#imagine literally any of the girls facepalming in the background
t-tomuras · 2 months
Do you ask Sako out or does he ask you out?
In no universe ever am I brave enough to open myself up enough to even attempt to ask. they’re lucky I even know they’re asking me out unless they explicitly say ‘go on a date with me’
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sinful-lanterns · 3 months
Suspect R as a Shapeshifter would be so interesting
Imagine her with the ability to literally shapeshift into any monster she likes, specifically the other monster girls that are following researcher!reader just to bring some chaos and fun into the group
"why let them follow you, when i'm all you need?"
and in the blink of an eye she grows a pair of tentacles from her back to mimic Mindflayer!Chameleon monster trait, but wait a second- is that Werewolf!Zoya's cock?
"she can have multiple traits at the same time!?"
"I can also adjust sizes to your liking"
Not only Suspect R would fuck reader all night with different monster trait combos until they feel exhausted, but also play some pranks like shapeshift into anyone to make them jealous on purpose
Slime!Kelvin, approaching after finding a moment alone with reader
"Again? so soon?"
"W-what do you mean again..."
And the culprit is laughing in the background while reader facepalms because they got fooled, again🤭
this happens so many times to the point poor reader has to double check the girls when they approach them and start to question them. it would be so funny
Imagine Weredog!Rahu ready to have her time with them and reader is like
"Wait, let me measure your dick to make sure it's you" lmao
I don't need to mention that Suspect R is getting on the nerves of many monster girls (she enjoys that) to the point of being forced to sneak around the camp and follow reader without being seen, maybe shapeshifting into Yurei!Eleven to study how others are around them to mimic better their traits👀
researcher!reader having a whole notebook full of notes and drawings just for her, someone has to study the shapeshifting limits and powers (and sex combos) of this monster girl, am I right?
I would say Suspect R would officially be called a Doppelganger, but that’s essentially the same thing as a shapeshifter :0
Anywho, Suspect R casually copying the appearances of the other monster girls and tricking the Researcher, is such a creative and funny concept. Suspect R would just switch into various monster girls to have her “turn” with you as many times as she likes, which ends up with a lot of confusion and misconceptions amongst the campsite.
Kelvin, peeking into the tent: I-I’m here for my mating time, Researcher…
Researcher, confused: Kelvin? D-Didn’t you already fuck me just a few minutes ago?
Suspect R: *sneaking away and chuckling to herself as she transforms back*
Yeah, the Researcher should’ve known that Kelvin wasn’t Kelvin when she acted way more dominant than usual 😭😭 Suspect R is such a meanie, taking up the turns of the other girls and causing them to grow infuriated with this greedy Doppelganger. It’s unfair that she steals their turns by tricking you, so now you have to take extra precautions in making sure the monster you were fucking is the real one.
Researcher: R, I know this is you. Cassia’s boobs are bigger than that.
Suspect R, transforming back: Ehe, you’ve grown smarter~
Goodness, having Suspect R join the expedition would be so much fun! 😅
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Last chapter of this volume! Can’t believe we’re already through four volumes, and we’re not even done with the second full arc yet. I mean, later arcs are gonna be even longer, but like. Yeah.
[No. 35 - Battle On, Challengers!]
We move on to the next match - Kaminari versus Shiozaki! I’m actually kind of marveled that they were able to thaw out that entire glacier in any sort of timely manner. That’s quirks for you!
Present Mic announces Shiozaki as class 1b’s assassin, and also reveals that he apparently either doesn’t know the full quote for ‘every rose has its thorns’ or started to say it, only to realize she didn’t have roses and scrambled to compensate. Kaminari, meanwhile, gets announced as a ‘sparking, killing boy.’ Really kind of morbid on this round, huh?
Shiozaki turns around to object to Present Mic’s descriptor as an ‘assassin’, stating that she’s merely come this far seeking victory. Present Mic apologises, and Kaminari just kind of watches while admiring her. He takes notes of her eyes, and then thinks about how strong she is. He then sort of counters his previous admiration of strength by asking himself if he really has to hit someone so pretty with a full discharge, then concludes his ‘battle plan’ by determining that he’ll ask her out once all this is over.
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Present Mic starts the match while Shiozaki is still focused on talking to Mic - which means she’s facing away from Kaminari. Which is kind of a dick move on Mic’s part, but eh, I guess ‘heroes have to be ready for anything,’ yarda yarda etcetera. 
Kaminari asks Shiozaki if she wants to grab something to eat when they’re done there, and that he’s happy to console her if she wants. She turns to stare at him in confusion, just in time to see him charging up his whole body with his quirk. Kaminari makes a quip about this match probably being over in an instant - and then we cut to the immediate aftermath, where Present Mic comments on how it’s already over while Kaminari wheys out in the grasp of Shiozaki’s vines. Shiozaki was both able to create a shield against the electricity and yank Kaminari into the air and away from her, thus causing him to short-circuit.
One on patrol, Mount Lady comments on Shiozaki being a promising one, and another plant user. Kamui Woods amits he wishes he could’ve seen her up close, but that they need to get back to work. 
Back in the stadium, Midnight announces Shiozaki moving on to the second round. Shiozaki is relieved to have no wasted the opportunity bestowed upon her, and the narrative finally gives us an informational blurb on her quirk. 
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...A strange ending note there, but sure. Some of the crowd - or possibly Izuku? Since he’s sinking into a muttering fest right after - comments on the ‘match’ and the participants. Shiozaki’s ability to use her quirk is something else, between building walls, binding enemies… Kaminari’s quirk was no use against her. She countered him well. He might’ve had a chance if he could maneuver better, but he panicked and short-circuited after one attack.
Ochako hears muttering besides her and is a bit alarmed, looking over to see Izuku in the middle of an analysis fugue. Izuku mutters about thinking Kaminari’s quirk would be stronger, but Shiozaki got fourth in the entrance exam, and she’s the real deal. The vine moves are similar to Kamui Wood’s binding attacks, and binding types are always strong, to the point where you almost never see someone break out. It’s pretty much impossible to dodge all the vine attacks, so the only counter is to rip them apart with brute strength - ah, but to prevent that, they tend to go for the hands first.
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(...and I just NOW realized that this specific commentary about binding-type quirks and the counter being brute strength is literally something that comes into play when Best Jeanist binds Gigantomachia with those steel cables during the Jakku arc. Holy shit, I don’t think Hori intended it, but what a callback. Or it’s just good worldbuilding, which would also be neat!)
