#imma just be one of those oc inserts or something
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wishchip106 · 3 months ago
more ready player one cherik au ideas
erik is pretty much a complete loser irl and online and barely has any friends until he meets charles at the first trial and joins his online friendgroup (aka fc xmen) when he gets the first key
everyones avatars are more based on their comic looks so they all look a bit silly but its the oasis so its okay
thats pretty much it so far my brain is slowly building some kind of a story but it hasn’t gone into details yet
i dont even know if im gonna write this i just gotta dump my ideas here otherwise they’ll be sent to the void
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hythlodaeus-mynewoldfriend · 4 months ago
To what degree do you use your OC as a means to explore your own romantic proclivities (or shortcomings)? Is your OC a self-insert and the relationship a form of wish-fulfilment and/or an means to explore certain fantasies? Or do you enjoy exploring something completely different to your own experiences and preferences?
There is an extent to which I use ocs to look into things but more after the fact. I'll write things out, develop an oc and then look back on all of that and find that there are threads of myself within them and what I was exploring within myself unconsciously. (I will be honest as I feel comfortable being here in my answer in terms of my relationship irl)
Sometimes its as simple as writing out a sexy scene for myself because well obvious reasons and it feels like a safe way for me to explore things I may not be able to in real life, or I just also am wanting to fuck the canon character and I can explore that in a way that isn't me (because what canon character would actually go for someone like me haha). Other times there is an aspect that I find of yearning for a more epic romance or moments where my depressed brain takes over and wants a redo of some things within my own relationship. There are things that I sometimes feel like I missed out on, that me and my partner missed out on, because of depression, lack of ability to see one another, societal changes, and just being homebodies, so it is nice to have a bit of a wish fulfillment in those kind of moments. Because while I have these moments of doubt really and truly I do not regret anything about my relationship and how we got here! It just is sometimes nice to vicariously live in a world where magic, or powers, or financial means are unlimited, life can suck and fiction and my ocs are a means to escape reality.
Most of these revelations come after the fact so 20/20 hindsight and all that, but I do not go into ships or oc creating with the intention of exploring myself. I will joke sometimes about it (which I've done with Thea since there are similar vibes if you know me a bit more outside of tumblr), but there's hardly any truth there. None of my ocs are self inserts or feel like that to me, more wish fulfillment on what I wish I was as a person at times, but not in the romantic sense if that makes sense. If anything I go into shipping with the intention that I feel the character deserves a good thing and by golly Imma give it to them! Yes even if they're evil.
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yami-yomiel · 4 months ago
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Hey gang im dropping my gay NMHs oc/self insert - i’ll dump the info i wrote about them on discord under the read moar -
Ok hey yyyy im gonna conceptualize the bio for my NMHs insert woooooo
“mid 20s college drop out; probably works as a cashier at some food chain - decent pay check i guess. Mama’s boy who def is a suck up and a pushover or something. How he got into UAA - my guess is as good as yours but i DEF thing he did it just because ‘i was bored, had nothing better to do, and i’ve got tons of time to kill’. Bro put his name down as ‘Big O’ and expects people to take him seriously 🙏 - no one does because he’s a CLoWN.”
”Personality wise; i’ve got like two , and i’m thinking it can be both if i know how to do it - One is the travis fanboy who is VERY much into getting offed by him because ‘it’s like a romantic horror movie!’ - and the 2nd is a whole tsundere, they like Trav a lot but acts like he doesn’t so he’s not called gay by the other assassins[this is a hj but there is some.. kind of queer undertones I MEAN HES’ A GUY WITH ACRUSH ON ANOTHER GUY IS THIS NOT GAY??]”
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I took a test as to like, what type of dere i was - for like research, apprently i’m a kuudere so i guess i’ll use that to write his character ^^;
however i do that..
btw; caption for the 2nd image is and i quote: ”hey hot stuff, why doncha ditch those home videos and make our own xoxo”
I hate travis touchdown - imma touch him down like that football guy said he would.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years ago
Ya know im getting really sad that all these fan arts im seeing have reader being white. Like can someone show me how they make these fan arts? I wanna make some with poc.
They’re just drawing themselves, fam. This is fanart of fan inserts, much like in writing, it’s just them. See, when it comes to writing poc (black for example) characters, it’d be blasphemous to expect white writers to write as a black person because they have no idea what it means and is to be a black person. One minor slip up, and they would most definitely be eaten alive. They would not know what they’re doing, which is why it’s their due diligence to make sure not to white code their reader for inclusivity, that’s what we’re asking for. There’s a way to do that.
Imma be real with you, there’s no fucking way to do that with fanart as the reader has to physically be depicted. No way. I’ve seen people do those bland characters where it looks like it’s the stick dude from the restroom sign and it’s nice, and appreciated but it’s not necessarily aesthetically pleasing to the eye because I don’t really see it as reader hugging Eddie or something, I see it as a stick figure hugging Eddie, so I understand why that’s not taking off. And I understand your frustration, trust me, if I had art skills, I’d be drawing myself and OCs with Eddie. You don’t see POC art, because POC artists aren’t drawing or posting, that’s the unfortunate reality of it.
Just like when I started writing because I got tired of reading white coded reader inserts, poc people have to do the same thing with their art. I can rant on and on about POC inclusivity, but it’s not gonna do shit if POC aren’t gonna step up to the plate and involve themselves. We have to put ourselves in these spaces, we cannot rely just on these white writers to not mention pale skin (which they should know better about). I can count on my hands the amount of POC writers I’ve come across in this fandom. It’s very sad. Especially when I’ve seen a couple of POC readers expand on some fic ideas, drabble, blurbs, etc and they’re really good fucking ideas and writers but they just don’t post. Like baby, you’ve got all the ingredients, just throw it in the fucking oven and cook it please!
So if you’ve got even an ounce of artistic ability in you, I am definitely encouraging you to draw POC reader in fanart. Begging actually, lol.
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unlimitedtrees · 2 years ago
the earliest build i have from my very first game, 'Mr. Waffle Lover'
wat da freak ... im about to make Three posts in a row ?? impossible... so Hi. in case u havent seen my Last Big Post, one of my first projects was a game called 'Mr. Waffle Lover'. it started in early 2014 until late 2017 and it went through Tons of wildly different iterations. and also, if u read da last post youd know i lost nearly All of those builds of the game.
Despite losing like, 3 years of my own history, ive managed to find a few builds from multiple iterations of my game, with this one being the earliest iteration i have. this is the Third iteration of the game's development.. and there isnt a whole lot to say about it. it is a Very Basic, Very Primitive platformer made by an 11 year old. this build in particular has only Two levels . i Think more were made at some point, but it's hard to remember. at one point, i made a ""mobile version demo"" of the game for the tablet i had at the time (the game did not work on it), and thats the version u see in the video i posted. For Some Reason, i decided to strip any other level that may have existed in the game and just made it a demo even though i was the Only Person who could play the game.. so i dont have much from this iteration. i Do have an Earlier build that i put on github, but there isnt a whole lot of differences to this demo version.
Anyways, i think, for the rest of this post, imma go a little in depth about the Origins of this game and what it was actually Supposed to be .. click the Read Me thingy if u Dare !!!
