#im sorry this took me a bit to reply to! i was offline for a chunk of time T__T!!
lazybakerart · 7 months
1/2 dude, listened to silver springs by fleetwood mac and feel like i've been gutted like a FISH cos it's such a harringrove song. tell me these lines don't make you wanna fall to your knees and WEEP: "Don't say that she's pretty/ And did you say that she loved you? Baby, I don't want to know" // & "Time cast a spell on you, but you won't forget me I know I could have loved you But you would not let me"?? imagining a school reunion au where steve & billy meet again after like 10 years & realise
2/2 they're still eachother's longest relationship cos they never stopped loving the other. it just feels like the song could be from either of their perspectives & that makes me feel insane. old insecurities arose which made billy believe steve was still in love with nancy&steve not being able to handle being shut out all the time when he has so much love to give but billy not allowing him to love him?! anyway! happy endings only &they get back together &bang over a desk in an empty classroom
i'm here for every single reunion au. billy leaves town after prom night and 20 years later is coincidentally back in town for the reunion when neil dies and billy has to deal with his Shit. steve hearing billy is back and not expecting to see him at the reunion but there he is! steve is pissed at him and billy is on a tight-wire of emotions like he's seventeen again and they both get smashed and end up angrily fucking in the empty locker room after billy picks the lock. emotions are everywhere. steve's a divorcé. billy's a wreck. 20 years of pent up Feelings explode.
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miomines · 2 years
Hello there! Warning, I do rant a bit here.
I dropped my phone water at the beach a month ago, and I’ve basically lost all my sketches, photos and written drafts because I didn’t bother to back them up. I basically had no motivation to draw anything, because more than 200 drawing just poofed :(
I finally decided to draw something, and it was a bit of a struggle. I can’t download anything onto this phone due to storage concerns, so I’m stuck with the default notes app. It won’t let me zoom in, and I’m not used to using a pen that’s so fiddly. The app won’t let me undo more than 7 strokes at a time, so I can’t be too liberal with what I want to draw. It’s also inverted the canvas for me, seeing as I’m currently using dark mode.
I kinda just scribbled for a bit, before I realised I was probably sketching Meili. I say probably, because I didn’t use a reference, and drawing clothing with proper folds felt impossible for some reason. It might sound strange, but Meili’s a comfort character of mine — I hope you don’t mind.
I figured I’d just send this to you through an ask instead of making an entire post about it. You’ve been offline for a while, and I hope you’re doing okay. Stay safe out there.
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don't worry about me being offline for awhile i was just being an idiot and not taking my meds
ANYWAYS u do not know how much this Warms my Heart and i am so sorry this took so long for me to reply to. honestly im amazed that a character of mine made an impact towards anyone especially meili bc she's such a self indulgent character for me
my energy right now is not fully stabilized I am restless and shaky but!! when i am not dealing with that i will draw meili specifically for u bc seeing this made me very happy
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piplupod · 2 years
@ genderkoolaid is a transandrophobia truther
can you explain to me why that's a big issue to reblog from someone who thinks that transandrophobia exists? like im genuinely confused as to why its an issue, sorry fjsdfjkl
i dont know enough about the whole issue to have an opinion one way or another, i've been trying to stay out of it bc i'm not transmasc nor transfem and also i have... many life issues im dealing with outside of tumblr discourse (unless this discourse is genuinely hurting ppl offline, then i'll take a look at it to figure out my opinion maybe)
I'll delete the post if it's an issue but,,, I just am not sure I understand why rbing from a "transandrophobia truther" is a bad thing (i DO understand why rbing from TERFs and other transphobes is a bad thing tho lol, so im grateful when ppl point those ones out to me), and i would like to understand! i dont want to blindly follow something i dont fully understand!
if someone could explain to me (in DMs preferably so i don't get harassment sent my way lmfao), then i would be more than happy to listen and try to figure it out
(i also want to clarify im not being stubborn about "just deleting a post", i am really just wanting to understand why it would be good to delete it. i have no qualms about deleting a post, but i DO have qualms with Not Understanding WHY i'm doing something or supposed to do something)
update: thank you to the person who explained in replies, I've deleted the post, bc that explanation that was provided and some things i found when i took a quick jaunt thru the tag on tumblr makes me a bit 😬😬 about it
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello :) 
It’s time for the next part :)
Thanks again to all who read it so far!
I woke up with the sun already out, making my eyes adjust to the light again. I checked the clock above doors. 9.45. Huh, nice, I tought, the nurse didnt lie when she said the pain meds would make me sleep better. I felt more rested today, but still pretty sore. I managed to get up and go to bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror -I looked like hell. I hoped Jessy would come today with my stuff, I needed some fixing up urgently. As I was leaving the bathroom, my phone beeped with new message. My heart jumped with excitement,only to see it was Jessy. „Hey hey, sleeping beauty, im sorry, you will have to manage without my awesomness today, but dont worry, i'm sending the next best person to keep you company! ;D Call you later ,kisses!“ I smiled as I layed back to bed. That sweet nurse from before entered my room smiling. „Good morning, hun, hope you slept well“. „I sure did, thanks.“ I replied, while she settled the food tray with breakfast on the stand. She helped me make myself comfortable in bed, and putted the tray in front of me, when a voice came from the door. „Doris! My favorite nurs!“ It was Dan, and Doris chuckled as Dan came over to the bed. „Oh my, hun, if I knew who your friend was, I would have brought you something stronger then this tea“ I laughed, while Dan made a gesture with his hands, stabing at his heart. „Awww, c'mon Doris, dont be so cruel, you know you like me!“ Doris just waved her head as she went for the door. „If this schmuck starts to bother you too much, you just yell hun.“  I smiled at her „Thanks Doris, I might just do that.“  Dan looked at me. „Is that a 'thank you' I get for coming here?“ he siad, being dramatic as Dans always is. I grinned „Ofcourse not! But its entertaining to see you all squirmy.“ „Tsk,tsk, sure, pick on poor Dan.“ He grabed a chair and sat next to the bed. „You look like shit, Maya.“  „Gee, thanks Dan, thats really what I wanted to hear.“ I said, even tho I knew he was right, I did look awful. „Hey, dont get mad at me, I just say it as it is! Luckily, Dan is here to the rescue..again.“ he said handing me my backpack. „ Jessy went through your stuff, and filled your pack with what she tought you might need the most. She said to text her later if theres anything else you need so she can bring it.“ „Thanks Dan.“ I said taking the backpack from him. „And I mean thanks, not just for this.“ Dan looked at me, and I could read a bit of worry on his face. He quickly tried to hide it „Hey, no need to thank me, I told you once before, if theres a damsel in distress, im here to help.“ „Damsel“ I snorted. „Doubt that a damsel would act so stupid as I did.“ I felt that awfull feeling of guilt taking over me again. „Look Maya, i'm really not the one to judge you here. Yes, what you did was Incredibly stupid, and lets be honest, you almost got yourself killed. When Lily called me and told me everything, I was so pissed at both of you, well you mostly, but also kinda excited that someone actualy took the matter into its own hands.“ I looked at him with awe, I didnt quite expect it. He continued „And frankly, I kinda expected something like this from you sooner or later, well at least the part of you coming to Duskwood. As I was running to my car, calling Thomas and filing him in on everything,I got really angry at you for not turning to me for help. You know I would help you no matter what, I told you that hundred of times before.“  „Yes Dan, I know you would.