#im sorry im just exausted right now
red-velvet-0w0 · 2 days
boo. tell me about your ocs
oh dear this is going to take a while.
honestly im pretty tired right now so i might not go as into detail as i might normal but heres the gist of it
5 teenagers get trapped in a time loop mystery trying to figure out who trapped them in a time loop while being hunted down by a cult, the US government, and a varied collection of eldritch gods
to be more specific basicaly the five are trapped in a timeloop and loose most of their memoreis between loops, only really remembering their relationship with the people around them, though each have a special ability allowing them to remember one thing
the characters are:
(heres an old lineup i made of them for reference) (need to remake this at some point)
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in order we have
Amelia Augur: genderfluid lesbian artist with an interest in the supernatural and a pet raven named Ray who keeps all memories throughout loops but struggles to communicate anything due to being a bird
Jane Hare: lesbian transfem writer in an abusive relationship with an eldritch mirror god who wakes up with a lymeric every morning crypticly outlining what happened the loop before
Ida Vidya: pansexual aromantic journalist who is obsessed with knowing everything even if it kills her (and it has killed her, many, many, many, many times) who has a camera that keeps 10 pictures over to the next loop
Jack Edmund-Kang: bisexual former jock son of the Mayor with self hatred issues, a dead mother, and a dad he wishes was dead, who has the ability to keep all physical changes to his body between loops, meaning he can grow muscle and learn muscle memory, but also keeps so so so so so many scars. also he can remember all the blood hes seen in any loop
Blake Payne: gay emo transmasc drummer with mommy issues and a knife, who can remember things based off of sound
Special Agent Booker, CIA: a secret agent sent to figure out what is going on in this one town and is given all the government resources and manpower she needs, only to immediately become worsties with a furry
Mayor Kang: jacks father, the mayor of the town, and also a secret cult leader who has lived for hundreds of years protecting an ancient magical artifact called the Pentagramic Pocketwatch that he was planning on using to revive his dead wife, only for it to get stolen and used to trap everybody in a time loop, and him assuming that his son had stolen it and trying to kill him
The Day: Minor god of days who dies every night and is born every day, who was the actual one who stole the Pentagramic Pocketwatch to try and escape having to die over and over agian, though thats not revealed until pretty late in the story
The Mask: Minor god of manipulation who dresses like a furry and manages to immediatly become enemies with the first two women dressed in blue it can find. its by far one of the physicaly weakest characters, but is just really smart and good at outmanuvering everyone so that it can get its hands on the Pentagramic Pocketwatch
The Beast: Minor god of hunting wants to steal the watch for itself and has toxic old man yaoi with the mayor
The Reflection: Minor god of mirrors who is by far the worst person i have ever created.
basicaly the plot is split up into 5 arcs of
the main five find themselves in a time loop oh no
they find out that actualy theres some other weird stuff going on in town
oh shit magic and gods and shit is real?
hey i wonder who actualy stole the pocketwatch if it wasnt us
hey the day has the pocketwatch lets get our hands on it before any of the other people manage to get their hands on it
anyways if you want more clarification you can ask me for specific details later, otherwise heres a link to a different post where i explain everything far more in depth
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lili863 · 1 year
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DARK! Ominis (Dominis) x Y/N or MC
Warning: 18+, Mature, Nsfw, Minors DNI
An: Welp.. better late than never, I say.... ahaha...this is longest fic I ever fucking wrote Imma be honest. But! It has been an abosulute joy thanks to all the love it received ❤️ So whenever I write for Ominis (which is all the ducking time) I try to incorporate his personality as MUCH as possible. THIS is a Dominis fic. Meaning Ominis will NOT be a soft sub who whines..(not that there is anything wrong with that 😏) it's going to be this whole other side of him that I wanted to explore (he is a gaunt, after all). A side I know many people who write for him doesn't often like to incorporate maybe..because we all love him as the soft loveable boy who is a soft dom at best, so all I am saying its going to be a little different thats it.
Also, this fic is pure word vomit, and my pent-up sexual energy converted to a word doc. I am not nesseraliy a good smut writer, but I tried my best. I hope yall enjoy
Part 1
Part 2
The sound of your heavy breaths rung throughout the empty quiet halls as you ran harder then you ever did.
You didn't even have the energy to think about everything that just happened, including teaching paxton a lesson he wasn't going to forget. But that thought was certainly going to be revisited later.
As you raced through the empty corridors, your boots clacked loudly against the marble floors, and you could only hope you weren't causing too much commotion.
The urgency of this chase heightened with only 15 minutes left as you scrambled over flights of stairs, the passing halls blurring in your peripheral vision. When you reach a corner, a dead end loomed before you, with more stairs leading to a higher level on your right.
Your aching body turned to move towards the stairs when suddenly a mysterious brown, rusty door materialized at the end of the wall.
You froze, observing the door with wonder. You had walked these halls plenty of times, but you dont ever recall seeing a door like this.
Had you just missed it all this time?
The activities of your late night venture, however, soon caught up to you. Exausted, you had no choice but to seek refuge behind the door. As you approached, you noticed the intricate carving etched onto the knob, its design shrouded in mystery. Slowly turning the handle, you felt a sense of relief that it wasn’t locked. You couldn't run anymore. You needed to hide.
The creaking door opened, giving away to a dark, desolate room.
Your hands reached behind you, to feel for your wand when suddenly you pasued.
With a groan of frustration, you realized Ominis had took it which mean you were now wandless.
"Bollocks" you muttered.
As you looked upon the dark room once more, you quiekty debated if this was a good idea.
Especially in this castle-
Before you could finish the thought, your ears perked up at the sound of footsteps behind. Whipping around in a state of painc, your wide eyes faced a shadow moving towards you as it seemed to be heading fown the stairs you were about to go up to.
"Damn Sharp. Expecting me to patrol when those ungrateful brats can't even do a simple job-"
Your heart began to pick up at the sound of that voice.
It was the caretaker.
Well shit. Now you absolutely had no other choice.
You quietly stepped into the room before slowly closing the door, cringing at the slight creaks.
In the dark of the room, you waited behind the door, hearing his footsteps approach the door.
You held your breath,praying they go the other way and to your relief. All you heard were his grumbles of complaints before his footstpes became fainter down the hall.
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you slowly turned around to face the room.
There had to be some torches here you could light up wandlessly.
To your relief, a circular window appeared at the end of the room, where the moonlit night graciously casted the room in an ominous glow.
Even if it did make the room look a little creepy, you were grateful for whatever light it provided.
Squinting your eyes, you scanned the room as best as you could when the edge of a table caught your eyes at your right where a bunch of books were stackted on top.
Perfect. There was probably a candle there you light up. You approached the table cautiously, feeling your way with your hands.
What you would give right now to have your wand with you.
As your fingers touched the wood, you noticed a collection of leather-bound books and some small candles besides them.
You took one of the metal holders, which supported the waxy stick, and proceeded to cast a small flame with the tip of your finger, instantly lighting up the dark little corner of the room.
The tall stack of books was the first thing that caught your eyes. It casted a shadow on the wall behind it, snatching your attention.
A singular book laid on the table besides the stacks as you held the candle near to it to give it some light. You ran your fingers over the carving on it which read, “A Muggle’s Guide to the Wizarding World.”
How intriguing.
A smile crossed your face at the sight of it. It seemed like it was written by someone who wasn’t a blood supremacist lunatic.
Perhaps youll take this book and read it later.
Turning around, the light began to touch other parts of the room as you walked in deeper.
With quiet steps you approached the other corner when suddenly, the light revealed what stood in front you.
Fuck"! You hollered in surprise.
Your body jumped back before your heart picked up again, seemingly getting no breaks today.
The candle you held almost spilled its hot waxy substance all over you before you steadied yourself.
The dim light revealed a horde of large statues shrouded in white, dusty cloths that looked like ghostly apparitions in the dark.
Shivers ran through you in waves at the chilling sight.
"Thats no creepy at all.."
Unfortunately, your sarcastic remark did nothing to lighten the mood as you stood still in their presence.
The faces of the statues were covered, but the sheet did nothing to mask their expressions, like a curse woven into the very fabric pressed upon their features, their horrifying expressions pierced through, most looking like they were stuck in constant torment, almost clawing at the sheets.
You could feel the air in the room take a turn to something much more sinister.
Your hand drew to press on your chest in an attempt to calm yourself as your mind urgently notified you to get out of this room this instant. Your eyes flew to the door, as it was your only exit out of here before rhey slowly made their way back to the unsettling visual in front of you.
There wasn't much time left to the game. If you could brave it out for 10 more minutes, all of this would be well worth it. At least that's what you tried to convince yourself with.
You inhaled a deep breath before turning around and walking away, opting to read that book you found earlier in an attempt to distrqct yourself when suddenly a creak behind you had you spinning around with a jolt.
Once again, your heart began to slam against your chest. Everything was still, and yet something just didn't feel right.
Furrowing your brows, you focused intently, trying to pinpoint the origin of that abrupt noise. Time seemed to stand still for a brief moment, a tense silence enveloping the surroundings.
You scoffed in disbelief and shut your eyes at the ridiculous situation. To say this night has been eventful would be the understatement of the century.
Another sigh forced its way out of your lips before you turned around without another look and began walking towards the table.
You grumbled now slightly annyoed at yourself. "Must you put yourself through this torture? Really? After everything you went through? And now here you are, scared of a couple of statues -"
Mid-sentence, your head snapped towards the object of your complaints, only to find the cloaked figure mere inches away from your face.
Time stood still for a fleeting second before a blood-curdling scream tore from your throat, echoing through the room as you stumbled backward, landing on the floor with a resounding thud.
The candle in your hand flew and shattered on the floor, your precious flame fizzing out immediately and shrouding you in the darkness of the room
“Fuck”! A curse unleased from your lips as you looked upom the looming figure standing over your body.
Panting violently, you crawled backward in desperation until your back collided with the table legs. Instinctively, your hand darted to your pocket, fumbling for the grip of your most precious object , before the blood drained from your face
Dread consumed you as you realized the bitter truth – you didn't have your wand. In the very moment of direst need, you found yourself utterly defenseless.
You wanted to curse Ominis, but your attention was consumed by the baffling proximity of the statue—how it had silently moved inches away from you."
Was this room enchanted? Were these statues sentient?!
Something was wrong here.
Amidst the rows of silent statues, a single figure emitted a bone-chilling groan, jolting you from your thoughts. Your eyes widened in terror as you watched the figure deliberately rotate towards you as if it were alive.
Your immediate thought was to flee, as your eyes darted between the door and the glostly figures seemingly waiting to just jump you, but it remained still and fixed its gaze on you, almost as if it was waiting for you to do something.
There was nothing in this room within your proximity or sight you could use to defend yourself with. You could only rely on the limited amount of wandless magic you knew but the only thing you could think of that could do some amount of damage was confringo, depulso or a bit of your ancient magic which you were still working on.
But even those spells weren't powerful enough without your wand. You weren't that advanced yet.
In a split moment of clarity, you huffed with vigor.
Fuck this!
Determined not to be trapped, you took a deep breath and hoisted yourself up wirh trembling legs and marched forward through the room, laser-focused on reaching the door.
But just as you neared your escape, it looked like your presence had bothered these figures more then they let on as all of them suddenly slid towards you, stopping abruptly in your path.
You gasped in terror, once again trapped as tears threatened to spill down your face. Quickly, you retreated yet again.
Maybe you had use these spells after all. You had no choice.
With adrenaline coursing through your veins, your hands shot forward, poised to unleash any magic you can conjure at anything obstructing your path. Every fiber of your being was focused on reaching that door, even if it meant fighting tooth and nail. Just as your incantation formed on your lips, three of the statues sprang to life and lunged at you agreesivly. Their unexpected movement left you with scant seconds to react, no time to conjure the protection you desperately needed.
As your body recoiled backward, on the verge of another embarrassing fall, a powerful force suddenly enveloped your waist, swiftly pulling you back while a protective arm flew to shield your eyes from the object of your fear. You jolted violently, your hands flying to grip the arms around you as a shriek tore from your throat.
Upon being trapped by this sudden presence, your mind instantly whipped up in a frenzy of panic and fear as you writhed violently against the figure with a sob.
Without your wand, you felt helpless, and this kind of surprise was hardly what you ever encountered in a fight.
"Arresto momentum."
Suddenly, all the chaos in the room seized before compelte silence ensued.
Your body froze after hearing the incantation before realization struck you like a bolt of lightening.
The figure shielding your eyes proceeded to push you head back against their shoulders, leaving you vulnerable and at their mercy.
