#im pretty sure my memory is back to normal now
roaringheat · 1 year
Idk if this is too tmi to post on here but I had a seizure this morning and I still feel like absolute dog shit. Literally have never felt anything even close to how the aftermath of a seizure feels
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ticklishfiend · 6 months
The Gaang Gets Zuko (ATLA)
lee!zuko , ler!gaang :P
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A/N : im having sooo much fun with this show rn, esp having fun attacking zuko as much as possible LOL im going bonkers. there’s no clear story or plot in this one, just the gaang being silly and zuko getting to be silly with them :P
Summary : separate short stories of each member of the gaang tickling zuko (and one where Zuko actually gets one back, read to find out who hehe)
Word Count : 5139
hope u enjoy!! <3
It was strange how relaxed Zuko was starting to feel. The air seemed easier to breathe these days, despite everything he knew they were all about to go through. But that’s just it. Zuko knows he’s not alone. He has people, good people, behind him. Though he misses his Uncle greatly, it keeps Zuko motivated to know Iroh would be proud to see how far he’s come since they’d been separated.
Things are looking up, despite it all, and Zuko’s especially happy he gets to feel that in good company.
“So, like this, right?” Aang asked, getting into position for the new firebending move Zuko’s trying to teach him. 
“Um…not quite,” Zuko walked behind him, grabbing his shoulders to gently adjust his stance. “You want your shoulders back a little more, it’ll help your balance. And you should have your waist turned a bit to the side, like this…” Zuko gently gripped onto Aang’s sides, but was startled at how quickly Aang jumped away with a surprised laugh.
“Aaah–tickles, tickles!” Aang giggled, rubbing the sensation away with his arms.
Zuko frowned with his hands on his hips, “Seriously? I barely touched you.”
Katara snickered as she watched them train, bending water in the air lazily like a fidget. “Aang’s more sensitive than most. Remember that wound your sister gave him on his foot? Yeah, that took way, way longer than it should have. He wouldn’t stop squirming.”
“It’s not my fault your water’s so tickly!” Aang cringed at the memory. He took a deep breath before turning back to Zuko, getting into position. “Okay, I’m ready this time. You just surprised me.”
Zuko lifted an eyebrow before trying again, this time with less giggly results. Zuko wasn’t used to such silliness when it came to training, but it was endearing to see Aang was comfortable enough with him to act like that (even if it was slightly annoying).
They trained for another 15 or so minutes before Zuko called for a break, ready for his pre-lunch meditation. He leaned down to gather some of his scattered things into a bag, not noticing the figure creeping up behind him. Before he knew it, Zuko felt two hands give quick pinches to his hip. “AH-! Ggghaha-!” a strangled giggle fell out of him before he could stop it, squirming out of the grip and whipping his body around.
Aang stood behind him with a grin and hands raised in surrender, “Sorry, I had to get you back for earlier.”
Zuko scowled with a pink face, trying very hard to ignore Katara giggling behind Aang. “But I wasn’t even trying to tickle you earlier,” he groaned, turning back around but keeping his guard up. “It’s unfair catching me off guard like that.”
“Yeah, but you gotta admit, that sound you just made was pretty funny,” Aang snickered, sitting down next to Katara and stealing some of her water to fidget with as well. 
Zuko sighed, turning around to hide his warm face. “Whatever, I’m gonna meditate. Don’t bother me unless it’s for lunch,” he said before walking out of their view to his normal meditation spot.
Zuko was sat on his bed reading a book Uncle had given him forever ago. Being on the run meant he never really had time to just sit and read (and maybe it was partly his pride that wouldn’t allow him to do something he deemed so lazy), but honestly it wasn’t half bad. Sure, he could be training right now, but everyone else seemed content doing their own thing so maybe that was okay for him too. Uncle always said proper relaxation was an important tool for a warrior to learn.
His reading time, however, was cut short when he heard a knock at his doorway. Zuko looked up to see Sokka peeking his head around the corner.
“You need something?” Zuko asked, sitting his book down on the bed.
“Well, I–uh…” Sokka cleared his throat shuffling awkwardly in the doorway. “I was just wondering if you would, uh–help me out with something? It’s nothing major! You really don’t have to if you don’t wanna, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate with, y’know, training the Avatar and everything, but like, I mean, if you maybe had the time–”
“Sokka,” Zuko interrupted his ramblings, holding the book up for him to see. “I’m not exactly doing anything important right now. I can do you a favor if you need it.”
Sokka sighed, “Okay, that’s good to hear because I really need your help right now,” he shuffled into Zuko’s room defeatedly, plopping himself next to the prince and throwing his head in his hands. “I think I sorta suck at hand-to-hand combat.”
Zuko nearly laughed at that. “Are you serious? You guys managed to take out every team I threw at you, and you think you’re bad at combat?”
“Yeah, but that was when I had everybody with me! You know, benders?!” Sokka sighed, “I’m not a bender, so having them with me to fight is like, insanely helpful. But…what if I end up alone at the next battle? What if I lose my sword? I’ll be useless! I need to know how to fight with my fists at least a little before we go out there.”
All this did was confuse Zuko even more. “Your girlfriend is a Kyoshi Warrior. Why aren’t you asking her for help? She’s the only other non-bender on the team, it seems pretty obvious.”
Sokka blushed and turned his head away, “Well that’s…actually part of it,” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “She’s so good at combat. And she’s a great teacher, don’t get me wrong! Everything I know about fighting, it came from her. But…I feel so stupid. We spar all the time, but she’s the one teaching me the moves, she knows what strategy I’m gonna take! I kinda…I wanna impress her during our next spar. Maybe show her something she hasn’t seen me do before,” Sokka looked up at Zuko with an unsure face. “I thought maybe you could teach me a thing or two?”
Zuko just stared for a moment, thinking it over. Sokka had that puppy-dog look on his face he always gets when he’s trying to win someone over…unfortunately for Zuko, he’s really good at that face. 
Zuko sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before standing and making his way towards the door. “I can’t promise it’ll help you any. I’m better at fighting with my bending than just plain combat. You’re already in good hands with Suki.”
Sokka jumped up, following behind Zuko like a puppy. “I know, but I just wanna see if it helps,” he wrapped an arm around the back of Zuko’s neck as they walked, the boy in question not acknowledging the touch whatsoever. “Can’t hurt to try, right?”
Zuko peeked an eye towards Sokka. “Whatever.”
They found an open area to spar, somewhere away from everyone else so no one could spill the “secret” to Suki. Not like anyone actually cared, but Sokka insisted this was the best move to make. 
They fought for a while, Sokka showing off the moves he learned from Suki, and Zuko trying to teach him anything that popped into his head that Sokka might not already know. But…the spar wasn’t really turning out the way Zuko had envisioned before they started.
Sokka was actually really good at this. Like, stupid good. Way better than he had given himself credit for just about an hour ago. He’d already pinned Zuko probably 5 times, and Zuko only got him down once. It was sorta embarrassing. Zuko kept reminding himself that the guy had been trained by a literal Kyoshi warrior, so it shouldn’t be that surprising.
Still, though. It did take a tiny blow to his ego that the guy asking him for training was practically kicking his butt right now.
“Woohoo! Down for the count again!” Sokka whooped from behind Zuko. The boy was pinned on his front, arms behind his back.
“I thought you wanted help,” Zuko wheezed, twisting his wrists in Sokka’s hold to no avail. “Now it feels like you just wanted bragging rights,” he mumbled.
Sokka didn’t say anything. Actually, he just kept looking down at Zuko with this look. His eyes a little wide, his lips sucked behind his teeth. 
You’re kidding. You’re kidding.
“Are you serious?!” Zuko yelled, starting to actually fight under Sokka’s hold now that he felt thoroughly pissed off. “Why would you lie about that?! You could’ve just asked for a spar!”
Sokka stammered, “Well, I was serious at first! I wasn’t lying! I really did want your help!” He paused, baring his teeth a little in guilt. “Buuuut…after we started sparring, I realized I was way better than I thought I was. I don’t know why, but I just kinda figured you’d be able to take me down with no trouble! You’re like, royally trained or something, right?”
Zuko frowned, “Yeah. I am,” he said. “In firebending.”
Sokka’s brows shot up. “Oh yeaaaah. Didn’t really think about that,” he chuckled nervously.
A beat passed in silence before both of them realized Sokka was still on top of him. Zuko twisted his wrists in Sokka’s hands, “Well? Are you gonna get off me?”
“I don’t really trust you not to turn me into bacon right now.”
Sokka laughed, “Y’know, it’s kinda funny if you think about it. Last year I used to run from you, and now I’ve got you literally pinned under me. I mean, really, it just writes itself!”
Zuko groaned, pressing his forehead to the floor. “You are…beyond annoying.”
“I’m just saying, if I had all this Kyoshi training last year, we might not even be here right now. Or maybe you’d have joined our group back then, after seeing how much of an asset to the team I am!” Sokka teased, pressing his body weight against Zuko’s arms so he could flex a muscle in Zuko’s eyeshot. 
Then, Sokka went quiet for a moment. Suspiciously quiet. Zuko was not a fan of his disadvantage right now. 
“Hey, who’s that fire nation girl that’s always hanging around your sister? You know, the one that can paralyze people?”
Zuko sighed, “That would be Ty Lee. Get off.”
“Yeah, Ty Lee! Man, it’d be so cool if she wasn’t the worst,” Sokka adjusted his grip a bit, like he was trying to get a better hold for something. What in the world is he planning?! “I bet I could learn a thing or two from that girl, strengthen up my fighting style a bit,” Sokka shrugged, “Eh, I bet I could be self taught. I just gotta find the right nerve…”
Before Zuko could even process what he was talking about, Sokka started poking up and down Zuko’s open sides, using one finger to poke one side, then the other, then back again. Over and over and over. 
“G-GaAH!” Zuko’s body jumped under the assault, squirming under his hold. “N-No, Sokka, let me–gohoho!” He giggled involuntarily, trying his best to hide his face in the floor while also trying to jerk away from Sokka’s ticklish hold.
“No, hold on, I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Sokka teased, poking up into Zuko’s ribs. Zuko couldn’t help the squeaky giggles falling from his lips, it was mortifying. He kicked his legs out behind Sokka like it would do anything, but with how good the boy had gotten at these warrior pins, Zuko didn’t stand a chance.
“S-stohohop! This is sohoho–ahaha so stuhupid!” Zuko cackled, writhing when he felt Sokka start pinching at his bony ribs. He could feel his face growing warmer by the second, horribly embarrassed by how easily Sokka can drag him into his playful little games.
“Okay, okay, just oneeee more thing,” Sokka said before bringing his hand up to flutter soft fingers against Zuko’s neck and ears. Crapcrapcrapcrap that really tickles. Zuko immediately fell into the most disgusting, high-pitched, girly-ish giggles he’s ever produced. It. Was. Terrible.
“Nohoho! Come ohohon! This is–ahaha this is so unfahahair!” Zuko whined, pulling against the hands holding him hostage. “This is assahahault!”
Sokka cackled at that, finally letting go of his very ticklish victim. He stood and backed away enough to let Zuko catch his breath, wiping a mirthful tear from his eye.
“You–pfff!! You’re so ticklish! Who woulda guessed that?!” Sokka laughed, practically doubled over in it. Zuko grumbled on the ground, sitting up and stretching his arms.
