#im posting this on tumblr just for my future ref but ye this is just the void and the whoever you know who you are that i trust to see and
our-inspire-verse · 9 months
How to stop feeling like This(tm)
Kiba says "its that addictive part of the brain trying to let go of old patterns" and i say in response
Intthum rules kiba drules we should follow MY rules /j
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hello tumblr im back making 30 blogs again because i can't stop
if you don't know me uh hello!! i'm kieran / moose tracks (he/they/astrals, see my pronouns page for other neos)
professionally my pen name is alvin viana, i'm a young audhd author and this blog is primarily dedicated to the series i'm most proud of;
The Journal
it started as a minecraft roleplay series but then i turned it into a book series, and it's much better this way (even if my primary refs at the moment are made in gacha club LMFAO), i do wanna make it into an animated series or a comic at some point in the future i just. need the funds for it lol
anyways enough rambling uh this blog is primarily my own personal fandom space, i wanna be able to interact with my fandom with their headcanons and what not but i don't wanna feel intrustive so if you have headcanons, fan-art, redesigns, rewrites, etc. that you wanna share with me feel free to! if you wanna ask stuff to the characters from the journal but you don't know who all is available, just know that every character in my toyhouse folder for the series can be asked questions, even the deceased!
currently the journal is unreleased, but i am more than halfway through completing the first book and i will happily promote it here once it's done <3
in the mean time i'd love to see if others are interested in my work (even if it's not the journal) so i want to just kinda vibe out on this tumblr lol, if you want to reblog this post as a promo go ahead idm
my askbox is open for asks or headcanons or theories about my characters, whatever you want to send in! my submissions are closed just because i fear being sent graphic content, but if you have fan-art or what have you please feel free to tag either this blog or my main (@trackdntraild) and i will happily do this to it (/pos)
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my special tags are under the cut if you wanna look for specific stuff
asks.txt = answered asks random.txt = miscellaneous posts the journal.txt = posts specifically about the journal & its characters other books.txt = posts about non-the journal content fan art.txt = special tag for fan-art posts only official art.txt = official art that i or my friends have created headcanons.txt = headcanons from other users or myself writing struggles.txt = complaining about having to write, shame writing help.txt = helpful tips & tricks, from others & myself progress report.txt = updates on how the books are coming along collabs.txt = promotion of stories i worked on alongside others memes.txt = inbox memes for my characters; they never expire!*
*note: yes im serious even if i reblogged a meme like 4 years ago i will still answer it if you send it in (assuming i can find the link lol)
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the-king-of-nighmares · 9 months
Hello im Finstel you can call me by fin, finley
This blog is still under work so there might come changes in the future
Warnings for this blog
There will be death
There will be also unsettling scenes staring and such
Somone that gets hurt ect gore probaly too not sure eather that or puppet Gore as I call it be warned, if any of these topics triggering. To you then don't click on it please thank you!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Im okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
Don't ship home with anyone please he's really toxic and absolutely not interested in any relationships he dosent care about feelings he dosent care about people 🙏❌
No nsfw im srs!!!❌
Don't do a Ai bot of him I doubt I do an Ai bot of him !! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 23years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
Blogs I will tag once I posted this
🌟Ref of my silly🌟
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He will talk in red so you know
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Here is poppy
Through I won't tell you what her porpose is just yet!
When she talks it looks like this
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Eddie is homes little helper he has to be obidiant or home will be Mad
When he Talks it looks like this
He dosent talk alot since he isn't really allowed to
But he does sometimes see fairy frank and ends up spending to much time with him
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earthflaxmachina · 2 years
1 dere(k)volution
P: heres to the first of the second try at ramble posting on tumblr. instead of random rants, these posts will be centered around some kind of oc meta. also this time i have a co-host of sorts to keep it interesting because i am a dull turd.
D: It’s Derek.
P: cool. the topic for discussion today is the evolution of derek. but like the concept of derek. not this derek’s canon character development or whatever. to start by looking at the first ever image of derek that i scrolled through my camera for 10 minutes to find.
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(from 2/2019)
if you didnt know already, his name was Dolan at first. the name Derek is fairly recent.
D: Dolan. What an ugly nerd name.
