#imagine him in a lab coat full scientist
dollwrites · 1 year
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!scientist!reader, noncon, frottage, size kink, lots of cum, all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 ∣ day one [ pickle + size kink ]
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you had been so close to pushing the alarm. so close to alerting the guards, and so close to being saved. your hand still reaches out towards the red button on your desk, but you’re held back too far at this point to hit it, restrained and helpless.
on top of that, you knew if anyone saw how much you were actually enjoying the beast’s containment breach, you’d be fired.
from this angle, you could watch your feet sway back and forth.
your legs dangled.
suspended at least a full foot above the sterile floor, a lopsided ovally shadow danced in tandem against the tiles below your stocking-clad toes. where your black heels had fallen off during the struggle, you have no idea. your shoes are the least of your concerns at the moment. your eyeline, albeit blurry from the crooked positioning of your glasses as you struggled against the beast, traces your own legs, and the runners of ripped pantyhose up your knees and over your thighs. the tears became more prominent, and your stockings more akin to the shreds of a cheap mummy costume hanging off your hips. it made your head spin, seeing how vulnerable and exposed your lower half was. your gray pencil skirt had been pushed up, haphazardly around your belly, and two, massive and clawed hands grip your soft thighs, from underneath, keeping them spread wide for the monstrous cock to rub against your core.
it was much too big to fit inside ( luckily for you, because as you stare at how endowed Pickle actually was, you could imagine the carnage a tool as big and hard as his would wreak on your organs ). Pickle had been frustrated at that— pushing and growling and snarling and trying to bite at the back of your neck when you squirmed to hold you steady so he can force it into your small opening, but your body couldn’t even stretch enough to take the head, so after several grueling moments of trying to cram and push, he settled for grinding against your pussy, instead. his movements were clumsy, driven by instinct and lust, and his hips rocked furiously, his grip on his thighs dragging you along the length of his rigid, powerful sex.
at first you’d fought and pushed and clawed at him to stop, telling him it hurt and that he was a bad, bad boy for doing this, but you couldn’t help that your body started to react. you started to get wet. your cunt started to soak the cock that was trying to slot between your soft, sticky netherlips, though it was much too thick, it managed to spread them, allowing them to kiss the expanse just enough to feel as though this Jurassic man was splitting you apart without actually being inside of you.
amidst your own mewls and groans, you could hear the constant drip-dripping of the primitive man’s thick cum as it beaded at the swollen, purple tip and frosted the many, many inches, emphasizing the bulging veins as it coats them in white, and dribbled on to the floor between his gargantuan feet. there was already a puddle on the floor. he had cum so many times that the release no longer erupted, but seemed to bubble out in a constant stream. either this was normal behavior, to breed and breed until he ran completely dry, or he was simply so pent up after the one hundred and ninety million years of being frozen that he couldn’t stop now even if he wanted to, you couldn’t be sure.
if you hadn’t been the unwilling test subject, you might’ve been interested in studying his mating habits.
“F—fff—uck—!” a breathy croak of complete submission— it was the best you could do when dominated by a man of this stature, a beast of his magnitude. your lab coat hands off your shoulders, your blouse ripped open from the sheer power of his claws, and your breasts flop wildly against the rhythm as your eyelids flutter.
not just Pickle had cum, but you as well, your release gluing itself in sticky webs and a glossy finish to your thighs and his manhood. “I can’t… take it…” you’d started to babble after you reached peak a handful of times, your head rolling around on your shoulders, your small body slumping against his sturdy, broad chest that heaves with excitable, ragged breathing and grunts of pleasure as he jacks his cock off with your body. “I-I’m going… crazy…”
what’s worse, you realized, is that you were only getting slipperier, slicker, and more pliable. if the giant kept this up, it wouldn’t be much longer before he’d force his cock into your poor hole, regardless of the fact that he must know he’d fully and truly break you if he did.
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ladylunora · 11 months
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i turned my “imagine if instead of benrey being the only character on the science team to not be a scientist was the other way around with him being the only scientist in a group full of guards” shitpost doodle into an actual au… i call it “HLVRAI job swap au”
also i won’t go over every scenario on this au (you can ask me if you want tho) (also aside from these characters everyone else stays the same, jefferem and josh were scientists tho aaaaand gman does swap jobs too but i won’t reveal anything yet you’re gonna have to wait for me to make more doodles of this au) because its still pretty much the same as hlvrai but they swap jobs but if you wanna know how the res cas happens i wrote it bellow
gordon’s a regular security guard doing his job guarding the test chamber, and this scientist benrey is the one who’s gonna do the test experiment in the test chamber… he shows up without the hev suit to do it though just his lab coat, and gordon follows him insisting that he has to put on the hev suit, and benrey just tells him he’ll be fine because that he is not human and he definitely knows what he’s doing and “dude you don’t even have a passport and you’re wearing an orange shirt you’re the one suspicious”, gordon tries to tell him he spilled coffee that morning on his blue shirt and “wait passport?? WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT WE DON’T EVEN NEED OUR PASSPORTS- DOCTOR BENREY YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE WITHOUT THE SUIT” when they get there gordon calls reinforcements (bubby, coomer and tommy) to help him with this fucking guy but they assume benrey knows what he’s doing, anyways gordon and benrey get into an argument while benrey is trying to do the experiment, they both end up pushing the cart too fast fucking the whole thing up and the resonance cascade happens
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imtrashraccoon · 3 days
If it's ok can you do a don't imagine with Dr Baggs from the megalosomnia au :3
Oh. Why yes, I would love to write for our favourite doctor! :3
Don't imagine falling, whether by accident or not, into the Underground. How you're badly injured from the fall and are soon captured. How you don't know what's going on but are helpless to resist.
Don't imagine drifting in and out of consciousness for several days, although you aren't sure how much time really passed. How you remember seeing glimpses of a white lab coat, the strong scent of disinfectant, and the sound of distant machines. How afraid you are when you finally do wake up in a strange room that's reminiscent of a cell.
Don't imagine how your heart skips a beat when you hear footsteps approaching and the door opens. How you're more than a little terrified when you see the skeleton in a lab coat that would make any mad scientist jealous. How he raises a bonebrow but gives you a moment to calm down before approaching you.
Don't imagine how he introduces himself and how personable he comes across. How he explains in plain terms the extent of your injuries and that you're now trapped in the Underground with his people. How he's quick to reassure you that you're recovering nicely and that he'll do his best to make sure you make a full recovery.
Don't imagine how you decide to be brave and trust him. How he seems to be telling the truth and you can't exactly leave anyways. How you soon start to notice that something is...off. How tight-lipped Dr. Baggs is about the lab and much of the Underground. How you can hear strange noises from outside your room and how he ignores you whenever you ask about them.
Don't imagine insisting that he tell you the truth about what's going on. How you all but break down and express that you just want to go home. How you're confused and constantly anxious no matter his efforts to make you as comfortable as possible.
Don't imagine the pained look he gives you. How he seems conflicted at first. How he agrees with you that this isn't right and apologizes for not being forthright. How you're surprised that he's not putting up a fight about this.
Don't imagine how he hesitates for a moment before smiling at you. How he moves closer and places a hand on your shoulder. How you open your mouth to ask what he's doing but never get that far. How his magenta eyelight suddenly expands into a swirling vortex. How you feel an unsettling calmness blanket your mind.
Don't imagine how he gently pulls you into a hug. How his voice seems to echo in your head as he reassures you that everything will be alright. Definitely don't imagine him stroking your shoulders absentmindedly. How he promises that he's got everything under control. How you feel like you shouldn't believe him but can't remember why. How you soon give in to him and the blissful ignorance that he offers. How you barely spare a thought as to why you were afraid in the first place.
First, Previous, & Next Request
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
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Colorized Hyde paced around the makeshift lab, wondering how Adam Frankenstein had assembled such a busy workshop without the aid of an assistant.  “Does Dr Watson know you have all this?” he asked, peering at an assortment of organs in flasks.
Adam shook his head, “He does not and I'd be grateful if you didn't reveal my secrets. I like Dr Watson and I know he won’t approve of my work,” he strode over to a large vat filled with liquid in the middle of the room, "If we bring Miss Morris back he may forgive me, if not I'll simply defy him. I accept no masters and though I owe him much he will not command me in this," he pulled a lever and sparks of electricity crackled down the wires connecting to the vat, charging the liquid. He waited a full minute, counting the seconds before he shut off the power.
Hyde nodded, he saw no reason to do Watson any favors or derail Frankenstein's projects so he found himself agreeable "Mum's the word, old chap, I don't see any reason why he should be in the loop,” He tapped the vat with his cane. "What's in here,"
"A compound of chemicals Victor used to submerge me in while he ran the current through my body. This, "Adam made a sweeping gesture over the vat, "Is the elixir that rejuvenates the dead cells and primes them for the electricity to do its work. it took me forever to figure out how to make it but thanks to Dr Watson granting me access to all of his medical tomes my methods may surpass even that of my maker’s," his even white teeth flashed sharply against the harshness of his black lips in a gruesome, self-satisfied grin. He imagined Victor would have been horrified to see his creation carrying on his work, but Adam had not time for guilt or self-reflection now, a life hung in the balance, waiting to be plucked back from the grave and restored.
He was almost giddy with anticipation. He had not disclosed to Hyde that the consciousness that awakened might not be that of their companion. He himself had no memories of a time before his birth and there was just as much likelihood that she too would return as a blank slate. That was not ideal, he admitted, but he could not think such a thing to be a total loss. To have another like himself would be adequate consolation for the loss of Ms Morris. Whatever was brought back, Adam swore to himself that he would not turn his back on his creation. He would do better by his progeny than his own father. Of that he was certain.
"You've resurrected people before?" Hyde's voice intruded as the small man wandered across the lab peering at the glimmering, viscous, liquids that funneled into the vat with interest.
"Not people, but I've brought back several frogs, two cats and a dog," said Adam, "It works and I think perhaps better for my access to the advancement in medicine since my makers time,” He turned to Hyde, "Now, before we begin, did you get the heart?"
Hyde drew a jar from his coat, a perfectly preserved human heart sealed within. Adam nodded in satisfaction, "Excellent, I'm not going to ask where you got it, frankly I do not care so long as it is in good condition and fresh."
"Oh it's fresh alright, and in excellent condition, I tested the donor's constitution myself before the harvest," Hyde chortled as he handed the jar over.
"Mmm, let's not tell Miss Morris that when we bring her back. I don't know how she'd take to finding out you killed someone to get a new heart for her," Adam pursed his lips, he was not legitimately displeased as fresher parts guaranteed a higher chance of success. He looked down at Hyde curiosity scrawled across his features, "Why are you so keen on helping me with this? I know you don't like Watson but this can't all be spite."
"It isn't," Hyde confirmed, "I am genuinely curious to see if this works. I am a scientist at heart after all. More to the point, I liked Miss Morris, she was the only one in our group who doesn't have a stick up her arse and she was good at cards. Besides if I’m stuck with no one but you, Watson and that sanctimonious little shit Harker then I’m going to make damn sure that you’re all as miserable with my company as I am yours. “
"You are, perhaps, the most hateful creature I have ever met...and I am myself, a vile devil," Adam remarked passively as he laid Selma's body on the table and handed Edward the scalpel, "This is your job. I could possibly do it but, I believe, you are an actual doctor and you have the learning and the experience that I lack. I trust you can transplant the heart?"
