#imagine if i was normal about this team for even a second. it wont happen but imagine it.
fightwing · 1 year
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the new teen titan.s series really going into dick being pulled in different directions by bruce & the titan.s and always always having to disappoint at least one of them. i think....... i think i will lay down here........
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permasleepberdie · 2 years
Cool Scout (a thesis)
I will live and die on the hill that scout from TF2 is a cool character
Now granted he's not as cool as any of the other mercs, and compared to most he's a wimp. But as a normal, standard human being he's awesome as fuck and it has to do with how much passe he views killing.
One thing that TF2 does really well is making every different class i different kind of psychopathic super killer. Everyone's got a different reason/response to killing in each their very own little ways.
Pyro and Soldier are both heavily schizophrenic and view the world in such a way that validates their murder. Pyro of course sees a warzone as a magical fun fairy land that so happens to cause them to burn everything alive, and Soldier sees every warzone as a bigger warzone and takes major pride in both his ability to be a soldier and also to kill as one for the good of his country.
Heavy and Spy are both professionals that view killing as their job and gain huge pleasure from it. Heavy gains great joy in the fact that he's an unkillable russain machine that wont die (even when he does, a lot), Spy views his killing more as an art form and gains joy from just how good he is at it. Demoman is basically just always in the middle of one big drunkin bar fight. And the Medic is your natural megalomaniac psychopath that sees himself as a god that has full right to toy with the mortals and murder as he sees fit.
the Sniper, Engineer, and Scout are all the only ones that don't actually enjoy killing in meaningful way, and yet all 3 still have their own flavors of apathy against murder and reasons why they do it.
Sniper is a professional who only kills cause that's literally his job, he takes pride in killing but not because he likes it it's because his portfolio is so good. He's probably the class that takes his job the most seriously in this case as he's the only one counting bodies and making sure he kills efficiently (probably the one that does everyone's taxes too)
Engineer's only motivation besides getting paid is to show off his machines, he prides himself on his robotics and how efficient they are at everything, including murder. Plus I also kinda think that he's the only one who's there just to hang out with everyone else. I could definitely see Engie wanting to be there just because he enjoys hanging out with a bunch of other crazies and seeing how far his machines can take them.
And then there's Scout, and Scout is...interesting...
He's the only one that kinda has no reason to really be there. He doesn't show joy at killing or express a want/need to commit murder. He doesn't consider himself to be a professional killer, he does take pride in his killings but not how good he is at it, and I'm half convinced that he doesn't know that he's supposed to be getting paid. And yet despite this he takes so much passion, not in his work, but just the fact that he's kinda, there.
Scout always has that smug look on his face, that cool person attitude, one that's obnoxious, but that he's not striving for. Like he's not really cowardly, and he's not trying to seem like the biggest best tough man. A tough man sure, but he probably knows that everyone is technically a better killer than him.
Clearly the only reason left for him to be there is the attention. Scout is always trying to let everyone know just how cool he is and just look at his big muscles, so cool, way past awesome or, whatever stupid thing. And don't get me wrong, it's obnoxious, a little annoying depending on who you are, DEFINITELY a moron, but if you think about it, that's the only reason he's there. Like, think about that for a second, Scout is ONLY there to make himself seem cooler, like, imagine if that happened with any other team or group of people. Like imagine if someone fought zombies in L4D, or took part in the Payday robberies, or was a mercenary in Metal Gear Solid, or heck joined actual mercenaries IRL, and took it with the seriousness and motivation of taking up skateboarding.
The cool thing that scout wants you to realize is that he's a part of Team Fortress. He only ever takes pride in his killings when he gets to meme on your corpse and conga dance outta there. He doesn't bring any particular skill set or background to his work besides just being some guy, with a gun, that runs fast. He is literally as unqualified for the job as one can be and YET he still kills you. He's still alive. He's still not dead and still memeing on your corpse in such a manor as someone posting a dance on tiktok or something. Scout kills, because he's cool at it. Not because he's good at it (though he is), but because he's cool while doing it, and he probably doesn't even realize that he should be dead already. And the fact that he's even there, much less succeeding, is the biggest meme to the entire battle. Scout is almost quite literally there because it's funny that he is there. And you know what...That is indeed pretty cool.
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fairestwriting · 4 years
Saw your ask about the s/o wanting to ask out the vice dorm leader, and the dorm leader tries to help out, but falls for them instead? How about the same situation, but with the rest of the dorm leaders not listed in that one?
thank you so much for giving me an excuse to write more of this (anon is referring to this post!) also i will be counting ruggie as a vice dorm leader to do leona in this, and wont be doing idia because the one other ignihyde member is a whole Baby
+ ko-fi link, if anyone feels like financially supporting my writing
Leona Kingscholar
So you’re the unfortunate soul who ended up, for a reason or another, teaming up with Ruggie often to do Leona’s bidding.
You were uneasy about it at first. Ruggie would talk often about how the lion was such a pain in the ass, you were expecting so many bad things when you had just become his... sort of coworker. But somehow, Leona ends up being rather pleasant towards you.
Leona himself doesn’t know why that happens, you just don’t really grate on his nerves. Maybe it’s because you’re so harmless, innoffensive in a way that isn’t weak and obnoxious. Yeah, he really doesn’t hate you.
So when your crush on Ruggie begins to feel hopeless, like you just couldn't get your feelings through to him no matter what hints you dropped, you take a deep breath, and decide to ask Leona for help.
Leona looks at you blankly when you blurt out the question, and you immediately apologize, telling him to forget what you just said because it was something stupid. Surprisingly, a lopsided smile appears in Leona’s face. So you were into Ruggie? Was that why you were always running around with him to help Leona?
He likes you enough to tease you about your crush, so he does -- And somehow, in the end of the conversation, he ends up agreeing to setting you two up. He’s weirded out when he catches himself actually willing to do you a favor, but figures that, eh, why not, that couldn’t be too hard. It might be good for him, even, if Ruggie was dating someone maybe he'd nag Leona way less.
You two have a couple conversations at the garden about how you were planning to approach the situation. You tell him about how you'd been trying to hint at your feelings for the longest time, but it all just seemed to fly over Ruggie's head. Leona finds this impossibly funny. So he was oblivious?
Leona is likely older and more experienced with relationships with you, so he ends up just giving you some general advice on how you could act more straightforward. You're having trouble just imagining how to do things through his descriptions of actions, so you two end up sort of... mimic-flirting.
He says things he'd usually say if he wanted to get someone's attention, and tells you to try to keep up with him as practice. If you could be blunt, maybe it'd finally hit Ruggie that you liked him. Somehow, it's sort of fun to do this, he hadn't really found someone who caught his interest in a while, so Leona hadn't really flirted with anyone since then. He's kind of pleasantly surprised at how amusing this is, even though he still acts prickly with you, telling you not to get the wrong idea about him, he's just trying to get Ruggie to nag him less.
You have these meetings for a while, the practice banter ends up becoming natural, so natural Leona finds himself calling you his friend in his head, looking forward to seeing you, even. What the hell got to him? He doesn't know, but it's been a long time since he's had this much fun.
One day, you're having one of your "practice sessions" and you finally decide that you had built up the resolve to straight up ask Ruggie out. When you say that, Leona's face goes blank. So you were going already?
He goes back to normal in just a second, a smirk showing up on his face as he patted you on the head. Look at you, you're confident enough to get together with Ruggie, now! You've come so far. He gives you some words of praise that you appreciate greatly, proud of yourself for your progress and actually getting close to the grumpy dorm leader of Savanaclaw, but when you turn around his smile falls into a tired expression.
Why does he suddenly feel depressed? There's no way he'd get attached to some random herbivore that didn't even have the guts to ask someone out. Right? He's assuring himself that in his head, but even that sounds like a lie...
Leona can just laugh. Really, he's the lowest of the low, isn't he? He had actually gotten attached to your little games, how stupid. He's taking this to his grave, he hopes he can sleep off this disgusting feeling in his chest now that Ruggie will have someone else to take care of...
Kalim Al-Asim
A friend of Jamil’s is a friend of Kalim’s too! He’s so elated the first time he sees you around the Scarabia lounge talking to him, he insists on throwing a big party, and that’s your introduction to Kalim.
You were just Jamil’s friend, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe you're in the same class, or in the same club, something like that, and you just ended up getting along better between yourselves than with other students. Jamil was clearly more relaxed around you.
The issue was, as you got to see more of him, you were starting to fall for him, and you were falling hard -- And even as you got to know each other, Jamil was so mysterious and almost untouchable, even as he seemed to be just a regular guy. You didn't know how you could possibly just walk up to him and confess.
In your desperation, you decide to have a talk with Kalim about it -- He's the closest person to Jamil, right? And he was so friendly, maybe he could give you some pointers.
When Kalim hears about your problem, though, he isn't satisfied with just giving you some pointers, no way. He's so excited to know his newest and oldest friend might get together, he wants to make sure you two are matchmaked perfectly! Kalim promises he'll help you plan the perfect date!
You're dragged into meeting up pretty much everyday before you can notice it. Kalim grabs your arm, all giggly, and takes you to his room, asking to sit on the bed with him as he asks you all sorts of questions about you and Jamil. It feels like a tween girl sleepover, it's pretty embarrassing to just talk about your feelings and the moments you've spent together out loud, but Kalim never makes fun of you for it at all, he's so happy to listen it's just easy to talk and talk and talk...
After he knows some more about you and Jamil, you start brainstorming date ideas. Of course, the suggests throwing a big party for you two at first, but you quickly refuse that, saying Jamil would prefer something more discreet, which gets Kalim thinking...
There aren't a lot of good dating spots in campus or even around it that Kalim knows, so he makes the decision that you two need to go exploring, hunting for what would be the perfect one for you and Jamil!
So you two walk all around campus, asking each other for input on places you think might be nice. You think a picnic in the woods near the school might be nice, but Kalim thinks it could be better, and you two end up sneaking out to outside NRC.
He has such a blast with you, visiting cafés and restaurants and walking around at the park. You always have this look of wonder in your face when you're with him, and he knows it's because you're thinking about someone else, but even that gets his heart racing, you're so dedicated.
Eventually, you find a small, cozy restaurant just nearby enough that Jamil would accept going to with you. Kalim says he wants to eat there just to test things out, and you two get dinner together. When you do, you're so comfortable around Kalim that you can't stop talking about Jamil, and even then he can't help but stare at you with this big smile on your face, he thinks you're so wonderful -- But, ah, that's such a bad thing for him to think about.
You end up taking his hand as you leave the place together, and he feels his heart twist with a bittersweet feeling. You're talking about each detail of the date plan you'd put in practice soon, and Kalim can't help but think about how much he wishes you were talking about him.
When he leaves you at your dorm's doorstep, Kalim is holding back tears you can't see because of how dark it is. He tells you you're so happy for you, and he wishes you and Jamil the best, giving you a big hug before he walks back to Scarabia, and he smiles even as tears spill from his eyes. He wanted to tell you what he was feeling, but he just couldn't bring himself to -- All he has left is just hoping Jamil treats you well.
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zephyrcove · 3 years
Summer Thing by @zephyrcove
Well, I didn’t think I had time to write today but I came across @the-dream-team ‘s TPT for today, read the first few lines and RAN to see what the prompt was and write it myself. SO here’s the accidental 3 pages of summer Jily that I wrote for @petalstosarah training prompt tuesday :)
It was a pleasant sort of hot as they lay there, basking in the summer heat but protected by a gentle breeze. If he tilted his head ever so slightly he saw the curve of her face tucked into his side, a pointless attempt to shield her pale Irish skin from the beaming English sun. James held up a hand to cast a shadow on her features, admiring how his own tan skin soaked in the warmth unfazed by the pinkish burn that had begun to spread across her cheeks. They were silent, listening only to the sounds of nature around them, the whispering breeze rustling through the grass and the chirping of birds as they flitted through the trees behind his house. Their secluded spot in his expansive backyard afforded them privacy, tucked behind a mossy knoll in the lawn and far enough away from the house to not be seen by the prying eyes of his mother and brother. Not that those two didn’t know something was going on anyways; they always saw through his halfhearted excuses, his doting smile giving him away when he went off to meet her even as he said he was headed to Scrivenshaft’s for new ink. 
Her breathing evened out and he listened to her above the natural underscoring of the grounds, the rise and fall of her chest beside him lulling him further into the happiness of the summer heat. His hazel eyes flitted left again, taking in the golden glow of her auburn hair in the afternoon sun, framing her rosy, freckled cheeks perfectly as she dozed off contentedly beside him. He was happy to stay there for the rest of his life, frozen in this sliver of time where everything was perfectly, incandescently happy. 
But even as he lay basking in the August sun, he knew that this sliver of time could not last. It was August after all, and despite the joy of its sunny days, August alway brought September. And with September came the wake up call of normality, of school and Scotland and the marching on of time. September brought the end of their days in the sun, stifled by those chilled winds of their separate lives. So while he tried desperately to stay present in August, to get lost in the rays beaming on their faces and the bubble that they’ve formed in that golden hour, he could not help but frown at the prospect of September, the prospect of the end.
Hours passed like seconds as James pushed back the thoughts of September for one more day, focusing instead on the girl beside him. It’s as if August had two suns for him, her bright light compelling him to stay and bask just a moment longer in his happiness, in their bubble, in her. The real sun had begun to shift now towards evening and he knew that he needed to get the other home in from the night air. 
Moving for the first time in hours, he shifted towards her, pressing a warm kiss to her hair. The soft sound she made as she woke from her sunkissed nap tugged at his heart and he added that moment to the long list of memories he was keeping of the summer, of her. Lily’s eyes fluttered open and he watched in macro as her lashes gave way to emerald flashing in the setting sunlight. The corner of her pink lips tilted upwards as she smiled serenely at him, her mouth forming a breathy “‘lo”. 
“Hi there,” he smiled back at her, his eyes dancing across her features, aching to take in every second with her, building a composite memory of all that he could see and hear and feel so he would never be made to forget this summer. 
“Is it horrible?” she questioned, pulling his focus back to her eyes. “The sunburn, I mean, I think by now I know that you don’t find the whole of me repulsive.”
The smirk lit his face, as it was wont to do, and her teasing smile matched its energy. “Well not the whole of you I s’pose… your tits are pretty bangin.” Her eyes flamed as if you could floo through them and she slapped his cheek playfully, feigning offense.
“Damn right they are, you cheeky boy.” The hand she had swatted him with came to rest on his muscled chest and her eyelids fluttered lower, sultry as she leaned up to press her lips to his. The arm he wasn’t propped up on wrapped instinctively behind her, his strong, worn hand gripping her ribcage through the floral linen of her sundress, holding her tight to him. Her delicate fingers fisted in the fabric of his shirt she smiled into the kiss as his tongue probed at her lower lip. When her lips parted, James deepened the kiss and rolled so he was atop her, gently lowering her back to the grass and holding himself up with his forearms framing her face. He brushed back a strand of hair as he pulled back for air and she bit her lip lightly, even as their noses were still touching, breath ragged from desire. Lily reached up and wound her hand into his curls, pulling him back down to her. His body was thrumming with feeling and with want as they continued, but her moan brought him back to August, the precursor to September,  and he pressed a final kiss to her rosy lips before he pulled back enough to look at her.
