#im snowbaz trash
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kraken-llamas · 7 years ago
A headcanon I literally cackled about
Simon has wings and he’s keeping them, according to Rainbow’s Twitter. So as someone who naturally overthinks everything, I have to wonder how Simon deals with shirts.
I know his wings can be hidden with magic, but what about when he’s just at home relaxing? His wings would be pretty difficult to deal with when it comes to shirts. (I don’t think the tail would be as much of a problem when it comes to pants, since it sprouts from the bottom of his spine)
So I got to thinking. Sure, Simon could cut slits in the back of his shirts, but imagine trying to fit his big dragon wings into tiny slits in fabric. I would get pissed off within five minutes and just tear the shirt, and I feel like Simon would too.
So Penny and Simon come up with a solution: backless tops. I’m talking halter tops, scoop back tops, tube tops, shoulderless tops, all kinds of things with low backs to allow Simon’s wings freedom.
So here we have Simon Snow just waltzing around his flat in these delicate, pretty, fluttery tops that drape off his shoulders and cling to his waist and chest and accentuate his neck and when Baz sees Simon in them he melts and just stares at him with this spellbound, dopey expression on his face and this sparkly adoration in his eyes because Baz is gay as fuck and Simon has those shoulders, and he can see the moles and freckles like constellations on his back and neck and his collarbones and Baz might be too gay to survive his bronze-haired Adonis boyfriend in a fucking halter top. And sometimes it gets worse and the shirts have plunging necklines and Baz feels like he could spontaneously combust
And Penny makes fun of Baz’s hypnotic state and Simon is smug as hell but Baz doesn’t even care because Simon fucking Snow in pretty open back shirts and his muscular shoulders and the curve of his spine and Baz is too gay for this, help him
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artsybi · 4 years ago
i,,,, i was rereading carry on bc i have nothing else to do and didn’t take my meds this morning and,,, and,,,, the firs,, the first time,,,, baz calls simon “simon”,,,, instead of “snow” is,,,,, is when,,,,, simon’s fighting the dragon,,,,, and baz is yelling at him,,,, not to hurt her,,,,, and simon describes baz,,,, as the prettiest thing,,,,, he’s ever seen,,,, i’m,,,,,,,, noBOdy toUch mE I’M-
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the-clueless-philosopher · 5 years ago
Me: I STAN Penny and Baz’s friendship.
Also me: this fic doesn’t have snowbaz listened as it’s number one relationship? Better mark that one for later.
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tigerlilycorinne · 5 years ago
I was tagged by @fangirl-of-letters! Thank you! We’re supposed to put down: lock screen, home screen, last image saved, last song listened to, so here goes...
Lock and home screens:
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(Lock screen is art by @terriandrre)
Last song and image:
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I’ll tag: @romanisdeadithink @skytlake @teddybear-tebbybear @mystical-muffin-ofthe-fandoms @sunflqwer-sunsets if you guys want to do it.
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My brain, everytime he sees something blue and yellow : CArrY oN vIBeSSs
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troutminge · 6 years ago
ok so like I know most of my like 370 (nice flex bro) followers are definitely following me because of my old utena blog and baby I’m sorry please unfollow if you want BUT NOW I JUST POST TRASH AND RN MY CURRENT TRASH IS YA BOOKS AND FANFICTION BC IT’S REALLY NOSTALGIA HOURS AND IM 13 AGAIN. so the thing is right Carry by Rainbow Ral? ENTIRELY A BOP. The fanfiction? Also foookin good.  Please read this fic it’s goooood
Not That Bad - mybrianisfried idek if they have tumblr if I find out they do I’ll heckin tag em
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snowbaziswild · 7 years ago
Some Snowbaz promts that SOMEONE needs to write about:
I would write these, but I suck at writing so
• More of our boys at the beach PL E AS E
• I really want to see a fic where Penny and Agatha walk into that part in the book where Simon and Baz are kissing in the library, I just need that in my life
• MORE DRUNK SNOWBAZ. In so many of the drunk! fics only one of them is drunk, I want to see BOTH of them drunk, I live for that stuff, it’s so cute!
