#this is sort of a repost dw
flygefisk · 4 months
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✨ commission flash sale 2!!! ✨ done, thank you!
i'm looking to take on two quick comms for 25$-ish. 25 can get you a lot of things, turns out! i am pretty flexible but here are a few things i can offer you for the low low price of 25$:
one color half/fullbody piece, depending on complexity!
two my little pony character designs! (including redesigning a fr dragon or other character as a pony!)
three color busts!
three color minis! (complex designs will be simplified)
i would greatly prefer to take just one order for the full 25 but i can also do 2-3 smaller orders. turnaround should be 1-2 days at most. dm me here or on fr at kender #14538 if interested!
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comet-forgot-you · 9 months
love power bottom river but now we need power bottom amber 🙏🏻🙏🏻
power-bottom!amber freeman x reader
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summary: you and amber almost get caught
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, oral, fingering, power bottom amber, almost get caught but they don't dw, all characters are over the age of 18, i think thats all
a/n: i missed writing for amber :(( do not repost for any reason
no strings attached.
you had to remind yourself of that every single time you found yourself caught up in your current position. on your knees, giving amber freeman head in the locker room.
it was a predicament you had been finding yourself in a lot lately. in the middle of the night, in the middle of classes, and even now, in the middle of a fucking pep rally where the entire school was just down the hall. it was electrifying, really. the thought that you two could get caught at any given point, it only turned you on more.
amber tangles her fingers in your hair, tugging you closer to her soaking cunt. "keep makin' me feel good," she mutters. loud music blasts from the gym, cheers erupting from the over-hyped crowd. you circle her clit with your tongue, flattening it against the nub, a groan vibrating from your throat.
you grab onto her pale thighs for some sort of extra support, trying desperately to get yourself impossibly closer to her warm cunt. you knead at the flesh beneath your fingertips, sucking rhythmically on her pulsing clit. you place one of her thighs on your shoulder, allowing yourself more access to her cunt. your knees ached, the cold, tiled floor digging into them.
"yeah, fuck, just like that," she mumbles, bucking her hips into your warm mouth. you smile against her cunt, prodding at her soaking entrance with your finger. she lets out a moan, biting her bottom lip to quiet herself. you sink two fingers in, curling them like you know she likes it.
her back arches off of the cool metal of the lockers, her clit pulsing erratically on your tongue. her walls squeeze your fingers as you scissor them in and out of her. the music in the gym gets louder, the sound of a slamming, metal door sounding from the hallway. amber's eyes widen, shooting to the wooden door. she glances down at you, heat flooding her body. she was so close, but the thought of getting caught with you buried between her thighs had her anxiety rising.
"fuck," she tries to pry her leg off of your shoulder, but your firm grip on her thigh stops her. "y/n, we're gonna get caught," she whisper yells, trying desperately to get herself out of your hold. she whines when you pull yourself off of her clit with a pop.
"showers," you mutter, too focused on making her finish to care about getting caught, but you knew amber would never let you eat her out again if you got caught, so you opted to place yourselves in a less revealing area. you let go of amber's thigh, pulling her pants up the best you could before getting off of the floor and rushing the both of you to the concealed showers. you close the curtain before your back in your previous position, dragging her jeans down as you dropped to your knees.
"Y/n" she hisses the second your warm mouth meets her clit again. you look up at her through your eyelashes. you're far too gone, drunk on the taste of her pussy and getting her off to care about what could happen.
"better stay quiet then, hm?" you mumble, diving back in to continue your ministrations. the door to the locker room opens, the sounds of footsteps walking towards the lockers. amber covers her mouth with the palm of her hand.
"why didn't you change before the pep rally?" a voice mutters. you flatten your tongue against amber's clit, finger sinking back into her cunt.
"i didn't have time, besides, i don't want to be in this stupid ass mascot costume more than i have to," amber looks down at you, tugging your hair. she moves her hand away the second your movements on her cunt stop.
"don't you dare stop," she mouths, jaw clenching. if you weren't going to stop when someone came in, you definitely weren't going to stop now. you nod, curling your fingers to hit the spongey spot she loves so much. her head falls back, resting against the cool shower walls.
it feels like hours had passed by the time the two that interrupted the two of you leave, and the second the wooden door slams shut, amber's coming undone on your fingers, moans muffled in the palm of her hand.
"so fucking persistent," she mumbles, panting as she comes down from her high.
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isackwhy · 5 months
my time to shine.
isaacwhy sfw hc’s!!!
i fully believe this man is terrified to flirt
like i blame all the homeschooling he’s so sociable normally but just buckles up w flirting
unless he’s drunk
so w that i think he’d easily fall for a best friend
someone he gets more comfortable with but also more head over heels for
kinda makes it easier to flirt in the long run tbh
okay enough i’m too high i’m going too in depth w that LOL
even after you guys start dating he gets ten times bolder when he’s drunk
that’ll be more detailed in nsfw dw dw
loves play wrestling w you
like no matter or tall or body type this man will try and gently body slam you onto a bean bag
does that fake punching shit w the “ugh! agh!” noises behind you when ur editing or cooking or looking at something in the store
also bluetooth humps u
it’s embarrassing the amount of times he’s done it in the middle of target and people have spotted it as you swat him away
isaac laughs everytime as soon as they’re gone while u just sulk
here’s a quick take: if ur both content creators and known best friends when u start dating, i feel like at some point one of y’all would let it slip OR u drop one too many hits and the ppl catch on
y’all would want it to be private but not like secret. u would mention that u arent single every so often and he’d slip into a podcast one day but never directly state it
until a slip up on stream when u we’re playing a horror game and he came into your room to scare you
you yelped, headphones falling off
once your heart stops beating you let out a whined, “babeeeee….”
he stops laughing first
it’s only then u realize what u did
and then boom everyone knew
he posted a lot of pics of u before but now he’s reposting ur ig posts to his stories. posting selfies of u two on his story. (w his face covered ofc)
nsfw hc’s now >:)
i remember vividly during one of the podcasts that willy said isaac is the freakiest. it was under his breath and i remember isaac just going “wha—“ BUT I REMEMBER IT
w that said…..choking, a mix of praise and degradation, marking you….like he goes IN w that
he’s like got your legs in the air doing what he has to do with his hand around your neck, curls slightly sweaty, toned abs shining under the light
“you’re doing so fucking good baby. you like this? you like the world knowing you’re a good slut?”
EEP okay
the next day your whole neck is purple. his back and biceps are scratched up and u are being bullied by your friends
“they’re mad they didn’t get laid last night!” isaac yells
after u guys announce ur dating and someone even spots what could be a hickey on ur neck it floods into the chat and thank god for ur mods bc u are not addressing how ur bf was pounding ur shit and then went to play clash of clans after
now….when he’s drunk.
he had just filmed that drunk lethal company video w yumi and larry
downed far too many shots of vodka
he gets up and plops onto the bed, wrapping his arm around your waist
“you okay there?” you laugh, moving some of his curls so u can see his face
his eyes are glazed over but a goofy smile works it’s way across his face
next thing your know he’s inching towards your thighs, kissing them and then trying to separate them to get to your core
“isy. you’re drunk.”
“hmmm? i think i’m still sober enough to make you cum.”