James shifted onto his hips beside her, his palms pressing into the sides of his head as he exhaled and raked his fingers through his hair. He felt Lily move beside him as well, knowing that the preemptive stop was out of character for him and that she would want to know why. He felt the weight of her hand lightly on his shoulder and he looked up at her, his eyes glowing in the sunset with a painful passion. Lily’s brow was furrowed slightly, and he resisted the urge to lift his hand and smooth that wrinkle with his thumb, not wanting his feelings to mar her pretty face.
“Lil I-” he stopped to take a breath and she watched him carefully as he shook his fingers through his hair again. “I just- I don’t want this to end.” Her eyes glistened as she let out a small sigh through her nose, her expression one that he couldn’t quite place. Not able to bear the words that he knew were to come, he spoke again quickly.
“I know this is just a summer thing, but I want you to know that when I’m with you, I’m happier than I’ve ever been. These summer months that we’ve been together have been the best I’ve ever felt.” He shifted towards her again, nearly facing her but not yet ready to look into her eyes, afraid of the roadblock he might find there. “It’s like I was in this dark room, content and cared for, but not knowing what living with the lights on was like, and then this summer you kissed me for the first time and it’s like you turned on the light. You were the light, the sun, and now I can see… everything... and I feel so much. I can’t imagine a life where I don’t get to lay here in the sun with you where I don’t get to kiss you. I can’t imagine a September where I have to pretend like this August never happened.”
Lily’s emerald eyes shone back at him as he finally met her stare, and he only hoped that the passion he’d expressed hadn’t ruined everything. Resolute to conclude his speech, he put a calloused hand on her arm, holding her attention and conveying the magnitude of his feelings as he finished. “I know what we said, about the summer, about keeping this thing between us… contained. But I am happier than I’ve ever been. I’m in love with you. And I’m not willing to just let that go without fighting for it.”
In the moment of silence, besides James’ slightly ragged breathing, anxious from the declaration, the air around them was quiet. Even the birds paused as if they too were waiting to hear her answer. The soft wind blew by for a moment, darting in between them, as they sat in the orange glow of the setting sun, so much riding on this very moment in time. 
Within seconds the fear in his chest was cast aside as Lily surged forward and kissed him passionately, her hands clutching onto his shirt, pulling her as close to him she could get. Her hair curtained around them keeping them in their bubble as he broke from the shock and met her passion enthusiastically. His hand snaked behind her neck and held her there as she confirmed all he had ever wanted. 
Having properly kissed him, she pulled back ever so slightly, her warm breath still feathering his cheeks as she whispered to him. “The only Septembers I want are with you by my side and I never August to end. If we’re just a summer thing then summer is all year long baby, because I couldn’t handle not being yours. I’ve spent years of my life trying not to fall and two months of you in the sunshine has thrown all that out the window. I love you James. I am happiest when I am with you.”
As the sun set behind them James didn’t know what he could possibly say to top the feeling of hearing Lily Evans say that, so he did all he could think of and kissed her again. The warmth of the summer night air reminded him that the sun was still there, she was right in front of him and she was blinding, and he was happy.
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akaashisbabygirl · 4 years
request for prompt 44 with gym 3 squad 😬
Don’t you dare touch her
pairings: akaashi x reader, kuroo x reader, bokuto x reader, hinata x reader, lev x reader, tsukishima x reader
44) Don’t you dare touch him/her
warnings: slight spoilers from manga
a/n: i decided to write these as headcannons, hope you enjoyed!!! gonna be adding some new prompts to my list, so i’ll update you all when that comes out, defiantly will be soon
Akaashi Keiji
Akaashi isn’t the type of person who’s going to go and show off his feelings. He’s actually pretty difficult to read. However, deeming that he does not get jealous when seeing you with another man, changed that one time he saw you being hit on during one of his volleyball games
Akaashi couldn’t think, causing him to mess up a couple of times, but however, his teammates were there to cover for him. He kept a close eye on you up in the stands, silently telling you to get the fuck away from that man
At second half, he ran up to the stands, wanting to see you, wanting to show that man that you belonged to him, wanting to tell you to move away from him, go to a classroom even if you had to miss the game. Akaashi just wanted you to feel safe
“What are you doing?” the man asked when he saw Akaashi grab onto your hand, “What do you think you’re doing?” Akaashi asked as he saw the man grab hold onto yours, instantly yelling out, “Don’t you dare touch her,” Luckily, Yukie walked up to the stands just in time, telling Akaashi to go back down to the court while she sat in the stands with Y/n
Akaashi was just stressed. He just wanted the game to be over so he could pull you into his arms, pressing kisses onto your skin, making you forget about that man. After all, you were his girl
Kuroo Tetsurō
Kuroo would be jealous straight up. He would be jealous just seeing you with another boy, even if they’re your cousin or guy friend. His friends know to keep away from you, especially since you belong to their captain
On a practice match with some of the neighbouring schools, he encounterd Nohebi, knowing his rival, Daishō was going to be there. Kuroo tried to keep his cool, until he saw you standing innocently there, Daishō pinning you into the wall
Kuroo dropped the volleyball, storming over to where Daishō was towering over you, instantly yelling out “Don’t you dare touch her,” when he saw his hand start to move. Daishō was confused.
“She’s my girlfriend, you can’t touch what fucking belongs to me,” Kuroo yelled. “She’s not an object, and besides, it’s not like I was going to hurt her.” Kuroo pushed Daishō away, grabbing you and bringing you into his arms, “Just fuck off.”
For the rest of the day, Kuroo kept his eye on you, as well as Daishō from time to time. He didn’t like the thought of him anywhere near you, so he would do anything he could to make sure it never happened again
Bokuto Kōtarō
Bokuto is someone who I can see being loud from the very second he notices that his s/o is getting hit on. He would be quiet at first, simply walking up to the man, “HEY HEY HEY, mind leaving my Y/n alone?” he doesn’t want to start a fight, but he will if he needs to
Have you seen Bokuto’s muscles? Now imagine this guy that’s grabbing onto you as a normal height boy, who doesn’t have as much muscles as Bokuto, who do you think will come out superior
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Bokuto would say, in a more serious and harsher tone than the one he usually uses. He’s in ‘serious mode’ now, wanting to do as much as he can to protect you. He’s not as controlling as some may be, but he wants people to know that you belong to him
If he has to, I can see him lowkey calling Akaashi and some of his other teammates to help defend you. You are family too. Maybe even Kuroo and Kenma if the situation got worse. He’d ask either Yukie or Kaori to watch after you if he was in the middle of a game
After the incident, Bokuto would shower you with love and affection, telling you how much you mean to him, how much he loves you and how he would never want you to leave him for someone else
Hinata Shōyō
Hinata would be straight up confused. If he hears someone call you pretty, he would just straight up agree with them, saying about how pretty you are, not realising the fact that this other person was trying to hit on you
Hinata is a baby, he would be confused on what he should do. He doesn’t know. Upon knowing of this, he’d either try and get Kageyama or Tanaka to help back him up as he’s just straight up confused. Though, he likes to be the only one who’s able to touch you, getting a little angry when he sees someone else with you
You were at one of his games when he was in his second year, watching him from the crowd. He ended up missing one of his shots as he was so focused on you and the man who had his phone out, asking you if he could get your number. He’s dealt with people trying to hit on Kiyoko before, but you’re his girlfriend, it’s a different situation.
“Don’t you dare touch her,” he’d yell as he ran over with Kageyama and Tanaka following behind as support. They’re just there in case Hinata fucks up and doesn’t know what to do. In the end, Hinata gets you away from the man
When you two are alone, Hinata showers you with cuddles, telling you how much he loves you, even asking if you would ever leave him for someone else, someone like the man in the stands, where you have to constantly reassure him that you wont
Lev Haiba 
Like Bokuto, I can see Lev as being someone who would simply warn the guy that you’re taken, trying to keep it nice and simple before he ends up going off. I can see him storing up some anger in there. There’s always a side of someone we don’t know
You were at one of his modelling shoots, sitting around waiting for your boyfriend to be finished when another guy walked up to you, asking if you were also a model, which you simply declined saying you were here for your boyfriend
However, Lev noticed and still wasn’t happy. He was like, “that’s my girl >:(” so he went over and approached him, simply asking him to leave his girlfriend alone
Lev was called back to the set once more, leaving you alone with the guy. This time, the guy started hitting on you, that’s when Lev started to get annoyed. He made it aware that he was your boyfriend, so why wouldn’t he leave you alone?
Lev made his way back to the guy, simply stating, “Don’t you dare touch her,” as he saw the guy reach his hand out, signalling like he was trying to pull you off with him somewhere
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima would lowkey bully the guy or say something really salty. That’s just the type of guy he is. Sometimes, he may seem like he doesn’t really care about you or the relationship, but deep down he really does love you and hates to see someone else trying to hit on you
It all started in his third year, when the both of you had confirmed your relationship to the rest of his teammates, making it known that you were taken by him. That was just the first step, letting the rest of his teammates know that you belonged to him. However, it wouldn’t have worked with everyone else
You are his number one supporter. At the end of one of his volleyball matches, he saw you in the stands, a guy standing next to you, talking with you. He wanted to inspect the situation, wanting to know if the guy was just a friend or a stranger
His mood changed when he saw the guy try and grab hold of your hand, trying to drag you out of the gym, causing Tsukishima to yell out, “Don’t you dare touch her,” No one in the Karasuno team knew that he could be so protective of things which were important to him, in this instance, you
“Why don’t you go harass some other girls who are taken. I know that my Y/n is the prettiest, but I’m sure you could find a couple other girls who think they’re close to her beauty and harass them instead. Have a good day,” he said, before grabbing hold onto your hand, taking you down onto the court so you could stay with him
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defiblover27 · 4 years
On The Court
I’m in my teams locker room getting ready for the first game of our tournament.  We made it all the way to the national women's college volleyball tournament.  This is my senior year so this is my last chance to get a title.  I put my long brown hair into a ponytail before putting on my white head band that wraps around my head.  I pull my black jersey over my black sports bra supporting my B cup breasts.  I slide my knee pads up my toned legs and secure them in place.  Finally I put on my white sneakers and look at myself in the mirror.  I never imagined when I was younger that at 22 years old I would be at this level.  I’m only five foot two but I have trained hard for this day.  My team huddles up and gets pumped up for the game.  This is what we have trained for and we wont let anything get in the way.  The gymnasium was packed, all our friends and family were there to watch us play.  The first whistle blew as the other team set the ball.  The first few minutes went great for us.  We were winning and it looked like an easy win.  A few moments later I start to feel lightheaded and start to lose vision.  I back up slightly to approach the bench but I never make it.  Before I realize what is happening my legs give out and I fall onto the court.  I can’t move and I can’t see anything.  I hear faint voices getting close to me.  Did I pass out? Why can I still hear them?  “Someone get the nurse!” I hear my couch shout.  “Call 911!” another voice says.  What’s going on? I feel someone's hands between my breasts. Who is touching me there?  Then there's a sharp pain.  They are pushing down hard and fast on my chest.  No this cant be happening, someone is giving me CPR,  I can count the compressions as my chest caves in.  After thirty compressions someone tilts my head back, opens my mouth, pinches my nose, and gives me mouth to mouth.  I feel my lungs inflate each time air is forced into them.  They give me two breaths before the compressions start again.  Before I know it someone I feel someone cutting my jersey off.  The place these large sticker like pads on my chest.  One between my breasts and one on my lower left side.  Suddenly I don’t feel anyone’s hands,   “Analyzing do not touch patient” I hear in a mechanical voice.  I remember learning about these in health class its an AED.  “Shock advised do not touch patient.” It says again.  Oh crap I know what comes next, this is gonna hurt.  “Pressing flashing shock button now” I feel a sharp pain course throughout my body as the shock is delivered.  I feel someone’s fingers pressing into the side of my neck.  “She has a pulse!” they exclaim.  Thank god, my heart is beating again.  It is hard to breath but I manage to get some air.  Why am I not waking up? Shouldn't I be awake now?
I feel a tube run across my face and little ones placed into my nose.  The paramedics have arrived!  They give me much needed oxygen.  They roll me onto my side and place a long hard object against my back.  They roll me back over and place straps over my body.  They shove two large blocks against my head.  I feel constrained as if I couldn't move even if I wanted to.  They lift me up and place my on a gurney before rolling me outside into the ambulance.  I feel cold metal run across my body as the paramedic removes all of my clothes.  They strip me naked for the whole world to see.  Stickers are placed on my chest and wires are connected to them.  I hear a beep and then another, they have me heart rate monitored and I can hear each time it pumps.  There is a quick prick in my left arm and then a warm sensation as they start an IV.  Everything is going well and I think that I am finally back but, I still can’t seem to wake up.  I want to wake up I just need to open my eyes.  Suddenly I feel a pain in my chest like the one from before.  They beeps in the distant become faster and faster.  Why is my heart beating so fast? I can’t hear the beeping anymore... a sharp continuous tone feels the air.  “She’s coding hurry up!”  Coding? Did my heart stop again?  I get my answer before I can think.  The paramedic places there gloved hands between my breasts and gives me CPR.  This time it hurts more than the first time as they push down with all of their force over and over again.  I feel a rib pop from the force of the compressions.  A mask reeking of plastic is sealed over my mouth and nose as air is forced into my lungs.  They rip the AED pads off of my chest.  “Charging to 300″ I hear the paramedic call out.  There is an electrical whining as the defibrillator is charged.  I feel two cold metal paddles placed against my chest but they also have a cold gel on them.  “Shocking” before I can prepare myself the shock courses through my body.  I feel my chest try and rise up but I am constrained by the straps of the backboard.  “No change charging again” Why didn’t the shock work this time?  The paramedic uses one hand to compress my chest.  I feel my ribs cave in each time.  In a moment the paddles are back on my bare chest and I am shocked again.  “Asystole” I hear them call out.  My heart still isn’t beating.  Is this it, is this where I die?  There hands are back on my chest as the continue CPR for what seems like an eternity.  They leave my chest for just a few seconds as they push a new fluid through my IV.  This one burns as I feel it course through my body.  As the compressions continue my heart begins to quiver again.  “V-fib charging to 360″  The whining of the machine fills the air again.  The paddles are back on my chest and I am shocked again.  The higher voltage causes a greater pain as I try to make my heart beat again.  “No change”  The fear is increasing as I wonder if they will be able to save me.  The ambulance stops and they roll me out.  The paramedic straddles my body and I feel their pelvis pressing against mine.  They continue CPR on me as they roll me into the hospital.  Now even more people will see my nude body.  