• I reaaaallllllllllyyyyyy need more fics where they get together in like, 6th year and have to try to keep it a secret, I want to see them have to sneak around and act like they hate eachother, and pull eachother aside inbetween classes so they can make out,,, idek man but I would love to see something like that
•Can we get some Fiona being the best aunt ever and having Simon and Baz over for dinner or something?? I think it would be really nice if she got to know Simon and ended up being the #1 Snowbaz stan, also her letting Simon sit in the front seat bc “the front seat is for people who haven’t been kidnapped by fucking numpties”
•I need a fic where Lucy actually came through the veil and just,, gave Simon a big hug and told him how much she loves him. I’d cry
•awkward ass fic where Baz makes Simon come with him on vacation with his family
•last thing, just a ton of them making out. That’s it, that’s all I want.
If anyone writes any of these, please tell me! I would love to read them. Also if anyone knows of any fics like these that already exist, please let me know!!!!!
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bubblegumstardust · 6 years ago
Me, minutes before boarding the plane: *furiously downloads as much fanfic as I can to read on the 4 hour flight*
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lunar-lair · 6 years ago
You know what one of my favorite, frankly kind of underrated quotes from Carry On is?
"He's not a monster. He's just a villain. He's not a villain. He's just a boy. I'm kissing a boy. I'm kissing Baz." From-you know it-good ol Chapter 61, page 343. Yknow, people are always talkin about that-yes, iconic, but still-one moment where Baz realizes what's up. But I love this part so much because it's when Simon realizes he's in love with him, for the most part. And he realizes that Baz is so much more than just evil. And it goes to show that even if Simon thought of him as a villain, he would never think of Baz as a monster. He realizes that Baz has so much behind that "Villain" facade-the snark and the guard. And i love it. The way it stair-steps. Even just it's lay-out. It's amazing writing on Rainbow's part really-she did so good with all of this book. But Chapter 61 is this book's crown, and although we realize the whole chapter's glory, i feel like we need to focus just a teensy bit more on Simon's half of this chapter. Yes, this chapter is relatively Baz-centric-I mean he tries to kill himself-but we can't just leave Simon in the dust. Just. Don't forget about the sun, or it'll glare at you till you do.
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thesmalltowngal · 6 years ago
Snowbaz 6- I Wanna Hold Your Hand
Otp Prompt #6: Someone has spelled Simon and Baz’s hands together, and the spell is broken only if they find some way to forgive each other and get along
This one is pretty long, but I had a lot of fun writing it! Also; I’ll be posting Snowbaz fanfics once a day until the release of Wayward Son, so if you have any prompt suggestions at all, I’d really appreciate hearing them! Enjoy :)
Some wanker thought it would be bloody hilarious if she spelled Baz and I’s hands together. Okay not just some wanker. Miss Possibelf; my favorite teacher, of all the people. We were in the Courtyard and Baz had just said something nasty to me about Agatha. I don’t remember what he said exactly. I mostly just remember red and feeling all of the magic rise to my skin. The next thing I remember, I had a fistful of Baz’s slick hair and I was pounding him senseless. He looked angry… but really he seemed more frightened.
He for certain had a broken nose, but he spelled it better after I was lifted off of him by Miss Possibelf. She gave me a ten minute lecture on control before turning to Baz and telling him that he shouldn’t have picked a fight. He rolled his eyes at her (I swear the git is a fool sometimes. Who rolls their eyes at a powerful professor at a magicks school?) and that’s when she lost it. She was yelling and a group of students gathered around us to watch the scene unfold. 
“Since you two can’t seem to keep your hands off each other,” she glared at us both while moving us side by side, putting Baz’s cold hand in mine. “Then perhaps you’ll enjoy this little arrangement for now. I Wanna Hold Your Hand.” She pointed her wand at our conjoined hands and I could feel the magic settle in our interlocked fingers. Baz and I both tried to pull away, but we were stuck like that. “Until you two can figure out how to get along, you’ll be stuck like this. Could be a bloody eternity.” Baz looked at me with rage behind his eyes. We tried to Nonsense it and even Back to Start it, but nothing would work. 
