#imago mundi
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Babylonian Map of the World (6th century BC), also known as Imago Mundi, is oldest clay tablet map written in Akkadian.
The tablet describes the oldest known depiction of the known world.
It was discovered at Sippar, southern Iraq, 60 miles north of Babylon on east bank of Euphrates River.
This map not only serves as a historical record of the region's geography but also includes mythological elements, providing a comprehensive view of the ancient Babylonian worldview.
Today, the Babylonian Map of the World is housed in the British Museum, where it continues to be a valuable artifact for understanding the ancient past.
Details of the map:
1. “Mountain” (Akkadian:šá-du-ú)
2. “City” (Akkadian: uru)
3. Urartu (Armenia) (Akkadian: ú-ra-áš-tu)
4. Assyria (Akkadian: kuraš+šurki)
5. Der (Akkadian: dēr)
6. Swamp (Akkadian: ap–pa–ru)
7. Elam (Akkadian: šuša)
8. Canal (Akkadian: bit-qu)
9. Bit Yakin (Akkadian:bῑt-ia-᾿-ki-nu)
10. “City” (Akkadian: uru)
11. Habban (Akkadian: ha-ab-ban)
12. Babylon (Akkadian: tin.tirki), divided by Euphrates
13. Ocean (salt water, Akkadian:idmar-ra-tum)
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myarchitectphil · 6 months
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A man named Willian Penn founded a city called Philadelphia in the seventeenth century, four square and oriented to the cardinal points, in the age old image of Eden - the Imago Mundi. At the center was an open square, a navel, on which at the end of the 19th century a tower was built as part of city hall. This Axis Mundi is visible for miles around, announcing to all that the City of Brotherly Love, heir to the ancient Philadelphia of the Bible (now Amman, the capital of Jordan), gathers men together under the protection of God.
In the 1980’s an architect from Philadelphia, born in Rome – Aldo Giurgola - won a competition to design the new capitol building of Australia in Canberra, a new city laid out at the beginning of the century. This man-made mountain, four square, has at its center the flag of the nation, an Axis Mundi calling citizens together under the sign of the natural order of the cosmos.
And so we secular folk continue down to the 21st century to re-enact the rituals of life whose meaning continues to reverberate despite our ignorance of their origins.
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philaretey · 6 months
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A man named Willian Penn founded a city called Philadelphia in the seventeenth century, four square and oriented to the cardinal points, in the age old image of Eden - the Imago Mundi. At the center was an open square, a navel, on which at the end of the 19th century a tower was built as part of city hall. This Axis Mundi is visible for miles around, announcing to all that the City of Brotherly Love, heir to the ancient Philadelphia of the Bible (now Amman, the capital of Jordan), gathers men together under the protection of God.
In the 1980’s an architect from Philadelphia, born in Rome – Aldo Giurgola - won a competition to design the new capitol building of Australia in Canberra, a new city laid out at the beginning of the century. This man-made mountain, four square, has at its center the flag of the nation, an Axis Mundi calling citizens together under the sign of the natural order of the cosmos.
And so we secular folk continue down to the 21st century to re-enact the rituals of life whose meaning continues to reverberate despite our ignorance of their origins.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Gerhild Ebel, Letter IV, (detail), (mixed media), 2015 [Imago Mundi Collection, Treviso. © Gerhild Ebel]
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pikasus-artenews · 2 years
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L’Europa non cade dal cielo. (Riflessioni attraverso l’arte contemporanea) L’arte contemporanea occupa Treviso offrendo, in quattro distinte sedi espositive, alcune riflessioni sull’Europa attraverso l’arte contemporanea
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 Babylonian Map of the World, 8th or 7th Century B.C.
The Babylonian Map of the World (also Imago Mundi or Mappa mundi) is a Babylonian clay tablet with a schematic world map and two inscriptions written in the Akkadian language. It includes a brief and partially lost textual description.
The tablet describes the oldest known depiction of the known world. Ever since its discovery there has been controversy on its general interpretation and specific features. Another pictorial fragment, VAT 12772, presents a similar topography from roughly two millennia earlier.
