#im not sure i like season 4 nate
geekynightowl1997 · 1 year
Soooooo... I watched The 15 minute Job last night.
I have the utmost respect for Eliot Spencer and Parker. (To express your concerns and then be dismissed? Yeah. I'd walk away too.)
I'm kinda getting annoyed with Nate though. It's almost like he's devolving. Like he doesn't know who he is or what his purpose is. Or maybe I'm more annoyed with Sophie- because she's not doing anything to stop him. Like, Nate is treating Eliot like he doesn't have any freewill. That he's owned by Nate.
And that's not true. It's not. I don't like it. I don't wike it.
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aardvaark · 3 months
Ok so I watched leverage (because of you) (also hi I am the anon who sent you all the panic messages about the finale) and now I am rewatching and in no particular order dumping leverage thoughts on you
Oh my god in The Order 23 job I didn't even realize Eliot was pretending to ignore Hardison telling him what star trek movies he would reference, and then showed he was actually listening and paying attention
One of my favorite scenes has to be in The Studio Job when Parker is dancing through stealing everything hunting for tickets Hardison asked for. I just love seeing them be hyper-competent
Canine Eliot comparison's save me
I forgot how much I loved the entire end of s3. And by the end I mean the entire season.
omg?? im so glad my silly leverageposting managed to help get other people interested in this show!! and im glad you enjoyed it, i think its permanently changed my brain chemistry lmao. re each dot point:
i can’t decide if it’s funnier if eliot was lying about not having a tv/not having seen any star trek, or if hardison just talks about it so much that eliot has learnt star trek series titles via osmosis lol. i haven’t seen star trek but im sure someone who has would have good hcs about what might lead eliot to have watched it, and what parts he would like. i think he probably does at least own a tv bc some of his whole I’m A Tough Guy act is definitely put on.
yessss i love that scene!! parker being extremely impressive my beloved <3. any of the team showing off their skills, tbh. on the episode commentary, people often refer to it as "competence porn" lol, just watching the characters being ridiculously awesome at what they do. don’t even need dialogue or cuts to what the others are doing or stuff happening in the background, it’s great just watching parker stealing or eliot fighting someone (especially eliot & quinn) for a while.
also werewolf!eliot hcs and fic by @werewolfsmile is so great with this.
the middle seasons (2, 3, 4) are probs my favourite era… nate’s apartment era. season 1 is its own narrative and i love that, it’s probably my favourite individual season, and season 5 plays around with format & concepts which is cool, plus it’s getting ready for the end. but the *era* of s2-4? the development of the characters between s2-4?? incredible!! on rewatch, s3 is so interesting for eliot even in the early episodes, cause with the context of his past with moreau…. there’s an impending meeting with moreau and it’s inevitable and eliot knows that. and having that context on rewatch really makes you notice his expressions and think about what he’s emotionally/cognitively going through.
thank you very much for the thought dumping, i always love getting to think & talk about this show!!
P.S. i remember i once used that same picture that you’ve got as your pfp for like an email account or something in high school!! labracadabrador, always makes me laugh lol
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lover-girl-estxx · 3 months
Be Happy for me
(B24 NI 26) Season 7
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*not my gif*
I smiled looking at my laptop, I got accepted to be on the first female season of the ultimate fighter: Griffin vs Rampage. "Y/n you coming?" Nate yelled "yeah sorry!" I closed my laptop and grabbed my gym bag "what were you doing?" He asked by the door "Girl things" "girl things my ass" I laughed getting in Nicks car. I was hitting pads with Richard the guys were doing bag work "can I cut a bit of weight this week?" "Yeah why?" He asked "um you wanna go in the office?" "Sure.." he said unsure.
I sat across from him "I have two fights both wins so I sighed up for the first female season of TUF I got accepted im going in two weeks" I smiled "the boys know?" "No I'm gonna tell them at dinner tonight" "you sure that's what you wanna do I mean you've never said you wanted to do this, you haven't really fought " "well I can't there was no women division in the UFC I've had three fights your saying those don't count?" "I'm saying these girls are gonna be the best of the best" "I'm not" "I'm not trying to tell you not to I just wanna tell you what you're getting into okay? I'll be your coach no matter what" "thanks" "come here," I gave him a hug "it's time for Jiu-Jitsu go put your Gi on" I nodded.