“ I said, even more of that guilt creeping in. „But you didnt! Then I tought, maybe afterall you didnt trust me enough as you said.“ „I did trust you, I do trust you Dan, you have to know that.“ Now even tears started forming in my eyes. „I know, Maya, its just how I felt at the time. And when I got to the mine, Thomas was already there, with this cop who was close by and responded to the call since I told Lily to inform that inspector guy. He said we should wait for backup, but stuborn as I am, I just rushed in, Thomas yelling after me, but I just kept running. Good thing they went after me, because God only knows what would happen if they didnt.“ I couldnt keep the tears anymore, and I just burst out crying. Dan got up from his chair, sat next to me on the bed, hugging me. „ As I said im not here to judge you, or make you fell more guilty. Heck, I might have done the same thing, or something worse. Things wer starting to get us really nowhere, and something happening was kinda of a kickoff for me. And im not mad at you any more Maya, just to get that out in the opet.“ „Thanks Dan, I really appriciate it.“ I barely managed through my tears. „Yeah,yeah, im awesom, I know.“ He grined at me, as i looked him with eyes full of tears. He huged me a bit tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder. „You got me really freaking scared there in that mine, Maya. When I saw you like that..“ he paused.  „I cant say how much im sorry about all, Dan. I did more harm then good, and I betrayed all of you guys again.“ „Well, at the end, you did find Hannah, so im sure Thomas wont have that much of a grudge.“ He grined at me, handing me a tissue, wich made me relax a bit. „Yes I did. And how are our little love birds doing?“ i asked wiping the tears, as Dan moved back to the chair. „Oh, theyr fine. Thomas is not letting Hannah alone for one milisecond, wich is a bit too wooshy mooshy if you ask me.“ He mad a face of gaging. „Oh, c'mon mister tough guy, that picture Jessy sent me of you two from last night was quite mooswhy wooshy in my eyes.“ I said teasingly. „If you ever say that to anyone about me, and I mean ANYONE, i swear Maya...“ I didnt let him finish, I just grined „Dont worry, your mooshy wooshy secret is safe with me.“ „Good, good. So when are they letting you go from this shit hole?“ „Oh, come on, its not that terrible here: food is not bad, room is nice and quiet, and I have a killer wiev, what's the hurry?“ „I promised you some whiskey.“ he grined „And Jessy wont let me drink, but when you get out she wont be abel to say no.“ „ You really ARE scared of Jessy.“ I said laughing. „She might be small, but the woman is a dynamite when serious!“ I laughed so hard, the tea I just sipped when out through my nose. „Thanks Dan, I needed this.“ „Dan to the rescue.“ He smiled and winked. „Sooo...“ he starte, and I got a feeling I knew what he gonna ask me. „Did the 'hackerboy' contaced you by now?“ „His name is Jake, could you please not call him that anymore.“ I said a bit too stern maybe. „All right, all right, no need to get all serious on me now. Did 'Jake' contacted you?“  I hesitated for a brief moment before answering „No, nothing yet. And to be honest, might be better like that. I myself am not too eager for that talk .“ „Heh, I can understand that. If I was that much pissed at you back then, I dont want to imagine how much 'hac..' , sorry, Jake is pissed at you right now.“  „Well, I guess I will find out soon enough..if he still wants to talk to me at all.“  Dan putted on his serious face, but with a little grin on it „Hey, if he talks bad to you, let me know, i'll show him off!“ „Ohh, im sure you would enjoy that..maybe even to much.“ I said, him grinning even more. „But thanks, Dan, again, for everything.“ „Yeah,yeah, dont you get all wooshy mooshy on me now also.“ he said, getting up. „Well, I gotta go. You get better soon, and call if you need anything.“  „Thanks, Dan, sure will.“ I replied, and waved him goodby. Doris came shortly after Dan left, and got me off the IV, suggesting I take a shower. I grabbed the pack Jessy sent me, and went through it. I took out some underweare, clean shirt and sweatpants, grabbed the shampoons, tooth brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The shower did feel nice, but it took me ages to finish it, since I was still quite sore. A big bruise at my ribs was still making me short breathed at the times, and all the other cuts and bruises didnt help with easing the pain either. I had a  cut on the back of my head, wich was the reason my head still throbed a lot. I brushed my teeth, looked myself in the mirror, and already could notice some color coming back to my cheeks. I got back to bed and took my phone, might aswell check those messages and emails, its not like I'm have anything smarter to do. Most emails wer not important, I answered a few I needed, and switched to messages. Most of missed calls and messages wer from the night of the incident, so not much replaying needed here. Cleo sent a message saying shes happy im ok, and she will come to visit soon. Thomas also sent a message, thanking me for everything, emphasising tho that I was reckles and how all could have ended differently, but still no grudges from his side. He was just too happy Hannah was back with him. Ofcourse, they all wished me to get well soon, and they cant wait for when I get out so we can all meet properly.I replied to both, thanking them for good wishess. Staring at my chats screen, I opened my conversation with Jake. He was offline, ofcourse. I stared at the blinking pointer on the text space, but I didnt know what to write. My head was blank, I couldnt think of anything. After few minutes I exited the chat, settling the phone aside, and turning the tv on. Maybe some movie or something will get me relaxed a bit. I switched through channels, till I found something acceptable to watch. I ajusted myself on the pillow, and before I knew, dozed off.
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goldstonegolem64 · 6 years
Book1 Hope Returns Chapter16 Fitz  By goldstone golem64
in the bridge
“Liberating the Balmera will not be a easy task”Allura said 
“So what’s the plan ? "Jay asked
“We go in and go pow pow pow and free the prisoner ” lance said 
“What was that noise ?” Keith asked
“laser guns ”lance said 
“no lance I think you mean kapow kapow  vvvvv boom”hunk said 
“no those sound like fireworks” lance said 
“technically they're move like puacku puacku puacko” Pidge said 
“Enough of the bad sound effects besides its more like blam blam blam”Shiro said 
The group began to argue about laser sound leaving Adam and Jay to laugh 
“So this is why you were going to marry him he’s great with kid” Jay said smiling
“ yes along with other things “Adam said 
“you guys planning on having kids when this is all over ?”Jay asked 
“yeah after all this me and shiro need something normal in our lives we may adopter another galra kid or some other race or just go with a human kid”Adam said
“wait another galra kid what do you mean by that” Jay asked confused 
Adam pointed to the knife Keith had "the symbol on the knife match something I read while I was in the med bay waiting to recover from the crash  it was from one of the info table something about a group of assassins who had blades look like the one Keith has but the name of the group  was never said and If I remember were Keith used to live it was a few miles from the crash site of the ship that brought the blue lion. The ship crashed twenty years ago and left the earth three years later. Keith is eighteen and his mom left when he was one.”  Adam said 
“so are you going to tell him or have you done that already?” Jay asked 
“No not yet I told Shiro and that is it .I'm wait for the right time to tell him but that might have to wait a little bit longer I just want to double check before I tell him. I don't want to throw him off before the mission” Adam said a little worried 
“Alright just tell him when your ready”
“Hey Jay can you prove a point?” Lance asked
“what is it lance” Jay replied 
“what dose a laser gun sound like” lance said 
standing up from the box he was siting on and throwing the bottle of water he had into the air and pulled out his Bayard and like his normal revolver he fanned the hammer as he fired it  . A crackling whistling sound rang though out the room right before the bottle exploded on impact from the bolt of energy.“Sorry your all wrong that is what a real laser gun sounds like” Jay said blowing off the smoke from the mussel of his Bayard . trying to be cool he spun the Bayard round like a cowboy from a the old western movie he watch as a kid and completely fuck up putting it back in the holster by missing the holster completely almost shot himself in the foot.
Everyone laughed at that only to be intruded by Allura who was mad that they were not taking the situation seriously.