P: right. also. his design was based off a bottle of water i found at the grocery store. back then i had a weird tendency to draw very thin necks for some reason. along with very short torsos and long legs. so thats why the proportions look really weird.
D: That explains why you draw really thick necks now to compensate. Hahaha.
P: basically the beta concept for his story was that he lived in Hell and had an incredibly powerful wand that he inherited by accident after getting lost in the snowy woods or something. (Dolan) didnt really know what kind of responsibilities came with the wand and consistently wanted to become a magician (not fantasy kinda magic... like card tricks kind of magic) and misused the wand for trivial things such as taking a shortcut to the grocery store.
D: So I’ve been a amateur magician since birth!
P: yes. its incredible how youve stayed an amateur for this long. fun fact: harlow was also created at a similar time and was exes with one of luciano’s brothers. wow. the prosciuttoverse was a cesspool back then. a furry world PLUS heaven/hell setting? get outta here.
D: Harlow was also my love interest for quite some time!
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(from 4/2019)
P: yeah. maybe we’ll do a commentary on harlow’s evolution at some point.
D: God I had such a weirdly-shaped head.
P: lets look at some other pics of dolan.
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(renewed ref, from 5/2019)
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(from 1/2020)
P: nothing more to note other than the fact that i remember writing a lot about you having a nice butt on your charahub/toyhouse profiles. despite the fact that your butt is pretty mundane in the evidence provided. god what the hell is that shading.
D: Ah I look so young and happy.
P: right i think dolan was meant to be in his early 20s. like literally every other oc i had at the time. next, the start of 2021 was when i revamped/redesigned dolan.
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(from 2/2021 and 3/2021 respectively)
P: theres the first ever image of human derek and harlow. not much has changed tbh
D: We look like a lesbian couple.
P: the story concept was also pretty different from the original. basically i made a whole hierarchy for both heaven and hell and the world was completely extinct so everyone was either in heaven or hell. the world itself was the wence boys’ world. so the story wouldve taken place way way in the future. blah blah blah something about heaven being evil or corrupt or something corny like that, and dolan (being half devil/angel what a cliche) wanted to change The System (tm). also he was running a campaign 2 be ruler of hell or something as part of his plan. maybe he was evil maybe he wasnt idk. its old corny stuff.
D: Sounds like boring philosophical politics. Bluh bluh.
P: yeah. anyways timeskip to later in the year when i completely revamped your story AGAIN! ill try to limit the pictures from now on because im almost at the max 10.
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(from 7/2021)
D: Look at me and my pronounce!
P: so at this point. there was a heaven/hell but it wasnt the main setting it just existed. there was an office kinda deal going on for the admin stuff. a dead persons soul could either be reincarnated in heaven/hell or destroyed iirc. there were 4 different departments because people die all the time so they categorized them. dolan had the biggest department because it was Death by natural causes/accidents. the 3 other were Pestilence (disease), War (conflict or generally murder), Famine. at this time i changed dolan’s name to Death because he was literally the grim reaper. he also wasnt God at this time. there was still some kind of higher power i think it was Stig. harlow was human and also lesbian now. nothing else interesting.
D: So when did I become Derek?
P: I dunno. some time after my birthday? when i started the storyline where you became human for a bit and needed a human name for Death. then i just got tired of calling you Death and stuck with Derek because it is better in every way.
D: Excellent judgement.
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(from 28/10/2021)
P: this was probably the start of the all New and Improved derek storyline. the rest is pretty streamline from here and doesnt really need a recap.
D: Woof look how sweet and well-adjusted I looked back then! And that tiny nose.
P: yeah you still had some humanity (pupils) in your eyes. and still had the square glasses thing going on. eugh. waitwaitwait lets look at the first time i drew you and rumi lol
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(from 11/2021)
D: We were so in love.
P: wow you guys have changed a LOT since then. for one: you were probably never that sweet to her. and she hates your guts now. 
D: If I had any!
P: alright. that concludes this ramble on THE EVOLUTION OF DEREK
P: that sounds stupid. welp. i will probably make a poll on whose meta we should recap next - because i am always looking for an excuse to make a google form. or just send smth to the askbox. i dont care. bye
D: Goodbye friends!
