#impact wrestling redemption
guywrestlingaddiction · 2 months
That Wresting Moment: The Wrestling Betrayal - T-World & Roberto v Red Redemption (ukwrestlinghub.com)
What is it about a wrestling betrayal that makes it so compelling? It's the perfect blend of the ruthless intensity of a double team and the raw emotion of infidelity. This combination elevates an ordinary match to a whole new level. Betraying your wrestling partner is like a backhand to your most vulnerable area, adding a dramatic twist that leaves a lasting impact.
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T-World & Roberto v Red Redemption (ukwrestlinghub.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory We start with Team Tim (T-World and Roberto) strutting into the ring.  Tim has arranged for a fair match against Red while at the same time he intends to put on a show for his protégé. In his own words he proclaims, I want to show him a real champ against the pretender! 
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Roberto holding the ropes open for his mentor ... for now.
But first, let's all take in Tim and his world:
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Tim is thinking to himself, Can you believe this guy?!
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Cocky Tim's like - Well are we going to do this or what? 
The Action
If you're looking for fast and furious wrestling action, well I hate to disappoint but look elsewhere as this is as one-sided as things can get.  Now while it may take some imagination from the audience to make this whole scene work, I ask you, what great pro wrestling doesn't require that?
Red asks both men to flex and turn their backs to him and being the arrogant, cocky studs they are, they comply ... big mistake!
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How do you take down two young studs at once? By using their vanity against them!
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Tim: Don't give up ... Don't give up [Roberto]
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Tim pleading with Roberto not to submit while his young protégé slowly succumbs...
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Soon Tim is down on the mat and Roberto is looking around for someone else to look up to. 
The Moment 
We all knew this was coming, but witnessing Tim's betrayal in real-time is our moment. The look of agony mixed with the groans of defeat is what makes this match unforgettable. Roberto once looked up to Tim as his pack leader, but now finds himself in awe of another man.
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Tim: What [cough] are [cough] you doing?
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Tim seeing stars and regretting his partner choices. 
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Taking out all your aggression on your former mentor
Adding insult to injury, our heels pull in the championship belt to mock poor Tim.  The man has lost everything and needs to be reminded of what he could've had.  
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Red: Who's the Champ?  Tim: ... 
Red: Come on, whos the Champ? Tim: You ... are ... 
Our last scene has a wobbly Tim drug to his feet before finally being put out of his misery.  
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Besides the raw emotion of the betrayal, there's just something about the infidelity, the transformation of Tim into some wrestling cuck that makes this moment so great.  He entered the ring as a team but leaves without the championship belt and minus a partner. 
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laxxarian · 7 months
Fun Danny at a gala with Vlad
Vlad is on his way of his redemption arc and invited Danny at a gala that Vlad was invited on at Wayne Manor, and Danny thought splitting would be okay again.
So now Danny is here.... The Fun Danny and Fun Danny is not having fun cuz of the suit and all.
Where is the Hero Danny? He's floating around the Manor invisible just in case he sees a villain trying to mess things up cuz apparently, villains tend to attack.
Vlad said it's unnecessary since, you know, Vlad "Ex-creep dracula villain" Masters is here to protect if anything bad happens.
But anyways, Vlad didn't want to meet Bruce but had to come cuz Vlad's got a reputation to keep and Danny was curious about this and sees Brucie Wayne persona and reminded him a liiitttllee bit of Jack Fenton so Fun Danny came to relax a bit and talked with Brucie while Vlad avoids the man and went to get some punch.
Brucie: I didn't know Vlad had a son?
Fun Danny, who likes to exaggerate a lot and mess around: He wished I was so he kidnapped me.
Brucie, thinking it was some inside joke: Oh? When did that happen?
Fun Danny: When he finally stops trying to kill my dad, marry my mom and cloning me.
Brucie, who is now realizing that this kid may not be lying but also lying: That's... That's strange...?
Fun Danny: Could be worse— *Cue on the ceiling gets broken due to Hero Danny's impact falling*
Hero Danny, who is wrestling a villain: Run, weak humans! Theres a villain!
Fun Danny, who is looking at Hero Danny and Hero Danny catching the eye contact: Oh no.
Hero Danny: You! Normal citizen I never heard or met before! You gotta help me!
Fun Danny: Really?! Me?? Why not Vlad!?
Hero Vlad: I see no hero in him
Vlad: I heard that!
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illuminatedquill · 10 months
Ahsoka Variety Interview Thoughts
Hello, Sabezra nation!
So, it will probably start spilling out soon but, yes, some of the cast members from Ahsoka - Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Hayden Christensen and some guy named Dave Filoni - did an interview with Variety recently to talk about the show.
Now, I know what you're thinking: was there anything regarding Sabine and Ezra's relationship?
And the answer is a resounding NOPE.
But, it's still a very interesting article and there were a few tidbits that stood out to me that I feel is Sabezra related. So, I'll talk about that here.
First up: an interesting quote from Sabine Wren herself, Natasha.
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I've written about this before in a previous post but it's very nice to have it be validated here by Natasha: that Sabine is, indeed, meant to come off as Anakin-coded in this first season of Ahsoka.
Others in this fandom have also noted this and this certainly lends credence to Sabine's feelings for Ezra being more than platonic. Sabine's decision to doom their galaxy in exchange for her friend's safety has enormous ramifications for the Star Wars universe going forward - and only one other character has had such an impact on the franchise: Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin made his choice out of desperation to save his wife, Padme. Star Wars loves its mythological cycles. Lucas passed on that love to Filoni so, in theory, Sabine should be following in the foot-steps of the disaster lineage of Jedi she is now a part of.
But, as I've noted before, one of Ahsoka's themes is trying to break cycles. Baylon wants to break the cycle of endless wars, Ahsoka wants to break the cycle of darkness plaguing her Jedi lineage, and Sabine wants to break the cycle of loss that's all too prevalent in her life.
What does that mean? It means that Filoni has the opportunity to do something that Anakin couldn't with Sabine: show a proper redemptive arc. Find a way to move forward with Ezra and everyone else she betrayed. Find a way to be forgiven and properly atone for her mistakes - preferably without dying or someone else dying on her behalf.
Of course, this is just interpretation on my behalf. The skeptic in me points out that Natasha is only referring to Sabine's recklessness and inner struggles as being what Ahsoka sees as similar to her former master. There's no mention of Ezra.