The map is centered on the Euphrates, flowing from the north (top) to the south (bottom), with its mouth labelled "swamp" and "outflow". The city of Babylon is shown on the Euphrates, in the northern half of the map. Susa, the capital of Elam, is shown to the south, Urartu to the northeast, and Habban, the capital of the Kassites, is shown (incorrectly) to the northwest. Mesopotamia is surrounded by a circular "bitter river" or Ocean, and seven or eight foreign regions are depicted as triangular sections beyond the Ocean, perhaps imagined as mountains.
The tablet was excavated by Hormuzd Rassam at Sippar, Baghdad vilayet, some 60 km north of Babylon on the east bank of the Euphrates River. It was acquired by the British Museum in 1882 (BM 92687); the text was first translated in 1889. The tablet is usually thought to have originated in Borsippa. In 1995, a new section of the tablet was discovered, at the point of the upper-most triangle.
Clay, Height: 12.2 cm (4.8 in), Width: 8.2 cm (3.2 in)
Courtesy: British Museum
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scifiseries · 2 years
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Imago Mundi by Death Burger ( Josan Gonzalez )
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mariammaher · 1 year
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miirshroom · 10 months
Thinking about how Elden Ring serves as a Spiritual Successor to a Certain Fantasy Series
I find fascinating the lore ouroboros from reading Elden Ring in context of the Wheel of Time and vice versa. Significant spoilers ahead for Elden Ring and minor spoilers for Wheel of Time.
There's the surface level stuff like:
The Erdtree Guardians wield sword-spears and are guarding offshoots of the Tree of Life like the Aiel with Avendesora? Neat!
The previous Elden Lord fought with an axe and was succeeded by an Elden Lord who fights with a hammer and runs with wolves? Sounds a lot like the character arc of Perrin Aybarra. The Beastman of Farum Azula in Limgrave could even be a wolf brother who was "lost to the wolf"
Interesting choice to have a Commander Niall at Castle Sol, considering that Wheel of Time has Pedron Niall, the Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. A villain who thinks that his cause is righteous. This has...implications...considering Miquella's connection to Castle Sol...
It gets more pointedly specific:
Raya Lucaria academy being located in a anatomically shaped body of water and governed by a woman sounds pretty similar to Tar Valon. But maybe it's just a trick of my eyes that the lake looks like an anatomical heart with the roadways and landmasses located at the major veins and arteries (I've sketched this out and it seems legit - it's an uncommonly seen angle of the heart though)
Radagon's name can be rearranged to "a dragon", is red-haired like Rand al'Thor, and his personal rune is a loose rendering of a woven Pattern - one of the central motifs of Wheel of Time. That seems a little beyond simple homage by GRRM to the works of a fellow author who he was well acquainted with (a nod from one book in A Song of Ice and Fire: "Archmaester Rigney wrote that history is a wheel, that the nature of man is fundamentally immutable. According to him, what has already happened will happen again, without remedy.").
So, what can Elden Ring be saying about Wheel of Time, a series that infamously has lingering questions that will never be answered due to literal death of the author.
There's a statue of a bearded man in the underground areas with a tablet at his feet that depicts the Imago Mundi - a real world artefact that is a map of Mesopotamia. This is implied to be the earliest age of civilization in Elden Ring just as real world civilization emerged from the river basin between the Tigres and Euphrates Rivers. This is where the ouroboros wraps back around to realizing that there may be some symbolism in Wheel of Time beginning at protagonist Rand al'Thor's home in a region called the Two Rivers.
The "Loux" in Hoarah Loux is a Germanic surname meaning "Lynx Eyed", or having sharp eyesight. The kind of eyesight that would be useful for a man out at sea navigating by the stars. The Prologue of Wheel of Time begins with the previous incarnation of the Dragon before Rand, a man named "Lews" Therin Telamon. "Theron" is a Greek word meaning "hunter". "Telamon" is the name of one of the Argonauts who sailed with Jason to find the Golden fleece. So the full name could mean "sharp eyed hunter, a seeker of the Golden fleece". It seems appropriate that Rand the 'Dragon Reborn' starts off his journey as a shepherd who tends sheep.
The Western Zodiac consists of 12 astrological signs (and sometime Ophiuchus), of which Aries is the first sign. The story associated with the constellation Aries is the story of the Golden Fleece. Wheel of Time was also supposed to be 12 books long. It was very important to author James Rigney (pen name Robert Jordan) that the series end with the 12th book - but circumstances being what they were the series eventually concluded with Brandon Sanderson writing the 12th, 13th and 14th volumes.