“Sorry princess” Shiro said
“so with the balmera being a live and in poor heath we cant just run and gun” Hunk said 
Yes with the galra are  just taking the crystal that are the life force of the balmera with out performing the rejuvenation ceremony to replace what they take.” Coran said 
“So what is the plan then. if we can’t just go in guns blazing what do we do” Jay asked
“We Draw the soldier to the surface and fight then there” Shiro suggested
“No we attack the mining equipment on the surface and that will do the trick” Hunk said
“one problem we don't know how many soldiers that will remain in the tunnels if we attack the mining equipment” Keith said 
“What about the blip tech “Allure said
“the what?” Adam asked
“the Biothermal life indicator point “ Jay said like it was common knowledge 
“How did you know that” Hunk said confused 
“Remember I'm not from earth and im half altean I learn this stuff in school. Just like I know how to pilot a ship”Jay replied 
“You learned how to fly in public school” Shiro ask
“Yes because we need to learn these skill just in case the garrison or the galra attack and so we can back. So in high school we learn to fly and to handle fire arms basically it a military school with more of a focuses on things that actually help you in life ”Jay said 
“ok back to the plan with Valkyrie’s building invisibility and the modifications pidge as done to the green lion giving it cloaking as well we cane drop the drone faster and there is also a power generator we need to take out” Allura said 
“I'm down to drop the drone with pidge if you wants me to” Jay said 
“no I can do it myself” Pidge said with a little edge to her voice 
“ok short stack no need for the anger" Jay said
“I will take out the power generator“ Shiro said 
“I'm coming with you”adam said
“So coran where are you and Allura going to be during all of this?”Pidge asked
“We will be in the clouds.do to the fact that the castles is still weak for sendak’s galra crystal. So we will be play the support roll for this mission” coran said 
“alright Now with every set lets go team”Shiro said 
Heading to the hanger bay Jay texted Nyma and Rolo about the stupid thing they were about to do  with No responds. Jay didn't care all that much by he did this with his family  every time he when on a salvage job so it just felt right . Going in to Valkyrie’s cockpit jay starting the ignition sequence and watched the Prometheus leave the hanger and follow behind meeting up with the lions. They make their decent on the planet serval structures began to fire on then
“alright team focus and keep in mind that the balmare can’t be harmed” Shiro said
Pidge broke off from the main group to drop the drone. As for the rest they began to fight the structures. Lance took out several of the structures with the lion’s tail cannon. Hunk smashed though other structures , Adam and Keith were fighting off Strikers. Jay had Val transform in to her humanoid form crushing one of the cannon under her foot and using the new weapon it look like a staff with the top of it looking like the original weapon the robeast had then he launched the ball in to other cannons and some striker that were dumb enough to go after him. As for Shiro he wonder about how he was going to take out the generator then suddenly the black lion’s jaw blade display appeared. Understanding what the black lion it wanted summoning the blade Shiro flew though the arcs cutting though them until the power generator exploded. Meanwhile pidge finish off dropping the drones across the Balmera  enabling the castle of lions to map out the life forms inhabiting it.
“this is to easy I don't like it” say said 
“Don't jinx it “Lance said 
“look out” Adam yelled Dodging a massive blast of energy 
“the main cannon is still online how” Keith say dodging another blast from it
“My guess is it has its own power generator Jay said launching a ball that  exploded on contacted with the cannon 
only to see the red lion fire a heat ray from it mouth melting though the tower the cannon was on.
“that was awesome” Keith said 
“Why don't I have anything like that” lance said jealously 
“Guy the towers coming down 'Shiro said 
Hunk and jay tried to hold up the falling tower the best they could. As the two struggled to hold the tower lance flew in to action at the prodding of the blue lion and fired a frost ray coating the falling tower in ice stop the collapse.
“ok now that was cool and it suits me so well” lance gloated 
The balmera when silent with no galra troops insight the current battle was over.
“Good job team we made quick work of this now Princess what's are next step?”  Shiro asked
“alright there is a hangar bay full of enemy strikers , a prison camp deeper under ground and one prison camp closer to the surface of the balmera with one prisoner currently there ” Allura said 
“Ok then Keith and lance go to the hanger hunk go to the prison close to the surface Pidge and Adam try and take out as many sentries and get and civilians out of there and Jay” Shiro Said 
“I know i know go to the prison camp deeper underground scrape as many bots has I can and free the prisoners right” Jay said
“Alright  if we all know are objectives. lets do this "Shiro said 
At Zarkon’s central command system 
“Commander Prorok Voltron is at the balmera just  like you predicted” A galra soldier said 
“Good now thace tell sub commander Ylvik to move in an capture Voltron” Prorok Said
“Shouldn't we tell emperor Zarkon about this?” Thace asked
“I will tell the emperor myself ”Prorok said with a smile.
Back at the balmera 
each team made it to their objective. When Adam left the Prometheus beau took control and  lifted the ship up from the ground and started to fly around making shore no one got the drop on then. Jay had left the Valkyrie on his speeder down the tunnel then told her to help beau watch the skies. Going down the dimly lighted tunnels was kinda unsettling for jay he only got off the speeder when the tunnels got to small for the speeder to pass through. Walking down the tunnels was even more unsettling. the map he was using was telling him he was about four mile from the prison camp witch was not good for him because even if he ran at his fastest and stretched out all his legs it would still take him a hour and a half to get to the camp. He needed to find a shorter route.His thought process was intruded by the voice of a young boy yelling 
“get off me you metal headed morons”  the kid said 
Jay pecked his head around the corner of the tunnel and was three sentries and a galra solider with a mask over his face and a rob on. Jay though about how he going to save the boy from the small group of galra. but when we was thinking up a plan he saw the sentries raising their blasters about to shoot the kid. Jay acted on instinct he ran from the tunnel he was in and fired his Bayard at the group hit all three of the sentries  and hitting the solider in the left  leg and right arm. Giving the boy a chance to jump on him and started to punch the hell out of the Robed man  . Jay made shore the sentries were offline before he pulled the kid off the solider who’s face look like it was hit with a sledge hammer.
“Hey kid calm down he had enough” Jay said but quickly went silent after he saw the hands of the kid they were dripping with blood but that wasn't what caught his eyes the arms themselves were made  jade all the way up to the boy’ s shoulder then they started to turn back to the normal. which to jay made no sense 
“Why he had my dad and I in that camp and he’s been trying to kill me for the past three weeks” the kid yelled.
 the boy looked like he was about ten to eleven and he looked like he hadn't eaten or bathed in like a week or so. as well has the weird jade color horns on the kids head 
” Ok one you look like shit two how long has you dad been in prison , three  what is your name and four what were they doing to you down there ?” Jay asked 
“I’m Fitz ,my dad and I have been in prison for the past four years I got out three week ago but he didn't.” Fitz put his right arm on to his left and rubber it up and down turning his head to the galra solider.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that the galra were experimenting on the people Shiro was the perfect example of galra code of ethics. walking up to the man with the broken face and mask and saw the man was still breathing. Jay didn't want this robed man to come back to fight him. so jay had to do one thing  he pulled out  handcuffs and clamped the to the robed mans wrist and legs 
“that was a little excessive ” Fitz said
“Yes but you can never be to careful. plus he wont hurt you anymore and as long as your with me nothing will ever again. Now let’s get you to you father “Jay said 
Fits nod and hugged jay”thank you”
“now do you know a way to the camp that wont get us notice by the sentries?” Jay asked
“I do follow me”Fitz said running to a hole in the wall “I was going  to use this hole here before the galra caught me. it was the hole i used to get out of the camp  my dad and I were trying to get out together  but the guards grabbed him as he was getting into the tunnel after me .But why are you trying to get in to the camp mister?” HE asked 
“First my name is Jay second I'm a paladin of Voltron and were trying to save your planet” Jay replied 
“What is Voltron?”
“Its a huge robot made up of five smaller robot lions but I pilot a robot dragon the turns in to a smaller version of Voltron” 
“That weird “Fitz said
“Yes It Is” Jay said
The two kept on talking as they went in to the hole they were met by a slope that they slide down.as the two slid down the tunnel. the map jay was use said that he was going to the camp fast then the original plan. then they exited the tunnel to find themselves in a cell.  
Fitz looked around the room looking for some one “Where is he”
“no clue but I guess they moved him to a new cell” Jay said looking around the room and saw the door was bend outwards he guessed that Fitz dad was a fight just like his son”
“we have to find him “Fitz said his voice cracked 
“Alright just get behind me” Jay said raising the Bayard and fired it in to the door.
