#im starting to regret getting into this franchise
kaiserouo · 3 months
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can i delete this game now
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vampire-fanboy · 9 months
theres two sides to me one where im so sad we didnt get branch as the one who got captured and had to be saved in the third, then theres another part of me thats happy he wasnt the one who got captured JNJGNDSJ
i feel it would've been so much more emotional if branch got captured? but at the same time idk how they couldve done it/made it work with how the current movie goes along w other stuff
idk theres a lot to it but im so YAAAY and NOOO that he isnt the one who got captured n it stayed a concept jNJGDJFS
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aemmawrites · 1 year
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I hate that I Love you
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wc. 945 tw. toxic amber, cussing pairing- Amber freeman x reader
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Ever since you were younger you had a certain way you liked to do things.
You liked to have everything organized and structured. But as you learned life always comes with obstacles. Obstacles, you’ve learned, are inevitable.
Just like the obstacle laying beside you.
Amber freeman.
To say you were a perfectionist was an understatement, you had the same routine you stuck to every morning. Wake up, get ready for school, cheerleading practice, homework, get ready for bed, sleep.
Everything was perfect, and then a disruption in your routine happened. Wakeup, get ready for school, bump into Amber Freeman on the way to cheer practice, regret your life choices, homework, get ready for bed, sleep.
Amber was a character for sure, she was bad for you, and you knew that, even now as you sat in her bed, relaxed with your head in her lap while she watched the stab movies for the third time this week.
One year.
You guys have been together for one whole year. And you’ve never felt worse. Crying yourself to sleep at night when she accused you of cheating, arguing over stupid things such as your skirt being a little too short, silent treatment for weeks until you admitted you were wrong even when you weren’t, somehow making you feel like without her you could do nothing, you would be nothing.
You suppose it was your fault as amber would say, “you knew how I was when you first agreed to date me, so what's the problem now”
You were late.
Of course, as you realized you were going to have extra laps at practice for being late, you started to speed walk down the hallways, not paying attention, you bumped into one accidentally tripping and bringing them down with you. Frantically you looked up to see who you rushed in to and immediately apologized. “I'm so sorry, I wasn’t paying attention and I-”
“Shut up” was all she said, glaring at you making you look down in embarrassment.
“I don't need an apology, I need you to watch where you're going”, she looked up and paused, analyzing the girl in front of her. You both looked at each other as if waiting for eachothers next move. You made a move to leave and get out of the awkward situation before she stepped in front of you and said “wait.”
And then it all went downhill from their
“Are you even paying attention?” Amber whispered as if not to scare you. You looked up at her before responding, “yeah im just tired, also we’ve seen this movie 10 times already, this month,” Amber rolled her eyes, getting ready to rant about how the stab franchise is worth rewatching, you sighed.
You moved your head off her lap and onto the pillow next to her. “I'm going to sleep” is all you could say before Amber started a new argument with you.
Amber looked over at you  with a frown, “so your tired now, but not when that Olivia girl was talking to you, you seem so energized, but now your tired.”
One moment of peace was all you wanted, you turned to face amber before saying. “Amber, me and Olivia are on the cheer team together, where friends, and friends talk. Also it’s 3am and we have been watching movies for the past 6 hours, I'm tired.” You tried to reason.
Amber quickly responded with “you can either stay up with me and watch movies, or spend the night with Olivia since you seem to like her so much.”
You snapped, this wasn’t that big of a deal based on things Amber has done to you in the past, but it was like everything that had ever made you mad, upset, and sad came to the top. “Amber, my life doesn’t revolve around you and you honestly need to get over yourself!”
Amber's eyes widened as if it was crazy that you would talk back to her, so she did what she did best, hurt you. “How can you say that, after all I have done for you, when we first met you were just some weird loner with no friends, I made you who you are, your nothing without me”
“Fuck you Amber, i'm leaving” here you were trying your best and it was never enough for her, you started to get dress as you felt hands wrap around your waist. And just like that happy Amber was back.
Amber smiled at you as if to make the situation better. “I'm sorry, you know how I get, you know I didn’t mean it, please stay,” as much as you wanted to relax into her touch you knew better, so you ignored her and put your shoes on.
“Are you really going to walk home at three in the morning, that's not safe” Amber smiled as she nodded her head to the window, and just now you noticed how dark it was. Weighing your options, you sighed and went to make a move to go outside. She quickly grabbed your wrist before saying “don’t be stupid it’s not safe, stay here, where I can protect you, where I can hold you, you just said you were tired, let's go to sleep.”
Before you could say anything she started pushing you back towards her bed, using her strength to keep you from trying to leave. You tried to leave, you really did but you were tired, it was scary outside, and the way Amber was looking at you right now made your heart melt. So you sighed as she tried to coax you to come back to her bed, you relented, you gave up, and just like that you were back in her arms, back in her bed.
This was the part in your routine where you regret your life choices.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
the worst part about finding more and more about totk that i dont like is that ... it seems like one of my biggest fears is going to become true; all of my previous hyperfixations died because a new thing of the franchise came out and i didnt like it, turned that strange, perhaps unhealthy, love and attachment into disappointment and sadness and im afraid thats happening to zelda right now, the one hyperfixation i hoped could last or at the very least i would just grow slowly away from in a good way if it was just totk that i didnt like, tho its hard to see all the love people have for it and just ... feel the opposite about it, it would be fine (heck i really disliked links awakening but ultimately i just regret spending so much money on it, it didnt impact my feelings about the rest of the franchise) but because it diminishes everything about botw too .. a game that i still love deeply, its not fine aside from me not liking anything they did with the zonau, it basically steamrolled botw too, damn near ignoring it ever happened, cramming in zonau stuff where it wasnt before just so its literally everywhere, taking its mysterious and answerign them in boring ways, implying that stuff i loved so much about botw was yet just another zonau thing (the three dragons possibly having been zonau ..........the ancient hero mystery being .. that.......) people basically claiming as fact that its somehow slammed into the old timeline despite it making no sense nor has any evidence aside from some names that happened to be used once before or them saying whats the point of ever looking at botw again bc totk does everything "better" ...
you cant ignore it really, even if i try to ignore what i dont like, i know whats revealed in totk, and others know it too.
and in turn it all makes me go back to that strange self hatred i thought i had finally left behind, the why do i care so much, its stupid to care so much about a piece of media i have no control about anyway, whats the point of caring so much, you have wasted so much time and effort and thought and tears about something like this, why are you so weird, why cant you just be like everyone else and love it all, why are you like this, stop being like this.
knowing i cant stop being like this, fearing from the start it might happen just like it has so many times, that i fall in love with a piece of media so much that when it gets a new thing that i dont like but affects every aspect of it it all flips into anger first, then disappointment and sadness and in end into wishing i wasnt weird like this, knowing i cant change it ... and it turning out true
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med-ex · 5 months
feelin rlly idk HAPPY?? over this franchise as a whole✨
I wasn't even alive for Fallout 1 & 2 - but upon entering the world 3 years after they were released, would grow up hearing its name constantly... never did i think it would take GTA's place as my favourite video game series. Like literally never thought the weird little isometric game talked about by my older cousins would be the one.