"Nateee I'm tired carry me" I said after BJJ he smiled and picked me up carrying me to the locker room "thanks!" "Yeah" he chuckled. I came out ready for dinner they were standing by the counter "ready?" Nick asked "yep! You?" He chuckled ""we're always waiting on you" I slapped his chest as we walked to the car "are not!" "Are too" Nate laughed "we are y/n/n" I sighed. We sat down together got drinks "why'd you wanna go to dinner?" Nate asked "um I wanted to tell you guys something... " I took a sip of my drink they looked at me with wide eyes "well tell us then you cant not now?" Nick said "um well the UFC is allowing woman to fight now and they're doing a season of the ultimate fighter for it so I applied" "to help coaching?" Nate asked "No to fight! I got accepted!!" I smiled "you wanna fight?" "yeah! why are you guys shocked? I train everyday have three fights" my smile was slowly dropping "when do you leave?" "two weeks, I'm gonna need help in camp! you guys don't mind right?" "I'm not helping you" Nate said "me either" Nick join "what?!why not?" "your not gonna like it, you can just train you don't have to be a fighter. You're a girl you shouldn't do a job like that" "I get to pick whatever job I fucking want" "then what do you want us to say?!" Nick said "I want you to be happy for me! like I was and am for you two!" they shook they're head "K then fuck you guys you don't wanna support me" I was getting choked up "no its dumb what your doing" "you take it there's no more hanging out and stuff" Nate said "okay thanks guys this was great I'm gonna leave" I stood up grabbing my bag "you rode here with us" Nick said I rolled my eyes "I'll walk".
I grabbed my gym bag from the unlocked car putting it over my shoulder "assholes". I threw my bags on the floor and fell on my bed I grabbed my phone and texted Richard
Y: Can you train me with out the boys?
10 years old
"pick one and i'll put it in the player" they're aunt said we went over to the book shelf looking threw the UFC DVDs that lined them "we haven't watch UFC 4 in a while" I said Nick nodded and grabbed it from the shelf and handed it to his aunt, Me and Nate sat next to each other by Nina in front of the TV. She hit play then went to the dining table with my mom and the Diaz's mom who were all friends, we shouted and yelled as Ken Shamrock Subbed Dan Severn "lets try that!" Nate said Nick smiled same as his brother as they started messing with each other "boys stop!" they started to laugh they stopped and Nate came over "come on you and me try" "they said to stop" "they said boys your not a boy doesn't count" "okay!" Nina and Nick started to laugh when instead of trying to sub him I started tickling him making him laugh and scream.
"Y/n that's amazing!! did you tell the boy?!" My mom asked "..yeah they um not happy they're not gonna help" "oh honey I can talk to them and they're mom-" "no its okay i'm not gonna make them help its okay.....you know all good things come to an end" "Y/n" I sniffed "no its fine, it's just gonna be something new".
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spopsalt · 7 months
This will be a bit more of a personal rant / ramble about spop if that's okay!
So like I was around 11 when the first season of spop came out. My sister followed Nate and was very excited for the project so we watched it, and we both really liked it!!
So each time every season came out we watched it and came up with fan theories and all that jazz! Keep in mind, we never really rewatched seasons in between. So we watched season 2, waited around half year and then watch season 3 when it came out. So we never watched season 2 again in between those months. This makes it that you forget some things, but that was alright.
I think this is the way the show is meant to be watched. It was enjoyable, we came up with theories, we came up with ships, we bonded with the characters. Season 4 was my favourite season because of all the tension and drama!!
And then well, season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but yeah sure! That's fine, y'know. I am not a shipper at all, my sister is aware at this point that her ships are never really popular so she didn't have her hopes up (she ships glimmadora). She also followed Nate so she knew that he liked c//a and stuff.
Anyways, when the show was finished, people really started watching it because of the lgbt representation. This always felt weird to me? It didn't make sense? I didn't watch Spop with the idea in mind that c//a would become canon in the end. Which made the show a whole lot easier to watch.
I also felt like.. it wasn't really the point of the show at all? There was just a kiss at the end that was about the romance the show had gotten, I didn't get it (im aromantic asexual so maybe that's why).
