#im watching brother bear so this is silly
scrollonso · 6 days
Part Of The Family — Bearnelli
Vale and his sons had always been a tight-knit family, bound not only by blood but by the bond on track at the ranch. The academy wasn’t just a place to train — it was a sanctuary, a home where riders, blood or not, became family. Whether you were an old friend or a new face, you were welcomed with open arms, but that didn’t mean you were free from scrutiny. Trust was earned, and everyone who stepped onto the ranch knew that you had to prove yourself, not just as a rider but as someone who understood the unique bond shared by Vale and his boys.
When Ollie first started hanging around Kimi, it wasn’t long before the academy boys began to notice how seamlessly the two fit into each other’s lives. It wasn’t just that they spent a lot of time together; it was the ease with which they did it. The way Kimi would light up when Ollie was around, the comfortable silences they shared, the subtle, unspoken understanding between them — it was obvious to everyone. From the outside, it seemed like Ollie had slipped into Kimi’s life as if he’d always been there.
It didn’t take long before the academy boys began to exchange knowing glances. To them, it was clear as day. Kimi and Ollie weren’t just friends — they were something more. Maybe they hadn’t realized it themselves yet, but to the rest of the group, the signs were all there. Kimi’s laugh was just a little louder when Ollie cracked a joke, and Ollie’s gaze lingered just a little longer when Kimi walked by. The way they worked together during training, almost in sync, seemed too natural to be purely platonic.
Still, in typical academy fashion, no one said anything outright. They just watched, waiting for the inevitable moment when the two would finally admit what everyone else had already figured out. The scrutiny was subtle at first, but as the days passed, the protective nature of the academy boys kicked in, and Ollie found himself on the receiving end of a series of increasingly pointed comments and warnings.
Pecco was the first to pull Ollie aside. It was during one of their post-training sessions, when the rest of the academy was scattered around the ranch, cooling down from the day’s work. Ollie was wiping the sweat from his brow when Pecco, who had been watching him for a while, walked up with a determined look on his face. Crossing his arms, Pecco stared at him, his eyes narrowing in a way that made Ollie feel like he was about to be grilled.
“Don’t hurt Andrea,” Pecco said, his tone firm, almost like a protective older brother issuing an ultimatum.
Ollie blinked, completely taken aback. His mind raced, trying to figure out what Pecco meant by that. Why would he hurt Kimi? Where was this even coming from? He opened his mouth to respond, but the words came out in a stammer. “Why would I—?”
Pecco didn’t let him finish. “Just don’t,” he cut in, his voice final, leaving no room for argument. The warning hung in the air, and Ollie was left speechless. Pecco gave him one last pointed look before walking off, leaving Ollie standing there, utterly baffled.
For a while, Ollie convinced himself that maybe Pecco was just being overprotective, maybe even a little paranoid. But then, a few days later, Franky caught him alone. It was during one of their routine training drills, and Ollie was focused on his bike when Franky appeared, his expression unreadable. He didn’t waste time on small talk. Instead, he got straight to the point, his voice low and serious.
“You better treat Kimi right,” Franky said, his tone carrying the weight of someone who wasn’t just offering advice — he was delivering a warning.
Ollie, once again, found himself at a loss for words. His brain scrambled for a response, but he could only manage a nervous stammer. “I— I don’t know what you’re—”
Franky’s expression didn’t soften. He simply gave a nod, as if to say the conversation was over, and walked off, leaving Ollie more confused than ever. What was going on? Why were they acting like this?
It seemed like everyone had some unspoken knowledge that Ollie was completely in the dark about. Each warning felt heavier than the last, and Ollie couldn’t shake the feeling that something big was happening right under his nose — something he hadn’t figured out yet.
Before long, it felt like Ollie couldn’t go anywhere without running into one of the academy boys, and every encounter seemed to end with some form of cryptic warning or veiled threat. Bez, usually the most laid-back of the group, caught him during a rare quiet moment by the garage. With a grin, he slapped Ollie on the back, but his words were anything but casual. “Andrea's important to us, man. Don’t screw it up.”
Ollie blinked, caught off guard by the comment. “Screw what up?” he asked, but Bez just walked away with a knowing smirk, leaving Ollie even more confused than before.
The next day, Cele found Ollie grabbing a drink by the track and leaned in conspiratorially, his tone more serious than usual. “We’re all watching you, just so you know. Kimi’s family. You better not mess with him.”
Ollie stared at him, dumbfounded. “I’m not messing with anyone!” he protested, but Cele had already given him a pat on the shoulder and walked off, his message delivered.
By the time Mig cornered him during one of the cool-down sessions, Ollie was already on edge, bracing himself for whatever strange advice or threat was coming next. Mig, ever the quiet one, didn’t say much — just gave Ollie a long, appraising look before muttering, “You know how much Kimi means to us, right? Just… don’t do anything stupid.”
At this point, Ollie was utterly baffled and increasingly paranoid. It felt like everyone had some sort of hidden agenda, and he was the only one out of the loop. Every interaction left him more confused than the last, and by the end of the week, he was at his breaking point.
“I don’t even know what’s happening!” Ollie finally burst out, throwing his hands in the air in frustration while he and Luca were walking back to the house after training. “Every time I turn around, someone’s telling me not to hurt Kimi or warning me to treat him right. What the hell is going on?”
Luca, who had been quietly observing the whole situation for ages, smirked knowingly. “They think you’re dating,” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "They did the same thing when I first brought Lance."
Ollie almost choked on his own breath. “What?!” he sputtered, stopping in his tracks. “No! Kimi’s like a brother to me! Why would they even think that?”
Luca raised an eyebrow, shrugging as if it all made perfect sense. “Well,” he started, “you two are always together. I mean, you spend practically every second at the ranch with Kimi. And he’s… different around you. More comfortable, you know? Plus, you fit right in with the rest of us. It looks pretty obvious from the outside.”
Ollie shook his head, still in disbelief. “We’re not dating,” he insisted, rubbing his face in exasperation. “How do I get them to stop thinking that?”
Luca shrugged again, a casual smile tugging at his lips. “You could try telling them,” he offered, his tone playful. “But I’m not sure they’ll believe you.”
Ollie and Kimi decided it was finally time to sit everyone down and clear up the ongoing confusion. They'd been hearing whispers and side comments for a while now, and it was starting to get out of hand. So, they gathered the entire group in the dining room, preparing themselves for what they knew would be an awkward conversation.
With everyone seated around them, Ollie nervously cleared his throat and began. "So, uh, we’ve heard some things," he started, his voice faltering slightly.
Kimi, who was sitting beside him, rolled his eyes at Ollie’s hesitance and decided to cut straight to the point. "Everyone apparently thinks we’re dating."
Ollie quickly nodded in agreement, glancing around at their friends. "Yeah, but we’re not," he clarified, hoping that would put an end to the rumors.
But before they could say more, the entire group burst into laughter. The teasing smiles on the others' faces made Kimi and Ollie even more defensive, shifting uncomfortably in their seats.
"What!" Kimi blurted out, his voice a mix of exasperation and disbelief. "He’s like another brother to me. What are you guys even talking about?"
Ollie was quick to chime in, nodding vigorously to reinforce Kimi’s point. "Seriously, we’re just friends."
But the laughter didn’t stop. Bez, leaning back in his chair, let out a chuckle and shook his head, clearly amused by their flustered reactions, he was the same when Vale confronted him about him and Marc. "Whatever you say," he said, his tone light and teasing.
The rest of the group groaned, half-joking and half-exasperated. It was obvious they weren’t entirely convinced, but after a few more jokes, they let the subject drop — for now, at least. The tension in the room faded as they moved on to other topics, but Kimi and Ollie exchanged a look, knowing that this probably wasn’t the last time they’d have to deal with this particular misunderstanding.
About a week later, during a particularly large family meeting at the ranch, Kimi found himself standing up in front of everyone, his face flushed and his hands nervously clasped together. Clearing his throat awkwardly, he tried to muster up the courage to speak. "So, um… I’ve been thinking… And I may-or-may-not-be-in-love-with-Ollie."
The room fell into an expectant silence. It was as if time had paused for a moment. But instead of the shock or surprise Kimi might have anticipated, the reaction was quite different. Pecco let out a long, exasperated groan that was quickly echoed by the rest of the boys, who seemed almost exasperated by the whole situation.
"We know!" Cele muttered under his breath, shaking his head with a mix of annoyance and amusement.
"Seriously, it took you this long to figure it out?" Luca chimed in, rolling his eyes as he gathered his things to leave. The other boys followed suit, their steps echoing with a casual familiarity.
Kimi stood there, frozen in place, his face a mask of disbelief and confusion. He turned to look at Ollie, who was blinking in stunned realization. "Wait, so… everyone knew except us?"