So, it all started in 2013 . i was a Bored little creature who liked to draw things and was Deep into Minecraft for the Xbox 360. and one day i created a little comic with a character called 'Mr. Waffle Lover'.. And He Looked Like This:
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That's Right , my very first OC is Just a skin from one of the minecraft xbox 360 edition skin packs. this was the skin i played as a lot back then, and 'Mr. Waffle Lover' was my self insert in the comic. why is he called 'Mr. Waffle Lover' you may ask? because i liked to eat waffles a lot. that became his main character trait. Eventually, when the game became A Thing, i would slowly change his design from just a copy of a minecraft skin, first giving him heterochromia and Gloves which spawned TNT, then later giving him a yellow shirt to match with his love for waffles, and then i just make him a Girl (but That is a story for Another Day . .. )
Anyways , on my birthday in 2014 i got a windows 8 laptop, and then in october i learned about construct 2 and decided i Needed to make a video game. ever since i was a fetus ive always wanted to make a video game,, with one of the earliest ideas for a game i remember having is when i was like 5 and wanted to make 'New Sonic the Hedgehog Wii' (a copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii but featuring multiple colored Sonics).
ANYWAYS , one of the first video games i ever made was Mr. Waffle Lover......... Well Actually, Technically that is not true, as a few months before i tried using some Random in-browser game program that i dont remember the name of to make something called the 'Egg Game'... but it never went anywhere beyond me putting a stock Egg image into the program and then giving up.
my initial inspiration for making a game about the Mr. Waffle Lover character was when i played a game called 'Ms. Splosion Man' on the xbox 360. i thought the game play was interesting but i got stuck at one of the puzzles so i was like 'I Want to make this game but Better and with MY character !'. And So, i thought of the idea of Waffle Lover having Gloves that spawn TNT that he uses to jump high like in Ms. Splosion Man....... but i never got to actually implement it until the 'mid 2015' build that i posted earlier... and i removed it entirely afterwards and just made the game a Basic 2D Platformer for awhile.
so yea. this game was supposed to be just a simple 2d platformer featuring my sort of self insert OC based off a minecraft skin. there wasnt really much to it conceptually... just wanted to make a video game! that's all my ideas were at the time.. the only "Story" this game has is 'Waffle Lover gets his Waffles stolen by some Scientist People and he needs to Stop Them !!!!'. the game eventually got some sort of story over time... but for now all u need to know is that this game is A Game that I Wanted To Make. it doesnt get purer than that.
with the first iteration of my game being my first game Ever, i had No Idea how to do things. all of the small sprites were stretched out to fit the HD screen resolution, making everything blurry. the gameplay was Very Basic and the levels were simple. the HUD didnt even stay centered on the screen... instead it used the 'pin behavior' to be pinned on the player object (which did not work and the HUD would move around the object). And the worst aspect of it was that i did Not know how to make layouts in construct 2 use other event sheets or Objects from other layouts..... meaning every layout (meaning every level) uses Completely Different programming And objects .... Not Only That , but i only had the Trial version of construct 2 at that time.... so i could only use 100 'events'... meaning i could only put So Much code in the game before i reached the limit (and with every level using its own separate events for everything, i ran out of events Pretty Quickly and couldnt make any more levels.
I So Desperately Wish i could show that first iteration of the game with you. it was Very Weird and Bad but it was so Lovely. to say the least.. it was quite the learning experience ! I can Vividly remember me making the very first layout in the game,, with it just being the Waffle Lover sprite moving around a white background and a bunch of badly placed collision objects. it was a Sight to Behold . But Sadly... when i decided to completely redo the game, i deleted the whole project file for it, and its pretty much Lost forever now. the only remains are some random sprites from it i still have... other than that there Was a trailer i made for it once and i Think i released a demo for it once... but both of those are Long gone now.
anyways. for the second iteration of the game i decided to make it an ""HD"" version of the game, using higher resolution sprites and a 3d animated version of Waffle Lover.... However this 3d version is Actually just a minecraft skin of him made in Mine-imator, an Old 3D animating software Exclusively made for making minecraft animations. So , the game had a bunch of bad tilesets and a badly animated prerendered sprite of a minecraft skin for its player character. i dont remember much from that point of the game's development other than it did not last very long and it looked Funny. i dont even think it got past one level... as i struggled with making high resolution art (i only had ms paint and construct 2's built in image editor, so, yea). i Think everything from that era of the game's development is Gone, HOWEVER i THINK i might have the files for the Mine-imator animations Somewhere... maybe. i Think i saw the files on my old laptop for some mine-imator project but i was unable to open them and i dont know if i saved them anywhere so. Idk.
and now, this leads us to the Third iteration of the game... which is the one i showed in this post. as you can see in the video, i finally figured out how to make pixel art look not blurry. i also figured out how to make different layouts use the same event sheets. i even figured out how to make a HUD... incredible ! other than all of that, there's not much to say about it. it's just not as silly looking as the earlier iterations were... and its not really Fun to play. its not even all that janky.. its just basic. i worked on it for awhile, but then i gave up on it and moved onto the mid 2015 iteration.. and the rest of the game's history is a story for Another Time..
if there's anything i can say about this old game.. it's that you can Definitely see how much ive grown since then. whoever is reading this, i Really hope this is not your first introduction to my work.... cus my stuff nowadays is Insane compared to this... a lot has happened in the like, 8 years since ive started game development. and i have so much stories i want to share,,, i hope i can keep sharing those stories with you. oh and also, if you Really have never heard of my work before... um.... Play UNITRES Dreams on Newgrounds dot com. LOL!!!!!!
That is All i want to talk about for today i think. I Think. hope my posts are comprehensible to u ! Oh , And Before i forget , the build of the game in the video i posted is in the ProjectWaffle google doc archive ... and the Earliest Build i have is on github. check it out If U Wish !
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madmars · 3 years ago
𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐞𝐚𝐥
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
A/N: I wrote this a longgg time ago and I felt bad for not putting anything out and it was going to be my VERY FIRST wattpad story with an OC named Laney played by Julie Gonzolo but ig its gonna be a series its just a reader insert in ST but ill just add to it if I have nothing to write AND I SWEAR IMMA GET THOSE REQUEST OUT I apologize dearly anddd kinda really cringing from this
ɴᴏᴠ. 6ᴛʜ 1983
ᴍɪᴋᴇ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀꜱ ʙᴀꜱᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ
"Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in the darkness. It is almost here." Mike explains to the four eager bodies around the table.
"What is it?" Will asks, tired of the anticipation. "What if it's the Demogorgon? Oh Jesus, were so screwed if it's the Demogorgon." Dustin added in a bit of a panic.
"It's so the Demogorgon, Dust" y/n nodded looking towards Dustin's direction. Lucas argues, "It's not the Demogorgon. come on y/n think logical here."
y/n shook her head letting Mike continue, "An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" slamming a tiny figurine on the board causing Lucas to throw his hands towards it.  "Troglodytes?" y/n and Dustin ask in unison.  "Told ya" making the three burst into tiny laughter.
"Wait a minute, did you hear that?" Mike goes on with the suspense causing four heads to snap to him. "That... that sound? Boom... boom... boom!" throwing his hands down everyone lets out a gasp at the sudden movement.
"That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... That came from something else... The Demogorgon!" the party groaned at the unwanted visitor " I knew it was too good to be true" y/n grumbled. "We're in deep shit." Dustin hissed.
"Will, your action!" Mike decides, now all eyes on the boy in front of him. "I don't know!"  "Fireball him!" Lucas declares "I'd have to roll a 13 or higher!" y/n sighs, "way too risky, cast a protection spell!" Dustin nodding along in agreement. "Don't be a pussy! Fireball him!" 
" Cast Protection!"
"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!" Mike roars, shutting the table up. "It stomps towards you! BOOM!"
"Fireball him!"
"Another stomp, boom!"
"Cast Protection!" Dustin and y/n exclaim in unison.
"He roars in anger!" Mike growled provoking everyone to yell commands onto will. "Fireball!" Will rolls the die hard enough for it to fall off the table  "Oh, shit!" jumping to their feet the party beings to search around for the die.
"Where'd it go? Where is it?"
"I don't know!"