“And you are so childish,” he groveled, before launching at Sokka while he wasn’t paying attention. He grabbed around the boy’s waist and brought him to the ground with an ‘oof!’, the pair roughing it out for a moment before Zuko got the upper hand (Sokka was still laughing too much to put up a real fight). On the ground, Zuko had him trapped in a reverse bear hug, finding an opening near Sokka’s stomach to dig his own fingers in and make Sokka howl.
“Say you’re sorry!” Zuko grunted, trying to avoid a head butt from Sokka’s frantic squirming. “Say it!”
“AAAHH! AAAHAhahaha! I’m–! I’m ssssahahahah!” Sokka cackled, struggling to find the words with fingers digging incessantly into his stomach. Even in his wild state, Sokka could tell Zuko wasn’t very used to this, his tickling-style a little more rough than what he’s used to with the others. But luckily for Zuko, Sokka was a little too ticklish for it to actually affect anything.
“What? You can dish it but you can’t take it?!” Zuko fired back with his usual angry tone, though it was really hard to take seriously when he started pinching at Sokka’s side so viciously. 
“I cahaha–! It’s tooohohohoo–! AAAHH-!" Sokka's screaming laugh echoed through the temple, his head jerking back and forth. Zuko's fingers were getting tired, and this whole thing felt so stupid, but it was the principle of the thing! This is...how it works, right?
Zuko kept tickling despite not really knowing what he was doing, avoiding flailing limbs and a jerking head all the while. And right, right before he was about to just call it quits, he heard a cough from just outside his peripheral.
The pair froze, Zuko feeling his entire face grow warm in the matter of seconds. They both turned their heads slowly to see Suki standing there with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised in question.
"You two having fun in here?" Suki asked through a smile, clearly on the verge of laughing. Zuko dropped Sokka like a sack of potatoes, standing up quickly with a finger pointed right at Sokka.
“He started this! He attacked me first, but–but I got out! And then he started laughing, and, I mean–it was so stupid! This is so stupid!” Zuko yelled in embarrassment, throwing his hands up to cover his whole face.
Suki giggled and walked over towards her boyfriend on the ground. “Aw, did the big mean firebender get you?” She teased a frowning (and blushing) Sokka. Suki held out her hand to him, “Come on, get up.”
Sokka took it with a scowl, refusing to make eye contact with Zuko. At least, until Sokka remembered how this whole thing started, his whole demeanor lighting up in an instant. “Oh you’ll never believe this. I beat Zuko. In a spar,” he whooped, looking over towards the firebending to find him scowling with his arms crossed. “Actually, it was like ten!”
“Six. It was just six,” Zuko squinted at Sokka in contempt.
“Okay, but six is still a lot compared to your one win,” Sokka boasted, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend.
Suki pulled herself out of his hold, “Uh, sure, but I think after what I saw, Zuko’s still the winner here,” she said, shooting an affirming smile Zuko’s way. 
Sokka dropped his jaw, “What?! But–But I beat him! Like, TONS of times?!” He exclaimed, “And I’m the one that started that! I tickled Zuko first, he totally went down!”
“When I was already pinned!” Zuko argued, angry he couldn’t make his blush fade any faster.
Suki sucked her teeth, “Sokka, if you started this, that’s even worse,” she shrugged. “You cheated. Zuko’s clearly the winner here, he just finished what you started” Suki pat Sokka’s back, shooting Zuko an empathetic look. “Sorry my boyfriend’s so childish. If you ever want a real spar, you know where to find me.”
Zuko looked surprised, really expecting her to tease him like everybody else did. “Oh, uh…yeah, whatever. Sure.”
Suki smiled, taking Sokka by the shoulders and walking him off. Zuko could hear her scolding as they walked away, “Next time we spar, I’ll show you how a real warrior cheats.”
Zuko wasn’t really sure how to take that. In fact, he decided it was probably best to ignore whatever that meant. Instead, he just grabbed his bag and tried forgetting this whole embarrassing mess ever happened.
“Zuko, I’m so sorry! I’m so so so sorry, I never meant for this to happen!” Aang practically cried behind Zuko, his words muffled under the hands he used to cover his mouth in guilt. “If you never wanna train me again, I’d understand. I just…I’m so sorry. I’m so—”
“Aang, it’s fine. I already told you it’s fine,” Zuko sighed, propping his bare foot up on the stool of earth Toph made for him. “Believe me, I’ve been burned way worse than this.”
“But that’s different!” Aang cried, falling on his butt to hide his face in his knees. “I can’t believe I burned someone. Again.”
“You’re still learning. It happens,” Zuko winced when Katara took hold of his ankle to get a better look at the burn. “Trust me, I burned a few of my trainers when I was growing up too. It’s just part of firebending. Once you’ve mastered it, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”
Aang lifted his head with a sniffle. “Yeah…I guess you’re right,” he sighed. “Still feel bad, though.”
“As long as it doesn’t affect your training going further, I really don’t care,” Zuko shrugged, leaning back against his hands.
“That’s a little rude, don’t you think?” said Katara, popping the cork from her water bottle.
“Not really. I don’t care. I’m fine, and Aang will be too,” Zuko said, before gasping as Katara let the healing water wash over his feet. He jerked his foot back off the stool, making Katara raise an eyebrow.
“Zuko?” She looked down at the empty stool. “Kinda need your foot for this.”
Aang lit up, the smile finally returned to his face when he realized with a giggle, “I forgot! Zuko’s ticklish!”
“I am not! It just surprised me!” Zuko argued, throwing his foot back on the stool with confidence (though the pout he sported said otherwise).
Katara snickered, holding her water up so Zuko could see. “Well it’s a good thing you aren’t ticklish then, cause Aang could barely sit still last time I did this to him.”
“Yeah, Toph nearly had to earthbend my hands to the ground to keep me from moving,” Aang nodded, clearly feeling more chipper than a moment ago. Zuko cringed at the thought, shaking his head to clear it from overthinking.
“That will not be necessary,” Zuko huffed. “Just get to it, I’ll be fine. We need to get back to training.”
Katara shrugged, bringing the water to his foot and starting the healing process. Zuko immediately gasped again, his foot nearly jerking off the stool. He caught himself this time, but no one in the room missed the flinch.
Well, except for Toph, but only out of technicality’s sake.
“Your hearts racing, Sparky,” Toph sang, never missing an opportunity to tease their resident grump.
“Shut up, Toph,” Zuko said through bared teeth, straining himself to keep from letting a giggle slip. He squirmed in his seat, toes clenching and unclenching involuntarily. If he can just get through this without cracking, there’ll be nothing for these weirdos to tease him about. He can do this.
“Y’know, you should probably breathe soon. Don’t want you dying on us while I’m healing you,” Katara said, looking up from her water at Zuko’s puffed cheeks and pink face. He’d been too focused to even realize he was holding his breath in the first place. Slowly, Zuko exhaled through his nose before flinching hard again at a more solid sensation in the center of his foot.
“Grrk–!” Zuko jumped, scowling at Katara who started snickering.
“Sorry, my finger slipped,” she grinned, making the other two start giggling at his expense. 
“It’s really okay if you need to laugh, Zuko,” said Aang. “There’s no way I could’ve held it in like you are.”
“I said I’m fine. It doesn’t even…” Zuko huffed, the water finding a particularly sensitive spot right at the worst time possible, making him growl through a giggle. He shut his eyes tight, “Juhust shut up.”
At first, his days in the air on Appa were something Zuko wasn’t sure he would ever get used to. He had to admit, it was definitely cool getting to ride a sky-bison thousands of feet in the air after he’d been told his whole life the species had gone extinct with the rest of the air-benders. There was some excitement to it the first couple rides he got to experience.
But after about the fifth time, it was really starting to get old.
“I thought I knew what boredom felt like when I was out camping with Uncle, but this is really something else,” Zuko groaned, throwing his head over the side of the saddle.
“Zukoooo, remember what I keep telling you about the positive attitude?” Aang reminded him from Appa’s head, steering the bison in what felt like the same direction for hours.
“No, he’s right. This is super boring,” Sokka whined, picking at Appa’s fur with a pout.
“Don’t you guys ever, I don’t know…play any games while you’re up here?” Zuko asked, feeling a little silly about it. Playing games was so childish, but it seemed to fit this group’s whole vibe pretty well. Couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“Yeah we used to, until Toph took it too seriously one time and Katara banned fun,” Sokka shot a look at his sister, who scoffed at the mention.
“Um, I did not ban fun. I banned Pushies,” Katara corrected him with a squint.
“Ah, Pushies. The good ole days when having a laugh wasn’t forbidden by Her Highness,” said Toph, nearly making Katara blow a fuse.
Zuko hated to ask, but this was the most entertained he’d felt in the past two hours. With an incredulous look, he asked, “What’s Pushies?”
“It was the best,” Sokka sighed like he was daydreaming. “Toph and I would push each other back and forth until one of us got too scared and called quits.”
“Which I never did, by the way–”
“Uh, not true! You know you called quits that one time-”
“Because you nearly pushed me off Appa!”
“Not true AGAIN! You couldn’t see it, but you were totally fine-”
“Oh so because I’m blind it’s my fault they won’t let us play Pushies anymore?!”
“That’s not what I meant-!”
“GUYS!” Aang shouted, throwing a stern look over his shoulder towards the group. The pair went silent before both slouching back against the saddle. “No. Pushies.”
They both grumbled to themselves, but ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Zuko looked to the sky at their bickering, thankful his temper wasn’t like it used to be.
“Games other than Pushies exist, you know. We just have to make one up,” he suggested, sitting criss-crossed to face the group. 
“Did you play any games on that murder-ship you used to ride?” Katara asked with a tone, her mood clearly a bit dampened.
Zuko grimaced, “I was kinda too focused on capturing Aang for games back then.” Zuko sighed, throwing his head and arms back over the saddle to stare into the sky. “Forget it. Let’s just go back to sitting in silence.”
It seemed like the rest of the group agreed, because for the next few minutes that’s exactly what they did. The wind whistling in their ears was the only sound to focus on.
That is, until Zuko felt something tweak his side, making him squeak an awful sound. He whipped his head around to find everyone suspiciously not looking at him. Sokka picked at his fingers, Katara seemed a little too interested in the cloth of her dress, and Toph…well, she looked straight ahead, but that was to be expected.
Zuko fumed, “Who did that?”
Sokka looked up from his fingers, “Hm? Who did what?”
Oh, Zuko was so onto them. Pointing a finger at Sokka with a squint, “Don’t. Do it. Again.” He said sternly, before turning back around towards the sky. Zuko swore he could hear them snickering behind him, but hoped that would be the end of it.
Another minute went by with nothing, and for some reason Zuko really thought he evaded trouble with that intimidation move he pulled. Clearly he didn’t know this group well enough yet.
Another tweak to his side, this one closer to his ribs this time. Anything near his ribs always made him flinch hard, his elbow shooting down to cover the area with a giggly shout. Zuko growled when he faced them, “Seriously, who’s doing this?!” They all looked up at him like they were clueless. He’s gonna kill them. “Answer me!”
Finally, he heard Toph giggle, clearly unaffected by his little hissy fit. “It was me. Both times, actually,” she grinned, throwing a leg over her knee. “What, you gonna do something about it?”
Zuko’s jaw locked forward, feeling like he was breathing smoke out of his nose. His hands clenched beside him, telling himself it would probably not be the “right thing” throwing this twelve year old over the side of Appa.
With a grumble, he fixed his face and looked up to the sun above him. “You people are crazy.” Zuko crossed his arms and slumped against the saddle, decidedly not turning away from Toph this time. Everyone got a chuckle out of that, even Aang.
