#images that live up to my url
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(robert downey jr voice) this cubito is transfem
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autistme · 2 years
why are you as a man so
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hold on post cancelled holy fucking shit am! on one of the covers in the background. this isnt even a bit what the fuck hello there
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sheisraging · 1 year
Tutorial: How to Embed Gifs (and get the one you actually want from the set)
There have probably been posts about this before, but since reposting is still a (deeply unfortunate) thing, I figured I'd give this a shot in case it's not a well known trick.
The tumblr Gif tool will allow you to embed gifs directly into your post without saving and re-uploading (reposting) someone else's work.
When you're building your post, just use the yellow GIF icon in the post builder:
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You can search here by tag or keyword. If you happen to know one of the tags used on the original post you're looking for, that can narrow things down:
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To narrow down to a SPECIFIC post, you can also paste the URL into the search field. This will pull up the very first gif in that set:
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If you select that gif, it will pop into your post with a credit and link back to the OP (specifically back to the OPs post with that gif in it):
This is a properly attributed gif embed. The credit on the bottom right points back to the original post:*
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Often, the first gif is not actually the one you want to embed, but there is a way to swap the image out for the one you want without losing the source attribution.
*It's helpful to put some reference text near your initial embed so you're able to swap the right image out later on. For this post, I'm going to use that short block right above the embedded gif as a reference.
In another tab/window, go to the OPs post and find the actual gif you want to embed from their set. Right click the image and Copy Image Address:
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Once you have the URL copied, go back to your post and scroll to the gear icon at the top:
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Open that menu and in the dropdown, where it says Text Editor, swap Rich Text to HTML:
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Your post will turn into a bunch of code once you do this. Don't worry, we will change it back.
For this post, I put reference text above that first embedded gif so I could easily find the URLs I need once it becomes HTML. This is super helpful if you're embedding more than one gif. The reference text is highlighted below. This indicated the block that my currently embedded gif lives in:
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In order to swap the first gif out for one that's later in the set, you just need to replace the SRC gifv and SRCSET gifv URLs with the image address you copied:
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Once you've pasted the image address into these spots, you can go back to the gear icon and switch the Text Editor back to Rich Text:
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Your post should return to it's previous, glorious state, but instead of the first gif embedded, you should now see the one you actually want from the set. The credit and source attribution back to the OPs post should remain intact on the bottom right:
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This might seem super complicated at first, but it's pretty straightforward once you've tried it, and also a lot less frustrating for gif makers to see this than seeing our stuff just get reposted.
Anyway... If you found the gifs outside of tumblr or you didn't make them yourself, don't save and re-upload (aka. repost) them to tumblr, 'cause someone probably stole them from here to begin with and that's not cool. Search the tags and find the ones you want. Reblog from gif makers. If you want to embed a single gif from a set, try to do it this way, or minimally, credit the person you took it from.
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phantomcodes · 2 months
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abelia | theme by sage
get the code: $6 - live preview / preview v1 / preview v2 a fansite theme with lots of options!
features (more info below the cut):
toggle: tags on click, faq & navigate popups, links, events, status, members, & affiliates boxes
optional uploadable header image with full, medium, & short height options
choose between left, right, or both sidebars
headerbar includes icon/blog title, home & archive links, ask link or faq popup, search bar or explore popup, scroll to top, day/night, & tumblr controls buttons
sidebars include an uploadable image with a custom description, links, events, status, members, affiliates, & info boxes
optional disclaimer footer
customizable: colors, body & title fonts, and font size
npf supported, responsive design, 3 corner options, tabler icons
only the (optional) faq & navigate popups need to be changed in the code, everything else can be changed in the customize panel! however there are other changes you can make in the code if you want - please see the customization guide
reblog if using
do not touch the credit
all terms / faq
credits listed in the code / credits page
please consider supporting me ♡
blog name !! important
make sure you fill out the blog name field, this is what will show on the top of all your original posts. to clarify: your blog name is your blog’s url - for example: phantomcodes
responsive sidebar
when the browser window gets too small the sidebar will disappear and become toggleable, the sidebar toggle button will appear on the right side of the headerbar next to the day/night button
faq popup
the faq menu has your blog's ask box and allows for unlimited questions
navigate popup
the navigation menu has a search bar and allows for unlimited links with optional section titles & subtitles
if you use both sidebars the reblog button will move to the bottom of the post next to the like button, the permalink will move to the more info popup at the top of the post
if you want to move sidebar boxes around please see the customization guide!
links box
the links box has up to 6 links
events box
the events box has up to 2 events each with an optional image, title, date, status, a short description, and up to 2 links
status box
the status box has up to 4 status that can be on or off, and up to 4 updates
members box
the members box will automatically fill with the members of the blog, you can manually edit the members if you want (see the customization guide)
affiliates box
the affiliates box has up to 12 affiliates -more can be added in the code (see the customization guide) and a link to the submit box
info box
the info box has up to 4 stats
general notes
many things will not show up if they're left empty, some examples: if you don't want the updates leave the update 1 field blank, if you don't want the disclaimer leave the disclaimer field blank, etc.
remember tumblr’s customize panel is buggy, toggle the options on/off before saving
i’m still on a sort of semi-hiatus, i’ll be around for questions but please check my faq, answered asks, etc. before asking - i will not answer repeated questions!
132 notes · View notes
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What a wild ride, everybody.
This tournament went live on July 13th, 3023, and concluded January 1st, 2024. For a long time before, I’d been wondering if I should try my hand at running one of these tournaments, and then I realized we hadn’t had a general tumblr-wide one for tragic characters. I knew that I didn’t know what I was getting myself into, but I decided to bite the bullet and take the URL. The rest is history.