"Is it a 13?"
"We have to find it first, dipshit" y/n mumbled, still on the great dice search of 1983. "Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Dustin paces.
"Mike! Mike!" Mrs. Wheeler's muffled voice booms through the basement
"Can you find it yet?"
"No, I can't find it!"
"damnit will, you have one hell of a throw"
"Mike!" Mrs. Wheeler calls out now in the basement's door frame, Mike groans out of annoyance "Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign." "You mean the end? Fifteen after." Mike huffs trailing behind his mother up the stairs.
"Alright, boys!" y/n hops up from her spot on the floor dusting off her knees and begins to packs up her belongings. The three boys groaned sad, that the teen has to depart. "I know. I know I'm awesome."
"you're coming tomorrow, right?" will asks looking at the girl hopefully. y/n shot him a look of disbelief "William Byers I've never missed a campaign in my life what makes you think I would start now" They all begin to softly chuckle.
" Oh, I got it! Does the seven count?"
"It was a seven? Did mike see it?" Lucas questioned
will shook his head to indicate no.
"Then it doesn't count." y/n threw her book bag over her shoulder and started heading towards the stairs behind the two boys in front of her. "yo, hey, guys. Does anyone want this?" Dustin asks pointing an old pizza box to the stairs. After a collective round of 'no's the party poured out of the basement.
"Thanks so much for having me Mrs. wheeler" y/n thanked the older women receiving a warm smile in return. "No problem y/n, you're welcomed anytime" y/n thanked her one last time right before heading out the door.
"Nice game tonight boys" she complemented throwing an arm around Mike. He snaked an arm around her waist and nuzzled his head into her side.
"There's something wrong with your sister."
"What are you talking about?"
"She's got a stick up her butt."
y/n's eyebrows shot up at the sudden emotion showed towards her friend. Nancy and her got along very well some may even call the two best friends. sure, yeah, they would spend their time laughing, binging movies, and even sharing their deepest secrets. That was until...
" because she's been dating that douche bag, Steve Harrington." Lucas expresses
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Little sweet Nancy fell for: Your royal assholeness himself. Steve Harrington. Don't get Laney wrong, she and Nancy still hang out but now she's averted her attention to King Steve and y/n to a bunch of middle school boys and Hawkins High "freak".
"Yeah, she's always been a real jerk." Dustin agrees. "yeah she's always been a jerk" Mike nods. "Un-uh. She used to be cool. Like that time she and y/n dressed up as an elf for our Eldertree campaign."
y/n let out an airy laugh, "yeah, you fuckers owe me ten dollars still, four years later or not"
"Later." Lucas called, "see ya Bud stay safe! love you" y/n called back "yeah yeah love you too"
" It was a seven." will says suddenly turning to mike, he and y/n shared a confused glance towards the boy.
"The roll. It was a seven."
"Will you need a ride home ? The back seat is calling your name." y/n explains with an concerned tone.
"The Demogorgon. It got me. see you tomorrow, I'm all good y/n, love you" The boy says peddling off. "Ok byers! but if you become a monsters meal I'm gonna kill you!" she calls out hearing a small echoed chuckle down the foggy road.
"Kiss your mom night for me!" Dustin cheers down the road. " love you!"
y/n giggled before turning to Mike "Alright Mikey, I'll see you later" placing a kiss on the top of his head and skips towards her car.
y/n headed to the mobile trailer cigarette in her left hand and the wheel in her right letting the cool air of little old boring Hawkins blow in her face. Arriving at the trailer, taking one last long drag of the nicotine before crushing under her boot. As soon as she set foot in her little humble adobe she was instantly met with the smell of cigarettes, coffee, and of course beer. yet this smell did not bother her at all. It reminded her of home.
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kimageddon · 3 years ago
A Prince of Dathomir - SPECIAL Q & A
If you aren't already aware, I have reached 50 chapters of my Maul x Nightsister fic, A Prince of Dathomir. I have had a really great response and I am overwhelmed that my readers like it so much. Thank you to everyone who was read this, thank you to everyone that asked me questions!
I also recieved my first ever fanart of the story and I am in awe.
My wonderful friend @sl-walker made me this amazing piece of Zaiya, our protagonist, and I have to say, this is very close to how she appears in my head when I write her.
I love it so much and I am just floored by how good it looks.
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Q: So I noticed that Zaiya was teaching Savage and Feral in the usage of Force Techniques! Makes me wonder if their fates can be diverted along with them joining Zaiya and Maul down the line as a space-nomadic Dathomir Tribe?
A: That is certainly a possibility! I won't give away any spoilers, but I do have ideas for what I want to do with Feral and Savage, I don't want them to be useless certainly. Not everything will be canon accurate, we have seen a divergence already and you will see that the next few chapters divert things a little more. I know it's a vague answer but I don't want to spoil the story!
Q: I would be interested in your inspiration process.
A: Inspiration for a lot of the story actually comes from my life. I know there are those that dislike OCs because they are self-insert characters. It's my belief that the author puts a bit of themselves into every character they write. Zaiya however, I fully admit to having much of my personality, not all, but much of it. The main inspiration is from events that have happened to me and this fic is a way for me to write about it, but also combine it with my love of Star Wars. It's rather theraputic.
Q: Okay one imma ask is the Amulet. Where did you get the inspo for that? I know it was probably an homage to the amulet Savage got from Talzin but the design of yours and it's bisection.
A: I am a sucker for an Amulet. I love a tangible item for a character to be reminded of something, a physical embodiment of their connection. I actually forgot about Savage's amulet until I rewatched the show after starting the first few chapeters like "ohhhh yeah!" But I wasn't going to change it haha. I wanted something for them to have as their 'anchor'
Q: Depending in what happens to Jango or not, will we likely still possibly see some more interactions between Boba and Zaiya? You did say they were family in a way, just not under the same name?
A: I definitely think so, they are sort of cousins and I think Boba needs some friends. This was also quite the conundrum, introducing Boba and Jango. With one line of dialogue I realised that I had a big diversion from canon and my own plans, and deciding the fates of Boba and Jango. So I had to decide how far to change things and what to do about it. Either Jango had to live of Boba was getting adopted and I had not been prepared for either of those outcomes until I wrote the scene itself. Sometimes the fic and characters take on a life of their own!
Q: Will there be more animal taming?
A: I am not 100% sure. I think I would like to, Zaiya has an almost Disney Princess vibe, doesn't she? I was pretty excited when I saw the Loth-Wolves and OML I would love to give her one. Should Maul gift her one perhaps? Or maybe a Tooka? I would like to, but we shall see. I am curious now if you guys could pick an animal sidekick to give her, what would you pick? Let me know!
Q: Where you get your inspiration for her singing and songs?
A: I do write most of the songs myself (if I used existing songs they are linked in the fic), and for the inspirations I try to draw on emotion more than anything. I am a very emotive writer and I have to putmyself into the character's shoes. Feel what they feel and describe it. So when it comes to the songs, I ask myself: "What is the feeling in this scene?" "What do I want to say with the lyrics?" "Does it flow well?" With these I am usually able to conjure images and emotions and then I glare at the page in order for the words to appear. The song in Chapter 52 (Signal - Part 2) was meant to portray whimsy, innocence lost and longing. (I would be curious to know if that was what you felt on reading it, let me know!)
Q: Do you think it might be possible for Zaiya to encounter Ahsoka as well down the line? I’m sure that would make for an interesting encounter!
A: I think that is very likely! As we have seen, she finds the Clones interesting and plans to return to Kamino so I think that she will have to encounter Ahsoka at one point. As to whether they would get along... well I am not sure yet. What do you guys think?
Q: Who is your favourite side character?