“No, I think Toph’s the crazy one,” he chuckled, smiling over his shoulder. “The rest of us are pretty normal, right?”
Zuko deadpanned Aang’s way. “No.”
Toph crawled over beside Zuko, who nearly flinched at her presence. “Lighten up, Sparky! Remember what Aang said? Positive attitude?” She accentuated Aang’s words with more tweaks to Zuko’s side, these far more ticklish now that she doesn’t have to hide it. Zuko jumped with a giggly shout, trying hard to hide his side with his elbow, but that just made Toph reach around his back to get his other side.
“Gah-! N-Nohoho!” He complained, pushing at her hands and face. “Quihit!”
“Cmooon I’m bored! This is the most entertained I’ve been in hours!” Toph tickled into Zuko’s ribs as she talked, making him fall over on his side in giggles. He kept pushing at her with his hands, but his stupid body kept betraying him, his elbows shooting down to cover the area too much to really fight back.
“Toph-! Tohohoph!” Zuko squealed, everyone around laughing at his funny noises. These people are the worst. “Gahaha! Get her ohoff mehehe!” He cackled, feeling her fingers vibrate into his ribs and stomach at the same time. Zuko’s eyes were scrunched tight in mirth, feeling silly and stupid and ticklish.
“This is too good. You sound like a girl!” Toph laughed, poking into his side like a typewriter. Zuko couldn’t stop giggling, flipping over on his stomach to crawl away (though he didn’t have much room, cramped on this stupid saddle with the rest of these freaks). He opted for crawling as close to Katara as he could get, praying she’d take pity on him and make Toph stop embarrassing him already.
Katara chuckled, “Okay, I think he’s had enough,” grabbing for Toph’s wrist (her hand still trying to worm it’s way under Zuko’s armpit) Katara pulled Toph away from Zuko as he slumped close to her side panting.
“Aweee, what?! I was just getting started!” Toph whined, making another grabbing motion in Zuko’s general direction that had him flinching with a squeak.
“You heard her, quit it!” Zuko griped, trying to silently maneuver himself as far from Toph as possible without her hearing. It was like a game of cat and mouse, Toph listening for any subtle sound Zuko made for her to launch her free arm in his direction, making him zip out of her reach before she could grab him. 
“Cut it out, this is ridiculous!” Zuko complained, getting behind Sokka and gripping his shoulders like a human shield. “Ha! How ‘bout that, shortstack?!” 
“Hey! Don’t rope me into this–AHH! NO! NONONOHohohoho!!” Sokka fell over on his side in giggles the moment Katara let go of Toph’s arm, the shorter girl launching for his sides.
“This’ll do for now!” Toph cheered, digging into Sokka’s waist with her rough fingers and making him howl. “I’ll catch you eventually, Sparky! Just wait til I’m finished with him!” she grinned wickedly, Sokka losing his mind just below her.
“But you already—! Gah, forget it,” Zuko sighed, crawling silently over beside Katara to hopefully avoid getting involved in that mess again. “She’s ruthless.”
Katara giggled, shooting Zuko a smile, “You get used to it.”
Zuko caught himself smiling at dinner. It was weird, usually when he smiled, it felt like an intentional move. Smiling to convince someone he’s happy, or smiling to fake innocence. But tonight…he started smiling before he even realized he was doing it.
Aang was telling some silly story from over 100 years ago, something from his childhood before all this. It was a stupid story, something Zuko would’ve found himself scoffing at if he had heard it even just a few months ago.
But things are good now. He felt good. Happiness came easy to him, like breathing or pulling fire from his hands. Zuko never thought he’d get to feel this again after everything he’d gone through, but these weirdos just had a way with him.
Something about these people, his friends, was always able to make him smile. They were annoying. They’re loud. They’re way too touchy, and always in his personal space. Like now, with Toph curled against his side as she laughed along to Aang’s story.
And yet? Zuko’s come to be okay with that. He’s come to like it about them, as crazy as it sounds. 
The fire he sat in front of now didn’t have to be a threat. It was home.
A/N : i was all over the place writing this LMAO hope yall like it anyways cause it was fun to write!! pls consider reblogging if u enjoyed!! <3
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princessoflalaland · 3 months
Surfer Ino
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content: surfer ino x reader, black reader coded but not explicitly stated, fluffy
a/n: I have risen from the dead! I've been awol for idk how long, and honestly I feel like I've been missing out and neglecting my beloved friends here. so to try and atone, im back with some headcanonns! not proofread so pls ignore typos
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Surfer Ino with the million dollar smile. the way he shows off those pearly whites is something for the textbooks, has been documented plenty of times for local, sometimes national sports, magazines. that charming grin has landed him plenty of modeling gigs as well got him free ice cream on Sundays. so why in the world would you think you were immune to it, to him?
Surfer Ino with the perfect body. those defined, washboard abs. toned quads that work alongside his core to stabilize him as he shreds the waves like it's nothing. biceps that aren't overwhelming, but actually just right in size. every muscle in his body is hugged by skin that is tanned to delicious perfection. he's the epitome of fitness, now sprinkle a head of untamed chocolate locks with that dorky, genuine personality. it's no wonder swimwear and underwear companies alike want him showing off their brands while women discard their underwear for him.
Surfer Ino who can't get over how irresistible you look every time you set those pretty toes in the cream-colored sand. the sun hits your skin immaculately every time, he's hypnotized by the way your eyes seem to compete with the sun in splendor and beauty. your hair is somehow always complying with you, edges laid and behaving despite the brutal heat. sometimes, he swears you're a goddess posing as a human. no way someone is so perfect so effortlessly.
Surfer Ino who is so enthralled by your beauty, he loses focus, which throws off his balance and leads him to wiping out. normally, he's bummed out by such mistakes, but he's happy the waves have swallowed. perhaps you wouldn't recognize him from the distance he was at and surely you couldn't see the crimson spreading over his face and neck like a nasty sunburn.
Surfer Ino who makes it kind of obvious he has a thing for you. occasionally approaching you whenever you pop up to make casual conversation. flashing that flawless, megawatt smile your way when he's waxing his board. you don't ignore the flurry of nerves that erupts in your stomach when he does, not like you could anyway.
Surfer Ino who stays at the beach however long you stay because even sharing the same shoreline as you is a privilege he'll never take for granted.
Surfer Ino who finally has the opportunity to get closer to you when he overhears you talking about wanting to learn how to surf. he doesn't know that your watching him is what sparked your curiosity and desire to surf.
Surfer Ino who calmly and cooly offers to teach you when your leaving the beach one day. he explains he overheard your conversation and would be honored to teach you the basics. he'd even lend you one of his boards for practice.
Surfer Ino who will never forget the way your eyes lit up when you eagerly took him up on his offer. the way your glossy lips curled up in that show-stopping smile of yours...it took every ounce of self control he didn't know he had to not kiss you in that moment
Surfer Ino who sat on the moonlight beach that night, daydreaming about what it'll be like to feel your skin under his rough palms. he found himself giddy at the thought of alone time with you. he laughed aloud; he was acting like a lovestruck teen
but who could blame him? it's been some time since he'd felt so happy. sure, surfing made him feel alive, feel the surge of adrenaline. but you? with each second he spent with you, it felt like he was committing every thing he knew about you to memory. you were a whole new experience. one he wanted to cherish for as long as possible.
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fanofthelamb · 3 months
lovely art you make please never stop!!!
WAAA TOO SWEET. thats it. MOREEEEEEE ART DUMP!!!!!!!! im not sure how many of these i posted but!! i think mostly it's all new!!!!!!!
I wonder if this'll become a thing for me. BAHAHAH
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scrapped ref page i've made before ^^^^^ it was similar to nari's except it turns out the red's color jitter was too extreme.... the grren was AMAZING tho. Comments with the pieces btw!! and 30+ pics I think?! So expect a long ass post. :) this isn't even all the unposted art, just the stuff I thought was good enough to post!
First thing's first! How about a comic I never posted? I was kinda embarrassed by the writing of it, but this WAS just something to help Rue. (You might notice a lot of the art in this thread was sent to Rue and never posted. Sorry Rue. little of this is new for you. sone is tho. orzzzzz)
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Woah? The lamb has feelings? The lamb has bad feelings about their past?? Who knew. Shocker. (also LMFAO AT NARI IN THIS HE REALLY SAID "oh ur crying? I'll give you a reason to cry")
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something to kind of help storyboard out the animation i'm tryna work on. its not going well. turns out that shit is hard.
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and some beyond the grove narinder. yall eat BTG nari UPPPPPP.
speaking of BTG? how about some panels of a future page? Chapter 1 still. feel free to laugh at how strangely i draw the draft. ti works for me!
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back to normal nari. IN PANTS!!!!!!!!!!!
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THIS isnt actually a drawing it's a real image taken of me and rue
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i dont know if i posted this or not, actually. i am not a big fan of it, though.
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i need to draw leshy and val more </3
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idk if i posted kalladad either BAHAHAHAHA
also, i dont know if i posted THIS either. i dont SEE it but i could be wrong ?
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now how about a couple of kissing booth scraps?
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long with the scrapped comic where narinder kills and eats the face of the goat. </3 rip that thing (the goat LOVES fighting and LOVES someome who can beat thier ass almost as much)
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and some heket bullying her brother (she wuvs him tho)
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i dont know which acc i posted this to, actually. i drew this bc rick kept reposting halflife shit BAHAHAHH
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oh and here's a vent piece or two i made with annona. they seem harmless enough to post i guess? i wish i made more content with them.
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i jsut wanna chew them between my molars like a marshmallow.
this si also sometihng i made for rue BAHAHAHAHAH HAVE I POSTED IT? IDK.
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and of course, the least toxic totally-not-abusive-as-fuck pairing of lamb and the red crown. this isnt exclusively BTG related but I dont know how much interest people would have with him being a character on FOTL? he is 1000% having his own role as his own charavter in BTG though.
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oh, and this guy i wanted to post forever ago, but i needed time to adjust to his design. this is the best i have made of him and it might be what sticks. he's leshy's uncle. (took worm baby in after both his siblings went missing)
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more nari, because he's my most popular scrumplie. probably bc i draw him the most and a lot of my stuff is nari centric. nude nari because i literally couldn't think up what i wanted to draw on him. i was gonna edit clothes on later and forgor BAHAHAHA
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i actually dont know if i posted this too? this is tyar and baal <3 baal was pretty shocked to have learned vitas was tyar's spouse. he's still not ready to talk about it, but he does want to ask the lamb about it one day.
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and some childhood memories i never finished.
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i MIGHT have posted this one ?
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i posted pieces of this page but here's the full:
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I’ve read through some of your old posts and I gotta say…I love me some angst. May I kindly, pretty please with a plastic cherry on top, ask for TADC gang with an S/O who abstracted a while back, but then they ‘respawn’ one day with a glitch affect about them, and their memory was totally wiped? Like it was their first day in the digital world? The glitch affect doesn’t hurt them or anyone like what happened to Ragetha and Pomni btw.
TADC cast x mended!reader
so funny story i was about to sit down and work on this about 4 hours ago but then my parents said they were going to watch the fnaf movie in the garage and i literally dropped everything and watched it so uh uh. the reason the grind stopped was because of fnaf movie and now im kinda tempted to pick up my fnaf fic again anyways! i did a similar post, here! jax and caines parts here will be short, really only focusing on the glitch aspect for them in this post, since the other half has already been written!