But we know that one of Anakin's "inner struggles" was his increasing attachment and feelings for Padme. So, is a stretch to say that these inner struggles that Sabine is wrestling with include her yet undisclosed feelings for her friend Ezra? No, not really.
With what Filoni set up from this first season, it's an inevitability that - at some point - Sabine is going to be questioned about why she made that decision. I personally see it as integral to her journey as a Jedi. Which means that Sabine needs to search her feelings and come to understand them.
It's significant that Natasha points out the echoes of Anakin in Sabine's personality and actions. It says quite a lot.
And to back up the whole "reverse Anidala" theory I have, here's what Filoni says in this next quote:
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So this quote is Filoni referencing Ahsoka's struggles with Anakin's legacy as Vader during Rebels and then later in Ahsoka.
"How does that affect somebody when a person that they really admire and looked up to turned out not to be the person they thought they were? Are we all just capable of a fall from grace? And what is forgiveness? What shape does that look like?"
But, keeping this in mind, you could also apply this to Sabine's situation with Ezra, along with everyone else she cares about that was put directly in harm's way with her decision (Hera, Jacen, Zeb, Chopper).
Ahsoka, having come to terms with her own long struggle of forgiving and accepting Anakin for who he was, now has something else to offer Sabine other than showing her how to fight: how to forgive.
Sabine is, presumably (hopefully if Filoni isn't just going to sweep her actions under the rug), going to be struggling with the ramifications of her betrayal at some point in the future. And, not to mention, everyone else also finding out and will most likely be upset, to say the least.
Ahsoka, armed with her own knowledge of how to navigate that thorny path, can be a mediator in that regard. She'll stand with Sabine, as she promised - not condoning her actions, but providing understanding and her own special viewpoint on how to forgive and move on from such an incredibly selfish and destructive action (thanks to Anakin) - and help everyone else find a way to do so, as well.
I figure Ezra and Hera will probably be the focal point of conflict for Sabine. Hera, for obvious reasons, will be upset since Sabine helped kick-start another potential war with the Empire - something she does not want her child to experience growing up in like she and countless others did.
And there's also the matter of how it directly undermines what Kanan and Ezra sacrificed so much for.
As for Ezra . . . I don't know. It's complicated. No idea how Filoni is planning to tackle that. But it's going to hurt him.
It's going to hurt him so much.
But with Ahsoka's presence, it stands to reason that Sabine and Ezra can find a way to reconcile and build something new and stronger from the ruins of their prior relationship.
Other interesting items/observations from the interview:
Filoni already has an outline for Ahsoka season 2. (Nothing confirmed about a renewal, but he's got one ready.)
Hayden Christensen makes an interesting observation about Anakin's return being that he now has the power to wield both the Light Side and Dark Side of the Force, which also gives him the power to save Ahsoka . . . the same power he was trying to obtain when he pledged himself to the Dark Side during Revenge of the Sith.
There are no current plans on Baylon's recasting as of yet. Filoni is still figuring that out. (RIP, Ray Stevenson).
Natasha sees Ahsoka season 1 as setting up "enduring drama" between Ahsoka and Sabine. They still obviously have a lot to work out to mend their relationship - like what happened to Sabine's family and how that was somehow Ahsoka's fault, also Ahsoka stopping her training shortly afterwards.
There is only one direct mention of Thrawn and Ezra: Filoni's decision to send them to another galaxy was because keeping them in the home one was too easy ("too many people travelling, flying around; you can send a signal and get found"). He knew about other galaxies from a scene in Attack of the Clones.
A word of caution: we'll probably be getting more interviews like this within the coming weeks so there will be, presumably, lots of new info coming in.
Hopefully we'll be getting interviews from Eman and Ivanna, as well, since I'm interested to hear more about their characters (Ezra, for obvious reasons, but Shin we definitely need to know more about) and what they might be up to in a future season.
But . . . some of these interviews might contain, shall we say, indications of where certain relationships might go or where whomever is being interviewed think they might go.
So saying this now: unless it comes from the hat man himself, don't get too caught up in whatever is said. It's all fun and speculation.
Sorry for the long ramble. Hope this all makes sense.
See you all down the road.
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elfdragon12 · 8 months
TBH I was surprised when people kept saying that the skybound comic is really violent when IDW has a lot more gore and deaths, I don't even really read the IDW comics but from the panels and pages I sometimes see on Twitter and Tumblr its way more brutal in there especially in MTMTE and most body horror fanarts are from idw1 fans.
The only explanation I can think of why people see it as more violent is because DWJ's art has a somewhat messy style (where as most of the artist from idw have a more sleek and clean artstyle) and the bombastic fight choreography, to which no offense to the IDW artist cause I really love their art but comparing the fight scene between the two comics and its just obvious DWJ just have more experience in drawing and writing fight scenes.
Honestly and truly! There is so much body horror in IDW1! MTMTE has Ratchet as a head and spine! A Duobot is stuck halfway in a wall and *is still alive*! There are multiple scenes where a character's brain is exiting their body *through their mouth*! Getaway collecting spines/memory cores! Actual fan favorite character Chromedome frequently lobotomizes living people!
And, of course, we have Last Stand of the Wreckers that I read once and will never read again. Not because I think it's bad, but because it's so violent and mean-spirited that I do not feel well after reading it--not in a tummy way, but "my heart feels heavy" way.
Also the Kup spotlight that's a zombie story. Did not enjoy it as I was expecting a story that highlighted something important about Kup rather than a zombie survival story that happened to feature Kup.
That's just off the top of my head. IDW1 is rife with violence and gore and will not hesitate to show every second.
DWJ does such a good job with fight choreography! The fight scenes are so enjoyable and clear! The fact he's obviously a pro-wrestling fan and has clearly practiced drawing the moves really elevates the scenes! DWJ has also been more "artsy" and dramatic about the violence, note every time we see Starscream kill a human. It's the impact more than anything else.
I do see that as a pretty good explanation for why people *feel* like Skybound has been more violent when it really hasn't been. Like, we've finished issue 4 and the known death toll is still in the single digits.
