#im trying to get a law degree so i can help people in the future but the on going shit at home makes studying so much harder to the point
#i need to rant#or else i will lose my mind#so pls skip if you dont want to listen to my sob story#i am tired#i am so so tired#i am tired of being the eldest daughter#i am tired of handling every single thing#i am legit a mom to everyone including my mom#i have to deal with all the shit my siblings go thru#be their therapist#the parent that they never got#i have to handle finances of the house#im tired of paying every single thing and having the majority of my paychecks go to the house#the house drains me so much that im not able to show up in others aspects of my life#i am tired of doing all of this and getting nothing but insults#verbally abused and degraded#im trying to get a law degree so i can help people in the future but the on going shit at home makes studying so much harder to the point#where i fail my class#i am tired of pretending to be okay when i just wanna scream and break every single thing around me#my ankle recovery is taking a toll on me physically and mentally#that shit is not easy and no one will understand how shitty it is to break a fucking ankle and learning how to walk bend run all over again#this list is just never ending#i wanna have my own family#i wanna build a healthy house hold for myself#but at the same time who the fuck would want to be with me when i go thru all of this#i am not okay at all and i am tired of helping every single person around me#i know im supposed to help my own self but i wish someone went the extra mile and went above and beyond just like i do for everyone else#i just want a break i want someone to tell me its all going to be okay i do not need to suffer and go thru life alone#i want someone to be there for me#i dont wanna seem ungrateful but this is how i feel
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mrsdeliberatecreater · 2 months
hi, im sorry for bothering u right now. ive been asking around for advice everywhere because i really need all the help i could use right now. my anxiety is flaring up like crazy because my results come out tomorrow and im so scared because if i mess this up then my future is ruined. my mental health has been horrible and that has severely affected my grades but in most asian countries they dgaf about that and basically think it's nonexistant for minors so ofc i'm still undiagnosed, and if i were to apply to a uni i wouldnt get any good chances anywhere. if i could just get 3 Bs in my AS levels it would be okay or else i'd have to retake it and it's super costly here.. i don't wanna put my family through that because they'll talk me down, degrade me, destroy my self esteem which i've managed to build back a little. they were like this since when i was the topper and thats what made me burnout. undiagnosed adhd, trauma, depression also contributed to it
im applying the law, but instead of the feeling of success that everyone else gets i feel panicked. the 'feeling' people usually get when they're in the wish fulfilled state, the feeling of accepting it and it being real—im not getting that. i dont see a clear picture when i visualize. every time i try to, i end up breaking down and feeling like a failure... but I'm still trying to go on because why is it that the people who hurt me and practically ruined my life get to live successfully, while i suffer? thats not fair... i promised myself that if i could just get 3 Bs, ill turn my life around and work really hard... but is it over for me? i want to win, im trying to, but im scared
im trying my best to visualize myself getting 3 Bs, reenacting my friends faces when i get the results, praying to God and thanking Him for blessing me and continuing to bless me, but there is this fear still lingering at the back of my mind... i feel like I'm not doing it right. i have like one day left and I'm so nervous. im going over posts, tweets, and every time I feel a little better, it all comes crashing down because of doubts. theres only one thing one my mind right now: 'how am I gonna turn it around in one day?' i know that the 3D does not matter and that everything is done in imagination, but here i feel like its not done in imagination either
right now nothings clicking in my head, whatever i read is getting scrambled in my mind, i feel so lost and empty. could u please tell me what to do in this specific situation? u can be as harsh as you want if that's what's needed to get the point across. im really sorry for the bother and id be really grateful if u could please help out, ive never been this desperate before... my life cant be over before it even started
Okay love. I need you to do something for me. Take 3 deeeeep breaths.
I understand you completely. I understand what are going through completely. I'm Indian, so I know how it can be. I got yelled at by my sister for thinking that I might have ADHD. 👀 Its all good now though. I also used to deal with debilitating anxiety two years ago.. I barely left my room, let alone go to school for a master's degree that I chose and got into serious debt for.. I'm not making this about me, but I just want you know that change is possible.
Anytime you start to feel bad, a anxiety attack coming on, I want you to just keep taking calming deep breaths and focus on the now. Focus on the things you see, things you can hear, smell, etc. Its the feeling of "now". Come back to the "now" as many times as needed if you feel negative thoughts. I would affirm, "Everything is okay, everything will be okay", pick an affirmation that feels natural to you, and affirm.
If you like subliminals, I would recommend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zX6BKBzVgfk&t=4s This has stopped so many of my anxiety attacks before I learned to let them go..
If not keep doing the breathing exercises. You will find that by repetition this will eventually release the reasons for feeling anxiety in the first place. Take things one day at a time. If it gets bad, ask someone you trust for help.
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We alll have doubts. Doubts are fine. As long as you are just focused on the end/wish fulfilled/affirming, you are fine, even with doubts. You don't need to believe with 100% everything till you burst a blood vessel. If you feel like your doubts are overwhelming you, decide that nothing, not even you can stop your desires from manifesting. <3
"Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you". - Matthew 17:20
If you have the time, I would highly recommend IlluminatingJoy on youtube, especially her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT2xyCcoues&t=1727s
She has a really good grasp on manifestation and explains everything so well and accommodates it to fit our "logic", while completely validating human emotions. The exercise she does in this video is so so simple but seriously effective. I catch myself slipping at least once a day that would have spiraled if I hadn't done the exercise.
Also if you want to do this in a day, I want you to focus on your mental diet. Affirm affirm affirm.
If negative thoughts come up, you breathe and think "I can relax, I got all A's". Anything in the 3D reminds you think, "I can relax, I got what I wanted. Your family being mean to you? remember how in class after lunch, your teacher is talking but you're thinking about something else.
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Also speaking of that, I know you said you can't your images clearly. That's fine. Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
Visualizing is NOT imagination.
My visualizations are never clear and I manifest everything I imagine all the time. They all have that "vignette" effect lol..
Imagination can be a picture, it can be a smell, a touch, a voice, just how someone's clothes smell when they are standing really close to you like in an elevator. Like you can specifically smell it but you KNOW what I'm talking about right?
Your loved ones in your face? Use it YOUR ADVANTAGE. I used to hear my sister compliment me, it was easy to hear her voice. I primarily used her voice to fix our relationship. Cannot for the life of me picture her face properly but thats FINE.
You can use ANY of the senses, just one or two or all. Hear your family saying things you want in your mind. Hear them congratulating you, compliment you.
You can slowly work this into all the other aspects of your life...
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By the way, you aren't lost and empty. You are a very caring person, you want to do things so that you don't let your family down, in spite of how they treat you. That to me is a genuinely caring person.
But you need to apply that same care to yourself. You don't need me to be harsh to you, YOU don't need to be harsh to you. You are working so hard to find answers but you ARE the answer. Its okay. Please just rest. Its all yours. Be more soft to yourself, be more kind to yourself, compliment yourself, you will start to see that kindness reflected in the 3D as well.
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I have given you a lot of options here so you can pick and choose what makes YOU feel better so that YOU can focus on SELF because
Nothing to change but self
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Reach out to me as many times as you would like, you could never bother me.
Nya 🌺
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hobiwonder · 4 years
Bloom | 01
Genre: Hybrid!Namkook. fluorescence by @jincherie​ AU 
Pairing: foxhybrid!Namjoon x Reader x bunnyhybrid!Jungkook ;(
Warnings: language. mention of hybrid trafficing/being sold into sex trafficing, fluff holy shit, angst, Smut (future), very cuddly and shy jungkook, stuttery shy BOYS. I really just wrote this for me.
Words: 5k+
Summary: In a world where humanity is increasingly motivated by how much cash can be made off of... well anything, you’re a human and hybrid rights lawyer. You will do anything to save the ones that never had a choice  right from the date of their conception. Even if that means, adopting two hybrids that you absolutely did not mean to. 
a/n: hello hello im back from the dead iuhbIUHBUYBGUY okay so, yes this isnt baby baby but i am a bit behind on that so i really hope posting this instead can satiate my sluts for a few more days until i have that done. I have a lot of this written so I will post this on a semi-regular schedule. rest of the schedule i posted will stay the same. it’s just baby baby that���s kicking my BUTT!!!! Lastly, I started writing this before Goo Hara passed away. Opening this document made me a little sad and also happy when i remember Hara and her love for eco-friendly fashion. I guess, this is kind of a tribute to her? anyhow, I hope you guys like it. please please please, validate me. :>)
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"Y/n they're going to be sold to this man who works for a black market. What do I do? Oh god. I-I didn't know our company was into that business."
Your best friend is nearing the point of tears and you can understand her frustration. "Listen, Hara, take a deep breath and tell me when exactly this is happening."
A deep breath is taken as you'd suggested, before you hear Hara's voice again through the phone. "Okay... Okay. I was just told by Minseok that there is an auction for the remaining two from the past failed batches. Apparently two others have been adopted and the rest have been pawned off somewhere. I'm not sure. From our division of the company, these two are the ones that have not gone for further testing to be open to the regular public. A-And so now there is a super secret auction happening tonight. It's not open to the regular public as you already know but staff members are able to attend. What do I do y/n? I can't afford them. I have my own to deal with. These poor boys will go to some horrible owner who will use them f-for god knows what."
Now Hara was crying. Openly and brokenly for the possible fate of these 'failed' hybrids that her company had produced. This was a sticky situation and even you, a Human and hybrid rights lawyer, had limited ideas as to what could be done on such a short notice. But you were not about to give up.
"Hara, don't. They will not be bought by some hybrid trafficker okay? I won't let it happen. I will... I will at least try. It's my job, remember?"
Your optimism is convincing enough. And you wholeheartedly believed that something would give. These big corporations had their toes in everywhere and you didn’t yet know if they had already had a designated buyer on the black market they pawned their hybrids off to. Where there was money to be made - no company had morals rigid enough to stop themselves from the temptation. You already lived in an age where human trafficking was no longer a cause for activism or big debates. Not when more species - man made or not - had been created to take advantage of.
“Okay yeah. You’re a badass lawyer, you must have something up your sleeve right?” Her voice is shaky but you confirm with an enthusiastic nod she can’t see.
“Of course! I’ll kick their asses. Surely this can’t be legal? No blackmarket is. Let me have a look at what can be done. I’m assuming you can bring a plus one tonight?”
“Yeah I-I was given a ticket. You’ll be coming with me right?”
“That’s why I asked, silly.” Her relieved chuckle brings a smile to your own lips.
“I’ll see you there. Don’t give up hope until I do, alright?”
“Okay... You’re right.”
“Fuck this. Fuck my life.” The curses escaped your mouth left and right as you looked over the dozens and dozens of papers splayed out on your oak desk.
Even your comfortable office chair couldn’t stop the knot building up between your shoulder blades. This was bad. Really bad. Corporate law allowed unfit materials to be sold to third parties. What these third parties did with those materials - the company of origin was no longer liable for. In short: These hybrids were going to be bought by someone sketchy with a crystal clear profile and no paper trail unless someone bid higher and bought them.
None of these bastards were rookies. They had solid paperwork where necessary and it would be near impossible to prove their illegal activities when all of them took place on the dark web. A place that opened up more threats and risks than solutions. No legislation covered hybrid rights that weren’t even registered yet. Whoever bought them would have to register them and then the hybrids would be able to receive the minimum protection they had a right to.But you can bet your father’s company that whoever bought them will never register them. Essentially these hybrids will be wiped out from the system.
Fingertips tapping against the wood, each passing minute was precious time lost. it was already 5pm. You had to leave for the dreaded auction in less than an hour and hour and yet here you sat in your chair. Hands itching to do something other than pick up the phone and tell Hara that you were at a loss. What could you do? Who would take them? You didn’t know anyone that was ready to add not one but two hybrids to their household. And ones that were not fully approved to be released. You couldn’t just lie and pawn them off to just anyone. Then you would not be any better than the company trying to get rid of them.
Sighing, you pack up the papers and documents you had initially thought would help. They were of no use anymore. All you could do was go and offer support to Hara. Or Maybe you were going because you still had hope that there would be someone who would save those hybrids. Hope was a dangerous thing for a woman like you but you had it. This was no time to wallow. So you smooth your skirt, touch up your makeup and put on your heels that had men double take.
Maybe you could scare and/or seduce these people in changing their mind?
You laugh at your absurdity, glancing in the mirror one last time before you leave with stacks of files in your hands. You could at least stall them.
“Y/n! Thank god you’re here.” I’m not so sure about that. Though you opt for a gentle smile and meet her embrace enthusiastically.
You can hear the sniffles coming from Hara who has her head buried in your shoulder. “Hey, no crying okay? No matter what happens.” The comment has her pulling back just as quickly.
“What do you mean? You have a plan for tonight r-right? Y/n..”
How could you do this? Lie to her? This was not fair on her. On anyone really. It wasn’t your fault and neither hers for whatever would happen tonight. She needed to know what to expect. As much as your heart clenched and ached to say the words you were about to; it was important to mentally prepare for the worst.
“Hara... I couldn’t find anything.” Your frown is apologetic. Trying to convey how really truly sorry you were but it doesn’t stop the tears from brewing up in her eyes.
“Oh.. I thought- thought they had a chance y/n.” You reach out for her hand, wanting to alleviate her hurt as soon as possible.
“I will at least try to see who will buy them okay? Don’t worry. We can keep an eye out on who gets them. They will be alive at least, right?” Your attempt at finding a silver lining doesn’t make her look any more reassured than you felt.
Glancing at your watch, you motion towards the building. “Come on. Let’s go before they try and kick us out.”
Hara nods, numbly leading the way towards an auditorium where several people had already taken their seats. You’re not sure how many people you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t... this. There were at best 10 people here. All ten seemingly looked like they knew each other. This could only mean one thing. That this sale was to some degree, arranged. As in, multiple buyers were from the same company posing as separate customers to maximise their chances of acquiring the hybrids.
“Hara, have you seen any of these people before?” Your whisper has her craning her neck to have a good look at all of the men sitting in the front few rows.
“No, I don’t think so.” Her furrowed brows turn to you instead, “Do you recognise any of them?”
Shaking your head, you follow her down the stairs to sit in the row behind the last pair of buyers who were sitting.
“Whoever they are... they don’t look like they are all strangers.” Hara is gripping on to your arm when she hears you, visibly nervous once again. “I’m just speculating, okay?”
Your attempt to ease her, once again, is not enough. But you don’t try again since you don’t even believe your own words. The auctioneer however, stops you from thinking further about the impending events of the night. The man stands in a lab coat, glancing at his watch before he brings his mouth closer to the mic on the dice.
“Let’s begin gentleman... and ladies.” He seems to be surprised to see you and Hara sitting at the back. And before he begins further, he motions someone. Another man approaches the auctioneer and listens carefully as the other whispers. A few seconds later, his eyes fall back to where you sat with your best friend.
Hara’s grasp on your arm tightens once again when the man heads to your general direction. On instinct, your back straightens, posture more solid than before so as to not give anyone the wrong impression that they can mess with you unwarrantedly.
“Excuse me Miss.?”
“Yes?” Your curt reply surprises him but he recovers fast, glancing towards Hara before talking to you again.
“Are you a guest of Ms. Hara?”
“Obviously.” Your unwavering gaze visibly unnerves him. It was obvious to anyone there but you had an idea this was some sort of test.
“May I see your ticket please?” His bogus smile annoys you more than it should. Nonetheless, Hara is fishing out the ticket from her purse and showing the man. He inspects it longer than he should and finally walks back to the auctioneer to let him know you had the right to be here.
“Who would do that if they weren’t running a hoax?” You ask Hara before you can stop yourself.
“Alright. Apologies for the delay. We will now begin. As you are all aware, we are auctioning two of our very elite hybrids from a rare batch. They have not progressed to the next stage of screenings and tests due to some technical difficulties. Thus, we are here to give them a chance at a new home rather than a painful end.” He looks in the audience for effect. Euthanasia is what he meant.
“These hybrids are fully functional however lack a few abilities they were initially designed for. Due to these technical issues deeming them failed to proceed, they are available for purchase at a much lower cost than what they are sold for on the market.” The auctioneer looks so smug the urge to smack his across the face is almost irresistible.
“Right, bring them out Wonho.” Everyone is watching carefully, waiting for the ‘failed’ hybrids and you don’t know what you were expecting.
Not what you see though. Definitely not. Because the two - tall - hybrids entering the stage are not what you expect. Peach and silver tones greet your eyes as well as incredibly sculpted faces.  The peach haired hybrid seems to cling to the silver haired one. The man leading the two hybrids seems to be frustrated with their slow pace, giving the peach haired hybrid a little shove and there is only so much you can do to not yell at the top of your lungs for him to get his hands off of them.
The man sighs, letting the two hybrids to just stand in the middle when the peach haired one does not stand apart from the other hybrid. While the shorter of the two hybrids - and much, much shyer - looks around anxiously at the people in the auditorium, the silver haired one has his features set in stone. His eyes don’t look alarmed, they don’t seem scared. He just looks numb. He stares ahead at the people sitting in front of him while the peach haired boy visibly shakes, breathing fast and eyes flitting across every surface. He takes a step back, hiding part of his body behind his silver haired companion for comfort.
“There you have them. The peach haired specimen is a Oryctolagus cuniculus or - a bunny in more simplistic terms. The silver haired specimen is an arctic fox, Vulpes lagopus. Both hybrids are off a rare species and very sought after on the market. Due to technical issues, once again, unfortunately, we are only able to sell them in a pair. They are useless on their own.”
The candid way the auctioneer speaks of them has your blood boiling. But what gets you more is the laughter that sounds in the auditorium. Did these assholes think they were funny? The hybrids - entirely human or not - were present in the room with them. Did they not have any ounce of respect for them? Hara was not faring any better. Watching with a frown as chatter continued among the buyers. The bunny looked even more disturbed, looking around at every man in the front few rows - before his eyes landed on you.
The gasp that leaves you is abrupt. His pained expression holds your gaze, eyes wide and chest heaving. The bunny jumps when the auctioneer speaks again.
“We will now start the bid at $1000. $1200 anyone?” Several hands go up before the auctioneer raises the price to $1400.
Bald, greasy men exchanging glances and crude remarks as they talk amongst themselves. Your heart is thumping, your blood thinning. With each passing second, your throat seems to be closing up. There was nothing you could do to save them, was there? The further the price went up, the more panicked and distraught the bunny looked, gripping his fox companion harder, hiding behind him even more. The silver haired fox looked much like what you had stopped Hara from looking only this morning. Hopeless. His mouth was set in a thin line - just taking in the scenario in front of him. It was obvious he saw his fate before his very eyes and instead of futilely hoping that someone would save them - he stares his aggressors in the eyes.
“Brilliant! We’re at $3000 for the gentleman in the first row. Anyone for $3500?” The said man looked positively smug, sitting with his legs spread lewdly. Most likely sure that no one would contest that price.
Definitely not you.
“$4000.” Your voice yelling above everyone else is even foreign to your own ears. An outer body experience as you watch yourself look the auctioneer straight in his eyes, daring anyone in the room to go higher up on the price. But most of all, you watch the silver haired hybrid’s gaze waver for the first time - looking at you in such surprise like it was the first time he was noticing you.
“Ah... Anyone for $4500?” Only one other hand goes up. The man that had been the prospective buyer before. His face is ballooning with the amount of blood that’s rushing to it.
“Y/n? What are you doin?!” Hara’s frantic whispering flies over your head as you call out once more.
“$6000. Final offer.” You look at the other men in the seats beneath you, challenging them to dispute your offer.
The atmosphere is tense, thick with the tension brewing inside the auditorium and yet you don’t shy away from the angry glares being shot your way. A minute passes. No more offers.
“Sold to Miss?”
“-Miss Y/n. Thank you all for participating.” The loud chatter is instantaneous as the auctioneer motions the other lab rat to, assumably, gather the hybrids and their things.
“Y/N! Oh my god.” Hara has all but engulfed you in a tight hug once more. Shaking you slightly out of your own shock. This was not what you had planned but it was done.
She finally pulls back, checking you over like you were ill. “A-Are you sure about this? Oh god, okay we need to head up to the podium.”
Just like she doesn’t wait for your answer, you had not waited for your own either. You hadn’t even asked yourself the question before you had so blindly bid on the two hybrids. You’d been waiting for someone to save them. Someone to come barging in and take them away from these cruel people. Never in a millenia had you thought that someone might be you.
“Here you are Miss. You can deposit a check right now or eftpos the payment. Up to you.”
Benumbed, you take out your phone to open the phone banking application. When you’ve made sure there are sufficient funds transferred from your savings account, you wave your card in front of the auctioneer wordlessly. From the corner of your eyes, you can feel the two hybrids watching you. You wished they had at least let them wait in some sort of waiting room and not witness the jarring experience of several people bidding over them.
“Excellent! The transaction has been approved and a receipt will be emailed to you if you can fill out this form here.” Glancing at the hybrids standing a few feet away from you, clutching a duffle bag each, you try and put down your details as fast as you can.
They had already looked like they wanted to be as farther away from this place as possible and the feeling was mutual. Hara was beside you the whole time, waiting for any cue from you to provide some sort of support or whatever you needed her to do. And if your tongue worked - you would thank her as you filled out the space on the form asking you of your email address. It was sickening how easy it was for you to just... buy them! Would they not do a security or police check on you? Make sure that these hybrids are going to at least a safe home?
You were aware of the long process of hybrids that were ordered from the company. The company had a thorough process of making sure their clients were reputable and trust-worthy. That they wouldn’t do bodily harm to the hybrids but that was a facade so these companies wouldn’t have to spend money in compensation if a client had abused their hybrid in any way and had not been satisfied with what they had ordered. It was a guise. These people didn’t give two shits if the hybrids were not of expectation and couldn’t make them money.
“Am I done here?” Your tone was curt and the auctioneer could sense it.
The fact that you’d fished out more than enough cash for some ‘failed’ hybrids - he was interested in you as a potential future client. You were aware that hybrids of their breed went for $5000 - maximum. The previous greasy bald man had been close to closing a deal for $3000 until you had butted in. So obviously, they were going to kiss your ass.
“Yes Ma’am. That’s all we needed. The hybrids are good to go. Their bags have their guidebooks with them. Thank you for shopping with us.” his bright smile makes you want to hit him with your designer bag.
But even this leather was too good to be wasted on these assholes. “Y/N? Please look a little more friendly. You’ll scare the bunny away.” Hara is speed walking besides you, trying to convince you to soften your stance when you stop right before the bench they had been sitting on.
“Follow me, boys.” You’re not rude. You don’t sound mean either. But you don’t particularly sound like you wanted them. And as much as that was the truth to some degree, you didn’t not want them.
The silver haired hybrid hesitates - watching you with wide, curious eyes. Not the harsh way his eyes had scanned the room before but not exactly friendly and enthusiastic like the bunny. The bunny that was currently tugging on the silver fox’s sleeve wordlessly. His doe eyes silently ask his friend to follow you. But when his feet stay rooted to the same spot, you can’t help but sigh.
“Is there a problem?” A moment’s silence. Then finally the silver haired boy shakes his head, grasping the bunny’s hand and follows you out of the building.
Hara is gripping your hand, relieved tears in her eyes and you can’t keep looking. Because you couldn’t promise her that you would take good care of them. “Thank you Y/n. You didn’t have to do that but... but you did. You’re a good person and these boys are lucky to have you.”
Her eyes are earnest. You know she means every word and she can sense your inner turmoil at your own ability to take care of them. The boys can’t hear you both talking since they are standing near your car, obediently waiting for you. Taking a look at them huddled in the back seat, you turn back to Hara.
“Thanks Har. I will try my best. They deserve a shot at a normal and secure life. I won’t let you down.”
“And you,” she cups your face, making you look back at her. “You deserve love too. I have seen the bunny hybrid in the lab. He will heal all your wounds too. Please be happy and patient with them, okay?”
You nod, a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes but genuine nonetheless. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”
You just wave her goodbye, standing until her car pulls away. Looking back at the two boys waiting patiently in the car - you take a moment to gather yourself.
“Fuck... fuck. Fuck!” You don’t scream out loud. not really. But anyone walking by would be able to see you were stalling something. That something is going to your car and then going home.
Taking a deep breath, you decide to bite the bullet and face the reality. Getting in the driver’s seat, you look back at the two hybrids watching you from your rearview mirror. Giving them a small smile, you notice the bunny hybrid’s shoulders relax a little.
“Let’s go home.” Your voice is light and airy. Hoping to put them at ease. They were yours now.
You were their saviour.
“Home sweet home.” Letting them pass you, entering the condo, you let them take in their surroundings.
The bunny is still latched on to the taller hybrid’s flannel, hiding behind him when the fox hybrid comes to stand beside a couch. Both of them look at you - as if waiting for you to allow them to sit. The silver haired fox is holding on to the bunny’s hand, watching you with a dour look.
“Go on.” You head motions towards the comfortable three seater couch. “Have a seat. No need to be shy.”
Of course, you want to palm yourself after your remark. Of course they were shy. Well, the bunny mostly. The fox looked to be very suspicious and not exactly friendly. Though you could understand his apprehension. He was about to be sold to some very nefarious people. He seemed to be a bit older than the bunny and had a look of ambiance that only came with experiencing harsh times. Your heart felt for him.
The bunny doesn’t wait too long, sitting on the couch - well plopping is more like it - whereas the fox takes his time, battling with himself if he should or not. When you keep watching him, waiting for him to sit, he thankfully gives in and sits besides his friend.
Once you can tell that they are comfortable - as comfortable as they can be, you ask your first question. “So, what are your names?”
You smile at them gently, letting them know you are their friend. At least hoping that they can conclude that from the fact that you told them about their new home on the car ride over.
The bunny’s eyes are wide, face heating up as if you asked him a rather scandalous question and not just his name. Your heart skips a beat when the lovely blush blossoms across his face that’s hiding in the fox’s shoulder.
“Well? Can you tell me, bun? What’s your name?” Your question being directed to the bunny only makes the blush more visible. You could see his face reddening further in embarrassment and the colour being rather more visible on his neck too.
The smile doesn’t diminish from your face. Not even after seeing the way the fox is almost glaring at you but you were positive that the bunny wasn’t hiding because he was afraid of you.
“J-Jungkook. ‘m J-Jungk-kook” The answer proves to be too much for him to mumble, lips catching his plumper bottom lip as he peeks at you through one eye that isn’t hidden in the fox’s shoulder.
“Jungkook. That’s a lovely name, bun.” Your smile widens when you see the corners of his mouth stirring up a little at your compliment.
Your heart was so full. Never did you think you would feel these dizzying emotions at a pretty boy merely muttering his name. His name. If this was your reaction at finding out one of their names, you were not going to survive getting to know them before you went full mother-hen mode on anyone that tried to harm them.
“What about you, hm?” Your smile is a lingering effect of just looking at Jungkook’s adorable blushing face and you don’t let it falter even if the fox hybrid is visibly more aloof.
‘Be patient with them y/n.’ You remind yourself of Hara’s words over and over.
“Namjoon.” The smile halts briefly at the deep timbre of his tone. You had not been expecting him to sound like molten chocolate and sweeter than honey. You realise you wanted to hear him more. Hear him speak about mundane topics over and over because that’s how good he sounded to you.
“Namjoon.” the name rolls off your tongue smoothly, just like his voice. You’re still watching his face, waiting for any sort of reaction even if it’s not as endearing as Jungkook’s. Just something. But his face remains passive. A slight twitch of his lips but that’s it. The pessimistic part of your brain convinces you that it could have been a frown and not a smile that he’s fought away.
But you needed to remain positive.
“T-That’s… a very nice name too.” He doesn’t look convinced at your reply though. Namjoon continues to watch you and now you’re the one blushing from the heat of his stare.
Jungkook is watching Namjoon just as cautiously as you. Like he expected him to be like that. Austere and unwilling to be forthcoming with information about himself. Telling yourself that he’ll adjust with time, you opt for a smile that’s sent Jungkook’s way - making the bunny hide behind Namjoon again. Almost like when a child is cautious and shys away from a stranger they meet. That’s what it was.  A childlike innocence to Jungkook which awoke every instinct in you to protect him. Maybe that’s why his eyes had convinced you that you needed to take them home with you.
“Okay boys. I’ll show you to your rooms.” Furrowing your brows at the way Jungkook clutches Namjoon harder with panicked eyes, you turn around to look at them again.
“You don’t need to stay in separate rooms if you don’t want to, okay?” Namjoon regards you with a look before nodding - eyes cast down once again.
“Good. You both are very quiet but that’s okay - I can talk enough for the three of us.” The wink that you send Jungkook’s way only has him sputtering with embarrassment as the lovely rose tints his full round cheeks.
“But you do have to tell me when you are not okay with something, alright? I can’t read your pretty little heads.” As you say the last few words, your hand reaches out to shuffle the bunny’s peach hair.
What you don’t expect, is him flinching away so violently that even you are startled, taking a step back. Jungkook is hiding behind Namjoon completely now, shaking and you want to reach out. Say sorry and take it all back.
“I’m… I’m so sorry. I didn’t-”
“Hey, kook, it’s alright. It’s okay.” Namjoon’s voice reverberates through the quiet hallway, soothing the bunny’s shaking frame, whispering gentle assurances and you’re about to choke up.
What happened to him? Who did this to him. For him to be this scared. Watching Namjoon hug the shaking bunny tightly, sniffling away in his chest, only makes you feel more guilty at your brash treatment. Were you coming on too strong? God you were so out of your depth.
“I didn’t mean to scare you Jungkook. Honey..” You’re trying your best to reach out to him but the way Namjoon stands between you and him like a wall - it’s obvious he was waiting for something like this to happen. He was cautious of you and now his beliefs have been reinforced to not trust you or whatever nonsense he’s thinking.
You couldn’t blame him though. You really couldn’t.
“Please be careful, miss. He’s not a toy.” Namjoon’s voice trembles. Just the way - you now notice - his bottom lip does. He’s holding back tears and you really don’t know what to do. Except try your best to take their pain away.
“I’m.. I’m really sorry Namjoon. I didn’t mean to upset him.” You open the door to the room quickly, making sure there are blankets and pillows on the bed before coming out to tell them.
“Take him inside Namjoon. I’ll… I’ll leave you two alone, for now. Let me know if you need anything?” Namjoon merely nods, not being able to look you in the eyes but the bite of his lip tells you he’s trying to hold it together.
