Atomic Survivor Season 2 - Death Valley
82 posts
The second installment of Atomic Survivor, hosted by Carson K, Rob, and series founder, Logan.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Paul tried it.............. he really did huh!!! Its funny how even though I helped 0% in the challenge I still stayed. I've got the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad with me and that's all I need. As long as I have those numbers, I feel great. If we end up losing again.. bye bye Mattie! 
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honestly at this point of the game my alliance is intact and hopefully we make it to merge or in a good place if there's a swap but im not worried whatsoever
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Well, I stuck with Misty and Bianca, and Mattie is going to draw the flag, I think.  So this will be exciting, i'm perfectly okay with handing over the reigns to someone else during this challenge, hopefully it will earn us our first win! 
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Alright, so the vote actually went as planned. Tanner went home unanimously while voting for Alex. This is great because it means that if I'm on a tribe with snakes that they have yet to embrace those negative tendencies. Also, after getting voted out Tanner got online to message me (and everyone else according to the hosts) the word "fake". I'm just... 
Tanner literally said nothing to me yesterday except what's up? I even gave him a response which I count as a chance for him to respond, no? Like... if you don't say anything to me during the day then: 1. How are we supposed to strategize if the vote is going to fall any differently 2. How are we supposed to vote for the same person - at all 3. Why would I want to play with you - that makes for a very unreliable alliance
Also, our immunity challenge is flag making. Which... I'm a shady ho and I'm gonna say, works better as a reward challenge. Given the amount of people who claim not to be creative in this community making a challenge dictate safety based solely on creativity is a "no" from me. 
Our challenge is fun though because it's kind of "themed" based on the sorting hat's opinions of us. And the sorting hat decided our tribe was full of the goody-goodies or is it goody-two-shoes? I don't even know, honestly. Anyway.. so I was thinking angels because when I think good I just... think of heavenly bodies? I dunno 
And then Alex, gem that I adore suggest superheroes! And I'm on board completely. These super powered people and all the good they do for the world are perfect. Also, potential for something really cute. Now, if I were an artist this would be absolutely perfect... but I'm not. And Alex already made something so that's neat. I think I'm gonna see what I can do to make it more high quality or something (maybe change it around a bit) since it looks a little pixelated, but yay!  It's adorable.
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I actually... lowkey hope we lose this challenge LOL "When bitches vote for me, bitches go home" Sound familiar Mattie? And just THINK how iconic it would be if Bianca, Gabby, and I were the sole members of Panamint and slayed the tribe swap
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I'm still doing nothing this week and that makes me happy, i hope they don't need me, disconnecting for awhile is nice, i wish i could do it with my main account. 
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I honestly don't know what I expected out of this experience, but it wasn't this. When I played Divergent, the cast was about 70-80% active throughout an entire day. But this time, it's only active about 25% of the day. The only two people who even say or do anything are Giruga and Dianna, the two people I dislike the most. I have to work from ground up with building relationships with these people because I haven't been present to do that from the start, and I'm worried that my window of opportunity has closed up already. I wanna get the two of them into a chat where we can stick together as the active people of the game (so far). If I have it my way, we can vote off William or whatever his name is. Even though Layla and Kat are more useless than he is, I think he's trying to be deceptive about everything (saying he's NEVER played orgs before, or how he has NO idea how to make alliances) while most people just conceal their personal lives. I find it difficult to socialize too and I have shared these laments with Dianna in the past because we both know it's difficult to engage in proper conversation with others without unintentionally giving ourselves away. I hate that. And also, this game is helping me finally go over the bridge for ORGs. I truly think this will be my final experience, and so far I don't have hopes that it'll be a good one. I'm at a crossroads with these games and my personal life, because I can only take one path, no turning back. I want to say that at the end of this, I'm ready to move on. I'm ready to be happy again. I don't know if I'm here for the right reasons, but let's just try to make it right.
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I'm actually... very happy with the flag I made. Imagine if I win this challenge for our tribe after not being here for the last 2? Come on redemption arc!
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I wish I knew what was happening. I've gone days without being able to get on Skype bc of the toilet incident. It wouldn't surprise me if they just vote me out lmao
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Going to tribal sucks but hopefully the outcome favors my game. 
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WHEWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won for our tribe.... and now I'm gonna get them to send me to the devils hole so I can search out some idols bicth yes!
Alex? Barely know him but an Icon! My time at the Devils Hole was short. I found nothing, but my main goal was to find new potential alliances if we swap. As I said.. It was short so idk if I was allthat successful. 
Tribe swap has occurred...
This is so ICONIC!! I got Bianca to pick Alex.. who I'm good with from Devils Hole I got Alex to pick ME I got to pick Gabby.. my ally from my tribe I got HER to pick Giruga who seems like I could get him on my side I LOVE BEING A MASTERMIND!
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We swapped last night while I was away which is fine I'm still with Jenny. We've got work to do since everyone else comes from the same tribe but that's ok bc I found an idol! My first ever idol in my org career oh boy. I'm not telling anyone yet bc idk if I really trust Jenny or Alex completely yet, we'll see 
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I'm really nervous about tribal if we go or we lose bc if we win Giruga could go home but if we win there's a chance the other 3 might have an idol
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So Giruga and I were talking He seems pretty cool and someone I could work with. He's the only one from his old tribe on this tribe so I think I could easily swoop him up. I am worried about the other 4 on our tribe noticing that us 3 Panamint members are close. I wanna work with Alex but I'm worried about his bonds with the other Zabrinskie members. Sooo yeah I'm just trying to make a deal with Giruga rn and hopefully if we go to tribal I'm in majority and my edit stays good! (I'm hoping CP4.... Last episode I better have gotten a positive edit and the one before that I probably got a negative one when Paul went home)
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so i was late to the merge party... oops. i like the newbies on my tribe and i also like that now we're at one world, i can get to know everyone now! 
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So one world, huh? That's a thing. Interesting to finally meet all these people and see what their like. I need to start making alliances, otherwise I'm screwed.
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I...  Giruga and I are flirting by sending dog memes to one another I'm----   anyway, maybe this means that we can swing him over to our side to dominate the vote. ;) 
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A fucking tribe swap, and one world. Imagine that. At least now I can start getting a feel for everyone that wasn't originally on Panamint. I've been talking to Dianna a bit because I remember going to DH with her, but sadly she isn't on my tribe so I can't really align myself with her. The bright side is that my alliance with Misty and Gabby (queens!) is all on the same tribe as me. If we can pull in another member of our tribe we could have the numbers to control votes if we ever have to go to tribal. Bless for making me a captain <3 <3 <3
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Dianna HAS to be either Dom, Nick or Nic.  Or Ashley but I'm betting it's Dom.  Dianna and I worked close together in Festive BB, and then it was revealed that she was a catfish played by Ashley >.>.  I don't think Ashley would play her again but Dianna's handwriting looks a lot like Dom's now and Dianna, then Ashley and I were a duo until she cut me at final 3 after winning the final HOH!   but I've played two games with Dom, hosted him once and he's hosted me once, I KNOW HIS TYPING STYLE AND the putting 'ME' after everything anywhere, that has to be him and I'm taking notes.  
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So we lost.. it sucks. However it gives me more air time so? I love a good bright side! Anyway, of course Gabby/Bianca and I start talking. Apparantly Alex/Kai are pulling her into an alliance. Alex is cancelled. I mean.. how dare he not include me. But anyway. Adelaide may not have spoken to me yet but... Kai, I've got my eyes on you. For now I'm gonna work on Giruga wish me luck!