The door was blown backward. Catching the attention of the guard of this cell block  it walk to the door only to be punched by a balmeran child then it was shot by the bigger person it saw in the cell. it tried to call for reinforcements but no one was come the were all send to deal with the other intruders then it saw the barrel of the bigger one’s gun then it shut off
“thank you guys for being the best distractions a guy could ask for” Jay though to himself then walked to a console that may open the door. placing his left hand on the console and all the doors open letting out other balmerans who had parts of there bodies changed to other minerals .they all stared at jay then they all start to run out of the room Fitz stood there wait to see his dad but the room empty and the sound of other doors being open and sentries being smashed to bit .Fitz ran around the cell block looking in to each cell. when he left the room jay followed behind him in to the main lobby of the prison camp and saw more balmerans running out of other four block. Then Fitz ran in to the next block looking for his dad this happened for the next  two blocks the two stood in the front of the last blocks door Jay was scared that Fitz was about to be heart broken  but he open the door the block was empty after all the balmerans had ran out Fitz was running to each cells only stopping in front of one door that scared jay even more.
“Hey buddy what is wro” Jay stopped in his tracks and saw a body of a man  hanging by a chain he walked over and brought the body down and checked the man’ vitals he was dead . Jay looked up at Fitz to see his reaction. Fitz was just standing there tears running down his face ,fists clenched and his eyes were closed. Jay did the one thing he could think of at that moment he walked over to Fitz and picked the boy up sat down and held the grieving child in his time of need it was the only thing jay could do for Fitz . But Jay still had a mission to do and he had to meet up with the other . so jay stood up letting go of Fitz. But Fitz didn't let go of jay he just held on to him tightly not want to lose some one else today. So before they left Jay walked back to a console he used to let out the first cell block of prisoners and started to download the lab report of the experiments  that happened down here hoping pidge can unlock the files so he could read them then they  made his way to the core.
“ I was to late to save him I failed him” Fitz said 
“Are you alive” Jay asked 
“Yes” Fitz said 
“Then you didn't fail him a parents job  is to make shore their children lives along a happy life and has long as your alive Your father dead  was not in vain and as long as I live I will try to make shore you live the life your father would have wanted you to live.” Jay said holding back tears 
Fitz hugging jay a little tighter ”Hey can I go with you when this is all over”?
“I don't see why not and I would be a horrible parson if I left you here with no one to watch you” Jay said 
They make there way to the other unaware of the trap they were walking in to
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splattershotsundae · 6 years
Ink is Thicker Than Water --- Chapter 5: I give it a 10
Toda spent most of his afternoon wishing he felt well enough to pace. Finding out that Orvokki was still alive was no small news. She was a cruel woman, and visions of what she was like, and what she thought like still stuck with him and plagued his sleep. Another thing to worry about was Simon… They’d logged off in a huff, and he was genuinely worried, both about how they were and about… how they really thought about him.
A motion from his skope caught his attention and he took a sharp breath. Simon was back online.
T: hey
S: Hey.
T: I'm sorry about earlier. i was freaking out bout Orvokki, and I forgot and gt a little carried away. T: we decided we still arent going to do anyhting right now.
S: ... Ok.
T: ... u doing ok...?
Toda sighed a little after he sent it. He should just ask them... He was probably freaking out over nothing. Simon had told Jill that she was strong, in and out of battle, hadn't they? And hadn't they told him that they thought Rank was just a letter and a number, before they played Rainmaker? ... But when they lost at Blackbelly, they took that pretty hard... He'd thought it had something to do with what Yuri had said to them, especially with the conversation the two of them had had afterwards... but was that the case?
S:... Not really. S: But there's not much we can do.
T: Yeah...
T: can i ask u something?
S: Yeah, sure.
T: when did u know that u liked me? How long had we knon each ohter? T: Im not trying 2 b gushy, just curious.
S:... S: Call me shallow, but I'm pretty sure I was going to yell at you for bumping into me until I saw your face. S: when I said I'd always found you cute... I... Wasn't kidding. S: I kind of thought it would just be a fling...but here we are.
His breath caught in his throat, and it felt like his stomach had dropped a few inches. Oh no. Any other time he would've been a little flattered, but... no no no...
S: what really got me was... Getting to know you though... You've been a good influence on me. S: I wouldn't trade meeting you, or how I feel, for anything in the entire world.
T: Ive been a good influence on u?
S: Yeah.
He paused, looking at the message. What had he done that they'd think was a good influence? He typed a response, trying to make it sound lighthearted.
T: how so? hvae I... inspired u to make more puns or smoething? :P
S: Ha, maybe that in addition. S: ... I was starting to forget what trust felt like. S: well, except with Jill. But the point is, I needed some mutual trust... You and Bato sort of reminded me. You guys got me to open up. S: I'm sure there are other things here and there but... That's what comes to mind first.
T: ah...
S: Are you ok?
T: yea mi fnie
Toda winced; he'd sent that way too quickly... Quit stalling and just ask already, for crying out loud.
S: .... Toda...
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, his face flushing, then took a deep breath. Here goes nothing…
T: We told Jill about the conversation we had the other day; we were trying to explain why w weren't going to tlak to 3, and we sort of back ourselves nto a corner. T: wen we told her you had sort of said not to mention it to hr, she said it was because u thoght she was weak T: Because she lkies to batle for fun, and u battle to win T: she thinks taht u think that makes hr weak
S: ... She... Still thinks that?
T: Thats what she said... T: ... So ou don't think that?
S: Did you think I do?
T: I didn't at first, cause I told u right when we met that B nd I play for fun T: btu seh said if u hd liked m from the start tehn u would have askd us anyway T: I still didn't wnat 2 tihnk that u thought liek taht T: btu i wsa...
S: i domt anytmore Damn it.
[SloshMasterV3 is offline]
T: wiat no! His fingers trembled. He didn’t mean to make them upset again, he just… He took another deep breath and wiped his eyes. At least he had an answer… Sort of...
He read their last message again; they didn't anymore... So had they used to?
A chime pulled him from his thoughts.
[4PawzAndMeow is online.]
J: re u the reason theres a new barrge of sobs comin form S's room?
Toda's heart sank. Oh no…
T: ... Probbly...
J: O J: I... wasn't bein serioos.
T: u soundd pretty serious
J: i ment th@ i didnt think u were Y... sry
T: oh
J:... U dint brak up wih thm did U?
T: no no T: no I didn't
J: @ lest theres th@
T: yah...
He glanced at Simon's tab. He needed to apologize again... But… it could be hours before they came back online…
T: hy Jill T: can I cme ovr? T: I want to say sory to thm. T: or hve a chance to
J: say sorry 4 wh@?
T: how abot if thy dn’t wnat to hear it I go to yuor room an we cn talk
There was a long pause.
J: yeah K. J: th@ works.
T: k T: be theer soon
J: k
He took a deep breath, then got his shoes on, slipped on his Splattershot Jr’s holster, and went on his way, taking his time so he didn’t wear himself out. He thought all the way over, running through his head his apology over and over again. How much should he say? Probably everything. As he drew near to the Grace house, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Madeline opened the door, blinking in surprise. "Toda?" She asked. "Simon and Jill didn't say you were coming over."
"Afternoon, Mrs. Grace." Toda said, probably more formally than he needed to. "Jill invited me over about an hour ago?”
She paused, glancing over her shoulder for a second, then stepped aside to let him in. “Alright, just don’t bug Simon right now, they’re… not feeling so good today.”
He felt a twinge of guilt; That was the exact reason why he was here. "Thank you.” He said, peering around as he entered.
It was still quite a mess, the floor was scuffed and stained in a multitude of places, the stairs had no railing, bullet holes in the walls, the drywall on the ceiling was cracked, and Madeline’s prized roller was resting beside the stairs instead of hanging on the wall, at least for the moment. It looked like a warzone, and to be fair it sort of was. He gave a nod toward Madeline, then carefully made his way upstairs, managing to avoid grabbing for the railing that was no longer there.
