#im so mad i didnt watch this sooner tbh
mavstars · 3 months
ok so i’m still on my house md binge and i just finished 7x22 and i am losing my fucking mind over house and wilson i am. losing it i’m telling you
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storge · 3 years
Hiya! So some of your new sets have me curious - would you recommend this 'She was Pretty' show? What's it about?
Hello there friend!!! First of all... Thank you for saying my sets made you curious ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!! Let me start and say... yes, I would recommend this japanese adaptation. Now for your 2nd question.... i'm sorry this is gonna be long i'm terrible at describing things. I can say think the MDL synopsis is good but i feel like talking lololol...
You don't need to watch the other versions but this is how they all kinda flow..... basically it starts off that our FL as a kid was a smart, nice and "pretty" little girl and was friends with a bullied, and a little traumatized boy. They were very very close, got separated, life stuff happened, and now yearsssss later all grown up he tries to find her. However, in the present, low and behold the boy... our ML is now a "hottie" and a success while she, our FL is welllll.... a "mess". Our FL is down on her luck and lost all her confidence through life struggles... At their meetup after he walks past her thinking another girl is her ngl it hurts my soullll everytime, she tells herself, "ohh noo I'm not like before, i can't let him see me like this." So she instead hides, and sends her bestfriend to meet him once and act as her to say "hi.. bye...i gotta go to a foriegn land, see you again never". She resides to letting him keep a nice image of her in his mind but end all their relations with the past. (Mind you there is/was nothing ugly or wrong about either of them and all girl needs is a comb and a job but wtvr just go with it).
True dramaland romcom magic comes in and dundundunnnnnn.... the FL and ML end up working in the same place and he's her new boss. She of course shares the name as his childhood friend but he of course doesn't know it's her. They start to work more closely and he starts to question who she really is...... this is a romcom so can you tell where this story is going lololol. Also there is always a handsome "funny" 2nd lead who also works there and starts to like FL. And remember her friend, yeahh she didnt stop seeing ML and starts to fall in love with him but im not gonna go there lololol.
Now you may say this sounds ehhhhhh stereotypey, tropy, and cheesy... and you may be correct (it does do the dredded makeover scene), but LET ME JUST SAY it's really not that bad, and that this new adaptation is a different flavor than the others.
1. It's wayyy shorter so it cuts out all the nonsense stuff. only 10 Eps thank the jdramagods.
2. While the other versions of this story sadly play up the sterotypes sometimes, this adaptation doesn't really do that as much. I feel it's not as... harsh to the FL i mean its still a tinyyy hurtful tho cant lie. But overall it's actully funny and cute. Also, their take on the scenes that are in basically all of them are nice.
And finally 3. The cast in this is realllyyyy good. The ML is of course a little rude but not terrible, the actor is nice to look at, and a great choice. He shows feelings to our FL early on without knowing who she really is which is in all the versions lol. Our FL...i love lovvee her. She is sunshine and i love her more in this version. (The story is really supposed to kinda being about her gaining her confidence while also falling in love.) Our 2nd lead Akaso Eiji, my boiiii is to me the best 2nd lead ever in all the series. He is sillly but not tooo silly and is really just great. I don't get 2nd lead syndrome but you might with this one lololol. And tbh even her bestfriend is good... like it's hard to not like her. And I'm not particularly mad at her actions in this version. I should yet cause its still ongoing
Okay so that was a whole mouthful, but friend there is your answer lolol.... and i say again i would definitely recommend giving this romcom a try. It's only on ep. 4, but so far it's nice and light. And the truth of who she is may hopefully be revealed in the next ep. Sooner rather than laterrr.
if you read all this thank you 😘😘😘
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bagelbite · 5 years
my thoughts on far from home
literally amazing oh my god. it is up there in my “absolute favourites” for both marvel movies and just movies in general. im just gonna word vommit my thoughts and then probably spam with other people’s posts lol.
- okay so the obvious: the cast. bruh i mean we all know that tom holland is incredible and everything, but i will say im a little bitter that everyone is acting like jake gyllenhaal is this “new” actor like hello he has be phenomenal for years like im glad hes getting the attention now because his performance of mysterio was literally god tier (he went completely feral with the role and it was amazing). also zendeya and jacob batalon are amazing but we weren’t surprised about that
- “you deal with the suit, i’ll deal with the music” its fine im not sobbing or anything
- THE HUMOR oh my gosh this movie is so funny like it perfectly captures the unmatched chaotic energy of a lovestruck-highschool-boy-that-is-also-a-superhero. like john watts does such a good job of shooting this movie so you never get to forget that peter is just a kid and he’s learning how to do everything and hes confused but trying his best
- it has all of these amazing action shots that just capture and demonstrate how capable peter is with his powers and athleticism and this movie actually shows the spidersense (or the peter tingle) in an AMAZING way like bruh i was sitting on the edge of my seat in those scenes
- i once again have to emphasize just how amazing jake gyllenhaal is in playing mysterio, as well as mysterio as a character. this is finally a marvel villian that isnt boring and forgettable, like bruh BRUH mysterio is amazing. and i love the fact that he is just a human. like he doesnt have any of these insane or threatening powers, hes just amazingly smart and borderline off his rocker. like he starts off and hes composed and thinks ahead for every possible option and he keeps himself in control, but slowly through out the movie you see him just go further and further off the edge to where he gets desperate and lashes out and doesnt care about the consequences. but then the mid credit scene reveals that even when hes dead and pushed to his end, he still had a plan to get back at peter.