With a heaving chest, your shaky hands drew up to your eyes feeling the long, cold fingers pressed against them gently.
At the touch, the figure leaned down, their warm breath caressed your neck.
"Game over".
You gasped. "...Ominis"?
"Did I scare you darling?"
His taunting voice cut through the air, a striking contrast to the chilling atmosphere of the room, eliciting a whimper from your trembling lips..
Both of you knew that question didn't need an answer because it was painfully obvious.
With a small chuckle, you felt his soft lips press a gentle kiss at the side of your neck before murmering into your skin. "They're not real love."
You slumped against the figure with heaving gasps as relief washed over you at the quick comprehension of what was going on.
The atmosphere seemed less haunting now, but that was likely because you swiftly grasped the identity of the mastermind behind the hell you just went through.
With a sharp intake, you twirled around in his arms and threw your arms around in his hold, hiding your cowardly face in the crook of his neck, relishing his comforting scent.
It was Ominis all along, just having a good fucking laugh, probably because you ditched him earlier with that deranged jerk.
But how he even managed to find you or sneak into this room was something you couldnt even comprehend.
Irregardless... you lost. Miserably.
You wanted to unleash your wrath, but right now, you had half a mind to scold Ominis for this rather cruel prank as the fear still gripped your body in a paralyzing hold.
He felt your trembling body pressed against his, a visceral realization that you sought his embrace after all that happened.
A few moments passed by as everything sunk in.
You came to him.
The young Gaunt eagerly encircled your waist, pulling you into him with as much restraint as possible while his other hand cradled the back of your head.
As dark as it was, Ominis couldn't help but feel a sinister pride swell within his chest at the choice of your actions.
At the end of the day, you belonged to him. Even if you didnt know it yet
Ominis felt the dark locs of your hair tickle his face before he inhaled your alluring scent, becoming comsumed by an overwhelming possessiveness.
He was aware of how popular you were at this school.
With a constant stream of admirers vying for your attention, it was hard to control the unhinged emotions clawing at his chest as the days went by.It took all his remaining control, not hurt Alexander Paxton
He got off way too easy. And what's worse was the fact that Ominis knew that there were others like him, scattered throughout the school, all harboring the hope of one day claiming you as their own.
But this time, he wasn't just going to listen to people talk about you as if they could have you.
They can't.
Perhaps next time, he'd blast them through a window or snap their wands in half. But one things for sure, they weren't going to get away with just a simple threat of explusion anymore.
And merlin he knew..he knew how wrong it was to think like this.
Yet, no matter how fervently Ominis tried to convince himself otherwise, he couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that he would stop at nothing, going beyond boundaries, to protect what was rightfully his.
The thought of anyone calling you their girlfriend or in the future - their wife somehow made him sick to his stomach.
The two of you held each other in silence in the dark of the room before his hands, once encircling your waist, ventured lower, their grip tightening on the bony contours of your hips.
A faint whimper slipped from your parted lips, stirred by the delicate sensation. The small knowing smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth was a response reserved solely for you, effortlessly coaxed forth by the mere sound of your voice.
Thats right.
Only he could hear you like this.
With a deft flick of his other hand, the statues began to move again, but this time out of your sight showcasing Ominis wandless prowess.
You tried not to gape at the effortlessness of his gesture, but it was quite hard not to be impressed, even if you knew Ominis had a an understated talent in magical capabilities that he so cleverly concealed behind a veil of modesty.
You felt the young gaunt's nimble fingers travel lower, coiling around the back of your neck and encircling your pulse point beneath your jugular.
He observed your pulse silently as a way to check if you were truly alright, which seemed to have calmed down a bit.
You sniffled before muttering "How are you even here? How did you find me"?
Ominis smiled softly, "I gave you my word, did I not?"
"So you just decided on a whim to scare the living lights out of me?" You frowned.
A breathy laugh escaped his lips. "All in good fun, dove. I must admit, I didn't anticipate you being so utterly terrified by a bunch of statues"
The embarrassment crawled at you yet again.
"Yeah, well, how would you feel if you were trapped in a dark room with these abominable looking creatures all out to suddenly get you"?! you exclaimed, feeling a surge of annyonace rising in you.
Ominis pressed his lips, almost looking like he was trying to suppress his amusement, which still shined through his cloudy eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, go on and have a good laugh. I cant believe you find this funny when you were the one who snatched my wand! In front of a prefect"!
You pulled away from him, glaring softly.
"You mean to tell me that an ancient magic weilder like you are completely defenless without a wand"? Ominis smiles, tugging a stray hair behind your ears.
"Darling, however, did you manage to defeat a whole rebellion?"
You frowned, ready to retort a response, but really..it was a valid question. Even without your wand, you should have been able to destroy that statue with the range of the magic you were capable of. But in the heat of the moment, your mind just drew a complete blank, which wasnt an excuse you were about to give to Ominis, with him knowing you have won hard fought battles with worst odds.
"Y-yeah well.."..
You sighed, your head falling on his chest in defeat.
"Not everyone is a master at wandless magic like Gaunt. Just...please dont tell Sebastian"..
Ominis couldn't help the playful smirk that appeared on his lips highly amused before sputtering out a laugh that echoed through the room.
With a scoff of disbelief, you rubbed your temples with a sigh, trying to suppress the small grin that eventually made its way to your lips.
Your heart throbbed at the melodic sound that dissolved your pissy mood in an instant.
"I am serious, okay, please?! Sebastian would never let me live this down-YOU are never going to let me live this down, are you"?!  Your hands flew to his collars, rocking him with sob like groan. The highly amused slytherin chuckled as you whined desperately. "Ominis please"!
"I just find it fascinating how you're able to ram through dark wizards and goblins on a daily basis, and yet a bunch of statues managed to get the jump on you."
Rolling your eyes, you remark, "You will be surprised to know that fighting dark wizards and goblins is much easier since you can actually see them and not have them pop out of the dark at you"
The teasing grin on his face widened, "Well, I dont have that luxuary, and yet finding you wasn't really much of a challenge darling".
You grab him by the collars again with a glare, tugging him closer to your face.
"If I knew what an arrogant arse you were, I wouldn't have underestimated you like this"
With a breathy scoff, Ominis licked his lips as darted down to them.
"And yet it seems that's exactly what you did"
His retort silenced you, the truth of his words sinking in and extinguishing your anger as quickly as it had flared.
Gradually, you started to grasp the reality of your situation.
Ominis, ever observant, noticed your sudden quietude and playfully tapped his fingers against your hip, a smile playing on his lips, entertained by the gears that he can practically hear spinning in your head, trying to make sense of his unexpected presence here.
"You knew I had found you back there. Didnt you".
His sudden question hung in the air, catching you off guard.
Momentarily silent, you responded after, "....Yes. It was pretty hard to ignore how your unseeing eyes practically zeroed in on me. "
"And yet you went out of your to avoid me. We both knew I'd won your challenege already".
"I wasn't trying to avoid you" you muttered under your breath, which Ominis no doubt heard.
You felt a finger lift your chin to face him fully, a taunting smile on his lips.
You pulled away from his hold with a huff. Nothing was going right for this evening.
Ominis stood up straighter, now practically towering over you.
"Game wasnt over yet Gaunt. You still had to catch me".
Ominis didn't reply immediately. With a momentary pause, he stepped back and leisurely leaned against the table behind him, emitting a thoughtful hum.
"You know, perhaps I would have shown a bit more kindness tonight if you hadn't ditched me with that insuffeable twit before turning this torturous game of yours into a wild chase around the castle. But alas, it seems you enjoy testing my patience."
You chuckled quietly, making your way over to him with a smirk. "Ahhh.. I see you're still hung up on that"
Ominis scowled, a dangerous glint in his eyes as his features hardened at your teasing remark "You would be wise not to test me like this, even when it comes to you, my paitence still has its limits."
A finger smoothed over his silk green tie before grabbing it with a small tug.
Ominis seized you in response, pulling you forcefully towards him until your bodies collided.
Oh, how you loved this.
Times like this are the only chances you get to take peak at the manifestation of his other side. He always tried to hide, especially from you.
"And you should know...I would do it all over again just to see every little vein pop out of your pretty little neck".
The air surrounding the two of you dropped several degrees at your bold statment as you observed his face drop to something darker. It was the type of face Ominis had never shown even when the two fo fought. Suddenly, being so close his overwhelming presence started to suffocate you.
A throaty chuckle resonated in the air, but you knew he found this moment far from amusing.
"My suspicions are correct then. You love nothing more than to get on my nerves and see how I react. Is that it"?
Inhaling sharply, you instinctively pulled your face away, creating as much space as possible between you and Ominis. The sheer intensity of his gaze made you shrink back making you second-guess the wisdom of provoking him in such a way.
"You have some nerve darling..."
A chill of anticipation coursed down your back as Ominis leaned in.
Oh, you were really in for it now...
With a firm grasp on the back of your head, he pulled it back, exposing your neck for his view. The sensation wasn't painful, but it didn't feel gentle either.
Ominis leaned down, leaving open mouth kisses along the center of your throat, feeling the vibrations of the faint moans escaping your lips.
You hissed sharply, feeling the pinch of his sharp canines grazing your delicate skin before nipping it.
Ominis moaned lowly, feeling the small finches that racked your body with each each bite. His stomach turned in anticipation as your reqctions spurred him on.
You gripped his neck in retaliation, trying to endure the sweet pain as the flat part of his velvety tongue laved over the bruise with precision, soothing the ache. Ominis began to suck lightly, delighted in the way you squivered beneath him.
Forget a scarf... you might as well just not go to class tomorrow with how purple your neck probably looked.
In a swift motion, he seized the back of your thighs, effortlessly lifting you up.
You wrapped your thighs around his waist instinctively as he expertly maneuvered both of you, flipping you around until you found yourself seated on the table behind him.
As you held his shoulders for support, he took the opportunity to tug your core closer to where he needed you before delving deeper, his hips skillfully rolling against your drenched panties in a breathtaking rhythm.
A broken cry left your lips as you tried to clench your legs.
"W-wait.." You sighed breathlessly at the way his dominanating gestures had you at his mercy
Gripping your jaws, he bought your face closer to his until his soft lips were just ghosting over yours.
"Are you sure? You're the one who practically begged for this. "
You shivered, breathing him in not at all used to this kind of intimidating deamenor from him.
Those cloudy eyes pierced into you with a scrutinizing glare as his bulge pressed more forcefully against your core, grinding on it over and over again until you were shaking in his arms, a string of broken cries pushing past your lips.
You weren't even sure what you were pleading for. Your mind had turned to mush, consumed by the numbing pleasure Ominis relentlessly bestowed upon you.
The young gaunt released a throaty chuckle at you incoherent words as he pressed a kiss on your cheek, absolutely adoring the way you melted under him.
"Isn't this what you were hoping for all along?" Ominis murmerd into your cheek.
Any last shred of dignity left in you was far gone at this point as you nodded hopelessly.
You felt him smile into your cheeks before laughing softly "Your such a brat."
Your mouth agape, your eyes started to flutter at the dizzying rythm Ominis set, not even registering his words properly.
The wet, sticky substance drenching your panties smeared all over your thighs and onto his trousers.
Ominis could smell you already, his dick twitching and straining from the confinment.
For a moment, his fingers explored your face. Gliding over your cheeks before feeling your soft warm lips.
Hr didnt waste a second after before he surged forward and collided with them. Both of you instantly sighing at the sensation of one another
The kiss was firm and unyielding as his lips slid across yours to get a better feel of them as the world around soon faded into a blur.
You felt so soft and inviting, Ominis could practically feel the way your magical aura vibrated in air and dance around his.
Tilting your head, you deepened the kiss, urging your head further in his direction. It was as if Ominis had been patiently waiting for that final confirmation, and with a deliberate swipe of his tongue against your bottom lip, he claimed his dominance. A gasp escaped your lips as he invaded your mouth, pushing you back, leaving you no choice but to surrender.
You fought for control for a fleeting moment but soon lost to his vigor, allowing him to take complete possession.
His fingers drew up and pulled your chin down, widening your mouth to accommodate him fully, devouring you.
With ragged breaths, he tilted to get a better angle, exploring your mouth before brushing your tongue and flicking it with his.
You gasped as he sensually sucked on the tip of your tongue, eliciting a soft whimper that escaped into his mouth, which he eagerly swallowed.
The strange dominanating sensation had you tugging his hair hard, squeezing your eyes shut
Ominis grunted, inhaling you in as his fingers felt his way down to your bare thighs, giving the plump fles a firm squeeze.
