#im on a feminist high rn
oifaaa · 5 months
on god if its my happy marriage please keep watching if only to get to the fucking shonen anime super power reveal. the way my jaw DROPPED. I did not enjoy the anime but it did have my full attention by that point.
I'm sorry the what???? She has the powers of a shonen anime or does he have the powers of a shonen anime?? please I don't think I can continue watching this show don't tempt me with stupid anime nonsense
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dark-fics-4-you · 8 months
hi queen 🤍 the way i squealed when i saw ur post PLS
ok but umm what if your tire went flat at night and dark!rafe happens to be driving by, kinda crossed after leaving a party super late but he stops and helps you…. but plans to make you pay him back one way or another right there on the side of the road even tho you thought it was just a nice stranger doing a favor…..aldfjidoendkd
dw im seeking out help rn.
it’s okay i need to seek out help for writing this the way i did. This fic alone is putting feminism back 50 years okay sorryyyyy enjoy
Equal Exchange
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Warnings: noncon, smut, reader gets assaulted by a stranger, degradation, rough sex, implied drug use, misogyny, slut shaming
“Fuck!” You hissed, slapping your steering wheel in frustration before flicking your hazard lights on.
Of all the times and places for a tire to pop, of course 1AM on a back road was just your luck.
You opened your door, examining your parking job before checking out your tires. Sure enough, the right hand rear tire had a gash in it, and was now considerably less full than the others.
With a groan, you retreated to your trunk, opening it and locating your spare. However, only then did you remember lending your jack and wrench to a friend and you cursed angrily.
How could you change the tire now?
As if on cue, the back of your car lit up as another car approached. You spun around, only to be momentarily blinded by the truck’s headlights, but you could hear the large vehicle slowing to a stop.
You nervously shifted your weight from one leg to the other as you watched the door of the truck open and a tall, blond man exited and walked closer to you.
“Engine trouble?” He calmly asked, blue eyes looking down at you kindly. The scent of weed hit your nose, and although you silently judged the guy for driving while high, you weren’t one to turn down help when it found you.
“No, my tire popped. I have a spare, but I don’t have the tools to fix it,” you sheepishly explained, crossing your arms around your chest when the cool wind made you shiver.
“Lucky I was in the area then.” He said with a friendly grin. “I’ve got a jack and a whole tool kit in my truck. I’m Rafe, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Thank you so much for the help Rafe, I really appreciate it!”
You watched as the blond got his kit and jack out, and then observed as he masterfully changed your tire. You didn’t miss the way he glanced over the stickers you had on the window there, a couple band ones and then a few feminist stickers that he stared at for just a little bit longer than you were comfortable with.
However, he was helping you out, and by the time your spare tire was on, you had almost forgotten about the way he looked at your stickers.
“Wow, I can’t thank you enough Rafe, you really saved my skin. I’m glad you were driving around here tonight when you were,” you politely smiled up at him, genuinely grateful for him coming to your aid.
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” His eyes lingered on yours but he made no movements to go back to his truck, instead taking a step towards you.
You backed up nervously, why was he coming closer to you rather than going back to his car? It was well past midnight and maybe your paranoia was getting the better of you, but you suddenly really wanted to leave.
“Well, it’s late so I better get home,” you started to turn away from him, but his hand flew out and clamped down on your wrist.
You whipped around to face him, crying out and wincing at the painful way his fingers were digging into your skin.
“What are you-?”
“You just said I saved your skin, didn’t you?” There was an icy edge in his voice, and Rafe pulled you closer to him, chin ticking as he looked down at you in disapproval. “I mean, if it weren’t for me you’d be stranded all alone out here for god knows how long.”
“I-I know, I said thank you, Rafe, now please just let me go!”
“What if I didn’t want to, hm? Are you going to make me?” He chuckled when your face dropped, enjoying watching the severity of the situation he had placed you in dawn on you.
“I mean, don’t you think you could repay me for sticking my neck out for a dumb bitch like you?” He held you in place with one hand, allowing the other to snake around your throat.
Your eyes widened and you thrashed against him when he clamped down around the tender skin, choking you hard.
With all of your power, you aimed your knee in between his legs, missing his crotch, but still catching him off guard enough to get him to release you.
You screamed as you pulled away from him, hoping that someone else might hear you and come to your rescue.
Stretching your fingers out to reach for the handle of the door, you had almost grabbed it when Rafe’s large arms encircled your waist, tearing you away from the door.
You were no match against his strength and he easily pushed you back before getting behind you and shoving you as he bent you over the hood of your car.
You yelped when your hips painfully dug into the metal in a way you were sure would leave bruises.
His large hands pawed at your clothes, and you hopelessly struggled in his arms. When he ripped your shorts and panties down in one movement, dread gripped your heart. You felt dizzy with fear.
Before you could even register the chill of the night air, Rafe roughly slammed your head against the hood of your car, holding it there and chuckling at your terror before hissing into your ear as he undid his shorts with one hand, “I’ve never understood girls like you. I mean, you have those dumbass girl power stickers all over your car but you can’t even change a tire by yourself. And I bet you learned that little move after mommy signed you up for a self defense course, huh? You can take all the classes in the world, but you never really stood a chance against me, sweetheart. I mean, you are so fucking stupid it’s actually adorable.”