I have a lesbian friend (they/she) for example, who watched the show for c//a. Which is fine, they really like it and they relate to c/tra, due to trauma and stuff. It's just that it felt so.. weird talking to them about the show. Because everything about the show kinda felt like it was about c//a for them? Just like how you anti-spop blogs talk about how c//a shippers can make any scene about c//a. That's how it felt. Now I didn't really mind, but it felt odd to me.
Either way. At some point, me and my sister finally convinced my other sister to join our rewatch. Which was,, tough. Well, it was alright, in the sense that, I just focused on my favourite characters and (platonic) relationships. (Entrapta! Scorpia! Glimmer!! Adora!!! :D!!)
But the c//a kiss at the end made me physically cringe. (Literally)
I don't really have a point to make! I just believe that Spop isn't meant to be binge-watched? I feel like? I really really enjoyed my first watch, and I have very conflicted feelings about it (due to nostalgia too. dt being the first enban ive ever seen on tv?? mindblowing!!).
I like it. But also as an emotional abuse survivor, it also is just.. tough. All in all it's just, a bit, disappointing?
I guess that's it :) that's my ramble.
I'm not sure if anyone has any similar experiences, as pretty much everyone I know watched it after all seasons came out and it has risen in popularity.
Have a nice day!! Love ur blog
Awwwww thanks for your kind words, also it's ok, the ask buttons says "Rant with Me!" for that reason, I love hearing rants! But yeah, I personally was never that big of a fan, but it's good that you like it! But yeah the representation is definitely bad, the only bisexual character get in m x f ships, which is fine, ofc bisexual people don't have to date only people of the same gender, but...they never show attraction towards other people of the same gender?! The only bi characters get in m x f ships, one of them was extremely rushed, and one of them was creepy considering it looked like an adult dating a teen. Also the main couple is literally just a victim falling back into the cycle and kissing her sister who literally gave her trauma.
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SPOILER WARNING: speculation using information from reviews ahead! (the reviewers have seen the first four eps)
alright so from reviews/the playlist i feel like we can get a pretty good idea of the next two episodes.
episode 3 will probably be when the colin gay storyline begins, because of these articles:
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assuming that the first article could be referring to the "like grindr?" comment, it would make sense for colin coming out to start next episode. and even if the first article is referring to something else, we know that the gay arc will start within the next two episodes.
also this scene might be from the next episode, since considering jamies feelings about zava he might do something rash, and then roy is sent to his house to talk to him. or something i actually have no idea whats going on here...
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end of episode 3/start of episode 4 will likely feature sams restaurant, as there are 3 songs in a row by nigerian artists on the playlist, so these may be playing at is restaurant! also we havent seen much from him so far this season, so it makes sense for him to start his arc soon. plus in the video about season three that came out a few days ago a clip from sams restaurant is included.
the songs for episode 3 will likely be these ones:
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this is a few more than in the previous episode, but im assuming that all the songs by nigerian artists will be played during the scenes about sams restaurant (which means they could also fall at the beginning of episode 4)
episode 4 is the west ham match- the title is "signs", likely referring to the believe sign, which nate ripped. we'll also probably get these scenes:
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the second gif there could potentially be from episode 3 though, when its revealed that the next episode will involve a west ham match. it could be that as the richmond team are spending the evening at sams restaurant, nate is at home alone, planning for the upcoming match.