I am rolled into a room as one of the paramedics tells the doctors what is going on.  “22 year old female, suffered a cardiac arrest at a volleyball game.  Was brought back to normal sinus by the AED.  Crashed in the ambulance five minutes ago.  Has been given one round of epi and shocked three times.  Currently in V-fib.  Continuous CPR the entire time.”  The paramedic gets off of me as they lift me over to a new bed.  The straps are removed and the wires are plugged into a new monitor.  A nurse takes over compressions while someone else opens my mouth a puts a metal hook into it.  I feel them force a long tube all the way down my throat.  There is some kind of strap wrapped around my neck as they secure the tube.  “Charge the paddles to 360 please.”  I feel multiple sets of hands on my body as they each fight to save me life.  In a moment the paddles are back on my chest and I am shocked.  This time my head snaps back and I feel my chest rise into the air before crashing back down onto the bed.  “No change charge again”  CPR is continued as my heart takes a beating.  Before I know it the paddles are on my chest and everyone backs away.  “All clear, shocking”  My arms flail off the bed as my chest rises and falls again.  “Asystole, push epi and resume compressions”  I remember that word, asystole, that means my heart isn't moving at all.  The burning sensation returns as the medicine is forced into my body.  I feel someone pull my eyelids open but I can’t see anything.  They shine a bright light into my eyes and then pull it away.  “Pupils are sluggish” I feel my arms bounce up and down with each compression that I am given.  Each second feels like an eternity as they fight for my life.  “V-fib charge paddles to 360″  I hear the whining of the machine and a squirting noise as they place more of that gel onto the paddles.  CPR is stopped and the paddles are placed on my chest again.  “Everyone clear, shock”  I hear the doctor say as I am defibrillated again.  My feet twitch and I feel my toes scrunch up before relaxing again.  “Again”  For just a few second hands are between my breasts and pounding away before the paddles are on my chest again.  “All clear, shocking”  Bam I am shocked again as I feel my hands form loose fists and my chest rise and fall.  “Back in asystole, what's her down time?”  I hear the doctor ask.  “Twelve minutes doctor” a distant voice responds.  “Prepare a thoracotomy tray please”  What the hell is that?  CPR is continued and a fluid is splashed all across my left chest.  I feel a blade cut away at my side below my breast.  Blood pours out and I hear in trickle on the floor.  They suction away some of my blood.  They place metal bars in my chest and spread my ribs apart.  I feel the doctors hands wrapped around my hear as he squeezes it rhythmically.  They push more medicine into me and two minutes later I am back into a shockable rhythm.  I feel two spoon shaped metal paddles placed into my chest and around my heart.  “Charge to 20 joules”  They back away from my nude body and the paddles deliver a shock.  My body twitches but the pain is greater than the previous ones.  “Charge to 30 joules”  Again the paddles shock me as my toes scrunch and my body twitches. “No change charge again”  I hear the doctor whisper something “Come on girl” he wants me to come back.  I feel the shock course through my heart as my body jolts.  There is a moment of silence.  A sharp tone feels the air as the doctor slowly removes the paddles from inside my chest.  “Downtime?” he asks.  “Eighteen minutes.” a voice responds.  No one is squeezing my heart, there are no paddles in my chest.  All there is a a ventilation every few seconds filling my lungs.  They shine the light in my eyes again.  “Pupils fixed and dilated.” What's going on?  “Time of death 14:47″  What? No please keep going I’m not ready to die.  I feel them disconnect the bag from the tube in my throat and the tone is silenced.  They wipe the gel off my chest and disconnect the wires.  They wrap a sting with a small card on it around my big toe.  They drape a sheet over my naked body and leave the room.  That’s it... I’m dead.
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willowbird · 3 years
For the prompt thing, could you do 2 for au, 4 for trope and 5 for prompt with andreil?
Hogwarts au, meet messy, "you have the emotional capacity of a brick"
Dearest anon, how did you know that I have been literally aching for an excuse to do something with a hogwarts au?
For context, because idk if I'll be able to explain it in the ficlet, Andrew and Aaron have been raised by their real father, Joseph Minyard, and his wife, Betsy Dobson, since the twins were seven. Andrew instinctively retaliated against an abuser with magic when he was in foster care, bringing him to the attention of whatever the US's ministry of magic is called (I forgot). They found his dad, who is a British wizard, and also discovered Aaron's existence. The twins, upon meeting each other and finding out they were wizards, chose to stay together and go with their dad rather than risk potentially being separated in whatever system the US magic people has for orphaned magic kids.
(look, I've been thinking about this A LOT okay?)
The following scene would take place the summer before the twins' fifth year. They are fifteen, Kevin is sixteen, Neil is fourteen.
Please be aware that all these characters are a lot younger and significantly less traumatized. I mean, shit still happened to them, but they all get rescued from their abusive home lives a lot earlier than in canon.
Andrew Minyard had lost a bet.
It was a really shitty bet, and Andrew should have known at the time that he was being fucking set up. But, well - what was it that broody fucker always said? Oh. C'est la vie. Or something. Whatever.
Point being, Andrew made a stupid bet and then he lost and it was really his own damn fault. Now he was stuck going to stupid Kevin Day's stupid house to play stupid broom-ball over summer break when he could have been basking in the wonders of muggle efficiency like television and air conditioning. What made it worse was that his mom had been so damn delighted that he was going over to a friend's house, too, and Andrew didn't usually have it in him to smash her hopes and dreams when she was so genuinely happy for him.
So. Here he was, broom in hand (because if he had to do this he was at least going to suffer with the familiarity of his own fucking broom), staring up at obviously haunted creaky old manor house that Day apparently lived in.
"Great," he grumbled to himself. "Just.. great." Andrew did not like ghosts, did not like them one fucking bit. They always wanted to chat you up and had absolutely no respect for personal space.
The longer he delayed, though, the longer Day was probably going to force him to participate in his bullshit "training camp", so Andrew straightened his shoulders and trudged up the cracked stone staircase that lead up the hill to the front door of the house. The very second Andrew had both feet on the dilapidated front porch, one hand reaching for the knocker, the front door began to swing slowly open. You know, as they were wont to do in creepy old ghost-infested houses owned by wizards.
Without waiting for a welcome (because the door fucking opened for him, that was invitation enough), Andrew strolled inside. He didn't even flinch when the door slammed shut behind him.
(Okay, maybe he jumped a little bit. Just a little.)
No one was waiting for him in the foyer, because of course that would be too easy. At least the inside of the house didn't look as abandoned as the outside did. On the contrary, the foyer was well-lit and free dust and cobwebs. It opened up into a round sitting room that looked lived-in rather than haunted, personal affects strewn about here and there in vaguely organized chaos and family pictures on the mantle above the fireplace.
This, Andrew had learned quickly upon his introduction to the magical world about seven or so years ago now, was fairly common when it came to magical families living in and around muggle neighborhoods. Sure, there were wholly wizarding villages, but not a ton of them. Most of the magical community had to coexist or at least peripherally exist with the muggle one. With the work of a couple of charms and a heavy dose of aesthetic, a magical family could live comfortably without the muggles looking too closely - and even if they did look closely, it was the haunted old house at the end of the street so strange things were bound to happen around it, right?
Homey as it may be on the inside, it was still actually haunted, though. Andrew had a good sense about ghostly lairs and this was definitely one of them.
Heaving a sigh, Andrew moved through the sitting room and ventured deeper into the house. The sooner he found Kevin, the sooner he could leave.
The rest of the house, Andrew swiftly found, was an uncanny combination of the haunted image it presented to outsiders and the cozy haven of the front sitting room. The hall leading off the sitting room was normal when you looked down it heading away from the sitting room, but when Andrew looked back over his shoulder it was like looking into something out of a cheap horror film (of which Andrew had viewed many, much to his father and brother's chagrin, but his mother liked to critique them with him).
Andrew checked each door he came across. Some of them were locked. Some opened into perfectly normal coat closets and bathrooms. At least one of them opened onto an actual cemetery where a bunch of ghosts were playing croquet. Andrew quickly shut that door before any of them tried to talk to him.
It was when he came to the staircase, however, that he finally started to get somewhere. Voices could be heard when he hit the first landing, but they completely vanished when tried to move beyond it - either further up the stairs or out into the hall. Turning to inspect the walls, Andrew realized that one of them wasn't actually a wall at all, but an illusion -- his hand right through!
"This is getting ridiculous," Andrew grumbled to himself as he stepped through the goddamn fucking wall.
He found himself in a wide, clean hallway bathed in the bright sunlight that was streaming in from the skylights placed every few feet. From one of the open doors a bit down the hall, Andrew could finally make out the words of what was obviously an argument.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to your bloody school, Day?!"
"You can't just not go to school, Neil! The Ministry will have your wand, and then where will you be?"
"Oh come off it, do you really still buy into all that regulatory shit? They can't track me if I'm not a student unless they have an open warrant out on me. I could turn the corner store into a giant anthropomorphic pig that pisses coffee and they wouldn't know it happened until the story hit the local news, and even then they'd have a hard time tracking me down, considering those lazy twats barely even know how to read let alone track a rogue wizard."
"Galloping Gargoyles, Neil. Where in Merlin's name do you come up with this shit."
"It's called an imagination, Day. I was able to foster one while not being indoctrinated into the sheep-brain miasma that is Ministry-approved wizarding society."
This 'Neil' was getting more worked up as he spoke, spitting out his words like he was crafting a very pointed hex. There was the scuff of footsteps and a shadow fell across the hall as someone stepped toward the hall. "I'll be leaving now, thanks. Have fun being institutionally programed to fit the conservative mediocrity."
A larger shadow blotted out most of Neil's. "You can't just go, Neil!"
There was a scuffle, then a short kid wearing oversized robes stumbled into the hall. "Try and bloody catch me then, you lumbering infant of a Bandersnatch!" And then the kid turned and bolted down the hall -- right toward where Andrew had paused to eavesdrop on their conversation.
Now, Andrew was all ready to step aside. This was none of his business, after all. If this mouthy kid wanted to run away and join the circus or something, more power to him. He, also, thought school was a nightmare. But then Kevin stumbled out into the hall and shouted, "Andrew! Block him!"
And, well. Look. This was all fucking Kevin's fault. Kevin and his stupid cross-House quidditch club and his obsession with running drills. It was also Nicky's fault, for forcing them all to go so they could bond or what the fuck ever the purpose was. But Kevin shouted 'block!' and Andrew had spent two years as a beater and one year as a keeper and, well, reflexes kicked in.
He blocked.
Except, he had spent two years as a beater, and he was holding a broom. So.
His arms moved on their own, and it was a mighty, vicious swing. The next second the kid was flat on his back, gasping to try and catch his breath. Kevin loped over on legs too long, shooting Andrew an appreciative grin that Andrew kind of wanted to punch off of him.
"What.. the.. actual... fuck..." the kid - Neil - wheezed from the floor.
Now that he was officially drawn into this mess, Andrew allowed himself to indulge his curiosity and slung his broom up against one shoulder to approach the fallen boy. He felt a little bad (okay, more than a little), so he figured he'd offer him a hand up at least. Except, when he got to the kid and looked down he was shocked to find just about the prettiest boy in the whole Nimue-cursed universe.
(Andrew's gay awakening had happened when he was twelve years old. The keeper of the Gryffindor quidditch team smiled at him and told him he'd make a pretty good beater. Andrew had tried out for his own House team the very next week, and it had all been downhill from there.)
Andrew cleared his throat and opened his mouth to say something cool and unbothered, because that's what you did when you met someone pretty and wanted to impress them. Instead, like the utter dork that he was, he said, "Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley."
"What the fuck is a Weasley?" the sharp, pretty boy on the floor shot back through gritted teeth, pushing himself up into a sitting position.
Kevin's obnoxious shadow fell across the both of him and he sighed, putting his hands on his hips. "Don't mind Andrew, he remembers everything he hears and has a tendency to regurgitate random lines from other things when he feels awkward or anxious."
"Don't mind Kevin," Andrew followed up conversationally, "he's an insufferable know-it-all with a tendency to overshare and force people to play stupid broom-ball when they should be having a perfectly air-conditioned summer break."
"You emotionally wound me."
"You have the emotional capacity of a brick, don't try me Day."
Kevin rolled his eyes. Neil honed in on Andrew with eerie intensity. "You have an air-conditioner?"
Aha! Mission accomplished: cute boy impressed.
Andrew smirked. "Yup." He popped the 'p', feeling quite good about himself, his earlier bumble placed in the back of his head where he could obsess about it later.
Neil's narrowed eyes scanned him up and down, then relaxed, the blue of them bright and intelligent. He looked like he was figuring something out about Andrew but Andrew had no idea what or why. It took some effort, but instead of squirming he met Neil's gaze full-on. After a long moment, Neil seemed to have made a decision. He pushed himself up to his feet and nodded. "Alright then. You play quidditch?" He gestured to Andrew's broom with the jerk of his chin.
He hadn't noticed it earlier because he'd been so fascinated with the argument itself, but now that he could focus on Neil's voice, Andrew realized that there was something of about his accent. It wasn't that it seemed fake but more that it... it reminded him of his own, back when he'd been younger and had only been in England for a couple of years. He remembered being teased for it, and getting into a lot of fights because of that. Well, he remembered getting into fights because Aaron was also teased, and no one picked on his brother but him.
"I thought you were going to run off and join the circus." Andrew arched a brow.
Neil wrinkled his nose. "No. I'm still not going to your stupid castle school." He paused and looked from Andrew to the broom back over to Kevin and sighed. "But... one or two games of quidditch before I go can't hurt."
Kevin looked overjoyed. He grinned at Andrew and Andrew supposed that they really must be friends now, because he felt quite pleased about that.
"Great!" said Kevin. "Let's go! We should be able to get in some warm-up rounds before the others get here!"
"Others?" Andrew and Neil said with identical inflections of disdain. The sound of an echo startled the both of them and the looked at each other. Then, Neil smiled.
Andrew supposed a day without AC playing stupid broom-ball wasn't so bad after all.
Fun little prompt things
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night-rhea · 3 years
Fasting Problems with Night and Badeea
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Warning: Doodles are made in late night. With no working brain. So they will be very very absurt
Probably not everyone will find it interesting, so its under cut ✨
Night: Finally, here we are. We should have been here like week ago but someone hate their doodle style.
Badeea: While they shouldnt! İts just doodle after all.
Naz: Im that someone. Anyway. I feel like i am the only one who could do this. So. Why i wouldnt. It will be mostly Night and Badeea talking to each other. Maybe some npc character too.
Night: Let me guess. I will symbolize 'bad' ones, and Badeea will symbolize 'good' ones.
Naz: I love how you know me dear.
Badeea:.... At least we are here, right?
Naz: Damn right girl. Shall we start? Lets just explain veeery basically what fasting is. Badeea?
Badeea: Fasting is 'basically' Not eating or drinking anything from sunrise to sunset.
Night: We say basically, because there is more. You are actually training your self control. When you want to eat, you wont. When you want to curse, you wont. When you want to lie, you wont. Aaand list is going like that.
Badeea: So this is we trying to be best person we can be for month!
Naz: İsnt it sounds lovely? Lets see how we are dealing with it.