I didn’t have a set plan, but I figured I could take 128 entries. And then in less than a week and a half, I had ~122. And honestly, I wasn’t happy continuing with just those I’d gotten so far, and thought it’d be unfair if it closed that quickly without warning, so I decided to up it to 256 with a max 2 characters per canon after preliminaries. Only after that did I go on a mad search to find brackets that were big enough for that, and I’d almost given up before I finally found these:
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Those are all the characters that made it past prelims and into the competition. Some quite unexpected results came out of these matchups, round after round, and honestly I’d consider the first round to have had the most brutal competitions, because I had tried to do the best I could to match levels of popularity with each other, as far as I could tell. (Yeah, that’s why we had c!Tommy v Jon Sims and Primrose v Jinx.). But even eclipsing all of those, as the weeks went on, we were eventually met with Antigone versus Lloyd Garmadon. Ah, those crazy kids.
At some points it was stressful, in the early rounds when I had dozens of posts, each with edited images and alt text, to prepare for every round, but I never regretted starting this. As of posting, this blog has 2,020 followers and has made over 1,000 posts. This will be the last post on this blog—any future asks I receive I will answer privately back to the asker, or cannot be answered if they are anon—but it will always remain here for posterity. The link below is to the similarly-preserved google sheet compiling every word of every submission this tournament ever received.
I’d like to take this chance to say thank you to everyone who submitted characters, supplied photos, sent in propaganda, reblogged the polls, indoctrinated their teachers into greeklitsweep, and everyone who kept good sportsmanship when their blorbos proved so tragic they couldn’t even win. Thank you to the small group of URLs whom I’ve consistently recognized in my inbox from submissions all the way to finals, thank you for letting me know when a name was messed up, and thank you for your patience in-between rounds. (Shoutout to @elemom as well for having their tiktok on the original antigone/lloyd poll blow up.)
If you’ve stumbled upon this blog weeks, months, or even years after this was posted, I would direct your attention to the tag map in the pinned post to sift through the tumblr history you’ve just uncovered. And I would also be tempted to point at the big sign next to it reciting the nuclear zone warning poem. Lastly, if anyone here or there wishes to talk to me about anything regarding the tournament, you’re welcome to DM @twilight-skies.
There were times when I said to myself this was a one-and-done thing—I was NOT dealing with this again, but….keep a look on the horizon, ya never know.
But until next time, it’s been amazing.
Sayonara you weeaboo shits.
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73ghosts · 9 months
I'm sure many of you are already aware of this, but in case I have any newer tumblr users, pet bill donation scams are very common on this site. If someone DMs or sends you an ask asking you to reblog some sort of donation post for a sick/injured pet, it is most likely a scam.
Below the cut, I have included tips to spotting a scam, and why I believe the post by 507-on-queue is a scam. @kyra45 runs an excellent tumblr scam awareness blog, and has more information and tips here about spotting pet scams. I have archived the scam post in question on my side blog here.
Here's some ways to spot these scams:
Age of the blog - most scam blogs are a week old or younger, they are often under a day old
Similar urls being used for multiple blogs - scam blogs are typically blocked/deleted rapidly, and the OP makes a new account with almost the same name
The blog bio/pfp are not unique
You can only access the dashboard view of the blog so the post archive cannot be accessed (for example, my dashboard view is this, but you can also visit my webpage view and see my 9 years of post history via /archive lol)
The blog has never interacted with you before
The blog follows you and immediately sends a DM/ask
The DM/ask is overly polite and guilt trips (they often ask you to reply privately to reduce digital footprint)
Images of pets can be found via reverse image search
OP's story is inconsistent or unrealistic
The Paypal link does not match the supposed country OP lives in
Most recently, a scam post has been going around about a sphynx cat named Draven. This has been done using multiple urls, including:
meer-lion (deactivated)
507-on-queue (deactivated)
507onqueue (deactivated)
507-onqueue (current as of Jan 13th, 2024)
Here's how this blog meets our scam watch criteria:
The current blog (507-onqueue) is less than a day old (19 hours at the time of this post). The oldest post:
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As listed above, OP uses multiple, similar URLs.
The bio of 507-onqueue is taken almost directly from another user (said user). Due to the same bio being used in previous scams, I suspect this is the same or related person to kappa-tundra/kappatundra (about this scam).
Scam blog:
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Copied blog:
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Only dashboard view is available.
The blog follows and immediately DMs/sends and ask. From my account:
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The ask from the account is very polite, guilt trips, and asks me to answer to the post privately. The goal of being so polite is to win your trust and lower your defenses. This isn't the worst guilt trip I've been in a scam (that goes to the child support scam from several years ago). By asking me to reply privately, they're attempting to reduce their digital footprint (making them harder to google) and disguise how much they are spamming asks.
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The information in that post was taken from a private Facebook account (source). I found the Facebook account in question and confirmed that the information was taken from there. I do not want to share the page because I view that as a further violation of the Facebook OP's privacy. For transparency, the images of Draven are not on Facebook OP's page any longer, but there are several other identifiable pieces of information that make it more than likely that the claims of her information being stolen are true.
The ask is inconsistent itself with the name of the cat (Draven vs Indie). This is also nearly identical to another scam ask from user captbridges. This user was using a real GoFundMe for a sick cat to scam.
The medical paperwork in OP's post is for a veterinary hospital in Wisconsin. However, OP's PayPal is based in the Philippines. The country.x= part of the url indicate the country of origin of the account; PH is the Philippines. The local.x= part of the url shows that the link was localized to the United States (making the donation currency USD). (PayPal's information page about country codes).
