#im so used to screaming along to them in the car lol
technicolorxsn · 6 months
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journalsouppe · 5 months
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Ever since I accidentally picked up and played DGS, I knew I needed to play PLVSPW. I decided to alternate playing ace attorney games with professor layton games until I finished the main trilogies for both and could finally play plvspw, and it was so worth the wait. I love this game so much it is everything I could have hoped and more, so so so much more. Highly recommend to honestly anyone!!!
All of the Professor Layton stickers are from jordydrawsmerch which can be found here and here. All of the Phoenix stickers are by Peachcott!! Every other sticker is from Daiso!
Writing typed below!
Rating: 9.7 Played: Fa 2023 Port: 3DS Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
AA stickers by Peachcott, PL stickers by Jordydraws
I like the UI esp with how the stylus interacts with the screen
Omg the yiga
Omg traveling is easier AND they give you coin and puzzle hints
LOVE maya’s model
Love the design of labyrinthia
Im curious if nick and maya will be bombarded with puzzles
I LOVE how the 3D and tech of the 3DS are used to make more dynamic puzzles
Lmao B&W LSOH moment (Kira ate flowers which is smth that happened in the original non-musical little shop of horrors movie)
Cinderellia lol
Omg the book roof
Labyrinthia at night music is sooo pretty
Kira is the killer… right?
I am so stressed about Luke and maya
Hershel to see the storyteller??
Luke is too small for the defense table T_T
Top of town so pretty
Major shrek 2 vibes
Is that a bust of cabanela
Layton said lets go somewhere more private LMFAO
I love the nick and Luke dynamic… but at what cost T_T
Obsessed with rouge’s design and tattoo
Love the assistant/mentor switch
^ Maya copies other idles! luke writes in his journal and nick reads his paper!
LOVE darklaws claws!
the vigilante witnesses....
is it really a layton game if there's no tower
GOD DAMN HERSHEL love his sword fighting
omg who is bezella
will layton act as the prosecutor??
the battle against the professor is so nerve wracking
just learned why its called pl VS pw
ooo darklaw's laws have the eyes on them
the "magic" is so complicated
i feel like eve the cat is v important but overlooked
love the belfry search
ooo this is like princess tutu x tunic
this took a sharp turn omg
love eve's black outfit
This game is everything I hoped it would be. yes it's a Professor Layton crossover, but it also has the charm of DGS x Princess tutu x tunic. The ending was very layton-esque, along with all the reveals. I truly had such an amazing time playing this game. I was initially introduced to this because I heard that DGS was inspired by it, so it was my mission to play both aa and pl's original trilogies before playing. And I am so glad I did bc the wait was so worth it. You can absolutely see the influence this game and professor layton had on Shu Takumi. There's so much passion and creativity between plvspw an dgs that makes playing them all the more enjoyable. I loved how all the main characters interacted with each other, I especially loved how hershel and phoenix swapped assistants. The new characters were also so fun. Espella, Barnham, Darklaw, the story-teller, they were all so unique and enjoyable to interact with. The animation was stellar. This 3D style really works for both PL and AA and im so glad both series took inspiration from it. The music and art was phenomenal, this game honestly should win awards if it hasn't already done so. I also love how any character pulled into an aa game will have their gay moments: phoenix x hershel and espella x eve especially. I can't wait to make art or even write for this game, I will definitely add scenes from this to my ballet au ^^! What a phenomenal game, what a fun premise with the most convoluted layton-esque ending. It was so perfectly I highly recommend!!
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Im craving angst…
What would happen if gent found Bendy and Audrey exists? (In the real world)
Ask and you shall receive. You and @gothic-mothic-topic would get along, lol
It would be real bad. Tempted to leave it at that as a joke but I'm not mean 😉
Let's say Gent goes after them while Audrey is at work. They would probably go after Audrey first with the hope they could use her to get the Ink Demon to behave.
However, I think Audrey would be prepared for this. She’s been paranoid about Gent finding out about them ever since she had her little crisis in the Gent building about whether she’s their property or not. So somehow she would finagle her way out of Gent’s clutches with use of her ink powers (I headcanon she keeps her ink powers when she leaves the ink world. Don’t ask me how banishing fits into things, I haven’t figured that out yet. Either it does nothing or melts real people, idk) and possibly the powers of violence. If she had to get violent cue mental crisis of hurting real people. It's a lot easier to beat someone to death if they look like goopy ink people.
Anyway, she would call home with a code to give Bendy a sign that they gotta dip or she’d have something similar set up to signal to him that something is wrong.
They would meet up and bail. Cue possibility of crazy car chase with the Ink Demon jumping out of the car to go flip their pursuers cars then running back to Audrey’s car while Audrey’s screaming bloody murder the whole time.
Since I just wrote a Bendy Bites about Bendy hunting in the wilderness, i'm gonna say that once they get outside the city they ditch the car and just start living off the land. Luckily for them, they don't really need to eat/sleep. It's good for their mental health but not an absolute necessity.
Bendy is fine with this. Audrey is not.
Audrey would be devastated. She just lost her dream job and her entire life. At least when she was stuck in the machine, there was hope she would go home and everything would go back to normal. That's impossible now. She's really gonna miss interacting with people, her job, and worst of all she's gonna get hit with a lot of guilt for abandoning everyone in the cycle. If Gent found the two of them, there's no way they haven't found the Ink Machine yet either. If she managed to bring the Illusion of Living with her, that would alleviate some of the guilt but if she didn’t she would feel real, real bad about leaving everyone behind.
Bendy sees this and hates that there's nothing he can do to help Audrey. The harsh reality is that if it wasn't for him, Audrey very likely could have kept living her life in blissful ignorance. But no, she chose to house him and now they both have to face the consequences.
So, now they have a choice. Go back and see if they can steal the machine or stay in hiding and pray that Gent doesn't fuck with them too much.
I think they would go back for them. :)
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whatthefishh · 2 years
Delta Squared Chapter 1
A/N: So, this story is somewhat based off of Think Like a Man, I thought our favourite boys would fit these tropes quite nicely and wanted to write something fun and kinda silly! I hope can enjoy, even if you have seen the movie because I did make changes :) This will have several chapters, but hoping to keep it easy to follow. This chapter focuses on the boys and Benny. No smut, no warnings really except a few swear words. 2.4k words
It all starts sometime in May, the boys’ weekly outing causing the fates to set you up in front of the TV at just the right time. Well, sort of started then. 
(01:23 am) Tom wtffff
(01:23 am) im hiding in the bathroom from that weird girl who smelled like burritos next to us
(01:24 am) can i come out yet
(01:26 am) dunno
(01:26 am) but brb
(01:26 am) santi’s helping me get this girl off my back
(01:26 am) so the one who was basically following me is gone?
(01:28 am) also what youre engaged
(01:28 am) just show her a pic of Mads
(01:30 am) true lol
(01:31 am) im just gonna come back
(01:31 am) if shes standing right outside the bathroom ill scream
(01:32 am) idk what ur talking about but will made a face so maybe he knows who you mean
(01:32 am) then again that might just be him pining
(01:32 am) for that girl
(01:32 am) who broke up with him bc he quit his job
(01:32 am) the one hes been "dating" for 2 weeks
(01:32 am) OH
(01:32 am) santi and fish are trying to tag team this girl
(01:32 am) tag team?
(01:32 am) santi and fish are drunk af
(01:32 am) doesnt mean theyre not gonna do it
(01:35 am) uh yeah it does but whatever im on my way
Benny emerges from the haven of the bathroom, immediately making a beeline for the boys’ table. Thankfully, the girl who seemed to be at his elbow at every turn was nowhere to be seen. Even halfway across the bar, Benny could see Santiago chatting up some poor unsuspecting woman and wonders to himself with amusement which line he went with this time, the player that he is. He’s ridiculously successful at this, always has been, even in their time in Delta Force, his ability to charm anybody and everybody driving the boys nuts. Frankie had apparently given up the tag team idea, and let him run his game, choosing to watch from the sidelines. 
Benny checks his phone to see if he got a text from you, sending one out asking how you’re feeling. He feels bad for leaving you at home, sick, but you had insisted he go out with the boys, claiming you’ll join them next time. You two had been dating for years now, bordering on 8, your relationship having been an undefined thing at first due to his back and forth in the military. Once he had come back for good, it was almost too simple how you two had made things official, falling into a routine as easy as breathing. But still… he hadn’t proposed yet. 
You were a relatively successful hairstylist, owned your own salon, got along with the boys, matched his energy for all the dorky movies he was into, and incredibly chill with his energy it was almost too good to be true. You even dressed up with him in a couples costume of Han and Leia that one halloween, binging the movies with him throughout the month to prepare for the role. So, you could be forgiven for mistaking the little velvet box he got you last valentines day for a ring, screaming out “Yes!” until you opened it to see a simple but pretty pair of diamond studs. You didn’t understand why he was waiting, you two lived together, shared a car, planned for your future; the domesticity of your relationship was so deeply ingrained in your bones, everyone already assumed you were married until they noticed the empty space where your ring should be. You didn’t want to pressure him, though. He was your Benny, your best friend, and you loved him so much. Star Wars posters, figurines, and all. 
You flipped through the channels at home, eventually landing on Oprah, recognizing her guest as Steve Harvey, the host from Family Feud. 
“Welcome back, everybody. We are still here with best-selling author Steve Harvey. (Camera switch to Steve) - Well, what I try to get women to understand is that times have changed, but your playbook hasn't. I've gotten thousands of letters from all kinds of women who can't seem to find a man, keep a man or get what they want from their man. Until you understand how a man loves, how a man operates, how he thinks, until you get into the mindset of a man, you will never win with us in the game of love.”
Despite your better judgement, you stayed on the channel to see what new information he could possibly be adding to the world of love advice.
“We have a question in the audience. (camera turns to woman in the audience)- Hi, Steve. I've been living with my boyfriend for five years and he says that he loves me and he's fully committed. I guess what I want to know is, how come he hasn't popped the question?- (camera turns to Steve) He hasn't popped the question because you haven't required him to.” 
You roll your eyes at the pedantic answer, but stay listening to see if you could get anything useful out of this.
Benny catches part of Santi’s words to the girl on his way to the table, and the tail end of it has him quickly covering his mouth to hide his laughter.
“I’m sorry, but Jesus has my heart.” The girl had said.
“Yeah, no, no, no, I get that. I love Jesus, too. They actually used to call me Pope back in the military,” Santiago countered, sure that he’d walk away with her number. 
“You boys won’t believe how Santi’s trynna pick up this girl,” Benny says, jerking his thumb over his shoulder as he joins the others at the table. 
“Oh I can already imagine it’s weird, she gave me crazy vibes just by the way she was trying to touch Tom’s beard after 2 seconds,” Frankie laughed. 
Santi returns to the table sooner than any of them would have guessed, and they assume he got shot down - rare, but it does happen. 
“No luck?” Will asks, a little eager to share his misery with someone else at the table. Will’s most recent venture into finding love ended as pathetically as his last; he was too much of a dreamer to keep a steady job after returning home. Apparently, the women he was going on dates with didn’t appreciate his goal of finding something he was passionate about. He just wanted someone to support him, the same way he would give his full support for his partner. 
Santiago looked at each of his friends’ faces and then broke out into a smug smile, “No, I got it. Cmon, you guys really thought I couldn’t? Have some faith.” 
The last comment had Benny cracking up again, and he checked his phone again to see if you’d replied. 
“How’s Daph doin’?” Will asks his little brother, eyes catching him checking his phone periodically. 
“She’s alright, she-” He starts but gets cut off by Fish.
“She's phenomenal, pendejo, we don’t understand why she’s with you,” Frankie laughs, and Santi joins in. 
“Nobody does! How good is your credit score? Do you even know how to check your credit score?” 
They all laugh at that, Benny included. 
“Daphne is amazing, you guys are right. She even loves my nerdy shit. Will doesn’t even like my nerdy shit,” Benny elbows his older brother. 
“You sure about that? Maybe she just loves you. Deep down inside, she’s probably thinking ‘this is some silly ass shit’” Tom counters with his eyebrows raised, challenging him. 
Out of them all, Tom had the least complicated relationship. He just wanted to make Madison happy, simple as that, and Mads felt the same towards him. He was usually the one giving level headed advice around the table whenever the boys would bring up their lady problems, and as much as they wouldn’t want to hear it at first, they usually conceded, knowing he was being reasonable. 
“Nah, I know her, alright? She is just as into all of that as I am.” 
The night goes on in a similar fashion, catching up and teasing, until Tom stands up, stating that he needs to get back to his fiancé, making the others groan in displeasure. 
“When's the wedding again, Tom? You’ll have all the time in the world, laaaaaater,” Santi gripes. 
“You guys still have to take me out for my Bachelor party, how do you not know when the wedding is? It’s next- No, you know what? You can figure it out and plan it when you’re sober, I’m heading out!”
They all chimed in for their goodbyes, knowing they’d see each other in a few days. Benny started to rise from his seat as well, finishing off the last of his beer before announcing his departure. 
“Gotta get back to my girl, she’s not feelin’ too well.” 
“Yeah, I should go, too, gotta pick up my kid from my mom tomorrow.” Frankie adds, also getting up from his place. 
Santiago and Will share a look which doesn’t go unnoticed by Frankie, who immediately gets defensive, “What?”
“Don’t lie to us Fish, you’re gonna go there tonight and she’s gonna give you your onesie and tuck you in the same way she does for your kid!” 
Santiago’s never let go of an opportunity to rip on Frankie’s relationship with his mother. Everybody knew he was a momma’s boy, but now he uses his daughter as an excuse for why he’s over all the time. She cooks all his meals, she does his laundry for him, they even have matching pyjamas which they wear on their movie nights together. He stops by on his way home from work because she’s made his favourite dish, or picked up those socks he likes from Costco. Santiago is only teasing but it’s become glaringly obvious that for all that he complains about being a single dad, Fish doesn’t really make time for another woman in his life. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Pope. Don’t come asking for her pie next time you’re over.”
“Now hey-” Threats were getting serious, Santiago had to back up a bit. 
The first bomb had been dropped. 
The next day had you heading to your local bookstore, with your notebook in hand, filled with scribbles of tips from Steve. You had finished the episode of Oprah, surprised to have found some possibly useful ideas to push Benny to the next step in your relationship. Looking for his book, you tell yourself you’re not tricking him, you’re just trying to move forward in your life together. 
Settling in to read for a bit before Benny came home, you found the chapter that focuses on “The Non-committer”, aka your Golden Retriever boyfriend, which described how you need to require him to step up and propose. Your last birthday, the boys came over for dinner; they treated you like one of their own, which was wonderful! Except that it was your birthday, and you were dressed for a romantic dinner for two. You really were one of the boys. Speaking of which, you looked around, noticing how much your shared apartment looked like a college dorm room, one that housed several boys, not the sophisticated adult space you always envisioned. You develop an idea, one that might upset him but that will overall clean up the place and make it look like two working adults live there. There’s a used bong on his favoured side of the couch for fuck’s sake. 
Yeah, that’s it, the first move has already formed in your head, your calculating gaze sweeping across your living room making note of what you’re going to keep and what’s going in storage. The couch will have to wait for another day, you can’t lift it on your own.
Later that evening, Benny comes home while you’re making dinner, chicken wings and fries - not your guilty mind telling you to make his favourite, nope - and his joyful shout at the smell makes your stomach twirl happily. After all these years, his easy smile and comforting presence is still your favourite thing in the world and you want to never stop seeing it. On his way to kiss your cheek in greeting, he catches a glimpse of the drastically different living room space and stops mid-walk, body visibly frozen in shock. 
“Babe! Did we get robbed?! Where’s all of my posters, my figurines?! How did you not notice we got robbed?!!” He’s rushing to inspect the empty spaces.
“Relax, I just tidied up a bit,” you try to keep your voice even and light. “They’re safe, Vader’s safe. I just thought we could paint the living room.”
He exhales in relief, painting he could deal with, painting he could work with. 