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Night: Most common one... Forgetting youre fasting and just eat or drink something. The moment you realize.... *sighes*
Badeea: But worry not! İf you really forget it, it doesnt break your fast. Just, be more carefull!
Night: ı know there is something else you want to say it. Go ahead...
Badeea: Pls dont make me 'shower' like that, like, ever....
Night: I said im sorry-
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Night: Okay this is very, VERY, very bad one. You just, CANT, do anything makes you sweat much. Because you already have NO ENERGY. AND CANT DRİNK WATER AFTER İT!
Badeea: Yes.. You should really be carefull about what you are doing. We dont want you to fall down from your broom..
Night: Haha not that it happened.
Badeea: .....
Night: ...... Anywayy. You should just, do your other hobbies, which doesnt make you thirsty or hungry. Like-
Badeea: Drawing! Painting! Reading! Writing! There is so much thing you actually can!
Night: She is right. You should wait for after sunset to do these tiring hobbies. Like me.
Badeea: Ah right. You are practising alone in Training Ground after sunset right?
Night: Yep! İts actually so peaceful. While im sad about not being able to practise with team, for a limited time this is really good too.
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Badeea: Here, youre seeing two type of person. One, who stays awake until sunrise, eat and goes to bed. And two, who goes bed early, woke up at sunrise and eat, and go back to sleep.
Night: Clearly, second one is better if you need to go class in morning.... But i just cant sleep early in nights! So im jıst staying awake until three am, and then eat, and go to sleep. And im sleeping in lunch break too. Have nothing else to do anyway..
Badeea: Im telling you to not, but you never listen.. İts not healty for you. But i guess its your own system..
Night: I love you more when you dont force me to do something.
Naz: I would say something too, but since im writing this in three am with very sleepy head, i feel like i shouldnt.
Badeea: :)
Night: For next one, we dont need a doodle. Here. İ will show you myself. Lets pretend Badeea is someone who just, pushed me into dirt.
Badeea: Oh my...
Naz: ......
Badeea: .....
Badeea: This one is not being able to curse... And im imagining its something, uhm, hard for Night..
Night: Of course its hard! You are trying to not say even basic ones. Yeah being not rude is rather easier but not saying things that you normally say without thinking, yeah its hard.
Naz: .... Thats it for tonight i guess. I might do second part, or "how to treat ones who fasting" part but whoooo knoooows. Im really, really too sleepy to know. I hope i wont regret when im normal XD If you have some, questions?? You can send it to me and i let Night and Badeea answer ✨ Have a nice day! Or night!
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Speaking of Neo Heroes' security guards doing the housekeeping at Badd's house as part of the deal between Badd and Neo Heroes when he joined them, this makes me think:
- "What if redeemed Garou successed at infiltrating Neo Heroes without getting recognized and disguising himself as Badd's guard?" -
This is just pure self-indulging thought because imagine this: Current Garou, the calmer, wiser, matured, yet still powerful as ever, been wanting to return the favor to Badd for defending him in the previous battle and also to protect him from Neo Heroes' shady schemes, he decided to infiltrate Neo Heroes with his new identity and becomes Badd's security guard.
Of course I know this scenario wont be possible at all because of Neo Heroes would investigate everyone to the tiniest details, and some of Neo Heroes members already recognized Garou in canon webcomic just like the whole Suiryu's team squad did. But let's just think they would be fooled by Garou's new persona when he enrolled the job.
Not to mention, let's just assumed enrolling the job as Neo Heroes' staff would be separated from the regular member's employment and many of Neo Heroes' execs haven't familiarized yet with Garou's new appearance.
The setting could be after Garou got ambushed by Suiryu's team and also after Badd got attacked by Neo Heroes' cyborgs, since I think these events occured on the same time or at least at the same week, imho. So, once Garou heard about what happened to the Neo Heroes' members, he got worried for Badd and decided to sorta helped him in a way by become his personal guard.
During the interview, Garou would giving "made up" personal data that wont mentioned any of Bang's influence or everything related to his mentor. During the physical test, he would only using the most basic martial art moves in front of the execs so they wont recognizing his distinct style.
Garou successfully passed the test and get the job, at the same time when Neo Heroes' need a new security guard for Badd since the delinquent hero already kicked out the latest guard from his house for being "too goddamn nosy", courtesy by the furious Badd himself. Badd said he wanted a more decently normal guard and not a creep. That was a great chance for Garou to fill the requirement as his security guard.
Imagine the short-haired Garou wearing a suit like usual bodyguard outfit, looking so neat, professional, and reserved. And he was standing in front of Badd's front door, ready to greet the hero (who saved his life before) then introducing himself as both his new bodyguard and housekeeping guard.
Eventhough from outside Garou looked very calm, actually he was a bit nervous because he would meet Badd again. Unsure if he should be proud that he got a real good job in which he could be by Badd's side, or afraid that Badd would reject him then kick him out from the house just like what he did to other previous guards.
The moment Badd opened the door to scold and complained whoever Neo Heroes stubbornly have sent to him, he got tongue-tied by Garou's appearance. At first Badd still not recognized his identity, but after inspecting him for a few seconds Badd immediately gawked and immediately yanked Garou into the house, closing the door so noone would hear their conversation.
Badd realized that this man, this charming mysterious person, his new bodyguard, is Garou. Garou the ex Hero Hunter, Human Monster, the former enemy who put him into hospital yet also the one whom he protected from the rest of S-Class heroes, the reason why Badd leaving Hero Association, now was standing before him. Introducing himself as Neo Heroes' new security guard who will "keep him and his lil sister" from any danger outside.
Not easily convinced, Badd cornered Garou and asking if Garou has gone crazy for joining Neo Heroes, too. Especially now Badd knew that they were such scumbags disguising themself as saviors.
Garou calmly answered that he already know firsthandly of what Neo Heroes is, also had heard of what they have done to Badd. Hence he became a double agent: working for Neo Heroes to gain their trust so he can protect Badd from anyone, including Neo Heroes members itself since he has the privillege to do that. Of course by doing that, Garou must be smart enough to trick them and manipulated the reports so they wont gain Badd's personal information that was too private to be shared because it could endangered Badd's life.
Garou doesn't care if this could endanger himself should Neo Heroes realizing his true intention. As long as Badd is safe, he wont give a fuck for all of Neo Heroes' bullshits again. Nobody would hurt Badd any longer, let the delinquent hero do his job properly without any disturbance.
Badd was surprised at how far Garou willing to do for the sake of him, but he still wont convinced enough of him because at this point it seems Badd couldn't trust people anymore since the Hero Association's post-war chaos and Neo Heroes' cyborgs assault.
Garou knows Badd got trust issue because of them, same as what Garou feels after all this time. Wanted to reassure Badd, Garou kneeled before Badd and vowed to him, that he definitely will keep Badd and Zenko safe at all cost. If something wrong happened between Badd and him that makes he should betray Badd, Badd has the full rights to punish him severely and he wont fights Badd back. His life is fully on Badd's hand and not Neo Heroes'. With pleasure, Garou pledged his loyalty just for Badd only. Only him.
Garou ended his vow by taking Badd's hand and kissed his knuckles softly. Then he gave Badd such tender genuine smile with equally tender adoring gaze, because for Garou this man in front of him is his "Hero". Now he would return the favor by cherishing Badd and make him happy.
Listening Garou's vow and receiving sweet gestures from him made Badd flustered, he didn't expect that the ex Hero Hunter who hunted him down would be willing to be his loyal guard. Even swore to cherish him. That's more than a regular guard should do to their client!
Badd had thought he didn't deserved to be treated so nicely like this since he was just doing what he thinks is right. Also he wasn't often getting praised at all by people hence he still hasn't used by it. But seeing how genuine and determinated Garou is, somehow it warms Badd's heart. That Garou really appreciating him to the point he wanted to return the favor, in which Garou didn't have to do that yet he still do it out of free will.
Finally, Badd accepting Garou's offer and trusted him to do his job as his bodyguard. Like Garou has promised before, if someday Garou has to betray his trust, Badd will not hesitated to demolish the wolfman. Monster form or not.
With a bright yet soothing smile, Badd helped Garou to stand up again from his kneeling position and then hugged him tightly.
And saying, "Welcome home, Garou".
Bonus headcanon:
Imagine how often Garou gets Badd blushing madly just by appearing as professional bodyguard, so handsome and charming. Not to mention now Garou showing more responsible and mature side of him that put Badd in awe everytime Garou doing his job properly. Sometimes it distracted Badd's mind and every single memories of the wolfman being so sweet and loving to him lives in his head rent free.
Also, Zenko totally adores Garou and really glad that he wasn't like those creepy bodyguards that Badd had to kick out before. More often Zenko asked Garou to be more casual and to treat Badd more as a friend and not as a client, since she told Garou that her bigbro loves his presence especially when both of them were off-duty at home.
Gradually, Garou becomes more laid-back around Badd (except when he was on-duty or still under Neo Heroes' surveillance). They're eventually becomes bestfriends, completing and complementing eachother since they both were alone and lonely boys.
Secretly without Neo Heroes' knowledge, Garou has been helping Badd to cope with his doomed situation under Neo Heroes' cruel scheme by finally having someone trusted enough on his side when he need it, as he will be always on Badd's side no matter what. Even as far manipulated the daily reports brilliantly so Neo Heroes wont touch Badd with their dirty hands anymore. Anything Garou will do, for Badd.
In return, Badd wont let anyone to hurt Garou again, even if it's Neo Heroes itself. The ex Hero Hunter has already suffered enough. Badd would try his best to cooperate with Garou so they both could make convincing "false reports" while they enjoyed their secret private life together. If someone from Neo Heroes found out what they have done, Badd worried if Garou would be taken away from him. Or worst, gets a fate worse than death. And Badd doesn't want that happens.
On the brighter side, Garou could spend time together most of the time with. Even living with Badd as a privillege of his bodyguard status and Badd's seal of approval to the Neo Heroes execs (so they would let Garou lives together with him, for "surveillance" reason).
Sometimes Garou also assisting Badd in a battle when he was still on bodyguard duty, ensuring Badd wont be too reckless during fighting the enemies. If Badd was injured, Garou was the first one who reacted and immediately taking care of him at home, or bringing him to the nearest hospital if the injuries were quite heavy and need proper medical treatment.
Imagine Garou bridal-carried Badd towards hospital. Badd was actually unconscious at first, but when he regained his consciousness the first thing he saw was Garou's handsome face with those seriously worried expression. That made Badd swooning because: 1. "Why did Garou has to be THIS gorgeous even in pinch situation like this??"; 2. "But he cares so much to me, this strangely makes me happy in some way..";
Then Badd pretended to be passed out in Garou's arms, just so he can peek on Garou's face. Spoiler: Garou knows it the entire time, but he let Badd enjoyed the scenery while he focused on running to hospital.
Imagine the off-duty Badd walking around the town together with Garou. Or going to family picnic with Zenko and Garou has to "keep on eye" on them (when in fact Garou just having fun together with them as it's just a false report for the Neo Heroes execs, Neo Heroes surveillance be damned).
Maybe somewhere in the future, Badd would finally releasing himself from Neo Heroes' grasp and decided to be vigilante, followed by Garou who rebelled against Neo Heroes since his loyalty is only for Badd. Noone can stop them as vigilante duo. Maybe at that point, one of them would confessed their feeling to the other and then they would become lovers, too..
---- THE END -----
This was totally self-indulged headcanon where I want short-haired Garou wears some formal outfits and being a Cool Looking Guy™ who is secretly as powerful as monster. I'm thirsty for any short-haired Garou contents (and also him being together with Badd), forgive me for this outrageously messy writing.. 😅🙏
But honestly, if Garou really showed up at Badd's door as his bodyguard that would be very hilarious lmaoo! Btw I wrote this at 4 AM and now it's already 7 AM by the time I finished, lol. Getting not enough sleep go brrr 😜
So, how was it, guys? Did you enjoyed it? I'm so sorry if it wasn't good enough 😳💦👉👈
@hiro-gari @the-goddessfighter @garous-nipple @jusqu-une-etudiante
Thank you so much for reading this headcanon, guts! I will try to fight off my writer's block and depression, hopefully I can get back on writing more stuff in the future. Wish me luck ✌😁
Have a nice weekend, guys! Love you all~ 😎😘💕💞💖💝🌸🌺🌼🌻🌷💐
Yessss dude I’m here for this!! Finally he’s got a job that suits him :’) And oh yeahhhh Garou dressed as a bodyguard 🥴 pleeease it would be such a look for him👌😩 bet he pops the collar a bit tho
I love how Badd is like ??hello these guys are scumbags, wtf are you doing, and Garou’s like 🤷 that’s why I’m here, duh. What a sweetheart agshsjsks
I irl clutched my chest when he got down on one knee!! awwwe 🥺💖 The fact that he went to such lengths has to speak for itself as well, I mean Badd knows how much he hates heroes, but especially morally corrupt ones with ulterior motives 🙄BROOO and Badd’s acting all professional and slightly suspicious and Zenko’s just coming out and telling Garou how it really is 😂😂 That’s perfect omg
I love this alternate webcomic version so much 💗 What happened to Badd is so heartbreaking 😓 so it’s very nice to see Garou’s using his mischievous tactics for good to help him get through it and support him 😩 *sobbing*
Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us!! It’s beautifully creative and sweet 💕💗💖😚 We love youu~
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Kita version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
kita was having a good time by himself in his grandmother’s rice fields, feeling the breeze like the precious farm boi he is,,, when he saw a cat sleeping on a wet patch in the middle of the field
gathering concern for the little cat, he brought him home and decided to clean it up 
then you woke up
you felt something scrubbing your back when you open your eyes you see a guy aiming a hose at you 
you scream bc obv, but that scream translated into a screech leaving your mouth and you see your hand
homie that was a paw
why do u have a paw?????
"stay still, you might hurt yourself”
and why is there a Kita Shinsuke spraying water at you lmao
you see that he’s kinda annoyed that you’re moving so much while he’s trying to clean you up but at the same time you arent sure since he isnt easy to read and that don’t know him too well rip so you let yourself be cleaned for free ig
but yo what the hell??? so you’re a cat now????
you try to remember what happened before all this and how in the world you suddenly turned into a cat and magically wake up in Kita’s place 
you dont know the exact location of his place so you have no idea how to get back home from here
Kita pulled the cat closer to him, and wiping the wet fur with a towel as generously as he could that the cat soon found comfort from his gentle caresses
okay maybe you could stay for a while yk huehue
“you’re having fun”
you hear a familiar voice from a mile away, you look back and see a fat, creepy cat standing on two of its hind feet
o wait
you saw that cat last night when you were watching the shooting star outside,,, you thought it’d be cute if you suddenly wished for something so you did then that thing appeared outta nowhere promising you that he can make your wish come true than compared to a stupid star
so he forced the wish outta you
that you wished to be closer to a guy you admired,, and you had a lot of crushes in your school ykyk,,, just that Kita takes the entire cake
“you have until midnight to remain as a cat. be sure to leisurely fulfill your desires, y/n.”
and so he vanished
while knowing full well you’re basically Cinderella now, you take consideration of your leisure time with Kita-sama
do you stay or do you go home first to check on your household
“oh what do we have here?”