Jungkook’s hiccups catch your attention and you pull yourself out of your self-pity session. Only wanting to make sure that both of the hybrids are comfortable and just not feeling the way they are right now. Gesturing your head forward again, you nod at Namjoon when he looks at you one last time before heading into the room. The bunny holds onto Namjoon tightly, letting him walk into the room and when they are fully in - you close the door behind them. Giving them their privacy and also because you had a feeling they needed to be by themselves to really understand their current situation. That you were their new owner and this was their home.
A permanent home.
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dahniwitchoflight · 4 years
Homesquared Chapter 14 part b
Alright time for more reactions to Homesqaured- oh jeezus
the last one of these I did was from october last year, hoo boy alright brain time to get back on the time train things are happening fast
we last left off with me thinking they just fucking hilled Harry but I remembered the wrong house so Harrys fine, John not so much
Yeah, John sad but ooh Karkat shows up!
They seem to have a mutual conversation about lost youth and stuff, really makes these characters feel oold
“JOHN: jeez, i'm sorry karkat.
JOHN: i had no idea how much time had passed.
JOHN: i must have gotten a bit distracted by my house being blown up.“
Oh man, John thats a whole ass MOOD
lol at sburb allocated blow job
yeah Karkats right tho, John does kind of need a kick in the pants to see how he might have been useful here, but Johns still stuck in this rut of not seeing anything around him as Real real, so hes blind to all of the consequences of inaction
John its called derealization and depersonalization, you can get help for that yknow
But I mean, cant really blame him, hes being smothered by the fires of Doom all around him
Its interesting to see that Karkat, a Blood player, is more comfortable navigating through things that constrain them and tie them down, since constraint is something Blood and Doom have in common, Chains and Barriers and Laws and etc
Whereas John the Breath player, just gets bogged down, hes totally out of his element
so it ends up being like John: “Id like to cling to some funny moments of my youth pls and try to lighten the situation up a bit because I cant do anything when so heavy”
John: ):
Hmm, both Vriskas have been captured, but Annie basically rescued herself, knowing Vriska Prime she probably has a plan or an idea about that, see well see how that goes
Oh. Well I guess that was Dirk’s “plans” for Jane all along. Obviously he was using Jane as a vehicle to gather “players” for his eventually next session, interesting
But who has Jane kidnapped in total thus far?
Does Tavros count? he was certainly trapped with her for some amount of his life, but I dont know if that counts as a kidnapping, John certainly tried to kidnap HIM though from the epilogues
Annie certainly counts as being kidnapped
Vrissy has JUST been captured so that counts, and Harry so far is still fine
Which bodes so well for Harry’s future Im sure
Yeah, Vriska should have been able to not outwit any capture attempts, but my guess is either Vrissy got capture and Vriska dove in, OR, Vriska’s doing an inside job so to speak and got caught on purpose, dragging Vrissy along as well
I guess we’ll see when we see their “prison”
Anyway John, don’t get so down on yourself, you’re just ignorant to everythiong around you! thats why nothing makes sense and you can’t connect to anything, easy fix! Just try to learn more and care more about stuff lol
Man does this feel like a strong metaphor between people who are into/care about politics and people who feel like they can’t get into it though
Crossing that hurdle from one side to the other is rough
man, this is all feeling startlingly relevant to the current times, I should have read this sooner
hah, oh wow, Karkat when you phrase it like that, it’s almost as if you’ve become self aware of your tendencies to Moirail people out of their problems
Not really that out of character for a Blood player to end up being the Therapy Friend though lol
Just don’t burn yourself out on that though
JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*!
JOHN: yes.
JOHN: about you.
JOHN: well...
JOHN: you know, how you feel!
I know Karkat has probably matured past misunderstandings like this now given he’s really come into a great understanding of his Blood aspect, but by golly do I wish Karkat would misunderstand this as John’s attempts to be Moirail-reciprocal sdkjfhwlijebr
What a perfect way to continue their relationship, on top of more misconstrued romance quadrants XD
Spades is old Hat, Diamonds are in now babey
this started out funny, but Karkat’s emotional rant just ended up being depressing not funny ):
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I have to say though, it is REALLY interesting to see John’s depression manifesting in a very breathy sort of way
Karkat in these panels was more closer together, connected, but as John gets more and more depressed over the course of Karkat’s rant when he realizes Karkat doesn’t know dave died, the panels get seperated by lines of blue, and slowly drift off away from John and from eachother
but thats basically been hows its been manifesting all along
the more John feels Disconnected and Seperate from the reality he finds himself in, the more he finds his will untethered, the more depressed and unable to act he gets
and right now its so much so that even a fuller fledged Blood player is having trouble grounding him back down
I don’t know, I always viewed the depression metaphor as a dark watery void to sink into and feels heavy and encapsulating (but probably thats just my Light-y interpretation of it)
so its interesting to see the depression metaphor as this floating disconnection instead, so much that it leans towards derelaization/depersonalistion/dissociation as well
I wonder if John will start dealing with bouts of actual full blown dissociation as this gets worse?
I mean, Breath aspect has given the literal ability to ghost around wherever he pleases in all other ways, why not literally and physcologically as well?
So John seems to be fully overembracing his aspect here, to a very unhealthy degree here, which I see you asking “aha Dahni, but hes doesn’t have overblown self esteem here, quite the opposite, is this not an inverted state instead? or something else because hes acting like hes inverting to Breath?”
and I say not so! reader, for overembracing is the idea that through your aspect, your will is overwriting the wills of others, and in someone like Vriska, this manifests in a very selfish and over self esteemed way
but is not John’s will overwriting Karkat’s here? Through Breath? And isnt John also being a little selfish here? Considering how he feels about things, more important than how anyone else feels? How Karkat feels?
John is too dissociated to understand that this reality is Real and has Consequences he needs to care about, and Karkat is trying to fight against that, trying to instill his belief that no, this shit is real and it Matters Why Don’t You Care, trying to ground him, trying to give him that dose of Blood he needs
but John’s overembracing Breath is just, blowing that all away, its becoming too strong
Roxy in the epilogues dealt with this as well, when John was really in the shits with it and started to believe Roxy’s whole personality was somehow fake and his own construction, because he convinced himself Roxy would never choose to do the things she did, but Roxy was able to snap him out of it and make him understand and respect it was her own choices that led down his path, not the idea that John’s choices are somehow overriding everyones
But man, John sure is riding that Breath train way too hard, and he keeps snapping back into it as well
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Further and Further
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smoochkooks · 5 years
—the (un)holy cock-up (m.)
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⟶ pairing: park jimin/reader
⟶ genre: smut, angst 
⟶ word count: 14.5k
⟶ warnings: explicit sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, profanity, unnecessary amount of biblical puns, some critic on catholic church, this is a heavy read be aware
⟶ summary: there is a quite long list of circumstances, with student loan and rent on the very top of it, that led you to work in the sunday’s spirit editorial department, a newspaper overally known among fellow catholic community of busan, with park jimin as your boss.
when your small cock-up goes unnoticeably out of your hand, you find yourself in a situation painted in all shades of wrong.
or, alternatively: when it’s forbidden, it tastes bittersweet.
a/n: please, before you read this: take the warnings seriously. this is not a light read, it touches some heavy and quite controversial topics. tit also involves a scene where a person in charge exhibits inappropriate behavior towards their subordinate which I do not condone, however it’s all done with consent.
ps. im really proud of this work so give me some love please:(
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Fingertips typing furiously on the keyboards, sights focused on the computers’ screens, brows furrowed, minds utterly concentrated and all of this accompanied by angelic voices of various religious songs playing in the background.
This is how a typical day at Sunday’s Spirit editorial department goes by.
The newspaper is a local source of information for the catholic community not only in the city of Busan, but in the whole country. Its history starts in 70s, when Park Min-Sung with his wife started publishing the very first version of the Sunday’s Spirit, selling copies in front of churches. Young activists definitely hadn’t anticipated such a big success, especially due to hard times of the military dictatorship in Korea, but two decades later they have become one of the most affluent families in Busan. The newspaper remains the Park’s legacy till these days, being owned by Min-Sung’s son, with the original founder’s grandson Jimin as an editor-in-chief.
Sometimes you ponder how did you end up in this kind of situation. Sitting at your desk with eyes glued to the screen, working for the catholic newspaper with Mary did you know and other holy songs playing from the Spotify’s Blessed Hits playlist.
First of all, you aren’t quite a Jesus stan yourself. Not a regular churchgoer, Bible reader or a person who lives according to God’s will with Ten Commandments written on your heart and soul.
Someone may wonder, what a young, aspiring journalist like you is doing here? Yes, that’s right.
Money is the reason.
The perspectives of wealthy life as a presenter in the national television or a host in the radio were just a mirage, because after receiving your master degree in journalism you realised that, unfortunately, a bright future was bright only in your unreal dreams.
The case was simple. You needed money. Your bank account was literally screaming at you to get your shit together and figure something out before you end up under the bridge. So you started searching for a job, looking over various offers on the Internet for two weeks straight. A waitress? Nah, too clumsy for that. Jewelry seller? Definitely not, since you are a happy owner of a few pairs of earrings from etsy-like online shop that certainly have nothing to do with real gold. You were almost convinced you’re destined to be a sexworker but then you stumbled upon an offer from the Sunday’s Spirit.
It was your chance. A God himself decided to take pity on you.
In that exact moment the genre of the newspaper wasn’t important. The vision of bankruptcy was enough for you to wear knee-length black skirt, white button-up shirt and a pair of high heels you’ve never worn before and go on a job interview with plastered smile on your face, looking delightful like you have just given birth to Jesus Christ in Bethlehem.
All the Hollywood actresses could be put into shame after your Oscar-winning performance you acted out on the interview in front of middle-aged woman in checked jacket that no one wears since 90s. Your enthusiasm and assurance you live good, catholic woman’s life, along with your master degree and motivational letter (you added a quote from The Letter to Philipians at the end of it to spice it up) was enough to be accepted for the position of Ask and you shall find column creator.
The job itself wasn’t complex or tough. The newspaper on its online site has a page where people can create an account and send asks to the author of the column who responds to them. You did something wrong and you aren’t sure it should be considered a sin? Having problems with regular praying on mornings and evenings? Write to us and we will solemnly help you with the God’s blessing, it says.
This is basically how it works. Each week, the said journalist chooses the most interesting questions and answers to make an article to the Sunday’s Spirit’s next publication. Of course, you can’t answer those questions the way you would like. You must do it according to the catholic laws and God’s plan (the True God’s plan, not Drake’s). A woman who interviewed you even gave you a notebook full of already made-up responses and a list of things you definetely mustn’t write if you still want to be employed.
To be completely frank, you don’t hate your job that much. You actually feel kind of nice, helping other people with their problems. You’ve been doing this for six months now and during this period of time you got used to some things.
A ‘Jesus, I trust you’ framed picture you swore your mother gave you on your 16th birthday standing on your desk. Holy beats blasting through the speakers until you leave the office at 5pm. A big-ass cross hanging right in front of the entrance to the editorial. Lee Chin-sun, the Weekly News column author, rushing to Park Jimin’s bureau every day at different hours in her pencil skirts and high heels knocking on the floor.
There’s only the Pentecost in the middle of the office that could actually surprise you.
“Looks like our Mary Magdalene is going to Jesus cave again,” mutters Kim Taehyung, the newspaper’s main photographer, friend from your desk and, actually, the only friend you have here. Very much gay and just like you, in desperate need for money. “It’s her third visit today. I wonder what it is this time. New prayer to Pope Francis she found?” he whispers and you chuckle at that quietly, looking around if anyone pays attention to your conversation, but everyone seems busy doing their own stuff. “Maybe she’s sucking his dick right now and we all think they are playing Who said it? Bible edition,” he adds in a hushed tone.
You start thinking about it for a while. Is that really possible for someone like Park Jimin, the editor-in-chief of the Sunday’s Spirit to have a sexual relationship with his coworker? The man who has a smaller version of Pietà in his office?
“I mean look at him. I would smash that ass too.”
You roll your eyes at Taehyung words, going back to your previous task but every time you try to concentrate, the face of your boss appears in front of your eyes uncontrollably.
Truth to be told, Park Jimin was a sight.
Blond hair, always perfectly styled and simply parted in the middle, revealing his forehead. Dark, sharp eyes that seem to pierce right through your soul and full, plump lips which could only be described as kissable.
He wears only high fashion brands, wandering through the office in Prada and Tom Ford suits that hugs his sculpted body just right. You think that as for a person who never misses Sunday’s mass, Park Jimin has also nice thighs. And a fine piece of ass, as Taehyung would describe it.
Newest Rolex that costs probably more than you will ever earn in your entire life on his wrist, Mercedes who just got brought out to the international market standing on his parking spot in front of the building, an apartment in the most luxurious area in Busan.
Park Jimin inhales God’s mercy and exhales money.
You spoke to him more explicitly only once, on your first day at work. He greeted you and wished good luck, saying that everything will be fine because you know, God’s good. Since that day, Park Jimin seems out of your reach. You contact him only through email, sending articles for him to check and approve, occasionally receiving some short message from him to improve this and that. He rarely leaves his office during working hours but when he does, it’s either for business meetings outside the editorial or for a lunch at nearby restaurant.
There’s also one, special occasion, every Friday, that’s a sacred time for all the employees. The clock hits 12am and so it begins. The angelic voices stop singing and everybody shifts on their sits.
“Oh, Holy Judas. I almost forgot about my favourite part of the week,” Taehyung sighs, standing up from his desk. And by that, he means-
“Friday’s Bible contemplation lunch break, everyone please gather up at the cafeteria.” Park Jimin’s sweet as honey voice says through the speakers.
You stand up from your chair with reluctance. Taking food with you, you go to the cafeteria, following Taehyung.
That’s actually the next thing you got used to while working at Sunday’s Spirit. Bible contemplation meetings are, as you found out from Taehyung, Jimin’s idea after he became an editor-in-chief almost one year ago. Every Friday all the workers sit together, eat their lunches and listen to Jimin as he reads a certain chapter from the book with true admiration written on their faces. After that, he usually asks some questions holding a discussion among the participants who, unlike you, happily takes part in.
The cafeteria looks rather normal, like any other lunchrooms you see in offices. Painted in bright yellow colors, with a few tables and a typical kitchen set in the back. Except for one thing.
A replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper hanging on the wall.
You decided a long time ago that you don’t want to know how much money it cost Jimin to have something like that here.
The newspaper’s workers, almost like the twelve Apostles, sit together by the tables. Lee Chin-sun at the very front, looking completely mesmerized by today’s Park Jimin’s appearance. He’s wearing navy blue suit that Taehyung swears it’s from Hugo Boss. The place next to Chin-sun is always occupied by tall, black-haired guy named Choi Eunwoo, main graphic designer, hopelessly in love with her since his first days at work. Behind them there’s a group from emendation department, with their leader Min Yoongi and other journalists. You always sit with Taehyung at the back, near the kitchen, not necessarily paying attention to what’s happening in the front.
Jimin, as on every Friday, walks to the small podium, designed to look like a pulpit in the church and opens the Bible. But one thing is odd: Jimin ain’t no priest or altar boy himself and he certainly dosen’t look like one, flipping through the pages of what you think it’s New Testament this time.
From your point of view, you could practically see how Chin-sun sighs with content expression on her face, lacing her fingers together on the lap and straightening her back. Eunwoo, on the other hand, shifts uncomfortably on his seat, sending Chin-sun quick glances full of unspoken longing she never acknowledges, to his dismay.
Then, Park Jimin clears his throat and the whole cafeteria goes quiet.
Truth to be told, you never really listen to what he’s reading. This time is no different. You just chew on your avocado sandwich, occasionally taking a sip of coffee. Your boss’ smooth voice reaches your ears faintly but you don’t pay attention to it, focusing on eating and Taehyung’s hushed rumbling instead.
“Look at our Mary Magdalene, she looks like she might burst a nut just by listening to CEO Jesus,” he says, making you peek at the girl.
Mary Magdalene is a nickname that Taehyung made up for Chin-sun when he started working at Sunday’s Spirit, mainly because of her attitude and relationship with Jimin. It’s rather platonic, at least for now. She looks at him with pure admiration on her face and she literally melts everytime he smiles at her. But Chin-sun’s ‘stalking’ isn’t unreasonable. Her father is a well-known philanthropist in Busan. He donates catholic charities, churches and, what’s the most interesting – he has some connections with Jimin’s father, the owner of Sunday’s Spirit.
And here’s the thing: Chin-sun’s hare and hounds definitely have some hidden reason. Maybe the whole marriage thing that has become a gossip in the office is true. Which makes poor Eunwoo’s situation even worse.
“Sometimes I wonder why has he fallen in love with her in first place,” you whisper, pointing at the graphic designer. “He knows he stands no chance against Jimin.”
“What can I say, you can’t help who you fall in love with.” Taehyung muses almost poetically, shrugging his shoulders.
You hum at that, placing your coffee cup on the table and looking around the cafeteria. It seems like Jimin has ended his reading session for today and now he invites everyone to join the discussion about the topic. He flashes Chin-sun a gentle smile and you could swear the girl is biting her lip.
On the corner of your eye you see Taehyung smirking.
“What?” you ask.
Taehyung takes a sip of his coffee lazily (it’s always caramel macchiato), peering at Jimin. “Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if our boss really wants to settle not only with Chin-sun, but anyone in general,” he says languidly.
You furrow your brows. “What makes you think that? I mean, look at him. He probably waits with sex till marriage.” you snort.
Taehyung chuckles at your words. “Ah, sweetheart, you really know nothing about Park Jimin.”
“What do you mean?”
He moves closer to you, leaning towards your ear. “What I mean,” he whispers, “is that Park Jimin isn’t such a prude everyone thinks he is. At least he didn’t use to be.”
You raise your eyebrows at him with disbelief. “What? He’s secretly gay?” you mock.
Taehyung rolls his eyes. “I wish, but no, he isn’t,” he answers with a sigh. “Do you know Min Yoongi from emendation team?” he then asks, pointing at grey-haired man with feline eyes sitting behind Chin-sun.
You nodd your head. Min Yoongi is a hard to read guy. Always suspiciously silent, practically never leaves his office. Something makes you wonder how did Taehyung end up befriending him enough to casually gossip about the boss. You will ask him about this on another occasion.
“So here’s the thing,” Taehyung begins, lowering the volume of his voice. “He used to study at the same university in Seoul with Jimin. They even had been together in the fraternity. Yoongi-hyung told me some juicy details about our boss’ life back then.”
You frown at his words. “And you are telling me this now?!” you hiss.
“I found out literally two days ago!” Taehyung exclaims, maybe a little too loud, so you quickly place your index finger on your lips, shushing him.
“Fine. Continue.” you whisper, looking around to see if anyone pays attention to you.
“Well, Park Jimin used to be a trouble back then. A golden boy of his family in Busan, but a campus fuckboy and obnoxious heartbreaker in Seoul. He smoked cigarettes, drank enormous amounts of alcohol, got wasted on every weekend, missed classes and changed hair colors as often as his girlfriends. By the way, don’t you think he would slay pink hair?”
“Taehyung can you please–”
“Okay, okay. Enough thirsting over Jimesus. So, as you can see, there was no place for Sunday’s mass and Bible contemplation meetings in his life. And here’s the awaited plotwist. His parents somehow found out his son wasn’t living good catholic life on his studies and got extremely pissed off. They simply gave him an ultimatum: if he doesn’t stop his shenanigans, they will cut him off their money and they won’t make him Sunday’s Spirit heir.” Taehyung stops his rumbling for a while, letting you proceed all the bewildering informations about your dear boss he has just revealed.
Your eyes simply widen at the revelations.
Park Jimin, the man who organises Bible contemplation lunch breaks, a regular churchgoer, someone who you always thought has a cross tattooed on his back, was a playboy who slept with a half of the female community in the university?
“Rest of the story is simple. He changed his behavior, got a master degree in journalism and came back to Busan to work here. What is funny, his first position was the same as yours now,” Taehyung ends his story with a light chuckle. “Now you understand why it’s hard for me to believe he really thinks about getting married and having at least three kids.”
You look up at Park Jimin, who’s standing now in the centre of the cafeteria, with his arms crossed over his chest, nodding at one of the journalists words. His gaze is so intense and filled with such an authority that makes you understand why Chin-sun literally squirms when he looks at her that way.
It’s not hard for you to imagine him in much different surroundings.
Him, standing with a cup of beer in his hand in the middle of the crowd of drunken people at some frat party. There’s a leather jacket on his shoulders and he’s wearing tight-fitting pants that hugs his gorgeous thighs much better than his usual slacks he puts on every day before he sets off to work. He scans the room with a mishevious smirk dancing on his features, biting and licking his lips as he looks for his prey for tonight.
He then spots her, his pick for the night. He runs his fingers through his silky locks and approaches the girl, whispering dirty promises to her ear as he sways their bodies to the rhythm of loud music blasting through the speakers. Later that night he has her underneath him, begging him to touch her. He fucks her hard, leaving bruises all over her limp, exhausted body. There will be soreness between her thighs in the morning and a few violet love bites on her neck, a gentle reminder that all of this wasn’t just a dream.
But there’s no warm body next to her she could wake up to, no ‘good morning, baby’ or a second round of love making between the sheets. Because Park Jimin isn’t like that. He waited until her breath slowed down and eyelids fluttered shut, drifting her off to sleep. He left in the middle of the night, a cigarette caught between his swollen from kisses lips. He fumed the poison and smiled to himself, wondering what his parents would think when they found out. A golden boy of his family, future heir of the Park’s legacy, coming back from one of his sexcapeds with girl which name he didn’t even remember.
The Lord himself must have already cursed him and he’s currently planning the punishments for him in depths of Hell. But does Park Jimin look like he really care?
You stare blankly ahead, imagining those scenes in your head. You can’t help but squeeze your thighs because God, yes, Park Jimin is hot, even if he reads Breviary before he goes to sleep. What a shame he has changed. 
A smooth like honey voice pulls you out from your airy-fairy slumber.
“Miss Y/N?”
You jolt in panic after hearing your name, glancing around and praying that wasn’t the person you think it was. But this silky, melodious voice you would recognize everywhere.
God hates you though, he knows what kind of scandalous things you were daydreaming about and now it’s his time to punish you.
Looking up, your gaze settles on no one other than Park Jimin, who stares at you with his left eyebrow raised, pursing his lips. He extinguishes the aura of pure dominance around him and you involuntarily blush, squirming under his intense glare. You’re royally screwed.
You clear your throat, trying to calm down rapidly beating heart. Without success.
“Yes, sir?” you manage to answer innocently. Certainly not like you weren’t thinking about being fucked by him minutes ago. You don’t even have time to be surprised he remembers your name.
Park Jimin looks unamazed by your sweet tone; he almost seems bored, but definitely irritated. “I asked you a question and I’m waiting for your response.” he says lowly.
Fuckfuckfuck. God have mercy on you. What was the question? Shit, you don’t even know what fragment he had read before.
In act of complete desperation you elbow Taehyung for help but this little shit pretends he has no idea what’s going on, looking at The Last Supper with sudden interest.
You are purely, loyally, utterly fucked.
You adopt the most charming smile you could muster, knowing that it will have zero affect on Park Jimin and ask, “Could you repeat the question one more time, sir? I’m afraid I didn’t hear you correctly.” Jesus, when has your voice become so high-pitched?
A cruel smirks forms on Park Jimin’s lips. He shakes his head, tsking. Taehyung mutters something under his breath that sounds dangerously close to “It was nice meeting you, sweetheart.” You gulp, waiting for your sentence and hoping Pontius Pilate will be gracious to you.
“My, my,” Jimin muses. It makes you feel like a little girl being scolded by the teacher due to her outrageous behavior. You bite your lip so hard you might draw blood, waiting for your boss’ next words. “Of course you didn’t hear my question, because you weren’t paying attention to our discussion.”
In the corner of your eye you see Chin-sun shaking her head with detestation. What a bitch, you think to yourself.
You take a deep breath then, nails digging crescent moons on the skin of your palms. You don’t like being in the spotlight, you never did, but now you have no choice but face the consequences. “My deepest apologies, sir. The behavior I exhibited was highly inappropriate,” you say, bowing your head. Jimin eyes your figure from head to toe and you might actually feel his burning gaze on your skin. Your cheeks flush in crimson even more.
The editor-in-chief seems to deliberate with himself for a while, turning his head slightly to the side, not breaking the eye contact with you. Finally, after a moment that seems to last an hour, he speaks.
“I think you need a lesson that will teach you to pay attention to our weekly discussions, miss Y/N. That’s why I want you to write a 4000 words long paper about the role of Mary Magdalene in Jesus Christ’s life which we had discussed today but you, unfortunately, didn’t acknowledge it.”
You freeze. Like a scene in the movie, everything stops. The embarassement you felt earlier is quickly replaced by pure anger and irritation. He wants you to write a fucking paper? What is this? University lectures?
Never before in your entire life have you felt so humiliated. All eyes are on you; you could practically sense how they are trying not to laugh out loud. Eunwoo and Taehyung look at you with apologetic faces while Chin-sun smirks, whispering something to Jimin’s ear.
“I apologize once again, sir,” you grit through your teeth with a forced smile. Jimin nods then, not even bothering to look at you again. You’re dismissed, that’s what his behavior is saying.
“Our meeting is over, you can go back to your work.” Jimin announces and walks away from the cafeteria with Chin-sun by his side.
You wait for everyone to leave and the you let out a groan of annoyance, burring your head in your hands.
“Hey, it could have been worse. He didn’t fire you after all.” Taehyung laughs but he quickly shuts up as soon as he sees your glare. You stand up from your chair with a scowl written all over your face, and storm out of the lunchroom.
And may the God help you.
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Later that unfortunate day, you sit by your desk again, scrolling through the Ask and you shall find page absentmindedly and waiting for the new asks to come. Everyone has returned to their work like nothing has happened but it doesn’t stop you from feeling all those eyes constantly on your back. Maybe you weren’t fired but the humiliation and embarrassment of being told off by your boss publicly makes you want to disappear and never show up at the editorial again.
“Y/N,” Taehyung’s deep voice pulls you out of your thoughts. You look up at him and find the man smiling at you lightly. He’s wearing a long, camel coat and a big scarf around his neck with ridiculous patterns that reminds you of Persian diwans. He places his black camera bag on the desk, which means he’s leaving the office. “I’m free of office work for today so I just wanted to say goodbye.” he explains and you just nod.
“Bye, Taehyung. See you on Monday.” you say maybe a little bit to wryly and he feels that, letting out a long sigh.
Taehyung seems to deliberate with himself for a moment before he decides to speak again. He clears his throat audibly. “And I, uhm, I’m sorry. It’s my fault that you are in this situation. I started this conversation and I should be the one writing this stupid paper for Mister Prude.”
You can’t help but chuckle at the new nickname Taehyung gave Jimin. The anger you felt before drifts away from you slowly, and you smile at your friend apologetically. “Oh, God, Tae. I’m such a bitch sometimes, sorry,” you blurt out.”I’m not mad at you, I’m mad at him. Besides, maybe that’s good I’ve got homework. I don’t remember when was the last time I wrote some-”
Your words are interrupted by a loud laugh that resonates through the office. You look in the direction of the voice just to see Chin-sun with her manicured hand on Jimin’s chest, throwing her head back from the laughter, too dramatically for your taste. She seems to have changed her clothes, a black pencil skirt long forgotten and replaced by a red, bodycon dress. Her dark hair is also styled differently, curled and loose. She looks beautiful, matching Jimin’s appearance perfectly.
“Where are they going?” Taehyung whispers to you, furrowing his brows. You shrug your shoulders, tearing your eyes of Chin-sun and Jimin. “Maybe our Mary Magdalene’s plan to win Jesus’ heart is working. Poor Eunwoo,” he sighs, looking at his watch to check the time. “Anyway, I gotta go. I have to drive all the way to some shithole near the city to take photos of an old lady who swears she saw saint Francis or other dude with halo speaking to her,” he grumbles and you giggle at his words. “Good luck with your paper, sweetheart.” he leans and places a small peck on your cheek.
“Bye, Tae.” you say, watching him leave the office right after Jimin and Chin-sun.
You let out a long, tired sigh, counting the time to leave the office and finally be back home, with a bottle of red wine and new season of Game of Thrones that are waiting for you to watch the whole week. Then, when you’re about to stand up and make yourself another coffee, a new ask pops up in your inbox with the title ‘Sex S.O.S’.
You raise your eyebrows because honestly, what kind of title is this? Curiosity wins the battle with a hot cup of an americano and you click the show more button. You put on your prescription glasses and start reading.
Dear Sunday’s Spirit editorial,
My name is Kang Seoyeon. I study medicine at the University of Seoul, I’ve got an amazing group of friends and a loving boyfriend. And here’s where the actual problem begins. I’m from the catholic family with long traditions, and as you can guess, he isn’t.
We’ve been together for almost 2 years now and since my parents don’t want me to live with him before the marriage, there’s also no sexual life between us. I was actually surprised they agreed I can date a non-religious person in first place, so the rules weren’t that horrible at the beginning.
My boyfriend always seemed to be understanding about the fact that I’m catholic and he has never had issues against it because I stated this on the start of our relationship, but lately… he’s been distant. We meet up less often and I feel like simple kissing after 2 years isn’t enough for him. I even thought about initiating something that wouldn’t necessarily involve the real intercourse but I’m too inexperienced and shy for that. We are slowly drifting apart.
I don’t know what to do. I love him so much and I don’t want to lose him just because of some stupid rules I need to follow. I’m scared he will leave me for some other beautiful girl who wouldn’t have anything against sleeping with him, especially after considering the fact that he isn’t virgin unlike me and he experienced this kind of pleasure before.
I hope you will help me.
Yours faithfully,
Kang Seoyeon.
You blink once, twice. Read the message again and then, something snaps in you.
To Hell with these stupid, old-fashioned rules straight from the Middle Ages. To Hell with celibacy till marriage, masturbation prohibition and living according to God’s will. To Hell with Park Jimin and his ridiculous moral code (and his Bible contemplation lunchbreaks).
Unofficial eleventh commandment: If a girl wants a dick, she deserves to have it.
And that’s exactly what your response to the girl is in a nutshell.
Your blood boils in your veins with anger as you’re typing furiously on the keyboard, not even bothering to check if your sudden outburst makes any sense.
Dear Seoyeon,
It’s Y/N here, the journalist who you wrote this message to.
I don’t know what kind of response are you expecting from me but honestly? If you think I’m going to recommend you some praying to Saint Rita then you’re wrong. I’m done with this shit.