So now here we are three hours later in our room. Miss Possibelf sent us to our room afterward because we couldn’t very well go to both of our classes. She sent up the work we’re both missing. We’re sitting on Baz’s bed which is surprisingly comfortable. It has the strong smell of cedar and bergamot and for some reason, that relaxes me as I try to study. Which, when you’re basically glued to your ever plotting enemy, is pretty hard to do. He keeps humming a song I don’t recognize and he’s writing in his journal. Probably plotting. Meanwhile, I’m trying to read my Magic Words book but my eyes scan the same paragraph over and over without actually soaking anything in. I sigh and close the book, turning to Baz. 
“I’m hungry.” I complain.
“You’re always hungry.” He sneers at me, but puts his journal down nonetheless. 
“But Baz it’s dinnertime. We should go down to the dining hall for food. We can still eat like this, you know.” He huffs and tugs me up off the bed and out the door. I smile happily, which is weird to be doing in the presence of Baz. 
Some people who weren’t around to see the commotion earlier today throw curious looks at Baz and I while we walk down to dinner with our hands laced together. Baz sneers at all of them and they look away. I can’t help but blush at the thought of willingly holding Baz’s hand. As he drags me along, I pay attention to the way his hand feels in mine. It’s colder than a normal person's hand, but it’s soft, too. I can feel when his fingers twitch every now and then, and the way his hand tightens around mine whenever someone gets too close. I find myself wanting to rub my thumb around on the back of his hand. It must just be an instinct I have when I hold anyone’s hand. 
I swear, every person’s head turns toward Baz and I when we walk into the dining hall, but I pretend to ignore them. I drag Baz over to where Penny and I sit, and he follows with little protest. 
“Umm… hey?” Penny questions me as I pile my plate high with food and hand Baz one, too. For some reason, Penelope just looks more curious than surprised. I wonder why that is. 
“Long story, Pen. I’ll explain later. It’s nothing.” I reassure her. She nods hesitantly and goes back to her own food.  I shovel bite after bite into my mouth and I notice that Baz is staring at me.
“What?” I say, my mouth full with potatoes. He rolls his eyes but I notice a small smile playing on his lips. 
“You’re disgusting, Snow.” I roll my eyes good naturedly (is that even possible with Baz? To not fight?) and I let my eyes fall from his face down to his plate. He has barely anything on there; just an apple, a slab of roast beef and a small pile of mashed potatoes. It seems like he’s just moving his food around with his fork- not really eating anything. I don’t know what possesses me to do this, but I squeeze his hand softly. 
“Eat.” I command simply. He looks at me curiously and shakes his head, shyly looking back down at his food. He still doesn’t eat. I frown at him and I want to say more, but then Penny starts talking to me about the Humdrum. I’m not really paying attention to her, though. Baz stays quiet for the rest of dinner.
The walk back to Mummers House is almost peaceful. I say almost because I’m still unsettled about Baz not eating. Now that I think about it… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him eat. Do vampires need normal food? I would think that they do. His hand is more jittery in mine than it was an hour ago, and I wonder why that is. 
When we finally get to our room, Baz seems nervous. Which is weird because Baz is never nervous. He’s a lot of things- irritating, infuriating, brave, ruthless, an arsehole- but he’s not nervous. “So, um. How are we supposed to change, exactly? We can’t very well sleep in our uniforms.” He throws in a sneer, just because. I roll my eyes. “I don’t know… spell our shirts off, I suppose?” Baz doesn’t usually sleep with his shirt off (I do, because I get quite hot at night) but I can’t see how he’s going to get one on when our hands are glued together. I can still feel Miss Possibelf’s magic thrum in my fingertips, keeping us from separating. 