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just got flashed with an image but you know that scene where the iron giant is trying to pick the boy up but hes like limp or something and the giant pulls back (ive never watched iron giant i just know this clip from a meme) i think it would be like that if he tried to poof your glitching away; but like. in an emotional way, if that makes sense. like its the same kind of carefulness and worry, i think... bonus if he does more damage than not
honestly a little too scared to even touch you out of the deep seeded fear of getting all glitchy as well. like he knows it wont spread to him, but you know...
similar to jax i think she would instinctively avoid touching you even though she knows its fine... the whole hand thing making her overly cautious for future scenarios, you know? i think she would slip up and accidentally bring up something you and her did before you abstracted, or call you an endearing name before abruptly stopping herself and trailing off, sad stuff. grief makes her tear between wanting to find an exit faster and trying to make you remember/stay for you
poor girl :( i think she would genuinely try to make an effort to re/befriend you and try not to have her hopes too high for the two of you to get back together. if you hear about your past relationship and want to learn more about it, shell tell you what you want to know, but i doubt she would instantly start dating you again if you suggest the two of you trying to give the relationship a second shot... i think that would need some time
bro is gonna be going through it, first he loses his possible wife to abstraction and now he lost you.. got you back, but you dont remember anything. on top of that you look.. off.. sure it doesnt hurt you but it still looks like it would be uncomfortable, even if it isnt
stuck between longing to rekindle your old relationship and letting you go in order to allow himself to process this grief; the third option is potential abstraction for himself
tries not to care. they want to forget everything like you did, they were finally starting to be normal after your abstraction. but now your back in a clean slate, mind wiped and memories gone. how does someone cope with that? as much as it hurts them they think it would be best for them to pretend you were a stranger again
saying it again, poor girl. mix of pomni and ragatha here i think, like she keeps messing up and verbally reminiscing before realizing you cant relate to what shes saying anymore. will tell you anything you want to know about the past, but i think it would take a lot longer for her to consider getting with you again than ragatha. for both its kind of a "i dont want them to feel obligated to try because we were together once" type deal
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if you would all allow me to be delusional for a moment - so i went back to staring Very Hard at the neighborhood map and. um. well. im chucking my marbles out the window! as always take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt!
i thought i saw a weird pixel in Frank's window so i zoomed in. then i took a screenshot, and fucked with the contrast/brightness settings. and uhhhhhh
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FRANK??? HELLO???? HE'S IN THERE? i'm pretty sure im Not seeing things bc that is definitely a vague gray tube-outline with a yellow spot in the shape of Frank's nose. hidden in the dark. and i might be seeing things but in the pane next to his face it kinda looks like his hand is on the window? but! Frank's in there! what the fuck!
so naturally i slowly scrolled through the neighborhood Zoomed The Fuck In. obvi there's nothing in Home's eyes, and Barnaby's & Sally's single visible windows(?) are closed. I couldn't find any out-of-place pixels in Julie's or Poppy's.
but! Eddie's kinda freaked me out a little! look at this shit!
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on the top left pane... are those fingerprints pressing into the glass? and in the lower left, is that a fucking Face peering out? a creepy ass face that almost looks like some sort of mask? there seems to be another Shape in the upper right... another face perhaps?
and then there's the weird window shine in the lower right (along with maybe Another face...). it almost looks like a string of letters. there isn't a single pattern/design like that anywhere else in the neighborhood. what's up with that....
oh and also, just went back to double check the post office's display window
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there seems to be another face - all the way to the right in the darkness. judging by the shape of the paler (yellowish?) pixels between what must be eyes, i think that's Eddie. and i think i see ears and a hat... not sure though. this one is really tough to see but it's There
(side note: Eddie is totally fucked, isn't he? between the faces(?) and hands behind his door, Home sitting in his display, and the hyacinths by his building, the emphasis on his memory (or lack-thereof) in a project that is, in a sense, About memory... i'm concerned! and eating it tf up! hell yeah lets get funky!)
now i couldn't see any, like, concrete Faces or anything in Howdy's store. but! you can kinda see inside! observe~
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in the big open window, you can kinda make out some sort of container on a counter and what might be shelves or a kind of brick pattern. and then above the 100% sign... hold on are those fuckign Eyes? lets take a look zoomed in & without the image adjustments!
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yeah those uh. i think those are eyes. Wally-esque eyes peering out of the darkness. though they also mildly remind me of eyespots on insect wings. butterfly eyespots, perhaps. inch resting indeed...
WAIT I LIED!!! there DOES seem to be another string of letter-like symbols in the neighborhood, not just the post office's window shine. now it could be just a wild coincidence, but at the same time it seems kind of... purposeful. like that's not normal shading/coloring.
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check out the blue window border on Howdy's Place, next to the apples. the lighter blue pixels seem Arranged. i think i see a clear N, and either an R or a P... along with some other symbols that i don't recognize as anything. the lower ones look kinda like faces? what could the top one be? is any of it anything or am i looking too hard?
in short: they're watching us watch them and there's way more to the map than initially meets the eye....
(edit: i've added a reblog w/ the images outlined! badly outlined but a clearer View of what i see nonetheless! + some notes on more little things outlining helped me notice)
#throttling my laptop WHAT DOES IT MEAN??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNNNNN#got a little spooked there ngl....#noticing the faces(?) in eddie's gave me a lil startle. got a little chill up my spine#I LOVE IT!#im gonna be reeling over this all night....#the implications! the arising questions!! the Choices!!!#frank and eddie being the only ones with their faces in their windows (plus a couple extra)#eddie and howdy having letters/symbols(?) on their buildings#THE EYES IN HOWDY'S STORE!!!#i feel like these are important misplaced pieces of a puzzle i havent even opened yet#god and like. tiny home in eddie's window yeah but that With the eyes in howdy's store?#both buildings - both Stores! - seeming to have hidden letters on them??? WHAT DOES IT MEANNNN#of course i could be just plain insane and seeing things#but some of it.... ough i dont think i am fellas#welcome home speculation#wh speculation#homebogging#ive been meaning to Examine the updated map.... not much Changed or caught my attention but a few things did#why does barnaby have a carton of milk outside his house? something to do with the phrase 'no use crying over spilled milk'?#the flower patch behind julie's house is Oddly green.... kinda reminds me of a body dump#that plus the red thing next to the bowling ball (a ribbon? scissors? something else?) makes me Suspicious#along with a mildly delusional Theory i've had since my first good Examining Of The Map (before the update!)#but thats not what this post is about#theres just. theres interesting things in there!#thank you for reading! i need to go Think about this all....#im feeling the urge to up the contrast/brightness of Every Single Slightly Dark image on the site <3
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huenyang · 7 months
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn reader / genre: meet-cute, fluff / word count: 1k / notes: very self indulgent im not going to lie, if theres any spelling mistakes no there aren't
summary: after having a terrible day, the handsome stranger you meet seems to know just how to lift your mood.
The smell of coffee - the cup which was previously in your hands, now all over your shirt and the floor of the convenience store - feels like it burns on the way down to your lungs. Accompanied by the frustrated tears that sting your eyes, you almost want to sink to the ground and rip your hair out.
Today was not your day.
As if having an already stressful day and dropping the coffee you’d paid for wasn’t enough, you had bumped into someone else. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the stranger seems to want to burn himself into your brain while doing nothing at all.
Gazing up at him, you feel your eyes linger a little too long. Maybe gods are real, because this man looks like he’s been sculpted by Aphrodite herself. Good god, you wince. You don’t even know his name and you’re acting like this. 
If you weren’t still stunlocked by the events prior, you would’ve made a conscious note of how his dark brown eyes widen in surprise and how his fringe looks just a tad bit too long. Or how his lips curl in a gasp.
It’s not just anybody who looks good under convenience store lighting, you reason.
“Oh my god-” he exclaims hurriedly, reaching out as if he wanted to try and save the cup from spilling. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t looking when I turned.”
You mumble something, it’s okay, probably. It’s like this one man has completely stolen your ability to be normal. But that’s stupid, he hasn’t done anything but apologize for running into you, like anyone with a drop of sense would.
He looks around, leaning a little to look past the many aisles and motion to the clerk that something had happened.
While he’s doing that, you crouch to finally pick up the cup you had almost forgotten while thinking about the pretty, nice stranger right in front of you.
Ew. None of that.
With a sigh, you hold the plastic carefully, trying to avoid the sticky coffee running down along one of the sides, and begin to make your way to the nearest trash can before it drips more and makes an even bigger mess for the poor employees.
It doesn’t take long for him to come back around, message delivered to the store clerk.
When the stranger talks to you again, he looks like he’s about to apologize, but you silence him with a shake of your head and a mirthless laugh.
“Man…” he sighs, shuffling his hands into his coat pockets. “At least let me make it up to you for ruining your coffee.”
You almost want to cry. Over the coffee, over this stranger who keeps being so kind to you, over everything.
“No no, you don’t have to. It’s just coffee.” but it isn’t. “I couldn’t possibly make someone else pay for my own mistake.”
Now it’s his turn to wave his hand dismissively at you, smile tugging at the corner of his lips. “It’s nothing! In fact, I insist. I think I’d like to know you better - without the coffee staining both of our shirts, this time.”
The mention of it brings you back to reality, the sticky beverage all over the front of your shirt feeling like it weighs a thousand pounds on your chest, now. You’re not sure if it’s the memory of spilling your coffee everywhere, or the air inside the store, or something else, but suddenly your cheeks feel significantly warmer. You hope the stranger doesn’t notice.
“I don’t have your name.” You say after a second of consideration. “How can I share a coffee with someone I don’t know the name of?”
The question catches him off guard, too, if the way you can see the realization dawn on his face is anything to go by.
“Choi Yeonjun.”
With a grin, you introduce yourself too. An employee with a mop and a bucket interrupts you then, saving you from an awkward conversation with the pretty stranger- Yeonjun. You both step outside, the small ding of the door opening and closing the only sound between you.
“So,” you start, shuffling your feet anxiously. “Can I have your number- for the coffee, of course.” No other reason. No other reason at all.It feels like the single beat between your question and his answer is an eternity. Maybe you sprung the question up on him too suddenly, or maybe he didn’t even mean it to begin with. But before you can think of even more reasons to go and change your identity entirely, he’s fishing for his phone and handing it to you.
“You can put yours in.” he breathes out. Maybe you’re more far gone than you thought, because it sounds almost dreamy. “I’ll put my contact in yours, too, if that’s okay?”
With shaky hands - from the cold, obviously - you quickly tap in your number, setting your own contact as your name and a little sun emoji. You can see him doing the same to his contact, his emoji choice being the fox instead.
“We can set up a date later, whenever you’re free.” He says, handing you back your phone and tucking his own back into his pocket. “Just let me know!”
With that, you go your separate ways. On the way home, your mind wanders. It’s almost hard to believe that your shitty day turned into whatever this is. From spilling overpriced coffee you’d bought to cheer yourself up, to meeting a handsome stranger who not only offered to make up for said overpriced coffee, but also gave you his number? If this was a dream, you don’t want to wake up from it.
The dream doesn’t last long, however, because a ping rings from your phone, startling you out of your fantasy and back into reality.
You hope that the multiple people passing by you on the street don’t notice the way your face breaks into a dumb smile as you read.