“...and redecorate,” you say under your breath. 
“Redecorate?” Benny echoes, confusion taking up his pretty face. “I thought you liked that stuff, why would you wanna redecorate?”
Dropping the last of the wings into the deep fryer you turn to face him fully. “Because, Benny, it looks like we’re still in college. We’re adults, we make decent money, don’t you want this to look like a real home? One where all of our friends haven’t had sex on our couch?”
“What’s wrong with my couch?”
“Baby, it has duct tape holding the back together. We’ve literally had it for ages, and God knows how many times you’ve spilled your bong on it!”
“This couch has history!”
You just level him with a look, before showing him the couch catalogue you were browsing, pointing out the ones you thought he’d like. 
“I’d rather watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days with you again than couch shop,” Benny grumbles.
“I know you would because I caught you watching it by yourself a week later. Cmonnnn Benny, it smells so bad.”
“Okay, fine but listen I’m really bad at this. Can you just do it without me? I trust you to pick one. Please?” He leans in to kiss your cheek and heads straight for the deep fryer, gathering the rest of the food to set out for the two of you. 
Surprise colours your face but you’ll take the win. New couch, slightly more adult space, this was shaping up to be a productive evening. The two of you ate dinner, Benny making loud noises of enjoyment from the guilt-wings you made, watching your post-work show together. These are the moments you loved, the simple comfort of each other’s presence, of having your best friend there at the end of every day. 
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selamat-linting · 2 years
there was a few things i missed and got wrong on my homestuck liveblog yesterday. first of all, i mistook terezi with kanaya with that morallegiance chat with vriska. makes sense, they used to be roleplay buddies until that mess of an incident. not taking away vriska's responsibility from that clusterfuck but, wonder how much of it is doc scratch influence. good god girl, why are you gambling with a literal god? also WHY rose is trusting that white ball asshole? i dont like him at all. he's basically responsible to a lot of the mess the trolls and beta kids is going through.
anyway, at the last page i left off, terezi and vriska's attitude towards each other is largely shown in the boy-off with dave and john. with karkat screaming in the background (he always screams in the background). so its easy to miss that theyre very much in a weird complicated, frenemy state with each other. that in between space where you're not sure if theyre genuinely fucking hates each other or theyre ribbing on each other like two meanspirited friends do. i've been there sister, i've been there.
speaking of vriska (again, because she is my child who has every disease), oh her relationship/friendship with tavros is very conflicted and, i dare say, delicious? this is something that im sure would hit even harder if tavros wasnt relegated to the butt of ableist jokes more than he's treated as a character but. trust me. imagine youre tavros. your friend(?) is vriska. she crippled you, she saved your life, she berates you at every turn, she kissed you. deep down she only wants best for you. she wanted you to kill her. she wanted you to hate her enough to do it. she doesnt want to bleed to death alone. she's begging you to kill her. she's could have forced you to do it but she doesnt. because this is for you both to grow stronger and survive. thats all she wanted all along. for you both to thrive in a world that eats you alive. she needs you to kill her. oh god *head in hands*
-so its really really sad to see vriska being so lonely after killing tavros. she dug a hole too deep to get out alone and the remaining friends she had that could have accepted her again are all dead or too burned out of her. i wish they both can meet each other again. just to talk and find closure. like, tavros deserves to be angry with vriska and he deserves to have that peace he always wanted from her. and vriska deserves to start being a better person and getting some peace of mind. she deserves a chance, is all im saying. like, its okay if tavros cant give it to her. but some of her friends could. maybe terezi? the worst they ever do to each other in terms of direct harm is the eye injury. or maybe karkat? oh god i dont want to hear them arguing, i would go deaf!
-at least vriska has john! its nice to see them being friends with each other. Tbh john has been a breath of fresh air (hehe) in all the doom and gloom. im not looking forward to him meeting his dead dad but right now, my boy is walking around the village with one of the finest music i heard so far. and then he drive a flying car with WV. its just, he is so positive and amidst a set of characters who lost all of their innocence, he remains as the one guy who tries to enjoy the game and take everything in stride. he felt smug when the salamanders keep referencing in his title, he bought everyone hats and snacks, he gave moral support to vriska. the harley and egbert family is so positive about everything and its so endearing!
-AND JADE! fuck yeah she's starting to show how awesome she is. YES JADE say fuck you to karkat! its been long overdue!!! she also should say fuck you to vriska too as a treat. and fuck you to tavros too. and fuck you to that prince of hope (more like doom lol) who blew up her computer. she deserve monetary compensation to deal with that troll polycruel.
-special mention to dave btw. i dont remember him doing anything particularly exciting lately but i believe he's the one carrying the team. john and jade had to do their quest to be effective in defeating the english demon guy (the brits are all demons lol) and rose had to be their prime researcher and strategist, so he basically did the save everyone's ass part. i cant wait to see him hang out with terezi. Also is it bad of me to want him go godtier? Like, it would be interesting.
-and other time aspect characters i want to appreciate, aradia! babygirl have finally get rid of her hopelessness and come back to life! and now she's bringing the gang back together!!! and putting the pieces on why gamzee suddenly breaks. too bad gamzee never had a chance to show his personality. anyway, im starting to think i was wrong about lil cal. like, i think it was posessed but oh no its just bro moving him around, but somehow that fucking puppet is the one wrapped up in literally everything. aradia finds that shitty doll and somehow its connected to gamzee losing it and the game sgurb and doc scratch and... whats going on????
-in conclusion, timebound kids are always the one carrying the team. they are hard to find but theyre the one who could determine how you win or lose the game.
-but how can i forget? kanaya! she came through. i really thought she was dead! but she is alive, and she kills people with a chainsaw than apply lipstick to her bloodstreak lips. she is trying so hard to be Hinged. final girl behavior fr. i wonder how she's going to meet rose again. i hope she talked rose out of that suicide mission.
-and can we talk about karkat? man, imagine leading an army of kids who did kill and maim each other before the game even starts. imagine being the lowest of the social hierarchy and trying to make the most toxic friendgroup filled with racists and murderers to listen to you. imagine being able to do that despite all the odds, bring them to victory, and have the price right on your hands only for it to be ripped away and your friends devolve into chaos and murder several hours later. its a failure of untold magnitude. no wonder he's so disturbed and angry at himself and everyone.
-okay now that im done with the characters. i want to compliment how good everyone looks. the art and the fashions are all sooo amazing. the talksprite is also wonderful. im inclined to change my pfp into feferi's talksprite because i like her design so much. also because hooray! She's just dead, not corrupted by horrorterrors. in my mind she is laughing at tavros and doomed dave rap battle while surrounded by beautiful scenery
-also, i cant believe infinite stairs are referenced AGAIN with sollux and karkat. and SMUPPET ASS JOKE? on tavros dead body? lmao. okay i need to see smuppet ass on dave again. he was just so funny with it. and karkat shipping craze with jadesprite and jade. the jokes are really good, fr
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April 17, 2023
Dear Tumblr,
It's been a minute. I've had to move all of my personal shit to a new side blog because clar (formally jg) found my og blog and kinda confronted me about it lol. A lot has happened recently, allow me to catch you up.
So, the clar situation has reached new heights. The last time I posted about it, was a few months ago after the PBI when he invited me to join him for dinner with some of his friends. I declined, something I regret now, but he ended up hugging me before we went different ways. That was the last time I saw him until he came back for spring break.
A few days before Valentine's day, I posted a silly little meme on my close friends' story on Instagram that said something along the lines of 'are you busy feb 14?' or something like that because I am a self-proclaimed hopeless romantic and I simply love love. I love the idea of having someone that I can devote my time to show how much I care for them. Anyway, he swiped up and said hi. This sparked us just talking for a while about life and making jokes about starting a casino in our town this summer. That was that. I continued to post silly little love-related things on my story along with other memes and jokes and he continued to interact with them.
Im friends with his sister and so i had heard that he was back in town in passing from her. I didn't really know what that meant for me at the time though. I knew I had feelings for him and had been hyping myself up in an attempt to make a move on him for months, but now that he was back, I wasn't sure what to do. I talk a lot of big game but as soon as something personal comes up that may change everything, I freeze.
The first time I saw him again was at scholar bowl practice. The room was packed and I was the last to walk in so I had to pull up a chair next to my sister's friend. He just so happened to be right across the horseshoe. I really don't think we talked at all that day tbh. I didn't know what to say and he was constantly surrounded by his friends from back home. I couldn't have said anything without someone sniffing out that I was acting weird. The next day he came to drama club practice. We actually talked then. Not about anything major, just catching up with each other on our lives and making conversation like friends that hadn't seen each other in a while. He did get really close to me though. Making efforts to stand next to me even if we weren't necessarily talking at the time. When practice was over I went on to scholar bowl and we said our goodbyes. I wasn't sure when I would see him again but I had hoped that he would come to another practice either scholar bowl or theatre.
He came back a few days later and spent the whole day with the band teacher, assisting in lessons and giving his insight as a college player. He also came into drama that day and we chatted more, he even put his hat back on my head like he had at the PBI. When the day ended I drove him and his sister home in silence. His sister had made him sit in the back of my car, making conversation difficult between us, not that I could have said anything too, interesting (?), to him because of the whole sister-in-the-car thing. When we arrived, his sister thanked me and got out while he lingered. I didn't say anything because frankly, I didn't know what to say. Finally, he simply said something along the lines of 'I guess I'll see you at graduation?' to which I simply replied that he would. I would be graduating after all and Im not passing up the opportunity to walk the stage. Then he got out because she was just standing by the door, waiting for him.
That was that. or so I thought.
I went home that day and scream-cried all the way to the gym where I ran for a while and then finally completed a very focused and emotional lifting session.
A few days later it was time for my scholar bowl team to go to state. All was good and well about that. It's not the focus of today's post. Anyway, we had just gone through the awards ceremony and gotten back on the bus when I checked Instagram. He had posted a story and I clicked. It was an exact replica of a meme I had posted on my close friend's story four days prior about wanting a bf who always had a Wikipedia article pulled up on his third monitor, specifically the gulf war. Guess what he had on his third monitor? The gulf war Wikipedia page. I was in complete shock. The guy that I had been hinting about having feelings for had possibly dropped a hint back. I was going through it tbh.
Now something about me recently is that I have finally realized that I will never have to see anybody from my high school again unless I choose to after I graduate. This has sent me into a spiral of not taking anyone's shit and playing some more risky moves.
I swiped up. 'the gulf war huh,' i asked. I asked him if he learned anything interesting. He quickly replied that he really didn't remember because it was almost three am when he took the picture. I went along with it. I mean it could have been a total coincidence. He said that he needed to work on some homework. I let him, a little embarrassed about getting so worked up over something that I had then thought to be a coincidence.
A few days passed and he texted me asking if I wanted to talk after drama club via a call because he had gone back to school. I of course said yes. In my mind, this could either go really good or really bad. The good being, he's into me too and all the seemingly unnoticed flirting had not gone to waste. The bad possibility being, he knows that I'm into him and is uncomfortable with it. I went the whole day stressing about it but also trying to not completely freak out. I'm a believer that whatever happens, happens and that everything happens for a reason. Whatever happens on the phone is just how the universe wanted it to turn out.
The time comes. I message him. He replies. We call. He very bluntly asked me if all the posts on my story where about him. I get embarrassed and ask, "what if they where?" He took a minute to say anything and I got worried that I had said the wrong thing so I back tracked. "Being completely blunt, yes they where about you. I've had a thing for you for a while now." I could tell he was really nervous. His voice was shaking really bad and he kept whispering to himself. If I wasn't so caught up in not messing it up I would have been caught up in how cute it was tbh. He said that he thought that he had began to feel the same way for me. We talked for hours that night. Getting to know each other better and what that meant for us.
We are continuing to talk regularly. I cant wait to see where this goes. Expect more blog posts. There are some things about this that, as much as I hate to say it, I am a bit insecure about so ill be using this blog for as much venting as I do journaling the progress we make.
Kat out <3
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
Sunrise Sunset Leak Summary
We open with Dadszlo wondering wtf is up with his surly teenager. He tries to tell Colin to pick up his toys etc and Colin sasses him and leaves his headphones on.
We see Dadszlo and Guillermom having tea discussing the puberty issue, and Nandor playing a book reader, barely partaking in whats going on. We see Laszlo having playdates for Colin and comforting him when a kid broke the rules...but hes like a full grown man acting like a kid lol. Guillermo tries to teach him how to play baseball to no avail.
Our opening credits are Dadszlo melancholy singing Sunrise Sunset while watching his angry teen son. We see a bunch of pics of him and baby Colin from the past year incl formal portrait shots and everything and my heart literally broke.
At the club nothing has gone well. They tried vampire rap battles but vampires are too volatile, improv group but vampires dont get improv ‘cuz its not funny’, bachelorette parties, horror house tours (with a human remarking the sire is just a cheap costume off amazon) and finally basically vampire chuck e cheese.
Back at home Nandor says they cant talk to Colin cuz they arent speaking the jive, the slang kids respond to. He goes to try this, finding Colin bashing in the basement (Laszlo calls it his healthy angry release) and he humors Nandor but makes the jerk off motion when he turns around to leave.
Back at the club PT Barnum is there and Nadja is like I am pretty sure hes dead. Guide is like nah hes a vampire...then its revealed they have the 2nd largest collection of human souls in the US (translator cut off at who has the 1st). The souls dissolve back into the bottles after 24hrs and the Guide has learned how to revive them for that time with witchcraft. So of course they decide to reviva Scott Joplin inventor of ragtime (who they fan girl over).
Back at home Colin is in trouble...he stole Sean’s car. And hes sassing his parents. Sean is trying to help and its just pure screaming. Sean says they should duke it out, Guillermo says fuck no thats the worst idea. Colin apologizes and says maybe he can help Sean drag his car out of the pound. As they leave his eyes glow and his parents realize yeah hes an energy vampire again and Laszlo will have to tell him.
Back the club Scott is playing while the girls plan, they think about bringing back Diamond Jim Brady before concluding they could revive people from history and host it as a one off night. It...doesnt go great. Most of the people Nadja picked dont speak english and no one showed up anyway.
Back at home Laszlo tells Colin and Colin is like why didnt you tell me before? Laszlo’s explanation while saying how great he is is that he didnt want to limit Colin. Colin says god dammit and Laszlo winces. He starts saying God and Christ til Laszlo is writhing and runs from the room upset.
Meanwhile Guillermo is realizing since hes almost grown and Nandor made his bf run off with his clone hes basically an empty nester. Nothing ever gets better but it never changes. He’ll always have something to do but it’ll be like being a hamster in a wheel, you never get any farther along.
Guillermo checks in on Nandor after literally giving up on cleaning. Asks if hes okay cuz hes been kinda quiet lately. Nandor is still reading. He says yeah Im kinda glad for the loneliness, the quiet time after dealing with Mawra. And Guillermo is like so you just wanted the wedding and now your done you dont care if anything ever changes? Nandor is like I dont have time to look back lol. Years pass no biggy. Guillermo is like then what then? Nandor says well you’ve noticed I’ve gotten back to my reading. For how long? Oh 15-20 years we’ll see.
After Nadja’s second history night bombs (Guillermo listening 11 times made them .06 cents lol) She puts the wraiths on a bus for universal orlando for a ‘vacation’ (minions?) and then sets the club on fire...only to find out later that the actual club didnt burn cuz the blood sprinklers finally worked but her OFFICE WITH HER MONEY DID. She blames this on blood liquor.
Meanwhile Colin  got back to hammering and found a box. The box had a slide. The slide led to 4 spots on the wall that when hit reveal a hidden closet and archive. They of course end that on a fart noise. When we see him next hes full fledged adult baldy colin.
He acts like nothing is amiss and the whole fam is shocked. Nandor asks is that really him? Colin is like um yeah why? Laszlo asks does he remember speaking/singing in a childish voice at the wedding etc. He takes that to mean Sean’s pillow sale party and does the Jar Jar voice. Colin unaware of what the fuck has gone on says he’ll pay to restore the wall he busted out and anything else that needs done (they have over half a mil in the bank).