Kita’s grandma entered the scene and you think that okay maybe this development is a little too quick since you weren’t ready to face his relatives yet
“i found this cat in the fields. it looked like it could get sick so i cleaned it”
o yea you were a damn cat
also Kita calls you freakin “it”
pennywise who
you chose to stay in Kita’s place bc grandma thought it’d be lovely to let you stay there for a while,, and that you looked like you were starving when you saw the food on the table
thank goodness you were a cat bc jesus were you actually drooling
so you spent time in Kita’s place big deal
but his place isn’t what you’re aimed for no?
“i’m leaving”
Kita says putting on his shoes, ready to leave and he’s wearing casual clothes,, you don’t think he’s going to school for volleyball practice
IS HE GOING ON A DATE????????????
as if thats actually true cmon Kita doesn’t even hang out with girls that much,,, even though he prolly has a bunch of admirers like the other Inarizaki Vball bois
but what if he swang that wae?
so you followed him right?
you wanted to find out where he’s headed also that he looked good in casual clothes you just want to keep looking at him like this 
Kita went to the grocery store
and apparently he was buying ingredients to make food
so you begin to think that you were foolish for lowkey gate-keeping him
like sis cmon you’re a cat rn keep your head in the game,, what do you do with those paws of yours that cant even grab his hand and pull him away when he was about to bump into a girl as he was about to grab a bottle of tomato paste
heck you cant even get inside the damn grocery store and walk in between them cause you’re a fcking cat!!!!!!!!
you watch their mouths say sorries to each other
the girl was blushing
Kita looked worried that he couldve hurt her since the hag was coverin her face
nani k
n̸̢̪̜͚͑́̾́̑̋ á̴̠̜̳͖̼̃͗̚͘͠ͅ n̵̼͙͇̻̹̓͜͜ i̷̥̲̻̪͈̞̙̩͛̾̅̓͝͝͠ ̶̨̡̜̞̟͆̿̈́͜ḵ̶̂̓̀̚ o̶͎͛̋̋̊͋̊̅̈̅ͅ r̶͙̮̱͊̎͠ ę̷̺̪͎͈̗̖̯̣͍͒͊̒͆͂̈́͛́̒̃
you started tapping the glass windows like mad SKSKD
and ofc since you’re a stray animal ppl wont let u get away with absolutely anything so one personnel saw you tapping the windows and shouted at you from inside the store
Kita and the hag saw you and yea that was enough embarrassment for the day, you ran away and let your feet take you wherever 
its a bit boring that since its a weekend there’s nothing to do,, you never expected that Kita’s weekends would be this boring too :(
so the creepy cat appeared
“what’s wrong you dont seem to be enjoying yourself anymore”
“turn me back to human i need to finish my homework”
maybe thats not the most liable excuse you have but it is true that you need to finish an assignment
“but i gave you a chance to be with the person you admire, no? is this not enough?”
“yea well its-”
“here you are”
you feel someone pick you up and you see that it was Kita:0he must’ve looked for you since you dont even know where you are
oh my god Kita Shinsuke looked for you ma’am eye- or mayhaps you took the route back to his house without knowing since you were busy staring at him when you were stalking him earlier ye
you watched how he looked at the creepy cat you were talking to and and judged it from head to hind feet lmao Kita
“do you have the same owner as this cat?”
he asked you and you gave out every ounce of your energy to shake your head as a no as well as to let out the most disgusted and disapproval meow you ever could-
“the hell would i want to be acquainted with that thing!”
no way did u just speak
so Kita stared at you for the remainder of the time but decided you speaking isnt physically possible and that he could’ve been real tired since he saw the Miya twins along the way
he took you back home since his grandma seemed to be real happy seeing a little animal in the house with them
but you didnt miss to see the little knowing smile from the creepy cat from earlier, you just knew from that alone that he was messing with you since as you said you were bored 
it was wrong of you to talk to that lil disgusting thing
since that moment you refused to speak with your mouth every again, if you were going to speak thought you would probably just purposely say meow only to not make anymore mistakes
also you’re spending a lot of time with Kita’s grandma than Kita himself
“i wonder what your future spouse is doing at this moment, Shin-kun”
Kita looked like he wanted to roll his eyes so bad lmao since he always hears things about his grandma wanting to see his wedding before she dies :c
and yk it makes you sad too just hearing about this
and you want to help 😔
and you would offer help 😌
they heard the cat speak and now you’re running away bc they heard you talk about wanting to marry Shinsuke 🤡
the day ended and you managed to go home before the sun set basically nothing happened and your transformation was all for nuttin, you were bamboozled by a demon cat you randomly saw one night
the next day you were back to your human self and it was a school day so ofc you have to live on normally in school as if nothing happened, as if you didnt just stalk a guy from your school but we’ll get to that
see, you’re friends are friends with a few of the guys from your school’s volleyball team,,, so you’re within vicinity of Kita’s attention 
when you explicitly did not want to see him atm
you decided to run away but you realize that’s useless bc you’re all going home together :D
now you weren’t the crowds type of person,, you had no idea how it come to this, you’re used to hanging out with your girlfriends yes but they were having fun altogether like this it was fun just watching them goof off and whatnot
when i told you you’re almost dropped the second you hear Kita calling to you, you best believe
you said hey but in a different tone of voice bc it was too early for him to notice you had the same voice as the cat he saw yesterday,,, then you both walked in silence
you couldnt take it anymore and decided to go to the nearest convenience store since you had something you want to buy,, you went and whispered this to your friends but when they were asking you to let your voice out, you were deadass croaking
but then you clown yourself sum more bc Kita was concerned of you acting like this and asked if you were alright
now you’re stuck with him in the convenience store bc your friends and his friends thought it’d be a great idea for him to go with you :D
“you should eat something warm before going to sleep, and take a warm bath too”
okay now you feel bad for actually making him worry lol
your alibi of getting sick works really well with not speaking at all around him so you used this till the end thinking you can escape him with this until it rained and you dont have an umbrella with you
aight y/n you’re one hell of a clutz
Kita was enough of a gentleman to buy an umbrella for you until its actually out of stock
you guys stayed in the convenience store for the time being
you were losing your mind
how much longer will you stay with him
you thought of an alibi to save you from the embarrassment so you told him you gotta jet and go back to school bc you forgot to bring your notebook with you 
but now you realize you realize you didnt have to tell him bc he’ll still follow you as if his life depends on taking care of you :(
after you randomly stormed out of the convenience store, he caught up to you and pulled you somewhere where there’s a roof over
“are you usually this reckless? or do you just like getting yourself sick?”
homie does not hold back
he pulled a spare shirt from his back and put it on your head,, proceeding to wipe your wet hair with it until he realized he’s subconsciously invading your personal space
he looked right at you, so you two were standing there,,, staring,, his hands on both sides of your head,,,,, both of y’all are wet hunni
he let go and turned the other way,,, the darkness wasnt dark enough to conceal his red cheeks and hunni you made him blush aight
“you reminded me of a cat i saw yesterday im sorry about that”
“you dont have to apologize”
o sis you did it now
you s p o k e
so Kita was beyond surprised to hear that voice again,,,, and this time from yOU,, ALL NORMAL,, NO FROGS
“i, i can explain”
he looked at you confused, hell was he so confused, that you sounded exactly like the voice he randomly heard yesterday which made him think that came from the cat,, he didnt think that was physically possible bc yk but the embarrassment from your face was enough for him to guess
“did you really say you’re willing to marry me”
“i mean,,, i don’t mind”
“grandma would be glad”
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stay tuned for more!
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onf-headcanons · 4 years
ONF in Demon AU
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A/N : Is clearing idea dumps from drafts, this would be the second version of modern AU 
Hi, does anyone remember the idea of illegitimate child of Satan from here and a random Lucifer!Hyojin moodboard here?
ALSO YOU TOTALLY CAN IMAGINE THIS IN A REVERSE WAY, ANGEL AU (where reader is a reincarnation version fragment of Archangel but this one idea dump/establishment will be done for another day)
ALSO you can totally imagine it as deity AU, example that you are Zeus reincarnation but you awaken late and you need to stop Kronos for his rampage. Or even you are Odin and you need to stop Modern version Ragnarok this time. And ONF members could be tie with other Greek/Roman gods. This one will be fun should OH MY GIRL and B1A4 are tied in too. Its just idea I am not sure if I will expand this. But discussions are welcome
(There is no harm to think it as late Victorian or any other era you like, it is just I felt it is better to write in a familiar timeline as I dont want to do something wrong)
So below are just a few establishment for the AU, I am not gonna divide this into 2 scenarios so warning this is going to be long post.
Ok even though I did mentioned illegitimate or forgotten child. This is plausible for your family comes from bloodline that related to demonXhuman ancestors.
Also it truly depends on you. Making into a throne inheritance war or
Reader come of age and their soul are reincarnated royal demon (not neccesary Satan) so there are some demons/demoness guarding you from you are still a child (kinda like those 2 characters from Good omens or Maleficent)
for the above idea, readers magical heritage only awaken once they pass a certain birthday 16, 18 or 20 or 21, up to you. So you suddenly can see mythical creatures.
It could be your bloodline awakened but you are not that qualified to ascend throne or because of your human blood you cannot hide yourself from angel/demon hunter so you have your own demon guardians
Lets say you are imagining on something big world building, again derived from the establishment for familiar au, it is definitely plausible for you to have other "candidates" and they have their demonic godparents/guardians as well
Example, should you go for inheritance war type, maybe you have a distant related sibling(s). It will be fun if you, have ONF members as your guardians while your sibling(s) have other kpop groups. Presumably to name, Dreamcatcher, ONEUS, ATEEZ, PENTAGON or ASTRO... in short its totally flexible.
To add, (and this is an idea i use to draft for fake pilot episode for a homework I worked), you could tally idols and number of idols you wanna integrate into the story to "Lesser Ley of Solomon", linking your bloodline towith King Solomon (*disclaimer, loosely based mythically). 72 demons, how many demons for 1 person is totally depend on you. Whether number of demons/demoness one have on their side equals to their power/ability (or even how many support they obtain) is up to you.
(and disclaimer I am not Christian this is just an idea dump so dont start cultural bashing. again this ia just an idea dump and I am not planning to touch sensitive issues yet.)
Ok enough world building, lets move to story wise.
You could be growing in orphanage it adds more mystery of your bloodline/heritage or similar to the familiar au, living with your family but your family later died on accident. Your parents bloodline combine making you are the perfect vessel for the reincarnation or maybe its a tradition like every 100 hundred years you will reincarnate or something. Again its flexible.
The moment you realize you are seeing things was you noticed similar aura of each person appeared on similar day. You might not get to see who is watching before you actually confronted to the air that you will contact the police
You might really go file a report but after several times the police be like dear there is no a single soul stalking you tho
then out of depressed, you accidentally get yourself into accident and your demon guardian shows up.
Or, because you started to able to see mythical creatures. Mythical creatures starts to notice your existence as well. And that somewhat gives off your location to other candidates through gossiping (should this is inheritance war type of story). Then your guardian show up to protect you when you are attacked by rival sibling’s demons.
Could be you visited some witch to get your ability to see mythical creatures covered up? Recommended by a friendly non related sibling or a friend you made/could be angel?
You thought you only got one but it surprised  you that you actually got 7 (later 6)
As this was different from summoning because they are guardians either assigned or volunteered. There is no need for you to provide them anything. And different from familiar au, there is no need to leave them in your home. To ensure your safety they must follow you 247
For now I would be thinking our boys actually guards you in a daily shift. Example, Hyojin on Monday, Changyoon on Tuesday, Seungjun on Wednesday, Jaeyoung on Thursday, Minkyun on Friday, Yuto on Saturday, Minseok on Sunday. (after Minseok departs, the other members rotate themselves to do the Sunday shift)
Since their shift are like that, you sometimes take chance to hangout with them. Eating out with Hyojin, Arcades with Yuto. mostly happens Sunday.
I am thinking it might be fun which your predecessors of the throne are very eager to get the throne, you are just trying to keep out of trouble. So in another way, demon ONFs get to experience the modern human world in a more chill way, it was not just guarding you, but also trying to experience human world. You could like summon them?/keep them by your side just like a normal sibling (Especially if you are the type that grow up alone without any siblings)'
Cues in ONF members actually understand your preference and remembers them very well. So you could not help relying on them as days pass by.
You are defo gonna get an ultimate rival and a friend that shares the same circumstances as you. Maybe the first rival sibling ends up being your friend after they know you are not intending to compete. But there are some rivals are more aggressive out there.
Could be you knew a few demon hunters but they know you meant no harm and then they just let you go
It will be more fun if existences of your kind triggers inner civil war between demon hunters/angels. Because there is also some distant “siblings” of yours wish to live their live quietly but some parties does not agree of letting your kind roaming free and feeling the bloodline must end.
Should you are the type to compete for your birthright (because you are too irritated of people keep coming to kill you non stop). They are happy to serve you till the end as you embracing your darker side. (Well I am not sure to give ONF members and reader loveline here so I will not talk about it for now)For this version, to explain Minseok’s departure , I would prefer that Minseok is back at hell to be your team’s spy, monitoring all political moves and changes.There are still bottom line morality, you are not really slaughtering your way through. But you do make sure the other party wont come to look for trouble anymore.They are going to train you to make sure you are ready. Fighting in physical and magic.That friendly sibling joins on training you too. 
You are definitely getting strict critiques from Hyojin and Seungjun during the beginning of your training.
My preferences, you get a friendly sibling(s) where their demon guardians end up being BFF with yours. (RTK and MIXNINE side effect, sorry)
Characterization should be the same as those I have established from the familiar au. Just the world building and some settings that are slightly different.
Hyojin is to keep the trait of his preference on human food
Changyoon is to keep his nagging trait 
Seungjun might help you with studies (not solidify him as a nerd but there is tendency that he will)
Jaeyoung is more to the body guard type
Minkyun defo gonna make friends with stray animals (either you house ends up becoming pet shelter, you becoming a foster mom for animals or you cannot keep any because you are allergic but mental supporting Minkyun is up to you)
Yuto definitely is the quiet but alert type same goes with Minseok
My preference stereotype for them would be the cinnamon rolls that would kill
Sometimes they might go.. “ I am a known demon back in hell but why I am doing this babysitting shit?” 
But then ends up enjoying stuffs human does lol
Changyoon enjoying TikTok lol, they got famous because of their contents. 
Defo gonna have movie night.
It will be funny if ONFs as demons themselves, got scared at the monsters/ghosts seen in horror movies. Bonus if you actually not scared of horror movies. And they are gonna question you out of disbelief like why the hell are you not scared? How can you not even flinch a single bit?
Reason : monsters and ghosts imagined by human beings do not look the same based on their knowledge.
They sometimes show themselves to other humans but rarely. Mostly just being the unseen follower behind you.
