#im zo angri that
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mariecurieraditation · 11 months ago
I jist saw the most untru hidcannon of Jon an Abe relitionship!!!!!!!
Peeplo on th inernet Arse so Dum!!!!!!!!!!
i hate phannon so MOOCH!!!!!!!
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ley-med · 8 months ago
"Our doctors and nurses are fighting a heroic fight against the extreme heat" Heroic fight?! This is a disgraceful lost battle.
What this article fails to emphasize, it's hot outside, unusually hot, yes, but the extreme heat is inside the hospital buildings, and our patients are literally dying from the heat stroke they got while lying in their hospital rooms.
These are old buildings, not built to keep the heat out, and never been modernized. In most cases there's no air conditioning in 95% of the wards, not even a fan, and no working sun shading. Where there's an AC, it's usually old and barely able to keep up with the heat. There's nothing we can do, fixing these is solely the question of money, and there's no money circulating in national healthcare.
Many of the hospitals already stopped working, because it got dangerously hot inside. We, who still keep our doors open, can't stop working, because there's nowhere else for the patients to go. There's no good option for them - they either miss medical care, or risk severe infections or heat stroke when being admitted to a hospital, no matter how hard we try to minimize those risks.
"Patients are being cooked alive inside hospital rooms, and the government still refuses to put any money or help into healthcare" There, I fixed your headline for you
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alienstagehateaccount · 4 months ago
Blog Intro or zmth idk
Hey. My name is Gyro. I made thiz account to hate on Alien Ztage and my zizter cuz they're both zuper annoying. My phone actually haz zpeech too text enabled zo my spelling is actually readable.
Im 13 and uze he/him. @alienstagestanaccount iz unfortunately my twin zizter. I'm older though.
I don't have a biaz cauze all the conteztantz zuck. DNI if you like alien ztage.
Herez what I look like cauze I'm not a coward.
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I zcribbled out my zizter cauze zhe'z the worzt and crampz my ztyle.
Rulez for the blog:
-No weird azkz. I'm 13(also admin is a minor)
-Don't be an azzhole to me. Being an azzhole too my zizter iz fine but I'm cool zo.
-DNI if you like Alien Ztage. That ztuff iz for lozerz. (Please do interact if you like Alien Stage, Gyro's just a little shit.)
-DNI if you're a friend of my zizter'z.
-If I zay zomething izn't cool, it izn't, zo drop it.
Hi hi! It's the admin for the @alienstagestanaccount blog! I'm back with another hit blog that'll blow your mind lol.
Once again, thank you so much to the person that made the art. I'm not sure if you want me to name you, but just know I really appreciate it and it's awesome. Thank you so much.
If you can't tell already, Gyro is very hot-headed and mean spirited, so he'll have a different tone to his blog then Gyri's. Don't take it personally please 😭😭 starting beef with Gyro is fine, he's an angry little shit and will fight fire with fire and is honestly encouraged.
-Admin is a minor, so no NSFW asks, and if I say something is weird or makes me uncomfortable, that is enough and those asks should stop.
-No more then one ask per person
-Admin might be slow to answering asks, but all asks will be answered!
-RP is encouraged
-All posts under this blog will be under the 'Gyroblogs' tag. For posts centered around Gyro/his family's lore, the tag 'Creaturelore' will be used.
If there's anymore I'll add to the list, however this is about it! Thanks so much :D
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jeetlebeetle · 1 year ago
OH YEAH Gravity Falls never gets old- XD
Since Vox wasn’t aware of the dating sim game that has haunted by Lilith. Vox is a technology nerd. Alastor was obsessed by Lilith.EXE (Yes, I’d like to call her Lilith.EXE.)
I would imagine Lucifer gets angry reaction that Alastor for took his favorite waifu game character 😂😂😂
Hahaha its such a good show! I havent watched it in forever 😂😂
If it was Vox’s first and then he pressured Al into playing it, i love that Vox wasn’t her type so he was spared thats so funny! I could see him getting really offended/ indignant about it like “I’m sorry, what do you MEAN you’re not interested? You’ve SEEN Alastor, right?” Not because he wants Lilith.EXE to want him but because CLEARLY he’s better than Alastor is that woman BLIND??? Pure ego, i love Vox sm 😂😂
Or would he be jealous because no one is allowed to stalk Alastor but HIM thank you very much and how dare she do it so efficiently! Very rude!! How can he compete with such effective methods?!
OMG LUCIFER NOOOOO— it reminds me of like the stereotype of an Obsessive Anime Fan (like the parody tiktok account with the vaporeon stuffie or Sensei LaDew) where he has his fave waifu body pillow and a TON of merch and “NO GUYS SHUT UP SHES REAL TO ME WE’RE IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP 🥺👉🏻👈🏻”. When he finds out that ALASTOR STOLE HIS GIRL??? Oh, he’s done-zo. He just stomps up to Al in all of his 5’4” glory and freaks The Hell Out. Loses his Goddamn Mind. I just imagine Al standing there like “:-) ……. Who’re you? :-)c” and of course he just starts screaming LOUDER cause how DARE this asshole steal his girl and then have the audacity to not even know who he is!
I like to imagine a Vox x Alastor x Lucifer team up to try and stop them all for their own reasons. Alastor cause he is like “im aroace lolol”; Lucifer cause he’s having a JD level spiral of “you were meant to be mine” proportions; and Vox either because he wants to reclaim the throne of No. 1 Alastor Stalker or because he’s so miffed abt her “shitty taste in men” and he has “nothing better to do”. Bonus points if they become unlikely friends by the end of it 🤩🤩
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curse-d-owl · 1 month ago
Im always amazed how fe3h localization can fuck up a character or a story like... what went wrong??
Fr, A localizers job is not only to translate it to the audience's language accordingly but also make sure the text matches the audience's culture.
For example let's say you have an english show translated to dutch and one of the lines is "Too bad, so sad" or "You snooze, you lose"
You don't translate it literally, you actually need to find a saying that's similair to it.