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Stay safe out there and remain vigilant, everyone. If you don't already know them, try to pick up some boolean operators to refine your google searches when checking for scams. The tumblr search function sucks, so this is your best bet of finding information about scams like these online.
242 notes · View notes
wygolvillage · 11 months
everything in tumblrmart is fucking useless.
1. every badge
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beyond how useless paying money for a tiny png of a checkmark is, there is also no need to pay in the first place. one can easily get the url of the image and then- wouldn’t you know it- inject it into the html of my blog theme and eaily be “verified” without paying. you can do this with whatever images you want. i did it to prove a point. you can also use html to get a gif icon btw
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this only shows up on your custom theme but who give a shit
also bonus points for “tumblr supporter” being a subscription service that gets you the same shit as other badges LOL. you can also steal these and inject them into your blog
2. that one cool moon badge
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yeah, love the concept, but its been done before. i posted about this when i found out about the badge, but https://www.moonconnection.com/moon_module_2.phtml allows you to easily have a similar effect with a live updating moon phases widget. that’s completely free, and doesn’t cost 6 WHOLE DOLLARS
3. ad free
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yeah im not even gonna engage with this one, adblock is free, ublock origin is awesome, dont pay money for this
4. horse friend
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“surely there isnt a replacement for a fully interactive virtual pet” you might say but you would be wrong. let me introduce you to GIFYPET!!!! https://gifypet.neocities.org/ has all the features you would want, as well as a fun slots minigame and it’s fully customizable, so you can put in your own custom graphics and more. there is nothing that horse friend has over gifypet, apart from poop i guess. gifypet does not have horse poop. also the horse friend only lasts for a month and is like $8
5. crabs
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ok this one is the only product thats actually somewhat unique. but iirc you’re still only paying for 24 hours and can only gift it, so ymmv
but also... given the evidence that theyve given up on tumblrs upkeep entirely (the staff letter), paying for these arent even contributing to keeping the site online, so they dont even have value in the context of keeping tumblr alive. theyre already slowly pulling the plug.
dont buy this stuff.
197 notes · View notes
matan4il · 8 months
Most of the time, I don't bother talking about the hate and harassment I get, because I don't think haters deserve the attention. The person I'm gonna write about definitely doesn't deserve any, but they've started harassing others that I know of, not just me.
So this is basically a warning post for Jewish bloggers and bloggers who are allies to Jews, and a request for anyone who can, to report and block this person (if you want to warn other bloggers, then please consider a reblog, too). @staff, This is also for you, proof of a pattern of harassment and abuse. Please do something and protect your Jewish users and their allies.
They first commented here, denying the antisemitism of Hamas, with the url @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and they seem to change their url quite frequently. For now it's @fancowboy but expect that to change again. Since IDK if Tumblr will let the mention (@'ing their url) hyperlink to their blog, here's how you can check out what their current url is, so you can report and block them. Go to this post where they're tagged as @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and hover your mouse over their url, you'll see their blog pop up no matter what new url they changed to. Here's a screenshot of what that looks like:
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Here's their first comment on my post, along with my reply. Tumblr arranges these comments with the oldest at the bottom, click to see the image better:
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Of course they never provided a link sourcing their claim, instead they provided a link to an op ed, which was not written by anyone affiliated with Hamas. This link did not support their claim that "Hamas specifically stated," but that didn't stop them from ignoring the fact that they couldn't prove their claim. Next, they repeated an already refuted antisemitic conspiracy theory (and I linked them to a refuting source, which they just ignored), while using strawmen arguments (attacking statements I didn't make). Obviously, none of this addresses the point actually made in the post they were commenting on.
When I called them out on the antisemitism of their whole narrative, they pulled the "I can't be antisemitic, because I'm Jewish" line of defense, while also bragging in the same comment about not going the easy route by doing that:
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I no longer believe people who say antisemitic things, and then use this defense, after several have been proven to have lied about being Jewish, but more importantly, and this is the point I made to @fancowboy, Jews are not immune to internalizing antisemitism, and repeating antisemitic narratives. But I was curious whether there was any sign of this person having any sense of a significant Jewish identity on their blog. When I went on there, one of the first posts I came acorss was an antisemitic one, claiming that Jews have stolen the Star of David from the Muslims... I know there are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews out there, and that many of them are very capable of saying antisemitic things, but I don't think even they would endorse this false claim.
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What's ironic is that the post shares a screenshot from Wikipedia, which explicitly mentions that this Muslim kingdom that existed in the 13th century AD (roughly 700 years ago), adopted the six-pointed star, due to the Muslim belief that it was a symbol on the ring ("seal") of King Solomon, a Jewish king who lived about 3,000 years ago. In other words, this post literally points out that Muslims borrowed this symbol from Jews, not the other way around. And just for historical interest, the first archeological find of Jews using the Star of David is dated to the 6th century BC (around 2,600 years ago).
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I pointed out to @grizzlyismyspiritanimal / @fancowboy that I no longer believe they're Jewish, because I don't believe any Jew would reblog this antisemitic lie. In response, not long after, this "I'm not a coward" and "you would've blocked me (aka fanatic)" person blocked me. Instead of addressing what I said, or taking responsibility for their wrongdoing, and deleting this antisemitic post. Our exchange started on Jan 5 IIRC, this post was reblogged by them on Jan 4, and as of Jan 25 it is still on their blog, as you can see here (post and current date highlighted in this screenshot):
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A minute after they blocked me from the above blog, they commented on my pinned post with links to my fandom content from another blog, @verygardenerland and this comment made it clear that it was the same person. I made a mistake, I wanted my fandom space free from antisemitic harassment, so I deleted that comment, which means I don't have that piece of evidence that it's the same person, but I do have another bit of proof. Remember how this person claimed to be Jewish? This is how they presented it:
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(again, using a strawmen, I never said all Muslims are terrorists, and never would, because it's simply not true, and if anyone made that claim to me, I would be correcting them)
Well, this is the VERY similar way @verygardenerland talked about their supposed Jewish identity, in a post they made solely to harass and DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) me:
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Jews were almost completely ethnically cleansed from Muslim majority countries, so the likelihood of a random online stranger being a Jew from a Muslim country is generally incredibly low to almost non-existent, and two who just so happen to both harass me on my blog one minute apart is probably less statistically likely than winning the lottery.