I played Fallout 3 at the worst period of my life- it became a pure escape from graduating high school, becoming a severe alcoholic and moving off my mountain into my province's capital city. I was in love with it to the point that when I came home to my family home to visit, I would haul my xbox 360 in my backpack and strap my little tv to my back with a rope- ✨that's✨ how addicted I was to it.
It resonated with me in a way no other game series has. No, I obviously didn't grow up in the same standards as the wastes, but could resonate with foraging for food, no clean water & mess, destruction and despair everywhere you turned.
Fast forward a year or so, and I try Fallout: New Vegas. This is where it finally became my favorite series ever. I could list all the reasons, but they're similar to what you'll see all over the net; it's just amazing. I already was all "fuck the government" since I was a child but it made me think- think about the rule of authority, think about perseverance, weigh out what "right" and "wrong" truly means and the blurred line between the two.
By the time I was 21, I tried Fallout 4. It took some getting used to in the terms of its modern graphics, but I really loved how I got to experience conversations that felt like I was actually having them. I loved building the world back up and when I was brave enough to try mods- then shit got real interesting. I was already obsessed with Fallout 3 & NV but we can thank Fallout 4 for getting me into the community as a whole.
I was one of the ones to make fun of FO76- the launch was a huge part of that, but I just didn't understand how it could ever truly fit into the Fallout series. I played it for the first time when I was 2022, and now after 2 years I wholeheartedly regret shitting on it so hard. There are so many cool quests/stories and though some of them are silly seeing as it's online-based and they need to cater to that and though it's a bit strange at first, it feels so cool to be around other players adventuring the wastes + actually having to persist to build your own base, feed yourself and survive- as console commands don't exist in the same realm they used to with the earlier titles.
Now, we arrive at the airing of the first Fallout television show. I seriously thought it was gonna be shit- I just couldn't imagine them being able to do a good job but as we can see, here we are. The show is amazing and I didn't even know it was something I wanted so badly. The only real-life renditions of Fallout I've seen is that one live action trailer for 76 + cosplay- so seeing it in film, is seriously so fucking cool.
Idk guess im just gettin a little ✨sentimental✨ towards a series that has given me so many lessons, so much ability to cope with my own shit + gotten me into such a fun community filled with funny jokes, amazing art, discussions and rich lore that maybe one day could leave the video game + TV screen and become even a book.
Ty to the crew of original artists who started this back in the 90s, and thank you to the crew of artists at Bethesda in this current century who kept this game going💖
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Literally having the best time of my life playing Dragon age awakening
I thought the lack of romance or flings might make it a tiny bit boring to me but not at all it's extremely fun! I do miss the old companies (rip Alistair leyyli will never forget you and your last kiss before you slayed the dragon you nobel gift of a man and zevran..... I can actually feel his absence) but the new companions are so funny and i would die for them instantly!!
Im gonna be sad that Andres is the only one we will meet again (i think) but Nathaniel is so funny ( what were you born a baby of justice too??)
oghern beloved and his mess i love him so much and hes a daddy now????? Damn straight 🫦 i actually wrote that after the mess of orign and the death of leyyli's love and his sacrifice for her and travling around alittle with zevran she couldn't handle it and returned and became a warden comander again but she became an absolute mess and went with oghern and got absolutely wastedddddd and had a small fling with him then sobered up and decided to fill the commander position properly !
Valenna is a mf badass her entrance is fucking crazy i was sat there outh agape lmao im sad they didn't let me smooch her once 🥹
Sigrun belovedddd im Telling you right now if it was allowed leyyli would have settled with her after the events of this (and by settled i mean become wives and then start the first legion-warden army in the world) but regardless this is the cannon ending im writing for leyyli regardless of the cannon end hehe
Now im just finishing up some side quests and will get to the ending of awakening soon after that i will try different origins while dragon age 2 and inquisition downloads lol
Gotta say im So fucking happy i picked up this franchise not only does it bring me actual joy like never before but its a beautiful story❤️ i i used to be so scared of this game and the fandom but i regret that cause this is the best 🥹❤️
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mrultra100 · 6 months
If I can be real for a moment…
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I feel like my involvement with Johnny Test as a franchise is basically over at this point. For those who’ve been with me for a long time now, this might come as a surprise that I’m finally letting go of what people have been referring to as Dexter’s Lab, but with whipcracks after all of these years, but there’s a lot that I wanna get off my chest about the state of the franchise, along with how things will go with my side of the situation going forth.
At this point, I’ve come to accept that Johnny Test, as a franchise, is likely going to stay dead in the water for real this time, especially with how the second season of the Netflix revival not only silently came out with barely any fanfare, but also became the final season, likely for good. I know a big chunk of the JT-related stuff was back when I was obsessed with the Vampire Twins to request art featuring them from multiple artists (Which is something that I deeply cringe at now, and fully regret for how stupid and childish that was. I apologize to everyone for that era), but in the last few years, I’ve been slowly making them more and more into their own thing, distant from what they were originally.
The Ultraverse V-Twins have changed a lot, with things like aging them up and changing their designs to reflect that, giving them more fleshed-out abilities and personalities, and overall just making them my own characters at this point. Don’t get me wrong, they still fit with my Primal Eternity idea, as that’s the one aspect of my JT stuff that I wanna keep around to somewhat of a degree. As for that project’s future? I could think of more ideas for characters and doodle them out, like I have before, or maybe I could take a small break from that project for a while. Im not sure. Regarding the bigger picture, I feel like/hoping to get some more work for it done after this break, before the franchise turns 20 next fall. We’ll just have to wait and see on what happens next. As for now, the V-Twins, while having a small connection to their origin franchise, will be their own thing going forward. Since they’re basically my own character after the series that they were based on is likely going to stay dead for good (which blows, but that’s just how it is), it’s the least I can do for them. In the meantime, Maryanna, now that she’s my mascot, is probably gonna be the hero of her own adventure. Time will tell on how her story will play out.
Regarding other things related to JT, I wanna give a quick shoutout to @rominadrawsart16 and @arti-squid. While they’re more active in the small JT fandom than I am, I love how they use character from the show to further their own skills as artists, similar to what I’ve been doing with Maryanna recently. If you haven’t already, please give them a visit.
And to give my thoughts on JT being dead and buried, I have a few conflicting thoughts. One part of me wishes WildBrain did more with the IP when making the Netflix revival, as alright as that was. Another feels like they should’ve go for a complete reboot to the franchise to start with a clean slate, and another feels like the series didn’t needed a revival in the first place, as shocking as they might sound. Unless the two seasons commissioned by Netflix were all that were planned, Johnny Test wasn’t really a show that needed to be brought back in the first place. After everything that had happened to it (The CW merger that caused the show to suffer budget cuts after Season 1, the infamy it got during the 2010’s due to how it became generic slop, etc), it feels like the show was basically doomed from the start. As much as I wanna go more into that with greater detail, that’ll be saved for another day.
So basically the short of what I’m trying to say is this; Johnny Test, as a franchise, is probably over for real this time, my involvement with it, outside of JTPE and supporting my friends, is (mostly) done, and the Ultraverse V-Twins (especially Maryanna) are here to stay.
See you, Space Whipcrack…
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seancamerons · 11 months
i really dont like the fb fandom for degrassi. i regret joining. its not fun. i just got desperate for community and like this was like a mistake. im done with this kind of behavior this girl had.