theres also this quote from a review that makes me very excited for this episode (especially as someone whos already been enjoying this season):
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not sure what the songs for this episode will be as its difficult to tell which song the episode will end on, but it's probably these songs:
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this is again more than the first two episodes of the season but there have to be quite a few songs in the next few episodes in order for the dutch songs to play during episode 6, which is suspected to be the amsterdam episode (the title is "every disadvantage has its advantage", which is a saying from a famous dutch footballer)
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marygodwin-bsd · 1 year
Rating members of the Guild based on nothing but my own vibes (I haven't seen all of season 3)
there is a part 1 and 2 of this and ill probably make a part 4
Lucy M. Montgomery
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10/10 for the fact once she showed up the show stopped treating kyouka like a possible ship for atsushi. 3/10 for the fact they gave her braces but when they needed her to be attractive they got rid of them ??? her design is 7/10, i like all her colors and shes very distinct, but she has the same issue as kunikida does with those big flyaway spikes that ernd up changing the entire hairstyle? just braids would have been fine. 9/10 for that incredibly cool but confusing power, also I just love her so much overall imma give her an 8/10
Nathaniel Hawthorne
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im totally biased bc I liked the scarlett letter except for how much this man loved commas ANYWAYS this guys power is 10/10 freaking SICK I LOVE IT. 6/10 for the design its not bad but its very uhh .. monochromatic?? still cool and i get it might be because the red stands out but like give him one more red piece on his person. 10/10 for secretly being hoplessly in love with margaret?? I love it??? it reminds me so much of the book because of how hester and whatever his name was are super comfortable and sweet with one another in the forest and no one knows about them its peaceful and its fantastic ily nate overall 8/10 he seems like the kind of priest who would give free hugs at a pride parade
Margaret Mitchell
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10/10 for the literal interpretation of Gone With The Wind but i wanna see her make a tornado. 10/10 for being in love with Hawthorne i love a secret romance. 7/10 for that accent in the english VA. 4/10 for seeming like shed be a little... a little phobic idk why i just get that vibe and this is about vibes love the fit 7/10 im just wondering how she can stand to possibly get her skirt wet 7/10 overall i just dont know enough about her to comment on anything else
John Steinbeck
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8/10 for that power being cool but looking so viscerally gross. 7/10 for looking like Baldroy and Finny smashed together, 5/10 for that backstory bc i get it but dude youre going the wrong way. 9/10 for growing grapes for me <3. but 3/10 for putting the girls in danger cmon man be a gentleman overall 7/10
James L.
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(I cannot find a Gif.) uh 6/10 for being there but then he dipped i didnt even know who this was
Mark Twain
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GIMME MORE 5/10 for how i dont understand his ability at all did they just not know what to do and so they gave him his own tiny characters???? 8/10 because hes so cute but uh all the redheads in this show look related bc they are the Same Shade of RedHeaded cmon hony you know how to move a slider towards yellow just make his hair a little lighter. Theres not much about him and im not sure why hes a sniper 6/10 for not getting it, but hes cute! overall 7/10
H.P. Lovecraft
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10/10 the best way they couldve represented him- honestly i was SO WORRIED bc you know you know what IRL lovecraft was like(0/10 for his racism) im just glad they didnt make him like his IRL counterpart instead they just made him like one of his own monsters 9/10! Fantastic idea! I like how just plain weird he is? he has no ability. hes just Like That. the guild just decided they wanted him. team pet. let him nap. 9/10 on that design, hes monochromatic but his hair and face and all that are distinct. oh also 10/10 because in that one fight he uh kunikida uh uh uh 9/10 overall really well done
Herman Melville
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dont know much about him at this moment um 4/10 i hate his beard whats going on there uh 8/10 for the fact he and Moby Dick can talk to eachother and also have arguments apparently??? way to be one with thyself dude 6/10 because i know very little about him
Louisa May Alcott
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baby 7/10 but i feel like shes lonely also how on earth does her ability have anything to do with Little Women?? is time slowing down like, a knock on the book? are they calling it slow?? i'll never know. 8/10 design i like it a lot i mean shes not super distinct but shes cute. overal 8/10
Edgar Allen Poe
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POE!!!! i heard about poe before i watched the show uh 4/10 for how dirty they did him giving him a pet raccoon i love Karl but that is foul (RIP irl Poe rabies mustve sucked) 8/10 for his dynamic with rampo, though i havent gotten far enough to find true ship material beyond that one episode? 7/10 for the design its cool but a bit impractical and i feel like hes doing it for show but honestly its a stylistic choice overall 8/10 for his everything love him
F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Money monehy money, must be funny, in a rich mans world 10/10 for how much he loves his wife i know irl FSG was a dbag to his so great improvement i also think its so funny that his power is Money like how did you learn that so 9/10 for that. 7/10 for that design i can get on board with most of it but his bangs look too much like kunikidas and what is that tie pattern??other than that hes fantastic. the backstory is sad and i wish he could save his daughter. 8/10 overall bc he still beat up atsushi
Part 1 here Part 2 here Part 4 here
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makahimetenshi · 4 months
Processing and Healing - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor Fallout 4 Fanfic
This is the 12 part of a series of fics im writing lately, the order will be:
Falling or not?