It's poetic irony that the one comment the above post got from another blogger, is someone else also calling this person out on the antisemitism of what they're saying:
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Gotta love the bonus misogyny with "bitch."
I'm also going to offer you this following antisemitic comment (which distorts the Holocaust, and refers to Jews insultingly as "the chosen ones"), which I also don't believe any person with an actual Jewish identity would make:
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And here's also one of the last comments this person made from @fancowboy before blocking me on that blog and continuing from @verygardenerland. Just notice how we have the same antisemitic abuse themes from both of these blogs:
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Once more, extra touch of misogyny with "that much of a pussy."
(I have to address the white phosphorus claim. There are 2 ways of using it in battle, one legal, the other's not. Israel stated that when using it, that's only in the legal way. There is no record to show the contrary. People just exploit the fact it's used, to pretend it's automatically illegal. But I accept this is an antisemitic libel against the Jewish state, that sadly some Jews might repeat. The rest is what makes me think this person isn't Jewish)
@verygardenerland noticed I write fandom meta, and harassed me on these posts. Here's one example:
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Then they searched related tag/s, and proceeded to harass me by calling me names in comments they left on random posts from other fandom members. These are posts that had nothing to do with me. One of the people on whose post they were calling me a Nazi is someone I have never even spoken to. The OP deleted the harassing comment, but this time I did get a screenshot before that, so here it is, as an example:
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Now, on top of all of the above, @verygardenerland also started stalking my main blog at the same time they made their first comment from this url, as well as my two back up blogs. One's last post was on Mar 2022, the other's on Apr 2021, so it's completely pointless to follow them, other than as an intimidation tactic:
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And they sent me anon hate. The thing is, they made it explicitly clear through what they said and the language they used, that it's them. They sent more than one message, but the one I'll attach here was obviously meant to freak me out the most, because it falsely starts out as a fandom ask, and then transitions into abusive language, as well as telling me there's more blogs they're stalking me from, basically making it clear that even if I block this url, I'll still not be safe from their stalking and abuse:
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From a certain point on, I told them that whenever they make a comment to me, all I'll do is just remind them repeatedly that they're an antisemite, which is exactly what I've kept to. That's when I even bothered to respond. I postponed blocking their second blog, 'coz I wanted to put this post together first. Now I'm done with them.
To wrap this up, here are some final screenshots of their antisemitic abuse, how they obsessively comment on my posts, or posts that in their mind are related to me, and how they have started directly addressing random people who are commenting on my posts, telling them not to talk to "it," meaning they're also using de-humanizing language when referring to me, and of course once more employing the DARVO tactic by accusing me of that which they're guilty of:
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My activity feed yesterday:
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And not just yesterday. Love the bonus hateful language towards those who are disabled...
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And this is just one of their comments on a post simply mourning the death of Israeli soldiers, and putting it in the context of multi-generational Jewish trauma:
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To summarize again, please:
report and block this person
reblog this post if you feel comfortable to, in order to warn others
@staff please do something to stop the abuse. Thank you in advance!
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thunder-wolf64 · 22 hours
PSA for artists on Tumblr!
I've been getting many spam messages asking about art commissions. You probably have too if you post art. They are looking to steal your PayPal account (I think).
In this post I will show you some recognizable features of a scammer, and my fake conversation with one. My dad taught me to waste as much of their time as possible and that's what I did.
A few profiles of the scammers:
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Their URLs are usually a name or word before some numbers. Their blogs are plain, they have no posts, maybe a like, and follows a few popular artists.
They will usually start the conversation without interacting with your account first, and with these words:
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Bad grammar, no friendly conversation.
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Frankly I was surprised to not find the picture via reverse image search but you might be able to. Ignoring parts of your message. Using weird terms (digital art is measured in pixels, not inches, the size they are asking for is insanely small, I usually use about 2000 x 1500) They will often ask for complicated or fully rendered pieces.
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They might say they are from a well known place in your country, or USA in general. (I am actually an official resident of Ironland, I do not live there though) They will pay really high prices, see how they ignore my first low-ball offer completely. They will insist to pay ASAP, usually through PayPal.
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I don't know why they switched to a more relaxed text pattern here? Kind of claiming importance though (business man).
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Gave up on me here, I just wanted to show this for goofs :) I blocked and reported this account shortly after.
Stay safe!
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voidartisan · 2 months
Rebel Dashboard Simulator
🦎 lekkuhaver
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
this galaxy is so humancentric it hurts. "humanoid" this "near-human" that. don't care if they're the most abundant species overall they make up less than forty percent of sentient species. i hope you all realize how kriffing stupid you sound
🙍 steela-gerrera-lives Follow
i mean op makes a good point but aren't they also an order 66 apologist???
