#im on the verge of tears i love her so much !!!! finally !!! i love love love !!
vrisrezis · 1 year
Atsv characters realizing they’re in love with you
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Gwens on the verge of tears, it’s the first time you’ve ever seen her like this in all the time you’ve known her. You’ve known gwen for almost your entire life, and never once have you ever seen her in such a state of affairs.
You suppose it’s reasonable, she lost Peter and she thinks she lost her father forever, the only other people she ever had. And then there’s you. Somebody she felt such deep emotions for even if she was unaware how deep they ran.
There’s so many emotions and so many thoughts running through her head, when she sees you for the first time in what feels like years.
You don’t say anything.
You stare at her, the state she’s in.
Your movements are slow and meticulous, calculated. And she wonders if you’re doing that because you’re cautious, because you’re scared of her.
“I don’t know what dad told you.” fear drips from her vocal cords, “but I promise you,” she’s desperate, wanting your touch so badly but fearing you truly saw her as a monster too, “I would never, ever, kill Peter.”
the building you’re both on, feels so much darker than it really is. It feels like she’s revealing herself to her dad for the first time all over again. She wants to cave in on herself but she fights every need to push you away because she needs you in her life.
“And believe me, I wanted to tell you! I did! I really did!” she tries desperately to explain, finally letting a tear slip out.
As soon as she let one go, it became a waterfall of tears.
“I love you.” she says, voice barely above a whisper, taking you both by surprise.
She realizes what she said, but she doesn’t dwell on it for much longer. Because she realizes, finally, what she said was true.
And now that she finally knows what it is she’s truly been feeling for you all these years, it hurts even more to look at you and not know what you could possibly think about her. She wishes she knew what was going through your head, she wishes she could just tell what you were feeling by searching your face but she just can’t find anything. She doesn’t know what you make of this. She doesn’t know if she’s going to lose you today.
“Please.” she feels her lips wobble, she knows she’s going to completely break down if you don’t say something, anything, in the next minute.
All she’s met with is more silence.
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Miles knew he had a crush on you, sure. That simply made sense, it was common knowledge to anyone that wasn’t an idiot. Well, except you. But miles didn’t think you were an idiot, just maybe oblivious. It’s not like he minded, he was grateful that he liked the one, singular person in this very world that was oblivious enough to not catch onto Miles’s adoration for you.
Miles talked about you a lot, admittedly. His parents were naturally happy he had found an actual friend that wasn’t away, that wasn’t ganke, and that clearly made him so happy. In fact, Rio mentions how she’s never seen her son so happy to talk about somebody. She had teased him a few times, and although miles tried to deny it, both her and Jeff knew he liked you a little bit more than a friend should. Though, a little bit is a stretch. He liked you a LOT more than a friend should.
And man, when you finally met them. Ohhh boy.
Miles had tried to prevent it for so long, in fear his parents would embarrass him, even worse if they didn’t like you. But he had been delaying the inevitable long enough, and the time had finally came.
In the past, Rio had teased him about being in love. Of course, miles denied the fact. He had a crush sure, but love? That’s a lot, isn’t it?
But seeing you interact with his parents, getting along with them so well. Even with his dad?
He just can’t stop staring, and while normally Rio would be concerned, she simply walks over to her son with a knowing smile.
“I think Im in love.”
“I know, mijo”
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Hobie had a rough day, to say the least. Being spiderpunk, spiderman, was tough. And as much as he complained about it, he was perfectly content with the way he went on living. Especially since it had given him the power to protect you, and fight for his beliefs.
But regardless it was sometimes a painful experience, being spiderman. The gash on his side wasn’t too huge, but was deep enough to cause him pain anytime he walked. Swinging around wasn’t much better.
He decided to swing by your place, since it was closer to him and while he hated the idea of bothering you while he was in this state, hated the idea of worrying you, he knew it was the best option if he wanted to get back to fighting as quick and as painless as possible.
He lets himself in through the window, as always. He walks over to your hunched over form at your desk, peeking over. “Biochem?” he asked aloud, and you, unbothered, simply nod. “Yknow you should really start locking the window sweets.” he says with a grin, and while you’d normally be annoyed by his remarks, you notice a strain in his voice that makes you look up at him.
You’re quick to stand up, “hobie! Jesus what happened to you!?” you said, ushering him into your bathroom so that you can get your first aid kit.
He sits down on the toilet, before shrugging. “Stuff..”
you’ve fixed him up before, but this was a little different. There was a change in your demeanor. It wasn’t out of this world for you to worry for him, but this felt vastly different this time around.
You were so kind, so gentle with him.
In his mind, he’s undeserving.
The warmth of your hands on him, was the only thing he could think about. Not even the pain of literally being stabbed could compare to how electrifying your touch felt.
Perhaps it was the blue led lighting in your bathroom or the loss of blood but, you looked so beautiful right now.
“I think I love you.” he whispers quietly, staring into your eyes.
Staring back, you can’t help but think you love this idiot too.
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Pavitr is an idiot when it comes to romance, whether he likes to act like he’s good at it or not. He is not as smooth as he pretends to be. He realizes this anytime he tries to shoot his shot at you. He fumbles with his words and has to come up with some excuse as to why he needs to leave in that exact moment, immediately. Even pretending to flirt with his best friend, gayatri, doesn’t work. He does it so well with her, but when it comes to you he just cannot articulate his words. He finds himself totally lost.
It doesn’t take an idiot to figure out his feelings for you are strong, and that his feelings go deeper beyond friendship. You seem to be the only moron in all of mumbattan that hasn’t noticed, and he’s not sure if he’s grateful or in great agony.
One of the biggest reasons he was so obvious about how he liked you, was shown through how clingy he was. Physical affection is his love language, after all. But it goes beyond that, he always finds himself wanting to spend time with you. He even insists on walking you home even when his house is in the opposite direction, his excuse being that he wants you to get home safely despite being in broad daylight. It’s still a dangerous world out there, is his reasoning.
But it’s been so long since he last walked you home. When you were kids, he did it all the time. As you grew older, the tradition seemed to stick but as he became spiderman this occurrence became less frequent. It’s been months since he’s been able to do this.
The sun is bright, but it hits your face perfectly. And he can’t help but think you look like some ethereal god. Given his line of work, he doesn’t think it would be that weird if you were one.
He feels like he can’t breathe, and he doesn’t even realize its cause he’s way too focused on you, every little feature. Your hair, eyes, your nose, cheeks, mouth. Anything he could possibly look at on your face, he’s looking. He’s not listening to a word you’re saying, he watches your lips move but he cannot catch a damn thing. The grip he has on his bookbag becomes tighter, his face feels hot and he wants to say it’s because of the sun but he knows that’s not true. God, has your laugh always been so pleasant to the human ears? Or was that just him?
His lips move, before he even has a chance to stop the words from coming out, like word vomit.