Ochako eventually cuts into Izuku’s muttering - startling him in the process - by commenting on how his match just ended, but he’s already thinking ahead strategy-wise. Izuku denies it, saying that it’s just a hobby of his, and that they finally have a chance to see the quirks of people outside their class in action. He then eagerly shows her his open notebook, stating that he has everything she’d need to know about class A in there - even her ‘zero gravity’. 
Me, staring down the people who have the class unaware of the contents of Izuku’s notebooks when writing suspected traitor fics: 
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Anyways! Ochako is kind of impressed despite herself, stating that she thought Izuku was amazing from the day they met, but this sports festival has brought him to a whole other level. Izuku is confused by the complement, but there’s no time to ask, since Present Mic is announcing the participants of the next battle: Tenya versus Hatsume.
Some of the students are chattering about how the match is going to go, with one asking what is that - which seems to be referring to the support items Tenya is wearing? Midnight comments on it as well, noting that they’re forbidden for hero course students, and that a special request has to be put in for those things beforehand. Tenya admits he forgot, seeing as Aoyama was wearing that belt of his. Midnight reminds him that Aoyama applied for an exception.
Tenya apologies, stating that he’d been touched by Hatsuma’s sense of sportsmanship. Although she’s a member of the support course, she came to him and said that if they’re to be seen as equals, then they should fight on equal footing. She gave those items to him; her earnest spirit… he could never look down on it. That was his thinking. 
Midnight apparently is now all for this, calling Tenya naive. Mic says that it’s good enough for him, and Aizawa says that if both parties are fine with it, he supposes it can be allowed… right? Izuku, up in the stands, is looking concerned, wondering if Hatsume is really the type to offer that. Hatsume, of course, is chuckling as she flips down a microphone right as the match starts.
Mei immediately starts going into her spiel, commenting on Tenya’s speed - much to the confusion of both Mic and Tenya. She then points out how Tenya’s legs should feel lighter than usual, and that that’s what one can expect with her custom leg parts, which keep up with their user’s speed! However, dodging is no problem for her with her hydraulic attachment bars! Which she deploys just before Tenya reaches her, causing him to trip over one of the bars and flail.
Mei checks for where the support companies were seated, her quirk zeroing in on the faces she’s looking for - which, to her pleasure, are eating her words up.
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Tenya catches himself and spins on his heels, wondering what she’s going. Hatsume complements it, noting how her auto-balancer makes those sorts of tight movements possible. Meanwhile, up in the announcement booth, Mic and Aizawa are both so put out, with Aizawa facepalming and calling her a born saleswoman. 
The game of tag, along with a completely play-by-play sales pitch, goes on for another ten minutes. Eventually, however, Hatsume steps over the line, sweating but proud of managing to get through everything she wants to show off. Midnight states that Tenya’s moving on to the second round, while Tenya is just in despair at the deception.
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Ah, the face of someone with zero shame. Hatsume gives a completely insincere apology for using Tenya, which Tenya replies to by stating his extreme dislike of her. 
Izuku is also a bit dismayed as he notes that Tenya is just too serious, so it wasn’t hard for her to get him to play her game, and that at least she’s honest about her under-handed methods to get what she wants. Ochako herself is looking a bit down as she gets up, quietly noting to Izuku that she should get to the prep room. Izuku notes that she left her still-full drink behind, glancing back to her in concern as she walks away.
As other matches run in the background, we shift over to prep room two, which Tenya is just entering. Ochako, already waiting in there, tells him good which, which startles him out of his funk as he recognizes her. Of course, the first thing he notes is her furrowed brows, which Ochako admits is probably from her being a bit nervous, and how it’s probably showing on her face. Tenya remembers her match is against Katsuki, and Ochako admits that she’s really scared. But, seeing Tenya out there, she…
Well, before she can finish her thought, Izuku bursts into the room. Ochako is confused, since he should be out there watching the other matches. Tenya to the side asks about the story behind the support girl. Izuku ignores the latter, telling Ochako that another two matches are already over, and now Kirishima and some class 1b guy are duking it out. Mina managed to damage Aoyama’s belt, he panicked, and she knocked him out with an uppercut to the chin. Then Tokoyami won his match in a flash - he didn’t give Momo the time to use the objects she made… he’s one of the strongest guys here in a one-on-one. Ochako realizes this means her match is up soon, her heart pounding in her chest.
Tenya can’t imagine that Katsuki would give it his explosive all against a female opponent, but Izuku cuts in, staring very firmly that Katsuki will. Everyone is competing here with the dream of becoming number one. No one’s holding back - Katsuki least of all. However, Ochako’s already helped Izuku so much, so he thought he might return the favor…
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He really just stores his notebooks anywhere he can. What a legend. He offers the notebook, stating that Ochako needs a counter-strategy against Katsuki - one that uses her quirk. He came up with it on the fly, but it might work! Tenya is relief, stating how fortunate Ochako is. Ochako thanks Izuku, but says that it’s okay. Both Izuku and Tenya are startled by the reply. 
Ochako states how amazing Izuku is, and how he does amazing stuff all the time. During the cavalry battle, she thought the easiest strategy woul be to team up with friends. But when she thinks about it, she was just putting her faith in Izuku. That’s why Tenya said ‘I challenge you’ and all that, which left her feeling a little embarrassed about herself. 
She pushes herself to her feet, moving past them to get to her match as she says thanks, but no thanks. Everyone here is fighting for their futures, so doesn’t that make them all rivals? That’s why she’ll see him in the finals!
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Ochako, sweetie…
Kirishima and Tetsutetsu knock each other out at the same time. Present Mic comments on the mirror image quirk matchup, and how the winner is… neither! They have a tie, since both are down. Midnight clarifies that in the event of a tie, they’ll determine the winner after the two recover, probably with an arm wrestling match or the like. The crowds comment on how they’re equal in strength, and how that was great though. They kind of hotbloodedness would be a great morale boost, and how they’re desirable as sidekicks. 
Shouto watches on as the final two contestants of the first round enter the arena. Tsuyu states her worries about the match, and Jirou addson how she doesn’t want to watch it. Izuku quietly hopes for Ochako to do her best. 
And so the final match is announced: Ochako versus Katsuki.
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And with that, volume four is done! I’ll be getting up the character sheet first, and then digging into the bonus material. Hopefully y’all enjoy!
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vikingpoteto · 4 years
hostage situation (AO3)
It isn’t the first time Bruce Wayne had been kidnapped. It certainly won’t be the last.