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my alliance didnt want to throw this, but I did. so I performed poorly. I submitted a score of about 3000, which isn't great by any means. If my tribe loses, I'll claim that my second submission (of about 5000) was not scored and I'll make a very public argument over it. of course, the hosts cannot do anything, and effectively send my tribe to tribal council :) then, I'll flip on the old titus bitches and send one of them home (PROBABLY Kat because I don't like the game she plays) I want to go the distance with William and Dianna and Giruga, but Kat is way too unknown for me to ever trust her enough to keep her around. I'll start talking to the three other people on the tribe and hopefully get them to turn their sights from the bigger threats of Will and Dianna. For my strategy, Will and Dianna will be the perfect shields to take into another swap but also the merge. They've got numbers swarming them and I want to minimize our status as threats by having five of our original tribe members going into a merge, and I know that I'll be deceiving them bad, but I hope they don't hold a grudge. Although I'm turning over a new leaf as a player by truly wanting to stay loyal to big threats, I'm still playing the same, old, jaiden way
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At this point I don't even have to try at challenges bc I'm always on the winning team *giggles*
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Giruga just told me he wants to work with me and the other neutrals Which is the best news I could've heard right now!!!!! I trust him a lot and him plus us three makes four. Tbh I don't really care who goes home between Kai or Adelaide or Alex at this point. I'm just excited to have numbers 
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IT ONLY TOOK LIKE 800 TIMES AT THE DEVILS HOLE BUT I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING GAME CHANGING. I have the ruby idol, which could automatically makes a rocks situation if I feel festive enough for it. Hopefully I won't be in a position to use it for a while since I now have an alliance with Misty/Gabby/Giruga in addition to my alliance with Misty and Gabby. I feel good about having majority on the tribe, but I'm trying to stay close to Dianna since she's on the other tribe. I think I'm gonna give her my glow stone when I'm done with it, so that way I can prove that I trust her. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake.
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Aaaa whatwhat isit haopening?!?!!?
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I can't make a video right now, but in the event that I get voted out tonight I just wanted to say a few things. So far I've aligned myself with the Neutral tribe and I'm really hoping I'm not being screwed over... because I seriously want to work with them, especially if it means down the line I can flip the game on old Titus. Please just let me survive my first actual tribal!!!!
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Help I am being held hostage and the only way to get my freedom is if I make a confessional.
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0 notes
survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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I wanna establish myself as a strong force in this game. When people open skype web and remember they have to be active here I want them to think, "Oh I gotta deal with that bitch Misty too" And I intend on getting to the bottom of who voted for me... Paul [Kage]
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Guess who helped start a new alliance! :) Basically Kat, William and I are part of a 3 person alliance called "The Chaos Crew". I feel fairly comfortable working with these two because they both said they were supposedly new to ORGs (don't 10000% buy it), also it would be in all of our interests to stick to a 3 person alliance to make sure that if in the case we do attend tribal we can at least tie if not be in the majority. 
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I don't really understand this cast. They're really bad aliases. Yikes... I was talking to that one guy on my tribe with the normal-sounding name and I told him I didn't like making small talk because everyone is "fake". Then he said "I'm not fake! I promise". So I responded that it's not like anyone is fake in *that* way, but it's because of the alias thing... then he thought I was asking him for an alliance. What the fuck. Then he exposed to me that he's NEVER played orgs before and he's SO out of the loop, which might be true, but I don't want to take any chances. I think he's just bad at playing dumb.
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I'm glad that Marco is gone, but I can't help but wonder who voted for Misty.  I hope she doesn't think it was me.  
chick fil a for everyone, it's raining fries, hallelujah!   I have to remember Sunday that I can't be working if I'm not around because Chick fil a does not run on Sundays, I can feel myself forgetting already. 
Misty and I want to work together for the long run, and I'm already scared I'm going to tell her too much info and she'll figure out who I am.  On another note, I noticed the viewing lounge the other day and I wonder if Issy is playing in this, because she's in the VL.  I'm pretty sure she hates me?  We played Arabia together and I lied to her a lot and blindsided her a lot and I think it would be SO FUNNY if we were working together in this, I almost feel like maybe she's Mattie? Thinking back she reminded me of Issy a bit. 
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Girl Idk but if we lose I'm voting off the biggest threat in our tribe now that's the tea!
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I want Paul out tbh. Me/Bianca/Gabby/Mattie alliance would be the dream. I wanna take control of this tribe. Idk what has gotten into me but I wanna be like Sandra in Game Changers. If we lose, I do plan on making a fake account for Paul and making some fraudulent receipts of him saying he wants Gabby out................... Whatever it takes, you know?
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i honestly keep forgetting im in this game! rip me! and also like i think im gonna start impersonating karen so people think I'm her
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Nothing has happened yet
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Ummm, so ummm, unmmm, I have no idea what tribal will be like tomorrow
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Note to self: NEVER PISS LOGAN OFF.  <3 Paul has got to go, I liked him better when his account wasn't working.  Also I think I figured out who he is because he kept putting a different name instead of Paul when we were doing the challenge.  I don't know that person outside of this game though and can't remember what he said his name was to save my life.   I hope that maybe Misty, Bianca, Mattie and I can vote together to get Paul out of this game, his smart mouth is going to ruin it for all of us.  He was also the more pissy person towards Mattie when she was messing up.  And true, I was lowkey annoyed with her too but then she told us she had dyscalculia and one of my friends has that, and I could see how this challenge could be difficult for her. We should have started it YESTERDAY, i felt like suggesting it but I just... never did.  UGH, I'm so ready for a switch or something, Panamint is dropping like flies and I just hope I'm in a good enough spot to stay another round. 
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This tribe is?? Interesting I guess. We don't communicate like at all. Nobody answers pms (including me) and when we do it's like very vague and messy. Alex sends haha every other word and it makes it very hard to see if he's serious or not? I like Jenny she seems cool hopefully we can work together but the rest of this tribe idk 
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We just lost.. and of course I was the only one to NOT participate. I'm sure I'm on the chopping block, because at this point I'm pretty sure there's no inactives to hide behind. I'm still gonna push for Paul to go home though. Maybe not be as aggressive as I planned to be.. but I will try to make it work. I trust in Bianca and Gabby so hopefully they keep me safe!
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So we lost. Which I expected. And I originally thought I'd be the target, since I fucked up so much we kept having to go back. But Tanner never showed up to participate and everyone has to participate so we lost for that reason instead. Which means that I'm a little safer than I was before, and Tanner is most likely going home. I hope. I'm kind of glad he fucked up tbh, because I think we would've gone either way and now I get to be safe.
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Now this is the truth tea and I can't wait to see all my devious villains with me at merge bc it's obvious the other two tribes are stupid enough to actually win a challenge *giggles* 
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I think everything is peaceful right now but I just hope everything isn't under the table and no one is targeting me.
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Nobody wants to be the first person to throw out a name! It's so annoying! Nothing is happening! Wait, maybe they have an alliance *facepalm*
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I dunno what I said last, but I think it was to the effect of I really suck at that flash game and I hope that the people on my tribe are better at it than I am. And... they were! They were actually a lot better than I was at it and I think one person (Alex maybe??) made up the difference of my failings We won the immunity challenge and avoided the first vote off of the season because that's what you do when you're immune I guess. Anyway, it looked like the Panamint tribe that did the worst decided to vote off their inactive player to increase their chances of success. I'm assuming this will be the strategy for most tribes moving forward anyway. 
The reward challenge was the degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon thing that is always really fun - I did the best I could at it so that I would look like an asset to my team... perhaps. Gotta plant those seeds that I'm of value so people will start inviting me to be part of their alliances and I'll become less likely to get the boot. We lost, but luckily it was just reward and then Kai went back to the Devil Hole to dig for an idol or something. So.. maybe Kai has an idol now? At the moment, I'm not too bothered because I don't think that I have given them any reason to play it.
Next challenge rolls its ugly head out of bed and I can see myself crying. I literally wanted to sit out of this one because I hate these types of challenges. They make my knees weak and my heart break. It's a counting endurance challenge... WITH A TWIST ™ because you can only respond with odds on odd minutes and evens on even minutes... and I wasn't online to ask to sit out so I get to help count!! Rather than um... being a flop I decided to OVER DO so that people will want to pull me into potential future alliances since these challenges are the opportunity to bond over the fact that you hate your life.