“hmph no. you’re drunk.”
he pouts and climbs on top of you
he leans down and rests kisses all over ur face, trailing to your neck, whispering ‘please’ between every kiss
“no. when ur sober” you push him away with a laugh
he gives in, very excited to wake up sober
as soon as your eyes flutter open there’s kisses along your jawline and a wide eyed isaac in your face
“i’m sober.”
but when you’re BOTH like any sort of intoxicated
by golly
it’s very rare you two find yourselves at a party but when you do and you’re both taking shots and then running to the sesh circle and then getting more shots
first, you’re holding onto each other so you don’t fall
second, your hands are all over his biceps while his keep trailing under your shirt or around your stomach
ur walking around to find nick. the only one who didn’t drink. because you guys are impatient and like need each other like now
he takes you guys back to the house and goes back to keep an eye on the other guys
meaning. y’all have the house to ur selves
lord do u take that to ur advantage
you don’t even make it to the bedroom. you stumble into the living room and before the front door is even closed your lips are attached to his
you’re both stumbling as you kiss until the back of your legs hit the couch and he falls on top to you
“i was so very tempted to just fuck you in the bathroom of that house,” you laugh between kisses, words slurred with adrenaline and alcohol
“well—now—weee have the house to ourselves,” isaac slurs as well, his hands sliding down your bottoms and pulling them and your underwear down swiftly
“nuh uh! you too mister!” you giggle as you drunkenly tug at his pants
he complies ofc duh
lots of drunk mumbles of i love you are exchanged. his head in the crook of your neck as you fuck on his couch 🫡
he’s whines a lot more when he’s drunk too like he whines when he’s sober but it gets louder when he’s drunk and u love it sm omfg
i barely write for nsfw so if it’s ASS i apologize
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uwutimestwo-art · 3 months
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man people joke but skz family really is my roman empire i think about them all the time
just havin some fun with watercolours lately, been realizing that i hate being a consistent instagram artist and really i just wanna do conventions and hang out T^T dw i'll still post but dont expect any sort of schedule lol
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
commissions closed | pls dont repost
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citrinitxs · 1 day
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NAME: Navina! However, people call me by different nicknames and alias/es, such as Navi, Nav, menace (/aff), and even by my anon alias, ✨!
PRONOUNS: they/them!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr asks & dms, but if we're friends/mutuals and we can vibe, then discord <3
NAME OF MUSE(s): main muses are albedo, kaedehara kazuha, alice! The rest that arent my mains are on my carrd, which you can check because Im too lazy to list them all out
BEST EXPERIENCE: personally, I think my best has been w/ meeting new people and discovering what they like from our muse dynamics. I absolutely love talking abt how they may act and how, in certain verse/s and plot points, their relationship develops. I have a particular fondness for those who are doomed by narratives to only say "fuck you" and REWRITE the damn thing themselves... or just be tragic for the sake of the majority <3
- no communication. I refuse to tolerate people who can't communicate how they feel with me, especially if I did something they don't like. got an issue? talk to me! I promise you, I will be more supportive and willing than me finding out you talked shit about my style, muses, or me in general.
- acting/proclaiming we're exclusives WITHOUT my prior knowledge NOR consent. I personally am not interested in being exclusive with people unless we're genuinely close friends (and there's chemistry for our muses to the point I can see it), and even then, I would prefer if we talked about it and we're both FINE with the idea. However, if you say that I'm ONLY allowed to speak/interact with your muse and NO ONE ELSE'S? That's a hard block. This is an auto block if we are not mutuals and you proclaim I am exclusive with your muse.
- romanticizing dark themes and/or glorifying it. Enough said. I have some issues that I refuse to talk about and I am also sensitive with certain topics, and I refuse to glorify anything that can be considered dark. I may tackle on it sometimes (be it by muses, myself, etc.), but if you romanticize or glorify themes like sexual assault/harassment, incest, and the sort? Instant deal breaker. "Don't speak to me again" type of deal breaker. Don't test my patience. (bonus is if you try to defend it. You will be blocked the moment you try, so don't bother.)
MUSE PREFERENCES: characters that have genuine potential and dynamic where you can just see how fucked they can be, how you can make each other worse, how they can be each others' star-crossed lovers and forever in tragedy. They can literally be the most normal couple to exist or something, just so as long there's chemistry & where we can channel our inner conflict together for them to conquer! (Bonus points if they're ALSO a doomed by the narrative character. dw bestie, we'll redeem them ourselves...... after they go through hell and back ofc LMAO)
PLOTS OR MEMES:  BOTH AND I'LL DIE ON THIS HILL. Listen, plots fit a LOT for me because then, we can plan out how our characters may act + make it easier. It's also long-term for me, esp for ships and muses I'm interested depending on the fandom. Memes, however, are good pick me ups because I will send them en masse. Woe, meme be upon ye, y'know?
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Ok, both (for my rp partners), BUT not 1 sentence short. Please add depth. If you need the minimum, 3 to 5 sentences is good! Just go wild! I personally write a lot because ranting abt things have me hyped, so expect like. maybe? 3 paras? probably 4 or 5? Just medium length rlly, but if I am EXTREMELY hyperfixated on a verse/muse/plot/dynamic...... yeah gl LMAOOOOO
BEST TIME TO WRITE: goddamn, it's when my brain can focus. it can be late as fuck and I would be too into writing to sleep, and sometimes, its IN THE MORNING. LIKE. HELLO? so yeah what's time actually. (/silly)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): In my personal opinion? Not really (esp not Albedo lmao??) but. apparently my friends think. that I do?? honestly ask thea and a few of my mutuals, they'll answer this better than I can tbh
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TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM: @glacialswordsman & @poswiecenia (lmao hi I live in ur notif walls <3) TAGGING: @vagrantshiraeth ; @amemoire ; @constarellations @lorendiel ; @livingakasha ; @bloodied-bets ; @ anyone else (hi I will live in ur walls soon, move over /j)
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nian-7 · 10 months
Helloooo I saw you have request open and after I get the courage for make a request I want to know if I can request of tsukasa tenma whit a reader fem , whit 🌻. 🌼 and 💗 sorry if I am weird I just love him so much 😭
Feel free to ignore
All night radio sukoshi noizu aru neiro
Sore mo aji atte ii desho marude kasuka na shiosai
All night radio saikou no nakama iru suteishon
Kokkara boku no koe konya mo yami ni hana sakasu
you're not weird at all, dw! also i love all night radio!!
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Tsukasa Tenma x fem!reader
✧🌻, 🌼, 💗
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🌻 - how do they feel about marriage?
-Tsukasa would love to marry you when the time is right. He'd love to see you in a pretty wedding dress (or whatever you'd prefer to wear!) walking down the aisle towards him.
-It'd be a very fun and likely not as 'traditional' kind of wedding but it'd still be a special day for the both of you!
-He does think that he'd like to be out of school for a little bit before you both in fact decide to do something so big. He's sure he won't make a mistake either seeing as he'd have known you for a while at that point as his lovely girlfriend.
🌼 - how do they feel about having children?
-When you both are in a financially good spot, he wouldn't mind it at all. He'd like to get married before you both try to take on another human to raise.
-He loves kids and so he would enjoy raising one along side you! Just as long as you both agree on it because he'd never want to force you into having a child just because he'd like to have one.
-He'd be super excited once you tell him you'd like to have a child! Whether it be through adoption, having it yourself, or through any other means. Tsukasa would be happy to start a family with you.
💗 - how do they playfully show affection?