But for sure it’s the most jarring kidnapping experience he’d ever had.
He was in the middle of a charity gala when he was taken, which is upsetting because he was really invested in the cause this time. Alas. Bruce wakes up in a dark room, something for which he’s grateful, because he might have a mild concussion. He had been tied to a chair and left on the corner of what seems like an abandoned warehouse - unfortunately, Gotham is littered with those - and he can barely see the silhouettes of a group of people on the opposite side of the empty place. Bruce’s captors.
Bruce takes a deep breath and tries to access the situation in a calm manner. The ropes keeping him in place feel… cheap. Like those plastic rope children use to play. He could possibly just slip out of the bound since no one bothered to tie up his feet. The knot restraining his wrists is uncomfortably tight, however. There is a gag in his mouth. There are at least 5 goons watching him, but they’re smart enough to keep their distance so Bruce can’t make a lot of details about them.
That being said, it feels almost too easy to escape. He wouldn’t even raise suspicion about his secret identity if he did… which means there must be some sort of catch. Bruce wants to make his escape as simple as possible, so it’s best if he figures out what are their tricks before attempting anything
He knows for sure they’re not dressed as clowns, so this can’t be the Joker’s doing. They don’t seem to be dressed as old-time gangsters, so no Two-Face either…
A voice in his right ear interrupts his musings. “I have eyes on him. He’s conscious and tied up. Oracle is checking the building for traps.”
It’s Tim. First comes the relief that Tim has found him. He won’t have to do anything to compromise Bruce Wayne’s identity. Then comes the realization that these people had him unconscious long enough to take him from his own party and they didn’t notice the earpiece he always has to communicate with his family in case the need arises.
Could it be that this is a trap for the bats? Maybe Bruce’s identity has already been compromised and his captors are using him as bait for the others? The thought disturbs him and he wishes he could warn Tim somehow.
Then a second voice joins Tim’s and Bruce’s worry spikes.
“Am I crazy or is he tied with one of those toy jump rope thingies?” Jason asks.
“Looks like it,” Tim says evenly.
“That’s hilarious.”
“Hood, our dad has been taken hostage. Be serious.”
“I am! The thing is at least one of us is kidnapped every week. At some point you get used to it. Anyway... seriously, this looks like a cartoon. I almost expect him to just… slip out of that chair like he’s Bugs Bunny or something.”
Tim snorts and Bruce sighs. He really wished Tim would notice how strange it is that he’s so losely guarded, but, honestly, his hope was lost the instant he heard Jason’s voice. Tim is the smartest boy Bruce knows and Jason has the best instincts, but when the two of them get together it’s as if their intelligences cancel one another out. What was it that Steph said that one time? When Tim and Jay team up they drop all of the brain cells.
"Wait," Tim says. "Look at his face. That's tired #7. I think… I think he can hear us."
"No way, man… they can't be that stupid. There's no way they're stupid enough to leave a whole earpiece unnoticed."
If only.
"Bruce? Bruce, if you can hear us, blink twice."
Bruce sighs again… and blinks twice.
The two boys explode in laughter and Bruce honestly hopes they're seeing him through a camera feed, because they are very loud.
On one hand he's happy that Jason and Tim are finally getting along.
He just wishes they bonded over literally anything other than making fun of other people.
"Oh man-" Tim stutters and Bruce can imagine him wiping tears of laughter as he tries to control himself. He can still hear Jason snickering on the background. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Bruce. It's just... those kidnappers are so bad ! How are they this bad? How did they get you?" Then, after a brief pause. "I mean, we're not laughing at you. "
"I am," Jason says cheerfully.
There is the distinct noise of someone slapping what sounds like the back of Red Hood's helmet.
“Behave, you two!” Another voice joins the frequency.
Dick. Thank God. The only person that can control Jason and Tim is Dick. If Dick is the one leading the mission, this should be over soon.
“B, sorry this is taking so long,” Dick continues. “Babs is scanning the building again because she didn’t find any of the traps at first. There is a chance their security system is analog or something.”
“Tsc,” and there is a fourth familiar voice now. “We should just storm in and remove father from this humiliating situation at once.”
Oh no . Oh no, it’s Damian. Damian is Dick’s kryptonite. If he’s involved, Dick will have his hands full and there will be no one to stop Jason and Tim from just… blowing the place up for the hell of it.
Bruce doesn’t know from what angle his sons can see him, but he attempts to sign something. His bound hands are numb, so no sign comes naturally, but he tries nonetheless.
“Girls, girls, look at that.” And there’s Steph. What this situation needed was another chaos maker. “He’s saying… Hm… Who they work for? Bruce is asking who they work for.”
Never mind. Steph gets to cause chaos once because she is the only child considerate enough to notice Bruce’s feeble attempts at communication.
“Maybe he wants us to figure out who these guys work for?” Tim suggests. “I mean, knowing the M.O. would make it easier to figure out their security.”
“Penguin is in Arkham, but maybe these are loyal followers?” Dick comments.
“Negative. This place is nowhere near as damp and nasty as Cobblepot’s usual dwellings.”
The boys start discussing possible villains, their usual traps and how to overcome them. Bruce is glad they’re covering all the possibilities, as one would expect from a bat. They must always be ready for anything. That being said… they don’t seem to hear it when Steph hisses “ Cass, what are you doing?”
Before Bruce can react, a shadow drops from the ceiling. She doesn’t make any noise as she gracefully lands in front of him. His eyes widen in panic and he glances at his kidnappers on the other side of the warehouse. None of them seems aware that there is a bat in their lair.
Cass gives Bruce a soft smile and signs the word uncomfortable before going behind him and loosening the bound on his wrists. She gently massages Bruce’s numb fingers as though making sure his circulation will return to normal soon enough. When he can barely feel himself restrained, she seems satisfied with her work. She cards her fingers through his hair as if encouraging him. After planting a kiss to his forehead, Cass disappears the same way she appeared with only a slight breeze.
Her brothers have stopped bickering.
“Did Cass just-”
“Hey guys,” Duke’s voice interrupts. “I just heard the kidnappers talking. Turns out they didn’t mean to kidnap Bruce. They were trying to rob the building, Bruce walked into them and they panicked and knocked him out. Now they’re freaking out because they don’t know what to do with him.”
Silence follows.
“So the reason Oracle can’t find any traps…”
“It’s probably because they don’t have any traps.”
More silence.
Batman prides himself in being prepared for anything. Bruce has well-crafted scripts for any possible situation… except for this one. All he can do in this situation is use his recently freed hands to facepalm.