Baz looks away from me, but spells both of our shirts off like I had advised. I have never seen Baz without a shirt on. That may be weird, considering we’ve been roommates for seven and a half years, but we’ve never dressed in front of each other. (Or undressed, for that matter. Unless you count me taking my shirt off for bed). He has abs. I hate that he has abs and I barely do. I have small abs, but you can only see them because I practically starve all Summer. But Baz… well Baz is well built. He has abs, and not just because he’s scrawny. The bloody perfect git probably doesn’t even have to try to have those. He just does. 
“Get a pair of pyjama bottoms.” I don’t argue, I just do as he says and he gets his own as well. Oh. I forgot that we’ll have to change bottoms. Without warning, I’m being tugged to our en suite. He goes inside, but has me stay right outside, closing the door most of the way until it almost touches our conjoined hands. I hear him moving around, trying to change his pants with just one hand. I’ve always been curious as to whether or not Baz can see himself in the mirror. I look through the small crack in the door and I see Baz. So obviously he can see himself. He’s in just his boxers, trying to pull up his pyjama bottoms. His hair has fallen out of its usual slicked back state and he just looks so pale. Because he’s a vampire I remind myself. 
“Stop staring, Snow.” He sneers into the mirror, looking me in the eyes. I feel all of the blood in my body rush to my face as I whip my head around, looking anywhere but at him. Blood. He’s probably hungry. I don’t have any concrete proof as to whether or not he’s a vampire, but I’m fairly certain he is. And I’m sure he’s hungry. 
When he’s done in the bathroom, we switch places and I change my bottoms (with much difficulty, I might add. I almost tugged Baz through the door and onto me). Before he can say anything to me about sleep or anything, I’m tugging him out of Mummers House and across campus. 
“What are you doing?” He inquires. He clutches my hand tightly, and I’m confused when I feel my stomach flip. The air is cold as it hits my face, and I instinctively lean towards Baz. I probably should’ve done this when we had shirts on, but it’s too late now. Baz’s pale skin practically shimmers in the moonlight as we run.
“You didn’t eat at dinner. You haven’t had any blood since last night, that I know of. We’re going to the Catacombs.” I state simply. He stops in his tracks, yanking me back with him. 
“Snow, you don’t have to do this. You don’t… you don’t wanna see that.” He looks almost scared. He doesn’t want me to see him eat? (Or is it drink? I don’t know the vampire lingo). 
“Baz, it’s fine. It’s just what you need to feel good, yeah?” He nods. “Well I want you to feel good, so we’ll go get you some blood. Simple.” He smiles just a tiny bit, but I notice. It makes me smile, too. He nods a little bit and we keep walking down to the catacombs. “And Baz?” I say, still walking. Even in the dark, I can see the bruises forming on his face from where I hit him this morning. He looks at me without saying anything, prompting me to go on. “Sorry for hitting you today.”
He looks confused. Then he sneers at me. “Well, it’s not like you did much damage with those puny little arms of yours,” I can feel my face fall, but then he sighs and says, “It’s alright, Snow.”
I perk up a little. (For reasons that I’m not willing to think about right now). “‘Least I didn’t bruise your ego…” I mutter and smile. He smiles like he’s trying not to and lets out a little laugh, playfully shoving me. (I didn’t know Baz could playfully shove. I didn’t know Baz could be playful at all). When he shoved me, our hands kept us together, and once I had tripped a bit, I was immediately back at Baz’s side. 
Soon we’re at the Catacombs, and I tell Baz to lead the way. He does a quick summoning spell and I swear that all of the rats scurry to his feet almost immediately. Hundreds of them. “Don’t look,” He tells me, but I just smile at him. “Don’t look!” He says a little more forcefully this time (I can still hear the smile in his voice though), but I still don’t look away. He should know that it’s okay for him to be like this. I’m not afraid of him. 
Aleister Crowley... I’m not afraid of him. I realize for the first time that it’s true. He may be evil. He may be a vampire. He may be my enemy. But I’m scared of him killing me because I think I know deep down that he won’t. And I’m just realizing that maybe I don’t want to hurt him, either. I don’t really know what that means for us, but I’m not quite ready to think about it just yet. 