-Kissing your face when he wants you to playfully kiss the same spot on his face back. It always ends up with you two giggling together as you're trying to now kiss his face before he gets yours.
-He also really likes to tickle you out of the blue. You could be cuddling nicely and suddenly you're being tickled! He's just hoping that you're ticklish enough to get some sort of reaction when he does it.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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crowleys-hips · 2 months
2, 10, 22 and 24 for the ask game! Hope you're having a good day 💙
elloo thank youu i hope you're having a good day too 🐍
2. What was it that drew you to Good Omens, and what was it that sucked you into the fandom?
*breaks down sobbing lungs burning chest contracting heaving shuddering gasping for breath mascara running down my cheeks snot dripping from my nose* ahem sorry needed a little moment of drama it's all cool now dw about me im absolutely hella gucci never been better 😎 anyway where were we oh yea
when i was a teen i used to sort of like this one author but i can't remember the name for some reason, i just kinda remember picking up literally every single thing of his i could get my hands on, i mean, super casually, i wasn't obsessed or anything. and so i saw his name on the title, saw it had a demon and an angel and something about Armageddon and then i blinked and had somehow consumed the whole thing.
then flash forward to 2019, i see ohh they made a series of that one book i kinda sorta very casually liked a normal amount. and then i shrugged and never watched it bc they didn't look the way they had looked in my head and i had a Very Serious Issue w that apparently. then last year i got covid and i was really bored and i didn't know what to watch and i came across that one show tumblr was losing their minds about for some reason, so i went ugh fine i'll watch it. and then i relived the worst heartbreak of my whole life through a much more brutal dramatization and i was left in pieces, clutching my chest, crying on the floor, begging the universe for mercy. so naturally, like a very normal person, i went, "damn i need to watch this whole thing again 10 thousand more times until i memorize the dialogue word for word" and came on tumblr to scream into the void about it. and so here i am, continuing the lovely tradition of breaking hearts with unhinged poems and occasionally making memes friends will later find reposted on pinterest and instagram 🤡
10. What traits do you share with Crowley?
Yes well first the dumbassery and the unfortunate habit of shooting myself in the foot, le dépression, constantly in alert mode, cant for the life of me ever sit like a normal person, sunglasses out in public always bc my vampire ass is allergic to light, clothing only exists in black, antes muerto que sencillo ✨ (sooner dead than a simple hoe) flash bastard, blasting Queen, horrible plant dad, former raging alcoholic, Aziraphalesexual, drama queen, in fucking pieces 🪦
22. Bildad The Shuhite: hot or not?
look i can see the appeal, but personally i wouldn't fuck him
24. Who would you choose to run off to Centauri with?
you guys keep asking me this as if i even know other people lmao anyway. my answer is still: a copy of The Awakening by Kate Chopin. iykyk 🖤 if not and you wish to find out, get tissues
thanks for the asksss! this was fun to write lmao
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the-4l73rn4t1v3 · 2 years
You know I never got to introduce myself really so I'm gonna do that now
My name's Alternative [ Or Alt ]
I am non-binary and go by They - Them [ He/Him is fine though so dw if ya mess up :) ]
I am a big fan of games/fandoms such as Doors, JSAB, TBOI, HK, Project Arythmia, Bugsnax, Trollge(a little bit), Alan Beckers A.V.A / A.V.M, Minecraft, a little bit of GD, and as of recently, Pizza Tower!
There's other fandoms I'm into aswell but then I'd be going on forever
I don't have any real triggers of sorts, just don't be mean to me or anyone that reposts my stuff and we'll be cool
I do mostly creat doors type things here but I'll also at times just repost a few things and create drawings of my own OC's and representation of myself!!
I can't really draw alot of animal related things just yet as well as big things of armor or just anything complex in general but if the time comes I'll do my best!
That's all I really have to say about me so just enjoy what my Roblox fella looks like aswell as what I represent myself as
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mydaroga · 2 years
Hello! I had some thoughts on your post about fandom behavior. First of all, the scold-posting/vague-posting is totally something I've noticed as well and I do find it irritating. Unfortunately, I think there is always going to be a strong undercurrent of bitchiness in this fandom for few reasons:
Beatle fans have always been extremely tribal and decades of divisive media narratives have only caused this kind of behavior to become more entrenched. Add this dynamic to already tribal nature of online spaces and it's very easy for the vibe to turn toxic.
Everyone uses tumblr for different reasons so all of our different goals/agendas/preferences will never align. And since this is such a passionate fandom it's easy for us to get swept up in our feelings and forget that even though we all have a common thread that ties us together we are not all here for the same purpose.
There is a wide range of ages involved in the fandom so there is going to be a wide range of reactions to posts, people, behaviors, themes etc, based on where everyone is on this journey we call life.
All of this to say… yes, in a perfect world this could be a positive, encouraging community where together we could all celebrate our favorites, learn new things, and engage in thoughtful discussion. However, I just don't see that as a viable possibility due to the nature of the subject matter. I think the best we can do is try to curate our tumblr experience to meet our goals and preferences and just accept that there will be others out there that don’t like what we have to say. So if you want your blog to be a place where open discussion is welcome then lead by example and make it clear that is you're here for (which I think you’ve done a great job with btw). But don't waste your time trying to win the hearts and minds of people who are just here to be condescending or spread negativity or who simply have an agenda that diverges from what you're trying to do. If they're not adding anything useful to the conversation then just ignore them. Just let them pass by you and keep doing your thing. Eventually you will find your happy place. <3
ps. I say this with love and as someone who wants you to have the best fandom experience you can have, so I hope this doesn't come across as me trying to dismiss your concerns. I also struggle sometimes to not take things personally, or wonder where I fit in or who "my people" are, so all of this is just me sharing some thoughts on how I've navigated these issues.
pps. feel free not to repost, thoughts can just be for you
Thanks so much for your viewpoint. I am going to post this, because I do think it contributes to the conversation and you make a lot of important points. I don't fully agree with all of them, or with the foregone conclusion that all Beatles fandoms are going to be toxic (I know some that are NOTHING like this actually), but I do think curating your own experience and carving out a little world for yourself is super important. I *do* think I already mentioned that it's more difficult here because of the tiny size of the fandom, and one other thing:
Tumblr is notoriously bad for community, which was sort of initially the point, and the way it is structured makes it far less easy to just ignore the things that bother you, because once you post you have no control and what posts you see are only marginally controlled by you. I think that is far more of a factor than the age of participants or the subject matter. Lots of Beatles fans get along just fine, and I don't see any patterns here in terms of the ages I know about. But I do think that the way tumblr encourages a specific type of gotcha! engagement, discourages actual threaded discussion, and makes interaction a crapshoot is a huge part of this. (So I suppose the advice to me is: get off Tumblr! Which I did. For over ten years. If DW was still a thing I'd be there. But I also think that what I have found here is worth it.)
I also just wanted to point out that while your advice is appreciated, my post was actually in response to a question I got, in reference to my reply to another tumblr user's concerns about the fandom. My intent was not to log a complaint on my own behalf, but to clarify my observations when prompted. I appreciate people being willing to voice those concerns and while I doubt it will lead to any actual change, there's always a chance that recognizing something will lead people to be more mindful of it so I wanted to validate that conversation. At the same time, I also think your experience and navigation of this are useful for myself and possibly other people, so thank you for taking the time and care! I really appreciate you wanting me to have a good experience! I want as many people as possible to, as well!
