#im trying so hard not to rant but ohhhh
gifti3 · 6 months
Does anyone remember Absolute Boyfriend
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jamiesgotchu · 4 months
remembering that in order to be tickled I have to let someone tickle me
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yourmomni · 1 year
Fix You 3
A/n: Hola so I'm sorry im late I was gardening this morning till 3 and took a nap that was more like a coma and forgot to turn in the post schedule. But since I messed up I'm going to be dropping part 4 tomorrow YAAAAAY. Anyways please enjoy @loveyouselfalways I hope you enjoy it
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I threw my bag over my shoulder hurrying to the front to walk with the others out of the building and too our car.
We walked together waving and bowing to the cameras, smiling rushing to our vehicle. I huffed as I adjusted myself in the seat.
" Hey you okay." Jay was sitting beside me dropping his bag in front of his seat and slamming the door close.
" We haven't talked in a while. I just wanted to check on you." I bit the inside of my cheek feeling bad about ignoring everyone for the past week. " Yeah I'm sorry about that." He smiled. " it's okay we've just been worried about you with the tweets and all." Jay was always the one checking up on me when I was feeling bad about myself. He would make me food, listen to me rant or vent. He was always the one to comfort me.
Not saying the others didn't do their part. Heeseung would find ways to make me laugh, sunoo would distract me by talking about face care making me go shopping with him for new products. Sunghoon acted like he just wanted to go skating just to show off a skill but in reality he just wanted also get my mind off of things. Jungwon would make me sit in his room and watch movies, and Jake would have me help him build his new Lego set in the living room with a show playing in the background.
They all had their ways of making me feel better, they all cared.
We made it back to our company and immediately started changing for our interview. The theme was black so I was dressed in a black dress and a ribbon pulling back two curly strands of hair in the front of my head to Meet in the back. I had a Tiffany necklace on my neck with a matching bracelet.
They set us up in chairs. I was in the front sandwiched between sunoo and sunghoon.
The interview started like any other one. We talked about our new album and a couple of behind the scenes things. It was going well until we started answer these stupid questions that were in a bowl that our fans wanted to know.
" Okay this one says who is the cleanest member." Jay read out loud. I raised my hand. " Oh most definitely me yesterday I went into Jake's room and I swear I saw his clothes in his basket move like it was alive." They started laughing and Jake whined that it was just my imagination. Then I picked a question to myself then out loud. " ohhhh who has the most chemistry?"
Every ohhed " I would have to say Niki and y/n, they get along well maybe because of their ages but their always together and practicing together and they complement each other well." Sunghoon said and everyone began to agree with him. I turned around to look at niki and he was looking at me.
Was he blushing, he smiled at me and I quickly turned around facing the front biting the inside of my cheek Keeping from smiling too hard.
I passed the bowl to Niki and he happily took it spinning his hand in the bowl. " Okay it says……." His smile faltered and his eyebrows frowned a little. " What I don't understand this." Jay leaned over his shoulder reading the question. He scoffed, taking it out of his hand and ripping it in half.
" i don't know who thought that was funny to put in the bowl but it's really unprofessional." Niki and Jay got up and walked behind the camera. We all looked at eachother confused about what was happening.
Jungwon got up taking his mic pack off walking to Jay to figure out what was happening. I turned around and the question was sitting in Jay's seat.
I picked it up reading it
" Who's the strongest member, show by trying to pick up Y/n who is the heaviest."
Sung Hoon snatched the question from me reading it over and over again. The others were reading it over his shoulder. You could hear Niki yelling at the producer behind the camera and Jay was backing him up.
Niki was fuming, his nose was flaring and his knuckles were white from how hard he was clenching his hands into fist. " So you're telling me you read all of those questions and you thought that one was okay to put in there?" The producer rolled his eyes. " it's not that big of a deal it's just a question."
" so it won't be that big of a deal if I punch you in the fucking face " Jay and jungwon grabbed Niki before he could swing his fist.
Everyone rushed towards him trying to calm the situation." I'm going straight to the media, after I tell them about a young kpop star threatening an Elle employ you group will never see another Prada runway Ever again" Jay laughed.
" Is that a threat?" The man glared up at Jay walking towards him. " Try me."Jay's face darkened " If I see so much as a rumor about this situation in the news I will sue you for everything you have with not even an ounce of mercy, after I'm done with you I'm going to sue your company for exploitation of a minor. I will take everything you own. I will rip your company to shreds. You will never work for another company in Korea for as long as I'm alive. I'll make sure of that. Now that's a promise."
The producer was toe to toe with Jay. " I think it's time for you to go." Jake said standing behind his member. The producer mumbled under his breath as he and his crew packed up their cameras and stuff.
" woah Jay the CEO in you came out that was pretty cool." Sunghoon punched his shoulder. Niki started looking around the room. The camera Crew cleared out swiftly. But he was more worried about one thing.
And you were gone.
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branmuffins22 · 9 months
for the toh ask game- 2, 8, 12?
from this ask game:
2. Ramble about your favorite character of all time as much as you want. We're listening
Ohhhh boy. Oh man. Oh geez. You play a dangerous game, starting out with the kicker.
The obvious choice would be Luz, right? because she's like, the perfect main character. Lovable, relatable, flawed, believable (mostly; those fireworks were a bit much), clever, emotional, funny, the list goes on.
I have to go with Vee.
To me, Vee is all those things and more. She's still relatable, but for completely different (some unaddressed by canon, some completely made up by me) reasons. She's the cutest sweetest little shapeshifter we actually got the chance to get to know (sorry Stringbean). She's flawed, she'd completely given up on Luz's return and was ready to throw away whatever parts of her life she didn't jive with, and then even after most of a day of hanging out with her, she was STILL kinda mad at her! She's got confusing emotions and she was able to admit it! She's a tortured and traumatized kid who's trying maybe a bit too hard to put it all behind her, and even her more fantastical struggles are made to make perfect sense in that context. She's clever and observant enough to blend in with humans (and even convince Camila she was Luz for a while), and she was instrumental in solving the rebus. She's funny not just in her sense of humor (which is anywhere from awkward to earnest to dry, all hilarious), but also in the dichotomy of being one of the more "normal" "human" characters in the show, despite not really being either of those things (part of a thought-extinct species, and unique even among others of that species. said species is a kind of magic-eating shape-shifting demon from another realm, and here she is in suburban connecticut, idly learning spanish with her friends).
She's my precious baby blorbo and I love her. She's chubby (I'm chubby), she's awkward around her crush (I'm awkward around my crush (and also in general)), she likes to wear warm colors and big boots (I like to wear warm colors and big boots (not that I have any that fit well enough for daily wear)), she's got a bit of an overbite (I had one when I was young), she is (or, I guess, was?) kinda sorta something like a twin (I'm a twin), her hair is poofy and long (at least in her epilogue design) (my hair is poofy and long), augh, she feels basically tailor-made for me. I'm not exaggerating when I say I learned to love certain parts of myself by loving them first in her.
She's perfect.
also. im gonna rant about her even more in the next bit, sorrynotsorry.
8. Any headcanons? If so, which are your favorite?
Soooo many. Like, enough that I'm writing a whole ass barely-even-canon-divergent AU just to give myself the excuse to explore them. Actually, kinda writing two if you count MatVNN, but it's more of a post-canon affair.