This dude named Tanner who Kai and some other people keep calling Eddie (suspicious?? I dunno, nor do I care tbh.. just weird honestly) didn't participate in the challenge at all and has more or less disappeared. While concerning because people disappearing is not necessarily a good thing, it has made the first vote an easy target. Our tribe needs strength and somebody that we can't rely on to play is definitely the opposite of desirable. Also! Fun facts! Alex and I worked really closely and very consistently on this challenge and we shared with each other afterward that we were each equally glad to have someone to rely on throughout the thing... and then Alex did some weird alliance pitching thing that made me slightly uncomfortable. They were like.. "We could be more ;)" and I was like... stop with the wink face and just ask if I want to ally with you. It's giving me creeper vibes. So we decided to form an alliance and to pull in Wash as a third so that we will be able to control votes moving forward. I guess that'll be something... assuming it sticks and is successful and all of the other permutations are fun... also, given Jenny's chaotic nature she's probably going to out this alliance the moment she gets to a swap so she can stab them in the back.
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I feel bad for not doing reward fuck i might go home fuck this
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Ok, so episode 2 in a nut shell... Kat, William and I started a 3 person alliance called the Chaos Crew which is kinda cute I guess, hopefully since there are 3 people in the alliance it will secure them as a number more. Then we had the reward competition which was the wikipedia thing and my type A personality legit did the entire comp for our tribe. I really wanted us to win and have a possibility of being sent to satan's asshole. So we won!!!! And we got an idol clue :) also I convinced them to let me go to the hole. I decided thatd itd be smart to send the same people as last week because itd put a larger target on their back and if they found an advantage it would at least be in a known area.  Basicalllllly, I found this cute Zirusikisisiaasdas Idol which works as a normal idol but also randomly gives another person protection, but my ass tried and tell most people that I found nothing (a rock). This is good for the most part unless it chooses the person I am trying to idol out. Then we had the reward comp which was the ugliest fucking counting endurance comp ive ever had to do. So basically, Giruga, Justin, and I did the majority of the competition even though I was on a fucking road trip on mobile so that was wild. Layla legit did little to nothing which made the entire tribe kind of mad, thus theyd be an easy vote in a future tribal probs. I think Giruga and I working on this competition and communicating during it made was a lot more beneficial for our relationship... basically I suggested that we made a good team in the comp and I was wondering if he'd want to work together and he said yes!!! So im basically working with everybody on the fucking tribe whew. We won immunity because we are the only tribe to finish it which has me shook, but that means we have a significant advantage going into a future tribe swap or merge :). I have feeling that next episode is going to be a tribe swap, but we will see!
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I was told to make a confessional. Also I'm going to make an alliance so if I'm gone you'll know why.
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So....we lost....again. But it's no sweat this round because I have my alliance with Gabby and Misty, which gives us majority. I love a good majority. The plan is to vote out Paul because he is literally a mess and a half. After that disaster is handled, we can hopefully move forward and not have to go to tribal again. I'm really praying that I can go to Devil's Hole again because now that I have my glow stone i have better chances of maybe finding something that could really turn my game around. But who knows? Only time will tell
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I swear, i'm a good egg, i'm going to make a confessional whenever i'm asked to. :o) Okay so....  I just got asked to join an alliance with Paul and Mattie...  now I'm going to have two alliances, how exciting is this gonna be. Time to start making some choices and hope for a swap because someone is going to know i was playing both sides soon! 
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Well fuck me with an Iron Dildo I think it worked!
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If I go home this round... I just........... It doesn't feel natural. I GUESS it's my fault for not being on skype all day yesterday/today but? I was busy. Whatever. If I stay, Mattie better watch the fuck out. They think they can vote me out? Surprise bitch
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0 notes
survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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I am so excited to be competing! Everyone seems like such nice people and I can't wait to play in the challenges and do my very best!
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Mattie is such a Basic Bitch(TM) and it's killing me. Like I'm not that great of an actress, I am a superb liar but I am a shitty actress. Why? because humor is the only thing that keeps me from going insane and I made Mattie such a basic bitch that she can't use any of my "quirks" or fun thoughts and theories. And now Mattie just mentioned death by dehydration, motherfucker! I am so going to be first boot it's not even funny. UwU
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I just wanna talk about my feelings about being on the neutral tribe... I do consider myself on the Chaotic Neutral/Chaotic Good side of things. The chaos comes from my crazy emotions. I'm a Pisces so I'm sensitive and emotional. Also I'm actually kinda happy about being on a tribe of 6 people. I NATURALLY gravitate towards Bianca. I know who Paul is cause he slipped up in the tribe chat. So I feel good :)
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OK SO i said i was retired but i adore logan and i wanna see what i can do without my baggage of the past that fukt me in ts all stars so phew. the people on my team seem chill, idk why but for some reason i get the feeling that theyre younger than me which doesnt make sense since im only 20 but anyway. I know that i type very specially and use phrases a lot so its gonna be hard to stop doing that bc if any of these people know me at all its gonna be a dead giveaway! 
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So I've spent all day at Disney World today and I finally get back to the hotel and come online to speak to my tribe.  No one has talked to me one on one yet so... yeah,  no idea.  I said in the main chat I just got off work and I checked online to see Chick-fil-a's hours to make sure my story checked out too. :* We'll see what happens, on to figuring out this challenge!
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First off: When I read this... Confess your sins, your dirty-dirty bad bads, your evil twisted thoughts here. It made me think of the dialogue in a bad porno. Second off: I do quite enjoy the concept of this alias season. I like the idea of going into the game as a fresh face with a fresh personality and playing along with other people that I don't have any idea of. It kind of rekindles the fun that I have when I get to play in seasons with newbies. Then, of course, I remember that these are not newbies so some of that fire loses a little oxygen. But, I'll try to convince myself that we're all playing for the first time. 
So far I've noticed a few things about my tribemates. I don't think anything can be applied specifically to the individual given that I haven't really reached a stage to call people out... but, some of them are hung up on the fact that this a catfish season. When messaging them they tell me that it's awkward and when I tell them that the dog in my profile picture is my dog Donut they ask if it is "for real". I'm trying to play up this characters of Jenny for them because I thought that was the goal and I need these people to get on board.
Wow, that last bit probably makes me come off as quite the rude person. Yikes! I need to get over myself a little. I get that easing ones self into a new situation can be challenging... sooo I'll give them a shot while continuing to respond to any and all questions and comments as Jenny would.
So far I think my favorite people are Tanner, Kai, and Adelaide. I'd like to think I'd enjoy Wash as well but they went to bed shortly after starting communication with me. I don't think (so far as I know and god I hope not) that anyone has come up with a plan to ally yet so I'm just going to continue chatting to get my feelers in those waters.
Hopefully Jenny will appear charming enough to begin allying with these people. She needs some throats to slit later down the road and can only start to burn the bridges once she's built them - unfortunately!
Alright, so I wanted to show my excitement at this game because I've played a real-life version called Tsuro with my friends where you are dragons and I'm hugely board game obsessed... but that's nowhere in Jenny's character and I don't feel like making any content about her up unless I absolutely have to! Also, I was being truthful when I said the challenge is hard... like, I guess I'm having some difficulties processing the path or something because I keep crashing absurdly early. I'm hoping that by tomorrow when others have played it they will be able to talk me through getting a decent score so our tribe doesn't have to go and I won't have to face the possibility of being first boot (which is likely).
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Ok! So basically, Kat just asked me for an alliance??? It's legit night one like chill, but obviously I ain't gunna turn down an ally so i'll play along. I was like "OMG YAHHH I NEVER HAVE ALLIES ON SURVIVOR ORGS" hopefully that makes her think im like a 100% on board... in realist im like 40% on board. It's SHADee as FUCK to try and propose an alliance so early... Also, Giruga (or whatever) is legit annoying as fuck. I think ever sentence he has said thus far has the word "bro" in it? Like can you not be annoying as fuck for no reason... I get it is an alias season, but they dont give you no free pass to be as obnoxious as possible. Praying we win this challenge... hopefully get first because I could totally use a reward with possibility of an advantage in the game. GIMME THAT IDOL. If we do happen to lose I cant wait for the ugly bro culture of Giruga to be the first boot this season deserves.