You were quickly running out of air as you desperately tried to draw breath through your nose, yet Ominis showed no sign of relenting.
You tightened your grip on his hair, desperately yearning for a breath of air as you tried to pull away A pleading moan escaped you, and with one more harsh suck Reluctantly, Ominis withdrew, a primal groan rumbling from his throat, leaving a delicate thread of saliva briefly connecting your lips before it snapped, leaving you both gasping for air.
It wasn't long before Ominis leaned in to give you one more peck as his hand felt along the table where you sat and grabbed his wand.
Ominis abruptly turned around and casted a confringo spell at the fireplace behind you, catching you off guard. It became apparent that Ominis was more acquainted with the room than you, effortlessly knowing the precise location to direct his spell.
The fireplace flickered to life, illuminating the space, painting the walls with a soft, golden hue.The crackling flames burst forth its radiant heat, spreading like a comforting embrace.
"Stand up, my love," Ominis offered you a hand as you hopped off the table curiously.
With another flick of his wand, Ominis conjured the table into a huge soft mattress, levitating the stray books here and there to the other corner of the room.
You gaped before smiling softly, facing the syltherin, a devilish smile gracing his lips "Oh..you've thought about this, didn't you? Us. Entangled in bed"?
Ominis tossed his wand to the far side of the mattress with a mischevious glint to match running his hands along your hips, "Allow me to demonstrate exactly what I had in mind."
The shirt tucked in the waist band of your skirt flew out, with his deft hands quickly unbuttoning your shirt. The fabric slipped off your shoulders as the soft pressure of his hands guided you down onto the mattress.
Ominis couldn't wait another second. He wanted to feel you. He wanted to taste you.
The pale skinned male knelt on his knees in front of your form before tracing his hands up to your thighs to your knees, pleased to feel your legs spread apart for him obediently.
You watched him crawl and settle in between your legs, feeling your heart ram against your chest violently.
His fingers traced down your collarbone over the soft mound of your breast before clicking his to tongue in dispeleasure at the article of clothing covering them.
"I want these off".
You didnt miss the command evident in his tone.
Long pale fingers traced up the strap of your bra before hooking underneath and tugging them down your chest, relasing your perked nipples from their confinment.
Quickly figuring out the mechanism, he snapped the metal clasp at the back and tossed it somewhere in the room.
Finally, he felt the soft flesh your breasts, a sigh of content escaping his lips.
They're softer then Ominis had imagined. And so smooth.
You grabbed his wrists, flinching when the palms of his hand rubbed your peaks.
Ever observant, Ominis paused before grabbing your breasts and flicking the peaks with his thumbs repeatedly, smirking at the small noises escaping your lips.
"Merlin..your so soft...promise me you'll let me sleep on them after this"
His teasing remark had you giggle shyly, struggling not to cover your face in embarrassment.
Ominis couldnt wait for your reply as his hot, warm mouth encased your nipple brushing it his tongue, rolling the senerive nub between his teeth.
"Ooh..." your head rolled back as Ominis sucked with enough pressure that had sent waves of pleasure washing over you.
He kneaded your other breast as the throaty groan vibrated on your skin.
You nearly lost it. Hands shooting up to his disheveled hair. A string of moans left your lips after your legs quickly wrapped around his midsection.
Ominis quickly unlatched before giving your other mound the same love. His hot tongue pressed flatly against the other hard nub before giving it a gentle tug with his teeth. You gasped with jolt, feeling Ominis smile onto your skin before yanking off your breast with an audible pop.
If he could, he would just be buried between your breast all day, just kissing and worshipping to his hearts desire.
The fair skinned male interrwined your fingers with his, moving down and planting sweet, soft kisses down your sterum, following to your stomach.
You blushed, realizing your skirt was nowhere near decent anymore and had ridden up to pool at your pelvis.
Your eyes only widened after feeling his fingers hook under the hem of the bunched up skirt, including you panties, which Ominis proceeded to tug off with no hesitation.
A deep sigh escaped his lips as the sweet, musky scent invaded Ominis senses.
His hands smoothed over the back of your thighs before lifting them up, your bare cunt now fully exposed.
Your hands flew to your face, feeling extremely shy even though you knew he couldn't see you.
He planted small kisses down the side of your knees, a desperatkon clinging to his actions.
"All mine" he murmered onto your skin.
"You know you belong to me now..dont you love"? The restraint Ominis had on saying his true feelings completely vanished in this moment as your breath hitched. A sincerity shining in his eyes, he gazed down in your direction. Your eyes oftened at his declaration. Somehow, you knew he was finally speaking the truth about his feelings. And his words weren't just driven by lust.
"Yes," you whispered. "Yes, I do."
With one final tender kiss, he trailed his lips along the curve of your navel with a renewed vigor, planting soft kisses down the expanse of your inner thighs.
You were literally soaking at this point. Ominis felt the juices collecting on his lips as his tongue.
"All this for me, love? I didn't even do anything yet. " The young gaunt playfully gave you quick nips, causing you to buck your hips in response.
"Didn't do anything? Who's the liar now? " You replied breathlessly.
You couldn't help but let out an embarrassed squeak as he placed a teasing kiss just above your clit.
Oh, he was going to enjoy this thoroughly. As much as you loved your delicate whimpers, Ominis needed to know how you sounded when you screamed his name drowning in the ecstacy he provided with you.
The long lashes you always envied tickled your skin before you observed the beautiful male hover over your heat.
You ran your fingers through his disheveled hair, moving them out of his face before his tongue flattened against your folds and applied pressure dragging upwards and flicking across your clit.
"Ah fuck-" !
The obsencity that flew out of your mouth ignited a primal hunger within Ominis as he savored his first taste of you.
Your head rolled back and fell to the mattress as your hand flew to grip the sheet besides your head. Your legs instantly went to clamp shut from the sentivity, but Ominis firmly held the back of your thighs with an unyielding grip, raising them higher and causing them to brush against your stomach.
Your sopping cunt was on full display and there was nothing you could do, completely at his mercy.
He dove down and repeated the action, but this time paused to close his lips around clit and suck harshly.
Your back rounded with another strangled cry as tears pricked your eyes.
Ominis slurped your juices with a deep groan before his tongue swirled around the hard pearl, flicking it over and over.
"Oh fuck Ominis"!
Your ecstatic cries reverberated through the room, filling the air as you bucked against his face, jolting with each suction of the hard nub on your core.
Ominis growled letting your thighs fall beside each side of his face before wrapping his hands around naval to keep you grounded as he continued his assault on your cunt.
Shamlessly licking and bitting alternating between you clit and folds.
Ominis let out a guttaral moan that vibrated against pussy, his grip on you stomach tightening.
Fuck you tasted good. He had imagined eating you out many times, but his fantasies couldn't hold a candle to how you actually felt.
The sounds of slurps, kisses, and groans filled the room as you felt a knot tighten harshly in your stomach, almost to the brink of being painful. You were so close, and Ominis sensed it.
He brought one of his fingers and dragged them down your folds until he found a slit.
The long appendage slid across the entrance back and forth as if to determine this was where he could push it in.
Cautiously, as to not hurt you, one finger pushed into you as you gazed down at Ominis nervously. The unfamiliar feeling didn’t hurt at with how wet you were. That is until Ominis decided to put a second finger, and that’s when you felt the sting.
You hissed arching your back, ready to ask him to take it out, but Ominis anticipated it.
His lips flew to your clit, giving another mind numbing suck causing to you contract around his fingers, effectively distracting you from the pain.
Your gummy walls felt otherworldy to him. How wondered how you would feel with dick penetrating you instead of his fingers.
Slowly, he began to pump harder, picking up speed as you helplessly writhed in hsi embrace
His other hand swiftly reached up, firmly gripping the hand on top of his head, pinning it down by your side, and intertwining your fingers.
Your hips began to stutter as his fingers began curling inside, dragging out against your walls and plunging back in before you got a chance to breathe.
Ominis groaned, his face buried onto your pussy, drowning in his own ecstacy with how tasted before feeling another gush of your lqiuids burst onto his lips as he pumped harder.
Your eyes fluttered shut as your chest heaved rapidly feeling the oncoming orgasm.
With one last snap of his fingers, white hot waves drowned your entire body as you convulsed violently against his face, mouth ajar and eyes rolling to the back of your head before shutting tightly.
Ominis had never felt so turned on in his life feeling you getting lost in the pleasure he provided.
His aching dick demanded to be taken care of as Ominis rutted into the mattress to give it some friction.
"I cant anymore..ahh-Ominis"!
He was still eating you through the orgasm as it faded after a while, and you started to whine from the sensitivity.
The young slytherin finally unlatched from your core with a smirk, licking the glistening juices dripping down his chin after giving you the most earth-shattering orgasm.
You slumped against the mattress, somehow more exhausted than him, watching him crawl over you.
"Merlin, you tasted heavenly"
You shook your head, bring his face closer to yours. "Oh my goodness Ominis...I dont think I can feel my legs".
The young gaunt laughed, giving your thighs a light smack.
"That's too bad, I was just getting started, love."
Before you could react, his hand seized your hips, forcefully flipping you over to lie on your stomach. A surprised squeak escaped your lips as you felt his strong hands pulling your hips closer, bringing the tip of his eager bulge to press against your wet core.
Ominis glided his hands over the spine of you back before his palms rounded the smooth flesh of your ass, salivating how pleasnt they felt.
"Fuck dove, how can you be so perfect".
He couldn't help but give your cheeks a sharp smack with a wicked grin, delighted with the way he felt them move, as the lust clouded bis mind.
You yelped, just knowing there was going to be a visible print back there. It seemed he was adamant about marking you in every way possible tonight.
Perhaps Sebastian was truly the innocent one in your group with the way Ominis claiming you.
Blind to the unfolding scene, your senses were heightened, feeling the scorching press of kisses trailing along your spine. One hand skillfully parted your thighs, granting more access to your heated core, while the other gently swept your hair aside, revealing your neck in all its glory.
Ominis hovered over you, his breath fanning over your ears. "Dont think you're forgiven just yet, Dove. I'll make you cum around my cock so hard you wont even be able to take a step out of this room tommrow".
His low husky words caused your breath to catch in your throat, sending a shiver down your spine. You knew, without a doubt, that he intended to fulfill that promise.
With your cheeks pressed against the mattress, you stuttered, "H-have you always been this wicked Ominis"?
His nose pressed against your cheeks as you felt the mischeivious grin on his lips.
"Only because of you, love. Dont worry, this way we can spend the day together, and I can help make you feel all better".
"Yeah? And exactly how would you help when you're, the one who caused it the first place, " you whispered back breathlessly.
Thr fingers that laid on your thigh trailed up before gliding through your slick folds, earning a deep moan from you.
"Like this"
His fingers plunged into your sex yet again as you cried into the sheets gripping it tightly.
Ominis bit your ears dragging it out with small grin before pressing soft kisses on your neck, contrasting the way he roughly fucked you with his fingers.
"That's it. Cry for me... just. Like. that".
A broken sob of pleasure rung in ears as you arched your back, tears streaming down your from the brutal pace Ominis set.
The young gaunt gritted his teeth, losing his mind with how your core sucked his fingers in, shivering at the wet squelching noises echoing through the room.
But you were still painfully tight. And as eager as he was to stuff you to the brim, the last thing he wanted was for you to be in too much pain.
A thought suddenly entered his mind before his fingers experimentally began to spread apart within your wet walls, sissoring you as gently as he could.
You grunted, gripping the sheets tightly, writhing in his hold.
"I know.. I know, just a little more love. Then I'll make you feel good"
You let out deep breath, instinctively rutting against his fingers in an attempt to accommodate
Once he felt you were okay, he pulled his fingers out, now kneeling back from your shaking form, unbuckling the belt on his trousers. You bit your lips, turning head around, watching nervously before you see a pale prick spring out of its confinment with an angry red leaking tip
Gripping your hips, Ominis lifted your rear to align with his pelvis, where his erection eagerly awaited.
A wavering sigh pushed past your lips as Ominis glided his leaking tip over your slit before finally, he gently pushed the tip in.
....Oh fuck.
The stretch was already getting to you.
Ominis grunted at the tightness, more worried about how you felt before he heard small noises of pain escape your lips.
"Breathe darling..."
Sucking in deep breaths, you allowed yourself to try and relax, reminding yourself that this is was Ominis. The person you truly loved.
After a couple of moments, the stinging subsided before you took control and pushed you hips back further, allowing him to slide deeper into you.
Ominis tightened his grip on your curve, your hips, a concentrated look, etching his face.