Probably my favorite, though, is Vee being trans (and a bunch of other flavors of queer). I'll admit, a lot of the things that make me like Vee so much are just Sorta Plausible Shit I Came Up With, and chief among them is my trans Vee theory.
So, I'll start with the canon stuff:
Vee is rather unique, even among basilisks. Her tail has 3 fins rather than the other basilisks' 1 or 2 fins, her eyes have a different structure (and more individual colors) than the others', and she has a distinct head and neck that the other basilisks don't have. She's also a lot smaller than the other basilisks: about half the size of III and IV, and even smaller compared to the "greater basilisk" which attacked Hexside (we'll call her the Inspector). In the epilogue, Vee's size doesn't appear to have changed much, if at all (hell, even in her human form, she doesn't look much taller), nor have the sizes of III and IV. The only change any of them appear to have gone through is that Vee has more/longer hair, some of which is a lighter cyan than the previous navy blue, which still remains at her roots and on her ears.
Those are the facts. Now, there could be any number of reasons for her unique traits.
The doylist reason is the easiest: she was designed to look smaller and more humanoid to appear to the audience as more sympathetic. Her strange eyes could just be a bit of fun character design, something to make her stand out on screen. No biggie.
The watsonian reasons are a lot more compelling to me though.
She could very well be quite young for a basilisk. Perhaps their eyes change shape and lose some of their color as they grow up. Perhaps the neck becomes less distinct as they get older. Perhaps even after the 3+ year timeskip before the epilogue, Vee was still prepubescent for a basilisk.
Perhaps the various basilisks are representative of different species within the same family (ex. the Inspector is called a "greater basilisk", but the others are just referred to as "basilisks"), and Vee's unique traits are staples of whatever specific species she is (I first came across this theory in A Blight on Bonesborough, by GeminiAlchemist, and they proposed "fat-tailed basilisk" as the name of Vee's species, mostly for the sake of a gag)
One of the more interesting theories is that she's only half basilisk. I wasn't the one to come up with it, but I don't remember who was, so for that I apologize, but basically, there was a theory going around for a little while after her introduction, that Vee was actually the bastard child of one of the other basilisks and Warden Wrath. The biggest point of evidence was the yellow pupils, a trait only shared between Vee and Wrath, as well as the fact that Wrath was clearly involved in the basilisk project, as shown in Vee's flashbacks in Yesterday's Lie. It's not my favorite theory by any means, but it's a super interesting one, very angsty.
My personal theory, however, and the theory on which I base a few of my other Vee headcanons, is that all the myriad differences between Vee and the other basilisks can be explained away by a simple case of sexual dimorphism in the basilisk species. "Number 5" was simply the only "male" basilisk shown on screen.
Now, what's the evidence for this theory? There is none! As with all the best headcanons, there's no real reason it should be true, but there's ALSO no definitive evidence it isn't true.
So, Number 5 escaped the labs, wandered into the Human Realm, took the form of the only human he'd seen, and spent 3 months at summer camp incidentally trying out being a girl. Turns out, she liked it! So when the time came to give Luz back her identity, Vee made her own new form a girl too.
Now, this headcanon comes with some... caveats? Complications? Sprinkles of realism? I like to imagine some extraneous silly little plot points surrounding this.
Gonna mention 'nads & stuff in purple, so skip past it if you're squeamish about people having body parts or whatever.
When Vee took on Luz's form, she didn't really know what was going on under all those clothes, so she improvised, and kept things as close to her basilisk form as possible. It was partly to conserve magic during the shift, and partly just because she couldn't imagine what to put there. This meant she had a dick, and probably a pretty funny-looking one, too, until she came across a human health textbook and got a better picture of what that whole situation is supposed to look like.
Eventually, during an accident with someone in the Cabin 7 crew (probably standard "woops, didnt realize you were changing in here" shenanigans), someone catches her with her pants down, and she accidentally makes them think Luz is trans. A silly little mixup, definitely no consequences in the future, for sure.
After this, Vee ends up learning about pride flags and their meanings, and starts collecting those things like trading cards. She is staggeringly queer. I tend to think of her as bi/pan/demi-rose, genderqueer, genderfluid (usually on a sliding scale between fem and neutral, but outside that range often enough to be noteworthy), and polyam (in theory, anyways, but even by the epilogue she's still only had one partner, Masha. Granted, she's only maybe 18 by then, so she's got a LOT of time left to try things out), but because that's So Many Labels, she tends to simplify down to Queer. Am I projecting? Yeah, a little. Maybe a lot. So what?
Anyways, when Luz comes back and Vee picks out her own human form, she mostly performs a 1-1 translation from her basilisk form to her human form (matching her standing height, size, approximate face shape, etc), and in so doing, takes on a few typically-masculine characteristics (like a mostly-flat, somewhat-wide chest, bodyfat mostly at her belly, and of course, a (normal, human) dick (most of the time, anyways; she is a shapeshifter, and can do whatever she wants forever)), resulting in her rather androgynous appearance. If her human form is gonna be her, it's gonna reflect her truth: she wasn't always a girl, but she is now. In the epilogue, her human form looks a bit more feminine/less androgynous than before (most notably with wider hips), as if she'd been on HRT for long enough to see some changes.
Now, I've also got all manner of general Basilisk Biology Headcanons, such as how shapeshifting works (magic is used to perform transformations, and reverting to their natural form doesn't use any; holding a transformation only burns calories, not magic; transformations are holistic, inside-and-out, with the two exceptions being the brain and whatever organ stores collected magic), how magical hunger works (it doesn't quite exist, they're not vampires, eating/draining magic is just a thing they Can do in order to transform, not a thing they Have to do to live; however, when a basilisk is hungry, it begins burning through its magic to stave off malnutrition, causing them to seek out magically dense food (really just magic in general, kinda maladaptive like humans' sugar cravings)), how mass distribution works when they transform (they retain their weight when they take on new forms, which limits their transformed size by how far they can compress/decompress their mass. this is part of why the Inspector was so hungry; they were near the limits of how far they could compress, and burning through calories like crazy to stay that way), their natural habitat (fins on their tails suggest they're at least semi-aquatic, but the fact that they stayed on the Boiling Isles as they fled from Belos suggests that they're not immune to (and thus not native to) the Boiling Sea, therefore I propose that they were native to lakes, the only bodies of water shown not to be boiling all the time. also they use their shapeshifting to change their bouyancy as they dive for mollusks or whatever), reproduction (internal fertilization, followed by egg laying; they can change their physical sex pretty much at will, because they're shapeshifters, but if it's not their "natural" form, it still consumes magic to get into that form and burns extra calories to hold the form; fertilization and pregnancy tends to go quite poorly if a basilisk changes/reverts to a form that doesn't have the proper equipment for whatever child they're currently bearing), and so on (basilisk eyes are adapted for underwater, leaving them relatively nearsighted unless transformed to be otherwise, and they have a short-term photographic memory to make assembling accurate disguises on the fly easier/possible), but I don't really feel the need to go tooooo into detail with all that >.>
12. What do you consider the most memorable scene? Why?
That's a very tough choice, between the graveyard fight in Thanks to Them (Very intense. Very beautiful, very powerful) and the Lumity dance in Enchanting Grom Fright (Very romantic. Very beautiful, very powerful). They both basically defined the fandom brainrot after their respective releases, and unlike the various season finales, there was little else cutting in to interrupt and distract from them. Just tasty, tasty action, one at the breathtaking height of fluff, and the other in the soul-crushing depths of angst.