If you were too translate it literally you'd get "Zo jammer, zo verdrietig" and "Jij snurkt, jij verliest" which aren't a sayings at all in dutch and they don't rhyme.
The closest dutch equivalent to both sayings would be "Helaas, Pindakaas" which has the same meaning as it's english counterpart and rhyme's in dutch.
A localizer shouldn't change things except for immoral things being promoted in a positive light.
For example Fire Emblem Engage has Alear and the 11 year old Anna going from marrying each other to being besties in the localization. That's a welcome change that only pedophiles would get angry over.
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An unwelcome change would be stripping away what makes a character good. An example would be Niles's and Arthur's support. ( I'd rather call them Zero and Harold cause Niles is a god awful name for a character like Zero and Harold is based on an unlucky king by the same name iirc + his belt's letter H is based on his initial + we already have a character with the same name and a character with a slightly different name making it needlessly confusing but that's the end of my super long tangent )
Both the Japanese and localized script had Zero telling Harold his backstory and how he became Leo's retainer. The response of Harold is significantly different in the localized script.
Here is the Japanese script:
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And here is the original localized script:
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Two things
1. He's observant enough to understand why Zero uses provocative language, it's to keep his people away from him and to hide his embarrassment.
2. He respects Zero's boundaries by keeping his story to himself and not destroying Zero's image he likes to keep.
The localization took it away by not including his clever observation and replace his respect for Zero's boundaries by overstepping it, making him look dumb and socially inept when his original character isn't.
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xxn00bpwn3rxx · 1 year ago
zilly zhort fic that fuelz my autizm over Lethal Company and Regretevator (ft. Poob, Pest, and Infected) :3 i waz going 2 draw it in comic form but i dunt hav teh patience 2 draw a comic that long zo i juzt decided to write it!! lol (i might try eventually but i hav other thingz i wanna draw firzt zo it iznt a priority)
ㅤInfected sat in the ship nervously, watching Pest on the monitor as he neared the ship, the map making his indicator a suspicious red dot instead of the usual yellow one that indicated a person. He heard a light clang behind him, and Infected slowly turned his head towards the sound, coming face to face with Pest in the doorway of the ship. Infected paled slightly when he noticed Pest wearing the mimic mask, and he was just standing there, staring him down, unmoving. ㅤHe sniffled nervously, hand on the stick that would turn the ship on. When Infected sniffled, 'Pest' started moving forward and Infected let out a small shriek, slamming down on the stick and starting up the ship. 'Pest' suddenly stopped, and as the ship flew off, the mask deactivated and fell off at his feet. He blinked a couple times, taking his helmet off and staring down at the mask. ㅤ"y0U [Content Deleted]!!!!1! u kN0 no7 2 PuT 0n t3H Ma$k!!!!" Infected yelled at Pest, getting frustrated. He growled at Infected, his mandibles twitching slightly. ㅤ"I didn't put the #### thing on! Something PUT IT on me!" He argued back, kicking the mimic mask, making it slide across the floor and underneath the filing cabinet. He cringed, knowing it was worth some money, so he quietly hoped that he didn't break it by doing that. ㅤInfected rolled his eyes, and went back to the monitor. Fear slowly dawned on his face as he realized he started up the ship and Poob wasn't here. Which meant they were either dead, or he accidentally left them behind, which was basically leaving them for dead. Pest slowly came up next to him and looked at the monitor as Infected switched it over to Poob, showing them unmoving in a random part of the map on the planet they just left. Infected muttered something that sounded more like an upset whine than actual words, and Pest snickered softly. "Oh they're definitely dead."
ㅤThe ship made a small jingle sound, and both of them turned around when they heard the sound of boots softly hitting the ground. Poob had appeared next to the filing cabinet, teetering on their feet lightly as if they were dizzy from the recovery and instant teleport back to the crew's ship. Infected sighed softly in relief, looking back over at the monitor and grumbling as it now said that they were fined $50 for the death of Poob and not recovering their body and items. ㅤPest walked over to Poob and leaned his shoulder on theirs, tilting his head down slightly to look at them and smiling toothily that made his face crinkle up around the eyes. "So, how was being dead?" He said, placing his other hand on his hip, acting a bit sassy. ㅤPoob recovered themselves, and whirled around to face Pest, pushing him away and taking their helmet off as well to frown at him more effectively. "u KILLED ME! WIF A STOP SIGN!" they pouted. ㅤInfected looked at Pest in surprise, then looked at Poob, growing angry again. "h3y!! H3 tr13d 2 d0 tH@t 2 M3 T00!!!11!" ㅤ"now becus of u, we hav a $50 fine and we r barely gonna meet quota!" Poob went over to the cabinet and opened it to grab more backup supplies, Pest snickering again at seeing them so riled up. ㅤ"Surprising that you're only worth $50. あなたには5ドルの価値しかない。(You're only worth $5)" Pest joked with the last statement, crossing his arms and leaning now against the ship wall, still smiling at Poob. They grumbled and walked over to him, flicking his beetle horn with a smile back, purposely trying to piss him off. Pest growled, swatting their hand away. "Excuse you!" he retorted. ㅤPoob retorted back, "o im sory am i supposed to feel BAD towerds my MURDERER?" They flicked his mandible now, knowing Pest wasn't going to bite them. Infected had a small smile on his face as he heard this little argument between them, busy calculating the loot they had in the corner and hoping it was enough money, with some left over.
ㅤSnarling, Pest pushed past Poob and walked over to the computer. "#### you. We're going to Titan." He smirked, typing in the coordinates with fast precision as if he had done this many times over before. Infected twirled around, looking at Pest in fear. Both him and Poob yelled in unison, "N0!!!!" while running over to Pest, not realizing it was too late and he already redirected the ship and started it back up. ㅤ"we r so ded." Poob hissed out, picking up their party horn from the monitor desk and blowing it obnoxiously loud at Pest, smacking his cheek with it. ㅤ"We'll be fiiine. Have faith, Poobear."
