#while i was conjuring a caption
autistme · 1 year
why are you as a man so
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hold on post cancelled holy fucking shit am! on one of the covers in the background. this isnt even a bit what the fuck hello there
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rainba · 5 months
Haiii I have a question about the boys ^w^ (my lovely kittens im gonna stomp a them to the moment when they're paper thin/affectionately)
What would they do if mc was in realtionship when they started to be obsessed with them???? Or If like MC is aromantic and just don't want to be with anyone???
Stomp stomp the little sillies (っ˘ω˘ς ) hehe
Warning for these: Kairos and Luka handle Aromanticism pretty badly, and… mentions of stalking + violence, the usual yandere stuff. ^^.
For both Kairos and Luka, they already know what they have to do: get rid of the competition.
In the beginning, Kairos and Luka definitely go about things similarly. They’d both start leaking rumors about your current partner– sending fake texts, spreading fake photos, etc. They’d do everything in their power to make you stop liking your partner– and they might conjure up fake evidence showing that you’re being cheated on. ^^;;;;;
However… If none of that works?? They’ll just have to take more drastic measures.
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Kairos would start flooding your partner’s messages and emails with vague threats and tons of viruses. Kairos would take dozens of photos and anonymously send them to your partner– pictures of them– with extremely unnerving captions.
“Leave. Now.”
“If you don’t leave my darling alone, there will be consequences.”
…Messages of that nature. ^^;; If your partner refuses to leave and weeks go by, his messages will only grow more and more deranged and frantic, the frequency of them amping up too. Those messages will say stuff like:
“Die. Die. Die. Die.”
“Do you have a death wish..?”
“Fucking die already.”
Kairos also makes sure the messages are untraceable, so… The police won’t really be able to help. >_< He’s hoping that putting the pressure on your partner will scare him enough and make him leave you.
…And, if all else fails, he’ll just resort to kidnapping you. ^_^.
For the second part: if his darling is aromantic? Kairos will be heartbroken. (╥_╥) He just doesn’t understand– like? What do you mean you’re aromantic??? You don’t feel anything for him-? Not at all? Is he just not good enough?? Why can’t he be an exception? 
He’d then keep pushing you to be romantic with him regardless… He doesn’t take it too well. (。•́︿•̀。)
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As for Luka, he’d be much more confrontational and aggressive about everything. He wouldn’t spam your partner with messages and stuff… No. He’d slash your partners tires, set their house on fire, paint threats on the side of your partner’s car. He’ll do everything in his power to make your partner so terrified that they leave you. ^^;;;;; So… It’s similar to what Kairos does, but still a bit different. 
Oh, and also, Luka wouldn’t be afraid to stalk your partner, and then beat them within an inch of their life while telling them to stay far away from you. (-ω-、) Luka would try to disguise himself, but, um... It might be a bit hard to hide his pink ears and extremely huge tail. So to make up for this, he just makes sure that he catches your partner by surprise and blindfolds them as soon as the attack begins. ┐(シ)┌
As for Luka with an aromantic darling: he… He doesn’t really care. Nothing really changes for him– he still does what he normally does, regardless of what you have to say about it. (つω`。) Forces you into a relationship and tries to do romantic things, regardless of how many times you tell him that you just don’t experience romantic attraction... Yikes 。゚・ (>﹏<) ・゚。
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inkyleaf · 3 months
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Gemini's Comet 1: American Pride
Day 4 of the Month of Quickies!! Over the last few years I had been reading other captions that each stem from one worldwide phenomenon (like the Great Shift) and thought...hey, that's a great idea! So I conjured up my own. :)
Gemini's Comet is a new little series of captions I plan on continuing at least for a little while, so let me know if you like it or not! Even tho it's the Month of Quickies, these are definitely not quickies ahaha - think of them as extra bonuses I'll sprinkle throughout the month. ;) The Month of Quickies & Sometimes Captions!!! Definitely loses its ring with that eheheh
Happy 4th of July to all my American readers!!! I hope you all enjoy. <3
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ryuichirou · 10 months
Guess what. More replies~
artfulhero-m asked:
Ryu I don't know how else to explain this but your condoms headcanons read as so chaotic to me, and the chaos was beautiful lmao. Like the way my brain, while reading the headcanons, conjured up images of everyone in chaos clearly understanding that it's just a safe sex practice but either ends up trying to be safe but breaking the rubbers anyway or not wearing them AT ALL was hilarious to me. And by the end of all the chaos, Malleus is just in the background, calmly, watching the chaos unfold as he thinks "ah how fascinating" despite having no clue wtf these rubber cock confiners meant to prevent disease and pregnancy even look like (i.e., he doesn't get it lol).
THANK YOU SO MUUUCH at this point I’m just clowning everyone in every single headcanon post lol but these guys are cursed enough to deserve such treatment. I am super happy you enjoyed that silly post, and oh my god your imagination!! The fact that you pictured all of these idiots while reading it lol
“Rubber cock confiners” sounds like the most amazing way to describe a condom, and honestly, at least Malleus has an excuse – he is a fae prince who lived in isolation… But the rest of the guys…
You know I want all of them to draw a condom now, just to make sure that they know what they’re talking about. Malleus surely doesn’t lol
Anonymous asked:
Just wanted to send an ask saying I appreciate seeing how much you've grown over the years! I started following you awhile back when you were still into Hetalia/posted it, and stayed for the TWST content. Thanks for continuing to post your art and may it continue to thrive ♡
Ahh thank you so much, Anon! This is so incredibly sweet of you, I am very happy and grateful to hear that. Thank you for your support, and I’ll do my best to keep improving! <3
With Hetalia it’s funny though, because we’ve been having a lot of random outbursts of it over the years, the last one being a year ago (and then there was one in 2016…and even earlier than that…), so I can’t even say for sure for how long you’ve been here. But I’m super to happy to hear about it nonetheless!! <3 The last year was definitely very fruitful when it comes to changes to my art lol and it’s great it’s noticeable…
Anonymous asked:
I just wanted to tell you that my friend group jokes about the “Jack will rail him” post all the time and think it’s the funniest shit ever. It has become such a core part of our humor that whenever Jack or Deuce is mention we have to bring up the railing that will take place. Please caption more art this way. It’s hilarious.
HAHA THANK YOU, ANON, I’M SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT. I love our captions a lot, because it’s Katsu who comes up with them; and I usually have no idea what they’re going to be until the post is... posted. So the “Jack will rail him” thing got me laughing too, I’m happy you and your friend also loved it lol
Katsu tries to be careful and not to overdo it, just so the caption doesn’t take too much attention from the drawing itself, but honestly it’s 100% worth it in my opinion.
I am so happy that the railing that will definitely take place has became an inside joke of sorts!
Anonymous asked:
I want to sexualize Ortho but I'm too busy and have no time 😞
I feel you, Anon… :( This is the biggest problem in our lives.
It’s okay, Ortho is a patient guy, he can wait… until he gets capricious lol
hipsterteller asked:
I though Idia is top
Idia is a character from a sfw game, so he doesn't have any fixed position.
In my art, he's always a bottom.
Anonymous asked:
I found out there's a 32 year old in the server that joined before I did I think I'm good
(related to some previous asks)
Oh good to know! :) I’m glad to hear that
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deathbypixelz · 2 years
Hello! I saw the caption "night elf secession au go brr" and desperately want to know more. If you don't have a post somewhere I didn't see (sorry if I missed it) would you feel up to sharing at some point?
I don’t already have a full post about it anywhere because I’m constantly in the process of adding finer details. I made an “adjusted timeline” post on my deathbydarkelves sideblog a while ago, but that’s old by now and I’ve changed some things around. Even so, I will not lie, I have been WAITING for someone to ask me about it >:) so *cracks my knuckles* guess it’s time to make that post.
(GIGANTIC info dump incoming)
The basic things to know about this AU are 1.) Shadowlands never happens (my dislike of SL was actually what inspired me to make this AU in the first place), and 2.) the timeline is stretched out so things happen at a slightly more reasonable pace. In the canon timeline, all of the expansions (minus Dragonflight ofc) happen right after each other and each take place over 1-2 years, which is silly in my opinion. I did leave some of them alone length-wise, sometimes 1-2 years is fine, but almost all of the expansions now have a few years in between. Breathing room is good to have if you ask me. Oh also the N’Zoth/Azshara stuff doesn’t happen during the Fourth War, that’ll happen somewhere later down the line. But that’s not the main point…
Everything up until the middle/end of the Fourth War is pretty much the same, except for the aforementioned lengthening of the timeline. Teldrassil happens in 45 ADP, whereas in the game it’s 33 ADP, for example. So Teldrassil burns, the war happens in basically the same way it does in canon, and it ends with the mak’gora outside Orgrimmar (in 47 ADP). Then the actual changes begin.
Maiev joins Tyrande to track down Sylvanas, and Malfurion takes Tyrande’s place as a temporary leader for the night elves (aided by Shandris). Then for 5 or 6 years, really not much happens. Things are… fine on Kalimdor. Mt. Hyjal sorta becomes the new population center for the night elves (and handful of worgen) who stayed, and rebuilding efforts are definitely underway. But they don’t have the resources or the ships to bring all the refugees back. A portal that could support that many people would be far too demanding and risky to use.