A close third, to whichever one of those is only second-best, would be the duel for the portal key in Eclipse Lake (Very dramatic. Very beautiful, very powerful). Another big action scene, who'd'a thunk it, and another angsty one, too.
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decompose1 · 1 year
i think the funniest thing ever was like. ok like as a Teenager i got sucked into yknow whatever kink discourse cyclone most young teens did on tumblr and yknow everyone i knew had these really negative opinions on a lot of common kinks and i was trying so hard to fit in w them right. and i remember. vividly. what broke that. which was like. one of my mutuals completely fully unironically going on this long rant about how the term "pillow princess" and/or wanting to be called a princess/prince in bed upholds the monarchy and means you support royalty and it. it was so fucking bizarre that it like flipped a switch and i was like ohhhh. is that how we sound. im starting to think maybe what you like being called in bed doesn't have anything to do with your morals....
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I really want to go to art school and I've been toying with the idea just to fill in the gaps - not because I need a degree or the fucking meritocracy badge of approval, but just bc you have access to a lot of people and resources when you're in school, and it was maybe the ONE thing I felt was an advantage when I got my degree. There's also a clear path and structure. Like first we learn this, and here's some deadlines. Then we build on that and learn this, and here's some more deadlines. For some reason I always have trouble following through if I'm trying to just watch an entire several semesters of YouTube lectures. It's hard for me to follow bc there isn't the hands on component and I can't ask questions. And now there are no good places on the internet to ask questions anymore (bc capitalism.....rant for another time). Sure, I could ask someone for info to help me animate better, but for every helpful response, I'm gonna get like 10 death threats and quips about my ignorance. I don't have the energy to sort through that.
So yeah. I'm toying with the idea of going to art school. Because there's a pretty affordable online 2d animation program at a school near me. Idk. Not saying I'm necessarily gonna do it, but I was thinking like, this time maybe I could actually get in instead of everyone either raising their eyebrows or outright laughing at my portfolio like when I applied as a kid (different school though....Cal arts can suck my unwashed ass....oh wait no actually they don't get the honor).
Theres something cathartic about being able to go study the thing I want, but this time I hold all the cards because I have a job and a degree already, and if a professor pisses me off, I can straight up tell them to suck it, get up, leave, and never go back if I don't want. Because I literally don't have to care if i finish as long as I get some extra info out of it. I hold all the cards this time. I can go learn but I can set life balance boundaries, and I can afford to fuck things up this time. I think it would be easy mode compared to when I got a degree and was desperately trying to get through it despite everything, with the pressure of knowing I was basically doomed if I didn't graduate.
I always do better when I know it's safe to fuck up.
the only thing I dread looking at these course requirements?
THE GODDAMN CREATIVE WRITING REQUIREMENT. GODDAMN I AM GOING TO HATE THAT MORE THAN ANYTHING. HATE. LOATHING. I AM GOING TO FAIL THE BEJESUS OUT OF THAT CLASS, AND I AM GOING DOWN IN RAINBOW FLAMES, WRITING COLORFUL QUEER TRASH THE ENTIRE WAY DOWN. LIKE YOU CAN MAKE ME WRITE BUT IM GONNA MAKE YOU READ THINGS SO BAD THEY MAKE YOUR EYES BLEED (sometimes unintentionally) god I hate creative writing "BUT EJ YOU WROTE 4 COMIC BOOKS" Yes and all of them were achieved by blacking out and channeling my dark gay emotions in a frenzy and projecting them onto awkward guys idk how the fuck to follow assignments for this shit in high school I couldn't even use an adverb correctly or tell you what the fuck a theme was and I got screamed at constantly for it like I suck ass at writing normally
Me, walking up to admissions with a 20 dollar bill: "hey....what do you say to maybe.....counting the technical writing for engineers course I took 15 years ago towards this requirement"
Admissions: "are you.....are you trying to bribe me with 20 dollars"
Me: "will it work?"
Admissions: "no..."
Me *digging around in my pocket* : "well I've got good news then bc I can also give you" *more digging* "this..." *withdraws paper* ".....crumpled bird sketch...."
Admissions: "shouldn't that have been in your portfolio - OHHHH nevermind you were serious about not drawing animals well...."
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1d1195 · 3 months
Ohhhh Sam, THANK YOU SO MUCHHH I FEEL SO PROUD this term i was very busy with my auntie bwcause she was visting us (she lives in france and its been 4 years since she last visited) so i was busy with my cousins and trying to show them around before their time is over with us :(
SAM you ARE incredible😭 we work in a pharmacy together (she's a pharmacist, but I work with cosmetics), so yeahhh she's been talking about this whitening cleanser that has some great reviews, and she's not taking care of herself enough because our older siblings are troubles, so the house is full of drama all the damn time😭😡 and I might just try and buy that cleanser for her it'll be hard tho as we're in the same place but I may ask my brother who's working the night shift to get it (yes all my siblings are pharmacists I am the exception)😭
You absolutely seem like a birthday person it's obvious that you really love to gift people and see their smiles since you're always very kind💕 I hope you stay that way! But don't get yourself hurt. My mom says the kindest people get the most hurt :(
So you think the photo session would make her happy? Idk I'm always hesitant😭 I'll have to make a big-girl decision
I'm so happy to know that you're doing better. You deserve that girlie. Your hair seems so soft and fluffy and really healthy, which is awesome! I know I said my hair is a little longer than usual but it's not healthy🙈 lmao I'm a hijabi and spend most of my time out so when I get an opportunity to take care of my hair I do but I think I made my mind a few days ago I was combing my hair and I think long hear suits me. ANYWAYS THAT WAS NOT NEEDED BUT EHH
I just love self-care, so I love to talk about it. I'm not over the fact that I'm a junior, tho. Oh, btw I recently discovered that I have ADHD like.. it's not thar common here, but I had my doubts, but then I saw an interview with two kids one has ADHD and the other does not,I found myself acting like the other girl and it just snapped to me, but then again don't we all have ADHD😭😭
IM IN LOVE WITH FLOWER (I think that's it, right?😭 sorry!) I saw the new update I'll read it right after finishing my ranting session. Have you read any book from the Twisted series? I bought it recently and the first book is taking me ages to finish it, it's not boring but the chapters are heavily written.
Do you have any pets??? I love birds and cats, but I had two birds a few years back, but we were traveling constantly and it was hard to leave th so I gave them to my cousin but I think they run away😭 but! I reaaaally want a little kitten, duh.
Sam thank you so much for helping take care pleaaase🩷🩷🎀
Oh btw a question just popped. Do you ever wonder about the anons? Like their names and stuff, I find MYSELF wondering lol😭 yalla byeee🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
🎀-anon 🙈
OH WAIT I ALWAYS REMEMBER STUFF AFTER SENDING THE MESSAGE, TOOTHPASTE IS SO DEVINE!!!! I love that she's confident, she can't hold her tongue and it's just so cute that he asked her on a date on that note it was so cute you're always writing cute stuff I don't know if I'll melt from it or the weather
That's so sweet you got to see your family 💕 My family is crazy and I love them but it's never relaxing when they're around. It's nice you got to see them after so long.