After he’s drained a few rats, we start walking back to Mummers House, not as rushed this time for some reason. His hand is warmer now, and I can feel that he has more body heat now than he did a few minutes ago. I lean into him. As we walk hand glued in hand to our room silently, I turn my attention back to our hands. He’s still soft, and slightly warmer than he was. His pulse is beating quickly. He still holds tightly onto my hand (I realize now that I’m holding just as tightly to him as he is to me), but something is different now. The heavy weight of Miss Possibelf’s magic in my fingers is gone. My breath gets caught in my throat as I lean my hand away from his (just a little. I don’t want him to notice right away that I’m doing it). Our hands aren’t spelled together anymore. That must mean we’ve learned to get along, or at least some variation of that. I wonder if he’s noticed. I have… yet I find myself feeling sad at the prospect of letting go. So I just don’t. If anything, I cling more tightly onto him then I was before.
When we get back to our room and I close the door, I wonder quietly if I can keep up the holding hands thing. I don’t know why I like it so much; it’s just a hand. My enemy’s hand, no less. But when he uncertainly looks at me and then at the beds, I feel my heart warm and stomach twist at the thought of sharing a bed with him tonight. I nod and let him tug me over to his bed, and we lay down facing each other. Our joined hands fall in the middle of us and I pretend like I have to be closer to him in order for it to be comfortable for me. I can feel his breath like a whisper on my face. His eyes are shockingly grey even in the dark room. His hair falls over his face and I itch to move it out of the way. 
He’s looking at me with a face I’ve never seen before. My heart speeds up, and I hope he can’t feel it in the hand that he’s holding. I think he might kiss me. He’s looking at me like he wants to. And I shock myself for thinking that I might let him. If he does kiss me, then maybe I’ll let him. Maybe I’ll let my enemy Baz snog me… and maybe I’ll snog him back.
Then, I surprise myself when I kiss him. I just can’t take it anymore, and I lean forward and kiss him. Softly. Tenderly. He kisses me back, and for someone who’s never kissed anyone before, he sure is good at it. I momentarily forget that our hands are supposed to be spelled together as I let go to run my hand through his hair. He doesn’t even seem surprised. In fact, he smirks against my mouth. The cheeky bastard. 
Even though- or maybe I should correct that to especially since- Miss Possibelf spelled our hands together, she definitely remains my favorite teacher. 
Punching Baz was the best decision I have ever made.
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kraken-llamas · 6 years ago
One of my favorite things about Snowbaz is how (not so) low key disgusted and outraged Baz is at Simon’s table manners and his lack of subtlety in literally every social interaction ever and general heathenry (the boy never closes his mouth, his hair is always messy, he eats like a goddamn animal)
Like, Baz is very well bred, he’s had good manners and proper social etiquette drilled into him since he was a kid and then there’s Simon, who was never taught any of that shit. He grew up in orphanages and foster homes, nobody ever took him aside to teach him about place settings or appropriate small talk, the kid barely even knew how to speak when he came to Watford.
And the part of Baz that is very couth and posh cringes at Simon just doing his Simon-y thing all the time, and can you imagine how pissed off that part of him was when Baz realized he was in love with his slovenly idiot roommate?
Like Baz is adoringly staring at Simon sleep with his mouth wide open, drooling everywhere, and his reasonable brain is like Really? You’re in love with that absolute mess of a person? And Baz is just exasperated with himself, like Of fucking course I fall for this half-witted moron with ordinary eyes and ridiculous hair, just to make my life more unbelievable I’m infatuated with this mannerless heathen
Simon: *eats straight up butter with a spoon, talks with his mouth full, makes messes everywhere he goes, knocks shit over and trips over his own feet*
Baz’s Posh Brain: Disgusting, absolutely horrendous—
Baz: I wanna kiss him
Posh Brain: What?! NO, he’s terrible—
Baz: I want him anyway
And eventually, the part of Baz that is horrified by Simon’s uncouthness is squeezed out by how much he loves Simon, how badly he wants him all the time, how handsome Simon is when he does literally anything (he still sighs and mocks him for it, but it becomes part of Simon’s charm)
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Power went out...