Edward frowned, "I can, though the task requires a certain level of detachment and patience. That was always Jekyll’s domain…I’ll do my best.”
Adam readied the apparatus that would bring Selma Morris back to life while Edward prepped himself for surgery. As he was washing his hands a small trickle of fear ran down his spine. Could he really do this? It was one thing to patch a small wound but a major surgery, even on a cadaver, required attentiveness and delicacy, those traits did not come easily to him without Henry’s temperance. His head swam, what if he made a mistake? What if he botched it up and they really lost her forever? He felt suddenly nauseous as he picked up the scalpel and prepared to make the first incision.  As the blade hovered over the corpse’s chest he froze, paralyzed by an overwhelming uncertainty. His anxiety built to a point that he found himself fighting the urge to slash into the body and start hacking away. Smash the lab, destroy it all and rip everything apart then burn it to the ground as long as he didn’t have to face the risk of failure.
Did he really want that? He didn’t know…that was the rub of it. Indecision held him pinned and he could feel his control begin to slip.
"Give me the scalpel, Edward," a calm voice in the back of his mind said firmly just as he was about to plunge the instrument into the dead woman’s chest, "you're too shaken up. Let me take over,"
"I'm not letting you out Henry, you tried to kill us and I haven't forgiven you! I know as soon as you're free you'll try to lock me away again!"
"No Edward, I won't. I'll transplant the heart and then I'll let you have control again. I give you my word."
"You mean that now but I know once you're out you'll be tempted! You’ll feel all of those things again that I keep at bay! Shame and sorrow will eat us if I let us be you again! We’ll want to die and we can't resist temptation no matter which of us we are!"
"Isn't Miss Morris worth the risk? I liked her too Edward. If she can be brought back then shouldn’t we try? Listen to me Edward, we don’t want to fail. We want to give this its best chance, let me have the scalpel."
Hyde resisted only briefly before he shuddered, closed his eyes and retreated. Jekyll took a moment to get his bearings, nod at Adam, who was staring at him in confusion, and then swiftly, cleanly, he made the first incision. .....
My players accidentally got an NPC killed and begged me to bring her back. This scene was the result.
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holly-fixation · 10 months
Imagine CC Sephiroth finding a CCTV footage of something related to his early developement where in the background he can see a woman (Jenova, from his photo) and can faintly hear her screaming at Hojo "let me hold him" and "you can't take my son away from me"
Snooping around the data room was bound to cut through the web of Hojo's lies and half truths eventually, which is exactly why he kept going back. Occasionally, he found old tapes and took them to his apartment for further inspection, hiding each one under his long uniform coat and returning them before anyone noticed.
At first he doesn't believe what he's seeing.
It was his recovery from his first mako procedure, long before he could speak or crawl or remember. He was in a pod not much larger than he was, an egg of glass protecting him and regulating the oxygen levels as necessary.
The baby in the incubator shivered, scratching at the wires in its skin in an attempt to break free. Each wire was anchored with metal shackles, presumably one of the only things it couldn't break, probably also reused from the many dogs Hojo bred for the President's son. The first five minutes only showed his cold and discomfort as he struggled to heal.
But he recognized the woman in the observation glass. He heard her muffled cries and chose to ignore them until her face entered the frame. A face he held close to his chest for as long as he could.
It was her. It was Jenova, her brown hair in the exact same ponytail as her photo. Her pleas no longer drowned in his ears.
"Let me hold him!"
Then Hojo entered the screen as well, though his face was cut off Sephiroth knew every mannerism of that wicked man like the back of his hand. Every step, every gesture, every shift of dark glasses.
"Just once! Please!"
His heart ached. He felt his hand move to his chest, to where her photo used to remain.
"Absolutely not. Your presence at this stage will damage him beyond repair. I will not allow you to ruin this with your meddling."
"Hojo, please!"
He did not budge. "I allowed you this far. You may look at him through that window before security escorts you out."
"You can't take my son away from me!"
"This is my laboratory, and I will do as I please. You have seven seconds."
She surrendered, placing her hands against the glass, turning away from the scientist with tears down her cheeks. "Sephiroth!"
His breath hitched. His name. Her voice. Her undeniable care.
"Sephiroth, my son, know your mother loves you! I love you so much and I would break you free if I was strong enough! I love you, my son! I would do anything to be by your side!"
The helmeted officers came and pulled her arms back.
"Sephiroth! SEPHIROTH!"
A door opened and closed, and the recording continued as if nothing happened.
Sephiroth ejected the tape before taking his weapon and rushing to the labs, the evidence again hidden under his coat until he met his target.
The scientist's side glance infuriated his already burning nerves. He said nothing as he pushed the scientist away from the desk and inserted the tape into an old player connected to a CRT screen. He skipped ahead and paused the video when Jenova came into full view against the window.
Hojo groaned in annoyance, literally rolling his eyes. "Why are you showing me this, boy? I was there, you know."
"You said she died in childbirth."
"I said she died after you were born."
"You ripped me away."
"And I made you better for it. Do you have any idea how pathetic you'd become under a mentally unstable mess like her?"
"Don't you dare speak of my mother that way!"
"I knew her well. I will speak of her as I please."
"...where is she?"
"Where. Is she?"
"I just said she's dead."
"And why would I believe you?"
"You're wasting my time."
"Why would I believe you?"
The room turned cold. "Because I am the only source you have, and you know it."
That deep reality tainted the entirety of the interrogation, and Sephiroth was forced to leave with the exact same knowledge he walked in with. He couldn't stop hearing her voice. He couldn't stop the looping plea in his mind.
Know your mother loves you!
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bigjuicymuscle · 5 months
Spider Hulk
Part 1
(Disclaimer: All images used are AI generated.)
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Ever since Peter could think back he was a typical nerd. Very smart, outstanding in science and mathematics, but also physically weak. He was tiny and got pushed around by everyone in school. But the football team in particular aimed for him. These fit and muscular jocks, who couldn't count one and one together, but were loved by everyone, even the teachers. They were Peters biggest bullies — literally.
But the big break from getting bullied came: the summer holidays. Peter loved it, because he did not have to deal with the football team, but he also hated it, because no science classes. So he applied for an internship at some laboratories and some really answered him.
Peter was overly excited on his first day at the laboratory of Dr. Bruce Banner. Imagine what you can learn from the man who has the Hulk inside him.
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Before entering Peter had to take of his clothes to get a full body scan and get clinically clean. After this procedure he got a Lab Coat and finally got to work with the incredible Dr. Banner. On his first week Peter didn't get much to do than make coffee and clean the laboratory. But he wasn't less excited because he could listen to everything smart the scientist, including Dr. Banner, were talking about.
One day as he was cleaning up the laboratory again, he was the last one to leave. But before he did he couldn't help but staring at the giant black spider with ten legs in the special terrarium. He was fascinated by this creature from the moment he saw it.
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Peter didn't know what came over him but he had to touch the glass of the terrarium. Immediately the spider got angry. It ran around his personal prison cell like crazy. And after it jumped at the glass a few times it broke. Peter panicked, but it was to late. The spider attacked him and bit him in the hand.
Peter couldn't remember anything that happened after. He just woke up in his bed the next morning. But he didn't feel tired or sick. Actually he felt better than ever. And after he took a look in the mirror he couldn't believe what he saw.
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Over night his muscles grew big. He wasn't a skinny guy anymore. He was fit. And also much stronger. During the day, while he was enjoying his new body, he discovered that some more things have changed. Even though he had to wear glassed now and then, he wouldn't need them at all. He also discovered that his hands were sticky, so that he could climb up any wall. And suddenly he developed a special sence that made him perceive things an average human would never recognise.
Suddenly Peter became super human like his Boss Dr. Banner. He became Spider-Man.
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He got himself a cool suit and started to fight criminals in New York. Soon he became a famous super hero and even Dr. Banner began to notice him.
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As the summer holidays were over and he went back to school, his school mates obviously noticed that Peter has changed drastically. From the night he first woke up with super powers his body gained even more weight and he became more muscular.
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He had even outgrown his bullies from the football team. No one would dare to bully him ever again. And as he also got super handsome he soon was the most popular guy at school.
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The days went by and his muscles seemed to get bigger day by day. He even started a membership at a gym just to compare himself to the local bodybuilders.
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And soon he also had outgrown them.
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It even came the time he had to stop fighting criminals because none of his Spiderman Suits would fit him. And if he got himself a new one he was too big for that a few days later anyway. All the joy that came with his super powers was gone. But his muscles keept growing...
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altocat · 5 months
Do you ever wonder if babyseph had ever wanted to try to be a scientist since he really idolised Gast? I saw Chadley in his lab coat and wondered if maybe at some point baby sephiroth also had one to try to wander about (you know, when he wasn't having his other kind of nightmare childhood)
I think there was a time when baby Sephiroth probably associated his main tormentors with positive emotions. As in the things they were doing to him were GOOD and made PERFECT SENSE. Or at least they were good if it made Gast happy. Sephiroth would imagine himself growing up to be just like Gast, emulating his hero in every regard. He'd to try to "help" people in the same way Gast did, especially strange little orphans like himself. He could make them better, give them a home, accept them despite their strange peculiarities. Gast has done so much for Sephiroth, is so kind. And Sephiroth is so grateful, especially when he has no one else in this world who treats him with a sense of care and compassion. Sephiroth loves Gast and trusts him completely. So why would he ever dream of anything less?
After Gast leaves, Sephiroth very quickly realizes the full extent of the situation he's in. Completely at Hojo's mercy, all initial optimism melts away. He realizes that Gast was the exception, not the rule. He finds that he was wrong, completely, hopelessly wrong. He hates scientists. He hates everything they do, everything they stand for. He hates them touching him, watching him. He hates how they ignore him when he's not wriggling under their scalpels. He hates their coldness, their indifference. He hates Hojo's smug smirk every time he's forced to kill something, every time he succeeds. It doesn't feel like a victory.
It feels like a life sentence.
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alwaysjustmina · 8 months
okay now i need to dump some more nuclear scientist dew thoughts to you, so lets just imagine a few things…
dew in a conference or lecture smth, so focused, he wears glasses, taking notes, very attentive, shushing swiss who was beside him constantly whispering
like i said, long hair in a bun that gets messier pver time
lab goggles! and white long lab coats!
he loves documentaries about anything science
living off coffee and energy drinks and protein bars (bcs dont we all)
talking about atoms and energy and radiation and complicated formulas full of greek letters with aether and omega bcs @jimothybarnes once said quintessence could be real (smth abt energy or matter iirc? i tried googling it once but couldnt understand it 😭), its for his phd thesis
the other just hear gibberish, probably simlish
I fully support this head cannon but let me add to it, cause I asked and you said yes, but it needs some Rain in it.
I hope it's ok I added the below ;)
So Rain has to be like the coffee shop owner or the someone dew buys from everyday. And if course he is incredibly hot, like it that way he knows he is hot but not the douchebag hot way. He sees Dew every day come in and he tries to talk to him but Dew is quiet. He has his hair down when he gets his coffee cause it's before his day starts. He has his little badge already around his neck, cause he can't forget and leaves the apartment with it on. Little crossbody bag with his lab coat on his shoulder. He looks cute. Sometimes he has his glasses up on his head, sometimes he is wearing them, it depends how distracted he is in line. And of course all Rain wants to do is throw the glasses off of his face and kiss him, because damn.
