#im so annoyed rn bros cant even lie
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the-rat-library · 3 months ago
Me, finally finished recording a script I've been aching to get done for like two weeks: :D
Me, realising my mic wasn't fucking working: D:
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isabella-111 · 3 years ago
Peter parker multi dimension Au!!
A/N: omg i love this [also thanks for requesting :) ] also im so sorry if you dont like this writing style , script type writing just seemed easier for this one and cause its my favorite way to write :)
Peter : * walks through dope portal that showed up *
Peter : omg mj what are you doing here * runs and hugs her *
Rue : Ayo wtf man
Peter : * leans back a little * mj you ok ?
Rue : yo let go of me man
Elliot : whos your friend
Rue : no fucking clue
Peter : * lets go of rue * your...your not mj ??
Peter : wait wtf where the hell am i and who are you and why do you look like mj
Rue : yo um im not gonna lie rn im high off my fucking mind and i cant tell if your just a random dude and im imagining this or your high too
Peter : um neither im peter Parker
Elliot : like spider man
Peter : 😃 how’d you know
Eliot : dude its a Fucking cartoon character
Rue : yo what the fuck is up with this dude
Peter : i walked through a portal and now im pretty sure im in a different planet or reality or something
Elliot : yo what are you on your high seems dope.
Peter : im not high i walked through a portal thingy and now im here
Elliot : so what is it Shrooms , Coke , lsd , ecstasy, acid
Peter : no im being honest like im actually spider man and im not high.....I’ve never done any of those..... I’ve never even smoked weed
Rue : bro fr thats crazy
Elliot: wanna try it ? You can have some of mine if you share what you’re on
Peter : what no dude im not on anything
Rue : so let me get this straight you walked through a portal and now your hear and your not on drugs
Peter : yes
Rue : shit man your wild
Elliot : so is it edibles
Peter: * literally so confused and annoyed *
Peter : again im not on drugs
Rue : man im not gonna lie im a little confused
Peter : mj are you playing like a joke or something im
not a fan
Rue : bro my names rue this isn’t a joke dude
Peter : yah sorry right um ok
Elliot: yo rue maybe hes just having a bad high
Peter : ok im done here bye im gonna go sit over there till a portal opens up and im not fucking high
Rue : uhh sure man ok bye
Elliot : if you wanna stop being shy and tell me what your on we dont judge man feel free
Peter : -_-
Elliot : bye man
Rue : * whispers to elliot* wtf just happened
Elliot : we met a drug gatekeeper -_-
Rue : * laughs *
Peter : * literally sits at that same spot till another portal opens up *
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Loki ep 6 thoughts
-recap reminds me I hate ravonna
-I want more mobius/sylvie
-Greta thin burg I love u
-upside down heart in rock
-this music slaps everyone say thank u Natalie holt
-they look so good….ugh
-sylvies hair…wah
-she’s asking him to tell her to stop :’)
-best buds I love dem
-she’s pulling the ‘I’m 8 minutes older than u!!’ Argument that every twin pulls
-she needs a moment now but she didn’t hesitate back in ep 4. Hmm
-Tom looks fuckin great here let’s not lie
-statues?? Omg who
-ominous door slam
-what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
-I need a second
-I’m so sorry that gives me the ‘HEY SISTERS’ jumpscare energy I’m laughing but terrified
-it’s fuckin kang aint it
-oh he scared
-he’s scared
-of the lokis
-wants to bargain with them hmm
-this never ends well
-this is a trick loki PLS DONT FALL FOR IT
-full offense but ‘we can reinsert you so you won’t disrupt the timeline’ and ‘you can kill thanos and have the infinity gauntlet’ cannot POSSIBLY coincide
-her eyes are creepy
-don’t let this overrule your GOAL SYLVIE
-god one of you have braincells pls
-oh she thinks they’re a thing too huh
-Disney don’t do it I stg
-sylvie looks so annoyed girl me too
-even my cat’s confused
-I don’t wanna have any sympathy for ravonna don’t show me those stupid fuckin rings
-why is this so funny
-knife buds
-I shouldn’t love him but I kinda do
-okay but they’re so funny just holding their knives to him
-I’m so sorry sylvie is so cute
-her little hair flips
-it’s a Loki thing
-he’s funny but I’m fairly certain I’m gonna hate him
-at least call her by her preferred name bitch
-“one mans void is another man’s….piece of cake”
-youre not sorry bitch
-B-15 like I’ll expose the fuck outta your ass
-Loki I love you but this is obviously bigger than you think
-man’s a script writer omg
-ugh not him being a sylkie shipper
-man I hate u
-right when they thought they could start doing their own thing and making their own decisions he’s like SIKE!!!
-I sad
-this bitch is exactly why I’m like meh on Christian god
-must be boring
-man I don’t want him to turn them against each other
-ravonna is. A little unhinged
-‘an illusion conjured by the the weak to inspire fear. A desperate bid from control’
-I’m sorry but she sounds like cliche christians
-this is coming from a cradle Catholic
-why is this the mokius/Loki fight from ep 4 all over again
-she literally says crisis of faith
-mobius: hey I think this entire institution has manipulated us and I'm gonna try and figure out what's at the bottom of it
ravonna: lies to him, has him killed
ravonna: wow i cant believe he would betray me like that
-no bc its giving Aaron burr 'now I'm the villain in your history'
-its giving catra and adora in s1 when adora's like 'they're awful' and catras like 'yeah we been knew. How dare u not condone that'
-except I don't ship Mobius and ravonna
-I had to pause to write this rant
-she threatens to prune him again as if he wouldn't just go back to the void
-mobius: we can't take away ppl's free will
Ravonna: i disagree
mobius: where are u going
ravonna: in search of free will
-mobius being left ONCE AGAIN
-poor bitch
-everyone has evil clones just let shit happen
-why is it literally an entire religious allegory
-im so confused
-what does the illusion of the time keepers do at all
-he fills the same spot as them either way
-is it anonymity?