His cruel words brought a burning pink tinge of shame to your cheeks, tears beginning to pool in your eyes.
When you felt the tip of his cock brush against your slit, you tried to move again to get away, but you were pinned down by his rough hold on your skull.
“Uh uh, Y/N,” your name sounded all wrong on his tongue, and the smug overfamiliarity from this stranger who was now assaulting you made your stomach turn in disgust. You froze when he pressed the head against your slit again, this time you were slick enough for him to slowly press the tip past your lips and into your warm cunt.
“You’re gonna stay still if you don’t want to get hurt,” his sick laugh barely reached your ears, as your focus was locked on the building pressure between your legs as Rafe pushed himself into you, painfully stretching you out inch by inch.
You whimpered as he sheathed himself inside you, trembling with adrenaline and fear underneath him. He was big, too big, and you clenched around him when he tilted his hips back before snapping them against your ass.
“Fuck, Y/N, I thought I wasn’t gonna get any tonight after that party turned out to be so lame but shit-” he groaned before slowly starting to push his cock in and out of your heat.
“I guess I got lucky after all,” his gruff voice sent shivers down your spine and your tears only made you feel worse. Each stroke of his length was agonizing.
You could barely adjust to the feel of his thick cock dragging along your walls, it felt like he was going to split you open. The pressure between your legs had you gasping and crying out in a confusing mixture of pain and pleasure.
“God you’re squeezing me so fucking tight,” he groaned. “I knew you’d be worth stopping for.”
Rafe was rutting into you faster now, enjoying the way you fearfully looked up at him through teary eyes as he took advantage of you.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were enjoying this, Y/N.” His taunting voice was punctuated by his sharp thrusts, each one rocking your body. “Why else would you be moaning like such a fucking slut?”
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sickofthis666 · 2 months
Man, I miss when tumblr wasn’t the "t4t" website. Now we only got girld*ck jokes and trans rights are the only social issue that's worth mentionning, apparently. It's obvious if only by seeing the amount of posts, pinned posts, and bios with the mention "terfs/transphobes dni".
As an afterthought, some may add racists, ableists and/or homophobics to their little list. Sexism doesn't even appear.
Reading users bios, it's like everyone on this website is trans now - see also, reblogs of people's own post years later with the mention "im a girl now :3" - even though statistically, they're... what? 2% of the population?
Meanwhile somehow half of said population doesn't deserve to fight for their rights. BLM vanished but fear not, TLM is there. Online feminism peaked in 2016 with "the future is female" and #MeToo ended with a lot of calling out by victims but very little consequences for the abusers.
Your brain won't explode if you campaign for more than one cause at a time, I promise.
Old sexism was "your biology determines your behavior". New sexism is "your behavior determines your biology". Same result. Same harmful stereotypes. Some things are meant to harm, no matter how much you want to reclaim them or have fun sounding quirky by using insults/politically incorrect language. No, calling yourself a slut doesn't change from a man calling you that, because the very definition of that word is harmful. An insult doesn't stop being an insult because you enjoy it or because you decided to interpret it in a way that fits you, like religious leaders interprets scripture in a way that fits their interest.
We were supposed to get rid of the idea that women enjoying sex like men do is shameful, bad, disgusting, unnatural. We were supposed to make it neutral, just the way men get to have it, but nooo, you guys wanted to be quirky, rules breakers, special. Somehow you're convinced that doing the complete opposite of what society commonly deems acceptable automatically makes you cool, Good, right, and better than the others. It doesn't! It's not a dichotomy! Same thing with whore. Calling a man that moves his hands when he talks or has a high pitch or exaggerated manners "effeminate" makes you a misogynist and a homophobe, actually.
P*rn doesn't automatically becomes Good and healthy just because society frowns down upon it. Degrading women became a trend. God forbids you kinkshame, but somehow mocking vanilla sex is great, actually. Obviously vanilla must be Bad since it's the opposite of porn, and we all decided at some point that porn was Good. Can’t find f/m erotica on this website that doesn't include at least One sentence specifying how the woman is degraded/seen like a toy/less than human by the man. It's Very Important.
The solution to "women shouldn't have to wear make up to be considered seriously/human" wasn’t "women like their cage actually", it was destroying the cage or put the men in it with us. Cause that is the definition of gender equality. Treating men and women the same regardless of gender.
Hijab will never be feminist as long as men don't wear it too. It's the difference of treatment, simply because of gender, that is sexism/misogyny. The intention of the wearer doesn't matter - the result does.