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Honestly I love my tribe and everyone seem so nice  Not knowing who people really are is kinda crazy but I'll get use to it. 
That challenge was crazy and I'm glad it's almost over with. 
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I'm bored so I'm just gonna... make another confessional. What does this alias twist mean to me? I wanna be able to make the most of it and be able to play the game I'm never capable of playing as my real self. As who am actually am I suck at seperating emotion and strategy so I'm gonna try to be as emotionless as possible, which I actually think will be easy considering idk who anyone is....... except 2 people perhaps. Anyway time to flop at this challenge xoxox give me a good edit please
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i'm typing like gabby bc i don't wanna get out of practice. why is it that the only person that talks to me is misty? bianca i c that u're on and you don't respond to me you're the first person im gonna target. i swear i've sent a 'hey' message to every1 on my tribe and the only one that responded was MISTY.  then marco or whatever his name is hasn't even accepted my friend request yet... i see how it is.
I mean I figured we didn't do fantastic but losing by over half.... sucks.  a lot.  Misty and uh.... someone else just called Marco out for not accepting anyones friend request... maybe that means we can vote him out this round to ensure I stay. :) 
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I forgot we were the Titus tribe but then I realized we got 2nd so I am very proud of my tribe! We did it yay!
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So we just got 2nd and are immune this week I'm so happy. Whoever gets voted out will be crazy bc no one wants to be first boot but the weakest should go!
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So, not only does Kat approach me as an alliance, but i just got approached by William and Layla, too? Damn I cant believe im winning this game :))) Anyway, supposedly Kat and William are ORG newbies? Not sure if that is a lie, but that doesnt shrink their targets by any means... Also thank the fucking survivor gods this Bro bitch aint on our tribe for the next 20 hours!!!! I hope he burns in the Devil's butthole along with his meninst culture.
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So UMMMM I'm gonna just spearhead this plan to get Marco out cause he hasn't spoken... at all. I'm not afraid to take control of my tribe at this point cause the inacts gotta go. Mattie/Gabby are both pretty active so I wanna work with them. Bianca's my goddess so I wanna work with her too. It sucks she got removed or else I would've formed a majority with them. Rn I'm telling everyone "If you watch out for me I'll do the same for you blah blah blah" and making deals w/ everyone because that's how I play! Let's hope it works out xoxoxo
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okay, i've been trying to be a super sleuth to figure out these identities...  I really think that Misty is really Nic.  Misty is from Georgia and Nic is from Georgia, and I think they are from around the same area.  Nic knows that I am from Georgia and now he knows that Gabby is from Georgia too so I hope he doesn't put it together, I think that I'm typing differently enough and I lowkey think he believes that whoever is behind Gabby really works at chick fil a because I've been doing my homework. I'm not sure who Mattie is yet, but I'm having a hard time NOT mentioning how much I love Glee because then I think people would obviously know who I am- or they would think that I'm Ashley Sarah, but Mattie was talking about Scream Queens and I desperately wanted to say I LOVE LEA MICHELE but I kept my cool. I lowkey think that Mattie might be Pippa though, they remind me of each other.   Everyone else....?  I still have no idea. 
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Not much has happened so far. I've talked to a few people but nothing has really moved forward. I was happy to go to the devil's hole, although I didn't end up finding anything. I'm glad I got a chance to meet people from the other tribes though. It was interesting to find out that they have people who haven't even spoken in tribe chat yet? That's crazy. Also it's fun to try to guess who's who. I mean, it's possible I don't even already know the people on my tribe, but it's still fun to try to figure out who they could be. I haven't really gotten there yet. Although I wonder if Alex Raine is a bit new to the community because he's a comp beast, yet he's showing it and making it obvious and making himself a target. I don't know, he seems cool and we've talked a bit, but come merge that could be tricky for him. In terms of alliances, there aren't any yet that I'm really aware of, but Jenny and Alex are the only ones I've talked to that much and I'd be happy to work with them, despite being a little nervous that Alex is a target. He's nice and hopefully his social game is as good as his physical.
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aaaaa  i got 378 score   aaaa
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Bye I'm going home today...  I'm shook at how fast this game started and I saw in the tribe chat that people were complaining that I hadn't added anyone yet but I didn't get any contact requests from any of them either hm!! Anyway unless I can pull myself out of the dirt somehow I'm totally screwed right now... im an easy target bc I was not here the first day and easy targets are always just easy to vote out the first week rip...
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Nothing really. I haven't acted on my plans of being an aggressive player this season, so maybe I'll adapt and get a new strategy going later. Good luck to me
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Right now I feel like a mess because I keep forgetting to check skype and missing important stuff. But right now the general consensus according to Misty is to vote out Marco because he literally does not exist and hasn't added any of us. I love a good first round flop. I feel like if I start showing my fabulous personality I could have a good shot at surviving if we go to tribal again, however people might be weary of me now that I've gone to the Devil's Hole, even though I got nothing. Rob wouldn't even let me keep the rock. :'(
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I can't believe I'm pippa 
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these bitches are so bland and boring BYE
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Why did I make Kat so happy and grammatically correct all the time I'm so used to keyboard smashing like jsjsjahajak. I literally cringe every time I add an exclamation point like pls... settle down... I regret this so much nnnn. Anyways- The people I'm closest to rn are Dianna and William because we have an alliance. I'm also good with Giruga, but that's probably because he's such a talkative person-- and so is Dianna. It's really important for me to show my worth to these people so they don't target me because social players run the early premerge. I think I'm doing a pretty good job of that so far. I'm also playing it off like this is my first time playing an org, which will make me seem less threatening. I don't really know if that'll play off since we're all catfish, but I figure the more utr I am right now the better. 
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Well, I can't get into my Paul account so I'm probably being voted out. Peace ✌️ 
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
Now to what we’ve all been waiting for... who did you vote for tonight?
(Just kidding - you already know! But let’s make it public.)
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Wash aka Abbey Culpepper - 20
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Hello everyone its me Abbey! Im just a gentle gay who loves dogs and scary movies and crushing dreams! If yall dont know me I'm 20, im from canada and you can follow my dog in insta @raisinghec
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Giruga Mesh aka Joe Kendrick - 25
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
Now let’s reveal our middle group - the jurors. 
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Gabby aka Ruthie - 28
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Hey I'm Ruthie... or should I say Gabby? I'm from Georgia but I am not a full time student and I also do not work at Chick-fil-a although I do love it! I'm a support teacher at a middle school and work with kids that have special needs. I love art, glee, reality tv, Disney World and shopping! I had a great time playing this season and I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast!
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Mattie Von Gooey aka Kendall - 19
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Tis I! Your local Ancho Capitalist Kendall aka Mattie Von Gooey, I am told I played in this season but it has been repressed along with my childhood.
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Jenny Taylia aka Chips - 25
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Tanner East aka Sarah Lynn - 20 (Arctic Circle - Winner)
Hey Whatsup its Sarah!!! Aka flop of this season aka winner of the first season. Let me just say that I hated all of you, and y'all are annoying af fakes. Cant wait to see who I'm voting for to win and sit beside me in the winners seat U BITCHES
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Dianna Am aka Nick - 17 
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Hey everyone! I am Nick and I played as queen Dianna this season :) It was a wild rollercoaster and although there are a ton of things I would change if I could go back I am proud of my messy ass game because I am usually not a survivor ORG'er. See y'all in Second chances ;)
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Misty Ree aka Nic - 17
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Hi I'm Nic. I should've won but y'all knew that already. Yes I was a bitch this season but I always am.