-why doesn't he just kill all the bad variants of himself
-he sounds like a liar I don't trust him
-hes just an asshole
-why doesn't he offer ppl the option to work for the tva
-if he thinks they'll still work under Sylvie and Loki then he must think they'd help
-why does he look scared
-idk why but I'm real tired of all this
-time shit's confusing
-dude i just want lokius interaction
-no I’m so ficking emo
-I want them to be besties
-“because you can’t trust. And I can’t be trusted”
-bro I’m sad
-I’m so sad ab Loki
-he’s trying so hard not to hurt her pls
-I am going to SOB
-that’s it I’m fucking logging out
-Disney I hate you
-I’m so fucking pissed
-I’m so tempted not to finish this episode I’m mad
-anger fills me from top to bottom
-I am taking a moment
-are you SERIOUS
-my exact words when she says ‘I’m not you’ were “AH fuck. GODdammit” but I need you to take the liberty of imagining the exhaustion in my voice
-bro I’m just so mad
-I’m like apathetic to the rest of the plot rn sorry
-I couldn’t care less ab this
-man I am so disappointed
-I’m sorry I just am
-does it really fuckin have to go like that
-god at least let me have one last Lokius moment
-Tom Hiddleston’s deliverance of that rant was so fucking good
-like. You can hear how truly fucked up he is about all this. We’ve never seen Loki like this
-I’m rly emo about it
-I’m actually going to kill marvel
-I am. Divorcing this show
-are you fucking kidding me
-no because fuck you
-I am going to be pissed forever
-you fucking make MOBIUS FORGET HIM?? JUST LIKE THAT???
-I’m so tired
-I just want to take a long fucking nap
-I’m gonna spend the next few years pretending this episode doesn’t exist
-fuck everything man. I’m fucking mad I haven’t been this mad since I watched infinity war in theaters.
-with that I will be. Dying somewhere
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justsomefluff · 5 years ago
Hi hun! I love your work so much! I was wondering if you could do ATEEZ reacting to finding out you still sleep with your baby blanket? I still sleep with mine and I’m 19 and I’m throughly embarrassed about it 😅 thank you so much!!!
Okay thats endearing af so don't be embarrassed!!! Also this is kinda short bc I was getting really soft and I could've written forever but I couldn't let myself go there lmao
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(ok this gif doesn't really match but it’s so funny wtf)
The second he finds out you still have your blanket he’s like... I’d die for you
Like he loves that you have that innocent, meaningful part of your life still with you
Joong loves that it shows your soft side, that only he gets to see
It really shows him that you are a sentimental person and he’s like “I hope she keeps me forever like that blanket uwu”
Loves and I mean LOVES when he finds you sleeping with it
Whether he caught you in the middle of a nap, or maybe you went to bed earlier than he did
He sees that and it’s cuddle time
Doesn’t like to disturb your sleep though so he’ll just very gently wrap himself around you and brush your hair out of your face
Just a lot of soft touches until he falls asleep too
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Mama Hwa activated
you’ve got a baby blanket, and youre already his baby? Perfect for his need to parent
Like he’ll still be boyfriend goals but he’s also gonna treat you like a toddler sometimes
Not in a bad way, I mean like he’s gonna tuck you in and sing you to sleep and all that stuff an actual mom would do
He just cant help himself, I mean really you need to go easy on him
He’s too soft around you
Like he might die if you get any cuter, cut it out!!!
And he always makes sure you have the blanket the way you like it before you sleep
Like if you just wanna hold it? Cool he’s got you. If you wanna wrap up in it...Also cool!
Will take care of all your blankie needs without question
Just wants to give you the world :’)
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the second he finds out about your blanket he’s gonna wanna get a matching one
“Wtf why” 
“so I can have a piece of you when im on tour” and your hearts just goes POOF
and so he finds one super similar (not necessarily identical but its one that works)
becomes just as attached to his new blanket at you are to yours
takes it everywhere
but its so cute like you guys will be cuddled on the couch each with your respective blanket omg
and the guys find you all the time like passed out with your blankies and holding hands and stuff
they’ll take pictures of you two to tease you about it but you guys secretly save every single photo
it’s just perfect lock screen material really
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Teases you at first, I can’t even lie about that
but it’s not mean or anything it’s more like “you love that blanket more than me” kind of thing
but eventually he just sees it as a part of you
and if you’re ever not holding it, it’s so jarring to him
like “where's the blanket this is so weird you look naked we gotta go get it”
it always puts a smile on his face though
like if you ever have to go somewhere that you cant or don't want to bring it to, then he’ll stay home and secretly bury his face in it
it becomes a comfort thing for him too bc it smells so much like you
if you ever catch him smelling it he’ll be like “I WAS JUST SEEING IF MAYBE WE NEED TO WASH IT”
he’s embarrassed but you’re endeared to no end
you’ve totally got at least one picture of him with it somewhere bc I mean... your two fav things on earth in one pic?
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Okay San relates heavy bs you’ve got your blankie and he’s got Shiber
Will send you pics of Shiber wrapped up in your blankie like bro :’(
And you guys will stuff both Shiber and your blanket in between you and hug at the same time
Because lets face it, nothings gonna get in the way of cuddles alright I don't make the rules
And one night he’ll be like “let’s trade for today”
but then five minutes in both of you are like “nope nope we gotta switch back I cant do this”
but you both think it’s really funny low-key and end up laughing at each other’s inability to sleep without your favorite thing
he’s so sweet to you about it though like if you’re ever sad, he knows exactly what to bring to make you feel better
uses the blanket constantly and whenever you’re at home he always has it for you
like you sit down in another room for two seconds and he’s like
“You left this in the bedroom” and throws it at you
and he’ll get Shiber too bc “they’re friends”
overall he’s just so cute about it and genuinely understands the need to have something like that around
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(^ him practicing his keynote speech on why you should cuddle with him instead)
Okay Mingi’s a big baby about it 
like he gets it but he’s low-key (read: highkey) jealous of the blanket right
“Cuddle me insteadddd”
won't let you live like fr
never tries to take it from you or anything though
just wants you to prioritize cuddles with him is all
will literally take advantage of any moment that you don't have it right
like if you're on the couch watching a movie he’s basically in your lap
if that’s your emotional support blanket then you’re his emotional support human okay
“why do you need an emotional support blanket when I can be your emotional support Kpop boy?”
