“Quickly, I Became A Disappointment”
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Currently Reading: The Cruel Prince by Holly BlackHi! I very much enjoy reading, and if you’re here, you probably enjoy reading as well! That’s pretty cool that we have something in common
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badbitchesreadbooks · 1 year ago
Star-crossed Lovers
Hey everyone! I know it has been a million years since I posted :( but I wrote a little short story and wanted to share it somewhere, so I thought I would log on and share it here! Feel free to leave any feedback if you read it! :)
I hesitate to say it, only because there have been so many before her and each time it has ended the same. I have felt this way before, I know, about some of the girls in the past. However, this time it has lasted longer. It has been months, and still she has me enraptured. It has been months and yet she has not done anything to disappoint me, or make me hurt, or make me angry.
Yes, I hesitate to say it because whenever I do, things tend to go south. But I have held off thus far, and each and everyday the words hold more and more truth. 
I am in love with this young, beautiful woman. Truly, she is a force to be reckoned with. She is kind, smart, and funny. She is utterly enchanting, so much so that I find myself doing things I know I should not.
My poor dear is a hard working woman. She works rigid and long hours at an old, run down diner ten minutes from her home. It makes me angry how they treat her there, truly. She often comes homes complaining and upset about her coworkers or rude customers. They take her for granted; she works hard and still she is treated like nothing more than muck on the floor.
She is used and abused there. She comes home is the late hours of the night, exhausted and hungry. I hate to see her so melancholy, so if I know somethings need to be done around her apartment during her shift, like the trash needing to be taken out or the dishwasher was not started, I will do those small tasks for her. Furthermore, if I know she is running low on one of her favorite frozen foods, such as chicken nuggets or toaster strudels, I’ll run to the store so as to restock her freezer so she has an easy dinner for when she returns home to me. She never questions how the food appears in her fridge; she seems to always be grateful for me doing these things for her.
Our personalities work wonderfully together as well as she is sociable and friendly and I tend to stick to the shadows. So she helps to keep me social, as she often has her friends over. I do not like having people over as much, I enjoy my time with only her, but I know she must love me as much as I love her, so I do not say anything about it. I always remind myself we will have our time together after they leave, as having them over makes my dear so happy and joyful.
My only issue with her sociability started when she started inviting a male over along with her other friends. 
It makes me extremely uncomfortable, which I do not believe to be too unreasonable. I trust her, I do, she is different from the other girls. But I do not want this to end like it usually does. 
Since he has started coming around, I have had to remind myself many times that it is okay: we are two people in love. We have been together for months, and she is too kind to hurt me in such a way.
But when he touches her in anyway, a brush on the arm, a pat on the back, it makes me furious. When he makes her laugh, when he looks at her a little too long, oh how it makes my blood boil! How it makes my vision turn red!
Does he not know that she is taken? That she is mine? The absolute audacity this male has to yearn for my woman right in front of me!
What hurts me more, what angers me most, is the response my dear, sweet Elaine has. I did not want to accept it at first. I disseuded myself that she was responding in anything but a negative way. Surely she was just trying to get my own attention? Surely she was trying to make me jealous?
But no. She seems to genuinely enjoy his efforts. Whether it be a light blush on the cheeks or a small, cheeky smile. The love of my life is swooning after another man.
I cannot fathom what I have done to deserve this sort of torture. 
What officially set me over the edge was the day that she invited him, and only him, over. It was just supposed to be a causal thing; this is what she said, at least.
“Nothing weird,” She lied, “we are probably going to order a pizza and watch a movie. Nothing crazy.” Even her close friend saw the dishonesty in this statement. When a male is hounding on a woman the way this guy is, he only wants one thing - and I should know.I am a man, afterall, and I have done the same thing to women I did not want a relationship with.
So I am is absolutely infuriated the night that this male comes over. I watch the two as they laugh and talk. As they eat their pizza and watch their movies. As he places an arm on the back of the couch and she scoots towards him. As they cuddle quietly and, God help me, as he finally leans in and places a soft, gentle kiss on my dear’s lips. And as my dear, sweet woman reciprocates.
All right in front of me.
Oh how my trust has been betrayed over and over again!  I am no longer able to take it! How is this the path my sweet Elaine has chosen?
 She was different! We were in love! We were two souls intertwined by fate!
Always! It is always the same! No female in my life has showed me the same passion and care that I show, and I am sick and tired! 
It always and will always end the exact same way!
So, that night he does what he always does when his relationships go south. He gives them when they give him. He gives them exactly what they deserve!
In the early hours of the morning, he crawls up the side of the wall, towards the air vent that connects right towards his ex lover’s living room. He slowly and quietly steps down onto her couch and creeps his way towards her bedroom. He pushes open her door.
Oh, how beautiful she looks when she sleeps. So peaceful and calm. Heis not able to do this without saying goodbye.
He stalks towards her bed. Gets one last good look at her lovely brown hair, at her long, delicate eyelashes. He takes her hand in his, his eyes beginning to water.
How could she do this to me? How is this gorgeous angel caple of so much pain?
He knows he should not, but he cannot help himself. He puts a hand roughly over her mouth, and it jerks her awake. As her eyes catches sight of him, they widen in pure terror.
“How could you, sweetheart?” He asks in a watery voice. She trys to talk, but his hand is firm, and her voice is nothing more than a muffled sound.