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yuuana · 4 months
Music Monday #250: SUGIZO - Raummusik release: December 2016 genre: Techno, Ambient cw: flashing, light flares
I've been feeling shitty and thought reposting some of my early picks would be a way to keep the series alive on really bad days … only to discover that when I started this series (in May of 2017!), I didn't really do anything except post a pick. My how things have evolved since then! XD
So yes, my very first ever Music Monday selection was neither Korean nor pop music (exactly). Guitarist, violinist, composer, producer, singer, horrible dancer, and all around angelic being Sugizo has been a consistent fav for decades now (I remember when his daughter was born; she's got a college degree now), so when he released Oto back in 2016, I was a very happy jagu. Oto was another exploration of ambient and more European trance styles (as opposed to the rock music he makes with Luna Sea, X Japan, and now The Last Rockstars), which is, to be honest, a big reason why I picked Raummusik to start my series of shares - Oto was something different and wasn't getting the attention I felt it deserved in the VK circles I was in.
Raummusik (German, literally "room music") is a chill, strum and bass ambient vibe check of a track. It's more about creating a vibe and even the vocal layers are treated more like instruments than discrete lyrics. The video leans into this as well, as a combination of performance - we get to see Sugizo's hands as he plays guitar and fiddles with levels - and visualizer. The light effects wash out the video at repeated intervals, though the overall contrasts are fairly muted, but it's the sort of video that's easy to put on and then walk away from.
After some early rounds of licensing issues, Oto should now be up for streaming on at least the major streaming services, along with some of Sugizo's other releases over the years. Unfortunately, the original album is now out of print, though it may be findable in the secondary market if one is very lucky and patient.
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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draw-you-coward · 3 years
design a character
so i was super inspired by @commander-triangle‘s design a character thing he did! i thought it looked super fun and was a great creative idea. so because i have been Inspired by looking at people’s dnd characters and need drawing inspo i thought i’d give it a try for practice! it’s going to be very similar to the original but i don’t want to limit it to gw2 plus i haven’t opened the game in months ahaha
so! here are the rules:
1st reply: Race and body type
including things like tieflings and aasimars and elves and all that !! but of course gw2 races too! beware if u pick charr asbdksjfdsjfj
2nd reply: Gender and presentation
so for ex roza would be “nonbinary he/him, gnc”. do they have a more masculine or feminine lean? neither? both? idk!
3rd reply: Class
go wild with this and be as specific as you like! are they a mesmer who uses teardrops as their shatter? are they a blood mage who brings all the dragon age templars to the yard?
4th reply: Colour scheme
this could be funny. again, go wild if you want!
5th reply: Clothing
you can link to a pinterest board or outfit or smth if u want asbdfksjfj or just ramble if ur into it! i have absolutely no eye for outfit design so i need all the help i can get
6th reply: Personality
do they have an attitude? are they threatening? charming? flirtatious? slutty? this will likely determine pose and expression!
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dontsh0vethesun · 3 years
put my name at the top of your list - N.R.
(Part of my Red (Taylor's Version) fics)
Song - The Last Time
Pairing - Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary - You and Natasha have been in a secret relationship and though you're exclusive to one another, you've not made it official. You can't help but think maybe her feelings don't mirror yours or she's ashamed of you, this is the last time you're giving her the choice to pick you.
Warnings - Relationship angst and the mildest smut BUT there is a happy ending dw
Word Count - 2575
A/N - i really like this one so i hope you enjoy!! also i am reposting this as last time it got stuck on 12 notes due to a glitch but tumblr have sorted it out :)
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Natasha's arms around you felt right, the way she held you flush against her body with her fingers stroking through your hair and the gentle beating of her heart beneath where you lay your head.
Yet, the comfort and security you felt from her physically could not be replicated emotionally; the sex and the sneaking around was great but not being sure of where you stood with her was eating away at you. For you it was easy to fall in love with her, it happened some months ago and you let the warm feeling take over but you kept it hidden for fear of scaring her away - you'd rather have her like this than not at all... right?
So as you lay in her bed, like you have done most nights for the past six months, her arms hugging you close almost felt suffocating as your thoughts ran rampant. Thoughts of you and her, the idea that these secretive trysts may be all you'll ever have. The way your love for her is beginning to feel like poison, acidic in your throat as you choke it down. The thought was nauseating, ice cold in your veins when you realised this is it, you can't suffer this way anymore - she either loves you now or she never will.
"What's going on in here?" She spoke, voice only a little more than a whisper as her finger tapped the side of your head. Of course she could tell you were only present in body, your mind somewhere else entirely.
You sat up with a sigh, the air in her bedroom shifting as she sensed your seriousness, turning to her with your legs crossed beneath you. Her eyes trailed over your face just as you've grown used to, analysing, theorising just what you were going to say before the words were uttered.
"Detka, what's wrong?" Her hand touched your knee and you couldn't help but mentally scold yourself at the feeling it ignited, warm feelings trying to drag themselves through the cracks in your tension, it wasn't the time to let your adoration take control.
"I'm not sure I can do this anymore, Natasha." You muttered, neutrality in your tone, determined to not let your emotions take over. You could see her sharp inhale of breath in the way the muscles in her neck twitched. And suddenly your mouth felt dry, unbearable.
"Why? What do you mean?" She returned, tone as neutral as yours per her training.
"I just - I don't want to be your secret anymore. I can't take it. And I understand you have your reservations, I get it but please don't keep me waiting for something that'll never happen." You choked out, throat constricting with the tears that wanted to be set free, standing from her bed and finding it harder to hold them back when she didn't even try and get you to stay.
Her lips parted with unspoken words, clamping shut again. You could see the frustration in her features. The salty tears began to fall at the deafening silence, the silence that never broke even when you walked to her door.
No words were spoken when you opened it to leave and maybe you were stupid for expecting her to call down the hallway to you as you wandered to your own room. You were stupid, foolish that you could ever even think she could love you.
The next day wasn't a busy one, your body felt heavy when you woke, consumed by the words you longed to hear. You felt numb to the world, wrapped up in your duvet dreading getting up. So you put it off for a while longer, only getting dressed and trudging out when the need for some coffee and lunch became too great.
It wasn't surprising to find everyone else milling around the kitchen area doing the same thing, chattering filling the room. The absence of a certain redhead wasn't surprising either. "Afternoon." Wanda smiled teasingly as you headed straight to the coffee pot.
"Hey Wands."
"Everything okay?" She questioned and you could feel the gaze of the others falling upon you, concerned at your uncharacteristic late arrival. You responded with a nod and a smile as convincing as you could muster. "I'm cooking lunch for us all - should be done soon." She smiled and you knew she didn't believe you but she could pry later.
You mulled over your thoughts, cradling the mug of lukewarm coffee, swallowing bitter mouthfuls on autopilot as your mind wandered. The chatter bouncing around the room serving merely as background noise to the chaos racking your skull, notions of love and heartbreak, of inadequacy and shame.
The goings on continued around you until the lone seat you occupied at the end of the table was accompanied with the bodies of everyone else, plates being passed around and food scooped onto plates. And you felt stupid to be sulking as smiles and lively chatter adorned the lips of your teammates, your friends. Though you allowed yourself to wallow when the pang in your chest was physically painful at the sight of her, hair slightly damp from a shower and you could almost smell her shampoo the way the scent was ingrained into your mind.