“Mingi, I don't think that’s how it works” (I mean can he really still be your emotional support Kpop boy if he's already your bf? how’s that work?)
he eventually figures out a way to get his cuddles though
he just compromises and sleeps under the blanket with you
“Why didn’t I think of this before it’s perfect?” 
“Maybe bc you're an idiot” 
cue play fighting that leads to smoochies under the blanket
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Ok this one is problematic for you
because he likes to borrow it
“Wooyoung-ah, that’s MINE”
he has the “mom says it’s my turn” attitude lmao
like no. it’s not your turn if it’s not YOURS...I digress
he gets so annoying about it that you cave and buy him his own blanket
it’s not even close to the same kind as yours, but you got one in his fav color and everything so he’s really excited about it
covers your face in kisses to show his gratitude
but he immediately washes it with the special detergent you use so that it’ll still smell like yours
and he turns into Linus from Charlie Brown you know?
never washes his blanket and takes it literally everywhere
if you wash it for him he won't talk to you for like a whole day lmao
“But it had to be done. Wooyoungie, it was for the greater good”
“Shut up”
but he’s secretly really happy that the detergent smell is back bc it reminds him of you awwww
so basically he picked up your habit really fast and it just sticks
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tell me why Jongho is protective of your blanket
jk, I know why
it’s bc he knows you’d be devastated if anything ever happened to it
he’s always chaperoning you like “Jagiya, don’t eat that rn you’ll get crumbs on your blanket”
or “be careful not to spill that on your blanket, bb”
like “Jongho...sweetheart...I GOT IT”
and if anything ever happened to it, like it gets stained or ripped or something
he’s already googling how to fix it
acts like a surgeon “ok, we need to be very gentle with this stain” “cut the thread very precisely”
so dramatic, but it’s cute because you know he’s only like that to make sure you’re happy and have everything you need
like three months after he finds out that you have the blanket he’s basically a certified tailor and stain-remover
perfect house-wife when it comes to your blankie lmao
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fairycosmos · 6 years ago
hi sorry to be annoying but im the anon that may or may not be falling in love with their best friend and i asked him about what he said when we were drunk and he said that he’s just loving when he’s drunk so maybe i’m just crazy but i really feel like Something is happening between us and i know its hard to give advice on a situation so vague but i just dunno if i should shoot my shot or wait it out :(
hey dw you're not annoying!! this sounds stressful as fuck and i think confusion is the only justifiable reaction, as frustrating as it is.....i also think whatever choice you make has to be organically yours in order for you to be satisfied with it. nobody can tell you how to feel, or what you want, you know? also take everything im about to say with a grain of salt bc i'm not experienced in love confessions. but i guess as a suggestion i would say, maybe the safest option would be a combination of both of your ideas? like maybe you could wait and observe his behaviour, how he treats you etc, for a few more days or weeks or however long you're comfortable with. and if he continues to give you reasons to believe that he's into you, then maybe eventually you could just bring it up to him in conversation. doesn't even have to be in person. just a casual 'hey, i was wondering how you feel about me, where i stand with you?' type of thing. and of course your heart will be hammering, and it'll feel awkward and weird, and it'll seem like the biggest deal in the world until it's over - but there's really no shame in honesty. and yeah you cant control how he reacts, but you can control how you confront him about it. whatever the outcome, if your bond is strong, it likely won't deteriorate completely. it'll adapt, that's all. it might take a moment before you guys find the groove of your friendship again, but if you both want to, you will. and there's truly no way of knowing until you bite the bullet and face it. unfortunately you hold the solution to your own problem, though obviously in actuality it's not that simple. but it's really not an impossibility to think that he likes you back. maybe he's just trying to put it into words, like you are. but no matter what happens, good or bad, your worth and future happiness doesn't lie in his opinion of you. i promise, and it's alright if you don't believe me rn, but it's true. anyway it's totally up to you but i guess what i'm saying is take things at your own pace, try to figure out if he likes you from an objective standpoint. figure out the pros and cons of bring straight up with him, and then go from there. i'll be rooting for you and hoping it all works out the way you want it to!! you deserve love and reciprocation bro, always remember that as an indispensable fact. good luck!! 💌💘
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myheart-elsewhere · 7 years ago
im bored pt3 || 11/22/17
1. Do you bite or lick ice cream? lick
2. What is home to you? i havent yet figured that out
3. What was the last lie you told? that i was doing great lol
4. Does everyone deserve the truth? for the most part
5. What is the creepiest toy ever made? there are hella creepy toys tbh
6. Describe a moment in which you did something unacceptable in a bad situation. most the shit i do is unacceptable but its whatever.
7. List two things that are more easily done than said. (No, I didn’t mix them up.)  1: using a cell phone bc it can be hard to teach adults how to use them lol. 2: seeing a color vs describing it
8. When was the last time you worked really hard to achieve something? probably in school idk
9. How many all nighters have you pulled? over 15..
10. If humans didn’t evolve to laugh or smile, how would we express our happiness instead? talking excitedly about what made us happy
11. How many romantic “things” or “flings” have you had? depends on how serious you mean, so between 2 and 5.
12. What is your paradise? lisetning to music
13. What is your favorite background noise? (Ex. Water dripping, people talking.) i like the sound of nails tapping on something
14. How many hearts do you think you have broken? hopefully none
15. What is the most important thing about electronics? you can stay in touch with loved ones. 
16. Why do people care about celebrities? Do you care about celebrities? oh jesus here we go. first off, yes- i care about quite a few celebrities. they can make us feel a happiness like no other. if you’re having a bad day, all you need is to hear their voice and the pain goes away. they speak on things that are important and meaningful. they can be our inspirations and role models. when they have a new interview, song (or movie or something else.. whatever your favorite celebrity does) it always gives us something to look forward to. they make you feel less alone. they make you feel loved. i could keep going on but i have 134 more questions..
17. What is the most annoying thing someone can do to you? make plans then cancel last minute.
18. Do you overexaggerate? What are the pros and cons of this? at times, but rarely. pros: it helps get your point across. cons: it can be annoying idk
19. Have you played any instruments before? Which instruments? guitar and piano
20. Do you like taking selfies? Why or why not? if im wearing makeup, yes. i dont have a good reason except that i like my makeup lol
21. List 3 things you like about yourself? im loving, forgiving, and supportive.
22. What is the best advice someone has ever given you? “be yourself”
23. Do you have what it takes to raise a child? Why or why not? currently, probably not.. im basically still a child myself.