“How could you do this to me? Do you know how much I hurt?” She is trying to scream now, and he pushes his hand down harder. It makes her wince.
“I hurts me to hurt you, my darling,” he cries, grabbing her other hand as she begins to start scratching and slapping, “but you did not bat an eyelash when you hurt me.” He sits on her legs to keep her from kicking, and leans down close to her face. A few of his tears drips onto her cheeks.
“If I let you go, do you promise not to scream, sweetheart? Do you promise not to yell?” This makes her pause, and he sees her think. Slowly, she nods. This only makes him angry. 
“You are a liar, Elaine,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “You are a flithy liar!” He repeats, and she shakes her head. Her wide, terrified eyes lock onto his.
“You are. You pretended to love and care about me, but you do not. You used me. And I thought you were different. Months, Elaine,” he says, desperately, “we have been in love for months, and this is how you treat me now? WE WERE IN LOVE!” He sobs, “I cannot do this anymore, sweetheart. Do you see what you have driven me to? Do you think I am going to enjoy hurting you like have hurt me? Do you see what you have caused?” She starts shaking her head violently as he tucks her hand firmly under his own leg. He slides his hand into his pocket to receive the knife he had tucked away earlier that night.
“We could have been so happy, my sweet Elaine,” he cries, and her eyes start to water too as she see the knife and fully understands the consequences of her actions.
"Oh, Gracious Father, your Holy Word tells us that our times are in your hands,” he starts. He personally is not a religious man, but he thinks his ex sweetheart will appreciate the words.  “Hear my prayers for my dear and beloved Elaine as she faces the end of her earhly life,” she is crying fully now, his hand wet and salty from her tears. He wished he had turned on the light. He wants to see her clearly, “Comfort us both with your gracious promises and forgive us both for all of our sins. Move into our hearts.” He can barley get the words out with his own tears making his voice wobbly, but he powers throught. He moves his knife towards Elaine’s throat, and she tries to scream. She is thrashing around, and he wishes she would allow herself to die with grace.  “We make you our  Lord and our Savior. We thank you for your most selfless sacrifiace, and we accept your gift of eternal salvation.” He presses down on the knife. It takes a little force, but it is easy work.
“I loved you, Elaine,” he whispers. He leans down and presses a kiss to her forehead, and finally puts all his force onto the knife.
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badbitchesreadbooks · 2 years ago
nobody tears through library books quite as fast as a 12 yr old girl with no friends
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badbitchesreadbooks · 2 years ago
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This is a red flag, right 🤨
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badbitchesreadbooks · 2 years ago
“Cardan may want to hurt me, but I can make him want to hurt me worse.”
(The Cruel Prince, 74, Holly Black)
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badbitchesreadbooks · 2 years ago
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I finally finished Wuthering Heights, I think it’s finally time I read this series 〔 ´∇`〕
I love the idea of reading classics, but they always take me at least a month to get through 😅
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badbitchesreadbooks · 2 years ago
“ “Why, she’s a liar to the end! Where is she? Not there - not in heaven - not perished - where? Oh! You said you cared nothing for my sufferings! And I pray one prayer - I repeat it till my tongue stiffens - Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest as long as I am living! You said I killed you - haunt me, then! The murdered do haunt their murederers. I believe - I know ghosts have wandered on earth. Be with me always - take any form - drive me mad! Only do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you! Oh God! It is unutterable! I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!” “
(Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë)
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
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Sorry for the lack of activity, but I’ve moved in and started my first year of college!
Very excited, I’m liking a lot of my classes so far :)
My major is Earth and Space Sciences with the Planetary Geology track, but I’ve been finding time to read some, though it’s not as much as I used to
Currently though, I’m reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë and can I say, the relationships between everyone so far is the most confusing part, but I think I’m starting to understand a little better 🤨
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
I feel like no one talks about the chosen one trope but that one is my favorite, especially if they have to hide it, I eat that shit up 😤
(Or like, hidden past *cough* aftg *cough*)
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
I need to decide which books to take to college but how do I choose 🧍🏼‍♀️
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
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I tested positive for Covid a couple days ago and I’m finally feeling well enough to read and it just so happens to be a rainy day I’m so happy 😭
I don’t want anything too serious so I’m reading The Library of Lost Things by Laura Taylor Namey :)
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
“I’m a word freak. I like words. I’ve always compared writing to music. That’s the way I feel about good paragraphs. When it really works, it’s like music.” - Hunter S. Thompson, Songs of the Doomed
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
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Little book haul :) + book cover appreciation, look at “Hell Followed With Us” 👀
Took advantage of Barnes and Noble’s hardcover sale, but still spent $56 with my membership r.i.p my bank account 🙏🏻
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
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Finished reading The Splendid City today; I was very excited about it when I picked it up, but I can’t lie, it was kind of underwhelming :/ (it was by no means a bad book - I didn’t have to force myself to read it - it just didn’t meet my expectations and I’m a little disappointed)
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
Stomach is cramping and medicine isn’t helping so it’s time to order books online to make myself feel better ✌🏻
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
Idk what to read next, it’s between Animal Farm by George Orwell, Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, or Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux. . .
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
“I tend to be the one you’re friends with until someone better comes along.”
As Far As You’lol Take Me, Phil Stamper, 141
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badbitchesreadbooks · 3 years ago
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in the morning ☀️
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