A: Canon wise? Hondo. Absolutely. He is so fun to write and I make myself giggle when I do. I am not sure if any of you noticed but I have tried to follow his speech pattern as much as possible, and I hear his voice when I write his dialogue. It brings me joy. OC wise, it would be Adaji "MandoDad" Treshan. No Star Wars tale is complete without a Mando Dad, and even though we have not met Zaiya's real dad, Adaji has done a great job so far. He is kind of nuts but he has a good heart and I want to bring him back again. Lord knows what Maul will think of him. There is another mention of them coming up in the chapter titled 'Lost' (that will be chapters 55 and 56). It is my favourite chapter so far and a really big one too. There is a lot in there and it was fun to write.
Q: Did you always have the story in mind with the corporation of the pirate members as well as bounty hunters you create yourself like Adaji? Or was that something you thought of off the bat?
A: I do plan roughly, I have a small description of each chapter in a large document to give me an idea on what to do, so it was sort of planned, but I didn't have it in mind at the beginning of the story, I took a little bit to figure it out, I was writing the chapter and put Hondo in, though I realised he would need an offsider so Adaji was invented more or less on the spot. He had evolved as time has gone on and like I said, he is one of my favourites now.
Q: I was curious if Zaiya might possibly…"coerce" some of the Kaminoans to clone new legs for Maul?
A: You're not the first person to ask or suggest that to me and TEN GOLD STARS! I think chapter 51 (signal - Part 1) added more to that information. That is indeed her plan, but.... will it work out? That's the main question.
Q: What you want to do in future, do you already know how it will end or do you want to let it go on "forever"?
A: Ohhh the future... a fickle thing that it is... well, suffice to say I have at least 100 more chapters roughly planned out. At that would only take us to the events of Order 66. There will be a bunch more once we get past that because Crimson Dawn is a thing. So I think I will be doing this a while longer. Do I have an ending... uhhh... no. Not yet. Would I like to write it forever? I mean kind of... but all stories need an end. So yes it will have an ending... as soon as I think of a satisfying one.
Q: I’m thinking of posting some of my own writing but idk if anyone will read it. I haven’t posted before so I wonder how do you get readers? Did you ever have to promote your work anywhere or did you just post and ppl picked up on it?
A: I had all the same questions when I started. I didn't know if anyone would read it or care, let alone get to 50 chapters. My best friends that are also writers, they aren't that big into Star Wars either. What I have discovered is, that you write for you. If you write it hoping that it will appeal to others, it won't have as strong of a connection to it. Write the story for you and the readers will come. It's slow, hence the need to write it for yourself. I mentioned my fic on my tik tok once or twice, and on Tumblr I have had people reblog links so that has been helpful. I suppose the best advice would be to be patient, write something that makes you happy and be interactive in regards to comments and what not.
Thank you to Antex the Legendary Zoroark, @eyecandyeoz, ender_puppy and @mach-opress for your questions! I hope you are satisfied with the answers! If anyone has more questions, let me know and I might do another one of these!
@two-black-leviathans @fallenrepublick @eyecandyeoz @ashotofspotchka @sitherin-mxschief @littlepossss @octupus-on-the-moon @by-the-primes @justalittlecloud @nxctuaryninetythree @mach-opress
Join the tagist here and lmk if you wanna be removed. <3
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impala-dreamer · 5 years ago
Want a Custom Story from Impala-Dreamer?
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Ever had an idea for a story that you just can’t get done? Want to read that thing that you just can’t find anywhere? Always wanted to see me tackle something but have been afraid to ask? 
Now’s your chance!
As of 6/29/20, I am opening Commissions for a limited time! For this round, I will only be taking 5 Commissions, and once those are done, if there is demand for more, I will open it up again. 
If you’re interested in having a piece written by me, please read on. If not, feel free to ignore. If you’re awesome, you’ll reblog this for me! 
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“You got Qs, I got As…” ~ Andy Bernard.
Q: What will you write? 
A: Mostly anything. There are some hard nos for me, but the list is small. 
I don’t write ABO, AUs (unless the AU world is canon, ie: “It’s a Terrible Life”, “The Bad Place”, Apocalypse World), Sister!Readers, Underage. I will also not write the actor’s wives (unless they are side characters) or their actual children. 
But, beyond those, I will pretty much write anything. I tend to stick towards TFW, J2M, but if you have an idea for anyone else, just ask. I’ve done others, and can again. 
(I will also be opening this up to The Walking Dead, The Magicians, The Hunger Games, and Doctor Who, and most RPF within those. These will be limited to the idea and whether I feel like I can do it properly, but feel free to ask.) 
Angst, Smut, Fluff, Dark, Combos, whatever. Any genre is a go. Any troupe is a go. Any Kink is a go. Reader Insert or OC is cool.
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Q: I have a very detailed idea, is that ok? 
A: Yes, but if it’s super detailed, it may not come out exactly how you thought it would. I work best with a general idea and then I follow where the story wants to go, but I’ll do my best to give you what you ask for. 
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Q: What if my request is super dark/crazy/kinky?
A: You cannot scare me. You cannot offend me. The worst that will happen is I will tell you that I don’t think that I can do a good job with it and we move on. But… for the most part, anything way out there is super cool with me. I love a challenge.
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Q: How do I order one?
A: Send me an ASK (or message if you are able to, but only mutuals can) and let me know that you’re interested in a commission. I will then message YOU to discuss it. We’ll chat it out and if I feel like I can do your idea the justice it deserves, we will go from there!
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Q: How soon will I get my story?
A: These commissions will be my top priority and will be done as soon as possible. Which means, anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks. I don’t know for sure, but they will take top spot on my work list. Once it’s done, I will email you a copy of the story so you get it before anyone else!
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Q: How long will my story be? 
A: I know some writers work off of word counts, but I can’t do that. My one shots generally go from 1500-5000 words, depending on the story itself. You’re paying for a complete story, not an amount of words. If it takes 2k words to tell your story, then that’s what it is, if it takes 10K, that’s what it is. If I charged per word, I’d be more worried about making a word count than giving you the best story I can. 
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Q: How much?
A: $15 USD. That’s it. With that, you get my full imagination and writing skill, a complete fic based on your specifications as well as an accompanying story banner/art. You also get it sent directly to you so you can download it, read it offline, print it out and tape it to your walls, make a hat out of it, whatever you want, it’s yours. ;)
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Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Because my husband’s hours have been cut twice now and we have children to feed and a home to pay for and this is my full time job. Also, could be fun.
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Thank you so much for making it this far, and if you’re interested, considering it and talking to me about it. Even if we do chat and don’t go forward with the idea, no hard feelings, it’s all good. 
If you’d like to support my writing but don’t really want a commission, reblogs are amazingly helpful!! Spread the word. 
Also, my Patreon is churning out great stuff weekly, so take a look if you can. Lots of stuff for only $2 a month!
Thanks again! 
