veesstar0555 · 10 months
sirius: *driving* ERR. GIVE WAY TO THE FUCKING LEFT??
sirius: stupid old bin
remus: i think its the right mate?
sirius: oh yeah, that does sound familiar.
james: *hanging on for dear life in the backseat*
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spookberry · 4 months
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So lost in the sauce of making a short film and bringing my ocs to life that for a second I forgot internet weirdos with no media literacy actually hate teen girls and will not like Tiara 😔
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kruzidula · 7 months
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making a new freak hehehe
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ughgoaway · 10 months
Dying to know what you would write for y/n’s first Mother’s Day with Matty and Annie
this is so so interesting to think about!!!!
so I think for the first mothers Day when you're with matty, nothing out of the ordinary happens. or nothing out of the ordinary happens to you anyway.
you ask matty a few days before how Annie feels about it, and he casually says, "Oh, she doesn't really mind. she knows it's coming, and to her, it's just another day!" So you treat it like that too.
you don't go out of your way to comment on it or make a big deal. You just get on with your day! the same cannot be said for matty...
he doesn't think Annie feels any way about it, seemingly like her normal bubbly self. But just as he's taking her to bed- she says something.
he feels strange the whole day. this is the first time he's had a girlfriend that annie knows about, and it's an actual serious relationship.
he knows it's way too soon, and you're not Annie's mum, but it kind of feels like you are?? and he's not sure how to feel.
"Did you have a good Mother's Day, Daddy?"
matty pauses and looks at Annie confused before slowly saying, "... yes, I did, sweetheart. why do you ask?"
"You were being weird around y/n allllllll day," Annie answers, organising her toys carefully as she speaks.
matty decided not to share this internal monologue with Annie and simply said, "Oh. I didn't mean to be. I'm just worried about you i think munchkin"
had he been? matty thought he'd been pretty normal, casual, and cool. but if Annie had noticed- he definitely had not been.
fuck he hope you didn't notice (you didn't, too distracted by trying a new banana bread recipe lol)
"Why?" Annie said with a scrunched up face, matty had to stifle a laugh at her confused face.
"I know it must be hard on days like this because your mummy isn't in our lives. I just want to make sure my best girl is okay. " matty strokes Annie's head as she lies down to sleep.
"I'm fine, Daddy." she says nonchalantly, "Plus, y/n is like my mummy now anyway, so maybe next year we can all have fun"
with that, she drifts off, leaving matty in stunned silence. he truly is just 👁👄👁 for 10 minutes.
he doesn't mention it to you, but he does think about it INTENSELY.
now cut to a few years later, you and matty are going strong (perhaps even engaged...) and it's rolling up to mothers Day again.
and this year- you both feel odd.
you really had become Annie's mum. you sent out family cards from the 3 of you, you go to her parent's evenings (when you can slip away from doing them yourself lol) and you have lived with them for a while.
you do everything for Annie and love her endlessly. She feels like your own child.
matty stirs awake and sees you lying there, voice heavy with sleep he asks, "Are you alright, baby? why are you awake?"
so you bring it up to matty.
One night, you're lying in bed awake, and it's far too late, but you're just staring at the ceiling.
in your sleep deprived state, you don't hesitate to get straight to the point, "Am I Annie's mum?"
Well... that was NOT what matty was expecting to hear. this wasn't a topic he thought he'd be tackling at 3am on a Wednesday but, fuck it! here he goes.
"...what brought this up, babe?" matty asks tentatively, pulling you into his chest. you rest your head on him and sigh heavily before speaking.
"Um... I think that really depends on how you and annie feel. from my perspective? yes?" matty sounds unsure as he speaks, feeling like he's walking on egg shells
"I don't wanna scare you or anything, but you are practically her mum." matty pauses for a reply, but you stay silent, the only audible noise being your joint breathing.
"I don't know, with mothers Day coming up, it's just been on my mind. I feel like a mother, I act like a mother, and I do everything a mother does. but am I a mum? I didn't give birth to her, and I wasn't here from the start, so it feels selfish to call myself one and-"
matty shushes you and cuts off your rant before it goes too far, "its not selfish, sweetheart - it's realistic." matty pauses and takes a breath before continuing.
"If it helps, Annie said you were already her mum that very first mothers Day you spent with us. so I wouldn't think too deeply about it. " he shrugs as he speaks and turns the bedside lamp off.
matty had assumed this would calm you - it did not.
"Don't worry about it, babe. I'll do it," matty says, bringing you back down and wrapping the duvet around the two of you.
"WHAT." You pull up and look at matty wide-eyed, leaning over him and flicking the light back on
he looks back confused, and you really have to take a moment to realise hes not being intentionally dumb.
"Why did you only just decide to tell me this??? it's been years, Matthew!!! oh god, this changes everything. I have to talk to her about it. fucking hell-"
so he did! it was the day before mothers Day, and you were out shopping with charli. she needed a new dress for a fancy date george was talking her on, and you were more than happy to help!
"of course"
Annie was peacefully sat on the sofa watching high school musical 2 with mayhem. He was peacefully snoring in her lap as she sang along to fabulous (the best hsm movie and the best song, btw)
"So... Annie, how are you..."
fuck. Why would he ask that?? what a shit way to start.
Annie pauses and looks at matty weirdly before responding, "okay i think?"
"Good, good... can we talk?"
"Do you want to do anything for mothers Day this year? for y/n, i mean. not me or anything. that would be weird." matty stops himself going off on a tangent and coughs awkwardly and waits for a response.