Danse cuenta de algo
May I use your shower?
Volver a tener algo
Addicted to Chems
Fooling around together
Sleeping for nightmares
Traumas at the Commonwealth
Being awake
I like being this close
Have you ever had sexual relations with any species considered non human?
Processing and Healing
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
Nate sometimes had great ideas.
This time it wasnt the case, not really.
The commonwealth was a very humid place, humid and cold on the winter, the fog penetrating into every hole of your clothes to bathe your spine and make you catch a cold that may put you in bed for at least 3 weeks, fog that will last for days before actually spreading a bit leaving a tiny ity sunshine appear into the clouds. But in the summers...gosh it was nasty, hot and humid as fuck, makes you wonder where all that cold goes away when the season changes, for Nate it was nothing like when he moved to that neighberhood 210 years ago, nono, it was another type of humidity, sticky and slimy into the skin making his clothes attach to every fold of his body, heavy enought to make his hair go down and loose its form, compressing every tiny hair against his forehead giving the impression that he didnt bathe at all, loosing all his shine and making his freeze go crazy up, it was awful.
Danse understand his suffering, but not so much really, sure there wasnt as much fog and rain in DC but that place was very humid too with the proximity to the sea. At least it wasnt that big of deal for him, but higiene was a very different value between Nate and any born wastelander, he suffered from it a lot, like, really a lot, something that itched him in the core for real, which was strange to see, usually most of the people just live with it because there no other alternative and complain about it will not change the weather but…
In the hot days, the people of Sanctuary will bathe on the river that boarders the neigberhood,  Danse will bath to refresh with the people, but Nate doesnt, claiming that he isnt interested in bathing in radiated water without a real reason, that unlike Danse, he will get cancer if he bathes there.
And it was true, Danse will never have cancer, because he is a synth.
All wastelanders are born with somekind of advanced cancer, everybody tells the general that, that he shouldnt worry about it, he is going to die anyway from sometype of leukemia, its a thing of attitude if it kills you first a bullet on the head or a degenerative desease.
But Nate isnt a wastelander, he is different, and for some reason the sole mention of cancer ruins his day for good, always, no matter who says it.
Of course Danse knows why. It was a long battle for both, and so many people more.
So when the general wake up at 6am with his neck and balls already wet and burning like he didnt fucking had a shower at night yesterday, he dress up and prepared breakfast for both men, waiting for Danse to wake up. Having a synth boyfriend wasnt that bad actually, in fact, a robo boyfriend was a big update, right now while he heatens the premade pancakes  Danse sensors must be waking his systems telling him that the body that was emitting heat next to him for the last 6 hours of sleep wasnt in the bed anymore at his side, what before his blind betrayal was good survival skills inside the brotherhood or sharp perception...both understand now that its programming, and while it makes Danse sick to the stomach to think about it, Nate can only see the benefits, specially for survival.
It wasnt that bad.
Just like he thought in no time Danse was walking to the kitchen looking for him.
-Morning -said the ex paladin sitting on the table, much more easeful now he find where Nate was, even knowing the man since a few years it was always a jumpscare waking up and not see him in his side of the bed.
-I have an idea today -said Nate- its something i wanted to show you since a long time, i suppose you are ready
Usually this things werent good
-Do you think is smart to eat breakfast first then? -Danse can still feel disgust and his stomach stirring despite rationalizing a lot of things about his synth body this last times, horrors are still horrors after all, synth or not.
-Yeah dont worry about it  -said Nate leaving his plate on the table -its not going to bother you as much it should bother me -the ex paladin raise his eyebrow at him- its going to be fine
It was funny because the general will not bathe in the river but wont protect at all from the sun, going out the house in this hot climate with hawaiian shirts, shorts and sandals, really walking around like there was no danger, even Danse was surprised that he didnt want to carry any kind of weapon but they where walking a very linear path, easy, from the house to the...oh no...not that place.
-Nate -Danse called- where are we going? -the synth was also walking in sandals and shorts, kinda using Nate wardrobe  this hot days.
-Just wait until we arrive there-the general had under his arm two foldable chairs and a bag with four beers
-I know where the fuck are we going but why? what do you wanna do there? -it wasnt an easy walk with this temperatures tho. The synth was sweating a lot and that always make him anxious and irritable.