That's really cool you work with your family. It's nice! I'm sure your sister will appreciate the cleanser! Especially where it's something you talked about with her. The photo session would be nice too! I think that would be really special as well, so whatever you decide she will love I'm sure 💕
I think unfortunately your mom might be right. I hurt my own feelings more than anything. It's because I want a me in my own life to do what I do for others and it just doesn't happen lol. Shakespeare's got something on how expectation is the root of all heartache. It's very true. But thank you, I'm trying to be better about my self worth and whatnot and lower my expectations hahahahah
My hair is sometimes soft and definitely fluffy. One time I straightened it and my friend couldn't find me in the lunch room. The problem is that like one degree of moisture sets it into a complete frizz. It's looking healthier now but it looked pretty raggedy not too long ago 😂 I really love long hair though so it sounds like you made a good decision!
Idk what I have but I need to be studied 😂 I read a lot about how ADHD and anxiety presents differently in women than in men (naturally) so I probably have one or more diagnoses in my future. It's cool you connected with the person though and recognized similarities in yourself. Even just getting comfortable with the idea of being ADHD or whatever, I think, is an important step in coping and figuring out how to navigate everyday life 😊 Hopefully that makes sense!
I have not read Twisted, but I've heard good things. I'm not sure I want something deep right now though. This tbr shelf of mine is out of control lol.
No pets for me. I'm pretty allergic to pet dander. Cats especially. I'm def more a dog person than a cat person as well. I love all baby animals though, kittens are so sweet!
I WONDER ALL THE TIME ABOUT MY ANONS. I think about everyone's name and where they live. It's really fun to imagine but I wish I could have a huge Harry Styles themed party and hug everyone.
I'm starting to really love toothpaste. I'm glad you liked it 💕
stay cool and don't melt! Much love 💕
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
look at the little birdy thats come back for another rather long rant about the latest chapter of LMTLY because the comment section c couldn't accommodate her rant.... ehehhe
eheheh ive come back with another rant and im deeply sorry as its been a while
ohhhh yesss. damn it they're so damaged and traumatized its absolutely difficult for them to open up but hopefully after that kiss (FINALLYYY) they learn to open up because really all they have is each other and what their doing is tearing each other apart. He's slowly admitting or letting himself be available for her in a way, (sorry btw with how long this has gone, i feel like im writing an essay ehehe) and she just trying to accept that things arent going the way she wants so shes desperate to have it all back but now hes open to finally letting her ion that part of himself in a way
i am so sorry i dunno why im over analyzing this but im invested
they're just very deeply damaged by everything but im really happy that loki is finally opening up in a way. i really really am.
now the memory in the first part, he really truly does care for thor but after everything his opinion of him have changed (though im still suspicious of him with what i remember. him interacting with that jolene or im losing my mind) he still cares bc he was his brother and asking him to take away their mother to safety, he's a really caring person to the most innocent people and i love about him.
i dont even know what im saying anymore and even i cant understand what ive said so im cutting it short before i confuse myself but lastly
THEY JUST NEED TO COMUNICATE PROPERLY. even if its hard for them, learn and all would be good and you can fight that bastard odin together bc with how things are going, in loki's side its going good but if things go back to the way they were like the way y/n wants it, against odin, all would go to shit
please just comunicate
ehehe in a way i see some elements of hmbomt on here and i just love it. the way this is going, lovely this is a master piece
im ranting again but this really is wonderful love
all my love
from your lovely 😊❤️💜💙💚💛🖤😊
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Ahhhh I miss you very much my dear 🥰💚 I think the last chapter was make or break type of situation for Loki in this fic, unlike HMBOMT loki who ummm continued to fuck it up because birdy wasn't someone he had known all her life ..this one I'd say is more mature in terms of being respectful of the bond he shared with sweet buttons, he loves her and it's his fear coming between them unlike HMBOMT where he didn't believe in love at all. He was manipulative because he thought she was trying to do the same thing to him, the cycle kept going because she was participating in it as well but now that she has taken a step forward and shared her true feelings, he's not that asshole who would want to keep hurting her for no reason.
You're absolutely right I think HMBOMT loki is almost like a mirror image of LMTLY Loki 🥹 they're same but different.
I'm so happy you're enjoying it my dear, waiting for more rants but you never have to apologise or feel bad about not getting back to me .. whenever you do I truly appreciate it 🥰💚
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yeahimaloser · 4 years
Demon Love
Incubus/demon!Hawks X introvert!reader
First, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who liked my first ever post on here, don’t worry I’m still working on part 2! Thank you all so much!!
Alright, because today is in fact Halloween I decided to do an Incubus/demon Hawks. Basically, Hawks was your only real friend, but he convinces you to go out on halloween to a random party, where Hawks tells you something important…
Ok so in this story there is mention of a party and I wanted to make it clear I do NOT condone going to a party in a pandemic. Please just pretend that covid doesn’t exist in this time line ok :)
Also I did upload this earlier but something went wrong with it so im re-posting it sorry!! like I said I low key new here.
Warnings: cursing, light angst, some fluff
You didn’t really like people. Not all of them, but most were just so… annoying. Most days you just wanted to roll up into a ball and watch a bunch of anime. But, you were so lonely. So, it was a battle in yourself, you didn’t want to be lonely and yet you just didn't like people.
That's when Hawks came into your life. When you came home and saw a demon laying on your couch, you freaked out. But then you two got down to talking and he told you why he was here in your home.
“Well, to be completely honest I just got bored. And well, I thought someone who was so lonely, and yet craved human affection would be the perfect person to crash with.”
And so it began, to call your friendship weird would be an understatement. 
And yet, you both found comfort in each other. You would rant to him about people that pissed you off and talked about your favorite shows.
And he would tell you about how boring he found his life, how dumb he thought other demons were.
You two were not lonely anymore, you had eachother now.
One day, you two were just mindlessly watching anime and talking, when all of a sudden Hawks paused the show and turned to you.
“Hey, I heard about this human halloween party,” he looked at you with his stunning eyes. In fact, you would argue that every part of Hawks was stunning. His beautiful blond hair, his angelic wings, and even his demonic horns.
You gave him a questioning look, “ok?”
Hawks rubbed his neck, he never really said anything about you not having a tone of human friends. If he didn’t like it he sure as hell didn’t express it to you.
In fact, you thought he preferred it. He wasn’t needed or anything, but you got the sense he did enjoy your presence. 
If he didn’t then why would he stay up till 1 a.m with you as you both watched old anime re-runs and laughed so hard about random shit. 
For once in your life you allowed yourself to feel comfort in another person. Well, maybe not a person per say. But still, you deeply enjoyed Hawkses presence, so much so you found yourself falling in love with him.
In fact, you remembered exactly when you feel for him.
You weren’t having the best day, you came home exhausted and just totally drained. 
You walked through the door and Hawks immediately picked up on the fact that something was wrong with you.
So when you sat down he asked you about it, and you just burst into tears.
That was the first time he held you, you felt so safe in his arms. The sensation was like hugging a warm fire. He just felt so warm.
After you finally calmed down a little, Hawks tried to get you to talk to him. He made terrible jokes just to get your mind off it. He even offered to cook you dinner. 
But instead you just buried your face into his chest, not wanting to leave his warm embrace. He gently stroked your back, trying to soothe you. 