Colin brings in contractors and tells them what to do. He asks Laszlo what to do with the race car bed. Laszlo says it was yours dont u remember? Colin says no Ive never slept in a racecar bed in my life. Laszlo says dont u remember the last year? Me singing while looking at your baby pictures? How I raised you? Nope he just remembers his funny tummy at the birthday party and then now. Laszlo seems devastated but tries not to show it.
The ep ends with Guillermo taking his money duffel bag (he never revealed to Nadja) and offering it to Derrick to turn him into a vampire cuz if he doesnt change something nothing will. The way he talks (could be jammed with the translator) he seems to be acting like he will not come back cuz he tells the crew they can use his room for storage if they want to. He leaves at daylight so none of the vampires know. After asking Derrick it cuts the end. Finished with the entire group singing Sunrise Sunset over the credits.
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myfirstandlast · 2 years
I ended up putting a basic outfit together and spent like half the concert staring at the back of ppls heads lol but I had sm fun just being in the crowd and screaming along with everyone hehe also the girlies put on the performance of their lives as always and are even more gorgeous irl than ppl say they are 💞💞💞 how was the concert for you?
they are absolutely gorgeous!!! honestly sometimes when they were talking i’d just look at like their knees to try and see them as totally real 3d people in front of me i needed someone to pinch me LOL the crowd energy for ptt was exactly what i hoped for it was great
im gonna use ur q to give a sum-up of the stupidly lucky night & what happened to me and my partner because honestly so incredible and so baffling and we both had terrible horoscopes that day so just wow. a lot happened lmao so i was getting picked up and my friend had to pick someone else up and my friend’s car ac didn’t work in the atl traffic so it was a HOT drive and we ended up switching to the friend’s car just to make it in one piece so we were literally getting there at like 6:30? my partner was already there and in line and they kept telling me i’m moving up hurryyyy come quick so we were rushing down the line and once i found them they were LITERALLY a couple people before the metal detectors. they had ritz crackers for me cuz i had only eaten grapes in the car lmao so it was me in my fairy wings squeezing past the barricades and stuffing three crackers in my mouth before i had to throw them away because we were Right There it was very chaotic. security checked my purse and asked what was in my mini bag and when i said makeup he was like “you weren’t kidding” LMAO i just really like to be over-packed and over-prepared. anyways we tried buying drinks and they told us they couldn’t sell to us without a wristband so this led to an extended run-around of miscommunications with multiple staff members thinking we were trying to spend $80 to upgrade to vip upstairs and then nobody could find the girl with the wristbands and it was basically up until the very last moment that we got through with that thank god. we actually did have regular seats upstairs so we were rushing to those and it was so crowded and so close to starting i started getting rlly panicky cuz i couldn’t tell where our seats were but it seemed like someone else was in them?? but i was rlly embarrassed to squeeze through the whole section and be wrong cuz it was cramped so we went to ask a staff member and by the time we got back the chairs had mysteriously cleared so 🤭
ANYWAYS OMG IM SO SORRY ITS SO LONG ALREADY but we were at the very edge of the section so those long chains of hanging speakers were literally in our faces and i was a little disappointed cuz you could only see a few girls in the front line of choreo at most but we were still really close and i was excited to be there so it was all good. they did their intro and stuff we freaked and then star started and we FREAKED top ten english kpop releases on my life. one of my absolute faves so we were totally engrossed and then this security member like popped his head over the edge of the section wall as we were screaming and was like “are you two together” and i said yes and all he said was “come with me” nothing else so i was SCARED i started getting rlly anxious that they were gonna say we kicked someone else out of their seats or we were getting escorted out or they were gonna be like actually you guys aren’t 21 (we are) and drinking illegally so you’re done idk i was just scared cuz it was so soon to when the show started i thought something was wrong. we had to literally like climb down the rows and we were led around the entire section and through the whole middle section to go to the other side and this same guy who is explaining nothing to us was just like put your wrist out and he started putting these fabric wristbands on us and then he leaves?? so we’re left standing at the corner of this section so i turn to another staff member and im like what are these for? and as he’s about to answer someone motions to him and he points down the section and the guy is at the other end calling us over MIND YOU THEYRE PERFORMING STAR THIS WHOLE TIME I CANT EVEN PAY ATTENTION we’re like crouch running to not block anyone i was literally singing along while running trying to be in the moment and then he’s at a table????? like the actual closest table to the stage next to the railing and he has us sit down and he says something to me i actually have no idea what he said but i heard “for now” so??? are we temporarily here?? are they finding us new seats?? why did we move?? but now the entire view is different like y’all we were opposite our original seats but you could see EVERYTHING i didn’t even know there was screen behind them until then. the girls were sooooo close oh my god. so we were at this table for a while eventually another staff member even showed us the qr code menu on the table like you guys can order stuff you know and they’ll bring it to you!! we were like ok thank you!! ?? so does that mean we’re staying here?? spoiler alert we DID stay there the entire show i don’t know what FOR NOW was about but the only thing that changed was around halfway through they had another girl sit on the opposite side of us and if anyone was at the atl show she was literally the girl screeching when it was silent for olivia to marry her she was fr rude but she was younger so whatever ig. but that was our view for the rest of the show we got a ton of waves yves looked over a bunch we got some hearts my partner was fucking losing their mind lmao it was so so fun. i just rlly felt devastated for haseul her seat was immediately below us and she kept standing up from her chair to do little bits of choreo during the songs you could tell she wished she didn’t have to sit down :((( and my melody it was her on the stage along in her sling like how sad omg…… but she rlly did her best they made the most of an awful situation for them and i rlly appreciate it they were awesome soooo in love
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starryrock · 4 years
My thoughts on all TWST characters before and after going through the chapters (currently started Chapter 5, I have not played the game. I just watch English translations on YouTube by Shella_BB.). Tbh, this is just me making fun of them all.
I will try to be vague to avoid spoilers, but just to be safe, here’s a disclaimer. !!Potential spoilers for Prologue-Chapter 4!!
[Prologue] - Before
Ace: I loved him before I really knew the story. He just screamed “I’m stupid and you’re stuck with me” and I think that’s sweet.
Deuce: Not much of an opinion on him. Prolly the voice of reason, heard parts of his backstory. Might’ve gotten stuck with us because he got stuck sitting with us at lunch.
Grim: Gremlin. Tiny gremlin that the fandom would probably hate, like most small, mascot things are. Not much of an opinion.
[Chapter 1]
Riddle: *Hall Of The Mountain King intensifying* “Um, actually. According to the encyclopedia of pslshdbsls-”
Trey: Seems calm but is actually feral or somethin. Idk, not much of a personality??
Cater: Tbh, I didn’t really know if he existed (along with Trey). Cutesy sparkly “I’m gonna call all of you ‘-chan’” guy that actually knows way more than he lets on. Previous dorm leader??
Chēn’ya: I wonder what he’s inspired by. You showed up once but I like your energy, funny magic man.
[Chapter 2]
Jack Howl: Doggo. Sir you’re way too tall to be a freshman. Cryptic existence. Where are you????
Ruggie: “Shishishishi” oh So he’s evil. He broke?
Leona: s,, sir your shirt,, Oh wait you there’s representation? Yoooo Pog. I like his fashion sense.
[Chapter 3]
Azul Ashengrotto: Mob boss. He literally looks so much like a mafioso. 100% would sell you out for $20. Probably weird obsession with Riddle or his Unique Magic. “Your UnMa is so strong... I want it... Lol jk. Just kidding,,, unless?”
Floyd: Feral twin. So completely unhinged. Looks like BSD Atsushi’s hair. Would Hotwire a go kart and attach some magic crystal to it so it goes 80 mph, all while singing Under The Sea and laughing.
Jade: I do not trust this man. Has to be equally unhinged. I do NOT trust that smile. One driving the cop car to catch Floyd. Not because it’s illegal, but he didn’t put on his seatbelt.
[Chapter 4]
Kalim: Sunshine child. Ily you so much. Babey. Wow he’s short. Is it the Sultan or Aladdin?
Jamil Viper: Lol Nice name. You seem oddly calm for someone inspired by Jafar. I like your hair-
[Chapter 5]
Epel: Soft boy? Please don’t be another uwu im a soft boy character that doesn’t speak much at all. I wanna see you swear.
Rook: I do not like you. For some reason, I just do not like your vibes. Is it the hair? I think it’s the hair. Hhhhggg,,, you’re just so off putting. Your expression puts me off for some reason, I swear it’s the hair-
Vil: Holy crap he’s pretty. His dorm outfit design??? I’m love. Designers went definitely tried to make one of the most attractive characters, not surprised.
[Chapter 6]
Ortho: Baby. Tiny child man. Ily but your existence also hurts. I want to protect you.
Idia: I was introduced to him with his backstory with Ortho. BRUH THAT HURTS. You good? Definitely depressed.
[Chapter 7]
Malleus: Does he curse someone??? He never gets invited to anything, he’s gonna snap. I bet you. Tiny bit salty because it still reminds me a bit of Descendants, just Maleficent being the strongest.
Lilia: Tiny man. I like how you wear your outfits + your hair. Still someone not much opinion, but my friend who introduced me simps for you soooo....
Sebek: Loud. Loud. Loud. You just seem so angry all the time. Somehow reminds me of the Madame Trunchbull from Matilda. Just the expressions and kinda the energy.
Silver: Who are you????? Where are you??? What do you do? Uh, nice, hair????
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camping hc’s w/ the feral boys <3
AYO LOOK AT THESE : implied smut if u look hard enough , but really just some cute , fluffy feral boys content lol . these ended up being really fun to write so let me know if u have any other ideas for more hc’s !! ily , starlight ☁
reblogs are always appreciated !!! <3
all as a group - 
god help us all this would be a MESS
you guys would get one of those massive tents that have separate rooms for everyone
s’mores are a guarantee
alex and clay would light their marshmallows on fire
and chase each other around with them
karl is FOCUSED on getting the perfect golden roast
sapnap keeps nudging him to mess the marshmallow up
george literally has his marshmallow in the fire for .2 seconds
clay would give him so much shit for it and the two of them would “argue”
but george would end up breaking his smore in half for clay
and feeding it to him most likely 
alex would bring his guitar and play it while everyone sat around the fire
sapnap would definitely start singing ‘campfire song’ from spongebob
everyone would pick up
and dissolve into laughter
clay would be the first to bring up telling scary stories
you’d be scared as shit from the words he was crafting
youd sandwich yourself between karl and alex
alex would poke your waist , jumpscaring you
and you’d pout saying you’re going to bed
youd walk into the tent
they would all C O M P L A I N but eventually join you
at least one of them pees on the fire “to make sure its completely out”
george would ‘knock’ on the tent to see if you were dressed
because they’re respectful , your honor
everyone would meet in the main part of the tent with sleeping bags and pillows and blankets
completley abandoning all the separate rooms
you’d all take turns talking about nothing at all really
making stupid jokes
if you fell asleep first , clay and george would make everyone whisper
you need your beauty sleep
they’d all fade pretty fast after that
but karl would wake everyone to watch the sunrise together
dream -
would have the top of the line camping equipment
even if it was for like
a two day trip
he’d go to an outdoor store and come home with an entire car full of camping shit
a portable grill
a blowup mattress
the nicest two person tent money could buy
the full nine yards
would put you in charge of planning meals
which is probably a good idea
has had the campsite booked for months
somewhere by a lake
“clay , we literally live by the ocean”
“it’s not the same , baby”
he’s right , its not
would take a mini road trip to get there
he’d make sure to stop at all the tourist traps along the way
you two would end up with a bunch of fruit from a roadside stand
once you finally got there
the tent would essentially pitch itself
he’d do the car salesman slap on the nylon
“best tent money can buy”
you’d probably take a nap , tired from the drive
by the time clay shook you awake the sun was setting
so he'd fire up his little camping grill
pls he’d geek out so hard over it
you’d be awake from the nap
so clay would light a lantern and the two of you would just 
wander around the campsite holding hands
you two would absolutely go swimming at midnight
clay would pick you up in the water 
and have you wrap your legs around him like a koala
he’d pepper your face with kisses
then dunk you under the water
once you two got out you’d get in pajamas
and clay wouldn’t be able to inflate the air mattress
he forgot the pump
but you brought sleeping bags just incase
you two would fall asleep as close as two people in sleeping bags possibly could
sapnap -
would insist on being the manliest man
like would collect firewood and everything
he’d show off the axe he brought
then would chop the wood
he's gloating smh
and would get 125670 % more overprotective when you wanted to try
would stand behind you and show you how to swing
would guide your arms and everything
but would stand like
10 feet away
when you went to actually swing
spooked by how hard you chopped
but also proud ???
would build a fire as it got dark
and tell you how pretty you looked in the light from the flames
he’d be pretty old school w camping food
would stab a poker through hotdogs
he’d help you roast yours , rotating it so it cooked even
would forget the buns and condiments
“i thought we had everything!”
the two of you would die of laughter
just eating ur hotdogs
off of the pokers
would remember a stash of candy and snacks
so you end up eating those too
nick would have the tent up in less than five minutes
“fastest tent pitcher on this side of the mississip” 😎
would bring it up 13790 times
he would find a way to zip your sleeping bags up together so it's one big franken-bag
he’s so warm
keeps you toasty
George -
camping was most likely your idea
but gogs is all for it
gets really excited and buys a two person sleeping bag
“so we can still cuddle”
you’d bring all your camping equipment so you had a pad to sleep on
“sleeping on the ground hurts , baby”
“isn't that the whole point ?”
would have his hand on your thigh as he drove to the campsite
and would play loud music the whole way there
with all the windows down
you two would set up camp while it was still light
both struggling™
to get the tent up
it would take y’all like an hour
and both of you would be all sweaty after wrestling with it
so george would change into swimming trunks and wait on you to put on a bathing suit
then he would piggyback you to the lake
running straight into the cold water while you scREAMED
you’d smack him so he’d let you down
then you’d splash him
a splash war would ensue
george would grab your hands , threading them through his
“be nice to me >:,(“
you’d get all soft and wrap your arms around him
the two of you would swim for h o u r s
until someone got hungry
you’d show gogs how to make a campfire
he’d knock over your demonstration
“i want to try”
would nail it on the first shot
you'd be baffled but entirely impressed
after dinner he would show off the oversized sleeping bag
you two would get in together , legs tangled
would probably download movies on his phone beforehand for you guys to watch
he’d fall asleep first , lulled to bed by the sounds of outside
Karl -
loves camping so much
just loves outside in general
would already have a bunch of gear
but would insist on finding a way for you two to be able to sleep together
we all know this boys love language is touch
even in his sleep he needs some sort of skin to skin contact
would buy a camping bed
i feel like karl would want to make “real camping food”
so he’d do hotdogs
and those foil packet thingies with potatoes and corn
he’d show you how to seal they foil and bury it in the coals properly
would scrunch his nose at you while you messed the wrapping up on purpose
“let me do it for you , baby”
would proceed to do it for you
he’d take 100000000000 pictures of you 
in the sunset lighting
the campfire lighting
the moon lighting
because he cant help how beautiful you look
would feed you bites of vegetable in between your hot dog
“are you staying hydrated?”
brought juice boxes , too
he’d set up a place for you guys to stargaze
and would point out all the constellations
yall would make up your own too , giving them full backstories
he’d slow dance with you under the moon until it got too cold to be outside
the two of you would … take advantage of the camping bed
crossing ‘outside’ off the bucket list 😌
by day 3 he was tired of his traditional camping food
would beg you for some of your snacks
you’d feed him oreos and fruit snacks while you guys hiked
Quackity -
was not down™
at first
but once he saw how excited you were 
he would be all in
would go to a camping store with you and pick out equipment
alex would insist on getting the stereotypical camping cookware
“we have to !!!”
“no we dont???”