"Are you sure your okay"?
The worried voice had you smile before licking your lips, feeling the tinge of pleasure slowly washing over you as the outline of his erections dragged past you twitching walls.
You pushed your hips further, filled to the hilt feeling the tip touch a deep part of you that made you gasp.
"Omi..please start moving- ahh this feels s-so good".
Your heart throbbing pleads had Ominis lightly scoff, a dark grin appearing on his lips.
"Look at you...feeling brave already"?
You bit your lips, trying to suppress the cocky smile as Ominis smirked, pumping in and out slowly.
A shaky breath left his lips at the sensation of your soft wet walls sucking him in every time before he pulled away. It was unlike anything Ominis has ever felt. Now he was afraid rutting himself into his hands at the thought of you just wasn't going to cut it anymore.
You gasped, breathing heavier, feeling his dick plunge into your harder and faster. And soon you turnee into a crying mess again, feeling the tip of his dick kiss you deep. Ominis sensed it as soon as he touched it. The spongy little wall at the end thay made you flinch every time.
Licking his lips, a dark smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he began to pound deeper, your ass bouncing against his pelvis violently.
A loud whimper escaped your lips as you felt Ominis's other hand caress your backside, the touch followed by a sharp and resounding smack as he rammed into you balls deep, drowning in how delicious good you felt.
One particular snap of his thrust had you squeeze your walls around him tightly, causing the young slytherin to stutter in his thrusts with a gasp.
Your walls began to contract, and you couldn't help but tighten around him harder as Ominis groaned at the mind-numbing sensation.
Before you expected, Ominis grabbed the back of your neck, pushing you face down into the mattress, fucking into you at an angle that allowed the dick to hit your g spot.
Your voice cracked with the yelp that pushed past your lips, back arching further, allowing him better access.
Ominis head rolled back, his mouth ajar at the new postion, your head down and ass up in the air.
He kept hitting your cervix repeatedly as your eyes rolled back. Ominis may not be able to see the sweet sight of your wrecked out pussy fluttering around his cock, but just the thought it had him double over you, waves of hot pleasure racking him.
Leaning down, he encased your entire back, hovering over your trembling figure before slowing down his pace to deliberately grind into you, sensing the way you jumped slightly.
"Your doing so good love" he pressed a kiss to your temple before wrapping an arm beneath you, taking a hold of your jaw.
He lifted your face, tilting it gently to the side, granting him access to plant tender kisses on your bruised neck.
"Do you want to come darling" ? Ominis murmered.
You whine lightly, leaning into his touch "Please"...
The young Gaunt chuckled lightly amused but more so happy that you were enjoying this as much as he did.
"Very well".
The curt words hung in the air for just a second when suddenly, his hand swiped underneath to reach your gushing core before gliding over to your clit.
Simultaneously, Ominis pulled back before thrusting into you hard, rubbing your pearl viciously.
A scream tore from your throat as your white knuckles clenched the sheets tightly under you.
Ominis grunted, sensing he was close, but he was a man of his word. When he said he would make you cum hard. He meant it.
With deep, forcful thrusts, he felt the tip of your cervix again, a smirk appearing on his lips at the rediscovery.
The young slytherin attacked your clit mercilessly as he pounded into you with a strength that kncoked the air out of your lungs.
You thought you were going to pass out with the stars that began to appear at the corners of your vision, your orgasm hitting with a force you almsot couldn't take.
Your mouth ajar, the sounds stuck in your throat, you spasmed fierecly against him, letting the high take you over. The way you pulsated and clenched around his cock had Ominis falling into his own orgasm releasing spurts of his white milky seeds into you. He bit your shoulder as your contracting walls milked him for everything he had.
You groaned, feeling the hot substance fill you up before dripping out of your hole.
Both if your moans filled the room as you both experienced a high that was now burned into your memories.
Ominis had finally claimed you in every way possible.
After a fleeting pause, Ominis mustered the strength to lift himself up, the weight of exhaustion tugging at his every move. Determination fueled his actions, overpowering the weariness. With a gentle yet firm grip on your waist, he rolled you over to face him, his touch evoking a tingling sensation across your skin. As your eyes met his glistening, sweat-drenched form, you couldn't help but be captivated, a lump forming in your throat. Ominis leaned in once more, his forehead gently resting against yours.
"Thank you".
You shook your head "For what...your one the who did all the work here".
Ominis pressed a tender kiss to your forhead with a smile, "No. I meant thank you... for agreeing to be mine"
You couldn't help but feel your heart swell at his words, staring up at him adoration. Your hands reached up to cup his jaw, warching him lean into your touch.
"I was always yours Ominis".
Your lover flashed a soft grin, leaning down to capture your lips in a deep kiss, and you eagerly reciprocated. After a few blissful moments, you both pulled away, and you noticed his arms tremble slightly, indicating fatigue and a desire not to overwhelm you with his weight.
Without a moment's hesitation, you firmly grasped the back of his neck, pulling him down towards your chest. Ominis emitted a sound of surprise at the sudden movement, now fully positioned on top of you.
"Just rest, love. Werent you the one telling me how you wanted sleep on top of me like this" you giggled.
"No buts, you're not hurting me just just relax."
Ominis let out a soft chuckle, settling in with ease as he felt the warmth of your soft skin beneath his face. A contented sigh escaped his lips as both of you shifted to find comfort in your new positions.
You summoned one of the sheets from the surrounding area, conjuring it into a soft blanket and draping it over the two of you. The blissful aftermath of your intimacy combined with the cozy warmth of the crackling fire enveloped you, creating a sense of comforting contentment like never before in your life.
Ominis couldn't have been happier at how this evening ended, grateful that you even bought up this game to him in the first place.
He imagined in the near future, he could tell this story to his kids about how he and their mother had confessed their love for each other after playing an exciting game of chase throughout the dark castle.
Minus the rough mind blowing sex of course.
Ominis felt your fingers rake through his hair, your calm even breaths already lulling him to a sleep. As he teetered on the edge of sleep, a resolute determination welled up within him. He made a solemn vow to himself to create a future where he would wake up every day to the comforting presence of you by his side. And it was promise he intended to keep. After all, he was a man of his word.
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fanartteen · 9 months
Veneer has a "tantrum"
Ritz had started to notice that Veneer was being quieter than usual and was just staring blankley at the wall . Ritz started to get concerned becuase Veneer looked lost like he wasnt even there . Ritz waved his hand infront of Veneers eyes playfully but Veneer was not having it . Veneer got up and stormed to their room and sat on the bed with a huff. Veneer was not mad at Ritz at all but Veneer was having a really bad day and was exausted from having to bottle up his emotions all the time . Veneer suddenly started to feel rage fill his body when he saw a post about Velvet calling her selfless for including Veneer in her career. Veneer just started to cry , his crys started to turn into screams. Veneer started to scream and slammed his phone into the bedside table shattering the screen completely. Ritz had heard the commotion and went to investigate . Veneer was on the floor with blood seeping out of his fist. Veneer didnt notice the other boy walk in , The blood didnt stop Veneer he Just started throwing things across the room , Ritz had held Veneer into a hug to try to get him to stop but veneer just kicked and screamed nothing seemed to calm Veneer so Ritz removed anything that could be dangerous out of the room and let Veneer have his moment to collect himself , It took a total of 45 minutes before the house fell silent . Ritz went into the room to ask Veneeer if he was alright and saw Veneer sitting on a pillow in the corner slowly rocking . "Veneer , whats happening." Veneer looked up with tear filled eyes reaching both arms out for comfort . Ritz sat down and made himself comfortable Veneer basically threw himself on Ritz wrapping his arms and legs around the boy "IM SORRY FOR THE MESS PLEASE DONT BE MAD." Veneer let out in a sob . Ritz was terrified not by Veneer but by the way Veneer was pleading and begging for forgivness. "Venny i could never be mad at you " "b-but i trashed the room and broke things." "Veneer, those are just things , all im worried about is whats gotten you so upset." Veneer reached up and grabbed his phone off the table and showed it to Ritz. Ritz could make out some of the text through the cracks in the screen and realized why Veneer had a breakdown . Ritz looked down at veneer who had stopped rocking and just stared at Ritz . "Ritz , im sorry for my outburst i guess i just needed to have a tantrum i dont know what happened." "Its all right lets get your hand cleaned up and the work on fixing the room ,okay" . Veneer had gotten up and followed Ritz to the bathroom where Ritz had gotten out the peroxide and some bandages . "This might sting a little." Veneer nodded as the liquid covered his hand and he felt a stinging sensation . Ritz gently wrapped Veneers hand in bandages . "now lets fix the room okay." The room was actually quite clean comparred to the size of Veneers outburst . After 10 minutes the room was back to the way it was before . "Venny do you want me to make dinner or do you want to take a nap ." Veneer had not felt like eatting anything in this moment so he just layed down on the bed . Ritz gave Veneer his frog plush which was intantly held and Veneer and Ritz fell asleep
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Corrupt Girlfriend part 5
Day 4
You wake up in bed after a long night and see your girlfriend isn't next to you you go to the bathroom and find her in there.
You see your girlfriend texting someone.
You're intrigue and jealousy continues to grow as you think of how quickily your relationship has changed.
"Hey baby"
Your girlfriend answers you nervously but still fixated on her phone
leans over the sink.
"Oh hey Honey, Im just texting my friend, we have plans to go out shopping later.."
"Oh really who you going with?"
You get closer to her
"Oh you wouldnt know them.. Enjoying the view?"
She changes the subject
"Oh yes ma'am"
You get closer
"Oh what am I going to do with you?"
Ashley Pushes Her ass against your face
Your girlfriend starts to grind agaist your face
"I think you owe me for all these perverted fantasies I let you experience."
You try to speak with your mouth full of her ass and pussy
She picks up pace
"mhmmm, so I saw cuckold in your search history.."
"I looked it up and now I know how perverted my little man is. mmm"
"Is that really how you look at your girlfriend?"
Your girlfriend is grinding on your face frantically
"ohh, you fuckking bitch. MMMmm"
She Lifts off you and starts to squirt on your face
you both take a minute to catch your breath
"oh that was good, I love you."
"I love you too.."
Once again, you get ready for work and leave thinking of everything that has happened the past few days.
Later that day You receive a video from Ashley of her shaking her bare ass in a gym.
Hey babe, I miss you!"l
Oh wow! I love the video
Thanks babe he loved taking it, too :)
Just my friend, babe, dont worry!
Im not
I'm going to finish my work out ill talk to you later!
Okay, have fun
2 hours pass and you are on your break so you try to face time Ashley.
"It's unlike her not to respond for this long"
You send her another text
Hey baby, are you okay
Yea, sorry baby, im still busy..
I'll tell you later
You decide to give her a call to make sure she's okay
the phone picks up to loud gutteral moaning and fast breathing
"Oh fuck oh fuck"
"Your boyfriends calling should i pick up"
you can't see anything yet
"No, please, I dont want him to know right now. hmhmmmmMM"
The wet pounding continues
he chuckles
"so whos cock do you like more?"
"Ugh yours its so much thicker, I love it when we get to hang out"
"what a slut fucking another man behind her husbands back"
"I know Im a whore i cant help it UHhgmm"
she starts to shake and cum with him
you see her laying on the bed shaking
"I'll see you again soon"
"Mhm yes sir"
I think it's time i installed some cameras
you come home to find your gf in the bedroom
she acts as if nothing happened
"Hey honey welcome home!"
"Did you have fun with your friend?"
"Mhm, almost too much im exausted!"
"So what did you do after the gym"
"Oh, well, we watched some boring movie on the tv, then he had to go.."
"Hey, can you do me a favour and move your panties to the side?"
she looks nervous
"Oh Honey, Im not up for sex right now.."
"I dont want sex. Just move them."
she slowly moves her panties to the side
she looks at you with regret
"Im sorry, baby.. I dont know what's wrong with me."
You feel an erection start to grow
"What did you do?"
"We came back home to watch a movie, but as we sat there, i saw his hard dick bulging through his pants, and i had to touch it."
you use your imagination
You get more excited, and you pull out your dick.
Your girlfriend looks down and gives you that devilish smirk
"then what happened?"
She starts to rub herself with you.
"We started making out, Grinding on each other, till i begged him to fuck me.Mmm"
Your already getting close, you always cum quick to her story's.
"Keep Talking. ughh"
"Then he took me with his huge cock, and pounded me like i wanted him to all day. I came so many times it was amazing."
"he finally filled me up and made me cum i had him reply back to you so you were not worried"
You replay the text in your head
"your a dirty whore sneaking around me you know that?"
she moans
"I know.."