Another is that IDW1 is in the rear view, so people are remembering what they liked from it, rather than remembering what it really was. IDW1 has been put on a pedestal, despite being just as flawed as every other continuity out there. (Prime example: the Lost Light's double ending that ruins every thinkpiece about Megatron's "redemption" because it turns out there's another version of him escaping all the consequences because JRo wants to have his cake and eat it too.)
The TFEU is not the most violent entry to the franchise nor is anywhere close to the top three. It's just new with a different art style with the key creator being very good at drawing dynamic and exciting fight scenes. (A new artist is joining the Transformers team. Don't know much about him, but I hope he keeps up the good work!)
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dragonologist-phd · 6 months
thank you! i'll take this opportunity to ramble a bit about Love & War, particularly Cleo's arc on the demon path!
Director's Cut - Love & War
this whole fic was partially inspired by me enjoying the demon path much more than i thought i would- it was very fun to play Cleo's 'corruption' and subsequent 'redemption', especially when setting her up in interactions with Galfrey
Cleo has a lot of flaws to start with- her recklessness, her impulsiveness, her rage- but all those flaws come from her good traits- her protectiveness of people she cares about, her bravery, her sense of internal justice. it's those good traits that draw Galfrey to her, just as the bad ones get warped by the demon path and nearly drive them apart
and something i really wanted to do in the fic was really commit to how hurtful the demonic influence really was. there are some parts that hurt, and i wanted them to hurt- because if Cleo never really does anything "that bad", then the redemption feels too easy and simple, and i wanted the situation to be more complicated than that. there were some hard character choices, and i feel like just-starting-out-writing me would have softened some of them, but when writing this i wanted to challenge myself!
the demon choice with Irabeth was one i really wrestled over. i actually didn't take that action in the game itself (as i wasn't sure how that affected Irabeth's survival and i refuse to ever let her die) but for the fic i decided to go for it, it really shows the impact of the demonic influence combined with Cleo's rage:
“Beth!” Anevia was immediately at her wife’s side, inspecting the gash Cleo had left on her face as she shouted, “Commander, have you lost your mind?!” Cleo didn’t answer. She took a step back, her gaze drifting from her hand to Irabeth then back again, as if trying to piece together what had just happened. She was still shaking, but whether it was from anger or simple shock, Galfrey couldn’t tell.
and it shows how much the Crusades will tolerate, with people as desperate as they are for any advantage in the war. and they can justify it- at first, it even kind of cool. Cleo gets to go demon on her enemies, and its cool and badass because she's doing it to people who deserve it
but that's not sustainable! it's going to spill over to people who don't deserve it (Irabeth), or it's going to go way too far even against her enemies (Yozz):
“Did you know I didn’t kill Yozz?” Cleo interrupted. “I was gonna. It would have been kinder. Then…I didn’t. I did so much worse. I beat him to a pulp, Arueshalae, a literal pulp!” Her pulse spiked angrily just at the memory, and she growled in frustration. “Look, Arueshalae- you’ve gotten better, and that’s amazing. But maybe it is too late for some people. Maybe you should just focus on yourself and stop wasting your time on people like me and Dimalchio.”
and her arc is about coming to this realization that she's been indulging in the worst parts of herself and deciding to fight back against that- and it's about the fact that she can, that there's no 'too late to turn back' point. it might be hard, but it's always possible- and that's the kind of things that make redemption arcs compelling to me!
(its also what i love about arueshalae's arc, but that's another post lol)
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oliver-nova · 10 months
edit: 12/8/2023
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Which demon do you prefer. Lorne or Doyle?
He's unique, warm, empathetic, hilarious, and adds an interesting dynamic by not being a fighter or a warrior.
While Doyle had a purpose on the show, the biggest impact he had was in his death. I didn't find his storyline very compelling (although he did only have a handful of episodes, so I'll cut him some slack), and he mirrored Angel a bit too much. Both Irishmen, wrestling with two halves of himself, seeking redemption...there wasn't enough about him that stood out from Angel.
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Oh WWE….what are you doing, babygirl? Lol
Last night was….weird and kind of, meh.
I feel like the order of the card needed some adjusting. Or it really could have been that some of the matches themselves just kind of fell flat. There definitely seemed to hit a point where the crowd just kind of “left” and didn’t really come back.
Sadly, both women’s matches seemed to fall flat. While I understand the intent behind it, I don’t think they should have done an MMA fight for Shayna/Ronda. I mean, they weren’t going to do an ACTUAL MMA fight, so it seems kind of pointless. This I think might have fared a bit better just doing a submissions match. It leans into their MMA backgrounds, while still being a wrestling match. Doing the match MMA style, it literally just seemed to…end. There really didn’t feel like any sort of story was being told.
The triple threat was awkward. Now I will be the first to admit that sometimes I watch matches, have a thought, and then rewatch and realize I was wrong. But from just one viewing, I feel like what kind of killed the flow was all 3 of the women being in the ring at the same time too much. I know in triple threats, you have multiple points during the match where one of the opponents is rolled out of the ring, and really it makes sense. Having three people trying to wrestle each other just comes across as either kind of clunky looking, or TOO choreographed. The crowd really did not seem into it and the whole Bianca getting “injured” and coming back was…dumb. I won’t go into my full rant, but personally that’s my beef with with Bianca and her booking: they simultaneously try to book her as superhuman and as an underdog. But anyway, I was pissed that Asuka’s reign was completely overshadowed by Bianca and Charlotte leading into this match and then to have her lose, but Iyo cashing in for sure seemed to be a shot in the arm that was definitely needed at that point last night and I’m glad that she cashed in successfully.
Finn and Seth….😑😑😑 I know they’re building to the Judgement Day imploding, or at the very least Damian going rogue or getting booted out, but I really REALLY was hoping to see Finn get his redemption. I mean, long term it is POSSIBLE this could work out better for Finn because they might be going the angle that Finn doesn’t actually need them to win a match. Sometimes it feels like that’s where they’re going, but I guess we will see. Part of me thinks that Damian’s cash-in will be unsuccessful because Finn is going to screw him over.
Now the main event. Oh my god, I just want the Bloodline storyline to end. It’s always been divisive because Roman is divisive, but I feel like it’s reaching the boiling point. The whole Bloodline falling apart has been getting dragged out for months. I mean, it was Sami Zayn who Trojan Horsed them starting back…what? Last fall? I mean, he was desperate to get in and loyal for a bit, but I think most people saw that his inclusion spelled doom for them. I guess the bigger issue is that, it’s not just that Roman still has the belt, it’s because the implication is we now know that there’s no chance of him losing the title until WM at the earliest. And at this stage, who is going to challenge him? There’s Solo that they seem to be leading to, but who else?