In one of these stupid ass groups, I think I've met the mosts meanest nastiest bitch in the world, can't relate. How dare you? Come bullying people who like to joke and have fun? Ew. Nasty writing indirectly like fu, don't get cocky with me. I'm not cool with people poking fun at others. I'm aware im friggin ugly as hell but you know what? I don't care she don't live anywhere near me but now she's nothing but a memory bc shes blooooocked.
here is the scoop, this one girl tried to be rude to me that i was 'weird' bc i wore a stupid friggin character costume with my bf, unorthodox bc its not a popular show or film franchise or whatever but like ugh shaming people? what is with you, boring bitch?
tell that to all the moanas, disney dressed, superhero, queens and kings, Harley Quinn and Barbie's walking around this week! Just because I made my costume kind of out of odds and ends doesn't mean shit. If you got nothing nice to say leave me alone, your opinion is invalid I don't care, but that was out of line. Blocked. I have half the the mind to contact the moderator to get me out of that nasty group of stupid ass people. Ugh I hate being mad about stupid shit but c'mon. i really am starting to be like super hurt and bent outta shape bc i worked really hard and like i was just trying to have a teeny bit of fun. I don't even know. I hope she ain't on here. She seems more casual bc whatever.
I been around this for 84 years, half of my life (exaggerated) but basically i know shit, you don't and it shouldb't be this serious but shaming people isn't nice. I'm trying to be a nice person keep the piece she is disturbing my peace and i just wanted to show off a fun thing I did. Ugh people. I do not wanna be in a group with this girl bitching about something so ridiculous and making me all hot and angry maybe this is why I almost never do shit or open up about anything I'm about to blow a gasket over a basic bitch!
She got blocked hope I don't see nothing, even if she did like semma/sean/emma or whatever i don't wanna know. Leave me alone or I'll report your ass. I had to block 3 people today, 3 I do not care. Don't push me I will.
I am done with people who do not give a fuck about me, pardon my french. Do me a favor and lay tf off or you're blocked. I will not respond. You will be insignificant.
I am very pssionate about things i like. Do not make me an enemy. I will go to literal war. I do not care. Understand? Ughhhhh I hate this.
so you're blocked if you say anything neg, i have no room in my life for people being nasty for the sake of being nasty. stop being mean girls, this isn't 2004. support ladies, don't be a bitch bc you don't have fun, and shit on others parade.
that is a double negative, you are a double negative and you're raining on my love parade. or something like that.
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yoinkschief · 11 months
im worried were blinded by the waiting 9 years for this movie of it all and were gonna rewatch it sometime for [REDACTED] and itll be not as good as it was today
Not at all I swear this movie was genuinely super good
Teeny tiny spoiler warning:
I see a lot of people shitting on the scene with Abby and the animatronics building a fort together but I think it's super fucking crucial to have that in there
Not only does it serve at a scene to get Mike to eventually take the offer, showing him them that "oh we're not so bad ! Look at us ! We're friendly and we'll take good care of Abby because we're kids like her :3" which I think does give him a reason to say yes at first before instantly regretting it, realizing that in fact he's the only one who should protect her, because he's finally realizing you can't have it both ways and not wanting to fuck up the only chance he has of any sort of "redemption", but also because THEY'RE KIDS
In the games it's not really explored all that much that there are CHILDREN in those suits because, well, it wasn't important in the game until I'd say FNaF 3 (that's when I think Scott actually started caring about the lore) so he kinda blocked himself off from being able to actually explore that, hence the books
But even then I don't think it was fully explored that they never really grew up, that they're still just kids even after the twenty years they were stuck in those suits, which we never get to see explored as much as it is in the movie, explaining that they ARE STILL KIDS, still wanting to have fun
Also I hear criticism about the drawings aspect
Creative outlets such as drawing, writing, painting, etc. Any sort of artistic medium is an outlet of ones self, as that's what makes it art
And it's a running theme throughout the entire franchise of fan art, I mean it never was a really big thing until the movie, but it still sells because it was always there:
The paper plate puppets, the crude drawings, it's all apart of the fact it's a KID'S ENTERTAINMENT PLACE
Think of Chuck E. Cheese's, they get tons of fanart from kids because they love Chuck E. Cheese, they love the little rat guy so they draw to show their appreciation, they write kind letters, etc.
The biggest criticism is about how the drawing change at the end was stupid and while I can say it seems cheesy, think of it this way:
This truly is the only way that they know how to communicate
They can't talk, at least no one but that fucking blonde kid but I'm not getting into him right now
And they were kids when they were murdered, for all they knew, Spring Bonnie just wanted to get a picture with them that they could show their parents, or was just trying to help them find their parents now that they were lost, they couldn't possibly understand what was happening
Until Abby drew that picture and showed them that he was holding a bloody knife - they say what happened to Vanessa and I'm sure they're aware of what murder is after what they did to protect themselves when they felt threatened, they just never thought that Spring Bonnie, their beloved hero, would ever do that to them
Again, until Abby brought that to life
Also Matthew Lillard's performance trumps all criticism holy SHIT
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loopy777 · 2 months
Im honestly hoping we'll get some development on the teacher's and their futures before the end, given how absolutely all of them who's backstories we know, ended up stagnating hard at some point in their life.
For midnight, she was always interested in getting married and presumably starting a family, but instead of doing that and balancing her hero work once she became a pro, she instead threw away her twenties on a hedonistic lifestyle with a harem of prettyboys she eventually left behind with apparently no regrets, once she became a teacher. Then time ran out for her, and she never did get that meaningful relationship she wanted.
Aizawa and Mic by contrast had a clear cut idea of their future together with Kurogiri when he was alive, but once he died, it pretty much died with him, and Aizawa and Mic split up, with mic never managing to be anything but a background character in his own life, while Aizawa never really got anything done with his life except for hero work, hero work, and more Hero work. He stopped actually living for himself, and now lives exclusively for his job, because he doesnt want anyone else to die if he can help it.
Of course All Might seems to be the exception as he finally broke out of his toxic mind set being trapped in both the past and present, during the final arc(I have a LOT of bad things to say about how that section ended, but it's not All Might's sections, and a rant for another day), but i would really like to see him finally actually live again.
Then again, with how much of this backstory and character arcs is locked behind reading vigilantes, who knows if Hori will actually finish it in the main series.
I'm operating under the assumption that Vigilantes doesn't count. Which is no comment on its quality! It's just how this franchise stuff tends to go. The original author of a work never acts beholden to spin-off stuff, and whatever level of approval or involvement may have been advertised, the author's material displays nothing but ignorance of the other stuff.
(If I ever create something so popular that it gets spin-off books, you can rest assured that I'll read all of it, and I'll probably be anonymously summarizing it for the wiki- which will get reverted immediately by the admins. Also, I might write fanfic of my own franchise, but mostly AUs.)
In the main MHA story, the teachers hardly have backstories, so I'm assuming they likewise hardly have futures. The big exception is All Might, as the matter of his life and death has been a major subplot, so I'm expecting some kind of nod about him continuing to teach, and maybe we'll get a look at his eventual retirement in a timeskip. But I'm setting my expectations that the rest of the teachers will simply be shown back at the job. Anything more will be a nice surprise.