(Note: I changed how portals work slightly to make them less OP, and in a nutshell, you can only make portals at specific points on Azeroth, specifically where natural ley lines connect. If you want a bigger portal, or one independent from ley lines, you either need an outside power source (see: the Dark Portal) or you need to be on top of a gigantic web of interconnecting ley lines. Some places have more ley lines than others (example: Suramar). Also it takes a lot of a mage’s energy to keep a portal of any size open for very long. They opened portals to Stormwind during the burning of Teldrassil, but only because it was such a bad situation; portals that go across such a long distance are very unstable and very expensive to both conjure and maintain. They also could only create them in specific places, which is why they couldn't get nearly as many people out as they would've liked :c)
So, with no way to bring them back, the refugees have just got to stay in Stormwind City and Elwynn. It’s rough; very few of the night elves speak Human (I renamed Common because I don’t like the undertones with that name), and the Stormwind government is being pretty laissez-faire about the whole thing. They have to worry about helping Kul Tiras and Stromgarde so they can rebuild, after all :) Building new ships and collecting all the supplies for the months-long voyage to Kalimdor is too expensive, the government says. But it'll happen, definitely, don't worry. It'll definitely happen. Eventually.
So night elf-Alliance relations decay. Stormwindians are tired of having homeless elves on their streets, the elves are tired of being homeless. There’s he-said-she-said stories of humble, hard-working humans being robbed at night by elves on the brink of starvation, and there are she-said-he-said stories of humans setting fire to tents on the edges of their property to scare off humble, hard-working elves just trying to find a place to live. In not so many words: animosity grows. This isn’t out of the blue; historically (even in canon), the other races of the Alliance haven’t really done much for the night elves except for when they helped push the orcs out of Ashenvale all the way back during the Third War (which was 30 years ago at this point). They’ve really just used them for an extra source of soldiers. The “deterrence from Horde attack” benefit the night elves were promised back then was proven false with Teldrassil, and that’s not to speak of smaller skirmishes that had happened every now and then even before the Fourth War. If anything, being part of the Alliance made the night elves a target. Sylvanas burned Teldrassil to provoke the Alliance into a war (note: I am still working on her exact motivations, since I deleted the Jailer and that weird thing with Elune because um??? no?????). Logically, if they hadn’t been a part of the Alliance, they would’ve probably been left alone. And that’s the realization Tyrande comes to, after tracking Sylvanas down in Northrend — where she and her closest followers had decided to hide out until things calmed down — and killing her.
Then she and Maiev return from their 6 or 7 year-long journey, and Tyrande is outraged at the way her people have been treated. Malfurion had also been made aware in the intervening time, and he’d started showing the Alliance that even though he didn’t have as much executive power as Tyrande, he could still rock the boat as it were. After the requests he made directly of Anduin and other Alliance leaders to give the refugees at least, like, a little support were either half-fulfilled or not at all, he basically starts a mild trade war. This was a pretty controversial move even among the night elves, but there wasn’t much else he could do. But during the Long Vigil, the night elves had perfected the art of being self-sufficient, and it definitely hurt the Eastern Kingdoms more than it hurt them. So with that set into motion, and Tyrande’s mind made up, she returns to her place as High Priestess and diverts every available resource into finally bringing the refugees home. It’s a very slow process, and relations continue to decay as it happens. But eventually everyone who wants to go back to Kalimdor does. A portion of worgen stay, and even some night elves who had their own reasons. But the majority do go back.
Then, after negotiating borders with the (now much more diplomatic) Horde, Tyrande cuts off ties with the Alliance. Relations had been iffy at best ever since they joined — their alliance had been built on “enemy of my enemy”, after all — but the other nations showed their true colors during and after the Fourth War. The Alliance’s High King himself had failed to send troops to help reclaim Darkshore when he had very clearly shown he was more than willing to send soldiers to Arathi, Lordaeron, and Kul Tiras. And again, the whole “if we hadn’t been a part of the Alliance, Sylvanas wouldn’t have seen us as a target” thing. So, with Darkshore, Moonglade, Winterspring, Felwood, Mount Hyjal, most of Ashenvale, and portions of Stonetalon now within their control again, the night elves settle into another period of isolation. It’s not quite a second Long Vigil — there’s some trade/interaction with the draenei (due to proximity and shared trauma) and tauren (due to shared values) — but all in all, they’re on their own now. Relations with the Horde aren’t good per se, but both sides are willing to agree on a “if you don’t fuck with us, we won’t fuck with you” policy. They both want to avoid anything like Teldrassil ever happening again, and that’s ultimately what allows northern Kalimdor to exist in relative peace.
I don’t have quite so many details decided after this point, but I do still have a general idea. Dragonflight happens about ten or fifteen years-ish after the night elves secede, and since they’re still keeping an eye on the other factions and the world in general with magic, spies, and magic spies, they decide to send their own expedition to the Dragon Isles. They keep to their own, and any accidental interactions with Alliance adventurers are tense at best. We’ll have to see how this expansion plays out, but I intend on using the dragons (specifically the Aspects) to fix the sword in Silithus somehow. It’s definitely still a big problem, and it’s been causing climate change-like effects this entire time (unpredictable and extreme weather events globally) as well as its own unique, “fun” issues (weird tectonic anomalies, the elements are extremely agitated, and azerite is still a thing people fight over). I actually already had the “elements are cranky” idea before that was revealed to be a thing in Dragonflight, so I’m glad that lined up because that saves me some work lmao.
(Also just wanted to say that a lot of night elves see azerite as the reason for the Fourth War and, by extension, Teldrassil. They want absolutely nothing to do with it.)
I’m also considering putting a version of the N’Zoth and Azshara story around there, when the sword is removed, since I figure such a big disturbance to Azeroth would be enough to wake up an Old God. But that’s for later down the line and it depends on whether that would clutter the story too much or not. Either way, after whatever’s gonna happen in Dragonflight (or rather, how much of it I decide to keep) and after the sword is fixed, the night elves are gonna stick to their own unless there’s a dire need for them to leave Kalimdor. They’re tired, man. They need time to rebuild, and to heal.
However, I do have concepts for a little Alliance-night elf conflict that could crop up at some point. The Horde may have agreed to leave the night elves alone, but the Alliance are imperialists. And aren’t too happy that they were, in their eyes, betrayed by a long-time ally…
So yeah! That’s my night elf secession AU. It’s extremely self-indulgent and a lot of fun to explore for me. WoW really has not given the night elves a lot of opportunities to be the badass mysterious amazon nation they are in Warcraft III, so I wanted to bring that back while also preserving some of what WoW DID add to their story, because I really do think Teldrassil is such a good jumping-off point for a huge shift in the overall Warcraft narrative... as much as it hurts me and as much as I am genuinely incapable of watching the Warbringers: Sylvanas or Old Soldier cinematics anymore. Night elves have meant a lot to me for a very long time and stories of people going through hell and still coming out okay on the other side are my favorite stories, so I want to tell my own.
I’m also open to more questions about this AU, I have a lot of little things I changed both in regards to things like how magic works and minor lore changes, like how I made Teldrassil at least a couple thousand years old, as opposed to the 15 (or so) years it had existed in canon before it was burned. They only planted it after the Third War. You can check. It’s extremely stupid and everyone ignores that little detail so I will too <3
Anyway, thank you so much for asking, I’ve been dying to share all this and I didn’t realize that until you asked JHNDJSKJ
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
I've seen in some of your replies to people that you seem to know about SnC's editing process and seem to attribute a lot of the work to Colby so I was wondering if you knew more about the roles they each take in the process of making and producing their videos?
Like does Sam do the location scouting, research and travel logistics, then they share filming and then Colby edits it all together with Sam doing the final touches right before posting it? Or is it very much just Colby who does most of the work? or very much Sam who does most of the work?
(I really hope it's not just one of them doing most of the work as that does not really seem fair and shades one of them in an unfavourable light).
for scouting locations and research, i believe they have ppl for that now. before it was both of them doing it. but rn, i think they hired ppl to help out in that department.
as for the editing… for a long time, it was the both of them. colby would cut the video, then sam would do all the effects in it: music, captions/words, title screens, things like that. but now that's not the case.
they hired someone to do sam's half. colby still cuts all of the footage and puts it together. then sam looks it over and gives notes. then they send it to the editor who does the effects, it gets sent back to sam who gives notes again. from there is can either be fixed (depending on the notes given) or gets signed off and eventually publish. sam has the last say in what the video looks like as a final project.
however, he doesn't physically edit anything. he just… watches the content. colby explained all of this during jc's livestream.
imma be honest for a moment, i don't love that sam has an editor to do his part thus giving him plenty of ample time to go do whatever he wants, and colby is up in his room slowly losing brain cells staring at after effects for god know how long. especially with the conjuring videos they plan to put out - the first day alone, colby said there was roughly 20 hours of footage. and he has to sit thru all of that and find the good parts, and all sam does is watch what is already a (somewhat or actual) finished project. like to me, that is COMPLETELY uneven.
what annoys me more is that so many fans remember the way they used to do it that they still credit sam as an editor. like, does he probably do some touch ups on the video or whatever? yeah probably. but for a while now, he hasn't been the editor, and too many fans are giving him credit and have borderline NEVER given colby any when i personally think he does the more difficult part.
they just need to find someone that can edit colby's part and that would be heaven.
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longlistshort · 10 days
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Sadie Barnette, “Photo Bar”, 2022 (left) and Annette Messager “My Vows (Mes Voeux)”,1990, 106 gelatin silver prints, bound between glass and cardboard, black tape, twine and acrylic push pins (right)
The group exhibition Don’t Forget to Call Your Mother, currently at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, presents a variety of photography work from the museum’s collection. The artists explore new ways to take the medium further while exploring a wide range of subjects, often with a focus on capturing the past.