[ They were not fine. They all died on the third day and lost everything. :1 ]
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zeeposting · 9 months ago
im aactuallt zo mad rightnow i requezted a.. zigh.. ztimboard... from a creatit and they decidef to make a whole post about how dizrezpectful it waz of me to requezt from a afandom theyre not in? i mean oh well 'no thx" wouldve worked too.
they linked like a pozt they made a DAY ago (MWANIMG I WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN ABLE TO ZEE IT.) zaying "i will only do (zpecific fandomz + pride + animalz/colorz)!!" like duudeee I DIDN'T EVEN ZEE THAT ZTOP ZTOP ZTOPPPP!!! And pluz i azked for an animal and a character.. you couldvr juzt did the animal 😕😕😕😕😕 /nm abt that.
i mean they had a valid reazon to only be doing zpecific fandomz but... their main pinned pozt zaid they'd do ANYTHING az long az itz not offenzive / problematic..
if your rulez change then change your pinned pozt... dont juzt make a pozt and link it to it.. becauze even if it waz there when i requezted.. i didn't even NOTICE the link. (on me, thatz my fault if it waz there.) but ZTILL UGHHGHHHGHHHHHHGHHHHGHGHHHGH *punchez computer zcreen and criez*
awh that sucks <:[ sorry if this response is dry-
maybe they forgot to update their pinned post? but i dunno, it very much is rude to get angry at that ask. pluss in the inbox you can see how old the ask is they shouldve been able to tell that you couldnt have seen it?
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quodekash · 2 years ago
its friday night/saturday morning, you know the drill
im sorry 
pls gimme more threezo today
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i love him and his fluffy curly hair so so so much
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pls tell me what happened to zo 
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he just wants him to be okay 🥺😭
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im crying
why do these two have to make me FEEL things? 
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somehow in my head i read “hes mad as a hatter” in the voice of a little british lad and its very amusing to me and now you know
specifically a little british lad from an old movie where the audio is all crackly and too loud 
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no i will not shut up about his hair 
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bro you are not subtle
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bro you are not subtle 
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i know i just watched 1000stars like three days ago, but it always makes me so happy whenever his incredibly but beautifully thick eyebrows appear on my screen. 
im just realising how weird that sound 
i meant his eyebrows along with the rest of his face 
the existence of drake sattabut laedeke makes me happy 
thats what i was trying to say 
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ooo yes i was hoping for more detail on jack’s depression. he really intrigues me as a character 
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me every day
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hell yeah, consent is key, folks 
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the mattress is on an angle 
thats really bugging me 
can someone fix that please 
surely thats some kind of safety hazard 
why doesnt the mattress fit the bed frame 
why isnt there some way to keep the mattress in place 
what if youre a restless sleeper and you toss and turn and you fall off the bed and you knock your head on it? 
if you knock it hard enough you could get a concussion 
concussions arent good 
they can lead to a lot of bad consequences 
people should think more about concussions and concussion consequences when they design beds 
concussion consequences is fun to say 
concussion consequences concussion consequences concussion consequences, say it 5 times fast 
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oh yeah that’s right, theyre kissing 
i got distracted by the mattress 
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the group is together!! :DD 
i love their group dynamics 
but most importantly
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i am no longer enjoying the group dynamics
why do they have to fightttt
(i lied, im still enjoying the group dynamics. in fights, people are hurtful but truthful, so fights give a huge insight into the characters which is wonderful for analysis and picking the character apart) 
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this is the second episode in a row that three has lost his temper on the others a little bit and left the room at the end and zo has said ‘ill check on him’ and followed after him 
anyway i love zo for it 
he is good boyfriend
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he is good friend
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he is... hungry i think
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i freaking love this man
bro their relationship is so freaking healthy 
zo asks for permission to enter the room
he ignores the response, but only to keep him company. and i suspect that he knows him really well and knows that three should have someone with him, just to be there with him and help him relax 
and he tries to bring three’s attention from the thoughts swirling around his mind and onto his physical presence, and three gets a little angry 
but he communicates with zo, he tells him that he will answer questions, just not at that moment. he’s telling him that he’s willing to talk and communicate, but he needs time to understand so that he can explain his thoughts and feelings coherently. and he doesnt push zo away, either physically or verbally, so he tells him without words that he appreciates his presence, and he’s glad to have him there. he just cant really verbally communicate what’s going on right now, and that’s okay! 
and then zo speaks to him. he gives him words of comfort, affirmation, support. he also provides the perspective of the others, a snippet of an insight into life outside of his own mind. “we all really did our best.” 
“just because we lost once doesnt mean we will lose forever” ITS SO COMFORTING AND PERFECT how does he always seem to know the right thing to say 
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you know what im thinking 
the msp brainrot is too strong 
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i couldve gone more in depth about why theyre perfect but it’s 1am and im tired so i wont 
“your hug can actually kill me. but im willing to die in your arms, zo” YOURE KIDDING. IT’S TOO CUTE. THEYRE TOO CUTE. THEYRE DESTROYING ME. AAAAAAAAAA VJRENJKR
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reminding me of tinn’s little head scratch and “what just happened” in episode 4 after he accidentally made sound join the music club via hatred of him 
oh hell yes, obligatory beach episode next week 
the obligatory beach episode almost always ends up as my favourite episode 
im really glad cher and gun have finally figured out their relationship 
i need to go to sleep 
threezo are the greatest 
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alternia-confessions · 1 year ago
lmao? okay ii guezz ii can zpiill. the guy gettiing all the zhiiz done iiz a lowblood whiich iiz rlly funny to me. doiin hiighly iillegal treazon ztuff whiile beiing liike one angry viiolet from beiing culled at all tiimez. iitz liike a power thiing. pumpiin iillegal hiighbloodz iinto iimzelf to feel ztronger. zaiid he wanted to iignore the cazte zyztem and rule hiimzelf. ziigh. iif only ii could report thiiz guy wiithout gettiing otherz iin trouble. the zciientiizt behiind thiiz iiz a geniiuz who dezervez to further theiir ztudiiez. worzt part iiz that ii would be culled liike eiight tiimez over becauze ii helped them iin such a way that the world blazphemy can’t even cover. even wiith all the blood criimez iid be the mozt fucked. not even wiilliing to detaiil iit wiith all my cyber zecuriity becauze iitz that fuckiin bad. unlezz ii got liike a phone not made by a Troll and chiilled iin zpace to zubmiit iit maybe.