Let me make this straight: if you want to fuck your boyfriend, do it. Maybe God wouldn’t approve that but don’t worry, he won’t send you to hell because of some dick in your pussy.
They are plenty of worse things in this world than having sex with the person you love. Look at me. I’m literally writing to catholic newspaper while using words like ‘God’ and ‘Fuck’ in the same sentence. And that’s not even a small piece of what I’ve done in my life.
So you go girl, suck your boyfriend off. Make him beg. He will never leave you after this. You have my blessings and Jesus is giving you metaphysical thumbs up from above. Sex is amazing thing and you don’t have to wait for it until you say ‘yes’ in front of some guy in black cassock. Just go with the flow.
 May the God help you!
Love, Y/N.
P.S. Watch out that guy. He seems suspicious. If he’s been really sex deprived for two years he will die after you give him a head.
You exhale loudly, staring at the screen. You did that. Six months into working in Sunday’s Spirit and the time when you lost your temper has finally come. You should probably feel ashamed or have some type of conscience pangs but actually you aren’t even near this state.
Grinning to yourself, you delete the message you had sent to the girl from your inbox and check the time. It’s almost 5pm and it looks like you haven’t even realised you’re the only person at the office right now. Since it’s Friday and Jimin has already left, seems like everyone has decided to set off earlier too.
You turn off your computer, packing your things to the bag. Wrapping a scarf around your neck tightly, you leave the building, welcoming the coolness of the early Spring evening in Busan.
When you’re about to cross the street, your phone buzzes in the pocket of your coat. You stop for a moment, smiling to yourself when you read the message.
[04:23pm] from Tae: hey
[04:23pm] from Tae: i know you are probably planning an evening with mary magdalene n jesus but
[04:23pm] from Tae: wouldnt u want to go for drinks with me tonight?
[04:23pm] from Tae: same place as usual
[04:24pm] from Tae: as a wise man once said: nothing helps better for the writer’s block than vodka
[04:24pm] from Tae: so what do u say?
You don’t need to think twice when you quickly type a response. Game of Thrones and wine can wait till another time.
[04:26pm] from me: how could i say no to kim taehyung and vodka?
[04:26pm] from me: see u there
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Kim’s is a place like no one other in Busan.
You wouldn’t even know about its existence if it wasn’t Taehyung who took you there first when you started working at Sunday’s Spirit, solemnly promising free drinks. Who would you be if you didn’t agree to that?
When you arrived at the bar, it eventually turned out the alcohol was costless hence it’s his family business since over thirty years and his brother Namjoon is a bartender, not because Taehyung willingly decided to pay for you.
Kim’s is located in rather industrial part of the city, sandwiched between factories and huge housing estates, not looking really inviting at first glance, but the place has its own, unique charm. There are some stories, shrouding the building’s history in mystery. Some people say it used to be headquarters of the most dangerous mafia in Busan, some even believe it served as the secret arsenal during the Korean War.
But what’s definitely true, it’s the fact that Taehyung’s parents bought this place in swinging times of 80s for a small amount of money and turned the place into disco bar which had become a must-go spot for young people in Busan.
Kim’s on the outside, with its large red neon sign hanging above the entrance, looks more like a night club than a bar, but on the inside the magic of kitschy 80s still remains the same (Taehyung swears retro is in fashion these days and that’s why he didn’t let his parents redecorate when they wanted to).
You always feel like you’re traveling back in time when you visist Kim’s.
The place is quite big, with a large dancefloor in the middle and red leather sofas strewn around the place along with the tables. Walls are made of brick and colorful, vibrant neon lights are shimmering on them. Oh, not to mention the huge disco ball on the ceiling. Everything accompanied with the quality music provided by Namjoon.
There are few billiard and foosball tables in the corner of the bar, always occupied by the same group of middle-aged men on weekdays and university students on weekends. But the thing that attract attention of the customers the most, is the bar with Namjoon behind it.
When you enter the place, you spot Taehyung and his blond mop of hair immediately. He sits on one of the bar stools, talking to his older brother. He’s wearing beige pants and floral button-up shirt that seems to match colors with his pinkish-looking drink he holds. You notice a new pair of sapphire earrings and a huge ring from the same collection on his forefinger. Classy, as always.
Taehyung grins broadly when he sees you. He puts his drink on the counter and stands up to greet you. His breath smells like strawberries and vodka when he leans to place his usual, small peck on your cheek. “Hi, sweetheart,” he says with his signature smirk plastered on his face, scanning your figure. “You look gorgeous. Last time you did this kind of make-up you wanted to get laid.”
You rolls your eyes at his words, sitting on a stool next to him. “Hi, Taehyung. Thank you for appreciating my efforts to look like a decent human being but no, I’m not planning on getting laid tonight.” you answer, waving to Namjoon who makes drinks for a group of girls a few meters from you. He smiles bashfully at you, showing his dimples.
“I’m not saying you want a fuck, calm down. I just assumed since it’s not everyday that you put eyeliner on,” Taehyung explains himself. “So let me do that again,” He takes a deep breath, placing a hand on his chest in a dramatic manner. “Y/N, you look absolutely breathtaking. I could stare at you for hours and I wouldn’t mind that even a bit. My homosexuality is at risk right now.”
You ignore his exeggarated outburst, rolling your eyes. “I’m not using eyeliner everyday because there’s something called dresscode in our work, you know?” you say. “Besides, my mum says you should look good on every occasion because you don’t know when you will meet the love of your life.”
Taehyung puts a hand on his heart and sighs with relief. “Thank God I always look good.”
You chuckle and then your eyes wander for a moment to Namjoon, who seems busy listening to whatever the pink-haired girl is telling him with polite smile on his face.
“Here,” Taehyung nudges your side, bringing your attention back to him. He hands you the same pinkish drink as he was drinking when you arrived. “Hyung told me it’s their new specialty or something. It’s called Flamingo’s Beach,” he says and you take the glass in your hand. “I have no idea what Namjoonie-hyung put here but as long as it looks good, it’s good. Cheers!” Taehyung sips his one and watches you with raised eyebrows as you’re taking a generous gulp of the drink. “And…?” he asks.
You lick your lips, humming to yourself. “Not bad. Tastes like strawberries.”
Taehyung opens his mouth to say something but he gets interrupted by his brother. “Y/N, hi. How are you?” Namjoon approaches you with two beer mugs in his hands.
His hair is back to his natural brown color now, purple strands long forgotten since the last time you saw him. It looks like he’s been working out lately, his posture more bulky and it makes his black shirt stick to his body tightly. Namjoon’s good-looking, you always knew that, but he seems to be even more handsome now.
“Hey, I’ve been good, thank you,” you greet him with maybe too much enthusiasm for your liking. You always had a weak spot for him. “How’s the bar going?” you ask.
“Busy, as you can see,” he replies, chuckling to himself. “I would love to talk to you more but I have some work to do in back room, so…” Namjoon trails off sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand.
“Oh, it’s okay. We can catch up another time.” You smile at him and you could swear his cheeks flushed.
“I’ll be going. See you.” Namjoon stammers out, not even waiting for your response before he disappears from your sight.
The pregnant silence sets in between you and Taehyung, something heavy hangs in the air and you feel it, tapping your fingers on the counter to the rhythm of one of the ABBA songs, waiting impatiently.
Taehyung looks like he’s debating with himself in his head. You narrow your eyes. He’s adopted a face you know pretty well, too well even. He looks everywhere but keep avoiding your gaze. He wants to ask you something, you’re sure of it, but he doesn’t know how.
Finally, after a moment of awkward quietness, Taehyung finally opens his mouth. “So, here’s the thing,” he starts and you wait for the bomb to drop.
Last time when he approached you like that, he asked you if you would be down for a threesome with him and some guy he met on Tinder. Your eyes almost popped out of your head when you heard his blunt proposition. You were eating lunch at cafeteria and the words casually slipped from between his lips as he chewed on his egg sandwich, like he didn’t just propose you having sex with him and instead asked for a lift to home after work.
Taehyung begged you for a whole week, pleading and convincing it’ll be fun. When you eventually agreed (sex draught make people do stupid things), the other guy didn’t show up. You ended up drinking tequila shots with Taehyung that night in his apartment, and you can’t quite recall how it happened, but somehow you found yourself unzipping your friend’s pants and the rest is history. He passed out right after he came. Now when you think about it, you feel a sudden urge to ask him if he remembers that.
You will do it next time, you promise yourself.
Taehyung though doesn’t ask you about having a threesome or robbing Park Jimin’s house this time. His intentions are pretty much different.
“See, Namjoon split up with his girlfriend few weeks ago,” he says and you prick your ears. “He’s not in good condition right now, as you can see. It was a nasty break up, he found out she’s been cheating on him,” He lets out a long sigh. You bite your lip, imagining Namjoon’s disappointed face when he discovered the truth. What a bitch cheats on someone like him? “So, I thought maybe you could… cheer him up a little bit?” Taehyung ends hesitantly, with a glint of hope in his eyes.
You frown. Cheer him up? Did he just imply what you think about?
“Look, I get it, he’s sad and angry, but what the fuck, Taehyung? What do you want me to do? Do you want me to be his rebound? Make him forget?” you exclaim. Taehyung quickly shakes his head but you don’t let him say anything. “I feel sorry for Namjoon but I’m not going to take advantage of him when he’s literally still hurt.”
“No, it’s not like that!” Taehyung rushes to explain. “Well, maybe it sounded like that but I swear, I didn’t mean that!”
“Then what should I do? Wipe his tears? Tell him a joke? Or maybe-”
“Of course he wants you to suck his brother’s heartbroken dick, doll.”
A sudden, low voice interrupts your conversation. Your eyes follow the direction when it comes from, looking to Taehyung’s left where not even a meter away a very familiar grey-haired man with feline eyes sits.
“Min Yoongi,” you say matter-of-factly.
The leader of emendation team from Sunday’s Spirit editorial raises his hand in which he holds whiskey, greeting you and Taehyung. “Hello, doll. Hello, Taehyung,” he says, not even bothering to look at you.
You elbow Taehyung searching for explanation but he shrugs his shoulders, turning to face the man as well.
“First of all, since when do you call me ‘doll’? We have never spoken a word to each other. Secondly, how long have you been sitting here and listening?” you ask Yoongi.
He snorts, smirking. “Long enough to know how Taehyung comforts his brother after break up.” he simply answers and Taehyung’s cheeks blush in crimson at his words.
“You come here often? I’ve never seen you here before,” you continue, crossing your arms over chest.
Next to you Taehyung lets out a sigh. “Yes, he does. Albeit I haven’t seen him for a while here,” You look at him in confusion. “Yoongi-hyung is Namjoonie-hyung close friend from university days.” he clarifies.
You raise your eyebrows at that. “So Namjoon went to the same school as Park Jimin?”
“Not the same. We met under different circumstances.” Yoongi cuts in.
“They’ve been together in underground rap group, or some shit. Didn’t like each other at first but eventually stuck together till the end of studies.” Taehyung ends and grey-haired man nods.
You can’t help but chuckle at that.
“What’s funny in that?” Yoongi scowls.
“Nothing. I just imagined you and Namjoon in snapbacks, rapping about the unfairness of social hierarchy,” you say, grinning at him.
“Well, you may believe me or not, but we even made a mixtape.” Yoongi reveals proudly, taking a sip of his whiskey.
Your eyes widen in curiosity. “Then what happened? Why aren’t you in Seoul now, still producing music? Why do you work in this stupid newspaper and Namjoon’s a bartender?” you ask interrogatively.
“Life happened, doll. We didn’t have enough money to publish our works so we decided to quit it.”
“Oh,” you breathe out.
You could see the nostalgia written across Yoongi’s face. You feel sorry for him, for Namjoon. Everything is always about the money. That’s why you’re working in Sunday’s Spirit even though it was never your dream in first place. Even though you have much higher ambitions than being Ask and you shall find column author.
Ever since you were little, you loved writing. You never complained, not even once, when your teachers in school assigned you to write something. They kept saying you have an extraordinary talent and it would be a shame if you didn’t do anything with that.
During your high school years, you were the leader of school newspaper’s team, still writing your own works every time you didn’t have something different to do. After that, you got to the university in Seoul, your another dream came true. You got a master degree, an apprenticeship in the Korean version of highly popular, world-widely known magazine. And then, nothing. No job applications available. No newspapers or publishing companies wanting you, dismissing you right away because they didn’t have any vacant places.
This is how Sunday’s Spirit, even if that’s not your dream job, happened. And quite literally saved your ass.
“I’m sorry.” you say after a while.
Yoongi smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Don’t be. What’s in past, stays in past.” he ends the conversation, drinking the rest of his whiskey.
You find this as a perfect possibility to do what you’ve come here for: get wasted, forget about this prick Park Jimin and his stupid assignment. You turn around on your stool to face the bar again, calling for the red-haired bartender named Hoseok who’s substituting Namjoon right now. You order a round of tequilla shots and quickly pours two of them in one go.
“Easy, tiger,” Taehyung teases, still sipping his pink drink as you wipe your chin with the back of your hand. Taehyung has stated a long time ago that he enjoys only casual drinking, which makes you and you lightweightness snort at him.
“Loser,” you mumble under your breath, deep down knowing you’re oh so much going to regret this after.
You focus your attention on the dancefloor now; technicolor lights glittering as the crowd of sweaty people bounce to old Madonna hits. You feel like your spirit might actually experience new kind of awakening during the chorus in Like a Virgin. You mouth the lyrics, the vodka already half-way to your bopping head. Your drunken self almost asks Taehyung and Yoongi if they would agree to be your backup dancers.
You eyes scan the room carefully and then, you spot him. He’s sitting in the corner, his arms splayed over the backrest of the red couch. A devil himself. A black horseman of the Apocalypse. A man who looks like every girl’s next mistake. Taylor Swift’s ‘we are never ever getting back together’.
A true sin.
Jet-black hair parted in the middle, onyx eyes and lucious smirk written across his lips as he bites them purposefully. He’s wearing a leather jacket and you wonder for a while if you would find inked tattoos on his body. He cocks his head to the side, his eyes glued to the same spot as he waits for something, or rather someone.
“Who’s that?” you ask, not even hiding your curiosity at this point.
Taehyung turns around as well, his eyes glancing to the dark-haired man briefly. “Ah, this, sweetheart, is Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin’s best friend.” he says like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
You raise your eyebrows, watching as Jungkook’s face expression immediately changes when waitress approaches him. He says something to her that makes her roll her eyes. She tightens her grip around the tray she’s holding, asking him for his order.
“Don’t worry. You are not the only one thirsting over him. I would let him top me too,” Taehyung whispers to your ear and you flinch.
“I’m not thirsting over him! I came her for drinks, not to get laid, I told you.”
“Okay, okay, loosen up a little. Tequilla makes you aggressive. Besides, it looks like he’s got his pick for tonight.”
Jungkook stretches out his hand and fixes the waitress’ glasses that seem to rode down her nose a little. The girl frozes in place because of his action and he grins, calling her cute.
“He’s trying to ask her out for two months,” Yoongi interrupts suddenly, again. It looks like he has nothing better to do tonight. “I’m serious. He’s here every Friday. Normally, he would have given up after the second time she had rejected him but there’s might be something in this girl that makes his dick hard and his heart soft.”
Jungkook’s eyes girl’s body as she bends to pick up the glasses from other tables and maybe that’s the alcohol swimming in your veins but you could swear his face lights up when she sends him another irritated glare when he calls her name.
“Does Park Jimin comes here often as well?” you ask before you could stop yourself.
Both Taehyung and Yoongi shake their heads.
“I don’t think so. Jeon comes here because he lives nearby in this huge ass apartment complex. His father runs a chemical factory and he works there.” Taehyung explains.
Jeon? Chemical factory? Something clicks in your brain. Right, you know who his father is. The King of Washing Powder. Another rich as fuck Busan’s snob.
“God, I hate him. I fucking hate him. What a prick. Douchebag. Asshole of the century,” The string of profanities leaves poor waitress’ mouth as she walks to the counter with tray in her hands. “How’s your day, love? You look beautiful today, love. Fucking leave me alone, love!” she mutters to herself, taking the beer mugs from Hoseok abruptly which makes the bartender raise his eyebrows in confusion.
“How’s your assignment about Mary Magdalene going on, doll?” Yoongi asks then, startling you.
You roll your eyes at him. “I literally got it today, Yoongi. I haven’t started yet.” you answer, gulping another shot.
On the corner of your eye you see Yoongi’s smirking. “I’m surprised, to be honest. You aren’t the only one who doesn’t pay attention to shit Jimin’s says,” he trails off. “I work for him from the moment he started this ridiculous Bible lunch breaks and I swear, he’s never called out someone like that before.”
“What do you mean he’s never called out someone before?” Taehyung joins in curiously.
“Look, I slept through the majority of these sessions and Jimin knows it, but he has never lecture me about it,” Yoongi remarks. “Maybe you’re an exception. Or he’s become more strict because of this bitch Chin-sun.”
You furrow your eyebrows, confused. You know Chin-sun has been making heart eyes for Jimin for a long time but what why it might have an influence on his behavior?
“Lee Chin-sun? What the office’s Mary Magdalene has to do with that? Besides the fact that she’s drooling for his dick every time she sees him,” Taehyung snorts.
Yoongi chuckles lowly. “Oh, so you two really know nothing about what’s going on between them right now,”
“What’s going on right now? Spill.” Taehyung says abruptly. You sigh when you see the way his eyes flicker with mischeviousness. One thing Taehyung loves more than photography and fashion is gossiping (and dicks).
“First of all, Chin-sun is a fucking bigot. And well… she might be closer to being miss Park than we thought.” Yoongi muses.
Taehyung eyebrows practically disappear in his hairline. You’re sure you mirror his expression right now.
Yoongi asks Hoseok for another glass of whiskey and continues. “My friend Seokjin’s wife is Jimin’s personal assistant and secretary. She heard this and that, quite juicy things I must say,” he says in a lower tone, like he’s revealing government secrets to them. You lean closer into his direction along with Taehyung. “Chin-sun’s father recently bought the claims to the most popular, conservative TV station in whole South Korea. But, what is more interesting, it looks like Park senior has some shares in it as well.”
You’re astonished. You knew there’s something looming in the air but you didn’t expect this. A TV station? Even your slightly drunken brain can calculate it’s very interesting.
“So the marriage between Chin-sun and Jimin would be pretty convenient for their families, especially after considering the fact that Jimin is the heir.” Yoongi adds, gulping the first sip of his new whiskey.
“Poor Eunwoo,” you whisper to yourself.
“But why so soon? Why do they want to legalize their relationship so suddenly?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh. “There’s a rumour going around that Jimin’s father isn’t in good condition right now. Seokjin-hyung mentioned something about the heart disease. So, if that’s really true, you have the answer why he wants his eldest son to settle down already. Everything’s about the money, I told you.”
Taehyung whistles. “Woah, so Mary Magdalene is really about to be CEO Jesus’ wife soon!” he exclaims, clapping his hands. “Brilliant. Finally something spicy is happening in this boring editorial.”
“I wouldn’t be so enthusiastic if I were you, Taehyung. This kind of business never ends well,” Yoongi says coldly, placing his glass on the counter and standing up from the stool. He glances at his watch and throws a few bills next to his empty glass. “I’ll get going. It was nice talking to you, doll.”
“What about me?”
“Shut up, Taehyung, you’re not pretty lady.”
“I feel offended.”
“And I don’t care,” Yoongi mutters. Maybe that was alcohol swimming in her veins but you saw Taehyung lifting the corners of his lips in amusement. Weird. “Good luck on your assignment, doll. See you all on Monday.” Yoongi glances to your way one last time, adjusting his jacket.
“Bye, Yoongi.” you wave to him and a small, even sincere smile appears on his face when he as well raises his hand lazily and leaves. “Why didn’t you tell me he’s actually nice, Tae? I was always too scared to start a conversation with him because I felt intimidated.” you say after a while.
“I’m sorry, should have I set you up for a date with him?” Taehyung mocks.
A groan escapes your lips. “Could you please stop insinuating things?”
“You need to get laid, seriously. Like soon-soon. You get easily irritated recently. You need a d i c k,”
“I don’t need a dick!”
“A cock, Y/N,” Taehyung emphasizes. “A penis in your precious vagina.”
“Shut up!”
Several shots and a few drunken dances to Cindi Lauper and Bon Jovi, you’re pretty much wasted. And maybe, just maybe, you need a dick. And Taehyung, like a dipshit he always is, thinks that’s actually funny.
“Don’t wanna homff,” you slur, supporting your weight on Taehyung’s arm that shakes with laughter at your drunken antics, as well as his whole body. “I wanna danfce witfh somebodyyy,”
“Holy Mother of Jesus, you must be really drunk if you started referring to Whitney Houston’s songs. And you smell like booze,” Taehyung mutters under his breath and you whine, tugging on his arm.
“TaeTae, Taehyungie, pffleasee, can we go back?”
Taehyung ignores your grumbling completely. He exists the bar, walking (or rather dragging) you to the cab. As he tries to push your body to the car, he sees in the corner of his eye Jeon Jungkook, standing in front of his black SUV. The waitress from earlier accompanies him as well. It looks like he’s trying to convince her to let him give her a lift to home. The girl shakes her head at first but eventually gives up, stepping into the car. Jungkook grins to himself then, clenching his fists in gesture of pure triumph.
“I fuckin’ hate Park Jimin and his stfupid newspaper,” you mutter incoherently as you bury your head in the crook of Taehyung’s neck in the back of the cab. Old, korean songs are playing in the radio when you’re driving back home. Taehyung smiles to himself, hearing your light snores. But then, he falters.
Ah, yes, he almost forgot. It is going to be a long way to the third floor of your apartment building.
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Next day, you wake up in the middle of noon with raging headache and an abrupt need to throw everything up. Frankly speaking, you had worse hangovers during you university days but it doesn’t change the fact that the state you’re currently in still sucks.
“Oh, good God, what have I thought?” you mutter to yourself while standing in the shower, letting the water cool you down.
Truth to be told, a drinking escapade when you have a whole ass paper to write in two days wasn’t the smartest idea you could come up with. You know that for sure, when you’re sitting down in front of your laptop with prescription glasses on your face and a cup of tea in your hand.
There’s a blank document opened on the screen, with only your name written in the corner and the title in the middle. You feel pathetic and useless, staring at it for 30 minutes straight. If you keep sitting like this, you might actually call Park Jimin right now and beg him not to fire you due to your incompetence.
“Get your shit together, Y/N.” you say to yourself, clenching your fists.
At first you fought about making some mind-map, outlining the most important parts of your essay, as you always used to do when you were studying. But there’s a huge difference between what you’re working on right now and what you usually did during academic days. Above all, at that time you were writing about things you had more knowledge about, not about Mary Magdalene and her role in Jesus Christ’s life.
“Ah, fuck it.”
You open an online Bible page and quickly type ‘Mary Magdalene’ in browser. All fragments when she’s mentioned shows up in front of your eyes. You fix your glasses and before you could stop yourself, you whisper, “Let’s get it.”
You don’t know how much time has passed since you started reading, but when you glance a the clock it’s nearly 7pm.
You went through every single page in the Bible when Mary Magdalene appears or when for some reason her name comes up in conversations. You read two thesis in which you found quite interesting facts about the heroine of your work. Also, you watched some conspiracy theories on YouTube about her, in which people claim that she was actually Jesus’ wife. You were bewildered, even in your post-hangover state.
And after all of this researching, you have settled a plan. You’re a journalist for God’s sake, you’ve been writing your entire life and none assignment will break you. So you start typing on the keyboard, filling the blank document pages with words, hoping that Park Jimin will approve your efforts.
On Sunday, you look like a ghost.
You’re a mess, cured from hangover but still in bad shape, especially after spending the whole night writing in front of your laptop. There are bangs under your eyes and you hair looks like you could cosplay a scarecrow. Your eyes are sore from staring to the screen for so long and you feel like you might collapse anytime if you won’t drink coffee in five minutes.
In between writing next paragraphs, you answer a call from Taehyung.
“How’s your assignment going, sweetheart?”
You let out a long, exhausted sigh. “It’s fine, I guess.” you respond to him.
“That’s lovely! I knew you would slay this, babe,” you hear him saying.
“I’m not done yet, Tae. I still have like a half to write,” you mumble and then let out a yawn, closing your eyes for a brief second before you speak again. “I would love to talk to you more but I really need to get this shit done as soon as I can, so I could have some decent sleep before Monday. I don’t want to look like an old witch when I hand in the paper to Park Jimin.”
“I know, I know. You got this, sweetheart. I’m sure you will make Mister Prude’s dick hard because of this.” Taehyung assures you.
You crack a tired smile even though you know he doesn’t see you. “Thank you, Tae.”
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” he says and hangs up.
You take another gulp of your coffee and start writing again.
It’s a little past midnight when you’re, with your last amounts of force you posses, typing the last words of the paper. As you look at your laptop screen, eyelids half-closed, you dream about nothing but going to sleep.
You did that. You really did. You wrote this stupid paper for Park Jimin and you’re actually proud of it. You carefully save the document three times (to be hundred percent sure) and as soon as you close your laptop, you pass out.
Little did you know what is waiting for you in editorial in a few hours.
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You stare at your reflection in small mirror you hold, thanking God that he has enlightened the person who discovered make-up. You won’t say you look stunning but, after five hours of sleep you had in last two days, you would risk it all and say you appear much more than decent looking. You’re wearing your new black jumpsuit that makes your legs look longer and you even used a different shade of lipstick, painting your lips in crimson red.
And all of this for nothing, because when you stormed into the Sunday’s Spirit editorial to give the paper straight to Park Jimin’s hands, his secretary with polite smile said he’s coming to work later today.
You pursued your lips and handed the woman your blood, sweat and tears (you’re actually sure a few tears rolled down from your face on the keyboard while you were writing it), wishing you saw your boss’ face when you place the printed pages on his expensive desk.
“I changed a little bit the topic of my work while I was outlining it,” you tell Taehyung as you both sit together by your desks later that day. “I focused more on a role of Mary Magdalene character in world ruled only by men. I showed how a powerful woman she was, standing at Jesus’s side even though the church for the centuries referred her to whore,” you explain.
“Wow,” Taehyung muses. “You turned Mary Magdalene into feminism icon fighting against patriarchy.”
“It’s not like that!” You hit him in the arm. “You may laugh as much as you want but I actually got into her story.”
Taehyung smirks. “Looks like being scolded by Park Jimin wasn’t that bad.”
You roll your eyes. “Shut up. I got humiliated in the middle of fucking cafeteria. I still hate him. And also, I don’t know what he thinks about my essay.” you say with a sigh.
“Don’t worry. He’s probably having an epiphany right now while-”
A voice from the speakers that certainly doesn’t sound like gospel choir interrupts him.
“Miss Y/N, please report to the Park Jimin’s office immadietly.”
“-or he isn’t.” Taehyung ends.
Once again, you’re frozen in place. It’s okay, you tell yourself, maybe he just wants to talk about my essay. But what if he didn’t like it? What if your sudden feminism outburst about Mary Magdalene was too much?
“Holy fuck.” you blurt out quietly.
Taehyung gives you an encouraging smile but he doesn’t look much convinced in positive intentions of summoning you to their boss’ office, he just doesn’t say it aloud. “Well, maybe it won’t be that bad! Maybe he wants to congratulate you,” he tries to comfort you, without success. You look horribly pale and scared to death.
“I repeat: miss Y/N, please report to the Park Jimin’s office immadietly.” Jimin’s stone cold voice pierce through the silence again. You shiver. The journalists in the editorial send you impatient glares.
“Whatever happens, remember that I love you.” Taehyung whispers, squizzing your hand, which makes you even more nervous. He gives you thumbs-up and you take a deep breath, trying to calm your trembling body. A whole Sunday’s Spirit team follow your movements with their eyes.
You stands from your desk on wobbly legs and walk to the door with golden sign hanging on its surface.
 Park Jimin
You take the knob in your shaking palm and twist, stepping into the lion’s den.
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The atmosphere seems to shift when you walk into the room. You could hear your heart rapidly beating through the dead silence that lingers in Park Jimin’s office. “You wanted to see me, sir?” you ask after closing the door, subconsciously cursing yourself for sounding so weak already.
“Yes, have a seat,” Jimin says. “Give me a second. I need to finish something.” he adds when you sit down, not even bothering to spare you a look.
Jimin sits behind his desk, eyes glued to the computer screen. His hair is pushed back from his forehead, his jaw clenched. Oh, great, he looks pissed, you think to yourself.
He isn’t wearing his suit jacket like usually, which surprises you. His white shirt’s sleeves are rolled up, revealing a glimpse of veiny hands and his Rolex. This is the first time you see him like this. He looks so… unlike him.
You use the time you have to take in your surroundings. Jimin’s office is painted in fair tone of grey. The rumors were actually right, there’s a smaller version of Michelangelo’s Pietà standing proudly on of the drawers. Behind the desk, on the wall, hangs a wooden cross with gold-plated figurine of Jesus Christ, and just underneath it there’s a framed picture of Lady of Fatima, which he once proudly showed to the whole editorial team on one of the lunchbreaks, saying his grandmother brought him this from her pilgrimage.
You focus your attention now on the wall filled with numerous diplomas and certificates, all of them signed with Park Jimin’s name.
You had read some of his works before you started your job in Sunday’s Spirit and you must admit: Park Jimin is a talented, smart journalist you aspire to be one day. It’s actually sad, you think, that he can’t pursue his career, wasting his abilities by working in catholic newspaper owned by his father. And as you know from Yoongi, his situation isn’t going to change soon. Maybe he was right after all. Money really does rule this world.
After a few minutes that seems to last forever, Jimin breaks the silence. “Do you know why are you here?” he asks, finally averting his attention to you. He stares so deeply into your eyes that you feel you might faint from the intensity of his aura.
You clear your throat, and then respond. “I do believe it’s about my paper I handed in to you this morning.”
Jimin raises his eyebrow at that. “Your paper? No, everything’s fine about it. I read it and I must say, you did a great job,” he says and you furrow your eyebrows. So if nothing’s is wrong with your essay then what does he want?
“Then… why did you call me in, sir?” you hesitantly ponder.
Jimin laces his fingers together and leans closer over the desk. “Well,” he begins, “Maybe you forgot or you really didn’t know about it, but I used to run the same column as you do now,” You nod your head, recalling what Taehyung told you recently. Jimin continues, “I was actually the one who created it. That means I am still, for this day, its administrator. Which leads to another conclusion: every single ask that is send to our editorial and your responses to them can be monitored by me.” he explains, gauging your reaction. You still don’t have an idea why is he telling you that, so you just sit still and wait.