After so long of knowing Hawks, you realized you didn’t really know him that well. you looked up at him and finally asked, “Hawks, why did you really come here?” 
Hawks was taken aback by your question, which was understandable since the question came out of nowhere. But he relaxed with a sigh. Maybe it was because of how long and how hard you sobbed, but he seemed to pity you a little bit. Still holding you close, he said, “well, from where I’m from I’m actually the 2nd highest ranking demon. But I don’t know,  everything moved so slow for me. I mean, I wasn’t completely lying to you when I told you about how I was bored and wanted someone to talk to. But really, I don’t know I was just kinda… drawn to you.”
He smiled down at you, making you feel right at ease…
And then you feel for the stupid demon.
“Why are you bringing this up,” you asked defensively.
Hawks just gave you that stupid smile, that stupid, heart racing, beautiful smile. “I don’t know, I just thought it would be fun.”
You gave him a questioning look. To which he proceeded to boop your nose, “really, Halloween would probably be the only time I could ever go out into the human world with you.”
The bastard had a point. But still, you got a bad feeling…
“You promise you're not up to anything?”
He put his hand to his heart, “you have me word.”
You smiled at him, “ok yeah. Maybe this’ll be fun, ohhhh what should my costume be? Wait, how will we get in? Also, how did you find out about this party?”
He just gave you a silly laugh at your questions.
But little did you know, he was planning something.
And little did you know how sorry he was for it 
You and Hawks went as demons.
Mostly because you at least wanted to be careful. But also because you two thought it would be fun.
And although it was, you did end up burning yourself with a hot glue gun trying to get the wings to look like Hawks’s. To which Hawks told you that he would finish the wings.
“You burned yourself!? Here give me that,” he snached the hot glue gun from you. Before you could tell him off he said, “demons can’t burn dummy. Now go finish up the rest of the custom. I don’t like seeing you hurt.”
That last statement made your heart race a little. 
You shook your head and tried to get back to work.
So yeah, here you two were, in a random party with people you don’t even now.
At first, you just clung to Hawks, not wanting to leave his side, too nervous to talk to anyone else. But Hawks seemed like a social butterfly with everyone around him. But you weren’t too shocked about that. The man just had a way of making everyone around him like his presence. 
But you? You just wanted to leave. The party was loud and so… so full of people.
“Come on dove, go out and meet some people.”
You looked at him quizzically, “Why would I? I have you dumby.”
And with that, you went off to get some punch and maybe some snacks.
Hawks sighed, he really didn’t want to have to do this. But he knew this was the right thing, the right thing for the both of you.
As you went off to go get punch, Hawks turned around to leave.
He wanted to stay, he wanted to say goodbye, he wanted to hug you close to him one more time.
But he couldn’t. And he knew that.
But that didn’t mean he wasn't unbelievably sad to leave you.
You couldn’t find him anywhere.
And now you were panicking. 
Did something happen to him? Was he hurt? No he was a demon, and he was the 2nd highest demon. He could take care of himself.
So then what? Where was he? Did you do something wrong?
Eventually you just left. In fact, you practically sprinted home. Maybe he was at home, maybe he just got tired and forgot to tell you. Yeah, that had to be it!
Just as you rounded a corner, you heard him, “What are you doing?”
You turned towards him, and gave him a relieved look, “Oh thank God, you had me scared for a sec-”
“I asked you a question,” he said, cutting you off.
It was then when you realized his expression. He looked down right pained, like something was hurting him.
“Hawks? Are you ok? I came looking for you,” now you were getting even more concerned.
He gritted his teeth, “Yeah, well I didn’t ask you too.”
You were taken aback, Hawks had never been mean to you ever. Even when you two argued, he never got this mean. 
He continued, “Seriously, just back off ok? Go and make really friends. I don’t want to be some fake friend to you.”
“What,” the hurt in your voice seems to pain Hawks even more. “Why are you doing this? You are my friend. What are you talking about? Did I… did I do something wrong?”
Hawks clenched his fists, “No, that's not-”
“Then why?!” the hurt in your voice even surprised you, “I thought we were so close I-”
But Hawks cut you off, not with his words but with his lips. He held your head, kissing you deeply. You were shocked by just how warm his lips were. It was almost like he lost himself in your lips, so when you made a muffled sound it seemed to bring him back to reality. 
He opened his eyes and pulled away, he could see how completely shocked you were.
He took a shaky breath, “I- I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that.”
You were still shocked but managed to speak, “what the Hell... you can’t just tell me you don’t want to be friends and THEN KISS ME!” now you were screaming. “MAKE UP YOUR DAMN MIND,” you screamed at him.
Hawks was taken aback, but held his ground, “I don't- I don’t want you to get hurt. I-I need to leave, but I didn’t want you to be lonely again. I want you to have someone. I want you to be happy”
Your anger soon boiled down to confusion. “What,” you asked him.
“I- I’m hurting you so much just by being here,” he paused for a second, “I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I couldn’t help it! When I first came here, to this stupid world, It was out of per bordem. But then I found you and I guess I just fell in love! But I can’t be in love with you, it could never work. A demon and a human, please, don’t make me laugh. I would be putting you at so much risk. Ane even if we wanted to be together, I mean the odds are imposi-”
Now it was your time to kiss him. And as soon as you did? It was like he melted right into you. Holding you close to him as you combed your fingers through his hair. He hugged you closer to him as you did so. The sensation was damn near intocacting. When the two of you had stopped, you were both out of breath.
“I love you too,” you stated. Hawks looked up at you, eyes filled with shock. “And I don’t care, screw the odds, who gives a damn.” you smiled at him.
Hawks just laughed, “After my whole little speech that's what you took away from it?”
But you just smiled lovingly, “Sorry, I guess I just don’t give a damn.”
For a few seconds he didn't answer, but then he smiled, “Well if that's the case, then I’ll tell you my real name, It’s Keigo, Keigo Takami.”
You sighed, “Keigo huh,” you leaned in, your lips hovering softly over his, “I love it.” and you kissed your demon love.
Is this cringy?? Probably, but I enjoyed writing it so I hope you enjoyed reading It! 
Have a fun and SAFE Halloween!! <3
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blehblehbso · 3 years
A VERY FRUSTRATED RANT I HOPE YOU DONT READ. really. dont. i just needed to vent and publish.