-Like i said theres something i want to show you -why the man wasnt meeting his gaze? he was avoiding it.
-Nate i…
And then the general stop in his place, Danse behind him surprised, he took a big breath and then smile to ease him.
-Just follow me okay? -he said  clicking the beers to make the glass sing playfully.
Danse shut his mouth and swallow saliva down the throath, willing to cooperate and just follow him down to the vault 111. Always funny how from the really small neightberhood of Sanctuary you have to go up a little hill and then go down the elevator to enter into the subterranean vault.
Vault 111 was Nate vault, entirely, literally, all his and no one else for everything he wished and wanted to. The man will expend entire noons trapped down here without anyone  company despite actually 3 years passing since...well since he was decryogenized here on purpose, time for Nate passed more slowly on his grief.
Not sure if it was the darkness, the underground climate or the systems of the vault still working to make suitable enviroments for people to survive inside but once they were down everything feelt so refreshing in comparison with the hell up there, and the sun, specially the sun, Danse never liked coming down here that much but right now it feeled just right to be scaping that torture of UV lights... -Gosh my skin its burning and we walked only 5 minutes
-Look at that -pointed Nate at a gun behind a closed crate, for his habilities that lock seems too easy to open, makes the synth wonder why it is still behind that bars- Thats the Cryolator, If this hell continues on earth I'm going to use it to make everyone cold margaritas with ice cubes.
-Never used it? -ask Danse looking at the flamer that shoots ice in detail.
-Just read the logs about it here on the terminals, apparently theres no ammo once you run out so im saving it for an special occasion, thinking very seriously to use it on my balls if we keep like this- Danse rolled his eyes, nah he didnt meant it, Nate was too stingy to use something that couldnt be replaced easy, mostly he will save it forever or try to find a replacement before using the actual thing
They walk, and every step foward the place felt more...cold... cool of course, refreshing after the horrible days they had up in the surface but it was getting like cold not cool slowly, like chilling in your bones really bad, the temperature was really really low, even small breezes of cold air where visible as they walk until Nate stop in front of a room with cold water on the floor, melted water more specifically, it was humid inside that room but cold humid, really cold humid from the temperature machines and engines around. At first the ex paladin didnt get it until he saw the walls and oh shit he already was in this place once, it was funny how he can never remember details of this cursed placed, everytime feels like the first time he enter to the house of horrors
-Oh nonono, im not going inside, i have principles.
-Relax -said Nate, opening one of the foldable chairs in front of a cryopod in particular- its much better than the surface
-I get it but... -Danse look at the chair and then up at the cryopod, closed but not frozen enought inside to cover the windows and avoid seeing what was inside, water was leaking from it, drop by drop into the ground
. -Nora this is Danse. Danse this is Nora, althought i already presented her to you never did formally -Nate sat open the second chair at his side and then sat on his own chair. Legs open, like it was nothing.
-This is fucked up -said the ex paladin, not wanting to exactly take a seat.
-A bit, it would be worse for my sanity if she was already in a more advanced state of decomposition like really really dead but...-Danse get it, the micro climate inside this room keeping everything cold and humid didnt help for her body to actually die, the conditions to keep her body like the day she was shoot in the head were ideal, and Nate never had the courage to open the cryopod again after taking her ring and promise to find Shaun back- im not in denial, she has a round shiny bullet in the middle of her forehead which makes everything so obvious…
-And you come here to be fresh in front of the body of your dead wife?
-And to talk obviously, manners makes the man -he said finally picking up a beer using the side of the chair to open it.
-Dont you think this is a little fucked up for me...?
-Look buddy, i was straight before knowing you but you cant try to compete with the woman that gave  me a son -the smirk on Nate face tell Danse that this was all a game for him, maybe it was more traumatic for him than it was for the old man, right, after 3 years he should have at least a piece of this events a bit solved, a tiny piece processed
-Well we know how that ended -Danse take a seat unconfortably on his chair, looking at her bloody face.
-Im not letting you talk shit of my dead wife, watch it, that was more my fault than hers -no it wasnt, but Nate will feel culprit forever for what happend. It wasnt the fault of any of them.