“yes we do 😤”
would refuse to sleep on the ground
buys one of those camping pad things
would buy a two person sleeping bag as well
“if im doing this im at LEAST sleeping next to you”
you’d beg him to bring his guitar and play it at the campfire
he’d sing you soft songs while you toasted marshmallows
and you’d feed him s’mores
but you two would end up just eating the chocolate bars instead
he’d bring some sort of card game
and you two would get way too competitive
probaby uno
you’d be screaming at each other at like 1 am
would get a noise complaint
but alex does not care
not one bit
would make a joke about you screaming his name instead
ends up loving falling asleep to the sounds of nature
somehow finds his way into being little spoon
you two fall asleep holding each other
and wake up a tangled mess
begs you to stay another night
because he actually likes being away from it all
and getting uninterrupted one-on-one time with his girl
next time you guys get a free weekend , he’s the one who suggests camping
because he loved it so much
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Can’t Wait, Can You
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My mood?
Want mean! Daddy! Ransom to pound me through the engine of car and call me cock stupid, bitch in heat and slut 🥵🥵
Look at him? Who wouldn't?
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A/N- Fuck me up babes, I love a nasty Ransom. 
Warnings- Ransom fucking you in his drivers seat. Also this is me rambling, so no editing really. You get what you get. Lol. 
“Your suck a cock stupid little slut, aren't you? Can't even fucking wait till we get home.” He spat out as his hips slammed up, fingers biting into your hips while he slammed you up and down his cock. 
He was right, you couldn't wait. The moment you two left the restaurant, you sidled over to him while he was driving, running your hand along his thigh and palmed him through his expensive slacks. “Ransom...” 
Of course your hands on his cock, he couldn't complain much as your hands were rather talented. But they fucking drove him crazy as he was trying to focus on getting you two home so he could fuck you until you went stupid on him, a moaning mess with sheets tangled around you trying to recover. Getting there though was proving to be a challenge. As soon as he yanked the beamer over, his hand snapped to grasp your jaw, popping those pretty red lips of your apart and spit in your mouth. “No fucking patience, just like a bitch in heat.” 
The cold ring on his pinky imprinted on your cheek as he squeezed further while dropping his seat to give you some room. “Put that mouth to use slut, and maybe I will get you off. If I'm in the mood.” 
Whenever Ransom switched to this side, you did become a cock stupid slut. You just needed to feel him sending you over the edge, reminding you exactly who you belonged to. Your hands were quick to open his pants, draw his erection out to stroke, lapping your spit wet tongue over the head while lifting your eyes to study Ransom’s face. Blue eyes snapped sharply, and those perfect full lips were upturned in a smirk. “Come on little slut, I know your mouth works better than that.” His hand slid down your back, and fisted his hand in your dress, drawing it up. 
A loud smack landed on your ass, and you immediately popped your mouth open and drew him in, your tongue caressing his length, following that throbbing vein, and he tipped his head back to enjoy the sensation, an oversized hand coming down again on your stinging ass till you started to really bob your head, sucking on him till his hips started to jerk up, pushing for more. When you started gagging around him, moving to grasp the back of your head and hold you struggling on him, did he curse. “fuck Y/N, your mouth is so fucking good.” 
Releasing you, you pulled away sputter, drool stretching from his cock to your lips, your eyes glazed over, and his hands were quick to manipulate you into his lap. “You better be wet and ready for me.” His fingers yanked aside your panties enough to stroke your soaked petals. Your teeth caught your lip as you arched to rub yourself against his erection. 
“Since we were in the restaurant.” an extra grind set the man off underneath you, his cheeks tinging pink and the tendons in his neck prominent. Grasping the base of his cock, he pressed his swollen head against your entrance and slammed you down onto him without waiting any longer. 
“You really are a hungry cock slut.” feeling you pull him in, gripping to hold him inside of your warm heat.
Which was good cause that burning stretch made you cry his name and roll your hips at the full sensation, finally full of him. He turned into a whirlwind, slamming into you while his hands yanked down the front of your dress, his tongue dragging down the collarbone, and biting a sucking kiss into the tops of your breasts. 
The motion made you brace a hand against the roof of the beamer, the wheel biting into your back and the lewedst moans and cries of his name filled the space not occupied by you two. 
“That's right cock thirsty bitch, feel you gripping on me, pulling me back in.” He groaned as his cock slammed back into you, grinding your clit into those expensive slacks of his, the zipper making you yelp but ground yourself even harder, edging your pleasure and pain. 
His hands moved from your hips to your ass cheeks, spreading them while slamming you up and down, falling forward against his hard chest, digging your fingers into that tan soft coat, and hid your face into his shoulder while crying into it. His dark arrogant chuckle rolled from him. “Come on girl, that's all it takes? Soak my cock whore,” 
When he gave permission, you clenched, rolling your hips and he sought that spot reserved for him, where your fingers couldn't reach to get yourself off, but he could. And oh how he loved it when you were squeezing yourself around him, flooding him while falling into your orgasm. And this time when those pleasured coils snapped, sending you sky-high while screaming his name, Ransom let himself go to, fucking you harder into his steering wheel till he yanked you off to cover your thighs and the front of your pretty dress with his cum. 
Panting afterward, his hands spread against your dripping thighs, rubbing his hot spend into your soft skin, leaving himself all over you. Shuddering under his hands, you pushed to sit up, and try to fix his hair that had fallen out of place. Ransom was the first to speak. “Think we can go home now, so I can fuck you proper?” 
You gave him a soft nod, and shy smile. His hand came to cup the back of your neck, pulling you to him so his lips could slide over yours, his tongue prying you open till you sighed into the kiss. “Yes Ransom, Im ready to go home.” 
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jesslockwood · 4 years
olive | chapter one
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pairing: actor!Tom Holland x actor!reader
words: 3.5k ish
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex and smut (in between the ***)
a/n: special thanks for @stuckonspidey for helping me not only start a kinda guideline for this story, but go over the beginning of this chapter, go check out Lilly’s works!
I also am taking name suggestions for one of the characters (little miss diva celebrity personal) as im horrid at coming up with names and also want to involve you! (That’s why she don’t have a name in this yet lol) so send me an ask with your suggestions!
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You couldn’t believe it. How could it even be comprehended of what was going on when it felt like a dream? 
bro, you’re living every Instagram jealous fangirl’s dream right now…
Man, you couldn’t even imagine the backlash you’d be getting after this once everyone knew. 
Let’s hope they never find out.
Maybe this whole ordeal should be explained...
You had been at an after-party for the first big movie you did, well it was a featuring role, that the character literally had a sex scene with Sebastian Stan- yeah you know what you’re thinking, he’s a literal Greek god heaven-sent being- we all know.
Anyways me being me found him way too unattainable- God all those marvel actors and actresses were-, especially after the mishap of seeing his butt naked self before the scene, and him telling you it was fine because you were like his “little sister”. Either way, he was a no go, and you kinda wanted to find someone to take home. you hadn’t been laid in a while, and after seeing Sebastian naked you kinda needed relief. 
you were looking for someone more in your league scanning the room, until Seb decided to bombard you at the bar, with probably another one of his actor friends he wanted to introduce you to. 
Yeah, heh… I know how this sounds, but you two actually became pretty close on set, as the lead to his opposite, was a total snob, and Seb couldn’t stand her so you’d do a spot-on impression of her while roasting her, and Seb and you got along pretty well because of that. You’re probably questioning: why Seb? Of all people why would a famous person like him get along with a weirdo like me? 
Boy, do I look like I know?
in all your years it would still probably be a mystery till you died. 
Throughout the night Seb had been introducing you to all his friends and helping you “network” even though they all knew you sucked. That still didn’t stop you from having a small heart attack every time it was an actor you admire.
This time maybe was a little different because you had downed some drinks, and was a little more… bodacious? That’s probably the worst description you could come up with but it is what it is... anyways it was the only way you could get through the night without completely dying of being in front of literal heaven-sent beings.
“Hey Y/n! you’d like you to meet one of my pals!” Sebastian yelled over the music, cutting through people to get to me.
you were sitting at the bar just getting another martini with olives. Before taking a sip you saw him. Holy guacamole! He was definitely out of your league, but alas, he was trailing Sebastian, coming over to you, with you almost doing a spit take. you knew who he was, but man, was he ever hotter in person! pictures did not do his beauty justice.
“Hey, Sebby, who’s the next victim you’re introducing to moi?” you ask, stirring your drink with the olives. 
Seb shook his head at you, with a smirk on his face
“This is Tom, and Tom this is the infamous Y/n.” you definitely rolled your eyes at that one.
“It’s a Pleasure.” He says all gentleman-like.
Just as Sebastian is about to speak, none other than the stuck up lead of the movie calls over to him.
“Sebastian, they're taking group photos of the main character’s with Drake Doremus, our director.” 
You could tell Sebastian refrained from rolling his eyes at the way she was smirking at you.
 “Sorry Tom! Y/n and I have to go-”
“Uh, Sebastian, they want the main cast. No extras.” she snarkily snaps.
“She’s not an extra she’s a featuring role and y/n-”
“I’m fine here entertaining Tom. Besides I’m all photoed out.” you cut him off quickly trying to deescalate the situation before Seb snapped on her causing a scene for all the hungry photographers to eat up.
“See? She doesn’t want to get in the way of our spotlight. I’ll meet you over there.” she blows a kiss at Sebastian and walks over to our director.
“Are you sure about this y/n? Because you know Drake would be fine with it, and she has no say over it anyways and-”
“I’m fine, and anyways, it would be rude to leave your friend here when you just introduced us.” you comforted giving the most genuine smile you can.
He dramatically sighs, raising his arms in surrender,  “Well if she ends up in the pool, it’s not my fault.” 
You laugh and wave him off before turning your attention to the arachnid superhero sitting beside you now at the bar. You sit in silence for a bit, admiring his freckles and eyes before speaking up.
“I’m sorry about all of that she can sometimes be such a-”
“I was going to say Diva but that works too” you giggle as he starts to laugh with you.
“So Mister Spider-man, what made you come over here to be introduced to me?”
“I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t know anything about you till today, and seeing you act in this movie, I really am a fan of yours. Your acting ability in just this one movie blew me away!” He says intently, gazing into my eyes.
“You’re just saying that because I have a sex scene in the movie. It’s also probably just because of Sebastian’s acting. Or maybe you were turned on. ” you joke winking at him as you turn towards the bar, almost finishing your drink for the second time
He laughs, with a sly smirk on his face, “maybe.”
Before you can respond Sebastian interrupts.
“Hey, sorry I took so long, Miss Diva needed her ‘best angles’”
You internally groan. You just got cock blocked by the one you wanted before this whole ordeal.
“Well, I think I’m going to head out. We’re still on for breakfast tomorrow right?” Tom says, getting up abruptly.
“Yeah, Unless Y/n wants to bail on breakfast then we're still on, Then golf which Y/n will definitely bail on.” Sebastian jokes.
You were almost speechless, Seb said you’d meet some of his closest friends at the big brunch tomorrow. At least you’d be seeing him tomorrow. Maybe Sebastian set this all up? Either way, you weren’t turning down the opportunity.
“Well, uh I better get back to my hotel as well. We need to get up bright and early, and you know I need my sleep.” you mention, before downing the rest of your drink- very unladylike- and popping the olives into your mouth cringing a bit while eating them.
You hated olives, but it felt like such a waste to not eat them. You may have been in ‘high society’ but you still knew how rude it would have been, at least in your head it was.
“Party poopers. I’m gonna go say my goodbyes. Don’t wait for me.” Sebastian turns away going towards a group of his friends.
“I have a car coming, I can drop you off?”
“Oh, uh- are you sure? I don’t want to be a burde-”
“You’re not at all! Great company so far if you ask me,” he comments so… gentleman like.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes, and Once you got up and going, with Tom trailing behind you, you had to dodge a couple of waiters, apologizing every time, before really bumping into a waiter, who accidentally pushes Miss Diva, who wobbles before falling into the pool.
You stand there in shock almost watching as she, in slow motion falls into the pool, screaming on the way down. 
As soon as she emerges, she looks dead eyes at you, with looks that could literally, and probably would kill you.
Everyone falls silent before Sebastian, from across the pool breaks out into a fit of laughter and yells for you to “run”. Everyone who worked in the film and even the waiter starts to laugh along. Drake, your director takes out his phone before snapping a few photos. 
“AH! I‘m gonna kill you Y/n!” she screams at you before trying to swim to the ladder of the pool.
“Here,” Tom says before handing a hefty tip to the waiter before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the exit, “C’mon Y/n!”
The only thing that ran through your mind was “Holy shit. I’m dead now.”
Tom kept dragging you, to the entrance, through the paparazzi, and into the car, which mind you, the car was really nice, almost tumbling onto him.
“I’m a dead man now” you chanted a couple of times, before Tom started laughing really obnoxiously.
“Dude! You think me being six feet under is funny?!” ,You try not to giggle along to the now almost intoxicating sound, before hearing a pinging of his phone.
“Y/n, you’ll be trending for being Hollywood's hero!” He says before checking his device, “Trust me when I say she has no fanbase, at least won’t after this video Sebastian just sent me.”
“What?” you say stunned, before Tom shows you the video.
“That Fucking Bitch Y/n! You All saw that?! Y/n pushed me in purposely! She’s only out to get me, the talent of the movie! Talentless little bit-”
Sebastain cuts in the video “Yeah we’ve all heard it, you think you’re so much better than Y/n, Blah, Blah, Blah! You’ve treated her like shit from day one, and all she’s ever been was kind to you! I think karma is finally getting to you!”
Then your director steps in, “Well, I have news, we’re doing another movie, but in this time, Y/n has been bumped to lead role! I’m not so sure where your contract lies anymore though... Maybe it's just floating around in the water like your louboutins!”
Everyone cheers in applause in the video, chanting your name before it ends.
“What?! No, no, no! I don't deserve this because of a faulty point! She doesn't deserve this either! I know she's mean but to steal away from her talent and for someone to post that video?! She doesn't deserve that!” 
You started to freak out. Not only would she murder you if she had the chance, but no one deserved, not even she deserved the worst of what was going to come from the backlash from that video.
“Please tell me no one posted it!” you ask frantically.
“No, not yet, I’ll tell Seb not to, but I don’t think he can stop all the people who videotaped it.” He almost cringes, looking guilty.
“It’s fine I’ll just tweet something in the morning.” you sigh covering your face before telling tom where your hotel was.
It was almost upsetting, you felt like a second choice because of a bad apple in the batch, and you were the next.
“Hey Y/n? I know we don’t know each other well, but even though she might be booted down, or even off the next movie, your talent is real, and it doesn't take away from what you can do. From what I got from you already is that you're beautiful inside and out, as cheesy as it sounds.”
What the fuck. He was a fucking sweetheart. Let’s hope the fucking part litterally.
“Thanks Tom.”
You sit in an almost comfortable silence, all the way till you get to your hotel.
Once stepping out, Tom speaks up “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Dream of me Tom.” you wink before heading up to think of the game plan for tomorrow.
Once you got into bed, you couldn’t help but think of him. 
Why did he have to be so nice? Like god, did sweet guys ever make you horny.
Oh shit. Tom Freaking Holland made you this way.
Lets just say, you really did dream of him, probably because you thought of him while- well you know before falling asleep.
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“Tommy!” you moaned loudly, as he went down on you, licking stripes from the base of your pussy to your clit.
He moaned onto your sensitive clit, sending vibrations all the way up your body, and especially to your core.
You could feel yourself getting close. His iron (man™️) grip on your thighs had you wishing it would never end and then-
Your obnoxious ringtone you had for Sebastian went off abruptly waking you up. You had set it to a fucked up sounding avengers theme song. 
“What the Fu-”
“Y/n uh, apparently there's a shit ton of paparazzi at your hotel right now… do you still want to go to the brunch?
You pause, “What? The Fuck?” you continue to look outside your window and sure enough, there's a hoard of them outside.