24. How do you cheer yourself up after a bad day? listen to 5h
25. When was the last time you felt awkward? today at work
26. Are you introverted or extroverted? Or a mixture of both? i can be both depending on the situation or social setting
27. What constitutes a good friend? them being there for you when you need them, being supportive in everything you do, and loving you unconditionally.
28. Would you rather have a lot of friends to hang out with or just one best friend? my one best friend. i miss her.
29. In a regular day, what do you not want to hear? “do your homework.”
30. What is your dream job? movie director
31. Is it better to be lazy but smart or hardworking but unintelligent? hardworking bc at least you’re trying.
32. What is a truth about yourself that others find hard to believe? some people are shocked that im gay
33. What have you always wondered about the other gender? why men can treat girls like items and/or their property and just throw them away when theyre done..
34. Which fantasy world would you like to visit the most? hm idk
35. Describe the worst friend you have ever befriended. theres been a few but the first one who comes to mind is this girl who talked about herself 24/7 and didnt care about anyone except for herself.
36. Imagine that you have switched bodies with someone you don’t know. You can’t switch back. What do you do? try to figure out life and probably cry lol
37. If you found the recipe for immortality, would you sell it or would you burn it? can i do both?
38. What is the most important, applicable class you have ever taken? school doesnt teach important classes lmfao
39. Name the last book you read. “trials and tribulations” 
40. Imagine that you are unable to express emotion. How would this affect your world? i would feel empty..
41. When was the last time you made the first move? about a month in a half ago
42. What is your opinion on electronic music such as dubstep or trap? i love it
43. What was the last movie you watched? i dont remember bc i rarely watch movies
44. Do you like and appreciate your life? sometimes
45. Do you like and appreciate yourself? sometimes
46. When was the last time you cried? last night
47. What are you scared of? mostly irrational things
48. What is the most embarrassing, cringe-worthy thing you have ever done? let’s not talk about that lol
49. What are some of your hobbies? reading, listening to music, doing my makeup, social media, and fangirling lol
50. What is a superficial yet annoying mistake you constantly make? idk bc im stupid and dont understand what superficial means lol
51. Are you a good friend? What makes you a good friend? If not, what makes you a bad friend? i think im a good friend bc i always put others before myself and i do anything and everything i can to make them happy. and im always there for them.
52. Do you honestly learn from your mistakes? sometimes
53. What have you learned the hard way? how to lose someone you love
54. What is the most important thing to have in order to attain happiness? not rely on others to be your happiness
55. Which medium do you use for expressing your artistic emotions? (Singing, writing, etc.) writing for sure
56. Are you a creative or a logical thinker? both
57. What is the smartest thing you have ever done? smart moments are rare for me
58. What is your ideal meal? steak and potatoes mmmmm
59. What is the worst thing someone could do on a date? be on their phone
60. Do you like animals? Which kind is your favorite? i love animals, specifially dogs
61. If you could turn one legal thing illegal, what would it be? stealing 
62. Do you have any guilty pleasures? si
63. What is the best thing that the internet has ever created? youtube
64. Do you like playing video games? Which video games? supermario lol
65. What is your opinion on beauty in today’s society? everyone views it differently. in my personal opinion, ever since the word “thick” got popular around 2 years ago, more people are apprecating that and not focusing on being “super model thin” which i think is great.
66. Are you a morning person? When do you usually wake up? hell nah. if i have school, around 6am. if i dont have school, around 10am
67. Do you have a favorite Disney movie? Character? HERCULES!!!!!! meg
68. Would you rather live in the city or in the countryside? def city
69. Would you rather live near the ocean or in the mountains? either or
70. What are the best things about winter? COOL WEATHER
71. What scares you most about the future? idk what it holds
72. What makes you feel old? when i realize HSM came out over 10 years ago.
73. How many hours do you spend on the computer or phone on average? too many
74. What are some of your New Year’s resolutions? havent even thought about it bc they never happen lol
75. What is your life story in 6 words? i am really really gay bro
76. Describe yourself in one word. fangirl
77. What bad habits do you do? give out too many chances
78. What genre of music do you listen to? mostly pop, but i listen to a lot of different genres
79. Most prominent childhood memory? getting doughnuts with my dad every saturday mornning
80. Imagine if you had an older brother. If you already have one, what is it like? If you don’t, how would this change your life? i have a brother who is 20 years older than me. he lived in ohio and right after i was born my parents and i moved to florida. i only get to see him like once a year. it’s really sad. i think of him more as a distant uncle than a brother. but he always has done everything he can to make me happy and i appreciate that so much.
81. Spirit animal? jaguar
82. Do you believe in horoscopes? not really
83. What is the worst advice you’ve ever been given? ive been given so much bad advice i cant pick one specific thing lol
84. List the 3 most important people in your life right now. my best friend liv, my aunt lori, and lauren jauregui
85. Favorite memory of your family. being in ohio this past summer staying up til 2am with my parents, my brother and his fiance just telling stories and laughing our asses off.
86. What do you look for in a relationship? affection
87. Do you have a role model? Why or why not? yes, lauren jauregui. i love everything she stands for.
88. What is your opinion on social media? i love it. it’s what keeps you close with family/friends who live in different states or countries for that matter.