From the museum-
At a time when photographs are primarily shared and saved digitally, many artists are returning to the physicality of snapshots in an album or pictures in an archive as a source of inspiration. Drawing its title, Don’t Forget to Call Your Mother, from a photograph by Italian provocateur Maurizio Cattelan, the exhibition consists of works in The Met collection from the 1970s to today that reflect upon the complicated feelings of nostalgia and sentimentality that these objects conjure, while underlining the power of the found object.
Among the featured artists is Sadie Barnette, for whom photographs provide a portal to illuminate the forgotten history of the first Black-owned gay bar in San Francisco and her own father’s life as her 2022 work Photo Bar powerfully illustrates. Like Barnette, many of the artists in the exhibition seek to fortify the legacy of family histories, to emphasize the importance of intergenerational relationships, and to consider the ways in which knowledge and respect for the past can inform our current moment. Some artists such as Sophie Calle and Larry Sultan explore their own narratives to reveal the construction of desire, while others including Taryn Simon and Hank Willis Thomas examine histories that have shaped cultural and political dialogue. For some, including Darrel Ellis who utilized family pictures to negotiate the trauma of police violence, the personal is political. Deploying various strategies, these artists consider how a collection of images—like a talisman or an altarpiece—build relationships across time and can transform our understanding of the present.
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Larry Sultan “Untitled Film Stills”, 1989, Chromogenic prints
Larry Sultan’s work stood out, as did the museum’s caption (below) that included quotes from the artist.
“It was as if my parents had projected their dreams onto film emulsion. I was in my mid-thirties and longing for the intimacy, security, and comfort that I associated with home. But whose home? Which version of the family?” -Larry Sultan, 1992
In the late 1980s Sultan rephotographed and enlarged single frames from 8mm films his parents made during family vacations three decades earlier.
The artist later explained the genesis of the work:
“I can remember when I first conceived of this project. It was 1982 and I was in Los Angeles visiting my parents. One night, instead of renting a videotape, we pulled out a box of home movies that none of us had seen in years. Sitting in the living room, we watched thirty years of folktales-epic celebrations of the family. They were remarkable, more like a record of hopes and fantasies than of actual events.”
This exhibition closes 9/15/24. The museum’s website also includes images of all of works included.
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musicarenagh · 24 days
Unpacking the Past: Ellery Twining's Ode to Dusty Springfield The mystique of dusty relics and forgotten memories. It's as if Ellery Twining's latest release, "Dusty Springfield's Record Collection," has unearthed a long-lost time capsule, emitting a whiff of nostalgia that wafts through the air like the scent of old vinyl. https://open.spotify.com/track/5CQdjQRlvS6TWeKeBndge1?si=b63b9787010744ef Twining's ode to Dusty Springfield is a masterclass in reverence, weaving a sonic tapestry that's equal parts folk rock and experimental curiosity. The song's narrative is a deeply personal one, with Twining's spoken word delivery conjuring images of thumbing through Springfield's record collection at The Mystic Disc record store in the 1990s. It's a testament to the enduring power of music to transcend time and space, connecting us to the past while informing our present. [caption id="attachment_56803" align="alignnone" width="2000"] Unpacking the Past: Ellery Twining's Ode to Dusty Springfield[/caption] But what truly sets "Dusty Springfield's Record Collection" apart is its thoughtful exploration of musical legacy. Twining poses important questions about the importance of preserving our cultural heritage, and the role we play as custodians of the past. It's a message that resonates deeply, particularly in an era where the very notion of ownership and legacy is being redefined. As I listened to the song, I couldn't help but think of the Library of Alexandria, that fabled repository of ancient knowledge that was lost to the sands of time. What secrets lay hidden within those dusty tomes, waiting to be rediscovered? Twining's song is a poignant reminder that our musical heritage is a precious resource, one that demands our care and attention. https://youtu.be/Q8WSoWn4gDI In the end, "Dusty Springfield's Record Collection" is a love letter to the past, a paean to the enduring power of music to shape our lives. As Twining's words fade into the ether, we're left to ponder the significance of our own personal record collections – and the memories that lie hidden within. Follow Ellery Twining on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
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digi-critique · 5 months
A Treasure Trove for Affiliate Marketers: My Experience with "1000+ Chat GPT Prompts for Affiliate Marketing Digital"
As an affiliate marketer, I'm always on the hunt for ways to streamline my workflow and generate fresh, engaging content. When I stumbled upon "1000+ ChatGPT Prompts for Affiliate Marketing Digital," I was intrigued. Could this be the secret weapon I needed to take my campaigns to the next level?
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Content Creation Made Easy
Gone are the days of staring at a blank page, desperately trying to conjure up a compelling blog post or social media caption. This product is a treasure trove of prompts, categorized for various aspects of affiliate marketing. Whether I need a catchy headline for a product review, a persuasive email sequence to nurture leads, or an engaging script for a video ad, "1000+ ChatGPT Prompts" has me covered.
For example, I recently struggled to write an introduction for a blog post promoting a new fitness tracker. Using the product, I found a prompt asking me to "write an introduction that highlights the common pain points people face with staying active and positions the product as the solution." This sparked a whole new line of thought, and I was able to craft a compelling intro that resonated with my audience's struggles.
Beyond Content: A Strategic Approach
This product goes beyond just content creation. It provides prompts to help with strategy development as well. I used prompts to brainstorm new niche ideas, identify hidden affiliate programs, and even develop a content calendar that aligns with upcoming holidays and seasonal trends. This holistic approach helped me create a cohesive affiliate marketing strategy that maximized my reach and earning potential.
Time-Saving Efficiency
One of the biggest benefits I've experienced is the sheer amount of time I save. Brainstorming content used to be a time-consuming process. Now, with a few clicks and prompts, I can generate a plethora of ideas and get started on creating content quickly. This newfound efficiency has allowed me to focus on other aspects of my affiliate marketing business, such as building relationships with merchants and analyzing campaign performance.
A Catalyst for Creativity
While the prompts provide a solid foundation, they don't stifle creativity. They act as a springboard, sparking new ideas and igniting my imagination. I often find myself taking a prompt and running with it, adding my own personal spin and tailoring it to my specific niche and target audience. This ability to personalize the prompts makes the product incredibly versatile and valuable.
Overall, "1000+ Chat GPT Prompts for Affiliate Marketing Digital" is an invaluable resource for any affiliate marketer, regardless of experience level. With its vast array of prompts, strategic insights, and time-saving efficiency, it has become an essential tool in my marketing arsenal. If you're looking to boost your content creation, streamline your workflow, and take your affiliate marketing to the next level, I highly recommend this product.
