, Jimmy thought. He’d see the results later.
Just when he thought things couldn’t get more exciting, a man entered stall #3. Precum flowed from his penis as he heard a quiet but substantial poop load filling the toilet next door.
Jimmy was getting hard. His senses were overwhelmed. The sight of Coach’s shoes. Sounds of crackling, splashing, farts, toilet-paper rolls twirling, asses being wiped. Sharp, pungent smells. A miasma of poop.
Coach once said, “No jerking off,” but Jimmy hadn’t come in days. He smeared his dick head with precum, then spread it ‘round the shaft of his penis, masturbating himself quietly.
As he ‘bated, there was no denying it. He was in “The Shit Club.” But he wanted more. What were the next steps? At the top of his list, he wanted to poop with a guy his own age. He wanted to wipe and be wiped. The thought of a buddy’s strong hands touching his dirty hole made him harder. So much to think about, all of it roiling in his mind as he stroked himself.
He was ready to come. He raised a butt cheek off the seat, pointed his erect penis downward, then jizzed. Ropes of cum landed on his shit. The orgasm was intense. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations, then texted Coach.
Wow coach. This is hot AF I thought you’d like it There’s so many different ways guys poop. That Hispanic guy really blew it up. Yours sounded big as usual Yours was different today. What was it just one big mass of poop Ya I really had to push to get it out. We do pics right Definitely. Make sure you’re in silent mode Will do coach
Jimmy stood up and snapped the pic. He knew Coach would see the semen on top of his poop.
Gonna wipe now coach. I hope you don’t mind if I try to time it so I can see the guy who came in just before me. The one who blew it up. He’s wiping now You’re getting the hang of it faster than I expected Ya I’ll wait until I hear him flush. When he opens his door I’m out You going to say anything to him No just want to make eye contact and see his butt OK you know the drill. We leave separately. Hey you want breakfast at waffle house. My treat Sounds great Coach. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes
Jimmy bounded from his stall. As he approached the sinks, he caught a side view of muscular Hispanic guy. His bubble butt was remarkable. Jimmy fantasized about seeing him on the toilet, lifting his right ass cheek to wipe.
He saw Coach in Waffle House. He couldn’t wait to talk about their adventure.
“Hi, Coach. Good to see you.”
“You too, Jimmy. Thanks for joining me. Let’s order and we can talk, quietly.”
“Sounds good, Coach.”
“I take it you enjoyed yourself, Jimmy?”
“No doubt, Coach. It was fun pooping with you, but like five times as much with six guys farting, pooping and wiping at the same time. Let me ask you a question. With cameras everywhere, you ever worry about Home Depot knowing what you’re doing?”
“I don’t come often enough for it to be a thing, Jimmy. Besides, today as always, I shop afterwards. Even if I don’t need anything, I buy batteries. You always need batteries. Or some cleaning supplies.”
“Can I talk to you about some personal stuff, Coach?”
“Sure, Jimmy, you know you can trust me.”
“Well, now that I’ve seen and done all this, and thanks, Coach, for everything, I’m thinking about where to go from here. I know I need to be careful, but how do I bring this up with another guy? I do have some buddies I’m thinking about.”
“You will need to use discretion, but there are signs. Think carefully. Once the cat’s out of the bag, your secret isn’t a secret anymore. And this is a big secret.
“Let’s say you and a buddy are partying at your place. You eat, then start drinking while watching the game. He’s too drunk to drive, so he sleeps on your couch.
“The next morning you wake up and you both have a hangover. ‘You want coffee? I made some,’ you ask. ‘Yeah, thanks,’ he says.
“Watch what happens next. If after a few minutes, he goes to the bathroom, shuts the door, goes about his business, then rejoins you in the living room, he might not be a candidate for ‘our thing.’
“But if he says, ‘Dude, I need to take a shit,’ and leaves the door ajar or open, you check on him after a few minutes.
“‘Hey, bro, you doin’ all right in there?’ He says, ‘I need some toilet paper.’ That’s an in. You get a roll, then hand it to him. If he keeps talking, perfect.
“If he’s ‘Wow bro, we got wasted last night’ while you’re standing there, he’s tacitly giving you permission to stay. He’s comfortable with you seeing him on the toilet. Definitely keep him talking. ‘Damn, dude, you destroyed that toilet. It stinks in here’ is a fun way to break the ice.
“If he wipes his ass in front of you, he’s someone you can work with. I’ve done this and have always been able to sneak a look at the toilet when the guy stands up to flush. Just don’t be obvious.