"Taking your husband's last name isn’t sexist because *I* would be honored to do it" affirmed a woman to me - Since when does sexism mean "mentality/behavior/outfit/etc that all women as a mindhive dislike"? Oh wait - it doesnt - never did; it means difference of treatment between genders, overwhelmingly balanced in favor of men. The day men don't see taking your wife's last name as emasculating, degrading, insulting, belittling, diminishing, disgracing, shameful; the day they take their wife's last name spontaneously, almost systematically, the way women do; the day merely suggesting the idea to them isn’t preposterous;
the day women don't see taking your husband's name, as honorable, normal, the bare minimum, the day women stop taking their husband's name almost systematically, because it's an evidence in their eyes; the day women are not pushed to take their husband's name because it makes administration's work easier, because it's the only way for them to prove that they're related to their children - when i was a little kid, school staff once refused to let me leave with my mom at the end of the day simply because, since she hadn't taken my father's name, obviously she couldnt possibly be my legitimate mother; that "incident" lead to her renounciating her own name; before that, she hadn't entertained the thought; - the day french civil service stops differentiating between Nom d'épouse (wife name) and Nom de jeune fille (maiden name), making marriage an event so decisive in a woman's life that it changes her status; whereas men are born, live and die with only one name, their own, and no one else's.
That day only, we'll be able to affirm that this part of society/culture/custom is not sexist anymore.
In favor of men, not because I hate men, or because women need someone to blame, or because men are inherently evil, but in favor of men because men have been ruling society for thousands of years. Our kings are men. Our presidents are men. Our Prime Ministers are men. Our religious leaders are men. Our CEOs are men. Billionaires are men. The most powerful and/or rich on this earth are men. And people in power, in a logical conclusion, decides measures that will favor themselves over others.
Feminity isn’t real. Masculinity isn’t real. Just like the economy, or borders, it's something humans made up. And yet it would never cross your mind to romanticize or fantasize about those concepts.
Boomers' sexism says "if you're a woman, you must act feminine." Gen Z's sexism says "If you're feminine, you must be a woman."
Feminism says "You'll always be a woman no matter what - but so what? You can do whatever you want."
This website is full of selfrighteous, full of themselves assholes who pretends to be Better than everyone else because they're sooo tolerent, sooo inclusive, they condemn nazis and terfs - but mostly terfs. Terfs never commited murders, contrary to neonazis/white supremacists/incels, but that is but a detail my friend - vigorously, they boycott JKR absolutely - but not their favorite rapist male artists/authors/actors/singers -, they have the moral High Ground. Yet the second they smell an Enemy, someone who doesn't adopt 100% of their causes, verbatim, no holds barred! Anything goes! Death threats, rape threats, stalking, doxxing, going after family members... calling The Other, the Villain - of course they're the villain, since I am the Good Guy and they're against Me! - names, a loser, ugly, fat, a virgin, who can’t get laid/p*ssy. Yes I said Asexuals were a part of the community, what does this have to do with anything? Death and rape threats are okay if they come from My mouth!
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findteenpenpals · 25 days
hii im dolly a bi 16 year old im from a small country in south east asian and im in desperate need of friends you just need to be like 14-18 (╥_╥) im a yapper you cant rant/cent to me about everything ill gladly listen im into everything actually like
-animanga such as neon evangelion genisis,black butler,goodnight pun pun,ghost in shell,vegabond,berserk,nana,chobits,monster,junji ito,veil,beck,lucky star,mha,k-on,free,angel of death,paradise kiss, land of lustrous,wonder egg priority,cow bebop,blue lock,ergo proxy,madoka,mahou shojo,belladonna of sadness,jojo,full metal alchemist,soul eaters,monster and more<3
-cinematography have my heart especially asian films made by shuji iwai and wong kai war my fav films rn are lily chou chou,in the mood for love,kamikaze girl,linda linda,hand maiden and monster,helter skelter
-i love gls please im so obsessed with bloom into you,i fell in love with a villainess,Kase-san and Morning Glories,the guy i fell in love with wasnt a guy at all,begin with you name,syrup
-im into horror anything from analog horror like local 58/backrooms to horror games like silent hill,fatal frame,little nightmares,kuon to horror novels like pet semantary
-i listen to everything but my primary taste goes to shoegaze,metal,jpop,vocaloid,dreamcore,visual kei,shibuya kei and classical or anything from the 60s-80s
-i love literature my favorite genre has to be philosophy,psychology,horror,feminist literature and my top books are like paradise rot,earthlings,anything by dostoevsky,twillight over burma,breast and eggs
-kpop,jpop,cpop peeps im into loosemble/loona,sing,pentagon,phantom silta,perfums,akb48,dreamcatcher,namie amuro,tommyfebruary6/tommyheavenly6,red velvet
-i am pretty much a fashion and thrifting addict i collect designer items and im into fashion history which can go from alt subcultures,jfashion and high fashion history
-i also play games like dress to impress,final fantasy,fatal frame,kuon,silent hill,genshin,wuthering waves,love and deepspace,resident evil,fnaf,little misfortune,little nightmares,cry of fear,franbow,cat lady,hello kitty island adventures,pokemon,class of 06
-cartoons are my thing:gravity falls,adventure time,mlp,ever after high,monster high,steven universe,ultraman,over the garden wall,hazbin hote,bee and puppycat,avatar,the loud house
-im into nekopara,super sonico and me you and her
can you tell im autistic 🧍‍♀️ but really tho you dont have to be shy or anything with me you can literally info dump on your first message and i’ll gladly listen
you can msg me on tumblr: @d0lliez
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hopefulcanary · 1 year
We need to talk, young(er) mlm content creators.