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aijustborn · 7 months
Magic of AI Subjects in Photos
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Subjects in Photos Ever feel limited by the same old stock photos and editing tools? Yearning to breathe life into your visuals, tell captivating stories, and stand out from the crowd? Buckle up, because the future of creative expression is here – and it's powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) Subjects in Photos. Caption: Immerse yourself in the tranquility of "Minimalist Abstractions," a collection of images that unveil the essence of diverse subjects through simplicity and abstraction. Explore the interplay of light, shadow, and negative space as forms are distilled to their most basic elements, inviting you to contemplate the beauty and depth found within the minimal.** Imagine adding breathtaking landscapes to your travel blog, infusing vintage charm into your brand identity, or even conjuring whimsical portraits that reflect your unique vision. No more scouring through generic imagery or spending hours with complex software. With AI subjects in photos, your imagination becomes your limit. But it's not just about eye-catching visuals. By embracing AI, you're tapping into a world of efficiency and sustainability. Think reducing carbon footprints by eliminating physical photoshoots, or boosting your ROI with faster design turnaround times. The possibilities are endless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BViatDGC60 A Glimpse into the Future of Photo Editing with AI This article is your treasure map to exploring the magic of AI subjects in photos. We'll delve into a spectrum of captivating styles, unveil user-friendly tools that put the power in your hands, and reveal the ripple effect of AI – from the commercial revolution to forging deeper emotional connections. A Symphony of Styles and Inspirations StyleDescriptionApplicationsPhotorealistic LandscapesImmerse viewers in breathtaking vistasTravel marketing, product visuals, social media postsEthereal TexturesAdd depth and intrigueSocial media posts, artistic projects, website backgroundsVintage ElementsCapture timeless charmBranding, personal projects, invitationsUnique & Personalized SubjectsUnleash creative freedomLogos, illustrations, storytelling images Ready to unleash your creative potential? Dive into this knowledge bomb and unlock the extraordinary! Caption: Step into the shadows of "Cinematic Noir Portraits," where captivating black and white images evoke the timeless allure of the genre. Witness diverse individuals – a South Asian woman with a smoldering gaze, a Latinx man lost in the rain, a femme fatale bathed in neon light – each character a piece of a captivating story waiting to unfold. Explore the drama hidden in every glance, the secrets whispered in hushed tones, and the mysteries lurking in the shadows.** Imagine you could create any visual imaginable, perfectly capturing your ideas and emotions. What story would you tell? How would you make your mark on the world? Let AI empower your answer. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. - Franklin D. Roosevelt  Remember the frustration of sifting through endless stock photos, none quite conveying your vision? I do. As a content creator, I once spent hours searching for an image that encapsulated the serene beauty of a mountain valley. Then, I discovered AI tools. Within minutes, I had created a photorealistic landscape that surpassed my wildest dreams. It wasn't just an image; it was a portal to a world of limitless creative possibilities. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=s11k0yAA8ZQ Brief overview of various AI art options The limitations of traditional photo editing and visuals are well-known. Stock photos often feel generic, time-consuming shoots can hinder efficiency, and complex software creates barriers for many. Statistics confirm this: A 2023 study by Designmodo revealed that 78% of designers find stock photos limiting, while a 2022 Adobe survey showed that 63% struggle with finding the right design assets. Caption: Immerse yourself in the breathtaking world of "Botanical Elegance" with these captivating images featuring exquisite floral arrangements and botanical still lifes. Each composition celebrates the beauty and delicacy of nature, showcasing vibrant colors, intricate details, and diverse perspectives. From lush centerpieces to intimate close-ups, these images invite you to appreciate the remarkable diversity and wonder of the natural world.** Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. - Albert Einstein Enter AI subjects in photos – a game-changer poised to revolutionize the world of visual creation. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, we can now generate unique, personalized visuals within minutes. The market size for AI in design is expected to reach a staggering $190.34 billion by 2025, highlighting its rising popularity and impact. Your Gateway to AI Magic From breathtaking landscapes to enchanting textures, you've glimpsed the diverse styles achievable with AI subjects in photos. But how do you translate those visions into reality? Don't worry, the tools are surprisingly accessible and beginner-friendly! This section equips you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the exciting world of AI-powered design. Caption: Immerse yourself in the captivating tapestry of "Urban Energy" through these street photography portraits. Witness the diverse faces and stories that unfold on city streets, capturing moments of connection, isolation, and laughter. Explore the vibrant energy of bustling crowds, the quiet contemplation of individuals, and the resilience of the human spirit amidst the urban landscape.** Defining Your Vision Before embarking on your creative journey, take a moment to solidify your vision. What story do you want to tell? What emotions do you want to evoke? What specific elements are essential? Grab a pen and paper, create a mood board, or browse existing visuals for inspiration. This clarity will guide you throughout the process and ensure your chosen tools and subjects align with your goals. "To see what is invisible, one must close their eyes." - William Blake Your Gateway to AI Magic ToolFeature HighlightsUser-Friendly AspectsInpaintEffortless object removal, intuitive interfaceFree to use, online platform, simple workflowPhotopeaFamiliar editing environment, AI-powered featuresDesktop application, supports multiple file formats, advanced customizationMovavi PicPlusVersatile photo & video editing, beginner-friendly featuresPaid software with free trial, pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop interface User-Friendly Platforms at Your Fingertips Gone are the days of complex software and coding requirements. Several user-friendly platforms have democratized AI design, making it accessible to everyone. Let's explore three popular options: Caption: Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Abstract Architectures," where familiar structures transcend their ordinary forms and reveal hidden realms of geometric wonder. Witness towering skyscrapers morphing into kaleidoscopes of light, winding staircases leading to nowhere, and intricate patterns emerging from weathered walls. Explore diverse architectural elements, from modern glass and steel to weathered brick and traditional archways, each transformed into a mesmerizing abstract composition that celebrates the beauty and hidden depths of the built world.** - Inpaint: This AI-powered tool excels at removing unwanted objects from your photos. Imagine seamlessly erasing a distracting power line or pesky photobomber, leaving behind a pristine canvas for your subject. Its intuitive interface and beginner-friendly tutorials make it perfect for first-time users. - Photopea: Remember the familiar layout of classic image editors? Photopea offers a similar workspace, enhanced with powerful AI features. Add realistic smoke or fire effects, adjust lighting and shadows, or generate unique textures – all within a comfortable and familiar environment. - Movavi PicPlus: This versatile platform caters to both photo and video editing needs. Its AI features include background removal, object selection, and automatic enhancements. Additionally, Movavi PicPlus offers pre-designed templates and effects, providing a springboard for quick and impactful creations. Remember, these are just a few examples! Explore different platforms and discover which one resonates most with your workflow and preferences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi49fjgaW2o User-friendly platform demonstration The Creative Process Simplified Now, let's get hands-on! The specific process will vary depending on your chosen platform and desired outcome. However, some general steps apply: - Upload your base image: This could be a photo you captured, a downloaded stock image, or even a blank canvas. - Select your AI tool: Choose the feature that aligns with your goal, whether it's adding a subject, removing an object, or enhancing the background. - Customize and refine: Most platforms offer options to adjust the size, position, and style of your chosen AI element. Experiment with different settings to achieve the perfect look. - Integrate and polish: Seamlessly blend your AI subject with the existing image for a natural and cohesive outcome. Use additional editing tools (if available) to enhance colors, adjust lighting, or add text for a personalized touch. Caption: Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of "Cultural Diversity" with these captivating portraits. Each image showcases the unique faces, expressions, and traditions of people from different backgrounds, celebrating the richness of human experience and the beauty that lies in our differences. Witness the joy of shared meals, the power of music, the wisdom of elders, and the playful innocence of children, all united by the common thread of humanity.** Where words leave off, music begins. - Heinrich Heine Remember, practice makes perfect! Don't hesitate to experiment, explore different options, and have fun in the process. As you gain experience, you'll develop your own workflow and discover hidden gems within each platform. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3aPaTNV5g4 Introduction to Photopea features With a clear vision, user-friendly tools, and a touch of creativity, you're now equipped to transform your photos into captivating visuals that stand out from the crowd. The world of AI design awaits – start nurturing your creative garden today! "The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places." - Ernest Hemingway The Ripple Effect of AI Subjects The magic of AI subjects in photos extends far beyond captivating visuals. This technology carries a ripple effect, impacting various aspects of design, business, and even the environment. Let's explore the far-reaching consequences of embracing AI-powered creativity. Caption: Step into the captivating world of "Environmental Portraiture," where each image tells a story that transcends words. Witness diverse individuals – a South Asian marine biologist, a Latinx farmer, a Black musician – in their natural elements, their expressions and surroundings revealing their passions, aspirations, and the unique narratives that shape their lives. Explore the vibrant tapestry of human experience woven into the fabric of their environments, and discover the powerful connection between people and the world around them.** Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness Redefined Traditional photo shoots and stock photos come with limitations. Hiring photographers, obtaining permits, and dealing with logistics can be time-consuming and expensive. Stock photos often feel generic and fail to capture unique brand identities. The best tool for the job is the one you know how to use. - Henry Ford AI subjects present a revolutionary solution. Imagine creating high-quality, personalized visuals within minutes, eliminating the need for expensive photo shoots or limiting stock options. This translates to significant cost savings and increased efficiency, allowing businesses to adapt quickly and cater to diverse audiences. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lR46JmFtvbg Platform overview and AI features demonstration A 2023 study by McKinsey & Company revealed that companies leveraging AI design experience a 30% reduction in design cycle time and a 20% increase in design team productivity. These figures paint a clear picture: AI is not just a trend; it's a game-changer for businesses seeking agility and cost-effectiveness. The Ripple Effect of AI Subjects ImpactBenefitStatisticsCommercial RevolutionEfficiency & Cost-EffectivenessReduces design cycle time by 30%, increases team productivity by 20% (McKinsey & Company, 2023)Sustainable BloomsEnvironmental Impact ReductionPotential CO2 emissions decrease by 80% for visual content creation (Adobe, 2022)Emotional ConnectionDeeper Audience EngagementConsumers 43% more likely to remember personalized brands (Nielsen, 2024) Embracing Eco-Friendly Design The environmental impact of traditional design practices is often overlooked. Physical photoshoots require travel, generate waste, and consume resources. Stock photos, while seemingly digital, still contribute to a vast network of production and storage with an ecological footprint. Caption: Escape the ordinary and embark on a captivating journey through "Fantasy Realms," a collection of enchanting photo compositions. Witness diverse individuals - a South Asian woman bathed in moonlight, a Latinx child riding a majestic phoenix, a Black warrior leading a diverse group - as they explore mystical landscapes, encounter mythical creatures, and experience the magic of otherworldly atmospheres. Let your imagination soar and discover the boundless possibilities that await within these fantastical realms.