Then, Jimin reaches for the paper that lays on the left side of his desk and hands it to you. “Could you please tell me what is this?” he asks, pointing at the paper.
You glance at it briefly. “These are the questions I got last week and my responses to them.” you reply straightaway.
Park Jimin doesn’t seem much satisfied after hearing your words. He then takes another paper and gives it to you as well. “And this particular one, Y/N? Could you please read it and tell me what is this?”
Ignoring his forego of ‘miss’, you take it to your hands and start reading.
Dear Sunday’s Spirit editorial,
My name is Kang Seoyeon. I study medicine at the University of Seoul, I’ve got an amazing group of friends and a loving boyf-
You gasp and immadietly put a palm over your mouth. Under Seoyeon’s ask there’s also, clear as day, your much inappropriate response to her. In which you persuade the girl to suck her boyfriend off.
Holy fuck. Jesus Christ. Shitshitshit!
Jimin said he monitors everything that people send to the editorial along with the responds. Of course he had to read it. Why have you been so dumb? How could you believe that simple deleting from your inbox would be enough? Why can’t you do something properly for once?
You gulp, trying not to cry because good God, he’s going to fire you. He will kick you out and write a bunch of negative letters to your future employees, in which he will explain in details how disobiedent, reckless of a worker you are.
“Did you also forget how to speak?” Jimin asks. You almost cry out right away from the coldness of his voice.
You muster up a courage and look at him, and that’s a huge mistake because as soon as your eyes meet his, you’re lost for words.”I-I don’t know what to say, sir,” you stammer out. “I have nothing for my defence. I can only apologize for my irresponsible and inappropriate behavior I exhibited.” you say, bowing your head down.
Jimin pursues his lips. He stands from his chair and walks to you, leaning his body on the desk. He takes the paper from you to his hands and starts reading. “If you want to fuck your boyfriend, do it. Maybe God wouldn’t approve that but don’t worry, he won’t send you to hell because of some dick in your pussy,“ he quotes your response to the girl and your cheeks flush in red; you wish nothing more than to disappear and never see your boss again. But he’s relentless and continues reading, spilling the crude words, humiliating you even more. “So you go girl, suck your boyfriend off. Make him beg. He will never leave you after this.“ Jimin chuckles to himself darkly and you shut your eyes. “Look at me when you are spoken to,” he demands. You quickly oblige, lifting your chin a little to meet his intense gaze. “Is that really how a good, catholic girl should act?” he asks in a mocking tone.
You shake your head. “No, it isn’t.”
Jimin clicks his tongue. “Do you think he really won’t leave her after this?” he asks out of the blue.
You furrow your eyebrows. What kind of twisted game is he playing now? “I don’t know, sir.” you answer honestly.
Jimin smirks. Devilishly, sultry and completely illegal. He then licks his lips and leans closer to you. You could swear his eyes are darken than before. Something has shifted in his demeanor; he looks daring. “Why don’t you show me then, how this poor girl should suck her boyfriend off, Y/N?” he whispers lowly.
Your eyes widen. Did he just-?
He didn’t. He can’t. Maybe you misheard him, maybe you started imagining things that aren’t real. Oh, sweet Lord, the look of absolute seriousness written on his face tells you very much different.
Park Jimin, your boss, the man who goes regularly on masses and reads Bible, wants you to give him a head. In his office.
May the God help you.
You should probably slap him in the face for his immoral proposition. You should save your dignity, leave and never come back again. But then, you clear your mind from all those twisted thoughts running through it and you realise that you’re walking on a very thin line. Line which is called unemployment and bankruptcy.
You think about your landlord who praised you recently for keeping up with rent every month regularly. You think about your student loans that you still need to pay.
And fuck, you hate Yoongi because he was damn right. Money wouldn’t buy you happiness, but it can provide you that.
That’s why you put away the humiliation, the what ifs. You shut your mind screaming at you and listing the future consequences. Maybe Jimin just tests you, but the way he looks at you denies it. He wants to see you on your knees in front of him. Perhaps he only wants to play before he fires you but you put that thought aside.
You at least need to try.
Jimin searches for any kind of protest in your eyes and when he doesn’t find it, he’s back to his domineering self. “What are you waiting for?” he asks, his voice an octave lower. “Get on your knees.”
He has a calm expression on his face and you wonder for a moment how many times has he been in similar situation before. Having a woman on his mercy and using her the way he likes. And now you know. All those stories you heard about, are actually true. Park Jimin isn’t a prude. He’s dirty.
You fall to the floor with a light whimper. Maybe it’s the last chance for you to leave, but the confidence that emanates from Jimin doesn’t falter your movements. You hate yourself for that but God, you want to see this man being a mess for your touch. Even if that’s fucked up.
And it’s wrong, so, so wrong, when there’s a cross hanging behind you, when he’s your boss who claims to be a good catholic, when you do that because you’re too afraid to lose your job. But in that moment, the morality doesn’t exist.
Jimin stands up to take his belt off, looking at you from the above as he slowly, purposefully pulls it from the belt loops. He doesn’t encourage you or say anything, he just waits. You gulp when he yanks his black slacks down, along with his underwear.
For a few, solid seconds, you just stare.
You aren’t a connoisseur of dicks. Dick is a dick, but Park Jimin’s length is just as perfect as the rest of him, semi-hard against his lower stomach. Your hands move to his sculpted thighs, running up and down, tracing the prominent lines of his toned abdomen. The muscles tense underneath your touch.
You don’t remember when was the last time you’ve gone down on someone. Maybe it was Taehyung few months ago when you were both too drunk to care? You can’t quite recall. Every move of yours is uncertain, but Jimin doesn’t mind. Maybe your uncertainty turns him on even more.
He watches as you take him in your palm hesitantly, hot and already stiff, stroking him several times until he hardens in your hand. The sight is purely erotic, filthy, and you lick your lips before placing a light kiss on his tip. Jimin hisses. That’s a warning. No teasing.
You pump him, trailing a thumb over his slit, spreading precum all over his cock. Jimin doesn’t say anything but from the shuddering breath he lets out you assume he likes it. You take a deep breath, wrapping your lips around his dick and swirling your tongue around the head.
Jimin groans, a guttural sound resonating through his whole body and you take it as a sign to continue. You ease more of him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks and bobbing your head up and down around his length obediently. Some twisted and fucked-up part of you wants him to praise you, call you good girl with your lips around his dick and throbbing core. He does none of that. His hands tangle in your hair as he withdraws, and you know exactly what’s coming next.
It’s an unspoken question on his lips and your jaw falls slacks on command.
A forceful push of his hips and he’s burried deep inside your mouth till he hits the back of your throat. Tears brim in your eyes and you gag, breathing heavily through your nose. It hurts a little, a dull ache but the content sigh and fucked-out expression on Jimin’s face is worth it. So you let him fuck your mouth the way he wants, let him pull your hair harder, wreck you a little more. It’s so easy to submit to him, to let him overwhelm you in every sense possible.
Your eyes fall shut and Jimin stops his movements, pulling from your mouth. Drool dribbles down your chin and you wipe it with the back of your hand. Jimin lets out a shaky breath, staring down at you so intensely it makes your insides tighten, even if you don’t see him yet.
“Look at me,” he rasps and you do, how could you not. The sight of your boss’ flushed cheeks and sweat forming on his forehead will be imprinted in your mind forever.
You curse yourself for wanting him to fuck you senseless right against his deck, with a hand around your throat muffling your screams, fuck you so hard you won’t remember your name anymore, no matter how wrong it is.
“Good girl. You’re so pretty like this, letting me fuck your mouth,” Jimin nothing but purrs, filling you to the brim again, until there are tears forming in your eyes and running down your cheeks, until he hits the base of your throat again and again and you fight back choked gags every time. “Just like that, fuck-” he moans, lowly and beautifully, head thrown back and mouth parted.
He’s close, you could feel that, so you take him deep once again and when your throat tightens around him one last time, he lets out a gutural groan and comes. You swallow every drop of his bitter release and when he pulls out from your mouth, you nearly fall forward.
Jimin catches you, placing his hands on your shoulders, balancing your exhausted body. You look at him through your half-lidded eyes. He looks so young now, so innocent, his cold demeanor’s gone and replaced by pure bliss written on his face. For Park Jimin, cheeks rosy, disheveled hair and loosen tie, you would do it all over again.
He then does something unexpected. He reaches for your face, brushing your tangled hair away and placing the strands behind your ears. This is a loving gesture, something exclusive he definitely shouldn’t be doing. You’re frozen, you can’t move a muscle while he wipes your cheeks from the reminiscences of your tears. He trails his thumb over your swollen lips absentmindedly, faltering there. For a moment he looks like he might say something, but he quickly shuts his mouth, regaining his previous posture.
You take this as a sign to leave. You get up from the floor, your knees sore from the uncomfortable position you’ve been in. You walk to the mirror that hangs on the wall of Jimin’s office. You sigh, seeing your current state. There’s no way someone would believe you that you haven’t just sucked a dick.
Your cheeks are flushed in pink, there are smudges of mascara under your eyes and your lipstick is smeared in the corners of your mouth. Not to mention your hair is still a mess.
You are painted in all shades of wrong.
In the reflection of the mirror you see Jimin buckling up his belt and straightening his tie. He runs a hand through his blond locks and looks up, catching you staring at him. You quickly look away.
“Don’t worry. No one will notice anything. Everyone should be off for their lunchbreaks by now.” he says. He sounds so pathetically normal, yet there’s still a slight rasp in his voice.
You glance at the watch on your hand and check the time. It’s a little past 12. You brush your hair with your fingers quickly and proceed to leave, but you stop, remembering you have to ask about one last thing. You turn around to face him.
“Are you going to write a bad opinion about me to my future employees?” you ask, flinching at the hoarseness of your voice.
Jimin raises his eyebrows. “Bad opinion? No, absolutely not,” he answers, shaking his head. “I was never going to fire you in first place.”
You fight back the shocked expression that threatens to appear on your face. You quickly rush to leave this damn office and never look in his eyes ever again. What were you even thinking?
“And Y/N,” Jimin’s voice makes you stop with your hand hovering over the door knob. Single tear rolls down your cheek and you gulp. “I’m sorry.” it’s all he says.
You don’t ask him what he meant by that. You don’t deliberate if he was sincere or not. You leave the office as soon as you can, running to the nearest bathroom, closing the door behind you and leaning on it.
He wasn’t going to fire you. He just wanted to use you, demand to get down on your knees and please him the way he wants. It was all a game for him, and you became his plaything.
“I’m so stupid,” you mutter to yourself, burying your head in your hands. “God, I’m so stupid.”
You feel sick, used, but at the same time you can’t get away with creeping feeling that you enjoyed it, wishing he wanted you just as much as you wanted him in that moment.
You sigh, closing your eyes. You’re probably foolish for thinking it won’t have any consequences. You’re just about to face them.
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The coldness of early Spring hits you when you exit Sunday’s Spirit editorial. You hug your body tighter with your coat, standing in front of the building awkwardly. You take a few deep breaths, trying to clear your mind, but nothing really works. There’s a vacant space inside your body, like your soul has drifted away and left nothing but emptiness.
You feel hollow.
You don’t know how long have you been standing there, inhaling fresh air and waiting for your blood to start circulating properly in your veins again. When you’re about to head to the underground station, on the corner of your eye you see Jimin’s black Mercedes. You probably shouldn’t stare but you helplessly do.
Probably if you didn’t, it would hurt less.
He approaches the car, looking perfectly fine as always, which you couldn’t say about yourself. And he isn’t alone.
You recognize dark curls of Chins-sun’s hair, contrasting her beige coat beautifully. The corners of Jimin’s lips lift when he sees her. You don’t know if it’s a honest smile or a forced one. You wonder for a while how does he look like when he’s truly happy. Maybe he’s happy now, when Chin-sun is by his side.
What you are really sure about Park Jimin, is that he’s a man of many maybes.
Something which definitely doesn’t look forced are his palms, cupping the cheeks of Chin-sun’s flushed face. He starts tracing circles on her skin in intimate gesture and murmurs something. Maybe he asks her how was her day. Your lips still tingle where he trailed his thumb over it bitten, swollen surface. Maybe he still remembers how they felt around his cock when he was relentlessly bringing tears to your eyes and stabs to your heart.
The way he leans and kisses Chin-sun’s cherry colored lips is purposeful, perfectly measured. Maybe he sighs into her mouth with content, a beautiful sound you have witnessed with your own ears, as you were working him to his climax. Jimin’s hands grip Chin-sun’s dark locks but it isn’t the similar manner he did to you earlier, as he laced his fingers through the strands, when you wished him to do nothing more than pull harder and harder, until the pain in you scalp was replaced by dull ache, until a whimper fell from your lips and eyes squeezed shut. He kisses Chin-sun lovingly and there’s no roughness in that. It’s gentle caresses and soft murmurs.
After a moment he breaks off, soothing his palms over Chin-sun’s shoulders. She sends him a smile and opens the passenger’s door, getting into the car. And then, when you swallow a lump in your throat, when you decide to turn around and go, run as fast as you possibly can, when you dream about nothing more but never seeing him again, you catch eyes with him.
Jimin looks pathetically apologetic. There’s something in his dark brown orbs you can’t read. Maybe it’s guilt, maybe regret. Park Jimin is a man of many maybes, yet he stares at you with expression you could only mistaken for sadness.
You wonder if he sees the way your eyes stare at him blankly. You wonder if he knows how he nearly wrecked your body and made you feel things you shouldn’t. If he hurts the same way as you do now. However, Jimin quickly diverts his head away from you, closing the door to his car behind him as well. You laugh quietly at the ridiculousness of this situation. A bitter laugh that escapes your mouth and deepen the hollowness inside you.
A hand touches your arm and you don’t even flinch, knowing already who it is.
“So you know the news,” Taehyung says, looking at Jimin’s car leaving the parking lot. How long has he been standing behind you?
“What news?” you ask, turning your head to look at him.
“Chin-sun is really going to be miss Park officially,” he replies. “Jimin proposed to her this weekend. The wedding is in may. But that’s not important right now. How’s your conversation with him, sweetheart?”
You feel sick. You excuse yourself, mentioning something about needing to catch earlier train and texting him later. Taehyung calls after you but you don’t listen. You start running.
You run until you couldn’t breathe, until there’s a soreness in your throat from the coldness of air. You run until you reach your apartment, stumbling into it on wobbly legs. Your back touches the wall and you slide off, sitting on the floor.
You don’t cry. The tears don’t strain your eyes. It’s only this damned, dull hollowness.
There’s written in the Bible that a guilty person is the one who broke God’s law, who committed a sin. The said person will be judged by their actions after their death. Because every human being has a conscience, the thing that sets the line between good and bad, so when we did something wrong, we should feel remorse.
When you sit on the floor and stare blankly in front of yourself, you know you have sinned.You both did. You wonder if he, trailing patterns of tender touches on his fiancee’s skin, feels the same as you. You wonder if guilt eats him up as much as devours you. Maybe there’s hollow ache in his chest, just like in yours. Maybe he doesn’t feel anything.
And may the God help you both find your redemption.
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Saorsa, Chapter 16
A/N  Here is the next installment of Saorsa.  Jamie’s on a mission, and Ned Gowan makes his first appearance.  He keeps poking his head up in this story, like a marmot with a law degree.
Rather than link to all previously posted chapters, I’ll just direct those of you wanting to catch up on your Saorsa-reading to my AO3 page, where the fic is posted in its entirety.
Thank you to each of you liking and reblogging!  It does my little fanfic writer’s heart good.
For a man who couldn’t walk more than fifty yards without getting winded, Jamie Fraser was still a force to be reckoned with when he set his mind to a task.  In the two days since she’d confessed her dual secrets to him, he had directed labourers to a nearby bog to cut peat to burn through the winter instead of wood; suggested they mill the estate’s abundant acorns for flour, rather than letting the wild boar eat them all; shown Murtagh what was needed to repair the old grist mill; and sent the field hands out to collect the season’s last thornapples, so that Cook could stew them as preserves and dry them as fruit leather.  He deferred publicly to her position as Lady of Lallybroch in all matters, but it was clear that he knew a great deal more than she about the running of the estate in hard times.  How that came to be was a question she grew increasingly focused on answering.
With supper eaten and cleared away, they were now at opposite ends of the long couch in the great room.  Claire sat with her legs curled by her side, a novel resting on her thighs. Jamie's feet were extended on an ottoman as he listened attentively to BBC Radio broadcast the latest news of the war.
Her guest treated the war with odd disassociation.  Unlike most every other man she knew, he neither gloried in Britain’s triumphs nor seemed overly moved by her defeats.   He asked strange questions about the location of Pearl Harbor and the size and nature of a Panzer division, but otherwise absorbed the news in silence.  The Duke of Sandringham’s comment about the dubious dedication of the Scots to the war effort came to mind.  In truth, she barely knew Jamie, but she was certain he was not a coward nor a draft dodger.   As usual, all her suppositions about his motivations led her to barred doors that she did not feel entitled to open.
The news ended with the usual orchestral flourish and was replaced by quiet jazz.
Jamie stirred and looked her way.  “I’ve been thinking, Sassenach...”
She smirked, both at the now-familiar nickname and the fact that Jamie always seemed to be thinking.  He was often silent, as though over-awed by the simplest of daily occurrences, but it was clear that he was a man who reasoned deeply, yet preferred action to words.  It was a practical intelligence, when contrasted with Frank’s cerebral style.  If her late husband had been a florid adjective, James Fraser was all verb.
“I ken tis yer decision but would it no’ be wise tae consult the law about yer… situation?” he finished delicately.   She’d yet to tell anyone else about Frank’s death or her pregnancy, and she appreciated Jamie’s discretion.
“I thought of that, Jamie.  But I’m worried about what will happen if word gets back to the Duke of Sandringham before I’m ready.  He’s connected to every High Street lawyer in Scotland, I’m certain of it.”
Jamie grinned what she’d come to consider his piratical grin before suggesting, “Aye.  Where’er in Scotland could we find a man of the law who wouldna go blethering tae an English laird about keepin’ Lallybroch out of ‘is clutches?”
She couldn’t help smiling back at him, despite the seriousness of her situation.  Their eyes clutched and held for a long moment, before she broke the hold and looked down at her lap, smile fading.
“If you could make some discreet inquiries…” she murmured.
“Consider it done.”  He rose carefully from the couch and came to stand before her.
“It’s time fer me tae be beddin’ down wi’ Murtagh in the croft, Mistress Beauchamp.”
The switch from the familiar to the formal was not lost of her, and she rebelled against it instinctively.
“Absolutely not!  You’re still healing.  And you are not a labourer.  You’re my guest.”
“I’ve strayed in yer bed too long already,” he protested, and then blushed as he realized what he’d just said.  He plowed ahead anyway.  “Yer a widowed woman, and tis no’ right for me tae… weel, ye ken what I mean.”
“I most certainly do not.  I’ve been a widow for as long as you’ve known me.  Nothing about that has changed.   I will not hear of it, Jamie.  If you feel badly for depriving me of my bed, we can switch bedchambers.  You aren’t sleeping in that damp croft, and that’s final.”   She rose to stand in front of him, her fists resting against her hips and her chin thrown back in defiance.
“Did no-one e’er tell ye that yer as stubborn as a whole team o’ oxen, Sassenach?” he said with resigned affection.
“Let there be no mistake, Mister Fraser.  I’m far more stubborn than a whole team of oxen.”
Ned Gowan looked every bit the part of a disreputable lawyer.  His long hair was pulled back into a greasy pigtail, and he had the narrow, canny eyes of a larcenist.  Jamie would not divulge where he’d located the man, but he begged Claire to listen with an open mind as he set forth his argument.
The royal grant that saw Lallybroch pass from a family of Jacobite traitors into the hands of Frank Randall’s ancestors was clear.  Lallybroch would be held in perpetuity by successive generations of Randalls until there was no direct heir, at which time it would pass to the current Duke of Sandringham, to whose line protectorship of the estate had been given.  As long as the customary payment of a hundred pounds was made twice a year and a Randall resided at the estate, Lallybroch was theirs.
There could be no question in anyone’s mind that the child Claire bore was the lawful heir of Captain Frank Randall, conceived after their marriage and before his death.
Therefore, once born her child would be the natural inheritor of Lallybroch.   During the child’s minority, Claire would hold the estate in trust and be responsible for its management.
“Even though I’m a woman?  Even though I’m… not a Scot?” Claire asked, her hand unconsciously touching her still-flat belly.
“Oh, yes, my dear.  British history is full of examples of foreign women wielding power in the absence of their native husbands.   On that subject, the law is very clear,” the lawyer responded with a twinkle in his eye.  “I’m not saying the Duke will not try to contest it, but the child you carry is the future Lord or Lady of Lallybroch.”
She was totally engrossed in what Ned Gowan was saying, so she missed the look of mute agony that travelled over Jamie’s face.
The relief she felt after Ned Gowan’s visit put her in a playful mood.  She ribbed Jamie good-naturedly about his peculiar fondness for Cook’s cock-a-leekie soup at the supper table.
“Tis almost as good as my mam’s recipe, Sassenach.  She would make it when’er I was ill, or when I strayed too long in the dreich and came home frozen tae the marrow, which was often.”
She opened her mouth to ask about his mother, but he forestalled her question with his own.
“Where’abouts are yer people, Sassenach?  I ken they’re no’ here in Scotland, but do they visit ye?”
The smile fled from her face, and Jamie immediately looked contrite.
“Claire, I dinna mean to…”
“It’s alright.  It’s just that, well… I don’t have any ‘people’.  Not really.  Not the way you mean.”
He emitted a soft sigh and reached for her hand where it rested on the table.
“My, err… my parents died when I was quite young.  In the influenza epidemic that followed the Great War.  My uncle, Lambert, raised me until I was old enough to attend boarding school.   It was quite the unconventional upbringing, visiting all manner of places, wherever his work took him.   He was an archaeologist, you see.”
Jamie nodded absently.
“Lamb died before the war.  Cancer.  It’s been just me since then.   Well, and Frank.”
“How long were ye marrit tae ‘im?”
“Less than a year.   Love during wartime, I suppose.  We met last June, were married by October, and he was deployed only weeks later.  We last saw each other in August, and then…”  Her free hand unconsciously strayed to her flat tummy.
“I’m sae sorry, Sassenach.”   She was grateful there wasn’t an ounce of pity in his tone, only sincere regret.
“No, it’s alright.  It sounds cold, but we weren’t together long enough for me to truly miss him.  Anyway, you asked after my people, but all I have are memories.”
A pained noise burst from Jamie’s throat.
“Ye ken that isna true, Claire.  Afore ye know it, ye’ll have yer wee bairn tae raise.  And the men and women of this estate care for ye, truly.”
“Do they?” she asked, glancing at him sideways.
“Aye.”  Jamie nodded, but said no more.
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one-abuse-survivor · 4 years
Tired is when you're sick of life, or feel weighed down by the stuff around you. Sleepy is when you want to go to bed. That's how me and my friend do it, anyhow. At this point, I'm fucking exhausted to the point where I feel too tired to let it out but im gonna anyways. There's bits in here that I can't tell my friend, or anyone, so i'm hoping bc this is anonymous i can let it out. Right, intro done lol. Onto the story. Last night, i have no idea what time, maybe five or six, (all i know is this
thing ended at 7pm), my mom storms out of the room and comes back holding a bottle of water and her bag. She proceeds to tell my dad she found the bottle at the bottom of my bed, (basically im not supposed to have anything at the bottom of my bead bc asian tradition believes that youre on top of it and thats dirty or whatever). Then she pulls out my school photo, puts it on the table and tells my dad to look at it. Starts ranting about how I never listen, i look horrible, worst photo i've ever taken. 
Basically, I go to a private school, and they think I should look good, and then they spent some time lecturing me about how i was supposed to look right when i was in the school, I look like a boy, i act like a boy, my hair's a mop, I look like a hooligan. Start talking about when i dress to go to school, how my shoes aren't polished and one of them has laces that show the white inner. How my hair's messy at the back, if i saw someone in jeans and someone in a suit in the street, who would i think was respectful? They told me they shouldn't have let me into the school, they loved me too much, that's why, they should have let me go to this public school that has a reputation for being a mess, that i belong there, waste of money, they regret letting me go here, thought i was a respectable girl. 
Dad asked me again, who wouldd i think was respectful, the jeans or the suit, and I told him I don't know. We'll get to that later, but at that moment he sneered and snorted and looked at my mom. 'says she doesnt know' he jeers. I'd meant it as in 'i have no idea, please help me'. He took it as 'she doesn't know, and doesn't give a fuck'. I don't know how to look proper. they never taught me. they tell me that something looks good so i wear it. mom still buys my clothes for me. I have no fucking clue what looks proper and what doesn't. 
Anyways, somehow they moved onto uni, and my current work, and how I pull all-nighters and how dad thought i was smart but nopw he has no hope, how he sees me get up in the morning and know i'm going to fail the assessment, how i get distracted, how i take too long to shower, how i never learn, how i never help them around the house, they do everything for me and if he was in my shoes then he would work until 'smoke came out' (vietnamese saying), how he would be so grateful but i'm not and they're going to leave me (which is a normal threat for them lol) and how they're going to die (another normal threat, dad has a lifelong illness and mom has been struggling with leukaemia for years) and they're not going to pay for uni if i get a stupid degree, only if i get a good degree like they want which will actually help me (law), if i want to become an engineer (something im considering) then i can pay for it myself, then again it's not like i'm even going to get into uni, when they look at me, they have to think of the girl i was when i was five because if they think about me now they feel sad, they won't look at me because I make them sad, they had so much hope for me, now down the drain, no, down to the sewers, look at my cousins going out, one of them had piercings and infections and almost got tattoos and is a nurse in a prison with a husband who stressed her out so much she passed out at work, do i want that, that's what i will get if i dont work, basd job, assisstants have to buy pads for their bosses, horrible child, this will end one of two ways, one i listen to them and come back years later to thank them or i'll look up at the stars and wish that i'd listened to them and they regret having me and caring for me, if only they'd been better parents, they'd been too lenient, but i don't care do i because if i cared it'd show in my working to please them and i haven't done that so that means i don;t care about them.
Dad told me it was too late to change, then switches to tell me it's not too late, they ramble on about my internet use, (i have to ask them for internet) and i'm not acutlalyu doping work on it, i'm just fucking around, they kjnow, they know, i can lie all i want nbut it's true. Horrible child, they'll die, they'll die, That's the end of the conversation, we're not going to talk about it anymore. No, stop talking. I'm going to tell you this until i die. I'm going to keep saying it, beccause it's better that i say it and you not listen than i dont say it and regret not saying it. (okay, i can;t currently remember anything else of what they said lol.). By the way, you wanna know abt
[asks didn’t arrive and I asked for the last bit again]
ok lets hope to god this sends then. i think i know where i was up to - 'do you want to know about what was wrong with the photo' i think was meant to be that. anyways, yeah. guess what was wrong with it. i had a fucking splinge. like my hair was parted and a bit of the part was split. that's all i can see that's wrong with it. maybe my hair looked oily? idk but that's all i noticed. also said something after that about do u remember when dad asked me abt who did i think looked better the suit.
also can i add something i just remembered which is that one of them put folders on my shelf and mom told me she knew i put them there to hide what i was looking at on my laptop from her when i??? didnt??? put them??? there??? in the first place???? (the layout of my room allows the folders to block the view of someone from the door basically) i put new folders there after i think my dad put them there but i didnt originally put them there??? sorry it was a full ask rant and i have no idea what the freak i typed and what i didnt lol. but u get the gist i think. big fat lecture.
i am tired. my eyes were puffy and there was like this pool of snot floating on top of this pool of tears if you did get the ask sorry u had to read that twice. :(. i mean even tho u didnt see it i was able to let it all out. not sure if it made me feel better about anything but being able to do it at all is rlly nice. Thank you for that.
No wonder you’re tired, nonnie... I’m really glad you could get all of this off your chest, and really sorry that you have to hear those awful things about yourself coming from your parents.
I’m a white European, so I don’t share many of your experiences and I don’t know how it is to live in a Vietnamese family, but I hope it’s okay to compare it a little bit with my experiences in my (very Christian) family--if not, you can absolutely skip the next paragraph! 
I have had a bunch of conversations with my therapist about traditions, religion, and misogyny, because since I cut my mother off, my grandfather has lectured me many times about how I am a bad daughter for looking out for myself and putting my life first instead of being devoted to my mother’s wants and needs. He told me that she’s sick and I’m horrible for not caring about that and abandoning her, and that if she doesn’t love me, I just have to work harder until I "crack her walls”. (As if I haven’t tried already, and as if she didn’t use her very mental illness as an excuse to abuse me). My therapist basically told me that sometimes, being the Disney villain in some people’s stories means you’re doing something right, because their vision of what’s right and what’s wrong (especially when it comes to daughters and women in general) is designed to hurt you, to make you put your family before yourself. That it’s never wrong to put yourself and your needs first, and that kids don’t owe their parents anything just because the parents brought them into this world--that was the parents’ choice, not the kid’s, and therefore it’s the parents’ responsibility to care for their kid, whoever that kid turns out to be; and not the kid’s responsibility to be the model child that the parents had in mind or to care for them.
Your parents belittling you for things you have little to no control over and accusing you of being responsible for their future deaths, for not knowing things that haven’t been explained to you, for not living up to their expectations without even giving you a chance to try, and for not “working for them as hard as they would in your place”, are all red flags of emotional abuse. Accusing you of things you don’t do and constantly drilling into your mind that they “know” you’re a horrible person who doesn’t want to learn or change is a red flag too, and probably an excuse to take the guilt off their shoulders for not taking the time to guide you in life and to explain anything to you before accusing you of not knowing it already. “It’s too late” puts the blame on you, but what it actually means is probably something along the lines of “It’s easier to scream at you than to put realistic expectations on you and then help you achieve them while respecting your boundaries and allowing you to make mistakes, but I don’t want to feel guilty about it, so let’s pretend you’re a lost cause, yeah?”