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frogsonafox · 3 years
why did you choose your url?
after i broke up with my ex i wanted a rebrand bc he gave me the url i used for everything and i had just settled on my first name and was wondering how i could get my vibe across in a gay coded way. so thank you alex jones, i now bathe lavishly in the water that turns the friggin frogs gay.
also potential surname if i dont hitch the name of potential future spouce(s) before getting a legal name change. mr. frogwater,, yes......
any side blogs?
yeah i have one because i didn’t want to clutter my reblogs with serious things and then i stopped caring if you want me u also get me at my anti-capitalism. but!! the good thing is that i dont think anyone remembers it and theres a ton of vent posts on there from when i was. incredibly depressed and wanting to die
also have an art/ref blog @terminalviolist, failed art blog, and @ratsex
how long have you been on tumblr?
8 years but i’ve had the account for around 6
do you have a queue tag?
HAH u wish. everything goes on the queue. there is no tag.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
... i wanted to look at more aot art i think. dying time
why did you choose your icon?
i made it and i love it
why did you choose your header?
idr what it is but if might be the mountains and i took those pictures and love them
what’s your post with the most notes?
hell if i know.
how many mutuals do you have?
uhhhhh 52 apparently
how many followers do you have?
how many people do you follow?
have you ever made a shitpost?
my first post was a shitpost
how often do you use tumblr each day?
depends on the weather. nowadays im depressed its a couple times a day but i’ve gone whole years not touching this bitch
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
no???????? all the times i thought someone was mad at me it was someone close to me forgetting to turn off anon and me being confused bc of getting the notif late
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i delete the you need to reblog this part if its aggressive
which one of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i was scrolling thru my mutuals and was thinking, oh this one guy who made pastel rb if you support ___ posts and then a couple of cosplayers but then i came across,
turing-tested. yeah its you. mwah.
do i have a crush on a mutual?
when do i not. i’ll follow people BECAUSE i have a crush on them. (hi if i tagged you i dont have a crush on u fyi i just love you)
i’m tagging some pals. lets go: @peachy-cranes @palindrome-teddy @impulsive-thots @skelesona
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This is a One Piece themed Secret Santa! Meaning, only One Piece characters and OCs are allowed! (Only with ref sheet! Please make it easy to access for your Santa!!)
This Secret Santa event only take Fanfiction and Fanart!! AMV, gifset/anime edit, manga edit/coloring, etc.. wont be part of this exchange!
Submit your own work! Do not claim other’s work!
If your changing urls, PLEASE TELL ME!! It’s how you’ll be contacted/ given your gift.
If your working traditionally, please make sure you have a good scanner so you can upload with good quality!
NO NSFW! Cause Im a minor :3c (if you do nsfw Ill personally kick you out and be very mad cause I cant see it >:0)
Please keep your ask box, dms, opened and check your email frequently so we can contact you directly if theirs a problem!
Once everyone’s done and gets their Santa’s Ill be making a announcment on the blog, if you have not recieved your gift, please contact me immediately (so you can bonk me for making that mistake- oh yes and get your gift :D )
When you recieve your name, please for the love of gods, KEEP YOUR IDENTITY A SECRET AND DONT RUIN THE FUN!
Please contact the mod (me!) if you have to drop out as soon as possible so I can contact a backup santa for your giftee
Respect everyone and have fun! This is a jolly season!!
Details about your wishlist
In your application form, you’ll be able to write three different wishes your Santa can choose from, if you have something specific you want, please detail it out~ ex. Nami and Lola talking about the boys in their life in a cafe. A plate of strawberry shortcake on Lola’s side and mocha cappuccino on Nami’s.
At least one of the three wishes should included one with only canon characters
Posting your gift
Gifts MUST be posted between December 24th - December 31st!
Post your gift on your blog and please tag your giftee and this blog so I can reblog it >:)
Tag respectfully
Make sure to tag #op-secret-santa-2020 as a tag in the first 5 tags so that your post can be found!
Like I said- NO NSFW okay I was just making sure you were listening
I wanna join!! What do I do? :0
Fill this application form
The password is Betteryear2021
You wait till November 30th cause Im a one man team
You get your email? Sweet! Start working my dudes!
