the-king-of-nighmares · 2 months
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"do that again and I eat more then just your hand"
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the-king-of-nighmares · 2 months
*the sleep paralysis demon of a home notices a new constellation in the sky shaped like a wally only taller looking than other wallys, the wally grabs a paintbrush also made of stars and draws home as the ''big fat meanie'' ms. puffs meme- ~ @aconstellationofcomfort
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"wow how Mature of you"
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the-king-of-nighmares · 2 months
the devil from cuphead is suing you in court for copying his appearance
"the rednosed raindeer? Ha he looks pathetic"
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the-king-of-nighmares · 2 months
Why do you want morpheus dead?!do you know the consequences??!
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"I do know very well and I don't care, i don't have any reasons why I want him dead so stop asking me about this..."
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the-king-of-nighmares · 9 months
Hello im Finstel you can call me by fin, finley
This blog is still under work so there might come changes in the future
Warnings for this blog
There will be death
There will be also unsettling scenes staring and such
Somone that gets hurt ect gore probaly too not sure eather that or puppet Gore as I call it be warned, if any of these topics triggering. To you then don't click on it please thank you!
im not good at writing and my grammar isn't that great so forgive me for typos :'D I also didn't used Tumblr as much so I'm still
Important none of the stories are Canon to clowns og project!!
!! Boundaries!!
Yes you can
✅ make fanart absolutely tag me please!!!
✅ Im okay with interactions trough I can't promise I will do all of them I mostly do what I feel like and if I don't feel like it I don't do it it also might take a bit
Please no applecest no wallycest no proships!!!❌
Don't ship home with anyone please he's really toxic and absolutely not interested in any relationships he dosent care about feelings he dosent care about people 🙏❌
No nsfw im srs!!!❌
Don't do a Ai bot of him I doubt I do an Ai bot of him !! ❌❌❌
Don't message me privately if I don't know you please if I know you for a bit from my comment section you can ask me if you can message me and I might say yes , please have patients with me I don't feel comfortable calling you my friend so soon so I just call you a mutual if I know you for a longer while I might call you a friend! I had a really bad experience with an ex friend of mine I knew since my childhood and that left marks , I might get easily overwhelmed or exausted so I might dip or don't talk at all please don't feel like I'm ignoring you or anything I'm not I'm simply not feeling like talking or it is to much at that day for me!❌❌❌
🌟Things about me that are important 🌟
my pronounce are she/her, he him, im genderfluid and aroace ❤️
I have auditory processing disorder or called
(APD )
Wich makes me slower I might forget alot of things or I also have hearing problems sometimes like when somone calls me it doesn't end up in my brain I'm also very sensitive so sounds loud notices specifically
I also take a while to understand things so be patient with me
(HSP ) I am a highly sensitive person
I also have social anxiety
I'm really sensitive like I would say emotionally there are often times where I do take things too serious or something please tell me talk to me about those things if I understand stuff the wrong way
I'm 23years old and German
I only speak English and German I can't speak other languages
Blogs I will tag once I posted this
🌟Ref of my silly🌟
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He will talk in red so you know
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Here is poppy
Through I won't tell you what her porpose is just yet!
When she talks it looks like this
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Eddie is homes little helper he has to be obidiant or home will be Mad
When he Talks it looks like this
He dosent talk alot since he isn't really allowed to
But he does sometimes see fairy frank and ends up spending to much time with him
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