“You might say, ‘Hurry up, man, I need to take a shit. Thanks for warming up the seat for me.’ Watch and listen to his reaction. Say he finishes wiping, stands up, and doesn’t flush immediately, leaves it there, he’s inviting you to look. A comment on the size of his load is optional.
“If he hangs around, or says, ‘Go ahead, dude’ after washing his hands, jackpot. He’s curious. Sit down and blow one out. Make it loud. See if he says anything. Again, keep him talking. You want him to see you wiping. If the commode is on the left side of the room—and I know my QB throws right—lift that ass cheek up high. Make a show of it. Dig in and see if he’s watching. And delay flushing the toilet while stealthily checking to see if he looks in the bowl.
“It may take a while to bring a guy along but bide your time. Once you find the one, there’s a lot to explore.”
“Wow, Coach you’ve given me a lot to think about. I hope I can remember all of it. Hey, as long as we’re being open, one of the things I want is to be wiped. I can’t believe I just said that to the Head Coach of the college football team.”
“You’re good Jimmy. Always know that everything we talk about will be held in confidence.
“I’d like to offer you a new proposal. There’s no need to answer right now. Think on it.”
“What do you have in mind, Coach?”
“First, I want to say thank you for coming today. I know this is new to you, but I think we know each other well enough that we can talk about it. We could have been discovered doing this on campus, but no one will ever know what we did today. Tell me, did you have fun?”
“Hell yes, Coach, it was great. Here, let me send you my pic. Have you sent me yours yet?”
“I’ll do it now.
“I can tell you had a good time. There’s cum all over your poop!”
“Ya, Coach, I know you said not to jerk off that time, but I couldn’t help myself. You heard how loud that Hispanic guy was. He dropped a ton of shit. And I love hearing your plops and seeing pics of your massive poops. Then that guy came in later and sat next to me. He was quiet, but I could tell he really let loose.
“And all the farting! I got so hard from everything that I just had to rub one out. I can’t believe I was pooping with five other guys at the same time.
“And thanks for all the advice you gave me. I need to make some notes on my phone while I remember them. What’s your proposal?”
“I planned today on purpose, to give you an idea of what’s out there. And to teach you how to find guys who like ‘our thing.’ I’m sure you’re interested in guys your own age, rather than old Coach. It’s time to find your own way, Jimmy, but I think there’s one more thing I can do for you.”
“What is it, Coach?”
“For our last hurrah, I want to help you tick off an item on your list. If you agree, I’ll wipe your ass, nice and slow and easy. Guys usually get hard when I wipe them, I’m that good. Privacy is important, so I’ll get a motel room far enough away that we won’t have to worry about being recognized. You want me to wipe your ass? Don’t be afraid to say no.”
Jimmy smiled broadly, a tell.
“You know how much I admire you, Coach. You’ve been a teacher, a football coach, a mentor and a life coach. You taught me so much. I trust you, always.
“Coach, I want you to wipe me. I have one request. Can you give me an enema too?”
“Yes, Jimmy. That can be arranged.”
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
Music to my ears
The mall
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
College guys come in to pee, then one has to poo. Really blows it out! You can tell he’s a young hipster type by his talking to his buddy. Really hot!
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
Cute young guy had an urgent blowout dump at Home Depot
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
First story, let me know what you think.
All characters are 18+
Ruben and Angel
Ruben and Angel have been best friends since elementary. They were always together and they knew pretty much everything about each other.
Once they got to high school, it was only natural that they joined the soccer team together, Senior year, they both made varsity team.
"We should get going, we're gonna be late" said Angel.
"Yeah you're right, lets go" said Ruben.
The varsity team had to size their outfits after school today and make sure everything fits and nothing is missing. Ruben and Angel were both in study hall after school to kill time as the team wouldn't meet until 4.
The boys made their way down to the school gym where the team would meet. Walking rather quickly ahead of Ruben, Angel felt a pressure in his stomach that had been there for the last hour or so. He had been farting quietly in study hall to relieve some pressure, and luckily, no one noticed.
"Dude, slow down, it's only 3:45. It takes like 5 minutes tops to get down there, chill" said Ruben.
"I just don't wanna be late, you know how coach is" said Angel.
Ruben and Angel walked into the gym and neither was surprised that only the coach and 2 other team mates had been there.
"I told you. Dude, there's no one's here yet" said Ruben.
"What do you care anyway, it's not like we were doing anything." said Angel.