He carefully stepped up to Simon’s door, a lump in his throat. He could hear faint sobbing on the other side, and he briefly considered skipping and just talking to Jill… when he saw her staring at him from down the hall. Her gaze flitted from him to the door and back again expectantly.
He took what felt like the millionth deep breath that day and knocked softly on the door.
“Go AWAY!” They shouted immediately.
He flinched, glancing for the stairs and praying Madeline hadn’t heard that. "Simon?" When there was no reply he steeled himself and continued. "Simon, I.. I wanted to apologize for earlier. I would have sent a message on Skope, but you were offline and… " He looked down at the floor. “The question was personal, it… I hope it didn’t feel like… an attack. When Jill.. When she told me about your past, it... Kind of struck a nerve with me. There was this kid I was sort of friends with for a while, named Benny; I think I referred to him once as a 'Luna-wielding ass'... It's a long story, but I should have known better than to think that you would think like that. I know you're not like that, I know that isn't you. I'm really sorry."
There was a long pause before the door opened a crack, and Simon stuck out their hand. Gingerly he took it, grip loose, just in case they wanted to pull away. However, their grip tightened, and they flung open the door, pulling him into an embrace.
He squeaked and stumbled as he almost lost his balance, but then squeezed them tight, resting his chin on their shoulder. "I-I'm really sorry." He repeated.
"... Nothing’s getting easier..." Simon whispered.
"No, it it isn’t..." He agreed. "... You'd think we would've earned a break at this point, huh?"
"You would think..." They agreed with a sigh. "... Well, while things are this difficult, if this 'Benny' shows his face you let me know so I can punch it."
He smiled just a little bit. "I will... Thanks."
"No problem... You don't even have to tell me why." They said quietly.
He took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "... Is there someone I should keep my eyes out for?" He asked. "So I can return the favor?"
Their grip tightened around him. "Roderick. You see that bastard you can punch him as hard as you like."
"Gladly." He muttered with a small nod.
"It's a deal then." They said.
"A deal.” He agreed. “… Can we sit down? I had to do a lot of walking and I’m kind of worn out...”
“I’m not surprised, it’s awfully late.” They said, edging over to sit on the foot of their bed.
“… Wait, it is?” He asked, pulling away.
“… Yeah, Toda, it’s like, 10. Dude, it’s dark out and it’s summer, what time did you think it was?”
“I dunno, 6? 6:30?” He said, feeling his cheeks flush.
Simon slowly put one palm on their face. “Did you even set up a ride home? The trains are going to close soon.”
“… I forgot to tell my mom I was leaving.” He admitted.
Their other hand joined the first. "… Okay, I can ask my Mom if she'll drive you home-" They broke off for a long moment. "... You're probably not going to be comfortable with that."
"... Not really." He said, breaking off eye contact, sure his ears were flushed by now.
“How about I ask mom and dad if you can sleep over, and then we play some video games downstairs?
He smiled at that, nodding “Yeah… I need to call my parents too.”
They smiled. “Okay, meet me downstairs soon.” They said,
He nodded, absently adjusting his cap as he watched them go… They were still so cute…
After a moment he pulled his phone out of his pocket. “… Hey dad, it’s Toda. Can I stay the night at Simon’s house?”
Toda sat up with a snort, rubbing one of his eyes as he tried to figure out what was going on.
"Of course it's still a problem!" Jill was shouting.
"Shhh! Keep it down! He's still sleeping!" Simon replied.
"And already it's all about him!" She snapped.
Oh no. He remembered now. He’d spent the night at Simon’s house, after coming over to apologize… apparently there was still friction between the twins however… He grabbed his squidvader cap and started to put it on.
"It's not all about him! What's this 'it' you keep talking about anyway!?" Simon snapped, he could hear them pacing outside.
"I... I don't know, but.. This isn't working!" Jill replied.
"No SHIT. But I'm not just going to sit here while you yell at me for every mistake I've ever made." They said angrily.
"Maybe you should apologize for once!" She huffed.
His hearts sank a little. “Oh no...” He abandoned tucking all his tentacles into his hat and stood, quickly making his way to the door.
"I thought this might be the one time you'd be ok with it!" They exclaimed.
"You broke your promise!" She said.
"Ok, First off, We shouldn't be having this argument right now, and second of all, I thought you /liked/ Toda!"
"I do!! I do! He's the nicest kid you've ever dated. But I'm tired of you being so selfish and hypocritical!"
"Hypocritical? How am I-"
"You talk about how you want to be just like mom, just as good as mom. But when it comes down to it, you /have/ to have me with you, and you only use our squad as a dating device!" Jill shouted. “None of us deserve that!”
Toda flung open the door and peeked out, having to use one hand to hold his hat on. Both Jill and Simon turned to look at him, looking rather embarrassed.
“… Hey Toda~” Jill said, tone cheerful, but posture anything but.
“… Sorry.” Simon said, looking away.
"... It's okay." He mumbled, still a little bit groggy. He looked between the two of them… they were both obviously upset… He was never good at helping during something like this, that was what Bato was good at… Right, be like Bato. He squared his shoulders, then stepped up and put a hand on Jill’s shoulder. “It’s… okay to be upset.”
“Upset? I’m more than upset!” She said, pulling away from him. “I’m furious!”
“Tell me something I don’t know.” Simon huffed. “We should just leave it.”
“Leave what, the squad!?” She snapped. "You'd probably LIKE that! You can just as easily find a cute and/or muscular and dumb boy to replace me by tomorrow!"
Toda flinched a little bit at her tone, pressing himself up against the wall. "Jill… Can you maybe take a deep--”
"ADMIT IT! YOU DON'T WANT ME!!!" She interrupted.
"YES! I! DO!!!" Simon snapped back.
“Jill I--” Toda tried to cut in.
"THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!" They screamed back.
“Simon---” He tried again.
"I-I DIDN'T LIE, I JUST DIDN'T TELL YOU!!!" Simon hollered, slightly wavering.
“ENOUGH!” Toda snapped, flushing with embarrassment. “… Sorry, I… You’re not going to get anywhere if you keep screaming at each other! Jill, what’s really wrong?”
Jill was silent a long moment. “… I… I’m lonely, and I’m worried I’m going to lose Simon to you…”
Toda’s ears drooped. “I’m not trying to take them away… I’m sorry you felt that way...” He slowly looked at Simon. “… Simon, what about you? What’s wrong?”
They looked at him a long moment, then sighed. “… I… I’m scared I’m going to lose you too Jill, but… I’m scared that if we get involved, we’ll.. die. It’s dangerous out there, and I don’t want you to be left without me, or to be without you, or both of us to be gone, and our parents are left in a ruined house all by themselves...”
Jill was quiet for a long moment. “… So you aren’t… just scared of me being hurt?”
They shook their head. “No, of course not. I’ve been hurt out there just as easily…” They sighed. “I’m sorry, for… saying that you were weak once… I didn’t know it had stuck with you and I didn’t know just how much I’d hurt you. You’re not weak, and trust me, I’ll never say you are again. You’re stronger than me in a lot of ways.”
She paused, then huffed. “No I’m not...”
“Yes you are.” Simon pressed. “You’re stronger in will and in joy, and… maybe physically, I’m not sure.”
She started laughing, then wiped at her eye before holding out her hand, palm down. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
They smirked, and put their hand on top of hers. “To Splattershot Sundae.”
“To Splattershot Sundae.” Toda agreed, putting his hand on top of theirs.
There was a long pause, then Jill put her other hand on top and spoke in a deep voice. “I’m Bato and I’m totally here.”
Toda laughed. “Dear Judd, that’s spot on.”
"... We good Jill?" Simon asked.
"We're much better. I'll... Try to talk with you if something comes up, rather than just blow up." She said awkwardly.
“I would appreciate that.” They huffed. “… Hey, where’s mom and dad, they hate it when we fight.”