Just to briefly go into a side rant, that’s the hard thing with long title reigns in the modern era, there is SO MUCH product. You risk overexposure and people getting bored, OR you risk them being accused of not defending their title enough. It’s a hard balance to strike. I guess for me, the whole Roman Reigns bloodline storyline could have been wrapped up a year ago. They could have started the downfall storyline long ago, and ended Reigns reign by now, and it all still would have had the same impact.
I don’t know, I know there’s people who disagree, but every feud feels like, “Wash, rinse, repeat.” Roman never wins clean, but it’s rarely him cheating directly. It’s also some, “By the hand of god,” bullshit. How many times does the ref in one of his matches get accidentally knocked out? Remember the time Finn challenged him and the ropes broke? Or even last night, Jimmy betraying Jey. Just either have him cheat or have him win clean. My god.
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friendoflucy · 2 years
It's weird. It's one of those things as you get older, sometimes you don't realize your heroes are getting older too.
I was a Power Rangers nerd growing up but i've always taken aspects of storytelling in what I consume and learn lessons from it, it's what I've tried to do my whole life is at least learn something. He was the original redemption story to me, the idea that a person can be at their perceived worst and still have friends and family and support even after acknowledging the pain.
I met JDF a few times in my convention hopping and every single time he was a great guy, a really kind celebrity, and really embraced a lot of the fans who looked up to him as kids and respected him as an adult.
He was an actor, athlete, and if you're a fan of MMPR and you see a lot of the love and respect so many of his fellow stars, and athletes in MMA and pro-wrestling. This guy has affected a lot of people through who he is and what he's done.
To them, i'm sure a lot of the time, fans just add another wrinkle to their brain, they understand and acknowledge, but rarely retain faces, as would be the case with a celebrity.
But to us, the people who sat in front of the TV as kids and learned those lessons of friendship, no matter how fantastical, it's what moulded us as humans. And with some of us as friends. Core memories of mine are playing power rangers with Sean, Emily, Kamil... and those memories are a scene from a chapter in my life that i always remember.
As an adult i learned more and more that i wasn't the only person who was struggling. Jason had his demons, and while tabloids and media would report as they would, i hoped and begged that he was able to pull through. Because I always saw the guy as the smiling guy i'd see at cons, or just as Tommy (Mostly because I also saw his MMA and knew i never wanted to be on his bad side)
I know it's a lot. It's a lot for one person to be posting on tumblr, one person who probably never made an impact on his life more than a conversation.
I hope Jason is remembered for his smile, his kindness, his impact on so many people either friend, family or just fan.
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pagebypagereviews · 2 months
In the pantheon of literary thrillers that seek to excavate the depths of human morality and justice, "The Reckoning: A Novel" stands out as a profound narrative that wrestles with the darkest corners of the soul. With its story set in the post-World War II era, the novel navigates the treacherous aftermath of conflict, where the line between right and wrong is often blurred by the fog of war and the specter of past sins. In this compelling tale, John Grisham transports readers to a time where one man's fateful decision unleashes a cascade of unforeseen consequences, thereby spotlighting the eternal question of whether an individual can ever truly atone for their actions, and at what cost. Grisham's mastery of suspense is on full display as he crafts a world ensnared by the binds of honor, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of justice. "The Reckoning" does not merely recount a story; it unravels the complex fabric of human emotions and the struggles of a community seeking solace in retribution. The novel zeros in on the arduous journey towards reconciliation and the immeasurable impact of secrets carried through generations. Addressing the psychological ramifications of war and the heavy burden of guilt, Grisham's work emerges as more than just a gripping read—it serves as a mirror reflecting the enduring conflicts that challenge the notion of redemption in society's quest to balance the scales of right and wrong. Plot The plot of "The Reckoning: A Novel" unfolds in a dramatic exposition that captures the post-World War II era in Mississippi, presenting a startling episode that shakes the small town of Clanton. The protagonist, Pete Banning, is a decorated World War II hero who one morning, without any apparent reason, walks into the local Methodist church and shoots the Reverend Dexter Bell, dead. The subsequent trial and the search for the motive behind this cold-blooded murder serve as the central spine of the plot, thrusting the reader into a labyrinth of twists and turns. As the story progresses, it delves back into Pete’s experiences during the war, detailing harrowing events of survival and torture in the Philippines, which are interwoven into the contemporary narrative. Pete’s steadfast refusal to explain his actions adds a layer of mystery that propels the storyline, prompting readers to question the limits of honor and loyalty while exploring the themes of justice, revenge, and absolution. Characters The characters in "The Reckoning" are complex and deeply human, each carrying a richly developed backstory that adds depth to their interactions and choices throughout the novel. At the heart is Pete Banning, a family man and war hero whose inscrutable deed and unwavering silence make him an enigmatic figure. His stoic character raises questions about morality and sanity. Liza, Pete's wife, is also a pivotal character, whose mental breakdown and subsequent institutionalization add a poignant and emotionally charged thread to the narrative. Their children, Joel and Stella, grapple with the ramifications of their father's actions, their mother's illness, and their own search for understanding. Other characters include the slain Reveritus Dexter Bell, whose own secrets and life choices provide crucial context, and the various townspeople of Clanton, whose reactions to the murder reflect the societal values and prejudices of the era. Writing Style John Grisham's writing style in "The Reckoning" is crisp, engaging, and methodical, marked by his characteristic legal and procedural attention to detail. Grisham employs his background as an attorney to forge a narrative that is intricately woven with courtroom drama and realistic dialogues. He uses a fluid chronological structure, interspersed with flashbacks, allowing for a multifaceted exploration of the plot and characters. The prose is devoid of superfluous language, with each word carefully chosen to build tension and emotional resonance. Additionally, the author's nuanced