It was hard not to notice the subtle glances shared between the others as she sat on the opposite end of the table to you, your forced lack of eye contact surely swayed her decision. It was usually the two of you lost in your own world, laughing together - the hostility was nauseating.
You were both quiet, the others speaking around you, they tried to include you both in the conversations with brief answers and forced smiles and laughs in response. You could barely lift your head, feigning interest in the slice of tomato on your plate, pushing around the seeds and the juicy centre with your fork, scared of what you'd find if you looked up and whether you'd be able to survive without crying - that would be embarrassing surely.
But she was like the sun in more ways than one, an eclipse. And you knew you should keep your gaze elsewhere but you couldn't help but take a peek. Those mossy eyes were already looking your way, pleading you to just please pay her any speck of attention but you flitted your sight to a blank space on the wall behind Sam who sat opposite telling a humour filled story.
You couldn't look at her, you just couldn't. Not with the way just one glance made your heart pound, throat close and eyes well with acrid tears.
But of course, as a creature with little self control, your sights kept flicking over to her; just because she makes your heart hurt it doesn't mean she isn't beautiful. You'd once told her she was 'pulchritudinous' earning that raspy laugh to bless your ears and of course what she'd said was right: the word had come up on your 'Word of the Day' app but she appreciated the sentiment either way.
She was often looking straight back at you and you could see the uncertainty in her eyes, that or you were uncertain of what her expression was. It didn't look to be one you'd come across before, almost desperate. Time went on with plates being emptied and each minute that passed seemed to deepen the etching of frustration in the furrow of her brows - why wouldn't you just look at her?
And the conversation being passed around was halted into silence at the angry clattering of metal against ceramic, her cutlery haphazardly dashed onto her plate, hands clenched into fists against the table.
"Can you please just fucking look at me?" She huffed, eyes piercing into the side of your face, meeting with yours as you reluctantly looked to her. The faces of everyone else were muddles of confusion and shock at the sudden interruption and the now tense almost hostile air.
You said nothing, what could you say? The air feeling heavy and difficult to drag into your lungs, sour and thick. And for moments nothing was said at all, the two of you just staring across the table, an audience of bated breath.
"What's happening here?" Tony voiced, pointing between the pair of you. You thought it must be a wild thing to see, 'best friends' staring one another down, both with extensive combat skills and at least one weapon on your persons - perhaps they were slightly nervous and it was almost funny to you that they could be...almost.
"Nothing." You uttered, surprising yourself when you could actually speak and lifting from your seat gathering as many plates as you could to walk over to the kitchen. The stunned and tense silence only letting the clattering sounds of the stacking plates echo throughout the space, awkward almost wasn't enough to describe the quiet.
Aggravation flitted over her features, audible sigh at the back of her throat. She followed you of course and you have never wished the table wasn't mere feet away from the kitchen as much as you did right then, you could hear few hushed words at the table - their eavesdropping could not be any less subtle.
"Please can you talk to me?"
Everybody, including you, winced at the jarring crash of the crockery against the counter - you didn't expect your annoyance to make itself so forthright. "I spoke last night, your silence was enough." The grip on the kitchen counter was the only thing keeping your emotions in check, you'd let yourself cry about this when you're alone in your room.
"I didn't know what to say."
"Exactly." You spoke through gritted teeth, hoping to be quiet enough to keep the conversation private. And when she fell silent again, chewing her inner cheek you'd had enough, trying to step past her. Efforts fell fruitless when her hand gripped onto your arm keeping you still.
"You know that you're the only one." She uttered and yet those words weren't enough, not what you needed to hear.
"I cannot be your secret anymore Natasha." Your voices were hushed though grimaces contorted everyone's faces as they caught the use of her full name. "This is the last time that I am asking you to just put my name at the top of your list, hold me above everything else, please." You practically begged.
"I do. You know I do." She responded.
"Then stop acting like you're so ashamed." Your voice this time was loud enough for all to hear, you took a shaky inhale before talking again, volume lowered once more. "My heart is fucking aching. When you don't feel the same way I do. I'm just a quick, secret, fuck right?" You tugged your arm free, tears spilling over now.
"That's not true." She spoke quietly as your feet carried you past the group, heads turned to Natasha in shock after a glimpse of your tear covered face. They watched as you retreated down the hallway to the elevator, your body clearly shaking with broken sobs.
And still, nobody spoke, just perplexed at the scene unfolding. Popcorn was the only thing missing as eyes tracked Natasha's actions as you left; a frustrated sigh and rub of her forehead, cogs clearly turning in her head before a moment of clarity. A novel sight of nervousness on her face as she spun on her heels, taking up almost a jog through the room to chase after you, hurried steps down the hallway.
"I am not ashamed of you."
You looked up from the ground and the sight caused a drowning wave of guilt to wash over her, wet cheeks and the whites of your eyes hued red from the tears.
"Please believe me. I was scared, to let you in completely, I felt safer with it being secret but I could never be ashamed." She neared you, hand holding onto yours, it felt warm against your skin, palm pressed against palm.
"I can't hear this if you don't want what I want, if you don't feel what I feel. I can't handle it." Your voice strained, her free hand came up to cup your cheek, thumb swiping at the tears on your skin. A soft smile graced her lips.
"I love you. I am so deeply in love with you." The words were uttered like honey, food of the gods, and fuck did it taste good. To say the group of nosey Avengers at the table was shocked would be an understatement.
"You do? You're sure?"
"I have never been more sure of anything in my life." She laughed and you couldn't help but laugh too, relieved. "I should have told you sooner but I was scared and it seems so stupid now th-" She rambled, you found it endearing but you'd heard enough, seen enough sincerity in her irises.
Your lips pushed against hers cutting her words short, she froze for a second before smiling into the kiss, moving her lips with yours as you'd grown used to. And though you'd shared kisses a multitude of times this one was different, you could both feel it, translating into love. A kiss that meant 'I love you', one that knew it was the first of an infinite amount, no end in sight, no deadline until you had to sneak away. Just now, and then forever.
"I love you too." You breathed against her, you never thought her smile could get any brighter but somehow in that moment it did. She couldn't help but yank you into a tight hug, squeezing you so tightly in her embrace. Being that close to losing you, she had to hold you close.
The pair of you didn't even spare a glance to your audience, stepping into the elevator to her room. Her lips were on yours before the doors had even slid closed, hand resting on the back of your head to keep you close.
Fumbling footsteps in your desperate pace to get to her room, falling through the door with childish giggles, refusing to fully part from one another's lips. How could you when the taste was this sweet?
The most perfect haze as clothes were stripped, smiles permanent knowing you wouldn't have to hold back the love held, wouldn't have to sneak out once the hallway was checked to be clear.
Natasha's arms around you felt right again, just how it had begun. A warm hold, hands soft against you, home. A new kind of electricity danced over your skin at the brush of her fingers against you, caressing you with such passion.
The way in which your bodies worked together was nothing short of sublime, this wan't news to you but this time was different. Every touch, every kiss, each push of a finger and lick of a tongue was laced with love. Her body straddled yours, fingers slowly pumping into you and the smile was still present on her lips, the love was clear in her eyes.
She presented her love in a chalice and you gulped it down, savouring every last drop.
And when her heavy breaths filled the room, groans bouncing off the four walls, she muttered an I love you; your heart could have burst at the sound, music to your ears as cliché as it sounds.
But she loved you and you loved her. Just now, and then forever.