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Kai aka Daisy - 17
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hi! my name is daisy and i like dogs, bad movies and bad jokes. can't wait to see who the rest of the cast is!! <3
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Bianca McCarthy aka Madison - 18
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me looking at my failed gameplay
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Alex Raine aka Julia Woods - 19 (Arctic Circle - Runner Up)
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
Let’s meet the first group of catfish, our pre-jurors.
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Marco Polough aka Renee - 21
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Paul White aka Kage Hamilton - 15
I'm Kage and I can't play two ORGs at the same time
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Layla C aka Eric - 16
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Hey guys it's ur first quitter Eric, I chose Layla c cus I'm iconic. I quit because my vacation cut my time. I would of stayed if I wasn't on vacation but oh well. Btw props to whoever chose Jenny Taylia that's the best name
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Adelaide aka Pippa C - 17 (Arctic Circle - 5th place)
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Justin Kaplan aka Jaiden - 20 
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Katarina Hale aka Carson C - 18
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Katarina says hello! I wish I could have been more active, but my phone broke while I was out of town so I physically couldn’t get on Skype. I had a lot of fun while it lasted though!
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William Hut aka Mason - 18
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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I want to thank all of you for your questions. They were fun and challenging to try and answer. I also want to thank all of you for coming into this finale with an open mind for who should win. It makes the game way more fun and exciting to know that there’s a chance I screwed up big time and could potentially fall short after everything I’ve done. This has been a wild game and it’s kept me up some nights as I try to think how I could have done things differently. I’m super excited to get to know exactly who I was playing with this whole time and be blown away by the cast reveal. I’ve enjoyed getting to play and plot against everyone this whole time. I tried my best to play a Chaotic game and I feel like I succeeded at the end of the day. Now my fate falls into your hands and I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that I’ve convinced enough of you that I played the better game. I suck at closing speeches off so I’ll leave you all with something I said at the start of the game. Do you vape bro?
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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After seeing all of your questions side by side it's clear to me that the general consensus is that I didn't take very much care in playing this game. I put my heart and soul into this game, I've been struggling lately and I wanted to put my focus on something and that was this game. Once I made merge I decided to do whatever it took to get here and I did. Whether you agree or not with my method you have to admit it was successful since I'm sitting here right now. I stayed loyal when I had to and I flipped when the time came to flip. I stayed flexible and I adapted. Changing your play style mid game isn't easy but I made it work. Giruga played an incredible game I can't deny that. He played a lowkey game, he remained in the majority alliance until it didn't benefit him anymore and he flipped, very similarly to what I did. The only difference is I flipped sooner than he did. No matter who wins I'm proud of the game I played. I wouldn't change very much about anything. I own up to everything, everyone I lied to or flipped on or said I would take to the end and didn't. If Giruga wins it will be deserved and I will be proud of him. Giruga I hope we can be friends after this, I have a respect for you now I didn't expect to have when this game started. I hope I've made friends in some of you because despite the alias barrier I feel like I made some genuine connections. I hope you'll consider all that I've said and think about me when you cast your votes. See y'all on the other side.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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IDK what the fuck is going on so… Giruga please redo your jury statement with at least 40% less ‘bros’ Wash come up with as many puns of your name as possible. Peace out bitches!
Wash’s answer:
-brain wash the jury to vote for me
-gonna wash this vote
- Wash this space, i'm about to win
- You better wash yourself, dont vote for me and I'll come for you
- Wash up with you?
- if we have any drama, we need to wash (squash) it
- need a jacket? What about a mackinwash
- I would never cower away from a big move and wash flee from the scene. I was unafraid
- Whats my wash key to success? Thats a secret
- Please vote for me. I'd be full of wash glee
- Award me the million dollar prize! We can go on a shopping wash b
- I was never afraid to call people out. I'd always spill the wash tea
- this game was a constant race. A constant grand wash prix
Giruga’s answer: "I want to thank everyone involved with this season. It’s been really fun to play make-believe with everyone and distract myself for over a month now. I’ve loved every minute of this game and have taken it as seriously as I can…. hence never really breaking character until answering these jury questions.This game started for me at the application process. I had to think up a new identity, something that I could easily play, but also something that could mask myself from other players and throw them completely off my trail to who I really was. I probably put the most amount of thought into creating Giruga Mesh… more so than probably a good chunk of the cast. I decided to go in the direction of a big dumb dude bro. It was something that yes, would get on people’s nerves, but at the same time I would be overlooked later on down the road. I chose the name Giruga Mesh because it’s actually the name of a Japanese band… which also happens to be a meme as well, Girugamesh. It was all, in my mind, basically a big trollolo running joke for me that no one really picked up on… besides Tanner I think.I came into the game knowing a few things that I was going to do. Lie if I ever needed to, because from the get go we were all lying about who we really were. Vote out Allies if needed, I knew I wasn’t going to be bogged down by allies and if they didn’t do what I wanted then I didn’t really need them. Be social and annoying, this was a given and also for playing the long game. I knew if I wanted to stick around early on in the game I needed to be social. I also knew that yes it was dangerous to play the annoying bro angle, but if I some how managed to make it to merge then people were going to overlook me because I was annoying as hell in the early stages of the game. I was just a dumb dude bro and of course people could take me out later on down the road.I instantly aligned myself with Dianna and William, the two most social players on Titus. Dianna, by the way she spoke, I knew if she made merge she would be targeted because she was so damn likable. Which was good for me because I could hide behind that. William was pretty crazy and I knew if something happened against him then I could hide behind William as well as he went off on people. It came as no surprise to me that each of these players wanted a final two with me. I of course said yes and thought I would be okay if we ever went to tribal.Then the tribe swap happened and my first thoughts were I was going to be okay because Dianna or William will pick me. Neither of them picked me and it left a bad taste in my mouth… So I had to make new relationships and it just so happened that I had been hamming it up with Misty, when we were all waiting at one world for the tribes to swap. I had been told that Titus wanted the majority on one tribe so they could purposely lose challenges and vote out the other tribes. I figured that was just a pipe dream…. and sure enough I was basically forced to start my social connections from scratch.I instantly connected with Gabby and Misty, two of the most social players on New Zabriskie. Alex talk to me too and I did like him, but no one else on the Lawful side bothered to approach me. I wanted Alex to stick around because I liked him, but I decided it was best for my game if I went along with the Neutrals for the first round. There was tension I could sense a little bit from the Neutrals, that I wasn’t sensing from the Lawful players. So while this was happening Dianna approached me and asked if she needed her tribe to throw the immunity challenge. Of course I said yes, but shortly after I’m told the old Titus members don’t feel like throwing it. I was pissed as hell, your side has the damn numbers why not throw it? Why was this option offered to me if in the end it wasn’t going to happen? It felt like I was just an after thought to old Titus. If I got voted out it would just be collateral damage. Oops we knew you might be in danger, but oh well not our problem. This only solidified my game plan, flip, lie, no allies.Adelaide made an off hand comment about the scores in the immunity challenge and I took full advantage of that. I put the target on Adelaide and she was gone. After that Gabby wanted to flip and I took advantage of that too. I set my sights on a social and physical threat and pulled the trigger. The merge came and I knew I was in a little bit of hot water with Alex. I was pulled into an alliance with Bianca, Misty, Dianna, and William. To try and show Alex I wanted to work with him I told him this alliance was voting Kai and I told him exactly who was in this alliance. What I didn’t expect was Alex to go directly to Dianna and rat me out to her. Luckily for me I was able to play it off as I was stupid and trying to get numbers down the line. I don’t think Dianna bought it, but I knew after this week I was going to have to cool my heels for a few rounds. Because the target on my back was huge. Luckily for me what I told Alex worked in our favor and it cause confusion on the other side. Names were being thrown around and no one even saw the torpedo aimed directly at RMS Jenny.From there I cut communication with Alex and tried to stand back for a few rounds. I was clearly a big target when everyone targeted the last tribal council. However that target shrunk a little when Touchy Subjects rolled around. I was lucky enough to not get any of the good categories and kind of blend in with the background. A plan was formed to flush Wash’s idol and get Kai voted out… However, I’m not 100% sure how it happened, but after talking to Wash a new plan was formed to take out Tanner. Misty and Bianca were in on this plan, but when I expressed concern as to why we were targeting Tanner I was basically told to shut up and do as I was told or risk screwing things up. I didn’t like being told what to do and it was clear to me that Misty and Bianca were setting in motion a plan to break up Titus, but I couldn’t do much about it. So instead I voted Alex out of defiance because I was not going to be told to shut up and vote a way if no one was explaining how voting Tanner benefitted me.Next up was the cut the rope challenge and I was out of that one early… which to me said I was still a pretty big target… I knew my time with Titus was ticking away and I was hoping that if an attack on us was coming I wasn’t going to take the hit. Surprisingly everyone made a smart move and voted out Dianna… but I was left out of the loop on that one, so I tried my best to just sit back and see what would happen now. To my surprise William quit and it created the perfect opportunity for me. I was now a guy in the center of two sides. I was a wild card and I could freely flip around without a third party to worry about.I was approached by Alex, surprisingly, to go against Misty. At the same time I had Misty coming to me wanting to know what I wanted to do. I took advantage of this position to plot my next moves carefully. It became very clear to me that Misty was the more dangerous party… what again surprised me was how Wash also wanted to work with me, and that created even more options for me.After a long talk with Wash I learned of Misty’s boot list and how after Kai I was the next one to go. Lucky for me Kai and Alex already wanted to vote Misty, so I told Wash there was a big possibility of rocks so she should play her idol. Wash took my advice and when the votes tied she listened to me and voted Misty at the revote.From there it was a matter of forming an anti Kai and Alex alliance with the remaining players. From there I bounced back and forth until only myself and Wash now remain. I cam into this game with a plan of attack and I feel like I’ve succeeded. I might make it sound easy, but towards the end I had to win challenges if I wanted to keep myself safe to say to all of you how much effort and work I’ve put into this game. I would hope that now I have convinced you that everything I’ve done had a purpose and that I should gain your vote to win.”