89. Are you a pessimist or an optimist? both, but im mostly optimisitic.. well i try to be at least
90. List some things that you think are overpriced? CONCERT TICKETS
91. What is your worst memory or creepiest experience? getting lost outside in the middle of n where after jingle ball 2015
92. What superpower would ruin the world? reading peoples minds tbh
93. What is something you swore you would never do when you grew up, but you did anyway? smoke
94. What lessons have you learned from movies and which movies were they? i cant think of any rn
95. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? ohio to see my family
96. How do you approach people? i.. just.. do..
97. What is your opinion on first impressions? sometimes they change
98. What are some things you did as a child that you no longer do? bite my nails
99. What languages can you speak? english and quite a bit of spanish
100. What do you think society will be like in 30 years? who knows
101. What do you do on your lazy days? lay in my pjs, play on my phone and listen to music
102. What ended your last relationship? it wasnt an actual relationship, but she couldnt make up her goddamn mind and she wanted to be a fuckgirl
103. Favorite food? sushi and steak
104. What is the most terrifying dream you’ve ever had? oooo lets not talk about that..
105. When was the last time you got seriously angry? 3 days  ago
106. What was the last friendship you broke? one of my “best friends” bc she didnt like that i was friends with someone she didnt like
107. Do you have any pet peeves? people chewing with their mouth open
108. Who was the last person you gave a hug to? my papa
109. When was the last time you got seriously stressed? last week
110. What part of your personality do you want to change? that i procrasinate everything
111. Who is the most positively influential person in your life right now? lauren jauregui
112. What is your biggest motivation? my best friend
113. What did you want to be when you were little? a veternarian lol
114. What are some things that you are good at? makeup
115. What is one thing you want to be good at? singing lol
116. What distracts you the most, especially when you’re trying to work? probably my phone although i don’t want to admit it lol
117. How important is privacy to you? pretty important.. but it depends on who we want privacy from
118. If you could create one social norm, what would it be? everyone being nice to each other
119. What’s the craziest lie you’ve ever told? i trust no one so that stays to myself for my own well-being
120. What story do you like to tell about yourself at parties? i dont go to parties
121. What is the lamest thing that you have seen someone do? show off on a skateboard lmao
122. What is the stupidest thing you’ve done to impress someone? told them i have a pt cruiser but thats not even a nice car lmao
123. What is your morning routine? on a typical school day: wake up, check my phone, do my hair/makeup, get dressed, eat then leave.
124. What’s the last thing you did that is worth remembering? made a good sale at work today and it was my first day of my first job.
125. If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you? both but mostly help me.
126. What is your opinion on playing “hard to get?” its stupid
127. What are the pros and cons of straightforward? pros: you dont have to be afriad of not being honest. cons: it could make someone really mad at you.
128. What do you consider “leading” someone on? telling them you like them and consistenly flirting with them.
129. Are you the friendzoner or the friendzoned? both
130. What do you admire most about your friends? they try to make me happy
131. What do you admire most about your family? they want the best for me
132. What is your opinion on “going with the flow?” ehh stand out, be different
133. Do you enjoy talking or listening? i enjoy talking, but i almost always listen
134. When is it time to end a friendship? when they become a selfish little bitch
135. What is the worst excuse you’ve ever come up with? the excuses i make up to get out of going to school
136. If GPA didn’t matter, what courses would you have taken? idk im not interested in school
137. What are your favorite baby names? paris
138. When was the last time you had a deep conversation with someone? few days ago
139. What instantly ruins a conversation? checking your phone
140. Biggest turn ons and turn on offs. turn ons: confidence (but not cockiness), being outgoing, being able to have a conversation, and a good fashion sense (fashion sense in my opinion haha). cons: ooo being conceited and only talking about yourself.
141. Biggest disappointment. me lmao
142. Do you have any self-restraint? i do.
143. When did you last do something outside of your comfort zone? last week
144. Prized possession(s)? honestly, my phone. and a bracelet my best friend gave me,
145. What is your opinion on second chances? most people deserve it.
146. Text or call? depends on the person tbh
147. What do you like about the 21st century? it has social media
148. What advice would you give to yourself 5 years ago? stay strong, babygirl. youre gonna go through a lot in the next 5 years, but you need to be strong and know you will fight through it all and come out stronger than you were before. nothing is what it seems. nothing lasts forever. expect the least and you’ll get the best. and remember, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.
149. How organized are you? too organized. 
150. Favorite mode of transportation. car
0 notes
survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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I am so excited to be competing! Everyone seems like such nice people and I can't wait to play in the challenges and do my very best!
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Mattie is such a Basic Bitch(TM) and it's killing me. Like I'm not that great of an actress, I am a superb liar but I am a shitty actress. Why? because humor is the only thing that keeps me from going insane and I made Mattie such a basic bitch that she can't use any of my "quirks" or fun thoughts and theories. And now Mattie just mentioned death by dehydration, motherfucker! I am so going to be first boot it's not even funny. UwU
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I just wanna talk about my feelings about being on the neutral tribe... I do consider myself on the Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good side of things. The chaos comes from my crazy emotions. I'm a Pisces so I'm sensitive and emotional. Also I'm actually kinda happy about being on a tribe of 6 people. I NATURALLY gravitate towards Bianca. I know who Paul is cause he slipped up in the tribe chat. So I feel good :)
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OK SO i said i was retired but i adore logan and i wanna see what i can do without my baggage of the past that fukt me in ts all stars so phew. the people on my team seem chill, idk why but for some reason i get the feeling that theyre younger than me which doesnt make sense since im only 20 but anyway. I know that i type very specially and use phrases a lot so its gonna be hard to stop doing that bc if any of these people know me at all its gonna be a dead giveaway! 
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So I've spent all day at Disney World today and I finally get back to the hotel and come online to speak to my tribe.  No one has talked to me one on one yet so... yeah,  no idea.  I said in the main chat I just got off work and I checked online to see Chick-fil-a's hours to make sure my story checked out too. :* We'll see what happens, on to figuring out this challenge!
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First off: When I read this... Confess your sins, your dirty-dirty bad bads, your evil twisted thoughts here. It made me think of the dialogue in a bad porno. http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lthhgjZ1xY1qg39ewo1_500.gif Second off: I do quite enjoy the concept of this alias season. I like the idea of going into the game as a fresh face with a fresh personality and playing along with other people that I don't have any idea of. It kind of rekindles the fun that I have when I get to play in seasons with newbies. http://mashable.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/excited-baby.gif Then, of course, I remember that these are not newbies so some of that fire loses a little oxygen. https://media.giphy.com/media/BmMU3LOfNMMeI/giphy.gif But, I'll try to convince myself that we're all playing for the first time. 