Much love, Beka <3 
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No pressure, tagging for interest and a boost if you’d be so kind <3 :
2020 Forever Tags:
@67-chevy-baby​​ @akshi8278 @akhuna01​​ @amanda-teaches​​ @because-imma-lady-assface​​ @blondemarvelchick​​ @blushingjared​​ @broiderie​​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​​ @classic-rock-angel​​ @cosicas-cuquis​​ @covered-byroses​​ @crashdevlin​​ @deansgirl215​​ @deans-baby-momma​​ @deangirl7695​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @deanwinchesterswitch​​ @defenderrosetyler​​  @dolphincliffs​​ @dontshootmespence​​ @edge-oftonight @emoryhemsworth​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @flamencodiva​​ @focusonspn​​ @herbologystudent252​​ @heycasbutt​​ @hornyandsmol​​ @ilovefanfic86​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @ilsawasanacrobat​​ @imjustadrummer​​ @impala-1979​​ @joseyrw​​ @justagirlinafandomworld​​ @justcallmeasmodeus​​ @katymacsupernatural​​ @laxe-from-outer-space @leatherandfrackles​​ @lessons-of-red​​​ @letsby​​ @letsdisneythings​​ @lonewolf471​​ @maddiepants​​ @mariekoukie6661​​ @meganwinchester1999​​ @missjenniferb​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​ @mummybear​​  @onethirstyunicorn​​ @our-jensen-ackles-love​​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​​ @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​​ @starboycas​​ @stephaniecanfield96us​​​ @stoneyggirl​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @thebookisbtr​​ @thehardcoveraddict​​ @thevelvetseries​​ @veevm​​​ @winchestersister55​​​ @wendibird​​ @winecatsandpizza​​ @winterpoohbear​​
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notepadsandtealeaves · 4 years ago
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about the blog please read before interacting/requesting
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↞ back to about the author
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|| my ao3 | m.lists | main blog ||
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|| i will write
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note: i default to gender neutral readers in an effort to be as inclusive as possible, tho i have no issues with writing gendered stuff on request.
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everything from fluff, to thirst, to straight up smut
i fucks heavily with angst lmao. h/c, h with no c? oh hells yes.
i also love me a good slowburn
fic, hcs, imagines, scenarios
reader inserts
character x character (so long as i’m familiar enough with the ship and it’s dynamics)
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|| i won’t write
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note: i also don’t personally write dark content, but i have no problems with people who do write it and-or read it, so there’s that. i’ll also never reblog it here so no worries there.
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pedo-shit, obviously
heavy gore in a sexy way (tho i have no issue with it otherwise)
i’m also kinda iffy on cheating, so generally that’s a no-go
anything related to tiktok. tbh i don’t get like 90% of the trends on there, like… do people actually enjoy putting strain on their relationships for internet points, or...??? i’m probably just too old to understand, and i’m okay with that lol.
there’s probably other stuff but this is just what i can think of off the top of my head
no shade to the people who like the non-super terrible things listed, btw, they’re just not my personal jam.
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|| other stuff to note
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⚪ any nsfw stuff i write will always be with characters that are at least 18 years old.
yes, i occasionally age up characters (because, yanno, people grow into adults, that’s how humans work), so if that bothers you either miss those works or this blog (and me) altogether.
i am not here to debate the morality of this with anyone, so any messages concerning this topic will be promptly deleted and their senders blocked.
⚪ if you make a request for something nsfw you’re gonna have to say it with your chest.
i.e. off anon and with a visible indicator of your age in your bio because i’m not going spelunking for that shit.
you can also send in an anonymous message with the handle for one of your side blogs if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your main.
i’m already more lenient about this than most, but once you start interacting with me directly i need to know what’s up for the safety of all parties involved.
⚪ i reserve the right to refuse any requests on any grounds.
i shouldn’t have to say this, but folk get real entitled real quick and i am too damn old to deal with that shit, esp. on the blue hellsite lmao.
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|| more stuff that probably shouldn’t need to be said, but imma say it anyways
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⚪ all non-reader characters/oc’s are property of their respective intellectual properties. i’m not here to make any money off of this so if the powers that be could not sue me, that’d be great lmfao.
⚪ in that same vein, my ocs and reader characters are mine.
⚪ also do not repost, copy, translate, or read my stuff on youtube or any other platforms without my express permission.
⚪ also, for the love of GOD keep my work well away from tiktok. i do not and never will have a tiktok, i am too old for that shit, it confuses (and low-key scares) me get offa my lawn
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I'm so scared to write about my oc after seeing all these confessions. I know that there are people that prefer reader insert fics, but I feel like this fandom (more than others) tends to be more toxic towards oc content creaters.
Imma answer this one instead of putting it in a confession since it is on anon & I got something I wanna say rq. 
In any fandom, no matter which one you’re in there is going to be nasty/toxic people who will not like your ocs/think they’re cringy/ect and this is from someone who had their oc put on a cringe blog when they were just starting out. People will be nasty for no reason if they don’t like something, even if they could easily block the person/blacklist a tag if it bothers them so much. 
(Also this is under the assumption you’re getting sent hurtful stuff in your inbox & half the time these people will not sent this off anon unless it’s a throw away) All the advice I can really give on this is to turn off anon, especially if you’re getting a lot of hateful anons 
I know it’s hard to ignore that kinda stuff, but it’s best not to post it if you do get it. If you love your oc and what you create with them and it makes you happy, keep doing it. I can assure you someone out there loves what you’re doing, even if they might stay quiet or it’s only a few. Let those few speak louder than the ones trying to bring you down for doing something that makes you happy. 
I’m not the best with words, so I hope this maybe helped a bit ^^ 
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hugsfromdad · 4 years ago
I've been mia on here, but not mia in the disaster bisexual front. So lemme fill you in
Okay, so idk if I've talked on here over the past few months about a cute cashier, but I can't seem to find it on my blog, so imma assume I haven't.
Back in mid August, I got my kitten. I got him 2 weeks earlier than expected, so the day before I picked him up, I had to run out and get his supplies. My friend was coming over that day, so we decided to hang out (outside) at my house, go get ice cream, and then go to the pet store for my stuff. after we got all that I needed, we went into Market Basket to buy some snacks so we could sit out in the parking lot and talk for a few hours. Well, that's where this story starts.
I looked hella fucking gay that day. (Striped button up UNbuttoned like halfway, my huge choker chain, and then my white washed levi's with a white 'Sisters' belt, and white converses. I can post a pic later if y'all want) so anyways, I was expecting to get some looks and stared. I did. Whatever. Well, were checking out at the speed aisle, and I notice eyes on me. I normally glace around when I'm checking out to see who is working, but I was met this time by the gaze of a cashier two rows back. I glanced down cause I didn't want to be rude, but when I check again, she was still looking at me. So I intentionally held her gaze for a few moments as I took note of what she looked like. Then I finished checking out and left with my friend.
While I'm a disaster bi and will focus and freak out over the smallest interraction with a cute person, I have become aware that most people (my friends) don't read into moments like that and will make fun of me if I do. That being said, I told myself it was probably just in my head and not that significant; that she was just checking out my outfit and clocking me as either a gay guy out with his girlfriend, (which was pretty much the case) or a couple getting some things.
WELL, so right as I was trying to not make anything out of it, my friend turns to me and goes. "Did you see that cashier staring at you? Like, she kept looking at you." And I was like "OKAY SO IT WASNT JUST ME" and she was like "no, she was really looking at you. She's really cute, too." And thus it began.
She's got a great style (also gorgeous even with a mask on, but I was more intrigued and attracted to her style). I told her that I liked her style a couple months ago and she repeated it back to me. She wears multiple necklaces, rings, and somehow makes her store uniform look cool. When I first really took note of her, my immediate thought was "she gives me west coast vibes." My best friend agreed with me when we were in the store together and she was there. And she might not be from the west coast, but if she told me she was from san Fransisco, I would believe it in a heartbeat. She got like a modern Marissa from the OC style. (I didn't watch the show, only those couple gay scenes with her character in it, so don't come for me)
So anyways, for the first 3-4ish months, my brain would short circuit as soon as we would lock eyes. Like, I can't describe it besides just a fog or a mental lockdown. I could like make eye contact, but I would just be in constant panic. I also couldn't imagine what to do next. Thus, I would panic and choose to go in a different aisle than hers for the first while. I didn't know what to do with a gorgeous woman who had eyes on me. (ALSO; I would like to state that her vibes and style are so immaculate, that I almost expect her to be gay. I thought she was clocking me as another gay person at first, but then I realized that we gays don't stare at someone of the opposite gender THIS much. So she could be gay. Idk. I'm good either way.)
