#im so ass at roleplaying
allixirr · 1 year
UAGDJSHKSHDKS i wanna play dnd i missi dnd :(((
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a-lonely-tatertot · 1 year
The qsmp fucks me up everytime i think ab it to hard honestly like these people (not just ccs like fans too!!) separated by such a large language barrier brought together by such an ambitious but like normal idea that a guy had has now created this group of people who are meeting up in fucking paris and talking about their fucking rp eggs like. This is such an insane community and i dont think ill ever stop being impressed by how much work and creativity that these players, admins and quackity have put into this like god this is so cool
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malikselfindulgence · 5 months
Sorry for the uptick in system stuff Im lowkey struggling and need to see system positivity posts or I'll explode
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boatemtown · 1 year
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pet the gegg
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sproutzai · 3 months
I think the requirement for starting a new bsd roleplay blog should be to have at least the vaguest understanding of the character you're gonna be portraying . spending my minutes going throguh extremely ooc blogs cackling because of how bad they are
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hellsbroadcaster · 3 months
the communities thing looks cool I won't lie.. but I am in agreement with a lot of folks who worry about it becoming super exclusive. And tumblr already has that huge ass problem as it is.
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ivycrowned · 6 months
tumblr recced a post and I had. Irrelevant thoughts. also it seemed like a vent post. but the neuro-whatever vibe to Explain sparkled in my brain so. i am indulging this in my own corner instead of on someone else's post.
i don't do near exclusively good runs bc im just so pure and good and/or want to be perceived that way
i do 'em bc i have anxiety and also bc helping ppl is my power fantasy but like the anxiety is so very real abt it.
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hacksawboy · 1 month
this bitch benrey is so unserious. gordon will literally be there having a panic attack and than he'll look to the left and youll just see benrey like
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vault81 · 4 months
I feel bad for Stephen, hes assaulting Arc Jet with Danse and all he has is a hunting rifle and basic leather armour
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bmpmp3 · 10 months
i shouldnt really be giving any hot takes on character design as someone who, despite having mild success in the adoptable scene in highschool, absolutely does NOT still got it when it comes to character designing (nowadays im just trying to do my best orz) but i do think one of the most important things with character design is that they serve the medium theyre in well.
like, a super exaggerated shape style triangle man with tiny legs a la mr incredible works great for an action cartoon movie but i dont know how good that style would work in a visual novel where you tend to only see the top half of the body. you wont be able to appreciate the tiny legs 😔
and as much as i goof on the visually cluttered anime boys in otome games and their odd fashion choices (kent from amnesia. at least 21 belts. 11 on one arm alone) i genuinely think they work for what they need to do, like all those fucking sashes and scarves and cords and capes and swishy things on the ikemen sengoku guys, painful to draw for me who wants to draw a goofy comic of them but WONDERFUL for an unanimated visual novel sprite, flowing clothes and hair adds a lot of movement to static images that you'll be staring at for 20-50 hours.
but of course on the visual novel/japanese adv game end of things u also have stuff like phoenix wright and the absolutely beautiful hotel dusk that tend to have blockier silhouettes than the fluttery flowing cloth and hair of like, a character in a bishoujo game from Key or something, but their sprites are animated which benefits from the blockier and (usually) less cluttered designs.
and theres still lots of exaggeration to be had to get very varied character designs, like the jake hunter games have a very grounded semi-realistic style but everyones posture and body types and expressions are pretty distinct, just the distinction is focused on the upper half of the body rather than the whole body like you would focus on with a comedy slapstick cartoon or like a comedy newspaper comic strip. okay its becoming increasingly obvious through what im talking about that i grew up in north america in the 00s-10s using deviantart where if ur cartoons didnt look like disney or pixar or like i dont know johnny test ur designs were considered not good enough so im still in that world. im still in that world. i hope the world is more open now
and something like the hotel dusk designs also would work well for drama or thriller comics - like i was also thinking about big sparkling shoujo manga designs and like. in a comic if ur like a garfield slapstick comedy u wanna look like a garfield, but if ur constantly doing closeups with serious emotion like a romantic drama shoujo manga, having big glittering expressive eyes and emphasizing the upper half of the character is pretty effective for the combination of medium and genre. i also think naoki urasawa's character designs would look so so good in a hotel dusk style game, that guy makes like the perfect thriller design, varied and diverse in shapes but so effective for a serious toned horror mystery thriller thing will lots of closeups of characters faces. i guess because i love serious and dramatic stories about people talking a whole lot i do gravitate towards this style of character design, where the emphasis is on the silhouette from the waist up LOL but it really goes to show that some character designs that may not fit the late 2000s comedy animation shape-based design philosophy have their own places where they thrive <- obvious thing everyone knows except for me who was on deviantart too much when i was 12
i think what im trying to say is i think big boobied super busy anime girl vtuber designs are fine, good even. i like em, i think they do the job and a lot of work goes into them. u only have a headshot/bust (heh) shown on screen 99% of the time u might as well make it with a bunch of particle effects and cool hairclips and lace and weird moving head wings or some shit. slap some sparkles on that thang
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grim-has-issues · 3 months
When I tell you that Audio RP is always on the mind, I was literally explaining the plot beats of Chronus Seven backstage during our musical performance.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
hilarious how men will expect you to show an interest and participate in their hobbies but whenever youre any flavor of woman and you ask them to show an interest in your hobbies its radio silence 😀
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nat-20s · 1 year
Laying out a conspiracy board with pictures and string but it's just me trying to figure out which of my friends would like being friends with each other
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finalshaper · 7 months
vent under cut i am seriously at my fucking limit guys : ) i cant take it anymore : ) : )
the next time someone tells me my paranoia+anxiety is me making excuses and backpedalling or whatever I'm going to actually crack my skull against the fucking wall oh my god y'all cannot say "mental health matters" or whatever and then treat people with paranoia+anxiety like actual shit. lmfao. quit fucking lying to me about how you want to give ppl like me space but then when we're going through it tell us we're just making excuses and mock us.
i cannot stop fucking shaking this asshole could've DM'd me instead of posting publically callout-post style about me because one of your other mutuals is a whiny fucking baby that was upset that I gave more than just a "yes" or "no" to their question about something that frankly is unimportant.
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videcoeur · 4 months
once im not sick its over for all of you. I have so much pent up creativity.
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hello tumblr!! the first thing my VERY stupid roommate does after making a tumblr account is making his way to witchwood forest somehow!! also he brought back some stuff [idk how he prolly stole it not that i should be saying that on here] and now they're just sitting here in the kitchen w/ me. its like 9pm. i should be sleepign... but no i have to go out and rescue this man from freezing to death in a forest. SIGH.
average day in hatchetfield...
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