“This is it. We have no viable option but to kill them.”
All in all, it’s a mess. Considering one of the kidnappers promptly passes out when Nightwing drops in front of them, the rescue mission definitely feels like overkill. Clark once said Bruce has too many children and he thought that was a stupid thing to say until he found himself in a situation where his children outnumbered the gang that kidnapped him. It barely counts as a fight as Stephanie and Jason alone immobilize the criminals - granted, Cass was busy holding back Damian, Tim was busy laughing, Dick was busy checking the vitals of the woman that passed out at his sight and Duke was busy getting rid of the rest of Bruce’s restraints.
“What were you thinking?” Dick asks the criminals. “You guys aren’t even wearing ski masks, for heck’s sake.”
“We just needed the cash, okay?” One of them responds miserably glancing at his friends that are currently being cuffed by Steph. “We didn’t expect to run into the owner of the building.”
“And you guys were just… pulling a heist barefaced like that?” Duke questions.
“Look, we’re new in town. We left Metropolis, because how does one survive there? They have Superman! Plus we didn’t think Batman was real…”
At that, Tim starts laughing so hard Jason has to hold him to keep him from falling.
“Dude!” Steph throws her hands up. “If you guys want to be criminals in Gotham, you gotta add some pzazz! Throw in some themed costumes, I don’t know…”
“ Batgirl ,” Bruce chastises and his voice might be still a  bit raw from the gag, but he can still sound like a stern father. “We do not condone crime.”
“You’re right, we don’t. … But if you’re going to do crime anyway-”
“Look, we’re just trying to get by, okay?” A woman cuts in. “Our shelter got defunded and it’s hard to get a job when you don’t have an address!”
All of the kids are suddenly both uncomfortable and sympathetic. These are not the criminals they usually deal with, no real harm was done and none of them are truly happy about taking these people to jail.
This, however, is a situation Bruce has a script for.
“I’m sorry to hear about your predicament,” he says, pulling a business card from his pocket. “Here. Wayne Enterprises has a program of support for people in situation such as yours and we’re always looking for new employees. Lots of people leave Gotham.”
Behind him, some of his children groan and Jason hisses something about not adopting these ones too, but Bruce simply ignores them.
After all, this wasn’t that unusual of a night for all of them.
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babybirdgyeom · 6 years
oh my god, they were roommates ⇢ kim yugyeom
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⇢ Word count: 2.5k
⇢ Warnings: this is one big make out scene, no real smut though - also a funny/fluffy ending.
⇢ Summary: One night you couldn’t resist your roommate Yugyeom anymore and finally gave in.
⇢ A/N: this isn’t proofread yet but it’s late and I really want to post it now. I promise I’ll proofread tomorrow. Also this is my first Yugyeom imagine so tell me what you think of it ♥
It was 3 A.M. when you woke up on the couch in your living room, Netflix was still playing Gilmore Girls in the background, your hand still in the half empty bag of potato chips - for a second you felt ashamed of yourself. That’s how most of your saturday nights were like in the last months. Bambam said you should go out again but you were too overworked and frustrated with life at the moment to follow his advice at the moment.
For a second you wondered if Bambam and Yugyeom were already home from their weekly clubbing again but it was way too quiet for that. Moving in with Bambam and Yugyeom might have been one of the best but also worst decisions you ever made in your life. It surely was a lot of fun - when Bambam asked you to move in with him and his friend that you didn’t even know back then you did not need a single second to think about it. You were down immediately.
Bambam has been your best friend for an eternity and his extroverted and happy nature has never failed to make you happy. Most people would maybe describe him rather exhausting, at least if they would have to spend every day of their life with him but that was not the case for you - you’ve put up with him since the two of you were children and by now spending time with him is your favorite thing to do.
The third person moving into the apartment was Yugyeom, Bambam’s best friend. You’ve seen him a few times before but somehow never got the chance to have a real conversation with him. Before you moved in with him all you knew was that he was as beautiful as a Disney prince and as cute as ten puppies at once. In the beginning you were a bit afraid that you’d not get along with him but this fear was soon vanished - as you got to know him you fastly realized that Yugyeom not only was one of the most handsome men you’ve ever seen but that his bubbly and playful personality would soon make him one of your closest friends too, if not even more.
But here’s the thing: Yugyeom and Bambam both are amazing individuals with unique personalities but together they sometimes would behave like wild animals which mostly was very amusing to you but on bad days could be the literal worst.
As you realized you should probably get your sad body up from the couch you turned off the TV and slowly wandered to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Your eyes couldn’t handle the sudden brightness of the bathroom lights so you slowly turned them off again, washing your face and changing into a loose shirt and sweatpants in the complete dark, fastly putting your hair into a messy bun before walking back to the living room to clean up the mess you made so after that you finally could let yourself fall into your bed and hopefully sleep until the next morning if the guys won’t be too loud when they come back home.
When you finally walked into your room your eyes widened when you saw someone lying in your bed, playing on their phone which was the only light source in the otherwise pitch black room. For a second your heart stopped beating, you were already panicking and making plans on how to overpower a burglar all alone without any of the boys home but as soon as the person looked up at you you rolled your eyes while turning on the lights of your room.
“Seriously, Kim Yugyeom, do you want me to get an heart attack?”, you shook your head, rubbing your temple, “Why and since when are you in my bed?”
Yugyeom looked at you smiling before his eyes were filled with a slight hint of confusion, his face bended a bit to the side, mustering you. “You’re wearing my shirt.”, he was mumbling and you couldn’t figure out this was a statement or a question. 
You looked down, shrugging when you realized that the shirt you were wearing actually wasn’t yours, “I was just grabbing one in the bathroom. Sorry, I was half asleep.”
His smile turned into a smirk as he repositioned himself on your bed, making some space so you could join him. “You look good in my clothes. You also look good in general but this sight is seriously hot."
“Are you flirting with me?”, you laughed, your head shaking in a mixture of disbelief and amusement, “Did you have a drink or two too much?”
Since Yugyeom moved in there always was something like sexual tension between the two of you - flirting, teasing, checking each other out. But that was always about it. You knew he was not only your roommate but also Bambam’s best friend and even though those weren’t reasons to not date you both knew that it would be easier and less complicated if you’d just let your hands off each other.
Now Yugyeom was the one rolling his eyes, “Yes, I’m flirting with you.”, he simply stated. The casual sound in his voice was confusing you - what exactly was his plan?