** AI subjects offer a sustainable alternative. By eliminating physical shoots and reducing reliance on stock photos, we minimize resource consumption, carbon emissions, and overall environmental impact. A 2022 report by Adobe estimates that adopting AI design could reduce the CO2 emissions associated with visual content creation by 80%, showcasing its significant potential for greening the design industry. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt  Furthermore, AI allows for more efficient prototyping and testing, minimizing the need for physical samples and mockups, further contributing to a sustainable future for design. Personalization for Deeper Engagement Visuals have the power to evoke emotions and forge connections. However, generic stock photos often fail to resonate with specific audiences. AI subjects empower you to create personalized visuals that reflect your brand identity, target audience, and unique message. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM7AU78iPLA Discussing the role of AI in eco-friendly design practices Imagine crafting a product advertisement featuring a diverse group of individuals using your product, or creating a social media post with a custom-designed background that mirrors your brand colors. This level of personalization builds trust, fosters emotional connections, and ultimately drives engagement. We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. - Native American Proverb A 2024 study by Nielsen revealed that consumers are 43% more likely to remember a brand that personalizes its marketing messages. By leveraging AI subjects to create personalized visuals, you can tap into this powerful connection and strengthen your brand experience. As we journey through the captivating landscape of AI subjects in photos, one thing becomes abundantly clear: this technology is not just about creating stunning visuals. It's about empowering creators, transforming industries, and shaping the future of visual communication. Let's recap the key takeaways and illuminate the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Caption: Step back in time with these captivating "Vintage Nostalgia" photo compositions. Each image, imbued with the warmth of vintage cameras, film emulation techniques, and classic styling, invites you on a journey to a simpler era. Witness diverse individuals – a South Asian woman in a polka-dot dress, a Latinx family enjoying a picnic, a Black man with a vintage camera – as they capture the essence of nostalgia through timeless moments and charming scenes.** Unleashing Your Creative Potential: The spectrum of styles is your oyster, from ethereal textures to vintage elements, each waiting to be explored and personalized. Gone are the days of limitations; AI puts the power of creation directly in your hands, regardless of your artistic background or technical expertise. The human spirit must prevail over all.  - Leonardo da Vinci User-Friendly Tools at Your Fingertips: Remember, complex software is a thing of the past. Platforms like Inpaint, Photopea, and Movavi PicPlus offer intuitive interfaces and AI-powered features, making them accessible to both design veterans and curious beginners. Experiment, explore, and discover the perfect tool to bring your unique vision to life. Caption: Embark on a breathtaking journey through diverse natural landscapes with this collection of captivating photographs. Witness the wonder in the eyes of a South Asian woman as she encounters a desert sunrise, feel the serenity of a Latinx family hiking through a rainforest, and experience the thrill of a Black woman kayaking on a crystal-clear lake. Each image invites you to connect with the grandeur of nature and appreciate the unique bond we share with the world around us.** Table 4 StatisticSourceMeaning78% of designers find stock photos limitingDesignmodo (2023)Generic visuals hinder creativity and brand identity63% struggle finding the right design assetsAdobe (2022)Difficulty in sourcing high-quality and relevant visualsAI design market size to reach $190.34 billion by 2025Grand View Research (2023)Rapid growth and increasing adoption of AI design technology30% reduction in design cycle time with AIMcKinsey & Company (2023)Businesses gain efficiency and agility through AI-powered design20% increase in design team productivity with AIMcKinsey & Company (2023)Teams can create more content in less time with AI assistance80% reduction in CO2 emissions with AI designAdobe (2022)Significant environmental impact reduction through digital content creation43% more likely to remember personalized brandsNielsen (2024)Personalized visuals drive higher brand recall and engagement The Ripple Effect: Beyond Visuals: The impact of AI goes far beyond aesthetics. With increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness, businesses can thrive in a fast-paced world. Sustainable design becomes a reality, minimizing environmental impact and fostering a greener future. Finally, personalized visuals forge deeper connections with audiences, strengthening brands and driving impactful communication. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0RoZHfg7uiE Exploring positive applications of AI technology The Future is Now: AI subjects in photos are not just a passing trend; they represent a significant shift in the creative landscape. By embracing this technology, you're not just creating captivating visuals; you're joining a movement that's revolutionizing design, driving sustainability, and shaping the future of visual communication. Read the full article
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Chucky Versus M3GAN: The Debate Rages On!
The internet has no shortage of feuds, from celebrities to families to movies about the multiverse. A new one that’s appeared recently is between two horror dolls. Some of you may not know this, but Chucky of the Child’s Play franchise has his own Twitter account (@ChuckyIsReal), as does M3GAN (@meetM3GAN). Over the past few days, they’ve been taking shots at one another.
After the trailer for M3GAN dropped, Chucky retweeted the video with the caption, “everybody’s tryna be me.” Ironically, while M3GAN does bear more than a passing resemblance to a Chucky, it’s not the O.G. 1988 one played by Brad Dourif.
Based on the trailers alone, M3GAN has quite a few things in common with the 2019 version of Child’s Play. In that version, Chucky wasn’t a doll possessed by a serial killer through voodoo magic. Instead, Chucky (voiced there by Mark Hamill) was a malfunctioning A.I. who just wanted to be his owner’s friend—even if it meant having to kill a few people to do it.
The next day, in response to Chucky’s call-out post, M3GAN replied to that tweet which said, “u Know u that doll when u cause all this conversation,” captioned with a GIF of her taking off her sunglasses from the trailer.
Besides that, in response to Chucky’s posting, “word to the wise: don’t fk with the chuck,” M3GAN responded back with a ‘lol chucky plss.”
Source: MovieWeb
Chucky is the killer doll to beat, but it turns out he might have been beaten. The producers, star, and director of M3GAN all think that the deadly A.I.-powered doll from the upcoming Universal horror-thriller would totally kick Chucky’s butt.
“M3GAN’s got this,” Allison Williams, the star of the movie, tells SYFY WIRE at a press junket ahead of the Jan. 6 release date. “It feels so simple to me. M3GAN can just do all of the research there is on Chucky’s weaknesses in a millisecond and figure it out. She has too many resources. It’s not a fair fight.”
Williams knows M3GAN’s resources well. In the movie, she plays Gemma, a roboticist at a toy company who invents a robotic doll named M3GAN. When she unexpectedly takes custody of her niece, Cady, after her parents die in a car accident, Gemma deploys M3GAN to be Cady’s new best friend (and, essentially, parental figure, since Gemma’s not quite cut out for it). Things go wrong, though, because M3GAN is protective, smart, quick-learning, and equipped with access to the internet and all the world’s knowledge, as well as some sort of carbon-fiber skeleton. All of these things make her more than a match for Chucky — a standard cloth and plastic Good-Guy Doll possessed by a tenacious but not especially brilliant serial killer.
“There’s no question that M3GAN would definitely win. She’s much smarter than Chucky,” says Jason Blum, the powerhouse horror producer behind M3GAN and many other Blumhouse Productions. The other big-name producer of the movie, co-writer James Wan of The Conjuring and Malignant fame, was inclined to cut Chucky a break.
“I’m a big Child’s Play fan,” Wan said. “They’re playing in different worlds.”
“James is more diplomatic than me,” quipped Blum.  
Gerard Johnstone, who directed M3GAN, also gave the W to the TikTok-dancing robot doll. Ever the entertainer, though, Johnstone wanted there to be a good fight.
“I have to say M3GAN, obviously, but for the viewers, we would have to make sure it’s not a quick decision,” he said. “M3GAN would just keep him alive long enough to prove a point.”
It’s a brutal outcome for Chucky, though perhaps an expected one. If we’d asked Don Mancini or other people behind the series, they might have named Chucky the winner. It’s possible that Team M3GAN is discounting Chucky’s supernatural abilities, but unless (until?) there’s a crossover, we won’t know for sure.
Source: SyFy
(image via Twitter)
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foundforaging · 2 years
Chapter 2: Joanne and Nora
Within the few minutes that I had been in the library, Joanne already had Nora bring me some tea as we engaged in an intense debate.
"Constance tried to stop me on the way here, you know. She doesn't know when to leave people alone." I muttered as I sipped my tea, holding it on a saucer decorated by small flowers. The tea itself tasted like a blend of juniper and Saint Mary's Bloom, a flower known for its calming properties. While I wasn't stressed, it did help to make me relax my back and jaw a bit.
"I don't know what you have against her," Joanne replied with a raised brow, thumbing through a thick book and smoothing out the wrinkled pages, "She's a business woman, although an annoying one at that. She is a skilled seer, considering her experience."
"She uses divination to poke her nose where it doesn't belong, Jo," I shot back, my tone a little more volatile than I originally intended, "You at least have the decency to use divination to find things, not people's personal dilemmas."
"The way I use divination is within the constraints of my contract, Gabe," Joanne said, shaking her head and closing her book, "You know how Lord Everdale is about magic. I'm lucky enough to be able to use any at all, considering his latest tirade about how magic has doomed the economy." Joanne stood up and walked to her desk, muttering a quiet "rhabdophobics" as she did so. She looked frustrated, so I decided to change the topic.
"I've been reading about conjuring magic in other districts-- Did you know that District Three uses it to summon these things called familiars?" I asked as I stood up, leaning against her desk as she knealt behind it to rummage through a drawer.
"We'd never have the luxury of conjuring anything," She scoffed as she retrieved a small envelope from the drawer and placed it on top of the desk. It had a familiar seal on it and I felt a bit of dread run down my spine. "Joseph told me to give this to you if you came by. He didn't say who it was from, but... It looks fancy." Joanne gently nudged the envelope toward me and we made eye contact, as if she was expecting me to open it.
Reluctantly, I ran my finger under the seal-- red wax with a six petaled flower-- and I pulled the flap open. Inside was a small note with book titles and a caption below them, along with a few coins.
'Explorer's Horticulture by William Romanov.
Botany For The Misinformed by L. Liliana.
These should help you, my dear. Buy them from your friend-- you'll need them more than her.
- Auntie L.'
I dropped the coins into my palm and held them for a moment, then slid the paper to Joanne.
"Can you find these for me?" I asked, my voice surely quiet and shaking. Joanne raised a brow after reading the note, then nodded. Without the need for a catalogue, she walked by a shelf and grabbed one book, then grabbed another from a different shelf. Joanne's divination allowed her to find people and things, but only in the present. She couldn't see the future like Constance, or she chose not to. She never told me which.