“God I love you”
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ningvory · 4 months
hi baby❤️❤️ ik we both feral AS FUCK for unnie line sserafim so can you write reader being free use for the three of them? imagine all of them horny asffff at the same time barging into your room, leaving no room to protest as they rip off your clothes OMG I WANT THEM. leaving them pussy drunk after cumming so violently in their mouths omg…. im actually gonna #######
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thanks for listening to my ted talk babes😘
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parings: lesserafimunnieline x 6thmember!f!reader
warnings: free use, pussywhipped unnie line, cum eating, manhandling lowk, overstimulation, squirting, foursome, dumbification, praising, mentions of reader blacking out, not proofread😵‍💫
wc: 614 words
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today had been a long day, due to your long awaited comeback, EASY, you and your members had been performing nonstop. but you didn’t mind, in fact you love your job! you always give it your all when performing so fans think that you’re basically made for the stage.
you really stood out this comeback, especially in the bside, SMART. the way your hips swayed had everyone hooked in a trance, and it seemed like it had the unnie line of your group in a trance too.
you and the girls had finally got back to the dorms, exhausted was something that you all were feeling. you started to walk to your room after telling them all to rest well, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of eyes staring you down, turning around, your suspicion was indeed correct, turning around to see your three unnie’s staring you down with hungry eyes had you immediately turning away and quickly walk to your room.
after a nice shower you were now lying on your bed, wearing your pink sleep gown and engulfed in your pink blanket on the verge of falling asleep. hearing your door opening was something regularly done in the dorm room, so you weren’t startled. but what startled you was feeling the blanket being snatched off of you, making you groan and look up to see who the perpetrator was. what you didn’t expect was your three unnies, staring you down.
“wha- what are you doing? wai-” your sentence was cut off by yunjin, pinning you down is kissing you, words drowning in her mouth.
“is that how you talk to your unnie’s, baby?” chaewon muttered out before blowing on your wet cunt making your legs jolt.
“no underwear, baby? so dirty.” kkura teased, rubbing your bundle of nerves.
yunjin finally broke your kiss, having you gasping for air. you feel her go behind you to raise your body up, silently teasing your nipples making you whine.
if almost immediately, they dived into your soaked cunt, chaewon was sucking on your clit while kkura was sucking and tongue fucking your hole. you were moaning and squealing so loudly, back arching and desperately trying to close your legs around their heads, the sound of slurping and the sensation of two wet muscles on your poor cunny was all too much and had you cumming all over their faces! :((
but they just didn’t stop, drinking up all you gave them, and going right back to it. tears were falling down your face while yunjin was doing nothing but praising you and littering your face with kisses.
after your 4th orgasm, you were shaking uncontrollably, desperately trying to push their heads away. they were sucking on your puffy cunt until they let go with a loud pop, bottom half of their faces were drenched in your juices. yunjin let go of your body and onto the floor infront of your bed with her fellow members.
“you can give us one more, right?” yunjin asked, seating herself beside kkura.
“noo~ s’too much.” you whined, your words were slurred and damn near incoherent.
“have we fucked you stupid already? our dumb baby, so pretty for us.” chaewon said, eyes glazed completely over.
your legs were raised up by yunjin and chaewon, hands spreading your legs even further before diving right back into your abused cunny. you tasted so yummy on their tongues they couldn’t help but overstimulate you even more. having three mouths on your cunt had you babbling incoherent things and violently cumming all in their mouths! they were so pussy drunk they couldn’t help but eat you out until you blacked out on them. <33
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talaok · 8 months
Can you write a pedro x sick!reader story, but the reader doesn't just have a little cold im talking SICK reader. Like rushing to the emergency room hurt/comfort kinda thing.
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
a/n: ok first of all im incredibly sorry for the wait, genuinely im really really sorry. and secondly im not 100% sure i did what you had in mind, which makes me feel like shit even more, so if it's not, you can tell me and ill try to write it again 
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"Sir I need you to calm down"
"I will as soon as you answer my questions"
"sir," the paramedic said more sternly now "I've already told you I'm not a doctor so I cannot answer your questions, now please calm down"
And he wanted to fight more and beg that woman to answer his questions because, after all, the only one he cared about was: Is she gonna be ok?
But your eyelids fluttered and the ambulance took a turn and all the sudden he couldn't talk or think or do anything anymore but take your hand in his and start a low chant of the only thing he would allow himself to think, the only thing that still made him able to breathe oxygen into his lungs:
You're gonna be okay, sweetheart, he whispered, his words verging on prayer as he squeezed your hand and watched your beautiful face pale more and more You're gonna be just fine
__ __ __
And as it turns out, his prayers were answered.
"the surgery went well, she's gonna make a full recovery"
He had no words, all he could do was smile like a fucking idiot while he passed a hand through his hair.
She's ok
She's ok
She's ok
That's all his brain was able to muster up, and then for some reason he was hugging the doctor.
"thank you" he grinned "Thank you so much doctor-" he smiled, leaning away "Can I-can I see her?"
The woman cleared her throat, clearly taken aback a bit "Yes," she nodded "she's in the first room on the left, but just so you know the anesthesia is still wearing off so-"
"yes, yes, thank you so much doctor," he couldn't wait for her to finish as he was sprinting to the room already "thank you!" he said one last time, finally opening the door to your room.
He had to stop for a moment and look at you lying on the hospital bed, looking just as perfect as ever.
She's ok
"hey" he spoke softly, approaching your bed, and seeing a smile slowly part your mouth.
"How are you feeling?" he asked, moving some hair out of your face and letting his hand linger on your cheek
"not great"
"I'm sorry" he cooed, taking your hand in his and feeling you squeeze it as your eyes watered "What's wrong?" he panicked "Does it hurt- do I call the doctor-?"
"no" you sniffled as a tear fled your eye "I just-"
"what is it, sweetheart?"
"I was just... I was s-so scared"
"oh baby" he murmured, bringing your hand to his mouth to leave a kiss on it "I'm so sorry" he cooed "I can't even begin to imagine how scary that must have been... but hey" he offered you a soft smile as he crouched down to be at your level "you're ok now, there's nothing to worry about anymore" he promised, gently kissing your forehead "you can relax now. I'm here for you, whatever you need you just ask, ok?"
"ok" you nodded, taking a breath "thank you... for everything" you murmured, looking into his kind eyes "for this, for calling the ambulance, for being here for me... just- thank you"
He didn't know what to say, so all he did was kiss you,
"I love you" he smiled "and sugar... don't you ever think about scaring me like that again"
You couldn't help but snort at that
"oh so this is about you then?" you joked
"damn right it is" he laughed in that way he could only do with you "they were about to have to assist two people in that ambulance," he said jokingly (although it was the truth) "and I think I was annoying one of the paramedics so much that I was about to get thrown out"
"oh no what did you do?"
"let's not think about that now," he said, the smile on his lips not able to go away from the first second he saw you
"Baby..." you tilted your head, scolding him silently
"I've brought you a kit-kat" he smiled that smile of his that made you forget what you were talking about every single time 
"You did?" it was as if your eyes sparkled
"Of course" he nodded, handing you the candy bar "I'm not sure you can eat it, we're gonna have to ask the doctor, but I wanted you to have something you liked when you woke up"
Your eyes watered again, but this time, for an entirely different reason
"I love you" you whispered
"I love you more, sweetheart"
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simpjaes · 5 months
Homewrecker! Jake and Husband! Jay universe…
Something about how arousing it would be with Jake begging and pleading Jay to share his (new) wife and Jay finally gives in one time, only for you to sneak around with Jake behind his back multiple times after that😃😃
a very short drabble bc im an absolute feral fucking mess over these two at all times.
"Jay, listen-" Jake pleads without context, downing the rest of his beer as he grips his friend's shirt for dear life. "I'm listening." Jay says off handedly, eyes everywhere but Jake, only because his face is so close to him. Then again, his best friend always tends to get too touchy and close when he's been drinking. "Your wife." Jake whispers against his friend's face, beer-breath all but tolerable. "Just hear me out man, please. It'll be just like the college days- Just hear me out. bro- what if-"
Jay shifts his head to face him, a mere inch or so away from the other man's glazed over, very drunk eyes.