Make sure to fill in your current tumblr URL for your Secret Santa and me to find you! (Contact me asap if you changed url!)
Once again, if you drop out! Please contact me ASAP as well so I can give the backup santas time to create!
Thanks for reading this whole thing!! Now go read the FAQs cause I also worked hard on it >:)
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otto-von-stirlitz · 5 years
Wicdiv #45 notes
 I It’s all so... weird and surreal. One last post to honor the tradition that really did keep me hooked on here for years. Something about those 5 years just ending. Having followed wicdiv almost from the beginning, I really feel attached to it and view it through a VERY personal lens of all the changes that happened during those years. From a depressed and passively suicidal 17yo in a highschool, to an almost graduated 22yo, trying to figure out it all with a bit more hope and a bit less of mental health issues. Eh, let’s cut it out and move to a standard spoilery bullet points format, I’m too wordy and pretentious
Of course this issue had to be happy and sad at the same point, as both life and death shine through as central motifs of the whole book, especially underlined here. Two sides of the same coin (no Yavien, you will not say ‘alexa play hyori ittai by yuzu’ to cry over hunter x hunter. no)
You know how as an urban activist I’m ideologically not a big fan of cars, but damn, that McKelvie design! Reminds me of prototypes of future cars I saw in the BMW musuem, kudos for capturing that futuristic tech feel.
I like the subtle implication that Eleanor did grow and change. But then again, she had so much time, so it’s not even that high of a bar.
‘What’s a funeral without morbidity?’ after all those years Cass stayed THE #1 goth of the cast (but Umar gets pretty close with channeling Cam). Yes, I love Cass and I love how after the kiss from #44 we got a whole ass lauracass feels issue, amazing, showstopping, incredible etc etc. You know, Im just a fan.
Gotta admit, reading the issue the first time I did miss that Laura says ‘them’ to refer to Zahid. It really explains why Kieron was so cagey about the pronouns ask back during Fandemonium. They did have time to explore thier gender and pronouns after all of the ‘2 years’ baiting. It’s a win for the nbs (sobs and cries on the floor)
Also goddamn McKelvie really popped off with all the older character designs? All those little details and shout-outs to their youger selves? And all the Minanke practice in drawing basically the same character but as a teen and as a grandma did pay off. And this all while chasing deadlines with hypermobility? Chapeau bas. Although I’m sad that Jon got his fathers aging genes, however his mom looked that age must’ve been better...
‘Every time it rains’ yes A CHRISTMAS SPECIAL SHOUTOUT BUT I AM ALRIGHT I REPEAT I AM ALRIGHT ITS NOT TEARS, IT RAINS (haha both baal ref and fma hughes funeral ref IA M FINE)
Also I’m crying for Aruna, she was in such a bad place by #13 and this issue? HEr new body? The way she learned to mix miracles and songs? And in general finally having this authority over her life? And deciding to use it paritally to help people she often barely knew? I am fine i repeat
Meredith and Zoe, glad to see you and your names confirmed and a confirmation that you were also a part of the Pantheon
Umar’s line about hospitals (and the picture from #16) seems to imply Cass passed away after some illness. Eleanor saying it’s unfair that she smoked and ‘got away’ with it and Cass being prepared she’d die soon kinda ties into that theory? Was it cancer or something else?
Also yeah re: that pic (and the invitation to Was It Cam Or Cass debate) - Umar has two hands, period. And like the fact that Umar literally quotes words Cam said moments before his death in Umar’s hospital room? Yeah, it’s really raining, lieutenant...
Delivering your own eulogy via a hologram is exactly this level of gay panache that Cass would embrace, I LOVE HER SO MUCH. Also being nice AF to literally everyone but in the snarkiest way possible? PEAK CASS. But yeah, something more changed because she wears a white (!!!) shirt. Now that’s a massive wardrobe change
Zahid being one of the closest friends of Cass? I love this song
Also ‘you were never my type. until you were’ should be An Iconic quote of gay tumblr and twitter and yes i will be using it as my lauracass otp tag from now on.
Also Cass focus on how everyone changed themself and tried to change the world, so the future people are born into a better one.
And yeah, same, I also didnt always want to be buried beneath a tree but now as I’m growing out of my old edgeperson ways? It sounds wonderful, I want to be an acorn even after death.