You really weren't sure about going, until you got a call from an unknown number. 
“Uh I’m getting another call gimme a sec-” you end the call with seb before answering the mystery person.
“Hey Y/n it’s me, Tom, Im uh almost in the back alley of your hotel waiting for you, I mean, only if you want to come, you were on my way anyways so i thought-”
“Hey Tom,uh yeah- okay, I’ll be down in twenty?” You say rushing around trying to find your suitcase.
“Okay, I’ll uh, tell Seb we’re coming soon” 
Tom hangs up after you say goodbye, and couldn't help the grin that reached his face being almost smacked back into reality by his brother, Harry and best friend, Harrison, goofing off.
“You div! You almost ruined my hair!” Harrison whines, as Harry rolls his eyes.
You, on the other hand, were rushing around taking a Guinness world record shower, before drying your hair, putting on minimal face shit, because thanks to Tom you didn't have time, and putting on an outfit that made you feel super cute and ready for golfing, well, watching it.
You weren’t much of a sport player, minus the competitive side that came out as soon as anyone challenged you. Then suddenly, you were an allstar (by smash mouth p.s fuck smash mouth) at whatever came your way.
Lets just hope you had this in the bag if someone challenged you. 
Your phone buzzed and you jumped, before quickly answering the texts you had gotten.
‘Are you coming?’
‘Yes seb im coming soon ;)’
‘Hey y/n it’s tom were here when your ready :)’
‘Wrong “you’re” but im coming lol ;)’
As you made your way down, Tom kept fiddling in his seat, trying to relax yet impress you. He just had to get over her, and you were the perfect solution for that. He didn't want to use you or anything, just have some casual fun that will help him move on.
As soon as you come into sight, of course looking both ways of the alley because who knows who's lurking, or going to hit you like Regina George, Tom couldn't help but almost drool in admiring you. You had your gorgeous legs on display, almost gleaming in the sunlight starting to peek through the alley, and your hair, looking almost effortless in your hairstyle, that took you like, five minutes to do. 
 As soon as you got into the car, Tom was snapped out of his daze, quickly trying to catch himself before being caught.
“Hey Y/n! You remember Harry? And this is Harrison. Harrison, Y/n-”
“Y/n I’m a really big fan! Maybe not as big as Tom’s di-” 
“Mate! Shut up!” Harry jabs Harrison in the side. You couldn't help but laugh at the interaction.
“Y/n i’m sorry about these divs.” he glares at them red in the face which makes you laugh even harder.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it from my catty family.”
“Oi! We’re not catty!” Harry says before Harrison gives him a wet willy in the ear.
And that's when you started to block out their fighting to focus on Tom.
“So uh, how many people will be at this? Sebastian totally didn't tell me for legal purposes of marvel-people-are-coming-so-don’t-tell-y/n-or-else-she’ll-freak-out.” You joke before earning a snort from Tom.
“Uh well, if you really want to know, the people I know are coming are Anthony Mackie, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson- you should close your mouth love, don't want any flies in there.”
You couldn't help but have your jaw slacked, and mouth hanging open. These were people you only had ever dreamed of meeting. You had to focus on what you wanted though. Tom was the priority, but damn were you going to freak out on the inside.
“That’s not the only thing you’re worried about going into my mouth? Right?” You joke, definitely meaning a sexual innuendo, but with a cover-up.
Now Tom’s the one with the open mouth.
“Damn bro!” 
“Oh my God!”
A chorus of reactions come through from Harrison and Harry, only leading you to say,
“Well? Don’t you have a frog in yours?” 
He tries to brush it off with laughter, though you could see his red face. He only hoped he didn’t have an even more noticeable way of telling he was turned on by that.
As the driver stopped, you realized you were at the restaurant, and man, was it ever a fancy and probably extorting you of all your life savings one too.
Tom almost rushed out of that vehicle, getting hotter than he should have been with the air conditioner blasting, if you were to ask, he’d blame it on the weather (we all know it’s not the weather).
You got out next, covering your face with your hand to block out some of the sun, and crossed your arm over to hold it steady, which may or may not have slightly squished your boobs together, making Tom’s mouth salivate. Man, was he ever screwed today, maybe literally as well.
As soon as he hurried into the restaurant, with you following closely behind, dogging more paparazzi, Tom goes to the front and asks where “Mr. Stan's table” is directed at the hostess. As soon as she saw Tom she looked behind to see you, which she definitely recognized the both of you, and that was pretty surprising, as you've never been recognized, other than hanging out with Sebastian, due to the movie.
“Right this way sir.” the hostess says professionally, leading you to your demise.
You were holding your breath. There were so many of them, all at once that you admired, it was going to be a difficult task. You could barely handle meeting sebastian stan, but all of your favorite celebs at once? 
Once you got to the table hidden away in the corner, everyone said a chorus of greetings to Tom and friends and you.
You swallowed hard, only mustering out a small wave, before Tom pulled out a chair for you, (his momma taught him to be a gentleman) and you slid in whispering a small thank you.
Tom sat beside you to your left, with Harrison and Harry on your right. Sebastian was sitting right across from you, alongside Anthony Mackie, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, Chris Hemsworth, and Elizabeth Olsen surrounding the rest of the table.
“Hey everyone, so this is infamous Y/n, as you've probably seen the film or, the viral video, either way, this is her.”
“Hey! Y/n Seb here has told us so many stories about you, it’s like we already know you! You're a fan right? So who’s your favorite?”
You try to get words out but they don't seem to come. Tom notices and barges into the conversation,  “It’s obviously spider-man, ‘cause i'm so her type.” Tom mentions, in a cocky yet sarcastic tone, which started a spark for you to say something.
“And apparently I'm sitting beside a div? If that's the right word you use for a blubbering idiot.” you retort, re-using the words of his own. That got you a bunch of responses of “burns” “ohs!” and laughter.
It was almost as if the tips of Tom's ears were red in embarrassment with him still laughing along. You couldn't help but laugh as well at the sight.
During the rest of the course of breakfast, you had actually been vocal and had become quite fond of the people you now could say you knew, in one brunch. You especially loved the banter between Anthony, Seb and Tom, whereas you talked mostly to Scarlett and Lizzie, as she told you to call her, and Jeremy about projects they had done, and were looking for in their next ones.
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Soon you had all had finished breakfast and had gotten the checks, with your eyes almost bulging out of your head at the price. 
Tom whispered into your ear, “I’ll pay, don't want your kidneys sold for this meal. Besides, I have to beat Seb in some way today.” he winks at you.
Your face feels slightly warm. 
Why did he have to be so nice?
“Well we should go to the course now everyone, I know Y/n’s out of playing so she can go to the pool, cause she apparently sucks at golf even though she's never tried it.” Sebastian taunts you. 
“Oh screw you Seb, I can totally do it, maybe, probably not but i'll try-”
“It’s nice to see some A list actors eat here too.” 
oh shit. It was her. 
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Not Alone: Chapter Twelve
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-> an apocalyptic series with bnha characters but without quirks because im the writer and i can do whatever the fuck i want :P
-> Word Count: 4.2k
-> Warnings: talk abt breeder farms, cooking/killing a bunny lol
-> Taglist: @5sosfckss @laudthingcat @zphilophobiaz
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People pass by Y/n, becoming a sea of faces. All she could think was how she would get Mina back too. She would do anything to get Mina back. It seemed that it had become her centennial project. She wondered if she would ever just have the people who had become her new family all together, or would she die still looking for one.
“Where did they take her?” Y/n asked again. The huge boys hug and mess with each other’s hair. She wanted to shout but Bakugo saved her the trouble.
He looked around, “Where’s Mina?”
“Hunters got her two days ago. She went looking for Y/n and I heard her screaming at the edge of the field. I couldn’t run. They took her in a truck.”
“I’m so sorry Kirishima.”
He shook his head, “Y/n you went for food after you went for medicine to save me. None of this is your fault. We’ll get her back.” He looked at Bakugo and smiled. “I can’t believe you’re alive man.”
Bakugo ruffled Kirishima’s hair again, “You too shitty hair. You should have died a long time ago with your survival skills.”
Kirishima laughed, “Mina.”
“We need to get her back shitty hair.”
Kirishima nodded. Y/n couldn’t pretend that everything was warm and fuzzy.
She shoved him, “So how did you end up here? Why didn’t you stay at the farmhouse in the barn bunker?”
“I tried to go after them. I went over the hill and broke the branches like you told me. I knew you’d find me.” He shook his head at Bakugo. “She’s like a fucking terminator.”
Bakugo laughed, “I know.”
Kirishima fixed his hair, “Anyway, I came here yesterday. They all know you Bakugo.”
Bakugo shrugged, “I made friends at camp shitty hair.”
Y/n hated the way he called him shitty hair. She hated Bakugo in a horrid way. She wished he was at the breeder camp instead of Mina. Him and his girlfriend in the shorts. They have their mini reunion. She turned away and walked to the nearest small tent. She looked in the flap. A younger looking guy was asleep inside. Half his face was burnt. She walked from one small tent to the next, until she found one with a man with blond hair holding a pen and looking at a map that was spread across a table.
“Are you Monoma?” He nodded, but looked at Y/n suspiciously. “I need to know where the closest breeder camp is.”
He chuckled, “You aren’t thinking about volunteering are you? The food’s not that bad here.” She doesnt laugh, instead she looked at the map. She didn’t know how to read maps. She added it to the list of things her father should’ve taught her.
“My friend was taken. I need her back.”
He started laughing again, “What do you plan on doing?”
She looked up into his periwinkle blue eyes and stare him down, “I’m going to get her back.”
“Look, I get you’re upset but there is no getting them back. They go in and nine years later they get a nice house in the city. It’s not a baf gig. They get healthy food and a place to sleep. Your life here is harder.” She felt her face change. He put his hands up defensively, “Look we have bigger fish to fry than worry about one girl at a breeder farm.” He turned his back on her and looked at the wall of the tent where other maps were hung. She felt her fingers twitch. She wanted to pull an arrow. She left the tent disheartened and lost.
“Y/n where’d you go?”
She looked up at Bakugo and Kirishima walking toward her. She scrunched up her face and walked away from them both. She didn’t know how to be dramatic. She felt the need burning inside of her, but she didn’t physically know how to get angry without using her hands. She walked to a group of ladies who were standing around a fire.
She smiled sweetly and looked at the one who looked most like her mother did, “Hi.”
“Hi sweetie.” The rebellion people were nice.
“Do you know where the nearest breeder camp is?”
She frowned, “Yeah.” She looked over at a dark strawberry blonde who had a scar along her mouth, “Beth where was that camp that you all saw not far from here?”
“South east, over two small mountains and a ghost town. Used to be a place called Licoln there. Stay on the outskirts of that place.”
“Thanks so much.”
“You aren’t trying to go there, are you?”
Y/n shook her head, “No way. Just wanted to know where my friend went. Her nine years is almost up.”
The lady with the scar laughed bitterly, “Honey she aint coming back out here to shit in a ditch. She’ll get herself a nice place in the city. I hear they even got air conditioning again.”
A lady with a t-shirt with a big tongue on it laughed, “Oh girl, what I would do for air conditioning.” They all laughed and it made Y/n grin. She walked away from them and went back to the small tent. The man looked less than pleased to see that she was there.
“Really, you’re back again. Look I’m not sending a bunch of men to their death over some girl.”
“I’m not asking you for a thing. I just want to see the map.”
He held his arm out at the one on the table, “Have at it.” She looked at the compass on the map.
“Where are we?” He dropped a finger onto the map next to a blue line. She dragged her finger southeast to the place that said Licoln. She looked up at him, “Which way is south east from here?” He pointed to the back of the tent where the other maps were. He was blocking her view of them on purpose. “Thanks.” She started to walk in the direction he had told her.
Her quiver wasn’t very full. Normally she would make arrows once a month but she hadn’t had a chance in the last month. Nothing had been the way it would have been back at the cabin. She thought about the moment she stood at the door as Mina knocked outside of it. She remembered the regret. She saw Kirishima and Bakugo and started to walk faster. She didn’t know what to say, but running away from them seemed like a pretty good idea. Kirishima still has a limp, but they move quickly.
“Y/n wait up,” Kirishima shouted. She wanted to be alone. It figured the only boys she’s ever liked had to be friends. Her mom would have been proud. She too had a thing for friends.
Fingers bit into Y/n’s arm and spun her around.
Bakugo towered over her, “What are you doing?” He looked annoyed.
She pulled her arm away from him, “I’m going to find her.” She looked at Kirishima, “Stay here and get better. That leg isn’t going to heal with you walking around so much.” He looked hurt.
Bakugo grabbed her arm again, “Y/n we aren’t going to let you run off half cocked. We need a plan.” She felt angry, maybe it was because she liked them both or maybe it was because they’re not running after Mina, like she expected they would.
She glared at Kirishima, “When you fell in that holse she did the bravest thing I have ever seen anyone do. She told me that she didn’t care if I shot her but I had to come find you.”
He shook his head, “We need a plan.”
She pointed south, “There’s a three day hike, we can plan on the way.”
Bakugo’s grip on her arm tightened, “We’ll be down a mountain and in the woods alone with no resources when we find her. What plan can you come up with there?”
Y/n shook her head again, “I’ve made it this far without anyone.” She pulled her arm free and took a step back, “I don’t need either of you.” She felt something in her stomach. She should’ve grabbed food. She started her hike. She realized she not only had a plan but that she was starving. She heard their footsteps behind her.
“She’s really stubborn.” Kirishima tried to whisper, but Y/n could hear him.
“I noticed that. How’s the leg?” Y/n made a face but didn’t look back at them.
“Good. She did surgery on it. I don’t think I’ll ever win the Boston Marathon if it comes back in style.” Bakugo snorted, Y/n wanted to laugh, but she was pissed off.
“Mina been a handful?”
Kirishima laughed, “Oh my god. The year she started the road to womanhood was the beginning of the end. Oh my god it was so bad.”
Y/n felt her face flush with heat. She remembered getting her first period and cringed. She had thought she was dying for a few days. She had to read an encyclopedia on health in order to find the answers she had been looking for. She made rags and stayed indoors. She rubbed clary sage oil on her stomach for the cramping and put warm compresses on her stomach. It was the first thing she added to the list of things he should have told her about. Being twelve and alone in the forest was daunting. Bleeding every month for no reason was much worse.
She realized how far ahead of them she was when she came out of her daydream and couldn’t hear them. She looked back. They were laughing and walking like it was a stroll in the park. She glanced up in the trees to see the guard strategically placed. She knew they were still safe from the others but she couldn’t imagine laughing and joking and catching up the way they were.
She walked faster. She missed the silence and uncomplicated days of traveling with Hades. He would hunt and they would touch each other every now and again but neither of them needed to make a sound. She looked back at Kirishima and noticed the way he lumbered through the woods and let out a sigh. The bottom of the mountain led to a valley and she climbed a tree and sat on a sturdy branch.
“What do you see?”
“A highway. There’re cars on it, they’re burned.” It frightened Y/n. Scavengers were always nearest to the old remains. She stayed away from the remains.
“Do you see movement?”
She shook her head but narrowed her eyes to improve her vision. The infected had a way of not moving when you needed them to. The sun was going down and she wanted to scross the highway and be halfway up the next mountain before it’s completely dark. She climbed down the tree and tried not to look at either of the hulking men standing next to her.
She pulled an arrow and crouched low to the ground. She shut her mind off. She tried not to think when she was scared shitless.
She could hear Kirishima walking behind her, no doubt completely upright and picking his teeth with a piece of grass. Y/n decided to shoot him herself if he started to hum. The grass on the side of the highway was long. As she slipped through it the wind played with it, making it whisper. The birds here were not the kind who warn you of prey, they were scavengers. They wanted you to die.
The long grass swayed and played with her hair. Her heart was beating faster when her foot touched the gravel on the side of the highway.