“So what?”, you said, walking over to him before letting yourself finally fall into your bed. Your arm touched his and he turned around to face you, his leg stroking yours - even though this was nothing new to you this time his eyes were filled with something that clearly wasn’t pure anymore. “That still doesn’t explain why you’re stealing space in my precious bed.”
You tried to keep your cool and be casual with Yugyeom like you always were. After months of being insanely attracted to him you told yourself that there was no point in thinking of him as anything more than a friend but now he was looking at you with an expression that you’ve never seen on his face before and you couldn’t help but being more than interested in what was going on in his mind right now. 
His serious face turned into one of the typical Yugyeom smiles. Suddenly he linked his hand with yours, something he never did before. “Do I have to have a reason for not wanting to sleep alone?”
You knew Yugyeom hated sleeping alone, one of the reasons why he often slept in your or Bambam’s room - but usually he’d not sleep in the same bed as you. 
“Well, you can sleep on the floor then.”, you said, playfully trying to kick him out of bed. Your feet found his hips and you pushed them against him, making him laugh while he struggled to fight back.
“Hey!”, he screamed out laughing before finally getting a good grip on your wrist, pinning it to the other side of your head while climbing on top of you. Within a second you stopped laughing - this lighthearted situation was turning into something completely different.
Yugyeom on the other hand was still laughing, not exactly realizing what was happening. He now was sitting on your thighs, his feet pressing yours to the bed, doing the same thing to your wrists.
When he realized that you stopped laughing so did he. Looking down at you, his eyes widened a bit as he saw you laying under him. His face wasn’t dangerously close to yours but it still was too near to stop yourself from looking at his lips. Looking up to his eyes you could see that he was thinking the exact same thing you did in this moment. His glance wandered from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes. It almost was like he was asking for permission.
But before you could do anything his lips were hovering over yours - you could feel his breath on your lips before they finally touched. In this second you didn’t care about anything else than the feel of his lips on yours. Was this a bad idea?Did you try to avoid such a situation at all cost for a reason? Were you going to regret this later? The answers all were ‘yes, probably’ but the answer to the question if this was exactly what you didn’t even know you needed until now was an even bigger yes so for just this moment you decided to let it happen and go with the flow, the aftermath being secondary. 
His grips on your wrist were slowly loosening so that one hand could wander down the side of your waist while the other hand once again linked in with yours. The kiss was slow and steady and you couldn’t deny the fact that he was tasting like alcohol. 
“Yugyeom.”, you said in between the kiss, trying to come back to reality and interrupting this mess.
But Yugyeom wouldn’t let you, “Don’t tell me to stop please.”, he almost sounded whiny, his lips still hovering over yours with closed eyes and his forehead pressed against yours. 
“Why?”, was all you could ask. You wanted to facepalm yourself for asking such a stupid question but in the end you needed to know where this was coming from to relax.
He chuckled a bit, “Why I want to kiss you?”, he took a deep breath before continuing, “Because you look cute in my shirt.”, he said, giving you a small peck on the lips, “Because I was working hard to make accidental eye contact with you for months now.”, another small kiss, “Because I’m tired of holding myself back.”, and another kiss before he moved his head backwards, looking into your eyes, “Listen, I really want to kiss you because I am interested in you just as much as you’re interested in me.”, his eyes were soft and he had a small smile on his lips, “Now can I continue to kiss you?”
Overwhelmed and not knowing what to say you took his shirt to pull him down to you before pressing your lips onto his again, the kiss was way more intense and heated than before. Yugyeom’s hand was burried in your hair, every now and then you could hear a deep groan coming from him as his other hand was slowly exploring your body, moving from your neck, down to your side, to your stomach and finally to the hem of your shirt. He looked at you for a second but when he saw that you had no problem with the situation a smirk formed on his lips and he started to place sloppy kisses on your neck.
A few moments later Yugyeom was still sitting on top of you and the kisses were turning into something more than that - Not only was Yugyeom shirtless at this point but you were also left in your bra only.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?”, Yugyeom asked, wanting to be sure that this wasn’t a mistake.
As you nodded he leaned down again, placing a trail of kisses from your neck down to your stomach.
Your eyes were closed, enjoying the whole situation - at least until you heard the door to your room open making you open your eyes wide in shock and Yugyeom followed your reaction, turning around to see a disgusted Bambam in your doorframe.
“Ew!”, he screamed out before any of you could do anything, “You are roommates!”
Yugyeom facepalmed himself, not able to believe what was just happening. “Bambam, if you don’t get out right now.”, he hissed.
At this point you were completely frozen, unable to even move a muscle.
Bambam started bursting out in laughter, clearly drunk, “You better get down from my best friend.”, he shook his head amused, “Do I have to stay home every weekend from now on so you don’t do stupid shit?”
You took a pillow that was beside you and threw it at Bambam - of course he caught it immediately since his reflexes are the best you’ve ever seen. “Bambam, you’re embarrassing me!”, you screamed out.
“I know.”, he said amused, a cheeky grin on his face. He made his way to your bed. Yugyeom wasn’t on top of you anymore and Bambam used this to his advantage - he was climbing on the bed to lie down right between you and Yugyeom. The grin on his face growing wider with every second. If there was one thing that Bambam enjoyed than it was putting you in uncomfortable situations.
“So, what are we doing now?”, he asked laughing, looking at Yugyeom who was left from him now before looking over to you, right from him, “Shall we play monopoly or something?”
Yugyeom looked at Bambam with a glance that immediately gave away that he was about to kill him. “Dude, this is it.”, he said before getting up and dragging Bambam with him, literally pulling him after him until he made him stand outside of your door, closing and this time locking the key.
“Hey guys, don’t be like that.”, Bambam said, knocking against the door, laughing.
As Yugyeom was lying in bed besides you again he gave you an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry. Should we sleep for now and continue this after we killed Bambam tomorrow?”
You let out a laugh, “Sounds like a great day.”
He gave you a soft smile before giving you a kiss on your temple and tugging you into his arms, “Good night (y/n.)”
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Houseki no Kuni 3 - 6 | Girls’ Last Tour 3 - 6 | Boueibu OVA | Netjuu no Susume 6 | Juuni Taisen 7 | Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Apparently there’s a bonus if you watch until the end of the 5th ep of Netjuu no Susume…I’ve seen it, or else I wouldn’t be telling you it exists.
I’ve rolled out the simulcast commentary tags for the seasonal shows that don’t have tags yet (aside from Netjuu no Susume’s replacement when that time comes).