"Obviously," Bez called over his shoulder, a smirk playing on his lips as he walked out of the room. The rest of the group followed, their laughter and chatter fading as they left Kimi and Ollie standing in the middle of the room, completely dumbfounded and caught off guard.
As the last of the footsteps receded, Kimi and Ollie exchanged a bewildered glance, their minds racing to process what had just happened. The realization that they had been the last to know about something so significant left them both speechless, adding a new layer of awkwardness to their already complicated situation.
Kimi and Ollie remained in the center of the room, the weight of the situation settling heavily between them. Kimi stared at the empty doorway where the others had just exited, trying to process the wave of information that had just crashed over him.
"How… how did everyone know?" Kimi finally managed to ask, his voice tinged with bewilderment.
Ollie, still grappling with his own shock, shook his head. "I have no idea. I thought we were being subtle."
Kimi let out a disbelieving laugh, his eyes scanning the now-empty room as if expecting an explanation to materialize out of thin air. "Subtle? Everyone knew we were dancing around something, and you didn’t think anyone would notice?"
Ollie’s face turned a shade of pink, a mix of embarrassment and frustration evident in his expression. "I didn’t think it was that obvious. I thought we were doing okay."
"Well, it wasn’t exactly a secret," Kimi said, trying to force a sense of humor into the situation to ease the tension. "I guess we just didn’t see it."
Ollie sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "So, what now? Do we just… go with it?"
Kimi took a deep breath, his gaze meeting Ollie’s. The awkwardness of the situation seemed to dissolve as they stood there, confronting the reality of their feelings. “Maybe it’s not about just going with it,” Kimi said softly. “Maybe it’s about acknowledging what’s been there all along, eh?”
Ollie’s eyes searched Kimi’s, looking for any sign of hesitation or doubt. “Yeah, I guess we should actually talk about this,” he said, his voice steady but filled with a mix of nervousness and anticipation.
Kimi nodded, feeling a surge of courage. “Agreed. But before we dive into all of that, maybe we should just—” He hesitated for a moment, then took a step closer to Ollie. The distance between them felt charged, and he could sense Ollie’s own nervous energy.
Ollie’s eyes widened slightly as Kimi got on the tips of his toes and gently cupped his face with both hands. The touch was tender, and for a moment, everything else faded away. Kimi leaned in slowly, giving Ollie ample time to pull back if he wanted to.
Ollie’s breath hitched as their faces drew closer, and before he could second-guess himself, he closed the gap between them. Their lips met in a soft, hesitant kiss that gradually deepened as they both gave in to the moment. The kiss was a mixture of relief, affection, and unspoken understanding — a confirmation of the feelings they had both been trying to navigate.
When they finally pulled away, both Kimi and Ollie were breathless, their eyes locked in a gaze filled with newfound clarity.
“I guess that’s one way to handle it,” Ollie said with a small smile, his hand still resting gently on Kimi’s cheek.
Kimi chuckled softly, his heart still racing. “Yeah, I think it’s a good start.”
As Kimi and Ollie stood in the middle of the room, still processing their kiss, the door creaked open. Kimi’s brothers, who had been lingering just outside, peeked in with a mix of curiosity and amusement.
Luca, with a smirk on his face, was the first to speak. “Well, this is a surprise,” he said, raising an eyebrow as he took in the scene before him.
Pecco, with a more puzzled expression, stepped into the room, glancing between Kimi and Ollie. “We didn’t mean to interrupt,” he said, though his tone suggested otherwise.
Ollie and Kimi quickly pulled apart, their faces flushing with embarrassment as they realized they had been caught in the middle of their little intimate moment. Kimi looked at his brothers, his cheeks red with a mix of shame and frustration. “Guys, seriously? You couldn’t knock?”
Luca chuckled, clearly enjoying the moment. “We were just coming to see if you two were okay. And, well, it looks like you are.”
Marco nodded, a knowing smile on his face. “Seems like you two had a lot to talk about.”
Ollie rubbed the back of his neck, trying to regain his composure. “Yeah, we did. But now we’re, uh, a little thrown off.”
Kimi’s face softened as he glanced at Ollie, then back at his brothers. “Well, now that you’re here, I guess you’ve figured out what’s been going on.”
Luca shrugged, his smirk widening. “Yeah, we figured it out a while ago. But it’s nice to see you two finally acknowledging it.”
Franky stepped forward, offering a supportive smile. “If you guys need any advice or just want to talk, you know we’re here for you.”
Kimi and Ollie exchanged relieved glances, their tension easing slightly at their brothers' acceptance. Kimi gave a small nod, appreciating the support. “Thanks. We’ll definitely take you up on that.”
As Kimi’s brothers left the room, still chuckling and exchanging knowing looks, Kimi turned back to Ollie, taking a deep breath. “Well... at least it’s out in the open now.”
Ollie smiled, squeezing Kimi’s hand. “Yeah, it is.”
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qoqurt · 4 months
𝜗𝜚 ⋆ BIRTHDAY .ᐟ (ethan’s version)
just a small blurb for mr ethan edwards bc roro ( @wintfleur ) let me know that today was his bday .. so a little commotion for him actually … takes place BEFORE luke moves to jersey and a little after he daisy and ethan get together ok <3
read about daisy, ethan and luke | au masterlist
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liked by dreagraves, jackhughes, and others
tagged : lhughes_06 , rutgermcgroarty , entersteller
daisydoodledoo i literally blocked ethan for this bc i wanted to post my gift for him without him knowing ++ it’s literally 11pm im a HUSTLER 😮‍💨 (ft. luke watching — he signed the card dw!!) shoutout to stella and luke and rutger for reassuring me that the gift is good 😭 there’s more but i’ve decided not to add it here :3
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trevorzegras and tell me why rutger is tied up in slide 2 🤨
daisydoodledoo icl i couldn’t tell you .. i was writing the card one minute and the next my ribbon went missing
entersteller i’m just a girl ok ☹️ he needed some nice ribbon !!
lhughes_06 are you planning to give him to ethan or …
rutgermcgroarty and if she was 😽
dreagraves the build a bear frogs 🥹
daisydoodledoo luke thought it’d be silly if we dressed them up like him and i for ethan actually LOL so i made them clothes
dreagraves you make me sick (that’s so cute shits)
jackhughes shoutout luke for just sitting there
lhughes_06 i just breathed 🙄
davidungh blocking 1/2 boyfriends is actually crazy
daisydoodledoo if you don’t shut the fuck up ur next 🥰
lhughes_06 added to their close friends story .ᐟ
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edwards.73 replied to your story ‘where are you guys going without me 💔’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘BACKSHOTS 😮‍💨’
lhughes_06 who want backshots 😼
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘no but srsly wtf how did i forget the damn cake 😭 can’t believe we had to walk back’
mark.estapa replied to your story with ‘where is she scrambling off to now’
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rutgermcgroarty added to their story .ᐟ
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ahndaesee replied to your story ‘he hasn’t a single clue does he?’
rutgermcgroarty ‘i almost blabbed but luckily stella changed topics before i could’
ahndaesee ‘good. ur off the hook for now ig 🙄’
🎵: glue song — beabadoobee
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liked by lhughes_06, stellahughes, and others
tagged : edwards.73
ahndaesee ethan on film for ethan day 📸 .. but in all seriousness, happy birthday to one of my favourite guys in the whole world. 🩷 i’ll never stop being thankful for the way you make me smile till my cheeks hurt. love you to the moon and back, ed.
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📍edwards.73 thank you pretty girl ❤️ i love you
ahndaesee 1/2 of my boys 🩷
edwards.73 speaking of which where is he
ahndaesee 🤫
edwards.73 what does this mean
davidungh cakes and candles ethan 🎂
ahndaesee cakes and candles…
davidungh am i not allowed to wish my brother in law a happy birthday
lhughes_06 too late :)
edwards.73 brother in law thank you 🥰
lhughes_06 happy birthday pretty princess ❤️
ahndaesee edwards.73 found him
edwards.73 thanks lucky 🫶🏻 i love you
pshoon2002 happy ethan day !!! 🥳
stellahughes you know the relationship is good when sunghoon approves 😭
ahndaesee EL OH EL ur so right 😭
edwards.73 lhughes_06 we made it 🥹❤️
lhughes_06 feeling real grateful rn 🥲
stellahughes u did him justice daisy 🥰
edwards.73 are you calling me ugly
stellahughes and if i am
ahndaesee you and your bf are really the same
rutgermcgroarty and if we are 🥰
lhughes_06 im gonna be honest im a bit afraid
dylanduke25 is your boyfriend single
_alexturcotte asking for a friend
ahndaesee no.
lhughes_06 double no.
ynaniu happy birthday ethan!! 🫶🏻
_quinnhughes 🥳🎂
luca.fantilli daisy can you be my photographer too
ahndaesee $30 per hour flat rate with $30 service fee:)
edwards.73 added to their story .ᐟ
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lhughes_06 replied to your story ‘happy birthday e ❤️ i love you :)’
luca.fantilli replied to your story ‘that cake n pasta look so good.. hope u saved leftovers’
ahndaesee replied to your story ‘love you birthday boy ❤️’
stellahughes replied to your story ‘my gf looks so good here 🥰 tell luke to hop off pls!’
jackhughes replied to your story ‘i hate couples 🙄 happy birthday though 🥳’
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note from mei ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱ happy ethan day everyone !! i hope everyone likes this .. it’s so long (i’m very sorry)
pookie tags : @lovings4turn @iceflwers @wintfleur ( owner of stella hughes oc )
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berrymoos · 1 year
MY BABY MY BAAABYYYY .... YOURE MY BAAABY SAAAAAY IT TO MEEEEEE .... im on s13 of ninjago & he has not left my mind since s1 oughshdjshdj he's so baby
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𓂃 ..🍪🐻🧡🏵🧃
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🎂 — regressor cole headcanons!