lmao iit all feelz zo comiical of courze iim The dramatiic hiighblood makiing thiiz about me. anywayz lowblood iillegal blood miixiing criimez okay? thaz juzt an affront agaiinzt nature. ii
ok briiefly iithought iiwaz piitch for them becauze of that but iitwaz baziic moraliity they triied to pazz off az me beiing a cazteiizt azzhole. ii get iit man The cazte diiferencez and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIIN IIT LIIKE THAT OH MY GOG II DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATZ YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MEZZIAHZ DONT WANT NO FAKE ZHIIT PLEAZE JUZT LET IIT BE II KNOW THIIZ ZYZTEM IIZ FUCKED BUT PLAYIIN IIN IITZ FAVOR WONT FIIX IIT. YOURE JUZT A WIIGGLER PLEAZE
zorry lol anywayz uhhh niice weather huh
Question: lmao? okay i guess i can spill. the guy getting all the shit done is a lowblood which is rlly funny to me. doing highly illegal treason stuff while being like one angry violet from being culled at all times. its like a power thing. pumping illegal highbloods into himself to feel stronger. said he wanted to ignore the caste system and rule himself. sigh. if only i could report this guy without getting others in trouble. the scientist behind this is a genius who deserves to further their studies. worst part is that i would be culled like eight times over because i helped them in such a way that the world blasphemy can’t even cover. even with all the blood crimes id be the most fucked. not even willing to detail it with all my cyber security because its that fucking bad. unless i got like a phone not made by a Troll and chilled in space to submit it maybe.
lmao it all feels so comical of course im The dramatic highblood making thiz about me. anyways lowblood illegal blood mixing crimes okay? thats just an affront against nature. i
ok briefly i thought i was pitch for them becaue of that but it was basic morality they tried to pass off as me being a casteist asshole. i get it man The caste differences and all but YOUR BLOOD MAN YOU DONT RUIN IT LIKE THAT OH MY GOG I DONT CARE THAT YOURE A LOWBLOOD THATS YOUR NATURAL HATCHED BLOOD BROTHER THE MESSIAHS DONT WANT NO FAKE SHIT PLEASE JUST LET IT BE I KNOW THIS SYSTEM IS FUCKED BUT PLAYING IN ITS FAVOR WONT FIX IT. YOURE JUST A WIGGLER PLEASE
sorry lol anyways uhhh nice weather huh
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spidernolr · 4 months ago
im zo angry im zo fukcing angry "hiz prnz r he/critter. critter iz obv a joke tho-" im 1 step away frum exploding u SHUTUP
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nemesyaaa · 2 months ago
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KXISLDLZLDLD seeing my name on the top of the taglist 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️‼️ anyways I was about to read angry god but i will read it tonight then !!! anyways, zya your fabulous mind and incredible work, i'm gonna kiss you !! This is so good, the aesthetic, the thread for F1 beginners to help your readers who are not into this to understand our world, the text and post editings. omgg zo fucking cool !! 💓‼️(I wanted to say so* and not zo) LMFAOOO I FORGET HER NAME, THINK IT WAS ADRIANA OR SOMETHING LIKE THZT BUT THE “ WHO...CARES ” LMFAOOOOO SUCH A MOOD
IM SORRY BUT AS A MCLAREN GIRLIE, IT'S HUGELY KILLING ME THZT YOU CHOOSE TOPPER AND KELCE FOR THE MCLAREN TEAM (LIKE LMFAOOOO LANDO AND OSCAR AS TOPPER AND KELCE 💀 ) anyways I can't wait to read more of this but such a nice start ! i read the summary and i can't wait for the drama
and are you're KIDDING me ? when the show was about to start, you finish the chapter. 💀 DONT TRY TO GET ON MY NERVES, ZYA. 😤😤
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Pairing — F1 Driver!Rafe x High School Sweetheart!(F)Reader
Summary — Before Rafe became one of the best drivers on the grid, he was yours. However, when his popularity skyrocketed, he became one of the most eligible bachelors in F1, leaving you behind to indulge in the notoriety of the sport. Yet, years have passed, and he hasn’t stopped thinking about you: his first love, his high school sweetheart, the only person to believe in him. When new management takes over his team, he’s afraid their new strategy could undermine his role in the cutthroat league. But in an unexpected twist of fate, Rafe discovers you returning to the circuit as part of the new leadership—now, with a ring on your finger. Engaged to his boss.
Content — formula one au
Zya's Notes — the formula 1(01) is credited to @/_f1everything_ on tiktok!
Navigation — Part 01 | Part 02
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IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT TAGLIST AND UPDATES: if you want to be notified about all my fics and updates, follow @zyafics-library and turn on notifications! however, if you want to be added to this specific taglist, let me know (but to remain tagged, you must interact with the posts).
TAGLIST FOR RFC: @nemesyaaa / @promiscuousg1rl / @st4rlveur / @aliyahwritings / @maybankiara / @xoxosblogsblog / @w11ore4rina /@yuckblushin / @tashiagalinda / @ivysprophecy / @cameronsprincess / @perfectprettypisces / @papercranesandinkstains / @murdockcastleslut / @helaenas-queen / @zuccheromorena / @coralineyouareinterribledanger / @landosgirl97 / @aias-fxtns / @halaxxxx / @rafeslovergirl / @harrys-housewife / @colbysbrocks / @psychicnatural / @namelesslosers / @justdamnpeachy / @lilithblackkk / @inthelibrarybtw / @adribarbie / @eviiiiieeeeeeeeee / @mbella607 / @squemzzi / @kqliie / @chenslucy / @forzkdlin / @addiessblack / @urbrunettebombshell / @elixirina / @the0neandonlyjules / @surazim / @itsnotsunnyy / @evelynffics / @purplerose291 / @a-lovers-card / @mileyraes / @railingsofsorrow / @ilovefiction4lmen / @heartsforrafecam / @bradshawed
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Zya's Post Notes — if you would like to make a special appearance as a f1twt stan, let me know! in the inbox, preferably, drop a username and your display name! <3
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zer0wasabitxh · 1 year ago
Survivors Records
Episode 1
Leo sits down on the couch, putting his phone face down on the armrest and sprawling out. He picks up the remote and turns on the TV, scrolling through movies. He ends up settling on some random horror movie that he'd never heard of before. It doesn’t really matter what the movie is, after all, he’s just bored.