Until one day Dew comes in later in the afternoon, he is having a shitty day, nothing is working right, so why not pop over and see that hot coffee bar owner, a look at him will make his day better. Right? Right. But when Dew comes in, still in his lab coat, hair in a bun, tendrils falling out, he doesn't see Rain or anyone for a moment. Until he spies Rain in the back pushing Phantom up against the counter (his incredibly hot barista, that Dew wasnt overly sad about if Rain wasn't there if he waited on him) devouring his face. Dew of course gasps, because what and wait, he had this all planned in his sciency mind that Rain was his.
Rain heard the gasp and looks up to see Dew in the front, he promptly pulls away from Phantom and kisses his lips one last time before telling him to wait, he will be back.
Rain comes out of the back goes around the counter to Dew, grabs his badge around his neck, cause he has dreamed about doing this and pulls Dew to him and tells him that he can fill that mouth that is still open with something he might like. He moves away from Dew to lock the front door, and switch the sign to closed.
Dew just stands there in all his shocked glory, until Rain pulls him to the back by his badge. Before going through the door he leans into Dew and closes his mouth, then puts his lips to his kissing him softly before pulling him along for some stress relief that Dew surely needs.
And yes, Rain took those glasses on top of Dew's head and put them on him as he grabbed his hair, wedging his fingers between the bun and his head, to kiss him desperately. That is until he took them off of him and threw them across the room, along with that stupid badge. The lab coat could stay on.
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whumpy-wyrms · 11 months
The Last Lab Rat #10: Alone - part 2
previous | masterlist | next
content: lab whump, captivity, failed escape attempt, parent death mention, starvation, needle mention, animal death (mouse), minor character death, grief and angst, alcohol mention, unhealthy coping mechanisms, emotional whump, noncon touch (nonsexual), mind control, comfort at the end?, winged test subject whumpee, creepy scientist carewhumper
hey i know it sounds bad BUT at least Dew gets to eat spaghetti
Anton didn’t know what he was thinking. One moment, he was happily walking up the stairs to introduce his mouse friend to his test subject. And the next, he was wallowing in his own misery outside, deep in the dark untouched woods, rain pounding down on his head, clothes getting drenched in mud. Fitting, he thought. He wondered why it always stormed during funerals.
Except Anton didn’t have a black umbrella, or shoulders to cry on and share the pain with. He was alone. It was him, and his strange, glowing green concoction he was drinking out of a flask he found under his floorboards. He didn’t know what it did– it was probably an old experiment from decades ago– and he didn’t know if it would kill him. He just wanted something to ease the pain. Something to make him forget.
And it made him forget all right, but about all the wrong things. As Anton lay sprawled out in the wet grass, drenched in rain, mud and tears, he suddenly remembered that he had somebody locked in his basement. Somebody else he was supposed to take care of and look after. Somebody else that depended on him to survive.
“Shit!” Anton cried. What was he thinking? Leaving Dew alone all day? What time was it? It was dark out, sooner than usual in the autumn month. Anton staggered to his feet, and took another swig of the mystery concoction. He sighed, carded a hand through his messy hair and took one last look at the makeshift grave.
“Goodbye,” he whispered, and started running back to his lab, hearing the crunch of the dead leaves under his feet.
. . .
The door flung open and Anton staggered inside, leaning on the walls and clutching something in his hand. Dew stood, frozen in place as he stared at his captor. He felt like a literal deer caught in headlights, too scared to move or think. He got caught. He got caught. Dew was out of his room, he wasn’t supposed to be here, he was going to get hurt again.
Anton turned his gaze towards his test subject and let out a pained wince as he started to walk towards him. Dew was still hungry. He knew he had no chance of escaping now that Anton was back. There was nothing to do but wait, and hope the scientist would go easy on him this time.
“Dew?” Anton called after him, voice sounding… off. He was holding a clear laboratory flask filled with bright green liquid. It looked half full, and there was some spilled on Anton’s lab coat. Dew thought it was probably another experiment he was planning to test out on him. But none of that mattered now. Anton was back.
Dew fell to his knees in despair, the crowbar falling to the floor next to him. All of those empty threats from earlier were long forgotten and replaced with unfathomable fear. Silent tears fell from his eyes as he sat there, miserable and afraid. He knew it was a bad idea to leave his room, to attempt another futile escape. What was Anton going to do to him now? Take full control of his mind permanently? Erase his memories?
Anton walked closer. “Dewey, I…” He said quietly, voice trailing off. Dew watched as Anton came to a hesitant stop. Dew squeezed his eyes shut, breathing heavily as his captor stood in the middle of the lab. His mind raced with all of the worst possibilities as he felt the seconds tick by and the feeling of being watched only grew. It was so suffocatingly quiet that Dew wandered if he’d imagined Anton entering, if the last few minutes were even real. Finally, Anton said in a small voice, “I’m back.”
Dew opened his eyes, already wet with tears. “Anton?” he squeaked. The scientist was acting so weird. Dew didn’t know what to do. “I… I’m sorry I-I left my room— p-please don’t hurt me,” he whimpered. “I-I’ll be good. I’ll–”
“No,” Anton choked out. “Dew, I…” The scientist walked forward until he was looming over his test subject. Dew let his tears fall freely, shoulders shaking as he silently sobbed and awaited what horrible punishment Anton would inflict on him. “Look at me,” Anton said, gently grabbing his chin and tilting his head upwards.
“Please, Anton,” Dew weeped. “Please don’t hurt me. I’m so hungry.”
“I… I know,” Anton said softly. “I’m um, I’m sorry… okay?”
Dew’s breath hitched, “What?”
“You’re my test subject… I’m supposed to take care of you.” Anton’s voice uncharacteristically wobbled as he talked, and Dew noticed how strange his expression looked… And his eyes. Something was wrong. Something was very fucking wrong. “I’m all you have, you depend on me and I just…”
“Are you… what’s that in your hand?”
“What? Oh. It’s–” Anton held up his strange flask of green liquid. “It’s this- uh– I dunno what it is. I found under the… the floorboards earlier when… It doesn’t matter. I th… thought it would uh… ease the pain I guess.”
“You must be hungry, right?” Anton asked suddenly as he let go of Dew’s face and turned on his heel towards the kitchen. Dew shakily nodded his head, and Anton took his hand and pulled him to his feet. Dew’s mind raced as Anton led him to the kitchen area. What the actual fuck was happening?
“Are the lights too bright?” Anton asked.
“Uhm, yeah, a little.” Dew sniffled, trying to calm himself down and stop crying. Anton dimmed the lights throughout the lab so they weren’t too bright, but not dark either. Dew would’ve thanked him if he weren’t terrified for his life.
Once they got to the kitchen, Anton sat Dew down on the couch— he didn’t have a normal table and chairs there, for some reason— and rummaged through the fridge. Dew’s thoughts raced as he sat there, fear making him unable to move, and he didn’t trust his voice not to break out into sobs if he talked. So he didn’t.
Anton left him alone– abandoned him all day with no food or anything, and now he was back acting so incredibly weirder than usual. Dew had escaped his room. He attempted another escape and was caught, why didn’t Anton seem to care now? Was he too distracted to realize? Distracted by what?
Dew held his head in his hands, exhausted and terrified. At least he’d finally be able to eat now. He looked up at Anton, who was starting to make spaghetti and meatballs. Super random. Dew would have preferred maybe a ham sandwich, you know, something that wouldn’t take 25 fucking minutes to cook, but whatever.
Dew noticed Anton’s hands shaking as he tried to pour the noodles into the pot, and was sure he’d accidentally burn himself. Anton’s hands never shook. Dew would know, for all the times his hands carefully and precisely made an injection or incision into his skin.
“I’ll do it,” Dew said, timidly standing up and walking towards the scientist. He didn’t care anymore about being hurt or trying to escape; all he wanted was food. And if Anton wasn’t going to hurt him now, Dew would take advantage of this moment if it meant he could eat sooner.
“No. I’m supposed to take care of you,” Anton said, weakly shoving Dew out of the way.
“Anton, you’re not–”
“Stop talking,” Anton hissed. He took a device from his pocket and turned it on, activating the mind-control.
Dew’s mouth snapped shut, and any attempt to argue was lost. He looked up at Anton sadly, and sat back on the couch. It could be worse, Dew thought. Anton could be hurting him right now, punishing him for escaping, but he wasn’t. And he had no idea why.
So, unable to talk, Dew just watched Anton struggle to cook. He would genuinely like to help, though. It’d give him something to do after doing absolutely nothing all day, and it’d be a good distraction; something familiar, something safe. Something to drown out the terrified worries that wracked his brain, instead of just waiting for something to happen.
It was silent in the lab again, and Dew was strangely content with that now. Anton was back, there was light, but it was dim enough to not burn his eyes, and there was the noise and smell of the noodles and meatballs cooking. He tried to focus on those things— and the fact he wasn’t alone anymore— to calm himself down enough to be prepared for what Anton would do to him for trying to escape again.
Dew noticed as Anton kept nervously checking his watch and taking small glances back at him every few minutes. He was acting so strange, so much more than usual. What had caused any of this? He wished he could just ask.
Anton sighed and leaned against the counter, sliding down to sit on the floor. He took another long sip from that flask and hugged his knees to his chest. His eyes were puffy. If Dew didn’t know any better, it looked like Anton had been crying.
Dew didn’t move a muscle. He stared at his captor with wide eyes from where he sat on the couch, and almost forgot to breathe for a moment. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and the only thing that could be heard was the noodles boiling on the stove.
“Basil died,” Anton mumbled.
Dew furrowed his brows. Basil? He thought. Who… wait, Anton’s pet mouse?
“I was… I was gonna introduce you two to each other this morning. But she was already gone… They were old, it was painless but unexpected for both of us. Those things just happen sometimes. And there’s nothing I could do. And now, now I’m all alone…” Anton’s voice grew quieter until it was almost impossible to hear. “The passage of time keeps going, even if… even if you’re still stuck in the past. Time doesn’t care about who you’ll miss or what you’ll regret or what you wished you would’ve done. It keeps… going. On and on and on forever. Until all you have is yourself and… Dew.”
Dew stared back at him blankly.
Anton looked up. His expression was nothing like Dew had ever seen on him before. He looked sad. It was so surreal. Dew didn’t think Anton could ever feel genuinely sad about something, being someone who’s completely fine with kidnapping and performing unethical experiments on another human being– excited about it, actually. “You… you can talk now.” Anton said.
Dew took a deep breath. He wasn’t expecting that. Any of that. “Is-is that why you didn’t– um, come down here today?”
“...Yeah, it was. I’m sorry for leaving you all alone. I fucked up. But– But Basil was my best friend and–” For the first time, Dew saw Anton cry.
Dew didn’t know how to feel about this. He should be angry, he should be jumping up and stabbing his fork into Anton’s neck and booking it the fuck outta there, never looking back. He should be shouting and screaming, he should be breaking down asking why the fuck he didn’t come down to feed him earlier, why he abandoned him. Why he left him all alone.
Dew did feel like doing all that, but he also felt a strange sense of pity. He knew what it was like to lose someone you loved, hell his friends were probably feeling the same way back home…
That realization made his stomach turn. Nah, Dew thought. Fuck that.
Dew shook those thoughts away, the thoughts that felt bad for the scientist keeping him captive, the person so attached to his so-called best friend, who was a literal mouse. Dew missed his friends too— and they missed him— but Anton didn’t seem to care about that, so why should Dew be expected to care about his captor’s mouse? Why should Dew have to care about anything this maniac was saying to him?