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the rock of the group deserves to have some small time sometimes. what more can i say? rocks can crack too, specially ninja rocks (。-`ω-)ー
stress regressor, 100%. he rushes to be the responsible one of the team whenever something goes wrong, worries himself sick over mistakes, pushes himself to make up for them no matter what bc if he doesn't something could go wrong again and someone could get hurt and then his friends won't like him anymore– and all that weight on his shoulders is rough
all of the ninja r his caregivers to some capacity. every single one. all of them r strong too – kinda comes w being elemental masters / ninja n all – so they can carry him whenever they want <33 cole loves it too, they're so cozy (o^∀^o)
i don't think wu or misako know directly, but if cole ever told / regressed around them, they wouldn't be v surprised – like they know smth is up, but they won't confront him bc that's his business
lots of ppl hc cole having a kindergarten to middle / teen regressor headspace & that's SO big-brained, i eat it up every time – BUT baby cole my sweet sweet boy. infant ages to like 2yrs old. give him a rattle; he likes rattles kenwkdek
the eepiest baby ever, partially bc of how young his headspace is, partially bc he's the master of earth – it takes up a lot of his energy when he's big, but since he's so used to it, it doesn't rlly register how wiped he actually is until he's sitting down, his brain is whirling to a stop ... & then it's like “mmnn woa m eepy..” hes also very prone to regressing when he's tired; doesn't happen all the time, but it's become more often than not
(jay has, in fact, taken a picture of a sleeping cole on the couch, meme-ified it w the “why he so eepy” caption , & sent it to the gc. they went loco /pos)
on that note, he can fall asleep p much anywhere: on the couch, on the floor, over a bowl of cereal, literally anywhere. his favorite places (aside from his bed) r his friends' laps <3 he's being held? out like a light
that earth master strength Does Not magically go away when cole is small, meaning his tantrums could cost them a wall & possibly new flooring. not that he has tantrums often bc he's v chill & low-energy!
(... it happened once & jay refused to babysit for a good week. for unrelated reasons ofc /j)
OOUHEJSH loves bears sooooo much it's almost silly. he's got a black bear onesie w ears on the hood, a tiny tail on the butt, & a dark brown teddy bear to match - his fave. "we bare bears" & "little bear" are his go-to shows. he can devour a box of teddy grahams in two sittings. glamrock freddy his absolute beloved. bears bears BEARS bears bears!!!!
kai called himself a papa bear once & cole went nuts jahdkajdkw “’apa bear ’apa bear!!!! ʕ→ᴥ← ʔ” — “yup, that's me, don't wear it out! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧”
ok guys wait here me out: bearcub regressor cole. makin grororgroo noises to communicate. cute little snuffles n nose wrinkles when he smells smth good. loooong naps in a blanket fort. honey added to his bottle. bearcub regressor cole
the teddy's name is muffin btw. he & mr. cuddlywump are best friends & they always have playdates together 🫶
speaking of — jay is older than cole by a few years (maybe 4-7?), so he's consistently playing the older playmate / big brother role for cole. YES he will absolutely drag the baby into mischief, but if anyone dares to try separating them he IS throwing a fit about it. also he's the only one who can turn a laid-back baby cole into a zoomin 2y/o. watch out for them.../silly
back to the rattle thing for a sec – jay has a toy drumset & nya has a toy guitar, so the three of them put on a music show for the rest of the team! they're always asked for encores & they always deliver! their band name is The Mudshockers & kai is their biggest fan👍🏾
he likes dancing but since he's unsteady on his feet the younger he is, sometimes he'll just sway his body o, bop his head, or shake his rattle to whatever beat there is – even if said beat is just in his head. other times he'll get nya or zane to dance with him when he's able to stand!
omigosh wait ,,,, zane picking cole up & bouncing him to the beat ,,,, im gonna MELT they're so cute 🥹
cole adores fuzzy / fluffy material. his element requires him to summon rocks from the ground, & rocks are hard - he deserves some soft things in his life ( =^×^= )/ᰔᩚ if any of the ninja have something visibly fluffy in his presence, they'll very quickly have a small in their lap, nuzzling them & humming contentedly. muffin & his bear onesie r his favorites because of that!
ALSO remember the casual outfit he wore in "child's play" (the ep where the ninja got turned into kids)? he managed to find the adult-sized sweatshirt of that shirt & it's now a staple regression outfit ... whenever he's not in his onesie
he's still got a MASSIVE sweet tooth, bc who would cole be w/o it? (/j) ,, the only difference is that, instead of it manifesting in “oooo chocolate cake & cookies & ice cream!!!” it manifests as “mmm baba w sugar n hunny.....” – not to say cole doesn't have his moments where he craves a cakepop over warm chocolate milk. zane usually is in charge of preparing his bottle bc he always gets it juuuust right
THE NINJA HAVE A BABY BAG IN CASE HE DROPS ON LONGER MISSIONS AAAAA ,,, cole's a lil embarrassed @ first & fervently insists that he won't be regressing on the mission, but it proves to be incredibly useful when he gets hungry in the middle of like, nowhere & there's a section completely dedicated to snacks & drinks
(... & when cole actually regresses bc of stress / sleepiness & they have the majority of his stuff on-hand)
jay can never escape being called a dingus no matter what. baby cole catches him doing something stupid? “ ‘ingus...”. a joke too corny for his taste? “ ’inguuus.” jay complains abt this unfair treatment, how he's being bullied by a baby & he is slandering him ... but no one comes to his aid. zane'll scoop up cole & say “hm, are you sure that was an unprovoked statement on his part?” while kai will just spout nonsense like “wooooow jay ... a power outage in ninjago city and bordering countries?” by your hands?” w/ lloyd n nya just shaking their heads. jay's like “GAAAAAAAASP, NOBODY is on my side??? coco is being a BULLY & you guys are just ALLOWING it???? i see how it is.......”. cole's laughing hysterically throughout all of this 🫶
honestly jay's the funniest person to cole when he's small. he could be being Himself & cole's losing his mind over it. nobody can compete against his hilarity no matter how hard they try. best way to tell when cole's dropping is if he's laughing way harder at one of jay's stupid jokes /silly
mmmhmdhsjshsi ,,, jay coming up w the nickname "coco" & callin him that as a joke while he's big, but cole just gets super fuzzy-brained bc ,,,,,,,, coco ........ ohohohohoh ,,,,,,, & jay is like “oh! mkay then!” now he uses it all the time when he's regressed hdksjdk
ON THAT NOTE, nya came up w "pebble", & just like "coco", it spread to the rest of the team like butter on a warm stack of pancakes. nowadays they very rarely use "cole" when he's small – why should they, when they have "pebble" & "coco" under their belts!