About an hour into the movie (which turned out to be a ripoff version of Scream), Leo’s phone starts blowing up. He ignores the notifications at first, but after about 5 minutes of his phone vibrating endlessly, he pauses the movie and picks it up. 
The notifications read as follows; (Now) Sn: Holy shit one of them is at my door guys what the fuck do I do
(2 minutes ago) Sn: ok I locked the door guys Im so scared
(2 minutes ago) Wr: go hide in your room and put a chair under the knob
(2 minutes ago) Sn: holy shit. There are like 6 people outside covered in blood. What the fuck.
(2 minutes ago) Sn: oh shit my dad left the door open uhm
(3 minutes ago) Sr: is this a bad time to say W?
(3 minutes ago) Sn: I think I just heard him scream?? Like not an angry scream????? I’m confused
(4 minutes ago) Sn: guys my dad is going outside to yell at them.
Curiosity piqued, Leo puts in his password and opens the group chat, reading through the messages. As he scrolls through, however, his curiosity bleeds into a deep sense of dread.
Essentially, a group of people had been in Sunny’s backyard at 9 pm making a shit tone of noise, and eventually his dad went to yell at them. Leo guesses that they attacked his dad, based on the recent messages. As he’s reading through, a new notification appears on his screen. 
(now) Sn: guys? I hit one of them on the head and they’re not moving. Guys,, I think I just killed someone.
A knife, his phone, some cash, and a waterbottle. He shoves the items into his bag and leaves.
*ring ring* “Come on… Pick up-!” Wren paces back and forth, trying the phone over and over again. He runs his hands through his hair and puts his phone down after the 5th missed call. His thoughts begin to spiral, an endless string of what ifs. 
A bang at his door snaps him out of his thoughts.
They walk over and look through the peep hole. No one’s there. “What the..?”
They take a step back, a new feeling of uneasiness blooming in their gut. They stand there for a moment, before they start to hear a faint sound coming from the door. They move a bit closer, and realize that the sounds are that of something scratching at the bottom of the door.
“Oh fuck that.” Wren takes a deep breath, trying to reason with themself. It’s probably just a wild animal, or one of the neighbors pets that escaped. He turns and hopps over to the kitchen, where one of the windows has a good view of the front door. Surely it’s nothing. Nothing at all. One look out the window proves that thought very, *very* wrong. A… person, of sorts, or well, *half a person*, is laying on Wren’s porch clawing at the door.
Wren stumbles back, shocked. They rush back to the living room and pick up their phone, calling the groupchat. No one picks up. They try the phone a few more times, and they’re about to give up and figure something out on their own when they hear a ping to signify someone picking up the call and then a staticky voice. “H-y W-en are you -k?”
Wren moves the phone away from his ear and checks his connection. “What? Wait yeah you’re lagging out.” “Sor-y dea- zo-e” “Oh. Are you outside?” “Un-ort--ate-y” “Huh?”
“Ye-h” Their gut clentches, “any idea whats going on?” “K-nda. —-----------meet—--------” “Huh? You cut out” “I– te-t you an adr-ss, m--t me the-e” “Alright but what-” theyre cut off by a loud shrieking noise from the other end of the phone, and they flinch their phone away from their ear on instinct. “F-ck, I g-tta -o, M--t me a—---------------------” *click* “What the hell” They run to their room and start to pack a bag.
Something in the yard groans.
Sunny sits on the roof of his house, hugging his legs and scrolling through social media on his phone. Over the past few hours, social media has been flooded with messages about aggressive people appearing to be injured. A few websites have started reffering to these people as zombies. 
The groaning from Sunny’s yard grows in volume, until at some point a banging sound starts up. Sunny scoots up further onto the roof. “What to do…” he whispers to himself After a moment of contemplating, he slides down and peeks over the edge of the roof. Four or five of the creatures have gathered next to the wall, directly under where Sunny is sat. He gulps and scrunches his nose. “Oh god the *smell*...” A few of the creatures have started to pile on top of eachother, climbing and clawing their way up the pile, trying to reach Sunny. He knows he’s running out of time. 
He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and drops. He grabs onto the roof and swings into his open window, narrowly avoiding a hand grabbing for his leg. 
He lands on the carpeted floor, and stands up immediately, looking around his room for something. He beelines over to a corner and grabs a metal bat that had been leaning against the wall.
Suddenly something crashes behind Sunny, and he turns around in time to see one of the creatures topple through the open window. “Oh FUCK that” Sunny raises the bat over his head, and *swings*.
He drives the tree branch into the chest of the nearest zombie, and swings his water bottle down onto the head of another. He cringes at the resulting *crack* that echoes through the forest.
Leo drops the stick attached to the now-dead-again zombie and wipes his water bottle off on his hoodie. He bends down to pick up his phone, which had been discarded somewhere in the leaves when he got attacked. The screen was cracked pretty badly but it was still usable. Besides, it wasn’t like Leo cared all that much about his phone right now. 
Hands numb from the cold, he types an address into the group chat, before turning off his phone and continuing to walk.
Eymori turns off his phone and steps back under his porch cover as it starts to rain a bit. He sighs, running his hand through his hair. He walks inside, picking up two trash bags, and heading back out. He rounds the house to his backyard, where 2 large holes stare up at him from the grass. He throws a trashbag into each one and then walks over to the fence to grab a shovel. The rain picks up, eventually soaking Eymori and the dirt around him. He takes a shovelful of dirt from a pile and walks over to one of the graves. 