From: Yeonjjunie 🦊 Hey!! Just making sure this is the right number!! haha Don’t feel pressured to pick yet btw, we can decide later
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dw-writes · 1 year
Once Bitten, Twice Angry - Miguel O'Hara x Anti Hero!Reader
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So. This isnt planned to be a fic - in fact Im writing it on my phone (which is something I NEVER do). But the idea came to me today and its itching the inside of my skull so I decided to write it down. Its silly - just an thought experiment to get the Across the Spiderverse brain worms out.
This isnt intended to be a romantic fic, either. At the point of writing this author blurb, i dont even know how Miguel fits into it beyond the main idea of him being venomous.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think
This isnt edited, and was typed out pretty quickly on a phone. I apologize ;;
WARNINGS: Swearing; Violence
"I bet you're wondering what I'm doing here." The bank robber - his name was Ryan, you remembered, and he was a pretty decent guy, just down on his luck too many times - nodded and mumbled behind the collect of irridecent that coated his mouth. You propped your foot on the side of another robber - Julian, Julius, Juli-something, he never really talked that much to you - as he tried to squirm towards his fallen weapon. "It's weird, right?" you mused, "One day, I'm the Black Cat, Nueva York's greatest burglar, the next I'm--" you cut yourself off as you hooked a foot around Juli-such-and-such's hip and tossed him across the bank floor. He released a muffled shout.
"Okay, so, what do you think of Moon Weaver?" you asked, "Too much?"
"Ain't there a Moon Knight?" someone in the bank quipped.
You twisted around, snapping your fingers down on your new, and very much stolen, web shooter. The man crumbled back against a cabinet. He was a banker, and annoying during robberies.
"I didn't ask you? I still don't know if you're gonna be saved by me yet," you replied. You turned back to Ryan. "No Moon Weaver?" you asked.
He shook his head.
"Damn," you sighed, "Anyway, I was telling this to my therapist up on the seventh floor - you should see her by the way, she's great - and we were going over how this started, but since you so rudely interrupted my therapy session, you get to hear it." You crouched in front of him. "Don't worry, you're not gonna remember a thing anyway. I'll make sure of it."
Ryan didn't reply.
You stood back up. "So, let's start at the beginning." You waved your hand as you paced away to another bank robber, kneeling to scoop up his limp ankle. "Remember that heist I was doing a few months ago? Priceless heirloom, lots of money, you know how it is. I was on the job, like normal, when that fucking Spiderman shows up." You dropped the man's ankle and crouched in front of Ryan again. "Have you ever seen him without his mask? He's kinda hot, but in that infuriating "I really wanna punch you" kinda way?"
Ryan merely stared at you. He wasn't a very good audience.
You huffed. "Anyway. He showed up, we did the whole song and dance - the chase, the quips, the obvious flirting with a good layer of sexual tension - and I give him the slip." You frowned at your own memory of that night, planting your fists on your hips. "Except, I didn't. He caught me around the corner, and we went down, grappling. I think I hit him a little too hard in a place that I shouldn't've - that's rude in a fight, you know - because he yelled and suddenly bit my shoulder." You turned back around. "He bit me! Like a four year old!"
You thought Ryan mumbled something that sounded like, "Seriously?" but it was too hard to make out.
So, you replied with, "Yeah! And I went home, and I started feeling weird." Then, you crouched again, your fingers dancing over your knees. "And you know how we all kinda know that he's a weird little freak that's, like, part spider, or werewolf, or vampire, or something freaky? Yeah, I think whatever it is gave me powers," you whispered.
Ryan's eyes went wide.
You shrugged and stood, cupping your fingers around his head. "Yeah, it was weird. And now, here we are!" Your fingers tickled as a surge of electricity arched away from them and through his skull. "Not that you'll remember it," you mumbled.
The robber thrashed as you stepped away, then slumped to the ground. You watch him for a moment, frowning, waiting to make sure he was still breathing. When he groaned, you stepped back.
Then, you snapped your fingers, turning around to face the whole group of thieves you had piled in a corner. "Oh, what about Night Spider? That's pretty cool!" you asked.
"It's pretty," came a delayed reply. You looked over your shoulder. It was a customer, one of the few that was still curled up on the floor.
You smiled, and bowed at the waist. "Why thank you," you preened, standing, and waving your arm towards the door, "What're you all still waiting around here for? Get outta here!" You watched as the customers scrambled to their feet. "And tell the cops it was Night Spider that helped you!" You backed away, eyeing an exit you normally took to escape a bank with a similar layout. "Not Spiderman."
You bolted as the cops rushed into the building.
Miguel watched from atop the roof across the street, an annoyed scowl etched deep into his face. He knew he shouldn't have bitten you that night - but how could he have known you'd have such a reaction?!
And now, you went from being a pain in his side to a fucking problem.
He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned, swearing under his breath.
Lyla would never let him live it down.
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stargirlie25 · 3 months
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Elain Archeron AND Elucien is next.
Why i say this is because we clearly have canon text about how Nesta feyre and the whole entire inner circle see Elain. It is not difficult for me to think that Elain may un-stiffle herself and break free of the stereotypical innocent girl thingy.
Is this her forever home though? Where her alleged people view her like this? How one of them can agree everyone has spent so long assuming Elain belongs to those two words and that is her whole worth?
Yes i think with time and safety we will see a different Elain emerge. I mean its been over a year in the night court and i can just simply tell that Elains story perhaps started there but will continue elsewhere...
And the topic of ships, its the rosebush that pierced her hands and torn the skin and Azriels rose necklace that left Elain confused and hurt. The rose that her father carved for her, the father that passed away and caused lots of emotional pain.
Enter Elains mate, Lucien who gifted the gloves for reason. If Elain had worn the gloves nothing would have pierced her hands at all. Not even a rosebush.
Now Elain can explore her sexual desires and make choices whenever she feels like it. Now instead if she chose to give in to the bond earlier, Azriel who left her confused and hurt would never have happened. She was hurt and she knew deep down that her and him were not going anywhere so she returned the rose necklace.
With her father. We all know just how dear papa archeron is to Elain. She visits every month and feyre even painted her with him. The last reminder of the good papa archeron brought into the world was the rose carving. Then there is Lucien who has memories of papa Archerons last moments.
My point? Elain is compared with roses multiple times. Some of those times, she has been left pierced, hurt and confused, and obviously emotionally wounded.
Then theres Lucien who CAN be connected to all of these situations only there to make things brighter.
Also coming back to the gloves conversation. Why on earth did everyone perceive Lucien to see Elain as some docile precious flower. Because im pretty sure in canon there is another man who does exactly that but gets away with it...Anyway what is canon is that Feyre told him when he asked about her that Elain would put on gloves and garden. This is him paying attention to his mate in hopes she would like the gift. Its not restraining her for god sake.
In my opinion, this is lucien thinking that Elain should have her free will to garden all she wants without hurting herself. That with the enchanted gloves, she can do even heavier work. The rosebush got through Elains normal gloves.
Anyways i was doing so good and now im too lazy to write more but moral of the story Elain (according to the frigin books) is getting the next book and lulu is the solulu to everything.
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siren song vi - xavier thorpe
requested: yes! requests: open!
a/n: this might be the last part of siren song! i am still debating if i will make one last one, just to see what the new 'normal' is (also because im pretty sure xavier and reader never shared a kiss before and they deserve it by now). thank you so much for the love on this fic and my other works, i appreciate it so much! i hope you enjoy this part and i will see you in the next one!
wordcount: 3.289 warnings: she/her reader, angst, injuries, act like wednesday isn't in the gif, cursing
You had gotten Xavier out of jail and got your memories back. But, at what cost?
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You had a restless night. How could you sleep in a comfortable and warm bed, knowing that Xavier was stuck in a cold prison cell? People think he is some horrible monster, yet you know better. There is no possible way that he is the monster.
It is early in the morning when you walk down the stairs and toward the Quad. You are already dressed in the uniform, not wanting to go back upstairs after breakfast only to change out of your clothes. You just want this day to go by as fast as it possibly could - you have to get back to the Sherriff's office.
There is no one at breakfast when you get there. After grabbing a tray filled with some food, you sit down at the picnic tables. Though you have food in front of you, your stomach isn't grumbling and you have absolutely no appetite whatsoever.
Slowly, the Quad fills up as your entire friend group comes walking to you with trays in their hands. With a sigh, Bianca sits down, taking a big sip of her orange juice.
No one really talks as everyone is sulking about everything going on. It is quite understandable, really.
The day flies by - literally. Because of your jumbled thoughts and extreme emotions, you accidentally flung different items off your desk or against the wall. It was all fine until you threw a glass past someone's head. The teacher excused you, insisting you take the rest of the class off. It was your last one anyway. Just as you enter your dorm, you get a text message.
bianca ★
wanna hang? a lot of stuff happened yesterday
You quickly text her back, saying that you will be there in a few minutes. No use to change clothes. Within a few minutes, you stand in front of your friends door. As you knock, the door opens, revealing Bianca behind it. She is dressed in other clothes already.
"Gosh, so much happened," she lets out a sigh, letting herself fall on the bed.
"What did? I wasn't away from Nevermore for that long."
"Where were you, anyway?"
"The Sherrif's department," you slide her desk chair backwards, sitting down on it as you look at her. "Why?"
"Wednesday has gotten expelled," Bianca leans on her elbows, looking back at you. "She tried to abuse the shit out of Tyler. We all agreed to talk to him because she thinks he is the Hyde, but then she pulled out a hammer and shit."
You scoff.
"She thought that Xavier was the monster, right? He is stuck in jail because of her."
"Yeah, she says that Tyler admitted everything to her."
"I'm going to sound rude, but she deserved to get sent away. In the time that she was at school, we have seen Sheriff Galpin more than in all previous years combined."
Bianca opens her mouth to say something, but her phone rings. On the screen is Enid's name. She lets out a sigh, picking up the phone.
"Hey, Enid. No, I'm in my room with Y/N. No, not really? Enid- Enid, you have to talk a bit slower," you let out a laugh as you watch your friend. "Yes, I know what the Nightshades are. Thornhill, a psycho? See you in a sec."
She hangs up, jumping up from her bed before looking down at you.
"There's a problem."
You run down the stairs together with Bianca, Davina, and Kent. In the library stand Ajax and Enid who is holding Thing. Was Thing not going with Wednesday?
"Bianca, Davina, Y/N and Kent? Seriously?" The blonde turns to Ajax. "Even Kent is here! How exclusive is this club?"
Davina snorts, looking over at Kent as you just hide your smile behind your hand. Kent looks from the two of you back to Enid, rolling his eyes.
"So what's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?"
"She murdered Weems and then kidnapped Wednesday. They're in Crasckstone's Crypt."
Your eyes grow big as your smile quickly drops. Principal Weems is dead? Murdered by the normie teacher? But- how? Where is she now?
"We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late" Enid lets out a sigh, fiddling with her hands.
Ajax unfolds the piece of paper in his hands, showing it to everyone. On it is a picture of what seems to be Crackstone, some sort of wand or stick in his hands as he stands in the Quad, fire surrounding him and the building.
"This is what's coming. They want the Outcasts gone."
"So, do we pull the fire alarms?"
You shake your head, tearing your eyes away from the drawing.
"No," you look at him. "We don't want to cause a big panic amongst everyone. It will alert Thornhill."
"How do we get everyone out then?"
"We will use our Siren Song to convince them. No one will bat an eye."
Your Siren friends pull off their amulets, hiding them in their pockets before nodding. Thing taps his way over to Enid as she picks him up.
"We will go look for Wednesday," she looks at everyone.
"I will stay in the Quad," you mumble. "My Telekinesis might be able to keep everything safe for as long as possible."