... kai calls him "coco pebble(s)" sometimes 🫢
spoiled to the max. he breaks the handle to his paci? don't worry, zane just ordered 6 more. he loses a stuffie? jay's giving 3 of his to him. he's hungry? nya's got several different flavors of milk in one arm & baggies filled with teddy grahams in the other. absolutely spoiled rotten
he doesn't have any of those fancy deco pacis bc hes v prone to dropping them in his sleep & doesn't wanna mess them up, so he gets the printed designed ones or the plain-colored ones & slaps some stickers on them :] he rlly likes his black-stickered paci but he's not picky!
lloyd loves joking abt how he's no longer the youngest on the team whenever cole drops. he'll walk into the room & say “guys, i'm not the youngest anymore!” without warning while cole's in his arms, half asleep w a paci
sometimes he feels like he shouldn't be regressing bc of his status as "the rock of the group" & gets hit with an influx of negative thoughts. like – he's their anchor, their strength, the glue that holds everyone together when things go south ... so what is he doing regressing of all things? if they don't have a rock, the team won't make it! all of that negativity :( hes prone to pushing down his regression & busies himself w other things until he just ... breaks. wooo :((
after day of the departed (read: cole gets his physical body back), he literally launches himself into his friends & snuggles them like there's no tomorrow in sight. for a good two weeks he's the clingiest baby boy to ever exist: holding everyone's hands, leaning against the nearest person, cuddling, sleepy cuddling – the most common occurrence bc sleepy cole is sleepy. GOODNESS hes so clingy!! if he's in the right (or ig wrong) mood he gets fussy if his human pillow moves away from him kdnfoendk. nobody minds at all; they got their baby boy back & that's all that matters <3
self-indulgent pkmn au hc: cole's midnight lycanroc may look scary (...and kind of is hssjskdje), but it's soooo sweet & gentle with him omg. it has special mittens it puts on its paws to keep from accidentally hurting him w its claws & 100% will help zane make a bottle or lloyd prepare a snack. the fur on its neck is mad fluffy - there have been many, many times someone's walked in on cole with his face stuffed in lycanroc's fur, fast asleep on its back while roc's layin there with him, tail slowly awag <3
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ughgoaway · 9 months
Hey lovely, I'm really enjoying the smutty blurbs and would love to hear about Matty and teachers first time together.
Also I've just got home from the most stressful Christmas with family, and would be interested to hear about teachers family and whether she is as close to them as Matty is to his
hi angel!!! so sorry for this late reply, but im so glad you're enjoying the smutty blurbs. They're so fun to write!! I'm actually planning on doing a full fic for their first time together, so hopefully, that will be coming soon!!
oh I'm sorry about stressful Christmas, it's always a fucking rough time going back home and dealing with everyone.
this is something I have thought a little bit, and I think that in the teacher au, the family relationship is a bit strained.
I think your family are so overbearing, constantly trying to insert themselves in your life in ways you just don't need. every time you see them, it's followed by an onslaught of questions,
"do you have a boyfriend yet?"
"are you still doing that teaching thing?"
"when are you going to have kids? you have only got so long now darling"
so Christmas was always a stressful affair, trying to juggle judgmental aunts and uncles with parents who want to know every detail of your life so they can comment on it.
I think you're as close as you can be, but some distance is necessary for you to stay sane. you love them, but sometimes you just need space to exist.
but Matty's family is a breath of fresh air. The first Christmas you spent with them made you realise it can be enjoyable to see your family.
Denise is so welcoming, ushering you in and plying you with biscuits and tea. she chats about matty, and she tells you that if he ever does anything stupid, tell her, and she'll give him an earful. which earns her an eye roll from matty and assurance that he won't fuck this one up.
Louis is easy to get along with, and he feels like your little brother too very quickly. Tim is hilarious and kind, and all of Matty's extended family are so welcoming and sweet that you don't quite know what to do with yourself.
I think at some point in the night, you wander off, and matty notices you skulking away and follows you out into the garden. you're leaning on the wall outside, staring up at the stars and trying to breathe a little bit better.
"You alright, darling?" matty walks up to you and wraps you in a hug, already noticing your shivering body.
"Yeah, sorry, just needed a minute," you say softly, leaning your head on mattys shoulder and humming comfortably.
you stand in silence for a few minutes, watching your hot breath vaporise in the air and warming each other up.
"Is it always like this for you?" You break the veil of silence, looking up at matty curiously.
his face immediately scrunches in confusion, "what like all of us hanging out and drinking? yeah, that's a pretty average Christmas for us. " he laughs and pulls you in closer, rubbing up and down your bare arms with his hands, desperate to warm you up.
"No, no, I mean, is it always so... Nice? calm? no one is badgering you with questions and making judgemental or petty comments." You say softly, almost hoping matty doesn't hear your words.
but he does. He pulls back and looks in your eyes and his immediately soften. he tugs you in impossibly closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
"Oh, sweetheart. m'sorry your family are a bit exhausting. but the good news is, next year, you'll have me to drag along with you. hopefully, they'll start badgering me about my "silly rockstar job" and leave you alone, hmm? and I'm sure annie will be distraction enough, she will corner your aunt susan and talk about horses for a good hour" matty smiles as he imagines meeting your family.
he always tries to envion what your childhood room looked like. Were the walls covered in posters like his? or were you more organised? did you have teddy bears lining the bed that you don't have the heart to get rid of? he can't wait to tease you for all the old photos and embarrassing clothes.
you giggle and burrow your nose into matty, "already planning for next year, huh? you planning on sticking around that long?" You tease, hearing matty talk about the future so confidently had butterflies hammering at your ribs.
"Of course I am. I'm afraid you're stuck with me for a longgggg time now, sweetheart. " You hum happily and squeeze matty.
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raphmybeloved · 4 months
Ive recently gained an a huge appreciation for raph nd Im not sure why because Ive been into rotttmt for a few years now. It seems sudden. What are some reasons you like raph?
I think it’s because a lot of his character feels kind of different than what I am used to turtle wise. He’s a huge guy who loves fighting and is outgoing but also seems to have anxiety. Normally characters with anxiety don’t have personalities like that and as a person who is loud and out there and has anxiety it just feels nice to watch.
I think he’s silly goofy. I am always a sucker for a giant character who likes to punch and collects teddy bears it’s just fun.
I’m also a big fan of how he is a big brother and how his personality fits into that. TMNT tends to have the idea of the “leader” or older brother as the one who at least attempts to be kind of serious. Raph is goofy and makes dumb choices and loves his brothers but also thinks they are dumbasses.
I think there’s just something refreshing in general about how rise does characters (not saying it’s better or worse but just new in a way I like)
Also I am SUCH a sucker for guys who have to be the hero at all costs and have a bit of a martyr complex. Love that. Give me a character who is so devoted to taking care of others that he neglects himself. Love that shit.
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bird-lettuce · 1 year
hello! i’m looking to get into blue beetle and was wondering if you could tell me about him? what’s he like as a person and superhero and stuff
thank you!
helloo!!! sorry for taking so long!!! you've come to the right place!!!!
(please bear with me, english is not my first language)
first, here's a reading list im working on! it's still very much a wip but it covers most his more prominent apperances (you can check my pinned post for a link to a spreadsheet that has more apperances if you want background/cameos) https://jaime-reyes-archive.carrd.co/#guide-eng
If you want the best intro to him as a character you should read his first book from 2006. It falls off a bit at the end with the writer change imo but the rest it absolutely fantastic and what made me love the character so much! A follow-up to that would be Blue Beetle: Graduation Day, his most recent mini.
Here's an abridged description of his character, more other media you watch him on and my thoughts about his different media and comic characterizations. Buckle up! We have a long way to go. I'll try not to spoil the first run too much:
Jaime Reyes is a a mexican-american teenager (15/16 in his first run, 17/18 in his most recent mini), son of mexican immigrants who lives in El Paso, Texas. He became the third Blue Beetle after Khaji Da, the scarab that belonged to the first Beetle, Dan Garrett, latches onto his spine overnight. He was scared and rejected his power at first, looking for ways to get rid of the scarab, who is capable of communicating with him in his head. Through some mentoring from more experienced characters and communication with the scarab they grow to think of each other as friends and brothers. (highlight: bb06 book one & #25)
Jaime's most important trait is his deep connection to his family and community, notably not keeping his identity as a hero secret from his family and close friends. He is constantly aided and supported by them in his journey to becoming a superhero. (highlight: bb06#1-7, 16, 17, 25-26)
He is a normal teen who was suddenly given powers, so a constant theme is the nervousness and stress he has about the amount of responsibility and expectations he was suddenly given. He tries to do right by his family and community, choosing to dialogue with any possible foe before attacking, and prioritizes the security of the people he protects over his reputation or being on the good side of other leaguers or authorities. Personality wise, he has a very light spirit, and a good sense of humor, he regularly jokes around while fighting. He is good-natured and often silly. (highlight: bb06#17, blue beetle: Graduation Day, Justice League Action)
As a hero, he is the wielder of a potentially world-domination weapon that has enough power to rival that of a green lantern (bb06#1), multiple teen titans, producing synthetic kryptonite (bb06#18), tracking people, protecting him from falling from the atmosphere (bb06#1), hacking batman's computers (the secret six storyline), producing a wide range of weapons, flying, a type of dimension-jumping (bb06#25), etc. The world is lucky that Khaji Da is in the hands of a good kid.
