#im taking lunch (
hinamie · 4 months
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off on an adventure ! this au turns 1 week old today
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
pose ref [x]
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deanmarywinchester · 1 year
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i like this substack article I found while googling jamie loftus’s book on hotdogs. it’s like a poem on the subject of “you can do whatever you want forever” to me
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britcision · 2 years
Okay but listen
The Ghost Zone is vast
Infinite one might say
Almost none of its residents met their new King before he was crowned
So like 99.9% of all the ghosts are very respectful of young King Phantom, he’s done great things, saved us from Pariah, 10/10 would crown
The remaining 0.1% is Danny’s Entire Rogue Gallery
And some of ‘em, some of the less common ones aren’t really sure where they stand now, so they won’t give him a reason to fuck them up
The others? Like Johnny and Ember and Technus and Youngblood and Wulf?
That’s their fucking Babypop
King Babypop if he whines but they’ve known him waaaay too long to give a shit if he’s the king
What I’m saying is the Justice League somehow get to the court of the Ghost King to ask him for something, it’s extremely impressive
The buildings are magnificent, the ghosts are their weird and wonderful selves, and every single one of them speaks of their new liege with wonder and appreciation
They make their way to the throne, he looks young but regal with a blazing blue crown on his head and a council of obviously very powerful beings at his sides
Beside the throne is just a fucking brick shit house in plate-mail with a massive sword ready to cut them down if they breathe wrong to the king
The hall falls to respectful silence when this young king speaks
And then half way through the meeting a fucking rockstar with flaming blue hair leaps in through the window and tackles the king straight outta his chair
This very dignified regal figure they’ve been negotiating with (he’s heard of them, he’s been very accommodating and seems to really want to help) is Under Attack
Is it a coup??? His knight hasn’t even moved, the council just continue on as if nothing’s happening, the king is wrassling like a puppy with another ghost who looks about the same age, both screaming profanity
Before the league can decide to get involved, King Danny gets a foot on Ember’s chest, punts her across the room, screams after her that no one can hear you sing in Soup Jail, and returns to the table
“Any way we can add a music deal to this package?”
Ember takes a seat at the table like nothing happened, she’s clearly not supposed to be part of the proceedings but she’s here now and she’s into it
And about two hours later it fucking happens AGAIN cuz Kitty comes barrelling in through the door and goes for Danny’s throat, once again no one else moves except Ember, who fucking dives right in and screams at Kitty for fucking up her new recording deal
(There’s also shit like “defeat Apokolips, defend the Earth, seal Darkseid in a jam jar or whatever” on the table but Ember only cares about one thing)
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The ''Are you trying to romance me?'' meme but with Barnaby and Howdy
i belted this out in like a half hour flat <3 bc Yes
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shikisei · 8 months
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shadows of our former selves
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mynqzo · 2 years
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more of ianthe,,,,im a lil obsessed
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abrahamvanhelsings · 6 months
crozier being kidnapped and telling goodsir not to worry because edward will be there on the morrow, completely sure of it, like it's inevitable. edward in fact immediately going to rally the men to get crozier back and finding they held a vote without him and it's been decided they'll leave without crozier (and without the sick). edward having the choice between being left alone with no chance at crozier's rescue or his own survival, or taking up his duty and leading the men onward. crozier in hickey's camp believing in edward's sense of loyalty and edward not showing up, not knowing how edward fought for him. crozier showing up at the final camp seeing edward mutilated but alive like he told him to, only to die. thinking about edward's absolute sense of loyalty to his captain and duty towards the men tearing him apart and it never saves anyone
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ubtendo · 8 days
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Jornir 💕💖💖💞💖💞💖💞💖💖💕💕💖💖
His shapes were actually really fun to figure out but those details have me dead
If I ever draw him again all the runes and pelt marks are getting lost, I'm not doing this again
Aaaand now I can start getting back to those art requests (or maybe tomorrow) (or maybe sunday)
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
Jazz becoming the next big Gothem villain is such a solid concept. Theres so much to explore.
She targets corrupt mental institutions. Corrupt companies who destroy their workers state of mind so they wont quit. She attacks landlords who make it impossible for people to live comfortably.
She is the staple anti-hero of anyone struggling to get back on their feet. People should have to work three jobs just to afford a crappy one bedroom, no utilities, half bath, in crime alley apartment, with a roommate.
Shelters should be aiming to gain a profit instead of using the donations to support others.
She is tired of these big name heros leaving children to clean up messes. She has watcher her own brother wither away to a shell of his former self trying to make a change and she is sick of it. Hell she herself is a child but if this is what it takes, then this is what it takes.
Enter from the left The Manipulator™️
Feared by all corrupt. People think she has mind control or something. When she targets someone they make almost a full 180 in their ways. “She will do anything to get her way or to make people into what she thinks they should be. And she mist be stopped” cries big business.
In reality she is the worlds best damn psychiatrist ever to be known. She doesn’t force anyone to change but gives them the choice to be better. To see how much more they can be. And it terrifies them. Helps them find themselves again and to move past their troubling pasts. No force and no mind control. No manipulating. No one but those who she has helped know the truth but when they tell the truth it only fuels the fire of her being controlling.
Theres one thing also fuelling the flames of mind control. Thats the fact that every single major hero to go after her can’t. Any who approach her find themselves no long near her. Superman just wants to talk, well she doesn’t, and he is then back in his city?!? Batman is stalking her to figure out how to deal with her but once he gets too close he suddenly finds himself in the batcave?