'[Female character] deserves better than to be shipped with/talk to/be in the same air space as [male character I ship with another male character]'
is not the pro-feminist reasoning y'all think it is.
See, on paper it sounds great! Because it's perfectly reasonable and pretty goddamn true wrt the historic treatment of women in fiction! Women do deserve better! Your male character blorbo is probably a big piece of shit. Yes, objectively, the white guy lead is probs the biggest shithead in the room rn. The women in his orbit absolutely don't need to be shackled to that hot mess. That is correct. 😌
I might actually buy that if the folks saying it
about the women of their canon in a positive fashion.
Not gonna reblog art of these gals, or fic, or otherwise engage with anything about them?
Yeah no.
You don't get to say she deserves better. Im p sure you actually think you deserve better, and she deserves to disappear into obscurity so your view of White Guy is unobstructed.
Don't be that weirdo high school kid getting mad that another girl spoke to your crush. It's shitty and juvenile.
Stop it.
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mexicancherry · 6 months
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IM BACK! if u have my IG You have seen this photos i took! But if not, i wanna post them in here too to spill the beans a little regarding a few stuff i noticed working on this event (from this year and also last year).
So the "Mujeres en producción" show (women in [music] production) was an event held by my university where a lot of the girls and women from the music and music production careers get together to put on a show for open public but most importantly, to girls in high school!!
The goal is to promote the career (and therefore the university lmao) to young girls interested in music, showing them there is a space for them in every art or music form! Wheter it be as a singer, musician, audio ingeneer, organizer etc.
I was in the art department, So i was kind of in charge of the whole visuals aesthetic, the ilumination, outfits and makeup 🥴. At first i was very thrilled to be i'm charge ... Then.. well .. if You know anything about live performances, things can go south veeery fast.
The organization was lacking, a lot of songs had to be cut out of the setlist, girls cried and vented about the pressure put on them (some of them just cried cause their protagonist song was cut out but anyway), teachers yelled to each other, miscomunnication and a lot of shit took place lmao.
That was behind the scenes! And even on the days the show took place things went wrong, things that where out of my hands and also things that definitely where in my control! Things that i would do different and things in where i lacked in general...
So if i speak on the negative is only cause i know i learned a lot, and cause i hope all of the girls did too...
I think in the end, seeing all those young girls happy, dancing and singing, asking for autographs and pictures to the singers after the show was really cute and i loved to see it!! Id love to think the show inspired a lot of them to pursue music or art in any way
Also wanna point out that there was a conference too held by a really cool old lady talking about interviews she had with women and men working in profesional studios and their experience viewed thru a feminist perspective, was pretty interesting to hear those experiences as well!
So in conclusion... There was drama, a lot of it! And into an extent none of you can imagine !! There was arguments, disagreements, people being unprofessional even... But we all came thru and made it happen for all the young girls who needed it and that was the goal so ill rest my case here.
If you read all of that thank u i love you im peeling a mango for you rn
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ouroboobos · 7 months
What fancy strap!!!!! Post the specs!!!💕 If u want if not, happy feminist fight day<33
omg its so gongeous im honestly really excited. ok so i had it in my cart on etsy for AGES knowing i wasnt gonna buy it bcs its like handmade fancy small business and so understandably super expensive. but i left it in my cart w all the measurements anyway bcs i like to play pretend 💕 anyway i got high a couple days ago and i impulse ordered it.
its like this gorgeous blackberry color with a lingerie inspired silhouette and gold hardware <3333 It has garters and thigh straps and a high cut which I rly like. From LupineLeatherCo if anyone wants to take a look at their stuff, I've heard nothing but good things abt them. When it shows up I might take some pics but their wait time is like 8-10 weeks rn I think.
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josephtrohman · 1 year
your cat dog person analogy is soooo true
sorry to go off rn but those m cr fans are just soooo bitter for no fucking reason. they think their morals have to align with their music tastes and find any sort of way to find any sort of dirt on other bands they don’t enjoy. example i constantly see callout posts for band guys that usually overlap with similar fans and music with m cr. look i know band guys can suck and obviously they shouldn’t be praised like saints, but these out of nowhere callouts for band dudes i see are always from m cr accounts. are you actually wanting to call out shitty behavior or do you just want points for being high and moral because youre the fan of the most unproblematic feminist anti capitalist band who’s never done anything wrong?
they always pick and choose on who’s worthy enough to even be liked on some level of m cr example i remember seeing posts about how the savior m cr were the only ones there for paramore 😫🥹 they are just so cool like that!! no other bands were there for paramore 😞
they act like they are the underdogs and how nobody understands them, but i constantly see several thousand notes about how cool the band is on my dash every so often
they will always call other bands cringe or saying they never understood the assignment with their newer stuff or how they were just never on their level of punk rock in the first place. i seen people say m cr has always made consistently good music unlike those other bands who are pop sell outs but bitch your band hasn’t put anything new out in a decade how tf do u know 💀
sorry to go off, but god damn it’s just music, stop, whatever happened to the emo trinity, you all use to love that, what happened
thank you bestie!!!! NEVER be sorry for going off i am always here for it!!! especially when it’s well thought out like this. cuz a lot of my opinions UNFORTUNATELY boil down to “mcr fans annoying” (OBVIOUSLY not including my moderate mcrtuals!!!). im putting the rest of my response under the cut cuz i also popped off but a tldr is: u are the best and i love u.