Back to the panic: so it took me awhile to actually get the nerve up to choose her aisle when I could. Then we finally like interacted. I finally got her name, and I like asked her how she was. This happened like twice, and then there was a time I came in right after seeing my nephews(socially distanced). It was a slower day, so I didn't feel hurried in moving along. I asked her how her day was, and she answered and asked how mine was. I mentioner being happy cause I finally got to see my nephews after months of not. She then asked how old they were. We talked for a moment before I knew I have to go. It was as I was picking up my bag that I paused and looked at her and said "I've been meaning to say, I like your style." She like paused and said thanks, and that she liked mine as well. I then said something like "see you next time" and left.
From then, I'd see her when I went in, but almost every time she was in the wrong lane. We'd lock eyes as I walked in, and as I checked out and left, but we didn't get to like talk. That is, until I was tagging along shopping with my mum the day after fucking election night.
I don't think I need to say that I was more anxious and distracted than I had ever been when going in, and glued to my phone; refreshing google and watching the numbers come in. I don't think I even looked up when I walked in. I was in another place. I should also mention that I had noticed that the cute cashier (that's literally my nickname for her) usually worked on the weekends. This was a wednesday. So I was NOT paying sttention. I just followed my mum around the store while watching my phone and trying to do the math to see if there was a possibility that biden could win. Well, my mother eventually stuck us in line to check out, and asks me to get off my phone and help her unload, thats when I lift me head, and I'm staring directly into her eyes.
She was bagging for our aisle, so she was just standing there in my direct line of sight. And she has been watching me, waiting for me to fucking finally look up.
I'm sure I looked beyond stunned. Because I was. I honestly was so braindead from the day, that it took me a moment of staring back at to her process as to what was happening. I got it together quickly tho and bantered and talked with her a bit as she bagged and I helped load. She definitely was doing more than most, if that makes sense. I challenged her to fitting all of the groceries onto one cart cause she said she could. It was fun, and I think I again said "see you around* or something like that as we left.
And once again, once we got outside, my mother now goes "oh that bagger was cute." And I told her that that was the cute one I had mentioned before. THEN SHE GOES "oh yeah I picked up on that vibe of y'all." And I WANTED to ask her what that MEANT, but I didn't want to push it and then have my mother know/be able to make things awakrd.
ANYWAYS, 3 chapters in, lemme get to last months. I fucking got in anxiety meds. AND MY WORLD CHANGED. my mental block and fog was GONE. I could finally see a pathway through to like actually talking talking to her. SO, I pulled out a receipt, wrote down my number, and stuck it in my wallet for the next time I saw her.
Welp, the next time that was, she was in the wrong lane and teaching a new cashier what to do, so there was no way I was gonna try and insert myself into that situation. BUT, as I was walking both in and out, we locked eyes as usual, but this time as I was leaving, I did like a quick smile which caused me to squint my eyes for a half second. It almost looks like when a cat does their slow blink at you. I saw her respond to that and like smile back at me as I left. It was the first time I had ever done anything that was direct and nonverbally flirty.
So, I had to go again last night. And my parents were putting us in strict lockdown for the next 10 days, so we had to stock up. Before we left, I rewrote my note. And I told my best friends what was happening, and no matter what was the situation, I was gonna give her the note.
Well, she wasnt there. I was extremely disappointed.
Annnnd that leaves us here. It's gonna be a good 10-14 days before I'm allowed to go out, but youd better fucking believe it when I say that imma be giving her my number the moment I see her next. So wish me luck.
And also in case anyone asks; I don't want to try any dating apps cause I hate them. Also I'm half asleep now she don't have the energy to go back and edit this. Hopefully it's coherent.
So I guess I'll update y'all when I eventually get to leave the house and see her again
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feanor-the-dragon · 5 years ago
Since you asked for questions I figured now's as good as any time to ask. Where did Feanor-the-Dragon come from as a user name? I want to think you're referencing Feanor himself, and I've occasionally wondered how much More he could have gotten up to if he was a dragon.
Woo! Asks!
When I first really dove into the internet years ago, I was midway through the Silmarillion, and was absolutely enamored with the name Feanor and its meaning (Spirit of Fire," or something like that, I believe). I was also (and still am) super into dragons. I also liked to think that Feanor would hate to share his name with a dragon, and that amused me. I've had the username since the beginning of me having a username though, so I can't remember if there was anything any more specific than that, lol. Although I do remember some instances of me super-cringily explaining some full-length long-form version of the username (without being asked to) in "anon" comments on someone else's Tolkien-related fic on FF.net... some long version that had some super self-insert OC backstory to it or something. Not that I think that having an OC is cringey, mind. Self-insert all ye wish. My unsolicited explanation is the thing that sometimes haunts me. My only solace is that probably no one I had contact with afterward ever saw it.
...anywho, I think I digressed a little, but throwing that out there just caused that tiny part in the back of my mind that reminds me of mistakes like that to cringe so hard it combusted and died, so Imma leave it in the answer lol.
As far as what he would get up to if he were a dragon? Ooooh man... I doubt those silmarils would've ever left his hands (claws?), that's for sure.
Alternatively... a dragon gemsmith/linguist/artist who hoards praise and admiration for the beautiful things he makes. Like, he looks generous as all fuck, cause he makes all of these things of unbelievable beauty and then just gives them away... but at night, he sleeps on a hoard of straight-up hubris, resting his head on a pillow of the thought that all the elves are using his system of writing and writing it by the light of the gems he made from the light of those trees.
...now there's a fun thought.
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charmspoint · 4 years ago
Got tagged by @autumn-foxfire to do this ask game :3c
Name your top 5 favorite anime/manga! (or cartoons/shows if you’re not into anime and manga)
Here we go!
 1.      Beastars – Haru is right there in my profile pic you can't expect anything else. The anime is perfectly fine and I adore the op and the ed but it’s the manga where it’s really at. It remains one of the only manga where I could consistently keep up despite not being hugely involved with the fandom and I adore the world, I adore the characters and most of all I adore the expressions. The anime really suffers from having to be pretty and not allowing for the amount of stupid goat faces Louis makes, or Legosi’s puppy excitability or Haru just being a fucking wierdo. The only complaint I have is that I wish the girls got more screen time, they are amazing every time they appear I just wish they had more of a chance to. Especially Juno, Juno really suffered from being just dropped out of the plot. Also one of the lions’ should have been Louis’ age so they could have been gay together, like ye Louis’s ending makes sense but you will never be able to take away ‘I feel more at ease surrounded by male carnivores then with a female herbivore’, just let Louis be gay oh my god, even his fucking dad saw it. Anyway Beastars is great and I love it very much and I am very sad it’s done ;-;
 2.      Re: Creators – I have very conflicted opinions about this one, despite it being number two. I really owe it an objective rewatch because the second part of it really slapped me in the face with the sudden boatload of fanservice so much that it soured my opinion on it through the rest of the show. Paired with both of my favs getting the short end of the stick in two different ways, by the end of Re Creators I was left with a rather bitter taste in my mouth so I really want to see how it holds up once I know what will happen. So why is it so high up if all I do is complain about it? The first part was just that amazing. It was the first and only time I watched an anime and felt ‘wow this was written for ME, this was written with someone like me in mind’. A story has never felt so personal and so lovingly crafted and I just adored every bit of it and god every time I think about the good aspects of it I want to sit down and rewatch it again to reevaluate the bad. In the end it felt personal, it felt like it was speaking to me and it felt heartfelt and cared for and that for me is something special. Also Magane really needs her own show, like I remember thinking ‘shes izaya but better’ and if that doesn’t scream she needs her own show I don’t know what does. Still bitter at the way they just dropped her at the end my god.