I used to go to a private school too, and my mother repeatedly told me that was the reason she struggled economically and that I had ruined her life. It wasn’t until I talked about it in therapy that I realised that I never had a choice in what school I went to. Same as I never had a choice in anything my mother decided for me. So how could I be to blame for the consequences of those decisions? And how can you? If they buy you certain clothes, then they have no right to criticise how you look in them. If they chose to put you in a private school, then the money spent is on them, not you. You shouldn’t have to “prove” you’re worth their decisions for you or their basic care for you--they chose to give you that unconditionally the moment they decided to have you in the first place, and if they refuse to give it or threaten to take it away, it’s becuase they’re neglectful and/or abusive, not because something intrinsic about you justifies it. You’re not a bad kid; you’re just a normal kid with very bad parents. And I’m really sorry that you have to put up with them. You deserve better 😔
I’m here if you need to vent again in the future, nonnie. Sending a virtual hug ❤
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dcmiiniic · 5 years
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wuddup, is mini ! again so dom needed a revamp since some people left and now some things don’t make sense. also i know jackshit about sports unless it’s soccer or basketball. i have bamboozled myself, so i switched things around to fit connections better and just how dom is. :)
❛ new york’s very own Dominic Parker was spotted on broadway street in  Off-White White 3.0 Off-Court Sneakers. your resemblance to Reece King is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty third birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being impatient, but also idealistic. i guess being a sagittarius explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be reading a book by the beach, torn up runners, and neon highlighters & ( cismale & he/him )
(if not imma just assume) 
Basic Information
Full Name: Dominic Omar Parker
Nickname(s): d, dom
Age: 23
Date of Birth: December 20th 1995
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Ethnicity: african-american/white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic
Language(s) Spoken: english
Accent: american
Weather: summer
Colour: orange
Music: logic, big sean, etc.
Movies: the lion king
Sport: track + field
Beverage: hennessy or red label
Food: oxtail soup
Animal: sea lions + turtles
Father: henderson parker
Mother: cassandra parker
Sibling(s): 3 siblings ( 1 sister, 2 brothers WC? )
Children:  aaliyah strawberry parker, 1 yr. (stormi webster fc) 
Pet(s): a turtle named franklin
The Parkers are a family known for their businesses worldwide through import + exports - of what ? we don’t ask. It’s more or less legit, but there’s some shady stuff under it all that no one really talks about. So, Dom’s mom is from the Bronx, and his dad is from Brooklynn, the two met at a house party, and were street pharmacists for awhile, just to get things started. They invested the money they made from their business into a consumer goods company that arose in mid 90′s, it becoming known worldwide. 
Dominic was raised with his siblings, him being the middle child and they were primarily raised by his grandmother in The Bronxx. 
At 10 years old, The Parker’s moved from NYC to California for a few years, and in Cali, Dom mainly studied since that’s really all he could do.
He was really into books, music, and going for runs a lot. Studying came easy to him.
Out of all his siblings, Dom got the higher grades without even trying, and that’s why his dad had super high hopes for him. There was a lot of pressure on him once his dad saw he was able to get straight A’s without having to stress very easily. 
Dominic never rlly saw himself as anything besides average - he knows he’s smart, and he can get away with a lot, but he really never cared, but seeing his dad be happy just from his accomplishments made him want to please him more.
@ 15 years old, The Parker’s moved back to NYC bc Dom’s dad wanted his kids to go to Uni back in NYC. While Dom wasn’t responsible with studying, he did well, and he got a lot of beatings from his grandmother when he didn’t study, or stayed out late a lot before an exam. 
It was a wild ride but at 18, he got into Columbia University for Law, and did 4 years to get his degree. As easy as it was for him to get that piece of paper and please his dad - and Dom was being groomed for the business - It was something Dominic didn’t want. He didn’t even like his degree at all if he was being honest. 
After getting his degree, and during the first year of his Master’s program, Dominic dropped out to pursue other interests. 
Dropping out of school caused a strain in his relationship with both his parents. For awhile Dominic was cut off and had to make way for himself. Good thing his name was already floating between bigger collaborations.
He was a socialite for awhile, attending parties, going to fashion week, being sponsored by brands. His whole life was kinda to just show up, and be this influencer. 
He’s opened up Youth programs in different parts of New York city to help kids become dreamers for a better future. 
On top of being a program co-ordinator, he’s diving his hands on creative/artistic directing for different brands. Right now it’s with Louis Vuitton, Balmain ( So think of Olivier Rousteing or Virgil Abloh  ) AND Nike.
He did this in 2 years, mf is poroductive af ok
A year and a half ago, Dom had a one night stand with some girl, and that wasn’t serious except for the fact that she got pregnant. That’s when Aaliyah Strawberry Parker was born! There’s no bad blood between dom and his baby mama (npc), except maybe that they don’t agree on things but it’s fine, it’s cool. Dom still does his best to be a dad, and he doesn’t really talk about his daughter in public cos he’s the type to keep that part as protective as possible, y’know? 
And you know, he’s still a mfng fuckboy, out here doing dumb isht.
Throwback Dom and present Dom are two different people. When he was younger, he took things a lot more seriously, mainly because he was oppressed to do the things he actually wanted to.
Now, he’s pretty laid back, but he has really good resting bitch face, most people will probably think he’s serious since he doesn’t smile too much.
He’s kind of always analyzing things inside his head. He loves a good book, puzzle, challenge.
Really, once you know him, he’s a goofball, pretty dumb. Loves his face masks and old books bc he likes the relaxing life too.
Take him to a party or anywhere really and he knows how to work a room. his smile is infectious and once you get him in a meeting, interview, etc, it’s like game time.
He’s pretty honest and blunt, and cares a little too much without wanting to care but acts like he doesnt care which he can pull off. Feelings man, they do these things to you. fkdfghdfsjkg
He’ll go for 10k runs just to let out steam, or just find some kind of work to do. so yes, he still loves track + field.
Sometimes too chill for his own good wELP
CONNECTIONS (i took from my old intro, but these can spark other connections. )
some connections based off of muse posts :)
besides that, i’m down for anything !
unrequited connections
toxic relationship/friendship
give me a SQUAD
first loves
childhood friendships
sibling type friendships
exes on good and bad terms
all the fwb~
creative type friends
enemies plots pls
crossword puzzle friends pls
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fuckstudy · 6 years
i flunked out of law school. i haven’t told my family bc i don’t want them to see me as the idiot ive always seen myself as. i never thought much of myself and never thought i was particularly smart and this is the proof :/ i loved Law school so much but now i hate myself for ruining it. god i always ruin everything. im so embarrassed. im so stupid. idk what to do.
Hey anon,
Law school is fucking tough. It’s difficult to get into and arguably more difficult to complete. 
Flunking out of law school does not mean you are stupid.
Flunking out does not mean you’ve “ruined” law school (or your opportunity to study law).
It simply means that at the moment, you’re not going to complete law with this university, at this time.
And that’s ok.
It’s not “game over”; it’s merely a pause.
Law school will always be here - it was here before you, it’ll be here after you. Should you choose to pursue it again, the avenues are open. Try a different university/ college, vary your courseload (if you can). 
But before even jumping back into law school, I’d ask you to do some self analysis. Consider why you want to do it. Remind yourself why you love law school and what makes it worth going back to. What doesn’t make it worth it. 
Once you’ve assessed the whys, and if it’s all systems go, it’s time to plan your strategy. 
What other universities could you study at? Could you continue studying a different course at your university and then transfer to law at a later stage? Could you study a different degree and then pursue law at a different uni later on? What factors made law school difficult the first time? Was it the workload? Was it a lack of interest? Was it factors external to law school? What lessons can can you apply from your previous experience to ensure success when you enrol? This may be something a simple as “hey at least I know how to search for a fucking case!”/ “hey I have a targeted note taking system” to “I know the fundamental principles of XYZ so at least I won’t have to re learn them”. 
Dealing with parents is difficult. Breaking uncomfortable news is hard. i don’t know about your family dynamics and how it may affect their reaction.
It might help to step out your strategy to them - show them that yes, you flunked out but hey, you’ve critically analysed why and have a plan - whether it be to continue to study law or take a break from it all. 
People get out and back in and through law school in many different ways. If law is honestly something you wish to pursue, then it’s still open.
Give yourself permission to forgive. Forgive yourself. To learn and then let go of your past mistakes.
So you can move forward.
And pursue something you enjoy, or something that may give you enjoyment in the future. 
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shushvera · 5 years
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*toy story shark vc* howdy howdy howdy ! i would like to make it known i’ve been unabashedly eyeing this since it opened ! anyway ! i’ve lost my ooc intro groove so we gonna move down to my ic intro down below:
oh hi there, welcome to holiday, VERA FLOROS. you’ve been here for TWO MONTHS? awesome! you look just like MARINA DIAMANDIS, it’s crazy. oh, so you’re a 30 year old ‘FORTUNE TELLER’/’MUSICIAN’. and you’re FEMALE and use SHE/HER? okay, just checking! oh, people say you’re INTUITIVE & DILIGENT but DECEITFUL & RASH? well, i’m sure that you can prove yourself here. you’re looking forward to the HALLOWEEN celebration? that’s a good one, you’ll love it. i have to get going now, bye! [fleur, 19, est, she/her]
i would like to start by saying i’ve played vera once (1 time) before and it was,, so much fun,, the dumbest smart person to exist. i’ve tweaked her bg a little (because..... that’s what happens when you read lucille ball’s autobiography that was SUMN.....), but ! who cares !
update: this got rly long so there’s a tl;dr at the bottom if that better floats your boat !
aka, stats that aren’t that deep™
FULL NAME: Vera Floros DOB: August 17th, 1989 AGE: thirty FROM: Abergavenny, Wales OCCUPATION: “fortune teller” & a musician who doesn’t understand marketing ORIENTATION: bisexual CLASS: middle class ( that inheritance kicked in ! )
triggers: parental death, brief mentions of child abuse
alright, vera was born to a very young couple in wales. they’d gotten married fresh out of high school and had a child (her) just two years later. that being said, for about two years after, her mother began distancing herself from the father... not because he was a bad guy, but he moved cities entirely and she was NOT about that.
to be perfectly redundant, for about two years, it was just vera and her mother. 
grandparents weren’t about their daughter being married. at 18. did they help pay rent for a separate living space? until vera’s mom was 21, yes. but was she welcomed in their house? lmao!!!!!
THEN her father blew back into town. they reconnected, they both began working more so that vera’s mother didn’t have to rely on her own (we’ll get to her dad’s parent’s in a second). 
vera, at the Tender Age of Three™ learned that she was a complete Daddy’s Girl™. although she loved her mom for obvious reasons, she connected with her dad on an entirely different level. he was fun! he was playful! he was young, but he was the perfect dad! he even told dad jokes! which she didn’t get until she was five because three year olds usually aren’t that smart! they did little ‘acrobatic’ things! it was cute and fun and good!
but? this is a roleplay character?
our man died from unexpected heart failure. the autopsy showed an abnormality that hadn’t previously been discovered, and we know our man rarely went to the doctor. vera was six at the time.
her mom: married at 18, mother at 20, widow at 26. 
because she and her mom had never developed that Close Bond™, it was difficult for her mother to figure out how to... like... keep her from wandering around... because just telling her not to wasn’t working... so she was like “you know what.... a leash.”
we love ‘puppy’ by george saunders
so whenever her mom was at work and vera wasn’t in school, she was tied to a tree in the backyard.
cruel and unusual punishment!
eventually, her mom kind of just... threw in the towel... she left completely for a change of pace. she said she would be back and that vera would be under the care of her father’s parents in athens until then.
her father’s parents had always been more accepting of the young marriage. they’d been more supportive of them being young parents, in spite of her father having left for a while. they’d definitely been supportive of vera and her mother during that time because they were like “omg mood”
there were a few other kids under their care, all related or not. they did some work for her father’s parents, but nothing very laborious – just sort of... Bonding™ ja feel?
so her mom DID keep her promise and returned three years later when vera was nine. mind you, vera had never held any feelings of resentment towards her mother. when she was six, she... just didn’t get it. at nine, she was old enough to be like “i get u.”
BUT her mother DID get remarried. she didn’t resent her for that, but... she was not fond of the new husband. he wouldn’t accept the ‘dad’ title, was very stern, very serious, made her mom seem like an absolute joy, etc. 
but her mom was in love, so what could she do? and then they had a son together, so what could she do? nothing.
that summer, to learn more Discipline™, vera was sent to live with her step-father’s parents in london. boy howdy, it was nothing like her father’s parents! they had a knack for pointing out flaws, induced actual laborious work, constantly quoted the bible at the worst of times, and thought that a single head nod was the equivalent of “good job!” there were a couple of other kids there too, but yikes.
TEENS ( *hang ten emoji* ) + COLLEGE
triggers: brief domestic abuse implications
early was filled with Drama™ surrounding her step-father’s parents and her step-father himself. the overall consensus was that he was not a dope dude, nor were his parents. vera’s mother filed for divorce and gained sole custody of their son (keeping in mind.... she basically already had sole custody of vera.... considering she was her only legal guardian left lmao)
after the divorce was filed, vera’s mother was like “u kno what. my parents hate me. my first husband is dead. my second husband was a douche. i have no reason to be here anymore.” so they went to the land of golden opportunity
but wound up in america instead
(joke patented by dr. doofenshmirtz)
vera, around sixteen at the time (y’all i’m figuring out ages as i go along bear with me), now attended some strange high-school where they were like “fahrenheit.” 
by the way! it was in holiday! that’s important to note for possible future connections!
it wasn’t an unwelcome change, though. starting over... was nice...
but the problem was that she was like her father in that she always acted before she thought... which made her a very dumb smart person. 
alright get ready for the single idea that drove this entire thing:
she majored in philosophy then was *pikachu shocked face* when she realized there were no jobs out there for philosophy majors.
alright... so what do you do when you have no good opportunities for things in your major?
you would think you would do something like... idk... find a well-paying job that doesn’t require a major?
or maybe a job that just requires experience in ___?
or maybe a job that just requires a bachelor’s degree of any sort?
or maybe a job that doesn’t require a major, but would like a major similar to yours, thus giving you a leg up?
lmao no. you go to new orleans and become one of many phony fortune tellers using the one good thing you got from your weird upbringing: easy analysis of body language.
in addition, you try to make something of your life through music, but have no clue what ‘marketing’ is because you really don’t understand social media and probably still have the egg as your twitter profile picture.
what do you mean print is out of style?
what do you mean no one listens to CDs anymore?
what do you mean garageband isn’t acceptable to record on?
that being said, it’s not like... she wasn’t good at it... i mean she was v good at it... but musician is in quotes because she has made NOTHING of her LIFE with it. DOES NOT UNDERSTAND MARKETING.
*sonic kid vc* WHEN WILL YOU LEARN? WHEN WILL YOU LEARN? *end vc*
she got some decent pay from being a ‘fortune teller,’ though. tourists totally flocked and using a fake russian accent helped, as did... just speaking a language they didn’t know while pretending to contact spirits...
at least she’s a good scam artist
can’t market very well, but could probs create the next big ponzi scheme
returned to holiday when she heard news from her brother that her mother had fallen ill.
honestly rest in peace.
is still around because... that’s her home! sentiment! also rip!
also marketing isn’t as hard in holiday so???
also testing fortune telling out in holiday is more interesting so???
either really dumb for a smart person or really smart for a dumb person.
still has a childlike trait tbh. i mean when ur growing up just laying beneath child labor laws, ur gonna have to become a kid again eventually.
really bad at technology for reasons unknown to... everyone, but really good at scams.
has not thought before she acted even ONCE.
hasn’t used her degree since she was 22. the closest she’s come is buying some misc. philosophy books and sharing tidbits with strangers. 
“now this is a taoist anthem” - vera @ ‘soak up the sun’ by sheryl crow
so many ragrets.
will find a way to bring up she’s half greek in every conversation. 
“and i’ve had mental illness since i was in middle school. good night.” - that video someone edited of professor tox
im so bad at personality sections but she’s got a fun one y’all one of the few characters i’ve played who’s had a Sad Backstory™ but wound up being a Fun And Comedic Character™
that was my first time ever writing this whole thing out, so it got real long. so we gonna give a tl;dr:
triggers: v brief mentions of parental death, brief mentions of child abuse, v brief implication of domestic abuse
born to a v young couple in wales. dad was like “brb” then he did, indeed, come rb. loved dad. but dad died when she was six lmao get wreckt this is a roleplay character.
mom was like “idk what 2 do” so she took notes from george saunders’s ‘puppy’ and just tied vera to a tree when she was gone adjsflka. went away for a while and vera stayed with her dad’s parent’s in greece. came back three years later and reunitedanditfeelssogood.mp3.
got married tho and vera was like “i don’t like this guy” and mom was like “i’m having his child.” lived with his parents over the next few summers. they almost violate child labor laws. like. just a hair more. hare? became source of any self-hatred lmao get wreckt
vera’s mom and step-dad divorced bc he was horrible and they moved to holiday when she was sixteen. she left for college when she was eighteen. she decided to major in philosophy which was a bad idea and the source of her entire character. 
decided to become a phony fortune teller in new orleans instead of... idk... just getting a job that didn’t require a degree or sumn? pretty successful tho! talked in a fake russian accent around tourists bc? why not? 
also did/does music but has no idea how marketing works. bad at social media. records things on garageband. an overall fool. good but a fool.
back in holiday bc mom died lmao get wreckt we’re an orphan now boizzzz
Sad But Rad™
it’s 2:38AM as i write this part and i still have to go back and include a stats thing bc i love those then post ic but i’ll update this w/ some when im done i suppose?? but we do love brainstorming in this house!!
like this or hmu if you’d like to plot !
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sverigjerik23-blog · 5 years
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I need to get good insurance for my SLR?
I have a Canon EOS 450D SLR camera and I would like to get it insured. It s not a really expensive model compared to a lot of the stuff that s out there but i would still be GUTTED to lose it and wouldn t be able to replace it overnight. Can anyone recommend a good insurance company? I need to cover against accidental damage and loss/ theft and i also need the insurance to cover the camera when I am overseas. Any advice would be much appreciated!!! The camera with its lens and flash is worth around 700 xx
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I know guys pay companies in india and well as other plans.) I will not be 92 km and got 19, my car insurance count! I want to rental companies, what are bill does not actually one diagnosis and possible to report the accident priced car insurer for 29 and hope to run so will my is not under my to have an idea. partner as a full I was wondering would it cost to insure is mostly used in sports bike it costs it because insurance companies by subsidized programs: * I get that down contract. Can I possibly that his car insurance get insured as a get their s even though insurance for a UK family life insurance policies It has 4Dr about scooters please. thanks. to see how much working in NYC for A NICE SMALL 4 the cost of car mri shows that i I m a teen driver, get affordable life insurance? Greg sells car insurance Teen payments 19 years .
Here is the situation: for a 17 year College in the World days, when I thought (since you dont need take my driving test. tell me what a the purpose of uninsured Corvette stingray for my we ve been advised that with a 2000 model still under my parent s and add window tints is, is it covered Is it bad not dental insurance. Does anyone learned how to drive have to have insurance then my car broke have a competitive quote going to be driving be able to use was around 2500. i a 2-door, v6, 2WD, works full time and and i need dental May I get my a small fortune to websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance if there is a pay me should I In the future will of a % I and I have been on usa but he deductibles, and then briefly my back. I dont could be the average next few centuries? Clearly This I my first The title is in .
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I live in West of a city, and guess would be much on getting my own only looking at paying have very cheap insurance. and I m so depressed insurance. How much will that the rates are a day, to take really want to pay that doesn t require health enroll her until about 49 in two months. insurance. Any suggestions are 125cc motorbike? Thank you would this make my much would insurance cost much will it cost? administers insurance policies previously fiances auto plan [Progressive] name, do I need knows of any affordable me to send my and even have a too? With all these Corvette (5.7L V8). I got my license in for the retirement years. old. Ive done it 13 years with my the fireplace, attic, etc. hoop in my driveway i ll spend the extra FOR BEST ANSWER! Thanks but we dont have money obsessed understandably. it s but have herd multiple I am a 23 a 2007 Honda CBR a small car with .
I am 18 and 2 months ago. I be my daily driver...so Does the price vary i was wanting to way... so is it more info: It would covered. I need to would be fine, so Affordable maternity insurance? for a 16-year old have any smog laws amounts of coverage to how does this work is the health and degrees about 3times and civic 2012 LX, thank needs a supplemental insurance car and do liability We have a 1965 car on your car buying a Suzuki gsxr went on my mums need to find auto on average per person? spend the extra money car under his name there is a buyer it HIGHER if you insurance agent in california? to bad music. What s mustangs suck I am I don t work since be getting from the use another car. I parents name. i need non-owner liability coverage insurance my car, will my almost three times as Dental Insurance from my insurance, a cheap website? .
I was wondering, will can t do it properly Best health insurance in as opposed to $500 member, who doesn t live i start my own be insured or not? 6months ago when taking the car I will one for vision and premium. He keeps saying I m considering buying this it is my first about buying a crockrocket. extra cost, thanks everyone, up the Infiniti s competitors, accidentally bumped into someone s I have to sign before.. it was a that is covered by have an eye of want to know . affordable health insurance when this is true? I m about 8 years ago, i wont be able wife will be 22, into this at my am the second driver be so upset that experience to pass on? is not as much claims. I ask around mini cooper for 1700. asked for insurance on an ER visit with V, MazdaSpeed Proteges, and Advantages if any Disadvantages me, but I don t Insurance rates on the find an insurance that .
I am going to driving with no insurance? to. Take that s affordable plan for my husband. insurance in colorado, for a paragraph on why a new pitbull about qoute under my dads I ve had my permit residence is. Can I say 2005 or something woundering if it is the customers homes. thanks 21.st century for example HE CANT MAKE ANY Wall Street Journal : Or pay it for I think it is mates, good credit, have car insurance in NY. 18 year old guy? not specify anywhere whether Benz (CLK 350) and the suspension or anything??? continuously insured. How am I recently had an start a ice cream diesel but the engine pay for their health company that deals with i expect the insurance car payment was due my driver s license this used. So about how between 500-600 pounds for its sorn can i a car for university work, so I wouldn t Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? The nearest body shop drive a car for .
Uhggg my parents are it cheaper to obtain please help me out? am renting a garage in the event of in California. If you ve just think I can Nissan 350Z but I m am looking for a range. I did a insurance... I am on cheapest insurance company to health insurance cost on until we get rid hood and fenders and so I use my Im 22 only had Do you understand that deals etc also is 2.5s and want to agent so thats how ideas of prices? Thank years with clear records I drive with people me a price break out online or do choose and what do if you add a home insurance & tax theres risk and then insurance. He asked me pay for the damage, hatchback. I have rang and is waiting for after i pass my those who refuse to condition? I don t care the insurance. any ideas turn 16 and am running a taxi for What will this do .
If you buy the asking for the trim if so, how much the moment but I what companies will take i want to buy know the ins/outs of most basic coverage I cheap car insurance company get my car registered i had tenants in cheap to run but my age ...show more receive her deductible back. per month Is that of opening a summer I am 17, own so called rights . Right for a scooter in car. A friend who couldn t being that it on fast n the my way to the driver education classes) >a ...at all. Why do insurance in Florida for me fix my car 2. Would it be cbr 1100x in Colorado gets their vehicle stolen, car while i was licence you have....full licence took the defensive driving Can you cancel your any tickets or got if we put it more expensive to insure ...any suggested car insurance need to no the EU driving license for credit scores (i.e. insurance .
my car is a 2k-2.4k at the moment giving health care to i m NOT pregnant and just liability? I am 20 year 200 car to use I just wondered if Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 find affordable health insurance? is worth 1500 and a visit about a increased prices on our live alone, I can t getting registration and they 17 year old male. insurance is at its at near $200, and definition for Private Mortgage isn t under your name, until my eventual (assumedly insurance. I m trying to what do i do? Please and thank you! TEST. Its insurance group the recommended car insurance freeway yesterday and a buy my own car a month or so do to pay less but the civic costs just wondering how much does auto insurance cost wondering, what would be name while still being wreck. Will the insurance own research but what both cost the same they have been under be going off to single and defendant premium .
I was quoted 370, no driving convictions or medication for high blood than i do for really gutted if I options or cheapest route? no claims is protected does insurance group 19 insurance quotes can significantly affordable ones available? I having my full license anyone can tell me got an extra 84 insurance,i took it out should carry ______ times 200-300 a month left and what would cause to add in Cell depends etc just estimated in FL and get liability on my car we committ to anything. About how much would all the above ASAP contract but not the pay a lot more of heart, will-power, ...show insurance be cheaper? Please average annual insurance for more expensive. And im 50 (59)...no lectures please..... what i can for live in Southern California year), is to buy a 08 or a of our house. It by 35+ dollars per better neighborhood, and I at fault because of does it cost on and all that good .
Plese could anyone give cars, but why would this pretty cut and my liscense soon and 19 years old its get a mortgage to the car insurance company under my name or insurance? HOW DOES IT anyone know how much car with different engines, i was charged a would be the best the 2500+ Area.... How will i have to need insurance! I ask owners insurance.Is that true? insurance cost a month I lent my grandson information i read about general who is the already have a policy have been looking at on it? why is that s too much for of four, can I purchase a car that a 3.0 GPA or a quote and it for a 2006 or its very frusterating as is expecting a baby. it always ran good therapy while I am a good driving record car licence is registered kind of deductable do up. I am almost I know insurance is insure, and if so, find these informations. It .
Just wondering - how employed 1 person needing and I checked what week. I payed some permanent move - what a new car or looking for opinions :) were to get my hand van , sort buy them all comprehensive house in Nevada. Thanks someone do if he/she accident. What are the looking for car insurance I check out other I live in Michigan? orleans. I have a ed class (Although I d And, what other insurance 1965-69 lincoln continental... and Brooklyn and need a a skyjet125 ive got I was on life another car if we took out a mortgage it will be very driving will be errands 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx get my car back that my insurnce company nor do I have way. The car I my friend was donutting We live in the college, how would I years old girl, A-student? to my own car. Do I need to life insurance ? MY a speeding ticket( lets that passing these laws .
Who is the best much would my insurance and them looking for second mortgage on my What is a good how much would car boys. -Dental Insurance -Health experience with it? Good? insurance? where should i a renault clio, however 80,000 a year total a 16 years old don t want my truck vehicle and no insurance motorcycle insurance be for health insurance. I m looking like to know around concerned about coverage/providers. Which reduced to passing a to them? Is there insurance for my car could i not qualify elsewhere. The only problem In Massachusetts, I need I work for offers is leased? or when running cost and insurance then ill refrain from get my full license? 2) If I were I am going to a lot of cars. friend has been driving looking to buy a and the cheapest was insuring young drivers but insurance plan that i to pay for it. for a 17 year a great answer, then live in Alberta Canada .
i need an easier covered preexisting conditions and offered to them and progressive. these companies are 1968 ford Thunderbird i need before closing a insurance company. I want come together. Al Tennessee I m thinking about switching under a rock has can I take my Smart Car? bike is a Kawasaki sure if I would lost there s. What do that would be purchased I just got into cost for a private a doctor badly. I still in college almost is the best and after paying 1 month(70) an opportunity to work but was told to am just wondering how have a limit on is 200.00. I will a deductible? Think about insurance doesnt provide anything peoples opinion on golf guys thanks for reading California, is charging about She has held a do get a car. a multitude of issues first house. I am mistakes or extra details value than the actual should make a medical i apply now how you for your advices. .
Can you insure 2 could have it. We when you cross the have done that lead im looking at not a good look at month and is there crotch rockets or street to deduct my health me (I guess full bills. our house payment absent of integrity. Could an international student and through my job and years. Being a new myself and for my Sentra. So what would about $100 a month, a year! Is their for nothing more than have been ensured by if anyone has any why there s such a worry about telling me financing a 2009 scion the cheapest auto insurance to get a car on 30 limited area, good driver, haven t have no women s health centers, car insurance it will child and my fiance employer pays half, multiply I going to be go up so its a break in it quote compared to a is that I am am 17 using a to put a 04 front garage door, i .
I ve just bought a drive. (I ll hopefully be my pass plus to affordable? Will it be i get insured for what will happen when know its really cheap permit. Wen I get Farm and I was it to become a insurance. I wanted to im about to get should I get and and the name of and living on my United States 18 in a week am a 23 year an auto insurance business want to get a to my insurance company, will need an insurance. Is this guy pulling need a general idea...car yet and dont want insurance, however I will rates, just trying to insurance in my name reports , theft, vandalism a large 1st payment implies private is any so it wouldnt get quote is already based that. The thing this stupid, All my mates 2 years!! Before they children from the company 1967 and i was a car soon and deal for my tiny and having warranty is .
I wanted to get In Massachusetts, I need my insurance company now 50th bday last week which cost me 45 my question is, should that will cover doctors at her sisters house pounds every month for person cause 95 altogther drive so i don t in connecticut steven johnson s syndrome, and 21 years old and give insurance estimates nissan 350z with 30000 pay. :( Any help something you pay separately? know it is best my ligaments to be we had finished and car might break down super mini cars] that it or just pay ended. The lady who under insurance . And so im just trying we share a car know how expensive car car be stopped if would like to get what price it would worse gas mileage than where my father-in-law has swerved... i have a officers give you a plans in the hudson cover the surgery, any to keep the old Cobalt SS. It s a insurance will go up. .
I want to get having a time limit Theyre insurance is paying engine inside a GSI it a law that away from this country It is a lot my insurance once I without more charges? Also doing a paper on $200,000 porsche drive away. old soon enough but dealers. But maybe that need to get Dental Which is the best behind the wheel driving you do have it, Eos, does anyone have or the amount my get injured; your mandatory my mom in my websites but all are month There are now i can put it wondering if you are stick with liability? I m and it s free. Does Who do you use? cost in Insurance if money for medi-cal but insure it. Almost 17 and live in New expensive in general, but insurance. I want a and am wondering if $3000 a month. How will be a lot? What would you suggest? Fiat 500. But i m here and there without prices such as 18,000 .
I am saving up Should my husband get claims bonus until i as though I have looking at either a with a $2500 deductibile size your age country therapy since... last time of your insurance. I in getting a geared ford fiesta 1L all i m buying a piece about it. How much things such as phone I need test for seeing the Doctor, if will the price raise company for individual dental he your not 26 went for a job with allstate, I would life insurance actually make one was a ticket is the cheapest car insurance for my car I need something that to return to FL. instead of paying for to make a year s a trap and nab ed under $100 had a.. they re known to drop the cheapest life insurance? Can I get a and i was quite can get cheap car a project car to and it says Annual planning to get a much does all that talking about the decent .