"Jake, what the fuck are you going on about? My wife? What about her?" He warns, knowing the realm of absolutely not's Jake is trying to tread. "Just hear me out man, we're best friends, i'd never do anything to-" "Anything to what?" Jay finishes for him, tensing his muscles and fixing his posture to that of someone who is....somewhat intimidating, despite his own drunk state. Still, this is his wife Jake is bringing up. "Bro I haven't gotten my dick wet since the last time we took that girl home." Jay is...arguably shocked into disbelief by that. He and his best friend never had trouble in the bedroom, in regards to finding someone anyway. "So? What? You want to fuck my wife?" "Well..." Jake offers him a crooked smile, the answer plastered on his face. "No." Jay wavers, his state allowing him to imagine the old times just for a moment. And, well, that no didn't last very long considering his friend's promises of staying in his lane, and his persistence of course. Just a week later, he's watching his best friend bury his length into his very own wife, watching you moan for a man that isn't him all while keeping eye contact. At least he had that, and your mouth, of course, to bury into with little to no fight against your gagging throat. ~ Unfortunately, a one time thing with Jay, your husband, became a thirteen or fourteen time with Jake. Always coming back. Always pleading, persistent, and approaching you with a pre-dripping cock. Jay should know, actually, that you always loved the neediness in a man. Though Jay himself, usually got what he wanted, he played along with your little kink of whining, crying, and begging from time to time. Jake though? He's not playing along. He's genuinely just a needy motherfucker, crying and whining any chance he can get you alone. Unfortunately, Jay trusts the man a bit too much in terms of leaving the two of you alone together. Thirteen or fourteen times too much. Straying hands, pleading fingers, eyes always on the verge of near tears just to get yet another taste of his best friend's wife. That's how Jake is, and you're all to willing to be wanted and needed by more than just your husband. Who are you to say no? Outside of like, you know, mostly being in a monogamous relationship and all. You think hard about it one night, dripping in wet due to Jake's consistent texts asking when you'll be home alone again. Jay wouldn't be so hard to ask. Really. For a third. ~ note: man, yall gonna fucking love the jayke threesome ill soon upload lmaooooooooooooooooooo
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itonashi · 1 year
Hi I saw your requests were open
Would it be okay to ask for a Nozel from black clover fic where Nozel who has been very busy for months and neglecting his wife s/o and ends up having a huge argument with s/o when she confronts him about it and they both give eachother the silent treatment but later finds her collapsed because she got super sick from the overstress and not taking care of herself cuz she thought nozel didn't love her anymore and would divorce her or she thought maybe he fell out of love with her and found someone better
I just love nozel angst to fluffs
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pairing: nozel silva x wife!reader
warning: neglect, sick, fluff, angst
note: ill be honest with you, i completely forgot what the magical team are called like i completely forgot the lore of black clover... sorry for the late. alot of things have been going on tbh.
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2 years of marriage with nozel silva.
in the beginning of your marriage, nozel treated you with care even though he was the captain of a magic knight group. you knew the responsibilities those captains hold.
you knew it all to well. nozel became too busy to the point that you don't even see a strand of his hair at home. whenever nozel became too busy, you didn't know if you want to confront him about it or just let it go — but he neglect you too much.
whenever you tried to ask him to eat dinner with you, it was always the same response — "i have mission" or "i still have a lot more paperwork" with that cold tone of his. you know nozel is trying his best but won't he look at you once when saying that? at least try to make sure you knew you were still loved by him.
it has been more than 3 weeks, you couldn't handle it anymore so this time you tried to be brave and confront him about it.
"nozel, do you have time right now?" you ask him with that soft tone of yours. nozel glanced at you "i do, what is it?" for the first time in weeks he finally face you and look at you in the eyes.
you breath in and out "nozel, don't you think you're neglecting me too much? i know that you have your duties as a captain but can't you atleast.. please, if you actually have the time to atleast tend to your husband duties? is this asking too much for you?" you were shaking because this is the first time you confront nozel about anything.
you hoped that his answer wouldn't hurt like a stab on the heart.
"i have been neglecting you? [name], i have bigger duties to do. i cannot just linger around. clover kingdom is the magic knight's responsibility and im a captain." he said with his famous cold tone of his. he sighed loudly and you can't help but grip your first.
"i know. i know that you have your duties but please atleast try to make it like you still loved me!" you exclaimed while you were on the verge of tears. you look down on the floor and nozel sigh yet another time.
"[name], stop being overdramatic. i will try to make time for you." he tried to reach out for you but you slap his hand away. "you better promise that then. don't make any empty promise..." you glance at him, his face was shocked with how you push him away.
"ah, nozel! im sorry. i didn't me-"
"maybe it was a mistake for me to have this talk with you."
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after that argument you had a few days ago, you gave silent treatment to each other. you didn't greet him home neither did he come looking for you. ever since that day you found comfort in isolating yourself in the bedroom that's always occupied by two people but now the other side of the bed felt cold.
it ruins your mental health though, without the company of your lover, you felt like your world is falling apart. the maids tried to make you eat the foods but you didn't. you kept rejecting them.
just like how nozel was, you started to be diligent in your duties on taking care of the house but you overworked yourself to the point whenever you stand up from your seat, you get a major headache.
you started to not going out of the house to have fresh airs and just locked yourself in. the staffs were worried about you. they whispered to eachother what will happen to you and nozel's marriage. will it break?
you sit on the edge of your bed while gripping your head "it hurts..." you mumbled to yourself. this time, you couldn't handle the stress and the headaches. you felt dizzy and nausea. soon enough, you fainted in your room.
hours later, nozel finally came back from his mission and wanted too relax in his room for abit when he suddenly saw the state you're in after he entered the room. he ran over to you and carried you to the bed, he called the maids to help him with you.
"[name], [name], what happened to you? please wake up!" he panicked seeing you in that state. your skin was pale and your breathing was also low. it put nozel into being an overthinker.
he questioned the staffs on the reason why you fainted. the staffs that was around him had a panicked look. they knew the reason why so one of them spoke up "[name]-sama has been overworking herself. s-she also hadn't been eating well. we tried to let her rest and also tried to make her eat but she refused too... also! we don't want to put any blame but we think that it's because of you, nozel-sama. maybe it's because of the big argument you two had few days ago..." the staff stammered, the staff looked around the room instead of meeting nozel's eyes while saying that. the other staffs agreed with what they said.
nozel had a shocked face after he heard the reason, he looked back towards your sleeping figure. "it's... because of me?" nozel thought, he bit the inside of his cheeks. he remembered the argument all too well. so because of that, you overworked yourself..?
nozel cleared his throat and ordered the staffs to get out of the room, the staffs hurried out of the room not wanting to witness nozel's wrath. well they assumed that nozel is gonna be mad at them.
the room is finally quiet with only you two's own breathing. nozel sit beside you on the bed and looked at your face. he felt guilty and regretted what he said. he knew the damage can't be undone.
but this time, he will try and only look at her. even if his work keep piling up, his wife's happiness is his first priority. he will try to be the better version. he will try to have quality time with her.
he will try balancing work life and his private life.
"if you thought that i fell out of love. i didn't, instead i fell in love with you all over again. you can't hear me right now but forgive me. forgive my behavior. im yours forever."
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idkfitememate · 6 months
😭😭 Furina asks us to dress up as a duo with her. And she said she’d even do our makeup. She’s trying to take back her stolen childhood. MY EYES ARE PUFFY FROM TEARS.
DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE ‘the more you let someone in the easier it is for them to hurt you’ LINE. SHES SCARED TO LET PPL IN AND IM WAILING.