Jill got a gleam in her eye. “Mom got… /the call/”
Simon’s eyes went wide. “Really?”
"... The call?" Toda asked, glancing between the two of them with a confused look.
"The call's just what we call it when Mom suddenly gets dragged in to more work, but she can't legally tell us what it is." Simon explained. "But in this case that's good news… perhaps a battle’s around the corner."
He smiled. “Oooo, that is good news!”
"And then Dad's off to regular work." Jill asked.
"Seems we've got the house entirely to ourselves." Simon shrugged. "As well as the burden to make breakfast, I think."
Toda's stomach growled a little bit at the mention of breakfast and he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
Jill giggled. "It seems like a cereal morning to me!” She said, then sprinted down the hall. “Better come after me quick or I’ll put ice cream on it!”
“Jill, no!” Simon yelped, running after her.
Toda laughed and ran after them, letting himself smile.
Toda is Knitter’s character.
Simon and Jill are Shuckle’s characters.
Splatoon belongs to Nintendo.
Please consider liking or reblogging if you enjoyed, it’s nice to know we’re doing things right.
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sky-writes-thingss · 6 years
And now, since that was so cute, what about the opposite? A MC who isn’t romantically interested in anyone but likes to casually flirt with the members of the RFA~? You wrote the first one so well I couldn’t resist requesting a second lol
okay omg this took really long school is shit. just as last time i will also post one in a post and tag you in it lol.Mc nonromantic flirting with the rfaHey i hope this is what you mint. I used the same concept as the last one where mc tells them how much she cares and how much they mean to her.I know Saeran is your fave and i really did want to write him but i couldn’t really think how as in mint eye it would kind of end up the same as in the route and outside mint eye (secret ending) would it probably break his heart or he would just straight up ignore you. But i got other stuff with Saeran planned!! Aaah im really sorry ☹ I hope you still enjoy it!Yoosung• This little man has no experience with this, or at least not from someone he likes.• Since all the teasing and the little compliments you give him make him like you.• But he sees how you also do it with the others, and he rather keeps that to himself.• So every time yoosung is trying to study or game he has his phone close to him to look if you are online to talk• And ping, its you in the chatroom, asking of everyone ate their meal.• Before anyone else got the time too reply to your question yoosung pops up in the chatroom.• “yes i ate, did you mc”• You did. If you did not this boy will come to your house and feed you• And you chat for a while, he likes it, he likes the compliments and he likes how you tell him how much you care about him• So he even starts sending selfies and telling you about his life, his interest the things he likes.• You discover so much about him, he isn’t only gamming he is so much more, yoosung likes a lot of things he just doesn’t show it as he’s always gamming.• You are interested in what he has to tell, you even care about it. That is not something he had before.• The other members make fun of him but you are kind to him and interested in him.• You make him happy, and that is rare since he felt mostly depressed after the death of rika.• You making him happy was so important for him, even the others notice it, it didn’t need to mean you would date him but just letting him know he is worth it and telling him he’s beautiful.• You are the only one in the rfa who really respects him who sees him as someone more then the boy who is addicted to lolol.• You even tell him when 707 is pulling a prank on him, which makes him much confident!• This little man has so much to thank you for.Seayoung• He just flirted back. Making jokes, pulling pranks.• He called you bea and you just did that back, he loved it. Just some flirting around and hearing he was loved• This is what he says though. • Because deep inside its breaking him. He is in love with you, and he knows he isn’t the one who should date because you deserve way better.• And dating him would bring you in danger anyway wouldn’t it?• So maybe a part of him was glad you had not romantic interests in him.• But it was still killing him. So much that he just didn’t show up in the chatroom as much as he used to. • But he always watched, he watched you being loving and nice to the others.• Which hurt him even more, but he hoped you would end up with one of the others, that you would be happy.• Yes you being happy is something he would love to see. • He would love to see you happy with him…. No he couldn’t do that, not with him that would be dangers. He guesses he will just stick to watch your endless flirting.• So after a while of just watching the chatroom he comes back. And you tell him you missed him, you missed his jokes and how he’s always happy.• If you knew the truth• He happily replies back with another joke, sending emojis and telling you and the other members that god707 was very busy with work.• Which he was, but he just didn’t open the chatroom for a while. • That made vanderwood happy, the redheaded hacker finely did his work but even he noticed he was sad.• The flirting and loving keeps going as he’s still in love with you. Even though he doesn’t want that.• And even when you get a partner, when you are happy, older and found the love of your life.• He keeps wising all the flirting had a meaning and that he would be the one you would call your soul mate.Oh my gosh that one ended up way more sad then i planned to im sorryJeahee• First she’s not sure why you talk to her like that. • She has experience, like she said in that long message she would rather erase.• So she’s knows that you are flirting, but her boss is around so she was not really planning to flirt back.• And she wasn’t sure of it was just how you talked to people or that you where into her.• Most experience she had was with man, she never flirted or had a woman flirt with her.• It confused her a bit, but she doesn’t show it and keeps talking to you, planning the party and such.• But it makes her feel things, things she felt before, with man?• But she ignores those feelings, since she has to focus on work and on the party.• Since that party does not only exists about answering emails, someone has to plan more things.• And that someone is jeahee, she works hard on that party you want to make. And she never really gets the credit.• Even back with rika it was mostly rika who got the credit, all that love how great she was. But jeahee did a lot for the party, a lot.• And no one ever thanked her, she just did her work.• But you, you thank her. • And that makes her so happy honestly, and it’s not only the thank you/ it is a sea of compliments.• It makes her smile, and feel those things again.• In short, you kind of make her discover she’s also into girls.• And that opens a whole new world for her, and even after you found your love of your life. She’s thankful for it.• She doesn’t admit it, but thanks to you she stared to experimented and watch videos online. And she was sure, she has a thing for girls.• She never says thank you though.Jumin• “okay thank you….” Is his reply when you compliment him.• He has a lot of experience with being flirted with. Girls at the RFAparty did it, and so did people at other places.• Basically everywhere, Jumin is handsome and rich so a lot of girls want to marry that man or just get in his pants.• And he sees his father flirt a lot, he sees it from a lot of sides even though he mostly doesn’t flirt back himself. • Maybe a part of him would have wanted too at a party. But he knows that most of the girls just want his money. • Maybe he has done it once when he was drunk, form too much wine.• But nothing much has happened though.• As much as everyone sees him as the daddy of the RFA he is a virgin in everything he hasn’t even kissed.• So when you just joined the RFA and the flirting started.• He really thought that you where one of those girls who want his money.• But after a while he notice that you don’t just do that with him, but also with the others. But the most with him though.• So that night he sits in his office and thinks, he asks himself things like “what does she want”, “is this romance”• And after a while he sees you enter the chatroom, and so does he.• It’s the usually again, Jumin recommends you a guest and you thank him. In your own flirty way.• And he just does it, as the straightforward person he is.• He types “are you flirting with me mc?”• And he click sends and watches how the message pops up in the chatroom, which it also did on your phone.• He waits for you to finish your typing. And it takes a few min as you take your time to explain that it’s not meant as flirting.• That this is how you talk, that you don’t mean anything romantically, but that it comes over as flirting to a lot of people. • You just apricate your friends a lot. And you are sometimes a bit teasing, but you do not try to flirt with him.• You say sorry. You didn’t want him to think that.• But he is okay with it, he understands now and says you should just stay yourself.Zen• Oohh this man loves it!’• A lot of the flirting you do with him is compliments about his amazing looks. And he agrees with them.• You tell him he is beautiful, he knows that and he takes all the compliments.• And he flirts back, as you are handsome, pretty and hot. And he lets you know that.• Which makes you like the flirting even more, so you keep going.• And then jeahee comes and tells you, you cannot do that he is famous actor.• And Zen understands where he comes from but he doesn’t care, he loves flirting with you. And wouldn’t care if you became his partner• Which jeehae notices again and sees tells you how you could better not do that.• But after you assure her it’s not to be his partner. But just because she talk like that. She will stop.• Well at least that is what she says as she doesn’t really stop• One day he is back from the gym and send a selfie without a shirt. • The first thing you do is compliment that beautiful body of his. Which makes Zen really happy, and he flirts back.• Jeahee is offline so she cannot complain. Which makes you have more fun in it, you use cute emojis and you ask questions about how his day was.• You lissen to his story and shown a lot of interest. Which is true though, Zen his stories are pretty interesting.• You also tease him a little, “hey Zen don’t let to many girls look up to you I might get a little jealous.”• He responds to this by telling that he can’t help that he’s so handsome. The narcissist comes up again. Covering all his insecurities.• And this keeps going, just a flirt between the 2 of you, jeahee keeps trying to stop it.• But after a while she gives up.• And the flirting keeps going between you two, you also flirt a bit with the others.• But mostly with zen, which he appreciates.