Dew stood. He looked across the counter to the knife block and ran towards it. He didn’t get very far, though. Anton— without even looking up from the ground— grabbed Dew’s ankle in an instant, making him lose his balance and fall to the floor.
The defiance in Dew’s eyes was replaced with utter terror again as he scurried backwards. Anton’s grip on Dew’s ankle became tighter as he dragged him closer, reaching for something in his pocket– probably a needle, Dew guessed.
“N-no, please,” Dew whispered in terror. “Please Anton– I’m sorry, I-I just– please don’t hurt me.”
Anton sighed and released his grip, making Dew fall backwards. Anton closed his eyes, leaning against the cupboards and holding his head in his hands.
“Don’t try anything,” Anton commanded, but his voice sounded more tired than angry. “Don’t try to attack me or escape, just stay here.” Anton saw the look of fear on Dew’s face, which only made him feel worse… Guilty, remorseful, all the things he tried so hard not to feel. But he supposed it didn’t matter now— how he felt. It wouldn’t change the past, it wouldn’t change anything. “And calm down. Relax.”
The second Anton uttered those words, Dew’s body did, in fact, relax. His heartbeat evened out and his breathing slowed. He looked around in displeased contemptment, knowing he should be scared, freaking out, angry, but he wasn’t. Those feelings were still there, but more than anything, he felt calm. Tranquil. It was as if he were sedated, but still wide awake and aware and in control, but calm about it all. It was a strange feeling, one he was oddly grateful for at this moment.
“I know you’re upset with me, okay?” Anton said, trying to make his voice sound at least a little comforting. “You have a right to be, I made a terrible mistake. I should’ve come down here earlier. It’s not your fault. I won’t hurt you.”
The timer on the stove beeped, and the spaghetti was done. Dew stood before Anton could pull himself up, and went straight for the food. He began frantically opening and closing cupboards, looking for the dishes and utensils instead of sticking his hands straight into the pot and burning himself.
“Here,” Anton said, opening a cabinet and handing Dew two bowls and forks. “Give me some too while you’re at it?”
It wasn’t like Dew had a choice, anyway. He scooped the noodles from the pan and filled the bowls to the brim with the tastiest looking spaghetti and meatballs he had ever seen. Dew timidly handed Anton his bowl, and sat back down on the couch.
“Don’t burn yourself,” Anton said as Dew raised a giant spoonful to his mouth. “Wait until it cools down a bit.”
Dew’s arm froze, the food right in front of him, but unable to take a bite. “Come on man,” Dew exclaimed. “Just let me eat, I’m hungry!”
“Fine,” Anton said.
Dew stuffed the spaghetti into his mouth and instantly regretted it. Mouth burning, he rushed to the fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of water.
“Told you.”
Dew glared at him, but took his advice. He’d let his food cool down a bit. But in the meantime…
“Dew, stop rummaging around in my fridge.”
“Can I at least have an apple?” Dew asked. “While the spaghetti cools down?”
“Fine,” Anton agreed. “But go sit back down.”
Dew thanked him and sat. He didn’t remember the last time an apple tasted this good. Dew was happy to finally be eating, but that didn’t ease the dread he felt.
He didn’t know how he could ever get used to his mind being controlled by a simple command. Anton could control almost everything about him now, what he does, how he feels… he hoped it only went that far. Dew realized he was probably lucky that Anton hadn't taken away his defiance yet, even though he could, so so easily do just that.
A sudden thought occurred to him: why hadn’t he? Surely it would be easier for the scientist for Dew to be a perfectly compliant and obedient test subject. But Dew still had hopes and dreams and a mind of his own. He was still determined to escape. But for what? What did Anton gain from letting Dew be himself?
He decided to not think about this. But still, Dew couldn’t do anything but sit there and wait. He couldn’t try attacking Anton or escape, and he couldn’t burst out in a rage fueled outburst or sob into the couch cushions. Because Anton simply told him not to.
They sat there, Dew huddled up on the couch, and Anton sitting on the floor. The dim, yellow light from the stove, mixed with the taste of spaghetti reminded Dew of cozy autumn nights indoors with his friends. It was that time of year already, and they were probably thinking about the same thing back home.
“I miss them so much,” Anton said. He looked so fucking sad. Dew grimaced. It shouldn’t matter what Anton felt, he was a monster.
“Mice aren’t solitary creatures, Anton.” Dew said as he took a big bite of his spaghetti. “You shouldn’t have kept it alone.”
“No,” Anton began. “Basil was different. She was all but human.”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Anton glared at him, and Dew closed his mouth. The scientist rolled his eyes and sighed. “I guess you deserve an explanation…”
When Anton didn’t say anything more, Dew spoke, “...Yeah.” He fidgeted nervously with the spaghetti on his fork. “So, um, are you gonna tell me?”
“Yes,” Anton sighed. He took another drink from that flask and started talking. “It was… around 13 years ago. She was my first um– test subject. I didn’t hurt him, I didn’t want to. But I needed to test something out and I had nobody else to test on– and I couldn’t just clone myself and use the clone as a test subject back then either–”
“Wait, clone yourself?”
“Shut up.” Anton hissed. “So I needed to test something out, and Basil was only a mouse. So I used them for it. And… My experiment worked. She started becoming smarter, like incredibly intelligent for a mouse. And then I invented a device that allows animals to talk, and once again, he was first to try it out. And it worked. And she talked to me. We quickly became friends.
“She wasn’t just a mouse, she had gained the brain capacity of a person. He could think and feel and comprehend abstract concepts and thoughts just like a person can… And their lifespan– that got longer as well.
“They lived for 13 years, Dew. That’s not possible. I made something live longer. And after only a few weeks, she wasn’t my test subject anymore, she was my friend, my animal companion. And uh, he didn’t like that I became friends with every animal I tested on, so that’s when he started letting me experiment on his human test subjects instead of animals.”
“Wait, who’s he?” Dew asked.
“Pierce. The man who raised me into who I am. It doesn’t matter. He realized I couldn’t stand hurting animals so he didn’t force me to. My whole life I followed in his footsteps… He took me in after I became an orphan. He saved me, and taught me everything I know about science.”
“So when I was 12, I started experimenting on human test subjects. It was fun, we had fun. I loved my life and… and then, eight years ago, I met… them.”
“Who’s them?” Dew asked.
“It doesn’t matter,” Anton hissed. He only then realized he was probably saying too much. He needed to end this conversation before Dew asked any more questions. “...But Basil was the closest thing they had to anything good in their life. And when they…” Anton’s gaze looked distant, lost in thought. “Um, anyways, Basil was– she was all I had left of them. And now she’s gone. They’re both gone. And, and I’m all alone.”
They sat in silence for a few moments. Dew couldn’t help but sympathize with… Basil. She obviously didn’t deserve to die, and Dew felt sad when animals died, it was only natural. He remembered his parents, how he’d tried so, so hard not to think about them the past eight weeks– five years for that matter. It was too painful.
But everything was painful now, thinking about his friends and his life that was taken from him. They were probably missing Dew just as much as Anton missed Basil now, and he didn’t seem to care about that.
But… Dew now knew what he did care about, more than him. “Why don’t you just… bring Basil back to life?”
Anton’s head snapped up, brows furrowing. “That’s unethical,” he said.
“What, did your mouse have a ‘do not resuscitate’ label or something? You do unethical experiments on me all the time! You respect a mouse more than me? Seriously?”
“That's not funny.”
“They’re already dead! Use their body instead of mine! Just bring them back from the dead, that can be your next experiment! You want to invent immortality right? Well there’s your lab rat!”
“Shut up!” Anton hissed. Dew’s words died on his tongue as his mind was taken control over once again. Dew silently glared instead. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. And you’re still my test subject, that’s not changing. Don’t think because now you know a little bit about my past, you can use that to change my mind. I won’t ever let you go. Understand?”
“Y-yeah. Sorry.”
It was quiet again. After they were done eating, Dew put the dishes in the sink as Anton continued to sulk on the floor. This was by far the strangest situation Dew had been in ever since he was brought here. He thought about earlier, about how bored he was. If Anton really was serious about keeping Dew here forever, he must realize Dew needed something to keep him entertained for when he was bored.
“Hey, Anton…?” Dew asked. It was a shot in the dark, but nothing bad could happen by asking. “Re-remember when you said a while ago you might give me back my music? Like my MP3 player and headphones? It-it was just so, so boring being alone earlier with nothing to do and I really feel like listening to music would help me calm down and–”
“You want it back?” Anton asked.
“Y-yeah. If-if that’s okay I mean–”
Anton pondered for a moment. “Yeah, sure.” He stood up and walked to his desk. Dew remembered the mess he made earlier during his stupid attempt to put together a bag of evidence, and hoped Anton wouldn’t get too mad about it. The scientist came back holding a pair of headphones and an MP3 player in his hands. Dew almost felt like he was dreaming again. Almost.
“Here,” Anton handed Dew his things, and Dew felt like he could cry. He’d missed this so much. “It’s not your original MP3 player. I had that and your headphones… destroyed. But I made an exact copy. And these headphones are better than the other ones, with more noise canceling settings and such.”
“Th-thanks. So much.” Dew said.
“Don’t mention it. I should’ve known sooner you’d get bored.”
Dew looked through the MP3 player, happy to find out all of his favorite songs were still there. This was the happiest he’s felt since… since… the vents earlier.
Anton hummed, taking another big gulp of that potion looking thing. “I suppose I should get rid of this, then.”
“Are you sure that’s even safe?” Dew asked apprehensively.
“I dunno. Probably not… But I have ways to heal myself if things go bad. This uh, seems to be working though… numbing the pain and all that… And keeping me thoroughly distracted. I’ll be surprised if I remember any of this by tomorrow.” Anton pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I was an idiot earlier. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“And now, everything just feels fuzzy. Nothing has felt real since this morning, and I’m hoping this’ll all turn out to be a bad dream… But I know it won’t.” Anton looked up to Dew, who was watching him wearily with wide eyes. The scientist tilted his head slightly. “Who knows, Dew, maybe I’ll just erase this entire day from your memory so you won’t have to see me so… vulnerable and sad.”
“P-please don’t–”
“Relax. I’m not like that. I will never mess with your memories like that. Ever. So don’t worry about that. Okay?”
Anton sighed. “Anyway, I’m sorry about today. Neither of us wanted this to happen and it will never happen again. I’m supposed to be a genius scientist, not an emotional mess who… who drinks random mixtures of chemicals as a coping mechanism. This is extremely irresponsible and unprofessional… not like I ever cared about being professional, but still.”
Dew nodded, half pretending to be listening to Anton ramble on as he plugged the headphones in and put them on. He started playing his favorite song, but paused it when Anton started talking again.
“Anyway… Basil’s gone.” Anton said. “My best friend is gone, and you’re all I have left.” Dew gulped, this couldn’t be heading anywhere good. “I… I didn’t get to introduce you two, but that’s fine, I suppose. Now I can focus all of my attention onto you, and my experiments. And Dew, don’t think I’ll start going easy on you after this either. …Experiments begin again tomorrow. Anyway, let’s get you to bed, I’m fucking tired.”
“Wait,” Dew said before he could stop himself and think. “I um. I don’t wanna be alone again.”
Anton blinked. “...Okay, uh…” The scientist looked around and picked up a loose chain with cuffs on both ends. “You can sleep out here I guess. Just for tonight.” Anton attached the chain to Dew’s wrist, and cuffed the other end to his own.