I wanna give her all my love and affection!!! 😭
-🦌 anon, who is curled up on the floor crying
The Curtains Close
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૮꒰˶ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ˶꒱ა Pairings : GN! Otter Reader x Furina & Neuvillette
૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა W.K. : 1.1k
໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ Tags/CW&TW : Angst to fluff, Furina is going through a breakdown, Neuvillette realizes he’s been distant
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Forcing Furina on a bed wasn’t easy. The entire day was spent with and you having a “bonding day” and spend the day inside.
Makeup and clothes whirled past in a blur of blues and makeup was pressed into your fur. The entire day was fun, eating snacks and overall just having fun.
At least, it would be if you didn’t notice the sadness behind Furina’s eyes.
Every time she looked at you in your frilly little dress with a big blue bow around your waist and a smaller blue and gold bow around your head.
Now, you’d be a little ticked at being forced into an outfit, but seeing her on the verge of tears when you began to shake your head no - no matter how much she would deny it - you forced your pride down your throat and and put it on.
Her smile was worth it.
The entire day you could just feel her off-ness, and you’re pretty sure you know why. The events pertaining her curse and the death of that bi- I mean Foçalors had just passed and Furina was finally free.
Free to be human once more.
You, knowing the lore, knew that she had suffered with being alive - unchanging and never aging - for five-hundred-years. You knew that both Foçalors and Neuvillette understood that that would have and has had lasting effects on the poor girl.
But you knew they’d never understand. How could they? They were immortal. They had to get used to the passing of the ones they knew if they were mortal because they were literally built for it. Furina wasn’t. She never was.
And now that she was free, she was coming. Crashing down.
The curtain had fallen and the star of the show has fallen to her knees. Her tears stain the floor as the crowd leaves and her wails echo through the empty halls.
To be honest you haven’t seen much of Neuvillette around. You understood that he had new issues to attend to as the new overseer of the nation of Fontaine. But you barely see him in the halal’s anymore.
Your thoughts were immediately halted when you heard small sniffles coming from your friend.
Your head whipped in her direction only to see tears pouring down her face. You rushed over as fast as you could, wiping those tears away as you gently chittered at her, pulling her crumpled form up so she could face you. At your concerned expression, she only cried more.
“I-It’s just,” she started, “… Did she ever love me? Was I ever even worth anything to her? I played my part and danced till collapse and I didn’t even get a thank you! I don’t understand… I watched my friends die… I watched my f-family die… I outlived all of them! And I didn’t… even… get a thank you…” She broke down back into sobs, holding onto herself as she rocked back and forth.
You could only watch as she shattered in front of you. Pain and guilt rose in your stomachs as you stared. Huffing, you jumped off the bed, and grabbed your stuffed jellyfish, dragging it over and throwing it up before climbing up after her.
You gently nudged it towards her and made sure she grabbed on before jumping back down and racing through the halls.
You ran out the building as fast as your little legs could carry you, the winds of Teyvat boosting your form farther. You continued on until to made it to the Opera Eclipse and ran through there until you made it to Neuvillette’s office.
You didn’t even bother to knock before shoving to door open and rushing up to him. He stopped his writing and looked down, his eyes softening at you. He opened his mouth to speak before you grabbed his sleeve. You yanked and pulled and he finally stood up, allowing you to lead him.
Making it back home, you all but forced the man into Furina’s room, and forced him on the bed. She had stopped sobbing by this point, but silent tears still ran down her face.
She looked shocked at Neuvillette’s appearance and he looked shocked at her dishevelment. You shuffled up to her in the ridiculous dress you had on - you would later find out it perfectly match the dress Furina had on when she came into being, after being separated from Foçalors - and part her lips.
“Do you… wish for me to repeat myself?” She whispered, looking at the slightly panting Neuvillette with worry. But at your nod she sighed, realizing why you did this.
And if her Otter wanted something, who was she to deny them that.
When she parted her lips you leapt from the bed, and walked out of the room to give them privacy. You could tell she hesitated at your lack of presence, but hearing her start to speak after you closed the door, you wagged your little tail in relief.
Staring towards the kitchen, you planned on getting them both nice tall glasses of water.
And by the time you got back and managed to open the door, you were met with Neuvillette holding the girl close and shushing her, a light patter of rain outside.
“Of course we’re grateful. I’m grateful. I am so sorry my Lady that I had neglected you. I will say it until the stars and the moon itself command me to stop that you are appreciated. That I care. And though I cannot speak for her fully I can say that my Ar- … Foçalors did care for you. And she loved you. I love you. I care for you. I will never understand the trials of being human and I know that what she did is irreversible, but I do want to be there.” He continued to speak to the crying child in his arms, neither noticing you walking in while dragging the glasses of water in.
Making a small noise, the Sovereign looked down and smiled at you, though you could see the tears in his eyes. He picked you up then the glasses, handing one to Furina who was still clutching your plushy.
“And I can also say that our darling here loves you and cares.” Neuvillette mused, running a hand quickly through your fur.
You chuffed in response and licked the girls face causing a giggle to escape her throat.
Here she was wanted. Here she was needed. Here she was loved.
And you were going to do your damndest to make sure it stays that way.
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໒꒰ྀི˶˙Ⱉ˙˶꒱ྀིა Author’s note : Wanna hug her and hold her and give her kisses on the cheek and UGH- My baby໒꒰ྀི ╥﹏╥ ꒱ྀིა
I personally think she’s like… a teen. She looks like a teen. So imagine being in a mental state of an adult with the emotional state of a child and being forced to watch everyone you know and love die. I couldn’t do it she is so strong but I STILL WANNA HOLD HER MY BABY!!! ૮꒰ ˶꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ˶꒱ა
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p1err0st4r · 3 months
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☆ | author's note : I KNOW THIS WAS WIRTTEN LIKE A MILLION TIMES , but in my opinion shinobu is the most interesting to look over and i think she has alot of options and opinions soo. Anw im getting bored of my current layout , so maybe remake to another character ?? The poll will be after the said hc's. I hope you enjoy this piece !! <33
. . warnings ★ : MINORS DO NOT INTERACT nsfw under the cut ; two versions : for male and female readers ; oral sex ( both reader and char receiving ) ; anal sex ; masturbation ; somnophilia ; drugging ; fingering ; not proofread.
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𔓕   ..     ┊    Afab reader !
When with a female reader she is probably a switch with a lean towards a dom. Sometimes she wants to watch your frame shaking from the overstimulation shes given you and sometimes she wants to a strap deep inside of her pussy.
Shinobu has a fair share of knowledge on how to pleasure a body of a female first of all because of her medical expiriance and second of all actually trying masturbation on herself in many different ways.
Shower heads , pillow humping , edging and much more and she is going to use it on your mercilessly when you have sex.
But it will be pretty hard to get.
Shinobu sees sex as something to show emotions and love for their partner so doesn't do it from just lust , in fact it's hard to turn her on in ordinary life so you'll have to beg and basically degrade yourself in front of her , so she'll finally understand that you can't deal with the ache. Which leads up to one of her kinks !
She like watching you trying to even muster a word as you're on the floor by her while she's doing anything , legs spread , arms tied behind your back and you're on the verge of tears. You're absolutely exposed and shinobu is not willing to cooperate.
Something i think she'd practice is drugging , though only if you give her permission. She finds something attractive in you waking up because of the immense pleasure that she is serving you, watching your cunt spasm around her fingers while you're sleepish face frowns snd whines from her , slowly but surely waking up.
I feel like she isn't really into anal if her partner is a woman, she might do it if you insist or really want to try if you like it or not. To her it's unsafe and unlike males you have a hole made for it.
But if you do she is really gentle and careful.
As mentioned previously you two rarely have sex, but if you do , oh boy , you'll be fucked or fucking her hours on end.