Keep in mind that I am a pessimist and tend not to speculate on in-progress works unless prompted. But I did rightly suspect that Star Wars Bad Batch wasn't going to answer any questions.
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nyoomsy · 1 year
i usually blab about these things with my irl friends but they don’t share my interests and i’m starting to fear i’m being too annoying 💀 SO. i figured i should return to the place where i used to be annoying about the things i like~
i don’t plan on making more ranty posts like this, i’ll just mainly be reblogging and quietly annoying in notes (my beloved feature of this site) i just wanted to give a fair warning and kinda explain myself with a bit of ranting heehee. sorry in advance 🫶
i’ve been a (casual? semi-casual??) fan since the time in-between JUSTICE and PRIDE and just seeing how much this franchise has grown just makes me so EMOTIONAL!!!
episode 1 made me F E R A L .
i couldn’t help but freak out and feel petty with all the BURAIKAN stuff tho, like we knew so little about them and now there’s so many bits about them thrown in episode one 🫠 gahhh
quick info about my relationship with the franchise incase whoever reads this is also into it (<-just an excuse to be more annoying since i’m already talking about it and have never done so publicly because i do acknowledge it has its issues)
• i keep up with the music releases but as stated i’m behind in the drama (last thing i listened to was VIBES part 1. i plan to catch up before the anime surpasses that point)
• i don’t vote cause collecting points seems like a hassle really (although i feel regret when the group i’m rooting for looses haha 🥲) (i tend to root for the songs i like better/fits the theme best)
• i’m a seiyuu fan and that highly contributed to me getting into paradox live. also the fact there’s utaite involved of course. (AmBitious!!! was my gateway and slowly realizing Murase Ayumu and 96Neko were singing together blew my MIND!!!) (pararai is also responsible for opening my eyes to Kajiwara Gakuto’s appeal hehehe)
• favorite group: BAE (if you couldn’t tell from the above) but as the groups and characters evolved i’ve come to love them all fairly equally (except a few which you could probably guess💀)
• favorite song by each group:
BAE - EmBlem!!! TCW - Shooting Arrows cozmez - Hit em up (i guess? i dont have a clear czmz fav) AKYR - ROWDIEZ -悪漢奴等 Wanted Vibes- BURAIKAN - BURAIKAN is Back VISTY - BE A STAR AMPRULE - Do as I say 1Nm8 - S∀G∀ (honorable mention: Itsuki’s 2nd part in BOH) GokuLuck - Trigger (Ryoga and Kenta’s parts win me over)
• songs i must mention: F△Bulous, BErmud△ Tri△nglE, Mercy On Me, Life is Beautiful, My Sweetest Love, The Sound of Voltage (stopping myself here before i list the whole discography)
• i watched the 1st stage play to fill the void of the inaccessible first Dope Show and i also watched the BAE & TCW show (for Kiyama Ryu) but that’s it… (maybe i’ll return if Takenaka Ryohei is casted in a 2nd gen group 👀) Fight For The PRIDE and Here We Go are certified bangers though
• i watched Dope Show 2 and 3 but cried hard over 3 i bought the night show but then i found out the matinee setlist had Shooting Arrows 😭😭😭 (if they do a 4th and decide to free stream 3 like they did 2 i PRAY it’s the matinee show 🙏 I WANNA SEE TERASHIMA JUNTA SHINE AS SHIKI. for 4 i’ll wait to see the setlist before buying a ticket)
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reignsan · 2 years
Hi, after years of lurking and reading quite possible 8 times the total in dissertation and posts about it (not to mention fanfics), i finally downloaded and started fate stay night.
So i was wondering, do you have any advice on how to take the series? Honesty l, im kind of nervous on entering Shirou first route, because all the misogyny. I mean I know that its the survival guilt, but that doesnt erase the pages and pages of sexism i will have to wade through. And I have some bad experience with a game that forced bad endings, which seems to be the plate of nasu games.
But i really, really want to get into the themes of heroism, regret, ideals and redemption. So any advice in how to take the game for a newbie (this is my 3rd ln I have played)? what is the best mindset for taking the game? what ia for you the best and the worst of the game?
Thank you.
Shirou's sexism is, I feel, overstated and exaggerated by memes. He definitely is overprotective of Saber and has a few "girls shouldn't fight" moments but it's not like it completely pervades his viewpoint or anything.
Also it is only present in the first route, it doesn't show up at all Unlimited Blade Works or Heaven's Feel.
FSN doesn't really have forced bad ends. It has bad ends if you make certain choices, and some of them can be pretty gruesome, but I don't think there's ever a situation where they feel unfair or unwarranted by the choices the player had Shirou make. If you really want to avoid them there are guides online to tell you exactly what choices to pick to get the true endings for each route.
Another sort of low point on the Fate/Saber route is it's probably the slowest one? Because a lot of it is establishing the setting and worldbuilding. There's a number of scenes that are just Rin explaining to Shirou how magical stuff works. Though the good news is UBW and HF have much less of those because it was already explained to the reader before.
Personally I think the first half of UBW is the most boring the entire novel gets. It gets really good after Caster dies though, I love everything in UBW’s second half. Archer is my favorite character in the franchise and that’s when he shines.
Heaven’s Feel is the darkest and approaches some pretty heavy topics, including rape being used in one character’s backstory, so please be aware of that if it makes you uncomfortable.
I guess a good way to approach FSN with is to remember Shirou is extremely unwell mentally. The more you read through it the more this becomes apparent, especially later on in UBW, but keeping it in mind even from the start helps a lot of stuff click into place.
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pennypalblorkposts · 3 years
Hampsterdance hyperfixation?
ok ok i know me being fixated on a song about dancing hampsters is very strange but theres actually a ton of underground lore about hampsterdance thats been obscured for decades due to hampsterdance (the brand/band) tanking in popularity after its one hit wonder single in 2000
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[ID: a doodle of a person with short hair, looking very excited, with a thought bubble containing the word "Hampter" over their head. end ID]
1. this is probably more well known thanks to this video and also due to me talking about it with random strangers all the time but hampsterdance had a straight-to-dvd movie called "how the hampster's saved winter" that's a piece of lost media (which isn't a new thing for this franchise) due to barely anybody ordering it off the website. the only reason we know it exists it thanks to an article from 2019 of someone interviewing the guys who own the hampsterdance brand (yes, brand!!) and web archives of the website (and the dead purchase link on it.) as well as screencaps from a now dead flash game (which i have saved thankfully pre flash dying) which includes a ferret which is just making me want to find it even more, even if it's just a shitty christmas movie
2. i'm gonna follow up on the hampsterdance movie kind of by explaining what i mean by brand. it's well known info (and if you dont know this thats ok) that the original website was made by an art student named deidre lacarte in 98 in a competition with her friend and sister to make a site with the most web traffic. well, after the hit single "hampsterdance", in around 2002ish? the trademark to it was bought by abatis inc. who still currently holds the trademark. and also they're the ones behind this fucking 3d redesign of the main 4 (i blame alvin for this one personally :/)
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[ID: a set of two images. the first image contains a 2D drawing of a yellow hamster with a bowtie, a brown hamster with a cowboy hat, a grey hamster and an orange hamster. the second image contains a 3D rendered version of the four hamsters with names beside them, as well as instruments. a brown hamster with a cowboy hat named Dixie, holding a guitar, an orange hamster with goggles named Fuzzy with a pair of drums, a yellow hamster with a bowtie named Hampton with a guitar, and a grey hamster with a yin and yang symbol named Hado with an electric keyboard. she also has a flower on her ear. end ID]
like.. i love their current designs now despite how Interesting they look, but what we had already was perfect.