- i love how in peters eyes, the other kid that was going after MJ (i forgot his name) was essentially as big a problem as literal global destruction like what homeboy
- even dead im the hero DONT TALK TO ME
- THE ENTIRE PART WHERE QUINTEN IS JUST TORMENTING PETER AND MAKING HIM QUESTION EVERYTHING BRUH like obviously that shit hurt (he literally had to watch mj “die”, saw his father-figure and mentor rise from the grave and come to attack him, as well as feeling completely helpless multiple times, thinking hes safe when fury shoots quinten but then it reveals that it was just an illusion to only further that he cant trust anything he sees)
- he literally got his by a train can this boy please get a break hes like sixteen
- omg im gonna cry thinking about the part when happy came and peter was so relieved and then the trauma of the hallucinations came back and he immediately put his guard back up and was ready to fight or run if it wasnt happy, but then he just completely breaks down when he realizes that hes safe
- HAPPY IS ONE OF THE MOST UNDERRATED CHARACTERS IN THE MCU!!!!!! this man was there for tony’s entire journey and helped him every step of the way and he genuinely cared for tony as a friend and platonic companion, and he had to watch his best friend die. and then he watches the “adoptee son” of tony go through a very similar journey, but years sooner than tony ever had to deal with it. and he watches peter doubt himself in the same areas tony did, but now hes been through helping tony so he knows how to help peter too. idk man i love happy and i get mad when hes forgotten
- we arent even going to talk about all of the similarities between peter and tony like ow ow OW OW OW
- one question, the multiverse is fake right? bc quentin technically faked it right so that means it isnt real? i hope its not real tbh bc that would make stuff even messier than it already is
- tbh i didnt really like fury being talos in the end but idk we’ll see what they do
- okay i was shook at how much character depth they were able to give flash in literally like a few seconds. 1) when they were being picked up at the airport he was greated by a butler or bodyguard or something and he says “could mother not make it” and 2) he looked genuinely effected finding out that “spiderman watches my instagram?!”. both of these show you that he is truly just a kid that is ignored and left behind by his family and he is desperately seeking attention from anyone he can get it. and it doesnt excuse his aggressive behavior towards peter, but it does explain it
- again on the filming style and director choices, i loved how they filmed quentin’s big reveal plan like a “brooklyn 99 introduction” as i saw it so perfectly describe by @universe-exe
- as much as i love how whump filled this movie is, i feel so bad for peter. he has only been a superhero for a handful of years and he has been through SO much like can this boy please just go to school and be a high schooler. like if this keeps up at this rate, he will literally be peter b parker from spiderverse in a matter of years
but yeah those are my thoughts and im hurt i love this movie so much like bruh im seeing it again tomorrow and i will be buying it as soon as possible i love it so much
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
tgcf lb the third chapter 14 - 21
okay hit me with the lore
Xie Lian hadn’t spoken his next words before the teenager said, “He dug it out himself.” Startled, Xie Lian asked, “Why?” The teen replied, “He went mad.” -digging out your own eye okay worm
If there were demons in this world who would scam or entice the hearts of people, then there would also be humans who would fool demons. There would exist much ongoing exploitation and betrayal. He said, “If it was handed over in infatuation, yet only results in broken bones and scattered ashes, it would indeed render one’s heart to feel aggrieved.” okay also kind of dope i love it when humans and demons get some back and forth. also this feels like it could be foreshadowing
awwww xie lian giving away his only steamed bun what a sweetheart
everyone keeps telling me this book is also a tragedy but now im just laughing at the visual of headless ghosts carrying their heads around and bickering
chronic bad luck and chronic good luck meet... what will happen to our heroes...
Xie Lian raised his head, softly saying, “You are tenacious, extremely dedicated, and despite many bitter encounters with frustrations and dashed hopes, you’ve stayed true to your heart. More often than not, your misfortunes will turn into blessings, calamity to prosperity. You will continue to have good fortune, my friend, your future is radiant and will blossom spectacularly.” All the things he said were made up on the spot, so they were complete nonsense. - fhklasjksldfdfh i know this is a ploy but still this was funny. also why didnt xie lian try to pick up palm reading from another source when he fell? are they just not as good? is he pretentious like that? either way i hope we find out more about what he got up to during those 800 years
Xie Lian felt rather skeptical on how he only ate half a bun for the duration of the entire day. If young people took advantage on their good health like this, sooner or later they would surely end up passed out on the streets. - xie lian is directly calling me out for my quarantine eating habits im sorry king ill do better
Previously, it had always been Xie Lian telling other people ‘it’s alright, it’s okay’. Today was the first time he heard those words spoken back to him, leaving him with an indescribable feeling. - awww okay this got me
oh my god there was only one bed
again comedy of the year. “oh you’re putting up a curtain that repels evil thats so interesting. on an entirely unrelated note im going to make you a door”
Brushing past him, San Lang pulled out the bamboo chopstick. He swayed it twice in front of him before saying, “It got dirty. I’ll throw it out later.” - edgy bastard moments begin
Xie Lian could hear the deliberation win Ling Wen’s tone. One thing he could be sure of was that she must be in a difficult situation. He said, “Okay, I understand. Since this is inconvenient for you, then there’s no need for you to say more. In addition, the two of us never had this conversation in private.” - awwwww considerate crown prince xie lian
“What, do you guys know him?” Xie Lian said. “……” Fu Yao coldly replied, “No we don’t.” - all men do is lie. also love the petty little broom dispute. i know its actually quite intentional and that only makes it funnier. also guys stop wrecking xie lian’s home he just got it fixed up!! if anyone breaks the new door ill be highly disappointed in them
Xie Lian nodded his head. “That’s right. I wrote it. If you guys continued fighting in there, I would be pleading for reconstruction instead of renovation. Then, I would really have no dignity left.” - see xie lian said if youre not going to contribute to it then please dont fight in my monastery its been through enough
Earlier, when Fu Yao had entered, he hadn’t gotten to examine the interior furnishings. Now, after standing in this crooked, shabby house for quite a while, he was able to see it all. As if his entire body, from head to toe, was uncomfortable, he asked, “You live in a place like this?” Xie Lian handed him a chair and said, “I’ve always lived in these kinds of places.” - ive seen this quote before and it really is just that “damn bitch you live this like?” meme. amazing
Fu Yao did not sit, his expression also turning rigid for a second. It was hard to tell what the look on his face was. It seemed nine parts blank shock and one part schadenfreude. - THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE EXPRESSION I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT
In the desert, the difference in temperature between night and day was drastic. During the night, the freezing temperature was cold enough to seep into one’s bones, yet it was still tolerable. But come daytime, it was a whole other experience. The sky here was incredibly clear and expansive with dashes of white clouds, but likewise, the blazing sun was just as fierce. The group continued to walk, but the more they walked, the more it felt as though they were going into an enormous steamer basket. The hot air emitted from deep within the earth felt as though a day’s worth of walking could steam a person alive. - YES DESERTS YES
okay xie lian is so kind and so generous? he keeps giving stuff away when he has almost nothing and making sure that others are taken care of first..... love him
Xie Lian watched them put on airs. But when such airs were discarded, they finally got physical. Separated by the space of the table, the three of them fought with the poor water bottle, pushing it back and forth. - if these three really are who i think they are this is even funnier. the very clear toying thats going on is truly delightful
Even before, Xie Lian had always thought that although this teenager was always smiling, his smile often made it hard for people to distinguish whether it was actually genuine, or whether it was mockery in the guise of compliments. However, this time, anyone would be able to tell that there wasn’t even half an ounce of goodwill in his smile. - yeah that about sums it up. not even half an ounce of goodwill damn that sure the hell is not a lot of goodwill
He had Ruoye go grab onto something sturdy and stable, but Ruoye ended up grabbing onto San Lang! - awwww thats kind of cute. also the mental image... im going to make this its own post too but
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im waiting for xie lian to cough up all that sand hes eating and say something funny when we’re back on the ground. i hope we get more very literal decisions from ruoye
It should be noted that there was a common saying within the mortal realm—a powerful dragon cannot crush a snake in its old haunts. - oh i like this and the translators note This is an old Chinese adage that basically means, ‘even a powerful man cannot crush a local bully.’
“General.” Nan Feng and Fu Yao both spoke at the same time, “What?” - CONFIRMED I CALLED IT tbh it was kind of obvious now ig now im just waiting. also again hysterical. if youre gonna hide your identities boys fucking lkafjfjlkdaf; try harder to remember that youre hiding
To be demoted again and again, to the point one couldn’t be demoted any further…… this kind of experience honestly felt too familiar. Xie Lian felt two gazes collectively fall on his body, but he pretended not to notice and continued reading the text on the stone slate. - this is a funny little set up for what seems to be a parallel between xie lian and this central plains general. he tripped on his own bootlace??? this HAS to be xie lian parallel what does it mean. oooh the common people on both sides of the conflict were the ones who commemorated him? interesting..