Bianca looks at you for a second. She doesn't want you to get hurt. It's not like she doesn't trust you, or that she doesn't think you can handle yourself - she is more worried about Crackstone showing up.
"I will hide on the second level, keep my eye out for anything crazy. Just get the others out of there."
"Okay," Bianca finally nods. "Nightshades, forever."
Everyone except for Enid snaps twice, which makes her glare at Ajax again.
"Seriously? A secret snap?"
You follow the Sirens upstairs, standing in the hallway that leads to the dorms and to the second level of the Quad. From here, you will get a perfect view of the place. If anyone opens any door, you will be able to see it. Worst case scenario, you will have to let yourself fall into the Quad. You can soften the fall though, by being able to let yourself float just for a second.
People start running past you, still pulling their jackets over their shoulders. Even Coach Vlad walks past you, not even acknowledging you as you are hidden in the dark corner. Good.
Bianca, Davina, and Kent then walk out of the dorms, giving you a glance.
"You sure you're going to be safe out here?"
"Of course," you grin. "I can handle myself."
"You better be careful, Y/N!"
Bianca has a grin on her face as she walks off to go to the next dorm, making sure everyone leaves the building. Hopefully, Enid and Thing are doing alright. A shaky breath leaves your lips. There is still hope. Hope that Weems is still alive and that Crackstone will not show up. He has been dead for over four hundred years already.
You check your phone - nothing. That must mean that no one found anything yet. Slowly, more and more people are running through the Quad. Your phone then makes a sound as you see that Ajax sent a message.
heard from xavier. crackstone and thornhill are on their wya
b careful
They found Xavier? Or at least, heard of him. Has he been released from prison then? Just as you start typing back, a door in the Quad flies open, revealing screaming students and two other figures. Crackstone and Thornhill. You quickly shove your phone in your pocket, leaning down a bit to try and stay out of their line of sight.
The tall guy, probably Crackstone, says something to Thornhill which makes her walk off, talking to herself. Bianca and Ajax run up to you, out of breath. The sudden steps make the figure in the Quad look up, the staff in his hands glowing brightly.
"I will expunge you abominations from this Earth!"
One tap of his staff makes fire spread out, catching onto everything it can. Ajax quickly pulls you and Bianca down as the hot fire flashes over you.
More people are running through the Quad, almost not noticing Crackstone. They just want to get out.
"I'm going down there."
You quickly hurry down the stairs and to the Quad. You can not let this stupid, dead, old man ruin everything that Nevermore stands for. If he died once, then surely he can die again.
You run through the door, opening it harshly with your telekinesis.
"Hey, you asshole!"
The figure turns around. He looks even more disgusting up close. His skin looks like it is ready to peel off, and his hair also doesn't quite help the case.
"I will make sure that thy heart will not beat," he grits his teeth. "All Outcasts shall be destroyed."
You lift your hand, slinging the broken picnic table to his head as you focus on another item to throw to the man. Maybe you should have brought a weapon. Crackstone holds up the staff, blocking all the objects you throw at him. Stones, broken tables, pieces of rubble - nothing hits him.
With a simple flick of the staff, you fly against a pillar, hitting your head against the stone. For someone that wants to kill all Outcasts, he surely does use a lot of magic. You wince, your hand going up against your forehead. You can't let him win.
You take hold of the big piece of wood next to you, tightly gripping it in your hands as you slowly stand up, your legs barely able to keep you up. Crackstone only has a grin on his face - he is not against a fight. The door behind you opens again.
"Stay away from her!"
You immediately turn around when you hear the voice. Xavier. A faint smile is on your face as your eyebrows crease. He got out. You knew that he wasn't the monster. The boy fires an arrow pointing straight at Crackstone's heart.
For just a second, you believe that it's finally over. You can just be with Xavier and your friends again, no Crackstone and no monsters.
That is, until the arrow stops in the air, the point slowly turning back straight to Xavier. You can't let it hit him. The arrow gets fired off again.
So, you did the logical thing.
You jumped in front of the arrow.
You yelp as the arrow sticks itself in your shoulder, falling back against the remains of a picnic table.
"No! Y/N!"
Xavier runs down the stairs and towards your body. You gasp for air, your eyebrows creased and tears staining your cheeks. Your head hurts and every light and sound is just a bit too bright and loud.
His hand reaches for your head as he holds it up. Your eyes slowly move from Crackstone to Xavier. You feel like you are getting high - in a bad way. Your head feels like it's floating and your movements feel slow. It is like you are watching everything happen in slow motion.
He nods quickly, taking hold of your hand with his other hand.
"Can you take the arrow out?"
Tears pool in his eyes as he softly shakes his head.
"I can't," he whispers. "It's going to hurt more."
Wednesday walks through the doors, a sharp blade in her hands. Her face is covered in blood and her shirt is ripped. First, she wanted to ask him to fight with her, but then she sees his expression and you on the ground, an arrow in your shoulder.
"Get her out of here. I'll finish this."
He looks at her for a second, shock still evident on his face.
He picks you up with a swift motion, making sure to not put too much unnecessary touch or pressure on your shoulder. He has to get you to safety. It's his only priority.
With you in his arms, he runs down the halls and out of the Nevermore gate. It is cold outside, though he feels like he is burning. He can see the crowd of students already. Enid is also covered in mud and what seems like blood. The rest looks scared.
Kent immediately rushes up to Xavier as he sees that he is carrying you. He is one of your best friends.
Xavier slowly places you on the soft ground as you do nothing but blink. The Siren quickly shrugs off his jacket, rolling it up to act as a pillow that he carefully places underneath your head. Xavier also takes off his coat, placing it on top of you to try his best to keep you warm. The arrow still sticks out of your shoulder - he doesn't dare to touch it. Your hands are shaking when he takes hold of them.
"Am I dying?"
Xavier his heart breaks once you ask that. You have lost a bit of blood and you are quite out of it. He would stay in that jail cell for the rest of his life if that meant that this would have never happened to you. All he wants is to have you safe.
"No, sweetheart," he sniffles. "You're going to be fine. I promise."
"I'm scared," a whisper leaves your lips.
Xavier only scoots a bit closer to you, the rest of the Nevermore students not being able to do anything else than watch.
"I'll stay here, okay? Right by your side."
A nod is the only reaction he receives. Your entire body is trembling, though he isn't sure if it's from the cold or the shock that you are in. Kent places his hand on Xavier's shoulder, offering him a small smile.
"Is that-"
Enid storms off to the Nevermore gates, engulfing Wednesday in a big hug. That's the last thing you saw.
Xavier picked you up again. You were drifting between consciousness and unconsciousness, your eyes droopy as you did not react to any noise or movement. Both you and Enid needed care in the Nevermore infirmary. As Wednesday patched Enid up, Xavier could do nothing except watch as another nurse made sure that your wounds were tended to.
If only he had not shot the arrow.
If the arrow had never left his bow, then you wouldn't have to get it removed. He never even wants to touch a bow and arrow again. Not if this is what happens. The nurse finally finishes the stitches as she cleans the last drop of blood. Your eyes have been closed this entire time - the anesthesia making sure you don't feel anything. All the past events had made you so tired, that you were knocked out immediately. Being thrown against a pillar did not really help you.
Luckily, nothing was broken and you weren't in a coma. Your ankle is fractured though - you must have fallen on it.
"Xavier," the nurse softly says, a smile on her face. "I think it is time that everyone retires to their rooms. It has been a long day."
He doesn't want to move. He wants to stay. What if you wake up, scared and alone in a dark room?
"Yeah," he mumbles, standing up. "Can that light stay on?"
He points to the small lamp on the bedside table. As long as it's on, it's going to be fine.
"Of course."
The nurse walks out of the room, making sure the lamp is on as she looks at Xavier. Her arm is holding the door open. He doesn't want to leave. He glances at you once more, breathing in shakily before walking out the door.
Not even the hot water from his shower makes him feel good. He feels itchy and he can't sleep. He doesn't know what tomorrow will bring. All that he knows is that he wants to be there for you.
Xavier pulls a white hoodie out of his closet, throwing it on before finding a pair of sweatpants and shoes. No matter what the nurse said, he has to go to the infirmary again. His hair is still wet by the time he makes it downstairs again.
After making sure that there are no nurses anymore, he sneaks in, closing the door behind him softly. You are in the exact same position, your eyes still closed and your hands by your sides. He takes a chair from behind the curtain, placing it close to your bed. It is the most uncomfortable thing that he ever sat on, but he doesn't care.
He pulls the hood onto his head, slumping in his chair while fiddling with his hands. He wished that none of this had ever happened.
Exhaustion had knocked out Xavier, making him sit in the chair uncomfortably. His elbow is leaning on his knee and his head is on his hand. His neck is going to hurt like crazy.
You wince as you open your eyes. The light next to you is extremely bright, especially considering the rest of the room is dark. Your head is pounding like crazy - it feels like someone is trying to claw its way out of it.
Your fingers are tingling, making you look down at them. They feel sore, just like the rest of your body. The blue blanket is thin, though you were convinced yours was a mixture of pink and red. Your neck feels frozen as you turn to look around the room.
Xavier is sitting on the chair, his eyes closed and his mouth open with just a bit of drool on his cheek. You almost giggle.
He is wearing a hoodie that you have never seen before - a white hoodie with a small print just on his chest. The boy stirs a bit, rubbing his eyes softly before sighing. He should not have slept in this stupid chair. His eyes slowly open as he blinks a few times.
He checks his phone - 9:03am. Xavier has been here for ages. He stretches his arms, looking around the room until his eyes fall on you. You are awake, your eyes open, and a small grin on your face.
"Y/N!" He exclaims, a big smile on his face. "You- You're awake!"
A giggle leaves your lips. You can't believe it took him this long to notice you.
"Awake and only in a small amount of pain. If a banging headache and a burning shoulder are considered a small amount."
It's like you see him in a different light. Not that he changed anything or that the small table lamp really changed his appearance, but he just seems different. In a good way. You just feel different about him - but better. Even better than before.
"I can see if there's some medicine," he stands up, walking through the small room to find something that might help. "Don't think this is considered a small bit."
Your eyes only follow him, a smile still on your face. You are lucky that there is no heart monitor connected to you. It would have been going crazy right about now. Xavier looks more beautiful than ever.
"I don't think I have ever seen you wear something plain white," you speak up. "Not since the Rave'n. Hey, you should wear white more. The suit fits you really well and-"
Xavier whips his head around so fast that he sees black spots for a second.
"What did you just say?"
"Since the Rave'n," you whisper.
Is it true? Is everything finally falling right back into place? Is everything how it used to be again?
"You remember."
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three-dee-ess · 5 months
hiiii 3DS tour!!!!
from the day i first got it, i knew to name it Happiness..... nothing deep about it i just wanted to say "my mom took my Happiness away for exam week :("
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a bit of a reveal but i'm the anxious sticker placer anon haha it's still plain to this day if not for a few scratches (a lot actually but it's not that noticeable, right? qwq)
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the barcode and numbers are super faded i can't read them!! plus the scratches are much more noticeable, im not sure where most of them came from but i remember one of them is when i accidentally dropped a screwdriver on it oops
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the cartridge is pokemon black 2!! i've had this game before Happiness. yup i have a metallic rose DS lite that's sooo busted up, (well i had a coral pink DS lite before that but i got mugged when i was like 7 years old and it's gone which is a story for another time)
anyway, metallic rose had dead pixels that spread like some fungus, L button didnt work at all, buttons feel gross to press now, etc yknow normal 7 year old not knowing the value of things thing
i'd send a picture but it's back at my old house, pray that the spiders know how to play dig dig dug
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:D i'm very normal about cyrus pokemon i swear
if you check my theme plaza account you can see i also made one (1) batch of badges which is hunter x hunter badges as you can see from the folders, i'm also very normal about hunter x hunter i swear
i wanted to lay everything out without folders and arrange everything pretty but it's so hard how do all of you do it qwq
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gon folder (top left folder) are my 3DS gaammeess, i haven't played some of them bc i still got a lot of games to finish but they're there!!