i absolutely agree with everything you had to say here tho…like why do these people act this way. like babes your guys are embarrassing sometimes too or whatever. we all saw frank having an overpriced garage sale of his trash or whatever recently. not really anti-capitalistic to me sounds like!! that’s crazy about the thing you said about paramore tho cuz it’s like. what does that even mean to be a saviour of paramore????? as if they need saving?????? that doesn’t sit right with me for SURE to imply that 😡
sooooo real about the underdogs comment cuz like. i think that mcr feels like the most popular of the “emo trinity” of times past. it’s not like i know this for a fact but i don’t know anyone else irl that is into fob that i HAVENT specifically got them into them!!! whereas i feel like i have so many friends who are into mcr but had never listened to fob until i sent them my playlists. and also another piece of info that backs it up is i’ve gone to 4 emo nights in the last year, and the reception of when they play the black parade vs like…sugar we’re going down is like a BIG difference. except for maybe the specific fob edition, the crowd i would say is duller during sugar like 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. also like i think you can tell by the dynamics on tumblr too, i feel like there’s like 20 fob girlies and every other bitch is an mcr fan here. we’re outnumbered like CRAZY. and the amount of times i’ve seen people be like “if mcr ain’t your fave from the emo trinity = 🚩” but people NEVER say that about fob. i think i had another example but lost my train of thought bc people are talking around me LMFAO
ALSO THAT SECOND LAST PARAGRAPH LMFAOOOO GET THEIR ASS!!!!!! literally it’s not that deep, it’s music, i get spicy bc i’m frustrated with fob being treated this way from people fob fans are allegedly supposed to be “making out with” or whatever. like i know i’m insane about my four men but they are like INSAAANE about their four men and it’s not in a cute way. as i always say, mcr and fob as bands respect each other and i GUARANTEE the mcr guys wouldn’t want fob to be treated the way these crusty ass mcr mainies treat them. god.
this was rambly, i have no idea if any of this was smart or good, but my main takeaway is to say THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!!!!! and i always appreciate the support ofc bc i’m worried i’m going to be eaten alive by the mcr fans bc they have a history of eviscerating us.
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inlovewithcharmers · 1 year
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Never in my life would I have thought to do this to a harry styles fan but they insulted everyone besides Joe Keery in the cast even though Gaten is literally on Broadway rn and they called MY BBG SEASON 3 TRASH- like don't act like seeing Steve harrington in a skirt was the best thing you have gotten to see. PLUS DACRE :((((( NO ONE GIVES HIM ENOUGH CREDIT FOR THIS SHIIIIIITTTTT HES SO TALENTED LIKE HE LITERALLY MADE PART OF HIMSELF CRY WHILE ACTING AS FLAYED BILLY.....
like girl......
Eduardo.....as soon as I seen the musical of everyone getting high I was genuinely scared....but Mike's beef with him is hilarious lmaoooooo.
I also love how they changed Charlie's character into being funny.....At first I was like I don't like how he stalks people like that?- but Steve s1 was an ass more than he was so I forgave him. He did a really great job changing his character a bit.
Finn is so amazing in mystery horror movies and series you don't even know- he can also sing so like WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT? HES SO SWEET. THE SWEETEST BEAN EVEEERRR. HES THE REASON WHY I EVEN GOT INTO IT SO MUCH. I LOVE HIIIMMMM.
Gaten :)))) The talent My grandparents are so sucked into this show and literally have 7 to see him on Broadway but just don't want to drive💀 like HIS SINGING WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS OUT ON. JAMIE WOULD BE SO PROUD OF HIM BRUH-
You sound like you only know one person that can sing and that's it? You are so wrong for that.
MILLIE DESERVES THE WORLD, SHE HAS A BOOK COMING OUT UNLIKE THE REST OF THEM.....Hell, she's living my dream talking to Winona writer and Henry Cavil. SHE. IS. LITERALLY. BESTIES. WITH. A. HOT. MAN. (Noah taking notes✍️) Not to mention this girl can rap like Ice spice who? No that's eleven spices. HIM AND DAVIDS FATHER DAUGHTER DUO IS SO ICONIC.