In his original story, he had no relationship with the other Beetles, being mentored by an array of different heroes. After Rebirth, though, he and Ted Kord were often written as a team, either as a duo or through ocasional teamups. It is important to say, however, that Jaime's growth as a hero was more impacted by his family, friends and mentors than it was by Ted. He is self-made and has a separate legacy from the other two Blue Beetles that should not be discredited. Their stories have been separate more than they have not, and recently there has been a subtle push to recognize Jaime as the current main Beetle, and Ted as someone whose time in the spotlight has passed, as opposed to having both of them as The Blue Beetles. (Blue and Gold #7, Blue Beetle: Graduation Day)
Notable relationships:
Paco and Brenda, his best friends
Khaji Da, the scarab. His brother and half of the Blue Beetle
Milagro, Brenda and Alberto, his sister and parents
The posee and La Dama, first rivals, then close allies in his community
Hector and Nadia, the people he trusts the most and the team's tech experts
Peacemaker, Guy Gardner and Starfire, his most notable mentors
Batman, who has gone out of his way to spend a lot of money on him and his family without them knowing lol. Compensation for certain wrong choices I'd say.
The JLI, legacy allies. Especially Booster Gold.
The Reach, his main antagonists. Creators of Khaji Da
Other media
Batman: The brave and the bold: Jaime has a lot of remarkable appearances in BATB! He's literally in the first episode lol. I love his characterization and his dynamic with Batman, and the approach to Jaime's relationship with Ted Kord. His origin story isn't the same, but a lot of characters' stories were changed to be more Batman-centric so i don't really mind. He is also one of the main characters in the Wii game, and his banter with batman is really fun. Definitely one of my favorites
Justice League Action: a more light-hearted version of him! Really fun and the design is very cute imo. Also has some funny banter with Batman
Young Justice: the second season has The Reach as main villains, so Jaime is pretty prominent. He doesn't appear much after that though. It's not exactly my favorite adaptation but it introduced a lot of people to him so it's notable.
The dc animated movie universe: not that interesting lol he's mostly a bg character.
The Blue Beetle 2006 run by Lilah Sturges tries to tackle an immigration storyline, but does so poorly and has a very important main character siding with right wingers. The final issue has a couple of upsetting endings for some beloved characters. It starts after #30 and ends the book.
New 52 is awful. Awful. Changed his origin, his relationship with almost everybody, gave him a weird running joke with the scarab and a lot of the dialogue and characterization choices come off as insaaaanely xenophobic, racist and classist. Also all of it was retconned so it's not even worth reading.
Rebirth was written by Giffen and had Ted Kord back as a mc. Also changed the scarab's origin from tech to magic. Not a favorite of mine, a lot of it is based around Giffen's humor, which i never really connected with, and the dynamic between Jaime and Ted can get annoying after a while. I've noticed it's still enjoyed by a lot of people and only had 16 issues, so you should probably give it a try and see for yourself.
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day is very good. Probably his best book since his first run. It's just about to end, the final issue comes out next week. It's just a mini so it can feel like it was missing more issues to fully flesh out what it wanted to do, but it honestly is refreshing to have Jaime's family and cast back. Also introduced a new city, a new armor and a lot of new characters!! I highly recommend it
This is all I can think of without going into extremely detailed analysis and breakdowns of every little bit of content he has had over the years!! I hope it's understandable and helps guide you into this beloved character <3 He's absolutely one if not my favorite DC character, and means a lot to me. If you have any questions or would like me to clarify about anything I'd be more than happy to answer!!
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makerofmadness · 9 months
I'm gonna just watch through that entire Darkest Night Chapter 1 video I posted the link I found as I get opportunities to 'cus I think I just. Need to engage with some light-hearted stuff rn until I can go home and have my family around me.
anyway uh I've already watched a bit and Gingerbrave is the Chosen One so that's neat. Also there's a new villain. And some other cool-looking stuff. Anyway I'm mainly here to just dump about the Alchemist stuff I've seen so far I've paused in the middle of it because of school (just got back at the break between class and us going on a trip for class so that's why I'm writing this post-) because Alchemist Cookie Content Real and it's voice-acted I am in heaven just what the doctor ordered istg (look I've legitimately been having a crisis and. Some silly blorbo content is what I need to make it to the end of the week-)
btw my screenshots are from watching the video by 99TH VR that is a no-commentary walkthrough of the game so credit goes to where credit belongs.
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This. Brings me joy. Look at her she's so scrunkly. (Also she says something about Gingerbrave looking "oddly familiar" and just. This is like barely into the game so im guessing there'll be an answer to that later or in the future chapters of the thing since this is "darkest night chapter 1" but Man im wondering is gingerbright gonna be in this and is that who she's referring to?-)
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Ego as always (you go girl keep that self-confidence)
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ok so while writing this post we went On The Road (museum trip for class) and basically without an actual WiFi I can't upload images (I've tried brute-forcing it several times and it just Won't) so. I'll just describe the rest of what I've seen:
*So apparently she's trying to awaken... Franken-Cookie???? Which looks like a giant version of Zombie Cookie. girl why is your life always surrounded by movie monsters first your brother is basically Dracula and now you're trying to wake Frankenstein's monster. What's next. (Also I find this ironic since Ovenbreak established that the idea of creating life is something that she doesn't seem to like since it makes her tense about Butter Bear. Then again she doesn't say she made franken cookie just that they have to wake them up to break the gate open).
*"I've been researching methods to concoct the most potent of Revival Potions" Alchemist and her Life And Revival Stuff again-
*Apparently Alch's just. Content to stay in here like Forever? Which makes me wonder where Vampire is... uh anyway like also she basically says she doesn't know anything about politics or care because she just wants to do alchemy and like. The fact she just calls the literal Darkest Lord and his shzt "politics mumbo-jumbo" sent me-
so yeah I'm just gonna watch more of this and then probably have more brainrot and hopefully that'll fix me at least a little bit before I go home-
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camzverse · 5 months
sorry for answering like two weeks late btw 💀💀💀💀 ignore rhattt
(i wanted 2 do all three but like theres practically no canon information about cassidy.. this shit a travesty forreal. like what do we even know about her besides some logbook and ucn stuff. Sighh............ so just mikey n roxy i GUESS)
favorite thing about them: either the way he just watches that little vampire soap opera every night (So silly) or the fact he can draw. his little drawings in the logbook...
least favorite thing about them: him being a little BITCH in fnaf4. he was straiggt up INFURIATING. if i ever encountered 1983 mike its ON SIGHT
favorite line: "he tripped and fell on freddys teeth not our fault" <-ITS SO FUNNY TO ME WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM . that or his whole "i should be dead but im not im going to come find you" speech it was pretty cool tbh. he ate
brOTP: Does he even have friends. wait do him and helpy count theyre so silly. freak corpse father and little toy bear son... im not sure what does and doesnt count as a brotp lmao
OTP: dont really care that much for shipping him but jeremike is soo fun :3 i like them
nOTP: ummm idk i guess just. Not the icky stuff yk. cant really think of anything else
random headcanon: i personally lov the idea that he kinda designed foxy. like he came up w the idea in like a drawing. i think its neat
unpopular opinion: idk exactly how unpopular this is but ive seen a loott of people saying it and. i dont think mike was mean 2 evan bc elizabeth died and he took it out on him or Whatever tf it is people think (i also dont even think she was dead at this point. imo) i think he was just mean bc. he just was mean yk. he just enjoyed being mean to ev and scaring him. as older brothers often do. i just dont think there was some deeper reason i really believe he was just being mean for the sake of fucking w his sibling. side note i dont think he ever wouldve taken it as far as the bite incident on his own i think that was jst a special case bc his bullying was being super enabled by his equally dickheaded friends. ykwim? not like he wasnt at fault he absolutely was but like i think it was a mob mentality kinda thing. if thta even makes sense. Anyway
song i associate with them: cop car by mitski.... something something "i will never die" Also michael afton + dog metaphor makes me insane
favorite picture of them:
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he is Lookingg..
favorite thing about them: i LOVE her design. and also her personality. shes just a really cool and interesting character as a whole i like what theyve done in creating her. Ok thats not really a fav thing ermm im gonna go w her design cuz it goes so hard
least favorite thing about them: shes a gregory hater and i cannot get behind that !! Sorry queen u fell off
favorite line: def either "sign up today and be a WINNER! nobody likes a loser 🙄🙄" (i love the way she says it its so funny 2 me) or "i remember because you are number one—twice :)" (aww CRIES)
brOTP: do her and cassie count. Theyre everything. i really do not think i am understanding brotp correctly but its not like theres that many options either. whatevr. OOHhhh yk what i really fw roxy-freddy friendship. their dynamic intrigues me....