"Was he that much better than me?"
she looks up at you and nods lustfully
You shoot a huge load all over her.
"oh fuck babe that was alot.. I would love to make new storys to tell you."
You think about everything that happened.
you feel anxious and excited.
You decide to set up cameras to keep track of Ashely.
Shes getting more daring everyday and you want to make sure you get to see it all.
You finally lay down in bed and go to sleep.
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bokunosoul · 2 years
i’m gonna need you to elaborate on ceo lau 🙏🧎‍♀️
CEO Lau x Reader
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You bit your lip as you look at the most biggest high rise building on town. Kong Rong Corporations, one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in all of the world.
Having too many companies extend their hand onto you offering opportunities for your impressive skills it seemed like a fantasy. But you are an indescisive person and ended up making a roulette to make the choice on which company to apply.
That's when you made the dumbest decision of your whole existence.
I did not knew what i was getting into.
Just playing a long with it you were offered an secretarial position that was weirdly a high salary despite you were new.
It paid a whopping $130,000 a year. You can't say no to that money after you paid off your debts.
You have read and watch in the news that the CEO, whos name you forgot is an really impressive person whom donates to charity and reportedly is a playboy and the heir of the company Kong Rong.
Well the nasty thibg about him he was rumored to be a hard person that's why many people quit on his company.
I don't really now since the media is full of trolls right now.
Setting that aside, the company's boss seemed to have weird taste. Noticing as i first went inside the building every employee was dressed in a casual suit and pants.
Meanwhile i look like an first lady watching my husband spout nonsensical lies and stand there being pretty.
But you did not mind the cute gray suit top and the pencil skirt you are wearing. But you must admit these loubotins are like daggers going through my feet.
Entering the department you will be managing you get all those kind of weird concerned looks.
The same goes as for everyone else you met.
"Why does everyone stare at me like i'm going to get killed or something?" you smiled akwardly and asked the girl showing you around.
"W-well that's beca-."
The girl suddenly stopped by a smack coming across her face causing her to fall down on her butt.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" i shouted as i help the girl stand up.
You glared at the woman. Yet you were so taken aback causing your jaw to drop.
An beautiful asian girl wearing red satin cheongsam and her hair perfectly in fingered waves and angelic face glared at you back.
Your eyes widened as you also recognized who she was. The famous supermodel and designer Ran Mao!
"You must be miss y/n l/n, you are late follow me."
Ran Mao said, she was different in the magazines and the news. I thought she was kind and shy but this was shocking and disappointing at the same time.
"U-uh miss-."
"Get this report done before 8pm tonight, it's about the report on our monthly sales and stocks, chop chop."
She said and pointed over at my workspace filled with paperwork.
"And, also if the clock strucked at exactly 7:30, do give coffee to the top floor for Lau."
"Uh sure, on thing is this office mine?"
"Yes it is."
She replied annoyed before shutting my office door.
Looks like im going to work the shit out to get my 130 grand.
Typing the third to last page of your report you are already exausted. Lights are starting to go off in each departments as each employees clock out.
Standing up to your feet all sleepy and getting your 8th glass of coffee on the day you sighed.
You looked at your watch and suddenly remembered what the supermodel has said to you. Give a "Lau" guy some coffee when the it turned 7:30.
You hurriedly stirred the coffee and went to the elevator headed top floor.
You were out of breathe when you reached the top floor.
There it leaded only to one big hallway and one big wooden door.
Knocking three times you said.
"Coffee for Lew?Lu?Lo???? Aha LAU!"
You can't prounounce the name well but managed.
"You may come in."
A man's voice behind the door.
"I-i'm sorry sir i'm late a bit, hehe this is your coffee."
You put the coffee on his table and sighed in relief as you've seen he's not mad.
The swivel chair turned around and there appeared a handsome tall man smirking.
You blushed, expecting an old fat man to welcome you.
"Is this the coffee?"
He said while stirring it.
"Yes sir."
"Why don't you come closer dear."
His deep husky voice gave you the chills and have no choice but to come closer.
In a flash the warm coffee was already in your white polo shirt drenching you.
You stared at the man in disbelief as you can't believe what just happened.
"You are approximately 4 minutes late miss y/n."
he said coldly before laying the coffee cup again on his table.
"I'm very sorry sir, i was-."
Your eyes fell to the ground and come across at a shiny thing. A golden name plate which engraved the world "Lau, CEO of Kong Rong."
"Do you realized your mistake now darling?"
Still shocked from what just happened he just smiled and said.
"I'm going to make your life hell."
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valdederon · 1 year
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #5 adapting to change .( warning descriptions of stress induced vomiting and blood )
taiga having been woken from his nap sighs and chuckles seeing what the growl was fro
taiga--- you having trouble adjusting to your evolution
valdederon---muzzle it old fart..why do you even care any way im just an outsider.
taiga chuckles--- regardless its not uncomon for newly evolved pokemon to struggle gaining ballance after evolving especialy in yoru case going from walking on 4 paws to walking up right on 2 paws. youl gain your ballance back in time just dont rush it.
valdederon--- seriously.. how am i suposed to learn anything if i cant bloody well walk strait. this sucks.. all i did was spar with a dewott.
taiga-- ah you mean neegan how did it go he doesnt much like fire types.. he came here to this guild few years back to the south west of us the silva islands guild a fire type caused his team to become crippled during a dungeon raid.. not only that 4 other teams were badly injured. though the fire type didnt do it on purpose neegan was beyond upset and is strugling with his emotions. at night i can some times hear him crying and regretting the fight he had with the fire type i believe he said that the pansear was his best friend.
valdederon sits up and sighs hearing the story
taiga---im glad you and him were able to get along
valdederon--- what ever old fart i just want to learn about this world so i can survive im not raly looking for friends
with in moments of that statment both valdederon and taiga begin to argure and fuss about valdederons constant shrugging off of othersfeelings and distrust. untill vall throws an ember attack at teh wall and stumbles offto the training room to try and cool off. after a few hours of relentless flame attacks the training room lay scorched piles of ash were wood training dumbies once stood kleo comes in sighing and begins to in a loving maner as valdederons mother once did skolds him for destorying the training room witch inadvertanly both touches valdederons heart but sets him off like a thermo baric bomb.
…… the room falls silent after a particularly loud smack and a crash following after and then silent sobs . kleo growls and sighs slithering over and wrapping he boddy softly around the now sobbing braixen.
kleo--- my husband and i both love you.. your like a son to us..even neegan vented to me that while you can be rude and un characteristicly cold for a fire type the sparking match he had with you made him happy and missing his old friends, . he likes you we all do. taiga and i love you and want you to be part of our family,
she kisses his fore head gently as he tries to weakly push away only causing her to tightn her coils lika a snake trying to squease its prey.
valdederon settles into hiccups and sniffles like a toddler having had a tantrum before he leans his head into kleos warm coiled body before passing out exausted. only muttering love you half unconcious before grasping her scales when a grovyle comes to train only to see the utter carnage a single beam comicly falling the moment he sees the now sleeping braixen
( at this point valdederon human age 40 his pokemon body is only 5 years old and rebirth is effecting him as if he is his bodies age even if he is mentaly a full adult)
kleo--- sorry about the mess verny.. our little tott had a bit of a tantrum as you can see.
verny face palming-- a bit.. abit of a tantrum.. mam with all due respect the kid fuking trashed this place… its unusable in its state.. my dads gona be royaly pissed when he has to fix this.. ugh.. kids lucky you and the guild master are his parrents cause my dad would defintaly give his butt a thourough spanking……did you atleast get him to calm down with out a fuss.
kleo---i may be a water type but this cranky flame thrower didnt realy need much effort to settle. he he he but he is in big trouble dont you fret on that moma aint happy about any of this damage.
verny--- mother mew help that kid ha ha ha ha… good luck guild mistress
he heads out chuckling .
the next day valdederon wakes up and begins vomiting from stress and wimpers inbetween bouts of vomiting . the stress having phisicaly damaged his tomach as some blood can be seen in the mess he chuked up onto his nest after a full 40 minutes taiga comes in to the sight and sighs knowing what the cause is and grabs a bottle and mixes in a specialised stomach medicine with oran berries and pokeformula meant for sick newborn pokemons and puts it in valdederons mouth knowing any thing other then that would be rejected from his body.
taiga--- dont worry about this beeing common its only a 1 time thing… theres medicine in there to stop you from throwing up and the oranberries and formula will help you relax and heal. by lunch time youl be free to eat what ever you want ok… though you realy made kleo mad.. please be careful.
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
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@buckleywheelers​ :)))
here’s the ao3 link even tho i don’t normally give them
cw - sensory overload, minor panic attack
they/them robin and max, they/he jonathan and will, she/they el (i’m throwing eddie’s disaster ass in so he/they/it eddie) canon other humans 
steve practically drops onto the wheeler’s couch like a rock-he has an excuse, he might not be in danger of dying anymore but he’s still exausted.
nancy find her self drifting to the floor next to him, clenching her fists to hide her shaking hands. watching as jonathan, dustin and eddie all go sit with steve, or find a place on one of the other couches, max is curling up with their head on el’s lap, walkman still on, the faint sounds of ‘running up that hill’ echoing out while el run’s a hand through their hair.
lucas is at the desk, scribblings onto a paper, hunched over while mike is sprawled out on the floor next to will, pale and sleepy-and nancy wishes she had the energy to go over and hug her brother but she can’t move. robin slides up next to her and she can feel her entire body tense up, and she flinches back from robin, back hitting jonathan’s leg and now she’s standing and full of paralyzing energy. 
there’s a minor awareness of everyone suddenly staring at her-steve and jonathan are still silent curled up on the couch with eddie next to them, about to stand but still sitting max’s hand on the bag of tapes and mike on his knees but nancy can’t focus on any of it, their all to close to her and she can feel their bodies moving and hear their breathing and it’s all too much for her.
“nancy?” mike speaks first, a cautions hand resting on the oldest wheeler’s shoulder and she trips over backwards, back against the stairs, palms pressed to her eyes.
in an instant, their all up and crowing her and she can’t breathe, get away get away please. please. 
“back up! move, go-buzz off dingus, give her some space. now-move!!” robin’s voice breaks through the silence and nancy feels the heat from them slowly fade out until she can only feel robin next to her, “what do you want?” 
nancy relaxes, looks around at the rest of her friends, “i’m, uh..i’m going to sleep in my room. there’s too many of you.”
robin nods, “ok, you’ll be ok?”
nancy pauses, slides her hand into robin’s, ignores how red they go, “your coming with. best friends, right?”
she watches the other’s face split into a grin, maybe a little nervous but if nancy’s learned anything over the past few days it’s that robin is always on edge, “right.”
so she tells them goodnights and walks upstairs with robin, pretending not to hear steve’s sleepy, “when did nancy steal my best friend?” and jonathan’s equally tired response, “your ex best friend is stealing my ex girlfriend, harrington.”
when they get to nancy’s room, robin hesitates at the door, prompting an eyebrow from nancy. 
“oh well you don’t want me touching stuff, sorry about that earlier i can just sleep on the floor it’s fine. could i borrow like a blanket or something? it’s really weird i can’t sleep unless my feet and chest are covered, it might be a trauma thing i don’t really know, maybe i’m just cool like that-what are you doing nancy?”
“i’m getting you extra pillows.” she states it like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, because it is-simply adding pillows to her bed isn’t like rescuing a child from a burning building.
robin freezes, “oh you want to share the bed-?”
nancy nods, hesitating as she watches robin’s hand flap and fidget with their rings, “yeah, we’re both girls-what’s the big deal?”
for a second, robin looks like they want to say something, but doesn't, and lays next to nancy, oddly still.
“buckley im not going to bite. relax or you’ll never sleep.”