That's about as much as can be covered without getting really into the deep lore of Wheel of Time. I have a lot more thoughts about how both Wheel of Time and Elden Ring are thematically bound to the wheel of Vedic Astrology and invoking themes of a dreamlike collective unconsciousness (the Jungian thing). Also the alchemy stuff.
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PòLIS - Gianpiero Menniti racconta la Comunicazione l'Arte e la Politica
Questa volta un racconto d'arte di una pittrice insolita, Selina Spolverini. Osservo le opere che ha pubblicato in un volume assai curato dal titolo: "Stupenda follia". È anche il titolo di un suo dipinto, quello che campeggia in copertina. Non leggo nulla, osservo solo i dipinti. Qualcosa non torna, provoca disagio: il segno mostra tratti originari, ancestrali, mentre le placche di colore, estese e tormentate, introducono in una sorta di caos simmetrico, come di nebbia che per istanti si dirada in zone precise, sospinta da folate rivelatrici e fugaci. Decido di leggere le sue parole e finalmente comprendo quella sensazione di faticoso stentare. E si apre la soglia di un mondo...
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stephanspiritual · 7 days
World's oldest map dating back 3,000 years reveals surprising details
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myarchitectphil · 6 months
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In this holy week we in Philadelphia may happen to think of St. Augustine, who wrote the City of God to absolve Christianity of the fall of Rome, instead making of Rome the triumph of Christianity, the City of God. But all cities in the traditional world of religion were attempts to found on earth a home in the image of the sacred order of the cosmos.
Scholars of religion will tell you of the search of religious man in archaic societies to orient himself to the eternal in a chaotic and hostile world.
He looks for the center where a break through occurs, from plane to plane, a vertical axis that connect Heaven, Earth and Hell. It is where the hero - Christ in the case of Christians - ascends or descends and the life-giving energy flows down to this world.
This Axis Mundi, as it is called in Latin, pierces the earth at the navel of the world.
From the point of the axis spreading out in four directions religious man recreates an image of the sacred order of God in this world. He creates an Imago Mundi, the image of God’s perfect world, Eden.
Genesis describes how four rivers ran to the four cardinal directions from a source in the center of Eden.
Two of these rivers were the Tigris and the Euphrates, which do not in fact run at a right angle to each other but roughly parallel through what is now Iraq.
The archetypical Islamic garden with its water channels reproduces this image of the Garden of Eden.
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philaretey · 6 months
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In this holy week we in Philadelphia may happen to think of St. Augustine, who wrote the City of God to absolve Christianity of the fall of Rome, instead making of Rome the triumph of Christianity, the City of God. But all cities in the traditional world of religion were attempts to found on earth a home in the image of the sacred order of the cosmos.
Scholars of religion will tell you of the search of religious man in archaic societies to orient himself to the eternal in a chaotic and hostile world.
He looks for the center where a break through occurs, from plane to plane, a vertical axis that connect Heaven, Earth and Hell. It is where the hero - Christ in the case of Christians - ascends or descends and the life-giving energy flows down to this world.
This Axis Mundi, as it is called in Latin, pierces the earth at the navel of the world.
From the point of the axis spreading out in four directions religious man recreates an image of the sacred order of God in this world. He creates an Imago Mundi, the image of God’s perfect world, Eden.
Genesis describes how four rivers ran to the four cardinal directions from a source in the center of Eden.
Two of these rivers were the Tigris and the Euphrates, which do not in fact run at a right angle to each other but roughly parallel through what is now Iraq.
The archetypical Islamic garden with its water channels reproduces this image of the Garden of Eden.
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sorrynoroomsavailable · 2 months
Олег Харч учасник резиденції Вибачте Номерів Немає у серпні-вересні 2024 року
Народився у місті Суми в 1963 році. З 1980 по 1985 роки навчання на факультеті будівельної технології в Дніпрі (тоді Дніпропетровський інженерно-будівельний інститут). 1981- 83 рр навчався в художній студії Станіслава Черевко у м.Дніпро (Дніпропетровськ). В своїх наївно сюрреалістичних творах я висвітлюю паралельну реальн��сть, яка константо тяжіє до деконструкції існуючих на цей день історичних подій, як в персональному житті пересічного українця (мене) так і на соціо-політичному театрі (умовне суспільство). Завдячуючи текстам-зображенням я маю можливість звужувати поле уяви глядача, тим самим досягаючи максимальної різкості в ідейному виражені та доводжу концепт до майже гротескного (де присутні комізм, сарказм чи то іронія) градусу кута зору споживача плодів моїх старань. Тематично це можуть бути особиста історія, соціально політичне потрясіння, історичні міфологія, вплив людини на навколишнє середовище. 