Annie pauses the movie and nods tentatively, matty sits next to her and can't help but jump straight in.
his nerves were ruining any chance at a coherent thought.
5 seconds feels like 5 hours, but he couldn't be more relieved when she excitedly says, "Yes!!! oh, please, can we!?! I want to get her flowers and chocolates!!"
matty sighs a breath of relief and nods. He grabs his keys and says, "Definitely. let's go to tesco then, cmon!"
the next morning, matty is up early... suspiciously early.
you wake up to whispered voices and hear a tray clanging slightly,
annie and matty saying "surprise!!" wakes you up fully, and you are shocked to see them with a tray of pancakes, coffee, and a bouquet of flowers.
immediately you tear up, but you have to ask to make sure you're not misinterpreting this.
"Oh wow! what's all this???" You say sitting up as matty puts the tray next to you on the bed.
"Happy mothers Day!!!" squeals Annie excitedly, "Dad said I was finally allowed to give you presents today!" she smiles big as she finishes, almost looks anxious awaiting your response.
tears start rolling down your cheeks, and you pull Annie in, squeezing her so tight she loses all the air in her lungs.
"Oh, Annie. thank you so so much. I love you, sweetheart." You pull back and wipe your tears, and Annie can't look happier, gummy smile and bright eyes staring back at you.
shyly, she says, "You're welcome. i love you too"
"You want to share my pancakes, sweet girl?" You ask, already cutting it up for the two of you.
"yes!!!" Annie says bouncing on the bed.
matty might as well not be there, but that is honestly exactly how he wanted to feel.
you don't need him. you're Annie's parent now too.
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silkysong · 7 months
im not sorry for the person ill be until 17th of may
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fruitwanderer · 2 years
Impatiently waiting for the new Life Series season to drop so I can see Impulse and Bdubs’ messy divorce <3
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The layout of this chart from a mobile game ad is making me contemplate.
The opposite of angel is apparently mutant that kinda tracks. Divinity otherworldly vs sciency mundane.
Mecha vs demon kinda similar vibe. Man made horrors vs divine horrors.
But the dragon opposite zombie is sending me. Lizard to dead sliding scale.
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sleeeepy-demon · 11 months
its really weird like, getting to the point in life where you are allowed to be a person, and you have to like, find out what the fuck you want to be?
When you get over enough symptoms and weirdness in our brain and now you can fill it with whatever you want I don't even know what gender or name or style or vibe I have or want to have, there's all this empty boxes and the pressure to find the right thing to fill them in
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tildemoe · 2 years
I like those drawings boy. the one pieces and that league of legends
thank you boss ill try to keep it up o7
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gun-lavashovel · 2 years
the npcs after i do the easiest least time consuming task
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schmabbald · 6 months
wake up after a 2 hour nap on the sofa with a headache and dehydrated and eczema on my wrists and dry lips and no future
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xomoosexo · 10 months
needs to be less than george's last big stream so i'm going with 20k
im not sure about that. george's stream was basically unannounced with all the same friends that are often in his streams. karls is a big event he's been hyping up for like an entire year at no end with one of the biggest spanish streamers on it. I'd prefer if it was less than georges tho.
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myowndesertplaces · 11 months
That was everything I have been waiting for with Laudna. What a great first half.
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amy-bonsai · 1 year
im so used to the drama of mcyttwt in general my first thought after the tourney was that at least no one can give smant shit over the $10k internet issue
Oh god I didn't even think of that I completely forgot about twitter. I think if it had gone the other way, there still wouldn't have been drama. Like smant did his best any time an issue came up to resolve it in the most fair way possible and make sure that everyone involved was okay with the outcome
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calligraphycaliper · 1 year
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Leaving aside the whole debate about the ethics of AI art and copyright, I think one of my biggest gripes with the AI art industry is that generative AI art has this natural tendency towards producing weird and surreal imagery that I actually think DOES have a lot of artistic merit and potential if explored and leaned into as one of the unique strengths of the medium.
Like, when AI image generators were at the stage imbetween the vaguely recognizable imagery produced by neuralblender and the type of generators we're seeing today, they were producing really fascinating imagery that I'd argue had value as a contribution to the art landscape that was entirely unique to AI, since the weird surreal quality of the images was the result of Machine Learning programs interpreting words and images in a fundamentally different way than humans do.
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Like i'd argue shit like this indisputably has a place as its own artistic style/medium, it's surreal and weird in ways which are completely distinct from what a human artist could produce because its unique strengths come from details that are inscrutable, ambiguous, and hard to parse to the human mind, which a human artist would have an extremely hard time mentally visializing, let alone translatong into an art piece.
But since the main selling point of AI art for both the people making these generators and the teach aficinados who are a little too into them is that AI art can serve as a cheaper/faster replacement and/or alternative for the work of human artists, progress is measured not in terms of how well they can use and explore the distincly non-human quality of AI art, but instead in terms of how well they can supress it to make it more closely mimic the work of human artists. So all advancement in the tech is geared towards progressively getting rid of the things I find artistically interesting about the medium instead of towards leaning into them as strengths that give it a unique, artistically worthwile style.
Like, I don't think AI art is inherently "soulless" or devoid of artistic merit, but I do think the focus on trying to make it increasingly indistinguishable from art produced by humans strips away the things that gave it artistic merit to me. This thing can produce imagery that is weird and wild and hard for us to even conceive but the profit motive's tendency towards rewarding homogenization has neutered that to turn it into a factory of increasingly bland, generic, serviceable imagery.
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