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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hey guys its jenny here to reflect on the game and ask u some questions about it!
based on ur opening speeches it looks 2 me like u guys had a good time playing and that u guys both had very good strategies to get u 2 the end of the game so thats good that not 1 of u is the clear loser
u r both great people that i got the chance 2 meet and if i could do it over again id hope to have the chance 2 meet u a 2nd time
heres my question 4 giruga - in ur opening speech u said that both alex and me could see thru u what does that mean? also if alex could see thru u how did he make it to final 3 did he stop being a threat to u?
1 more question - how soon did u decide u could not work with me because i wanted 2 work with titus at merge but then u stopped talking 2 me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- heres my question 4 wash - u said u had a great social game so i want to kno if any1 told u that  i wanted u to go after giruga at merge
1 more question - if there was 1 thing u could have changed about what uve done in this game what would u change?
also i love u very much and hope we can be friends after this bcuz u were great
Wash’s Answer:
I don't remember anyone telling me anything about you to be quite honest. I didn't play a perfect game and I couldn't expect to be in the know about everything so no I was not informed of that.
If I could change anything about my game it would probably being less high key about telling people I'd take them to the end. I was only genuine about it once with you and dianna and after that I did it to be a villain for the heck of it. It made me look more messy than I intended. Ily2 and I can't wait to find out who you are
Giruga’s Answer:
I have been told that Alex could see I was playing a pretty good social game. To me that indicated that he could see I was playing all the sides in the game. When I told him about the alliance at merge that I was in I was expecting him to keep it to himself. However, Alex had the smarts to know to tell people that I was ratting them out, but he told Dianna who in turn told me what had happened. I got the sense that Alex could see what I was doing in the game and that’s why I had to cut communications with him. I assume the reason Alex made it to final three was because he was able to get everyone else against Dianna. I would think that he thought I was super tight with Dianna and William, and once they both left I was just a lone player that needed a new alliance. Alex was always a threat to me as long as he had Kai with him. Kai was his second in command, but they both overlooked the fact that I was going to flip all around until I was the last player standing. I don’t think Alex expected me to win the last two immunity challenges…. and I also think he thought I had pissed off enough players with my dude bro-ness that he could beat me in the end. Those are just my thoughts, but I don’t have the privilege to ask Alex if he knew what I was up to. All I have are my gut feelings that I used throughout the game.
I decided not to work with you the night I had to pick my brother up from work. I had told you something about what someone else had said and you made a comment about how fast it was for me to get a reply and know what was happening. To me that was a big red flag that you saw through my game. To me it seemed like you didn’t believe me at all and that was super threatening to me. Maybe you really were surprised and I just jumped to conclusions, but I couldn’t take that risk so when everyone was voting you I didn’t hesitate to take out a target that might see my game for what it was.. flipping and fast talking. Also I was told I was getting voted for and you were voting me, so that factored in as well.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Everyone already asked everything I wanted to know. So imma feel free to give you a task instead. If you don’t do this I’ll refuse to vote for you.
Write three lines praising logan. Three praising Luke, Rob and Carson. Only luke and logan need three lines the rest can be less (from the host… do 3 for everyone we love u)
Wash’s Answer:
Logan is one third of the best hosting team of all time. He makes me smile and laugh  and he brightens my day every time i see Logan is typing. I couldnt ask for a better Dad than him and I hope he is happy and healthy for the rest of time god bless.
Rob is also one third of the best hosting team of all time. He is my other favourite Dad, he takes such good care of his children. He is selfless and kind and generous and always there to answer questions or offer guidance (outside of the game of course).
Carson is the final third of the best hosting team of all time. He is a silent observer but is always ready to roast and I love him for it. He is a good friend, a sensitive person and the kind of person you try that little bit harder to make happy and it is a joy doing it.
Luke is a great guy, I dont know him very well but the time ive spent with him has been such a pleasure. He is an incredibly compassionate person and a devoted friend and getting to know him even through alias has been a pleasure. He should have won this game and if yall give me ur votes ill dedicate my win to him
Giruga’s Answer: 
Logan He has been super awesome this entire game and put up with a lot of my antics. He’s really one of the big reasons for why I applied because He sold me on the fact that alias seasons were fun. He also did a super awesome job picking fun challenges for this season.
Luke His father is Darth Vader probably the most bad ass villain in history. He has a robot hand that really cool. He’s also the last Jedi and that makes him wiser than most people.
Rob He has been super chill this entire game which is awesome in a host. He also knows how to cause suspense when reading votes or telling you what you found at Devils Hole, which made the game feel more alive. He also has facial hair which most guys his age would kill to have… My 19 year old brother would love to grow facial hair as effortlessly as Rob.
Carson A quiet and reserved individual, but you know he’s always watching which is cool. When he does speak it’s always pearls coming out of his mouth. His name makes me picture Carson from Survivor Philippines and I actually like that Carson too.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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i’m gonna be honest, i'm disappointed in both of your opening speeches. giruga, i know you said you didnt want to make yours too long because you didn't want a whole wall of text, but you're taking away the opportunity for someone who's on the fence to really understand your gameplay and see why they should vote for you. and wash. oh boy. at least giruga went through his specific moves! yours was just one short, vague paragraph. like you were avoiding going into detail because you didn't quite know yourself what to put in there. this opening statement makes me think that you didn't actually put much work into this game, which sucks because i know you did make a lot of moves and do a lot of different things that should've been highlighted and discussed.
to both of you: what do you think are the others biggest strengths and weaknesses in gameplay?
to wash: here's your second chance. tell me what specific moves you made throughout different points of the game. tell me what choices you made in terms of social, strategic, and physical gameplay. tell me why you truly played the best game, because if you can't do that, you don't deserve to win.
to giruga: in your opening speech, you claimed that your goal was to just latch onto people and make your way to the end by working with whoever would work with you. however, throughout the game, you prided yourself on being loyal and sticking to alliances. so my question is, was that a lie? was that for show? or were you actually trying to be loyal? and if you were, why would you not claim that in your opening speech? and a follow up - if you were trying to play a loyal game, why would you flip on me and alex to go back to people who had betrayed you, who had made it clear they had no intention of being loyal to you? oh, and one last request. try to answer these questions without saying "bro". i know it's a character thing, but please try to give some semblance of professionalism in these answers.