OTP: also not big on shipping for roxy but i yhink roxica is cutee ^_^
nOTP: umm i have no idea actualky. lmao
random headcanon: she is a #lesbian she kisses girls shes a big fan of women etc u get it. also hc that when kids go in her green room and they play the racing arcade machine she starts backseat gaming them like crazy . shes just mad she cant play the game herself lmao
unpopular opinion: umm i dont think i really have one Question mark.. tbh i feel like people dont talk about roxy that much so im not sure what Is a popular opinion. people should talk about her more shes interesting
song i associate with them: what you waiting for by gwen stefani!!!!! actually bc of that one roxy drawing u made that had that song LOL
favorite picture of them:
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shes so cool..
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asbestieos · 2 years
Riley please tell me more your shuffle units are soooo cool please diner shuffle unit?
weheee hello anon 👋👋👋 im in the tdeep throes of what i can only call Mysterious Stress Sickness (not made better by wee bit of sleep med ovrdose (not deadly) (but very sleepy) (coping ny watching mukbang videos)))sl bear with me if im ramblynor nonsensical,
shuffle highly dependent on vintage American diner aesthetic, maybe conbined with Japanese karaoke becos it sounds fun 👍 om mostly thibking of mv setting fewturing retro furniture and silly jukebox karaoke. shuffle’s reason for being a thing maybe becos a karaoke bar franchise wants promo for a pop-up karaoke place and gets ES in on it or something
for shuffle memvers. yuzuru souma leo hahime and then uhhhh fuckin hinata . hinata acenter with souma second 5* maybes. theres really n o particualr reaosn why these five i think i just want to see them rollerskating (or girlfailing at rollerskating). i read somewher eonce or maybe made it up in my head that hinata used to work in a restaurant so i think itd be a silly throwbac for him and hajime is probably used to doing oddjobs!! yhe story woith theshuffle would be like something something customer service jobs hurt + brings up painful memories. maybe a little flavor of aoi twins pain with hinata reflecting on their current relationship. souma sympathetizing bcos hes a little little bit like hinata like a teeeeny bit. its about the sibling self sacrificing. souma hasnt had much chance to self sacrifice but he Is an older brother and i want to think hes just like me fr and acted as a buffer for his younge rbrothers sake? hinata has been basically cannibalizing himself his whooole life for yuta. actually leo is also perfect dor this as older brother to ruka + hajime has like a bajillion younger shblongs, maybe the story is something something its hard to be an okder sibling we have to balance Not Killing Ourselves with caring for baby. Yuzuru Is Also Here )i do not know how he factors in)
so abuwau for shuffle outfit desifn something simple? classic bkntage waitress dress? excuse how crunchy this is i ha dto draw on m phone do you know how hard it is to drawign with finger whennyou are ultra skeepy and have the muscle strength of a newborn 💔 ティでcouldべfuck me sorry wrong keyboqrd this could be cuter but im too tired to com up with a better design whaugh. tldr blend+ but its set at a retro-themed karaoke bar . like kinda like nightclub + blend+ + American Vintage:tm: thank you for enduring my nonsense ranbjing ♡ my head hirts 👍
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sweetronancer · 8 months
yapping time alksdflkj sorry (this is probably the gayest post i'll ever make)
no because like my girlfriend is so silly like? i could really talk about her all the time if i was given the chance. if yapping about her was a job i'd be like fucking rich for working overtime! no because i'm literally so happy with her, she just like treats me differently i guess? she doesn't try to guilt me into doing things that i don't want to which i love so much? like i actually have some room and we're like surprisingly good at communicating with each other like? we don't talk a ton- like very often (to which my mom said im gonna like just grown up thinking this is how all my relationships should work and that its okay not to talk) but like it doesn't really bother me that much because we're okay. i'm really happy with her and i i guess she's really happy with me?? which is like! she loves the outsiders btw- like she wanted to read it to me but like i couldn't vc and stuff so she hasn't yet but i really hope she does soon but like i don't know how to tell her like! she's so sweet you don't understand, she understands me so well and like it makes me giggle a lot- like its soo dumb but when she texts me i get all giggly and i jump up and down with joy bro and then i have the urge to like do the rtc choreo for giggles! SPEAKING OF WHICH ONE TIME WHEN WE WERE ON A CALL BEFORE WE GOT TOGETHER WE WATCHED RTC AND WE WERE GIGGLING OVER JANE THE WHOLE TIME LIKE! and after we talked for a little and then decided to watch brother bear. i've known her for like a while, yk? which is good- usually i don't take my time like this but like i've always had this little gay feeling for her i don't know how to explain it. we're literally ronance, like thats us if you even care! she's just different than anyone else i've like dated, she like actually listens, yaps and engages in conversations with me? it just feels so like comfortable and natural and it makes me really happy and like! shes just so <333 i wanna cry soo bad i miss her so much ew
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swift-kwikster · 8 months
But my favourites right now are! (Under the read more because I babbled heaps)
Pikachu (always and forever - I loved Pokemon before I even went to school, I know that much. It could even be before preschool and as a kid I loved Pikachu so much. I'd imagine my plush Pikachu as like a friend to me and pretend it was real (as kids do) - so cheesy as it is, Pikachu forever is my number 1. For 20+ years <3)
Koraidon/Miraidon (is saying both for 2 allowed? :P) - THESE HAVE RECENTLY GONE UP SO HIGH ON MY FAVOURITE LIST.. I just adore these two with their cool designs, and their roles in the Scarlet/Violet with their personalities and lil animations. It makes me love them to bits. I can't pick one over the other, since they're exactly the same except for their designs, design wise I'd probably go for Koraidon because of the colours and how cool the wings are. But I can't say I like it overall over Miraidon, they're both the same to me.
Bewear - Ever since Pokemon Sun this bear has been a favourite. It's so goofy and cute yet also so scary and violent. It's such a hilarious idea I can't help but love it. My absolute favourite things about Bewear was the animation it'd have when hit by a move, it'd just cutely cover its face as if it was really nothing. Then they absolutely killed it in the anime with how they portrayed Bewear in its intro. (I haven't watched much else of the Sun & Moon anime sadly :( )
Slurpuff - Another pink Pokemon being on here for being funny, cute and silly. But it's also fun to use for battle. I used to like Swirlix more than Slurpuff design wise, but Slurpuff has won me over with how fun the concept of a cupcake cake dog thing is.
Sandshrew - Sandshrew and Sandslash have always been favourites from Gen 1 (adorable and cool designs - and that Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Sprite for Sandshrew is adorable) but ever since I saw a twitter post where someone said that when they were a kid they thought Sandshrew's name was Paul- every single time I see a Sandshrew I think 'oh it's Paul :)', then my brother and sister also join in on it when they see Sandshrew and it has never stopped. Such a silly joke has made this little thing one of my favourites. Just seeing Sandshrew/Paul makes me feel a little happy inside.
Appletun - This one was so hard to decide, this list changes often but right now I've been more obsessed with Appletun. I think its design is fun and once again the goofy look its got won me over- then there's how tiny it is. I remember thinking I wasn't probably gonna have my Applin stay on my team on Shield until I saw it evolve into that. And I couldn't let the fella go. It was too perfect.
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llycaons · 1 year
ep28 (2/2): you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sigh dreamily, you'll grit your teeth in hopeless anger....this one has it all
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the drama of the duel is kind of silly if you know it's a ploy so idc for it but this is very real hurt wwx is expressing and jc just doesn't care I guess!
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also why did he do this. just for the drama....
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oh my god so this scene had me sobbing. real tears. she was so happy to see him! her brother!!! but he's going away from them and it's breaking her heart and she's begging jc to do something but he's just standing there and wwx is getting smaller and smaller in the distance 😭 wwx people love you so much!!!!
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and this look afterwards...devastating
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oh shit did jc give him money? it's implied that lwj gives wq money but following that same logic, maybe jc did too. less in-character for him tho
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this is a joke im literally bisexual please dont come for me
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im such a sap for their romance...an arrogant rich boy getting into muddy water to personally build you a pond that reminds you of home so you won't be homesick...mud on his face and hiding the lotus behind his back as if he could hide it....I AM charmed!!! I am!!! he may not have any principles either but fuck if he doesn't love his wife!
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and she is CRYING!!!!! she misses her home!!! she wants to be with her brothers!!! this is hard for her!!!
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I love that the show teaches you how to watch it. they're saying, look at this romantic couple. jzx is committing to supporting and taking care of jyl. jyl is saying jzx's name with no formalities attached. they're staring deeply into each other's eyes. they're on a bridge (ahh!!! I just noticed!!!). this is what couples in this universe do! dw about kissing. staring intently at each other from an arms-length is the height of romance. and you know what they're right
not that I wouldn't kill for one good wx kiss in ep50. but they're right. sometimes romance is in all the littler things
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they call jc 'little' huh. to indicate his youth, and accentuate his helplessness and victimization? don't think that was his goal during the duel
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oh my god this scene is fucking hilarious. the poor 19 year old with zero history of working with kids. thrust into this position, a child wailing on his leg, beset on all sides by concerned well-meaning strangers. usually so poised and confident, he's shrunk into himself so much he can barely speak. HE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR THIS!!!! he doesn't know SHIT!!!