“Goodbye, ma.” -
Wren *severely* regrets not bringing an umbrella, as the rain pelts down on him. He had wrapped his bag with his rain jacket to keep that dry, but the rest of him is drenched. 
They’ve been walking through town for about 2 hours now, and other than the occasional stumbling dead person, it’s been eerily quiet.
He checks their phone, open to Google maps. 
*5 minutes from your destination*
Wren looks up, scanning the surroundings for a particular store. 
“There you are”
The door chimes.
He is not alone.
Sunny looks up as the rain starts, taking a minute to close his eyes and breathe. Droplets splatter on his eyelids and his arms and his clothes, washing away the rotten blood. 
As the drizzle turns into more of a downpour, Sunny opens his eyes again, straining slightly to see through the storm. 
His stomach sinks as he realizes that around him he can see dark figures slowly approaching, and over the rain he hears soft groans and hissing coming from the shadows.
He looks down at the metal bat in his hand. What should have been already beat up and dirtied from the 6 or 7 zombies he had just killed, was instead completely clean; any trace of something bad washed away by the rain.
Sunny grips the bat in his hand and looks back up at the figures closing in. 
He takes a few steps forward, closing the distance. 
As the closest zombie reaches out, he takes the bat and *swings*, clearing a line in the horde and taking the heads clean off of several of the creatures. 
Something grabs at him from behind and he spins around, smashing it over the head.
The rain picks up, and, though he can barely see a foot in front of him, sunny begins to carve a path through the crowd.
His bat takes the most of it, crushing and knocking back zombies who try to attack him. 
Before long though, he begins getting tired. The rain pelting down feels like less of a blessing and more of a hindrance. He's getting cold and tired of swinging the bat, but if he stops, he will *die*.
A few steps later, something catches him off guard, grabbing his pant leg and *pulling*, knocking sunny onto the ground. 
He panics and rolls over onto his back, grabbing for his bat. 
His hand finds the cold bandages of the base and he picks it up.
He bashes the head of the zombie on the floor with him, before jumping up on his feet.
The crowd closes in on him more.
He swings the bat taking out a couple.
Something grabs at his leg.
He stomps on the hand of the offending creature whilst swinging his bat at more of the enclosing zombies. 
Suddenly, he's shoved into the ground by a pair of hands, and he turns around to see a zombie that looks a lot less dead than …
The world stops for a moment as he stares into the eyes of his undead father.
The gravel digs into his palms, the cold biting into his skin with the rain. His bat is gone, lost somewhere in the horde. He stands, up, swaying on his feet. The exhaustion flooding his bones makes way for a new emotion. *Anger.* He feels *hot* despite the numbness of his fingers and the chattering of his teeth. 
Something boils up in his chest and he laughs. A maniac sort of laughter that echoes through the streets.
He shifts on his feet and smiles, running a hand through his hair, “Oh karma is a *bitch* isn’t she” The zombie charges at him. -
“Did you really only find out about it a few hours ago?” the group leader swirls their teacup and looks up at Wren. Wren nods, “I havent been out in a few days.” “You didn’t *hear* anything though??” “My house has fairly good soundproofing” “Yeah that makes sense,” they finish their tea and put down the cup. “The infection hit where I’m from a few days ago, been driving around but still havent found anywhere clear.” “Oh I mean I went shopping on friday and everything was fine so it probably hit earlier. Not to mention my friends only started noticing tonight- or well-” they look out the window, the sky being slightly lighter than an hour ago, “last night, at this point.”
The leader laughs at his joke.
Someone walks into the room they’re in- a short brunette who looks to be on the younger side. 
“Uhh- Mika?” He asks, looking towards the leader, “we got a bit of a situation…”
*None of them stood a chance.
Not against the two of us.
After all, we were both a little fucked in the head.
He was about to die but he had killed almost all of them. I took care of the rest. 
It's how we flow.*
Eymori walks out of his room. He flings a duffle bag to the floor and greets Max, a brown sheep dog that had belonged to his father, before grabbing his phone. 
No new messages since Leo sent an address.
He sighs and puts on his boots, picking the bag back up and swinging it over his shoulder. 
“C’mon Maxy” the dog perks up, wagging its tail, “we’re going for a ride.” 
Max jumps up off the couch and bounds over to Eymori’s side, panting and wagging his tail. 
“Yeah?” Eymori giggles and pets the dogs head, “you always did love sitting in the truck didn't you. Well, let's head out buddy.”
Grabbing an umbrella and his raincoat, Eymori leaves, his dog following close behind.
Two boys lay on their backs next to each other in the street. The end of the storm leaves a new morning to peek through the clouds. The mist still in the air glows golden, washing away the blood and dirt. 
“We should get up” the blonde laughs breathlessly, turning his head to the side and staring at the brunette's scratched-up legs. “I’m a bit worried you’re gonna get an infection…” The brunette groans, “Oh don’t even.” He laughs and sits up, looking at the other. They stare at each other for a minute, before one of them giggles.
It doesn’t matter who started it, because before long, they’re both rolling on the floor in laughter.
“This is *bizarre*” the blonde wheezes, sitting up and wiping his eyes. “Agreed” the brunette smiles at him.
A moment of silence, before- “We really need to get you some first aid though those legs do not look safe” “Oh FUCK OFF-” -
Eymori adjusts the shade above his seat as the rising sun shifts to gleam into his eyes. The GPS speaks, making Max look over at it, the poor thing not understanding who the other voice was coming from. 
Eymori turns left, continuing down the empty countryside roads. Max puts his paws up on the open window, leaning his head out and hanging out his tongue, enjoying the wind. After another 20 or so minutes of driving, Eymori sees someone by the side of the road holding out their thumb like a hitchhiker. He slows down to get a better look at them. The person was dirty and seemed to have some blood on them. They looked pretty injured though, Eymori doesn’t really find them intimidating at all. Eymori pulls over a few meters after the hitchhiker and looks out his window back at them.
“Where do you need a ride to?” “Anywhere” The girl croaks out, “do you have water?” Eymori shuffles through his duffel, “Yeah, a bit- you want some?” The girl nods aggressively and shuffles over to the pickup truck. 