NOAH SLAYYYYYED THIS SHOWWW. OMFG WHERE DO I START?- When it was just us old byler stans. This man made us livid in a good way tbh. Finns my favorite ally, and noah not to sound homophobic 🙄 but he's my 3rd or 4th favorite LGBTQ bestie idk man Sadie's just so🦁 Rawr you know what I mean? I CRIED WHEN WILL HAD THAT BREAKDOWN IN SEASON 3 I WAS SOBBING. OUR POOR WILL :(
Jaime omfg. If you say this man is shit, sis we going to fight to the death. Jaime as Jace was a masterpiece. HE FITS THAT KIND OF VIBE SO WELL I LOVE IT. ALSO HE WAS IN TWILIGHT ❤️
SADIE IS FR A GODESS.🛐 She carried 2022 on her back. WAS AMAZING IN FEAR STREET. BREATHED DYLAN O'BRIENS AIR. I WOULD'VE FELT LIKE I WAS DIEING MAN WTH?. Not to mention the fact that her and dacre are my fav 2 duo in the show. I LOVE THEM. YOU INSULT OUR GINGER QUEEN WE RIDE AT DAWN.
Natalie, sure her character in season one was a little annoying and was pretty much a personality copycat to a shameless character, but THE CHEMISTRY OMFG. IF JOE KEERY LOOKED AT ME LIKE THAT- girl bye. WHO CAN EVEN SAY NO TO THAT JAWLINE LIKE DAMN GIRL?- D A M N.
Pryiah is my favorite girl boss d&d player feminist btw so if you mess with her ill literally hunt you down.
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oozywoozycon · 1 year
okay so like shen yuan absolutely thinks of himself as a feminist or at least as not sexist bare minimum not misogynistic BUT he also thinks he’s a ‘very straight man with absolutely no feelings about gender no way i’m so cool and normal about all of these things as a normal man and everyone knows normal men like women and since i am both normal and a man obviously i do too what do you mean what is my definition of normal? normal is normal i’m normal no i’m so normal ask me anything i’ll be soooo normal about it’ and all that to say he’s delusional BUT
he’s well meaning mostly
why am i having so many feelings ab this rn
i am too high and too tired to pull out text examples but just like the ways he interprets nyy’s behavior and also the way he thinks of almost every female character as ‘for binghe’, as his wives, as narrative side plot s and tbf he thinks of most things in this world as being created solely for binghe and also he’s a legendarily unreliable narrator even when it comes to his actual real thoughts but he struggles to conceptualize women as smth not secondary to a man
now this largely is likely to make up for the fact that sy is not actually attracted to women but wants to think he is so he plays these little mind games where he’s like well obviously i’m into women bc i can imagine a man and woman together and as a man that means i’m the man which means i like women even tho the woman in this scenario is actually him and he’s staring down this other man’s pecs okay i’m too tired to continue this man has so much to him and if i reread any of this i would likely disagree w myself, delete it all, and rewrite an oppositional argument where i would once again decide my minds changed after completing and so i will rewrite… etc etc (also source re: i’m straight i can imagine sex bt man and woman is me bc i’m gay and use to think bc i watched porn i had to like dick at least a little bc i would only ever watch porn where you could really only see the dick of the man and i did not examine further the fact that my preference was due to that meaning the woman was in more / most / all of the shot and the man nearly invisible / nothing but a dick and the focus was all on the woman. lmaooooooo i was like ‘yeah i’m just imagining myself as the woman!!!!!!! imagining her boobs and the way she feels and the sounds she makes and OBVIOUSLY IM TALKING AB MYSELF IN HER POSITION WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT’ anyways this memory just hit me so hard and that delusion just feels so quintessentially shen yuan to me that in my brain now that is also his process (tho prob his main defense is that meme of ‘i respect women so much i would never fuck one that’s how much respect i have’ but also this is absolutely one line of defense i’m so right)
jfc why are tumblrs paragraph breaks so large and inconsistent
glanced back and realized i never actually really got to my point that’s fine
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lmk characters as things my friends and i have said
wukong: people who think that sneezing means someone is talking about you behind your back, on a scale of one to ten, how paranoid do you get when youre sick?
macaque: i support women’s rights. but more importantly, i support women’s wrongs
red son: explaining what qi is to mk
mk: oh, gotta balance out the wood qi! *devours napkin*
pigsy: so are you gonna tell me what happened or am i gonna have to bring out the gun?
wukong: mom, i threw up
nezha: and im about to throw some fucking hands if you dont get the fuck out of my face right fucking now-
tang: do you know what nation i live in? i live in a free nation. and thats why you should give me food
macaque: im gonna gaslight you so hard you burst into flames and die
wukong: oh wow oh my god- are we flirting rn???? i think were flirting right now-
nezha, done with wukongs shit: buddha give me strength-
wukong: buddha cant help you, hes a beta male
mei: is it homophobic if i dont want to gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss anymore?
mk: is it homophobic if i dont mansplain this?
lbd: my expectations were lower than your iq, but i didnt think itd be this bad
macaque: im just saying, i really do have the best conversations with myself, you know?
macaque: ...
macaque: oh, right
red son: my parents are thinking of adoption
red son: they cant adopt! if they do, ill have no more orphans to bully
mk, sarcastically: tragic
pigsy: i think women should be able to get away with anything
tang, squinting judgementally: 
pigsy: and no, im not a simp. im just a feminist
wukong: i hate you so fucking much, im gonna hold your stupid little hand to show you how repulsed i am of your existence and keep you close to me so im reminded of how much i hate your fucking guts and give you kisses at night when i tuck you into bed so that all the germs ive acquired during the day are passed onto your stupid face and you get sick and die 
macaque, swooning: HSDSKDBS ok-
tang: im not gay guys, my wrist is just broken
mk: do you think that if plants can make people high then the plant themself is in a constant state of intoxication
red son: marry me
mei: my mom dropped me off at school today and she thought i didnt have my backpack with me so she said "no backpack?" and i said "no bitches?" so she said "what" and i said "what" and then she drove away and i still dont know if she heard me or not
mk at 3 am: googling wiki how to breathe
mei: oh my god are you a dilf now? i think this makes you a dilf now
wukong, crying loudly: i dont wanna be a dilf
mk: oh, you wear glasses? how blind are you?
red son: ...