Олег Харч український сучасний художник, що працює у фігуративному напрямку актуального мистецтва. Новий наїв (або як відзначив мистецтвознавець, історик Олег Сидор-Гібелінда – квазі-наїв), що й проявлялося в творчості художника цитатами з пост- концептуального часу в урізноманітнених сучасних техніках. Його мистецтво занурюється в колажі з паперу, асамбляж, традиційний живопис, вуличні проекти. А також в діджітал-арт, відео роботах, інсталяціях, перфомативних практиках та різних інтернет медіа. Олег піднімає питання «Хто ми, звідки ми та куди прямуємо?».
Впродовж крайніх років митець бере участь у численних (понад 60) персональних і групових виставках, включаючи в таких значних інституціях: 4-а та 5-а Одеські Бієнале, KYIV ART WEEK 2019 в Україні, а також Португалії - XXII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira, США - Художній музей Торранса та Італії «Україна: Оповідання. Сучасні митці», MAXXI - Національний музей мистецтв 21 століття в м.Римі. Роботи автора знаходяться в Кмитівському музеї образотворчого мистецтва імені Й.Д.Буханчука, Imago Mundi Collection власником котрої є італійський колекціонер Лучіано Бенеттон (Luciano Benetton) а живописний твір з серії "Такі вони заробітки" «Ремонт — стан душі» входить до музейної колекції Мистецького Арсеналу. Авторська рукописна книга художника "Ватна Бухгалтерія" від листопада 2023 року придбана в колекцію збірок манускриптів Бібліотеки Прінстонського Університету Штату Нью Джерсі. 
Програма резиденція ВНН звертає увагу на роль культури та мистецтва в часи російсько-української війни, має на меті реалізацію інституційно критичних проектів пов'язаних з культурною спадщиною (матеріальною і нематеріальною), розвитком художньо-культурних інституцій.
Програму резиденції ВНН та участь Філатової Марії-Луїзи реалізовано завдяки грантовій підтримці від The Académie des beaux-arts in Paris (French Academy of Fine Arts)
Oleg Kharch participant of the residence Sorry No Rooms Available in August - September 2024
Oleg Kharch was born in the city of Sumy in 1963. From 1980 to 1985 he studied at the Faculty of Construction Technology in Dnipro (then the Dnipropetrovsk Engineering and Construction Institute). 1981-83 studied at the art studio of Stanislav Cherevko in Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk). In my naively surrealist works, I highlight a parallel reality that constantly gravitates towards the deconstruction of current historical events, both in the personal life of an average Ukrainian (me) and in the socio-political theater (conditional society). Thanks to the texts-images, I have the opportunity to narrow the field of the viewer's imagination, thereby achieving the maximum sharpness in the ideological expression and bringing the concept to an almost grotesque (where comedy, sarcasm or irony is present) degree of the angle of view of the consumer of the fruits of my efforts. Thematically, it can be personal history, socio-political upheaval, historical mythology, human impact on the environment. 
Oleg Kharch is a Ukrainian contemporary artist working in the figurative direction of current art. The New naive (or as noted by the art critic and historian Oleh Sydor-Hibelinda – quasi-naive), which was manifested in the artist's work with quotations from the post-conceptual era in various modern techniques. His art is immersed in paper collage, assemblage, traditional painting, and street projects. Also in digital art, video works, installations, performative practices and various internet media. Oleg raises the question "Who are we, where are we from and where are we going?".