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surrealredmoon · 7 years
Gaming AU - Sleepless Night
Soooo.... hey guys! Now that life is starting to chill a little I’ve found myself wanting to write again (yay \o/). Here’s a little something for the Gaming AU that was inspired by some very sleepless nights I’ve had recently. It’s set in the time before everyone met in person and before Weiss and Yang really began to hit things off. Anyway... ENJOY!
Weiss lay on top of her bed, staring at the patterns of moonlight filtering in through the open curtains onto the ceiling. Briefly, she glanced away to look at the clock on her bedside table, 2:45am. She’d been laying there for a good three hours now, her mind once again unable to switch off and let her get the rest she so desperately needed right now.
Sighing to herself, Weiss sat up. Well if her mind wasn’t going to let her rest, she may as well do something semi-productive… well semi-productive to her at least. She was sure her father would be shocked and appalled if he ever realised that his youngest daughter was exactly that type of person that made his business so successful.
Monitors blazed to life as she hit the power button on the PC, bathing the room in blue before the home screen loaded up. It didn’t take long before the all too familiar log in window popped up and the theme music began to play through her headphones. Quickly, Weiss entered her details and began loading in on Myrtenaster.
Once she’d loaded in though, she sat back and stared at the screen. She hadn’t actually considered what she wanted to do to try and pass the time. She opened up the Looking for Group list, scanning through each of the different game modes to see if there were and active groups, even though that wasn’t very likely given the time. She’d finally found a couple of groups looking for one of the high-end adventures and was about to join one when a whisper message popped up in the chat box.
(whisper from) Ember Celia: so… cant sleep again?
Weiss raised her eyebrow. What was Ember doing up at this time? And more importantly, how did she know that this wasn’t the first time she’d logged on when the insomnia made it clear she wasn’t going to get any sleep that night?
(whisper from) Ember Celia: ello?
(whisper from) Ember Celia: I knw u didnt fall asleep at ur desk cuz u jst logged on
Weiss rolled her eyes, even as a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips, and typed a quick reply.
(whisper from) Myrtenaster: You know, it’s getting harder and harder to believe that you’re not stalking me when you say things like that.
She could almost hear the chuckle and teasing tone in Ember’s response.
(whisper from) Ember Celia: well I dnt normally show as online this late
(whisper from) Ember Celia: stops the weirdos messaging me :P
Weiss’ small smile turned into a frown, concern growing in her that perhaps she might not be the only member of their guild who suffered from insomnia.
(whisper from) Myrtenaster: Are you often online this late? Or is this a one-off for you?
It took at little while for the response to come through, so Weiss began to reorganise her inventory while she waited.
(whisper from) Ember Celia: I guess probs more often thn I shld
(whisper from) Ember Celia: bt nt as often as u I bet
(whisper from) Ember Celia: btw Im runnin round doin sum gatherin n events if u wanna join
A party invite popped up on Weiss’ screen a moment later and she accepted. At least this would give her something to do, and it would be nice to just casually chat with someone. Even if that someone had a tendency to infuriate her most of the time. She opened up her map, found the marker indicating the location of her party member and began making her way over.
Ember Celia: so whts got u up so late?
She took a moment to decide whether or not she wanted to open up to her guild mate about what had been causing her so much trouble recently as she cleared out some Grimm that had crossed her path. Eventually, she decided to hold off revealing too much; after all, even though she’d been playing with her current guild mates for almost a year now she’d never dared to reveal anything about herself aside from the fact that she was from Atlas.
Myrtenaster: Oh just stressed about school work and such. All those normal young adult things.
Myrtenaster: What about you?
Myrtenaster: Actually, don’t tell me, I’ll guess. You probably have a report due tomorrow, but instead of focussing on an important assignment you thought it would be far more productive to play instead.
‘Dammit Weiss! This is why they call you the Ice Queen…’ Weiss sighed. ‘Ember hasn’t done anything except offer you some company and express some concern. But noooo… you couldn’t let your stupid walls down for one minute.’
She had just typed her response of “I’m so sorry Ember, that was out of line.” at the same time a response came through.
Ember Celia: Myrtenaster, when was the last time you actually slept? For like a whole night.
Before the irrational part of her brain could take Ember’s comment as an insult the rational side noticed the change in their writing style. The fact that Ember had put the effort in to use correct grammer, something they rarely did… much to Weiss’ distain, seemed to imply genuine care on the other gamer’s part. Weiss found herself in an internal struggle over how to reply; be honest and open up, or revert to her usual behaviour and strengthen her walls. The battle was still waring as the next messages popped up.
Ember Celia: I know it’s not really any of my business but I doubt this is all because of ‘normal young adult things’ and I get the feeling that if it’s as bad as I think it is you probably don’t have anyone to talk to about it.
Ember Celia: So I want you to know, I’m here if you need someone to talk to… because I look out for my friends.
Ember Celia: Even if they are an Ice Queen who can’t take a joke sometimes.
Weiss just stared in shock at the screen as Ember’s character ran off to fight a pack of Grimm that spawned nearby. She still wasn’t sure exactly what to make of the situation she was in; and yet she found herself typing.
Myrtenaster: Thank you Ember. That actually means a lot to me.
Myrtenaster: But I don’t think I’m quite ready to talk about it… yet.
She held her breath, anxiously waiting for a reply.
Ember Celia: No problem. How about we just play instead for now?
Ember Celia: I was thinking about doing some of the low-level dungeons to get some new clothing items.
Ember Celia: takes a lot fo wrk to keep this pretty ass lookin so fiiiiiiine!!!
Weiss snorted at the abrupt return of the crass and unabashed Ember she was used to. Yet she couldn’t deny the small smile once again tugging at her mouth.
Myrtenaster: Of course that’s where all your in-game effort goes. Ohm forbid you should show up to a raid wearing the same outfit as the previous one.
Ember Celia: AH! theres my ice queen!
Weiss’ smile grew.
She didn’t even realise how long they had been playing together until the first few rays of sunlight creeped across the room. Checking the time, Weiss noted she still had a little over an hour before her alarm would go off.
Myrtenaster: Well I should really try to get some sleep before school.
Ember Celia: That would be a good idea…
Ember Celia: And I should probably get started on that report I was avoiding!
Myrtenaster: EMBER!
Ember Celia: Whoa! I’m kidding!
Myrtenaster: You better be.
Ember Celia: Or what? You gunna freeze me Ice Queen?
Weiss narrowed her eyes at the screen, as if she could make the other feel her glare through it.
Ember Celia: I bet you have cold toes
Ember Celia: And I bet you’re the type to try and put those cold toes somewhere warm when you snuggle with someone…
Weiss glared harder, not responding.
Ember Celia: Alright, I might be a bit over tired…
Ember Celia: So I’ll leave that line of teasing for another night…
Ember Celia: I hope you get some rest.
Ember Celia: And don’t forget what I said before. Online or offline, I’m here if you need me.
Her expression relaxed enough for her to type out a reply.