San Lang faintly smiled before he whispered, “No, I made that up. Since they had laughed at him before, making them kowtow to him now wouldn’t be asking too much, right?” Xie Lian looked and saw that it was really true. There was already no more text left to translate on the stone slate. He had originally wanted to sigh, but now he just found it funny. Thus, he also whispered, “Why are you so cheeky?” San Lang stuck out his tongue. The two of them were laughing when suddenly, someone screamed, “What is this!!!???” - okay they are funny and i respect the deception. also oooh scorpion tailed snake. oooh a horde of them. a classic cave blunder
“Yeah! The results are relatively the same as worshipping that rubbish immortal! The more you worship, the unluckier you become! “ “……” For an arrow to hit the bullseye despite being in a place so distant and unrelated, Xie Lian was left with no words. - oh my god xie lian are you wearing a spiritual “kick me” sign because it really feels like you are
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taesamorcito · 6 years
What’s your love story with your gf if you don’t mind me asking?
anon this is going to be long because i never get to tell the story or talk about my relationship since me and my gf aren’t out yet :( don’t worry i’ll add a tl;dr at the end in case you wanted the short version
so we met in uni, we shared a few classes at the end of 2015 but truly got to know each other during the second half 2016 because shared almost every class during that semester. She was really easy talk to and really friendly and funny and so smart so i was always asking for help in class :( we started hanging out more often and i saw her every day so i kind of started liking her but didn’t want to admit until she got a boyfriend and that felt :/// that happened in september/october idr, but i do remember i always got mad when she cancelled plans with me to be with him or like got really sad or uncomfortable would bring up the subject :( so by now i knew i liked her but just brushed off as a simple crush. 
Fast forward to summer 2017 january i came out to her while i was drunk lmao i sent her multiple texts saying that i was bi that i was sorry and if she didn’t want to be my friend i understood it and blah blah blah, i didnt tell her i had a crush on her tho!! she replied the next morning saying she was okay with it that i shouldn’t be apologizing and that it was really (tbh i was too embarassed to even read it so idk what else was there) i just told her “let’s forget abt this pls” and we did, we didn’t mention it ever again lmao So idk when but thing started to change when classes started in march again we didn’t have classes together so i didn’t see her a lot in uni but i visited her house quite often and things started to change . she was always very touchy but now she held my hand more often or if we were watching movies she would cuddle with me it was really nice, but it just fueled the crush i had :(( 
MAY 2017 her birthday came and she had a party obviously her bf was there :) this is where i knew that it was more than a crush because i remember that when i saw them kissing my heart really fucking hurt even though i was drunk, later that night he went home and i stayed over with other friends and for a few minutes we cuddled a bit while sleeping and that just felt so perfect :((( but it didnt last long because one friend was so drunk he wouldn’t shut up and we had to calm him down. so now i KNOW im in love with a straight girl with a bf
JUNE 2017 all the cuddling and hand holding and hugs and touchy acts were starting to get to me on one hand it felt nice and wonderful and perfect on the other she still had a bf and for me she was in love with him so :/// i was determined to put some distance between us so one saturday night my parents were out of town and i invited some high school friends over and got really really really drunk and i just texted her “hey im sorry but i need to stay away from you” or smth and she called because she wanted to know why or what had happened i couldn’t fucking talk to her, words literally wouldn’t come out of my mouth and all i could say was “you don’t realize?” (TALK ABT DRAMATIC) she got frustrated with me and said “i wanted to fix this but if that’s what you want ill give your space” MY DRUNK ASS THEN THOUGHT IT WAS A GREAT IDEA TO TELL HER THE REASON BEHIND AND JUST CONFESSED VIA TEXT it said smth like “i like you but i know you dont because you have a bf and that’s okay but i really need to forget abt you so i need space” she answered the next morning saying she was surprised but now understood better and she will give me the space i needed but if i promise i would go back to being her friend after, i was too embarassed and was kind of short with my answers and the whole thing ended up in bad terms that day
destiny was a fucking bitch because the next day and the following days i kept running into her at uni and it was so awkward  we both didnt know what to do :/ three days later she texted me if we could talk and i agreed and she cried bc she didn’t know what i expected her to do if i wanted her to ignored me completely or if a hi was okay and i just didnt know how to handle everything and at the end we agreed no contact or speaking but that lasted like a day because i thought everything over that night and realize that i was being a selfish idiot and that the situation was making everything worse because now i thought about her even more and just wasn’t working as i thought. we talked the next day and i asked her if we could forget abt everything and just act normally BUT BEFORE THAT AKSCLNAS i asked her to tell me that she’ll never see me like more than a friend and that she loved her bf she did and then we agreed to forget abt this
the following days were so awkward for me because i was so embarrased abt this whole fiasco but she didn’t let me avoid her lmao and well she was extra touchy now i remember that not long after we got back too being in good terms we took a cab to her house and during most of the ride she was hugging me or holding my hand she says it was bc she wanted everything to go back to normal.
JULY 2017 my favorite month sooooo she and her bf started having problems (i think this started months before but i was just finding out because of our mutual friend) and our cuddling and hand holding had increased a lot :( one night we were skyping and her mom comes in and she mentions smth abt her bf being in the past and i was just :O but didnt say anything until the next day and she confirmed it, she said the feelings just weren’t there and that she had tried to break it up much sooner but he asked for a second chance but at the end it wasn’t fair for either of them to continue so she ended it, i told her i was sorry to hear that and didnt really talk abt it that much, days passed and midterms started and i had trouble with this particular course so i asked her if i could sleep over her house and stay up studying she agreed and well KCLKCNANCANCM it was late like past midnight almost 1 am and i wasn’t getting any of the stuff she was tired so we kinid of said fuck it. she turned off the lights and i was just messing around with the music from her lap we both layed down and obviously she cuddled and i tried to distract myself changing the music  but i could feel her face really close like realllyyyyyy close so i turned my head and i could feel how close our lips were but i quickly turned back to looking at the laptop because i thought it was an accident but she didnt move and i turned my head again and i could see she was awake but didnt move away so i did lmao i was so fucking nervous and i turned again to see her reaction but this time she kissed me!!!! it was so soft and tender and just magical it was an undescrible feeling still one of my favorite moments ever :( after that she just smiled  and said “let’s sleep” so i closed the laptop and hug her and tried to sleep but i couldn’t because i didnt know what it meant or what she expected from me or if she even liked me dkascla next morning was cute too we were woken up by a noise and she just got closer to me and gave me a small peck on the lips and went back to sleep and i just died again and held her closer and went back to bed 
we talked abt it days later lmao midterms ended and there was a party and after it i slept over her house and just drunkly asked her if this was a game or just smth she was curious abt or why she had kissed me that day, she said she liked me :D and that this wasn’t a game and i told her ok let’s talk more when im not this drunk mvlmsnackjc we dated for months but we count as part of the relationship and  i finally asked her to be my gf in november 2017 after giving her a cd with all the songs i listenned since i knew i liked her aslcnscncl dumb i know but in that moment i thought it would be cute and i also gave her this necklace i used as a charm 
now she’s in this uni program that’s really good for her career but it involves her being in another continent for a year, she left in march 2018 but came to visit in august !!!! and still has a few days until she has to go back but will come for a few days for christmas and then she’ll be back in march for good nnckascnaskcnasnd  it’s hard but i love her and wouldn’t change any of it 
TL;DR we met in uni, i liked her, she had a bf, i confessed while drunk, she said it was okay but only saw me as a friend, broke up with her bf, kissed me and now we’ve been together for a year and 2 months
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feudalinuyasha · 7 years
Anime List
Bullet points are the newly added animes.