never have a out loud cursed at a teacher until now hut she makes me want to. does she derive some devilish pleasure seeing us suffer. I MEAN YOU FREAKING GIVE HALF INSTRUCTION THAT ARE VAGUE MOST OFTHE TIME CHANGE YOUR BLIMEY MIND EVERY BLOODY SECOND AND YOU EXPECT US O READ IT AND ACT???????? ID RATHER TAKE ON ANTON EGO ANY DAY. ARGHHHHHHHHH typing out these effing words slowly id just adding to my frustration. i have tred so friggin hard to please you do things the way you like them, IVE WALKED ON GLASS TRYING TO BE GOOD IN YOUR EYES. TRYING TO GET A SMILE OR A NOD OR YOUR APPROVAL. i have respected my teachers all my life and i intend to do so because those are my values but YOU YOU are testing my strength and patience right now im keeping it in ONLH BECAUSE you are partly inc hangre for the next 2 months, of the numbers thatll be significant in my life that is the only reason THIS WILL HELP US IN THE FUTURE YOU SAY??? SURE YEAH AFTER YOU O WOULDNT BREAK DOWN UNDER MERLL STREEP IN DEVIL WEARS PRADA IM SURE. yes thats how i feel under you. i spent 30mins thinking of a hundred different scenarios and where you'd be the least mad at me and OHHHH IM DONE. IM DONE IM DONE IM DONE. BUT ODCOUSE ONCE I SEE YOU ALL THAT IM FEELING RIGHT NOW, ALL THIS ANGER FRUSTRAION AND NEGATIVE ILL JUST HAVE TO DRINK IT DOWN WONT I. because you are someone i should respect. hah it so funny that even as im writing this i cant bring myself to curse you or disrespect you in a rant that you will never even see or know of. OHH YES I JUST REMEMBERED THE HUMDRED LITERAL HUNDREDS OF RULES THAT YOU HAVE REGARDING COMMUNICATION. dont call ont message dont this dont that mail by this at this time not a minute later and THEN YOU CHANGE THE TIME???? LIKE AHAHAHAHA dont we have a life? is doing your work all we do all the live long day. you say that you have a life outsidee school so we shouldnt text you BUT DONT WE?????? DONT WE HAVE THINGS TO DO DONT WE HAVE TO STUDY TO ATTEND TUTIONS TO GET THE FREAKIN MARKS SO YOU DONT GET UPSET??? DONT WE HAVE TO STAY HUMAN????? ah i feel about 2percent better now. yeah just 2.
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daydreamrry · 3 years
Hi mod i hope youre well ❤️ i have a general question for you and the community, i have a feeling Im gonna my ass handed to me at work tomorrow, but also I feel like im incredibly overthinking it. Potentially getting fired? Potentially getting yelled at. all bc of a mistake I made bc I have a lot of work on my plate and honestly overwhelmed as fuck but i hate telling my boss about it because I feel like they'll complain and nag instead of help (which is just a waste of my time even asking). Hennywho, how do yall ease your anxiety over situations you cant control? Because smoking weed and trying to stay up so I dont have to "sleep and face tomorrow" only helps so much LMAOO 😭 Also guess my sign Bc I'm sure i gave yall enough baggage to figure that out skkdkskaksjskkdk
ohhhh gosh. i feel you! i know this will probably be a very lame response, and i apologize in advance, i don’t know how to properly deal with anxiety myself, so i’m just sharing what i do in this type of situation (hopefully someone else can suggest a more helpful tip and if they do, i’ll post on this same ask)!
i feel the same way in terms of making a mistake and not being able to tell my boss, but i think that’s the best thing to do. i know it may seem like they won’t help but if they’re caring and show support, they most definitely will and understand your feelings. i know this probably sounds really pathetic, but when i’m feeling very overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious, and i don’t know what to do to control my thoughts and emotions, i like to write. just write about my day, write about how i feel, write about my plans for tomorrow, anything really. the reason why i do this is because i HATE openly talking about my thoughts and feelings with other people. i just can’t do it, so writing is a way for me to “let go,” and it does make me feel a little bit more relieved afterwards. i even rant if i need to 😭 i’m also taking a stress management class at my uni (which is exactly what i needed) and ever since this class began, i’ve been meditating. i’ve never once meditated prior to taking this class but ever since we learned more about how to handle stress and anxiety, this is one of those methods that i’ve incorporated into my daily schedule, and it has helped me, which is honestly surprising because i did not think that meditation would have such an affect. not many stress/anxiety management techniques work out for me, so it’s been hard trying to find methods that reduce my stress and anxiety levels, but meditating and writing are two things that i would recommend doing. i know these are probably not the most helpful suggestions but maybe someone else can throw in a more effective way to ease anxiety. 😂
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the-blissful-one · 4 years
1 - 5, 9,11, 13, 20,22-30,34
Thank you, thank you. I generally thought I wouldn't get anything on the ask meme, so you made my day when I noticed the ask :3 I will do 30-34 in another ask, since it was asked there too! Hope you enjoy and never be too shy to send a message if you feel like it <3
1) name three things (internal and or external) that you like about yourself ohhhh, this one is hard....I will try, but I generally do not find things about myself I don’t like but I know it’s import for self image and confidence.  1): I do have thick eyebrows and long eyelashes that curl naturally upwards. I don’t have to wear make up. I don’t to that regularly, but its pretty nice to get that for free  2) I build muscle pretty easily.  3) I have a genetic skin disorder that controls my life in milds ways, but I try to not let it get to me too much. 
2) what do you like to do when you’re sad? When I’m sad, I usually just lie down on the bed or the floor and listen to some instrumental music on repeat. I lie there until I fell ready to face the world again. Sometimes I also fall asleep.
3) what is the cutest animal? This is hard one. But hedgehogs are pretty cute and I think snakes are too. Generally speaking, house pets are all too cute too. And also turtles and frogs....plus like every animal walking on earth. 
4) talk about your crush/significant other. Neither have a crush or a significant other, sorry, can't do this one!
5) rant about something that makes you happy. Generally, I could talk about astrophysics all day long. or pokemon or whatever game i’m currently into.  But I also want to talk about haikyuu. I wish I had someone to talk to it about on a regular basis. The anime and manga is incredible. It’s so deeper than just volleyball. It’s about friendship, figuring out what you want in your young adult years and spending a little bit of each day doing something you love. It’s about compassion and hunger for life. It’s about building bridges with people you never guessed to meet and working on yourself to become abetter version of yesterday. It was the reason I started to play volleyball. Its about loss and picking yourself off the ground when your down. 
9) what is a positive coping mechanism you use when you’re sad (ex: drawing, cooking, exercise, listening to music, ect.)? I listen to music when I’m sad, but I have a thing going where I only listen to that kind of music when Im really sad and depressed. If I do tha on the way to uni for example: I’m scared of getting sad. 
11) what is a random act of kindness someone did that you’ll never forget? Well, I kind of fall in love with anyone that is nice to me bc I expect people to get tired of me (note that I’m joking). But I remember when I was in the military, during basic training. I had broken my foot, but we didn’t know that yet. We first thought I had only sprained it. So I hopped around on crutches when the others were marching, in the woods and outside of it. Every night since that happened  in the first week, I couldn’t sleep because of the pain. I didn’t want to eat because I felt awful and was in pain. On the 5th day of feeling shitty, the crutches and I, managed to hop up to the second floor of the barrack we slept in. I was going to talk to the sergeant on call for help. He wasn’t there, but there was another private there that noticed that I was in distress. I asked him where the sergeant was and he just said he didn’t know. I sat down on the staircase, feeling so exhausted from the week prior. He asked me kindly if I was okay, and I started crying. It had been a shitty week with a lot of pain and little food, and little of sleep and finally it caught up to me. Another one notice me and him (since he was a friend) and the guy that asked me if I was okay asked his friend if he could find the sergeant on call. While the friend went on a little search, the guy sat down with me  and talked to me to calm me down until the sergeant came and helped me. He was really sweet towards me and it’s too bad I don’t remember his name. 