Angel just wanted to get this over with so he could take a dump in the privacy of his house. He had never really been a fan of pooping in public bathrooms.
They sat on the bleachers and waited for more of the team to show up. Those 15 minutes were agony for Angel. He had been clenching tight and the pressure just kept building.
"Alright everybody, now that everyone is here, line up in order of your jersey number" yelled the coach.
Everybody ran down to the gym floor and assembled in order in front of a table where the coach and his assistant were sitting. Ruben was number 4 and Angel was number 37 meaning he was one of the last. As the assistant handed each team member a bag with their uniforms neatly folded inside, the coach read off from a list of each item in the bag to ensure no one was missing a piece of their uniform. There were 7 pieces in total to this kit and each team member had to dig through their bag and unfold items to make sure everything was there.
Ruben had gotten his complete uniform and stepped off to the side like coach told everyone to. The numbers dragged on and on, 13, 15, 17, 22, 26. Finally, they got to number 33. Elijah, a scrawny white kid who happened to be incredibly agile, was number 33 and halfway down his list, he noticed he was missing his socks and an extra pair of shorts.
"Coach, I'm missing my socks and a pair of shorts" said Elijah.
"Hmm, that's weird. I could have sworn I ordered the right amount, Hold on, let me check the order." said Coach.
"Fuck, are you kidding me?" thought Angel. "Not a single other person was missing anything until the number right before me?"
He watched as Coach took his time unlocking his office door behind the table and shuffled through a stack of papers on his desk. After about 2 minutes, Coach finally walked out and said "Yup, everything is ordered. I'm gonna have to call them. For now, just go stand with everyone else."
Angel was so excited and desperate to be next that he accidentally let out a little fart that was loud enough the person behind him could hear.
"Alright Angel, let's see what we got" said Coach.
He listed off all the items and to Angel's relief, everything checked out and he walked over to Ruben and the rest of the team.
Coach finished with the rest of the team and stood up, "Ok everyone, listen up. We gotta try on the uniforms now, see if they fit right. If anyone is missing anything, try on what you have and stay after. We'll sort it out. The rest of you, if everything fits, you're good to go, see you Thursday for our first practice after school. Don't be late!"
Everyone headed to the locker room. The changing area was enormous and had plenty of space for all the boys.
Unfortunately, there was only 4 toilets. The school was old so the toilets were only seperated by a half wall partition with no doors, meaning even sitting down you could see from the chest up. There was no privacy, you'd have to shit in front of everyone (and a lot of guys there did, they didn't care). And if someone wanted to peek over the partition, it didn't take much effort.
Ruben and Angel found a bench to change on. They had been friends for years but had only ever seen each other shirtless. Ruben noticed Angel was sweating kinda hard and when Angel took off his pants, he could see a sweat mark around his butt crack. Ruben was staring a bit too hard.  He has never noticed Angel's ass before and he instictively kept fixating on it. It was perfectly round and hung over Angel's muscular thighs. Angel was those Latinos with black hair and pale skin.
Finally, Ruben caught himself and looked up at Angel's face. "Dude you alright? You've been acting weird since study hall and now you're sweating."said Ruben.
"I'm fine man, I just wanna go home already and take a shower" said Angel.
They both put on their uniforms and went over to the mirror.
"How's the fit?" asked Angel.
Ruben looked him up and down, cleared his throat, and nervously said "yeah man looks good...turn around real quick?" Angel hesitated a bit and thought "why tf..." but turned around awkwardly. Ruben took this opportunity to look at Angel's butt again. He was so embarrassed but couldn't look away and even felt himself getting a little hard.
"Bro what?" said Angel.
"...uh yeah bro, looks good. *AHEM* what about me?" said Ruben.
Angel gave a quick inspection and said "yeah bro, you're good."
Angel felt a sharp pressure and pain in his abdomen but kept his cool. He was sweating more than ever. He knew it was time, there was no way he could withstand the 30 minute drive in stop and go traffic to his house. Most of the team left, there was just maybe 4 boys left.
"Alright bro, I gotta go, see you tomorrow" said Angel.
"Yeah for sure" said Ruben.
Angel didn't wanna shit with Ruben there and he definitely wasn't gonna shit in front of the guys in the locker room so he decided to go to the upstairs bathroom by his locker. He made sure Ruben didn't follow him. After a couple wipes of the toilet seat, he sat down expecting an immediate release. But all the holding in must have pushed his shit back up, so no release came. Yet.