“What are–”
“You don’t wanna be alone right? Me neither. I’ll sleep over here. This chain is just to keep you from running away during the night.” Anton grabbed a few blankets from under the couch, and tossed the bigger, fluffier one to Dew. Then he sat back down in his spot against the cupboards and curled up in a ball on the hard floor.
Dew grimaced. Weirdo, he thought. But a sleepover with the scientist was better than being locked back in his room, he supposed. Dew laid down on the couch, snuggling into the blanket. Anton used a device to turn off the lights, and they settled off to bed. Before Dew drifted off to sleep, he gave the chain light tug. It couldn’t hurt to try.
“Don’t even think about it,” Anton mumbled. “I’ll know if you get up.”
“Okay…” Dew said.
“Agh, you know what– just don’t move from that spot until morning.” Anton’s control took hold of his mind once again, and without anything to do, Dew turned on his music and closed his eyes.
“Goodnight, Dewey.” Anton said, half asleep on the floor. Dew chose not to respond.
As Dew laid curled up on the couch, unable to move, he thought about everything that happened the past day. The vents. The broken camera. The strange science concoction Anton was using as makeshift alcohol to drown out all his problems… the fact Anton didn’t know about the vents.
For the first time, Dew was one step ahead of the scientist; he had an advantage that Anton was completely oblivious to. He had the vents. He had a way to escape that only he knew about, and something Anton definitely wouldn’t be expecting. It was perfect. He could use the notepad he was hiding in his pocket to map out the air ducts, and eventually find the way out. And he’d make his escape during the night, when Anton wasn’t awake to mind-control him. Dew’s new plan could work, it would take a while, but it could actually work and that was all he cared about.
Giddy with newfound excitement and hope, Dew turned his music up, filling his ears with his favorite songs he had missed so much the past 8 weeks. Yes, the past day was hell, and a new kind of torture he’d never want to endure again, but it also presented him with the perfect escape plan.
Besides that, Dew felt like he learned a lot about Anton and his weird past. He hoped that could all be beneficial to him in the future. But he was also filled with so many more questions than answers, and the burning desire to never be alone again.
soooo hi! i feel bad about killing Basil off,, originally they just existed as something to develop the story, but then i got kiiinda attached. i have a few au ideas where she didn’t die, or where they’re a tiny borrower science lab assistant, and other stuff like that that i might draw or write about in the near future so yea. besides that, normal tllr chapters with normal experiments coming soon, hopefully not in another three weeks
if ur sad about Basil dying, take this <3 and this :P
taglist: @whumpinthepot @shywhumpauthor @whump-me-all-night-long @whump321 @fuckcapitalismasshole @sorry-i-spaced @theelvishcowgirl @catnykit @tettlod @delicateprincepaper @rejectedbytheempty @mijajaj @anothertawogsideblog @creppersfunpalooza @toyybox
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natsuki-bakery · 3 months
Playdate in Raccoon City !
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Hello can I request a oneshot with little! Leon Kennedy and little! William Birkin going on a playdate? Claire is Leon's cg and Albert Wesker is William's cg
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The sun was shining brightly over Raccoon City as Claire Redfield guided little Leon Kennedy down the bustling streets. Leon's hand was tightly wrapped around Claire's, his small fingers gripping hers with the utmost trust. He was dressed in his favorite RPD-themed hoodie, the blue fabric making his eyes sparkle with excitement. Today was a special day, he was going on a playdate with William Birkin, another little who Claire had heard about through the caregiver network !
"Are we almost there, Mama Claire?" Leon asked, his voice full of anticipation as he tugged on her hand
"Almost, Leon. Just a few more blocks," Claire replied with a warm smile, patting his head gently. She knew how much Leon looked forward to these playdates; they were a chance for him to relax and have fun
Meanwhile, in a spacious penthouse on the other side of the city, Albert Wesker was preparing little William for the day. William, wearing a cute lab coat and glasses that made him look like a tiny scientist, was sitting at the table, swinging his legs back and forth
"Do you think Leon will like my new toys?" William asked, looking up at Wesker with wide, curious eyes
"I'm sure he will, my sweetheart !" Wesker said with an encouraging smile "Now, let's get ready to go. We don't want to keep them waiting"
Soon enough, Claire and Leon arrived at the penthouse. Leon's eyes widened in awe as he took in the luxurious surroundings, but his attention quickly shifted to the door as it opened to reveal Wesker and William
"Leon !!" William greeted, running over to his friend with a big grin on his face "I have so many new toys to show you!"
"Hi William!" Leon replied, his face lighting up "I can't wait to see them all !"
Wesker and Claire exchanged polite nods, acknowledging each other's presence as caregivers before stepping aside to let the boys play. The living room was soon filled with the sounds of laughter and excitement as Leon and William dove into a world of imagination
"Look, Mama ! William has a toy RPD station!" Leon exclaimed, holding up a miniature replica of the police department
"That's amazing, Leon. Why don't you two play a game with it?" Claire suggested, settling down on the couch with a cup of tea that Wesker had graciously offered
The boys quickly set up a scenario where they were police officers on a mission to save the city from an outbreak of plushie zombies. Leon, naturally, took charge as the brave officer, while William used his scientific knowledge to concoct a cure from imaginary ingredients
"Take that, zombie!" Leon shouted, knocking over a stuffed bear that had been designated as the undead threat
"Good job, Officer Leon!" William cheered, handing him a pretend vial of the cure. "Now the city is safe again!"
As the afternoon wore on, the two littles continued to play, their bond growing stronger with each passing minute. Claire and Wesker watched from the sidelines, content in knowing that their charges were happy and safe
"It's good for them to have this time together" Wesker remarked, glancing at Claire. "They both need a break from everything..."
"I agree," Claire replied, her gaze softening as she watched Leon and William laugh together. "It's moments like these that make it all worthwhile"
As the sun began to set, signaling the end of the playdate, Leon and William hugged each other tightly
"Thanks for having me over, Will. I had so much fun with you!" Leon said, his eyes sparkling with joy
"Me too, Leon! Let's do this again soon!" William replied with a big smile
With that, Claire took Leon's hand once more, ready to head home, while Wesker gently guided William back inside. The two caregivers exchanged a final nod of understanding and respect, knowing that they had created a safe and happy space for their littles to enjoy
As they walked away, Leon looked up at Claire, a contented smile on his face : "Today was the best day ever, Mama !"
And so, Leon and William's playdate came to an end, but the memories they made would stay with them, a reminder of the simple joys of friendship and play in a world filled with challenges...
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DNI: basic criteria, DSMP, vivziepop/h4zbin h0tel/h3lluva b0ss fans, Owl h0use fans, St4r butterfly fans, Ghibli fans, ddlg/abdl, nsfw/k!nk, anti-agere, anti Christians blogs
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noir-drabbles · 4 months
Draft 5
Summary: You lead Alban around the facility you escaped from, all to sate your curiosity. It seems you know something about his sibling that he's been looking for.
(Funnily enough I'm in a yandere mood but I don't know what concept to go for. Anybody want to toss one in the inbox and see what character I make out of said concept? Something like "yandere next door neighbor who peers through secretly installed cameras," or whatever. I need to feed this boredom!)
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“You’re not cold?” He’s been meaning to ask but, frankly, he was distracted by a number of other things. Now that you and he are here, in this strange lull of the deepest reaches of this abandoned lab, walking further and further in for answers, Alban thought may as well ask.
“Not at all,” and it was clearly not a lie, with the ease you walked about the ice-cold room, “it be weird if I was. It would mean that there’s something wrong with me. So no, I’m not cold.”
…right, right, you’re highly likely a patient here. A weird one. One that should’ve been in a different lab and yet, you’re here. Too dangerous perhaps? Too… odd to have any definitive and useful results?
But resisting ice at all should be something of a miracle. But then again, perhaps they can’t replicate that in anyone but you. Alban guesses that would be enough to get you sent to the crypt.
“So why do you have that lab coat? If you’re not cold?”
You have it tucked right under your arm, like it was luggage.
“Because it’s my aunt’s favorite coat. She said, ‘You can have everything if I drop dead.’ So it’s mine now.”
Oh. Huh.
“If?” ‘If’ and not ‘when?’
“You could cut off her head and she’d just regrow her body. I would know, I did that.”
Ah, of course. If one can practically live forever, he supposes it’s only natural these scientists would take it. Or, at least this particular one that he’s suspecting you didn’t like very much.
“…so, she’s dead now, I take it? How?” He tore a paper, but luckily, it wasn’t anything important.
“The frost got to her. Now she’s just a rolling head monster. I stuffed her down the toilet.”
That’s… an image. Ow.
“You… didn’t like her very much, did you?” Alban can practically imagine you crushing that head, cracking the skull just to make it easier to stuff down the pipes. It’s… an image.
“She played a lot of tricks on me. She takes my things, promises to give them back, and then never does. ‘I lost them,’ or ‘that’s just how it is,’ or even ‘that never belonged to you to begin with.’ It was irritating.”
Ah, you know what, that’s fair.
“Sounds less like tricks and more straight up lies,” Alban mumbled, kneeling down to shift through a pile of papers. Unfortunately they were stuck together, impossible to peel off with the freezing temperatures rendering the paper fragile. “Was that your life here?”
“One part of many. When I woke up, it was a happy time. Lot of parties, lot of celebrations just for the small things like eating and talking. I liked that, watching people smile.” Alban heard shifting in the back before your footsteps stopped right behind him, “So, I’m wondering, what will it take to make you smile?”
“You can’t even see my face,” it’s covered in a mask to keep the worst of the cold at bay, “How are you going to–”
Something heavy settled on his shoulders, and for a moment he thought you were going to pin him down, rip his layers of clothing open and eat whatever organs you can lay your hands on.
But then he heard a click, and moments later, warmth entered his skin. The almost sudden rush made him nauseous, but that did nothing to stop his muscles from unwinding. His joints clicked from his full body sigh.
“A… heated blanket?” Alban put down the papers and tugged the blanket closer around him, a cord connected to a controller slid on the ground, “…it works in temperatures such as these?”
“Yeah, they work perfectly well.” you patted his shoulders, happy to hear that at least some of the burden was lifted from them, “all thanks to Denise.”
Frost was already lining up the membranes of his lungs, and now, it rushes to consume to his bone marrow whole.
Alban gripped the blanket tighter, but made no move to shove it off him. Instead, he wrapped it more securely around himself.
“…Denise, was it?” He asked carefully, slowly coming to stand as turned towards you, shifting your weight from foot to foot, “Where is Denise? Do you know where they are?”
The smile on your face dulled, no longer reflected in your eyes. “You got tense again. Sorry, my bad. But yes, I know where Denise is. Want me to show you the way? It’s going to take a little while, though.”
“Then, lead the way.” He can take a few more hours. He can take on a hundred more days in this unbearable cold if it meant finding out what happened to his sibling.
Alban needs to know just how much they sacrificed just to provide for him and the family.
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tinyascanbe · 4 months
Introducing my g/t story
Beetle Shells
its based on actual entomology work ive done as a scientist, very self indulgent! TW: Cursing, light nudity, light blood, bugs (non aggro bugs)
Chapter 1: Introduction
I took quick and long strides down the sterile white hallway. At the end of the hallway were double doors tinted a dark black with yellow and red warning plates on the side. Reaching the end of the hallway and approaching a set of lockers, I instinctively reach for one marked with pink duct tape. Sighing, I shed my coat and donned a fresh laboratory coat along with medical boot covers. I tied my hair back into a messy bun of curls and finished up by secured the boot covers and buttoning up the coat. Beep beep beep beep! I stepped through the first door after punching in a personalized unique code. It was completely dark except for the UV light and stepped onto a sticky white pad. I heard the familiar hissing and allowed the cold air shower to blow onto my face and body before the stream dissipated. Lights automatically turned on and she then entered the quarantine lab. The quarantine lab was divided into four sections with one of the chemist labs right at the entrance.
