#imagine rwby
rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 months
Jaune: *Beat up and tied to a chair* Gentlemen, Gentlemen! Let's be Civil about this. Let's make a deal!
Jaune: You Surrender, and you don't die. How does That sound?
Branwen Tribe: And how do you intend to kill us?
Jaune: Oh no, I won't kill you. But My spouse can! Say Hi Honey!
*Someone drops behind the crowd*
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notmaplemable · 2 months
Jaune: *Reading a book on humans dating faunus*
Jaune: Shattered pelvis... Extreme dehydration... litters...
Jaune: Is it really worth it?
(Imagine your Jaune OTP, faunus edition)
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sirazaroff · 6 months
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We are SO fuckin back
Original by @/soup-erb
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howlingday · 6 months
Jaune: My one and only, my love, my beauty, my treasure, my darling, my angel...
Jaune: What the fuck do you think you're doing?
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missnotstarry · 8 months
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back in the years of signal academy....
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rwac96 · 3 months
Hoodie Thief (WhiteKnight)
Jaune: *wearing an orange shirt* "Dammit, where's my hoodie?!" *shifts his head left to right*
Ruby: "I think I saw Weiss with it last."
Jaune: "WEISS! Have you seen my hoodie?!"
*Weiss wore Jaune's hoodie, not looking up from looking over her grandfather's journals*
Weiss: *reading* "I threw it out."
Ruby: "...You look rather comfy."
Weiss: *still reading* "Hush!"
Jaune: *annoyed* "You 'threw out' the last five ones!"
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raccrows · 11 months
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vacuo sun 😵‍💫
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razorblade180 · 2 months
Crazy Night
Ruby:*picks up scroll* Go for broke? This is Ruby speak-
Yang:Pick us up.
Yang:.You have to pick us up from the club. Please make sure you bring the tow hitch and straps for bumblebee.
Ruby:Geez, all of you are drunk.
Yang:No. but uuuhh-
Blake:Ask Weiss.
Weiss:*over Jaune’s shoulder* I am not in the mood.
Jaune:So umm everything was fine until-
Weiss:Until that bitch kept fucking pushing me and talking shit! Let me back in!
Yang:*snickers* So, things were fine. The vibes were good. Jaune was killing it on the dance floor a little too well and some gals noticed…
Weiss:I do not care if some rando gets ideas about Jaune. I did not actively assault anyone.
Blake:First of all, ya did. Second, Weiss was on good behavior actually. Some girl started flirting with Jaune and he politely declined the advances.
Jaune:Girls number two shows up; at this point I’m actively dancing with Weiss. Girl number two is tipsy and friends with girl number one.
Yang:Ruby when I tell you she was on this man! Budged Weiss out of the way and everything! To give me credit, all Weiss said at first was “Excuse me!?”
Ruby:At first?
Yang:Oh we will get to the colorful language in a minute. Jaune gets the girl dancing off of him to help Weiss. In the most annoying voice ever, the girl goes-
Weiss: “Oh sorry! Is that like…your girlfriend or something?” I don’t have to be his girlfriend for what she did to be shitty!
Ruby:Oh I would’ve swung instantly. Also, where’s Nora and Ren?
Jaune:We’ll get back to that.
Yang:I start making my way over a little because alcohol and anger brings out feelings and I just want good vibes. That’s when girl number one walks back over!
Blake:To be fair, I think she thought you were about to hit her friend. Not that she could stop you, but solidarity and all.
Ruby:What were you doing?
Blake:Watching the drinks. By the way, Weiss had three shots at this point.
Ruby:Weiss! You’re the size of one shot!
Weiss:I am fine! Plus you think I’m dancing in a club fully sober!? I had eaten beforehand and was with Jaune perfectly fine.
Yang:(You were using him like a pole.)
Jaune:*red* Anyways, the girls start getting a little more…bratty. Mainly towards Weiss and continuing to wink at me.
Weiss:They touching your chest and making you uncomfortable! Do not under sell that!
Yang:Was swatted the second girl’s hand away and said “take a hint, you bitch.” That’s when things got a little…dicey.
Ruby:Please don’t say it.
Blake:So uhhh clubs are loud and dark. Lots of people; pretty hard to look at completely. However, I started making my way over the moment I heard low growling.
Yang:And the rest of us quickly noticed fangs and a poodle tail.
Weiss:Don’t call my name like I’m the problem!
Yang:The real nail in the coffin was the girl saying “What? He’s single. You scared your little boy toy wants a real woman?”
Weiss and Jaune:…..
Ruby:Why are you laughing!?
Yang:Because you need to understand Ruby. I fucking blinked, and everything changed. Our loving Weiss is a bad ass with years of combat training. I didn’t see any of that tonight. Tonight I remembered Weiss and a literal “rich bitch” and I wasn’t prepared! Beacon training was gone! She yanked this girl by the hair and was hammer fisting her face before I could process anything!