😎 free-dantooine-deactivated-7976-994-5
when will you idiots realize the Jedi were created to uphold the status quo. they were no better than stormtroopers and the galaxy is better off without them. fks
🚀 podracing-analyst Follow
the Jedi were a religious order???? not law enforcement???? stop spreading misinformation if you want ppl to take you seriously
the Jedi did have powers of arrest but that was because they were diplomats and bodyguards. they were arresting assassins, corrupt officials, mercenaries, slavers and crime bosses (y'know, people who were actually actively upholding and profiting off of oppressive social conditions), not shoplifters or protestors. the only reason that they came under Senate authority in the first place was because they were actively attempting to prevent themselves from becoming too powerful.
they were also second-class citizens in many ways (unpaid for their labor, no rep in the Senate despite depending on it for support, etc). stop slandering minority religious groups.
🦎 lekkuhaver
also here to say that even if the Jedi were law enforcement, the purge was still a genocide. they had centuries (if not millennia) of history, art, religious practice, and other culture that's just been completely erased. not to mention that literal CHILDREN were slaughtered during knightfall. kids incapable of what you're attributing to them.
#i mean I pretty much agree with the first point being a twi'lek myself #but can we stop misrepresenting the Jedi for two minutes??? #also don't go in the notes it's a bloodbath in there #tw:genocide #tw:child death #discourse tag #lekki talks
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
thinking about dyeing my hair again but there are too many options
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🎨 spectre-spraypaint
😺 jabba-calrissian Follow
help how do I spumblr
🎨 spectre-spraypaint
this my little brother btw. you should welcome him with your bestworst anon hate
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🐈‍⬛ tooka-pics-daily
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#tooka #lothcat #cute #photography
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🏔 queenofthehills
🏳‍🌈 gay-holofilm-society Follow
idk maybe i've been archiving suppressed clone wars records for too long. but. is it just me or is this shot of the Jedi general of the 3rd systems army kinda 👀
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🌛 gungan-conspiracy Follow
holy force are there rebels young enough to not know who kriffing. obi-wan kenobi is
🎤 rebotastic Follow
great maker this image is giving me flashbacks to the jedi rpf discourse
🤖 protocol-droid-rebellion Follow
remember when that one spiktoker got investigated by the GAR during the clone wars for apparently including part of a classified holovid in one of their edits? those were the days
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
#FRRRRR #i still remember when rpf with him got popular #all of stewjonblr was flooded with asks about pet names in "stewjonian" #as if there's just one language and clan kenobi isn't incredibly large #encompassing multiple dialects #like girl even if i wanted to help you i couldn't #are u even sure he speaks his native language anymore. he was inducted as a toddler #anyway its too bad I got sick of his face seeing as he's a planetary treasure and all
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🥫 redrationbars
🔫 shabuir Follow
does anyone even like jogan fruit tho
🐐 tauntaunonhoth Follow
hey op who did you have to kill for that url
#mando heritage post #queue
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⚔ snips-in-space
ngl I totally forgot this account existed
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🦎 lekkuhaver
🌆 coruscant-official Follow
Don't forget to visit the lower levels during your time with us! The garbage piles and casual violence due complete neglect by the planetary government are part of the charm!
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🥫 redrationbars
hey so what's up with this empire thing
#outer rim posting #this is satire to be clear
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
people on here really need to learn how to use a readmore link. I don't want to have to scroll past your entire bail organa x reader fic to find posts about the man's politics
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👬 clone-posting-central
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
if I didn't want clones fraternizing with civilians then I simply would not clone the hottest man in the galaxy. rip to the kaminoans but i'm different
🌄 tatooine-sunsets Follow
hey bez not to kill the joke but. do you know what happened to kamino
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
what do you mean. what. what happened
🪙 keepingupwiththepapanoidas Follow
investing at twenty notes
☄ venator-class-hyperfixation Follow
#we are pretty good looking huh :)
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🙈 bytenebrousthiscantbehappening
🌌 hyperdrive-engaged Follow
look. i've worked in a shipyard for a long time. i've seen a lot of stuff. but what the KARK is this
Read more
🔎 identifying-starships-in-posts Follow
looks like a YT-1300 light freighter. older correllian model, highly prized but not super common. it does have some uhhh interesting mods
#i LOVE yt-1300s #too bad you have to be either rich or a chronic gambler to get one these days
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🖋 set-vere-red-string
🧑‍🎤 myastromechromance Follow
anyone else seen this recording of palaptine tripping over his own robes yet
🏵 rebel-scum Follow
omf no that's hilarious
📕 hero-with-a-lot-of-fears Follow
old prune had it coming
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like-rain-or-confetti · 16 hours
Listen can you make one with blackmask and the other rogues find out that some random college student made a dedicated sub reddit fan account that just posts random supportive messages and borderline wtf how did that bitch know what i ate last night or what body wash I use 😂
When did the Internet get so scary?
TheRiddlerLover88: Convinced my parents to paint my room Riddler green 😍
Quackingduckquakes: If there's no Penguin fans in the world then I am dead x
Quittakingallthegoodusernames: spank me Two-Face and then send me to jail, thanking you.
HarleyQueen04: AYO, I heard Roman Sionis uses a new cologne. Internet do your thing, I need to spray down all my clothes with it x
N0turfanboi: low-key penguin can bend me over and-
It was a nightmare. Stuff of pure nightmares.
IamBatman96: guys, I found the same jacket Roman Sionis wears.
Igivemetheick: send pics or it didn't happen.
IamBatman96 sent an image.
Igivemetheick: ...omw.
Candyblues92: wait if I burn one half of it would I have Two-Face's jacket? Asking for a friend x
There truly was such a thing as too much Internet and no one dared to go too far into the rabbit hole.