3. there's actually a niche community of hampsterdance fans and there has been for decades! there's an official forum that exists and that's still active (last i checked a few months ago) if you wanna make an account on it good luck getting it approved, it took my account a good year i think :(. so i guess my hampsterdance fixation isnt that strange even if it's mainly focusing on the backstory of this entire franchise vs the actual characters themselves (id probably fixate on the characters if i actually got my hands on that damn movie)
4. hampsterdance has actually made songs outside of its one hit wonder. it has a few albums also!! you can find some of the songs on youtube as well as some of the other music videos ;)
5. official merchandising of the hampsters exists, and yes, im qualifying that as lost media. this includes shirts, rubber bands, and lollipops strangely enough. also plushies of the main cast (unfortunately in the reboot style). also a mug i regret not buying when i saw it for 20 bucks on ebay </3
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[ID: an image of four pairs of red lollipops, each with the face of the hampsterdance cast on them. in order: an orange hamster with goggles and some necklaces, a yellow hamster with a bowtie, a grey hamster with flowers beside her ear, and a brown hamster with a cowboy hat on her head. end ID]
6. hampton (the main hampster, the guy with the bowtie, the man who started it all) was named after deidre's hamster who had the same name. he was featured a few times on the website after it went through a few updates (aka going from literal gif hell to an actual website with things to do on it).
thank you mr hampton for inspiring millions of people by existing. and also promoting hamster care for two decades. youve done a lot for us (actual image of him below)
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[ID: a small, low quality image of a real life hamster in a cage. the cage has a pink bottom. the hamster is orange with a white belly. end ID]
7. i bet you're curious why hampsterdance is spelled with a p. well, according to hampton hampster (fictional), he named himself that because unlike hamsters (without a p), he was no ordinary hamster. in actuality this was probably a misspelling of hamster that just ended up sticking, but i do think that little in universe explanation is very cute.
i could go on but this post is long enough as is. i highly recommend going on the wayback machine through all the hampsterdance urls (hampsterdance.com, hampsterdance2.com) if you're really curious about how hampsterdance (the website) has changed so much. or you could ask me 😏😏😏
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candyrumm · 3 years
Trollhunters Rise of the Titans…
I loved the Gun Robot vs Volcano Titan scene. Many other things too but were here to question and criticize it - especially the ending.
Alrighty I’ll try to paraphrase ( ha not) my opinion and points - a few are ones that i read and overall agreed upon other I haven’t yet seen other people mention. 
So what now? Does he still have the stone? If he went back in time to reset everything wouldn’t that reset the time stone to where it was before?
Disappointed that the canon made the canon an AU. Like everything we knew is gone. Its the ‘it was all a dream’ dream turned reality approach. 
Wa ca cha ka im happy it wasn’t an interactive movie, cause i like to have a definite answer or know exactly what happened rather what could have been. Its also easy to lie back and watch the movie unfold. Batman: Death in the Family, is interactive movie where you see many possible ways things could have happened. However the non-interactive version of the film is just a narrated version of Under the Red Hood by Bruce. And you don’t get the possible events that would have happen cause its really a ‘what if’ movie. However i feel like that many possibilities of what could have happen was what they may have been going for. But i like to imagine that the story could have also ended with Toby’s death and no time traveling. But also with the new reality, could they have at least shown us a flash forward perhaps of what the world came to be? Like an older jim telling his nephews about how he lived the future where he is the trollhunter or at least something. Can the truth set him free??? 
What if Jim dies and Toby tries to start it all over to save him?
I luv Draal, he was probably my favorite character from the start. But even I let him go. He was willing to die for the cause. It was great knowing him. And the death was like… wholesome?  I cant find the right word but like it didn’t feel rushed or careless when he died. I wished he hadn’t but … was at peace with it? When Nomora died, yeah i was like ‘wat nooo’ but we were gonna lose characters along the way. They are fighting a war. 
And honestly a nice lesson could have been to learn to let go and not regret and to not dwell on the past. To move forward into your future, not redo the whole damn thing again. And even if he did have to go back in time, did it really have to be all the way back? 
Did Toby really have to be trollhunter? Like did the amulet make a mistake in the first place for choosing jim? 
Or was it like it knew jim would go back and let Toby his best friend be trollhunters and with jim the mostly all knowing would then be able to set things right in a way that not many die? 
Can it remember things? 
What if he reseted things and now while he gets a good life someone else doesn’t???? 
Was jim tired of being trollhunter and figured though he has like years of experience on what is like to be trollhunter decided that, that grueling experience is what his best friend would want. In the beginning of the show Toby was like nah, I’m not looking for adventure. Later on Toby asked Jim whether or not the amulet gave him the excitement he was looking for.  Jim reply no it was toby. MaYbE this is what he was going for? If thats the case could he have not just have had a kid? Or some career change? Did he think he couldn’t have a good life without toby? He left him in Arcadia at the end of trollhunters. He could have made some sorta memorial for Toby (edit: oh and maybe the god/desses like the ones who fell in the park) and saying that it was because of him that he got to make the striking blow on the last deity who wanted to rebirth earth.
Wasn’t there a lesson when toby was saying how its ok that his parents died and that he likes to think that they are the reason so many good things in his life happen? Guess jim doesn’t want to apply that same mindset that Toby had to Toby.
The trollhunter seemed to be marked as the leader (in the beginning.) So wouldn’t it be easier for jim to be leader since he knows what will happened. (edit: Will many even believe him about how he time traveled.) And then be able to guide others. Like where the Bridge is. He can be there sooner. Or is he planning to go under the radar since how the spotlight isn’t on him?
(The following is mostly copy and pasted from a commented repost of mine. I still wrote it, just copied it from where i had originally posted it to and added a few tweaks and points.)
Is jim even the sorta person that would let his best friend go through what he did? Dying at one point. Risking the safety of loved ones? Running and climbing extensively? Toby doesn’t have the chef skills Jim did, is there ever a fight for when they enter trollmarket? Does he now know trollish and could impress Vendal on how he knows to much? Would he confess that he went through and a timeline (his original timeline?) where he was the trollhunter and therefore is skilled in many aspects of trollhunting?
They didn’t find it together, sure Jim may be there to guide and advice Toby and the others but the thing the two of them had going on was that they found it together, they were in this(that) together. Now its not that. 
Plus, sure maybe Jim matured so now he’s willing to bring people in for help and support and such. Unlike he was in the beginning where tried to protect everyone by not having them involved or really you know in the field. For example, when he tried to keep his mother from the whole dealio, or when he went into the darklands alone. Later I think he did say that he’s not stupid enough to go at it alone and that they are stronger together. But ughhhh Jim and Toby now aren’t together at the start.