portrayal of the Southern gothic atmosphere is evident through vivid descriptions of the landscape, social customs, and underlying racial tensions, which captures the reader's imagination and anchors the story in a specific cultural milieu. Setting The setting of "The Reckoning" is fundamentally twofold: the quiet, oppressive atmosphere of Clanton, Mississippi during the 1940s and the hostile environments of the Philippines during World War II. Clanton is characterized by its tight-knit community dynamics, traditional Southern values, and an undercurrent of racial tension that heightens the sense of unease surrounding Pete Banning's inexplicable crime. Grisham masterfully paints the town with a sense of historical authenticity, capturing the cultural and moral complexities of the deep South in that era. Contrasting with this is the visceral portrayal of the battlegrounds and POW camps in the Philippines, offering a stark depiction of the brutality of war and the indelible impact it has on those who serve. Both settings function not only as backdrops but as critical elements that shape the psychological profiles of the characters and drive the evolution of the plot. Unique Aspects The Reckoning" sets itself apart with several unique aspects that distinguish it within Grisham's body of work and the broader literary landscape. For one, the incorporation of historical fiction elements into a legal thriller framework showcases Grisham's versatility as a storyteller. The novel's exploration of war trauma and its bearing on the psyche extend beyond typical legal drama tropes, offering a layered approach to character development and theme. Furthermore, the moral ambiguity infused throughout the story challenges readers to contemplate the dichotomies of right and wrong, heroism and villainy. Grisham's portrayal of the consequences of a single violent act on an entire community, the multifaceted legal procedures, and the social critique embedded in the narrative are exemplary aspects that reinforce the novel's standout status. Additionally, the novel's unflinching examination of mental illness, particularly in the context of Liza Banning's struggles, brings to light sensitive issues that are often sidestepped in mainstream fiction, making "The Reckoning" a thought-provoking and unconventional addition to the thriller genre. Similar to The Reckoning: A Novel Book Review Below is an HTML table with style attributes to present a thorough analysis of the pros and cons of "The Reckoning: A Novel" book review, focusing on how these factors impact the user experience. Each cell of the table is styled with a solid 1px black border: ```html table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td padding: 10px; text-align: left; border: 1px solid black; .pros background-color: #e2f5e2; .cons background-color: #f5e2e2; Pros Cons Compelling Narrative Structure: Utilizes elements of mystery and suspense to engage the reader Flawlessly integrates flashbacks to develop rich backstory Pacing Issues: Some sections can be slow and drag the story flow Occasional loss of momentum in plot development In-depth Characterization: Delves deeply into the protagonist's psyche Supporting characters are well-developed and contribute to the narrative Heavy Dependence on Historical Context: Requires reader familiarity with the historical backdrop for full appreciation May alienate readers not interested in historical fiction Evocative Setting Descriptions: Creates a vivid atmosphere and sense of place Eloquent depictions of locale that enhance immersion Complex Themes: Morally complex issues may be off-putting to some readers Themes of guilt and redemption might be overly intense Historical Accuracy: Attention to period detail contributes to the book's educational value Author's research evident in the authenticity of narrative Character Sympathy: Protagonist's actions may impede reader sympathy Some characters' moral ambiguity can create disconnect with audience
Thought-Provoking Themes: Explores complex moral and ethical questions Stimulates reflective thought about justice and truth Ending Reception: Some readers may find the ending unsatisfying or abrupt The resolution of some plot threads can seem too convenient or underdeveloped ``` Remember that the content used in the above pros and cons table is for illustrative purposes and should be replaced with actual analysis from "The Reckoning: A Novel" book review. Evaluating the Genre and Themes When purchasing "The Reckoning: A Novel," it is crucial to understand the genre and themes within. This book is often categorized as historical fiction with a blend of drama and suspense, so ensure that this aligns with your reading preferences. Consider whether you enjoy novels set in specific historical contexts, as the setting can greatly influence the narrative's tone and authenticity. Additionally, examine the thematic elements presented, such as justice, morality, and the consequences of decisions, to determine if they resonate with your interests. Author’s Reputation and Style The author's reputation and literary style are significant factors to consider. Research the author, John Grisham, who is known for his legal thrillers and meticulous attention to detail. If you are a fan of Grisham's previous works, this novel could present a familiar writing style that you will likely enjoy. However, if you are new to his books, it might be beneficial to read excerpts or reviews to gauge whether his narrative approach suits your tastes. Reviews and Ratings Investigating reviews and ratings from credible sources can provide insights that are not immediately evident through book descriptions. Look for both professional critiques and customer feedback, as they can offer a balanced perspective on the book’s strengths and potential weaknesses. While a high rating generally suggests quality and satisfaction, thoroughly reading reviews may reveal nuanced opinions about the plot's pace, character development, and the resolution of key storylines. Book Edition and Publication Quality The physical quality of the book is another aspect to consider, especially if you are purchasing a hardcover or paperback edition. Check for information on the paper quality, binding, cover art, and typesetting, all of which contribute to the reading experience. For collectors or those interested in editions that may appreciate in value, first editions or signed copies could be a significant draw. Alternatively, for convenience and portability, you might opt for the e-book version or an audiobook format, depending on your reading habits. Price Comparison and Budget Compare prices across various retailers to find the best deal for "The Reckoning: A Novel." Book prices can fluctuate based on sales events, stock availability, and edition. It's essential to consider your budget and whether the book’s cost aligns with its perceived value to you. Bear in mind that purchasing second-hand copies can be cost-effective, but ensure they are in acceptable condition to avoid compromising on quality. Compatibility With Reading Goals Reflect on how "The Reckoning: A Novel" fits within your reading goals and interests. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge of historical periods, explore complex moral issues, or simply enjoy a well-crafted narrative, this book should meet those objectives. Acknowledge your personal reading challenges, like time constraints or genre exploration, to ascertain if this novel is a suitable addition to your collection and if it will provide a fulfilling reading experience. Supporting Booksellers and Platforms Finally, where you purchase the book can be as important as the book itself. Consider supporting local bookstores, independent sellers, or platforms that promote ethical and sustainable practices. In contrast, if convenience and speed are priorities, large online retailers typically offer faster shipping and electronic formats for instant access.