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jotatetsuken · 3 years
NBNC Chapter 1: I Hate to Admit it, But...
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Summary: Kento Nanami’s a renowned private investigator in Japan, who’s known to deal with cases that deal with paranormal activity or what’s known to him as “cursed energy.” When Ijichi, the assistant manager of his PI firm gets a call to look into another case, Kento recognizes that this case was earlier declared an open-and-shut case by (F/N) (L/N), another renowned PI who was known to have solved cases within days of receiving them. Initially irked with her methods of solving the cases, especially since she's not like him, he decides that he has to approach her for help, else this will remain a cold case yet to be solved. As time passes by, secrets slowly unravel, the distance between them decreases, and the outcome would come out as a surprise to them.
Pairing: Kento Nanami x Fem! Reader Genre: Private Investigator AU, Angst, Fluff between Nanami and Reader Warnings: Mentions of blood, murder, death, usage of weapons, fighting, crying, slight manga spoiler in the last chapter (just to add context! Dw since this is an AU, I won’t be involving the canonical storyline too much) Taglist: Please fill this if you want to be a part of the tag list for this story :) Word Count: 2337
A/N: I'll try to update once a week or once in two weeks because I'll strive to be regular. Also, it may be unedited, so please let me know if there are any spelling or grammatical errors of that sort. In addition, the storyline is mine, but the Jujutsu Kaisen characters belong to Gege Akutami. :D I appreciate interaction with this post of any kind in the form of reblogs, likes, and comments. Finally, I'd also appreciate NO reposts in any other format or website whatsoever, as this will be crossposted on Wattpad as well. Thanks in advance :)
We light up the bars of the world With the decadent essence of innocence Free but sharp We can be the satellite guiding through the dark, oh
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For the salaryman turned detective turned private investigator, work may have seemed to be taxing, but he loved what he did. Sure, Kento Nanami didn't like the number of lives lost to get to know whether the concerned subject, was guilty. But, in the end, he had to let go and not let his heart get in the way of how he went about things. One day, as he flipped through the files and ran his fingers through his hair, for a moment his mind was jolted by the sound of the roaring thunder outside his medium-sized louvered windows. Just for a moment, with his face resting on the same hand that ran his fingers through his hair, he peered outside. He was a simple man who cared about the simplest pleasures in life, and that was reflected in his setup. Earthern interiors, a couple of plants, stacks of shelves full of files, stationery, and only the detective license would be visible when you entered his firm.
One thing that didn't change about Nanami, however, was that whenever he'd be fighting, he'd get treated, but would wear the stained shirts the same night, so as to remind himself what happened whenever he was making notes. He clicked his tongue upon realizing that he had again forgotten to change his pristine cobalt blue shirt that had some spots of blood on it. Lightly patting his head for his minor sin of omission, he softly smiled at the beautiful weather even though he was a little irritated by the fact that the rain would delay his journey back home when he heard someone knock on his door and call out to him.
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“Nanami-kun, would you like some tea?” Ijichi asks as he enters Kento’s office. Startled by the sound of the door opening, Kento turns to Kiyotaka Ijichi, the assistant manager, and smiles softly at him. “Hello, Ijichi-kun,” he says as he continues to read some of the files that were a part of the huge stack on his desk. “Maybe later? I'd rather have a cup of coffee right now. It’s going to be a long night full of documenting these cases,” he slams the file that he was holding onto the desk and puts his hand on his forehead.
He was exasperated, done for the day. In the fall-winter seasons, as the number of Cursed Spirits and Curse Users increased, his work would pile up. Life as a private investigator seemed like a much-needed change for Kento Nanami, but he wasn’t sure how he’d be able to manage all the paperwork alone. Even if Ijichi and he worked together to solve all the pending cases, it was difficult for him to get this done. When he was stressed, he had this habit of fidgeting with his collar so as to get himself to concentrate and breathe a little. As a blessing in disguise, he stopped doing so when Ijichi's phone rang, but to his dismay, it was someone’s voice he desperately did not want to hear. "Nanami-kun, you have to talk to him," Ijichi says, putting the phone on speaker.
“What is it now, Gojo-san?” Nanami sighs. A cheerful response from the other side of the phone cried out, “How’s my favorite kouhai doing, Nanamin?” To Satoru Gojou, the head of the Tokyo Jujutsu Detective Agency, the nickname Nanamin seemed like a word of endearment towards his dearest junior. To Kento Nanami, however, it was a painful reminder of his past.
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While he enjoyed working under Gojo for 3 years, the last case he worked with him led him to a personal loss at the hands of a cursed spirit. This, and the way the TJDA handled the case, caused Kento to be so full of rage but decided to hold it all in and instead resigned from the agency to start his own PI firm. This led to Ijichi resigning as well because he wanted to support and look in on Nanami.
It’d been four years since and his firm's clearance rate stood up to 60%, twice more than that of the TJDA! Two years in, he'd later agreed to take in the said agency as a major client without being directly involved in the agency. It benefitted him greatly: Whatever the assigned members of the TJDA couldn't solve, either Gojo could solve them or Nanami could. Nanami had a simple motto in life: to adhere to facts and judge on that basis. When he did have to delve deeper into the case, he'd keep a notes section on his laptop (or phone) to note down the points that the concerned client presented to him, so that he'd not forget what he was trying to solve. Keeping his past at bay was something he knew best.
However, receiving a call from THE Satoru Gojo, was something he'd not expected. Gojo was known in the crime-solving community to be the smartest and the strongest detective all over Japan, even better than Nanami. So, to receive a call from HIM was all the more surprising. “Gojo-san,” Nanami replied, “firstly, please don't call me by that nickname. It still hurts, after what happened.” Shaking his head in annoyance, he continues, “secondly, it's weird that you call me after my office hours. Usually…” “Usually I call you during office hours and I trouble you to come to have lunch with me or something like that,” Gojo replies with his usual chirpy voice.
“Yes, something like that,” Nanami answers. “So, is there a case that's been troubling you lately?” A small smirk then appears on his face, where he says, “you're finally admitting that you can't solve everything, aren't you?” A sound of clicking tongues appears on the other side of the phone as Gojo cries, “Nanamin! Don't tease me like that! You know me, I'm the strongest detective there is!” A pregnant pause loomed across the conversation, broken by their chuckles, with Gojo continuing, “however, yes. There's been a case that was assigned to the TJDA which I can't solve either.” “Huh?” Kento raised an eyebrow at such a seemingly vacuous response. “That's interesting. I don't believe you. Nothing's been too difficult for you to solve. How is this any different?” Gojo first sounded solemn, “Nanamin! As you senpai, you must understand that there will be some cases that will always be out of my scope of solving,” then continued to whine, “would you be able to look into it, pleaseeee?” Rolling his eyes, Nanami reluctantly says, “Alright, FINE! Please send it to me, I'll look into it. Now hang up before I change my mind.” Gojo's grin was audible when he returned to his chirpy voice. “Thank you, Nanamin! Will send the details to See you soon. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee.”
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When Kento reached his office, he noticed Ijichi being there already. Just what was this case all about? “Ijichi-kun, this case better be good! Please tell me the details.” As Ijichi bowed to him, he grabbed a file from the rust-colored couch he was sitting on, fiddling with it for some time. He then replies, “Nanami-kun, the victim is Junpei Yoshino, aged 18, a freshman student in kinesiology in UTokyo.”