“Heya Kyle. Any lucky today?” I approached the other scientist, peering around his shoulders at the beetle he was dissecting.
“Eh yknow, still having a hard time replicating the pheromones of this particular species. Still no preference or response to any of my solutions. The boss is pressuring me to get one ready in preparation for a public meeting with the state. Theres some big money involved with this research and the public havent been responsive. These invasive lil guys sure are causing me to lose sleep.” His face is creased with stress as he talks about it and he drops his tools in frustration.
“Yeah…they sure are cute lil guys. Imagine when you finally formulate it though! Theyll want to be all over you. Then your army of beetle lovers can eat the public opinion!” I laugh and pick up an analytical jar filled with peat and watch as the horned beetle emerges to munch on some sugarcane.
“Also hey how many do we have in inventory?” I inquire.
“Uhhh probably around 400 individuals over 5 generations. Sixth generation is scheduled to emerge in a few days now.” He answers, still not looking up at me. I admire his brown sleek hair, shining under the fluorescent lighting. I usually made excuses to talk to him throughout the day.
“Wow I wonder how much room we have left in here, we’re packed full. Well I have to work for about 3 hours with the longhorns so Ill come check in later to see if I can assist you.” Striding off, I walk through a hallway and enter a large metal door with a large latch.
I come into an enclosed refrigerated room and curse my luck on being stuck here. Its all plated metal with a chrome shelving unit on wheels and a long black table that stood about waist height. Plopping down on the black top swivel stool, i reach up for my clipboard, a binder, and mechanical pencil. Flipping open the binder, I scan the list of insects to be tested and pull out a form from another tabbed section. I flip open my airpod case and connect to my phones spotify playlist and walk out of the refrigerated hell to go grab my lil buddies that I get to hang out with for awhile. The insect species are separated by room so I dance over to the longhorn beetle room down the hall. The walls are lined with cups full of insect food and individual insects in each container. Buckets of different types of plants for feeding and a few carts along with another black table in the center of the room, fairly messy with forceps and papers were scattered about. The containers were marked with a gender sticker and had assigned genealogy tracking numbers. Sometimes Id mark a little heart on their containers if I was particularly fond of one of the individuals.
Dancing over and grabbing the cart, I stack male beetles and referencing my clipboard every so often. I scooted them all carefully back into my refrigerated testing room while grooving a bit to the music. I grabbed my favorite stick from the shelving unit and popped the top of the container to LB-08924 and was greeted by shaking and hissing.
“Oh nope. How bout you calm down there young man. Ill give you a few more minutes.” And grab another container for a second try.
On the table is a glass Y tube. Theres one small air hose connected to one side with the vaporized pheromone that the lab created and one small air hose connected to the other side with regular air. I get the next individual onto the stick and gently transfer them to the entrance to the tube and start a timer. The little antennas move a bit and stays in place. Waiting for the male to make a decision, I scribble in quick notes and information out on my form. Finally after 3 long minutes the male decides to walk down the tube towards our lab solution. I detach the air hose and gently pinch the lil guy to pull him out with a gloved hand. With a rather ungraceful plop, the male is dropped back into the container and the lid snapped shut.
Three hours go by and Ive listened to a whole Phish album and a podcast. I push a fallen curl behind my ear and straighten my posture, flipping through my reports to make sure I didnt miss any information.
Id been looking forward to taking a break and talking to Kyle again and the thought made me smile a bit to myself. I replace all my test subjects back to their respectful places, pop out my earbuds, and walk down the long hallway back to the main chemist lab.
“Kyle! Still hard at work I see. Im finished up with my beetles, need me to try and take a crack at yours?” I call out, seeing him in the same exact position as before. But this time, he actually turns to meet my green eyes with his darker gaze.
“Actually…yeah. The boss just fuckin yelled at me again to hurry this up. He doesnt understand that I cant rush this and once it is formulated, we have a long QC process ahead of us… Test this for me will you?”
“Yeah, anything for you. Give me a couple minutes to warm up first. Sample size?”
“Lets do 50 individuals. Using a spoon is your best bet to dig em out of the peat. Thanks, Clementine.” He holds out a vial to me and i take it, flashing him a smile and receiving one back.
I take the vial and slip it into my lab pocket readying a new cart of the new much larger rhinoceros male beetles. I struggle to balance their glass containers on the cart and right as I attempt to move the cart into the doorway of the testing room, the cart wobbles and causes the glass jars with the beetles to fall. Lunging to save the falling beetles, I trip in the process, breaking the vial and causing the glass to puncture through my jacket and shirt into my side. I land on other glass and thankfully none of the beetles.
“FUCK. ME.” I hiss and to my dismay I hear footsteps running over to me.
“Dude this didnt happen, lets not file an OSHA report and shit you know how much paperwork that is. Its my fault I shouldnt have tried to bring in that many bugs. I’ll take care of it all seriously Im fine. Im so sorry for breaking your vial I know that took you a long time..” I couldnt stop talking. Nevermind as fast as I was. I felt so embarrassed by the whole thing and wished I was alone. Kyle was staring at me with saucer eyes as if I ended the world by smashing his creation and I felt so badly about not being more careful.
“Uh Clementine… are you…. are you ok..? What the fuck…?”
I look down and see blood… but the blood stains look huge…but so does the lab coat itself…fuck I dont feel good. Woah all the beetles are surrounding me. The ones on the walls all surfaced from their peat. What the fuck….
Everything was in slow motion. I couldnt think straight and I felt like I was floating on hard drugs.
I realize Im craning my head up at Kyle with panic in my eyes.
“What was in the vial?” I slowly struggle to ask?
“Nothing that would cause this?? Its impossible. Maybe a dream??” He looks down at her with matching panic, hands shaking and staring down in fear as he appeared larger and larger to my now slumped body.
Ten or so beetles had finally began to crawl on me as I reached the height of the waist high table. Fear gripped me in the uncertainty but I realized I could barely stand from the overwhelming dizziness and weakness that overtook me. I was no taller than the waist high table and I collapsed to the ground causing two beetles to jump off.
“Help, please” desperation soaked my voice as their barbed legs gripped into my skin and my height still diminishing.
Kyles eyes darted and he finally began snatching the beetles off me and placing them in the labs emergency bug net. His huge hands approaching me caused my heart to race faster with fear. Holding the net of angry buzzing beetles, he turned and ran to secure them, leaving me. I had no idea how tall I was at this point, just that I was probably under 1’ by the look of things. I began to drag myself towards the bottom of the cart to try and hide underneath. There was no where else to hide and I couldnt trust a scientist, no matter how cute. The loud sound of footsteps coming back pumped fear through me and I realized I wouldnt be able to hide in time.
“Oh fuck youre so much smaller now…are you still shrinking?! Wait hey stop its ok theres no more beetles. All the insects are all locked up.” Kyle pushed the cart to expose the top half of me that had dragged myself under and squatted down in front of me.
“Uh sorry it took me a minute to process everything before helping you. I have no fucking idea whats happening but I feel responsible for giving you that vial. Im going to….pick you up now. Theres a lot of glass on the floor. Youre like 4 inches right now and I think you stopped shrinking.”
I watch, laid out on my side, bleeding in various places as he reaches both hands out in front of him, tilting his head as he considered how to exactly pick me up. I swallow as the hands approach. He uses his pointer finger to roll me onto the palm of his other hand. I puke in my mouth as he slowly raises me up to his gaze. His eyes are massive now, huge glossy orbs of color right in front of me. Exposing me. I had never felt so naked before and I shyly move my hands to cover myself despite my naked body already touching his warm palm. Averting my eyes, I hold back tears and feel absolutely out of control of reality.
“Ive got you, dont worry. I’ve got you.” He whispered quietly.
“We’ve gotta go though. We need to address your wounds first and foremost. Youre coming back with me.” Taking control of the situation, Kyles voice filled with more confidence.
“We gotta put you down first though so I can clean this up to prevent any suspicion. Im gonna lay you on the table now. Ill grab your shirt so you dont get cold. Youre shaking…i think.”
I couldnt speak. I didnt know what to say. I nodded weakly at the massive being and the nausea hit again as he lowered his hands and moved to the table. Using two fingers, he gently pushed me off his palm and I rolled onto the cold metal. In that moment I felt like a rag-doll specimen. He quickly plucked my bra from my shirt and brought the shirt up and wrapped me in it. My shivered chattering began to quiet and I soon found myself asleep to the sounds of him cleaning up broken glass.
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They Did The Monster Mash 🎃 | TGM Halloween Imagine
Set in an AU where the characters of TGM are classical and mythology monsters/creatures
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: mad scientist!Bob Floyd x mad scientist!reader (romantic), Dagger Sqaud (platonic)
Content Warnings: fluff, light profanity | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 2.4K
Premise: it’s All Hallow’s Eve, a night where ghouls and monsters alike awaken from every inch of the globe. What better way to celebrate the spookiest night of the year than gathering all those lurking in the shadows to the party everyone wants to be.
Note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here’s a fluffy, spooky little imagine for y’all as a treat 🎃
‘Twas the night before Halloween, and all through the cemetery. Not a creature was moaning, as they basked in solitary. The pumpkins were lit, with carved faces to stare. In hopes the monsters of the night, soon will be there.
“Bob!” Y/n shouted, frantically searching for her coat. It was a quarter till midnight on October the 30th. Soon it would be Halloween. And with a full moon high in the sky it was the perfect moment to test out their newest creation. “It is almost time! We must make haste!”
“I’m right here, darling,” her coat in his hand, Dr. Floyd dimmed the lights on his way into the lab. The woman exhaled in relief, kissing his cheek before placing the coat over her shoulders.
“What would I do without you, my love?”
Bob adjusted his goggles over his prescription glasses, chuckling, “Probably half as mad as you are now.”
Any other woman would be offended by the comment, but Y/n, the mad scientist she embraced herself to be, only giggled. The two had met during their doctoral program, falling in love and conducting research as a duo. Before long they were blacklisted for unethical experiments, moving underground to hide from society.
But what the world didn’t know, was they uncovered a world beneath their own. Where monsters heard in legends and fairytales roamed freely. Living amongst humans to the naked eye.
Since forming partnerships with fellow outcasts like themselves, the couple have traveled every Halloween to Transylvania, Romania. There the infamous vampire Pete Mitchell, descendent of Dracula himself, hosts an annual Halloween festival with monsters and ghouls alike.
The party always started around sunset on Halloween night. So the two had plenty of time before gearing up their transportation pod to zap them to Pete’s mansion. Y/n placed her own goggles on, brushing away her dyed jet black hair with white streaks, mischievous smirk painting her lips, “Shall we begin?”
“It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. (One-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater). A one-eyed, one-horned, flyin’ purple people eater. Sure looks strange to me.” The party was in full swing when the couple arrived. Creatures in every corner, a werewolf howling in the distance, bats flying overhead. They were home.