"Who's Auntie L? I thought you didn't have any family besides Gwenny." Joanne inquired, placing the books on her desk as she reached for her stamp. I stopped her and pushed the coins toward her, her face twisting into confusion. "You're buying them? You've never... Since when do you have an acute interest in plants? You can hardly keep a White Yeastleaf alive." Joanne snickered, taking the coins and counting them. Satisfied, she dropped them into her purse.
"It's... It's a long story, Jo. Apparently I had a relative that died recently and she knew about me," I started, albeit hesitantly. I wasn't sure if I wanted to share this information or not. "But I had never met her. She wrote me into her will, though. I inherited a plant shop that she ran by herself, I guess." I just shrugged and ran my fingers over the books. One was leather bound, the Explorer's Horticulture book, and the other was made of some type of cardboard material. I recognized the signature on Botany For The Misinformed; it was the same one that had been on both of Lenora's letters.
I slipped the original letter out of my pocket and held it to Joanne who took it eagerly. She always loved a bit of excitement, especially on dreary days like today. I watched as she read it intently and gently ran her thumb across the key before looking up at me. A smile tugged at her lips, which was the opposite of what I was doing.
"Gabe, you have a business now! Have you been there yet? Surely you're excited about it?"
"I'm far from it, frankly. I've never managed a business before, especially not a plant shop. What makes you think I even want to deal with this?" I muttered, reaching for the letter from Joanne's hands. She already knew the address, I was sure of it. Maybe her and Constance had something in common; they can't keep their noses out of my business.
"It's just a few blocks from Dahlia's shop. We should go there, it could be a little outing for the both of us." Joanne said with a grin branded on her lips, waving to get Nora's attention from across the library. I watched her blonde head poke out from behind a shelf, waiting for a command. "Nora, keep the library running while we're gone, won't you? I trust that you're confident in your abilities?"
Nora nodded quickly and practically skipped to the counter, seemingly elated over Joanne's sudden trust in her. "Yes, ma'am! It'll be like you never left." She said confidently, her hands on her hips and her feet together. She reminded me of a child sometimes, despite her and I being only a few years apart. Joanne, the eldest of us three, likely viewed her as such.
As much as I didn't want to accompany Joanne in her mission to rummage through my dead aunt's store, I couldn't deny that her excitement was infectious. Begrudgingly, I took the key from Joanne and motioned to the door.
"You're leading me, I hope you know. I've never been there before." I said with a small chuckled in my throat, which Joanne ignored.
"I already know my way," she replied, a strange cloudiness glazing over her eyes. She always had this look on her face when she used her magic, as if she was trying to calm herself. "Come along, then. Be good, Nora."
As soon as the door was shut behind us, we were met with a familiar face.
"Going somewhere, aren't we? What's the occasion?" Constance asked with a grin, casuing me to roll my eyes.
"Like you don't know, Constance. Could you stop following me around everywhere? I'm not buying a reading from you." I replied as I nudged past her with Joanne at my heels.
"You wound me, Gabriel. Your aunt was an interesting lady, I heard... I bet she had some dirty laundry to air out."
"And if she did, it's none of your concern. Good day, Constance."
I began to walk away rather swiftly, nearly causing Joanne to stumble with the sudden pace change. She just patted my back to ease my frustration, but I was already upset over a second interaction with Constance. She just didn't know when to leave people alone.
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ghoul-haunted · 3 years
oh no not that piece getting tagged as greek myths
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sukirichi · 3 years
no guidance
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pov: you ask your step-brother to guide you in your first time 
part of the everything step cest collab by @dilfhub​ thank you for everything! 💕
note. lol this rotted in my drafts for weeks but i finally finished it eeeee
cw. virginity loss, sexting, mild corruption themes, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), possessive! akaashi-ni, slight dumbification, pseudo-incest (step siblings)
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You knew better than to associate with the likes of Miya Atsumu. As if him being one of the most notorious fuckboys in campus wasn’t enough of a warning sign, his reputation was also infamous for being the “Virgin Killer.” In simpler terms, he took pride in corrupting the innocence of whoever was foolish enough to fall into his trap, and yet there you were, bottom lip caught between your teeth as you shamelessly sexted with him.
Unsurprisingly, he’s asking for nudes. Again.
It had been approximately three months since you passed notes with the said Miya twin (and of course you liked the worse of the pair) before your friendship escalated into something...more sexual. It was no secret Atsumu had a high sex drive, something you were still foreign with, so you weren’t really taken aback by his open vulgarity over his desire to fuck you.
The first month, you were nice enough to sent him a snap of your titties. Albeit still a little shy over not having sent anyone such an intimate photo before, you were beyond exhilarated.
The next, you sent him a booty pic. It wasn’t anything sexy since you were only in your campus hoodie, the door locked because you didn’t want your parents walking in on you trying to get a good angle of your rounded buttocks.
And just last week, you finally gained enough courage to take a photo of your glistening pussy, sent with a caption of ‘thinking of you...’
Now, you weren’t stupid despite your preference to act naive and innocent. You knew your actions would entice him to lead into something more, if his dick picks that show him already leaking weren’t enough of a telltale already. But as your phone pinged and his name flashed above your screen, the words, ‘meet you at Issei’s party this weekend? I think I’ve waited long enough’ loud and clear – your heart dropped into your chest.
Without another thought, you shut your phone off and rolled to your side.
The thing was, you’ve never really had sex. You couldn’t even be brave enough to lose your virginity to your hairbrush or to buy a dildo despite your friends’ insistence it was much better than an actual cock (quote unquote: both can make you orgasm, but the former didn’t come with toxic attitudes of horny college boys.)
Sure, you’ve watched porn, and you watched a lot – but nothing could compare to the actual experience of it. Your fingers could only get you so far.
Glancing at your phone that kept lighting up with texts from Atsumu, you felt something stir deep within your stomach. Curiosity? Arousal? Nervousness? Excitement? Perhaps all a mix of both. You’ve heard from all the girls Atsumu’s slept with that even though he meant bad news, his cock could be likened of that of  a blessing that converted them into ‘I hate him’ to ‘Gosh, I wanna fuck him again.’ Addicting, they called him, and now you were being offered a path to being on a path that most likely had no point of return.
You sighed.
The saner part of you warned you to stay away. There was no rush to lose your virginity now. Just because most of your friends had enough experience, it didn’t mean you had to be the same as them. After all, you came from quite...a strict household.
While everyone had been away from their parents and independently living in their dorms, you still stayed under the same roof as your father and step-mom, along with your older brother who was only a year ahead of you. Akaashi was a very sweet presence to have that you didn’t mind not experiencing that ‘youthful freedom’ too much, simply because your brother was a better company than whoever you could room with. He was kind, always ready to help, and you could confidently say you trusted him more than you did your closest friends.
Maybe that was the reason why you knocked at his room past midnight, shifting your weight from one foot to another. The faint sliver of light peeking from the cracks in his door told you he was probably still working on projects and the like, really not a good time to bother him, but you couldn’t hold on any longer.
At the back of your mind, this was the right thing. He was the right person.
“’Kaashi-nii...?” you knocked again, aware that he had a habit of listening to music on full volume while studying. “Are you there? Oh, were you studying, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to barge.”
Your brother stood in front of you, his headphones hung around his neck. He’d swung the door open to reveal that he was, indeed, previously hunched over his desk to work on something. Upon seeing the guilty expression on your face, Akaashi smiled at you in reassurance. “Hey, no, it’s fine,” he ushered you inside, setting you down at the edge of his bed while he sat across you in his swivelling chair. “Do you need help with homework again?”
Turning away from him shyly, you opted to fiddle with your fingers as you stared at your lap. You had come here in a whim. You didn’t really think this through, and even though you’d been in his room a thousand times before, his dark blue sheets and tidy room that smelled sweetly of his detergent and vanilla cologne made you feel dizzy.
It didn’t help that he looked so mouth-watering in this light too.
Messy hair, long, slender fingers that absentmindedly spun a pen in those pretty hands of his, his dark eyes hazy and as welcoming as ever under the dim light of his desk lamp – how could you resist?
“What is it?” Akaashi quickly picked up on your silent worries. He’d always been observant, taking his role as your big brother seriously that he had attuned himself to sense even the slightest differences from you. Even though you’d only become family when you were already in middle school, it felt like you had known him for a much longer time than that, his warm hands rubbing soothing circles in your knees pulling the tension away from you.
“You know you can tell your brother everything, right? I’ll listen to you, you don’t need to feel scared or nervous.”
Guess it was now or never... “There’s this boy in my class...”
Akaashi’s eyes immediately darkened. All the warmth in his face disappeared, now replaced with a hardness you didn’t think was possible for such an understanding, patient guy like him. “Is he hurting you, forcing you to do something you don’t like?” his questions shot out one by one, and your eyes widened when he held you firmly by the shoulders. “Do I need to hurt someone?”
“No, no, it’s not like that!”
Your brother relaxed back in his chair. For a moment, your mind conjured up the dirtiest image of bouncing on his cock (and you know his cock is pretty after accidentally walking in on him changing clothes in high school) as he studied, but you quickly shook the thought away with a clear of your throat.
“What’s wrong then?”
You took a deep breath. “I just...I like him a lot and he asked me to have sex with him someday,” your words came out barely above a whisper, the courage seeping out of you until meeting Akaashi’s eyes felt impossible. “I said yes because of course I like him but...I’m afraid.”