“right, right, right. sorry.”
nancy props herself up on her elbow, “what’s going on?”
robin shrugs, “i’ve never really...had a sleepover with a girl before?”
nancy feels herself smile, “oh! ok well i promise you this-when we’re not dead on our feet from fighting inter dimensional bastards, i will give you the best sleepover ever, ok?”
the other smirks, holds up their hand, and nancy feels heat rush up to her face, “i’ll take that promise, nancy.”
they lock pinkies and nancy rolls over, falling into a shockingly undisturbed sleep.
when she wakes up, it’s to find that she’s no longer on a pillow, but instead is laying her head on robin’s chest, with the latter’s hand resting on her back.
she can hear robin’s heartbeat-can feel the rise and fall of their breathe and-holy shit.
nancy’s been in this position hundreds of times before-steve and jonathan, when she was small her parents-but never with any boyfriend has she ever felt the feeling of pure and complete safety that she does right now with robin.
she can feel how red she’s getting, and she should probably move  it’s getting awkward and-robin moves slightly, opens her eyes and nancy rolls off of her, “i’m so sorry-”
they rub their eyes and look at her, “what?”
nancy open's her mouth to apologize again, say that it was an accident, it’s not her fault, she’s really, really sorry but before she can the door is swinging open and a man’s voice is screaming,
she’s wide awake in an instant, falling out of bed and hearing robin’s panicked yell of “FUCK YOU STEVE, I HAVE A KNIFE.” “no you don’t.” before straitening and seeing max, steve and erica in the doorway, staring at them, max smirks, “you make a cute couple.” erica crosses her arms, “yeah yeah, we need nancy to cook breakfast because i am not eating any of the crap that the boys are making, and we can’t trust steve. so.....”
nancy forces a smile, “give me ten.” and they leave and she falls back onto the pillows, “shit....”
robin yawns, “it’s to early for this bullshit and i’m cold so...here-”
nancy can feel her entire body tense as robin hugs her and then relax into the touch, it feels.....good.
safe, like she’s at home, robin smells like fruit somehow, and it’s comforting-like old memories she’s forgotten about overtime.
robin pulls away and nancy instantly feels like someone froze her heart.
turning to look at the other, there’s a faint smile on their face, pillow lines traced over robin’s left cheek, their mouth is slightly parted and maybe a small part of nancy wants to lean forward and-
wait. what?
“you ok nance? you just went really red.”
nancy blinks. hard and looks up to see robin’s concerned face, “um yeah-yeah sorry. let’s go make breakfast.”
robin grins, “sweet, i’m starving.” as nancy follows them out.
she can unpack this all later. it’s fine, it’s totally fine.
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jasgirl-creations · 2 years
Amy's eyes rolled back as Jas' girthy girlcock split her open, her mouth opening wide into a delerious grin that never appeared when she only used toys. Despite the brutal, full day workout her trembling pussy had recieved already, Jas' meat was still a tight fit. This was it, this was what she had wanted... NEEDED for hours now. Ever since that first time, when Jasmine had finally given in and sent her into a fuckdrunk coma, Amy had been helplessly addicted. Every moment was filled with breathtaking, chest tightening need for the feeling of her own twin sister's dick burying itself deep in her body.
The two girls groaned in relief as the veined cock slowly sank into Amy's seemingly bottomless hole. A thick, unnerving bulge appeared on the slimmer girl's belly, reaching her belly button before stretching even further. Jas could never quite get used to it. Her sister was the first person to be able to take her whole cock. The sight of her beloved twin writhing beneath her while her stomach bulged further and further was shocking. Shocking, and intensely arousing.
Jas leant further in to her sister's upturned hips, folding the drooling girl even more, crushing the desperate nympho with the force of her slow probing thrusts. Amy's soaking pussy gripped Jas tightly, the wrist-thick cock dragging Amy's greedy lips outward with every pull.
"You'd better *uuhnnngh* be grateful for this Ames," grunted Jasmine. As much as she loved her twin, Jas couldn't bring herself to admit just how good it felt to fuck her sister.
"Yes Jas, yes! YES!" Wailed Amy as Jas finally bottomed out inside her pussy, the two identical girls joined at the hip. "Im sorry! I'm so sorry I'm like this but please I need it!"
Jas paused for a heartbeat as her sister almost sobbed her apology, before moving her hips again. It wasn't Amy's fault, it was the drugs. Every day she had a handfull of pills to take and they were doing this to her, right? 'No,' thought Jas. Lots of people have to take medication, none of them force their sister to fuck them multiple times a day! They were supposed to be sisters, twins! But now her closest friend was using her as a glorified dildo just because the universe had gifted her with a cock big enough for a horse. Why was it her responsibility to get Amy off every time she begged her with those wide eyes. No wonder Jas' weight had shot up lately; all the stress and exaustion was fuelled with junk food and snacks.
Jas' soft belly pressed into the underside of Amy's upturned thighs as she began ploughing the greedy slut in earnest. With a snarl of frustration Jas raised her hips to draw her heavy cock out, then plunged all the way back into her sister's sucking cunt. Again and again, thrust after thrust, battering the skinny girls pussy like a fleshlight. Jas went as hard as she could, weeks of frustration bubbling to the surface. She let it all out, calling Amy a slut, a whore, a cum dump, a greedy needy fuck hole. Throughout it all Amy was losing her grip on the world until all she could mutter was
And, loving sister that she was, Jas gave it to her...
(part 5/6) "Y-you slut! You f-fucking slut! I can't... I can't believe y-you're making me... ugghhhh... do this!" Jas slammed her hips into her twin sister's thighs, pushing her throbbing cock deep into her sopping wet cunt. Again. And again. She gasped and moaned, out of breath but still rutting. Amy's hours of begging had turned her on too much. Her sister had done this too her. She didn't NEED the sex like Amy did. She didn't have that crazy chemical dependency that had warped her brain and turned her into an insatiable addict for her sister's cock, but... Jasmine knew she was different now too. She gave in too easily, and she looked forward to it too much. And once she started... once she started... She just didn't want to stop! She couldn't! She pressed hard down on her sister's thighs, forcing her knees down toward her head. Amy let out a whimper of pain in between her incoherent moans, but Jas didn't know if it was because she was bending her to far or fucking her too deep. She didn't care. She was so fucking angry at her sister! She wanted to hurt her, at least a little! "Y-you ruined our lives! You f-fucking ruined every.. everything! Oh fuck! Ohhhnnngh.... fuuuck! You... you d-disgusting slut!" Jas had been trying so hard to pretend like everything was still fine, but it just wasn't! Their parents were gone, scared off by Amy's addiction and their twin daughter's new disgusting incestuous habits. The house was becoming messier and messier. It took so much time to clean up after Amy, wiping up wet patches from her drooling cunt and washing both their clothes. Her sister had stopped even trying to do her share. And Jas just new that when school started again after summer break she just wouldn't have the time to actually attend. How could she? With Amy demanding all of her attention? With Amy whining and begging to be fucked all day? With Amy's sopping wet puffy cunt waiting to be filled by her cock over and over? Jas knew she just couldn't focus on school while her needy fucking whore of a sister's addiction demanded to be fed. "I hate you... I... I fucking hate you!" Amy gurgled and sputtered under Jasmine, writhing on her cock. When had Jas started choking her? Her hands were wrapped tight around her twin sister's throat. Not tight enough to actually cut off her air supply... not yet. Amy starred into her eyes as they fucked, her gaze locked. Jas just kept fucking her. She could feel her own body wobbling with each thrust. Thick thighs and fat ass cheeks bouncing as she slammed into her skinnier sister. She had been stress eating so much. Amy barely ate anything. She seemed to live on Jas' cum alone! But Jas ate for both of them, and over the last few months she had gone from fit to chubby, to... "You made me fat! F-fuck you, you made me... made me fat! I hate you! I hate you, y-you fucking slut!" She could feel herself beginning to cum. She leaned forward, pressing her soft body against her twin sister's, pushing her cock as deep inside her cunt as it would go. She mashed their lips together. Desperately making out with her twin as she filled her with cum.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Woohoo, so after X amount of coffee, my brain cells finaly functioned, and i wrote... something(?)
I guess you can call it 'my first one shot' :P
Anyway, it sucks, but who cares, i wrote something finaly! :D
(I can always delet the post muwahahah)
I need more coffee..
Sorry to all for this, have a great day!
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Hide with me?
Jake x MC
fluff / sweet / something
You straighten your dress and check yourself once more in the mirror. All good, ready to go. You take your purse, throwing your phone in before leaving the apartment. Driving to Thomas and Hannahs engagement party, you feel nervous. Jake will be there, and you really wanted to talk to him. Ever since Hannah was back, you two never discussed your feelings for eachother any more. You never wer alone long enough for it to be mentioned, and you definitely didnt want to talk to him about it over in messages. You had no clue where you two stand at, so you hoped to talk to him tonight, and finaly find out.
„MC, you finaly came!“ Hannah cheerfully ran to you, embracing you in a hug. „Hi, Hannah.“ You hug her back. „Come, everyone is here already.“ She take your hand, pulling you towards the table where everyone sat. „MC! Finaly, I tought you might not show up!“ Jessy chimes, getting up to hug you. „You know me, I'm always fashionable late.“ You tell her teasingly, releasing her from a hug. „ Come, sit next to me, I have soooo much to tell you.“ Jessy pulls you to sit down and starts talking, but your mind was wondering, your eyes looking for Jake. You found him sitting at the other end of the table. He turned his head, and your eyes met. He smiles widely at seeing you, and you smile back, before Jessys words make you turn to her. „Hellooo, are you even listening to me?“ she asks. „Ofcourse!“ you say quickly turning to her „That is very interesting, indeed.“ You tell her, hoping she wont notice you havent really paid any attention to her words. „I know, right!?“ she exclaim, and you exhale relieve that it actually worked. You glance back at Jake, but he was looking the other way, talking to Thomas. Ah, well, I will have my chance later, you think to yourself, focusing back on Jessy.
As the formal part of the evening was over, people started mingling. You finaly have your chance to go talk to Jake. You wer chatting with Dan and Thomas, when you saw him standing alone at the bar. You quickly finish the drink you have in your hand „Sorry, boys, be right back, gonna get me another drink.“ „Easy there, MC, the night is still young.“ Dan teases. You grin at him heading for the bar. „Hello there.“ Jake turns to you „MC, Hi!“ He smiles warmly at you. „Been a while since we talked.“ You smile back. „How are you?“ you ask him. „Huh, i'm better now. It's been a rough few days.“ He says sounding exhausted. You look worryingly at him „ Did something happen?“ „Yes.“ He says thoughtfully „ Hannahs engagement party happened. She was giving us all a 'tough love' regime.“ You laugh. „Hey, dont laugh.“ He says desperatly „ It was terrible. I started hiding from her at a certain point. If it was that bad now, I'm scared to even imagine how she will be with wedding planning. And I'm running out of places to hide!“ „Awww, poor you.“ You look at him with a grin „Well, you can count on me in the future. Just give me a call, I'm sure I can provide you with a good hiding place.“ He looks at you with devilish glow in his eyes „I'll keep that in mind for sure.“ You feel heat coming to your cheeks at his gaze, and he was about to say something more when Hannah shows up. „MC, I was looking for you! Come, I want you to finaly meet my parents.“ You give Jake an apologetical smile and he smiles back, dissapointed look on his face, as Hannah pulls you away.