Myrtenaster: Thank you Ember. Aside from that last comment… tonight was surprisingly… fun.
Ember Celia: Yeah, it was.
Myrtenaster: Have a good day Ember.
Ember Celia: Yeah you too. I’ll see you for raid tonight!
The smile was back on her lips as Weiss signed out and shut everything down, climbing into bed and preparing herself to try and fall asleep again.
As she began going through her mental exercises to try and shut off her brain she kept finding herself distracted by thoughts of what had happened and what Ember had said. She had the distinct impression that she would fine Ember online again at the same time tonight. That thought made her feel surprisingly content, even if she would have to deal with Ember’s teasing.
As she felt her eyes close, she curled up to fall asleep, noticing that her feet had come up as if to tuck between someone’s shins. Weiss’ last thought before sleep finally took her was just how annoyed she was going to be at Ember for being right about her cold toes… 
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uk-xuxi · 4 years
yeah i stan a little bit more than that though 😅 who are your biases in loona? mine are heejin and jinsoul :D i'm so sorry for not sending asks the past few days, i've been bit offline! and for the nct mail event, 1 2 3? i hope you have a great day! i'm sorry for lagging again :( -🌱
Im sorry i took so long to reply to this! tumblr didnt show me any notification of your ask? weird. My main bias is chuu! but i honestly have such a soft spot for everyone. Don't be sorry about that its ok! The first top 3 i can think of are my favourite nct bsides so 1. summer 127 2. My page 3. baby dont stop (not sure if this really counts? but hey) All these songs are so upbeat and make me happy whenever i hear them! what are your top 3 nct/wayv albums?
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trcfficlight · 6 years
11, 22, 35
what do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started?
on tumblr, specifically ? i would tell my 13 year old self that it’s truly not that deep. i’m a very sensitive person. when i was younger, i would become very upset when people did not want to rp with me / did not follow back / interact with me. i took it personally, and felt like i was entitled to rp with everyone on the damn planet. but over time i’ve come to realize that i’m not. i’ve learned that not everyone in the world has to rp with me, interact or follow me. i’ve learned on taking it less personal and realizing that people have boundaries, comfort zones and bubbles they’d rather not pass. hell i have those. it’s just been a real learning experience, not only online but offline as well because i’ve learned to take things less personal and realized that not everyone in the world has to interact with me. now? i follow because all the blogs i have on my dash are amazing writers, have great content and i do love seeing their threads.
what would make you block someone?
unnecessary messaging or hate. i’m a very shy person and anyone who has ever messaged me or tried to im me ( and i’m so sorry if you have i have the social skills of a rock ) know that sometimes, i don’t reply or don’t reply straight away. if you message me ‘hey why arent you responding?’ over and over, it’s going to make me block you because my anxiety ? would be through the roof. it’s happened on other blogs long ago and frankly, i don’t have the time to deal with it anymore. not to say you shouldn’t message me ! please do. i’m shy but i warm up real quick, so it just takes a bit. 
do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own?
i read others too sometimes. lmfao i’m nosy sorry guys
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Mmkay I'm gonna scream about this for a minute.
A couple weeks ago I went back on skout cuz I felt a bit more tolerant of people and in need of stranger interaction. I got a message from a couple looking for a 3rd person for experimental sex and just some overall fun. I agreed to, specifically, a fwb relationship if we hit it off. We did, as far as messaging back and forth everything was pretty good and they both seemed pretty chill and I could see having fun with them. Well we planned a dinner date night, it went pretty well (the date at least. I might vent about the situation with Hope later. idk) despite a weird time at their place where we just sat and watched their housemate play COD...for like an hour...instead of playing cards against humanity like we planned. They were almost as socially awkward as myself, clearly not used to having company in their house. But w/e it was a pretty good night overall, ended up having some fun in the bedroom eventually and they took me home early morning. On the way home they offandedly started bitching about people they knew, I have no idea where conversation started but just talking shit about people I didn't know. At one point she mentioned Dan with the implication that he raped her, just casually and out of the blue. It put me on alarm but also I know these guys for about a week and a half vs. Dan for several years + Kenzie trusts him sooo....
I brought that up to Kenzie the next day and she talked to Dan, I guess (Brittany is her name btw) is a chronic liar and was pretty shit to him as well, of course the whole thing isn't as black and white as she made it out to be. But either way I have no part in either of their pasts so I kinda dropped it, but was kinda wary of Brittany after that.
Oh, and it just so happened my phone started acting up the day after our date, I was busy with art and errands all day so didn't really use it much, but that night I forgot to plug it in and it died. So the next day I plugged it in and it sucked battery faster than it would charge, which concerned me and I decided to not use it much, if at all, the rest of the day, told Brittany about it before I went offline. BTW date night was Wednesday, errands and art day was Thursday, and phone hiatus Friday. So the next day, Saturday, I don't remember what I was doing all day but I still wasn't using my phone much and ignored messages from Brittany cuz I also lacked the energy to hold conversation.
Sunday. I get a message simply "why won't u talk to us." And I just go...I told you?? My phones shit and trying not to use it. Apparently she's convinced she scared me away with the mention of Dan. Pretty big assumption, but w/e. I tell her no, I just dropped that cuz it doesn't involve me. Then she gets all defensive and like "well when you actually want us around again let us know" but then that turns immediately into "yknow what it was nice meeting you but bye"
And I'm just like
And we go back and forth a bit, she's like I fell for you and you just keep ignoring me you dont talk to us like you used to, it feels like you just wanted sex so I don't wanna get hurt so I'm letting it go.
I'm like. It's been 3 days. I even said why I wasn't answering. And ya, kinda, I did just want the sex+friends that's literally what I said when I met them.
I'm like sorry, we can't compromise on this I'm not getting into a relationship (esp not to a married couple with 2 kids) so if you can't just be friends it's not gonna work. She kept asking what to do now then. Like...??? It's obvious??? Goddamn.
We stopped talking for a couple days, then I got a total bullshit stream of texts from her about how "the other day wasn't me, that was Joe talking idk why he thought that's what I wanted but I promise we can just be friends I'm not like that."
Bull. Shit. That was totally her I talked to, and she was clingy from the day we started talking. And she fucking.
Idolized me. I hate that. Kept calling me perfect and a goddess and shit n im like no??? Don't do that you literally don't know me, and the second I do something not ideal for you it'll be cataclysmic cuz you put me on a fucking pedistal. And yes, that totally fucking happened. I don't respond to messages for 2 days and the world comes down on her. I refuse a relationship and she immediately wants to cut all ties. Like fuck, man. I can't fucking deal with that shit over people I literally just met.
And like. I try to ease into conversation with people, from the start I make sure I'm not too quick to reply to messages so maybe they'll get the hint that I'm not on my phone continuously? Or I guess I mean like if I start out with instant responses, they'll think somethings wrong when I start to slow with responses, when literally I just can't devote chunks of my time to /only/ messaging someone. And I did that with her right away, even told her I like to multitask so I'm never just sitting with my nose in messenger. But still, this shit.
AND, I even reiterated to her a couple times I don't want a relationship. Of any kind. I'm not in the right place mentally and I don't have my own emotions in order, let alone working with someone elses. I think she assumed cuz we were getting along so well that my mind would change?? Idk. But I'm sick of it
And I'm still sore about it too, cuz I was genuinely excited to have that kind of interaction, people to talk to and hook up with occasionally. I was ready to have some fun again, but of course it can't be that simple. Gotta wrap it all up in emotions and fuck it up before it goes anywhere.
And also, it felt good to be sexy for once. They both kept telling me I was hot and gorgeous, which I still don't quite believe myself, and it was nice to hear. They (she) just pushed it too far into idolization and I can't deal with that.
I just felt like there were the beginnings of a good dynamic there, but it's too fucking exhausting to deal with someone that clingy and emotional when I don't have a deeper connection. And it's so fucking disappointing cuz I'd thought I finally found someone who could work with me.
Guess not.
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