She likes eating you out. Softly massaging your clit , her tongue gliding against your folds. She holds one of your hands to give you some sort of support.
Would do again. 10/10
𔓕   ..     ┊    Amab reader !
I feel like she'd be a power bottom or a dom.
Something about her being so small and yet making you wonce and tremble makes her even more turned on.
Doesn't like 69 , so ya'll give oral tp each other seperatly.
Shinobu doesn't suck you off much , because again she is small and has a gag reflex, so she likes giving you small kitten licks more than actually taking your whole dick into her mouth. Likes tasting the salty beads of precum on your cockhead.
Probably edges you before plopping herself onto your dick and fucking borh you and herself until her brain is numb and dead.
( im sorry i didn't have much ideas for this . )
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@P1ERROST4R ON TUMBLR. Do not repost / translate / copy my work.
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ash5monster01 · 2 months
could you write todd helping reader in english? like helping her with poetry or just regular homework. also, they are already dating ❤️ im a sucker for established relationships im sorry lol
Study Buddies
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Pairing: Todd Anderson x FemReader
Warnings: established relationship, fluff, some language, just sweetness
Summary: Being a student at Welton is difficult and even more so when you already struggle with most of your classes. Thank God you have a sweet boyfriend who is always so willing to help.
word count: 700
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The groan you let out immediately causes Todd to lift his head and scan the library for any onlookers. Deer in headlights like always just at the thought of someone paying a semblance of attention to him. You shake your head as you watch him, dropping the pencil in your hand as you completely give up on the assignment in front of you. When Todd realizes the coast is clear he finally turns his attention towards you.
“What’s wrong now?” he curiously asks and you wonder how he ever got comfortable around you if he panicked like that over just a couple of curious looks.
“This homework is impossible. I give up” you tell him, eyes glancing at the chemistry you no longer cared about. Even if you could figure out what all of it meant, the amount you had been given was absurd.
“You don’t give up, you just need a second to collect your thoughts” he says, voice his normal quiet and hushed tone and you watch as his hand reaches and slides the book back towards you. “Give it another go”
“I’d rather die” but the pointed look he gives you convinces you to pick back up the pencil and stare at the images on the page.
“I don’t get it” you pout, half annoyed and half on the verge of tears. Welton was hard, you knew that, but it still broke your spirits just the same.
“Let me see” he says, scooting close enough that his knee bumps against your own. He’s a fool if he thinks there’s any chance you’ll pay attention to your homework now. Not when your extremely adorable boyfriend is now this close to you.
“Oh well that’s easy, here look” but when Todd’s eyes look up to meet your own he can see you’re no longer interested in whatever he’s trying to show you. The look makes his ears tint pink and you can’t help but smile.
“Todd, I don’t want to do my homework anymore” you coo, leaning your face close to him. His head swings again, searching to see if anyone was peaking in on this private interaction. He freezes when your hand reaches up and stops him.
“W-we have to study” he tells you but you let out a soft ‘shh’. Stopping his stuttering and brushing your nose against his own. His face is fire truck red in an instant.
“I’d rather kiss you” you say, hot breath fanning across his lips and you can feel his mouth opening and closing, struggling to find words in this very moment. You love how shy he can still get around you.
“You gonna stop me?” you whisper and he shakes his head in your hand, yearning for it just as much as you. With your grip still on his chin you tip his mouth up and towards your own, sealing it against you.
The soft sigh he lets out causes you to grin against his lips before closing them around his again. You kiss him briefly but enough to make him dizzy. When you pull away his eyes are closed, mind reeling and now suddenly desperate to get far away from here. You chuckle to yourself lightly, watching as he processes the moment between you.
“Can you help me with number 6?” you ask and his eyes snap open, trying to recover from the whiplash you’ve just given him. He’s a mumbling mess, head snapping between you and the text book and you offer him as innocent a grin you can muster.
“Everything okay?” you curiously ask and he smiles, laughing lightly to himself and mentally cursing himself for always falling into your traps. It made sense you were the only girl who was able to lock him down.
“Everything’s just fine” he says, sliding back close and leaning to look at the question. You watch him intently, waiting as he processes the words.
“Okay, listen close” he starts and you grin, eyes casting over the page as you’re now prepared for him to explain. He was right you definitely needed a second to collect your thoughts.
Best mini break ever.
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jdbellingham · 2 years
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pairing : jude bellingham x reader
requests are open!!
word count: 472 (this is short lol)
summary: after being stood up time and time again, you finally give up on Jude.
warnings: cussing, angst
“IM SICK OF us being on and off like a fucking light switch!” She yelled, throwing her hands down. She gazed into Jude’s dark brown eyes which mirrored her own, large glistening pools about to overfill with tears. She could almost make out her own reflection in them, knowing that he could probably make himself out in hers.
“I’m sorry,” Jude replied, his voice quivering. Like a crackling fire, his voice was on the verge of fading into a faint whisper. His fingers clenched tightly into balled fists, fingernails digging crescent shaped wounds into his palm.
He watched as the girl he had loved since 12th year stared at his hands, then subconsciously tucked them behind his back. Flexing them to make sure there was still circulation.
“Jude I don’t want to do this,” She said, this time her voice slower and softer, comparatively gentle to the harsh words she had spoke just a few moments before. “But I have to, because I don’t want you to think that leaving me in front of restaurants and theatres time after time again, alone- is okay. And-”
“Y/n please,” Jude interrupted, his entire being was pleading, he would’ve dropped to his knees if she wanted him to. “I have loved you since i was 17, and I know at times I seem like a complete idiot, and I know for a fact I don’t deserve you. But I love you, Y/n L/n. I love you. And I’ll be damn stupid to let you leave. You are wonderful, and you are astoundingly smart,you are everything any man wants, and could ask for. But most of all, you are you. You are the girl who inspires me to change, you are the girl who I look forward to seeing every second of the day, and you are the person who not only makes people their best selves, you are the person who makes me, me. Y/n please just stay, I’ll make everything up to you, I’ll-”
This time it was Y/n who interrupted Jude, she had-had enough. She couldn’t take anymore before she would cave. One more word of his monologue and she would’ve folded before him and she’d have been the one begging for forgiveness.
“Jude,” Y/n began, and his sweet doe eyes lit up with hope,
The light in his eyes vanished and the sound of his breath hitching filled the silence.
“Goodbye, Jude,” She said, the tears which she had held at bay for so long finally slipping down her face, and slowly but quite noticeably the tears multiplied. One tear became another, and suddenly her cheeks were streaked with warm salty drops. She quickly realized, and wiped what she could off, before whipping around and beginning to walk away.