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frens (i didnt make the badges other than the hunter x hunter ones btw!)
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killua folder (top right folder) contains DS... well used to, now it holds other games! i also haven't played most of them im so busy qwq
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i deleted the shortcuts for the DS games i finished, also it took me way too long how to inject GBA and other games into 3DS
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kurapika folder (bottom left folder) contains videos and movies! i figured out how to convert them but it's so hard to find download links to the movies i like now :(
also did you know the first 3 volumes of hunter x hunter are on the japanese eshop? i can't read japanese but i keep them because i like the novelty of it
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leorio folder (bottom right folder) is my homebrew and miscellaneous stuffs! self-explanatory -w-
if you have any homebrew stuffs you wanna recommend, tell meee
eek, asks only allows 10 pictures apparently so i'm gonna send another one because we're not done yet!!!!
Happiness is so awesome the crows wants an encore so i shall deliver ohoo
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activity log :D i love that the 3DS has this so we can all look back on memories and such
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and that's the day when i first got Happiness!!!! i was pretty late to the 3DS party but i stiiiillll love it if you couldn't tell i really love pokemon and that's why i wanted a 3DS so bad lol i don't think i will ever be as excited as i was holding Happiness in my hands for the first time qwq
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yknow, i still don't know how this happened
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and that's all from meee if you have any questions or wanna tell me something, go to my ask box because i don't wanna clog up three-dee-ess's notifs!! thank you for having me
galaxy style n3DSXL
thank you so much for the tour >:3c I loved reading through all of it! In depth tours like this are super interesting to me so thank you for sharing!! it makes me really happy.
I'll need to find my red 3DS again so I can share my own stats, since my grey one I use to mostly play puzzle game titles like picross, not any like, RPGs.
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Curtis And Honey Autumn This Or That 🍂
Week Three: Journaling or Hiking
Summary: Short drabble. Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. You and Curtis take a break while on a hike.
This is an 18+ Only Blog
A/N- Thank you for getting us to week three! No real warnings for either of these fics, but I hope you enjoy the moments for these two. Please reblog! I so appreciate it. Don't forget to vote on Fridays for next week's upcoming this or that fic. Happy reading.
Curtis and Honey This or That Masterlist
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet Masterlist
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Oh god I can’t breathe. You huffed as your shoe pushed upwards, digging your toes in to pull the rest of yourself up the incline. It wasn’t so bad at first, when Curtis asked if you wanted to give it a try, you were rather enthusiastic about the idea of going hiking, all that getting out in nature. 
Exercise, fresh air, pretty fall colors, getting to make another memory with Curtis. This is what you wanted. 
And you still did, but now it was a bit more work and energy to do, and quite frankly you were struggling with it. Your boyfriend was just ahead of you, his breathing a bit labored too as he went up a few steps ahead of you, turning to catch sight of you behind him. 
And as flushed as he looked, the bit of red from exertion brushing the tops of his cheeks, he didn’t look bad. Kind of that rugged woodsman look, where you were sure you looked like you were way out of your element and barely hanging on. “Halfway there Honey.” he said with a quirk of a grin at you. 
Halfway?! ONLY HALFWAY!? You felt your mind screaming as you looked around the wooded trail you two were on. Was it pretty? Yes. Were you hiking with your boyfriend who was a lumberjack wanna be in his red flannel shirt and jeans that looked like you could bounce a nickel off his ass? Also yes.You should feel blessed, But only halfway? You had lost track of time a while ago! And all your muscles were hating you right now.
Gasping in another harsh breath and huffing out in a laugh that you hoped to all that was holy it didnt look like you were just trying to catch your breath, but was amused with his statement. Curtis softened a bit, an arm shooting out to lean his hand against a tree, letting it take the brunt of his weight while he let his breathing go back to normal. “I will continue letting you lead the way Curtis.” You offered graciously. Holding your breath vainly while you said your next words, trying to make it seem like you weren’t feeling like you’ve ran ten miles. “I’m right behind you.” 
“Nu uh Honey.” Curtis narrowed his damned beautiful blue eyes at you while you kept up your charade. “Time for a break.” He looked around till he found a towering boulder just off the trail, fairly dry and clean enough for the two of you to sit on for a nice woodsy view. You scowled at him for a second before finally admitting to yourself that yeah, you needed a break. 
Following after him, you looked up the side of the boulder as he pulled himself up, sighing. “Curtis, Im happy to hike with you but I never signed up for rock climbing too. How is my ass gonna get up there?” 
He scoffed as he reached over the edge, wiggling his fingers at you to grab on. “I got you Honey, trust me.” Curtis gave you a smirk, taunting you to refuse him right now. You were gonna show him! 
You narrowed your eyes at him as you let your fingers wrap around his muscled forearm while he mimicked the hold on you and with a slight grunt, he started to help you up. You pushed up with your feet, soon scaling to the top where you plopped down next to him with a sigh. 
“See Pretty Girl, you got up here just fine.” He pulled the backpack he was wearing off his shoulders and fit it between his spread legs to open it up, pulling out a water bottle for you to drink from. 
“Curtis, there is no way in hell I would have ever gotten up here by myself.” You popped the top to take a swallow, Curtis nudging at you to take another drink which you did, not realizing just how thirsty you were. You slowed down once you had your fill and handed it back to him so he could take some. “Were you always a hiker?” 
He was still digging through the backpack till he pulled out some trailmix that you tested out making earlier in the week, planning on this trip since he mentioned wanting to take you. You let the bag set on the rock between you two, both of you digging into the ziplock to take some. “As a kid, no. I mean I went into the woods with my grandfather, he was a hunter, fisher and all that. I played out in the woods behind the house with other kids in the neighborhood. But hiking on trails, no. I started this when I started boxing, trying to do that whole find myself, get back to the things that I wanted to try, things that had made me happy. Being out in the woods, that made me happy.” He took another handful, scattering the honey covered nuts and dried fruit in his hand to find certain pieces. 
You watched him with piqued interest, Curtis was starting to open up more to you about his struggles as a young man and you were finding out something new everyday. “And hiking clicked for you.” 
He flung his hand out, letting the remainder of the trailmix in his hand fly out to scatter among the leaves littering the forest floor. Watching as a chipmunk took interest in his offering. “It did, it was hard to get into. Making myself go out every day when all I wanted to really do was go back into doing the dumbshit I was before. I couldn’t though, it was bad to be stuck in that head space. So I came out here and started walking and climbing till I found what was satisfying for me.” 
“Wow…” You said softly as you scootched over closer to lean against him slightly. “That’s actually pretty inspiring Curtis. Makes me want to do better.” 
His arm went over your shoulder, tucking you in closer. “Honey, you already have come so damn far since we met. You don’t even know how proud I am to get to be a part of that.” 
You felt warmth blossom at the praise, tilting your head up to ask for a kiss. “Thank you for helping with all that.” 
“We’re a team, that’s what we do.” He winked, pressing his lips to yours. “You help me, I help you.” 
You laughed with a nod. “Right, now I need your assistance in getting off this rock cause…” You leaned forward to look over the edge of it. “That's a long way down.” 
“Don’t worry Honey, I got you.” He stuffed the items back into the backpack and slipped over the edge, landing on his feet. “Trust me.” Curtis said with outstretched hands, ready to catch you whenever you chose to take that leap down. 
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feartoxinjelloshot · 6 months
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honestly i am not a fan of how this drawing turned out BUT i did invest some time into it so i would be amiss not to post it for posterity if nothing else.
so, i spent a long time ruminating on what to do with the league of assassins in my au. obviously, a lot of the canon material concerning it is staggeringly racist, not to mention just kind of stupid overall, so i knew that i wanted most of it to go out the window off the bat. at the same time there were certain aspects of it that i knew i wanted to retain - the immortality, the lazarus pits, talia's original antihero stuff, damian being a weird little knife child, etc - so eventually i decided that the "league of assassins" as it were doesn't really exist; ra's has simply operated im plain view for long enough that people who were paying enough attention went "hey, what the hell, he has a guy lined up for everything, surely he's running some kind of secret evil shadow organization?" he's not. he's really not. he's just been alive long enough that he has a lot of personal favors owed to him at this point. his actual "organization" is like, at maximum three people who owe him life debts at any given time. he's also not really evil per say. he's just really weird.
what ra's is actually doing (amidst some good old garden variety ecoterrorism - if ivy can do it so can he, and it was a core aspect of his motivation for several decades) is acting upon the pathological obsession he has with the lazarus pits. the lazarus pits in my au are a mix of the birth of the demon and BTAS lore surrounding them: they are natural deposits that must be manually dug out from underground wellsprings to be used, but they are also deeply connected to earthly magnetism and can be located via complex leylines and other ambiguously supernatural means. ra's, from his first discovery of them, has been dedicated to obsessively cataloguing and "deciphering" what he perceives to be the grand mystery of the natural world we live in, and that once he "solves" it, he can show the truth to others and the planet will be transformed into a paradise. (you may note this is not dissimilar to the riddler's pathos concerning patterns - more on that point later probably). this also has ties to his mortal occupation as a physician. he has a strong lingering investment in finding new ways to cure ills, and sees death as the ultimate ill, and therefore he wants to find a way to universally cure death.
now, a lot of this is directly informed by his backstory from birth of the demon, which happens to also contain the sole appearance of the other character in this image, Huwe (we aren't given another name for him to my memory, so i'm forced to assume that's his only one). huwe was an enemy-turned-ally of ra's who eventually became immortal alongside him up until the mid 1800(???)s, where they had a fight that ended in ra's killing huwe by stabbing him with a fire poker. i thought the dynamic between them was really interesting and underutilized in that comic so i decided to bring it back - it goes pretty differently in my au but i have not worked out the specifics to any degree of clarity yet so i will leave that for another post.
there is also more going on with talia and damian in this au, but this is getting long and they aren't even in this post so ill give the cliffnotes version: talia was raised to be more or less a 'warden' of the lazarus pits and she is immortal like ra's, albeit much younger chronologically. she has a vested desire to lead a "normal" life and live and die as a mortal. after having damian, who is ostensibly supposed to be her successor, she sends him away to live with bruce as a form of achieving her dream vicariously through him - as long as he remains mortal and lives as he wishes to, away from the inherited responsibility of the pits, she can bear the weight of it knowing he's out there somewhere. ra's's side of this is a whole other thing about immortal loneliness and his family being the only ones who he can relate to at all after all that he's done and a weird amount of parallels to the joker of all people but this is getting WAY TOO LONG.
TL;DR ra's (long hair) is a strange immortal doctor and the other guy is huwe, his totally-not-gay-and-also-immortal friend.
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torialefay · 2 months
Ooo new dorm arrangements! It made sense to me imo. Ive been a stay for a weird amount of time: started in 2019 and im on and off every other year. I usually listen to bands like ptv, sws, and bmth, uhhh... kinda the music my emo friends listened to in the early 2010s, so i end up coming and going.