 3.      Durarara – This one has been a giant in my fandom experience. I wrote my first fanfiction for Durarara and one of very indulgent self-insert stories lead to me roleplaying in private for the first time and the person I roleplayed with eventually introduced me to group roleplay (Blu if ur reading this I love u <3) so it kinda lead to the way I’m mostly active in fandom today and some of my favorite OC’s originated from making Durarara OC’s not to mention Izaya remaining one of my favorite characters ever and someone who I look to whenever I want to make a fun villain. Durarara is a show that is filled with complex human interactions and at some points it really seems like a love letter to humanity. We are all weird, we all have our rich inner lives, even people who look ordinary get up to some stuff you would never have guessed, that’s what it feels like it’s saying. I don’t know there is no objective way to talk about it because it’s been so ingrained in my fandom experience it will simply always remain one of my favorites, no two ways about it. The fics I wrote for Durarara when I was a teen were cringy af and horribly planned but I received so much positive comments and support and I think that always remained a big part of why I kept on writing and why I felt that writing is something that I’m good at. Even now, knowing how bad they were it just motivates me more to keep on improving and whenever I feel down about my writing I always think ‘well people liked that trash and this is better so some people will like this too’. It’s also the reason why I can’t stand cringe culture, honestly I think I’m even more grateful to all the people who saw my baby fics went ‘yikes that’s edgy’ and then didn’t comment, those guys were the real troopers.
  4.      Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki- Kun – number four is where the going gets tough because of my poor memory and differentiating shows I watched, remembered and liked, from shows that left some kind of impact. Nozaki-kun is a dumbass comedy anime/manga and it’s the only manga I can remember ever making me consistently laugh at loud and I feel that that earns it number four spot well enough. The characters are all just lovable and stupid and lovably stupid, and I honestly can’t say there is a pair I dislike. Like it never feels like ‘oh its x character chapter yawn’ it’s always a fun time no matter what the matchup is. I don’t have anything smart to say about it, it makes me laugh, it’s a good time, it doesn’t take itself seriously I love it.
 5.      Servamp – this really shouldn’t be here because I stopped halfway through the manga and STILL haven’t caught up. But Servamp is the manga that’s constantly on my mind and I never stop thinking ‘man I really should catch up’. The only reason I haven’t is cuz I’m so terribly bad at reading stuff online even though the arc I left off was tense and I really want to know what happened with Tsurugi and Wrath was just given a time to shine and aaaaa one day I’ll catch up. There’s really nothing to say about this show, it’s dumbass vampire shonen and I’m really not sure why I like it so much. The character designs are fun and on point and anime is kinda horrible CUZ THEY DIDN’T PUT IN A WHOLE ARC WHO DOES THAT, but the op is delightfully edgy and the ed is a shameless high school theater style rip off of the kekkai sensen sen ed which is just amazing in how bad and awkward it is. This ed is such awkward dumb trash and I somehow just love it more for it, like it’s so bold about being a trashy rip off, bby what is you doing. Honestly I can’t say anything objective about this series cuz it’s been so long since I actually read it but it lives in my head rent free and that must count for something. Slaps gold star on.
I feel like I should also mention Bnha cuz its the fandom I’m most active in but hvhjvj I mostly like the fanside of BNHA rather than the show itself. For the show itself i think its good with some great moments but that’s about it. I’m just here for fan shit cuz hori made such a wonderful sandbox.
Imma tag @megacarapa @prince-liest @viiyverns-den @livie-stark @lanamnesis and honestly whoever else wants to do this because i dont feel like doing so many tags anymore, i just have a lot of people whos answers i’m interested in uwu
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bileshroom · 6 years ago
Can you give a list of things your pony OC likes?? And maybe go into detail a bit about their personality?? I need to know for uh,, reasons?
oh lord now youve done it
imma just use ponytown screencaps bc im lazy and my arts too big
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this one ive renamed bile shroom bc its just supposed to be a silly lil self insert but hes really annoying, likes flying more than walking (even tho he sucks at it) and hanging out in trees or crashing into people
hes into bright colors, dense forests and those holographic knives
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this is an older dude (like 3 years old) Mocha, hes a grumpy bastard who refuses to sleep and runs purely on coffee alone, he runs a lil coffee shop n sells sweets n shit too, his adopted moms a Pegasus and he HATES flying
hes into like sitting by a cozy fire and drinking sweet coffee while reading
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speaking of this is his adopted mom, she teaches flying lessons and her names Miss Windy haha (her hairs not totally accurate, ponytown doesnt have many hair options lol)
shes very sweet and a bit over protective of her son constantly checking up on him n bringing him things she thinks he needs but doesnt really
shes v into care giving and bright cloudy skies 
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this dude was from an idea me and a few friends had having alicorns that control a season rather than the other ponies doing it kinda, he took over winter and was a pretty quiet and cold dude, but warmed up when his season was over, i cant remember his name but it was something like snow crest i think? yeah hes a chilly bitch
winter aesthetic u know
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raevenlywrites · 6 years ago
Character Creation Tag
Thanks for the tag @silvertalonwriteblr
In honor of Pride Month, I'm gonna answer for my first they/them character, Bo.
1) What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.?)
I knew I wanted to write someone with they/them pronouns. I've wanted to get more comfortable using them for myself, so I decided to practice it in fiction because literally everything I do is some kinda self insert
2) Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind?
I needed a new ei'den (basically camp counselor role in hyena groups) for James and his new den mates, one of whom is new in town cause she crossed some lines with her old ei'den. So I thought itd be kinda fun to write someone she couldnt put into a tidy gender box. Constanza not being able to figure them out delights Bo to no end.
3) How did you choose their name?
I wanted something gender neutral, and also this particular hyena group is pretty heavily into marital arts, so the bo staff just kinda popped into my head.
4) In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
Hyena shifters are a female dominant culture, and Bo feels conflict with that. I dont know if they're AFAB, AMAB, or intersex (Bo is very private, even from me) but for whatever reason, Bo wants to exist outside that binary. They want to be judged on their personality, not their sex or gender. So they deliberately cultivate confusion in that area, throwing other hyenas off balance so that they have to take the time to form a deliberate opinion, rather than making snap judgements.
5) Is there any significance behind their hair colour?
Only that I chose brown because I wanted Bo to be a "medium" character. Nothing much stands out about them, and they like it that way
6) Is there any significance behind their eye colour?
Same as above.
7) Is there any significance behind their height?
*points up*
8) What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story?
Bo and I share a lot of attitudes about the roles sex and gender should play in social interactions (spoiler alert: it shouldnt, mostly)
9) Are they based off of you, in some way?
Bo is more... something I'd like to cultivate in myself.
10) Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I *still* dont know what their sexuality is :P
11) What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
As I said, Bo is very private, even from me. I only have the vaguest idea of how they look. :/
12) How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
No where near as far as I'd like. Imma have to nail them down one of these days and drag their story out of them!
13) If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
Bo is challenging, with the intention of helping those around them grow.
Bo never answers questions outright if they can help it, preferring to answer questions with more questions.
14) What is something about your OC that can make you laugh?
Their smile. Bo smiles like the Mona Lisa, and its infectious.
15) What is something about your OC that can make you cry?
I worry about their backstory. I hope the reason they prefer to present themselves this way doesnt stem from tragedy, but knowing me, it probably does :/
16) Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Not yet. I am very tempted to make them intersex, but I'm afraid of doing it wrong, and I would very much regret writing a poor representation of that community.
17) What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC?
I recently discovered that Bo likes to free run! I think that's pretty badass ;)
18) What is your favourite fact about your OC?