The chosen platform may also influence post-purchase services such as return policies, customer support, and participation in loyalty programs. FAQ for The Reckoning: A Novel Book Review What genre does "The Reckoning" by John Grisham fall into? The Reckoning" is primarily classified as a legal thriller, but it also incorporates elements of historical fiction and suspense. The novel delves into themes of crime, justice, and morality set against the backdrop of the post-World War II era. Is "The Reckoning" part of a series or a standalone novel? The Reckoning" is a standalone novel and does not belong to any of John Grisham's series. However, readers who enjoy Grisham's writing style and legal intrigue will find similarities to his other works. Do I need to be familiar with legal jargon to enjoy the book? While the novel contains legal proceedings, John Grisham has a knack for making the legal aspects of his stories accessible to general readers. You do not need to be familiar with legal jargon to follow along and enjoy "The Reckoning." Is there a movie adaptation of "The Reckoning"? As of the current knowledge cutoff in 2023, there is no movie adaptation of "The Reckoning." John Grisham's novels are frequently adapted into films, so it is something that could happen in the future, but no announcements have been made. Can "The Reckoning" be recommended for book clubs? Yes, "The Reckoning" can be an excellent choice for book clubs. The novel raises many discussion points, such as justice, guilt and redemption, as well as historical context, that can lead to engaging and thought-provoking conversations. Is the book appropriate for all age groups? "The Reckoning" is targeted towards adults due to its complex thematic elements and some graphic content. It may not be suitable for young readers. Parents and educators should exercise discretion when considering this book for younger audiences. How long is "The Reckoning," and is it a fast read? The length of "The Reckoning" can vary by edition, but it typically ranges around 500 pages. Readers' experiences with the pacing of the novel differ; some find it to be a fast read due to its engaging plot, while others may take more time due to the intricate details and historical context. Are there any recurring characters from other Grisham novels in "The Reckoning"? The Reckoning" does not feature recurring characters from John Grisham's other books. It is a standalone novel with a distinct cast of characters unique to this narrative. Has the author, John Grisham, commented on the inspiration behind "The Reckoning"? John Grisham often draws inspiration from real-life events, legal cases, and historical periods. He has shared in interviews and author notes that his interest in history and his background as a lawyer have influenced his writing for "The Reckoning," though specific inspirations for this novel may vary. What is the publication date of "The Reckoning"? "The Recketing" was published on October 23, 2018. It has been available for readers to purchase and enjoy since that date. In conclusion, "The Reckoning: A Novel" presents readers with a rich and intricate tapestry of narrative depth, powerful themes, and unforgettable characters. With its compelling blend of history, suspense, and moral complexity, this novel stands out as a valuable addition to any literary enthusiast's collection. Through its pages, the author masterfully crafts a story that not only delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche but also offers insights into the consequences of our choices and the relentless nature of truth. This book proves to be an excellent choice for those who appreciate masterful storytelling, nuanced characters, and a story that invites contemplation of larger philosophical questions. Whether you are drawn to gripping historical settings, intrigued by intense personal dramas, or are seeking a thought-proving read that will linger with you long after you've turned the last page, "The Reckoning" delivers.
Readers will leave this book with much to ponder, making it not just an entertaining narrative but a springboard for deeper discussion and reflection on justice, redemption, and the capacity for change within us all. This review has highlighted the novel's capacity to engage and provoke, ensuring you come away from the experience both satisfied and intellectually enriched. "The Reckoning: A Novel" is no mere escapade; it is a literary journey that offers a wealth of insight and gratification. Its benefits extend beyond pure entertainment, laying bare the strengths and flaws of humanity through a story that is as educative as it is engrossing. If you haven't already, immerse yourself in this powerful novel and join the ranks of readers moved by its profound narrative. Other The Reckoning: A Novel Book Review buying options
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atwttgfanfic · 3 months
### Scene: Confronting the Past
**Setting**: The icy expanses of Antarctica. After a grueling journey, Victor and Sarah spot a distant settlement that offers hope for survival. However, as they approach, Victor recognizes the place, triggering memories of a dark past.
**Characters**: Victor Creed (Sabretooth), Sarah Hale, Inuit Elders and Survivors.
Victor's pace slows as the shape of the settlement becomes clearer through the blizzard. His heart, usually so steeled against emotions, sinks slightly. He knows this place—remembers it with a clarity that cuts deeper than the cold.
**Victor** *(muttering)*: "Damn it."
Sarah, sensing the change in his demeanor, looks up, her face etched with concern.
**Sarah**: "What is it, Victor? Do you know this place?"
Victor hesitates, the memories of his rampage, driven by a need to make Logan suffer, flooding back. He had torn through this village, leaving pain and destruction in his wake. He hadn't been back since.
**Victor**: "I've been here before. A long time ago... Wasn’t under the best circumstances."
Sarah tightens her grip around him, her presence a silent offer of support.
**Sarah**: "Whatever happened, we can face it together. Maybe... maybe they can help us."
As they enter the village, the Inuit people recognize him instantly. There's a moment of palpable tension, a collective intake of breath. An elder steps forward, her expression hard but not without a hint of mercy.
**Inuit Elder**: "You return to the place of great pain. Why?"
Victor sets Sarah down gently, standing to face the consequences of his past actions.
**Victor**: "I ain’t here to cause more trouble. We crashed. Just looking for shelter and maybe some help."
Sarah stands beside him, her hand finding his, a subtle gesture of unity and support.
**Sarah**: "Please, we mean no harm. We just need a little help to survive."
The elder looks between them, her gaze lingering on their joined hands, seeing perhaps something changed in Victor. She nods slowly.
**Inuit Elder**: "Logan spoke of you, said you were a storm of anger seeking pain. But storms can pass. We will offer shelter, for now."
The villagers, though wary, begin to gather around, bringing blankets and warm food. Victor helps Sarah sit, watching the villagers with a complex mix of regret and gratitude.
**Sarah** *(whispering to Victor)*: "See? People can change, Victor. You’re not the same man you were."
Victor watches the villagers, his face an unreadable mask, but inside, he's wrestling with a tumult of emotions—shame, regret, and a faint spark of hope.
**Victor**: "Don’t know if I believe in change, but maybe... maybe there’s something to what you keep saying."
As they are taken into a warm hut, Victor stays close to Sarah, his usual defensive stance softened by the unexpected kindness. As they settle in, Sarah leans against him, her head on his shoulder.
**Sarah**: "You're more than your past, Victor. This... all this shows you can be part of something better."
Victor looks down at her, the fierce warrior softened by the warmth of her faith in him.