Italics are Titles
BOLD is for finished, currently watching, and Next.
Inuyasha -my life
Avatar- The Last Airbender -if you count that as anime
The Legend of Kora-if you count this as anime as well
Ouran Highschool Host Club -SO MAD THERE IS NO SEASON 2
B Gata H Kei- WHAT IS UP WITH THESE ANIMES NOT HAVING A SEASON 2, interesting plot btw lmao
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama -sooooooo cute thought it was pretty well executed story
Fruits Basket - very cute and the characters were very well written and developed. although i didn’t really care the lack of plot, i didn’t really care for the main character at all
Aria the Scarlet Ammo- wasn’t my favorite but i loved the main character, he was actually the only character i liked
Amnesia-was pretty good but i was confused like 80% of time
Arcana Famigila- Thought this was a pretty creative plot and I really liked the story line and the characters were rad, I really didn’t know how much i like it until it was over and then I was empty inside)
KamiSama Kiss-LOVED LOVED LOVED, currently waiting on season 3 and I wasn’t sure if I should put this in the finished list or currently watching
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi -my first yaoi anime and I loved it, it was very cute
The K Project- wasn’t sure if this went in finished animes or not because I finished season 1 but I heard there was going to be a season 3. Tbh I thought I was going to hate this but I turned out LOVING IT
Say I Love You- This anime was damn cute and very satisfying to say the least
Hiiro no Kakera (Tamayori Princess)- This one was one of those animes that  I started off hating and ended up loving. It was a little too cheesy for my taste and some of the animation sucked. I also think that the series was not long for what they’re were trying to accomplish at the end because of the lack of development everything seemed rushed. But overall I did enjoy it.
Beyond The Boundary- Really like it, thought it was very well put together for being of of the shorter series
Special A-Very much liked this anime, very funny and entertaining
Itazura Na Kiss-  Okay this anime I liked it at first but it really just turned me off with the amount of like verbal and then physical abuse the main protagonist received by her significant other. I understand where the writer was trying to go with this idea of like the male lead having a tough exterior but then end up being a softy but I think she just overdid it. I really want to love this anime but I can’t and honestly, I couldn’t focus on the story line much becasue I was always thinking about why the main protagonist received so much abuse from an anime that’s not that serious of a drama. And also I don’t appreciate how fast it went along, but ya know its not my story, so you do you Kaoru Tada.
Dance With Devils- I liked it, didn’t have any complaints, was just a typical anime for me tbh nothing special
Monthly Girls Nnozaki Kun- Omg I was so mad about this anime because it really had so much potential to be a good romance story and it literally just went nowhere. NOWHERE. And becasue of that it was pretty boring to me; I found myself hoping that something would actually happen and create some kind of plot 24/7.
Akagami-no-Shirayuki-hime- Very cute, I loved it. I really like the main character.
Seven Deadly Sins- I wasn’t really into this at first but as I got to know the characters more I found I really loved it. The story itself is okay but the characters really are the selling point for this anime.
Vampire Knights- Okay I am going to try and push my bitterness aside about the couple in this anime, though i heard that in the manga my ship is cannon. I like the concept, but main characters who are treated like they need to be protected and nurtured like a child always upset me and that kinda ruined this one for me.
Green Green- It was cute. I think it needed to be developed more, like it shouldn’t have been a short series. Lots of potential to be a lot better. Very short and sweet.
Kiss Him, Not Me -I wasn’t feeling it at first but I warmed up to it. I wish the main character would focus on the romance more though, that’s what I was there for lol.
Mayo Chiki- hmm I really like the main character in this one, he was a cute and simple boy next door but other than that there wasn’t anything that stood out about it. It was very average to me. But still it wasn’t bad, nice and short and sweet.
`CURRENTLY WATCHING (longer animes, who knows when I’ll finish):
Bleach-Not my fave anime but i’m already 100 episodes in and theres no stopping me from finishing…Literally haven’t even watched a new episode in like months but I gonna finish it sooner or later. I don’t think I’ll ever get around to finishing bleach tbh lol
Naruto Shippuden- I’ve been watching this for a long time but i made the mistake of watching the dub and i don’t feeling like making that big of a switch to sub so i have to wait and i am probably not gonna finish for like 5 years) And also i’m currently caught up with Gaiden so i guess theres no point in watching anymore but i’m gonna watch anyways. but this is one of my fave animes of all time
FairyTail- Caught Up and waiting for new episodes, omg my heart is breaking bc i didnt even realize how much i was invested in this show and im sad i have to wait for more episodes and also one of my fave animes
Sword Art Online- Kirito is such a QT awh, I’m all caught up btw
Noragami- I’m liking it, it can be a  little slow at times but overall I enjoy it
One Piece- I must say this is really good for not having any real romance, which is something I love in anime. Awesome plot, and I love the characters, though there is something lacking in character development but idk what yet, but it probably doesn’t matter because I’ve barley made a dent in the series.
A LOT. I’m watching all the ones everyone suggested so it might be a while til I get to whatever you recommended last time.
A lot of these are romantic/school/slice of life animes so if you like that kinda stuff I recommenced looking into some of these. Also when it comes to action or fantasy ones I watch, I usually like those to be longer and have very well developed plots that’s why I don’t watch a lot of those because a lot of them are very short lived series.