13) whats a happy memory you have? Lots, I do have lots. I like easy memories. Those that are simple to make, but rare to happen. I have a memory of me an my friend sitting at the bar counter in my kitchen and my mother is making waffles for us. I have a memory of my best friend and I sitting on the veranda, eating chocolate and strawberries in the midnight sun. I have a memory of my and my friend playing mario kart until 03.00 in the morning. I have a good memory of last summer when my gran parents, my cousin and I was at the beach and having a bonfire to celebrate the summer. I have memories of me and my friends driving on road trips I have a good memory of me and my friend deciding to go on a small mountain hike in the middle of the night. 
20) show me a stupid picture you have saved that makes you smile In my study group we are four. Three out of us as have a moomin bottle, so regularly, I draw a moomin character on a sticky-note so she can also have a moomin bottle. Sorry the bad picture :<
Tumblr media
22) what is/was your favourite subject in school and why? I’m a math and physics nerd. I do like physics a tad bit better, since then i can learn about space and starts and stuff like that. I did also like sport.
23) what is your go to feel good song? Queen- Don’t stop me now. The chainsmokers: Don’t say Bag Raiders- Shooting stars (the meme song, don’t judge me) 
24) what never fails to lighten up your day? I don’t really know. I do have things that makes me a little bit of happy throughout the day, but noting that can turn a bad day to a good day. 
25) favourite plants? I have like 40 plants in my room! I love plants too much. My absolute favourite must be sunflowers. Yellow is my favourite and I just think they are so pretty. I always want to buy myself a bouquet in the summer, but I always just skip it. I also like plants that hang over their pots. 
26) rainy days or sunny days? Depends on what I want to do. Sometimes a rainy day comes in handy, sometimes a sunny day. Sometimes a rainy day can feel energising and sometimes a sunny day is what’s needed. I can't decide, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Also, people should also ask if snowy weather is preferred, because when it’s snowing- I am thriving!!!!
27) perfect rainy day activities? Lie on the floor with the veranda door open and listen to the rain. Also, jumping in poodles. When I walk to university on rainy days, i purposely walk into the poodles when I’m walking home just for the fun of it. 
28) favorite craft? Drawing and painting. Usually don’t have the energy for it, but I do really love it when I do it. 
29) favorite vine/tiktok/short video? Vine: That guy that almost dropped his croissant! Tiktok: There is this one I found in the start of march last year. It’s too long down for me to look at it, but it’s generally this inceptions thing and its just about a guys that is tripping kind of. And it’s really funny and not that serious.  Video: There is a dog edit. Were the dog sneezes a lot of times and then the dog explodes. It last like under 10 seconds, but it’s just a description on what the internet is really about. Animal edits in general is pretty high up on my list. 
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yoonminist · 7 years
💕 crush stories p4 💕
My relationship with my crush is a little complicated lol she's the softes bean ever and has a lot of problems she doesn't wants to talk about and I'm the only one who's there for her but last year everything just went down because i needed a friend to be there for me but she treated me like shit so i turned to another friend and we started dating. While i was in this relationship my crush got a boyfriend (who treats her like shit) After 6 month of dating my gf me and my crush became best friends again and i spent a lot of time with her. I broke up with my gf last week because i had to realise we only dated because we were both lonely. Now I'm back at pining over the smallest cutest girl in the whole world while i have to take care of her or she would probably die dnkdks i actually got her to watch httyd with me as her bf was being an ass and she loved it even tho she usuall hates animation movies lol 
you’re right this is complicated lmao so she’s still with her bf ??? even though she’s cute and has her own problems you don’t deserve to be treated like shit so i hope you cleared up whatever that was,,, i suggest you take a little time to enjoy being single before you start thinking about dating this crush now because i’ve seen people date for the sake of not being lonely and it usually isn’t good in the long term but good luck!! and i don’t know how bad her bf is but she should dump him
He's not texting since 3 days ago (our first date)... I think i don't like him any more 💔😭 we've been friends for 5 years...
:’( either he treats you better or you drop him bc you deserve better than that ♡
I think im a little strange, there's a guy that i like(a lot) he is really cool, funny and smart, but i think he is gay. Rather than i'm being sad or something alike, i ship him with his friend, but i still liking him. I'm getting crazy :')
ohhhh does he actually like his friend though or do you just ship them because you think he’s gay ?
aaa, so i've liked this guy for almost 3 months and i did the Thing where i told him (which never happens, because i'm usually way too shy and i tend to want to tamp my feelings back to nothing). that night, we spent hrs walking blocks and blocks and he told me he doesn't like anyone atm, which i understood 100%. after that, it really wasn't bad and we actually hung out at a lookout point for a few more hrs into the morning before he took me home. he's the first person in a while that made me feel so nervous, excited, fluttery, good about myself in a long time. i think (i hope) that i'll be over him soon - at the end of it all, he's still a good friend. the butterflies haven't left yet though - my lil heart won't stop hoping and he's not gonna stop being cute and gosh darn attractive and lovely anytime soon 😫 (ty for letting me rant through this! you're one of my favorite blogs 💝) 
THIS IS SO CUTE ahh im glad you went for it!! even though he told you he didn’t like anybody it’s better that you know and don’t spend all this time being hung up on him and wondering about What Ifs so i’m happy for you ♡ he sounds like such a nice friend though so i’m glad you have a person like him in your life and hope that you get over him asap (and thank you !! you’re so sweet 💖)
My crush is an asshole who played push and pull with me for 3 years and recently decided to declare that he likes me, but he's still not sure about us. He said, i quote: 'what if i ask you out and then change my mind' . So we're at square one again😂 he is such an attractive guy, i can't give up on him😭
NO no matter how cute he is you should get rid of him omg what an asshole-ish thing to say,,, trust me even if it’s hard at first you’ll be way happier when you’re over him !! he doesn’t deserve you!!!! ♡
My crush is actually in Korea for the summer (no lie, he's an exchange student at my school). He's so adorable and sweet, but we almost never talk or hang out, and whenever we do I'm always the one to initiate :c Just trying to be optimistic and open about everything rn :s
optimism is good!! hopefully it isn’t because he isn’t interested or already has someone but i guess the best way to find out is always to hint at it or outright ask about his love life ??