“Hey,” Akaashi tilted your chin to look at him, his blue eyes pooling with worry and brotherly concern. “You know you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I just don’t want to disappoint him. I-I’ve never done it before and I feel like I won’t make him feel good. That’s why I came here,” you peered at him under your lashes, tongue darting out to nervously lick at your lips that felt uncomfortably dry. “You told me I could ask you for help in anything and you’re my brother so I trust you a lot to guide me on this one.”
The silence in the room was suffocating.
You were so close to running out of his room and pretending you didn’t exist for the rest of your life because what the hell were you asking? He was your brother, he obviously didn’t see you as a woman. You bet in his eyes, you were nothing but a little sister, and there really was no stopping him from kicking you out of his room until – “You want me to be your first time?”
You looked up at him so fast you actually felt your neck ache from the sudden movement. Heat spread all over your body, especially to your core at the unreadable expression in his eyes, yet it wasn’t...bad. He wasn’t rejecting you.
“Yes, please.”
Akaashi nodded at your hushed words. Slapping his palms to his knees, he walked to his bedside table where he pulled out an inconspicuous bottle with some sort of liquid you weren’t familiar with.
“Okay. Nii-san will teach you everything, but first, I need to prep you.” Fuck, fuck, fuck, this was actually happening!
You could barely process the events that happened next as he discarded his shirt to the ground, exposing his toned upper body to you from years of playing volleyball. While you sat there frozen and with a frantic beating heart, your brother barely blinked an eye as he gestured for you to take your clothes off. Wordlessly, you pulled your top off and shimmied out of your underwear. Too shy upon being exposed to a male for the first time in your life, you immediately headed towards his bed and closed your eyes, breath heavy and laboured as you waited for his next movements.
Akaashi’s hand went up to your knee, and you flinched at the contact, relaxing only when his soothing smile greeted you. “Lean back for me. Just relax and loosen up, okay? I’m not going to hurt you, Nii-san will make you feel good.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you did as he told. You were still shy, but you were feeling a lot less nervous. His hypnotizing gestures of caressing your thighs made you sigh in contentment as your head hit the pillow, legs falling open like it was second nature to spread yourself to your brother.
The thought had you biting your lip.
Before you could think too much about it, you felt a cool liquid being spread all over your lips. You gasped and clutched on the sheets out of reflex, staring forward as your brother stared at you cautiously, his lube coated fingers experimentally rubbing circles over your pussy lips. It felt so lewd for him to touch you like that – those same hands that always held yours in your weakest moments – yet it felt so good; the strange sensation tightening your chest.
“I-it’s cold.”
“I’ll warm it up for you,” he reassured, “How far have you gone? Any prior sexual experience?” Akaashi then began to playfully roll your clit between his fingers, eliciting a high-pitched whimper from you. He grinned at your reaction – so vocal for him already – and he was determined to hear more of it. “Ever tried sucking someone off?”
“No, but I’ve watched a lot of porn.”
“Porn is different from actual sex, baby,” the nickname fell so effortlessly from his lips that you didn’t dare question it anymore. Not that you could anyway, because the tip of his finger was prodding against your hole that was embarrassingly clenching around nothing. “How about here? Have you tried masturbating?”
“Don’t ask me such embarrassing questions!”
“You’re spread open for me already, you don’t need to be embarrassed,” You covered your face with your hands to hide, but Akaashi pried them away, his grip on your wrist both demanding yet gentle. “Tell me so I know how many fingers I can put inside you. I need to stretch you out.”
“Just one.”
“Louder, baby.”
“Just one finger,” you blurted out, finding it harder and harder to breathe the more he glided his fingers between your slit. Fingering yourself couldn’t even compare to the beauty of having him do the same to you, your arousal only heightened by his dedicated stare at your shaven pussy. From below your bodies, his pants had begun to home a tent.
“Two hurts a little bit and ‘em too sore.”
“What a tight cunt,” he commented with a smirk. “I’ll have to take my time with you then,” You nodded gratefully, about to smile at him with hearts in your eyes when Akaashi slowly slid a finger in. Your moan came out breathless and muted as you stared at him, mouth open in a silent gasp. The intrusion wasn’t anything new but he expertly pumped his finger in and out of it that your walls fluttered around him, head thrown back for another broken moan as he slid another digit. The stretch felt fucking perfect – the slight sting more than welcome in your virgin cunt that was now being fucked by your brother.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’ll feel better soon. Just relax.”
Openly, your slight squeaks of pleasure had increased in volume. Akaashi fingered you until he was knuckle deep, his other palm flat on your abdomen. Had you been in a better state of mind that wasn’t previously clouded with pleasure, you would’ve been embarrassed at the loud sloppy sounds of your pussy, but you remained there with trembling thighs, your nails digging at his thigh as you stared at him wide-eyed.
“Feels good?”
“M-more,” you begged through gritted teeth, “Nii-san, more.”
“Not yet, baby, you’re still too tight,” Sooner than you’d like, Akaashi pulled his fingers out of you. Both of you gazed at the webs of arousal between his fingers; your face painted in shock while he smirked at it, chest swelling with pride. Then, his eyes slid over yours, hooking his hands under your knees before he settled between your thighs.
“Come here. I’m going to go down on you.”
“Nii-san, no!” your protests fell on deaf ears, almost as if he knew you didn’t really mean it. His ears knocked with your knees locked around him, and you shivered as you felt his hot breath right before your burning cunt. “It’s embarrassing...don’t want you looking at my kitty like that.”
“Your kitty is very pretty and Nii-san wants a taste of you,” he mumbles while pressing kisses all over your pelvic bone, his sticky fingers massaging your inner thighs into relaxation. Your head pressed back harder on the pillows at the sensation, the pleasure too immense and he was just starting. “Didn’t you say you want me to teach you everything? This is just a few lessons you have to learn so don’t be shy. I’m sure you taste heavenly,” Clenching your jaw from the overwhelming bursts of ecstasy, you failed to notice how he dipped his head further, tongue darting out to lick a flat stripe. Your eyes blew wide open as he torturously and slowly dipped his tongue from your hole, the wet and warm muscle licking all the way up from your slit until the clit. “See? I told you. Heavenly.”
“’Kaashi, ‘Kaashi, oh, oh!”
“You sound so pretty but don’t be too loud,” Somehow, he managed to raise his arms and placed a palm over your mouth. “We don’t want Mom and Dad to overhear.”
Your legs trembled around him until you nearly suffocated him, but how could you stop when he was rolling his tongue side to side, licking and cleaning up the previous wetness he’d pulled from you?
It was too much, too good, and soon you were moaning behind his palm as you came all over his face.
Akaashi greedily slurped up the juices that squirted all over his face, unbothered by the mess you’ve made. He didn’t stop until he was sure you were completely clean, and you were already on the brink of overstimulation when he locked his lips around yours, sucking whatever he could take. Unable to take it any longer, you pushed his head away and fell on your side in a desperate attempt to catch your breath, sending him a seductive glare, only to soften as you his lips, cheeks, and nose shining under the moonlight.
“Nii-san, your face—”
“It’s okay, I’ll clean up for later,” he shrugged it off and stepped out of his sweatpants, ripping a condom you didn’t even notice he had. You watched with baited breath as his cock sprung free, the tip red and glistening with pre-cum. Akaashi rolled the condom over his throbbing cock and situated himself before you, pumping his length a few times before aligning it with your hole, sending you one last look of approval.
“You ready for my cock now? This might hurt a little bit. You just need to relax and I’ll go slow, okay? Tell me if anything feels uncomfortable.”
Nodding, you made yourself comfortable and braced the sheets for preparation, wincing a little as he pushed the tip in. Akaashi felt you clamp down on him, his hips stilling just as he loomed over you, his arms resting beside your head. In this position, you could see each detail of him – the thickness of his lashes, the love blooming in his eyes, the sweat beading in his forehead and everything soft and slow written all over his face.
“Still okay? I can stop if you want.”
You shook your head and wrapped your legs around his waist to pull him closer. He raised a brow at your initiation, but you merely smiled at him to hide the mild discomfort. “I can take it, just keep going.”
A few minutes later and a hundred still good? later, Akaashi had slid himself in. He allowed you to get used inch by delicious inch until he was completely seated inside you, hip pressed to hip and his hand caressing your cheek. “You’ve done so well,” he praised, “How does having a cock stuffed in you feel?”
“S-so full,” you replied numbly, the feeling of him throbbing inside your heat so fucking delicious. “Love nii-san’s cock.”
“Yeah? I’ll give you more then,” he warned, and you knew you couldn’t go back anymore when he placed his palm flat beside your head. Akaashi began to move his hips, slowly at first to let you accommodate to his length which your pussy hugged greedily. You were moaning left and right and his groans above you was erotic enough to make you cum on the spot, the pleasure doubling as your pebbled nipples grazed his toned chest.
“Nii-san! So big!”
“I know, baby, you’ll get used to it, don’t worry. It’ll feel better soon,” he rasped, scowling when you raked your nails down his back, though not hard enough to draw blood. It would definitely leave a mark though, and the pain of it urged him to move his hips faster, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing through his room that began to warm by each passing second. “Feel better?”
“Feels so good,” you cried around him, reaching up to bury your head in his neck and clinging to him like a koala. It did feel so good, so much so that you just might get addicted to this. “Love Nii-san’s cock.”
At your words, Akaashi’s patience that thinned a while ago completely broke.
His pace increased and he gripped your hips tightly, sitting back on his knees just to watch his cock slide in and out of you. The lube made sex feel a hundred times better from how easily he’s easily punching through your walls, the sight of you splayed out for him – hair strewn across the pillow, little whimpers leaving your lips, breasts bouncing right before his eyes and abused pussy lips hugging his shaft – it made him growl with possessiveness.