Eymori hands her a bottle and gestures for her to get in the back seat. The second she gets in, however, Max starts growling. A low, rumbling noise.
“Shush” Eymori ruffles the dog’s fur before turning to look back at the hitchhiker, “I’m headed to ||               ||, that anywhere near where you wanna be?” The girl nods, putting down the water she had been guzzling, “Yeah that works,” she coughs a few times and curls up in the back seat of the truck. Eymori starts up the car and unpauses his GPS. After about a minute or so of driving, the girl speaks up, “What’s uhm- what’s your name-?” “Eymori. What about you?” Max whines and looks up at his human. Eymori takes one hand off the wheel to pet him before returning it. “Peachy,” the girl says, drinking some more water, “thank you… Eymori..” “No problem, Peachy,” He smiles at her through the rearview mirror.
One of Mika’s friends leads Wren to a room with several sleeping bags in it. “Make yourself at home” she pats them on the back and smiles, before walking out. They haven’t seen Mika since the horde showed up, and they’re a bit worried, but they’re glad to have somewhere warm to sleep. They close the blinds to block out the morning sun and put down their backpack in a corner, shuffling through it and finding their phone. They shuffle over to an outlet, thankful that there was still electricity, and plug it in. The screen flashes to life but- `no new messages`
They sigh and turn it off, before laying down and closing their eyes. 
Peachy descends into another fit of coughing. By this point, the two of them had been in the car for over an hour, and Peachy’s condition is only getting worse. “Hey- just hang in there, alright?” Eymori speaks once Peachy stops coughing for a moment. “We’re almost there, and my friends should be able to help you. Peachy responds with an affirmative grunt before coughing even more. Max growls. Eymori drives faster.
Mika stands on the roof of a nearby building, looking down at the horde. The group had set up spikes and a barricade around the storefront when they first noticed it in the distance, and, while the traps seemed to be doing their job for now, they wouldn’t hold up forever.
They need a plan, and they need it fast. Mika wonders if this horde was the same one they had escaped from. They had been staying in new york city, which is where the virus seemed to have started, at least on the east coast. However, with how the media was talking, it seemed like there had been several breakouts at once, all across the globe. They had fled from the city with a group of friends in hopes of escaping the horde, but, if this was the same one, it seemed like all the horde really needed was a few days to catch up. 
That worries them. The idea that the zombies might be capable of moving fast in big groups. They cover their nose and gag as a rotten smell wafts over to them with the wind. They pull up their mask and are just about to head back to the bottom of the building, when they see someone *familiar* in the distance. “It’s about time…” -
Church bells sound in the distance as they walk down the gravely road, the rocks crunching under their feet. Both of them had changed into dry clothes before heading out, and Leo had helped Sunny bandage his leg. 
The midday sun beat down on them, contrasting with the biting cold of the December air. Leo checks his phone, looking up at the street signs. “We should be-” Leo trails off as they turn a corner and come face to face with a *horde*. Not just a large group- no. An entire horde. “Huh.” “Huh indeed.” - “Oh fuck oh shit-” “Calm down.” the blonde shakes Wren. “What do you mean Mika saw them?? And we’re waiting here????? That’s a horde!” “WREN.” she slaps him straight across the face, successfully shutting him up. “They aren't *stupid* they’ll be able to get away from it.” “... alright.” - 
“It would be stupid to fight them right?” “You're holding a knife.” “A really bad idea…” “Please put down the knife.” “Something only an idiot would do…” “I’m not going to save you.” “Wanna bet?” “*s i g h*” -
Eymori parks on the road about 5 minutes away from the destination, and gets out of the car, with Max in tow. He walks over to the back and helps Peachy out, holding her arm around his shoulders and his around her back. Max growls and Eymori shushes him as he kicks closed the door to the pickup. 
The two of them stumble down the road with a very angry(?) dog behind them until they start hearing a *lot* of grumbling sounds. 
“What the-” Max whines and pins his ears back. “Hey boy, what's wrong?” Eymori looks down at the dog. He’s answered with a low growl. Peachy descends into another fit of coughing and Eymori turns his attention to her. “Hey hey we’re almost there.” They round another corner and- “Oh *fuck*”
Sometimes I wonder what happened to them.
Then I remember why I don’t want to know. 
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bioshock4k · 4 years ago
↖ filled with rage
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tranz-regent · 1 year ago
i dont think theze will actually be in a zpecific favoritez order becauze i dont really have one. zo theyre juzt characterz i like
jonathan crane (gotham)
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my boyfriend my bug my love my wierd little tall guy who makez evil chemicalz i LOVE HIM. alzo im not putting a picture of my zource here for my own mental health but im including me in here zo we are together <3
2. habit & evan (emh)
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different characterz but hard to zeperate due to. habit pozzezzing evan for much of the zeriez. pretty boyz with knivez what more could my gay heart ever want
3. alec
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to quote myzelf from dizcord: 'i think if i zaw heartbreaker id juzt barbarian rage. pull a graceling on him. id then pull out the adoption paperz for alec. my zon now.' i juzt want him to have a nice day :(
4. frostnova
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i cant talk abt her becauze ill ztart crying. again
5. ron (twd)
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i wanna give him a hug. and alzo (AT A PROPER FUCKING TIME WITHOUT PUZHING IT TOO HARD /JESSIE/) a talk about how hiz dad did in fact but him being zad and angry over hiz dadz death iz alzo ok (FUCKING. JESSIE.)
6. kokichi (drv3)
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he iz both zo zilly and zo tragic. to me.