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djservo · 2 years
something funny about serving up your august wrap up there is a joke there for sure i just can't make it. but, cas, the time has come. august wrap up, september tbr? hehe x
didn't end up reading the deluxe kitchen confidential on my trip bc i (unsurprisingly) didn't have the free time i thought i would 🦧 the only real pockets of time i had to myself were in the airport/on the plane, so i just finished in the miso soup by ryū murakami & it was eh. it's not enough for me for violent shock factor to be the main appeal/drawing point in a book so after The Climax™️ it just felt like scrambling to philosophize & make sense of not very much at all (which is kinda how i felt about the other book i read by him, 69 - minus the violence part tho lolol)
after that i was in a graphic novel mood so i read like a velvet glove cast in iron by daniel clowes - loved it!!! surreal & engrossing & lynchian (hate myself for saying that but Truly) & i adore his art style so much - i remember reading ghost world in high school at like peak soft grunge tumblr time + he rocked my world then too LOL 😮‍💨
most recently read a cyborg manifesto by donna j. haraway. phew! interesting points but pretty dense & inaccessible if u aren't already familiar with postmodern feminist / marxist / transhumanist theory. i didn't always get it & when i did i was kinda alarmed in the way that thinking too deeply abt society's descent into complete technological reliance scares me sometimes LOL but food for thought nonetheless! a good foundation before diving into other techno/cyber feminist works 🏊
currently i'm reading a carnival of snackery by david sedaris - i also have his latest book happy-go-lucky checked out, as well as high school by tegan & sara quin (I KNOW I'M SO LATE!!) and if i finish all that in a timely manner then maybe love & rockets by the hernandez brothers bc im already itching to sink my teeth into another graphic novel 🧛‍♀️& ik i said i was gonna stop buying books but i got a HPB gift card for my bday so 5 books are in fact on the way to me rn hehe will share when they arrive 📚❣️
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woodsteingirl · 2 years
hellooo!! i want to tell you things!
i am working on a new short film with my friends and this is going to be the first long-ish one that i'm not starring in lol (bc i haven't really had actors other than me), i'm super excited for it and that's basically all i'm thinking about rn
i'm also in this global cinema class and we watch international movies and read articles about them, it's been super interesting and i feel very hashtag intellectual girlie. my prof is cool and i may go to his office hours sometime. it's similar to my feminist theory class from the spring (in the higher intellectual level that we're operating on than other classes)
i love hearing about all the books that you're reading, i feel like i'm vicariously reading them as well <33 plz never stop samael :))
i'm on projections crew for the crucible at my school rn with my friend and it's pretty cool! our designer is nice, very dad-like and he's not scared of swearing in front of us which is nice.
i also had these fried figs the other day, they were very good! if you put a bit of nice flaky salt on them, it really brings the flavor out mmm (now is soup season tho)
i hope your day is going well and that this is what you meant when you said that we could tell you things ily !!
omg hiiii!! short films sound soo cool!! i’m glad you’re excited for it, it sounds fun! and omg im still in high school so i don’t get to take classes like that but omg that sounds so interesting…. and thank you sooo much <3 i recently (right before the summer. which is still recent to me…) got back into reading, i haven’t read this much in sooo long it’s a really interesting change in attitude tbh. but im glad you’re enjoying it!! that also sounds so exciting, my school is doing antigone this year, im not doing anything for it yet but i have friends who are so i get to really passive aggressively judge from the sidelines <3 OMG you can fry figs. i learn something new every day…
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floral-poisons · 2 years
im so shook rn because your mind is literally on the same wavelength as my right now—
EXACTLY—i have a cousin who ended up majoring in english writing with a minor in fine art and she works as a high ranking executive manager for a company and bestie she’s making hella dough. ive honestly come into contact with people who’ve so audaciously told me that english is a useless class and then proceed to ask me to help them write an email because they’re unsure on how they should get their messages across to others. ( funniest part is that one of the people who asked me to help him with this was an uncle of mine who shamed me for not liking stem and gravitating to the humanities instead ) omg it’s a similar thing for us arabs ! arabs started immigrating in the 1880s because of european colonialism ( boooo ! ) and most of the people who afforded the immigration fees were like high ranking literary artists , but when they came to industrial america they switched their fields to stem to fit in. the next few booms of arab immigrants would happen in the 1940s-70s, 1990s-2000s and most recently 2015-now. more of the older immigrants implore us second and third generation immigrant children to do stem, not out of malice or anything, but because they don’t want us to suffer working uneducated entry level jobs like working in the grape fields ( something my grandpa did in the 60s-70s when he immigrated to america after the yemenis kicked the british out ) OOH OMG I LOW-KEY ALWAYS FELT THAT GONE GIRL WAS ANTI-FEMINIST WHEN WATCHING THE MOVIE. honestly , i am thoroughly interested in these different essays you’ve written ! especially the shang-chi and the humanity of asian women ! i watched the film with my chinese friend and she told me she was pleasantly surprised with how they handled asian women , in particular katie’s whole career conflict and xialing not being the surper stereotypical east asian dragon lady. OOH TURNING RED—i was tempted to write a paper on how the movie was received to the public because i noticed some people actually being pissed that the movie didn’t reflect on nine eleven bc it took place like a few months afterwards ?? someone even had the audacity to go and say that the random hijab and turban wearing backround characters should not have been there because of 9/11 ?? i was so confused because it was a movie about inter-generational trauma and menstruation im— DRAG ME WITH YOU TO THE MOVIES AND WE CAN ANALYZE ALL THE TINIEST DETAILS TOGETHER. i actually wrote a paper in my first year in high school about the old bbc pride and prejudice show and how the different hairstyles and dresses showcased different things about the characters ! it was so fun and honestly i need someone like you who cares so much about the little things, as i do
genie anon !