“Doctors!” They spun around to find the monster of the mansion sporting a cheshire grin, fangs threatening to poke out. Lord Pete Mitchell, having recently fed by the bright color of his eyes and lack of under eye bags, wore a snazzy black pinstripe suit with a blood red tie. The handkerchief in his breast pocket, as well as the soles of his shoes, were the same color. “It is so wonderful to see you. I’m always amazed by your entrance every year. God forbid the governments of the world discover you’ve cracked the code of transportation.”
“Don’t forget time travel,” Y/n winked, causing Pete to laugh.
“Of course,” he flashes his pearly white teeth before frowning after peering around them, “Where is your--.” Y/n gently cuts him off.
“Oh at the lab. Ever since we created his bride he refuses to leave the basement” Pausing she gives a knowing look, “You know how young love is, my Lord.”
Pete makes an ‘ah’ sound, “Yes, yes, I understand. When you return, do let him know he is missed. And that I cannot wait to meet his bride next Halloween.” He winks, adjusting the cuffs on his sleeves, “Please make yourself at home. We’re still waiting on a few more before the festivities of the night fully begin. Until then, the bar is open--as always--and do let me know if you need any more necessities for your upcoming projects.”
“Thank you, Lord Mitchell. My wife and I appreciate your hospitality and generosity greatly.” Bob shook his gloved hand, still able to feel the cold dead skin that laid beneath it. The vampire made his departure, moving to greet other guests. Y/n weaved her arm through Bob’s open arm, letting him guide her to their group of friends they spotted in the distance by the bar.
“Well look at what the wolves dragged in.” Jake Seresin, an incubus famous in both the underground and real world, was the first to notice them. With his ability to seduce and mentally bend people to his will, Jake succeeded in becoming a high profile Hollywood actor. Making it accessible for him to feed on the blood of men and women alike. Unlike Pete, who was a vampire, Jake appeared human and only took the form of his demon counterpart when he hadn’t fed in a long time.
“Seresin,” Bob nodded, glaring when the blonde creature approached to take Y/n’s hand and kiss her knuckles. He had nothing to worry about of course. Y/n was immune to Jake’s charms, threatening to experiment on him the first time he attempted to swoon her.
That had him running with his (literal) tail between his legs.
“Careful, Jake,” Came a teasing feminine voice from the side, “I hear the mad scientists have been searching for Incubi blood on the black market.” Jake sent a glare in the direction of the voice, the couple following it to find Natasha perched on a bar stool, stroking her black cat seated in her lap.
A witch, with family dating back to the Salem Witch Trials, Natasha was the type of woman people couldn’t help but fear and desire. In the small village she lived deep in the forest surrounding, rumors of the witch swarmed with many believing her responsible for the curse on the town's most corrupt and wealthy families.
Well, to them they were rumors….
Y/n slipped past Bob, opening her arms to the woman, “Lovely to see you again on this Holiday, dear Natasha.” The hug was brief, Y/n making sure to offer a light pet to the cat, piercing her with its stare.
“As to you, Madam Floyd.”
“Tell me,” Y/n leaned closer, “Were you successful?” Natashe smirked at the question, whispering under her breath.
“We shall find out once the sun rises. But I can assure you the Supreme Court will think twice before bringing forth groundbreaking cases to overturn.”
“Marvelous,” the doctor awed. She moved along to say hello to their other friends. There was Javy, a werecoyote and Jake’s best friend. The full moon affects him like it does werewolves, but he’d already consumed his monthly dose of Wolfsbane to prevent the transformation from happening.
There was Mickey, a hellhound who served as a guard for the Underworld. Tasked with keeping the secret of the supernatural hidden. One can imagine the headaches Jake gives him with being a celebrity in the real world. When Mickey became his hellhound persona, cracks in his skin appeared like molten lava.
Reuben was present, and thankfully Y/n remembered to wear her iron jewelry. The tall, handsome fairy sipped on his usual cocktail. Like Jake he was the most ‘humanlike’ of the bunch where he could easily walk amongst mortals without causing suspicion. His golden eyes were a stand out, however, often covered by contacts. Of the group he had known Mickey the longest, the two meeting centuries prior during a war between fae and goblins.
“I’m not late am I?” came a booming sound from the main entrance, all heads turning. Jake instantly groaned, the others pleased to see the Alpha werewolf, Bradley Bradshaw, in the flesh with his typical Hawaiian shirt and jeans.
“You’re right on time,” Pete announced from the top of the steps, raising a glass of red liquid. Bradley gave a two finger salute, strutting over to the group and ordered his go to--a pitcher of beer.
“Greetings, fellow myths and legends,” he drank half of the pitcher in a single gulp, winking afterwards, “at least to the humans that is.”
“What took you so long, Bradshaw?” Jake twirled his pue cue, “too busy brushing your winter coat? Or did you have to get one last howl at the moon?”
Used to the jabs, Bradley rebutted with, “Jake, good to see you again as always. You’re looking a little pale though--Did you not have time to drain a virgin before coming? I’m sure Pete can find someone in the nearby town.” Reuben whistled under his breath, Javy letting out a fool blown laugh.
“C’mon you gotta admit that was good,” he nudged Jake, who was very much offended.
“Men,” Y/n muttered, Natasha clicking her glass against hers in agreement. “They’ll never change.”
After several minutes of small talk and drinks, Pete tapped his spoon against his glass. The action is loud enough for supernatural hearing to get everyone's attention. For the mad scientists, they saw the reactions of their friends and followed their direction.
At the top of the mansion's grand staircase, Pete stood beside his wife Penny. The beautiful siren, infamous in Greek mythology for luring shipwrecked men to their death, was stunning in her black gown. Along her arms and neck, rimming her hairline were seafoam green scales, reflecting under the dim gaze of the lights.
“Good evening, everyone,” he began, “Thank you all for coming tonight. You’ve traveled from near and far, let my wife and I be the first to say Happy Halloween!” cheers broke among the crowd. Well really they were howls, moans, and chaotic laughter. “It truly is the best night of the year. And what better way to kick it off than to toast.” Penny was handed a glass of her own red liquid. To the human eye it’d be believed as wine. But to those witnessing below, they were well aware of what its contents contained.
Speaking of those in attendance, they all grabbed their own drinks and brews. Pete lifted his first, “Let us toast to the one time of year we get to leave the shadows. Where the world looks at us as more than creatures of night. They dress up as us,” chuckles echoed, “they consume everything in relation to us. They walk their streets oblivious to the fact we roam behind their shoulders.” Pete pauses, sending a sweet gaze to Penny. “To All Hallow’s Eve!”
“To All Hallow’s Eve!!’ glasses raised, everyone cheersing before downing whatever was left in their goblets. Bradley finished his first pitcher of beer, the bartender sliding down the next one. Natasha poured something out of her flask into her goblet. Leave it to the Witch to travel with her own brew.
“Alright,” Bradley raised the pitcher, “Let’s get this party started!” As if on cue the DJ, who happened to be a mummy, started to play the Halloween classics. Lights flashed on every corner, the dance floor glowing a spooky fluorescent green. Dry ice from the massive cauldron flooded the area.
Ghosts bogeyed during the Ghostbusters theme. Zombies got down and dirty to Michael Jackson’s Thriller. The children had a blast with ‘This is Halloween’ and ‘Time Warp’. Later on Nat and Y/n let loose to Rockwells ‘Somebody’s Watching Me’.
Bob kept his eyes on his wife during that one. Lowkey thinking about ending the party early.
Poker was played amongst the men. Pete even joined alongside two Harpys, Beau and Solomon. During this Y/n and Natasha conversed with Penny. They spoke of Y/n’s experiments, Natasha’s feud with the village she resides by, and Penny’s travels back to Greece earlier that year.
“Oh it was fascinating,” Penny boasted, finishing off her third glass of ‘wine’. “Still as beautiful as I remember, although it still takes time getting used to the fact they now call Anthemoessa ‘Cape Pelorum.’”
“Did you visit the Parthenon?”
“I tried,” the Siren scoffed lightly at the memory, “at night of course when no one was around, but I couldn’t get past the damn door. I’m not surprised though,” she rolled her eyes, “Athena never liked us.”
As Midnight approached the crowd began to gather on the dance floor. Of course the night could not end without playing the couple’s favorite. Once the DJ announced it was time for the grand event, Bob took Y/n’s hand, “May I have this dance, wife?”
“Why of course, husband,” she smirked. “This is our song after all.”
The others had already made way, forming their own little circle and grabbing partners of their own. There was a reason this particular song was favored over the rest. Starting from the very first verse.
“I was working in the lab, late one night. When my eyes beheld an eerie sight. For my monster from his slab, began to rise. And suddenly to my surprise.”
“He did the mash,” the moves Y/n and Bob started to do a twist, similar to Vince and Mia in the iconic dance scene of Pulp Fiction. “He did the monster mash.”
“The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash.” Natasha shimmied with Mickey. “He did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Penny was spun by Pete. “He did the mash. He did the monster mash.”
A stunning succubus had managed to pull Jake under her spell. How fitting.
“From my laboratory in the castle east. (Wa-ooh) To the master bedroom where the vampires feat. (wa-wa-ooh) The ghouls all came from their humble abodes. (Wa-ooh) To get a jolt from my electrodes.”
Bob pulled Y/n to him, dancing chest to chest, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.” Javy, Bradley, and Reuben were having a dance battle in the middle of the circle. “The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash. They did the mash, it caught on in a flash.” Y/n giggled, letting Bob twirl her in a circle, “They did the mash, they did the monster mash.”
It was a total spooky vibe. Monsters doing the Mash. Each time Dracula was mentioned everyone pointed to Pete, who rolled his eyes. He did, however, do the Transylvania Twist during its name drop, causing them all to hype him up.
The sun would rise at dawn, they’d all go back to living in the shadows. Back to a place where they were the villains of every story. Subjected to demise by the hero. No longer idolized and embedding fear in everyone who dared think of them. Once the sun rose, another Halloween had come and gone.
But until then, creatures of the night thrived in the darkness to the graveyard smash.
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Chosen parent:
• Wolverine/Logan Howlett
• Sabretooth/Victor Creed
(Warning: This post has mentions of death and gore. Nothing too explicit, but it's there. Allusions to manipulation/possible dubious consent. Be careful, and skip this post if you need/want to💕)
• Whatta night... Sh*t... i's been too long since I hadda par'ner that eager... waitta minute... wh'r am I?...
• He can feel something clasped around his face, but when he shakes his head, it doesn't budge. The air is chilled, sending a shiver down his spine. He can smell chemicals, some sort of sedative, and... somethin' sweet-ish? D*mn... what da h*ll did he get into?
• He tries to get up, and finds out he can't. Something tugs in his arm, and he blinks open his eyes. The room is dim, with only one or two lights on... he's on some sort of examination table, strapped down, in a room full of charts and jars, all soaked in the overwhelming scent of rubbing alcohol and medicine... And poked into his arm are various needles, each with their own thin tube attached and leading somewhere else.
• This ain't where he fell asleep last... A growl leaves him at the realization. Whatever is on his face is clamped on tight, and no matter what he does to shake it, it won't budge. Who did this to him? He has a few choice words fer 'em...
• He hears someone enter the room, and a familiar scent carries through the air. Well, cr*p. Seems his "partner" is the one behind this... He tries to say something, but whatever is on his face prevents him...