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2 days off in a row.
this is my first day off without Lance here.  I’ve been with Lance since 2017.  we havent had the easiest of relationships. a lot of drunken fights. break ups and make ups.  everything got ok when he got since and we both stopped drinking.  just a warning for those who drink. please be aware of the damage it can do to your liver and your life.  Lance is so sick that he cant even get out of bed. Which is why he finally wanted to go to the hospital. dont get me wrong. he’s been in and out of the hospital since he got sick. but they really couldnt do anything to help. we were waiting for his appt in phx. but since this virus hit, it was canceled and we were told to wait til september. which i didnt want. cause he was getting worse everyday.  so on tuesday i finally took him to the clinic and they took him to the local hospital where has been staying. due to the virus i am unable to see him. and that sucks.  but he has his phone, switch and his tablet to keep him occupied. thankfully he can keep in touch with me via texts.  he seems to be doing better there. which is nice because I wanted him to be watched and taken care of by people who know what their doing. 
i love Lance. and i wouldnt abandon him. even though there has been many fights about it. he wanted to break up with me so I wouldnt have to deal with him. but i told him to stop. i will not leave him during this time. i know we’ll get through this.  but emotionally i have left. i sought out Shea.  lance isnt the emotional type. we never really talk about our feelings. which is why i was overjoyed when Shea actually listened to me when I spoke to him. and it was easy to talk to him and not have him pass any judgement.  im stuck in the middle right now. it feels like anyways. but if i take a step back its a no brainer that i should be with lance. shea flat out said nothing will come of us. but theres a part of me the believes the opposite.  it sucks not working. cause i just sit and all these damn thoughts go through my head and my heart and i get overwhelmed fast. and i have no one to talk to about this.  i promised shea i would tell anyone. so i wont.  its friday. which means sheas off for the weekend.  so im hoping he will sneak away and talk to me.  i understand he cant always say anything to me. but then again you can make time for someone. send a quick text saying maybe “i miss you” or “im thinking about you” it doesnt take much to make me happy.  his wife isnt at work with him. so i dont understand why he cant send me a message while hes there.  i legit took 2 different naps today. its that boring.  theres nothing to watch. at least for me to stay interested in.  usually i talk to lance or im making him something to eat or to drink.  now that i dont have that, i feel bored. theres nothing for me to do.  im usually getting my clothes ready for work, but this week surprisingly i have 2 days off in a row. which i was hoping that shea would take advantage of. but he did it the other night which i wasnt ready for. i guess it just sucks when you want that to be a daily thing, but gotta wait for when hes ready. i hate waiting. i really do. im very impatient.  OMG i am so tempted to go to circle k to buy something to drink. like maybe 3 shooters. i wanna get a little tipsy. but do i really wanna ruin my sobriety because im bored??  what else is there for me to do?? nothing. i have no friends and even if i did. we couldnt do anything cause everyones social distancing.  tbh i was surprised that shea wanted to see me. i would be afraid to see anyone other than the 2 people i live with. i take this virus seriously.  when shea told me he was in trouble yesterday. i wonder in what way. did his wife know he was with me? does she worry if anything will start up again between us? could she smell that he had had sex in the car? or on him? could she smell me on his shirt? i have no idea. i have her blocked on my facebook and instagram. and that was before i even started talking with shea again. i have a lot of stalkers on the interwebs and its just better off if i block them off the bat.  i have nothing else to really type out and get out there. i cant stop thinking about shea and wondering if he’ll text me. thats what broke me the last time this happened. he basically ghosted me and thats when I got mad and told his wife. i dont wanna do that. i wanna keep this going. for as long as i can.  some people look at shea and she a dork. hes almost a redhead. with glasses. freckles. he has a dad bod. a little belly but i like it. he has tattoos. an amazing smile. his voice is probably the favorite thing about him that I love. im getting wet just picturing him in my head. i think its funny when we make out, our glasses hit together and they get smudged up as well, lol.  when I sat in his ride. i was shy. he told me to stop it. and said “are you gonna hold my hand or what?” i took his hand. and as soon as i felt his warm strong fingers curl up and close around my hand. i felt so safe. i missed his touch so much. in that moment i felt like a year didnt even pass.  the only thing i didnt want to hear was him ask me why i did what i did. i told him i didnt know. and that i was sorry. he wasnt upset with me anymore and he made that clear. he told me he wanted to keep this going with me. he said if i didnt say anything. we couldve still been together. and a year wouldnt have had to pass to do this again. but all that didnt matter anymore. we were there in that moment. and he said to make the most of it. i fucked everything up. so i cant be mad about it.  i want a whole day with him. i wanna cuddle and feel safe again.  Shea, if you ever by change find this blog. dont be mad. i just needed a place to get my thoughts out. Im madly in love with you. you have no idea. it sucks that life brought you to me so late. so so so late. sometimes i wonder what wouldve happened if i met you first or sooner.  anyways. i think its time for me log off. already got myself emotional and dont wanna feel sorry for myself.  see ya tomorrow blog. pretty sure nothings going to happen tonight. 
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #10: “He wanted to have this ginormous dick energy" - Brian
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Well losing Keaton wasn't in the plan. He was one of my closest allies. I may have screwed things up with Brian. Maybe if I can come up with a lie good enough, we could believe me. Sharky knows that I liked Keaton so maybe theres still trust there. Hopefully. Im still working with Nathan but hopefully he still wants to work with me even though Keaton is gone. I know for sure that I have Bryce. At least that's one ally but who knows.
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OKAY OKAY OKAY. Thank fucking GOD. Everything worked out. All the other votes were for Matt so there is no question who is a liar. Because everyone is a liar. But it doesn't matter because our plan worked. Matt is still here. I'm still here. AND KEATON IS NOT!!! Now of course everybody is scrambling to apologize to me. Nick is like oh it was so last minute. Maynor is like "i liked you both so it would keep you both". Nathan is spewing some nonsense. Bryce honestly kind of owned up and laughed it off which tbh i respect. And of course my girl Anna checked in and I told her we are golden. Because we are. Anna was 100% up front with me about this plan so I trust her A LOT now. I told her Brian and I didn't tell Matt about the plan, which is a lie, but it's the smart thing to tell her because it keeps her from being put in another tough position. And I never told Matt Anna was the leak. So Anna should be safe from any fallout after this vote. Nothing to do now but move forward and hopefully Matt or I win immunity and the FB Bois can carry on.
Update: I'm sure as hell not winning immunity because I only got 3 out of 25. Embarrassing. Physical threat who?
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Bryce is my final 2.  There, I've said it.  I'm 100% solid on this man as my fellow finalist!  I really hope that we are able to navigate our way to finals together... like, we have our plans, we spilled all the tea... basically Nick and Maynor just continuously lied to me, and like... idk... I feel like Bryce could be lying, but I just feel too good about this connection that I think it's a real final deal.
So fuck me with a spoon and call me Sally because I finally feel amazing about an ally to the end.
Also, we have our "potential vote order."
8. Nick - A goat that could just be brought to the end.  He's not too bad, but he's also someone who could easily replace me in the Sharky-Matt-me trio. 7. Annabelle - Break her duo with Nathan up while also breaking her trust circle with Sharky.  I think it would be ideal for me to take her out now. 6. Sharky - He's the biggest threat and you can't keep the biggest threat around for too long, no matter how much you trust them.
Top 5: Me, Bryce, Nathan, Matt, and Maynor.  This isn't the cutest final 5 ever, but I feel like this sets me and Bryce up for the best final 2.
5. Biggest challenge threat, whoever that may be. 4. Biggest challenge threat now (if it's final 2).  If it's final 3, then biggest jury threat. 3. Final loser (if it's final 2).
1+2. Me and Bryce.  Kings.