Bo holds the current record in Wolfman Jack's hot wing eating contest: 37 diablo wings without water or milk!
Tagging back  @ill-write-when-im-dead @incandescent-creativity @sweetcatminteareblog  and @thekeyten
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sansloii-a · 6 years ago
coughs so am I allowed to request all of the “salty af munday meme” answers or—
oh my fucking god || @imbruedinfear​
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strap in y’all ‘cause someone wants to hear me complain
What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
if you post excessive ooc in quick sucession, i will unfollow you faster than the speed of light. i’ve done it in the past. i will not hesitate to do it in the future. i don’t care if it’s tagged. if i’m on and i see it, you’re gone, my friend.
What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh there was this one dude that legit tried to monopolize one of my old muses on another blog, got upset when i set a main ship for said muse, complained to me nonstop, was trying to use me to get back into rping with my friend group ( which he called “the popular group” for a reason I don’t understand to this day ), only wanted to ship, got pissy over a fucking pokemon au ( if you ever wanna hear about this, lemme know ), tried to insert a ship into every au we made automatically, tried to tell me how to write smut for no reason ( said he would read it and give me tips and everything ffs ), was an asshole to my sister ( who rped way back when but doesn’t anymore ), made several friends of mine uncomfortable to the point of leaving the rp scene for a bit, blamed other people for issues that he honestly had a part in causing, and a bunch of other things that i’m forgetting right now.
i figure that’s the worst because nothing has topped that. nothing. that happened years ago, though, so i’m good now. no one fucks with me like that anymore.
What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
i got about 10 asks from someone when i wanted to do other shit ( my asks that are in the double digits ) ‘cause they wanted me to send them an ask. annoyed me to hell and back and i promptly deleted those asks
 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  tough shit. i was not in the mood for games and i’m still not.
 Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz?
not that i know of??? i hope not ‘cause i worked real hard on all this and if you steal anything from me, i’m gonna throw a huge-ass heaping of karma your way.
 How many people don’t like you?
i dunno. i’d say none but i know not everyone is going to like me so if you’re out there and you don’t like me, you’re entitled to that. don’t tell me, though, ‘cause i don’t wanna know if you don’t like me.
How many people do you not like?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don’t really care enough to actively not like anyone. you can annoy me but unless you piss me off and continue to piss me off, you get stuck on the “do not care” list. 
Have you managed to stay away from drama?
i give advice when needed on how to avoid whoever my convo partner is talking about and i avoid getting involved. unless it’s like… a close friend or involves a close friend, i refuse to get in the middle of whatever issue people have. i’m not about to have my ass dragged into problems that do not concern me.
i don’t cause drama either so that’s also how i stay away from it. 100% guaranteed to keep you out of drama.
Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
personal/friend drama? yes. rp drama? see above.
none of that was fun btw. it was a lot of me getting angry, being frustrated with certain behaviors, having to cut people out for doing shit/saying shit that they knew they shouldn’t have and refusing to recognize that they have fucked up and use that to change their behavior, etc. it’s draining and not fun and i’m pretty sure it shaved years off my life but y’know, it is what it is. the most i can do about it is look out for myself and keep out of relationships that will put me in those situations again.
Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
no because i used to be friends with people that weren’t straightforward with shit and made excuses instead of changing their behavior. i don’t wanna go into it ‘cause and i can’t remember all the details but boy, peace was hard to come by and it didn’t last long. i wasn’t going to try to bring peace if people didn’t really seem to want it and level with each other.
How long do you stay mad?
depends on what you do, tbh, but it’s a couple hours at least. a couple days at most.
What’s your rp pet peeve? ( i have a lot of these )
playing “find the links” on someone’s blog. if i can’t find your links, i’ll try “/rules”, “/r.”, “/g.” and whatever else i can think of to get your rules and a couple more things to get your muse’s about. however, i shouldn’t have to and it takes little effort to make it so that your links are easily distinguishable from the background. if i don’t find them, i don’t find them. and i don’t follow/follow back
Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
nope. not now, not ever.
 Have you ever been forgiven when you knew you shouldn’t have been?
i’ve never been in a situation where i’ve had to be forgiven for stuff i’ve done so no.
What fads/trends are you so over?
the first thing i thought of was the fucking double ampersands thing that was everywhere at some point. those annoyed me so much and i’m so glad they’re gone. super small text needs to die too. i may not wear glasses but i sure as shit ain’t straining my eyes to see what you’ve written in 3px font. 
honestly, a lot of the excessive aesthetic shit that sacrifices accessibility for #aesthetic
Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
nope, nope. nu-uh. if i knew for a fact that this person was abusive in that moment, i wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. absolutely fucking not. 
Have you ever made a public call out post?
-loud snort- hell no.
What has made you completely lose your chill?
honestly? look at my worst experience and that about sums up shit that has made me lose my chill. you really gotta push my fucking buttons to make me mad ‘cause i’m usually pretty laid back.
What do you think about public call out posts?
answered here
A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting? 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dunno. i’ve only been in one before and that was f.ire e.mblem
 A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
imma be real honest with y’all--the only fandom i’ve been in that i will acknowledge is f.ire e.mblem and i had a pretty sweet time there. i had some ups and downs but it was an overall good experience for me. it was pretty open and inviting in my opinion but i tended to stay away from the douchebags in the fandom ‘cause i just wanted to have a good time there.
Thoughts on duplicates following you?
 if i have duplicates of my oc following me, i’ll have a whole fucking cow 
Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
i don’t think it’s forced interaction most of the time ( with sentence starters, symbol memes, memes that take literally zero fucking effort to send in ) ‘cause... everyone likes getting stuff, y’know. if you wanna reblog it from someone, just take a moment to send something in if the interaction is feasible. that’s the key thing here. if it’s feasible, then i don’t see the issue with sending something in before you reblog it from someone ( especially if you’re mutuals ). if it isn’t and you just wanna reblog it, reblog it from the source. it’s not that serious.
if someone nitpicks you for rebloging the same meme they did but you reblogged it from the source, i wouldn’t feel too bad. you know what’s best for your muses and if you don’t feel like the meme is cohesive for interactions, then that’s your prerogative and the 
Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
answered here
Has someone been jealous of you?
i’ve only been told that someone was jealous of me once and it was a long time ago. i have never heard that from anyone again ( not that i remember, at least )
Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
mhm! but it usually comes when i’m feeling super down about my blog and doubting my ocs ( which isn’t often ). when i do get jealous, it’s over interactions and the like and my big dumb galactic brain is like “wow, don’t you wish you had those interactions? don’t you wish you were rping with those people?” and makes me feel bad about the interactions i have, the speed at which i reply, my ocs, how many people are interesting in my ocs, etc. however, this shit doesn’t last long ‘cause i have a bunch of wonderful people that motivate me to get out of that funk and just... focus on what i have instead of what i’m seeing on my dash. i remind myself that i’m here to have fun and i shouldn’t try to match my experience to others’
How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
more formatting, smaller icons, more focus on having a fancy ass theme, more formatting, more callout posts, less communication in some regard, more reminders for communication.more psa posts, more formatting--
honestly, i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and most of it is a blur lmao. i probably don’t remember everything ‘cause i was.... 15 when i started rping on here. i’m 22 now. i’m sure a lot has changed in seven years but i definitely haven’t seen it all.
Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
i’m currently a fandomless blog and boy, is it a lot more fun XD i have a lot more creative liberty and i can shape the world my muses live in to my liking, as opposed to following or just adding onto what the fandom universe already is. it’s a lot of work and it takes a ton of time but it’s fun and i’m enjoying every second of it! 
How salty are you feeling right now?
answered here but i’ll just say it again: not salty. just tired and rambly because holy shit this took a while
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