Wash’s Answer: 
Ok so I think Girugas best strength was knowing the way the game was going. He was a very aware player and almost always was in a majority alliance until misty and biannca flipped. He was good at worming into other alliances and making himself seem important. His weakness was in that he wasnt the easiest to communicate with. At times his character got in the way of game talk, he was very invested and that was occasionally a detriment to him.
I wrote my intro to be short on purpose because I wanted to leave room for questions. If it seems like I did it because I didn’t care I apologize because thats not what I wanted to do. I put so much time, effort and tears into this game, more than I ever have before. Anyway time to answer your question. My social strategy was basically not to ignore anyone if possible. I made my best effort to never be the one to ignore a pm. I didn’t always succeed but I think i at least tried to talk to everyone I was with in the game. Strategically I just always made sure it wasn’t me. I never put myself in a position where I was the biggest threat. I worked with people who there was a clear ‘other side’ but I worked hard to not be seen as a threat. I know that didn’t work because yall voted me a threat. But that goes to show how hard I worked to downplay it, my touchy subject never came into play in terms of tribal councils. I allied with bigger threats like Dianna and Misty so I was never the one that looked big and scary. Physically Im a flop and I’ve always been a flop but this season didn’t pick any challenges that I am horrific at so that was nice. I did my best and never made excuses. I never made excuses for anything I did in this game. I own everything I did. I don’t regret any actions I took even if some people think I should.
Giruga’s Answer:
Wash’s biggest strengths in this game was her social game. This really shined when Titus tried to flush her idol and get Kai voted out. Wash somehow went around and got the vote flipped from Kai right onto Tanner, who was a player I never would have thought was going to go that week. It caught me completely off guard and that’s when I knew I probably couldn’t just bullshit my way around Wash if I ever ended up working with her. Over a night she flipped the script and caused me to scramble to try and save Tanner. It frustrated me especially because I thought I was good with Misty and Bianca, but they wouldn’t give me a clear reason for why Tanner was going… but now I know it’s because hurricane Wash had blown into town.
Wash’s biggest weakness I feel like is her confidence. On a few occasions she has told me I’m probably winning. I’ve had to explain why I think she has a shot at beating me and I think those were points that she didn’t notice before. I think with these jury questions, and especially yours, she’ll give me a run for my money though which is why I wanted to bring her to the end.
I don’t 100% recall ever really priding myself on being loyal. If that was the vibe I gave off to people then that was by accident. I was always going to flip around as long as I was in the game. I never had any real loyalties to anyone and I was always prepared to vote out an ally if it meant I would be in a better position later on. I was only “loyal” enough to keep a target off my back, but I always assumed everyone knew I was a messy player and that I was going to flip on them. So if I gave off this sense that I was loyal then yeah it was a big fat lie, an act, a sham, and I don’t regret it. I came into the game not wanting to be bogged down by a sense of loyalty to others, especially because I knew this was an alias season and everyone was going to be lying from the get go.
I’m going to be honest here for the next part, I only used the Alex, Kai, and Giruga alliance at final six so I could break up Misty and Bianca… which right after that I made a Wash, Bianca, and Giruga alliance so I could break you and Alex up. Which meant that there would be no more pairs left at final five. I didn’t trust anyone to take me to the end… until probably final five, and even then I was nervous that Wash could potentially vote me out if she really wanted to. I broke up the pairs because in the event that it was a final two, which it turned out to be, I didn’t want to play for third because I knew you would take Alex over me and vice versa… or on the flip side Misty wold take Bianca over me and vice versa.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Okay my questions for Wash is: you seem to have made a lot of f3s in this game. Which group were you truly loyal to?
And for Giruga: why did you decide to work with Wash instead of taking the opportunity to get her out?
Wash’s Answer: 
I was most loyal to dianna. I genuinely wanted to go to the end with her but it would be beating a dead horse to tell this story again. But my plan post merge was to f3 with Jenny and dianna
Giruga’s Answer: 
I decided to work with Wash because at Final 6 there were two pairs left in the game and then there was just Wash and myself floating along. In the event that there would be a F2 I figured Misty would take you over me, and Alex would take Kai over me. Wash was the perfect player to take because if I had lost immunity to her I figured she would take me to the end. She had no reason to vote me out and I continually enforced the thought that I could possibly lose against her because I had annoyed a lot of people and made a few enemies on the jury. I didn’t want to take out a player who at the point would take me farther compared to the others…..
But that wasn’t always the case. There was that one time that Titus tried to get rid of Wash and I was on board with that plan. We were going to split the votes between Bianca and Wash and at the revote vote out Wash. I had suggested splitting the votes between Wash and someone else to flush the idol. At first Dianna and William said no, but I think Dianna brought it up again and we went forward trying to get Wash out. So I have tried to get Wash out, but at the time you guys all saw Dianna as the bigger threat.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Giruga:  ok, so, idoling me out was so stupid, i was one of the few to actually work hard in the challenges but it got you this far so congrats i guess, good luck. what has been your favorite part of this experience and what has been your least favorite part?
Wash: i don’t think we ever were on a tribe together but congrats on making it this far.  i’m gonna ask you the same, what was your favorite and least favorite parts of this experience as a whole? good luck! Wash’s Answer:
Thank you! My favourite part was getting the opportunity to alter my gameplay. As myself people dont give me wiggle room because of how I've played in the past. I had the chance to be someone totally different and it was a lot of fun. My least favourite part was dealing with inactives, very frustrating when youre trying to strategize and people wont answer pms or add you as a contact @ mattie 
Giruga’s Answer: 
So idoling out a strong player… who was socially and physically strong, right before a merge is a stupid move? Okay.
Anyways, my favorite part of this game has been getting to create this character. I put a lot of thought into how I wanted to play, because I had a chance to play completely differently then how I would normally play. I put great care into my character’s mannerisms and how I wanted to play. I named myself after a meme and picked a really dumb survivor player to be my avatar. I just had a lot of fun with the care I put into making this walking mess. It also brought me great joy to know that a lot of people were annoyed with the amount of times I said bro. I laughed pretty hard when I heard that I was being referred to as Broman. Like, yeah I had a weird name, but I was referred to as Broman and I loved it.
Something I didn’t like…. The only thing I can think of is when the tribe swap happened. I was so pissed off that I was the only Titus member on New Zabriskie. I thought I had built strong bonds with both Dianna and William, so I figured I would be picked quickly… but Dianna picked William, which made me mad… and then William, the guy who wanted to be a final two with me. Yeah he’s totally going to pick me. I mean it would be so dumb not to pick me. HE FUCKING PICKED KAT. WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?! Like come on, it was at that point I figured I would just assume I was just an after thought to these two players who I thought I had final two’s with. Like, it was this moment alone that made me not bothered to see either Dianna or William go later on because I figured I was just an afterthought to them.
Like I know it’s probably really stupid to just assume that, but if I just turned a blind eye to the fact that the two players I had Final Twos with didn’t instantly pick me for the tribe swap…. then I would possibly be setting myself up for a blindside down the road. There was probably good reason to pick William and Kat, but I didn’t see it. Looking back now I mean it all work itself out in the end anyways… So I’m not as mad anymore.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Wash - You describe your move of getting rid of me as the pinacle of your game... but really I dont see the strategy behind it. Sure I was working with both sides, but I told you this multiple times. I dont understand why you would give somebody your idol first of all and then proceed to get rid of it... not logical at all. Basically, why should you gain my vote when you threw an idol into the garbage disposal and burned an ally in the process? Why not just confront me about my alledged "playing [you]"?