Baz: I can't see shit!
Penny: It's pit... Oh shit.
Baz:... Don't even think about it, Snow.
Simon: Yeah... It's Pitch black.
Penny: What have I done...
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productivebuddy · 7 years ago
lmao i reblogged some snowbaz fanart to this blog... My mistake
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betareaderwanted · 5 years ago
New Beta Readers
Fandom: BTS, Harry Potter, Avatar the last airbender, Shadowhunters, MCU, Snowbaz (Carry On), Percy Jackson, YA in general, Skam France, “I'm flexible on most.You can ask me personally, too.”
Rating: Any
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta in French as well. Available for original stories. Happy to proofread.
How to contact: @vminkoo_wrecked or @vmin_ko0k on twitter and @fxngirl-trash on tumblr
Fandom: Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, Voltron, The Witcher, My Hero Academia, Bungou Stray Dogs etc
Rating: up to T
No: incest, gore, child abuse, rape/non-con
Fandom: Harry Potter, early Supernatural, Red Dead Redemption, Overwatch, Far Cry (game series), Attack on Titan, Mob Psycho 100, Cagaster of an Insect Cage, Levius, Boku no Hero Academia, Haikyuu!!, Beastars, Devilman Crybaby, Ajin (my current obsession!), Kill la Kill, Promised Neverland, Kakegurui, Danny Phantom. “There are also many other anime that I will beta for without having complete knowledge of the canon”
Rating: Any
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “I have experience with OCD, paranoia, gore, human and animal death, hallucinogenics, surgery, and weapons, so I can help writers depict those accurately. I also speak sign language, which means I can help writers create accurate and respectful Deaf/HOH characters. I have a strong Catholic/Christian knowledge, adequate knowledge of other religions like Judaism and Buddhism. (Little knowledge of Hinduism—very complex stuff!) I go to school in Chicago, so I have some knowledge about city things, for those wanting to write in an urban setting. I’m a psychology and criminology student—I’m super interested in crime fics!”
How to contact: @skunk-apes
Fandom: Most kpop fandoms, harry potter (only slash ships) and marvel.
Rating: up to T
No: incest, gore, rape/non-con, “I don't want to beta straight relationships or character/reader or og character”
Additional info: native English speaker. 
How to contact: [email protected]
Fandom: Harry Potter, One Direction
Rating: Any
No: child abuse, rape/non-con
Additional info: not a native English speaker, will beta in German as well. Available for original stories. Happy to “proofread any fic or original stories”
How to contact: [email protected]
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel (general), Harry Potter, Star Wars
Rating: Any
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. 
How to contact: Tumblr: @maestrowave Email: [email protected] ao3: callmecarbon ff.net: callmecarbon
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter, Sherlock, Twilight, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus, Disney/Pixar, The Witcher, DC (Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Batman Trilogy), Lucifer, 5 Seconds of Summer.
Rating: Any
No: incest, gore
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “There are probably lots of fandoms I forgot about, feel free to ask me about them.”
How to contact:  @inner-egg-pong
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe mainly but Im happy to work with any fandom!
Rating: Any
No: child abuse, rape/non-con
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “I'm new at this! but it's something I've wanted to do for so long! Im very eager haha”
How to contact: @cherryslibrary
Fandom: Any (I’m open to anything but I prefer originals)
Rating: Any
No: incest
Additional info: ative English speaker, will beta for original stories. “I’m super excited to beta but I’m having trouble finding works. I saw the group and I was immediately interested!”
How to contact: [email protected]
Fandom: Grishaverse, MCU, avatar the last air bender, mo day zu shi, the untamed, Star Trek, hockey rpf, check please
Rating: up to T
No: incest, gore, rape/non-con
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “I am under 18, so nothing you don’t want a high schooler to read, in that vein I’m a little slow because high school is a mess”
How to contact: [email protected]
Fandom: EXOL, ReVeLuv, ARMY, MyDay
Rating: Any
No: gore, child abuse
Additional info: not a native English speaker, will beta for original stories.