Cues in sometimes they forgot they are invisible, and picks up something from the mart and it gave people a fright. Example, Changyoon or Minkyun passes through a nice outfit and just took the hanged outfit out to place in front of himself, only to realise what he did after looking into a mirror nearby
Hmm my thoughts, Jaeyoung and Minseok would be the ones who would always their visiblity when you are out with them.
Hyojin and Changyoon would be the ones who prefer to keep their invisibility
Copying from familiar au, should you attend college or university, people might thought some members of demon!ONF are your boyfriend.
At first when they changed pattern starts to live close to you, they could  not get the concepts of moral of human being well. You will be guiding them. 
Could happen that you are so pissed off by someone at work and you could not help but ranting when you are at home. 
(Of course the demon!ONF on that day saw what happened but you did insist on them to not do anything)
They might go like : “ Should I kill them for you?”
You : “What?”
Random ONF member : “I can do it to make look like an accident you know.”
You : “OMG NO”
You : “You know maybe you can try to mend things when they are trying to frame me on purpose.”
Random ONF member : “Gotcha”
For the you are not competing scenario, they would be always keeping you safe from harm until you died. Should you get married, you let them participated as relatives/friends. Cues in they even help you take care of your child later on. It could be even fun if you child does not inherit bloodline but they can see ONF members
I will stop here will write another post should i have more ideas to add.
Welp of course for a third option scenario, would be you being a supporter the friendly sibling of yours. You just wanna stay safe so you acted like an advisor role for that candidate, helping them to gain power but not participating directly. Like I said its flexible
For this one I would like to write it as you are just trying to chill with your quiet life but demon hunter, angels and aggressive candidates keeping coming at you.
Also for this one I would link to the point of unfavorable and forgotten child part.
Less favourable child gets assigned with less powerful or less aggressive demons
So for this story ONF aren't high class fighter demons at all. But they do excel in magics.
In opposite, you could the one who knows how to fight maybe because you are quite rebellious in personality.
The moment you found out there 3 parties wanna kill you and innocent less aggressive candidates, you snapped.
Maybe some candidates heard of your friendly sibling name and they rushed over to seek help. End up bump into you instead.
You : what kind of dad is *your biological demon dad name*?"
Cues in Demon ONF keep calming you down because they are afraid that rumours of you belittling your demon father might make their king angry
But you have your attitude and no shit is given. Because you understand that your life your destiny is in your own hands.
You : I wanted a peaceful life alone but now I have to deal with Angels, hunters and a bunch of siblings that I never met , never knew about each other, who all wants me dead.
You : its not fair.
To end it once and for all, you suggested to the friendly sibling to find other candidates that do not have any intentions to compete for throne. Form allies with them so that later own they could get votes for the throne and the rest of the gang could get a decorative chill title while living a peaceful life
Also suggested to the sibling of yours make use of the allies to protect less aggressive candidates
It worked politically. As most of the candidates work on slaughtering others to cut secure birthright, your ideal and policy of strengthen inner then tackle threat gain more favour. Finally your sibling gets the throne.
And you and your other members of allies might get duke duchess or something
This version of story would have and need slot of mind games. Political games as well. (Will be interesting to write but there will waaaaaay too much characters to take note.)
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kideternity · 4 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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ofgoldenangel · 4 years
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
SUMMARY: Gabriel Meets Wally West at the Christmas Tree lighting and they spend a wonderful time together. With Snowball fights and Hot chocolate  TRIGGERS: None WRITTEN WITH: @fasterthanl1ght​
Gabriel: loved all these lights and happy kids faces he passed while walking through Rockefeller It was amazing to see how the humans celebrating the holiday season. He found a nice spot in front of the tree on a park bench smiling softly hearing the sounds of happy kids and movement of people. He felt eyes on him as he gave them a soft smile "Hello, Enjoying the Holiday fun?"
Wally:  Wally was having a blast. Christmas in Rockefeller. It didn't get much more iconic than that. He passed by a family making a snowman, some kids having a snowball fight, a couple taking a romantic walk. As he approached a park bench he got a look at the guy sitting on it and was slightly floored. Damn. He'd met some good looking folks in his time, like the Titans or the Justice League, but this guy was like on another level. It took him a second to realize he was staring and he turned away a bit just to avoid making it super obvious. "Hm me? Yeah man I love this time of year. It's my favorite!" Wow did he always sound like such a nerd? He coughed a bit feeling the need to clear his throat suddenly before turning the question on the other man. "What about you? Are you stoked for Christmas? Or you know, whatever you celebrate?"
Gabriel:  Gabe chuckled softly feeling eyes on him as he sat near the hub of all the activity, he'd briefly saw Sam and Charlie dancing feeling extreme happiness to see them enjoying themselves when he turned his attention to the boy with bright red hair something he'd yet to see in this new world. "Same, I love the idea of bring families closer and sending everyone good will." He mused looking at the other chuckling softly "I'm very stoked for it, this will be the first year in awhile I've got all my siblings close enough to spend time with them. We celebrate Christmas, well I suppose some of us do either way I'm super excited."
Wally: Family. It was a little hard to think of that with Barry gone and his parents...well he just didn't really want to think of them. Hell he hadn't even decided if he was going to visit Iris yet. He smiled lightly and decided to join the guy on the bench to look at the tree. "I was an only child but I can imagine it must be pretty great having your siblings around for Christmas. In any case Christmas is the best for sure."
Gabriel: Looked at the other wondering if he had someone to spend the holidays with, he'd learned that many people were sometimes without family which made his  heart hurt for those. "Really how interesting, I'm sure my youngest brother wishes he was an only child. But I rather like it, we sort of had a family falling out years ago this the first time we are all in the same city together. I'm sort of working up my courage to see how he is doing at the Lux club."
Wally: "Ah. Sibling rivalry. I've heard tales of it." The Titans were probably the closest thing to siblings he had and they had their tiffs for sure. Dick probably had the best examples of sibling rivalry of anyone he'd ever met. But that didn't mean the Bat Fam didn't have each other's backs when it counted. Mostly. He pat the other on the back in encouragement and grinned. "Hey man don't sweat it. I'm sure your brother will come around. If ever there was a time to patch things up and start again, this is it. That's what Christmas and New Years is all about right? Peace on Earth and goodwill and stuff."
Gabriel: He smiled nodding his head "it can be quite crazy but lucky I'm pretty close to the youngest group so I i admit its hard playing both sides." He mused looking at the other he was hoping to move forward with his fallen brothers, especially  Lucifer, he really missed his younger sibling and hopped maybe with everything happening they could get on better terms. "Thank you that's very kind of you to say, currently he is going through a rough patch and I want to be there for him but I don't want to come off overbearing. Its hard being the elder brother at times especially when once upon a time we were so close. I miss that closeness we used to share."
Wally: "That is a fine line to walk. Wanting to be closer but afraid to push them away at the same time." He'd done the same thing with his friends. It had taken him so long to decide to come back to them but he did and they welcomed him without question. He knew not everyone was so lucky but he had hope. "I think you'll be close again. You're his brother. That has to count for something." Wally was sometimes too optimistic for his own good but during Christmas he felt it was justified. His specialty was bringing some cheer to where it was needed most and as he watched the kids playing, some he even recognized from F.E.A.S.T. an idea came to him and he grinned. "You wanna join a snowball fight?" It was totally random but this guy sounded like he could use some good old fashioned winter fun right about now.
Gabriel: "You are right very fine line so far the last time we saw one another it was nice, we didn't beat each other up like before." He mused smiling softly he missed Lucifer and fighting with him in the Veil only made that feeling so much stronger if he was honest with himself.  "I love your optimistic not maybe people have that gift , I think you are right clear all the negative from my head and we should get close again. I never stopped caring about him I'll just have to show him." Gabe's smile returned almost tenfold when the other mention a snowball fight. "I'd love one! its actually be my first in a long time promise to take it easy on me? OH I'm Gabriel by the way, Gabe for short." He replied hopping off the bench holding out his hand.
Wally: Alright that just wasn't fair. No one should be allowed to look that good. The dude, Gabe's smile was practically blinding. Holy hell. Wally did his best to shake it off and laughed as he held out his hand to shake the others. "Wally West. Optimism is kind of my thing. There's always a bright side somewhere if you're willing to look." He grinned happily and started towards the kids calling to them. "Hey guys, this is my new friend Gabe! Mind if we join you?" They kids all looked at each other before agreeing excitedly and separated themselves into teams. Having a grown up on their side gave them a great advantage after all. Wally turned back to Gabe nearly buzzing with his own excitement. "Alright if this is your first snowball fight I'll try and go easy on you. The kids might not though so just, heads up. Basically there's two teams right. And you just run around pelting each other with snowballs until the other teams give up! Easy!" Ok so maybe those rules were oversimplified but that's how he used to play with the Titans. Only they used super powers. Which reminded him of one other thing Gabe should know. "Just remember when you're making a snowball don't pack it too tight. And make sure there's no rocks or ice in it. We don't want anyone getting hurt you know. This is strictly for fun. No tears allowed. Unless of course you feel the need to cry when my team wins. I promise I won't judge." Cute or not Gabe was so going down and Wally couldn't wait.
Gabriel: He was quite happy for the distraction in the form of Wally the male seemed to be just as fun as he was plus it gave him an excuse to not wonder into the Lux too early and set Lucifer off. He walked a rather thin line when it came to his youngest brother but he was still happy to be close to him once again. "Sounds like great advice to live by when one thinks about it" he mused letting the other talk giving the kids a slight wave of his hand. He looked at his teammates smiling before being pulled back to Wally. "That sounds amazing, I hope you wont cry if I get you a couple times then?" he teased nodding his head he'd seen the other making the snowballs enough to get the hang of it plus it will be fun either way I'm sure" he mused before nodding is head chuckling at the other "I promise no tears or pain, but try not to cry if If my team takes the win after all I could be some snow chap" he mused moving over to his team to help make some snowballs for the starting fight.
Wally: Wally was glad he could provide a distraction if nothing else. Christmas time was no time to be down when you could be getting that holiday cheer. He grinned a cheeky grin at the other's words, before switching his tone to one of mock sympathy. "Listen Gabe you're a cool guy and all, but you're not going to hit me. Not even once. But don't feel too bad though. I was the dodge ball king back in high school." Or he would have been if he'd been allowed to use his powers. He totally let those jerks pelt him back then.The kids had built up two snow barricades to act as bases for their teams and Wally went to the one closest to him to plot with the kids on his side. Once their strategy was set he picked up a snowball and made a show of stretching out in front of the enemy team and Gabe. "All right kiddos let me show you how a pro gets things done." With that he sent a snowball flying straight at Gabe. At normal speed of course. He didn't want to crush the poor guy on his first strike. Not in his first snowball fight ever. With the first ball in the air the game was on and with a yell it began. "ATTACK!" The kids behind him all screamed and let their own snowballs fly. Wally was smiling like a loon as he peppered the other team as best he could with going over board.
Gabriel: Gabe had to admit he was beyond glad that he could spend time with Wally he seemed like quite a fun person plus his bright red hair had captured Gabriel's attention almost immediately. He decided it was best to not go over using his strength and powers less the other feel he gave them an unfair advantage. "I bet I can hit you just once during this little snowball fight, Loser buys the Hot chocolate what do you say? We both come out a winner." He mused holding out his hand winking at Wally. He smiled watching the kids excitedly get ready for the fight, it was times like this he loved humanity, things were so simply to kids compare to adults. "Okay now we are going to not only win but have an amazing time okay?" He told the kids smiling at their cheers before he ducked to move away from the snowballs flying "Cheater!" he chuckled out loud throwing his snowballs "Let them have it."
Wally: "Alright hot stuff, you're on. I'll take that bet. That hot chocolate is going to taste so much sweeter when you buy it for me." Wally wasted no time and once the game started he was off like a rocket. No super speed yet but even his normal fast was crazy. He made snow balls in record time and his team now had an endless supply. When he joined the fray he targeted Gabe specifically. Mostly because he didn't want to go for the kids because that seemed kind of low but also because it was the best tactical option to take out the strongest asset first. He almost missed the snowball coming at him from the side but his speed kicked in just for a split second, lighting flashed across his eyes as he moved imperceptibly fast just enough to doge before time slowed again and he was going at the kids pace. Any normal human wouldn't have seen that be he was unaware of who the person was that he had actually challenged.
Gabriel: He couldn't help but chuckle at the other he could tell he was going to like Wally alot, they male had similar energy to him which made wanting to be friends with him quite easy. He wouldn't even mind paying for Hot chocolate if his team lost after all this fight was the most fun he'd had in ages. He didn't know Wally had powers of course had he been human maybe he wouldn't have noticed the sudden super speed. He couldn't help but smile using some of his strategy to up his aim a bit trying to get a snowball and hit the red haired male moving to dodge anything coming his way. "is that the best you've got Wally?"
Wally: The kids were dropping fast now as one by one they started to get tired or took one too many snow balls. Wally was laughing and running around making more snowballs and generally having a great time. He might as well have been a kid himself for all the fun he was having. There was a reason he got along so well with the kids from F.E.A.S.T. It was also why the Flash helped deliver presents on Christmas Eve. This was what the holidays were about and Wally loved it with his every fiber of his being. The challenge from Gabe only made him grin wider. "You wish. You haven't seen even half the things I can do." The battle was slowing down as the kids gradually began to sit on the side lines. Of course his energy reserves were doing just fine and he wasn't waning at all in his onslaught. He saw the snowball Gabe threw at him coming and caught it mid air with a smirk. He pulled his arm back and sent it flying right back at Gabe, certain that it was going to hit.
Gabriel: Gabe was enjoying himself itd been such a long time since he'd  be this free and happy. Lately he'd been feeling a tad off but after spending time with the kids and Wally he felt rejuvenate in a way he couldn't explain. The holidays while not all of his siblings favorite time still was great because they once again were all together.  He could tell the kids were getting tired with their snowball antics which was fine because his subject was Wally. He chuckled at the others reply looking back at this attempts he enjoyed the fun that came with fight. So when wally caught his snowball only to throw it back he let it hit him. " ahh I've been hit" he fell to the ground pretending to die " how cruel the world is did you see how vicious he was in his attack kids?" He chuckled making the kids laugh.
Wally: Wally laughed and did a victory lap as Gabe went down, moaning about his epic loss. "Woo! That's right! Team Wally for the win! Heck yeah!" The next moment he was gobsmacked as the kids proceeded to ignore him in favor of going to check up on Gabriel to make sure he was ok. His heart melted at the sight of them checking Gabe's forehead and trying to see if he was hurt. They were such good kids. He shook his head smiling lightly as he went over to help. He held out his hand to help the other up out of the snow. "Looks like victory is mine. These kids are shaming me pretty good in sportsmanship though so what do you say. Truce?"