And we didn’t really get closure for the Tales of Arcadia franchise thing. The end is more like an alternate beginning. In my opinion. But Guillermo del Toro, ‘creator’ of the franchise - i think - tweeted how the ROTT movie would be the final chapter/ending of tales of aracdia. Ughhh was that what he was going for? To end it and everyone’s pedestal for it?
(stops here)
I could just pretend they didn’t travel back in time. As far as im aware - all the merchandise is for the previous canon. Most of the merch was for trollhunters and not 3below or wizards. And since trollhunters is my favorite out of the three, im ok with that. Wizards sit at #2 for me. Though i luv Queenie Aja in the movie.
Am I missing anything? I dunno. My thoughts are a mess.
edit: IT WAS BASICALLY AN EFFING REBOOT, not earth rebirth but canon rebirth. 
Well its canon to have the canon not be directly canon. And not canon but it’s still canon. Confusion…
Like does dreamworks not know how a population of people automatically feel about reboots and remakes WA CA CHA KA there was no heal time. no time to let the fairy dust of our beloved story settle, marinate under the rug, nope. Reboot will began in 3, 2, 1...
Not trying to hate on the movie or creators (hoping u didn't read the whole thing with a negative tone heh heh) i just wanted to express some thoughts I had on the movie. Didn’t hate the movie and the entirely of the choices made during its production obviously, just questioning what could’ve happen after or what could have been.
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writerofshit · 4 years
alfredo and jeremy doing that legolas-gimli thing where they count their kills and try to outdo each other, but on a heist (romantic or platonic idc.) meanwhile trevor is the (very done) aragorn//leader who's just like "CAN WE GO NOW CAN YOU TWO STOP FLIRTING"
Oh shit, is it time for vaguely embarrassing facts about KS again? I think it is! The fun fact this time is that I have never watched, read, or otherwise consumed media from the LOTR franchise. I think I tried once and then gave up. Couldn't tell you why. I did watch A Simple Walk with Chris and Kerry, if that counts for anything.
BUT that being said, I love what you've described, Anon. It's top tier.
I imagine like... They're pulling some set up shit to get into the base of some rival crew, but not the good kind of rival? Like there are crews that they have a love/hate relationship with, like GG and and Haus and even the Roosters on a bad day, but they have an understanding, are the first ones to come to the others' defense if need be. Those are fun rivals.
But no, the crew theyre after this time is full of fuck-off types of assholes, involved in some Actually Fucked Up Shit, hell bent on climbing the criminal ladder and shoving off anyone they feel they need to. So fuck them.
So it's Fredo, Jeremy and Trevor on this particular endeavour. Fredo and Jeremy are there (there being in the woods perched up in trees with sniper rifles, that is) as muscle, and Trevor is there (there being sneaking into the compound wherever the other two have deemed clear) to have a 'chat' with the leader.
It starts in the truck on the way. Fredo says something off hand about having to carry the team. Jeremy takes offense, says he's a way better shot than anyone gives him credit for.
"I'm not saying you're bad, but you're not as good as me."
"Bullshit! I can absolutely hold my own!"
"Against anyone else, sure."
It turns into complete childish bickering, of course, and Trevor's up front vaguely wondering if it's possible for his eyeballs to completely roll out of his head. Eventually they settle on a bet, here an now, whoever takes out the most guards wins.
"Does the loser have to buy dinner?" Trevor jokes.
"A) im not gonna lose, and B) I'm not buying you shit, Trevor." Jeremy says quickly, the implication completely sailing over his head.
Poor Trevor thinks, you know, when they get out there, they'll have to shut up, right? They'll focus on the job amd being at least somewhat stealthy, right? Surely they won't continue to throw jabs back and forth over the comms, keep a running scoreboard, right?
WRONG, because that's exactly what they do!
Trevor's sneaking around a corner and he hears a body drop, which. Some fuckin warning would be nice, you assholes. It's followed immediately by a (way too loud) laugh and "that's one more for me, in your face Fredo." A few minutes later a guard outside of the main building drops, again startling Trevor. Then there's Fredo in the earpiece "that's even, actually. Oh, and the doors clear Trevor."
Trevor regrets ever agreeing to this, but goes inside to have his 'chat'. It's not pleasant.
As he's running back to the truck, alarms blaring, Fredo and Jeremy are still bickering about who's kill the last one technically was.
"We both shot him, Jeremy."
"Yeah but I shot him first! That's my point!" It's definitely a whine.
"Can you two dipshits stop flirting for five seconds so wr can get the fuck out of here?"
Immediately they both start defending themselves.
"We're not flirting-"
"This is a competiton-"
"Yeah, Jeremy's an asshole-"
And Trevor is just so tired. So done. So needing to the get the fuck out of there. "Oh my god, we literally dont have time for this. Deal with your feelings later, get in the car now!"
They get out, because above all theyre good at getting away unscathed. Despite his headache, Trevor blares music in the truck on the way home. Anything to drown out the quiet bickering in the backseat. Ah well. They'll figure it out someday.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
meet & greet - part 1
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2845: EXILE
synopsis: It’s the year 2845. A year where Earth is in shambles and space is the new frontier. You are sent along with other cadets to a distress call about some type of unknown creature. You are new as an engineer on the ship Shiganshina and you have to work for your boss and leader of your group Levi Ackerman. But remember, in space no one can hear you scream.
pairing: levi ackerman x female! reader words: 3,406( 〇□〇) genre: fluff, space au, series, future au, romance, comedy 
a/n: this is my first au series. my sis is obssessed w the alien franchise and she showed me alien isolation and it was so good she watched it like all the time and she saw markipliers game through so im excited to show yall my idea, hope yall like it. hope u like some sexy space levi cuz i know i do. 
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You remembered what your father taught you - how to create with your hands. How in your mind you felt lost and insignificant in this vast existence called space. But he explained to you that you could be so much more. With your help people can depend on you and believe in you and that makes you important. That makes hard work payed off when you are there for someone. 
“Hey rookie, make sure to get those screws in. We don’t want this compartment tearing apart.” Hannes, your co-worker, ordered you. 
You wiped the grease from your forehead. Sweat was dripping down your face. “How many times do I gotta tell you this, Hannes, just because I’m new to this job doesn’t mean I don’t know how to seal a door.” You banged the object and rolled your eyes and the insensitive words of that man. He thought he owned the business. “Besides, once I get enough cash, I can buy my own ship and head on out of here like a-”
“-person’s hair caught on fire,” Hannes chuckled. “We know this. You tell us every time.”
You pushed yourself up to get yourself a cup of coffee. “It’s true though, I’m gonna do.” You bit your gloves off as you scratched the back of your head. “Somehow.” It was difficult finding jobs for engineers. Every thing was growing and getting more modern as the days went by. Now robots took care of things and did what you could do but 10 times faster, better, and more work. Plus, you had limited knowledge, you needed to be trained more but there was only so much your old man taught you. “I already know how I’m going to decorate it and the speed.” You whistled. “That baby is going to go faster than a meteorite.” There were stars in your eyes. It was all you ever dreamed of, ever since you were a little girl. It was all you wanted to do. Build things and be on your own. Making your own rules and being your own person. 
You picked up your wrench and went under the compartment to take a look at its legs. 
“Um, Y/N. There’s someone here to see you.” Hannes said. 