How to contact: twitter: @kyungsoongjin
Fandom: Kpop, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, One Piece, Mo Dao Zu Shi, anything anime really
Rating: Any
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “I’m open to reading and editing anything even dark or strange content”
How to contact: email: [email protected]
Fandom: Any
Rating: up to T
No: incest, A/B/O dynamics, child abuse, rape/non-con
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. “LGBT friendly”
How to contact: @anxietyclowned on tumblr, @anxietycrowned on ao3
Fandom: The Witcher 3, Criminal Minds
Rating: Any
No: incest, gore, child abuse, major character death, rape/non-con
Additional info: native English speaker, will beta for original stories. Happy to “proofread any fic or original stories”
How to contact: @gayvocados on tumblr and lemon baby#2478 on discord
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watfordwallflower · 6 years ago
carry on
oh shit we going there....
first character i fell in love with: penny
character i used to like, but do now: i love them all like literally
a ship i used to like, but don’t anymore: penny/agatha (don’t ask the first fic i read had them as a side ship, yes i've learnt the error in my ways)
my ultimate favorite character: that stupid vampire ass looking boy, baz lmao
prettiest character: agatha and baz, the gorgeous people TM
most hated character: the mage, like literally get out no one asked for u to be here, bud
my otp: snowbaz
my notp: as bad as simon and agatha were, baz and agatha would be worse, like lets not
saddest death: ebb petty did not deserve the ending she got 
character the fandom loves that i hate: no one literally no one i love them ALL
my “ur a piece of trash, but ur my fav” typa fav: baz “im above snow. at all times. by at least three inches” pitch
my “beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this” fav: simon like have y'all read the synopsis for wayward son bc damn,,,,,im still not over it
my “this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul but i still love it” ship: ,,,,,nothing
my “they’re kinda cute and i lowkey ship them but im not too invest” ship: trixie and keris, and dev and niall like apparently i need them to all make cute cameos in wayward son even tho i know its not happening
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im-confusedandgay · 7 years ago
one bad night
summary: Simon Snow is intoxicated and Baz Pitch is hopelessly in love with him. Loosely based off of that one friends episode and @creativitear ‘s post of that snowbaz text message thing part 1, part 2, part 3 , part 4 of fuck knows I'm making this shit up. read on AO3
    I was filming the group assignment in the dorm room for potions class when Simon texted. When i got the first few messages i kind of figured he was dared to text me, so i minded my own damn business. Until the situation became my business, until my one top priority became Simon and his stupidity.
I have to babysit the fucking Chosen one. And the Chosen one called me beautiful. and a babe. (Or at least in Simon's case he tried to spell that one out.) I don't know what to think. Or feel.  But i do know what to do.
 The nearest bar i know is the Cupids Shot bar -- all the watford teenagers go there on Fridays or Saturdays (Sunday's when they're feeling that low) and its a 5 minute walk from Watford.  I soon find myself jogging towards the bar, hoping to a god i don't believe in that Simon didn't do anything he'd normally do. Which is something inconceivably stupid. Obviously. That one's a given.  Crowley, he's so fucking stupid.Fucking hopeless idiot. Im running now, and i still don't know what to think. Or feel.  Once I reach my destination, i fish for the bottle of cologne from inside my jean pocket. I changed out of my school uniform a while ago -- what do you wear when you're going to save your longtime crush from poisoning themselves with too much vodka? The answer is jeans and a plain green shirt. I also tied my hair into a bun for good measure. I spray the bottle of cologne on my neck and wrists -- its cedar and bergamot. A personal favourite.  I walk into the bar and a few people glance my way, some boys and some girls. If i weren't in love with Simon Snow i could have been the worlds greatest play boy. People would have made legends about me.