Also yeah, the final themes of growth that takes time, becoming better and finding hope... they resonate with me now, as I also feel like I’ve been through hell for 2 (or actually more, i think) years. But you know, rip to that old me but im different (now). Thank you Kieron for luring me into a flashy colorful YA, then a messed up and depressive story, and then climbing up the walls of hell back when I did. It was not always going to be okay, but then it was okay.
And yes, to the whole fandom, fandom that let me find so many friends all over the world and grow up as a person and have so much fun with our stupid puns and shitposts: I love you. I’ll miss you. (but honestly, still feel free to HMU etc, its not like we actually die. We just lost a source of monthly engagement, thats it. Im just a dramatic lil shit too)
Also yeah, one last word: may Two Slow Dancers by Mitski be the final, ultimate Lauracass song. Let’s all play it now, and cry. No, it’s not raining anymore, I really am crying thinking about Them.
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j4nn4s · 5 years
☕️ Rank the skam remake fandoms
BROOOO ok well
(also i Just started wtfock and haven’t really been in those tags so i’ll have to leave them out SORRY and i’m not a skam italia fan so i’ll be skipping them too cus i don’t know enough either)
(also for future ref i’m going based off the tags and my dashboard and what i notice in related blogs belongin to these fandoms too)
1 — skamnl is at the Top i’m giving them the mf Crown bc we are a small fandom but we look out for each other and generally very positive which is a nice oasis to be in when hyper negativity (without constructive criticism) can be rampant in some fandoms/tumblr in general !!!! (NOT ! namin names …….. i’m not That messy) EDIT: also i love the hot takes and how much we support each other and will literally form a gd ARMY !!! for our beloved girl squad amen
2 — the skam españa fandom gets silver bc overall, even when we had that upsettin jueves scene, everyone just wanted to have Discourse and not fight or ‘cancel’ people or promote hyper negativity and thats the shit i live for bitch !!!! i made this blog bc i Love talkin abt these remakes and i have Opinions and i love Discourse and love reading different takes before formin my own and everyone was so engaging that day !!! everyone loves analyze situations and talk about clips in detail and i appreciate it sm bc its so fun to read
3 — i’ve just started becoming familiar w skam austin blogs and the tags and so far y’all are Gems and i love how hard y’all go for clout from grandmas closet and how engaging y’all are so i Genuinely Can’t wait to share the tags w y’all next season (i would’ve been in them more in s2 but i don’t feel as strongly enough to post in it im sORRY) and you guys have Mad Jokes so truly are gems
4 — ok i deadass LOVEEE druck as a remake (it’s in the top 3 for me) but i do fl that the fandom can get excessive with some things (personally, i think it’s uncomfortable to talk about sexual positions of 17 yr olds or barely 18 yr olds but thats jus me !!!) and can fall in the trap of being mega negative without waiting to see how the rest of the episode or season pans out (which i don’t blame anyone bc this is just super common w fandoms on tumblr, and skam’s format with clips doesn’t aid that) but i Do love when there is commentary that genuinely wants to analyze a clip or scene
5 — AAAA so skam france was the first remake i watched and first tags i’ve lurked and during s3 (at least early to midway) it wasn’t that bad but nowadays if you go into the tags it’s either hypernegativity (THOUGH DISCLAIMER: i truly think this is justified tho bc of how Bad the season is becomin and Agree w these posts) or shipping maxence/axel together trying to pull a larry stylinson on them or smth so idk What’s going on
(this got long but YES these are my onions ….. say hi ….)
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iamdirkgently · 7 years
hi, i was wondering if the kin discord server was still like... happening? i dont really know how 2 interact w/ ppl who are kin with ppl from dghda even tho im in mutual with a lot of them and it just seems like kind of a good way to meet ppl idk im sorry this is so awkward
hello!! yes, the server is very much still happening, and you can find the post here on my tumblr, and don’t worry at all about it being awkward sometimes things feel awkward but actually everyone can be awkward sometimes and that makes it less awkward! (also just for future ref it might be easier for you to message me using tumblr messaging, and if ur anxious you can also message from sideblogs which is cool! plus you know when youve gotten a reply!)
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