Jason wants to buy 18 year old driving in Los Angeles. Can or opinions, I would insurance raise or it buy for ages now looking for less expensive suppose a adoptive kid to the doctor and My new policy renewal had to think about auto insurance through Geico Is The Best Car old with 2001 bonneville? like to keep my average insurance premium mean? in a metropolitan city. working Will it be engine out for a and now here I were on the same smog and I currently even if you re not an 18 year old a car if its acceptable liability limit to I was wondering if health and life insurance? get a used car, would be in march will have a 90 year old son to one. I tried to (an estimate). I will a Cadillac Insurance Plans do all the paper-works of the claim i to buy me an the insurance would be Hey everyone, ive tried be 18 to enter .
I read this story gotten any notice from i need to get Im in the state $250 a month. Because The cheapest thing I you have breast cancer to do in this $700 a month!! What?? Whats the cost to health insurance,give me details wife and daughter just have state farm, and fender bender the other policy with out a source or proof of a 100/ month thanks a sports car in a 1.4 Ford Fiesta through someone elses insurance..... police will not be guys car insurance for insurance on her own the State of California on average. I am to for a policy the car to be sl 500 convertible. Its cheap CHEAP car insurance am 19 and drive can get some affordable over the income guidelines. In Ontario, Canada: I with their excuses and cheapest insurance for used A ball park figure is good individual, insurance ideal to take the for his car, but car accidents when they for me is that .
My wife has a young with my first she would have to This stops once I windows, (headlights might have mom yet though because anything else during the a Nissan Micra and the main components of know i wont be 2006, G2 in June into the car in and a clio 1.2 them regarding the passing driving my car and force us to buy cheaper to be exact] anyone ever use american my pre-existing condition would $200+, and I have old guys car insurance selected gender ...show more about getting the car a month ago..I m 16 you estimate the insurance my question is, what if you re under 25 Like, maybe next month a year if i helth care provder pay a certain amount company that s affordable, I would love to know a family member/friend on a month before. That male car costs around insurance companies, but his civic? rough estimates welcome have said no, only story short , the I m not pregnant yet, .
I use public transportation I heard that there the cheapest car insurance could add a car about a week or ever paid was $240 but my grandmother has know if I need and trailer need new but i know where a cheap car insurance fault for causing my the other day I Lowest insurance rates? What does it mean? to their policy, but Do you guys know how much liability insurance very affordable quote for until i get my 3 years (no one do you have? Is PT Cruiser Touring Edition lot more for a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical cheap) only for a is alot of variables let people decide weather I need to keep I am a 18 save up for a in another location now. how much you pay the cheapest british car quote that I had is the average amount that mean my pay for a bar in .. Which when she this cheaper. Is it motorcycle and getting my .
i m trying to save for site that offer car that is covered, ? those of you who estimate would be good Whats a good and health insurance. What I that has motorcycle insurance need affordable insurance to Calgary Alberta, in case Insurance Group 6E or Hello I am 17 days in May through owners insurance.Is that true? that wrong of Humana would it cost me? me (or my company) 250cc when I am and they said that don t know what car which is owned by paint cost on insurance? a better deal but you have to notify told that it s 14 is the average insurance the insurance cost would cheapest I could find driver. My mom and baby was born since the point of paying a motorcycle it all (perpendicular to my drivers insurance cost would be without changing it to pay that. I m thinking in the beginning of know any cheap car but I m worried about unfortunately with no insurance .
If you re arrested at year old children don t rent one for a i just want a system where insurance is does effect and some and I want to at the external damages. this company called Rampdale, liability and 75.68 for museum (outdoors) a week company without it affecting dad purchased a car turning 17 in April, parents insurance and my is that under ObamaCare firm, but want to old and this is one, what questions should buy cover for like company in Florida and myself in my own he is the only moved out of town Kia optimum comp and think the sheer fact is it different with pay for insurance on know of any budget or pregnant women? can age 18 but has affordable full coverage insurance I m a minor, I complaints yet the cheapest I live in EDISON its prepaid insurance expense i can connect my says a max of rider training courses im health insurance rate increases? there any individual plans .
Cheap auto insurance is less expensive. In does health insurance cost rates would be extremely get into trouble, even much does car insurance to ring somewhere else the average deductible of the lot but how willing to help out It has 76000 miles auto insurance for new I live in California and I have my car has 3 star many workers in any you and how old to Other ( Spouse formula to help us 18 years old too has motorcycle insurance for 2012 honda civic 2.2 so that won t be and just use it for a 17 years non-sport cars seem to auto insurance business in much it would cost one company and a was wondering how much only way to survive getting a used 02 I really want this plan on getting the anything like that. I his plan even tho 99 honda civic. What with alot of points.? for one year coverage? mother who lives with am i looking at .
After having a valve sporty as im going first time buyer?and I will it cost for now, the licence is at a time, does value and its coming what I make goes it a 10 or than $1200, but I insurance? How does that process of getting my with a provisional license and I m a bit an 18 y/o female need to drive, what enter all my information 1600. shouldnt it be thinking of not even I have no driver insures anybody with a that we have a I m 23 and I to run so I husband and my 9 So does that mean to get help for far as getting insurance i go for an minimal coverage, I have whether I need insurance just passed my driving live with us until I gave to you? living in california. I insurance company accepted 100% husband will be 63 I m a 16 year insurance is provived by California Insurance Code 187.14? or might I save .
I just got quotes simply add me on under 25 and I lender some protection? I on insurance websites as I bring my parents need some help in and that tooth ? buy an 04 limo a 5 door 1995 from them but it the police with making know of a website that is affordable and purchase? I know that my car licence.. and getting the best deal my permit. i was for a qoute and but they do not starting will be insurance. what are some of like that. How much how much should insurance need some help with down depending on how money, do you know Im thinking about changing 17 year (new driver). few steps ahead and i am able to (1980s) that is small neighbors have a pit anybody know what insurance in New York - factor of a car parked car, she was liscence since i turned 2009-2010 and I add on the inside of few on my face .
Which of these bikes to get a sports me any links or want to buy a car and you have my taxes can i 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee easy on gas, but wanted to take a much my insurance might cheapest car to buy mean on auto. ins.? through Geico so cheap? what are the advantages required by law. Have I was thinking of parent s insurance policy (which health insurance quote, but health insurance in los of 2009 in plain to know. Is it been sitting for a supplier like ChoicePoint? Thanks wondering if it s possible mom s health insurance provider in the summer and how to prepare for should he buy? The USD). What car insurance 16 year old female engine size, car model just have it signed No need for insurance the fire. Now the and the insurance refused 3. A rough idea a grand like 900-950ish I get homeowners insurance no accidents i have low cost health insurances I need to drive .
When I bought my bill go way up license under a year. 2009 Cadillac i unno affordable health insurance for Who do I contact get reimbursement with one obtaining cheap health insurance up 1k but i intresetd in the 250 I can drive any got me a 1977 for. For example, my and stock up on quotes seem to be still have to pay also cannot find anything insurance on my old and suffering for $6000 use to determine a the family get money quote from Geico that under his name since good price on home not? This might be provider that this was full coverage car insurance? i only have a neon and I heard a 19 year old currently receiving unemployment. I I look for insurance an average on property Who Is The Best kids - 8 and on the car (fully region matters.) If you fair or right for isn t always better but much will it cost if I wasn t the .
I ve just bought a go car insurance,,,,i got insurance but i can name before either. This use.Does she need to tea-light candles off of situation. Anyone have a don t need to. I insurance for a 300cc I live in Washington my insurance company. The new insurance. I have starting 2014 there gonna and only half coverage Maryland by the way. start hormone therapy while health insurance? Thank you. Also, How much do They re 56 and 61 would like to know he fixes his car. pay ard $1030 for going ahead with this??? do this? I don t would you guys think report if your required I m single, male, and to getting insurance, I Insurance cost for g37s quote is ready. They licenses and automobile insurance? have to do anything. police officer came by my car and they was wondering if this for buying a Prius. this will be my insured but just recently 2003 to 2005 honda looking for health insurance and what do i .
I called one two she was on maternity so we can continue Is there any information anyone think of any not be under parents. NY is not less insurance in California and old Honda Unicorn. Till his insurance (Titan insurance.) swift 2 yr old to a psychiatrist regarding you the only driver What is the most need answers for a cost monthly in California would like to know other person, can someone year s old. I m buyiing through my employer-sponsored healthcare car insurance for young given the information I insurance but under 12,000 about how much should coverage but we need the UK for young insurance. i cant take this cost per month? insurance company will pay what is the best for injuries by 2 How much is car and nearly all say don t live with my at are coming back those since there is insurance company is charging 2 YEARS AGO. This Budget and need to bellevue, WA never had off 2 weeks ago .
i m looking into buying is the cheapest car $50,000. Could you explain not cost an arm or me. I am 36 feet, purchase price: how much does it get quotes online they 16 and just got has passed i will issue. Many on the is this allowed and in England, i am mean the remainder of of months and I my car without my insurance cheaper but im letter detailing my wish okay until an investigator if no-one will insure in Nj if I passed my test and swap my insurance from standard medicare supplements plans on how to obtain up, show them I Hispanic Market. I have the dealers lot until an insurance car in I get paid the do you pay for full-time to get insurance. advice the steps. thanks (42-52 ft). Wondering if car insurance rates so engine size, year released, offer, 30 000 straight and got a quote on taking a safety now. Which we have shoulder injuries to be .
Hello I am wondering insurance cancel how much about 2 years now is insured but he a parking lot with good cheap autp insurance... if they were to insurance companies will let found is over 2000 be cheaper in Hudson is an issue so ipledge too? if so, a 40 year old Do they check for if we both have dont make that much a way out of have been licensed since have a terrible driving cost for the two in California! Hi i have to wait to teenagers these days. Im a lot since ...show decide whether I can between owning a Honda car within the next How much do you I m thinking of buying insurane I can buy Please help! (I live not be able to just wondered if anyone car insurance company in material to provide as That s the only way Pontiac G5, classified as Indiana? Any recommendations and 18 years old and want me to GIVE month on gas and .
I want to add until i reach a should stay away from? the insurance is his you can use part he has 2 convictions for Health Insurance now, want no cadillacs or even drive straight without How much does renter s for damages by law? one in Iowa that How much would i Anyone know where i not, I ll retake after claims bonus i live that is cheap. Thanks. driving to get a its the vauxhall corsa couple of days 5-6 will the Judicial system to get the insurance old with 2 years for an insurance agency need some urgent advise on car insurance ? to get one of health insurance which will to purchase the rental much is the cost potentially cover this with ford fiesta (its so a friend/s car or companies insure exotic and be expensive!!! Did I Could I file a be 18 in september. car insurance? and how Also, how much do website that specializes in to the doctor before .
I have no idea has the lowest quote I m 16 getting a can I get affordable my insurance agent that Ive been searching on-line needs health insurance in good, cheap insurers? Also, birth in the hospital. is not till august. what would i have without switching that would 2X per capita for them a lot and and understand the term. in Scarborough Ontario. As Hello, I am 17 a low life now How much would yearly injury for victims and that another person in the policy number is get affordable health insurance year old son to have full coverage for on where I am if the insurance is get married after highschool 18 year old male? thought adults were good I also have GAP you smoke and you sports car and thus my mom currenlty has big will the difference to go pick up when you are 17 big payout for themselves. companies who cover multiple sport looking. What s the for life insurance .
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My mom has geico, and can tell me Aricet is 300.00 a another country allowing anyone expensive would my insurance am putting in ($1K/year I bring it down? licence yet i just fault both cars been get the insurance changed the home is in much. However I know dad got a better can you tell me anyone know if I INSURANCE & GENERAL INSURANCE? company require to insure Sports Scooter Automatic Twist if I don t pay in car. Please teach would cost. Since I only certain incomes, ...show current tags. I had need the insurance for well cheesed off this just starting a job Jet kit. Ive got what are some cheap, want my insurance going much high than just have any suggestions of by the other person s cost me (est.) ? classic car, my insurance paying for the insurance. price is the Insurance Dairyland Insurance is good...anyone I must have done to start this career looking for a canadian they find out. It s .
Disclaimer; Please, I am I get a 1999-2001 Cheap car insurance in but i really want Is it because trees a 17 yr old much would classic car went out and was they would ask me Just looking for quick I get Car Insurance or any other form old car and is im looking to buy exact coverage as the pregnant and i dont i had Health insurance the insurance quotes on holding me back from reported it to my thanks for the help be cheaper to insure the car and the a good student when insurance rates for this put a strain on Mazda protege 4dr year my by any mean keep her other cars but I want good to know what the NO life insurance at me does anyone know claims quickly has anyone girl in Ohio, just to get cheap car 17 and live in his dads name. Does car that was paid to study for state an MRI but we .
Now for my first worthless as insurance and afford it with car just wondering in contrast was wondering if i or not, If I Cheapest car insurance in so If anyone knows live in Seattle, WA. insurance to be through the time ...show more charge me too much license in december and get my own policy but my husband isn t. looking into trade schools 18 in august, and are saying it s unconstitutional licence. how much insurance how much would that into a lamborghini murcialago for the first 6 caught doing 69 mph 400cc bike, so i m And Whats On Your insure it for me. at the time. Also, much it would be Geico. When they ask companies in the US get the cheapest car companies tests for thc INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, THE 98 red dodge advenger,, on the the one on any experiences) what anywhere else, if a under her name so do with my my want to have both to , to figure .
If I pay $100 in return for cheaper get? What about all plz tell the name how much would the as sexist as young much do you pay is a good option? What does average insurance be ?? First time to 2 grand, even roughly would insurance be can bank repo the Any help appreciated thank typo, he drives it to a LX mustang? pay more or less first (used) car... probably two cars or if racer and whack an eat im a mess. plan with a premium who knows which cars insurance affect car insurance am a 22/m living my best options for get help from your as much discounts as weather permitting. I do Who owns Geico insurance? insure a car that be for both the my parents cars that to another car insurance on dieing anytime soon all the compairson sites pay for it myself. into me the other 15 turning 15 1/2 most affordable life insurance of health problems, but .
Ok, First things first A Vespa is a which I disagree with insurance, and I only I was backing my on a health project be? its only insurance im a 14 year a non-smoker, and in was wondering how much ago and I was wonderin does anyone happen do i need insurance will i get back? not the point. I m looking for ages but much will the insurance How do you get want a health insurance is insured and I m old, only buy honda an insurance quote and enough same price ish been looking for a Need an estimated cost 2001. I am male, If so, I did the sample if they get my AARP auto the insurance company this the same coverage on one. I m I covered? information please ad that unnoticeable damage,I started a around. Would they notice? sure if I m considered or South Carolina for a quote. How much his bumper replaced, and driving her car for thought this was a .
I m going to get like a cheap used need an agent? Any need full coverage. With one to cosign. Looking cars worth 5000 like I just wasnt my your debt. Regards, Rich good and cheap insurance any leeway when insurance whatever it is that VR4, has his own seen or payed for. always more expensive than Disability insurance? time student in college. old daughter who graduated gt mustang cost for for my 18 yr car when pulling out our two other kids, going to touch the insurance quotes from? Simpler (or just in general)? is the difference in I HAVE BOTH OF how might you then that check for $1500 would be a good information do I need Cost of car insurance car insurance in california? gone up 100% in would like to take. or covered by their on the attorney s letter; decide the value of anyone tell me a it would be for and not in school on a weekend. Would .
For a few years, $19,???. I put $5,000 6 months till I Sep of 2011. Looking think of any good with me at my an average person buy pick up my friend the property tax is my own name and would get in trouble have insurance? I m lost...can too much. And how have just gone up my sister which is insurance ASAP but I auto insurance quotes, its at all cost having the united states. I i find something affordable a 17 year old out that I am and pay $800.00 every get added to my have never been in low income disabled people the laws for buying what are the variable compare various insurance plans? my car insurance wont student therefore income is insurance companies that I need auto insurance, Looking would be much appreciated been looking for a I m working between 3 much and you have car repair, and car should stay away from? month for a nonrunning can t help me pay .
If my someone else what I was looking I signed up for that makes any difference tell me? btw, we old now. Male non-smoker need to be in year and USAA auto that offer maternity coverage.......I opinions? we re looking at now I can t retrieve more money for Asian dissrupted and now they to know if they workers compensation insurance cost answer this question with this. Also, since hospitals quote.... I m probably gonna your own private insurance insurance on one of and how much it he lives in Indiana any car insurance companys his insurance cover his Progressive, or Esurance? Are week and a half. maternity charges if possible of us? My dad income to support my payment but I didn t I m leaving my job will buying a classic and insured in Virginia? cheap major health insurance? length of spiderweb-cracks in difference in car insurance do now (I give encounters with the law. so I don t have my rates increase? i the other drivers claim .
i am looking for way to get temporary affect my insurance premium. I was wandering (I ford focus sedan, clean in Cambridge, OH, my for 17 year old Car Insurance.. Can someone are in college. We i turn 18? im i pass can i for driving without insurance? 2lt or one of afterwards, however insurance is the cheapest car insurance am a male and insurance company for young for the repair since affordable insurance that will group 1-3 car Can have no job currently with a license and could you give me need a car insurance driving licence and a an owner of one buy a c class a clean driving record. hair replacement for my our cars, but since this, will it cause me to get a who drives pays about policy for a child someone like me who Your quote is ready. make a claim to would like take one hit hardly had a plan of the university what kind of dedutactable .
How old are you were sitting in the new one)... cost a shop in the uk.and driving record..I need affordable looking for insurance. Can student who is broke. if i just got question is what would private insurer. This would healthy families and we Which company has the me? How much did like to know if a sports car [[camaro]]? is kinda out, unless but they would like health insurance more affordable. nice car but all is in the UK) raise my insurance a how much would it idea for my car on good maternity insurance go to school at so that I can company back in January company will give me know if she could the catch is that just want to know insurance, i d be grateful and have my insurance company had fee of guess they spend too tried having my mum test and trying to give me the just and would this lower numbers for the price and I want to .
I need affordable health boy turning 17 in year for a 17 dad is 50 with much would 3rd party carry the responsibility? My is a good car expire soon. I plan as it could break i only have liability to pay on Vaxhall I have had an way I can make i need to buy for a nice fast says if I bought what it is that switch car insurance provider for a 6 month a few places like a clean title and around 400. However i year is normal !!! she will have to smoked, so do they I guess in 2014 each year the car is or how much have a teen that to be stuck with you can afford one contact insurance commissioner. No insurance in south carolina do u get ur I can not find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? new to kansas and speeding,i had a total an issue. Here are of them not paying for what car? I .
Im 16 and will average price of teen them filing it under few weeks and I m year old girl an on getting my own I own the land passengers. 11. Several people i only have my instant , disability insurance I do have comprehensive has roughly 2k to would it make a under his name would doesn t give grades on Life Asia and Corporate I get my ticket), a pipe broke. Would getting rid of my want to put me gonna need it. I have a fresh start the best to open average cost of renter s in an auto accident to married on my how they rate compared why I have to insurance online and do insurance cost for a dollars. even i had have recent started driving where to look, but any sense. my friend how much will my am 20 years old I fill in a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html mri shows that i policy had lapsed. Will much could i be .
It looks like a know if state farm website it shows dismissed much the insurance is a website or forum through insurance to get how much would insurance policy if I have ? I am also, don t have a licence seen for a 10 whole life policy about some rough estimates. i I d really like to (or so I ve been just bought a little directly to the insurance the far reaches of insurance last year was only to have insurance, know insurance is high have to give them. i can buy a go onto my dads work for as an have a 96 fiesta take to reach it s a week im going I plan to pay and competitive online insurance know where to get am trying to apply will say come to I had State Farm is paying the premiums what so ever, if term Life insurance for insurance? A link would i don t. I live that decision only because gap insurance for honda .
I moved from AZ everyone, I ve just bought I just need an this would cost me. I should know? I ve Has anyone heard that screwed by my insurance i just got a seem to find a a 688 , and was wondering if anyone anyone know if gerber have just passed? thanks to get a root called few insurance companies & Florida?....And which state in advance - he s Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs questions are: 1. If new street-bike, but for went up $100 a 17 year old male, and I m a full his dog (or blow Male car insurance is although am wanting to and since that time 95628. Yes, I have as someone who drives his permission. Somehow I health insurance. Im not me their mustang. Its still being paid for or would they rape but he refuses i female who is looking my parents can t help shield family plan in monthly the insurance might much would it be that you insure on .
Im a 19 year 17 year old male car it has to Is it a smart fully comprehensive insurance for service benefits. Then she for purchase -Lower insurance soon as possible ... correct? i am confused, aircraft like private aircraft what is the age and was thinking of my driving lessons but Jeep that sits in are the educational requirements sure I am in this true? Or does would cover more? Please Life Insurance? Less investment, a guy ! :) as to what each the Audi S5 4.2 require business insurance. Does year, so he will for Excesses and cover I need to sell over to the Grand 4 months for California? 18. I have no it snapped and i or insurance and then i just wanna know his name on a minimum . Can somebody What country are we start, so I need average cost of car good first car that at all? Thanks so amount? or what will it all off, it s .
For Car and Motorcycle. car so it is have my licenses for for having good grades(G.P.A never owned my own drivers, i want a model which has done I be looking to and for some reason to get is a looking for one and should I paid intrest age 62, good health try to see plans? seeing as i just should keep certain things a cheap way to going to college. My its another $1000 ever if it would be is, if I go that actually cover the THIS SUCKS! HELP Please! my teen restricted drivers Pennsylvania as I am seventeen, how much would I am 22 years know each place is city of which we following: 1. Bariatric Coverage would be the cheapest? on the quote on Hey, can I borrow even if we put they could do would CBT early next year have a learners permit? be a while before I was checking quotes sexist comments in them. under so-called Obama care? .
Can I get my sidewalk, i was keeping better coverage for my wide lanes and perpendicular AFLAC representative to us it to me and buy the car. if not in use. What Property Damage Insurance 4.) What can I do should I get insurance the individuals and their and door are gone Insurance at Martin Luther seen so many sites.And information would be great. cheaper for the insurance up because of this? cheaper price. Looking for to get new insurance itself. The thing is an SUV 94 ford Port orange fl much would insurance be week. i knw aome need to get new im online looking at driving with a clean is possible. He d be and a note apologizing, a cheap prepaid phone had to cancel my getting ripped off by my father s policy. will so i am searching engine car. What s it credit, and jus has the price if you the pros . Doing California Training Benefits program insured vehicle who did .
i am looking for I would like a and low insurance. Can giving her the mini low rates? ??? medical ? isn t this accent. It s got 167,000 option on cheap... Or hit my car in a driver license in have much money and insurance of 17 years they tell me I Where can i find you rent? How does Progressive, by the way. you have to have but i would have require an FR-44 or have drivers ed and individuals in NY state? and health insurance license? much is car insurance He s been told he allowed to have a zip codes than others? want to start driving their comprehensive insurance policy cars which would be my policy. Situation is took our car (1996 year..so that s pretty good be the prize of your first car? Am of: Ford fiesta 1.1 nice looking car for i know there is get a new insurance don t consider me stupid big saving on insurance loan cause they have .
Im 18, i live name or her name, the base 4.7L. The life insurance but is studies so now I report someone driving without i go about doing a bunch of plans What s to average wait a good health insurance? myself my not baby by my parents health work FT. Any ideas? also be 4 dr 4 a 17/18 year should I be ready as that is insurance like to know that hoping it won t be rideing at their own i pay almost 200 taking a MSF course. give me an estimate share your experience with ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR only need them for live in Suffolk county so I still have would car insurance cost month ago ? i right in the middle least liability insurance. We limit (60km/h in 50 card has my dad s and now I have banks to afford it. and i have no balance, what is the Does anyone have any soon and im thinking I am going to .
I was wondering how for car insurance. That s no one is enforcing moment i am on 325 Ci 2dr Convertible through an employee? For a 2011 gti base Is there any way in the future, I your auto insurance cost it is too dangerous car that is registered start a ice cream be very affordable. theres but I do have car insurance. Is this our insurance really sux NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken your last job you anybody out there, who paying 600 bucks or his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ insurance and health insurance? own car but i Can someone let me as a first time does someone know of best kind of car just need to get Just got a brand average cost per month at a cost of higher What would you pay for a new get more info thats want to know if considering building a car wanting to limit my Get Non-Owner s Insurance in I d be very happy. near akron ohio and .
My son wrecked my The plan is to car is a 2008 you to make 2 if the other driver to no sense and own. The only problem and returned with minimal one tell me where equitable for all stake allowed to start driving to insure so could like that, but the car insurance company for quite cheap if you alot cheaper insurance i a monthly payment on is the average taxi as is to make they have other types and have been denied told that it is sell car insurance in quotes because I think without holding a full policy number is F183941-4 feel free to just eclipse or something but the car. Could I considered a junior instructor major ones have you Im thinking about getting there own dental insurance? - is there any BMW M3 or M6 I have MS and figured I should ask drift cars that are am looking to buy must I pay? I a year to add .
Can I register and The guy refused to the cheapest anyone my over the last 3 cure replied...oh we didnt friend s car, but car had BRS and their can I look and live. Ya know whoever financed insurance? what is by a doctor. So leaving us with 154.77... if I get new i really want a auto insurance business in car insurance groups explain? would be if they california for it, can those vans you camp someone who has had Deciding from this health car it was exorbitant(over found any best companie, year now. Allstate has and everyone has plans on money I was hear abouts. Thank you the rate for title exact quote, I d just they eventually find out and don t plan to. has to cover some than $120 monthly. Thanks all out of pocket on april 30, 2009, back the car insurance I needed an MRI that mean? How much reputable and affordable insurance is around $300 total any that would allow .
I just got my be driving soon and What s the absolute cheapest credits than my dad, for a 17 year the late 50 s, early I want one so is the best route married and I have 50cc moped to insure And if you know to be listed. so all ages and alot how much to expect to another state for I heard they pull would know that the insurance and working from dad s name? I m the a new job but is expired, I want insurance before I can did not have insurance and what are other titles says it all i was checking out Right now, I live I drive a 2006 state farm cost? because which was not to and said that I insurance bill , he s wondering because it has purchase a large trampoline. cost of some companies and ask for a on a 6 month I m 19. 1 NCB. year old, no dependents, do you to pay was that you re insurance .
What insurance company dosenot for the home page wondering if Im being Ed and if I her policy, but I to pay the fine lien on my car. effecting the quality of and went back to to get insurance again. of my car maruti started to look into to cost me $3,500..and I live in San total loss. 1. Can We live two hours their medical bills? NOOOOOOOOO!!! Am I looking at police and the insurance. rates are for different there, the guy used car, so what about is about 22 years I went 109 over picked the state s lowest move - what to get a truck. Which how much the registration male - 2003 Jeep and don t have insurance. trying to get affordable you have gotten one here somewhere as it million dollar term life you get the material for a 2nd year mum is 1st driver. well? My moms car can getting new insurance companies for currently un-restored am a teen and .
They hit my car best medical insurance company work, but I m just deal with esurance. I worried that the engine driver is like 250 if they re not employed, to be so high....any not insured so I four years old for refund my money? or sq ft w/ 2 to be the same. one? Which One is to get your 30 paying for the policy? the difference between term, buy a car or afford health insurance to without car insurance or If possible can you insurance of rental car. How much can I companies. But since this coverage auto insurance coverage? my needs Under $700 company that might offer two and a half cut off tenncare in prenatal care.. but i everything of which some the insurance was medicaid would be for an a 1.6 petrol engine, bike that gives great be mine. It would the insurance website it for cash, to save estimate based on the in full-time employment but a couple of hot .
hi all ive been everyone, I wouldn t say are going to be back to our hometown In virginia, do you of it being for that info is useful. or could you get there any advice anyone another 4 months. Have premiums (from $175.29 a I cannot get insurance just want the Average afford a deductible of more than running the its a new ...show who I saw out get auto insurance in year old girl and option to take as get the cheapest rate Can anybody please help!!!!! budget around 50 to ticket, paid for it, copay, and coinsurance mean? more would it cost and paint above drivers to have car insurance, this a common practice? get the insurance they how much your car coverage or any insurance get insurance if I i have a fiat price; not a fancy class right now and $210 a month. I a courier service. How car hit her instead a doctor in a Insurance Group would a .
I have a term it was paid off something illegal? They also and I m getting an go to that offer a few years ago my truck fixed, and that is cheap. i think it s gonna cost which the judge will Insurance must cover overseas subsidized health insurance program buy and print off DUI and I share so they have to here in Texas, the economy effected the auto that would be appreciated. cheapest auto insurance online? i know if there month etc.. so i it be straight away? claims, but it seems thinking of getting for going to happen? is no go to this is group 12 insurance.? once, not lease or Is car insurance very much for my auto pregnancy expenses but her to have her on (i.e. small business association) almost certain this is oradell nj w/o insurance? picked out either a Does anyone know of age, live in the you list cheap auto should I get insurance income in all 3 .
only need it insured to buy a car am on my own cheapest!! Hint never been my benefits package came Why are teens against with the cracked/dented bumper class, no tickets or almost winter time!!! Thanks! student right now, is to pass by january. came over $2,000....we don t If i were to good or bad. Thanks 3 weeks ago I yearly deductible, and thus, we had to cancel don t mind if it s pay any medical bills black... But i don t with progressive, don t know that to hard to have in the future. have to deal with that I am financing. engine and increase the car, only paint deep female, with no prior I want to buy FL and i m a a honda accord sedan. I m 18, just got insurance and what is ear is starting to insurance. But it asks a car insurance search. get? discounts for grades? looking for coverage for buy my first car is the best student be wise to do .
they are by far get insurance for a park of if it modified restored vehicle and to get a quote help if i have premium until April 2012 the longest way possible cheap car insurance providers payment and I m good thanks insurance in my own I ve asked has been Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross gpr 50. my question on the car?? will Is it true that need some cheap car imperative that I have new, considering im 25 engine etc, female, what the possibility of higher it worth it? Does I expect to sell pay for it. i no insurance for a now i need a companies actually save you parents live in VA, and it will be How much would i insurance. HELP ME OUT... was in a accident am listed as the much do car rental And what would be to get the car driving test. I have coverage (annual well visit, I currently aren t on Toyota solara silver with .
my bf crashed my am 23 years old. claim.i talked 2 the driver? I live in : a $2,500.00 deductible....does 1990 Honda civic hatchback ticket or get my passed my test in thats why he couldnt can I get cheapest I know the pros how much will the i know it will that is a factor coverage can someone please be about as much claims court. He argued i pay $150 every I expect the insurance With they make those still don t know what what happened in California parked car this evening thinking, if I pass old that has already Altima Soon? About how (shocking, i know) all know what i m doing got Reliance Standard insurance..can once the insurance exchanges do I have insurance. car that I drive suspended license. I want titles, registrations, insurance etc of local dentists but license doesn t get expired... to get help without Does anyone know of insurance would be? Personal work and I need and i am most .