**Victor**: "Maybe. With you here, maybe I can believe that."
**End Scene**.
This scene explores themes of redemption and change, challenging Victor's self-perception and highlighting the impact of Sarah's belief in him. The encounter with the Inuit people serves as a pivotal moment for Victor to confront his past and perhaps choose a different path forward, supported by Sarah's unwavering trust and compassion.
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cooledtured · 8 months
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Shibuya Incident — A Maelstrom of Curses and Consequences
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Imagine a bustling Tokyo, neon lights reflecting off the rain-slicked streets of Shibuya. Now, imagine that same cityscape morphing into a battleground, where sorcerers clash with monstrous curses and the fate of humanity hangs precariously in the balance. That, in essence, is the Shibuya Incident in Jujutsu Kaisen, a pivotal arc that redefined the series and left fans breathless.
A Calculated Gambit: The incident was meticulously orchestrated by Kenjaku, a malevolent sorcerer, under the guise of “Pseudo-Geto.” His target? Satoru Gojo, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive. Through a series of cunning manipulations, Kenjaku lured Gojo into a cursed realm, effectively removing him from the equation.
Chaos Unleashed: With Gojo neutralized, the gates of hell, figuratively speaking, were flung open. Curses of all shapes and sizes rampaged through Shibuya, sowing terror and destruction. Fan favorites like Nanami, Nobara, and Yuji found themselves thrust into the heart of the maelstrom, facing formidable foes and agonizing choices.
The King of Curses Awakens: Adding fuel to the fire, Yuji, in a desperate attempt to save Gojo, unwittingly ingested a finger of Sukuna, the King of Curses. This triggered a horrifying transformation, unleashing Sukuna’s immense power and plunging parts of Shibuya into fiery ruin.
Sacrifice and Redemption: The Shibuya Incident wasn’t just about epic battles and monstrous power. It was also a crucible of sacrifice and redemption. Characters like Nanami, faced with impossible odds, made heroic stands, their deaths leaving a lasting impact on the narrative. Others, like Yuji, wrestled with the darkness within, clinging to their humanity amidst the chaos.
A World Forever Changed: When the dust settled, Shibuya was a smoldering testament to the devastation wrought. The jujutsu world had been irrevocably altered, with Gojo’s absence leaving a gaping power vacuum. More importantly, the incident exposed the fragility of the balance between humans and curses, raising unsettling questions about the future.
The Shibuya Incident was more than just a thrilling arc; it was a turning point for Jujutsu Kaisen. It forced characters and readers alike to confront uncomfortable truths, grapple with loss, and ultimately, find strength in the face of overwhelming adversity. The echoes of this chaotic crucible continue to reverberate throughout the story, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, the embers of hope can still flicker.
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tapaspahar · 8 months
Deep within my heart, I find myself wrestling with a profound sense of hurt and guilt. The realization that my actions were not virtuous weighs heavily on my conscience, creating a tumultuous inner landscape. It's disheartening to acknowledge that what I did was not in alignment with the values I hold dear. The burden of guilt gnaws at me, prompting a deep introspection into the why behind my actions. Understanding the roots of my choices becomes paramount in this journey of self-discovery.
It's important to recognize that making mistakes is an intrinsic part of being human. In the face of remorse, the challenge lies in confronting these transgressions head-on and using them as catalysts for personal growth. I'm compelled to delve into the specifics of my actions, unraveling the layers to comprehend the motivations that led me astray. This process, though painful, holds the promise of valuable lessons and a chance to realign with my true self.
In this vulnerable state, I grapple with the notion of forgiveness—both from those I may have affected and, perhaps more crucially, from myself. Seeking support from those close to me or even professional guidance may offer solace and insights into navigating this complex emotional terrain. Embracing the fact that redemption is a continuous journey allows for the possibility of transformation and positive change.
Ultimately, as I confront the aftermath of my actions, I strive to cultivate self-compassion and a commitment to charting a course towards a more virtuous and conscientious existence. The path to healing involves acknowledging the missteps, understanding their impact, and channeling that awareness into a purposeful journey of redemption and growth.
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demigodofhoolemere · 9 months
“If you have experienced any kind of abuse, violence, or oppression, you may be left with the idea that these events were somehow your fault and that you deserve to carry the shame and guilt you feel. You may have had thoughts such as: - I could have prevented this. - God doesn’t love me anymore. - Nobody will ever love me. - I am damaged beyond repair. - The Savior's Atonement applies to others but not to me. These erroneous thoughts and feelings may have been a barrier to seeking help from family, friends, leaders, or professionals, and so you have struggled alone. If you have sought help from those you trust, you may still be wrestling with ideas of shame and even self-loathing. The impact of these events can remain for many years. You hope that one day you'll feel better, but somehow that day has not yet come. The abuse was not, is not, and never will be your fault, no matter what the abuser or anyone else may have said to the contrary. When you have been a victim of cruelty, incest, or any other perversion, you are not the one who needs to repent; you are not responsible. You are not less worthy or less valuable or less loved as a human being, or as a daughter or son of God, because of what someone else has done to you. God does not now see, nor has He ever seen, you as someone to be despised. Whatever has happened to you, He is not ashamed of you or disappointed in you. He loves you in a way you have yet to discover. And you will discover it as you trust in His promises and as you learn to believe Him when He says you are 'precious in [His] sight.' You are not defined by these terrible things that have been done to you. You are, in glorious truth, defined by your eternally existing identity as a son or daughter of God and by your Creator's perfect, infinite love and invitation to whole and complete healing. Though it may seem impossible, feel impossible, healing can come through the miracle of the redemptive might of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, who is risen 'with healing in his wings.' Our merciful Savior, victorious over darkness and depravity, has power to right all wrongs, a life-giving truth for those wronged by others. Please know that the Savior has descended below all things, even what has happened to you. Because of that, He knows exactly what real terror and shame feel like and how it feels to be abandoned and broken. From the depths of His atoning suffering, the Savior imparts hope you thought was lost forever, strength you believed you could never possess, and healing you couldn’t imagine was possible.”
Patrick Kearon
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7times70 · 1 year
The Story of Jacob and Esau: Lessons on Redemption and Reconciliation
The story of Jacob and Esau found in Genesis 25:19-34 and Genesis 27-33, is a timeless narrative that delves into the complexities of sibling rivalry, deception, redemption, and the power of forgiveness. Through the lives of these two brothers, we learn profound lessons about the consequences of our actions, the transformational nature of repentance, and the importance of reconciliation in healing fractured relationships. This post explores the key themes and lessons embedded within this compelling biblical tale.