Black Mask: He hated that the most commonly asked question on his thread was where he lived. He also hated how many were dangerously close to figuring it out. Apparently, triangulating his businesses and club gives a rough idea where he lived. Apparently he had to move because he just read one of these crazy bitches just said they wanted to feed him pie with their hair in it. He took out his phone sending an account URL to one of his goons. 'Make sure this one never finds me.' He'll appreciate the support...from the other side of the planet for safety.
The Riddler: The Riddler had hoped for some kind of decent intellectual discourse to laugh at. Instead he got nightmares. He saw a lot of discourse about his fingers. About how long they were and somehow that brought comments about how...skilled...he must be in various things. Then people were volunteering as tribute- whatever that meant- but then someone said. 'BRB, writing the fanfiction right now x' and that comment got too many likes for comfort. 'No man has pulled off green before the Riddler and no one will pull it off after the Riddler.' Finally the voice of reason has arrived. The riddler soon types up a response. No one knows its him but he'll argue with everyone until everyone sees things his way. It's practically a public service. He's educating the masses more than the pathetic excuse of an education system ever will.
Victor Zsasz: "I'd polish that bald head any day of the week, daddy. Hm. Good to know." Victor said aloud as he read. After some scrolling, he cracked a smile. "Aww SniperKnife really loves me." He never makes himself known on the Internet. Never cared for it beyond the occasional funny pet video. However, that username popped up all the time. It made him smile. Even on the hardest of days he could rely on SniperKnife to cheer him on. He read another. "What that gun do tho? ...well someone struggled in English class." He hummed. "Poor kid doesn't even know what a gun does."
Two-Face: First of all- he and Roman don't shop in the same place and how dare those little assho- ahem. He was a little salty after someone started a thread asking what the difference was between Two-Face and Black Mask and all anyone coukd really come up with was that Two-Face was burned and Black Mask...wore a mask. Which turned into people questioning what made everyone sure that they weren't the same person if one was masked. That sparked a debate before someone pointed out their different heights. That Two-Face was taller. That then turned into people analysing the heights of doors and other surrounding objects to determine each person's height. Then someone through off the conclusion by mentioning stilted shoes. He didn't really care who supported him or not. He found the public to be flimsy anyway so he never really notices the regulars.
Penguin: Who the hell started the rumour that Oswald was raised by penguins? And why is it STICKING!? The next thing was how big was a certain appendage and someone did some anatomical research to determine very much in his favour. That was definitely his favourite part of the conversation. He chuckled. "Oh Babycakes224, you're this close to getting a job." There was a pause. "Oh wait this one wants to buy me a boat!" "Eh?" A bartender asked. "I want to motorboat him-" "boss that's not what that means!"
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squishious · 4 months
ok i'd apologize to you & everyone else for only blogging about myself and my friends tonight but actually that would be un-sincere because i love my friends so so so much and all of life is about love. anyway here's a long summary of css :
-1. the context: luna @hanjoonhwi got to know mika through me and @ramonapest and so she'd discover old stuff progressively and one day she found css and made it her whole personality (read: blog) because she did that often (for a while she was tomorrowlive because she loved live performances of tomorrow, etc etc etc) and so she saved the url cokestudiostardust or i did. and then we had the fantastic idea of both changing our urls to something super similar to each other for a little while just to confuse the 12 mika blogs here (a small group of which are commonly referred to as "the rodents" due to the existance of an almost-dead discord server that i would like to bring back alive and that you could probably be added to, where we discuss mika) ANYWAY sorry for the slight detour. so yes that was the plan. and then we were like wait we need to include rory (because we had a tiny groupchat called "mouaylor tshirts" <- more lore there but basically luna wanted a mika x taylor x louis collab and rory made a fake poster that i put on redbubble models and so we made a groupchat to discuss business and then ended up being besties). so yes back to the main story. we text rory and we're like hey do you wanna join us in this wild scheme? she was like what scheme? we said say yes or no because we cant tell you unless you're joining. she said yes and we told her everything and also she was moving that same weekend... so it was insane of her to contribute. but yes that's the end of this part
0. the prep: so we saved css url, and 2 typo css urls. picked an icon header and background colour for the blog (#facade pink) and then the point was to confuse people so we didn't want them to be able to scroll adn figure out easily which one is rory vs luna vs me. so what we did is we made rory (?) i think (?) post a link to the css yt video. then we each reblogged it privately to our blogs about 100 times in preparation and then didn't blog until the day of. the day of we unprivated all the posts, so basically if you wanted to see any posts before you'd need to scroll for so long. and we changed our urls (i dont remember who was which url) and icons and headers and colours and made our blogs only available on phone so you couldnt go to archive to figure out who was who. also we had the same blog titles (coke studio stardust) and bios.
1. phase 1: we basically went around blogging normally as if nothing happened, but also sending asks to common mutuals and each others mutuals (ex: "hiii squish!! how are you???") and all of us sending them, to create confusion. did that for about 24 hours. but the thing is we sent the exact same asks and reblogged all the same posts with the same tags. luna and i even managed to confuse rory's sibling and like long-time friend on here. a mika blog @grayskelly we didnt know at the time (but v knows) just joined us (same blog appearance etc) and became our immediate bestie, hence creating the famous and iconic @h-isforhome "big day in mika fandom" post (the first one in the image post you reblogged). also we followed any mutuals that we mutuals with 2 but not 3 of us (pretending we accidentally unfollowed) in prep for phase 2
2. phase 2: (my favourite phase) we "apologized" etc for our behaviour and said we are switching back. BUT we lied (celebrity apology video style), and what we did is switch to each other's!! blogs. so i was luna and luna was rory and rory was me. and it actually fooled people due to all the followings in phase 1 and it being practically impossible to go to posts pre may 15. this phase particularly drove people insane (luna and i were competing over who would lose the most followers, rory somehow was gaining followers). but yes basically we blogged exactly lik each other, tagging systems etc, spoke like each other (hashtag true bestiehood), and sent even more asks. the middle 2 pics are examples of such interactions after we finally switched back to the real us, making all the posts hilariously funny. one common mutual thought that was was going on was that we had logged into each other's accounts. another was like ahh i got you. x is pretending to be y and y is [etc etc], getting it all wrong and we were like ah yes! you got us! so true!. i think @thirteens-earring still hates us for may 16.... we were sending each other messages being like hi v this is rory! etc and v eventually figured out who was who but the whole time was sending us murderous threats + at one point luna was like hi rory this is v! to v, which was funny. anyway i think lizzie @dionysuswearsanorangetracksuit was the first one to catch on what was going on (like super early that day) and texted me and h about it but i made them promise they wouldn't explain to everyone what was going on.