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omg so brian is my f2 now and thats so iconic... so we think the boot order is gonna be like nick anna sharky and then reevaluate for comp threats.... like so i didnt want to vote matt bc i didnt want to lie to brian bc i really wanted to work with him but nathan convinced me to anyway esp bc we knew anna voted matt already and then GHOSTED. but then matt played idol so someone (maybe nick) prob told him/sharky about the plan... sketchy anyway it worked out bc i hate keaton and am happy hes gone. so when tribal ended i noticed sharky brian matt werent leaving call and they were all the minority voters... well majority bc of the idol... so i went into damage control. it was so iconic bc i didnt even pm sharky or matt just brian bc i really only felt bad about lying to him bc i wanted to work with him so much and matt doesnt respond that much and well sharky maybe i was a lil bad feeling about lying but w/e. i just joked around with them didnt hide anything and was my usual charming self... so i was honest with them about what happened bc i realized like i dont want to work with ppl who lie to me. i forgot if i mentioned this but like keaton and nick refused to tell me they were voting matt even tho we were all supposed to be in on it. and while everyone else was lying about why they voted or when the plan was formed i decided to be forth right. idk if thatll come back to haunt me but hope not NNNN. i was on that call for 7 hours. thats dedication NFJAJDFSHKAJS although they were all iconic and fun to talk to anyway so wasnt that hard but i sleep at midnight the latest usually and it was 2am. but w/e i pushed through bc tiredness is passing but positioning myself properly is NECESSARY. once it was just brian and i we shared everything or at least i did KJFASDKJFA he kept being a lil shady but i think it was fair bc i did just lie to him. i told him about nathans vote spy and the og absolem (minus nick) alliance and all the stuff ppl were saying and he told me about how he knew of matts idol bc he himself had a vote steal and they traded info. so loved that tbh!!! like if we have to use it this round itll set us up good it think, plan is to take out nick bc he can be goated to the end and flipped to and we dont want that. then anna bc shes good at comps and wanna split nathan/anna up. then hopefully work with maynor/nathan/(maybe matt) to vote out sharky bc if he gets to the end he'd win we feel like. after that we gotta see who we can beat in comps so we can beast our way to the f2. we think its f2 bc how days line up but like im bad at math so KFJASDHFJSD. anyways me and brian are like the michele and cydney that make it to the end so get ready for that. sorry nathan, thank you next!
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I dont know if i said it last confessional but losing Keaton at the moment was really bad. He trusted me and was working with me. But now it looks like Matt want to start a little alliance. Sharky wasnt bad, was just happy it wasnt him, and Brian not mad but upset. I think i literally may be working with everyone left. Scream team with Sharky. OG Dinah with Brian. Shatter but still together me nathan annabelle and bryce. My rams alliance with bryce. And nick talks to me but is only one who hasnt said we should work together.
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So we out here still! I am really happy that the idol play worked and it seems to have shaken the 5 who voted against myself, brian and sharky a lot. they are all seemingly panicking and its quite amusing to watch ngl. However, I am pretty sure I can capitalise on this to my own advantage, to swing the numbers my way or at least to take myself to like 5th (which for me is always a good placing). I am sure as hell not done playing yet so woo lets go bitches!
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worried brian is closer to matt than me... annabelle once again ignoring. i dont know how to have a convo with matt like on call sure easy love it on discord? not happening. nick... maynor seems off today but we still chatted for a while... maybe im over? whomst knows! love ain
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These questions were all out of left field like wow. I didn't even get to read all the questions. I randomly looked at a question and picked a number. I actually knew more of them than the ones I picked. I only got one right and that was Mickey Mouse and I don't even like him that much. Lets hope people are thrown off by these questions and panic like I did.
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So Nathan has come and apologized. I really do believe his plan, although it was super selfish, was to get our group of 4 further. So I'm not mad. But the thing is that more so than Nathan lying it showed that he has real POWER in this game. He was able to get a 6 person majority to do what he wanted and convinced them all to lie to me and Brian. So he won't be my next target because he has my back but I don't have his anymore so he better watch out. Nathan is the biggest threat left in this game.
Okay so it's seems all is at peace. Anna had been worried that Nathan would come after me but it seems that passed. And The Jock Destroyers Alliance actually seems to be on the same page for once. Nick is just seeming like an unknown to all of us and we want to cut down on unknowns this late in the game. None of us can guarantee Nick is with us and that is worrisome. So as much as I've tried to work with Nick these past few weeks it might be time to cut my goat loose and move on with a new flock. I guess we'll find out.
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I WON IMMUNITY!!! My wig is flown... now I can be more ballsy over the next 24 hours.  I want Nick gone.  For Nathan and Sharky to think that they're the ones doing this, though, is so annoying because I was literally the one to open this can of worms.  In addition, the reason I want Nick gone is because I want him out of Sharky's ass.  I don't need the two of them to be besties anymore!  I know Sharky is OK with voting him out, but I know Nick thinks him and Sharky are like besties so...
I think that 5 that voted Matt last round were thrown into a tizzy when Keaton went, and so I'm just out here like... lemme revel in the chaos!  Maynor and Nathan both were so anxious for my reaction... Nick went explaining to me right away what happened... ugh!!  My mind is so big... Sending Nick home this round will be one step closer to fulfilling my top 2 fantasy with Bryce.  I love it so much.  I really hope all goes to plan, but I am immune so I can't really be too worried since I'll still be here after 24 hours lmfao!!
I would love to be the hero by the end of this season, but I already see my villain arc coming up, and I'm left sitting here like... well, it was bound to happen.  The second I turn on Sharky is the second I hit that arc, and it's a plan that's coming sooner rather than later!!
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i feel like... im going home its so quiet like brian won immunity and pushed on nick so like he should go but its just so quiet hm.
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Well. It looks like it might be me. 🤷‍♂️ No one hs been talking to me so I guess its may be my last day!?
So the vote is either between Me or Nick tonight. And i dont like that. Going to see if I can get Nick and atleast 2 other votes to atleast make it a tie. The only other option right now is to take out Sharky. Im looking to try and get Bryce, Nick, and hopefully Nathan. Brian is safe. That leaves Matt, Annabelle, and Sharky. So like 🤷‍♂️ Imma go out fighting if its me.
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So like, this tribal is really quite quiet, but seems to have a clear target in  Nick. SOmething of which i will HAPPILY take for myself, as I am just fed up of getting voted atm lmao. Like yes please just give me 1 round of respite then you may come for me again cause I will be ready. I feel close to Maynor and Nathan, mainly cause I have worked on them over the past few days so i feel good about myself and where i stand. will I win? probably not. Am i ok with that? no but if I have to settle I will
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Okay for once it seems like there isn't much scrambling. I could be completely wrong and I'll get sent packing but who knows. It should be a quick and easy vote for Nick.
I jinxed it. The moment I said it should be easy NICK GOES OFF IN THE TRIBE CHAT. Trying to basically threaten all of us with the idea that he may have another idol. THEN BRIAN CALLS HIM OUT. And he puts Nick on blast for leaking the Matt plan to us. Which he did do. BUT Anna is actually the one who told us. So Nick either actually has an advantage and will save himself (in which case I don't think I'm his target) or his whole game just BLEW UP. It's messy messy messy.