Kento was taken aback a little bit. He mumbled “Junpei Yoshino,” as if the name felt familiar like something he remembered. He then goes to his files cabinet and rummages through ones that were arranged alphabetically. He was grateful that he’d gotten the files organized so that it’ll be easier for him. When he found the concerned file, he looked at it like a boy had just found his treasure trove of gold. Going through the file, that’s when it clicked. “Ijichi-kun, remember the murder of three people that happened at the cinema? Junpei was the subject to be investigated.” Ijichi nodded at him, “Yes, Nanami-kun. The bodies had been transmogrified and this modus operandi clearly suggested that this was done either by a Curse User or a Special Grade Cursed Spirit. I remember that he was the accused in this matter. Didn’t you and Itadori-kun work on this case?”
Kento nods, “yes I did. It was to get Itadori out of probation. Poor him, though. Yaga-san was hard on this guy just because of inexplicable connection with Sukuna. Anyway,” he goes to Ijichi and goes through the file in his hand, “It is said that the cause of death was reported as asphyxiation, however, that was done post-mortem. So that means..."
“That he was killed by something else?” Ijichi answered, “Probably a Curse User or a Cursed Spirit?” Kento nods, replying, "Yes. I believe so. I still do not understand, however, why can't the TJDA solve it? Moreover, why did Gojo-san have to call me?"
“Firstly,” Ijichi continues while pacing around back and forth, “this ties to the other case of people jumping off Yasohachi Bridge as well. While police say that it’s a case of self-harm, rumors say that they were being pushed off the bridge, implying that was an external source involved. Yasohachi Bridge is pretty desolate, so few people travel on it. Secondly,” he trails off as he goes to grab another file, “ there was also Junpei-kun's mother, Nagi Yoshino, who was killed by a Cursed Spirit. Finally, there was this abduction and murder case of UTokyo transfer student Evelyn Keating where all circumstantial evidence led to Junpei-kun. Since they all tie up together, this makes it worth investigating. Also, I don’t think Gojo-san can’t or won’t solve the case."
“His reputation,” Nanami sighs as he drinks his fourth cup of coffee, “as the best detective of the TJDA, heck the whole of Asia that's dealt with these cases, precedes itself, Ijichi-kun. But, I'm guessing he has other pressing issues to deal with.” Ijichi nods in agreement, saying, “unfortunately like the Resurrection Doll case, again. Additionally, this case is one of the previous cases of...” his voice trailing into the air. Kento's mouth gapes wide open when he looks into the previous investigator's notes and realizes that he might need to collaborate with one of the few people he doesn't actually want to work with. “(L/N)-san's? Really?”
“Yes, Nanami-kun. She's one of the most popular PIs, other than you of course.” Now Nanami was conflicted in his opinion about (F/N) (L/N). As someone who liked to analyze facts and make decisions based on them, he thought that she was too stupid to rely on her intuition and her unconventional methods to win cases, and for her to solve cases within DAYS of receiving them from her clients sounded very inane. “Ijichi-kun,” Kento says as he sinks into his office chair with an exasperated look, “you're aware that I don't exactly think highly of her, do you?”
“Yes, Nanami-kun. I apologize that we have to talk about her,” Ijichi answers, bowing profusely, “especially because she's your opposite, and very much like Gojo-kun. However, there are certain details that are amiss in this case, and we need unconventional methods for this. We have to approach her for help.” Standing up, he goes to the coat rack, collects his raincoat and umbrella, closes the office, and tells Ijichi, “Well, whatever. Let's get this done with.”
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The next day, Ijichi and Nanami booked an appointment with the female PI. Upon reaching her office, they knocked on the door that had the sign: “(F/N) (L/N), MS in Criminology, Private Investigator”
“Does she really have to brag about her degree?" Nanami clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Nanami-kun,” Ijichi puts his hand on his shoulder, “it's okay, she believes people would value her credence when they see that she's licensed to investigate,” and knocks on her door. To their surprise, they realized that the door was open, and upon entering the office, their eyes widen in surprise, as they see her, dancing!
With no care in the world, she had her eyes closed, was swaying her body to fast-paced music, snapping her fingers to the beats, as she sang melodiously. Her black blazer atop her peach full-sleeved shirt was swaying with the air to the beats of the song, “The Great Shipwreck of Life,” by IAMX. Little did she know that there were two guests standing in front of her.
“I didn't know that you like to kill your time, dancing, instead of focusing on other cases,” Nanami speaks, causing (F/N) (L/N) to open her eyes and break from her trance. She straightens her blazer and approaches the two men, the clanking of her heels reverberating in her office room, and bowed in front of them, “I don't know if y'all did handshakes or something, so I chose the easiest option because I don't want to be in y'all's bad books or anything. Nice to meet you, I'm (L/N) (F/N).” She kept talking as she asked them to enter and take their seats. “I've been a detective in the States for the past one and a half years, that's when I'd moved to Japan to be closer to my family. I like to introduce myself before I'm asked anything. So, Mr. Kento Nanami, was it? What did you need?” She sat in her office chair and smiled at him.
“Well, (L/N)-san,” Nanami came forward and put his hands on the table, with a straight face, saying, “you and I have different working methodologies, which I'm not really comfortable with when it comes to solving cases. However, I hate to admit, but, there's one of my cases, that's linked to one of your cold cases, and I'd like us to solve together.” Slumping her shoulders forward, with her hands on the table, (F/N) spoke, "So Gojo-kun was right about you. He knew you'd come to me, eventually," causing Nanami to roll his eyes. “One of my cold cases, huh? It's pretty rare that I have those," she says, grinning, “even if I were to help you, I have one question for you, Mr. Kento Nanami. What's in it for me?”
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Hello there, welcome to the first chapter of No Body, No Crime. I hope you enjoy this ride :D Do fill out the form mentioned at the start or you can send me an ask if it's convenient, if you want more updates on this story or on any other fandoms. :) If it's in bold, I can't tag you, so, please send me an ask if you want to be added with your new username :) Tagging: @2dmensupermercy @bmthevick @akaashi-todorki @mrskenmakozume @cuz-like-why-not @beware-of-the-rogue @saltyvanilla @ohtobiors @hyeque @animated-moon
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ladykf-writes · 3 years
Challenge: list the WIPs you promised you’d update, and why you haven’t yet
Tagged by @yuzukimist - if you want to do this, please repost and tag me, don’t reblog, because this will be a bit long. I have, uh... a lot of WIPs to address.
A few suggested tags: @vorpalgirl , @wandererriha, @thegeeksqueaks , @lynati , @deadcatwithaflamethrower​ and @norcumii​ if you all would like to? And YOU, you person who’s reading this!
NOW! Being fair the only one I’ve “promised” updates on is Dog Whistle, and I just updated that Saturday, but there was such a hiatus in-between that I’ll address it.
The fact of the matter is, I got stuck on DW because I wanted to do Shelke justice but she’s a very different fighter than the other Tsviets/SOLDIER (and therefore out of my usual experiences as a writer). A traditional fight scene... isn’t going to be what she’s angling for. She is a Brain, the fact that she was out where someone could attack her head on... that was a miscalculation on their part. She would he have been so much better left to manage things behind the scenes. Alas.
But yeah, a lot of these are either “plot got stuck on a problem” or “character in the story was not cooperating” as you’ll see shortly. XD
Cause of delay on DW: 
- differently paced fight scene / figuring out how to get in Shelke’s head. (shoutout to @wandererriha for getting me unstuck with some great ideas!)