On his way out, Ruben remembered he left a book in his locker so he went up there too. Ruben and Angel's lockers were only about 10 lockers apart. Just as he opened his locker, he also felt a slight pressure in his stomach, nothing compared to what Angel had felt though. He saw the bathroom and thought to himself "I'm already here, might as well shit."
He walked in and noticed someone with a pair of cleats sitting in one of the stalls. Ruben didn't mind shitting with other people. He would have done it in the locker room toilets in front of the team, but he didn't feel like he needed to go then. He had been constipated the last couple days and kept having strong urges to go but each time he sat down he couldn't do more than pee.
"Let's try this again" he thought exhaustedly while sighing and closing the stall door behind him. He sat down and waited and pushed. Nothing. He let out a strong stream of pee which relieved him a little but not much. Rested a little. And then tried pushing again, a small toot managed to escape but nothing else. "God damn it. Guess I'm gonna be in here a while" he thought and pulled out his phone.
Meanwhile, Angel had sat down just a minute before Ruben walked in. "FUCK" he thought, "I can't get away from anyone."
Minutes had passed and both were silent. Ruben pushed and pushed but so far had produced only a tiny nugget of a turd. Angel couldn't hold it anymore. He let loose an airy fart that echoed in the bowl and it transitioned into a series of sharts. Ruben stayed quiet, he felt a sort of second hand embarrassment for the mystery person next to him, but he also thought it was funny. Angel sighed but knew he was nowhere near done. He pushed and felt the veins on his neck pop out. A thick torrent of diarrhea gushed out of his pink-brown hole. Shots of diarrhea rushed out of Angel for the next 10 minutes, and angry farts followed each shot. He hated every second of it. The smell filled the room, it was beefy. "Damn" said Ruben under his breath when it hit his nostrils.
"Why won't this guy leave?!" he thought to himself. Ruben had kept pushing as Angel was suffering next door. As funny as it was to him, he didn't really care. He still had the urge to shit and wasn't gonna stop because someone else was suffering next to him.
Ruben gripped the metal bar in the stall as he pushed. Another nugget of shit fell out of his hairy brown hole, this one slightly larger. It came out as Angel was taking a pause in his diarrhea, so the room was silent as a tiny sploosh was heard. Ruben pushed for a little longer but decided to give up and wipe up. He pulled on the paper and cut off a bunch, He made a wad and reached around to his hole. After he wiped, he checked and saw a clean wad of paper. "Fuckin of course," he thought. As a last ditch effort, he tried pushing one last time.
As Ruben pushed, Angel had neat squares of toilet paper lined up on his thigh. He reached around and could feel the wet shit entangled in his ass hairs. He had to quietly spit on the paper to clean the caked shit off his hole. He had gone through a little over a quarter of a roll just for himself. Finally he stood up and walked out and found himself at the sink next to Ruben. He made eye contact with him but didn't say anything.
Ruben couldn't help but smile as he washed his hands and didn't look up. He wanted to laugh so hard when he realized it was Angel. All his sweating and weird behavior made sense and it was hilarious to him. Angel was mortified and could feel his face getting hot and red.
They both dried up. As they were walking out, Angel said to Ruben angrily "Never fucking talk about this again." At which point Ruben started busting out laughing.
"Bro shut the fuck up" said Angel. And he stormed off. As Angel walked away, Ruben yelled down the hall, "Love you bro!" and kept laughing his ass off. "Fuck off!" yelled Angel. Ruben kept smiling and would laugh every time he thought about it all the way home.
That night, Ruben kept replaying the incident. Angel's body, the sweaty underwear, the noises and smells. It was all new to him. He had thoughts of men all year but never about them taking a dump and never about his best friend.
He couldn't help but get hard and kept touching his bulge. He thought about Angel's body and took off his underwear and started jerking off. He wished he could've smelled his sweaty underwear. He wished they were on his face right now. He wondered how his sweaty hole tasted and smelled. Then he thought about the bathroom. The farts. The diarrhea and the grunts Angel made. "Fuck, he's so cute" he thought to himself. He wondered what his hole looked like, how it must've stretched when he was shitting like that. He replayed the sound the paper made when rubbing on Angel's hairy hole, along with seeing him in tight shorts, and that made him cum.
Ruben felt embarassed to be cumming to his best friend but he kept doing it for the rest of the school year and tried his hardest to go to the bathroom at the same time and place as Angel.
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outhousesitter · 1 year ago
Love the sounds of this guy filling the toilet
Sexy college jock lets go. Then he REALLY LET GO…
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