“This is how you should be fucked – you gotta be fucked right,” he announced, thumb coming down to rub your clit. As expected, you cried out and tightened around him.
He faltered for a moment at how tight you were, but he kept pushing, driving his cock in and out of you until he turned into you a sobbing, slobbery mess.
“You sure that boy of yours can make you feel this good?”
“N-no, Nii-san’s cock only!”
“That’s right, it’s just gotta be me, okay?” driving both his hands around your neck just to clench your airway as a warning, Akaashi fucked you harder than before. The sudden inability to not breathe made you impossibly tighter around him that you felt each ridge and vein kissing your bumpy walls. “Say it. Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, I’m Nii-san’s property!”
“I’m gonna mark you as mine, claim this pussy as Nii-san’s only, yeah? You want that?”
“Cum in me, ‘Kaashi, cum inside!” you prompted, and what good of a brother would he be if he didn’t grant his little sister’s wishes? Growling, Akaashi snapped his hips hard until the tip of his cock successfully kept repeating that sweet spot in you that you didn’t even know you had. You were crying, moaning, too fucked to respond as you came, and your lewd expression was all it took before he was releasing his cum inside the condom. “Kaashi, Kaashi, ah!”
Akaashi quickly pulled out his cock and took a minute to regain his breath, his head cradled on his hands at the earth-shattering orgasm you both had. Not a moment later, he’s tying his condom and throwing it to his bin, finding his way right beside you as you blinked sleepily at him.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
“No, you were great. Just tired.”
“Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?”
You smiled at his concern, pulling him in closer for an embrace. He was warm and sweaty that it felt uncomfortable, but you wanted him beside you, and Akaashi began to caress your hipbones with so much tenderness. He knew he was a little rough for losing control like that.
“I’d love that, thank you,” you mumbled, more than ready to call it a night and sleep when his weight shifted off the bed. Akaashi rummaged through something in his drawers before he disappeared in the bathroom for a bit, coming back to spread your legs open once more. “Wh-what’re you doing?”
“It’s called aftercare. If your partner can’t provide this and pamper you, I suggest you break up with them,” he snickered, and you hissed at the sensitivity as he wiped away your cum with the towel. You soon relaxed, however, all thanks to Akaashi’s doting nature that you were falling asleep on his bed, allowing him to clean you up as he pleases. He set the towel aside and snuggled right next to you, his nose bumping your jaw to pull you away from dreamland for a little while. His previous sexual aura had now dimmed; his brotherly concern present again. “You still want to fuck your classmate?”
“Hmm...he’s really handsome, and I heard from the other girls he’s got a huge cock too,” you giggled, not really aware of your words as you said, “Probably even bigger than yours.”
Thinking that he might be offended, you almost apologized after a moment, but Akaashi only laughed as he hugged you tighter. “Size doesn’t matter. It’s who owns the cock and their talent in pleasuring their partner that matters,” he confidently stated, fingers running up and down your spine that brought chills down to your toes as he nibbled on your ear. “And I know I fucked you so good he can’t compare.”
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advernia · 2 years
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"Turn your textbooks to page 625."
And so he does, with just the wave of his fingers and a small yawn escaping him. He rubs his eyes for a moment before he takes a good look at what today's topic was, at what he would possibly nitpick for the next hour or -
Lilia stares at the illustration taking up a good portion of the page. The caption below it says that the drawing was a hand-drawn account from the battlefield itself, and based on the strokes and smudges of their medium - charcoal, maybe - the artist had seen this scene in a hurry.
A daring effort rewarded well, perhaps. The rough scratches of charcoal gave a dynamic effect to the piece - gaze long enough, and the scene comes clear to life. Proud banners in tatters, waving dejectedly from where they hung. Clouds of smoke and dust scattered about by the winds and the constant rush of movement. Soldiers rushing forwards, horses galloping to the fray.
A general at the center of it all, leading the charge with an expression as cold as ice.
How nostalgic, Lilia smiles wryly.
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"Your marks in Astrology are as high as ever."
Cater laughs, flashes a peace sign towards Riddle. "'Course it is! It's my fav class, y'know?"
Riddle hums, setting the exam paper aside and taking another one from the desk. Leaning back on his chair a little, Cater settles for lifting his teacup up to his lips and taking small sips of tea at a time, sneaking glances at Riddle every once in a while.
Man. Studying for midterms was one thing, but having Riddle check out the results as soon as they were out... way more pressure! Not like Cater's grades were bad from the start, he'd been doing fine ever since he entered Night Raven...
But maybe they started to be better than average come his second year? Cater hums a bit to himself, tilting his head to the side. Was it the subject lineup? Second year topics were way better, afterall. But was that the only reason...?
"Good job this midterms," Riddle says, snapping Cater out of his reverie. "Your scores have always been showing steady improvement. Keep it up, and you won't have to worry about a failing grade."
... Oh, right. When it had been Cater's second year, Riddle had arrived in Night Raven College, had been sorted into Heartslabyul, and...
"Hehe, praise coming from our leader - now that's a good feeling!"
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If there was a word to describe him at his current state, it would be -
"You look horrible," Vil snaps, shaking his head. Rook simply laughs, running a hand through his hair. That was probably a wrong move on his part, now a good portion of his hair is streaked with mud, too. It does nothing to ease the frown on Vil's lips.
"Ah, Roi du Poison! Now what brings you to the sports field? Isn't your class supposed to be..."
" - conjuration, yes. However, we've been informed that it would be canceled due to the professor stepping out for an emergency," Vil hands over the towel in his hand, which Rook accepts. "And you? Explain how your PE class left you in this sorry state. Now."
"Ah, but where shall I begin? Today's class had been quite the thrilling encounter for a hunter such as myself, and recounting every moment of it brings such joy that I fear I cannot express simply through words! Truly merveilleux!"
"So you say, but flowers are already falling out of your mouth as we speak." Vil rolls his eyes. "I fail to see how being caked in mud gives you joy in the slightest."
"Oh, but it is merely part of the experience, Roi du Poison! Roi des Lions' countless attempts of trying to throw me into mud piles during the mock Magift game we held appeared to be simple acts of spite, yet they have served well as distractions for my attention! To think that for the entirety of the game, he focused majority of his efforts to keep me occupied! Such l'astuce!"
"Huh. And here I thought he'd do much worse than mud slinging, seeing as he despises you."
"Perhaps he would have, if not for Coach Vargas keeping a keen eye on us both! Oh, what I would give to battle Roi des Lions head on..."
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"Oh, have you already recovered from your cold?"
"Good morning, Lilia. Yeah, I'm glad it didn't take me long to sweat it out."
"Ah yes, having a cold for an extended period of time can be quite troubling, isn't it? All the sniffling can wear one out so fast! It's a good thing Riddle had taken the initiative to make you something that would rid you of your cold, hm? Such a kind gesture."
"It surprised me that Riddle actually cooked, but... how do you know that he made me something, Lilia?"
"Simple - I was the one who helped him make the soup! Well? What did you think? It worked wonders, did it not? Every drop warms you up to your very core!"
"...! O-oh... y-you helped him, huh... Now that explains a lot..."
"Hm? What was that?"
"Er, nothing. I was thinking that the soup had a... very unique flavor to it."
"That's to be expected - we did make use of my recipe, after all! It's a Valley of Thorns special. I could teach it to you too, if you'd like."
"Your recipe, haha... Well... If you're offering, then sure. Maybe if you catch a cold one of these days, I can whip your soup right up if you want. Exactly how you'd like it."
"Ho! That's not likely to happen anytime soon, but it's nice of you to offer!"
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1: trey reappears for this batch! here's everyone's context:
lilia -> everything and nothing all at once.
cater -> neck's still intact!
rook -> tout de moi, merci! (all of me, thank you!)
trey -> my stomach's alright... i guess. (see: riddle lab coat card)
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sohoharlem · 2 years
To all the people sobbing in their pillows because HC told NV he is proud to be her man. It's still PR. The caption under his birthday post was so cringe-worthily vague and glaringly not written in his voice. And it was clearly made to jump start the NV new job announcement. It’s all controlled down to the last iota and will be for a while. They chose to lay low so the fans would support The Witcher S2. Now they are ramping up because EH2 is coming out in July and 007 talks are peaking. Her career move does make me think that she has not been at Legendary for a while but they had some form of agreement and now she's moved on to a company led by yet another trashbag producer with a laundry list of misdemeanors — see link below! —. And they do genre stuff, so that might well be HC trying to conjure up that power couple mojo to try and break into producing/directing his own fantasy projects, cos he’s clearly hinted at it recently and it seems like he doesn’t have credibility in the space to somehow achieve this differently, or he’d already have some form of producer/exec producer in the Witcher. However, the fact that this is still PR doesn’t mean HC is a saint patiently withstanding the horrors of being associated with someone he doesn’t like that ‘was forced upon him’. I am sure he likes her just alright you know. It’s PR but it’s still a companionship of sorts and it’s mind boggling how this so far has clearly benefitted her more than him. If it’s all to end today, NV has increased her IG followers 10x, has a new job and some press about her. He just looked like a tool and the protection such relationship provides vs being cancelled for pedo rumors has been outweighed by the fact that he’s come out as someone with clear emotional issues, questionable values and a bunch of clowns as associates. 
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