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I’ve also had a couple people ask about It’s Not a Game (the FF7/Avengers crossover that I haven’t posted on since early ‘19 whups?) And actually, it’s... sort of tricky what happened.
See, I had finished the next chapter, but it’s short. It’s like, nearly 300 words short of my self-imposed minimum count (I aim for between 1500-2500 words on my chapters because in my experience most people can read that in one sitting and at the same time feel like they’ve read a good chunk / me actually advance the plot / character arcs / etc.)
And I got hung up on that. I couldn’t seem to make it organically longer, and it frustrated me, and it wasn’t like I had a plot for this - spoilers: this was meant to be a thought provoking one-shot what-if, not the multichaptered fix it that it’s turning into - so I didn’t want to jump ahead without really knowing where “ahead” was supposed to be.
I have since then accepted that the chapter’s going to just be short and I have some ideas on where I’m going from there. I do, in fact, have a few chapters written now (like, 2.5 I think? maybe 3? I don’t have it open right now) but I want to try and wind up DW before I start working hard core on something as plotty as INAG is threatening to become. To top it off, Age of Ultron (2015) had started my decline in enthusiasm for Marvel (I really only watched the Iron Man and Avengers movies; Guardians of the Galaxy and Ragnarok were exceptions) and in 2019 what happened? Endgame, and a severe blow to my love of the MCU.
Cause of delay on INAG:
- pacing issues + lack of plotting + falling a little out of love with the MCU canon and therefore losing my grip on Tony and Bruce, which makes it harder to write the story.
Some honorable mentions under the cut since this is too long already:
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Another WIP is Party of Five, which no one has asked about in a long time but does get a mention because... basically I’ve got at least two chapters edited but I need to make some changes to fix things and... really? The big thing is I fell out of doing MMOs, so I lost enthusiasm for writing about MMOs. XD There’s an unposted, halfformed Sanders Sides MMO AU I’ve even got that never saw the light of day for the same reason.
That said, I’m planning on starting some serious gaming soon, if all goes according to plan, so you might just see me revisiting that!
Cause of delay on Po5:
- quit playing MMOs and lost enthusiasm for a MMO heavy fic
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Then of course there’s the Welcome to FFVII series and that one’s been even longer stagnating... and the biggest thing getting in my way is saying “how much am I willing to stick to a canon that doesn’t make sense” + “how do I make it make sense / justify things” and I think anyone in the FFVII fandom can relate. We love it dearly, but it is a hot mess. It’s been a hot mess since day one, and just gets messier the deeper into the Compilation you go.
I’m not even touching the Remake, and doubt playing it would make me change my mind.
Cause of delay on WTFFVII:
- canon is a hot mess and it’s really hard to make it make sense. Brain-bendingly hard. It requires a lot of thinking and tbh I think I’m just going to overhaul the whole thing into something new.
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My last two (posted) WIPs are not, in fact, FF7 fics so you guys may or may not have read them.
I have a ton written on Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] - my seminovelization of the old PS1 game that approximately 5 people remember, because I did it for a NaNo. Frankly, I think it has some of the highest quality prose out of anything I’ve ever written.
It also has no comments. And very simply? I write for myself - I wrote over 50K on this baby for me, because I love it - but I post to share the love. It hasn’t gotten attention, so it’s on the back burner. Why spend time on something no one’s reading?
Cause of delay on JTTR:
- zero feedback on 12 chapters killed my enthusiasm for the project. I’ll come back to it someday, but it’s not a priority.
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And finally, Times of Change, which does actually get periodic traffic - I would say probably only because it’s listed as “inspired by” a fic from the fantastic @deadcatwithaflamethrower but who knows.
This one suffered from the same problem Po5 did - it’s a crossover with SWTOR... which I quit playing. It also has the problem that INAG did, in that it’s not fully plotted. And additionally it’s been so long since I’ve read the fic it’s based off of I’d have to go back and do that too. So while it’s not abandoned... it’s way down the list. XD
Cause of delay on ToC:
- lost touch with Star Wars in general, honestly, and specifically the two (fan)canons it was born from to begin with. Lack of enthusiasm = lack of progress.
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If you haven’t seen A Day With Kirishima yet or Waking Up With Todoroki, be sure to view that first! Welcome to your days of online school with...
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☏ [2/5] going to online school with todoroki ☏
todoroki makes sure that you focus, which is kinda a problem if you’re like me
...and you just don’t focus-
dw though, because if you ever zone out, man’s will be sure to be prepared because he can and will force you into getting focused again
he promises you a kith whenever you finish a class 🥺🥺❤️
“i love you, but i really don’t want to do this today.” 
(honestly, i would like to headcanon that you probably do online school with rolling chairs, so you’re probably gonna be spinning whenever you get bored)
“and i love you, but here we are, my love. the day will be over before you know it,” he brings out the softest smile ever before cupping your face and pecking your nose
since todoroki has online class as well, he sits next to you to be able to hold your hand off-camera beCAUSE YES
if you two ever get caught, his left side literally lights tf up
you thought man’s would be cool and collected the whole time, but NOPE HE’S JUST AS FLUSTURED AS YOU BABY
but you put it aside and say you were just petting your cat
todoroki also most definitely has some sort of fancy candle or a spray or whatever that he uses to stay focused
once or twice, he’ll most definitely spray way too much, so in one instance you had to go outside 
in the backyard
and do your homework there as the wind blew all of your printed papers away
but anyways-
todoroki is on the top of his game to make sure that yOU STAY HYDRATED
he smiles at you whenever he sees that you’re stuck, and the way his eyebrows furrow in such a cute way just fricken asdfghjklkmnbvcxzaqwertyujhgcwjvhhviu
if you ever get burnt out, he plants a kiss on your forehead and holds you until you have to go to your next class, and gets you a wet towel to just feel better and *sparkles* fresher
oh and FIGHT ME, he most definitely opens up the doors and uses natural light rather than turning the lights on
if you ever feel frustrated or just feel too overhwhelmed, he takes your hand and asks you to breathe with him before pulling you into a hug
he would be such a good companion for online school, please keep him 🥺
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。⋆☂˚。 waking up with him + morning training
。⋆☂˚。 going to online school (*)
。⋆☂˚。 lunch + study sessions
。⋆☂˚。 showers (sfw!) + cuddle sessions
。⋆☂˚。 date night headcanons
thank you, love! remember to hydrate, drink water, and take care of yourself! <hugs!>
© kirishimas-manly-eyeliner.tumblr 2021. refrain from plagerising any headers, works, or designs and do not repost/copy onto any other sites.
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kazewhara · 3 years
your jealousy post was so cute ^^ would you consider doing a part 2 with different characters like xiao or aether?? dw if you’re not feeling up to it just wanted to ask <33 i discovered your works recently and you have such a nice writing style !!
i'm so glad you liked it! it's actually one of my favorite posts now, i had so much fun writing them :D i'm excited to repost it once everything gets sorted out !!
and yes, absolutely, i'll write about them soon! initially, i was just going to answer you with the post but i'm just,, in a slump rn.
in any case, i think i may write that, along with any other requests i have, and hold onto them for the time being since i don't think you'll see them... hell, i don't think you're gonna see this answer!
so the answer is yes LSHAJDHSN sorry i just. talk a lot . but! thank you for liking my writing :D
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