At first they think it’s teleportation but time is passing? Theres video feed and tracking of no they just went back themselves. No response from them the whole trip. As if possessed. (Lmao it’s just good brother danny pranking his sis a little by making her seem all powerful but also protecting her anyway he can. Or could be Dan instead)
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flygefisk · 4 months
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✨ commission flash sale 2!!! ✨ done, thank you!
i'm looking to take on two quick comms for 25$-ish. 25 can get you a lot of things, turns out! i am pretty flexible but here are a few things i can offer you for the low low price of 25$:
one color half/fullbody piece, depending on complexity!
two my little pony character designs! (including redesigning a fr dragon or other character as a pony!)
three color busts!
three color minis! (complex designs will be simplified)
i would greatly prefer to take just one order for the full 25 but i can also do 2-3 smaller orders. turnaround should be 1-2 days at most. dm me here or on fr at kender #14538 if interested!
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officialkendallroy · 23 days
season 3 of the bear is so annoying because carmy is just stripped off of all personality and they keep pushing claire down our throats even though literally no one asked for more molly gordon screen time. but at the same time there's some really great episodes (the one about tina and the one about natalie giving birth) and it's so frustrating. and when the show actually tries to be funny it's just down right annoying and stupid (that john cena cameo). it's still a good show but they don't know what to do now that damn restaurant is open 😭
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faunandfloraas · 5 months
It is kinda funny seeing people talk about Seungmin lately because he definitely has gotten more bold and confident for sure. He's also just getting opportunities to be perceived as an individual on his own as well for the first time in a while but it's still jarring to see people be like Aw he was always such a quiet goodie two shoes little nerd and it's like...... he was the one to leave and seek out his own vocal coach and blatantly talk about it, which of course lead to I.N and Lee Know also doing the same, he was the one to go on bubble and tell off sasaengs who used to camp outside their old dorm for invading members privacy but also because it effected other residents and staff at the complex, something that i'm certain upper management wouldnt have been happy about, and he wasn't curt or nice about it either. like he's never actually been a wallflower, he's always had a pretty strong backbone and seems to stick to his principals, its not really new.
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ruushes · 1 year
(seeing astarion up ahead) alright time to make a good first impression (immediately and unquestioningly falls for his obvious ruse and rolls a natural 1 to escape)
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
Oh my darling, Your laughter feels like home.
I feel it reverberate deep inside my chest where my insecurities used to lie.
How many years have I spent drowning? Siphoning water fruitlessly through my gils, only to learn that when I breathe you in, it is lungs that blaze with life.
Your words... the cadence of your voice, the earnestness of your passion...I feel it, like the blood in my veins, rushing to keep my heart from ceasing to beat. I feel every enunciation like a stamp, temporarily branding me with your thoughts, your fears, your loves...
It's so easy to fall into step with you... back and forth we go, bouncing one thing after the next off of each other-- two poets weaving threads of wonder into an elaborate tapestry of words.
"I long for you," every moment we're apart is an uncomfortably lacking statement. The sentiment is apt, but lacks the intensity at which I pine for every instant we share.
The numbness of being not quite right has left me cold for so long, and yet you ignite in me an inferno of acceptance and affirmation that has transformed me. I am no longer the cracked shell I once was-- nay, I am a shining entity of love and awe that blossoms in the wake of your brilliance. The pattern of your heartbeat, the warmth of your skin, the thirst quenching taste of your breathe mingling with mine...I am not myself without you Edward. I pray that you do not linger for longer than necessary-- for your absence has left me bereft.
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lordartsy · 3 months
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Recently sold these little things at a school event 🎵
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(I did not make back my money ✌️)
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actualbird · 6 months
beware cuz tw disordered eating, tw smoking addiction posting ahead but like.....
the thing about smoking vs eating is that. smoking is SO MUCH EASIER TO DO.
eating has so many steps. make food (AUGH), put food on plate, sit down and focus to eat food, food enters mouth, must chew, must swallow, must ignore constant low-level nausea to keep food down, repeat until food on the plate is gone. currently im so low-energy and fatigued that this whole process of eating is exhausting to me, and at the end of it i get a tummy ache anyway and risk vomiting all of it out, so theres always a risk of all that hard work (it is...objectively not hard work, i know, but right now in my Mental State it feels like climbing a mountain every time i have a meal) being all for naught.
meanwhile the steps for smoking are Marginally Much Less. it's: get cigarette, light cigarette, inhale, exhale, repeat until cigarette is done. and usually once im done, i wont feel hungry for another half hour because nicotine does that to me.
but it's short-term benefits vs long-term benefits because obviously after enough cigarettes-instead-of-eating, the effects of Not Having Eaten And Smoking Instead stack up to hit me with one hell of a whammy of acidity and Even More Nausea and like
i am Well Aware im trapping myself in a cycle of self-destruction every time i reach for a cig instead of sitting down and eating but smoking is just. easier. and it relaxes me instead of stressing me out, and eating sometimes does stress me out because of the amount of work and focus it involves
this is all horrible by the way, im not endorsing this behavior im just airing out my thoughts. in fact, i am a case study in all the things you should Not be doing to your body
but addiction is just a really crazy thing lmao. like what the fuck do you mean i prefer killing myself slowly rather than having a filling meal. thats crazy. no sane person would have those priorities in that order
and yet
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