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The Dynamics of Sibling Rivalry:
The story of Jacob and Esau begins with their tumultuous relationship even before birth. While in their mother Rebekah's womb, the twins struggled, foreshadowing the conflict that would later define their lives. Esau, the elder brother, is described as a skillful hunter and the favorite of their father, Isaac. On the other hand, Jacob is portrayed as a quiet and cunning person who receives preferential treatment from his mother.
This sibling rivalry is a poignant reminder of how family dynamics can impact individual behavior and decisions. Favoritism can breed jealousy and resentment, leading to hurtful actions with long-lasting consequences. The story encourages us to reflect on the significance of treating each family member with love, fairness, and respect.
Deception and its Consequences:
One of the most significant events in the narrative is Jacob's deception of his blind and elderly father, Isaac, to secure Esau's blessing. Disguising himself as his brother, Jacob receives the blessing meant for Esau, perpetrating a grave act of dishonesty and betrayal. This act sets off a chain reaction of events that result in Esau's intense anger and the brothers' estrangement.
The story illustrates the destructive nature of deception and the profound impact it can have on relationships. It reminds us of the importance of honesty and transparency in our interactions with others. Deception may provide temporary gains, but ultimately it erodes trust and leads to broken bonds.
The Journey of Redemption and Transformation:
After Jacob secures the blessing, he flees to escape Esau's wrath. During his time away, he experiences a transformation as he encounters God in a series of significant events. One notable moment is his encounter with the angel, where he wrestles all night. This wrestling symbolizes Jacob's internal struggle and his willingness to confront his past actions.
This journey of redemption portrays the possibility of change and personal growth through self-reflection and facing the consequences of one's actions. It highlights the transformative power of sincere repentance and the willingness to make amends.
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of repentance. This is the key to happiness. It is the quest for perfection...The invitation to repent is an expression of God’s infinite love and mercy. It is not an invitation to be perfect. It is an invitation to come back to God." - Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
The Power of Forgiveness:
After many years of separation, Jacob prepares to reunite with Esau. Fearful of his brother's reaction, Jacob prays earnestly for protection. However, when the brothers finally meet, Esau surprises Jacob by embracing him with genuine affection and forgiveness. Despite the hurt and betrayal he suffered, Esau chooses to let go of the past and welcomes his brother back with open arms.
The act of forgiveness demonstrated by Esau is a powerful testament to the healing potential of reconciliation. It teaches us that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but a display of strength and maturity. By letting go of resentment and choosing to forgive, we free ourselves from the burden of anger and open the door to restored relationships.
"As we forgive others, we can find forgiveness. The Lord has given us a way to live that will bring joy and happiness. The more we incorporate that pattern in our lives, the happier we will be." - President James E. Faust
The story of Jacob and Esau offers a treasure trove of valuable life lessons. It delves into the complexities of sibling relationships, the consequences of deceit, the potential for redemption, and the transformative power of forgiveness. Through their struggles, we learn the importance of treating each family member with love and respect, the destructive nature of deception, and the hope that lies in redemption and reconciliation.
As we reflect on this narrative, we are reminded of the significance of humility, self-reflection, and the capacity for change. The story ultimately leaves us with a message of hope, encouraging us to seek forgiveness, offer grace, and work towards healing broken relationships in our own lives. In doing so, we honor the timeless wisdom imparted by the tale of Jacob and Esau and draw closer to the divine call for love and unity among all humanity.
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oliver-nova · 1 year
edit: 9/7/2023
thanks for taking an interest in my page! before you follow, here is a general overview of my page and some stuff i ask you to tag if i follow you
if you have any issue with these, especially my dni list, please block me
if you need anything tagged that isnt tagged, please let me know! i want to make your experience as comfy as possible
this is lengthy, so more after jump!
(general what i post, what i tag, dni list, and what i need tagged included)
what i post
the yakuza games
genshin impact
honkai star rail
obey me
resident evil
red dead redemption
cute animals
cinderella phenomeon
xoxo droplets
the ikemen series
the soul calibur series
wrestling (wrestling only page is @hyo-watanabe)
fanfic (fanfic only page is @kristenssinbin. all reblogs of smuttiness will come from there)
romantic shit
personal shit
persona 5
far cry series
nopixel!! (nopixel sideblog is @nicholas-simone)
twisted wonderland
court of darkness
dead by daylight
the call of duty reboot from 2022 (gaz is kind of a babe) 
aes stuff such as flowers and sunsets
stimboard / stimming gifs / satisfying gifs
my tags
obey me
shut up kristen
personal blahness tag retired due to it bringing back bad memories
my edit
my edits
my icons
my gifs
my lockscreens
i tw sensitive content. i either go tw: (sensitive thing) or tw (sensitive thing)
i also try to tag spoiler/spoilers. i do a general rule of after 1 month of me seeing something or it being out for 1 month+ , i don’t spoiler tag then
what i need tagged
body horror (a little blood is ok because i play m rated games)
the arcana, fuck that stupid fucking game
ships!!! (please tag your ships. i don’t ship anything, but there are some ships that i am super uncomfy with due to age difference and things bringing back bad memories and whatnot)
dni if
pro shipping (especially incest and adult x child ships)
DDlg/CGl(re)/any related age play kink blogs
Bigots/supporters of hateful viewpoints or ideologies (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, nazism, fatphobic, white supremacy, aphobic etc.)
anti BLM
if you see nothing wrong with rpf
animal abuse
overwatch league blog, its still a v sensitive topic so i dont want to see anything that reminds me of it despite him not being in the league anymore
xqc fan; dude is a piece of shit with a gross fanbase. dude has been banned from like 4 different games and owl because of how awful he is
cg/st/hydra fan; fuck em and the toxic vibes they bring to the np community  
old scu fan; what they (a large chunk of scu) did to jakka re: their chats is super fucking shitty, fuck em
serval x gepard shippers
jing yuan x yanqing shippers
brian knight fans, only because i talk shit about him a lot and it's for your protection, not mine :3
empty or untitled blog - this is always going to lead to at least a block. i will likely report you for being a bot
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