And as much as she hated admitting it, she had hoped Jude would’ve stopped her.
do you guys want pt 2? feel free to send me suggestions!!
note: idk what this trash is, and ik i didn’t put it on the list of upcoming fics but I need to post smth bc my other fic is giving me writers block. anyway yeah don’t expect short stuff like this very often :)
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jistagrams · 7 months
Heyyyy I really LOVE your Riize text fics❤️❤️… I just recently started listening to them because of that one Sohee’s edit… idk if you know the one I’m talking about… THEYRE ALL SO FKINGG FOINEE!!! but please!!!!! 🤲🏽 I’d like to request an angst fic (if you’re accepting🧎🏽‍♀️) about my homeboy Wonbin that was drunk and cheated and is trying his best to get back with yn, like make him work hard to get her back but please let it have a fluffy ending cause as much as I love angst, I don’t want to cry at the ending lol… Thank you🫶🏽
of course 🙌 i love angst fics and thank uuu !💞
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parings: bf!wonbin x gf!reader
warnings: cheating, fluff near the end
you were anxious, scared, nervous. You couldn’t believe what you saw, why would he do that? how could he do that? you never thought of him as a cheater until your friend sent a video of your boyfriend, wonbin, making out with a girl at a party.
everything always happens at parties. When he came home you didn’t want to look him in the eyes, everything felt unreal. he looked guilty but he continued like he did nothing. you didn’t know how to bring it up, “oh i saw u sucking another girls face” , “so we’re cheating now?” , “why did you kiss her”. Nothing sounded right, a thousand thoughts went through your head at once, looking at him as he talked about the party from last night made you sick to your stomach, “sohee was there too, he was getting down on the dance floors” he laughed at remembering it as he changed from his clothes, the shirt the girl was gripping on. You just hummed, still thinking about the other girl. was she prettier? Was she funnier? what was so special about her? You couldn’t hold your tongue any longer, “why did you do that” you whispered, feeling tears start to fall, you didn’t even realize you were crying till he turned to you and wiped the tears that fell, “what do you mean?” He asked you, cocking his head to the side. You passed him your phone, all he had to do was unlock it and the video was shown. he felt his heart drop to his ass, shit. “yn..” he started to speak, “i just wanna know why” you said trying to sound like you weren’t on the verge of sobbing. he kneeled down infront of you, placing his hands on your legs. “Baby.. no yn, I genuinely apologize. I was drunk but that doesn’t even make it okay, that was horrible of me to do and I deeply apologize and regret it, i don’t know why i even did what i did. I just… did it” he pleaded with you, starting to tear up as well. You didn’t know what to say. feeling too many emotions at once, “still doesn’t make it ok” you mumbled, “i know..i know yn” he looked down, wiping his own tears. “Why her? Why couldn’t you just go home if you wanted to kiss someone?” You asked, crying even harder. “I don’t know.. she was just.. there. I didn’t want to leave either” his voice was quiet but he sounded sincere. “this makes me feel like shit” you laughed and wiped your tears. “I know, im so sorry yn, I’ll do whatever it takes to regain your trust I swear. I’ll stay until you forgive me, I want to fix this…do you?” He finally looked up at you, you knew you still loved him, how couldn’t you? But you were scared this would happen again. “Is it gonna happen again?” You asked him, he shook his head as in no, “I’ll never do it again, it’s sick of me to even do it in the first place” , “yea kinda evil of you bin” he smiled at your joke, “I’ll forgive you.. but ur gonna have to work hard to regain my trust” you smiled back at him, he showed his toothy smile at your words. Getting up from his knees and kissing your forehead, “I’ll do anything to stay with you baby, i love you too much.”
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zedrine · 8 months
hii, can i request a sunny x reader? it's where reader is like. working on homeworks for 2 hours straight and they notice sunny wanting their attention silently so reader stops working on the homework, teases sunny for it, then gives him big kisses
i LIVE for touch starved sunny you don't know how much i adore this boy 💔💔💔
Z.4 — “an hour or so.”
WARNINGS : swearing (only a few tho :D)
DESC : already mentioned
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Swoosh, swoosh, swish — clack, click, clack
Hours and an hour (from 10pm to 11pm), pages and pages, spilled ink and pencil shavings. If this wasn’t Hell, then, fuck, it doesn’t exist!
“UGH!” you exclaimed quite loudly, banging on the page-filled coffee table; something (like a black figure) flinched on your peripheral vision — for a moment there, you’d thought it was the Grim Reaper about to snatch your soul.
But as you quickly veered your head, your sore eyes softened at the sight of your boyfriend cowering away in fear, slightly trembling as he breathed deeply.
“Sunn, hey,” you hastily (yet quietly) crawled over to his side, kissing both his cheeks and nose, “I’m sorry, luv.”
SUNNY’d just woken up whilst MEWO snuggled against his chest, but still sleeping peacefully after the loud bang. “Sorry,” he whispers, eyes closed as he leans on your hand caressing his cheek, “w-what time is it?”
“Eleven pm, but don’t worry — I’ll be finishing soon,” you grinned, kissing his forehead next. He sighed, both in frustration and relief from your touch, “That’s what you said, thrice, forty minutes ago.”
You chuckled, “Yeah, yeah, sorry,” you scratched MEWO’s chin, making her stretch by instinct. “Just… two more assignments, then I’m done. I promise.”
He only looked down at MEWO as she shifts her position, hinting that he, surprisingly, was sulking. ‘Cept you were too drained (or stupid?) to realize it.
You then crawled back to your laptop; one hand typing some essay, then switching tabs to a presentation slide, while the other hand wrote down answers on multiple booklets at once. Yikes.
But, even after all these tasks, you felt a sense of uncomfort.
And that’s when you finally turned your head back to SUNNY, who was looking straight at you, seeping into your overworked soul. With no emotion displayed.
You stared right back at him — any other person would’ve mistook him for being a creep, but you saw his eyes. They were.. strangely glossy; full of tears on the verge of overflowing. “Sunn,” you called.
He stayed unresponsive. Instead, he looked down, fidgeting with MEWO’s droopy paws — like a behaved child, waiting for his sister. Lover.
“Yes?” he responded, finally, but in a stern tone. His voice showed no quivering, but he seemed as if he’d shatter upon a single gush of wind.
You sighed — you knew this night wasn’t going to be easy, especially when you have a clingy boyfriend; “I love you,” you said, “I–”
We all know how “I’ll be finishing soon” would end up like.
It was silent for a moment or two, until you finally stood up — but SUNNY stayed silent. “Hunny,” you called, reaching out your palm to him, which he reluctantly holds. But his head was still lowered.
You placed two fingers on his chin, “Look uuupp!~” you said in a singsong tone — which made him grumble, and you a soft chuckle. “Look,” you placed your hands on his drooped shoulders, then sighed, “I’ll stop now.”
He jolted his head up, shocked, “But..” he hesitated as he spoke lowly, hands fidgeting with one another, “what about your projects??”
“Nah,” you shrugged, “fuck them. I’ll finish them tomorrow.” You cupped his face with both hands, kissing his face from all directions as he giggles softly from the affection.
“Mmh!- Stop!-” He grumbled between laughs.
You booped his blushed nose, “Aww, look! You’re blushing!~” He shut his eyes closed tight to stop you from attacking his face any further, “N-No, I’m not!”
“Heh”, you chuckled. “Get the bed ready,” you kissed his forehead again, tousling his locks. “I’ll clean things up here.”
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
Hi hello,
Random question, but what do you headcannon cassie to look like and dress through-out her teens into adulthood? Both as wondergirl and as cassie? On that same vein, what adult superhero name do you like for her?