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and ofc wwx in the corner laughing at him
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that's like nine people...help
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this scene is ALSO funny bc wwx is obviously watching lwj for a minute before making his presence known to him and lwj lifts his head and it's pov now so he's suddenly all 🥺😍😮 but all in one face and the frames slow down as we go slomo and wwx looks so handsome and powerful walking over to rescue him from this disaster. his hero <3
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forgot he said this and then said he has a bitter expression. very xie lian to mq of him lol
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I love this moment bc it's one of the first gifs I ever saw and I remember the commentary was like 'lwj suddenly realizes he has a burning need to have a family with wwx' etc. etc. and they're right he does wants that desperately. sorry, lwj. give it 20 years
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this is rich kid behavior. I thought wx was being mean and teasing a-yuan, but he was just being practical. there are toys there, so he'll use them to distract and calm down a-yuan, then they'll leave. they don't have the money! and a-yuan isn't even that upset
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still, lwj 0.2 seconds after meeting his very first baby, can't bear to see one not spoiled. so we get this very cute scene
personal highlights
that first convo was so good but THEN I'LL BE THE PRECENDENT and then jc's monologue ough
wq returning the comb. sad but also lmao. fail jc moment
jyl's dream broke my little heart...
jzx all covered in the mud offering jyl a piece of her home he built with his own two hands (mostly)
lwj frozen and panicking and trapped by well-meaning nosy market-goers. because of a toddler
lwj reprimanding wwx for not buying all the toys. he is so silly
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
How Bestfriend Dabi turned Yandere HCs
‎the other source of my brainrot sdjkdfnsdknfdskjnflksjd i will be completely honest i don’t even read/watch BNHA??? 🤡🤡 so take these HCs with a grain of salt i wrote this based off of what I’ve read on Tumblr + wiki but im 100% planning to read eventually just to see my favourite little scarred boy :’)
manga spoiler warning: this contains heavy BNHA manga spoilers
tw: yandere, violence, death
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you knew him from a young age before even attending Hero Academy - back when he was still a normal kid and was still full of hopes and dreams
your two families probably knew each other - and you two were introduced to each other
bonded over families with high expectations, and quickly became bestfriends when you two found that yall could understand and relate to each other extra well
trained with him whenever he wanted to - if you had a quirk then it was a free for all, if you didn’t then it was just martial arts training
even though he always wanted to give his all every fight, and he always said he doesn’t care if you go hurt, he made sure to not go too far so that neither of you ended up too badly injuried
always comes over for secret snacks, ice creams and movie nights when your parents weren’t home
you always warned Dabi not to push himself too hard - you knew his goal of becoming the number 1 hero like his dad promised, but you also knew that he was overexterting himself
when he did overexert and hurt himself, you would quietly patch him up and offer him snacks - or let him cry into your shoulder
denies that happens, and you let him - you weren't there to push anything on him, moreso you wanted him to have a safe space, somewhere he could just be Touya
when Dabi asked you if you would hate him and stop being his friend if he had more and more scars, you told him to not be silly - of course you two would still be bestfriends
bought him a matching charm to yours after that - he still carries it around in his pocket
super self-conscious about his growing white hair, you could see it written all over his face
one day came back with your own hair dyed white - now you matched, you told him with a big smile on your face
💯 you got in trouble for that, but you didn’t really care if it made Dabi smile
you have secretly pasted stickers on his back without him knowing - he only found out later that he walked around town with hello kitty stickers 
you moved out on your own much earlier than he did, and made sure to let Touya know where your new place was and that he was always welcomed even if you weren’t home
he also knew where to find the spare key, and you kept your kitchen stocked with food and medical supplies
when his little brother was born and he was cast aside, your house was always the first place he ran to when he could no longer bear it at home or by himself
finally snapped and ran away from home for good, mental state in a mess and spiraling, you found him hiding out in the rain in the alleyway you two usually hang out at
didn’t speak with him much, or rather you knew he didn’t want to talk, so you just brought him to your place, and cooked him a hot meal, and let him have a room
new sets of clothes for him appeared in his wardrobe when he woke the next day
no thanks said between yall because no need for that - bestfriends after all
he sheltered at your place for as long as he could, but packed up and left without saying goodbye one night after he thought he had overstayed his welcome
nope 🤡 - he was back again real quick, cold and hungry, and you still welcomed him in with open arms
all his new staples and piercings never bothered you one bit - he was still Touya, your bestfriend
definitely have threatened to track him down and pull out all his staples with a staple remover if he doesn’t come visit or ask for help when he needs it
after that, he always came back to visit once in a while, and you would help patch up his clothes, buy him new ones if he wanted, and cook him his favourite hot meal
never judged or pitied him - or more importantly - you never stopped just being you around him
even when he writhed and changed and crashed - you just kept being you, and your stability in his life was what helped him carry on
became a lot more laidback and relaxed once he faked his death and could live his own life
he asked you if you were okay with him joining the villains, being a villain - and you told him that if he was happy, then so were you
even though you rather not him hurt other people - you valued him finding himself above all else
still stitched him up after his villain fights and all - you knew that he couldn’t go to a hospital for treatment so you did your best
you were his rock - and that was when Dabi realized that he has started down the yandere path - but he had no intention of turning back
you were the one that shook him out of his existential crisis and his mania and his depression - literally could not live without you patting his back and telling him that its alright
absolutely thought that you were too naive and weak to live by yourself without your bestfriend looking after you - whether or not you had a quirk that was stronger than his
you did open your house to a villain after all
you protected and sheltered him from the outside world and himself at his most vulnerable, and now it was time from him to do the same for you
one of the only few who knows his real identity, and definitely the only person who can still call him Touya and not get instantly turned into charcoal
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bugnirvana · 2 years
🎸🤘brother from another mother🤘🎸[Eddie Munson & Reader] HCs
warnings: drug usage from eddie, implied from you. that’s basically it
terms used: masc (per usual)
a/n: I’m making this to soothe my anxious soul. i am in a constant state of anxiety, allow me to enjoy this please. requests got me anxious n shit. I love them but human interaction makes me so fucking nervous lol. anyway. watching anola holmes rn. i make a lot of “mbb runs over gay people” jokes but she’s truly so radiant and such a good actor! love her to bits. ok enough rambling. Im so nervous. reader and eddie have the kind of relationship/brotherhood ig that dustin and steve have. two men with nice hair yet totally and completely different? insanity. ok for real now.
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the both of you met via hellfire, however, you’re in the year above the main stranger things kids so you get an entire year free of them and their bullshit
it’s ok it’s fine you love them nonetheless
this is about Eddie though. oops
Eddie literally just takes you under his wing as a younger brother and you love it
You will become the baby metalhead the world has always needed
He definitely helps you make a vest
painting with you and shit.
he loves every minute! Genuinely. He loves helping you with crafts and gets paint EVERYWHERE
probably would let you borrow some of his rings and stuff
maybe even keep some
the both of you love sharing music with one another
you find a new band? He’s probably heard of it but he’s going to act like it’s something he has no clue of just to make you feel good
You also definitely get all of your music taste from him
also just in general a grunge aesthetic
you weren’t exactly normal going into highschool but you also weren’t on his level
you let him in on ALL the gossip. he loves it
y’all have probably gone camping at least once or twice together just cuz
he’ll tell you stories about campaigns he held before yours and oh my god are the stories so entertaining
he’ll also tell you stories about his concerts and shit, like if any fights broke out from the drunk dudes lol
speaking of concerts…
he probably taught you how to play guitar
and if you knew how to already he’d teach you on how to improve
actually asks you to play with the band at one point
mainly just a simple line from a song or two but every moment is so amazing
one day you ask him if he could do your hair like his
if you have short hair oh my god did you look silly
if you have long hair he loved it
you had to tell him to stop using so much heat on ur hair or else ur hair was going to get badly heat damaged
he just ended up using copious amounts of hairspray in the end
You found him high one day and all he could do was tell you to not do drugs or whatever to be a good influence
you listened for the most part but that isn’t to say you didn’t dabble at least once or twice
did you tell him?
-t directly? you let it slip out once though
he wasn’t really mad he was just curious of your experience and kind of concerned because of how young he is
also where the hell did you get it from????
that’s another question for another day
you know how eddies uncle has a lot of mugs?
eddie probably has some stashed away in his room
he eventually gives you one as a birthday present and you understand the meaning to this.
officially adopted by Eddie Munson
ok back on topic
he definitely at least attempts to get you to wear a leather jacket but you reject, claiming “it’d be too hot”
he says fine, but you’re missing out
over all he takes good care of you. good older brother figure and you wouldn’t trade him for the worldl
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anxiety has kind of been soothed I guess. eddie munson brother true.