She looked back at Bakugo and he nods. Kirishima’s lips curled into a smile. She couldn’t help but want to smile with him. She saw herself back at the cabin for the briefest of seconds. Images of her and him laying on the couch filled her mind. She smiled remembering the way they tried not to get caught staring at each other.
Her mind snapped back.
She closed her eyes and listened to the wind. There was no sound. She climbed out of the huge ditch and walked quickly and silently up onto the broken asphalt. It had started to crack from the weather and lack of care. Where her foot stepped first it crumbled. Her eyes scanned every inch of the deserted highway. Burned out cars sat staggered along the long straight road. The people caught in the traffic jams when the tidal waves were coming or the bombs were dropping to contain the sick. They fled from their vehicles. They left everything and ran. She remembered running.
She shook her head back to focusing. She slipped between an old burnt SUV and the skeleton of a small car. The hood of the car was lifted and the battery was gone. Not uncommon.
“Which way?” Kirishima asked louder than Y/n would’ve liked.
The gravel on the other side was a welcomed sight. When her feet touched the grass she broke into a run. The bushes hit her in the face when she entered the forest. She ran until shesaw the tree she wanted. She climbed it and sat with her arrow pulled and at the ready. She scanned the highway and the ditch vigorously.
Kirishima was huffing and panting while he rested below the tree.
“Oh man you can run. Holy shit. I thought your leg was hurt. Whoa.”
“Kirishima.” Bakugo was back to being Business Bakugo. There was no fun with him, only survival. She didn’t take her eyes off the road. Nothing moved. She was about to climb down but she waited one more second. She saw the bushes across the move and pulled the arrow tighter. It looked like an animal but she couldn’t see clearly.
“I see something,” she said in a low voice.
“Animal. Dog maybe.”
“Shit.” She looked down through the thick branches at Bakugo’s;ook and raised an eyebrow. “Trackers.”
He doesn’t finish the sentence and her eyes scanned across the highway again. The animal was gone. Nothing moved. She climbed down fast and turned to face the dense woods.
“That way.”
Kirishima looked pained, “Seriously? We’re going to run some more?”
She looked at him and nodded, “Think about what it’s like for Mina now. She’s terrified. She thinks the breeder camps are what we all think. She is waiting for her turn no doubt.”
He flinched, “Jesus Y/n. Easy on the visuals. She’s my friend for christ’s sake. I’m not bitching, my leg is just killing me.”
Y/n glared, “Is it bleeding?”
“No but it hurts.”
“Climb the tree and wait for us,” She handed him a water bottle from her belt. But Kirishima shook his head and looked at Bakugo who’s face was stoic
“Bakugo I’m not staying.”
Bakugo licked his lips and thought for a second, “You can’t hold us up.”
Kirishima rolled his eyes and sighed, “Let’s just go.”
Y/n held the water bottle out for one more second but he didn’t take her up on the offer. She turned and started to run. Her leg was sore and her stomach was empty. In her haste she never stocked up. Mina had been hard on her rules.
When the sun had started to set they were where Y/n wanted to be. Kirishima hadn’t complained and Bakugo was starting a small fire. She took her bow and found a nice quiet spot to sit and wait for something to make a sound.
The silence of the woods was alarming. She had never been in the woods here. She was exhausted but she stayed focused.
She heard the crunch of a stick and raised her arrow in the direction she heard it in. A large hare hopped over a branch and sniffed the wind. It’s ears twitched and Y/n knew that it had smelled her. She released the arrow, anticipating the hop it would do. The arrow slices through the neck of the rabbit. It tried to move for a second and then stopped. She gutted the hare where she killed it. She never brought it back with its guts. Leaving guts outside the cabin proved to be a mistake. She skinned it quickly with the skinning knife she kept and left the animal’sremains and carried the carcass to the fire.
She heard the cracking of wood when she got close. Bakugo was standing over the fire and Kirishima was sitting on a log next to him.
“So is there something between you two?” Bakugo asked but didn’t move his face.
Kirishima shrugged, “I don’t know. She’s a tough one to get to know. We kissed but it was a mistake.”
Bakugo looked at him and smiled, “I hear that. You remember the Laura Croft movies where Angelina Jolie was all hot and quiet but would kill anything that moved?”
Kirishima laughed, “Yeah. Exactly. Jesus, give her some pouty lips and bam. Laura Croft.”
Y/n felt her insides trembling. She didn’t remember the movies they were talking about. She couldn’t help but want to cry.
Bakugo laughed and shook his head, “But what a bitch though hey.”
She grabbed a rock from where she was standing and tossed it back a few yards. They couldn’t see her if she crouched.
“She’s back. Manners.” Bakugo spoke low and started poking the fire. She stood and walked from the bushes. She just wanted to throw the stupid hare down and leave them there, but her stomach was growling. She was exhausted. She would stay as long as it would take to eat and then she would be sleeping in a tree. Maybe if she was lucky she would fall in her sleep and wake up in hell.
Bakugo held out a small sack, “I have some potatoes from the camp and tinfoil.”
She nodded, “Okay.” She felt awkward. Kissing both of them was obviously bad, but having them call her a bitch after they kissed her was awful. Having Kirishima say it was a mistake was killing her. She couldn’t look him in the eyes. She walked around him and found a good stick to make a spit with.
She searched the ground around the fire until she found a good branch. She stripped the small branches and leaves from it. She smirked and shoved the stick into the open neck. She was imagining it was one of them.
“You’re a scary little thing.” She frowned at Kirishima who was watching her get the hare on the spit. “It’s a compliment.” She didn’t stop frowning. It didn’t feel like a complement. Even if it was, it wouldn’t stop the pain of the kiss being a mistake.
She built a spit with rocks and branches and twine from her backpack. Bakugo sliced the potatoes and laid them in the tinfoil. He placed them high on a rock with a flat surface in the fires circle of rocks.
Bakugo glanced at her, “So what’s to plan?”
“Get captured and free us both.” He laughed at Y/n. “I can do it.”
He shook his head, “I know you can, it's just funny that’s all. You’re willing to sacrifice yourself to save my friend?”
“She’s the only person I’ve met that I liked. Genuinely.” It was a stab at them both. Fuck them.
He raised his eyebrows, “Fair enough.” He looked hurt. The image of the girl in the short shorts didn’t leave her mind easily.
Kirishima looked hurt, “What am I, chopped liver?” Y/n smiled. She hated that she was smiling. She hated that he made her smile so easily. He grinned at her and she remembered his hands on her. She couldn’t stop staring at his lips. It made her feel sick.
Bakugo cleared his throat, “So how’ll you get captured?”
She shrugged, “Just act lost near the area.” She glanced at Kirishima who was still staring at her. His grin hadn’t left his face. She dug her stick in the dirt and drew a circle. She hit a rock and dirt went flying up at Kirishima’s face on his stump.
She laughed as he wipped his face clean, “Thanks.”
Bakugo laughed, “Stop being a baby.”
Kirishima shook the dirt out of his hair, “You did that on purpose.”
She put her hands up with the stick in them, “I didn’t, I swear.” She wish she had.
“I don’t think you shouldgo there, Y/n.”
She dug with the stick again, “I have to.” She didn’t say that she led them straight to Mina. She doesn’t say that it was all her fault. She didn’t have to. They all knew it was true. Bakugo turned the hare on the spit slowly. The smells were starting to make her stomach make noises she hadn’t heard since before she found the cabin.
Bakugo looked around, “When you get captured you need a way out.” He got up from the fire and muttered, “Kiri turn the hare.” He went to a tree and ripped off a branch. He sat next to Y/n on the log. The warmth of his body was touching her and it was setting her nerves on fire.
He bent down and drew a rectangle. In each of the corners he made small boxes, “There is a section that is for the women who are pregnant or about to be impregnated. This is probably where you'll go. Then this wing is for the younger girl who can't have babies yet. This is for the women with the babies. This is where the little girls are kept. Girls they raise to be breeders." He moved the stick to the other side and made a smaller box, "This is where the men are, if there are any men. Sometimes they don’t have any there." He cleared his throat nervously and drew an X in the middle but off to one side, "This is the fertility lab. This is where the lab coats and doctors and cleaners all stay. This is your only chance. They will have a dump somewhere near the clinic. The garbage goes every few days."
She frowned at him but Kirishima asked the question burning in her mind before she could, “Dude how do you know so much about the breeder farmer?”
Bakugo blushed in the firelight, “I lived there for a time.”
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, “As a cleaner or a doctor?” He laughed like he knew the answer.
Bakugo laughed, “I wish.”
Kirishim shook his head, “Nasty bro. Nasty.”
Y/n felt lost. She looked blankly at them both. Bakugo’s face looked like it was on fire.
“I was forced to um… donate.” Y/n didn’t understand what they were talking about.”
Kirishima started to make an odd motion with his fist, “He had to jerk his chiken for the big men.” She didn’t know what that meant but she nodded before they explained. Bakugo looked at her face and laughed.
Kirishima turned the hare, “So how many little Bakugo’s are running around?” Y/n felt her stomach drop. She understood. She felt judgment burn its way across her face.
“I wasn’t exactly in on the plans.”
Kirishima poked the hare, “How was life there?”
Bakugo snorted, “Thinking about signing up?”
Kirishima looked up, “Hey if there are three square meals a day and I get all the, um, reading material I need to deliver the goods, I’m in.”
The humor fell from Bakugo’s face. He almost twitched when he shook his head, “No. No three meals and material shitty hair. It’s more like milking a cow.”
Kirishima ignored the terror on his friend's face and grinned ear to ear, “Are there milk maids?”
Bakugo nodded, “Not the kind you’re thinking of. Mine was a guy named Dr. Stevie.”
Kirishima gagged, “Oh shit never mind.”
Bakugo looked down at the drawing again and chuckled, but Y/n could tell he was haunted by it.
“There’s no human contact Kirishima. It’s all done by machines, the girls and the boys. Anyway this section here has the surgeon’s clothes and boots. Change and climb into the garbage bin in the morning on a Tuesday or a Thursday or a Saturuday. The garbage comes around lunch and the best chance you have at not being noticed is then. They’ll be looking for you after lunch.”
Y/n felt sick thinking about the plan. She was not as strong as the look on her face suggests she is.
“I think it’s done,” Kirishima poked the hare.
Y/n shook her head, “Always over cook wild animals.”
Bakugo nudged her with his body, almost playfully, “You sure about this?”
She nodded and reached into the flames to turn the potatoes. The fire licked at her skin but she ignored it. It hurt. It was a warning of pain to come if she continued to stick her hands in the fire. Sitting between two men she couldn’t help but feel like it was appropriate.
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21 notes · View notes
worldwidemochiguy · 5 years
expectation ≠ reality (18+)
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When you first met Jungkook, he was so kind, with wide eyes and a sweet smile, but soon enough he dragged you into a tumultuous marriage where you were barely allowed to draw breath on your own. But, when you meet Taehyung, the cute delivery boy with blond hair and a penchant for flirting, you start to wonder if you’ve found your second chance.
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, possessive behaviour, slight dub-con, graphic penetrative sex, DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR pls im not tryna get arrested or anything
Word Count: 4K 
a/n: thanks to @gucieguciekook​ for requesting !! hope u enjoy lol <3
Expectation ≠ Reality
You have had enough.
From the moment you agreed to marry him, Jungkook had been getting steadily worse and worse. He had always been possessive to a fault, but you mistakenly saw it as a sign he truly cared and treasured you. You cooed over his obsession with littering hickeys all over your neck, blushed when he called you ‘Mine. Only mine.’ When he asked you to move in way too quickly, you thought it was a sign he was committed to your relationship.
How wrong you were.
Not that he isn’t committed, of course. God, if there was ever a word to describe Jeon Jungkook, it was committed. He is obsessed with you. He slowly started cutting you off from the outside world, persuading you to stay in when your friends invited you out, and convincing you they were terrible people when they inevitably stopped interacting with you. You had cut out everyone else in your life because of him. 
Your parents:
babe, they don’t approve of our relationship because they don’t want you to be happy with your own life, they want to control you and treat you like a kid. you don’t need them anyway, you have me. 
Your coworkers:
i called in sick for you today, babe. you don’t need to go there anymore, i have more than enough money for the both of us. 
Even your pet:
your cat? oh, i’m sorry baby, she got hit by a car. no, don’t cry, baby, now you can give all of your attention to me instead of that rancid furball. 
Jungkook had isolated you and exhausted you to the point where you agreed to marry him, convinced it could not make your life any worse. 
Again, you were wrong. 
With his ring on now your finger, Jungkook is even more assured of his ownership of you. You are no longer allowed to cook or go into the garden, both deemed as dangerous activities where you could somehow be harmed by a vegetable peeler, or maybe grass cuttings. You have no access to the internet, and the only books you are permitted to read are simple, dull books with no plot or dusty old historical text books, obviously the only things Jungkook is certain wouldn’t give you ‘silly ideas to confuse your pretty little head.’ 
“Jungkook,” You murmur, voice muffled as he presses your face into the pillow.
“Yeah, baby, say my name just like that.” He grunts, attempting to tug off your skirt with one hand while the other is fisted in your hair. You roll your eyes and shift your weight so he can take it off properly. After he had separately ripped all your pants at some point in his haste to take them off you, you had realised it was simply easier to wear something less finicky.
As soon your lower half is bared for him, he starts running his large palms greedily over your skin, for his own benefit rather than yours.
“Fuck, look at you.” He mutters, before digging a thumb into a bruise he had left on your ass. You yelp and he chuckles lowly behind you. Just as you expect, he presses firmly on the bruise and you clench your teeth, burying your nails in your palms and refusing to make a noise. He waits for a second, but you remain stubbornly silent. 
“Huh,” he says, “I guess baby’s pain threshold has risen a bit, yeah?” He strokes a possessive hand between your shoulder blades and you repress a shiver, before he loops his arm around you and lifts you onto your hands and knees.
“I guess I’ll just have to fuck you harder then.” He resolves, before shoving himself into you roughly.
Jungkook is not small, putting it lightly, though you hate to afford any kind of praise to that bastard. He is long, and thick, and you really hadn’t been very turned on at all, just letting him do what he wanted so that he’d leave you alone, so you don’t blame yourself too much when a scream bursts out of your lips. You can barely hear his smug laugh behind you over the burning sensation in your core. He doesn’t give you any time at all to adjust, roughly pumping himself in and out as you try to hold in your whimpers.
“So fucking tight, baby.” He grunts in your ear, punctuating his words with harsh slaps against your thigh, “You sure you can handle my cock?” This is his offer: Admit that I’m hurting you, admit that you’re weak and at my mercy, and I’ll stop. That’s all you have to do.
You clench your teeth and press your face into the pillow again.
He sighs behind you, though you can tell he’s quietly pleased, before pulling out of you and walking away. Him yanking out and leaving you roughly stretched and exposed to the cold air is almost as painful as when he shoved into you in the first place, and when he returns you resent yourself for feeling the slightest hint of relief. 
He is carrying a bottle of lube, normally used for when he decides he wants to fuck your ass instead. You tense up, preparing to swallow your pride and beg him not to — it’s been a while and you’re not sure you can take the pain — but he senses your fear and smirks.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m just gonna make it a bit easier for you.” As he speaks, he’s slicking up his cock and soon enough he’s getting back up on his knees and taking ahold of your hips, pushing himself in slightly gentler this time. 
The coolness of the gel soothes — but doesn’t eradicate — the burn and Jungkook has started to move in long, rolling strokes inside you that are almost pleasant. 
“See, baby?” Jungkook coos as his hands move around to stroke your stomach, “I don’t want to hurt you, you have to know that. I hate hurting you, but you never tell me to stop. You have to know your limits, baby girl. You’re just not strong enough.”
His words — though patronising, and awful, and the kind of thing that make you want to whack him in the neck with one of those massive historical tomes he provides you — are spoken in that soft, Jungkook tone that he used to make you fall in love with him. It reminds you of those days when he was just Kookie, your cute study partner with a bunny smile and a pretty singing voice and broad muscly shoulders that flushed along with the rest of his body when you complimented him.