You rolled out from under to see your best friend who is like your little brother, Eren, with his two pals, Mikasa and Armin. “No way! Hey guys!” You ran to them for a hug. “I haven’t seen you guys in like 2 years!”
Eren smiled wide as he brought you aside. “Yeah, its been a while.”
“Why are you getting so tall squirt?” You ruffled his chocolate brown hair. You and Eren knew each other as little kids. His father was a doctor and was acquainted with your father. From time to time they worked together. 
“Must be all that food we eat at the academy!” Armin said with a cheerful spirit. 
That’s when you took one look at their attire and saw all of them wearing their space academy suits and that’s when you knew Eren came here to change your mind. 
You shook your head as you walked away to look for parts. 
“Y/N! Where are you going? Y/N!” Eren called out for you. 
“Nice going really subtle.” Mikasa smacked Armin.
“What?” The little sunshine was lost. 
Ever since Eren got into the space academy he had been trying to get you enrolled as well. It was his dream and all but not yours. You didn’t want to be stuck in a room with entitled brats that think they know it all when they really didn’t. It wasn’t your calling and you didn’t want to go and nothing, nobody could change your mind. 
“Please Y/N, listen up.” Eren helped you pick up the box of parts. 
“Why should I? I can’t believe the only reason you would show up and see your friend is to convince her to do something she doesn’t want to do.”
“That’s not true. It’s not like that,” Eren tried to explain. 
“So you didn’t come over here to change my mind?” 
Eren was silent but then gave in, “Okay, yes. But it’s because we need you!”
“Sure,” you said sarcastically. “Like I’ve never heard that before.”
Mikasa cornered you and slapped her hands on the wall near your face. “Listen to what he has to say.”
“Eren you better come grab your friend before I throw hands on a kid.” You gave a warning look. 
You served them coffee as you sat and talked. “What do you need me for?”
“They’ve seen the way you work. They think you’re incredible and one of the best which you are to me and they want you on their team.”
“What makes you think I’m going to say yes?”
“We got in a call, a distress call from one of Warrior’s ships, Marley. One of our own. It’s a real emergency and it sounds like they are in real distress. They’re far away and on our radar it shows the ship is in critical condition. Warrior is sending people out to rescue those from Marley.” Armin reasoned. 
“And why do you need me? Can’t Warrior do it themselves? They’ve got the people and they’ve sure got the money.”
They go silent and Mikasa places her hand on Eren’s knee. “The call that we got from one of our own said that something on the ship was dangerous to the crew. We need capable men and women on this job. Warrior has you in their files and they’ve been watching you on how you react to things. They feel you are really fit for this job.” 
You shook your head, “no. I gotta get back to reality. I got so much stuff on my mind that I have to do.”
“Wait!” Eren pulled your sleeve. “They’re willing to pay a lot.” 
You bit your lip. You couldn’t resist.
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As you walked into the classy headquarters you regretted a bit coming here. Deep down you really didn’t know what danger could they have meant. 
“Hello sir, here is Y/N L/N. She is very strong and highly capable to complete this mission.” Eren saluted to what seemed to be the boss of Warrior.
“Hello there Y/N. We were expecting you,” the man was tall and had short blonde hair. The bangs were split apart and he wore glasses. He gave his hand for you to shake. “I’m Zeke.”
“Nice to meet you Zeke. This a nice place you got here.”
“Thank you, now without further a do I would like to show you the crew that will be assisting you on this mission.”
“There’s more?” You gulped. You were not that spontaneous at working together with others. You had many ideas and usually that clashed with peoples opinions. 
“Yes indeed. You will need the help,” Zeke chuckled. “I’ve seen your work that you do. You’re the one who created that electromagnetic pull to connect and pull together the two trains. I’m very impressed.”
“It’s just, stuff I learned from my pops,” you followed Zeke. Every corner you took amazed you more. Chandelier upon chandelier, buttons leading to new discoveries. You were so curious! 
“I’m sure Eren told you about the distress call and the mission in itself?”
“Yeah, he told me a little about it. It sounds real terrifying. I hope the people are okay.”
Zeke smiled, “that’s why we need people like you that care enough to go save them. Now your crew that you’ll be working on is called the special operation squad, created by their captain of their ship, Erwin Smith.” He gave you a pad to look at captain Erwin’s photo. He looked very handsome and charming. His eyebrows thick and a face of seriousness. You glimpsed over his information and handed it back to Zeke. 
“Looks tough.”
“Indeed he is, he once landed a plain when it ran out of power. It was just falling down to the surface and he managed to let the legs stick out the right moment that it didn’t even have a scratch.”
“We have Eld Jinn, Oluo Bozado, Petra Ral, and Gunther Schultz. They graduated at the top of their classes. This will also be their first mission.”
You saw their pictures and couldn’t believe one of them was that age.
“We have Hange Zoe, smarty that one. And second in command, Levi Ackerman. He is amazing under pressure and is very strong. He is one of our best.”
You saw his complexion and he had bags under his eyes. Not what you were expecting, “he looks short.” You popped gum in your mouth.
“He is but very, very, scary. And he is going to teach you and be beside you mostly during the procedure just so you can understand and get a taste.”
“I think I can handle this myself besides why would I want to take orders from someone half my size.” You laughed as walked right into Levi. 
He raised his brow, “you were saying.” His voice was deep and gruff and he truly looked like he could kill you.”
“Yes, here is the crew. Special operation squad I want you to meet your newest member Y/N L/N.” Zeke presented them to you. 
You waved awkwardly. They all looked like they could eat you alive. 
Oluo walked over with his hands in his pockets, “I hope you can keep up you little,” he bit his lip and started choking.
“Karma,” you smirked. 
“Don’t listen to that idiot. I’m just glad to have another girl on the team! Yay!” Petra ran and high fived you. 
“Hey what about me?” Hange pouted. 
“Fine you too.” Petra gave her a high five. 
“Sir, if I may have a word. We think we might have found a way to get into the breach. Since the power is down there may be a way we can open the latched door and connect Shigashina to Marley.” Erwin walked Zeke over to the map on the screen.
“Actually that won’t work.” You spoke up.
“Who is she?” Erwin questioned. 
“See,” you pulled the blue print of Marley to the crew. “There is only a limited power left on that ship circulating certain items on it and is whats keeping the ship staying up. Light, vents, door, you get the point. If we try to open the gate to connect the two ships all the power left will go to that door. So instead we go over to Marley and get in our suits. Physically walk to Marley and try to open a small vent or door there. It will be safe because we’ll be hooked. I’ve done it many times...Names Y/N L/N.” You shook Erwin’s hand. “And I’m your newest crew member.”
Everyone cooed and awwed at your ability. It was like you said the best comeback. You looked to see Levi not smile but his eyes did the talking. You could tell he was proud of you. 
“Excellent work Y/N. I knew you were made for this job. Levi, make sure you teach her more. She is already a great learner.” Zeke said. 
Hange pushed you to Levi and you wrapped your arms around his head for support. “I guess you’re my student now. Don’t mess this up.”
You weren’t a fond of this amazing hero Levi. 
“Has she heard the call yet?” Erwin asked. 
“No i haven’t.”