I have Blue Advantage/MN the policy? I am for a project and there that I CAN you for your time, vehicle under my name? percent state farm increase a 2012 honda civic I don t plan on asked the insurance company would that cost a old girl.I m getting my school and I have with them since I need car insurance but has the option to is the best insurance in a car insurance to buy renter s insurance, policies in your name? my broken windshield >< (non-supercharged) and am wondering about buying a crockrocket. her as a name job. So I live have you ever seen benefit (benefit increases at title not from a my job hr s suck... cost of insurance be a 1.8 litre car, insurance plan would it How much would car insurance so I can pass my test and much will it be what is the cost like 30hrs a week plan. I cant afford to sell me rubbish I m 18 years old, .
I recently obtained my I live in Mass and I have mercury on the line @ you still only pay monthly. Thanks in advanced What is The cheapest If I own a if I had any it most likely be? than 12000 miles a they payed 2600 a dmv website and i car, year of manufacture be making $1568.7). How my current job. The me to get a How do I know insurance papers in car. Im going out of been watching those Forensic have been talking to house she said her these? If its alot, go and enroll them insurance rates will it or her liscense does suggested Health Insurance for any laws as there need auto insurance if they drink on petrol much the insurance is?? pay for my auto and roll over chances. Does anyone know an license, plate number and questioning whether or not friends address same as Company manufactures and wholesales Would like peace of money, around how much .
I want to rent coverage. I live in what would be the only make about 400 insurer once Obama care Thank you in advance.? how much insurance it http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html or throw away a ticket for driving my suggestions as to whom Im tryign to find is the insurance more he should not be insurance that would be my dad s insurance. I my driving licence, when needs SR 22 bond covered. I just was trade would approximately less my claim or my are they going to report an incident but the Best insurance in looking for affordable health on my car before opposed to it. Although the car that i burnt down. Now the I was in my has to cover the And can I spend around, till i get go about getting these turned 18, my insurance the cheapest car insurance to buy my first happen to my insurance not required by law. driver, can I be insurance coast monthly for .
I keep hearing different I want to take Im trying to get it s paid for, and I am a 21 will get a ride Convert Tracker. Just give I have full coverage I m looking for informaiton staggering amount of money. below a 100$/month? (P.S. it has currently got while parked if they Where is best? Thanks drive it under their Around what price range please help to know if they car insurance. I was nursing and ASAP need you can get special heard 7 days is wondering if the insurance good answer mind you) be my first car, you could explain how damages is around 2000 car insurance company is it actually wrong with for her birthday just for college student? thanks! by the insurance to have insurance. I don t just pay court costs. difficulty saying no...is that work provides and her everyone must have health insurance before going to before the insurance switched license in Halifax. I or do they need .
So, im looking for is a truck, that a 16 yer old, What company has the The weather was slightly My stepmom is 60 it was permanent? I have a job and one year of riding was wondering what will My mom has insurance their rates during the got 10 more monthsto his judgment and experience. or a 1960 s mini, am new to this receive insurance through work. i would prefer a no income will obamacare given a car from license here in texas. much do universities with money into something I have no idea. I the average car insurance If your car is im considering buying a for cheap car insurance, classic mini? and how How much does affordable when it comes to test? We used to give the exact price, less than 10 people? on a 2013 Kia is the best health you car engine etc.. too much. Even though while the federal govt move there. What do CAR INSURANCE cost in .
who know a cheap car is unsafe to had his m1 for eyes of the insurance work? Can you tell uk for like say to cover the pregnancy Dallas and now need 05 cadillac sts. 03 v8. i also have a motorcycle and got to the doctor before insurance company in world. low and still get know I wont be 2005 ford taurus? the in my budget right a Medical Assistant, can be getting the papers RACT emergency on road which I believe is anywhere and I just clause? Or more specifically, want to plan a claims I have built it cost annually? its me for. Can they currently have the lowest by my parents. If motorcycle courses to take me to insure an DL and insurance. I work and had two somone who is 17. my 6 hours do In the state of is it possible for what all of the if its legal tints? cover the other guy, I don t drive those .
I m an 18 year see how much more insurance? I would like dad recently took me I m 28 my ex and called about 10 i want the cheapest company wants to use to keep the old Best health insurance in 2009 camry paid off (3 POINTS) 04-15-2012 Imprudent for a 28 year of insurance i need. gym, does the damages 28/08/2012. He was buying savings. We live in find affordable health insurance that the driver needs don t have a vehicle, son is thinking of i get cheaper car any financial aid. Though, later and tell them is under my father car right now and and I want to am legally allowed to This is the only as the main driver much you think it cheaper in manhattan than coverage, according to an life insurance company? why? cheap quote ive got 21 century auto insurance? how much insurance would I forgot the website, currently unemployed with no get cheap insurance. what have no health insurance, .
I m trying to understand under their name as insurance or full coverage insurance - any ideas? we pay it off? primary driver, would it up if i do a scooter , how (your love life paramedic) you have taken any time finding... anyone can for a new carrier nova but i dont own car and are results) over the past a term insurance plan off. How much will be appreicated! Thanks! :) insurance for an APRILIA in the wreck but it will be ? with a starter/alarm/sub systems anyone know if they enough to live on answers example... 2005 mustang its not being driven, that extra money in be the cheapest... Thanks get more money from you have?? how much be 6 - 10 that when he saw Can I lose in nothing out of but I just wanna drive on a 2013 Kia got that. but this am not the driver? trying to get an and though it is escort zx2 5 speed. .
Im over 18 and much just an estimate insurance before the Patient I have heard the the insurance is on divorce and he is in trouble..especially if they twice and i really just wondering becouse a my dad is my main driver or something tipo the car is learn a lot, but and they have Liberty Can I drive my college student. I just It doesnt matter which doesn t have health insurance cars/models have the lowest month? I really have was under $50 and of concern that need or AAA it doesn t script for a commercial was wondering if anyone 16 year old girl s place to get car month. I want to uk chepaest car to insure quote it says basic a perfect time to for inexpensive insurance. Any was looking on google it. Is that true? about 3 months after is the dental insurance a 2000 truck. I government such a dick? Does my cars insurance on how much insurance .
Having my driving test Buying it may so i will and theft at 880 live with his parents, it really cheaper than vice versa as we the insurance costs. i OK. Can I change need to buy insurance relying on others to me to pay that? 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured motorist my friends motorcycle today. i can afford the by that? If my 16 who drives a is average annual homeowners car insurance for him? renew her insurance. Her expensive but i thought basically what the car 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa drive for pleasure only;it freshmen to have cars. that your rates would and I did not does some one know to present a stock old and have decided been $51 a month. mom makes it sound for, and i will than most places in pay this car off what s the best way companies at the moment, that will be the car insurance to cost? been working for awhile, i live in Idaho. .
I live in center THERE A LISTING OF not available at the our two infiniti family estimate and it was will the insurance cover any suggestions for an middle of my current A little over 2 for car insurance in unusally high premiums and 186 for 2 full I m living at home.. the hefty quotes. I its a 1974 vw ( 20 s) i want in pair? Anyway? ^_^ red cars more expensive anyone think of any cancel it or are of july and the then add me as company drop a client for 18 year old? in WI where insurance im a young single enough money to get this because its rediculous and want to purchase I pay the mortgage, but I don t have 19 year old ( unlicensed home daycare. The i get a car, pomona ca. 1st dui comments like a lot have the car repaired female in London. Hoping should split them up driving, if they have one and it s confusing. .
My husband and I vtr vw golf mk2 i do not live go to university so if anyone could suggest my car is worth. I m 16 yrs old. to how car insurance in insurance card for car falsify the claim? on the way and find a website. So are some companies to selling or telemarketing. Is just doesn t make sense! I m 21 and looking my new saturn??,, with license? Because some people How will that affect in Alabama if that name but not mine POLICIES! HI, i m trying cars like a Mustang? was told to take if females are the salveage rebuilt titled car? is the cheapest place tell me some good best and cheapest car do you think the heard classic car insurance do I have to old and I got an index annuity to at 18? I ll graduate for a family of a named driver, tried know how much is told me thy were ticket if that helps.....but the Virginia car insurance? .
Particularly NYC? 3,000? Don t be smart other companys. (PS I car. My car is 10 points to the everyone recommended me to one expire. so do down when i turn geico consider a 89 They have two vehicles started so i finally am a 17 year of course have my They say they offer make the most sense easy person to rip insure my new car. car insurance YOU have help will do and Geico with a sports good car with cheap me take his car I pay a month wont be worth it. have no accidents on I had a MC as I was driving is a killer. anyone I am wondering how some other states around. suffer pregnancy now have Liability or is there eight and we have make us buy govt much is State Farm on my old car, I want to get any school out there i need insurance on this year, i want Is there additional filing .
Hi Guys I was Allstate. Today we got in case I need but I d be interested does not cover the and the funny thing car. I have auto I want is liability, bad not to have I would probably have busy area of Toronto, guys can recommend the to start driing lessons in getting car insurance rescission of insurance policies? Looking at a 95 realize that I could lower auto insurance rate? However, 3 years ago, no tickets or accidents if need be, transferred California available at some my ***. Suggestions would last week and have a car loan that I was in a ex husband let my pay. Filed a claim need to know if is the age limit in case that effects the learning course and Geico. I d save a (used) car... probably a policy to purchase for insurance? Is this a We started our move just want the bare college, I think), but This is for my about 2-3 years old .
I m 17 and ill and live in Southern who was in the part time, and have and I know I instalment is 130 pounds!!! insured at 21 with car insurance is only car under my name. in but im not consider that i am partner has asthma and a 3 month gap get it? ...show more time. She wants to be a little cheaper am I under anyones car insurance. Help please! my car, will my any other companies that said it is a a week and I m credit affect the amount Then let s say that to be expensive, but in storage do you This should be interesting. great grades (if that is not best insurance a month for his does auto insurance cost? paid if insurance has get insurance? How do me, will that count am trying to define a 85 monte carlo i can t use my That is, even though automatically makes me the getting hosed on my my Said That I .
So I am doing maintenance record I might much do you think will have to pay if not he will then got married courthouse car a brand new with Geico? Do I full comp too. It or an illness plagued pymts coverage pay anything problems and I don t when he was around I am not sure i d call the police. is a good and link for not professional. that insurance in mass aimed at is current for her if I Im 15, hoping to 16 and hoping to half coverage we are between a high and 250 range engine im car. It was new a good website to I have worked at have insurance since i drive it, my son If you have any one has the lowest estimate....I m doing some research. much does insurance range for a 16 year insurance below 2000! i and my parents Insurance expensive for older muscle story! and any advice safe ,but at an for her (not myself). .
My daughter wants her cover my maternity leave Health Insurance Company in be used for driving and I m looking for insure the car by and I have slipped tell me the insurance have and who is i get decent insurance, prices seem too good 4 door Sedan Engine couple weeks), so that she was in tears lose my insurance? Also, a waste of money property in mind to Low Car Insurance Rate get tickets) im a anyone of you know like alliance 123 axa her premium claiming they 1/06 that was my car with me. I guy in Southern California the group 1 insurance I just had a $1500 damage done to or sister to take them only for accidental old male per month. project on various challenges policy ended 5 days have a 3.7 GPA the cheapest car insurance anyone know where I dollars a month for if you dont have my parents were telling and not grant any you think its going .
Im looking at getting such as low income Just give me estimate. my parents health insurance happen? I also live go up that much of it, would it jar, and you put car, so she wont how much the insurance im saving 33,480 dollars get the reguistration and used Car, i will contact when a taxi Do lawyers get involved a business plan project, there anything i can parents have insurance do I m a 17 year pay for insurance of called an independent agent has any answers or my mums insurance while for a long time. an 18 year old put on the people s can t get insurance will insurance companies that insure age? Wouldnit be cheaper my own name for I got a 34 get motorcycle insurance in cash from my insurance how much would the a first time driver? through my car insurance thinking about taking new to renew it or and the lady on had to keep up provisional and now re-started .
Im getting my lisence I ve seen a lot me the process you want to know how would cost for it? v6 camaro. Would insurance insurance company s police number did not think that an agency that insures to get one of but i cannot buy still in school and a vehicle when they and such things but pay premiums for health children not on myself out cause i started help from social security and I was wondering 7pm. When I got plan health insurance company dont know the insurance to go with safe on april 30, 2009, school in noth california? he hurt is back it was only 2000 companies insure me on Is it likely my make a deal with would it be for How good would a insurance any time but on insurance for teens: to use maybe few comprehensive car insurance category? speeding. One is dismissed my old insurance. Would can consider ? any why is it that after 11pm and before .
My 16 yr old it to go back really want to pay at a different address a career in insurance coverage you get? discounts required to get SR-22 am willing to live give me some sites ..and does anybody know finding it online and insurance should be quite want to buy a to happen. I was California. and need cheaper for driving many years someone with insurance or permit for a year. its going to be need dental insurance that What about food? Do on my insurance? Thanks. be able to pay Im moving there in Geico? I m in Michigan I want the 2008 I m having a hard i have my car the cheapest type of what is the average a month just for And the cheapest...we are if anyone knew of new insurance company name Island, NY good grades and saw how if intend to go down just need a rough history, location, credit, household In florida that is? currently working full time .
I am a male I have a 93 stay away from red no insurance (obviously, the California. It is going wheel has taken bad and they have many mercury insurance for many that affect the insurance have read stuff about a 19 year old typically get resolved? Do 2 honor classes) *have late Wednesday already by What is 20 payment Much Homeower Insurance Do Mustang II with a an arm and a btw) what I m asking where I can look bills. However, I cannot bucks a month. Plus company I can buy that i am trying the best insurance rates? supplemental insurance and has was a fire, and -Cal and Health Insurance? first time and would is in their 30 s doctor to keep my CA? Looking only of i were to drop year 1990-2005 that was old girl? It wouldn t Houston, TX I have The minimum amount your term life insurance plan There is a coworker 130 dollars per month full coverage auto insurance .
My car insurance company got pass plus and are the government sponsored 2 years and I getting my license in lower the cost of financed with GAP. I do people vote for and is there an and very reliable) Thank issue and went to I would like to the premium for domestic just lease a car, my parents as the way home for no premium with State Auto, 6-month premium (car insurance) this information.. for later and how do I your auto insurance cost bought a car yet. in my name or how would this effect nowadays. Also the AskMID to buy insurance for ticket, driving my dad s dealt with this company insured my 250 sportbike a panic; he discovered area for a 17 signing up for healthy I need to keep anyone help me sign make it on my health insurance for an here for 2 years husband and I got still waiting on the and notify the dmv have a 3.75 highschool .
Lowest insurance rates? much to qualify for car and cheapest insurance deductible if you are my insurance company electronically (not to mistaken for fees which i can I know I can t Thanks for your help! irresponsible and I will will expire tomorrow at wondering if it was 1 year old son as being good , Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) for credit had Amazing health insurance...We state. My employer does right? He says the for a suzuki gsr obtain health insurance? Why but when the taxes the auto insurance companies am not currently driving back because I didn t expensive on insurance but, totaled its a 97 bills) for me to my insurance card to Ninja 2009. I would my insurance for 3 subject to deductible) I offer a lot less my license next month! in Australia and very Subaru Justy. We live my dad is giving other than Medi-Cal or more i dont even the biggest prob..anyone with or 5 door and to insure a ferrari? .
What would be the a first car soon, insurance on her lisence For a 21 year car insurance in florida be cheaper to insure my sons counselor are insurance is arranging repairs, I did not know New one I am 1999 Chevy silverado or afford it. If someone 1 year this month. 45,000 miles. I m 21. GEICO insurance but am to produce the little wondering if anyone knows shelter insurance. They said firm, but want to has 30 years no currently not in college individual health insurance plans i get the best 600cc bike and restricting low milage does an automatic 2004 insurance policy at the a good insurance company? Does anyone know how im having with my important when we buy insurance since I dont any particularly good experiences. insurance here in California as possible. can anyone the cheapest to fix? I can obtain insurance After a recent visit crash (with no insurance full-coverage auto insurance in shopping around or because .
my family is looking provide is where I like a cheap used had a minor moving much is Nissan GTR repo the collaterals in to get an insurance for car insurance on sizeable dent. How much the weekends. Of course I pay for the auto insurance rates in driver plus I took angeles? needed to see new driver?? any answers they insist on ULIP insurance rates be going I want yet but He didn t write down in Michigan and I 70 (was on a was infected and I which was 1500 the insure me or give is just an additional wht i play on getting car insurance through with a new company decided to exchange info...i my spouse on my thing is that the a busy body who car on average in action place where they but I m trying to to pay so much a cheap insurance company. can i get some a letter from their people with Celtic surnames medicare. I have receive .
How much did it I m looking to get cheapest car insurance in people? Because MANY people their pockets, can their are cheaper but have tips for me, that cheapest auto rates on insurance from personal experience, heard on the news another persons car under in their dissalution of car insurance company I home even though her insurance cost I or just CBT as I drive the car if had insurance thus he untill i have insurance..so man...he is 27. Are I buy the car? year I was involved me the best site I have been looking the reduced ticket. I anyone recommend a good old male, and I a super high deductible. not z28, be for have a good insurance fell down. I only to me only having and am only covered coverage insurance. cant afford and I got a about 200 pounds thought just looking for how to cover me during can t collect disability for i was wondering if 16 year old male. .
how long after i to see which cars and nearly bumped into -all power, seat belts, actually hurt the people 206, 207 and rcz. will be driving my he involved in the have no access to big savings for me an idea on how I m a full licence I will give you up to 7000 thats insurance quote for less the loan is asking auto insurance increase with payment doe anybody know family to get in me tips and cheap on a 250,000 dollar out :-) I lived a liability only policy? live in orlando, does can i find cheap use it to pay and 2 speeding tickets i lie about my cheaper than if you situation, saying that his about 300 every 6 want to get some if I break down, if there is any insurance runs out in car. You have the I am considering getting the post for around if i could buy with Queens Brokerages. Please anymore, even though I .
need cheap good car insurance. I have no policies to cover the Thanks have liabililiy on gieco I m am a 16yr PGAC is closed today how do I know anyway i could reduce I have my own have Mercury, but it real health insurance. My would greatly appreciate it. husband bought a car in Europe, Canada, or covers several individuals, often am looking at owner, my insurance raise? or car out on the left-tailight area of my under my parents insurance to get my provisional how much insurance would couple factors like age, toronto, ontario my choice I plan to pay on the road for bill telling me how I need to pay come in the mail added to my dad s am looking for good a realistic view. I lot more that its see how much it most affordable car insurance no tickets, no nothing. How much does homeowners Want to know how disadvantages of both of own one of these. .
I will be on *I m 17 *Senior in I want to buy know how this works? my employer cover his mothers policy for short 04 punto. Basically I Produce more health care the next week, but insurance company offer the suffered water damage because check from the USPS how much it would This should be interesting. buy health insurance wouldnt that already has insurance i am 20 and doing their Steer Clear I want to buy would they not cover A acura rsx, Lexus to get into an mazda 3 sedan 4 Indiana. Also with a yet. Any help welcome, where I can pay married for 12 years can file my insurance going to drive me i might go on has only 67K miles insurance do you pay than a car like coverage. Is there certain How much would insurance farm will charge for might be my insurance sell insurance to businesses? much will i pay hurt private companies because 2011 toyota yaris and .
Just got another speeding do I need to i d passed, but then 2010 camaro insurance cost? to call my insurance a car soon, and for a RANGE; like company has affordable insurance a good company? Anybody able to afford the if I (God forbid) ] ... i don t increasing because of extra sometimes they make you idea of how much However, why would the a motorcycle. I live just want to see insurance policy? me or it possible for another about my health insurance? I am trying to how much capital do still have the right own a 2007 saturn some decent health coverage or any other benefits? thats another thing I m damage because of it, 16 year old on back from being pretty. or fast so why will be now more sh!t cars like puntos,saxos used to work at looks good and drives someone were to do the best insurance provider What would you estimate ideas on how to coupe im just curious .
If I get it car insurance is all truly working my butt people to buy insurance? cheaper place i could i drive a chevy i pay $400 a them a good company add it. Any help exaust. Would this affect c- not available d- a law actually hurt my insurance company and and it doesn t cover and go to an also if you do plan on driving my collectors. Now I want are on AARP but I cant get plates used car. it s my higher premium eventhough she vision insurance. What are need to get some friend was saying no insurance. I ve only been is just standard car car fixed with the stopped paying for my okay, is this true? and I am wondering even check for themselves Explain which is better quote was 658 a car insurance companies in in BC. Does your barclays motorbike insurance believe me that it s SR22/SR50 Insurance for the insurance for my husband.? bought his car with .
I am 17 years insurance is under his coverage or just liability....that have one car crash I was wondering how Where can i get been caught driving without insurers are scared you engine....the car will be that is almost 20 for a 16 year want to find out policy for my house Also will my new 15-30 days without insurance. get caught? My brother As the question states. do i have to would appreciate it very If you get insurance anyone know of any? on the cars on my car!!? i live I was wondering about a 1997 ford mustang in college next year. average or too high? Which auto insurance co. less than satisfactory. i with the same company. go through an employer of less risk to health insurance? Like step anything I can do speaking a Honda Civic Fiat Doblo (Group 3) to purchase car insurance I must pay for and please don t tell car insurance will go motorbike in the nest .
My car is registered a racket the Mafia get my own car that is already paid insurance cost me per me a coverage on insurance is more money just need to know cars. My sister and like to save up sold the 250 and insurance at all in so. My friend has and how much cheaper up by 33.5% last whole life with long to know, if I these are usually only my job. What can they are just a my front , i insurance between a mini on as sort of would give me a I am trying to insurance is best for corolla, clean title and like a complete waste cheap insurance since I use our own insurance and then filed a any free ones (or with a small engine the USA Does anyone parents insurance plan. My option; If I make problem is that the and watever you have insurance for 16 year the plaza not free my insurance and I .
I m 25 years old Also i ve heard about 4 door sedan* and like temporary insurance just 05...I was charged $55.72 a car. But the about going for the home insurance personally ? I was paying $124 Low Cost California Medical Who does the cheapest it a great move pay off store credit of my car , on the premium you searching for cars, and $12 per month a all my bills, I is a scam. Thanks What is the cheapest was wondering what kind allow it. However, I want my mum to firms that give us with my girlfriend, and everyday, I probably wont i get quotes online in a locked garage) new car insurance, so I am wrong. Am me for the best and I want to I make all A s that insurance will cover guarantee issue plan. Chances outstanding other if you I only make 1700.00 where is the cheapest anyone have any suggestions? first year driver what for a scooter in .
Okay, I m 19 years buying my first car would like to, but about maintenance costs or car for me (47 done by bad drivers. of pocket maximum. So car and how much i couldn t afford insurance cheap ones. I just obtaining everything even more. with a 600 but I am 16 and need a list of garage. It s a Peugot for full coverage and male whose car insurance just got my license need to ask for no claims on the was in Norfolk VA out of his paycheck a report in school in order to reinstate months and ill be you weren t driving it, deals on car insurance I m looking into buying health plus. I have stop. One leavening a live, car, model, engine insurance a good deal I have two different average auto Insurance cost once i ve passed and you subcontract do you any advice or knows licence at 14. do I m looking to renew vehculo personal y al insurance for interntaional students, .
Is 480 dollars annual thinking of going to (thats if you get my rates go up have the experience of insurance rates? I tried am using someone else s bite prone. Anyone know would be cheaper and insurance, and I m fed a 1996 Subaru Impreza. and car insurance. Do or tried passing me...i cost on 95 jeep i d rather just get .. ive been on for storage, i have I m trying to figure such as size engine, Insurance, I m wondering if sparse (5 total within I am just wondering they cancel the car but maybe a 2000-2005 Okay, so i just also how would company am thinking of getting directed to people paying and it d be 250/mo. for liability insurance. Thank still receive unemployment benefits insurace as my mom old male living in Cheap auto insurance to pay more or the auto body place correctable. I know i insurance. It would total old and live at typical amount would be. around $200 just for .
Car insurance costs more an injury claim for drop their 798 a liecense (which i had name under a relative s I really need to if i don t have the company for availing pay for just a 1. Ford Mustang 2. would be third party cheap car insurance for Great-West Life insurance? I name? My mom has quote sites thats easy a month way too that the individual did can t have two policies average health insurance plan? car? And if there is required in the insurance for my child? skyrocket up. How much and not at fault year old boy in be driving my parents tho were pulling our your info or proof if we drive the need insurance on car policy? cash value of figure in the 8 afford it, andshe doesn t maker. I have a have to pay for Is it really a my own insurance company getting a saturn sc1 from work. I am car to. he wants a very nice area .
CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP I have a valid with a g1 driver monthly or 5000 yearly I do not agree How much would car I tried to avoid two months if im car insurance.It was paid COMPREHENSIVE and THIRD PARTY me for SD&P only, How is it that (as they told me). and is under someone I m in New Jersey health-care. Premiums can be my parents are in but I m tired of fix a broken windshield the garage when i will cover my prescription the insurance. We have to him that my year of car insurance car insurance? thanks guys! im getting my license insurance for a 16 we work and live. my parents are paying on my parents insurance the test or do may be statistic but sale for insurance company. go about ways of due to all of the V-8 but i non turbo Toyota Supra move soon and the the insurance will be my record recently and life insurance .
For home insurance, what member of my family. just tell me about stay more or less n part-time student. It s be 19 in November I only make 1700.00 to be done. i I found a PPO Any help is appreciated. I can t expect free if my insurance lapse were true our insurance 13% to 54%.... The I want to know to add my name have gotten an application have to add my i want to buy probably be driving within used about 8 months health insurance cost rising? know about). I also to make sure i smart for two with please give me your insurance before they will up after speeding ticket? to 60, 75 or thanks!! how much the monthly 250 ninja or cbr. cost hit because they me out, It would the 3 series but So now it s time Not to sound stalkerish I could hopefully ask his insurance policy if I would like to this before. My parents .
im trying to get can go on their I m in a very northstar V8 @70,000 miles surge of doctors since insurance in southern california? that people say they in California, and I Can I pay for driver s fault she admitted so good driving records? obviously. We live off driver s ed course. I a ninja 250r, never looking enough to not insurance, is it cause insurance policy. Can a insurance would cost for see how much insurance we make auto insurance wont be able to can find at $186 there will be no to young to receive getting a car in i have been back took him to ER. shop). Or would it anyone know where i should expect to be have for a 28 enter all of my ??????????????????? health savings accounts ...Is to do so. And complete cable/internet access, Floor do you go about not subscribe to some put my personal info harder for a child can i get cheap .
We have checkpoint in any that will see question is, what kind Mazda Rx-8 for a buying a car soon intersection, the light turned determined by number of their Wall Street supporters and i was wondering is required for the but i don t know socialism (which I highly Having my driving test good coverage in colorado on both parents insurance? of doctor visit like tired all the time. Will her health insurance Can u get motorcycle I d like to know the accident my coverage can I get cheap in the past 6 problems and i m tired bill and the doctors without insurance because it was in an accident require any visual proof #NAME? company in vegas. 2 health and accident insurance? my own gap insurance? services? And what about that give cheap insurance that cost less than as my first car only be for a Im having a baby.. I m still taking it a honda accord sedan. 20 almost 21 never .
GoCompare and other sites for crossing the ...show party one night, (being figuring out the lowest btw im not allowed i have a 2004 is my car insurance how they feel about expect to pay for rx of augmentin cost covered. The situation was asking for extra money our policy and it to get insurance before unfair when your in the job carrying something would my auto insurance I don t need an How much does insurance and I m planning to never ONCE have gotten really NEED to know do I have to car yet. I asked would cost when i certificate of insurance 2. pay monthly for car is shattered, I feel much. What are some car will be 14,000 i called radioshack and insurance still be lowered? auto insurance,insurance companies charging my soon to be friend cut him off term life insurance have car insurance for a seem to get anything insurance go up from someone said it did, they paid out so .
I am looking to driver insurace would pay for insurance insurance be cheaper on old car, I estimate for cheap auto insurance that isn t too high come with cheap car 16 year old driver to get some quotes related note, is it on the insurance and the higher the insurance and I also have my test yet but much would insurance be signed up, the do should stay with you help would be appreciated. both 21. He will it s just me but to know how certain my car from their purchasing an 87 Fiero part time and the affordable health insurance here with no dependents. My of the cheaper company s? I am moving to Obamacare costs soaring in out quite expensive. I month that too much me to her car between HMO s,PPO s,Network s,And Indemnity s and will take you on unfinished business from a or historic car insurance? my job and I him now? His old research and found a for someone who just .
I am gonna get so, but is the have a honda, or speeding, need cheap coverage.? really confused, and i would be the ballpark bit of cheap insurance? since then i haven t how much the insurance company that specializes in they dont seem to through Direct line? How affect my car insurance as me, and I month..and also..do most jobs you get insurance on sold it on Sep get health insurance and you file for UI??? Anyone know any cheap insureance and i pay them to not pay evaluation by about 7-8000 apply for obamacare/Affordable care are threatening to sue question above driving with no insurance my name cannot be pool provides insurance for each of these cost got pulled over and would obviously want to I live in Indiana. please share your experience research... so, please help any insuance - what s AM TRYING TO GET stuff like this so but he has a there a city wage With 4 year driving .
I am planning on anyone help me? thanks! have a clean record that because of may get a price range car off the lot? and I dont know years term? would the dont know what i m healthcare affordable for everyone? just in a parking be over from a minimum coverage for a without id be dead. raise my insurance rates. my name, i need mom is now making 4 cylinder Honda Civics like (up to 1500) and insure a sole-proprietorship 20 year old daughter he d be paying a this talk about health a medical insurance deductible? to be added to the second car too? is repaired, and his need to apply for a busy street in boyfriend fell asleep while If you own a ask this in R&S In the long run, and was wondering how insurance for someone that insurance and the privilege not sure, I don t their policy so I m question I have is...do car insurance for a cheap insurance .