So far I've noticed a few things about my tribemates. I don't think anything can be applied specifically to the individual given that I haven't really reached a stage to call people out... but, some of them are hung up on the fact that this a catfish season. When messaging them they tell me that it's awkward and when I tell them that the dog in my profile picture is my dog Donut they ask if it is "for real". I'm trying to play up this characters of Jenny for them because I thought that was the goal and I need these people to get on board. https://media.giphy.com/media/KGHtHISczyhHO/giphy.gif
Wow, that last bit probably makes me come off as quite the rude person. Yikes! I need to get over myself a little. I get that easing ones self into a new situation can be challenging... sooo I'll give them a shot while continuing to respond to any and all questions and comments as Jenny would. http://replygif.net/i/440.gif
So far I think my favorite people are Tanner, Kai, and Adelaide. I'd like to think I'd enjoy Wash as well but they went to bed shortly after starting communication with me. I don't think (so far as I know and god I hope not) that anyone has come up with a plan to ally yet so I'm just going to continue chatting to get my feelers in those waters. http://media1.giphy.com/media/BqHng2hpjOUdW/giphy.gif
Hopefully Jenny will appear charming enough to begin allying with these people. She needs some throats to slit later down the road and can only start to burn the bridges once she's built them - unfortunately!
Alright, so I wanted to show my excitement at this game because I've played a real-life version called Tsuro with my friends where you are dragons and I'm hugely board game obsessed... but that's nowhere in Jenny's character and I don't feel like making any content about her up unless I absolutely have to! https://uberflip.cdntwrk.com/files/aHViPTIxOCZjbWQ9aXRlbWVkaXRvcmltYWdlJmZpbGVuYW1lPWl0ZW1lZGl0b3JpbWFnZV81NmQ4NDkzNzFjM2I0LmdpZiZ2ZXJzaW9uPTAwMDAmc2lnPTIxMTE0OTVlM2I1Y2M2NWVlYjMzOTE3OTcyMDExZmI0 Also, I was being truthful when I said the challenge is hard... like, I guess I'm having some difficulties processing the path or something because I keep crashing absurdly early. I'm hoping that by tomorrow when others have played it they will be able to talk me through getting a decent score so our tribe doesn't have to go and I won't have to face the possibility of being first boot (which is likely).
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Ok! So basically, Kat just asked me for an alliance??? It's legit night one like chill, but obviously I ain't gunna turn down an ally so i'll play along. I was like "OMG YAHHH I NEVER HAVE ALLIES ON SURVIVOR ORGS" hopefully that makes her think im like a 100% on board... in realist im like 40% on board. It's SHADee as FUCK to try and propose an alliance so early... Also, Giruga (or whatever) is legit annoying as fuck. I think ever sentence he has said thus far has the word "bro" in it? Like can you not be annoying as fuck for no reason... I get it is an alias season, but they dont give you no free pass to be as obnoxious as possible. Praying we win this challenge... hopefully get first because I could totally use a reward with possibility of an advantage in the game. GIMME THAT IDOL. If we do happen to lose I cant wait for the ugly bro culture of Giruga to be the first boot this season deserves.
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Honestly I love my tribe and everyone seem so nice  Not knowing who people really are is kinda crazy but I'll get use to it. 
That challenge was crazy and I'm glad it's almost over with. 
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I'm bored so I'm just gonna... make another confessional. What does this alias twist mean to me? I wanna be able to make the most of it and be able to play the game I'm never capable of playing as my real self. As who am actually am I suck at seperating emotion and strategy so I'm gonna try to be as emotionless as possible, which I actually think will be easy considering idk who anyone is....... except 2 people perhaps. Anyway time to flop at this challenge xoxox give me a good edit please
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i'm typing like gabby bc i don't wanna get out of practice. why is it that the only person that talks to me is misty? bianca i c that u're on and you don't respond to me you're the first person im gonna target. i swear i've sent a 'hey' message to every1 on my tribe and the only one that responded was MISTY.  then marco or whatever his name is hasn't even accepted my friend request yet... i see how it is.
I mean I figured we didn't do fantastic but losing by over half.... sucks.  a lot.  Misty and uh.... someone else just called Marco out for not accepting anyones friend request... maybe that means we can vote him out this round to ensure I stay. :) 
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I forgot we were the Titus tribe but then I realized we got 2nd so I am very proud of my tribe! We did it yay!
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So we just got 2nd and are immune this week I'm so happy. Whoever gets voted out will be crazy bc no one wants to be first boot but the weakest should go!
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So, not only does Kat approach me as an alliance, but i just got approached by William and Layla, too? Damn I cant believe im winning this game :))) Anyway, supposedly Kat and William are ORG newbies? Not sure if that is a lie, but that doesnt shrink their targets by any means... Also thank the fucking survivor gods this Bro bitch aint on our tribe for the next 20 hours!!!! I hope he burns in the Devil's butthole along with his meninst culture.
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So UMMMM I'm gonna just spearhead this plan to get Marco out cause he hasn't spoken... at all. I'm not afraid to take control of my tribe at this point cause the inacts gotta go. Mattie/Gabby are both pretty active so I wanna work with them. Bianca's my goddess so I wanna work with her too. It sucks she got removed or else I would've formed a majority with them. Rn I'm telling everyone "If you watch out for me I'll do the same for you blah blah blah" and making deals w/ everyone because that's how I play! Let's hope it works out xoxoxo
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okay, i've been trying to be a super sleuth to figure out these identities...  I really think that Misty is really Nic.  Misty is from Georgia and Nic is from Georgia, and I think they are from around the same area.  Nic knows that I am from Georgia and now he knows that Gabby is from Georgia too so I hope he doesn't put it together, I think that I'm typing differently enough and I lowkey think he believes that whoever is behind Gabby really works at chick fil a because I've been doing my homework. I'm not sure who Mattie is yet, but I'm having a hard time NOT mentioning how much I love Glee because then I think people would obviously know who I am- or they would think that I'm Ashley Sarah, but Mattie was talking about Scream Queens and I desperately wanted to say I LOVE LEA MICHELE but I kept my cool. I lowkey think that Mattie might be Pippa though, they remind me of each other.   Everyone else....?  I still have no idea. 