The Jungkook that you know him as now — the one swiftly bringing you to a reluctant and resentful orgasm — is the opposite of soft. He is rough and impulsive and controlling and you honestly fear what would happen if you tried to ask him for a divorce. He wouldn’t let you go, probably. He’d just laugh at you, and then shove you down and fuck you to make you remember who you really belonged to, like he is doing now.
You try to contain your pants as Jungkook starts a series of staccato thrusts. You are sure Jungkook would hear you, even over the obscene sound of his hips slapping into the back of your thighs, and would be obnoxiously proud about it for the next month. He would already be smug enough having made you come, which you have given up trying to stave off because Jungkook — damn him — is really good at fucking you until you can’t remember your own name. 
He reaches around to pinch your clit harshly and you decide that now is as good a time as any to give up your last remaining vestiges of pride. You come with a piercing whine, clenching around him rhythmically until his hips stutter and you feel the unpleasant sensation of warmth spilling into you. He doesn’t stop, pumping every last drop into you and then dropping on top of you, pinning your body to the mattress. 
After a while he rearranges himself so that he is spooning you, arms wrapped stiflingly tight around your waist, and his now-flaccid cock still tucked inside you. You grimace. Jungkook had always fallen fast asleep after sex, but now you are wide awake, hyperaware as he snores behind you. You don’t know what you’ve become. You hate him. But sometimes he says things that make you wish he wasn’t a monster, that make you wish he was the boy with soft smiles and expressive eyes that you had fallen in love with. You live for the resurgences of that humanity, because it is the only thing you have to look forward to, apart from the eventual day when Jungkook finally snaps and kills you.
“Jungkook,” you say over breakfast, and he looks up with his cheeks full of pancake.
“Yes, my angel?” He asks, eyes twinkling — he loves when you say his name — and your breath catches, and for a second everything is perfect and you are having breakfast across from a boy who loves you more than anything. And then you see the annoyed glint in his eye — you hadn’t immediately answered his question — and you come crashing back to bitter reality. 
“I-” You start, then stop, unsure of how to phrase the question into a compliment, that way Jungkook is more likely to give you what you want.
“Say what you want to say, baby. You know how I hate to be kept waiting…” He gives you a shark’s smile. 
“I… I really loved all the books you gave me.” You tell him, making sure your voice is exactly the correct tone of gushing admiration.
“Really?” He replies, a pleased expression on his face as he strokes your hair back gently.
“Yes, and I- I was wondering if maybe… I could have some more?” 
His hand drifts down to rest at the hollow of your throat. It curls slightly.
“N-not that I’m not grateful-” You stammer, “B-But… I liked them all so much I read them too quickly, and now I have nothing else to do with you’re gone.” You end the statement with a playful pout, and you feel your self-loathing level up a notch. 
“Baby, you have to remember to take your time with things like that.” Jungkook grinned, standing up and getting his briefcase. You move to the door where you are supposed to administer a farewell kiss before he goes to work, just like always. 
He smiles, satisfied, before looking sideways slightly so you can get up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. He reaches around to squeeze your ass quickly, smirking when you squeak in shock.
“Don’t be greedy baby, take what you’re given.” He tosses a ‘Love you!’ over his shoulder as he goes, and when you call it back the words taste sour on your tongue. You wonder if you had ever uttered those words sincerely. 
You had been thinking Jungkook had forgotten about your request for books, so when the doorbell rings at six o clock and you answer it to see a cute delivery boy with a bundle of books tucked under his arm, you are surprised to say the least. 
“D-Delivery for Jeon Jungkook?” He stutters, and you had been expecting him to have a slightly high, nervous voice so the deep, thick drawl shocks you in more ways than one. You can feel yourself melt just looking at him. His eyes are so… innocent, just like Jungkook’s when you first saw him. His nose cutely scrunches as his blond hair — longer than Jungkook’s — falls in soft clumps over his eyes. He huffs a lopsided breath and the light strands flutter about momentarily, before settling back just where they were. You think you’ve fallen in love.
You realise you’ve been staring at him this entire time, but to be fair, he has been staring right back, and you feel yourself become flustered.
“Uh, yeah, that’s me. That’s my package.”
“Sorry ma’am,” He starts in his honey voice, before grinning. He seems to gain confidence due to your flustered state. “-but this package is addressed to a Mr Jeon Jungkook, and you certainly don’t look like a ‘Mr’.” He mutters as his eyes drag up and down your form. You are only in your nightie — Jungkook always likes it when you wear pretty, flimsy things — and this stranger’s gaze is making you blush in a way you know Jungkook wouldn’t be happy about.
“Yeah, that’s… uh, that’s my husband. Jeon Jungkook.”
“Your husband, huh?” The delivery boy does not seem put off by the mention of a husband, in fact, he seems almost spurred on by it. “And where is Mr Jeon Jungkook right now?”
“He’s working late. He would normally be back by now but he called and said he’s spending the night at the office.”
“Working late, huh?” The delivery boy repeats in that cocky drawl, and oddly enough, it reminds you of Jungkook. “You know, if I had a wife like you waiting for me to come home, I don’t know if I’d even make it out of bed long enough to go to work in the morning, let alone stay there overnight.” 
Your eyes widen as your cheeks darken, and his open, bright laughter is the nicest thing you’ve heard in months.
“What happened to the nervous delivery boy?” You spluttered indignantly, and his laughing slowed down, though his eyes were still twinkling. Just like Jungkook’s used to do.
“He relaxed when he realised you were just as affected by him as he was by you.”
“Who says I’m affected by you?” You ask boldly, and then immediately retreat a step when he moves towards you. 
“You’re giving yourself away, sweetheart.” He smirks, before advancing another step into your home. “You know… empty house… husband at work… it seems a waste not to use this opportunity.” He waggles his eyebrows at you, and you scoff, forcing him back with both hands until he is outside the door again. He lets you push him with a brow raised lazily.
“That sounded like a line from a bad porno, and I’m pretty sure Jungkook would literally kill me if he found out.” You fake a laugh, covering up your very real and valid fear that Jungkook would actually kill you.
“Jungkook’s the possessive type, huh?” 
Yes, you scream internally.
“Well, I’m pretty sure no husband would like delivery boys sleeping with their wives.”
“What about delivery boys visiting their wives during the day?”
You pause, hands floating in midair, about to take the parcel out of the delivery boy’s hands.
“I could come around in the day while your husband’s at work-” He sped up when you raised your brows, “-not to do anything, or at least, anything that you’re uncomfortable with, but just to talk. I can tell you’re lonely.” You scoff and roll your eyes, ignoring the fact that he’s absolutely correct. You turn back to him, ready to decline his offer, when you see his puppy eyes. Your resolve crumbles.
“I don’t know,” You had no way of telling what punishments Jungkook would submit you to if he found out. He didn’t even let you talk to your parents, so you could hardly imagine he’d be pleased with you chatting to young, attractive men while alone at your house.
“Come on!” The delivery boy wheedled. “He’d never know. He’s practically asking for it, he leaves you alone day after day, all you have for company are these stupid books!” A dismissive gesture to the collection of Austen, Dickens and Shakespeare you are carrying. “Aren’t you bored? Don’t you want a little excitement?”
You tiredly fumble around for an excuse.
“I don’t even know your name.”
“My name’s Taehyung.” He introduces himself promptly. “I’d like to visit you tomorrow at lunch time, if that’s alright.”
“You sure you don’t have a delivery then?” You ask hopefully.
“I don’t.”
You release a weary sigh.
“You’re going to come no matter what I say, aren’t you?” He responds with a blinding grin.
“I love that we’re learning things about each other! You can already anticipate my actions,” He starts listing off ‘facts’ on his fingers, “you know my name, I know you’re trapped in an unsatisfying marriage-”
“I’ll see you tomorrow Taehyung.” You shut the door firmly, cutting him off.
You hear a muffled ‘can’t wait!’ from the other side of the door and if you happen to blush and giggle like a lovesick schoolgirl it doesn’t matter because no one else is there and therefore it cannot be proved.
Taehyung starts paying you regular visits. He keeps up his job obligations even when he’s off the clock, bringing you food that Jungkook wouldn’t let you eat, newspapers since Jungkook doesn’t let you know what was going on in the outside world, and even snapshots of his day. 
Taehyung is an aspiring photographer. He has a small apartment outside of the city and an obsession with strawberries and a dog called Yeontan. He has a life, a life that you are desperately beginning to yearn for. Taehyung tells you once that he wishes he could take a photo of you outside, because he knows this perfect spot — a field full of wildflowers and sunshine that would compliment your beauty perfectly — and you burst into tears. 
You tell him, as he rocks you gently in his arms, that you are trapped by Jungkook. That you hate your husband more than anything. That you can’t remember the last time you felt the sun on your skin. And so, quietly, carefully, the two of you begin to plot.
It is not as simple as calling the police. Jungkook has enough money that there is no crime he cannot buy his way out of, no officer he cannot bribe into submission. No, you have to disappear completely. You begin passing along your possessions to Taehyung so he can take them back to his place, gradually, so that Jungkook doesn’t notice you are withdrawing from his life one pair of shoes at a time. 
You daren’t risk taking any money of Jungkook, but Taehyung tells you it isn’t a problem, which is slightly strange since you know Taehyung must have quit his delivery boy job so that he could see you every day, and surely he could do with some extra cash. You tell yourself it’s sweet that he doesn’t care about material things, he just cares about you.
“What are these?” Jungkook asks one morning, when he is greeted not with eggs sunny side up and a kiss, but a stack of papers.
“A divorce contract.” You tell him, trying to ignore the waver in your voice. He only raises an eyebrow at you, and you blanch.
You had been expecting yelling, threats, maybe even violence. Taehyung had begged you to just leave without a trace, and abandon Jungkook to his own horrid life of loneliness, but you just can’t do that, even if it is the safer option. There is still a small, pathetic part of you that clings to the idea of Kookie, the boy with wire-rimmed glasses and carefree smiles who always accepted your help with questions he couldn’t answer. Even though you know that side of him is now long-dead, if it ever even existed in the first place.
However, Jungkook is currently subverting all of your expectations. He sits there calmly, leafing through the papers.
“These don’t make any sense.” He remarks. You attempt to snatch them back, but he holds them out of your reach.
“Yes, well, I wasn’t really expecting you to read them.” You reply, embarrassed. The fake contract had been your idea, a way of telling Jungkook you wanted a divorce without actually saying the words. Of course, you had expected him to fling them into the fire, or something equally as dramatic, not read through them carefully and snort at all the typos. 
“I understand.” He declares eventually. “You want my attention, so you’re pretending that you want to leave me. Very funny, baby.”
“That’s not true!” You burst out, cheeks burning. “I am leaving you, divorce contract or not.” 
“Hush, baby, you know I don’t like it when you lie.” Jungkook purrs, his eyes burning dangerously.
“I don’t care what you like anymore, Jungkook.” You respond, suddenly furious, “I’ve spent so many years as your wife, being terrified by you, being controlled and miserable. Now I’ve got Taehyung, and I’m finally happy! I love him, Jungkook, not you. I’m leaving.” 
You turn away and storm to the door, but hesitate when you hear Jungkook chuckle.
“If you think you are liberating yourself by going to Kim Taehyung… you are wrong, baby.” 
“H-How do you know his family name?” You ask, fear starting to invade your mind.
“I know a lot of things about Mr Kim,” Jungkook spits, and his anger starts to bleed through. “He is not who you think he is, baby. Are you sure you want to go?” His patronising tone is the last straw for you. 
“I’d rather die than stay here with you.”
“Who knows, baby, Mr Kim might just fulfil your wish.” You blanch again, hesitating with your hand on the lock, a breath away from freedom.
“Y-You’re just trying to scare me.” You stutter, and you hear him sigh behind you.
“No, baby, I’m trying to warn you, but you insist on being so, so dumb. I don’t like to see you hurt, remember? But, if this will teach you a lesson about how lucky you are to have me, I guess I’ll have to let you go. Just remember, baby, when you’re with him and it’s not all you expect it to be, I will be coming for you.” As he speaks, he rises from his seat and moves across the room until he is right behind you, his breath ghosting on the back of your neck as you stubbornly refuse to turn, hand still poised on the latch.
“I’m not coming back.” You whisper, and you feel a huff of laughter against your neck.
“No, baby, I’ll rescue you, and take you back. I promise, you’ll be counting the days until you’re in my arms again.”
Jungkook watches from the window as your harried form disappears into the distance. Cursing softly to himself, he turns on his phone and pulls up a number he is loathe to possess. 
“So, she left you, huh?” A cocky voice drawls across the line.
“Shut it, Kim.” Jungkook snaps, “She’s still my wife, she still belongs to me.”
“Oh? You didn’t sign the divorce papers?”
“Yes, very funny by the way, Kim. ‘I hereby announce that Kim Taehyung has been our mother’s favourite from the moment of his conception.’ You should’ve become a comic instead of a criminal.” Jungkook reads a line from the fake files. 
“Well, I could say the same to you, baby brother, allowing your wife to leave you like this. It’s the funniest thing I’ve heard in years.”
“Half-brother.” Jungkook growls. “And she hasn’t left me.”
“The tracker I planted on her begs to differ.”
“She’s just…” Jungkook huffs, “Confused.”
“No, she’s just got good taste, obviously.”
“You really are pathetic, stealing your little brother’s toys like this, hyung.” Jungkook taunts. “Soon, very soon, I’m going to come and get her back. I better not find her too broken when I get there.” 
Jungkook hangs up, mutters a curse under his breath, and then starts planning the inevitable gang war he’s going to have to embroil himself in because his wife can’t keep her damn legs closed.
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soulwillower · 4 years
mustang • richie tozier
( richie tozier x reader smut)
requested: road head with richie?? his car in it chapter 2 is ... so hot    +   can we get an aged up richie tozier smut pleaseee???   +    Hii, could you do one about Richie and the reader seeing each other at the restaurant in chapter 2, both single ;), and just like old emotions coming back and the other losers banter.
warnings: swearing, smut, oral (male receiving), ROAD HEAD!!!!, teensy bit of praise, some dirty talk, flirting, i think thats rly it, i had NO IDEA what to title this lol, this progresses kinda quickly once it gets goin lol also unedited
im not too sure about how this turned out :// i may go back and edit some things
[takes place during it chapter 2]
2k words
this is fucking insane.
that's all that's screaming in your mind and most of what you can say as you talk to mike, eddie, and bill in the back room of the jade orient, catching up with awkward small talk as faded childhood memories bubble painfully to the surface.
a gong crash makes you jump- and even before you turn around, you hear a voice. "y/n fucking y/l/n? no way." the voice says, and you can't help the grin as you whirl around to greet the man you just remembered ten minutes ago.
richie tozier, in all his glory - now, in your defense, you did kinda remember him from his special on netflix. he’d been crass and rude and funny in a way that had made you roll your eyes and at the time, you’d felt a strangely familiar sensation when he’d mentioned his nickname, “trashmouth.” 
now it made much more sense to you. 
he’s old now, of course, but he still seems basically the same - the hair, the broad shoulders and long legs, the disheveled yet-somehow-still-sexy style, and his smirk that makes your legs weak. 
"you miss me or what, asshole?" you say, a smile splitting your face as you opened your arms. he laughs, walking over to hug you tightly. hugging him gives you instant flashbacks, memories of childhood dares, blowing smoke out window screens, laughter in the middle of the derry grocery store where stan and ben worked, and shitty jokes. 
"you could say that." richie mutters.
as the others arrive and you order food and get to catching up, you take in richie's appearance even more. you can’t fucking help it - he’s somehow grown even more into his looks, and he's got the most insane charisma. he's wearing the same glasses as he used to, and when he laughs really hard he pushes them up with his middle finger. he's got a five o'clock shadow dusting his jaw and he's still as tall as ever, his voice loud as he cracks jokes that have you laughing into your vodka tonic.
after richie pulling a full mile, round-about way of joking that he married eddie's nightmare of a mom, you're all laughing as he imitates jabba the hut. you roll your eyes, hating how badly you want him after all this time. at least hes not married.
