#but i really really like it
yannig · 3 months
I love how both Renée and Jeremy treat their attraction to Jean.
Because they like him. And have good reason to think he could like them back.
And both of them look at him and recognize he isn't in the right place for a lover. Both of them decide to be Jean's friend instead.
And there is no grief over it either. They aren't waiting for Jean to fall for them once he's better. They just want to help him. Friendship isn't a consolation price, it's the best thing they can give Jean right now.
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canarybell · 4 months
My favorite headcanon...
...even if it is really unserious...
...is "Before the Beginning Aziraphale was among the angels working on the concept of human reproduction".
He mentions "breeding" twice while talking about humans, almost as if it is something he knows most about:
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(also, there is "humans we're currently designing" line...though it might be "we" as "angels as whole", but still)
Then, in Eden, he does know what a pregnancy looks like, despite childbirth never existing before; and he's apparently aware that pregnancy weakens the body:
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And during Job flashback he talks about the process of human birth as if he's a specialist in it (which is, of course, might be because he already spent some time on Earth, but also...)
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So yeah, why not assume it is all said from the professional point of view?
....Yes, usually this is just a source of "Aziraphale invented sex" and/or "Aziraphale suggested orgasm as a means to make breeding process more desirable" jokes. Why are you even asking.
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ashfae · 2 years
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erstwhilesparrow · 30 days
you (general you, not specific you) could Do Something with the funeral for the pillagers in mcsos… the quiet, unhurried chatter as people wait for the timers to count down to zero about death and how the code for the graves works and their memories and feelings about the pillagers…. the way you can see all the ruin around them and the shattered floating stones of spawn in the distance behind the graves… the fact that it's pix here, former vigil keeper, and oli, former isekai protagonist, and fwhip, voice of the fates…. fwhip saying it's weird, because he and jimmy never managed to get into their usual back-and-forth… the sense that something is ending here, something really has changed and it is worth paying attention to, but it is not quite like death as we know it, death means something different because it's a game… we can talk about season two, we can talk about the server budget, and at the end, the graves disappear without sound or light, and the platform they were on is taken down, and it's almost like they were never there, except there's still the pit from the explosion, and the structures built by their servermates, and the inexplicable monument of spawn, testament to what was and is and will be…
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fourtytwo42 · 1 year
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Genderfluid Qibli makes me very happy. He could change his earring to let others know his pronouns each day <33333333
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
I had an idea for a story a few hours ago:
(Bbu setting.) Carewhumper is a Pet Owner, who had a stable income and thus could afford one, Whumpee. Onde day, they lose most of their money and are thrown in misery. Almost nowhere to go, no food, no money, just their loyal Pet who is the only thing that they own now, and they can't bring themselves to sell.
The story would be relatively short, with the Owner and Whumpee trying to find food for Owner and Whumpee servicing them loyaly, struggling to survive. In the end, however, Owner doesn't manage to survive and the only one left in Whumpee.
End :D
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hellneedsaruler · 2 years
Merlin’s “i saw him wounded , i saw him fall” not i saw him die no I SAW HIM FALL is making me shake idk
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heres-someart · 2 years
I finished my self-induced torture of the background of my Pixlriffs drawing The idea of Litematica as a hologram had me in a chokehold and I had to draw it Also I tried a new style for lineart even though you cant really tell and I think I like it better!
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Click for better detail (another drawing is under the cut) [ID: Pixlriffs stands with his right arm lifted slightly up and his left arm near his waist and his hair is slightly greyed. His right arm has a wristband that is projecting the image of a slightly ruined building in front of him. The projection is glowing slightly and reflects light onto him. In the background is a small wheat field, a hill with an acacia tree, and a small mountain. End ID] Also here is a very very very (I mean very) quick doodle of Frog Daddy Pixl. I had the idea while watching his newest video and I drew this in less than 5 minutes
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[ID: Pixlriffs crouches with his back to the “camera” and he is in front of 3 small frogs. There is no color, just a simply sketch. End ID]
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okay but "he was a moth to the flame she was holding the matches" is such a great line
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takeariskao3 · 2 years
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kanerallels · 2 years
i just gotta ask about kanereoke, it sounds DELIGHTFUL
Thank you VERY MUCH for this ask!! It all started when I did my eleventy-first follower celebration last year (I think). I wrote this one shot involving a universe where Kanan didn't join Hera during A New Dawn-- not because he didn't want to, but because he had somewhere else to be
He and Hera reunite years later (in that one shot) and team up, along with Hera's pre-existing crew (Chopper and Sabine) and Kanan's son who came out of nowhere (Ezra) to find a Lasat on the run
That's everything that's been published so far
BUT there are a lot more facets of this, about ten chapters of which I've actually written. Like Kanan's furiously suppressing his Force abilities, but also using them every so often, and I decided to give that some side affects in this fic. Like passing out, and seeing the ghost of your dead master. For instance
Plus, I have a bunch of flashback chapters planned that explain how Ezra and Kanan found each other (hint: it involves Ephraim Bridger seeing a young Kanan Jarrus, going "is anyone gonna take that kid home, feed him, and give him some place to stay?" and not waiting for an answer)
There would also be some TRULY epic cameos, angst, characters being grabbed by the Empire, Jedi shenanigans, and me deciding to save a character who usually dies in canon. But I'm not saying who just in case I ever decide to finish and post this fic (and now I kinda want to do that, not gonna lie)
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tcustodis · 1 year
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So happy I could finally do this <3
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allixirr · 1 year
UAGDJSHKSHDKS i wanna play dnd i missi dnd :(((
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malwarechips · 3 months
yknow i never noticed the sheer rareness of images having ids or alt text on this website until i started adding alt text to my art (and trying to remember to add it to any images i post in general, especially text screenshots) and that makes me kinda sad
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teaboot · 5 months
When I was a kid one of my moms would call her period "moon time" or "her monthlies" or shit like that and my other mom straight up stealthed it, but when I'm a dad I think I'm gonna go straight down the middle and call it Werewolf Week. Like sorry kids, dad can't roughouse right now, it's Werewolf Week
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cemeterything · 23 days
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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