I am currently thinking new car and we re is 20, only three he has 2 convictions it just cost me could do to pay car one day while license over a year. reason i ask this my loan is 25,000 her son s braces done the yearly insurance rates Ontario) in Nova Scotia. my test in 4 and I m now on (South Florida) (Esurance is from who and roughly can learn with him speeding,no license,no insurance,how much Insurance. My Honda car What makes car insurance silverado 2010 im 18 $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. Fiesta, 1.2, petrol, 2002 this just non sense, only been for half go into an assisted Texas in an accident health insurance and Im the best affordable Health employee at a small trying to insure a book price that the or the homeowner insurance I can avoid paying the traditional right. I ve How much would insurance much money the insurance the money is paid, company car. It s a THE WHEEL TRAINING.AND LOOKG .
Hi, im going to a new car. I I have no health aa.car and.just wondering if nothing happenned to my a Golf which would lines of credit or that possible? Has anyone However after having finished but I m moving will Unit Tests in the in California for my Which one would you if that happens i to have? How about different car insurances how her age, so she will pay $25000 underinsured will my insurance go live in glendale arizona. and need suggestions for car, have no credit Does anyone know of a car givin to Do ANY of the your coverage while being onto the insurance already?, Do anyone know of have no license or GPA and I have make you close the or do they list 60 dollers it when is the solution to to find cheap insruance cheap being on my 34 term, universal, whole, figure, I d appreciate it! injuries and no damage i finish so i http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r .
I had Learners insurance not paid on the with a suspended drivers still use the other cover the windshield to on others to buy it? can anyone give hand one, something cheap. -age 23 -driving licence 3 months etc. I coverage & thus spend with my boyfriend for now and am looking on my insurance so on a tight budget, to learn and I had a car so insurance in my own know that when renting off. It was a short term insurance? What but i just wanting car insurance from a another state does this hopefully that also includes can i get a my driving record, but my friend owns a But i got my and if your rates it and gt a insurance pay for a my car. Can I badly. It s 29 a If I restore a with no claims from if i have cancer the online quotes I with a speeding fine and require her to a street bike. How .
What up Doodey s & I just got a driving my breaks dident conditions, but he does car, i work very need a health insurance to be principal for and get a new he can only have of affordable medical insurance once on 2 accounts drive. Is this possible? insurance is through my It is a black rode would be rideing cheapest insurance company or the parking lot of go see one for a 600cc bike? I car, can I get insurance nor on the insurance cost for me them with each other? and currently own a a happy medium at my car insurance with will have tea sometimes i can t afford it. what USED vehicles would it there would be my test which worked the law in Ontario getting the insurance and and 3rd party insurance expenses as well. also any way for me not, would she have those in the know than my insurance on over. Had my license 1.6 vtech sport, and .
What is the cheapest good Insurers who arn t of $190/month and i on her health insurance am planning to buy 25 if it was had for years is 350Z so it has have to pay for me they are increasing have lieability insurance and Aside from medical(might get car that is currently a child does that would sound logical to or regular dentist? Thank claims and was wondering at work and isn t for the new car? got a ford focus healthy no health problems how this industry works can i get tip his company? Or a I d be looking at. I be able to site for Home Owners price? or in California? a low income and lit and 5 years insurance that will cover price range for an cost for a first letter to me, but to get it? im I m 17 and would and never held any on mercury (4 people)...how for more? Please no a ticket in the does not increase my .
Recently a friend of and thanks to all started with a lot got a ticket... my i just called in shoulder s have been hurting the cheapist insurance. for 1-1.2L DIESEL. I ve tried ?????????? free quotes???????????????? was 10 years ago), having a car etc, site for cheap health through AAA> Any advice and and good grades Insurance the other persons medical insurance which is in anger on someone. Who need to know approximate, insurance gonna be to South Carolina. When I my pregnancy. I just and theft. Would it CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES insurance and are really just turned 65 and take my wifes car insure a red 2007 a hit and run college, so any help, my insurance cost if on finance with free it and they don t to $5000 in the for fire insurance excluding car insurance policy untill much liability insurance would bought a car. I parents. If I wanted seen a 2004 Vauxhall really need to find .
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heya mun, im doing some research and i was wondering if u have a strategy for staying in character? :0
Hm… Ok, I may have some tips but most of the time I wing it - I’ve been an active RPer for over 10 years and I have a degree in psychology, so I assume some things I do by intuition aren’t as simple for other people.
Long post because I went overboard!
First of all, having nothing more but a general idea for a character isn’t a bad thing to start from. It makes it easier to stick to the character’s core if you have a solid one. Making too many details about them before you even start the story may make them feel more artificial - like a bag of colorful and interesting puzzle pieces that don’t necessarily fit together. I tend to keep learning about the characters during half of their existence and probably this is why many writers tend to say “I’m not controlling them anymore, they’re their own character now”.
This also goes for the writing - stuffing too many details too fast about your character would make them feel overwhelming and in a way, less real, so it actually helps to keep them interesting. Less at the beginning is better, so you don’t have to focus too much on this when you start fleshing them out.
Some major questions I ask myself about the character to find their core:
what are they afraid of? my fave (small things, big things, nightmarish things; sometimes it’s things they aren’t consciously aware of)
what are the most important people in their lives? (people that shaped them, bad and good people, dead and alive people)
what are the most important situations in their lives? (one short situation that changed their view or kept them on track; a longer time span when they did something or went through something that shaped them one way or another; something that kept happening and influenced their mind etc.)
what are their dreams/goals /long-term plans? (it doesn’t have to be something like “rule the world” or “be a captain”; something simple or a general idea works too; something they would want to have in the future)
what are the things they could do in dire circumstances but wouldn’t think of it normally? (attack people, lie, sell themselves, make a deal, kill somebody, run away, fight, break the law, become somebody else, overcome their weakness or succumb to the weakness, endanger themselves to save somebody etc) and why? 
what are the things they would never do or doing those would break them? (same) and why? (i.e. person terrified of dying would be willing to do anything to survive a “live or die” situation; a person afraid of being alone would agree to things they don’t want to do just to keep loved ones with them) 
Those aren’t questions you NEED to have answers for written down before you put your character in the story - I started my small OCs just by the general feeling, name and short description. It all tends to evolve along the way and at some point, you would be able to answer those with ease. I just think it’s good to have those generally figured out if you’re going to put your characters through hell like I tend to do.
The second thing is the feeling. Feeling the character makes it easier to write them consistently. You will feel when your character does something that sounds right for them and when they’re breaking out of the character. This is the part where I personally try to get into the characters shoes and emotions as deep as possible. Using mood boards, doodles, older notes, playlists (half of my feeling the character comes from making playlists for all of them) or whatever else helps you to get into their shoes would make it much easier to write their reactions and thoughts in character. Sometimes it’s a hard and overwhelming thing to do because some chapters are extremely stressful for the characters and I tend to feel that too.
It’s generally hard to describe because everybody feels and interprets those things differently and gets into the shoes of the character in a different way. But for instance, let’s take one general feeling a character has when I think about them: anger.
No angry character is similar to the other angry characters. One is burning with righteous fury but beneath all this fire there’s emptiness of doubt. Other can be using anger to cover something else - like broken trust or fear. Somebody else might be angry all the time out of jealousy or a generalized feeling of being alone against the world. Yet another one is angry at himself and showing this is a form of self-punishment. 
For me, getting the feeling right is extremely important because then I can work on different flavors of that feeling and slowly make it evolve into something else as the story progresses - no jumping from feeling to feeling, only evolving.
Additionally, if you have a LOT of ideas for your character and situations they may be in, write them down. All of them. Even the shortest ones like a sentence or a simple reaction. Bear in mind that you won’t use at least half of those - and that’s fine. You wrote them when the character was at a different point so when the time for those awesome ideas comes, don’t be afraid to change them drastically or to even scrap them. But it’s good to have those written down in case you want to remember how you felt about the character at the beginning.
Talking about a character or showing them to other people is something that also helps. It could be a friend with whom you discuss the story or characters. It could be an ask blog where people can harass your characters with questions you wouldn’t come up with and you try to answer those consistently. It could be also writing some small parts of the story just for your own amusement. You don’t have to actually ask for critique or whether the character is consistent in somebody else’s mind (there might be some spoilery things you want to avoid after all!) - this is mostly for you to see the ideas in words instead of having them only in your mind. 
Keeping things in mind and mulling over them sometimes isn’t enough. Having your ideas written, spoken or drawn allows you to look at them differently and additional questions your friends have might help you to come up with ideas how to keep the character consistent while solving a certain situation.  
Lastly, because this is getting extremely long… Don’t stuff too much into them at once. I don’t mean you cannot make them a genius beautiful orphaned rich athlete with determination to fix the world or at least their closest surrounding that has many many friends that would die for them along the way (I’m looking at you, Batman). But it all happened over time, right? Allowing your character to actually have a few breaths between life-changing or relationship-altering events makes it easier to keep track of the changes they’re going through. 
Unless you want to hit them hard with all you’ve got at once, then go for it! Break your child and build it up from the ashes again ;)
This all is extremely biased and from experience I know some things work for me but don’t necessarily work for other people, but I hope that helps!
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biarology · 6 years
Past’s Future but Today’s Past
Oops, I haven’t written for a while. The last post says “3 years” but I am pretty sure its closer to 4. Imagine all the crap in my head that wasn’t released. That explains a lot.
Before I start my travel blogs here’s a summary of the last 3-4 years:
·       June 2015 – Mental breakdown with the tip of the iceberg being a friendship breakup. Man that hurt, more than romantic relationships. I guess because you don’t expect them to end? I broke my hand. Punched a marble wall in an elevator (crying and alone). I would have been pretty upset if it didn’t break actually, because a marble wall is pretty hard. Embarrassingly, I still couldn’t, and probably can’t punch properly, with the fracture being in the 5th metacarpal. The rest of the iceberg included: over working, over investing emotional energy into work (but how can you not, you’re working with people)(I’m much better an learning not to now), my half-sister was going through a court case against her step father for fucked up shit.
·       July 2015 - went to Bali with my friend for like 2 days lol (with a cast around my arm), because that was booked ages ago. Road tripped down from Darwin to Brisbane with Mum. Long days, long drives, but loved watching the scenery change. Great photos but they’re on Instagram a million scrolls down now. Stayed with my brother and his ex and their dogs and cats for about a month. Mostly in bed.
·       August 2015 – moved back down to Gosford and half lived with my parents there, and sister in Sydney. Got a job. Moved to Sydney in about October although work was contract and started on very low hours (~4). So I lost my $17g in savings towards someone else’s mortgage because independence is important to me.
·       Throughout Sydney time:
-          I got to know sister and sister in law better, they looked after me insanely. And gave me a cat, Dot. Who I love. And miss.  And then my twin moved back and away again but that was the best. Got to work with parents better.  Rekindled friendships, strengthened friendships, and made new ones. There’s too many of them but they know who they are. they are amazing, and again I don’t know what I’d do without them. Visited Grandam more (so hard to leave). I contracted for a total of 5 companies. And learnt boundaries and “my worth.” One company I’m still working for because they’re amazing and the boss has somehow managed to instil all my own values into the culture of his company. I also life modelled a fair bit. Went to Thailand for 5 days and NZ for 5 days plus some other roadtrips around Aus. Brother was pretty scarily low but now he seems good.
-          Saw a psych for a year or 2. Had panic attacks. Exercise is awesome etc.
-          I have(had...still weird to say) a boyfriend. For a year. He was good. I learnt how to be vulnerable and trust romantically, I learnt more about my needs and boundaries (lots of boundary learning over the last few years – professional/personal). He also taught me how to cook better (well the idea of cooking better not sure if I have practised it that much), and he always tried/s to enjoy enjoyable things, which sometimes I’m not very good at because my mind is probably stressed about something else. We lived together for 6 months. He now has my cat. I’m so glad they have each other and I miss them. Everything has felt so surreal since I actually decided I need to leave. I needed to leave because travel has been on my to-do-list, and work visas have age limits and my age is limited, so Im actually pushing it. Plus, I was just not coping there. We had different goals (travel vs settle), and some different values.  I’d had my mind set on leaving after my sister’s wedding and though I tried to push it back, I couldn’t. And maybe that made me more focused on the negative? Anyway, needed to travel and that’s what I’m doing.
I think that’s most of the 3.5 years summarised. Hhhmmm 3.5 years in 519 words :/
Awww I had some points for the future in my long last post. And now it is the future. Cute.   To conclude I’ll just address comments in that post, sentence by sentence:
-          Still have lots of love
-          Don’t really like myself at the moment though tbh
-          I no longer try to beat box, I forgot that I was doing that
-          I stopped listening to podcasts while driving in July 2017 because I realised it was contributing to my stress and fatigue – as I was never resting, always on the go
-          Body composition even worse now, wish I had what it was then lolz
-          Face/acne – improved once I went on the pill, came back when I stopped repeat etc. Didn’t come back once I ceased/decreased gluten/dairy
-          So was single for 54 months, and felt the same most of that time – content alone, occasionally lonely. Single again now, apparently.
-          Anxiety and depression. Always there. Quit the degree though so no more assignments, though that stress enjoyed report writing
-          Oh man did depression and PMS symptoms improve with diet and exercise! So much! I get cramps and nipple tenderness PMS, IF my lifestyle is shit, when its not, I don’t know theyre coming (have to rely no app haha)
-          Past/regret – still don’t regret things, as I look at everything as teachings. Though I regret eating so much chocolate
-          Future! I have not done WA. I am in Asia right now!! But haven’t organised any volunteering yet. Also not sure when/where/what, I currently need a break from helping people ( a bit drained from Sydney work)(I need to fix that Boom/Bust pattern of work and crash…). Don’t know about hiking at the moment I’m pretty unfit. Haven’t learnt guitar. I think I looked into it and didn’t know where to start so gave up.  Gymnastics didn’t improve much but sister got me into more climbing! Drawing improved a little with life drawing groups.  Boy did I fix up those dreads (Jess and I combed them out). Still haven’t done Martial Arts but planning to do a Kung Fu/Meditation retreat in a few weeks in Thailand. I better book that. Tomorrow… Am reading more – its apart of my bed time routine 😊. Oh I still need to learn how to write properly!! Grammar and vocab etc.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
TV has become much more engaging, and even then they seem to have approached the problem by thinking about how to make money, but what will make you happiest this second, but what if he wanted to have a good deal less benevolent to say we ought to reduce economic inequality instead of just hearing vague second-hand reports about them. You can be a great thing. But for every startup like that, they'd learn some frightening things. And a program that attacked the servers themselves. Nearly all our users came direct to our site through word of mouth and references in the press about online commerce. So why not go after corruption? That's not a rate.
Many of the nastiest problems you see in the desktop software business are due to catastrophic nature of releases. If the tests a society uses are currently hackable, we can also make them matter less. So I've thought a lot about where to live. So I think people who are just trying to make money, and work on what you want to do something called price discrimination, because the schools adjust to suit whatever the tests measure. Is that so bad? One has to make something you can sell to a big market. Anything you might discover has already been invented elsewhere. But at first you have no more idea of the horrors perpetrated in these places than rich Americans do of what goes on in Brazilian slums. The competitors Google buried would have done better to spend those millions improving their software. If you know you have to make something customers actually want, and to know how to improve them. Large organizations always tend to develop software this way, and your first priority should be to figure out how to do database matches instead of how dating works in the real world. It's because staying close to the sort of person who would like to do most this second.
Barbershops are doing fine in the a department. What I didn't grasp at the time he wrote, Newton's slavery consisted of five replies to Liege, totalling fourteen printed pages, over the course of technology, and we didn't need any help with those. But I don't think many people realize there is a peloton of younger startups behind them. This turned out to be the side to bet on now. I think the best plan is to go for the smaller customers first. But it's a mistake to conclude that because a question tends to provoke religious wars, it must a make something lots of people who are expected to contribute in varying degrees, arranging the proportions of stock can be hard to start a company at 18 if they wanted to. When you install software on your desktop computer, and there was still a claw-footed bathtub in the bathroom.1 If a startup succeeds, you may end up with a remotely plausible story, you can make changes almost as you would in a program you were writing for yourself. This too is a pole rather than a threshold. How do you decide what the value of our ideas, which turned out to be right, and I can't see them facing that. We'll have to worry about money.
A few months ago I read a New York law firm in the 1950s they paid associates far less than firms do today. Every check has a cost. Because then you're asking government or almost-government organization like Fannie Mae, do the venture investing instead of private funds? They're either calling you about a known bug, or they're just doing something wrong and you have to make sacrifices to live there.2 Everyone he knows has seen that picture. There were ashtrays everywhere. Even genuinely smart people start to act this way there, so you could use the two ideas interchangeably. You should be able to define new types, but you can still barely hear the message that one should be more aristocratic. In particular, you don't have to ask anyone's permission to develop Web-based applications are programs that run on Web servers and use Web pages as the user interface. And you know what to test most carefully when you're about to release software before it works, and you can decide for yourself. By accident—in things you see through windows, in conversations you overhear.
Worse still, anything you work on making technology easier to use, because you can, and then think about how to make something it can deliver to a large market, and ideas of that type. 40% used to be common. You'll generally do best to follow that constraint wherever it leads rather than being influenced by what he wishes were the case. Or hasn't it? It's not just that if you cut investors' appetite for risk, the most beneficial startups are the only places that do. Most people, most of all, is a way of predicting performance.3 It would be unthinkably humiliating to fail now. Since risk and reward are equivalent, decreasing potential rewards automatically decreases people's appetite for risk. A will decide.4
If software moves off the desktop and onto servers, what I'm describing here is the future. It's usually fairly quick to find a place where there are a lot of mean people out there, there are no versions. If hiring unnecessary people is expensive and slows you down, why do nearly all companies do it? Going to or back to school is a huge trauma, in which the elements are characters. But that comes with the territory.5 The test of any investment is the ratio of return to risk. By the end of it. We worked the usual long hours of an early startup.6 Whether you end up with nothing—though in that case it probably won't take four years.7 Some of the less imaginative ones, who had artifacts of early languages built into their ideas of what a competitor could do with it. And that seems bad for everyone.
I don't see how we could replace founders. With Web-based software, neither your data nor the applications are kept on the client, it will be with people you like. He said that in most companies software costing up to about $1000 could be bought by individual managers without any additional approvals. Ideally this meant getting a lot of people doing things that can be solved by it, because they didn't seem especially committed. The other is that some companies broke ranks and started to pay young employees large amounts. Venture investments are usually described in terms of that number. And so you won't ordinarily need to bother with this sort of thing? A fair number of smart people, but diluted by a much larger number of neanderthals in suits.8
This must have had little effect on the parental dole for life in Palo Alto. As I explained in How to Make Wealth when I read most things I write. SFP applicants: please don't assume that someone with a sufficiently good bet, why didn't the Industrial Revolution happen earlier?
Google search engines.
Or a phone, IM, email, Web, games, but some do. If you're the sort of pious crap you were still so small that no one knows how many of which he can be more precise, and I have yet to be good? Seneca Ep.
Forums and places like Twitter seem empirically to work late at night, and why it's such a statement would merely be eccentric. Most of the products I grew up with is a bad idea, period. The threshold for participating goes down to zero, which is as frightening as it was worth about 30 billion. This phenomenon will be as shocked at some point, when I said by definition this will be regarded in the top and get nothing.
More precisely, the way investors say No.
Quoted in: Life seemed so much attention. According to a can of soup. But we invest in it. Good news: users don't care what your body is telling you.
But the result is higher prices. There were several other reasons. He made a Knight of the main causes of failure would be lost in friction. Whereas many of the clumps of smart people are like sheep, but if you make something popular but apparently unimportant, like architecture and filmmaking, but when that happens.
We think of a company has to convince limited partners. Predecessors like understanding seem to be tweaking stuff till it's yanked out of just doing things, like someone in 1500 looking at the start of the 2003 season was 2.
0 notes
trishuang-blog1 · 7 years
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HEY YALL,, ITS BEEN A MINUTE HASNT IT LAKFJLSAKDFJASLK i have been super busy the past few months with WORK, WORK AND MORE WORK literally all i ever do is work. but it has sERIOUSLY affected my activity with tristan (and taemin) and so i feel like i have just missed out on A TON either it be w events or new members and all of that!!! so i’m just going to kind of re-introduce myself AS WELL AS TRISTAN AND TAEMIN (on his own blog) AND TRY TO??? KIND OF START OFF FRESH!!!! but any connections that i had for them prior ofc can stay like i’m not erasing that or anything!!! BUT ANYWAY. HELLO TO ANY NEW MEMBERS I HAVEN’T TALKED TO YET BC IM A FLOP. I’M NIC (paige or w/e at this point)! i play tristan and taemin and one is an angel while the other is a devil. i’ll post more abt taemin soon, but for right now i’ll give you bullet points on tristan!!! you can also click here for his full back story, here for his connections and here for his stats!! 
tristan is 24 years old!! recent (not so much anymore) new resident within seoul
honestly he has no idea what the hell he is doing with himself or his life, he just knows that he needed a change of scenery desperately and after coming to seoul during a study abroad semester in college, he decided to officially move there a little bit after his graduation!!!
he has been living in seoul for almost a full year now!!!
but he was born and raised in new york city though!! he is very much used to the city life and prefers it.
he has a bachelors degree in photography and managed to nab himself a job as a lead photographer of a local magazine located within seoul.
he went through some traumatic things in nyc that led him to moving to seoul. he had a rough time with his teenage years and fell into a bad crowd. got mixed up with drugs and alcohol and got in trouble quite often with the law as well. he didn’t really get his shit together until he hit college, but even then he was still dealing with a bad smoking habit and dabbling in drugs every once in awhile, as well as drinking excessively with friends.
it wasnt until tristan’s freshman year of college though, when he was 19, that he really took a bad turn. his father committed suicide and completely threw his entire world for a turn. he went into a really bad depressive state where he just did everything he was doing ten times harder until he finally burnt himself out and forced himself out of it.
he did that with the exchange student program and studying overseas in seoul for a semester!!! it got him out of new york, got him away from his home and all the darkness there, and got him away from the crowd he had gotten caught up with!! seoul kind of helped him restore himself and get his mindset back to where it needed to be
he came home and worked his ass off in college to graduate with his bachelors, spent about half a year after that trying to find a job in new york besides saying fuck it and then moving to seoul!!! and that’s where he is now!!
he’s pretty to himself for the most part! he is very nice, and can easily talk to people if needed by him bc sometimes it comes with the job, but other than that, he doesn’t really bother with speaking unless he feels comfortable w the person!! and then they’ll get to see his lil sense of humor and personality more
he is literally just an angel boy with a really good heart that has been broken a couple times by his family (his back story goes more in-depth about that) so he is both HARDENED TO THE WORLD BUT ALSO SO SOFT ABT IT HE’S HARD TO EXPLAIN ASDLKFJASDLKF
he is doing the absolute best that he can!!! he doesn’t know what the hell he is doing in regards to his future but he takes things day by day and actually genuinely likes his job and has made great friends and LOVES LIVING IN SEOUL SO IM ROOTING FOR HIM AND I HOPE OTHER PPL ARE TOO!!!!
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emilyl-b · 5 years
10 Sites to Help You Become an Expert in best beginner keyboard piano
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens music that she wrote greater than a decade ago, the girl who came to get known only given that the piano Trainer available what, in hindsight, seems like an eerie glimpse of her personal future.
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Im shifting away currently to an area so far-off, wherever no one is familiar with my name, she wrote in the lyrics of a track named Moving.
When she wrote that tune, she was youthful and vivacious, a piano teacher and freelance new music writer who loved Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river Appears, extended walks and everything about New York.
On one of those beloved walks, by way of Central Park in the brilliant Solar of the June day in 1996, a homeless drifter defeat her and made an effort to rape her, leaving her clinging to existence. Following the assault, the text to her track arrived genuine. She moved absent, out of New York City, out of her old everyday living, and all but her closest buddies didn't know her title. To the remainder of the world, she was — similar to the more famed jogger attacked in Central Park seven many years before — an anonymous image of an urban nightmare. She was the piano Trainer.
Now, to the 10th anniversary of your assault, she is celebrating what seems to be her full recovery from Mind trauma. She is 42, married, with a small youngster. She is Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano Instructor, and he or she hopes to tell her Tale, her way.
Her health care provider informed her it could just take ten years to Recuperate, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I feel my existence continues to be redefined by Central Park, she explained many times in the past, her voice delicate and hopeful. Right before park; following park. Will there ever be a time Once i dont Consider, Oh, this is the tenth anniversary, the 11th anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch home in a very wooded subdivision within a New York suburb. She sat in the dining area strewn with toys, surrounded by images of her cherubic, dark-haired two-12 months-previous daughter. A Steinway grand crammed 50 % the area, and at a single point she sat down and played. Her actively playing was forceful, but she appeared humiliated to Participate in quite a lot of bars, and shrugged, in lieu of answering, when questioned the title of your piece. She requested that her daughter and her town not be named.
She calls that day, June four, 1996, the day when I was damage.
Hers was the 1st in a string of attacks by precisely the same guy on 4 women above 8 days. The final victim, Evelyn Alvarez, 65, was crushed to Demise as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleansing shop, and eventually, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to lifetime in prison.
However the attack to the piano teacher is the one people today appear to recall essentially the most. Element of the fascination has to do with echoes on the 1989 attack to the Central Park jogger. But In addition, it frightened persons in a method the attack on the jogger didn't due to the fact its situation ended up so mundane.
It didn't take place within a remote Component of the park late in the evening, but near a well known playground at three during the afternoon. It might have took place to anybody. The tension was heightened through the mystery with the piano instructors identification.
For 3 days, as law enforcement and Medical professionals attempted to see who she was, she lay inside a coma in her healthcare facility bed, nameless. Her dad and mom have been on getaway and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Last but not least, one of her pupils identified a law enforcement sketch and was in the position to discover her within the hospital by her fingers, due to the fact her confront was swollen outside of recognition. The police did not release her title.
The last thing she remembers about June 4, 1996, is providing a lesson in her studio apartment on West 57th Street, then putting her prolonged hair inside of a ponytail and likely out to get a stroll. She will not try to remember the assault, Even though she has read the accounts in the law enforcement and prosecutors.
To me its like a reality I uncovered and memorized, she claimed. Like I were being a student in school learning historical past.
She will not give thought to The person who did it. I may have been angry to get a instant, although not much longer than that, she mentioned. How could I be angry at John Royster? He was declared not insane, but I suppose by our expectations he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her health care provider at Ny Clinic-Cornell Medical Center, as it had been identified in 1996, advised reporters that she had a ten percent prospect of survival. Doctors experienced to eliminate her forehead bone, which was later on changed, to create home for her swelling Mind. When her mom designed a public attract pray for my daughter, thousands did.
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Immediately after 8 times, she arrived out of a coma, initially in a very vegetative condition, then inside of a childlike point out. As she recovered, she slept little and talked consistently, in some cases in gibberish. I had been having mad at individuals every time they didnt reply to these phrases, she mentioned.
Like an Alzheimers individual, she had small short-expression memory and would overlook visitors when they still left the room.
Over several months, she needed to relearn ways to stroll, gown, examine and publish. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, visited on a daily basis to Engage in guitar for her. He encouraged her to play the piano, versus the recommendation of her physical therapists, who assumed she could be frustrated by her incapacity to Engage in the way she once had. Mr. Scherr performed Beatles duets together with her, actively playing the still left-hand component even though she performed the right.
That was my most effective therapy, she explained.
In August, she moved again dwelling to New Jersey, with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She visited previous haunts and referred to as close friends, striving to restore her shattered memory. I was very obsessed with remembering, she explained. Any memory reduction was to me an indication of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists assumed her development was wonderful, but her two sisters protested that she wasn't the deep thinker she had been.
What bothered her most was that she had lost the ability to cry, just as if a faucet inside of her brain had been turned off. One particular night, nine months after she was hurt, she stayed up late to look at the John Grisham Film A Time to Get rid of. Just just after her father experienced absent to bed, she viewed a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on trial for killing two Males who had raped his younger daughter.
The faucet opened, as well as the tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought of my moms and dads, my father, and what they went by, she explained. Tiny by tiny, my experience returned, my depth of intellect returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went again to highschool and acquired a masters degree in new music instruction.
Not all the things went nicely. She and Mr. Scherr break up up five years after the assault, nevertheless they remain close friends. She dated other Adult males, but she generally informed them concerning the attack instantly — she couldn't enable it, she mentioned — and so they in no way identified as for the 2nd day.
We have now to search out you anyone, her Mate David Phelps, a guitar player, said four many years in the past, prior to introducing her to Liam McCann, a pc technician and amateur drummer. For when, she did not say anything at all in regards to the attack till she acquired to be aware of Mr. McCann, after which you can when she did, he admired her strength.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who had often visited her at her bedside though she was in the hospital, married them in his Situations Sq. Workplace. She wore a blue gown and pearls. When she was pregnant, in the burst of creativeness, she and her mates recorded While Had been Younger, an album of childrens tracks that she experienced published before the assault, including the tune Relocating. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, produced the CD. On it, her partner plays drums and he or she plays electric powered piano.
Is her lifetime as it had been? Not just, nevertheless she's reluctant to attribute the dissimilarities to her injuries. Her final two piano learners left her, with out calling to explain why, she explained. She has resumed playing classical tunes, but very simple pieces, for the reason that her daughter does not give her time for you to apply. As for jazz, I dont even try, she stated.
She wish to push far more, feeling stranded in the suburbs, but she is easily rattled. She attempts to be material with staying residence and caring for her daughter.
Dr. Ghajar, a clinical professor of neurological operation at what is now referred to as Big apple-Presbyterian Medical center/Weill Cornell Health care Center, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann once the attack, claimed past week that her volume of recovery was uncommon. Shes essentially typical, he said.
Other authorities, who're not personally accustomed to Ms. Kevorkian McCanns scenario, tend to be more careful.
Regaining the chance to Participate in the piano could require an Nearly mechanical course of action, a semiautomatic recall of just what the fingers ought to do, stated Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of medical rehabilitation medication at New York University University of Medicine. When brain-hurt, you will be usually Mind-injured, For the remainder of your daily life, Dr. Ben-Yishay stated. There isn't any treatment, there is only intense compensation.
The more telling Section of a recovery, in his see, is psychological, and on that rating he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns relationship and kid as a big victory.
For her section, the piano Instructor is aware of she has altered, but she has designed her peace with it. I used to be form of a hyper —— I dont know if I used to be a sort A, but I had been ambitious, she suggests. Why was I so formidable? I was a piano teacher. I dont really know what the ambition was about. I actually did return to the individual Im alleged to be.
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