Plus, as you can see in the title…there’s the Boueibu OVA in this bundle of notes, for completion’s sake.
Houseki no Kuni 3
That snail sure is a lively thing.
Really? A poop joke? Well, that’s one way to rub Phos’s new state into Dia’s face.
…welp, not much to talk about this time, I guess.
Houseki no Kuni 4
What the heck? The snail has a type???
This OP is lovely. Its best aspect is the visuals, though. It sounds kind of plain compared to even Saturday Night Question (Netjuu no Susume).
That snail makes a nice wig for Master Kongo, doesn’t it?
I’m listening to this show for the first time, and Phos uses “boku”, interestingly enough.
The snail's urge to go back to its home in the sea reminds me that lots of Chinese people go back to their country for Chinese New Year. I wonder if the same sentiment is involved in both instances?
The ED is nice, but not as good as the OP.
Houseki no Kuni  5
Watermelon? I feel sorry for the gem which has that name.
Ahh! These jellyfish are cute (and practical)!
“No getting all weak-kneed now!” – Says Phos, who’s got legs potentially harder than their body.
Houseki no Kuni 6
Trust exercises. I did some with some members of my anime club once. (Haha.)
I noticed the spikes were blue, so they might be Sapphire. It’s kind of like Rabbit’s necromantistry (Juuni Taisen), but…in a slightly different form.
Girls’ Last Tour 3
Kanazawa???? *thinks about King’s Game, where the protag and the author share the surname Kanazawa*
There’s some extremely glaring CGI during this episode. For a moment, you can discern Chi’s made of CGI while in her Kettenkrad.
Please don’t ship the grown man with the loli.
That’s some grim humour they attempted with Kanazawa. Kinda like Zetsubou-sensei (Nozomu Itoshiki).
Boueibu OVA
I almost wasn’t going to cover this, because it’s an OVA, but hey, why not make an exception? This may be the last time we Boueibu fans can talk about this stuff again…(Plus I think I’ll have volume for the entire thing if I hurry.)
Haha, the volleyball scene. Notice En talks first.
Yumoto’s being basic as always. *sighs happily*
Trump, eh? The word for playing cards is trump, but…y’know?
(about “graduating in a storm of cherry blossoms” and En saying it sounds lonely) I was just about to say that, En. However, that may just be OVA feels speaking.
Itsumo Ichiban? Rememer that guy? Well, there’s Itsumo’s brother on Kin-chan’s list. You can tell because he’s literally Itsumo Nisan. Geddit?
(about Zundar’s meeting with Kin-chan) The manga! It was correct after all!
Yep, that’s exactly how it went 2 years ago. In fact, I think it might be recycled content…(?)
Wombat speaks very formally. I learnt about keigo in the past year so I only picked up on that this time around.
The word used by Aki is “sad” according to the subs, but hazukashii means “embarrassing”, which puts a new spin on it.
They’re literally just using montages of s1, which is why I want Pony Canyon to bundle the OVA with s2. It’s more money, but for the consumer, it’s more worth it. However…having Bi…Egoism in an anime segment at all is new.
Akoya must be popular in the fandom. Either that or the staff are acknowledging how unloved he is.
Yay! It’s Star the VEPPer!
It’s good that each of these side characters is getting their own montage. Plus we’re getting official translations of the character songs, which is the best thing you can get for free when character songs aren’t distributed normally in most cases.
4th wall breaking! I guess you never expected that, eh? (Actually, you probably did, considering it’s been a montage for almost everyone now.)
(I love En’s little snarks in the middle of the song.) The only one left after this is Atsushi, right? Update: Oops, forgot Kin-chan. Sorry Kin-chan.
I never really realised Atsushi’s song was so hard rock compared to En’s more pop-like one.
“But do I really have that fire inside of me?” – I think I heard the song go atsui which is a real funky (in a good way) pun on Atsushi’s name.
Aww, they missed out in such a good pun! Haru went haru and Aki went aki. The translator didn’t pick up on that though…aww.
Whoa! Yumoto got all scary! Botan Yuzuru though…gotta look into that later for magicalgirlsandcerulean.
This (Spanish?) guitar reminds me of this track from The Dog Island.
A-ha! This is what you get when you translate the Japanese in the ads too.I was quite right indeed, although it really is the dang 132nd graduation ceremond.
It’s literally a button monster. Don’t wanna mash his buttons! (I bet you’re all groaning from my jokes, ahaha…)
Dadacha’s voice sounds kinda ridiculous now because Yasumoto is clearly using the deeper voice he normally uses for Zundar.
Notice the monster’s face is made from the character 高 (the first character in the Japanese word for “high school”).
Salty Sol is still salty after all this time…sad life.
That train station is the same one from the beach episode!
I’ve seen enough spoilers so I know where this is going…I already identified in the spoiler chat what Wombat is going to catch as a reference to a Kenji Miyazawa work.
This train is somewhat obviously CGI…
Spinach curry? When’d Wombat eat that?
Ths slideshow appears to be all the clean art for everything they’ve ever produced in the Boueibu canon! Even events and collabs!
“So wipe away your tears.” – I’m not crying, you are…*tear leaks from corner of eye*
I don’t recognise two of those pictures…(EnAtsu beach pic and a yukata one with the Defence Club on the roof.)
Oh…my…it’s over? Well, frankly I was expecting the fandom’s end in 2015…so, here’s to the future. Farewell, and remember: love is forever! Separations are only a new beginning!
Netjuu no Susume 6
That was a really bad Glico man in the back (of Koiwai)…
I think something’s wrong with my eye. It just gave off a few tears…(kidding tone)
Whose car is this that Morimori-chan is sitting in??? Update: It’s a taxi. Whoops.
I think Morimori-chan used the word douryou (colleagues, coworkers) instead of employees. The word for employees would probably be very different.
Nikunokiya??? (thinks about Kinokuniya)
(Koiwai goes Ai no chikara ne…) Boueibu reference…kind of.
Notice Koiwai said he was low on health in the text but he said zombie in the Japanese. That’s where Fruits de Mer comes in for Morimori-chan.
“There’s no way I’d say something like that!”
I think the cup this ED is new. Plus the headphones.
Oh! I spotted Morimori-chan with the medium length hair in the background of Sakurai’s bit of the ED.
There are some blurry pictures of Koiwai in the ED and they’re so hilarious!!!
So the ED actually evolves along with the show. Interesting.
Juuni Taisen 7
Rabbit stores his blades in his tail. That’s weird, but funny.