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Well Nick just ruined all the possibilities ih trying to save him. Nathan doesnt seem like we could get the votes so that also gets rid of Annabelle because they are very tight. So my vote is gunna be Nick but just watch its actually me. 🤷‍♂️  I would die but nothing i can really do know.
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maybe im boo boo the fool??? theres been iconic fights and stuff and now nick is gonna vote me which is rude but he says hes voting maynor but i doubt that bc maynor tried to save him earlier this round so idk whats happening ppl are saying like dont worry he doesnt have the votes but what if he idols or what if ppl flip or like i dont want any vote against me in the first place. all these ppl so stable bc they arent the ones getting voted. the AUDACITY nick has when ive put up with his bland unanswering self for all these weeks to vote me on his way out??? no ty!!! maynor is like the most NNN idk he just has the worst pokerface i went with his annoying save keaton plan last week and im pretty sure he is going to vote me now too like... maybe dont do that what happen to the stupid :rams: :rams: aries thing we had going... make it add up!
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Looks like I’m going home... the only chance I have at staying is if bryce gets out but I’m worried that’s not going to happen... I guess we will see wha happens in a few hours…
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AHH!!  So I got into a fight with Nick earlier.  He wanted to have this ginormous dick energy in the main chat about powers he has and how he KNOWS who mentioned his name... girl, you know NOTHING!  He still thinks I've voted for him twice, and highkey if I had read my PMs about the idol before 7:45pm, then I would've voted for him exactly Z E R O times.  So fucking ugly...
So yea, I fought him.  And I'd say I won.  I just hope everyone sends his ass home.  Bryce and Nathan are updating me on, like, everything, and we have Maynor who just is beyond sketchy with his PMs.... I really just... WHEW.... I hope Nick's straight ass goes home and it isn't Bryce.
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This tribal is going to be one big fat mess... but like i’m ready for it
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I dont really want to do Nick tonight but its the best thing for now not to rock the boat. Im just hoping that everyone isnt lying and its some how me tonight. 🤷‍♂️ Just need to trust people who are saying they are doing Nick. But having a weird feeling and hopefully its a false alarm.
Tbh Brian not voting makes me feel sketch about tonight. It may be nothing and just me being worried that my name was thrown out. He said he was going to sleep early but he could have voted early for Nick so like. 🤷‍♂️ Paranoid and im going to die.
Nick is voted out 5-1-1.
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thisisjustacover · 7 years
okay since i know i’m not going to be actually doing my work and kind of feeling anxious now because of all these feelings and emotions that i have to dump that i’ve been holding on to since like maybe the summer? lol so it’s goign to be a long fucking post and i hope no one reads it and if you do thanks for reading through all my bs that i’ve gone through
so this summer i got into a car accident like literally a week into my summer break on my way to work at school and tbh i wasn’t tired or anything but i guess i was just being a bit too careless maybe way too careless and too excited about the music that i was listening to that i got distracted and hit the car in front of me just as it was hitting traffic and it’s bullshit but life happens and that car hit the car in fron tof them and i was alone and thankfully no one was hurt or anything and at that time i made so many mistakes like literally the minute i hit the car basically i kept making mistakes well first of all i hit the car two cars in fact that was like a collision second i didn’t get their contact info like their phone number and shit so i had to wait until the police report came out which i didn’t call the police btw it was the car in the middle that did and then it cost me money to get the police report plus the transportation fee for lyft was not cheap and then never ever tell the other people your weakness in which they can take advantage of you and the communications between these three people were very very difficult it was so fucking stressful i remember every time my phone rang i just wanted to cry and i could listerally feel my body tense up just looking at my screen so afraid to open it but i can’t not open it because thats irresponsible of me anyway it was a big big big lesson i learned and something that i wish it was better managed but life happens and it’s not always going to be smooth-sailing and im just glad that i learned my lesson 
im already getting tense again just writing about this x.x
i do have to say it definitely helped that i was able to distract myself with work at the optometry (shoutout to allison) for the hookup because it gave me the experience and i know now that i do not want to do optometry no longer which i’ve been thinking about since the previous summer and the lesson i learned from this is that never ever go into something without knowing what its going to be about what i mean by this is that never make a big decision until you hae some experience and know that you like or hate it or don’t like it 
after working and saving money and spending money i made it to taiwan and literally within the first two weeks i already spent half of my money that i thought would less me for three months which it really should i actually have no freaking idea where all my money went and that’s on my part not keeping track of my money in the first place but then i was so 亂七八糟 when i arrived in taiwan and now that i know i’ve been keeping track of my expense and it literally does not make sense that all of the money i exchanged was gone within the first two weeks according to the expense that i keep track of now it’s been like three weeks and i havent even used up all of that money i lost in the first two weeks so i literally dont know what happened but it’s okay life goes on and now i know to always keep an eye and not be like so fucking careless
but let’s put in some good stuff i’ve bene listening to hyukoh and offonoff and i’ve been really loving that life if only i could see hyukoh live twice in los angeles and arcadia damnit im so fucking mad but it’s okay life goes on and i know i’ll have another chance to see them
and i’ve been watching hyori’s bed and breakfast and it’s been very therauptic to me and i aspire to have a life like her
currently listening to paul and it gives me soul 
anyway before i restarted writing this whole thing i wrote about my feelings of being on study abroad and to be completely honest, i dont feel that im on study abroad like is that strange is that manatory to feel buecasuse everyone talked about how they’re on study abroad and feels like a new environment but like to me taiwan literally feels like another home that i haven’t been in a long time like is it because im asian and i was born in asia that i feel this way or am i just recognizing my feelings and emotions in the wrong way and when i see snaps of my other friends on study abroad esp the ones in europe im just like wow they’re on study abroad but i dont efeel like im on studsy abroad even though i really am and this computer is so fucking slow rign now it cant catch up to what im typing 
i’ve talked to nick about this feeling before and it’s just really strange like is our feelings normal like i need validations that this is okay too because i didnt expect it to be like this 
i really like my classmates and my class and my teacher i love all of them and we have a good vibe and get along really well and the classroom is set up int he way you know what’s coming so i like that structure and i love how we listen to music and get off topics sometimes it makes class really fun and the teacher tries to do it liek that too 
as for the poeople in my program well i basically hang out  around soka people like nick sumire and ryan almost all the time which is kind of good and kind of not good at the same time like i know i should be going out and seeing other poeple but at the same time i like being in the comfort of them and tbh if it wasn’t for them i really would have a breakdown and im really greatful that they’re here and nccu kind of feels like soka if i dont get out of the routine that im in and so i really need to make an effort to go out like i really felt that last week and i was like shit this is soka all over again like nccu is literally surrounded by nature like all the greens and it’s so nice i’ve been way too lin love with the color forest green and nature green so it’s nice 
also if nick wasn’t here i dont think i’ll be doing crazy things like biking to fucking danshui at 1am in the morning and pulling an all nighter and shit or like pulling another allnighter that one tiem we went out to drink and ryan was so fucking drunk okay he wasnt drunk but he wasnt’ feeling well enough to go back to school so we fucking waited on the sidewalk for 4:30 until he felt better and i actually liek the dynamics of the four of us nick, sumire, ryan and me i think there’s a good balance and enough craziness and enough practicalness you couls prob tell whos the crazy one and who’s the practical one lol 
and i’ve realized that i’ve been more carefree and give less shit and just been enjoying life to the fullest dont know if its because im in taiwan but if it is then i hope i can still be as joyful and as carefree back in america and just life life and whatever happens happens for a reason and don’t get too stuck on life liek that tattoo i got was tehe whole meaning of this hahahaha
and i miss all my friends and sometimes something always reminds me of them and it just makes me 想念他們 but it’s okay because i know i will see them so try not to think too hard about it bc taiwan wil be gone sooner than i think and i dont want to have regrets 
and im in a really cute cafe with katie and winnie and i just snap-videoed my best friend bitch she should be asleep but she wasn’t but i’ll let her be bc it’s her last weekend before school starts for her and between today and yesterday i videoed friends like thuy, hung jet, dayoon, megan, and lucy and rachel and it makes me happy to see them living their lives 
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feudalinuyasha · 7 years
Anime List
Bullet points are the newly added animes.