The rest of the evening wasnt much better. The moment you tought you finaly can go look for Jake again, someone would jump at you. You felt exhausted, and just wanted a few minutes to catch a breath. So when the opportune moment came, you quickly went for the balcony. The night was warm, and a soft breez blowing was welcoming. You lean on the railing taking a deep breath, enjoying the moment of solitude. „I guess we had a same thought“. You turn arround, Jake smiling at you, standing next to te doors. You smile back „Yup. Looks like you're not the only one who needs hiding.“ You tell him coming closer to him. „It's better when you have some company.“ He grins at you. „Definitely!“ you say laughing. „You look amazing, by the way.“ He says, and even in the dark you can see his eyes glowing as he looks at you. You feel your cheeks getting warmer again. “ Thank you. You dont look bad yourself.“ And he was looking good, with black pants and white formal shirt. You tell him teasingly „I never thought I will see you wearing aynthing else then the hoodie.“ He laughs „Neither did I. So don't get use to this look of mine.“ „Too bad, it looks good on you.“ You tell him with a grin. „Huh, thanks, but i still prefere my hoodie over this any day.“ He says grinning back. As you smile, you think, ok, finaly a chance to talk to him. You take a deep breath „Jake, can I ask you something?“ He looks at you intensly „What's up?“ „I was wonder...“ but you fel silent. „MC, you there?“ Your eyes widen at the sound of Jessys voice coming from near the balcony doors. All of a sudden, Jake pulls you to him, and you let a muffled yelp at his chest not expecting it. You look up, him putting a finger to his lips signaling you to be silent, as Jessys head peeks throuhg the doors. But she couldnt see you two , so she continued on with her search. You both chuckle silently. „Gosh, can't I have five minutes to myself.“ You say to him exausted leaning your forehead to his chest. He looks at you and raise his brow „How desperat are you for that five minutes?“ You look back at him „Pretty much.“ „All right, lets get you that five minutes then.“ He smiles and you snort „And how?“ „Do you trust me?“ he asks you. „Ofcourse.“ You tell him back. „Good.“ He grins at you, and in a few swift moves, turns from you and jumps over the balcony railing. „Jake!“ you yell through your teeth terrified, quickly moving to the railing, only to see him grinning at you from below. It wasn't that long of a distance, but still. „Come on.“ He says, extending his hands towards you. „Are you insane? I'm not jumping over it.“ Jessys voice echoed from the inside once more, calling your name. Jake looks at you with a smirk „You sure about it?“ You shake your head at him. „I cant belive I'm actually gonna do this, and wearing a dress no less!“ You take your shoes off, tossing them next to him, before carefully throwing your legs over the railing. „Don't worry, MC, I'll catch you.“ he smiles at you. „You better!“ You warn him, detaching from the railing, falling safely in his hands. „Nice jump. I give it 10/10 for the landing.“ He teases. „Gee, thanks.“ You grin, moving from him to take your shoes. „What now?“ „Now you have your five minutes. It's about how long it will take us to walk slowly back to the entrance from here.“ „And how do you know that?“ you ask him, putting your shoes back on. He grins „I don't, I'm just making it up.“ You laugh shaking your head at him. „All right, I guess we can start walking back then, before Jessy sends a search party after me.“ „Sure, if thats what you want.“ You look at him inquiry „What do you mean?“ „We can go the other way. There's a little park not far from here.“ He looks at you smiling softly. „Really? And what about the party?“ you ask and curs inside instantly, when all you wanted was to say 'yes'. He looks dreamy at you „ I would rather be hiding somewhere with you then go back.“ His words leave you breathles for a moment, the sound of your heart beating faster echoes in your ears „So, what do you say, MC?“ He ask, extending his hand to
you. „Will you hide with me?“ „That sounds so much better the going back to the party.“ You say and smile warmly, taking his hand. „Great! Lets go before someone sees us.“ He grins taking your hand tight in his, pulling you to him to start walking. „You know, we will have to think of a pretty good excuse why we left the party. We can't hide forever.“ You tell him with a grin as you two quicken your pace, murmurs of the party falling more silent behind you. „Mhm, im sure we will think of something good.“ he says, and looks at you with a devilish grin, intertwining your fingers with his „ After all, we have all night for it.“
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totheblood · 3 years
HELLO okay just read the rest of linger and caught up since i have free time and IM SO EXCITEDDD!! i was wondering what your process was for creating smaus? like you get so many GOOD/realistic pictures for their instas too so i was wondering how you go about it
also just to talk about the au, gwen already gives me BAD VIBES i don’t like her, the possessive and controlling-ness is NOT it and just the way she talked to peter about hanging w y/n seems so manipulative and AA okay i’m excited for what comes next <3
eek im so excited too and this is my first smau and i just wanted it to feel real essentially… like how most people that age talk now and the photos 😭😭 oh my god they took forever but i essentially created a personality for each character or who they are and i went deep diving on pintrest to collect photos, to find muses, it was so exausting also… i am slightly insane and i live in ny so i researched places that people in the area of nyu visit.. and used pics from reviews for the instagram to make it more realistic 😭 i think the hardest thing to come up with was the plot.. i’ve read a lot of smaus on here and i didn’t want to copy any of the amazing authors ive read before so i had to brainstorm what would be original and also have a good plot so i kind of sat and thought of like what if peter was sent to protect the reader and then the reader starts to think she has a stalker .. i feel like theres a lot of room for plot and angst and i really wanted there to be drama (lol)
and AHHH yes gwen gives awful vibes. i feel like i tapped into the controlling and manipulative people i have had in my life into her dialogue bc like people who are manipulative really believe they are justified in everything they do even though the purpose is to serve themselves but its also funny as an adult now i can understand and conceptualize how someone talking to another person like that is manipulative but when i was that age i didnt bat an eye and even romanticized it until i realized what it did to my mental health. i just hope that this conveys their age/outlook on life right now and how they don’t understand how wrong it really is because they are like freshmen in college.
anyways im SO SORRY FOR RAMBLINFG i just got so excited by this message cause its like the first one ive got enjoying my work and asking me about my process which is my favorite part so! i know u didnt ask all of this but i hope i got the point across and thank u !! <33333
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vmpkfxg · 3 years
bdd post
i’ve been craving food lately more than usual..i began eating more than usual to, i dont want to gain weight but i cant help it im scared im going to be body shamed...i have eaten twice today and i feel sick, my boyfriend just cheated on me with my friend and i am very hurt but i havent cried, yelled, or just said anything about it, i dont think im ok, i live in a verbally abusive a$$ household, they yell mean words and homophobic slurs and stuff at me, i thought me having an ED would make me skinny but ive been starving myself and i look the same...im kinda heartbroken but ive decided to just make him jealous, i’ll date his firend, his friend is cool,doesn’t treat me like shit, and he’s ACTUALLY atractive..being petty is my  favorite hobby, oh i just happen to be a september libra, sep 30th, my bf was a virgo..[must suck huh] BUT its normal to be upset without being upset right?? he asked me if he could ‘do’ stuff to me i said no sorry i explained i have bdd,ect he cheats on me the next day?? i am exausted of being body shamed...i was drinking some water and this girl asked for some i say no and she grabs the cap and chews on it. “great now i have to drink it all..thanks.’‘  her:’‘to loose weight?.’‘ *laughs* i went home and cried that night.
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master-of-fluff · 3 years
Hold on i still need you
Basically me writing season five in song from morro and wus perspective i guess
*Disclaimer* not my song
The song is 'hold on' by chord overstreet
wu and morro songfic
Words: 1134
*Loving and fighting Accusing, denying*
he wasnt sure what to do, morro insisted that he was going to be the green ninja, and no amount of telling him that he was wrong could make his student see reason.
it seemed that the more he tried the more morro pushed him away.
*I can't imagine a world with you gone The joy and the chaos The demons we're made of I'd be so lost if you left me alone*
"fine then, ill just make destiny change his mind"
"do not be rediculius morro, destiny doesnt work that way" wu shouted, desperatelly trying to get morro to stay.
memories flashed in wu's mind
the first day he had met morro.
when he had taken him in.
the way his face glowed when when he got something right wheather it be a big thing like a complex martial arts move, or something simple like learning how to make a grilled cheese sandwhich the right way.
*You locked yourself in the bathroom Lying on the floor when I break through I pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming, "Please don't leave me" *
"please morro" wu begged, banging on his bedroom door as the boy packed his bag inside.
a few moments later morro opened his door and pushing past the old man without a second glance.
wu's heart clenched at seeing morro leave but there was nothing he could do to stop him, he wasnt his legal gardian so he had no control whatsoever on what morro did.
so instead he sighed and composed himself, if he couldnt stop morro he would at least say goodbye properly.and so he did bowing low so that morro couldnt see the tears in his eyes and wishing him good luck on his journey, morro nodded stiffly then turned around and started  walking, and just before morro was out of earshot he called.
"just know you will always be welcome back my student"
but morro didnt even look back.
*?Hold on, I still want you*
it had been several days since morro had left and all wu felt was worry and regret.
'what if hes hurt, or lost, or scared and alone somewhere i shouldnt have let him go'
but wu just shook his head at the thought
'no, no morro will be fine, the boy is capable of taking care of himself, i should know i trained him, and its not the first time hes been on the streets' his face scruched up in pain at the last thought 'and it should have been the last' agian wu shook his head
'morro will come back once he's realized hes wrong....he...he has too'...
*Come back, I still need you*
it had now been two years since morro had been seen, and slowly wu began to accept that morro was never coming back.
he spent months grieving his student, his child, why had he let him leave, he was so stupid so stupid, if he had just done something, then maybe morro wouldnt be..wouldnt be...
wu's breath hitched at just the thought that his student could be dead tears streamed down his face as he realized this was all his fault "im so sorry morro" he whispered brokenly to the air
*Let me take your hand I'll make it right I swear to love you all my life Hold on, I still need you*
morro grunted as he climbed the rocks 'the caves of despair' it was the first place on morros hitlist to find the first spinjistu masters tomb.
he would have used his wind but he was too exausted too so ever so slowly morro heaved himself up, he slowly started walking around....trying to find a clue.
he jumped up into a subsection...only to realize that there was a geyser about to explode.morro eyes widened and he quickly looked around for a place to escape, but he found none.
noticing a small crevice just big enough to fit him inside morro quickly crawled inside it and ducked his head, perhaps the water wouldnt reach this far?
he was wrong he was so so wrongsuddenly he was incased in scalding water, all around him, he screamed as the water burned his entire body his last conscious thoughts were filled with fear and regret, as he screamed for his sensie to come save him.
but his sensie wasnt here to rescue him...
*Long endless highway You're silent beside me Driving a nightmare I can't escape from*
wu stared at the figure in shock it was morro! but how? so many emotions ran through him, guilt, shock, grieve.
he had failed his son -his baby, and now his nephew and other students were paying the price.
*Helplessly praying The light isn't fading Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones*
before wu could even think about what he was doing he had conjured up his dragon and flown out towards his son
he could save morro, he could fix things.
wu reached his hand out to morro, he could still save him "please morro, take my hand!" he shouted almost desperatly.
*They took you away on a table I pace back and forth as you lay still They pull you in to feel your heartbeat Can you hear me screaming, "Please don't leave me"?*
as morro looked at his sensie, memories flashed through his head
sensie giving him his first kite (one of many)
the lessons he taught him
how he had comforted him after nightmares
taught him to cook
the time sensie had taken him to the beach.
but morro knew that he was just too far gone, he had done to much damage.
looking at his sensie for one last time he uttered his final words
"you can only save those who want to be saved"
and with the last of his strenth morro pushed the realm crystal into wus hand before meeting his murky demise 'im sorry...father'
he thought taking his last breath."NOOO!" wu's anguished scream rang out, not caring how many people heard.
*Hold on, I still want you, Come back, I still need you Let me take your hand, I'll make it right I swear to love you all my life Hold on, I still need youI don't wanna let go I know I'm not that strong I just wanna hear you Saying baby, let's go home Let's go home I just wanna take you home Hold on, I still want you Come back, I still need you*
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if kid angel goes to a trip for a week and Kai starts to worry when she said she’s going away and thinks it’s forever he tells pops to drive him to the air port and Chrono tags along and right where she’s about to board he runs to her telling her he’s in love with her and kisses her on the lips and angel tells him she’s gone only for a week
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Was the only thing he could mutter after hearing your words. Even Kurono had stopped midway to take a bite out of his apple after what you had just said.
"Yeah!" You said in enthusiasm, jumping from the bench you were sitting on to talk with the boys you made friendship with "Isn't it nice? Go to America?! I always wondered how New york was anyway, my dad said we are going tommorow!"
"Tommorow?!" He couldn't help but to get up and accidentally shout, making your eyes grow wide as well as Kurono's. He immediately coughed to mask his... shock "Apoligies."
"Not a problem?" You said in uncertain before you saw your mom caming to pick you up "Gotta go now! Sorry Kurono and Chisaki-kun, see you soon!" You waved at then while Kai sat back in the bench, trying to process the new information.
"Send letters from New York!" Hari managed to scream as you gave him a smile while nodding. The boy with white hair looked to his side to found Kai with wide eyes, looking at the ground as if he just had esperience death of someone... that he actually likes.
"Oi?" He waved his hand in front of the boy's face with a worried look "Kai? Hello? You're okay pal?"
He only snapped back to reality when Pops came by to grab the two boys and brung them home...
He couldn't stop thinking about that... You were going away from Japan. Probably forever, and yet you didn't even cared about it? Your expression was one of joy for God's sake! It was as if you didn't cared about the changes, didn't care about the inumerous illness that you could contract on this trip.
... didn't care about him.
He shaked his head at the thought while making his way to his bedroom, dragging his feet on the halls to put his back on the place and change for his nightly routine.
He layed on bed and kept tossing around... The thoughts just wouldn't leave him alone.
Maybe you didn't showed because he himself never showed that he cared enough for you? Maybe it was that... he could only stare at the ceiling, tormenting and even scolding himself to pray that the airpot stopped working or that you and your family missed your airplane...
Could he really let go of the person he loved..? Even knowing that most probably he wouldn't see that smile of yours again so soon...?
Exaustion started to consume him before he give in...
Wakening up at the buzz of his phone he took it with a grumble and opened just to widen his eyes at one message of yours. That you were heading to the airplane now.
... that's it. He can't let you go without at least telling you, what if you met some filth and enaged to them? No. Oh HELL no.