everyone was like ah hahah ha hilarious right. you guys are done right. no really. you are done right. please please say you're done. and so, this is what we did after:
3. phase 3 prep: rory and luna collected the best posts through screenshots, i opened photoshop with a normal canvas size and started adding them and making the canvas bigger and bigger, ending up with a photoshop file of 16359x22200 pixels, it took me and rory 2 computers, 3 photoshop versions, and about 1 hour to export that as 4 pngs.
4. phase 3: on may 17 we changed all our blog titles to "phase 3", posted that image, and everyone was like hey guys. whats phase 3 whats going on pls explain. and to this day no one knows what phase 3 is <3 we will not say unless someone guesses
anyway if you've read all this thank you so much in indulging me and listening to me talk nonsense about friendship shenanigans (<- idk how to spell in english but i might have gotten it right). it was truly a wild time where rory was normal and luna and i were unhinged and drove rory into our unhingeness. i miss it incredibly and i wanna do more of that with you and them and all my little computer friends. or maybe we could jsut have a sleepover. idk but all i know is that if i knew you all in real life we would have the best laughs and the best times of our lifes and we'd just have so much fun. like if all of you bring this much joy in my life just by resharing the same posts as each other and replying to each other, imagine what it would feel like if we could all have a picnic or a roadtrip or just a day out at the mall even.... anyway this is getting sappy and i need to go to bed. ty for reading or sorry!!!!! now that we're friends i'll invite you next time we plan an international cyber-prank
HELLO OKAY !!!! apologies 2 my followers in advance but i need to immortalise this bc truly. this is the pinnacle of careful throughtful tomfoolery i'm very impressed
first off i'm all for the resuscitation of mika discord there really are sooo few of us on here !! mouaylor collab would be incredible and i need to see this shirts if they exist lmfao. also doing this while moving u are SO STRONG thats incredible !!!
anyways again the amount of thought that went into this.....the reblogged posts the turning off web view the following each others mutuals.....i would trust u to pull of a heist i think. sounds like a wild day and yesss would love to participate in international cyber pranks or sleepovers (or both simultaneously) w u all !!! truly i think that we'd have the most wonderful time if we knew each other irl the shenanigans and vibes would be unmatched <3 (i am living in constant fear of phase 3 now. its gonna haunt my every click on this site)
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drumlincountry · 3 days
From one bog region person to the other (Bourtanger moor, don't live there anymore but grew up there)
What are your bogs like? We have 'high bogs' (peat moss growing over time, sadly mostly destroyed for fuel) and 'low bogs' (depressions of water filling up with plant material and becoming bogs, also mostly destroyed but not *as much*)
I like how when you go for a walk in a high bog the ground is springy, there's willows everywhere. The water is very low in calcium so you don't have to fight the caulk in your shower and kettle as much as in other places. I like the willows everywhere where there's bogs. And the (possibly apocryphical) story that once, a bunch of farmers won against much more well-armored knights because the knights all sunk into the bog
That's so interesting!
I think what you call "high bogs," we call "raised bogs"! We call them 'raised' because intact ones are big mounds, looming like a big wet sponge sitting 'raised' above the lower landscape around them. They can have peat up to 7m deep, and feel very bouncy when you walk on them!
Unfortunately, almost all raised bogs in Ireland are severely degraded. So much of the peat has eroded that many aren't even raised above the nearby landscape anymore. Historically, people subsistence farming in the area cut drains into the bog to make them more valuable grazing lands, or cut turf out of them for fuel. COLONIALISM is the villain of our story as always - the British government cut down all our forests to build their navy, fuel their forges, etc. All the locals had for fuel was turf (=bits of peat) and whatever bits of scrap wood they could steal without the landlord's men noticing, mar dhea.
Now turf cutting is an established cultural practice that many rural people can be very touchy about. A colleague of mine had got death threats because someone thought the ecological surveys she was doing on bogs would prevent him from cutting tuf.
Everywhere a bog is cut, it leaves a weeping wound. The drainage effect causes the bog to sink slowly over time, even where the surface of the bog looks pretty intact .
About your knights .... there's a very famous image which I can't find right now, of a raised bog in England. In the victorian era, someone sank a metal rod into this raised bog. The top of the rod was just at ground level. That rod is now notably taller than a person. That's over 6ft of peat, gone! Evaporated into the air! All that captured carbon - released back into the atmosphere.
The other kinds of bogs we have here are 'blanket bogs' so called because they are draped over mountains like blankets. The peat on these are thinner - usually less than 3m, and sometimes only a few cm.