Italics are Titles
BOLD is for finished, currently watching, and Next.
Inuyasha -my life
Avatar- The Last Airbender -if you count that as anime
The Legend of Kora-if you count this as anime as well
Ouran Highschool Host Club -SO MAD THERE IS NO SEASON 2
B Gata H Kei- WHAT IS UP WITH THESE ANIMES NOT HAVING A SEASON 2, interesting plot btw lmao
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama -sooooooo cute thought it was pretty well executed story
Fruits Basket - very cute and the characters were very well written and developed. although i didn’t really care the lack of plot, i didn’t really care for the main character at all
Aria the Scarlet Ammo- wasn’t my favorite but i loved the main character, he was actually the only character i liked
Amnesia-was pretty good but i was confused like 80% of time
Arcana Famigila- Thought this was a pretty creative plot and I really liked the story line and the characters were rad, I really didn’t know how much i like it until it was over and then I was empty inside)
KamiSama Kiss-LOVED LOVED LOVED, currently waiting on season 3 and I wasn’t sure if I should put this in the finished list or currently watching
Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi -my first yaoi anime and I loved it, it was very cute
The K Project- wasn’t sure if this went in finished animes or not because I finished season 1 but I heard there was going to be a season 3. Tbh I thought I was going to hate this but I turned out LOVING IT
Say I Love You- This anime was damn cute and very satisfying to say the least! I loved it 10/10
Hiiro no Kakera (Tamayori Princess)- This one was one of those animes that  I started off hating and ended up loving. It was a little too cheesy for my taste and some of the animation sucked. I also think that the series was not long for what they’re were trying to accomplish at the end because of the lack of development everything seemed rushed. But overall I did enjoy it.
Beyond The Boundary- Really like it, thought it was very well put together for being of of the shorter series
Special A-Very much liked this anime, very funny and entertaining
Itazura Na Kiss-  Okay this anime I liked it at first but it really just turned me off with the amount of like verbal and then physical abuse the main protagonist received by her significant other. I understand where the writer was trying to go with this idea of like the male lead having a tough exterior but then end up being a softy but I think she just overdid it. I really want to love this anime but I can’t and honestly, I couldn’t focus on the story line much becasue I was always thinking about why the main protagonist received so much abuse from an anime that’s not that serious of a drama. And also I don’t appreciate how fast it went along, but ya know its not my story, so you do you Kaoru Tada.
Dance With Devils- I liked it, didn’t have any complaints, was just a typical anime for me tbh nothing special
Monthly Girls Nnozaki Kun- Omg I was so mad about this anime because it really had so much potential to be a good romance story and it literally just went nowhere. NOWHERE. And becasue of that it was pretty boring to me; I found myself hoping that something would actually happen and create some kind of plot 24/7.
Akagami-no-Shirayuki-hime- Very cute, I loved it. I really like the main character.
Seven Deadly Sins- I wasn’t really into this at first but as I got to know the characters more I found I really loved it. The story itself is okay but the characters really are the selling point for this anime.
Vampire Knights- Okay I am going to try and push my bitterness aside about the couple in this anime, though i heard that in the manga my ship is cannon. I like the concept, but main characters who are treated like they need to be protected and nurtured like a child always upset me and that kinda ruined this one for me.
Green Green- It was cute. I think it needed to be developed more, like it shouldn’t have been a short series. Lots of potential to be a lot better. Very short and sweet.
Kiss Him, Not Me -I wasn’t feeling it at first but I warmed up to it. I wish the main character would focus on the romance more though, that’s what I was there for lol.
Mayo Chiki- hmm I really like the main character in this one, he was a cute and simple boy next door but other than that there wasn’t anything that stood out about it. It was very average to me. But still it wasn’t bad, nice and short and sweet.
Yuri!!! On Ice- Idk why I waited so long to watch this even know everyone said it was awesome. I absolutely adored it, it was very cute and I like the relationship between Yuri and Victor. 
Masume Kun No Revenge- I actually watched this before Mayo Chiki but forgot to add it to the list. I actually was really into this one, Im a fan of the animation. The plot is whatever for me but what really got me was the characters, overall it was pretty good.
`CURRENTLY WATCHING (longer animes, who knows when I’ll finish):
Bleach-Not my fave anime but i’m already 100 episodes in and theres no stopping me from finishing…Literally haven’t even watched a new episode in like months but I gonna finish it sooner or later. I don’t think I’ll ever get around to finishing bleach tbh lol
Naruto Shippuden- I’ve been watching this for a long time but i made the mistake of watching the dub and i don’t feeling like making that big of a switch to sub so i have to wait and i am probably not gonna finish for like 5 years) And also i’m currently caught up with Gaiden so i guess theres no point in watching anymore but i’m gonna watch anyways. but this is one of my fave animes of all time
FairyTail- Caught Up and waiting for new episodes, omg my heart is breaking bc i didnt even realize how much i was invested in this show and im sad i have to wait for more episodes and also one of my fave animes
Sword Art Online- Kirito is such a QT awh, I’m all caught up btw
Noragami- I’m liking it, it can be a  little slow at times but overall I enjoy it
One Piece- I must say this is really good for not having any real romance, which is something I love in anime. Awesome plot, and I love the characters, though there is something lacking in character development but idk what yet, but it probably doesn’t matter because I’ve barley made a dent in the series.
A LOT. I’m watching all the ones everyone suggested so it might be a while til I get to whatever you recommended last time.
A lot of these are romantic/school/slice of life animes so if you like that kinda stuff I recommenced looking into some of these. Also when it comes to action or fantasy ones I watch, I usually like those to be longer and have very well developed plots that’s why I don’t watch a lot of those because a lot of them are very short lived series.
Might start Hunter X Hunter upon recommendation and am going to force myself to finish Bleach and One Piece. Also might try to delve into Full Metal Brotherhood as well since I’ve heard multiple times that it was great. Still while doing this  I want to watch another short series. Thats a lot to watch lol wish me luck. 
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