The bar smells like any regular old bar. I spot a few students i’ve seen walking past by the Watford hallways. Theres strangers kissing, others drinking their sanity away, and a giant crowd of dancing, sweating bodies in the centre of the room, letting their limbs run free with the blaring music.  I pray Simon isnt one of those bodies and thats when i spot him: sitting on the bar stool, his phone on his hand and a shot of god knows what on another. In just a second he downs that shit and places the empty glass on the countertop, his head hanging low.  He's a mess. 
Well, theres one thing to be grateful for: he's also alone. I search the perimeter of the room. No bulky guy. That's good. Splendid. Saving the Chosen one would be easier for me then. And then of course theres another thing to keep in mind: The Chosen one is drunk. Drunk senseless. Shit for sense, and since the chosen one happens to be Simon Snow, who naturally has a shit sense, this just means his stupidity is maximised by all that alcohol. I have a strong feeling that this night would be the bane of my entire existence. I walk towards the monstrosity that is Simon Snow, and every step i take towards him feels like a sort of vindication.
 I still don't know what to feel.Crowley, I just wanted to film my group project in peace. I know, I know, i've done terrible things that could amount to this much karma, and karma is the biggest living asshole there is but god did it have to be me?
and then i see him. Simon's description of him seems about right, despite the alcohol. I know its him because it just seems a little too obvious, actually. He's a big bulky guy. Not dwayne johnson big, but regular big. the kind of big to get rightfully intimidated by.  But I'm Baz Pitch, so i say to hell with intimidation. Besides, intimidation is nothing when you could call upon hot vermillion flames on the two of your hands and could suck the blood out of a deer. I make intimidation itself look like my bitch. 
 I feel my face grow red with anger -- my palms start to sweat and I'm just about to yell at him to back off when he places a hand on Snow's shoulder, and i watch with horror as he puts his lips to Simon's ear and whispers (i think its vampire senses that help me make it out) "You wanna get out of here darling? I know a place where the two of us could get to know each other a little better."  My throat starts to clog up.
Simon gives him a confused look. I tap the bulky guy's shoulder with my finger. He looks up at me.  Then I punch him. 
I punch him thinking of the words he whispered to Simon, taking every letter and syllable and hitting him back with it. I punch him with all the strength i have, and mind you i've got a lot of strength in me.  I make sure i punch him real damn hard his grandchildren would have a bruise on their cheek and the next generation to the next generation after.  I punch him so hard he falls backwards, then i punch him again and he topples over the counter. People stand up and seem to gather all around me and bulky guy here, but i don't bother with any of them -- i punch him and punch him until he's on the floor, until i see the blood trail off his nostrils.  Until i see Simon Snow in the corner of my eye, eyes wide and mouth agape. Only then do i stop.
Its been awhile since I've been this violent, and it feels wrong to start now. But then again, I'm not the big weird pervert who likes taking advantage of kids younger my age.  Now i have one thing to think about when i want to punch something. "Hey," I look over to my side where the bartender is, eyes wide as well as everyones. I'm not that ignorant (i am indeed very ignorant) but aren't  crowds like these suppose to be cheering? Were the hollywood movies all a lie? (I'm not surprised.) "You gotta leave." The bartender says, pointing towards the door. "Yeah, well." I look to the floor where the bulky guy is, bruised and pissed as fuck. He arches an eyebrow at me, his hand in his nose, miserably trying to contain all that blood. his eyes look at me like he either wants to slit my throat and drown me in the river or take me to his house to seduce me. Because he’s just that kind of guy.
I'd rather he drown me in a river, thank you very much. ”I think i got that message. C'mon Snow." He's still standing there, dazed, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. I grab his arm and he looks at me.Once we're out, i lightly hit him on the arm. Even that sends him stumbling back a bit. I grab his arm again. "I'm not doing this because i worry about your wellbeing, I'm doing this because it is under basic moral obligation to look after those in need." He grins. The fucker actually grinned at me, and of course he looks beautiful when he grins. He says "Aye aye captain," and then stumbles upon a trash can and bows his head there, vomiting the night away. Simon bloody Snow. 
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