He jumped from his bed and for the first time on his life just threw the first clothes he found near his way as he burst the door open, running in the hallways... even making a subbordinate fall on their butt on the floor.
Pausing at the entrance of the kitchen he breathed in and out, not caring about the estate he was in or the looks he was receiving from Kurono and Pops. The elder just in the middle of flipping a pancake fron the fry while Hari just about to drink some orange juice.
"... first time seeing you in a hoodie, you sick?" Kurono qsked more in shock than anything as Pops turn off the stove.
"Fuck off." Kai said immediately, Pops about to question his behaviour went to the elder with a desperate look on those usually bored amber eyes "Pops, I need to go to the airport. This instant."
"What the- What do you want to do on a airport boy?"
"(Y/n) is going away. Please Pops I really need to see her before she leaves for real."
The elder furrowed his eyebrows at the look and how his Chisaki was almost on his knees, pleading him to go to the airport.
"Can i at least change-"
"There's not time!" He exclaimed in annotance as the elder lifted his hands up in false defence as he muttered inumerous 'okay's' while getting out of the kitchen and calling a driver of his with a very anxious Kai on the front.
"You coming Kurono?" The elder asked as Kurono furrowed his eyebrows at his breakfast before witg a dramatic sigh leaving his seat and stuffing his hands on his own white hoodie and tagging along.
"CHISAKI WHAT ARE YOU-?!" The elder exclaimed when suddenly Kai opened the door to run towards the entrance of the airport, dodgjng all the people and cars on his way.
When he got in he looked frankly around, huffing and puffing still as he scanned the area for any signs of any girls with (h/c) hair.
When he spotted you far away his body moved before his own mind, running towards you and even cursing a guard when he tried to stop him, jumping and slidding through the ground to prevent to getting caught.
He was close, so he shouted your name... Relieved to see your confused then joy at seing him there before frowing your eyebrows at his state.
"Chisaki-kun?" You spoke in surprise as he stopped in front of you to catch his breath... sweat creeping his forehead making his hives apear... yet he didn't care about that right now "What are you doing in here?"
Just before he could answer, the guard almost catched him if it wasn't for his good reflexes.
"Little brat! You know the rules of thsi place to even get running and shouting like that huh?!"
"For crying out loud do your job instead of giving me a headache." He mumbled before the guard tried to grab him, Pops grabbed his wrist painfully from behind and spoke on a treatening tone of voice.
"Lets talk for a bit will we?"
"Chisaki what's going on-?" Your eyes widened when Kai, the so called mysophobic on the school, grabbed on your shoulders and made you look at him.
"I... I couldn't let you leave forever without telling you that.. That I.." dammit! Where were his words when he needed the most?!
Mentally saying screw it, he brought you close to place a kiss, a very slow but passionate kiss, on your lips. You yelped a biy before slowly melting on his touch.
He parted away with eyes half open as he stared at you before looking at the ground with a frow.
"Just don't... forget about me. You belong to the yakusa now so no american can take you. Got that?... I know im not the most clear with emotions... but I love you. Always had and always will."
Your eyes blinked as your cheeks, already flushed, reddened even more as you coyld only mutter a confused, embarrassed and high pitched 'huh?' in return.
"(Y/n) sweetie. We have to go." Your mom called as your dad cheered on the background.
"Vacations baby! We're going to even taste those hotdogs you saw on the movjes once my little flower!"
"Wait, vacations?" Kai suddenly deadpanned as he looked at you, hands still on your shoulders and even hearing Kurono snicker from behind him.
"W-What do you think it was?" You asked, still surprised with what happened.
"Oh I get it." Pops laughed as he yeeted the guard out of his way to pat Kai's head "He thought you were moving, so that's why he was sm desperate to get in here." He messed the boy's hair before he snactched his hand away with a scoff.
"I wasn't." He growled... but his pink cheeks betrayes him completely.
"Dude you put a hoodie and whatever pant you could find. You were almost eben crying to Pops to get us-"
"Shut up before I cut you to pieces with your fucked air Kurono." He growled animalistic at his childhood friend while you muffled your giggles behind your hand.
"Is only for a week. Didn't I mention that?"
"No, you didn't." He glared back at you before chocking at the kiss you gave him before pecking the tip of his nose.
"I am coming back by the ende of this week!" You started to walk away before looking back at a very flustered Kai "Ah! I will keep in touch Kai! I love you too!"
He could die and he would be happy now.
Kurono snickering and Pops laughing behind him didn't helped for his embarrassment as he only grabbed the hem of his hoodie and yanked up to hide his face as he made his way out of the airport.
"Where are you going my boy?" Pops laughed from behind him as he guided the boys to the car "How about tell me more about your girlffriend eh?"
"Quite a miracle since (Y/n) is the opossite of Kai and-"
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bindingofaskblog · 3 years
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Im gonna level with you annon i clinically missread your question as this
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so im very sorry for my i guess just like 2nd grade reading comprehension skills but this is what you get im too physically exausted to fix it right now
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((im going to go hang myself in shame see you tomorrow))
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fart-gate · 4 years
Season 4 episode 8
Notes by me
- the thumbnail is a lizard man
- archeologist! Daniel
- "sg11, archeologist survey, P3X 888, dig site 5" is it bad i thought it was sexy when he did this
- I paused it on the fossil and it looks like it had wings???
- Cleo lol
- so the goaulds werent parasites a few million yrs ago. Good to know
- robert rothman is bossy as hell
- old goaulds did NOT have naquada in their dna
"Thats significant"
"How so?"
"I have no idea"
- 🎵sometimes I feel like...somebodys WATCHIN MEEEE🎵
- omg Daniel one punch and your down. Need to have more combat training with tealc buddy
- Daniel gets kidnapped YET AGAIN
- rothman yelling for Daniel was nice actually
- an unas!!! From the viking episode
- hopefully this one doesnt sound like james earl jones
- sg1 said oh Daniel in trouble? I already have my boots on lets go
- P3X 888 is where the goaulds originated? Didnt we already try looking for a homeworld?
- I thought the unas growling was Daniel snoring for like a hot sec ok im tired leave me alone
- apparently nobody likes rothman and yeah i get it hes annoying
- tealc is lead on this one! Master tracker
- "rest!....it means.......rest"
- "grrrrr rest" the stargate programs professional linguist everyone
- love Daniel just talking to himself
- "yes! Very refreshing! ok im good for the next ten miles"
- his eyes are piercingly blue for my pleasure only
- forest sets are my favorite btw
- 2 moons thats so cool why doesnt earth have 2 moons we're missin out
- why does he have 2 phones???
- oh its a recorder
- daniel recording himself: this creature has dragged me around for hours and wants to eat me. But other wise we've become great pals < 3
- "juvanile" he got kidnapped by a teenager akdndjd
- im sorry his eyes are so distracting
- OKAY OKAY when it growls at him and he puts his head down to be submissive hhhhrrrrnnnngggggg
- daniel could make friends with a rat and it would show him all their rat friends and rat culture. I got away with that metaphor but you know what I mean. He could make friends with anything
- I just CANT get over how pretty he looks in this ep??? You thought I wouldnt keep talkin about it??? U were wrong
- this unas whole costume is so cool
- daniel: *tries to drink by dipping face in water*
Unas: what were you raised in a barn?? Use your hands idiot
- how is he swimming with his hands tied
- that goauld came at him like a torpedo
- ok! The unas said you get goauld guts all over your face for being an idiot
- ka means no
- well now hes gonna be wet forever (👀)
- is hawkins the leader of sg11?
- of course Jack sits RIGHT next to the goauld infested lake!!! Of course!!
- ah my favorite. Spit roasted parasite
- needs salt
- unas: this is my cave
Daniel: LOVE what youve done with the place
- hot potato with a goauld head ajdjs
- "yes yes all the kids are playing this these days OOPS in the fire!"
- at least he made him laugh
- why every time one culture shares food with earth its always chocolate?? Why not idk fuckin??? Pringles???
- oh its a cliff bar
- alright. He didnt have to sexually moan while eating a cliff bar BUT he sure did
- this unas is very curious
- "I met my father in law like this" OOF movie reference
- btw the guy that plays the unas?? Amazing 10/10
- ah shit hawkins has a GOUALD!!!!
- the unas have cave drawings ooooo
- daniel recording himself: me and the unas are besties now
Unas: *draws picture of him dragging Daniel to his doom*
Daniel : ......nevermind
- can tealc sense the goauld in the lake?
- when he shoots it out of the air. Invented sexy
- Sam can only sense the ones with naquada!!! This is really cool plot
- jaffa are unblendable. I wonder if the other guy that was immune had what jaffa have
- daniel about to kill him with a large rock and then his chaotic morals take charge again
- btw no glasses Daniel has been here for almost the whole ep
- "its been a hoot"
- "anybody with a snake in their heads, raise your hand!"
- see!?!?! Tealc with the plans im tellin ya
- rothman too damn.
- that guy pronouncing goauld like "goo-ahld" ????
- "this way" *points to a sign that says 'this way'
- hurry up!! Daniel about to get consumed by reptilians!!
- aw hes protecting him!
- Daniel speak Big Lizard Man language now
- "we've communicated, we're friends!"
- "dan-yeeeell??" Oh no oh no I'm crying he wants to keep him
- "sha-ah-ka" he liked Daniel bc Daniel said the word for their moon god ok I get it now
- "whats that mean?"
"I have no idea....but I think ive just been invited to come back one day and find out" 💖😭 best friends with lizard people
Whump under the cut
Daniel jackson whump: knocked out,dragged, kidnapped, waking up,hands tied, out of breathe, collapsing, flinching, exausted, leg swiped, fell over onto back, cut on face, bloody cheek, fear, more flinching, noises!, almost sacrificed to lizard ppl
Jack and sam whump: hands tied, less than 10 min
🤓no glasses!Daniel for 99% of episode!
🎶listening to Youve Got A Friend In Me by Randy Newman🎶 bc Daniel and the Unas are besties and I think im funny
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anewarise · 5 years
HDM episode 5 commentary + things I love.
Spoilers from series and book ahead. Doing because I need to share my crazy emotions.
• Mmm my head is going mad.
Look, in narrative is normal to cut down the travels. But I always think about how exausting must be to walk your way from one place to other and how tiresome that is. Well here is the example.
Lee KNOWS how to live well and Lyra is trying to play inocente to get his place. Jsjs I think Lee is not with his guard down anymore.
Ok Boreal you know how to be bad ok yeah we got it.......BUT(His mum Waiting for him <3)
Farder Coram don't contradict yourself please, bringing Ma Costa in that conversation IS a low blow.
I love the scenery look at those valleys.
Ma costa rules, Toni learn how to make food edible
......AY NO I DONT WANT TO SEE THESE IM GOING TO CRY. MY POOR WILL. PLEASE IS IT COMING WHAT I THINK ITS..? ..AAH FUCK NOT FAIR I KNEW IT.(On a side note, Will reflection in the water is quite meaningfull for me)
No Boreal stop. She is smarter than you think. Stop.
Was necesary to break my hearth?
Even the tends are colorful
Serafina...oh no. My gay feels. D:
WAS NECESARY TO BREAK MY EARTH TWICE IN ONE CHAPTER? (This scene is so well player by the actors, there's so much feel, so much deep thought in it that you can barely touch in the books, Im so gratefull right now.
Lee stop being a chiken mother. Is adorable, but Iorek controls.
They keep switching and my mind just skxjkdkdnx
"Take out his mantle"
Omg straordinary is a thing going on doesn't it.
Lyra you need to eat.
Lyra's adoption process 80% complete.
I just realice Will's mother actriss is part of the cast from Good Omens. Well damn.
Me before an examn or anything un life at all: "Master the fear"
WAIT WHAT ITS BILLY OMGOSH NONONONO What a terrible zijdkwdkkxf
....now I get why Ma Costa is here too.
Thanks Lee.
No thanks guionists making Ma Costa sing. (But thanks, sorry I didn't mean it)
Boreal control your smile.
Now I have not hearth. Im invencible. This has been súper embelising.
AHH THE TARTARS RUUUN *Screams louder*
Oh fuck. They made it. This is so uncomfortable. Just as it should of course but omgosh its terrifying oh gosh.
I will stop saying omgosh now but usbxkdkx.
Love the chapter, even of I was quite reluctant at first since I thought that the events of the ghost and the tartars rapt were little for clearly an hour. With Will appaerance it makes sense. Still I think the come and forth between worlds was a little too much. At least for me. The paralers are made so quickly by the end of the episode.
Anything but that? YES. Also really im not surviving the wait for next chapters. There's only 3 left and I'm worryed because well. Important things are coming.
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