Literally, the episode title is “Dragon Head, Snake Tail”.
Dragon and Snake really are like the Beppus! I keep thinking that. I want a crossover fic now…
Tatsu = dragon.
I only just realised but…a naga is a snake. Nagayuki is the younger bro, isn’t he? Dangit, Nisio Isin! You bested me again.
150 doesn’t have any significance in regards to the number 12 now does it?
It’s Rabbit! Who’s not wearing his trademark booty shorts or high heels! Rabbit in a waiter’s outfit is really something, though.
“Hot guy”? Not by most people’s standards Tora/Kanae, considering he’s currently missing his head.
It’s tiger versus…aww. It’s not tiger vs dragon…
How can Ushii still talk after being strangled by Snake’s arm???
Whoa! Incendiary components are cool in Bond movies, but fiery liquid? That’s a step up!
Mahoutsukai no Yome 6
Admit it. You saw it in the next ep preview (unless you skipped it or read the manga)…It’s TITania time!
“She touched me for the first time.” – Elias, what a dork you are…
The birbs around Chise are so fluffy and adorable! It’s cute.
Geez, it really is TITania…these fanservice wiggles are destroying my Mahoutsukai no Yome experience…
Seing the Faerie Queen facepalm…is something else. *sweatdrops*
In the same way I want a koala sheep from Avatar the Last Airbender, I want one of those sheep bug things.
“Every creature of the night, including she and you, are my adorable little children.” – No wonder you have such big hooters, TITania…
A wild SIMON appeared!…Thought we’d forgotten about him for the rest of the episode. He would’ve made a better brick joke if his return were prolonged, y’know.
Strange question, but do priests wear pants?
Girls’ Last Tour 4
I’m listening to Ugoku Ugoku for the first time and it’s…strangely catchy…
That thing with the face is really creepy…
That thing is a stone statue???
“What IS cheese?” – Considering sometimes cheese tastes pretty bad, I don’t blame you for not knowing what cheese is.
Couldn’t they check the camera for what Kanazawa was doing with it?
I just saw the number 3230 on the camera’s inside frame for taking pictures (whatever you call it). That might be the year this show is set…
Notice the word for temple that’s used is jiin, a Buddhist temple. A Shinto version of that might be jinja.
Kanazawa was voiced by Akira Ishida? The guy who did Kiku (SGRS)??? NOOOOOOO! I missed a prime opportunity! I’ll have to go back for it later.
The ED is even more catchy than the OP. Is that even possible???
The camera breaks in the ED…that’s so ominous…
That post-ED scene was cute. A little bit.
Girls’ Last Tour 5
The slightly-electronic-sounding OP doesn’t quite fit the show, does it?
The phrase used was definitely ie dake ni. I’m not quite sure what that means, but…okay. I’ll just believe the subs on that one.
I wonder if Sentai is planning to dub these…I can imagine this show being dubbed.They wouldn’t need to pay too many VAs for it, for one thing.
Akogare is the word for desire or longing. It would be no surprise f there was an akogaru or akogarareru made from it as well.
Notice it’s “Yay!”, but with the word for house (ie) emphasised.
What is this fish dream, a metaphor for lesbians…?
The soundtrack guys must’ve had lots of fun striking cans or whatever.
I think this ED is different to the one last ep…Its name appears to be Amadare no Uta and it’s sung by the main VAs.
I bet the soundtrack guys hit a bell or two there…
Girls’ Last Tour 6
Oh no! It’s an Anime Scientist! Last time we had one, it was Shinawa (Kado), and you know how badly that went…
Interesting that the word for “takeoff” is “separation [from the] ground” literally.
Okay! I’m caught up to the weekly episodes now!
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keyofshadows · 8 years
So! Ridiculous conversation that’s gonna strike me as funny for the next week, probably. Which I could definitely use, but whatever. Thought I’d amuse you with it since your cupcake started it, lol.
keyofshadows Tomorrow's Eli's birthday. Confetti for all.
akingdomtheorist Adion will make him a cupcake
keyofshadows Awe. He'd be touched. And Adion would get a hug. Also one of those pointy birthday hats.
akingdomtheorist What if the cupcake was shaped like a pointy birthday hat
keyofshadows Pfffff he'd demand to know if the dragon was conspiring with his mom. She used to sew him a replica of Yen Sid's hat every few years and make him wear it on his birthday while she took pictures. From his literal 'I'm twenty minutes old' birthday until he was eighteen. IS THIS POINTY BIRTHDAY HAT CAKE A REFERENCE TO HIS HAT NEMESIS
sstingray yen sid knows about the hats
keyofshadows Is he amused or shaking his head because what is wrong with these people
sstingray secretly amused but won't show it is my wager
keyofshadows I wonder how much Eli was complaining under his breath about it during his lovely summer of responsibility training also I wonder how many dirty looks he was giving Yen Sid's hat while the man was wearing it because whoops
sstingray the master probably noticed it and said something to him eventually.
keyofshadows lmao. "It's not you Sir, honest! It's just...uh...nothing, actually, never mind, I'm supposed to be mopping or something, better get back to that." /slinks off because oh my god, explaining to Yen Sid about the Hat when he has no idea he already knows, pfff. Poor Eli.
sstingray not pictured: ray in the background trying really hard not to laugh
keyofshadows Oh sure, enjoy your amusement now, he'll get you back for it. Someday. Somehow. Maybe. She can babysit his eventual demonspawn, that'll do it. ...Which would be more of a punishment to the kids, actually.
sstingray and she'll get just as much fun out of that as she did watching him
keyofshadows Okay, we totally know what we're doing with Auryn when he misbehaves. Off to aunt Ray's for a pop quiz!
sstingray secretly gives him cookies when they're not looking
keyofshadows Ray's gonna end up with a kid that mouths off just to be sent for 'punishment', you know. Though he'll be more of an actual pain in the ass as a teenager. Amelia says don't worry about that, she and Nico will knock him into shape. With his own Keyblade, if necessary.
sstingray but eli she is not a tool to punish your children with! gosh!!
sstingray well if he misbehaves TOO badly he'll still learn not to cross her
keyofshadows The Grasshopper knows this. But really, it's Date Night and he and Specter really wanted to have some quiet movie time that didn't involve Auryn yelling in the background from upstairs. I should probably feel bad for Ray having to deal with the next generation of troublemakers, but nope. Too busy snickering.
sstingray it's fine they'll watch a movie that eli doesn't want him to see
keyofshadows Which would probably be anything with drunk elephants. Dumbo is Evil. So is Bambi, but for completely different reasons.