Gabriel: Gabriel chuckled softly watching Wally do his victory lap before he had all the kids rush to him checking him over. This is why he loved kids so much, they were always so kind and loving before the world or people molded and changed them. “I’m okay I shall struggle with this loss” He teased the kids tickling a few before waving his hand “I will say though I have all these candy canes, and it's only fair to share them huh?” He mused handing each kid from both teams cane telling them how great they played as they ran off to their parents who were waiting. He smirked at the hand Wally held out to him taking it without any issue hiding a little bit of snow in his other patting through the others bright red hair. “Oops” he smirks laughing nodding his head “quite so, they are brilliant at sportsmanship and I do accept that Truce. How about that Hot Chocolate I promised?”
Wally: The scene was heart warming really. The kids obviously loved the candy canes and he loved seeing them so happy and carefree. However his own happiness was tinged with a little bitterness as he watched some return to their parents, and some to their chaperones from FEAST. It wasn't fair that those so young had to go through something as terrible as growing up without a home or family. But that was why he did what he did. If no one else would love them then he would. Just like Barry did for him. He was smiling as he helped Gabe up until something cold ran through his hair and down his back. "ha-ah! AH! COLD!" He jerked back and shook his hair out as best as he could but the damage was done and his usually bright red fluffy locks were now damp and limp as they hung down into his eyes. "Well that was cheap! So much for sportsmanship!" He shivered and made a show of shaking off the cold. It might have been a little exaggerated but that smirk of Gabe's left him even more flustered than the snow and he had to play that off. "You do realize this means I have to get you back at some point?" Despite his words he was still grinning like mad at the other. "But later. Right now I'm going to need something to warm up after all this cold."
Gabriel: He had greatly loved hanging out with the children and spending time playing a game he'd only seen from Heaven. He had fun, enjoying the laughter of child who seemed to wish him and Wally all good will before they left.  Gabe chuckled at how well he'd managed a sneak attack on Wally if anything Michael would be proud of how well he'd played things. "sorry Wally but you know its only fair I was cold now we both can be." He chuckled happily looking at the other before smiling " I suppose so but either way I planned to warm you up with some nice Hot Chocolate so maybe you'll find it in your heart to forgive me" He gave a rather cute pout before nodding his head pulling the other towards the Hot Chocolate tent "They have a couple kinds, Mellow Hot Chocolate, Mint Hot Chocolate or Regular what do you feel like?"
Wally: Ok. Saying something like 'i was planning to warm you up' should not have sounded sexy at all. And yet here he was, having those kinds of thoughts when clearer that was no the intention. Then Gabe hit him with a pout that should not have been as cute as it was and Wally was even more confused. He was freakin hopeless. He was also really good at being in denial so he just laughed and shook his head. "Your bribe is tempting, therefore I will forgive you. This time." He was grinning ear to ear as he followed the other into the tent, sighing as the warmth and scent of chocolate filled the air. "Mmm you know I think I'll go for the mint. I like switching things up."
Gabriel: Had to admit it was nice having Friends even if their was something quite new between them it felt nice to have someone to hang out with that wasn't his family. He chuckled softly "Yes I told you I can be quite convincing, plus I've just thought to share the snow with you since you shared with me" He teased the other before nodding his head "perfect I'll get a mellow one" He mused ordering their hot chocolate and paying for their stepping to the side to wait for it. "smells good doesn't it?"
Wally:  Wally had severely underestimated just how convincing his new friend could be. hell it's not like the guy was actually doing anything particularly convincing in the first place. Wally was just weak. That was it. He rolled his eyes still smiling. "How generous of you. We should get you a medal to commemorate your generosity." He stood beside Gabe as they waited for their drinks, the other people happily chatting and milling about around them. He took a deep breath and slowly released it, taking in the smell of chocolate hanging in the air. "Mm it does. Thank you. I know we tease and all but I do actually appreciate it. The drink and the snowball fight. People underestimate what a little fun can do you know." Wally may not have admitted it to himself or anyone else but he also had a lot on his mind this season and a snowball fight with a perfect stranger turned friend had been just the distraction he needed.
Gabriel:  Gabe smiled at the other he was quite glad to have run into someone new while hanging out by the tree, he'd known plenty of his siblings were off doing whatever made them happier so it was nice to have something of his own. "I wouldn't mind one, I bet I'd look very dashing with some medals" He chuckled softly looking around everything smelled heavenly and he could still hear the sounds of happiness filling the air. "You are very welcome Wally, I appreciate you hanging out with me after the game, its been quite along time since I've had this much fun" He replied honestly smiling when their drinks were done passing Wally's his. "So what other things do you like to do for fun? I'm curious"
Wally:  Dashing was definitely one way to put it but Gabe didn't need a medal to look good. He did that just fine with his stunning smile and those blue eyes and that curly hair and, oh wow. Wally really needed to stop. He was getting way too ahead of himself here. He chuckled and nodded. "Yes dashing. I'm sure you would. And you're welcome too. Though It's not like I was going out of my way or anything. I just like having fun. Especially this time of year." He was more than happy to spread the love and cheer with someone who needed it. The last question had him pondering for a second. "Well, I play video games and watch movies, jam out on my guitar or bass, go running, swimming, basketball, I volunteer a lot. That's actually how I knew those kids. Most of them were from F.E.A.S.T. I don't know if you've heard of it but it's a great place. They do a lot of good there and i'm happy to be a small part of that." Was he speed talking? He didn't think so but when he got to rambling it was harder for him to tell. Shockingly he wasn't used to talking about himself this much. Which meant it was time to switch subjects. "What about you? What sort of things do you do when you're not getting utterly destroyed in snow ball fights?"
Gabriel:  Had to admit this wasn't his first time being called dashing, there were entire artworks detailed to his face taking on his beauty unlike his brothers who looked more like a hot mess then anything real. Yet hearing it from wally made him smile a bit more chuckling "it's still was quite the first meeting, it's been awhile since I've had fun like that, things have been rather strange since moving here to New York. Much like everyone else its been a rather up and down year." He replied honestly he hadn't felt this happy since before he arrived here and learned the truth of his father's cruelty towards his siblings. "That sounds amazing, i mean not many people volunteer much here I've noticed and I have heard of F.E.A.S.T  I love their work and often working towards doing more for them. Sort of a pet project of mine, i have quite the soft spot for children." He mused enjoying all the new information he'd gotten from Wally he was quite a wonderful person. "Well not at completely exciting as everything you do,  I enjoy reading all types of books really you'll often find me with a book in my hand compared to gaming controller but I still can hold my own thanks to my elder brother.  I also love cooking and baking so i like finding and trying new food to create, spending time with my family is always a plus in my book. It never fails to make me smile finding activities that will make my siblings smile and laugh. " He mused honestly smiling softly as their drinks were given to them taking a sip. "Mhmm its soo good isn't it?"
Wally:  "Tell me about it. New York ain't like Kansas that's for sure. It's a whole other animal." New York City was probably three times the size of Keystone City and eve for a guy who could see it all in seconds, it was a lot. He listened, nodding along and smiling as Gabe explained his own interests. They had a lot in common but some differences as well. Wally for example, couldn't cook to save his life. It took WAY too long for a speedster. "A love of books we have in common and also a love of food. Though I am probably the worst cook you can imagine. Big ups to you for learning how to cook. I usually make due with fast food and hot pockets." He sipped his hot chocolate admiring the way he talked about his family. No wonder the guy was excited to see them this year. By the sound of it they seemed very important to him. He was about to answer Gabe's comment about the drink when he tipped it back and got nothing. "Huh. It was. Must have been better than I thought since I downed that in no time."
Gabriel:  "I take it you are from Kansas then? I've never been there I hear its a lot of farm land is that true?" Gabe questioned wondering about other places outside of New York.  He was beyond happy to be making friends with the other boy it wasn't as if he had plenty and enjoyed having people around after coming from so many siblings "Yeah? food is amazing and sometimes a good book is enough to keep me entertained all night, I've never had a hot pocket before does it taste good?" he asked wondering if the other wanted to grab some food later with him given that he seemed to like food as much as he did. "I enjoy cooking it does take some time though If i ever cook for you I can just invite you over when it's done, then you reap the reward of my cooking" he mused smiling as he sipped his drink till the end before looking at the other. "That's cute Wally, I'm glad you like it, you know we don't have to end our company if you'd like, maybe we could look around together and grab some more treats?"
Wally:  "Put it to you this way. If you like wheat, corn and cows...and nothing else, than Kansas is a great place for you." He wasn't joking either. Outside of the cities that was pretty much what Kansas had. "Oh and tornadoes. But you get used to it." They didn't mean anything to him but even for the rest of the Kansas populations it was a normal enough occurrence that it didn't faze them too much. Wally was a little taken aback by the offer to cook for him. Out of the blue. They'd barely met but Gabe seemed so, open. More so even than him and that was saying something. "Well, I mean sure I'd love to hang out some more. And I'd love to try your cooking and show you what a hot pocket tastes like, not that it's anything to write home about. But...I don't know I'm just not used to people liking me so quickly. Are you sure you really to want to do this? I'm asking now so you don't make a mistake you might regret later." Wally winked and laughed but there was an undertone of insecurity there that he couldn't mask if he tried. It was just a habit of his to make light of things that worried him or things that he was unsure of.
Gabriel:  "I have to admit I've never seen a Cow up close are they cool animals? though I have to wonder what place you like more New York or Kansas" Gabe asked curiously things about Wally keep getting more and more interesting as he chatted with the other. "Tornadoes quite the thing they are destruction and beauty if you believe the whole eye of the storm thing" He mused He smiled softly at the other "I love cooking for people....that offer was odd huh? sorry I'm quite new at this whole making friends thing.  I'd like to try a hot pocket especially if you give me tips. I like you Wally you are fun to hang out with...I'm sorry if I'm too strange" He mused running a hand through his hair, humans were so hard to understand but then again he did like Wally. "I want to hang out more with you and get to know you, if you'd be willing to get to know me?"
Wally:  "Oh Kansas for sure. Don't get me wrong, New York is great and all. But in the famous words of Dorothy Gale, there's just no place like home." Keystone would always be his city and even if he was currently stationed in New York City he still cleaned up the Keystones streets any chance he got. Central too if Barry was busy. "I've seen tornadoes and cows up close and personal so I can say for sure that cows are cute and that tornadoes are awesome. The destruction isn't, but nature is incredible in it's own right." As Gabriel began to apologize Wally was quick to ease his worries. "No no you're not odd at all. I'm the one who's odd. Frankly I was just surprised you hadn't gotten tired of me yet. I'm not exactly everyone's cup of tea you know." He chuckled a little at the quip and smiled. "Of course I'd be happy to hang out with you. And if you really REALLY want to, I'll even get you a hot pocket. Though as a cook you might want to brace yourself. They're not exactly five star quality haha." This whole meeting felt incredibly serendipitous. Almost like it was too good to be true. That didn't bother Wally at all. He'd always been of the mind set that you roll with the good times and the bad. He was going to enjoy this new friendship as long as it lasted.
Gabriel: “Sounds like a nice place, maybe one day I can go visit down there, at least see where you came from and how cool it sounds.” Gabe replied smiling softly it was nice to see other places and he thinks he might have seen Kansas once upon a time but he hardly remembered anymore. “Cows and cute and tornadoes are awesome just so long as the destruction is kept to a minimum, Got it” He mused chuckling. Gabriel wasn’t sure if he mis-stepped but he was grateful when Wally told him he hadn't and he didn’t want to ruin his friendship. “Oh good I’m so glad to hear that you don’t find me odd. I don’t think I could, you are very fun Wally, I mean what about you makes people tired?” he questioned curiously what about Wally made people upset he couldn’t understand at all. “I don’t mind, My other siblings are huge snack lovers, they might have even fed them to me and I don’t remember every new thing they like to show me in terms of food there is a lot. But I can get some good ideas from them about food related fun” He mused happily chuckling softly before wrapping his arm around Wally’s shoulder. “This is going to be the start of a great friendship just you wait Wally.”
Wally:  Gabe definitely made Kansas sound a lot cooler than it actually was. Obviously Wally liked it because that was where he grew up and that's where his home city was but most people didn't really care for it. Especially people who were used to huge metropolitan areas. But Gabe seemed really interested so, why not? "Maybe I'll take you sometime. Show you the sights." Even if there weren't too many sights to see. This whole whirlwind of a friendship was fast even for Wally but he didn't mind one bit. Gabe was kind and generous and easy on the eyes. Wally wasn't surprised they hit it off so well but he was surprised at how quick Gabe was to defend him when they had only just met. The insecure part of him knew it was probably only temporary and that one day Gabe would grow tired of him but the optimistic side didn't really care. If that was what happened then he'd cross that bridge when they got there. For now he was just happy to get to know the guy. He smiled hearing him talk more about his siblings so fondly. "You're family sounds like a great bunch. Complicated, but still great. I'm lucky to find people who can tolerate me." He felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the hot chocolate cover him as Gabriel put his arm around him. For a second he wanted nothing more than to just stay like that, warm and safe and happy. He didn't know how long this would last, whatever this was, but he intended to enjoy every moment of it. "I think so too Gabe." A great friendship indeed. Whatever came next Wally was going to embrace it for however long he could. /END
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 5 Episode 6
Notes by me
- ive heard this episode is Rodney centric with lots of cough whump cough. So that should be fun for me hehehehehehe HERE WE GO LADS
- well it just gets right into it doesnt it huh
- hes acting like he has some sort of brain damage ?? Maybe bad head injury I'm guessing
- hes calling for john 😫💟
- what happened someone tell me
- infected????
- hes DYING ! Of what!!!! Somebody say what it is!!!!
- while the theme plays i want to acknowledge davids exquisite acting skillz 👌👌👌👌🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
- a few hrs earlier.....or days.....idk they didnt say lol
- woolseys bored when they arent there haha
- theyre trapped on TOP OF THE GATE THIS IS GOOD SHIT
- shivering 😌
- wet team atlantis is aahhh
- he had a fever immediately? Suspicious
- this shot of them on the gate in the middle of the lake with no lights but the wormhole POETIC CINEMA
- ronon carrying Rodney 💖💗💖
- wait hes back to normal? I dont trust it
- "our boy" AAWW
- back to the present! This is sad I'm sad
- again davids acting is just 🔥🔥🔥
- "Meredith?" 😭😭💟
- "I'm sick" you know when boromir keeps getting shot with arrows and when you think its over he gets shot with another one. This is what watching this episode feels like. I'm boromir
- ronon hugs are the best. I mean who doesnt want to hug Jason mamoa? Hes like hugging a bear that can tear your head off but youre 84% sure he wont
- ronon WHAT theres a place where he can be himself again?? Oh its dangerous yeah that tracks with ronons previous ideas
- WOA Rodney looks handsome in this video log
- something he wanted to say to keller. His feelings about her maybe??? 5 bucks!
- "second childhood" ronon has dealt with it before thats cool
- awwww the fruit cup
- ronon wants to save him so bad 😭😭😭💗💗💗💗💗💗
- "you learned to hunt when you were 6?" I'm laughing,woolsey, have you MET HIM. NO ONE ELSE IS SURPRISED LMFAO
- ronon #1 Rodney Protector
- woolseys story about his dad with alzheimers . I get it. my grandma has that.