• They check what he presumes is some sort of mask or muzzle around his face, then look over the needles jammed into his arm. He attempts to move, anger welling up inside him, but they only tut and give him a sharp grin. F*ckin' great... they're some crazy *ss scientist... probably tryin' their hand at experimentin' on 'im... won't they be in fer a nasty surprise... They go to leave the room, and as they leave, three more people enter. He hears his... "partner"... give the group orders, and then they're gone, leaving the four of them alone... He lets his body go limp, and watches carefully as they approach him. He can smell fear, even some excitement, coming from the group... Heh. All he needs is one wrong move...
• As one of the scientists removes the needles, collecting blood samples, he feels another undo one of the straps around his arm... And with a sharp twist, he claws at the first one, bright scarlet raining across his face as they stumble away, yelling as they run. His claws swiftly sink into the next scientist, ripping them off of him. A shriek escapes them as his claws shred through their neck, cutting off their vocal chords. With a wrench, he yanks the device off his face, sucking in a deep breath. Blood coats the air, yet... somethin' sweet still lingers... Looks like he didn't just imagine that.
• He can hear the alarms going off, loud ringing echoing through the room. Shredding through the straps leashing him, he lunges at the last scientist. His claws tear through their stomach, spilling the contents to the floor. Blood bubbles from their mouth as he drops them to the floor, and he feels his bloodlust grow...
• He tears through the lab, escaping into the halls, running as fast as he can, tearing through whatever gets in his way. He can feel how hot his blood is, boiling and raging inside him. The sticky red of his prey covers him, stains of dark rouge and ichor dripping off of his body. He finally makes it to the entrance, running through it and escaping into the blistering cold... and yet that soft sweetness stays with him, just as much as the swiftly freezing gore left on him...
• The smell is thick, almost coating his tongue... but... it's coming from him... F*ck... It seems he's... not quite as alone as he thought...
• Startled, he runs a hand over his stomach. He's... pregnant?... This... isn't what he expected to happen. He... has something growin' in him? It's a strange realization, but... it isn't unwelcome...
• He reaches a conclusion as he wanders back through the snow to civilization... One, he's got a grudge against scientists and their sorry experiments... Two... he's keepin' this cub inside him... This is something he gets to choose, and he decides he wants 'em. They are somethin' from him, somethin'... good... and he's not about ta get rid of that one bit of good he has... With that, he begins the search for an old... "friend"... of his... he's gonna need some help...
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
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Hyde paced around the makeshift lab, wondering how Adam Frankenstein had assembled such a busy workshop without the aid of an assistant.  “Does Dr Watson know you have all this?” he asked, peering at an assortment of organs in flasks.
Adam shook his head, “He does not and I'd be grateful if you didn't reveal my secrets. I like Dr Watson and I know he won’t approve of my work,” he strode over to a large vat filled with liquid in the middle of the room, "If we bring Miss Morris back he may forgive me, if not I'll simply defy him. I accept no masters and though I owe him much he will not command me in this," he pulled a lever and sparks of electricity crackled down the wires connecting to the vat, charging the liquid. He waited a full minute, counting the seconds before he shut off the power.
Hyde nodded, he saw no reason to do Watson any favors or derail Frankenstein's projects so he found himself agreeable "Mum's the word, old chap, I don't see any reason why he should be in the loop,” He tapped the vat with his cane. "What's in here,"
"A compound of chemicals Victor used to submerge me in while he ran the current through my body. This, "Adam made a sweeping gesture over the vat, "Is the elixir that rejuvenates the dead cells and primes them for the electricity to do its work. it took me forever to figure out how to make it but thanks to Dr Watson granting me access to all of his medical tomes my methods may surpass even that of my maker’s," his even white teeth flashed sharply against the harshness of his black lips in a gruesome, self-satisfied grin. He imagined Victor would have been horrified to see his creation carrying on his work, but Adam had not time for guilt or self-reflection now, a life hung in the balance, waiting to be plucked back from the grave and restored.
He was almost giddy with anticipation. He had not disclosed to Hyde that the consciousness that awakened might not be that of their companion. He himself had no memories of a time before his birth and there was just as much likelihood that she too would return as a blank slate. That was not ideal, he admitted, but he could not think such a thing to be a total loss. To have another like himself would be adequate consolation for the loss of Ms Morris. Whatever was brought back, Adam swore to himself that he would not turn his back on his creation. He would do better by his progeny than his own father. Of that he was certain.
"You've resurrected people before?" Hyde's voice intruded as the small man wandered across the lab peering at the glimmering, viscous, liquids that funneled into the vat with interest.
"Not people, but I've brought back several frogs, two cats and a dog," said Adam, "It works and I think perhaps better for my access to the advancement in medicine since my makers time,” He turned to Hyde, "Now, before we begin, did you get the heart?"
Hyde drew a jar from his coat, a perfectly preserved human heart sealed within. Adam nodded in satisfaction, "Excellent, I'm not going to ask where you got it, frankly I do not care so long as it is in good condition and fresh."
"Oh it's fresh alright, and in excellent condition, I tested the donor's constitution myself before the harvest," Hyde chortled as he handed the jar over.
"Mmm, let's not tell Miss Morris that when we bring her back. I don't know how she'd take to finding out you killed someone to get a new heart for her," Adam pursed his lips, he was not legitimately displeased as fresher parts guaranteed a higher chance of success. He looked down at Hyde curiosity scrawled across his features, "Why are you so keen on helping me with this? I know you don't like Watson but this can't all be spite."
"It isn't," Hyde confirmed, "I am genuinely curious to see if this works. I am a scientist at heart after all. More to the point, I liked Miss Morris, she was the only one in our group who doesn't have a stick up her arse and she was good at cards. Besides if I’m stuck with no one but you, Watson and that sanctimonious little shit Harker then I’m going to make damn sure that you’re all as miserable with my company as I am yours. “
"You are, perhaps, the most hateful creature I have ever met...and I am myself, a vile devil," Adam remarked passively as he laid Selma's body on the table and handed Edward the scalpel, "This is your job. I could possibly do it but, I believe, you are an actual doctor and you have the learning and the experience that I lack. I trust you can transplant the heart?"
Edward frowned, "I can, though the task requires a certain level of detachment and patience. That was always Jekyll’s domain…I’ll do my best.”
As Adam readied the apparatus that would bring Selma Morris back to life Edward prepped himself for surgery. As he was washing his hands a small trickle of fear ran down his spine. Could he really do this? It was one thing to patch a small wound but a major surgery, even on a cadaver, required attentiveness and delicacy, those traits did not come easily to him without Henry’s temperance. His head swam, what if he made a mistake? What if he botched it up and they really lost her forever? He felt suddenly nauseous as he picked up the scalpel and prepared to make the first incision.  As the blade hovered over the corpse’s chest he froze, paralyzed by an overwhelming uncertainty. As his anxiety built, he found himself fighting the urge to slash into the body and start hacking away. Smash the lab, destroy it all and rip everything apart then burn it to the ground as long as he didn’t have to face the risk of failure. Did he really want that? He didn’t know…that was the rub of it. Indecision held him pinned and he could feel his control begin to slip.
"Give me the scalpel, Edward," a calm voice in the back of his mind said firmly just as he was about to plunge the instrument into the dead woman’s chest, "you're too shaken up. Let me take over,"
"I'm not letting you out Henry, you tried to kill us and I haven't forgiven you! I know as soon as you're free you'll try to lock me away again!"
"No Edward, I won't. I'll transplant the heart and then I'll let you have control again. I give you my word."
"You mean that now but I know once you're out you'll be tempted! You’ll feel all of those things again that I keep at bay! Shame and sorrow will eat us if I let us be you again! We’ll want to die and we can't resist temptation no matter which of us we are!"
"Isn't Miss Morris worth the risk? I liked her too Edward. If she can be brought back then shouldn’t we try? Listen to me Edward, we don’t want to fail. We want to give this its best chance, let me have the scalpel."
Hyde resisted only briefly before he shuddered, closed his eyes and retreated. Jekyll took a moment to get his bearings, nod at Adam, who was staring at him in confusion, and then swiftly, cleanly, he made the first incision. ..... My players accidentally got an NPC killed and begged me to bring her back. This scene was the result.
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everythingcanadian · 9 months
I know we all talk about Peter in lingerie and cute things and skimpy things. And Dr Strange goes wild for it.
But the other end is Dr Strange in uniform. In his scrubs. Or a casual suit and a doctors coat.
Now. Imagine
Peter is in his lab tech gear. Navey Slacks that taper tighter by the ankles, a fitted black shirt under a grey button down. Large safety glasses fitted for Peter. And his lab coat, with his last name patched on the shoulder and the patch under it, is the lab's logo. Along with blue medical-grade gloves that look to be doubled up, it has Stephen wanting. Peter looks like a professional scientist leaning over the metal and glass table.
Stephen is blown away by how affected he is by it. He's bringing Peter lunch and sees the kid looking through a large table top magnifying glass with the lights on the bottom edge. He's turning a small chip looking thing between a pair of rubber padded tweezers.
Something about the deep focus and the lab dress code does something to Stephen.
The other technicians are also in similar wear. An older woman has her hair tied back, too. And Stephen shivers. A supervisor is in full black scrubs that are quite fashionable, and Stephen wonders to himself if Peter would wear something similar for him.
It hits Stephen that he has a new thing to add to the ever growing list of kinks he and Peter have or share.
He knows about Peter's daddy kink, his (perfectly normal in the grand scheme of things) stock of lingerie, the doctor play, spanking, being held down, etc. He knows a lot of it.
But this?
Oh this is something Stephen didn't know he had and is delighted by it. It's something new. He's been around a few times and had thought he explored most if not all of his kinks and turn ons. To find one is a nice feeling.
Peter smiles down at the piece of tech in his tweezers. He must know Stephen is looking at him. His senses would let him know. What he doesn't expect is to see his boyfriend checking him out so obviously when he looks up.
He tilts his head as he puts the chip down onto the soft pad he took it from. He licks his lips and stands up as he strips off his gloves and says something to his supervisor. Probably that he's going for his lunch and will be back in an hour. But he's coming out of the lab and heading to Stephen after hanging up his lab coat and put his glasses into their case in his designated locker.
"So. The lab coat?" Peter teases as they head to the building's cafeteria. They enter the elevator that was already opening on their floor,
"All of it, actually." And his voice croaks a bit but it's a very welcome occurrence when he sees Peter preen. "It's something I never thought about until seeing you wearing your work clothes. I see them in the closet and drawers but never on you. You just look- so professional."
"As opposed to normal?" Peter teases with a small smile, the little shit knows what he's doing.
"Well I do like you in formal wear, and very informal wear, and your suit." Stephen puts a hand at Peter's back as they exit the elevator. "Everyone of your co-workers is also quite attractive in such attire. And you, darling, are very eye catching to me. Always."
Peter's smile as they walk the hallways to the very relaxing looking cafeteria is easy and warm. "I'm going to guess you spotted Bernie. Bernadette, my direct boss. She's quite eye catching. It's the silver hair I think." His grin is shit eating. "I do have a thing for older people."
Stephen's eyebrows raise up. "I hope I'm the only one you call Daddy, Sir, or any other authoritative honorific."
Peter's grin melts to a smile when they sit down and Stephen is pulling out two containers of rice and meat and veggies. "You're it for me, Stephen."
"And you are for me Mister Parker." Stephen's own smile has a bit of an edge as he watches his younger half shiver, the handle of a spoon held out to Peter with the other on the table next to his container. "And I think we both found out something new today. You're taking charge tonight. I want you to wear a lab coat."
"Done and done. I want you to wear sweats and an undershirt. I have plans."
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