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twstddream · 3 years
hello :) im not sure if you've done this before but could I request a magical girl!reader and how would Malleus, Floyd, Jade, and Leona react? thank you if you accepted my request! 💜
 Of course! I think all of them would have very interesting reactions. I’m basing this off of Magic Knight Rayearth and Tokyo Mew Mew and like, Saint Tail. Nothing too fancy, like Precure or Sailor Moon. I hope you enjoy!
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• “Hah?”
• Mahou Shoujo/Shounen don’t really exist in Twisted Wonderland. So it’s likely he’s never heard of an ordinary person transforming and gaining superhuman abilities to save the Earth from ruin. So this is definitely a first for him.
• Leona is impressed that you can hold your own in battle. Whether you have a classic wand or staff, or something more abstract like a magic tambourine, he’ll be more impressed by your raw strength, and not any finisher weapons you have.
• If there’s a horde of enemies, or your opponent is more than you can handle, then Leona will jump into the fray and start beating up your opponents with you. It’s a sight to see, for sure. The two of you running into enemy lines, fluttering around each other and timing your attacks in perfect sync. Tossing foes at each other with inhumane strength only to punch them back and forth. A truly messed up game of hot potato.
 - Leona is most impressed when you aim a punch to the ground, fracturing the surrounding area and knocking your opponents off their feet, while a spell falls from your lips to finish them off.
 - He wants to do that himself, not only is it challenging (and he loves a challenge), but it’s a signature move of yours.
• Most times however, he’s content to leave all of the fighting to you, I mean, that’s your job, right? He’s not becoming some sidekick to you, he won’t be second to anyone again, not even you. Besides, you seem pretty capable, you’ve been doing this long before you met him.
• He could go without the transformations though. He has a distinct indifference towards them.
• Ultimately, he’s impressed by your battle prowess, but is content to let you do you. 
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• Now this is something you don’t see everyday.
• He’s not one to poke and prod like his twin. (Not as blatantly, at least.) But he will interrogate you on the full extent of your abilities. Can you do any heavy-lifting? What about generic abilities like teleportation or flying? What does that little instrument of yours do? Try hitting him with all of your might, he wants to see what you can do.
• Surprisingly loves any and all transformations of yours. There’s a certain finesse to it that he can’t help but admire.
• He knows you’ll be fine, he knows that, but he still can’t help but worry. So he resorts to supporting you on the sidelines. He’ll try out curses and portable spells for you to carry in case you find yourself in a pinch and he isn’t around to help.(’Since when has he cared so much about someone?’ he wonders)
• While he would never throw himself into the heat of battle without a plan of attack, on more than one occasion he has taken a nasty hit for you. 
• Jade will support you in anyway he can. He’ll run a hot bath infused with oils and other natural aids. Your favourite candles line the room, the melting wax gathering at the base of the candle. The blend of fragrances created specifically to relax you, to sooth you, and to hopefully lessen the burden you bear.
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• Much unlike his brother, he worries. But not in fear of you getting hurt. He worries he’s gonna miss your super cool battles. He lives for the theatrics
• He loves your finisher attacks. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple purification spell, or something comparable to Tiro Finale. He’ll cheer and cause quite the uproar in your name.
• Like everyone else, he’s never heard of Magical Girls. At least, not real ones, sometimes Ortho babbles on about some anime his older brother has watched and sometimes they involve frilly outfits and silly wands. Not once did he think he’d learn about it so personally.
• His reaction however, depends on his mood. He could be totally enamoured, questioning you about anything and everything. Or, he could rudely yawn and tell you to clean up the little mess you’ve created.
• He will throw down with every “villain” in sight. He’ll give them a good squeeze, just for you, okay~?
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• Anything that poses a threat to you is instantly dealt with. He knew nothing about you being a magical girl/boy and just straight up got rid of your biggest threat in the blink of an eye.
• Yay?
• But the work of a magical girl is never done. So you take the time to sit Malleus down and explain to him what’s going on with all of these big baddies coming after you and picking fights. He finds it especially amusing.
• Malleus wants to test your limits, both in magic and in battle. While he is concerned about whether or not you can hold your own, he also finds sparring with you to be a fun past-time.
• Oh but the culture shock. He’s super impressed. It’s just like the superheroes he hears Idia spout on about from his comics. He wants to formally introduce you to Silver, because he knows Silver loves the tale of Mulan, and he thinks you two would get along well.
Just as a side-note, I was listening to the Bloodborne OST while I was writing this, and let me tell you, Ludwig, the Accursed & Holy Blade are far too intense when writing about essential oils in a bath.
Never mind Laurence, The First Vicar came on I’m fucked
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freak60000 · 2 years
tell me abt the characters PEASE their relationships seem so interesting
this ask is old too but oh m GOD. i’m gonna talk about the relationships actualy but there’s so many relationships in this game like SOO many i’m not gonna do all of them here but i’m gonna do some i like. hold on tight and bear with me because i’m autistic and i know how to use it. i’m not doing them all but anyone can send another ask if they wan tto know more ^_^
also this ask made me REALLY happy i just want you to know HEHEE. 💖💖💖💖💖i love talking about my blorbos sosososoo much so this made me giggle and kick my feet while typing u know
okay. okay. i don’t even know where to start so i’ll get the ones im not too invested in out of the way. crypto and caustic HATE EACHOTHER. they are both going under fake identities and they both know it. but ALSO. crypto and caustic are stepbrothers. caustic is the biological son of mystik, an old woman who adopted crypto when he was younger. however crypto and caustic never met (i don’t think) when they were young so they didn’t actually Know this for a very long time until SOMEONEEE (me. pathfinder) literally just Guessed that since their mothers went by similar names that they were the same person. and then i just said bye and FUCKING LEFTTTTT. it was really funny they were both like. …………… see below:
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ok next is uhh bloodhound and fuse. fuse joined the games and after a hard journey for the two of them bloodhound became fond of him. he comforted them throughout their journey trying to find themself and blaming themself for their home’s loss and destruction. the voice actors and like half the community ship them really hard so that’s cute i guess. idk if i’d call that canon though but they definitely are SUPER cute when they talk to one another
fuse and maggie OH BOY. OH BOY they were like Besties since they were little little kids. pretty much siblings. almost their WHOLE story is explained with this sfto though if you wanna watch that instead of me explaining. but yeah they hate each other now because fuse Left her and the already diminishing planet of Salvo to fend for themselves, basically selling them off to the syndicate. so yeah fuse is kind of a dick so maggie is furious with him (rightfully)
awwww rampart and mirage awww. they’re so cute. what started off as a bickering friendship between the two blossomed into soemthing mirage could Only define as a sibling bond, reminding him of his brothers (which he had lost). they’re siblings they’re found family and they’re so funny together their relationship makes me cry a little bit in a funny way and a sad way i love them. see below:
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crypto and mirage HAHAAAAAA they have this like really gay frienemy thing going on it’s so funny. crypto called him old man and mirage called him kid when they first met even though crypto is literally older than him (there was speculation that he’s like… 28 or soemthing though but idk if that’s true or not) but yeah they’re silly
mirage and pathfinder YAYYYYYYY me and my bestie!!!! it started off as me just being like. annoying to him but then he started to like me and tolerate me and then we became besties. short and sweet but i (canonically and in-game) call him my best boyfriend so. you could say it’s a little Bit Gay but that’s up to you 😋 he loves me even if i’m a little bit silly (this is the same dynamic with wraith but she isn’t as mean to me HEHE) here’s a thing he wrote me after giving me a ton of flowers to cheer me up YAYY:
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wattson and caustic ohhh boy. this one’s confusing. father-daughter like bond at first, caustic really admired her work in the science field and she appreciated his admiration. then that bond formed but caustic tried some shady shit in broken ghost because wattson started becoming besties with crypto and wattson REALLY didn’t like that so they like… weren’t friends anymore? and he did some more shady shit and she like electrocuted him and i guess that worked because now he’s like a sad puppy when he talks to her. so yeah idk what happened HAHAH.
last but not least me (pathfinder) and ash. yayyyy. i don’t liek talking about this one because i don’t like the way i was written here but i’ll give you the gist. i foudn her in the dumpster after she was put together and like. saved her i guess because she got rebuilt after. and then she moved in with me and i had a little girlcrush on her for a while (it was one of those “you’re a girl and you’re my friend, so you’re my girlfriend!” things) but she wasn’t interested (the way they wrote me was a little creepy :((( ) and she left. but she joined the games a couple seasons later and i apparently still haven’t let it go because i still. yeah. but yeah after she left i was depressed for like an entire season until my best friend mirage cheered me up ^_^ yay
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