The call was shaky at first but then a girls voice came on, “Hello Warrior. This is Marley in the midst of completing the Warrior program. Day 34. Every thing was fine at first. But then everything went to Hell.” There was a bang in the background. “I don’t have much time and I don’t know if I’ll be alive but we need assistance here, asap! Something is here, its coming and its killing! We need someone quick! Please!” It cuts off with a roar and then silence. 
Your heart is beating fast and you feel faint. You take a seat, “that’s awful.” Were you really ready for this mission? “Why did they go there in the first place?”
“To look for more planets that contain life of course. Isn’t that what its always about.” Zeke explained. 
“Our mission crew, is to rescue Marley and bring as many home to safety. We do our best and we make sure we take down whatever that threat may be so it doesn’t come to the population.”
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You ship Shiganshina was being loaded with supplies. Gun were being transported and you almost felt your throat go dry. You tried to keep a tough face but you were never in a situation like this. 
“You okay?” Levi asked. 
He startled you with the suddenness. “Will we be using those?”
Levi saw the fear in your eyes and patted your back, “only if we need to.” He handed you a black space suit. “For you. Put it on, were going to be ready in about 5.”
As you put on the skin tight space suit you began to realize how real this really was. It frightened you and made you want to go back to where it was safe. But you made a promise. Your father taught you to help people and these people needed your help. 
Being and engineer you fell in love with Shiganshina. It was an older model ship but it was redone to look modern. It was bigger than any ship you ever seen that it took more than 20 people to pilot this thing. It was so gorgeous to you every aspect of it. “I’m in love.”
“Did you know that this was the first ship of its kind to be made?” Hange Zoe spat out facts. Zeke was right, she was very smart. 
“It’s so special,” your fingertips grazed the cool metal of the ship. 
Waling into the chilling area you saw the crew playing ping pong and reading. It was announced that the ship took off. You grabbed a coffee and sat next to Eld. 
“Man the way you gave it to Erwin!” Oluo joked. “He looked like he pooped himself!” He laughed. Petra came and sat on his lap. “Don’t act like you’re so cool. You always copy Levi.”
Gunther almost died laughing. “She got you there dude.”
“So this is your guys first mission too. Are you scared?”
“Why are you? Then maybe you shouldn’t be on this ship.” Oluo eyed you down. 
Petra smacked his head, “stop being a jerk! Y/N is part of us now. I am a little scared but I know I am ready to prove myself to Warrior.”
“At least you had training. I’m just learning as I go.”
“I’ll teach you the best way I can.” Levi suddenly appeared holding his cup of coffee odd. “You just have to be teachable.”
“I am!” You were getting aggravated. You were equal to them and you had to start believing it. 
“Psst,” Eld tapped you. “Don’t worry, I’m a little scared too. I’ve got a wife and two kids back at home.” Eld showed you a picture of them in his locket. 
You grinned, “they are a beautiful family. I’m sure you’re making them proud. Thanks by the way. I’m glad someone else is scared around here.”
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You scooped the rest of your stew out of your cup as the others bursted out laughing while saying stories of their training. 
“Remember you fell in the sewer?” Hange chuckled as she picked up the dishes to put away in the sink. “That was pretty gross my man.” 
Gunther rolled his eyes, “I got all that crap in my hair for like months. It was not funny and you know it.”
“What about when Eren slipped and did a split when he was talking to that chick?” Levi recalled, sipping his tea in a strange manner. 
“He did a split?” You almost choked on a piece of meat. “That behemoth?”
“Ha ha very funny.” Erwin said sarcastically. “I thought she was endgame and that was so humiliating.”
“You still went on a date though.” Oluo said, “I remember she threw that cake on your face.”
You raised your brow and tried to hold in your chuckle. “What? She did that to you? Why?”
“It’s because-” Levi started. 
“No let me tell it,” Hange butted in. “Erwin, I don’t think this is gonna work.” She impersonated the lady in a valley girl voice. “Like, you are too much in your job and you will never make time for me. I need a man who will spoil me and who will make me,” they all yelled in unison, “their sexy, little, queen of a thang!”
Oluo banged on the table, cackling loud, tears running down his face. Hange fell on the floor while Erwin was trying to cover his face to hide the blush. You laughed so hard you flipped your bowl. “Oh crap!” You looked and saw a tiny hint of a smile on Levi’s face. It was a different look and you liked it. He looked cute and it made you happy. 
“You finished?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” you yawned. “I’mma hit the showers.”
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You couldn't go to sleep. Tossing and turning you had all these expectations of what this mission entailed. Some were excited while some were terrified of the danger that laid on ship Marley. You didn’t know what to expect. 
Sweat dripped down your back and your heart pounded fast. You shot up and breathed deeply. 
Going to the kitchen you were looking for milk to drink to help with your insomnia. You were searching the refrigerator. 
“What are you doing up?”
You shrieked as you jumped. It was Levi, leaning against the counter. “Oh my God, you scared me!” You clutched your heart. 
“Couldn’t sleep?”
You nodded, “is it that obvious?”
He peered down to the carton of milk. “Eld told me what you two talked about.” Levi crossed his arms and you saw his muscles trying to rip out of his hoodie. “Its okay to be scared. If you’re not scared then you’re not human and when you’re doing this type of job you need everything to remind you that you still are. Besides, I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
You were silent because no one had ever said that to you. But you wondered if he was genuine. “I’ve never left that garage I worked at. Traveling space like this its always something I wanted but I’m just - the unknown is whats terrifying. I’m scared that I’ve wanted this for so long, what if its not what I expected? What if I fail?”
“That’s why you have to try it though, its to see what you feel about something. Because you’ll live your life not knowing and that being a mystery, and that is the worst feeling ever.”
“Yeah,” you scratched the back of your head. 
“Give me your hand, I want to show you something?” Levi outstretched his hand to you. 
“Where are you taking me?”
“I want to show you something amazing, idiot just take the dang hand.” 
You clutched his palm and he made his way to the window of the ship. It was big and wide. It was as if the world was laid out in front of you. 
“Wow,” you said amazed. Your eyes widened. The amazing galaxies and space reflected into your eyes. The sun was a little far way and was bright and beautiful. “Its so...perfect.”
“Right?” Levi leaned against the wall. “That’s kinda about the good thing about this job. The view is unbeatable.”
“I’ll say.” You smirked. “To think we are just a tiny part of this bigger picture. Makes you feel insignificant.”
“No, to me it makes me feel lucky. Lucky that I’m alive to witness something this great.”
You grabbed a hold of Levi’s hand, still looking at the space. “Thank you Levi.” Tears fell down your face. 
Levi looked shocked and was about to ask but your look turned into something that was horrifying. You covered your mouth as you gasped. “What happened?”
He gazed to where you were pointing and his eyes widened. He ran and shouted and he went to go get the crew. 
The ship Marley was there. Out of power, just floating like a lump of rock in the middle of space. It pieces broken and looking ruined. Something was terribly wrong. 
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a/n: oooh spooky lol i wonder whats gonna happen. phew that was a lot of writing i hope u guys enjoy it bc it means so much to me. but i mean u all can tell that levi is ready to drop everything for y/n, they already having heart eyes!!!
Tag list: @carat-bebe, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories, @fandomchick80, @awkwardspontaneity​
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