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Not much has happened so far. I've talked to a few people but nothing has really moved forward. I was happy to go to the devil's hole, although I didn't end up finding anything. I'm glad I got a chance to meet people from the other tribes though. It was interesting to find out that they have people who haven't even spoken in tribe chat yet? That's crazy. Also it's fun to try to guess who's who. I mean, it's possible I don't even already know the people on my tribe, but it's still fun to try to figure out who they could be. I haven't really gotten there yet. Although I wonder if Alex Raine is a bit new to the community because he's a comp beast, yet he's showing it and making it obvious and making himself a target. I don't know, he seems cool and we've talked a bit, but come merge that could be tricky for him. In terms of alliances, there aren't any yet that I'm really aware of, but Jenny and Alex are the only ones I've talked to that much and I'd be happy to work with them, despite being a little nervous that Alex is a target. He's nice and hopefully his social game is as good as his physical.
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aaaaa  i got 378 score   aaaa
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Bye I'm going home today...  I'm shook at how fast this game started and I saw in the tribe chat that people were complaining that I hadn't added anyone yet but I didn't get any contact requests from any of them either hm!! Anyway unless I can pull myself out of the dirt somehow I'm totally screwed right now... im an easy target bc I was not here the first day and easy targets are always just easy to vote out the first week rip...
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Nothing really. I haven't acted on my plans of being an aggressive player this season, so maybe I'll adapt and get a new strategy going later. Good luck to me
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Right now I feel like a mess because I keep forgetting to check skype and missing important stuff. But right now the general consensus according to Misty is to vote out Marco because he literally does not exist and hasn't added any of us. I love a good first round flop. I feel like if I start showing my fabulous personality I could have a good shot at surviving if we go to tribal again, however people might be weary of me now that I've gone to the Devil's Hole, even though I got nothing. Rob wouldn't even let me keep the rock. :'(
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I can't believe I'm pippa 
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these bitches are so bland and boring BYE
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Why did I make Kat so happy and grammatically correct all the time I'm so used to keyboard smashing like jsjsjahajak. I literally cringe every time I add an exclamation point like pls... settle down... I regret this so much nnnn. Anyways- The people I'm closest to rn are Dianna and William because we have an alliance. I'm also good with Giruga, but that's probably because he's such a talkative person-- and so is Dianna. It's really important for me to show my worth to these people so they don't target me because social players run the early premerge. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that so far. I'm also playing it off like this is my first time playing an org, which will make me seem less threatening. I don't really know if that'll play off since we're all catfish, but I figure the more utr I am right now the better. 
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Well, I can't get into my Paul account so I'm probably being voted out. Peace ✌️ 
0 notes
skiasurveys · 8 years ago
i am lonely
Name? jen
Age? 20
Hair color? blonde
Eye color?
About Him.
Name? connor
Age? going to be 27
Hair color? brown
Eye color? brown
About you two.
When did you two begin dating? May 2016
What did you think of him? i thought he was funny and cute 
What did he think of you? he thought i was cute but idk really what hsi first impression was
Who asked who? mutual 
Did you like him before he asked you? yeah 
How old were you two? i was 19 and he was 25 but he turned 26 like 3 days later lol
What did you think of it at first? i was happy and it felt awesome 
Has it been a good relationship so far? yes
Has it been worth it? yes
Do you think it will continue? i do 
Do you guys have a special place? not really
Cutest thing he’s ever done? prob one of the things i can think of was when i was having  abad panic attack and he just held me and he told me he loved me and etc
Cutest thing you’ve ever done? i dont know ask him
Best gift he’s ever gave you? truck
Do you have a “song”? i cant help falling in love with you
Any inside jokes? sure
What was your most memorable experience? theres a lot
Could you give up something for him? i would
Is he your first anything? not first boyfriend but first for sex lol
Are you HIS first anything? i dont think so but idk for sure not first gf or sex partner lol
Would you change anything about your relationship? he lives far away right now 
Has he ever cheated on you? not that i know of but i know he hasnt
Have you ever cheated on him? no
Have you two broken up before? yeah we actualy dated in oct 2015 then didnt talk til april 2016 and then started to date in may 2016
Have you talked to any of his ex-girlfriends? no unless i have and i didnt know
Has he talked to any of your ex-boyfriends? no
Do you think he would go behind your back? no
Do you get jealous easily? yeah i hate it 
Does he? no unless he does and im just not aware 
Do you think he’d make a good father? sure
Would you even have children with him? we dont want kids
Do you even want to get married to him? yeah
Kissed you in the rain? no
Fought with a guy for saying something about you? no
Would he even fight for you? maybe, sure
Have you two ever had someone try to break you two up? yep -____-
Has he ever bought you anything expensive? kinda but he did give me his truck
Has he ever made you feel warm & fuzzy? yes
Would you make it long distance? no but we are right now until june
Have you two ever gotten into a fight? yeah 
A physical fight? no
Has he ever written you a letter? no
Have you ever gotten into it with a girl about him (fight with girl over him)? no
Would you ever? no unless a bitch was trying to fuck him or something then id fuck her up
Have you two ever spent the night together? duh
Been absolutely, ridiculously silly? yeah
How much do you love him? a lot i cant really describe it
What would he do for you? idk ask him haha
What would you do for him? anything he wanted except murder lmAOOO
How often do you two talk? everyday 
When is your actual anniversary? 05.10.16 (May 10th 2016)
Does his family like you? yes they do
Does yours like him? kinda 
How long do you plan on being with him? forever 
Anyone disapprove? some do , fuck them
Has anyone ever tried to interfere? morgan did but i told him to fuck off
How often do you two argue? not overly 
Do you like it when he surprises you? depends..
Are you proud to be his girlfriend? yes
Is he proud to be your boyfriend? i hope lol
When do you feel closest to him? when he spills his heart out to me
Do you prefer his hugs or kisses? kissing 
Would you change anything about him? where he lives <-- same
Would he change anything about you? i dont know 
What do you love most about him? he makes me smile when i dont want to
Have you ever gotten on his Myspace/facebook? yeah but i dont need to 
Do you trust him? i do
Does he trust you? i hope
Do you guys tell each other everything? i do 
Any secrets? i dont think so!