honestly it’s amazing to see how colonialism and imperialism really impacted communities in very similar ways with similar outcomes (yuck!). whose idea was it to conquer the world? like seriously.
i aspire to be as financially successful as your cousin out of college 😭 but who knows i have no clue what i wanna do aside from working with movies.
the main reasons why gone girl is anti-feminist pretty much lies in the fact that it leans towards common lies used against women and on top of that, it follows the “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” feminism that centers on white women. like if you watch the movie or read the book, it’s so clear that this was written by a white woman.
shang-chi is just amazing in all aspects!! story, camera work. like they did subtle things that really go a long way. and the reaction to turning red was just weird. it’s an intense combination of xenophobia, racism, and misogyny. and to see people dismiss it makes me so mad as an avid fan and defender of the movie.
honestly, i would read an essay about costuming and makeup. there’s a reason why it’s an award.
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liarsweapon · 3 years
i kno a lot of the fandom hc cina having had a mortal husband when she was human bc its ‘unrealistic’ to have been 44 and unmarried in the 20s-40s, i hc it more as her dad was gonna arrange her marriage for financial reasons since, lbr even if the duke is the og dimitr/escu, theres gotta be more reason than just being a dumbass and dying for losing your entire fortune and castle so when ur daughter comes back she has literally nothing until miranda gives the castle back to her (and with how focused cina is on being proper and business minded, yeah this bish has been through it)
i do believe that due to the time period she was raised, she would have had some compulsory heterosexuality, but is in fact a lesbian you can fite me but for my portrayal im right, and c/apcom didnt name her blood disease but seeing as i actually have several conditions that effect my blood and a blood condition (deep vein thrombosis, i dont recommend looking it up, its not fun, i also have a blood cell issue thats not leukemia but puts me at heightened risk of it bc my white blood cells are physically overgrowing and attacking my other cells, the mix of the two being why walking is extremely painful for me. Thanks genetics.) and since i know enough about those conditions due to having them that i’m more comfortable portraying them, i may make it be that she has the excessively high white blood cell count and probably PCOS, which is partly responsible for my blood cells fucking up. At least thats what american healthcare tells me.
also meaning, even if she did have a husband, which i doubt shes too proud for that if she ever actually married a man and he treated her badly then the second miranda turned her cina would have found and ate him, which would be the only reason i’d put that on this blog if i did. I already hc that once turned she found all the living members of her jazz band that stole money and shit from her and pawned it off, and ate all of them. Yass queen. Anyways yeah if she did have one, he was eaten. i dont personally write that she has had one
(at least not rn, might make the backstory slightly more rich but i didnt feel a need to have her hatred of men be due to abuse from a romantic sense, that just felt unnecessary in this circumstance and kind of has been done a lot of times, and considering i’ve written HQ who does kill ppl for fun and i hate people making her the feminist icon and lesbian icon when a: not a lesbian, b; abuses her girlfriends and boyfriends the way she was abused, c: is a garbage person just bc shes fun doesnt mean shes not garbage shut up, but it felt wrong to have a villain be a victim of abuse from men in a romantic regard, especially writing her as a lesbian, bc as an afab nonbinary whos primarily attracted to women it feels massively wrong to only let villains be bi, pan, or lesbians, idk how to describe it it just, it feels vaguely offensive and like when media only makes us villains or kills us off)
but yeah, she’s probably eaten every shitty male she ever knew except her dad who was already dead. Duke potentially being her ancestor is why hes allowed to exist in her castle but hes probably also on thin ice, but she cant really do anything to him so lol
anyways tldr: i dont write that she was ever married, i write that she ran away from arrangement, shes a lesbian whos dealt w comp het, would not have been able to have biological kids, has more than likely eaten every man who was rude to her
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