"so you single too, y/l/n?" richie asks you then, calling your attention as he grins at you. you rake your eyes over his form quickly, hoping he doesn't notice.
yes, the answer was unequivocally yes.
you hum instead. "for now." you say, lifting a flirty brow at him before sipping on your drink. he smirks into his own glass and it makes your stomach burn halfway between anticipation and desire as the others share glances. 
"almost forgot about that." ben says quietly with a smile to bev, and you shoot them a questioning look.
bev sends you a knowing smirk as she nods to richie, who's teasing eddie again and you roll your eyes. you feel like a kid again, being back with all of your friends from when you were young and getting teased every living moment for your pining after richie. 
as you all get ready to go back to the townhouse after the shocking final events at the jade, you pull your phone out to call a cab. "you didn't get a rental?" bill asks, lifting a brow. you shake your head, "no. didn't really think of it, i just kind of..." you trail off, memories flashing around your mind of late nights in high school, screaming as you lean out richie's car window with stan laughing and eddie gripping your legs.
you shake your head. everybody looks as if they're remembering the same things you are, staring at the horizon with blank, furrowed faces. richie's the first to snap out of it, "i can give you a lift, y/n." he mutters, fishing a pair of keys out of his pocket then twirling them around his finger.
eyeing richie's profile, you smirk lightly, thinking about how immediate your attraction to him has returned in just the last few hours. as you walk away from the others, you lay your gaze on a red car and you whistle. "sweet ride, is this yours?" you ask, biting your lip as you eye the mustang richie's just unlocked.
"depends on who's asking, sugar." he says with a smirk, snorting when you narrow your eyes at him. you don't think what he just said even makes sense. 
"what, so richie tozier gets all famous and can't tell me anything anymore?" you ask as you slide into the passenger seat.
"we're strangers, are we not?" he's got that fucking smirk still. the same one from childhood, except this one is much more... provocative. 
you shake your head, "i don't think strangers give each other rides home in their mustangs just out of the goodness of their heart, do they?" you say as he pulls out of the parking lot, and he grins. you clench your legs together as the streetlights light up his profile, his hair perfectly messy and his jaw line sculpted.
"depends, sugar, what're you gonna give me in return?" he asks, a glint in his eye as he glances at you. his words send shivers through your body and you stare at him with a smirk, "i'm sure i can think of something."
he hums, looking back to the road with a grin. as you watch scenery pass by you of the town you'd forgotten for twenty years, you realize he's going all the way around town towards the inn. "you going the long way for a reason?" you ask, watching as he clenches his jaw as if he's been caught.
"don't know what you're talkin' about, y/l/n." he mumbles, but there's that damn glint in his eye again as he smirks. you grin, looking out the window at the passing trees on the path into derry. "yeah, yeah. i just think you wanted to spend more time with me." you say as you look over at him. he's smirking lazily as he watches the road, one arm on the steering wheel. "maybe." he responds.
richie pulls up to a stop light and for a second, the two of you sit and stare at each other, so many unspoken words hovering in the air. 
and then, without another thought, richie's lips are hard against yours, pressing heatedly against yours and moving quickly. his hand is on your thigh, squeezing as you kiss back and making you moan into his mouth.
your hand falls onto his neck, tugging lightly on his curly strands as you kiss him, tasting scotch and cigarettes and freedom. you've waited too long, you realize - you spent your entire childhood staring after the boy with the tropical shirts and the big glasses, and now you're here with him, grown up and free to do what you want.
and he's kissing you.
just as his tongue wins dominance over yours, a loud honk makes you jump apart and you realize the light's turned green. "fuck." he says quietly, stepping on the gas pedal and racing off down the otherwise empty road. you look at each other and he smiles sheepishly, "fuck, y/n, you're so hot." he says quickly, and you laugh lightly, feeling flattered.
you lean back over the console as he drives so you're next to his ear, hand sliding down his chest slowly. "you're not too bad yourself, tozier." you say lowly, kissing his jaw. he turns and kisses you heatedly, taking your breath away quickly as he turns back to the road with a smirk.
unable to bear the tension, and feeling really desperate, you start to kiss his neck. "richie, i need you." you whine quietly and you feel him swallow harshly. "shit, doll." is all he says, his hand falling to grip your thigh possessively. 
you keep going, your hand sliding down until you’re gripping his hard cock through his jeans and teasing your palm over it, sucking a mark into his neck which makes him groan. 
"you got a deathwish, babe?" he says lowly as you nip at the skin under his jaw, your hand palming him teasingly. he's already hard and you smirk against his skin. "relax, all you have to do is drive." you say as you undo your seatbelt, twisting so you can palm him better. he spreads his legs slightly as he readjusts, letting out a quiet "fuck, yeah." as you undo his jeans. 
"you're a dream, y/n." he says tightly, like he's clenching his jaw.
his knuckles are white as he clutches the wheel, eyes darting between the road and you as you slowly pull his hard cock out of his underwear and pump him slowly. your eyes widen as you take in his size, not expecting him to be as big as he is. 
you slowly dart your tongue out, swiping along the tip and collecting the precum as it beads over. "shit." richie hisses as you flatten your tongue along the bottom of his cock, teasing him a bit before slowly taking him into your mouth.
the groan he lets out as you take him as far as you can is sinful, his head hitting back against the headrest as he struggles to keep his eyes on the road. bobbing your head, you hollow your cheeks and relish in the feeling of richie's cock in your throat, stretching you out and making you moan around him. 
"you feel so good baby." he hisses, his hand moving from your thigh up to grip the wheel while he lays on the gas before falling to the back of your head, carding through your hair. you want to roll your eyes at how much he's talking, but you expected just about that from the trashmouth. "fuck."
you can't believe you're here, in derry again, sucking off famous comedian and - as you remembered a few hours ago -  your former childhood crush, richie tozier, in his car.
you see lights out of the corner of your eye and you feel the car come to a stop, and you realize you’re stopped at a light. you can hear another car engine either next to yours or behind yours and you clench your thighs at the thought of someone seeing. “fuck, y/n. god, takin’ my cock perfectly.” he mutters, watching you bob your head, and despite the lewd act you’re doing, you turn bright red at the praise. 
as the light turns green he’s stepping on the gas again and you pull off of him to take a few breaths, pumping as much as you can with your hand as he moans lightly. you see you're nearing the town house, so you take him back into your mouth and try to relax, breathing through your nose as his cock twitches in the back of your throat and you gag.
you bob your head after that, your tongue flat against his cock as he pulls into the parking lot.
you feel him put the car into park and then he moans lowly, bucking his hips up and you choke a bit as he slides further in your mouth and stretches your throat. "fuckin' hell, toots." he mutters, hands falling to your hair as he guides your mouth up and down on his cock. your mind reels back slightly at richie's words and you remember all the times you watched him show up to school with hickies littering his neck, all the hours you spent pining after this gangly asshole, and you hollow your mouth.
"god, i'm gonna cum. y/n. fuck," richie mutters and you eagerly swallow around him, moving slightly so you're on your knees on your seat, the new angle making him toss his head back against the headrest. one of his hands travels the expanse of your back, tracing down your spine as you move harder, helping him chase his high. he kneads your ass lightly, which makes you keen forward and take him deep, gagging as you force your throat to relax.
 "good, just like that." he says quietly, breathy moans escaping his throat as he bucks his hips and you gag, eyes tearing up.
and then he's hitting his high, cumming in your mouth with a groan of your name, his hand squeezing your ass as the other holds your head down on his cock. you moan a bit as you swallow, pulling off him slowly as he pants, smirking down at you. 
"well shit, if i'm getting that for driving you home, i'll be your personal chauffeur." he insists. you smack him lightly on the arm as you wipe your mouth, catching your breath.
it gets silent then, as if you're both realizing what just happened and how quickly it escalated.
he lets out a breath as he stares at you, eyes hooded. you bite your swollen lip as you watch him, gauging his reaction. "do you want to... come up to my room?" he says breathlessly, looking blissed out. 
you bite your lip as he lifts a brow and you nod. "yes, i really do." you say as the two of you scramble out of his car, minds distracted from the danger ahead and only thinking about making it up to his room.
tag list: @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier @simplesammyx @dickology64 @clownsloveyou @baby-yoda-a @moon-shine-baby @daughter-of-the-stars11 @lets-vibe-bro @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @finnskindofwoman  @kait-tozier @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs
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potterology · 4 years
fave dylb scenes bc I can't get over and I’m already rewatching and noticing little things heheee 
- first meeting outside the restaurant. ohh how I love how awkward yet endearing they both were when they finally introduced themselves to one another. rewatching it made me realize that JY was already smitten by SA since the start. (like literally since the start y'all!!! he didn't even know her yet and wanted to stop the car to get SA an umbrella and this was in the first ep!!)
- when JY switched coffee cups with SA bc she spilt her cup and he started drinking it so she can’t refuse even though he doesn’t like coffee. Like he just did it bc he was compelled to do so?? like dude what if she already drank from it??? This scene was so funny to me and I love it cuz I dont think SA is used to being the one taken care of like that so it was just v cute
- when the noona was trying to get them to talk banmal but SA was like oh noooo he’s a superstar. This was cute bc you can actually see that JY was disappointed. Also they keep sneaking peeks at each other lol cute fools 
- waiting for taxi scene- this was so freaking adorable. shows how considerate they both are for each other and it’s so freaking awkward when they both realized they were standing there waiting for each other to get a taxi- but like in the cutest way
- when they were both outside that restaurant and SA asked if JY enjoyed his performance at granny’s house and I think this was the first time someone asked our boy if he likes what he does for a living and you can just tell his heart went soft for her(same dude same)
- spontaneous non-date date. ohh I love the first time they ate together at that beer place. they really started to get to know each other there. the mood and how that scene was filmed was just chef’s kiss~~
- rehearsal room we should be friends scene. when homeboy transitioned from moonlight sonata to happy birthday, y'all knew it was over for SA- god damn I would have swoon over too
- by the river “I wanted to see you” scene- high key JY sucks at communicating but I love how he is just so taken by SA that he just flat out says he misses her and as soon as he says it he was almost shocked himself. so pure
- the midnight call. I MEAN. guys. guys. he wanted to just talk to her and ask her out but tried to be nonchalant about it. ahhh they literally portrayed the first stages of dating so well I'm goo for it !!!!!!
- first walk together in the walkway. this was just so adorable. the almost hand holding. the chemistry!! the shy smiles :’’’) 
- SA’s birthday when she thanked JY for just being there for her. I love how she quietly acknowledges him and it was such an intimate interaction between them. I replay that scene a lot in my head
- when he ran to SA to give her his signed CD. He was so worried about her he forgot about JK lmaooo. Also the fact the he validated her as a violinist when SA was at a very low point... I mean... boyfriend material ugh
- the scene when SA told JY every little thing he does concerns her and that she didn’t want to feel that way about him anymore. As soon as SA said that homeboy PANICKED!!! I don’t even think he knew how much he liked SA until she said that :’)
- the lunchroom scenes 1) when they were teasing each other and 2) when JY announced that they were dating lolol I love how stoic he normally is but for SA he becomes a softie hehe
-ice cream day date; lol when SA won’t let JY tie her shoelaces bc she didn’t want to fall for him lol ok girl
-night ice cream/ stairs date. y'all know already. shit was just adorable. SA going for the kiss. I melted with the ice cream
- when JY asked SA for her handkerchief!!! it’s such a small gesture but they both knew it had a special meaning and I love how it put SA over the moon. (Also let’s include all the other times we see JY actually use that handkerchief- especially after they broke up. like homeboy was holding on to it for his dear life bc it was the only thing he had of SA~~ my fragile heart!!) ps did we ever see SA get a handkerchief from him???? No??? Sbs give me that pls
- when MS was telling JY in the car that SA has only openly confessed liking two things in her life and one them was JY. He was so flustered and couldn’t hide his smile and dimples... bruhhhhh he was full on swoon. Also when JY heard SA say that she really likes JY like he was so proud of himself lmao he’s like “yeah my gf LIKES ME” lolol
- when the lovebirds fought who was gonna clean up the broken glass at JY apartment. I love loveee this one bc SA has been beaten down so much by everyone calling her talentless that she didn’t even consider how important her hands is to her as a musician. And JY being like honey ur a violist and a musician too- UR HANDS ARE PRECIOUS. This was just v touching. Again showing how JY has always considered SA as an equal despite all the shit people say about his gf. luv him :’)
-all the moments JY just stood by SA’s side and held her hand when she needed comfort. I love how he’s just there for her. His silent support was just enough. (One thing that would have been nice is if we saw SA do the same thing, I felt like the writers were almost there but just didn't go all the way which is a shame tbh)
- Their lil day trip to JY’s hometown. I like how JY was so open to SA here. When he proclaimed that he never felt “this way before”  I screamed!! It was at that moment you clearly knew as a viewer that JY never really loved JK. He might have he loved the idea of her, yes. But he never truly loved her the way he loves SA. And his realization of this in that particular episode just made me so so so happy
- Handholding in the bus scene. That shit was so freaking tender bc you can tell how content JY was. He was beyond smitten- homeboy was IN LOVE AT THIS POINT
- when JY dropped SA home. I mean everything about this scene really makes ur heart soft right?? How both of them were beaming? How SA feet probably hurt bc homegirl was wearing heels the whole day and walked another 30 min just so she can spend more time with JY? How she literally ran back to him and JY just had this impression watching her like “my gf is cute af”?? How SA said something along the lines of JY having somewhere to belong to now and you can tell this had a double meaning for him bc at this point he prob considered SA as his home..I was literally mush oh my god. 
-break up scene. I know, v painful- but this was a rare one in kdramaland where I actually thought it was necessary for them to split (still wish it was done earlier but alas I'll take it) It was a graceful and needed breakup. Also when JY pulled out that umbrella for her.... bish it was over for me
- SA’s recital. I MEAN HOW IN SYNC COULD THEY BE. I normally skip the musical performances whenever I watch dramas that are music related- but this show makes it so magical I simply could not. PEAAAKKK ROMANCE
- JY’s recital- when he played that last song I was a big mess cuz we all knew it was dedicated for SA :’’) (I listen to this piece all the time now and im so emo when I hear it bc like god WHEN)
- First I love you scene. JY just going for it and chasing his happiness without caring if SA might reject him. We love to see it
-Second I love you scene. YALL. YALLLLL the way JY just releases his breathe when SA said she can't be friends bc she loves him more than a friend will forever slay me. Kim min jae’s acting here was real good. I love how JY said I love you four times and just went for it. top kissing scene in a krdrama for me hehee 
- dubokki date. lmao at JY with the spicy level. just plain cute
-the quick side by side peek to JY new album in the last episode. the way it showed how their relationship evolved. how he signed it as “for my love song ah” BISH I WANNA DATE A MUSICIAN TOO NOW
- that lil scene where JY wrote SA’s name as the planner bc he knows she works just as hard as the musicians and deserves the recognition. get u a boy who will vandalize a program notice for u :)
- basically all the scenes at the end of ep 16. I wish all of them were longer. I wanted to see more of them dating and happy!!! But I just love how they are both so INTO each other and you can see how happy JY is bc he finally has that person back that understood him since the beginning and it makes you feel so warm knowing they’re each other’s support system ahhhh I love their love !!
- also just all the scenes that JY looks at SA lovingly ~~ which literally happened since ep 1 I mean they are literally heart eyes emoji for each other every time :’)) 
- oh oh OH special shout out to ep 11 when JY just can’t stop holding SA’s hands !! the way he does it is so freaking INTIMATE like if I can only describe how I feel whenever I see compilation gifs of that episode where JY just reaches out and holds SA’s hands so steadily and tightly...it’s literally the most heartwarming thing.. idek how to explain what I’m trying to convey but I just vibe with it so much?? it’s so intimate and romantic.. Kim min jae I will die 4 u my love
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