Weiss:*covering face*
Blake:And listen, most people might course correct learning they’re fighting a Faunus, but like Yang said, alcohol and anger brings out nasty feelings. Jaune and Yang are struggling to get Weiss away from that girl while I’m blocking the first one and alll I hear behind me is-
Bouncer: “Let me go. I’m gonna put this tramp in a kennel.”
Blake:I’m gonna be honest, I kinda wanted to laugh because all I could think was “Oh my god, Weiss is actually fucking pissed! It’s freshman year Weiss!”
Weiss:I was not this bad freshman year!
Blake:I know! That’s what made this so crazy! I don’t believe in ghosts but your ancestors whispered in your ear for that level of hate. Anyway, bouncer showed up and now we’re here.
Ruby:What happened to the other two girls?
Bouncer:Didn’t start the fight. Get to stay in.
Ruby:….May I please enter this lovely esta-
Ruby:Sorry yall. I tried. Yang, where’s your motorcycle?
Yang:Conveniently, the air has been let out of the tires when the club owner and others threatened legal actions. *red eyes* Fortunately for them, I choose to be responsible and call my sister so everyone gets home, instead of causing trouble.
Ruby:And dad would be proud. Alright, everyone into the convertible. Also, once again, where is-
Nora:Engine. Start. Now!
Ruby dashed by everyone and put them in them in back of the car then super sped bumblebee over to the tow hitch while Ren and Nora hopped in the front. As Ruby drove away quickly. Weiss leaned over the outside out of fear of puking, then felt a sense of ease as Jaune rubbed her back with his semblance activated.
Jaune:Thanks for standing up for me.
Weiss:I was more made than virtuous.
Jaune:Next time, you can just lie and say we’re dating. The outcome has to be better than this.
Weiss:*red*…Sure thing.
Yang:*mumbles* Or they can make it the truth.
Blake:We can’t judge them…
Ruby:So, I take it you got revenge?
Ren:It’s going to suck when they leave and wonder why their tires are flat.
Nora:I’m sure someone helpful has tire pump. Still, that doesn’t do much for a fried battery.
Ruby:What did we all learn today?
WBYJRN:Nothing. Fuck those girls.
Ruby:…Well as long as you all are in an agreement. Let tonight end with good music! Weiss, your payment is a song!
Ruby:Yeah, definitely too many shots.
Weiss:Zzzz He’s mine~ Zzzz
Ruby:……*turns on radio*
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epic-arc · 1 month
''Come to daddy''
Jaune would be playing with his daughter until he noticed that she would be taking her first steps towards him. He would have a smile on his face and speak in an excited tone.
Jaune: That's it darling! Come for daddy
Your ship's reaction seeing this:
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craziechwiv · 4 months
Someone insults Jaune
Jaune is walking along the sidewalk when he bumps into a random person by accident
Jaune: Oh, my bad!
Random Person: Watch where you're going asshat!
Jaune: Geez, I said I was sorry...no need to be rude.
Random Person: Well, I, really don't care about your apology! Stop being so useless, bumping into people.
Jaune: :c
Unlucky for them, Jaune's partner is right beside him...
How does your OTP react to this entitled asshole? I'll start~
~~~Silent Knight~~~
Neo instinctly pounces on the person and starts pummeling their face in, not blinking nor changing facial expressions as blood splatters on her hand and face. She is only stopped when Jaune yanks her off the poor person and holds her up in the air.
Neo, holding up her phone: I wasn't done yet. >:C
Jaune: Yea, I know. But I think you did enough...
Jaune and Neo both look at the...somehow alive person. Who is unconscious with their face being all kinds of bruises and bloodied.
Neo: I still wasn't done with them.
Jaune: Neo you- let's just go before the cops come.
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hellcifrogs · 6 months
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Yes, I am sad, but also I love these characters and the series more than anything. That's been enough to cheer me up honestly. I'm really sorry for the crwby team, but also so very thankful for this story they've given us.
So, as I had mentioned I was going to do, here are some Vacuo designs, WhiteRose version first~
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Mirror, mirror, tell me something, Who's the loneliest of all?
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notmaplemable · 2 months
Jaune: Instructions were unclear.
Jaune: She's pregnant.
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novankenn · 3 months
Momma Arc: Jaune...
Jaune: Yes?
Momma Arc: You're in your third year... THE TIME IS NOW ...
Jaune: *in a trance*... the time is now...
Momma Arc: Give me Grandbabies... all the Grandbabies...
Jaune: *drops his scroll*... grandbabies... *walks off*
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howlingday · 4 months
Jaune: O-Okay, so, uh, here goes...
Jaune: D... Darling. Honey. Cupcake. Doll face. Uh, marshmallow! Lambchop.
Jaune: Wait, lambchop? No. Uh... B... B... B...
Jaune: Babe?
How does your Jaune ship react?
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willsonlmt · 24 days
At a charity carnival hosted by beacon. Jaune is at a booth that says one kiss for 1Ł lien.
Jaune: I wonder why glynda said I should work the kissing both.
Suddenly, a larger bag of money drops on the booth counter.
Otp: What does this buy me?
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