Does it count if my crush and I recently married? lol because even though he is my husband not a day goes by that my heart does not flutter with something he does. Wether it be hugging, hand holding or even a smile directed my way, I still get butterflies like crazy. He is the most kind caring and thoughtful person I have had the pleasure of meeting. He is silly and loves laughing. He has the most beautiful eyes and smile I have ever seen. But maybe I'm just being biased lol I love my crush 💜
AWWW CONGRATS ON YOUR MARRIAGE this is so nice ✨✨✨ i love this n hope you’re happy together for As Long As You Both Shall Live
The last time I had an actual full blown crush on someone it was in seventh grade and Jesus Christ let me tell you I was so dramatic over it?? The dude's initials are M.J and I once burst into tears cause I saw the letters on my tv once and we had these letter stickers back then so I put M and J together next to the Pc and whenever someone asked about it I was like it's Michael scofield bc that was back when prison break was ongoing. God I cringe so much now when I look back at it lmaoooo
you burst into tears when you saw his initials fjngjnfjgfn   
Okay so my crush is a girl and omfg, she's so pretty?? Her hair falls just above her shoulders and she has brown hair & brown eyes and I take most of my classes with her, but we have the most fun in German, Economics & Managment and Organisation. So she has a lot of... character (idk lol). She is hella stubborn and takes shit from no one but so do I so we banter and insult each other A LOT, but it's always playful so we never feel insulted. But the thing is that i'm a girl too And I didn't even know I liked girls too until I met her lol (so now i'm a closet bi girl). But the thing that gives me hope is that we low key flirt? We send each other snaps stating how much we love each other and always call each other bae/babe etc. I know girl friends do this but it's different I don't even act that way with my best friend and neither is she? And she once confessed to me that she kissed a girl when she was really drunk, but didn't feel anything with it And once we were hanging out with friends, she was drunk and this guy was lying on top of her (a friend who gets real touchy when drunk, but it was all good no harassment of some sorts) she like kept calling me to help, nothing real big. But she also got jealous once when I send a snapchat to her best friend (she was with her @ the time) & she was like why didn't you snap me? So i'm really confused and idk if she likes me too? Sorry for the ramble :(
i relate to this so much lmao i found out i was bi through my first gf too so this all sounds AWFULLY familiar,, i’ll just say if you joke about being in a r/s all the time it’s a sign that you should level it up to a real one but from what you’re telling me i have a good feeling about this!! i hope she really is into you and that you end up dating ❤ (and that you keep me updated whoops)
so im in marching band and there's this one guy in color guard who's really good and the way he can move his body is just like impossible to look away from? and he's really attractive like the other day he was wearing a shirt that had kind of a low neckline and his collarbone was really prominent and i just ahhh??? im not sure if he knows i exist but he's just really attractive help
im crushing on this guy for over 3 years. he is a meanie but i like him a lot :') this past week he confessed and said he liked me. but he is not sure if he wants a relationship. we even went out on something like a date :D im very confused rn ahahaha
you need to be clear with this kind of stuff in a r/s so just ask him!! trust your gut though, no matter how much you like him i think that if you don’t think you’ll be happy dating him then just don’t do it :’( ♡
Hey it's the anon that may or may not be gay who has a crush on the girl named Ramona. So.... I think I fucked up. A few friends of mine threw this huge party this weekend and I made sure to tell Ramona so she'd go (I mean goody2shoes at a party come on how cute is that?) So about an hour or 2 into the party she shows up with some friends and I hang around her most of the night, and when I'm not WITH her I made sure I knew where she was. See the part where I messed up is that Im not the best with alcohol... And I drank a bit much. Now I remember kissing Ramona. And that's it. However according to some friends I kissed her she slapped me I pushed her... into the pool and she left crying. Now its Monday and she wont look me in the eye (it's lunch rn and English is next) what do I do?!? I'm an obvious drunk asshole, BUT THATS THE THING! I was DRUNK! I mean I wanna apologize but I can't even get close to her with her friends there
NOOOOO oh my god you really did fuck up ;; can’t you text her asking if you guys can talk ?? tell a friend what happened and hope she’ll understand and let you explain?? honestly i have no idea but i hope you sort it out and let her know how sorry you are but also don’t beat yourself up too much!! accidents happen even if they are bad, it’s ok in the end as long as you apologise,,,,, good luck ♡ and don’t drink around her again ;;
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dear-wormwood · 5 years
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chisatowo · 3 years
Ok, so idk if you were meaning a specific Chiaki, so I'm just gonna go ahead and do so Chiaki for Chiaki
Ai Chiaki:
First Impression: Oh hell yeah autistic gamer girl
Impression now: My BELOVED I can and will talk abt you for HOURS
Favorite moment: ohhhh that's a hard one..... Tbh there's not rly any specific moments that come to mind? Oh wait actually, I think I'll have to go with her grabbing Usami and trying to run away during her execution. I have many feelings abt that.
Idea for a story: Id love to see a retelling of chapter 5 but from her pov. I feel like she was likely a lot more scared than she let on, and honestly Id love to see a version of the entire game but from her pov for that reason as well.
Unpopular opinion: I know I've said this like 50 million times, but I still think its fly weird to ship her with her classmates lol
Favorite relationship: I rly like thinking abt her and Imposter interacting during the post game.... I feel like they have a surprising amount of similarities, and I think it'd be rly interesting to see them interact more
Favorite headcanon: I don't think I could ever chose a favorite, but I rly like my hc that she can really hold a fucking grudge
First Impression: she seems nice, but eh I don't rly care
Impression now: yes!!!! I adore you!!!!! You may not be one of my top favorites, but I love you a a lot still :]
Favorite moment: hmmmm..... Idk? Its been a while since I've gone through dr1, so Im struggling to pull up any specific moments from my memory, sorry.
Idea for a story: *looks at my Chihiro time loop au*
Unpopular opinion: I rly rly hate the "Mondo and Taka are Chihiro's dad!" Thing the fandom does. Ive ranted abt this before, but shes not a fucking baby and I hate hate HATE people who treat her like one.
Favorite relationship: I rly like the idea of her and Makoto being besties!!! Also, I like thinking abt her hanging out with Kyoko and Sakura a lot too.
Favorite headcanon: this is a bit of a basic one, but I like to think that shes very playfully mean with close friends
First Impression: oh hi you exist
Impression now: oh hi you exist except now I find you more interesting even if I don't fully get your character
Favorite moment: again, idk sorry.
Idea for a story: Im a big sucker for ultimate despair shit, so I think I'd like to see something abt how she set up the despairs to be able to keep things moving while she was stuck in the school, or maybe even something that ignores canon and explores alternatives to that.
Unpopular opinion: I think that people tend to tackle non despair au Junko's wrong? I don't rly know how to explain it properly, but I feel like people tend to just replace her with a new toned down character instead of actually trying to think through what shed be like if things had turned out differently.
Favorite relationship: uhhh Ive seen some fanon dynamics with her and Izuru that I think are fun, but within canon I don't rly care much about any.
Favorite headcanon: Im drawing a bit of a blank rn sorry shdjsjdh
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officialkendallroy · 5 years
hiya! I hope you’re doing well today 🥰 and yeah whatever or whenever you’re comfortable with it you can always rant to me it’s never annoying! idc if it’s even just you ranting about what you had to eat lmao I hope you’re excited for adore you coming out tonight! I can’t wait to see that the rest of the video and snippet have in store for us! (btw love that for your mom) and did you see harry’s poster today and then his pearls? he’s so beautiful and soft 💕 much love — 🎅✨
hello honey 💛 I'll rant as much as you want if you let me BE AWARE! i had quite the lovely soup today for dinner, it was really good and tasty, my mom really went there and did that! sjdgsjsg im also obsessively trying to figure out what to get my brother for christmas, like he already has my presents and i didn't even really start thinking about it. i hate that so much, im so bad with that type of stuff sjdhdjs and i need to get something for my friend from uni and i wanna leave an impression but i only know her for like a month so jdhdsjdgdh it's so hard and i never know what to get ughhhh SJSHSJSHSJ this is so boring im so sorry i was just thinking about it!!!
Im so late answering this bc I think you're definitely not from my time zone but AHHHHH ADORE YOU IS SO WONDERFUL!!! it's so groovy and it makes you wanna dance and shake your lil booty and !!! can't wait to hear it live next year. it's such a lovely tune, im :') <3 and those pics of him at graham norton OHHHH HE LOOKS SO GOOD!! the entire outfit is so good and the necklace is so pretty 🥺 he looks so happy and im!!! so!!! blessed!!!
anyways enough yelling about harold, i hope you're doing alright, love you lots 🌼💛💫
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