Over the years, the artist has participated in numerous (over 60) personal and group exhibitions, including in such important institutions: the 4th and 5th Odesa Biennials, KYIV ART WEEK 2019 in Ukraine, as well as Portugal - XXII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira, USA - Art Museum of Torrance and Italy "Ukraine: Stories. Contemporary artists'', MAXXI - National Museum of 21st Century Art in Rome. The author's works are in the Kmytiv Museum of Fine Arts named after Y. D. Bukhanchuk, Imago Mundi Collection owned by the Italian collector Luciano Benetton, and the painting "Renovation - state of mind" from the series "This is how they earn'' is part of the Mystetskyi Arsenal museum collection. The author's handwritten book of the artist "Watna Accounting" from November 2023 was acquired in the collection of manuscript collections of the Library of the Princeton University of the State of New Jersey.
The SNRA residency program draws attention to the role of culture and art during the russian-Ukrainian war, aims to implement institutionally critical projects related to cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), development of artistic-cultural institutions.
The SNRA residency program and the participation of Oleg Kharch were implemented thanks to grant support from The Académie des beaux-arts in Paris (French Academy of Fine Arts)
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giancarlonicoli · 4 months
Avranno paura di morire poveri?
25 mag 2024 13:02
Estratto dell’articolo di Daniele Manca per il “Corriere della Sera”
La voce di Luciano Benetton è ferma. Ha sempre avuto uno sguardo positivo. Negli Anni Sessanta, ormai dimenticati, in quelle zone agricole del Veneto, diciamocelo «depresse», la voglia di portare lavoro buono fu alla base dello sviluppo della sua azienda. Persino il sopportare la tragedia del Ponte Morandi sebbene il «signor Luciano» come lo hanno sempre chiamato nel gruppo, avesse da tempo lasciato (dal 2012) qualsiasi attività in azienda per dedicarsi ai suoi progetti personali come «Imago Mundi» che ha riunito quasi 30 mila artisti, l’aveva vissuta con la «responsabilità» di chi sa di esserlo sia per quello che fai, sia per quello che non fai.
Ma in queste settimane nelle sue parole prevale di nuovo l’amarezza, quella di un uomo classe 1935. Amarezza profonda. Si appresta a lasciare nei giorni del suo compleanno quella Benetton che aveva creato. [...]
Andiamo con ordine. Cosa sta succedendo perché questo addio a Benetton? È la sua azienda…
«In sintesi, mi sono fidato e ho sbagliato. Sono stato tradito nel vero senso della parola. Qualche mese fa ho capito che c’era qualche cosa che non andava. Che la fotografia del gruppo che ci ripetevano nei consigli di amministrazione i vertici manageriali non era reale».
Sono accuse pesanti…
«Per fortuna avevamo deciso di ritirare da tempo dalla Borsa la Benetton. E quindi i rischi imprenditoriali erano e sono tutti in capo alla famiglia. Ma ancora una volta per la mia storia, per quello che significa la società, per i dipendenti, le famiglie, i tanti che entrano fiduciosi nei negozi dalla Moldavia a Parigi da Nuova Delhi a Los Angeles, prima di lasciare il gruppo intendo spiegare con la trasparenza che mi caratterizza cosa è successo senza per questo sottrarmi alle mie responsabilità».
Ma cosa è accaduto di così grave per arrivare al punto di lasciare tutto?
«Facciamo un passo indietro. Sono uscito dall’azienda nel 2012 con la società in salute, con un fatturato di 2 miliardi e in utile, anche se la logica dice che si può sempre fare meglio. Solo dopo una forte insistenza da parte di mio fratello Gilberto ho deciso di rientrare nel 2018, poco prima della sua scomparsa. Edizione non era riuscita a trovare una compagine manageriale di qualità. La società perdeva parecchio. Appena rientrato cerco di risolvere gli errori più evidenti, verso la fine del 2019 mi suggeriscono una candidatura per il ruolo di amministratore delegato».
Fate come si legge nei manuali: è meglio che le famiglie imprenditoriali si affidino a un certo punto dello sviluppo o di una crisi a un manager…
«Sì, la mia funzione in quel momento era quella di tutor per portare ad autonomia manageriale la società. Avessi avuto vent’anni in meno mi sarei impegnato in prima persona. La scelta cade su un candidato che viene dalla montagna, mi fa simpatia, mi dico “scarpe grosse cervello fino”, si presenta con apparente volontà di capire e farsi carico dei problemi, compresa la compagine manageriale da integrare. Va detto che vengo avvertito da una telefonata accorata di un conoscente di non proseguire con questa persona perché la definisce assolutamente non idonea a un incarico così complesso».