7. gary king (the worlds end)
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i cant explain why thiz movie hit me zo hard without zpoiling it but itz a very good movie and i reccomend you all check it out
8. william spiral saw emmerson schenk (schenk)
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hez zo gay and full of problemz and i love it
9. ive run out of fandomz zo im putting a zcene here inztead
one of the bezt horror momentz ever
idk who to tag juzt if u zee thiz and wanna do the thing then conzider urzelf tagged
tag meme: my top 9 characters
i was tagged by @regallibellbright so with no particular order lets get into it
I have decided to not put any characters of my own here because then this list would be filled with my characters and nothing else
also only one per series since i want this to be an overall representation of my favorite characters
1.Phosphophyllite/Phos (land of the lustrous)
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Phos is by far one of my favorite characters due to how they change throughout the series
also watching them suffer is what got me my permanent angst craving
phos is one of those characters that unfortunately due to being by far the most popular character in the series the fandom tends to dislike every other character in the series (particularly in this case since a lot of the other characters have mistreated phos in some way) which i think is a disservice to those characters
but phos is still my favorite
2.Blake Thorburn (Pact: Devils and Details) (no art for him because im too lazy to ask for permission to put him here and i dont want to put a piece of art on my post without permission)
ill be honest it was hard to pick if Taylor or Blake were going to be put here, since i didnt want to put two wildbow protagonists here, and while Worm was much more enjoyable for me to read i think Pact was a much more memorable story for me,
Since like blake struggled through the horrors, i struggled against decaying attention span
In general i gravitate toward fantasy stories more than superhero stories
3. Eve and aoi (birdie wing golf girls story)
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hey remember a second ago when i was debating over which wildbow protagonist to put here because i didnt want to put both
Yeah fuck that these two are a pair because i love them both and refuse to seperate them
These two are genuinely one of my favorite protagonist duo's ever
like they are so funny with their insane antics and golf
4. Yuki Takamiya (thirteen sentinels aegis rim)
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this one proved to be really hard to decide between Yuki, Okino or 426 since they are all favorites
i decided that it was best to fit one of the protagonists into this since it would be hard to talk about the other two without spoiling anything and needing a ton of context
from the second Yuki showed up i knew she would likely be a favorite
what i didnt expect was for her to be arguably one of the smartest characters in the game
I would say out of the protagonists she is the second smartest with Gouto being the smartest
Like i did not expect her route to be a detective story
5. Power (chainsaw man)
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first person on this list who isnt a protagonist, and i did consider putting Asa instead of her and while i am undoubtedly more invested in Asa im also much more entertained by power
also i need to put one character who isnt a main character here lest i be seen as a basic bitch
6. Sayeon Lee (hand jumper)
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we only have one season of her but this girl is so mentally unwell its like catnip to me
im eagerly awaiting the start of season 2
also to my surprise me reccomending vibes this webtoon caused a bunch of wormblr people to read this too so when season 2 starts i could probably talk to those people about it
7.Daan/ the doctor (fear and hunger termina)
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this was a tough descision between Daan and Marina because while i love them both equally Daan has the better narrative in my head with his doomed by the narrative swag
8.Iwha (hero killer
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she's cool when she murders people
9. Kikuri Hiroi (bocchi the rock)
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girl who is doomed by the narrative
but the narrative is a slice of life so overall its not that bad
@n0brainjustvibes@tranz-regent@worstgirl-online i nominate you to follow in my example and list characters
Also feel free to analyse me like a lab rat for these picks in the notes
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dramacrimes · 6 years ago
we really are juzt gonna ignore all of shuz development and how he getz better and everything juzt cuz you all are illiterate huh. had to watch the anime cuz you cant READ
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quodekash · 2 years ago
tis friday night, aka the third night in a row im staying up past midnight for a bl and its gonna be like this for the next five weeks so id better get used to the exhaustion (send help), aka ABAAB NIGHT LETS GOOO
threezo my lovelies pls exist this episode
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did he get prettier over the last week or did i just forget what he looks like
bc either way this man is very pretty
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suspector #1
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suspector #2
jack as a gossip icon was a pleasant surprise in this show but im living for it
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bro there so tender with each other im gonna cry
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i think i forgot what everyone looked like cos every single character feels 10x prettier than they already were (and everyone was already at optimum pretty) and i love it
i love how much more casual gun has become with his employees, it makes me happy
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HELLO DRAKE HOW ARE YOU ON THIS FINE FRIDAY (typing this out at literally 11:59pm so its still friday)
okay its now wednesday but HOW ARE YOU DRAKA SATTABUT LAEDEKE, ILY
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his luscious eyebrows are furrowed
in anger
he is angry
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ah shoot pls chill bro
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hell yes flashback time, lets get a good insight into the characters so that we can aggressively analyse them later
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they always looks so comfy with each other what the hell
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bRO you fell asleep ON THE BEACH?? what if high tide had caught up to them? they wouldve drowned in their sleep
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nice visual (but soundwin did it first btw)
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there are people already swimming.
these people walked past these two grown-ass men sleeping on the sand on the beach, fast asleep, in formal button-up shirts, where theyd clearly been all night. and no one said anything.
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you can do it you luscious locked lovely boi, i believe in you
(you thought you were free from the obsession of the hair but you were WRONG, his hair is now and forever and always and all of time)
im just now noticing his earrings, that's awesome
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the hair look at the hair look at his hair i love his hair
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i love them i love them i love them i love them
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absolutely he does
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i freaking love jack so much
he knows what's going on between them. and he loves and appreciates and accepts it, but he's been getting so much pressure from the other workers to talk to cher because theyre friends, and he doesnt want to invade but he doesn't want anything bad to happen to either his friend or his boss
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why is the man so pretty
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i genuinely dont understand it, this man and his hair are so pretty
"i used to have a lover too. i know how painful it is to lose someone." BRO WHAT THE HELL??? WE WERE NOT TOLD THIS INFORMATION, PLEASE EXPAND UPON THIS
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snack is good. yummy nom noms. eat them eat them you eat them and then poop them out yum yum yum
i need to go to bed
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i love him probably too much
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noooo we barely got any threezo todayyy (if i were more awake id be outraged by this but im having trouble just keeping my head up so i'll get to that anger in the morning)
im surprised we didnt get a sponsorship for cleaning gun's punch wound
anyway ive been on the verge of falling asleep this whole episode so im gonna go to sleep now and hopefully catch up on three days of not-enough-sleep
goodnight folks!
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