sstingray well. if auryn is up for it...
keyofshadows This is Eli's punk firstborn, of course he is.
sstingray welp. pink elephants on parade it is!
keyofshadows And Ray then gets to field ALL the questions, like how can elephants get drunk, and why isn't HE even allowed more than a can of soda a day if whatever Dumbo had was worse - wait, was that elephant beer? Or did he drink funny water? And if he drinks too much soda is he gonna see pink elephants too? Is THAT why he's not allowed too much? Can he have a few cans and find out?
sstingray fermentation is a terrible thing, you're too young kid, maybe idk but i saw this video once of elephants eating fermented fruits and getting totally trashed, honestly who even knows anymore, no, no it's because you'll get a sugar high and it's also terrible for your health, and no
keyofshadows He is completely unhappy with all of these answers, he'll have you know. Except the trashed elephant video, he wants to see that. BUT. He's gonna complain to Nico first (who will tell him to Listen To Aunt Ray She Knows More Than Them) and then he'll go home and whine at his dad BECAUSE AUNT RAY IS BEING UNFAIR FIX THIS
keyofshadows Eli just snickering and yeah, no, you have no idea of the meaning of 'unfair' when it comes to her, short stuff, sorry.
sstingray eli's probably like "that's what she does there is nothing i can do"
keyofshadows Nor does he wish to try, he's too old for another Darkside/Twilight Thorn/Who Knows What That Is pop quiz. He has kids now! (He's never too old, lmao. Kai'll boot him over for laughs.)
sstingray in which kai accidentally initiates a game of corridor ping pong with eli as the ball
keyofshadows Pfff. Kai says he thought he was going to get into trouble for booting the Epic Dork through Corridors, or does that only count when he's kicking him into the Maw?
sstingray nnnnno he'll probably be in trouble for it later but aunt ray has a life too you know she can't deal with your antics all the time!! there are seas to be sailed! treasures to be found! magics to learn!
keyofshadows Good, then can she take Soren with, he needs a way to deal with him this week that A - Does not involve setting his sneakers on fire AGAIN and B - Keeps Ro from rescuing him. Little brother gets seasick, little brother won't be warping over to pick him up. ...The maturity is astounding.
sstingray just for that she'll kick kai into the ocean
keyofshadows This is punishment how? He can swim. Also will probably open a Corridor and drop into it before he hits the water because he's a little shit.
sstingray either way he's off her ship so she'll count it as a win
sstingray not if she kicks him into her own portal and drops him right above the water
keyofshadows This is how you make enemies, Ray. (lmao, as if he'd do more than sulk for a few days before showing up again to get cookies/ask a favor/see what she thinks is a good present for Ro's birthday)
sstingray puhlease she'll take kai on pirate adventures someday
keyofshadows Do we really want a Keyblade wielder pretending to be a pirate. Or even just on the ship for longer than thirty seconds. (Yes.)
sstingray um duh?? how fun could that be
keyofshadows Kai's pointing out it should be Keyblade MASTER by that time, get it right. This from Mr. 'There's no way I'd ever be that good' who eventually is because whoops, Auryn's training is filled with fetching the chips Mastery Exams. I didn't know that traumatizing was another word for fun.
sstingray isn't that the epitome of everyone's time with their favorite aunt
keyofshadows There was just a resounding 'YES', so.
sstingray well there you go!
keyofshadows /snicker
keyofshadows The pirate thing is gonna turn into tradition, just like Ray taking on Eli as an apprentice started that ball rolling for him. She should pop on by one of the rabbit holes of Wanderer's Refuge again and see if she can land anywhere near Fen's time again. Be greeted by a slightly older (no more than 18, probably) Az, who happily informs her about how she's 'retraining' Celia's apprentice Seth, much to her dad's horror. Probably much to Ray's too, lol. 'Wait, wasn't he the boy that kept going creeper on you? That you hated? WHAT ARE YOU DOING'
sstingray no no its not a bad thing retraining is good
sstingray show him the light girl you go though lol god forbid ray ever have kids and they get mixed up with eli's family that's just gonna be chaos everywhere
keyofshadows Fen asks Ray to PLEASE not encourage his baby, he doesn't like Seth, he doesn't trust him, how does he know he's not going back to Celia and telling her things AZ IS NOT READY FOR THIS STUFF. OMG
sstingray also how would even feel about ray showing up again Oh welp
keyofshadows SO MUCH CHAOS.
sstingray that's the thing about light fen, sometimes you just gotta trust someone
keyofshadows Also no one minds Ray's random drop-ins, she's the Refs boogieman, after all.
sstingray and maybe put a tracker on them u know whatever works
keyofshadows He refuses to trust Seth, he's a little shit.
sstingray excellent her legend will live on
keyofshadows Az'll threaten her kids with Ray popping out of nowhere, just for the entertainment value.
sstingray I have a feeling her hypothetical family would get on great in the chaos tho lmao az can be like IT HAPPENS. A LOT ACTUALLY. we should probably do something about that
keyofshadows Just like how she's naming her firstborn son Jalen, also for the entertainment value. She can hear the grumping from the original through the rabbit hole, lmfao.
sstingray listen ray never asked to be an accidental time traveler it's weird ok
keyofshadows Also hilarious
sstingray she'll be sure to tell Jalen that when she gets back
keyofshadows The kid's gonna be the bounciest, most cheerful baby ever. /cackle
sstingray Oh how delightful!
keyofshadows Az thinks so~
keyofshadows Fen's twitching now because apparently Az is over her crush on Leo and he'd actually rather she go drool over the grease-covered boy Not From Here as opposed to the direction she's looking in. /facepalm
sstingray he could always come back :v
keyofshadows Imagine Fen trying to convince Leo to distract his daughter from the weirdo she's currently 'retraining'. For her own good, of course, not his nerves. /dies
sstingray leo is like whoa that is none of my business dude. slowly backs away.
keyofshadows Az is just smirking. Ha ha dad. But hey, nice to see you Leo, still eating sandwiches out of that toolbelt of yours? Somebody made rice krispy treats if he wants any.
sstingray great now that he gets to see her again, yes, and y e s where can find them?!
keyofshadows lol. Just opens a Light corridor and hands him a whole plateful.
sstingray !!! did he ever tell her he loves her cause he totally does
sstingray thumbs up!!
keyofshadows Fen's trying not to applaud. Go away, you, quit trying to influence things. His wife would swat him.
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