Anywhoosies, wishing u a great day!
late teenage into early 20s cassie is grappling with comp het pretty hard and tries to grow her hair out and dress more femme. she hates it but she doesn't know she hates it for a hot minute. this is both as wonder girl and as cassie because she barely exists as a civilian at all for a long time. "cassie sandsmark" publicly was wonder girl for a while, and she tried coming up with a fake name and identity to be a civilian again in tt03, but it was rough on her and she ultimately gave up on it.
so i think that really just weighs on her - she's a hero 24/7, she's leading the titans, she's basically letting the vigilante life consume her and she's gonna crash and burn out hard any day now. i think donna sees this and goes hey... you know you don't have to be exactly like me, right? in fact i think you need a vacation. let's go to themyscira for a bit. and its big sis lil sis bonding time but also for the first time cassie catches herself thinking um... women 😳 women? 😳 oh god. women 😳 and she has a whole crisis about it.
when she comes back from her vacation she does feel a lot more in touch with herself. the problem is that what she sees there (dissatisfied with her work-life balance, worn out, starting to confront her internalized homophobia) freaks her out. so she kind of has a crisis and hacks her hair off with a pair of scissors in the middle of the night and then looks in the mirror like. oh GOD. what did i DO??? oh god oh fuck who do i know who can fix this and won't ask me questions if i say i don't wanna talk about it hhghnggrhgnn...
so she shows up in kansas wearing a beanie at like 1am like kon Please. help. 😭 and she feels So guilty bc he's her ex and he's still kind and loving enough that he does get out of bed despite having an early morning with farm chores, and then he's all sleepily shuffling to the bathroom with her like here. sit. i'll fix your bangs. jeez. and the vibes are so... you know. bathroom light late at night spilling into the hallway. he's cutting her hair. krypto is peering at them from the doorway like why the fuck are you awake. cassie's on the verge of tears bc she wants to tell him why she did this but she's terrified it'd hurt him if she was like i think i was never actually in love with you
but when she finally says it he just stares at her. and then stares at her some more. and then he starts? laughing?? and at first she's kind of hurt like uh. that was serious and also pretty hard to say, what's so funny. and hes just almost in tears holding her hands in the bathroom by the sink like. cassie. ive been so scared of telling you i think im gay. for like. 3 months now. cassie i hooked up with an alien several weeks ago and i had a whole crisis i just refused to tell anyone about. um. yeah. and she's like. YOU WHAT? ALIEN HOOKUP? CONNER KENT? and hes like NOOOO WE ARENT TALKING ABOUT IT. YOURE A LESBIAN LETS TALK ABOUT THAT. but its like. oh! and they click back into place as best friends instead so much more easily than they ever dated. it's about the late night catharsis of it all.
this is a lot of words to say that after this i think she embraces the short hair and starts leaning into masc presentation again. i am a butch cassie truther for LIFE. get that girl some cargo shorts and a carabiner for her lasso STAT. i'm talking those truly heinous cargo pants that unzip at the knees to become shorts. formal cassie rocks the blazer with a bra underneath look. cassie lingerie is a tank top with no bra. she's butch to the bone baybee
as for her adult hero name, i still kinda waffle about it but i've Tentatively settled on "xenia"!! it's taken from one of zeus's epithets and has to do with hospitality, kindness, and the protection of strangers (yknow those rules about breaking bread with strangers etc, those are also called xenia). the og meaning had to do with the idea that a stranger could be a god in disguise so you should always honor strangers, but i think cassie would do a sort of converse of that with it, like i've got the power and i'm gonna use it to protect people i don't know, not for the idea of a boon but because it's who i am. still potentially workshopping this, though.
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Thank you fable smp
i have probably stated this a million times in a million different ways to a million different people, but i love the fable smp.
I staretd watching last august, right before my school year started. My sister got me into it, so that she could have someone to talk about her funky blockmen with. Shes left the fandom now, lingers around but not a lot. Im still here. When i started watching it i was- god i was OBSESSED i watched ten videos a DAY, all at 2x speed. i did nothing but watch. and when i couldnt be watching i would be tlaking about it, to my friends, my sister, my parents, anyone who would listen really. I binged all the seasons so quickly- i caught up in October, near my birthday. It was right after Unlocked, to. And the obsession has not died down. i spen the day before the finale on the verge tears not ready to say goodbye. I think i am now. Not say goodbye to the fandom- Im still going to be here!! i have so much two write and create, im going to be here for a long time, still talking about- but im ready to say goodbye to the show, make peace with the fact that its over, and that my favourite characters are happy. To the cast, thank you all so much for the fable smp. Ive become so deeply attached to everyone's characters. Thank you fo creating them, creating this world. it means so much to me. i dont think i can express just how much fable has come to mean to me, how deeply i care. Its so clear how much effort youve all put in- and just , everyones acting in that last stream was *phenomenal* ill never forget the experience of watching it live, and every other stream ive been able to catch. Thank you all. Thank you so much for this story
To the fandom, thank you. thank you for all youve created. god the aamzing art and fanfics and songs and theories and god knows what else, just everyone in this fandom is insaneky talented and i love how much everyone else cares about fable, too. I have never really had a fandom that ive interacted with before this one. I started using tumblr ages ago but my posts would just hover on my blog, uninteracted. Now i wake up to people liking my art, my fics my aus. thank you all for creating a space where i an share what i make, and love doing it. This series would not feel the same if not for all of you, so thank you alll, those who know me and those who dont. Just know that i love everything that has come from this fandom, and how this fandom has received me in kind.
I have cried i have laughed and i have loved this smp more than anything else in that ive read/watched. all these characters will live in my heart, and mind, for as long as i live, probably. Its time for their story to end, and i couldnt think of a better ending then the one we got
Thank you fable smp
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shaunamilfman · 3 months
WAHHHHH I LOVED THE FIC !!! so good it brought me out of my break to tell you this. so much better than what i could’ve written 😭❤️❤️
jackie “accidentally” buttdialing shauna like 5 different times after this just to have phone sex again like 🙄 you accidentally hang up one time because everything’s so messy and jackie won’t quit squirming and shauna keeps calling for like 3 minutes until you finally pick up again 😭
bro I'm glad you like it! would've been awkward as hell if you didn't lmaoo. im sure you could've done it justice man
lying around and checking your watch as Jackie spends ten minutes trying to position her phone to see her and also so she can see shauna on a video call. you're bored and not even in the mood by the time she finishes it. "ready, babe?" /"... i guess."
"Y/N get the phoneeeeeeeee" after she knocked it over the top of the couch. Jackie on the verge of tears after you have to stop touching her to go dig for it because she's whining so much for it (didn't think it through I'm afraid)
shauna's ass dialing and redialing till you pick up (she wants attention too).
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hwknshellfire · 2 years
sunshine - eddie munson x reader
pairing: eddie x reader
summary: you are my sunshine becomes yours and eddie's song
length: 1.5k
warnings: mentions of death, sadness, grief i think, mentions of murder, mentions of drugs and satanism (vvv brief), also fluff?
a.n: MAJOR volume 2 spoilers in this post!! also i'm sorry, i hurt myself with this one. im so sorry
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You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…
It had become your song, somehow. In the two years of knowing him and one year of being together, you had somehow confessed to Eddie that your favourite song was actually You Are My Sunshine, from all the way back in 1940. You think you must have told him after one of your many smoke sessions, brain clouded and relaxed thanks to his pot and it came tumbling out.
When he had laughed at you, your face had scrunched up and you had whined, “Eddie, my parents used to sing this to me! I think it’s a lovely song!”
“Uh huh, sure it is, sunshine,” he had grinned back and then the nickname had stuck. Sunshine. You were each other’s sunshine and you told each other often. From then on, it became a thing between the pair of you, none of your friends understanding. And even though the memory of telling him was hazy, the feeling that the pair of you felt when you called each other ‘sunshine’ wasn’t. That was very real.
You make me happy, when skies are grey…
He sang it to you on days you were struggling with your brain, or a stressful day at school. Anytime you were sad or on the verge of tears, Eddie would pull you onto his lap, wrap his arms around you and sing the lyrics softly, his mouth pressed into your hair. He would hold you for the whole night if you needed it, finishing the song and starting all over again while you relaxed in his arms, fiddling with his rings to distract your brain.
“You okay, sunshine?” He would ask you when you finally took a deep breath and broke out of his embrace. His eyes were always so concerned, scanning your entire body for any signs of lingering sadness.