Quindi c’era stato chi vi consigliava prudenza.
«Certo e naturalmente condivido la mia forte preoccupazione con il consulente che lo aveva proposto il quale invece mi tranquillizza insistendo che la persona è ambiziosa e molto adatta a crescere professionalmente».
Cosa accade a quel punto?
«Iniziamo la collaborazione e spiego che sono a disposizione per domande o approfondimenti nella massima autonomia dei rispettivi ruoli. Va detto che non mi ha mai chiesto nulla, né lui né i nuovi collaboratori che ha inserito, tra questi cinque provengono dall’area commerciale di una azienda con tradizione di mercato completamente diversa dalla nostra».
Lei era presidente poteva intervenire. Ha avuto tutte le possibilità.
«[…]  Il fatto che non mi chiedesse mai niente e non si confrontasse mai su scelte anche sensibili, tipo quelle di eliminare figure professionali dalla lunga esperienza senza parlarmene, l’ho interpretato come chi ha studiato il caso e agisce consapevolmente. Sa, non mi immagino che cambino persone capaci con persone senza esperienza. Penso che i cambi siano per migliorare. Come ripeto sono stato abituato male, ho avuto la fortuna di avere attorno persone “responsabili”».
Deve tenere conto che in mezzo c’è stata anche una cosa come il Covid...
«Sì, il Covid che logicamente ha alterato l’attività e i risultati. Per questo il piano triennale per il pareggio è stato spostato al 2023 e l’obiettivo era risultato accettabile. Infatti nei vari consigli i numeri continuano a dare la fotografia di un pareggio possibile. Solo il 23 settembre del ’23 viene accennato a qualche problema ma in modo tenue. E sembrava tutto sotto controllo».
Ma siamo solo a settembre del ’23 quasi dieci mesi fa...
«Mentre riceviamo in consiglio questi primi segnali, dati in modo assolutamente non preoccupato da parte loro, mi accorgo che i numeri non mi tornano e che il problema va ben oltre a quanto hanno dichiarato a settembre. Tra l’altro era da parecchio tempo che mi arrivava uno scontento interno ed esterno all’azienda per l’atteggiamento arrogante e poco capace dei nuovi dirigenti. Frasi del tipo “abbiamo deciso noi e dovete attenervi” che non siamo abituati né a sentire né ad utilizzare in azienda, danno la levatura della nuova compagine manageriale. [...]»
Lei fa presente che i conti non quadrano e cosa succede, vengono presi rimedi...
«In uno dei consigli dei mesi successivi scoppia la bomba, di questo si tratta. Presentano d’improvviso un buco di bilancio drammatico, uno shock che ci lascia senza fiato».
Non mi dice la cifra?
«Saremo attorno ai 100 milioni. Comunque tutto quello che è emerso e sta emergendo da settembre ’23 è una vergogna».
Dove è stato l’errore?
«Guardi, o sono impreparati al punto da non saper comprendere i fondamentali dell’azienda, quindi in buona fede ma gravemente inadeguati agli incarichi che hanno ricoperto, oppure hanno deciso volontariamente di tenere nascosta la realtà dei fatti quindi omettendo informazioni preziose, fino al punto in cui non hanno più potuto nascondere la verità. Ci sarà un’investigazione a riguardo».
Non ha nulla da rimproverarsi?
«Da parte mia è stato grave l’essermi fidato e l’aver pensato che fossero consapevoli e responsabili. Una cosa del genere, però, a questo livello di gravità e sorpresa, è comunque impossibile prevenirla. Ma ripeto, non cerco scuse, mi assumo la responsabilità di aver sbagliato la scelta».
Ora cosa succede alla Benetton, lei lascia e?
«Adesso occorre guardare avanti, nei prossimi mesi sarà fatto un piano per il futuro, abbiamo perso quattro anni e questo rende tutto più difficile non avendo la bacchetta magica. Purtroppo ci saranno sacrifici da fare. Quello che posso dire è che sarà messo il massimo impegno per ritrovare l’energia dei tempi migliori e dare nuova linfa a questo brand che rappresenta così tanto per la nostra famiglia e che porta il nostro nome».
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1234567ttttttttttt · 5 months
De Su Imago mundi
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