What’s your favorite thing to do together? everything 
What reminds you of him? elder scrolls and anime LMAO
What’s the hardest thing you’ve overcome? having to let him leave for a bit but hes coming home :D
Do you truly love him? i do
Does he make you happy? honestly he does
How long have you known each other? almost 2 years
Were you friends before you dated? ehhhh kind of? we were flirty 
Where did you go on your 1st date? he took me to the college to play smash bros and it was awesome, then to Noodle house for lunch and then back to his place to hang out. it was awesome
Most fun date you two have been on? theres a lot
Do you go on more alone or group dates? alone but i dont mind group ( depending)
Who usually pays for the date? he always does but i will pay for other stuff.
What does your man do to make money? renovations 
How many years apart are you? 6.5 years
Do you normally date older or younger guys? older.
How did ya’ll first kiss? we were watching donald trump vids and then we were chilling and joking and then we were cuddling ( yes WHILE WATCHING DONALD TRUMP MEME VIDS) and then he asked to kiss me and it happened
Did he use any cheesy lines? no
Who said, “I love you” first? me lol
What was the first thing he gave you? i cant remember 
What’s the most expensive thing he’s given you? his truck
What’s the cutest thing he does? when he cuddles me and makes happy noises lol ( if that makes sense)
What does he call you? Jen, babe, baby, babygirl 
How well does he know you? pretty well
How well do you know him? more than most people 
Do you know any of his ex’s? no
Is he friends with any of his ex’s? i dont think so 
What is one thing that really annoys him? stupid people
Are you happy? with him
Is he the best kisser out of all that you’ve kissed?yes
How many kids does he want to have?
0Longest relationship you’ve been in and who was it with? the one i am in now 
Shortest relationship you’ve been in and who  was it with? like 3 months and was with this guy named dylan barf
Are you happier single or in a relationship?
Do you tend to date outside of your race?
not really connor is half white doe
Ever had a rebound? no
Have you ever been someone’s rebound? probably
Have you dated both sexes? no
Has anyone ever seriously proposed to you? no
Who was your most painful breakup with? when connor dumped me trhe first time hahah but were together
Are you one of those people in relationships who break up and get back together frequently? no we dont play games. the first time was just timing 
Do you believe in breaks? no youre pathetic if you take them. its really just a way to fuyck others 
Has anyone ever cheated on you? no
Have you ever cheated on a significant other? no thanks that is disgusting
Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? we kinda are
Did you ever have one of those elementary school boy/girlfriends? no
In relationships, do you tend to be the clingy one? yes
Are you currently with your first love? kinda 
Do you still talk to the person you first fell for? no
Do you seek approval from your friends before going out with someone? no
Have you ever been “the other person”? How did that go? no
Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love? yeah this one and because all the songs make sense and when i see him happy thats all i want and i dont think about myself anymore
Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how? yeah but for good
What’s the most important part of a relationship? 
trust, communication, happiness
Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious 
How many people have you ever hooked up with? 0
Do you believe love can conquer all things? not cancer 
Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not? I am in one currently but its short time, so yeah they can you just have to work at it and trust them. I dated someone who lived acrossed seas and that didnt rly work. i hate ldr i am only in one rn because its short and i love him enough 
Have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? yes ^-^
How’s your heart lately? lonely
Do you feel like anyone is playing mind games with you right now? no
Would you fight for love? yea
Do you have something that belongs to someone from your past? yea
Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason? bad
Have you ever kissed two people in one night? yea lol 
Do you want to be in a relationship with someone? i am in one
Do you think anyone has feelings for you? he does
Are looks important in a relationship? yep you have to be attracted ok, dont even lie about that
Are relationships ever worth it? yes
Are you a virgin? no
Are you in a relationship? yes
Are you in love? YES
Do you forgive betrayal? depends 
Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? yeah..
Have you ever experienced unrequited love? when i was younger
If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? i dont know what i would say because were dating so it would be rly hurtful 
What is your definition of cheating? when you want someone else as your bf/gf. when you flirt with them, kiss them, fuck them, tease them, etc, lead them on. theres emotional and physical cheating. both are awful. if you are NOT happy dump the other person pls!!!
Are you nice to people you dislike? im an adult 
Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? yea
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? right now
Is there someone that you’ll never be over? i dont have to worry about that
Is he sweet to you most of the time, or is he mean towards you? sweet
Does he ever go out drinking? Is this something you’re concerned about? no
Does he ever really open up emotionally to you? Is he that way to everyone? yes and he doesnt open up to anyone else 
Does he truly care about how you feel and what you have to say? yes
Is he usually more optimist or pessimistic? realist
Does he treat you like you’re royalty? no but i dont expect him to because i dont treat him like a king or a god, i treat him like my lover/soul mate/best friend, and he does the same. he treats me well 
Does he ever hold you hand in public? yes :3
Are you all into the ‘public display of affection’ thing? no but kissing is cool
Is this relationship more based on love or lust? love 
Do you feel closer to him than anyone else you associate with? yeah… i do..
Tell me exactly in detail how he makes you feel: i cant explain it and i feel stupid that way but he makes me feel like everything is gonna be okay and that life is alright and that im safe wit him. he makes me happy and peaceful, he brings out the best (unless hes moody then i get annoyed lolol)
Has he ever let you wear any of his clothes before? Which items? not rly i dont wear 
When you’re sad, broken down and crying, what does he do to comfort you? he holds me in bed 
Have you two ever shared food or a drink with one another? yes
Do you two ever go to the movies? Do you just make out the whole time? we pay 11 bucks each for a movie we aint gonna make out, thats a netflix n chill thing bru
When you first met, did you think it would end up the way it is?: no
if it came to it, would he rescue you at 3am if needed?: im sure but it woiuld be kinda hard rn ,lol
Ever layed in bed together in each others arms?:     yah
Would you trust him if you left the town for a month with no contact?:     honestly i couldnt live like that i would get nervous and i need to hear from him 
Does it bother you if he doesnt say ‘i love you’ when he leaves?:     not rly unless i say it 
Do you text a lot?:     yes
Does he ever stick up for you and defend you? he doesnt have to no one saying shit about me
Would you say he’s overbearing when it comes to protecting you? no
Do you ever keep the notes he writes and things he makes you? he doesnt makew me anything
Does he normally explain to you how much you mean to him? only when we fight. thats the only time he makes an efffort lol
Do you like being kissed spontaneously or asked? either
Have you ever loved anyone else? no
Has he ever loved anyone else? im sure 
Have you talked about a future together? yes
0 notes