(This is an aside but Irish place names often have the word "Droim" in them. That's a word that means ridge or hill, but also means back, on a human or an animal. When I stand on a height and look across at the peat-draped hills, I can see exactly why that's the same word. The peat hills look like the bony shoulders of sleeping giants. Drumlin, from my url, derives from "little ridge")
The biology of our mountain bogs is pretty similar to our raised bogs. The same species live there. The threats are similar too. Blanket bogs aren't cut for fuel as often because they were that bit less accessible, but it did happen.
And, the blanket bogs are getting damaged by more modern pressures at an extraordinary rate 🙃🙃🙃 But I will go on about government-imposed sheep quotas and plantation invasive forestry another day!
For now I'll say - they're doing some really amazing things with peatland restoration in Scotland these days! I went to a presentation and I was just astounded how much they can restore the most damaged and degraded bog, all with a few diggers and well educated digger operators. Once you raise the water table to 4cm below the bog surface, the moss does its magic and it becomes a carbon sink again!
I really love bogs. I've been on so many lovely bogs. Bog woodland, like you describe, with willows and birch and alder. Long flat mountaintops covered in pools and hummocks of moss. Waist high heather on steep rocky peatland, which is a pain to walk through, where your boots get sticky with pollen.
One time I lay on my stomach to plunge my arms into a bog lake. The water was black. I couldn't feel the bottom. I reached back, and back, and I realised that not only was the lake bottomless, it didn't have sides. I was lying on a floating outcrop of moss, over 50cm thick.
Bogs 💞🥳✨🟦💙😍💕🌟❤💫🥰
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Round 1 poll 30: Alexander Pearce from Australia vs Stain Edwards from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared
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Propaganda under the cut:
Alexander Pearce
he was an escaped convict in lutruwita/tasmania in the 1820s who ended up a cannibal, the last one left of his crew of escapees after they started eating each other because they had no idea how to live off the land without guns. he was caught after some months and admitted to his cannibalism but the authorities thought he was lying to cover up the other guys being bushrangers and out there still at large. a year later he escaped again with one other man, thomas cox. a week after this escape they found him again after he lit a fire in a rush of something like guilt. he said that cox had drowned. he said i have a piece of his bloody thigh in my pocket to prove he drowned :). they hanged him. i live in lutruwita/tasmania and am obsessed with him in a way i feel almost transcends autistic special interest. i've been to a few (hard to access!) places where events in the story took place. i swear i've read every book about him. my tumblr url is @/alexanderpearce.
Stain Edwards
In the height of my Don't Hug Me I'm Scared obsession in October 2022 (following the release of their 6-episode television show) one thing that still stands out to me is Stain Edwards, The Forever Boy (he named himself). Stain Edwards is a pink claymation glob thing that was created by two of the characters (Red Guy and Yellow Guy) after their third member (Bird Guy) "died" (he didn't really die). He was created out of a make-a-best-friend kit to replace Bird Guy and was immediately mocked, belittled, ignored, and abandoned by Red Guy and Yellow Guy before dying himself (it's been a while since I watched it but I think he was sucked into a horrible black vortex or something and then never talked about again). Anyways the instant I saw Stain Edwards I realized that whenever I hear the word "blorbo" with no context, he was the mental image my brain supplied, even before I knew him. Stain Edwards, The Forever Boy, you'll always be famous.
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phantomcodes · 4 months
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emerald | theme by sage
get the code: static preview / live preview @tina-snow my first theme back!! a npf supported sidebar theme
features (more info below the cut):
toggle: tags on click, updates tab, left/right sidebar
headerbar includes blog icon & title/home link | day/night & tumblr controls buttons
sidebar includes links for home, ask, archive, & up to 4 extras, an uploadable image, and custom description
customizable: blog title, description, colors, body & title fonts, and font size
npf supported, responsive design, scroll to top, 3 corner options, tabler icons
nothing needs to be changed in the code, everything can be changed in the customize panel!
reblog if using
do not touch the credit
all terms / faq
credits listed in the code / credits page
please consider supporting me ♡
this is my first theme in over a year (wtf) so please be patient as i'm still learning to navigate the new npf stuff!! i'm still on a sort of semi-hiatus, i'll be around for questions but please check my faq, answered asks, etc. before asking - i will not answer repeated questions!
blog name !! important
make sure you fill out the blog name field, this is what will show on the top of all your original posts. to clarify: your blog name is your blog’s url - for example: phantomcodes
responsive sidebar
when the browser window gets too small the sidebar will disappear and become toggleable, the sidebar toggle button will appear on the right side of the header
remember tumblr's customize panel is buggy, you may have to toggle the options on/off before saving
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catboybiologist · 8 months
Please help, I'm in a heated debate with a sworn rival regarding your blog name: did it mean a catboy who is a biologist or a biologist who studies catboys?
(Also are you actually a biologist? If not someone is gonna get teased so hard [me].)
Thanks ^-^
Humans study human biology, don't they? You're saying that a Catboy can't pursue research interests related to advancing their own species and their healthcare? Wow. So many assumptions, so many prejudices. God.
And ah fuck here I go rambling again. So uh in more seriousness, yeah, I have a BS in molecular bio, MS in bioinformatics, and I'm getting my PhD. I've been doing research concurrently with most of that as well. I'm gonna articulate this thought poorly, but I got fed up with the way a lot of academia seems obsessed with a very particular kind of sanitized professionalism, that desperately claims it doesn't just because it doesn't look exactly like the sanitized professionalism of other white collar jobs. Your professor may show up in a t shirt and jeans but they're still just as obsessed with their image as the wall street guy wearing a suit, just in a "I have to act like I live and breathe science or everyone will hate me" way. So I wanted to make an online persona to freely fuck around with gender while still talking about bio sometimes. As my style/gender developed from femboy to transfemme I've shed a lot of the catboy vibes but I still like the URL.
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