Anyways, i remember watching "finding skz" and the survival show back in 2019/2020, and i think it's mentioned that when they all lived in one dorm, I.N. tends to clean up after them, but i think it was implied it was more like "maknae's chores." If my memory is still intact, I.N. everyones favorite roommate bc he's pretty organized and has good style... and he's the youngest, so they can dote on him but also boss him around lmao. Chan was the one most of them wanted to avoid rooming with purely bc he's not only organized, but he was strict on them and their leader, so he had the right to boss them around. They werent all familiar with each other on a personal level back then, just on a professional level, so it was kinda like rooming with your boss in a way lol. His tendency to go naked around the dorm and dote on them probably also contributed to that reason, but it was still really early in their career so they were reluctant to mention anything too """"scandalous"""" on camera. But yeah, those two together fit, especially now, since they've gotten to know each other a lot better and have chilled out.
Minsung together, obviously. I don't see them as clingy with each other as a lot of people seem to think. They're comfortable, secure, and read each other well. They dont necessarily need each other to live, but it's certainly much, much better together.
Changbin and Hyunjin. An emotionally aware person with a really emotional person. Changbin likes to play up his "crush" on Hyunjin for the camera, but i think he knows everyones boundaries enough to know when to reel it back. They seem to accommodate for each other and are still getting to know each other better, but then again, im not at all caught up on everything and dont know any of them personally lmao
Felix and Seungmin... for some reason, they seem both more emotionally attached yet also more emotionally distant than I see stay mentioning. The company's really pushing the "Felix is not human, he's a fairy" idea for a while now, and from an outsider's view, hes very pretty and im sure hes a very sweet person, but it looks a bit... tiring keeping that up.. and Seungmin is known for his "do what i want" attitude, especially lately with his "aiming for jyp" comments, and whatnot... idk where im going with this.... uhh ... well, i think their place is just them chilling. Just dudes being bros and getting a strong sense of being normal guys without the company rules on their image and being casual with each other. "Its not that deep until it is" vibes where they'll do the dude thing and not talk about their feelings much when they hang out, but every now and then, they'll let it all out, but its pretty rare.
you are kinda my life savor anon, coming through with all the hard-hittinf evidence to solidify my thoughts 🥺😂
i really do think the chan/i.n. dorm will work out great... other than innie having to see chris naked from time to time ig. but also, i feel like chris is kinda more respectful towards in??? idk it's just the vibe i get. and to be fair, i wishhhhh we got to see more of strict chris so bad. like when they talk ab it, i wanna see videos so bad. so if you have any recommendations, pls lmk. it's just so hard for me to picture him being scary 😭😂
oh no i agree 100%. like minho/jisung are just chilling to themselves most of the time, but i feel like they are also the type to be at their dorm and one of them is like "hey we got invited to go do xyz. do you want to go?" "not really..." and then they just smile at each other in unison bc it's easier for both to say no than just one. idk idk i feel like theyre just good for each other
oh yes, i'm firmly on team "changbin knows exactly what he's doing." like i genuinely feel so similar to changbin sometimes bc i am truly the same way, but like you can tell when it's a healthy vs unhealthy amount... and i think hyunjin likes that little bit of attention 😭😭😭 i think they're just good for each other
okay so i know felix is our sweet lil sunshine baby, but i just KNOW behind the scenes, he's way more "dude" than what his image shows. like idk if anyone has proof but i just feel it in my bones that he can be lowkey really crude & that seungmin eats that shit up. like i think seungmin probably finds it really fucking funny. bc we've all seen the clips of felix cursing... a lot. i just know seungmin is influenced by it. like 100%. seungmins "i'll fucking punch you".... yeah, those two belong together <3
editing to add: omg omg the emo and pop punk phase will also never die out for me 😭😭 we are one and the same baby. i finally got to see black veil brides a couple of years ago and it was like all of my teenage fantasies were coming true 😭😭
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heartache-otbs · 2 years
daylight - lrh (songfic)
an: this song is stuck in my head and i figured it'd be an ouchie fic so im sorry
summary: songfic, daylight by maroon 5 (first verse / chorus)
pairing: luke hemmings x reader
warnings: angst maybe? it's sad.
word count: 767
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Here I am waiting, I have to leave soon. Why am I holding on?
Luke lays under the cool silk sheets, your body close to his as he lightly caresses your face under the moonlight. He can't sleep.
He hasn't been able to sleep for weeks. He's been stressing about going off on tour, without you. He loved his job, he loved travelling the world and he loved his fans.
But he also hates his job, because it takes him away from you.
Tomorrow is the day he has to leave, you had fallen asleep pretty early, tired from helping him back and prepare. So Luke had been staring at you for hours, memorizing what your face looked like and touching every square inch of skin he could, trying to hold on to you.
We knew this day would come, we knew it all along. How did it come so fast?
Luke doesn't know why he's desperately trying to hold onto you when this day was inevitable, how could he be so upset when this day had been coming for months? Shouldn't have he accepted it by now?
He thought it was just yesterday that he came home to you, announcing that he could finally go back on tour after the pandemic. How happy you two were and how proud you were of Luke. There was so much love and happiness in that moment, yet that memory in Luke's mind has faded into a blue hue of hidden regret.
It's too soon. Luke begins having second thoughts. I can't leave.
This is our last night, but it's late. And I'm trying not to sleep. Because I know when I wake, I will have to slip away.
Luke has hit the point of exhaustion, he can barely keep his eyes open but he refuses to go to sleep. The moment he wakes up he has to get in the car and get on the road, you couldn't take him because you had a school priority that you couldn't get out of.
"That's okay," Luke had sighed when you told him that you wouldn't be able to see him off "you need to do what ya need to do YN"
Inside he was torn to shreds, knowing he couldn't kiss you at the gate made him not want to go through it.
So Luke kisses you now, soft kisses all over your face while you sleep, his soft lips lingering on your warm skin every few seconds as he makes sure to kiss every inch.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close. Because in daylight we'll be on our own. But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close.
You actually cried so much before bed. Once Luke got in the shower, you lost it. You were in such hysterics that Luke heard you from the bathroom and came out to comfort you, tears escaping his face as well.
As you held each other, Luke kept promising that he was never going to let you go. That he'd never let anything come between the two of you, that he'd hold you forever if he needed to. He made a slight joke that he wouldn't go if it made you stop crying.
Was it really a joke though?
What the big thing was about the next day, was that you two had never necessarily been separated for each other for a long period of time. You two had gotten together right before the pandemic started, so you spent all of your time at each other's houses. Moved in together pretty quickly, he hadn't gone anywhere for work and if he did you went with him, because of the pandemic you had online school.
But now with societal normalities back in place, you and Luke had to be separated from each other. Something that you both would have to learn how to deal with.
You two really didn't know how to exist without the other one on hand, some would say it was an unhealthy codependency but you and Luke were just happy.
What would you even do without Luke? It'd be so quiet. So empty. You'd no longer have his comfort coming back from class. No more making pancakes for him on Saturday mornings. Your routine will be all out of sorts, what will make up for it?
You tried not to think about it once it crossed your mind, instead, you let Luke hold you as you drifted off, sinking into the last night you had him next to you, dreading the daylight.
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
If you're taking Nightbringer requests (well this might be more of a ramble than a request tbh):
With the way we can suggest certain things that might influence the OG timeline (like suggesting to Luci where to hide Goldie), do you think us being here is creating some sort of a time loop paradox? Like the Exchange program was highly influenced by MC's future-past self in OldTimey Devildom, but OldTImey Devildom wouldn't have existed without Exchange Program MC and it's all just a huge timeline mess (or, as Nightbringer put it, like mud).
Plus if that's the case, then us going back to our "regular" timeline probably erased the boys' memory of us.
Anyways I'm just imagining MC making it back to their normal spacetime and having to explain what happened to their demons (and maybe them unlocking their memories of OldTimey us, idk) and I'm curious what your thoughts are
i wasnt sure how to answer this in writing (like a oneshot or smth) but I CAN reply with my own thoughts i hope that's okay :D i put in a cut so its not so long
ok im not very far in but i can tell you this
personally, i'm not a huge fan of time travel tropes. its a lot to wrap my head around but i do think from a timeline standpoint its gonna change things and that can be fun to think about. i just gotta wrapp my head around it for a sec 😅
i think the boys would all have different reactions do it. considering/assuming they have memories of og obey me events and nightbringer, i think everything would make more and less sense at the same time.
mc is probably going to be incredibly confused (when aren't they tbh) and the boys are going to think everything happened. linear-ly.
from mc's perspective, they got to the devildom but were sent back in time later. according to the demons & co. (solomon, simeon, etc.), they met mc, then they left (?), and diavolo brought them back from the human world because of the exchange program without any memories of the demon world. however it's mc's actual first time in the devildom. maybe this erases the boys memories too.
i believe, knowing what we do about barbatos, that he's the one at fault for all the time travel stuff and he's the unknown person at the beginning of nightbringer. maybe im wrong. idk i think its the only reasonable explanation based on the characters we know so far.
there's a lot of ways this could go, but lets assume no one loses their memories when they come back to the "present", mc's memory is gonna be a lot different than the boys because they did things out of order. i think this is where i get to finally your question (I tend to ramble, can't you tell 😂)
i think lucifer takes it the best. he knows barbatos is powerful and figures this kind of magic isn't out of the question. he's glad to have you back, though to him it didn't seem like you were gone at all. he also apologizes for any way his past self might have treated you since it was directly after the celestial war.
mammon is a different story. he gives up on trying to understand time travel and when he makes the connection that was YOU, HIS mc, he gets all sorts of defensive. feels your face all over and makes sure you're still his mc and that you're still normal and that time travelling didn't change you any (if anything, it could have changed him, but you don't mention that. probably would freak him out more)
levi thinks about it like a video game. he understands, but pulls you aside later and begs for you to explain everything and anything that happened because now he believes he should pitch this to some animator friends he made online to see if it could be a new up and coming anime.
satan is pretty quiet. mostly, he's just happy that you're okay. he waits for all the chaos to settle and makes sure you're physically fine, then swears he'll hurt whoever sent you back in time and away from the rest of them. he also apologizes if he ever hurt you int he past that he may not remember distinctly. please reassure him its okay.
asmo is the first to pounce on you for a hug. immediately. you explain that you were gone for what felt like forever and he's SO happy to have you back!! insists that he gives you a makeover and you do a self care day for you to unwind after having to deal with their antics when they first got to the devildom.
beel low key wants to take you from asmo (and almost does) when you suggest you'll spend the whole next day with him and belphie. beel's idea of quality time is eating food & watching movies with people, so when you agree to do that, he agrees to not argue with asmo about who gets to make sure you're okay first. he's not really sure about this time travel business, but he knows he cares about you a lot and the thought that he (or him at the moment) wasn't there to protect you makes him feel a bit guilty.
belphie is more or less on the same lines as beel. he takes a bit more convincing to not pummel asmo (he's worried about you in his own way). however, he wants to spend the whole day learning about your adventures and trying to figure out how you remember everything versus how he does. his best way to think about it is like a weirdly-specific and realistic dream, but actually in reality. it's strange, but its the best way to wrap his head around everything.
i tried my best to answer your question!! i also started writing this WAY to late for my brain to be functioning properly so im sorry if this doesn't make sense :(( but thank you for sending smth in!! i love talking about these guys they're so fun. let me know if you have any other thoughts/want me to share any of my own!
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