Giruga - You describe in your opening speech that you were continously in between two opposing sides... it comes off as you didn't really have to work hard to get where you are and rather that it was by luck that you were the "wild card". Besides getting rid of Gabby, what was a move that was a direct result of your actions? How did this action get you to where you are today?
Goodluck to you both I am a free vote!
Wash’s Answer: 
I gave you the idol before I knew you were playing both sides. I gave it to you to earn your trust and I wasnt lying when I said I would die for you in this game. You didnt tell me about your alliance and you didnt tell me they were trying to get me to flush it. Your vote wasnt the pinnacle of my game it was the turning point. I never thought I would need two idols, and by the time I realized that you had no intention of playing the long game with me it was too late. I knew if I flipped on you I would go longer in this game and if I had confronted you I would have lost the trust of Misty and Bianca and I would not be sitting here right now. I hope you can understand why I had to do what I did, or at least you can see what it wasnt a stupid decision, as ultimately it got me to where I am right now.
Giruga’s Answer:
There were only two situations where I was in between two sides. I’m sorry if my opening speech made it seem like I always was between two sides, because it was only in two situations in the game. The first was when the tribe swap happened. I was on a tribe of three Lawful players and three Neutral players, which at the time I would have thought that both sides would team up and take me out because Titus had the numbers moving forwards. To my surprise it felt like a situation where it was Lawful vs Neutral. On the Lawful side I only had Alex talking to me and wanting to work with me. On the Neutral side I had Misty and Gabby who talked to me and wanted to work with me. I would say that this was probably the easier time I was between two sides, but I was only able to screw over the Lawful players twice until they caught onto what I was doing. Hence why I assume I was targeted at merge…. that and maybe because people perceived me as annoying.
The second time that I was in between two sides was after you were voted out and William quit. Had William stayed in the game… maybe it would have been trickier to jump around…. don’t get me wrong it still wasn’t as easy as I make it sound. To slide into final four I had to keep the target off my back and not make it blatantly obvious that I was just bouncing back and fourth. I had to juggle keeping Alex and Kai thinking I was going to stick with them and that Wash, Bianca, and Misty were sticking together. I had to feed information where I could without revealing my whole hand, that I was closer to Wash than Misty and Bianca were. I had to keep Alex and Kai focused on wanting to go after Bianca and Misty, while at the same time making sure that Misty and Bianca thought I was targeting Kai and Alex.
I think a few little details earlier in the game may have helped make my job a bit easier. For example, when I shut off communication with Alex after the Jenny vote. I made it known to my allies that we were done, and this random act of “an embargo” of communication to Alex I feel like helped me later on down the road when Alex approached me to try and take out Misty and Bianca. The Neutrals would have no reason to think that I would try to work with Alex, because I had problems with him. I would assume that this shielded my actions moving forward with the plan to take out Misty.
Another small detail was you hooking me up with Wash. Prior to that moment I had never spoken to Wash, however, even though you sent her those fake receipts about me wanting to vote her out, I used that opportunity to be blunt with Wash and tell her what I saw in the game. Later at final six Wash approached me even after my outburst about her idols, in order to want to work with me. I could not have accomplished that feet without my earlier time of talking point blank to Wash.
As for a move besides Gabby… When New Zabriskie was going to tribal for the first time I had already made up my mind I would work with the Neutral players. I needed an easy way to take out a player who wasn’t Alex, because at the time Alex was the only Lawful player who spoke to me on that tribe. I had noticed that Adelaide made a comment about how it was insane that anyone could get a score over a specific amount on the flash game challenge. That was all the ammunition I needed to take Adelaide out. I simply talked to the Neutrals and proposed that Adelaide was the weakest member on our tribe and we should get rid of them. I have no clue if Adelaide was a strong member of our tribe, but they never spoke to me and they weren’t Alex… and it was very simple for everyone to agree that Adelaide was the weakest member of the tribe and we all voted them out. Granted, it’s not a flashy move, but it was a move I made and it put me in a good spot with Gabby and Misty moving forwards in the game. Because from there I had options of who I could work with, which set the stage for me eventually bouncing between sides.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Giruga - Other than evicting Alex, what moves did you make that were solely your own idea? Wash - I wasn't gonna vote for you to win at all but after seeing what Giruga did... congratulations! Anyway. Your job is to compare to a Survivor player and guess my zodiac sign. Wash’s Answer:
I dont exactly know what you mean by that but ill take the congratulations thank you! I think I would compare you to Boston Robs cult era. You were a leader but lowkey, you gained peoples trust with what seemed like zero effort like it was the easiest thing in the world to you.  I dont know much about the signs that arent surrounding me. But youre funny and kind and emotional so id say youre a pisces.
Giruga’s Answer:
Going into the swap it was my plan to take out Gabby. I had found an idol that round and I planned on using the info provided to me by Alex to save Bianca, avoid a tie, and get Gabby voted out. I had all the power to go against you and Bianca and never tell you, but it was my plan to play an idol successfully and keep our alliance strong in numbers moving forward.
Another move that was solely my own was hooking up with Wash. Dianna helped to connect us together, when I faked receipts to make Wash think I would vote her. I was blunt with Wash that I was going to vote her, but I would prefer to get Kai out. She appreciated the honesty and it laid the ground work for a partnership down the road. When William quit, Wash approached me to “save” me in the game. However, I was able to sway Wash that sticking with you would lead to her downfall. Was it true? I don’t know, but I used my confidence and outspokenness to convince Wash to turn on you and Bianca and follow me. At the same time I told Wash to play her idol in the event that we did go to rocks. It was a high possibility and I intended to go to rocks to get Bianca out, but luck was on my side and Wash flipped her vote to you when she asked how I voted.
From there I had Alex and Kai as allies and I then scooped up Bianca and put her into a F3 group with myself and Wash. I used that group to break up Alex and Kai, all while making it seem like I was willing to risk it all for Alex and Kai. I made Bianca feel safe enough to not play her Ruby Idol, and if she did then either she or Alex would have been rocked out.
The times to take me out were Final 4 and 3, but I secured my safety and now sit before you. I got to pick and choose who I wanted to get 4th and 3rd. From final 6 onwards I made my moves and took out the players who overlooked me as a threat.
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survivedeathvalley · 8 years ago
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Giruga: Hey, you say bro way too fucking much and its annoying. There was a point that people wanted to vote you out and turns out they didnt at all and jenny was voted out. Explain why I was kept out of the loop since I made it obvious I wanted to work with you. Wash: I appreciate ur ROP as kissing ass, I really do. Except you never made an effort to talk to me so why should I vote for such a bad social player? :~) you could have easily used me as a number but decided not to? Pls explain
Wash’s Answer: 
tbh i dont think i kissed ass in my rop i just wrote what happened but i support u. I did make an effort to talk to you, you stopped answering my pms and I had active people who wanted to ally with me so I went where the numbers were. You dont make it to the end and not be seen as a goat without a decent social game. I had the numbers where I needed them every vote but one post merge. I didnt use you as a number because I didnt have to.
Giruga’s Answer: 
I knew coming into this game that I was going to get on people’s nerves. I did it on purpose because I knew, yes it would put a target on my back, but at the same time I could use my annoying bro-ness as a way to convince others that I was the perfect goat to take to the end. In the end I feel like it greatly helped shield me after the failed attempt to take me out.
I liked you Tanner and at the same time I felt threatened by you. A player previously voted out who was in merge now…. Getting far and possibly to the end that would have been a great story for the jury. I wanted to trust you, but at the same time I didn’t know where your head was at. The most you had said was that you liked me and wanted to work with me. I left you out of the loop because there was too much that could go wrong and I could have gone home. Staying in the game and moving forward was a lot more important to me than risking telling you the real vote and getting voted out because of it… In the end I made the right move because next tribal you vanished like Amazing Amy.
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