- "I'll take him myself"
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- lOVE how ronon doesnt do anything when keller says rodneys not leaving without her permission. The respect this man has for everyone
- "ronon dex"
"Thats right buddy"
DECEASED 💀 bye world it was nice knowing ya. Tattoo this dialogue on the back of my eyelids
- "hey john!" I CANT TAKE THIS
- come on keller! I get not wanting him to be in danger but I mean...if theres even a chance.....
- jeannie pulls thru 💪 off to wraith territory! I just realised thats probably not a good thing
- he recites pie in one of his videos
- Woolsey wants Rodney to know he said goodbye??? Unrealistic. Blocked
- sending a malp is a good idea. They should keep doing that
- "john!"
- oh NO hes so scared. David should really have an award for this episode
- john being so sweet 💖💖💖
- "I drink beer?" "Alot!" Lmao
- im sorry but Rodney immediately going to johns courters when he couldnt find anyone.....its true love
- "how about we say goodbye now?"
Damn ok lol
- "pretty soon I wont remember who you are!"
"Then I'll remind you!"
I mean I have nothing to say to this
- bossy!John when hes emotional
- "youre a good friend arthur" THAT LAUGH HAD TO BE REAL. WAS THAT IMPROV. IT LOOKED LIKE IMPROV. johns laugh makes ME laugh . CUTE
- im in love with how theyre all taking turns in taking care of Rodney like making sure hes walking okay and stuff. Its amazing how much everyone loves him even though he was quite a dick in the beginning and no one liked him. I just love how much hes grown and how close they all got to each other. Thats the shit I love. Warms my heart.
- "john!"
- "jeannie?" HES BACK
- in his video log he said he keeps seeing his mom? Thats...really sad actually
- "I DIE?!?!?" oh god hes panicking again
- wow keller was right about his reaction I guess
- is this gonna be The Only Person That Can Save Him Is Him
- "save me some ham" lol
- it retracted from the radiation? So its smaller.... Do the surgery!
- weak Rodney is good stuff
- "youve thrown an awful lot at me in very little time"
"Thats life"
- his goodbye video
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- john helping with the surgery even tho he clearly isnt trained for this. Lord let nothing go wrong pls
- EW this is gross
- its coming out by itself??
- "you could have stepped on it"
"She told me to shoot it"
Ronon will take any opportunity to shoot things
- thats all they had to do!!!! Can you imagine.....now they can let the word out and tell everyone around the galaxy to do this when one of their elders gets the parasite! Just go to a cave and do unsanitized surgery
- "thank you" fuck my life
- "I love you. Ive loved you for some time now" THERE IT IS. what a reveal. She's crying! Oh i cant take this. I'm glad that they realise feelings after so long of knowing eachother instead of right after they met. We got to see their relationship grow!! Also someone owes me 5 bucks
- does she love him back???? DOES SHE
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protectbatson · 5 years
i'm really mad asf, a bbrae fan just said damirae is toxic and abusive , can you please explain why damirae isn't abusive, but cartoon bbrae is , this salty shippers need to be shut down , since when?! cause i cant remember a single scene where damian and raven hurt each other, physically and emotionally! they also said damirae fandoms are toxic too, yet they're the ones being so loud and wont let us enjoy our ship
First I want to make it clear that I will no longer answer asks about ship war... I've had a lot of chase with this fandom and all I want today is distance....
Second, no... Damian and Raven never hurt each other physically or psychologically. The only time Damian said something that MAYBE hurt Raven's feelings was when he called her "witch girl". The truth is that, since New Teen Titans, calling Raven a witch was used in a pejorative way. But when Damian called her that, he still hadn't had what we call and know as "character development". Damian was spoiled, immature, brat and he felt obliged to be there because it wasn't what he wanted... Think, Damian was created to be something big, he was never among teenagers like him and so, he is sent for a team full of teenagers and being led by an alien... He was a kid. He freaked out.
And then, when he chose friends over his own blood, he changed... He grew up and understood... Damian never called Raven a witch again, never treated her like that again... Not even when they discussed in Judas Contract about Raven knows about Tara... In comics, he even goes so far as to say that she is the only Titan that maybe who comes closest to what he is... She is his right arm.... He trusts her and vice versa.
I can't say about bbrae in Cartoon because I never saw a real feeling there, Garfield loved Terra until the end. In comics, it's another thing... Garfield in comics has always been misogynistic, even when he wasn't with Raven... Even a long way from that, in the 80's. He was always a sexist character and when they wrote the couple in comics (bc fanservice of the cartoon) they made it VERY worse. Even afterwards, when they broke up, there were times when Gar hurt Raven... I don't want a yo-yo relationship to me... I don't want a relationship where I, having self-esteem problems, hear that "I'm not good at smiling". I don't want a person (who do people say is the love of my life?) To come into my room and make fun of my choices saying "I never imagined you being a normal girl". And the problem is not even these attitudes because charging non-sexist attitudes in comics from 2000 and little is like kicking a dead dog, but it always bothered me what came next. Every sentence, every fight was always masked with a hug afterwards, with an "I'm happy for you"... This is abusive. It's like saying "I do this, because I love you". Damirae never had that... And if it did, I wouldn't be a shipper... I HATE abusive relationships, it makes me disgust the characters on a level that I can't see him in front of me... For many years I hated Gar, things have changed at rebirth and I am so happy now that he and Raven are good friends (almost brothers by choice).
And third, I don't know why everyone is saying that Damirae is a toxic ship. We have endured years of free hatred from all the other fanbases... We had fanfics pursued and full of angry comments, fanarts with angry comments saying "Just bbrae" (I have prints of this)... I was chased by a bbrae shipper who reposted and mocked each one of my posts, even of my personal photos on IG simply because I said I didn't want to read fanfic bbrae because, while I was looking for fanfics on my ship, I bumped into the one that was on the Damirae tag and in fact it didn't even have Damian on history.
Damirae is not toxic, we just won't accept all this hate now in silence... We now fight back, we won't let it be thrown down and made of a punching bag... We didn't do anything to receive this hate and we won't accept it, simple as that.
Anyway... My ask was full of ship hate and I honestly don't want to start over again. The last post I made was the outburst about what was happening on twitter and I received so much support from people on other ships that now everything is fine... Every big ship has bad people but it also has mature and understandable people... Don't let bad people scream at you, they are just angry people....
If any shipper is chasing or harassing you can just block it, report this or ignore it... Don't let this put an end to your vibe, don't fall for their teasing. As my mother says: When one doesn't want, two don't fight.
Be fine
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sikereviewdotcom · 5 years
strawberry shortcake s2 ep1 - horse of a different color
this one was suggested by someone who couldnt keep their mouth shut and not sing the strawberry shortcake intro theme in the middle of our economy class
no one wanted to hear that, but they  went ahead and then i actually followed up on that train of thoughts i remembered about the fucking cartoons and i knew it pronto: its a must-see shit its like slightly above the level of magical school bus series, but the final rating is for the fin not the beginning so lets begin this horseshit:
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were reviewing “horse of a different color”, it focuses indeed on strawberrys horse, honey pie pony (its her entire damn name, how sweet right? like all of them, i got diabete from this review but its the cost of maintaining this blog anyway, the kids are playing together on a that tree having fun jumping around like chimpanzees hooba hooba but sadly our filly quickly realizes she cant play king kong with them and keep falling on her ass,
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yet since theyre all retarded or young (id say its a fifty-fifty case for them kinda normal ig, i mean they ARE literal 6yo) they try several ways of getting her up on that tree, not thinking how to get her down if they ever were to succeed (good for them: aint happening) its child labor too btw, from an horse still same deal what if honey pie fell down on them? crushing them corpses with her mighty pounds? the findus company would be delighted to hear such news, im sure its some quality (sweet ass) horse meat
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once it all fails she understands a horse isnt meant to climb a tree, too big too fat its four legged, not even entertaining the relationship giraffes have with trees
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but it aint over, then (after a talk with herself) hp hears the laughters of a bunch of kids which catches her attention, it always does who can ignore that sorta noise? although she aint annoyed by it shes just into the idea of riding a bike now, shes even gonna get a go at it oh yea thats it we finally found her human hobby gogdamn shes a backward furry
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of course it fails aswell since she has no hand for the handle and shes heavy so i guess its the reason why she rides into w/e and cant stop? because otherwise she couldve also just.. actually it makes no sense does it? i mean she couldve easily stopped the ride actually how is that kid bike even holding her? ive never tried putting a pony on a bike for 6 y/o but i doubt about its capacity in not being crushed aswell as i doubt in the kids bones not being severely damaged after a visit under honey pies horsy buttcheeks
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but all of that really makes her sad: she cant play with her human friends and shes the only horse around strawberry land or whatever see me tearing it for her, theres so much emotions in this episode especially after that filly trynna get kids to get into some horseplay horseshit like dude theyre only 6, lets go easy on them, might have a problem with the parents of the kids watching this episode no one even thought how fucked up this one part is? sure horseplay isnt only sexual or w/e but it still is the visual of 6yos on all four jumping around and neighing together with their ass a little bit too exposed wow im going on a dangerous road here? aint i? not gonna sue the writers im sure it was their subconscious speaking probably got issues from their childhood, eventually got them sorted out since 2004 what do i know? aside from me not caring
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back on track : after seeing horsey being so sad the kiddos decide to get her a horse friend but where the fuck? they got no idea, they are proud nonetheless and go tell honey the good new until they are like “wait but we have no idea where to find horses!” ofc we get a big reveal, some serious strawberry shortcake lore: actually all the horses, ALL OF THEM FROM THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET are on one (1) single island: ice cream themed to diversify it all they are just chilling over there in ponyland and for some reason this one here got lost or idk guys she took the boat and checked the rest of the world out as an even younger filly, found strawberry and her friends and decided now she was a centaur  slash humanrry furry human, idk you get it but shes their friend and so on to introduce the concept of an AWESOME island full of equestrian activity and ofc ice cream but its kinda lame because who cares? everythings already made out of food, also why isnt the ice cream melting? its one water? nevermind for the introduction as i was saying, hp sings an horrendous sounding song it deteriorated my ear drums they got pierced or something  or maybe im exagerrating? either case horses cant sing:
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so to the ice cream land they go, huh
of course it wouldnt be a big adventure without an almost broken bridge oh no whatever shall we do? could we possibly cross it safely? lets try it out  guys: yay it worked good for us little stress and suspense it was wack how they got honey pie out of the hole her big ass hoove made im mesmerized by the power of friendship and sugar at this point, just in full awe for the rest of the episode probably over dosed on all the ice cream flavoured horseshit, i got some all over my mouth its dripping on my desk i gotta clean that later
next thing we know: horses its all this episode is about (aside from labor) but you see, so far hp would switch between normal human language and neighing well turns out her other fellow equines can only neigh and so they just neigh together while our english well-spoken mammal translates to the moronic kids who just smile smuggly
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of course the animals are having a welcome party then, dancing around while the morons are just bored, harsh one being a cartoon character isnt it guys? w/e theyre gonna ask for honey pie to come back home now, convinced that her natural habit isnt her place and she loves them too much to just leave them and never come back and break any plans they ever had together- oh shit looks like shes leaving forever huh? what a plot twist mark that on the bitch quota for today
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the first one to leave is the little boy btw, important thing to note: hes the biggest pussy he cant even face reality: oh no, no more pony back time before sleep thats quite a bummer, downer and man how are they going to survive now they got no animal to watch over them? jesus theyre soon, on the boat (idk where they got it from idk why suddenly theyre on a boat because then theyre once again gonna cross that bridge but ok) anyway yea theyre having a relationship crisis during that ship trip yada yada ah and the bridge, because (see i do not call them morons for now reasons obviously they deserve this title not only because theyre 6 but also because they are just daft:) they proceed, once in the middle of the bridge all 4 of them, to stop and wonder
“will the bridge be able to hold all of us? wont it break? damn i wonder if it will crack” and they talks without moving until vlam: a tree comes and breaks it (dont ask) so now theyre in trouble:
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back to ponyland: bitch pie realizes how much she misses her actual friends and that she can speak english which her other horse friends cant do so she is special and probably abnormal, shes a big outcat of the pony society and has no other reason but to escape her incoming death sentence for fraternizing with the humans of course none of the second part is true, she just wants to see the kids again so she says asta la vista baby to the neigher team and runs away see, she hasnt taken the boat and yet also arrive to the bridge? why a boat sequence then? i will skip this for now but it WILL play in the rating, imagine im the parent of the youngster watching this crap and i have to endure it
if it sucks this bad and is this illogical i might just get bored and change the channel, idc my progeny aint gonna be watching this in either case, ill make them watch political debates then interrogate them on what they learned after what but it wasnt actual political debates just random furry youtuber venting with their fursona sprites animated and thats how you make your kids retarded, the kick of this joke is that i aint planning on getting any kids but totally gonna make them watch classics too such as the attack of the killer donuts as soon as they reach 6 so they wont be dumb and probably not getting diabete or w/e in their adulthood
then honey pie saves the kids btw all of them, heavy shit
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and they all go back to strawberryland, happily after a big “wow i missed you sm, you are my real friends w/e if you dont look like me i aint speciest guys really!” theyre all vegan too btw so this works for them i havent watched enough strawberry shortcake episodes to know if they ever eat meat but i have doubts seeing how theyre into a very cannibalistic diet which include eating dessert when obviously thats what they are at least half part, this cartoon raises a lot of political questions it may have a deeper value than i first attributed to it
the end: another terrible song plays about horseshit and how tasty it is
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thats all folks
so the rating: big 6/10, so you know 5/10 if its a decent kid show where im highly eager to click on the x and get back making jams but nah
surprisingly enough, i only wanted to stop watching half of the episode and not the entirity of it so credits for thats since im an adult and not a kid, imagining kids enjoyed this sweet childish cartooness or w/e now why +1? its because of how many political questions it raised, how it made me think about our society and cakes yknow its more than kids having a conflict with an horse it talks about veganism, specism, handicap, cannibalism, the management of the limited ressources were exploiting and so on yea really makes you think, its subliminal messages to make kids smarter: they watch their dessert-imbecile counterparts doing bs and then get it right irl: good  ah- it also makes it better for you when youre watching this with your kid, you suddenly transcend to another level of spirituality, existential crisis activated or at least reasoning mode or w/e youre willing to name this the point is you arent bored still despite all of this i rated it quite low for such a serious kid cartoon what couldve possibly made me tic? 1) kids are morons and cant understand all of this, not clear enough for the targeted public 2) projection onto the characters/dialogues from the writers of their childhood traumas (the horse play event didnt go unnoticed, karren brown) 3) my little pony ripoff 4) its controversial, our society, especially in 2004 couldnt understand the depth of this shit and finally 5) i got so much ice cream flavoured horseshit all over my desk god help me this is so filthy what a fucking mess i would totally recommand it to anyone who feels like being blown away by the statements made in this work of art 6/10 but really we all know in the future, itll be a 9/10, some ahead-of-its-time-crap
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tg, out
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