You braved a smile and nodded. “Always, Eds.” And you were always fine - after Eddie sung to you. Maybe it was because it was a soft, almost lullaby song rather than the usual metal Eddie performed with Corroded Coffin, or maybe it was the fact that it was Eddie, your Eddie, singing your song that simply melted you. This soft side, this gentle Eddie was something reserved for only you. Sure, he cared about his boys, especially Dustin and Mike, but he was different with you. It was like, at school the world saw Eddie as what he felt he had to be, the ‘freak’, the ‘Satanist’, but at home in his trailer, with you by his side, he was simply himself. And god, would he do anything for you.
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you…
Your whole world flipped upside down the day Chrissy died in Eddie’s trailer. You had stayed at home that night and had hated yourself for it when the news broke the next morning: Chrissy Cunningham was dead and the main suspect was Eddie Munson. Your Eddie. It hadn’t been announced to the public yet but you knew what would happen when it did. The whole town would believe that Eddie killed her and the man hunt would begin. But you knew better than that. Eddie couldn’t hurt a fly let alone a whole person.
Jason and his team found you first. You weren’t friends with them by any means, and they practically branded you as a freak too for being Eddie’s girl, but they didn’t pick on you as much. You always suspected it was because your parents and Jason’s were friends and he had to lay off you a bit. But that didn’t stop him questioning you a few days after Chrissy’s death. There was a knock on your door and you’d been home alone so you answered it, thinking it would be a reporter or a cop asking you more questions about Eddie that you didn’t know the answer to.
Instead, you found Jason and his band of idiots. “Oh,” you had said, keeping the door open only a sliver. “What do you want?”
He was angry, that much you could tell. And fair enough, his girlfriend was being called a druggie and had been found dead in your boyfriend’s trailer. You’d be pissed too. You understood. But what you didn’t like it when they forced themselves into your house and ignored your protests, surrounding you like a pack of dogs.
“What the hell, Jason!” You seethed. “Get out of my house.”
“Not until you tell me where he is,” he had demanded, scarily calm. His hands shook but his voice was steady. If he found Eddie…he would kill him.
You shook your head. “I told the police already, I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since the day Chrissy—well, you know. I saw him at school and then I went home.” Jason couldn’t take no for an answer at first, and it took ten minutes of you repeating yourself and demanding he leave before he did. The way he looked at you when he left said it all: he’d be back, and you’d better tell him what he wanted to know. Well, fuck that, you thought.
So you teamed up with Dustin and the gang after they sought you out to ask if you knew where Eddie would be. Your frazzled brain took a long time to figure it out but it seemed obvious once you knew. Of course he’d be at Reefer Rick’s. It was the only place he could go without being found since Rick was in jail and you and the group went over immediately.
When you eventually found Eddie, your heart broke. He was pinning Steve up against the wall, his eyes wild and terrified. He hadn’t spotted you yet. “Eds,” you breathed and he stilled. He let go of Steve and turned to you, his eyes brimming with tears. Yours welled up to and you rushed to him, taking him in your arms. He collapsed into you, exhausted and scared and the group gave you a minute. One of your hands went to his back, the other tangling in his hair and you soothed him.
“It’s okay, sunshine,” you whispered. “I’m here. I believe you.”
That blind faith, that belief that you would never think him capable of what he was accused of, almost made Eddie’s heart break. He loved you so much. What had he done to deserve something as bright as you in his life? You were the sunshine, not him.
Please don’t take my sunshine away.
You had all fought so bravely, so hard, and it hadn’t mattered in the end. You still lost. You had no idea where the rest of your friends were, all that mattered was that Eddie, your sunshine, was lying on the ground in front of you, gasping for breath. Dustin was crying and panicking, thinking of anything you could do to fix the problem. The problem was that Eddie was dying in your arms and there was nothing you could do to fix it. It was just you and Dustin and Eddie, the three of you staying behind to distract the Demobats while the rest of the gang dealt with Vecna. You presumed they had won because the Demobats had fled but not before they had done their damage.
Eddie had stayed behind, severing the rope between your world and the Upside Down to keep you and Dustin safe. He had run valiantly into battle by himself and by the time you and Dustin had climbed your way back to the Upside Down - him injuring his leg and you your shoulder in the process - it was too late.
“Come on, Eds,” you cried as his eyes fluttered. “Stay with me.”
“Bad, huh?” he croaked, still cracking jokes.
You blinked hard and the tears rolled down your cheeks. “No you’re gonna be fine.” Dustin looked at you desperately and you tried to move him, planning on getting him back through the gate and to a hospital in your world. But he couldn’t move. He was too weak.
“I didn’t run away this time, right?” he asked you both and your heart shattered.
“No, Eds,” you sobbed. “You didn’t run.”
His brown eyes flicked to Dustin and he told him to look after the ‘little sheep’ and Dustin almost lost it then. The pair of you were crying wrecks and there was no one around. No sign of Steve, Nancy and Robin. No sign of Max, Lucas and Erica coming to help. They must have their own problems. You were utterly alone with the love of your life dying before you.
“I think it’s finally my year,” Eddie said softly and you pressed your mouth together as hard as you could, wincing at the pain. He looked at Dustin. “I love you, man.”
“I love you, too,” Dustin didn’t hesitate.
And then Eddie’s eyes turned to you for the very last time. “I love you, Y/N.”
Crying harder, you leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I love you, too, sunshine.” As he stilled in your arms, his chest no longer rising and falling, you did the only thing you could think of. You began to sing to him, rocking him gently in your arms. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine…”
masterlist // requests
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javierpena-inatacvest · 8 months
I think Javi will be the type of father who cries when taking their child to school for the first time. He won't leave the school until Osita (who also cries but is more strong) comforts him and makes sure their child will be okay 😩😩😩
Okay listen... Javi is going to be an absolute MESS on his baby's first day of kindergarten 😭😩
The whole morning he keeps asking Osita if she's okay because she's talked about how emotional it is that their kids are finally old enough to be going to school, but being a teacher, she knows that their kid is in perfectly good hands and will do just fine. Osita knows that Javi's only asking her because he is not okay at all, and trying so hard to hold it together.
They all drive to school together, and Lil Peña (in my mind I know their kid's names but no spoilers lmao) is so excited and dragging Javi and Osita to be dropped off at their class and start their first day of school- they hang up their backpack, walk around the room, find their desk, and Lil Peña is so happy and when Osita tells them it's time for her and Javi to go, she gives them a big hug and kiss and that she knows they're gonna have a great day and that she can't wait to hear all about it. Javi on the other hand, is literally on the verge of tears as he bends down to say his goodbyes. He gives Lil Peña such a tight hug and tells them how much he loves them, and their little "I love you too, Daddy! I'll see you later!" puts him over the edge and Osita practically has to drag him out of the classroom as they leave 😭
The whole drive home, Javi is trying to subtly wipe away his silent tears while Osita is doing okay and trying her best not to give Javi shit.
"You doin' okay there, Jav?"
"How are you not crying too? Fuck, I can't believe our baby is going off to school. Do you think they'll be okay? Do you think they'll make friends?"
"Baby, I know they'll be okay because they are smart and strong and sweet, just like their daddy. I promise, they're gonna be just fine."
Javi insists on being 15 minutes early for pickup at the end of the day, anxiously waiting by the front doors until all of the kids are released. The kindergarteners come out first, Lil Peña immediately running over to Javi and Osita with a huge grin on their face.
"Mommy, Daddy! I had the bestest day at school! I got to play with blocks and I made a new friend named Ben and I can't wait to go back tomorrow!"
All Osita does is look over at Javi with a little smirk, rolling her eyes and mouthing I told you so as Javi scoops up Lil Peña giving them the biggest squeeze, so relieved his baby had a good first day at school.
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