-So you come here to spend the noons fresh as a lettuce... -said Danse picking his own beer from the bag- behind the blood and all i can see the appealing
-She would be beautiful even as a ghoul -the way Nate smiled at the cryopod gave Danse a bad chill on his entire spine, of course you would say that if you have an history of fucking ghouls- You are hot and everything but I was so lucky that she turned to see me even just once in life, you may be right now the love of my life but this woman was my other part -Danse smiled uncomfortable, opening his cold beer at the side of the chair- we were so alike and complemented so well on eveything, people that know us often say that we were equals like twins, i often swear to the skies that she somehow had to be my sister
-I can totally see you fucking your female counterpart -its true, if he uses the right corner of his eye he can see a resemblance between the two of them, specially the nose- you are narcisistic enought for that -despite being a six Nate had a really high standar of his image and persona, she was also kinda a six.
-Oh here we are narcisistic the bitches would say -now Nate drank on his beer, smiling, playing, he was just playing, shit talking- Psycologist on the army would also say that
-Well im not a professional and the standars may change in this latelys 210 years but...why? -ok if this wasnt really crushing Nates heart...as traumatic it may be to drink beer next to your dead wife frozen body, it wasnt that bad, he wasnt having a meltdown yet, they were just chatting, casually next to a dead body of someone really important, but most because it was cool.
-Bitches started to get on my nerves once a recording of me and a fellow mate got leaked, yes, he shoot the unarmed prisioner from behind, big deal, but us laughting at his body was their interpretation, not a fact -a cold shiver ran across Danse spine, sometimes Nate talked like a raider.
-Were you really laughting?
-How i am supposed to know? We done stuff in the war, i cant exactly recognize myself in everyrecording i am on a power armor, that could be anyone! -then the general make silence, an actual long silence while his face looks really deep into thinking- the execution was my buddy, that was true
-Oh my gosh you are a war criminal -said Danse picking up his chair and moving it 10cm to the left, laughting a bit of how hilarious the situation was.
-You? A wastelander? Judging me? -Nate appeared to be a bit offended while drinking on his beer- i shoot thoose bullets in the name of freedom, you all cut necks to prepare breakfast!
-I also shoot unarmed wastelanders, but i did it under the orders of the brotherhood -now Danse drank- you and the Enclave are this close -he made a sing with two of his fingers barely closing, leaving a tiny space in the air- to be in the same side
-You feeling funny? I can send your ass up to the surface
-Did that thing about marrying a lawyer come before or after she found out about the war crimes?
Well at least Danse knows that Nate is healing the subject of his dead wife little by little, one small talk at a time, burrying it slowly in the depts of vault 111 where everything started after the bombs dropped.
Next time he wants to refresh and cool his balls from the heat up in the surface he is going to ask to be in another room tho, cant compete with the woman that gave him a son after all.
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what the hell pt. 4
pairing: euphoria characters x black!fem!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of death, mentions of drugs and slight violence.
a/n: yall finna be mad as hell because i’m not making a sequel until season three :/ i am planning on doing a backstory though. possibly a few other things, but what the hell is completed babies.
words: 2.5k + not proofread
part one | part two | part three | how she came to be
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all my life i’ve been good, but now i’m thinking, “what the hell?”
“andddd done.” you mumbled before spraying setting spray onto Lexi’s face. the play started in an hour and you had spent a lot of your time trying to calm Lexi down and texting Fez.
y/n: bro why the fuck i came in and first thing i saw was Ethan playing with his titties and him screaming it wasn’t what it looked like
fez: who is he supposed to be?
y/n: Lexi mama 😪
fez: IM DONE 😭😭
“are you sure your okay with this? i mean i had you upset at first so what about Cass-“ you stopped her rambling when you put your phone down and clapped your hands together.
“i was upset you had my break down a power moment for you. we fixed that up, but Cassie? Cassie can go to hell.” you told the girls sister. her eyes were wide with fear at the thought of her sister being mad at her.
“you’re showing them us…nobody told her to go and fuck Nate. boo hoo.” you shrugged.
“i just don’t want anyone to be mad at me or offended.” she said as she shrunk in her chair. you giggled at her worrying before getting up to leave. the girls were waiting for you outside of the auditorium.
“she’s been trying to gain sympathy for herself this entire time. maybe this will wake her up and guess what? sometimes the truth hurts.”
you walked towards the door, waving at Bobbi and Ethan on your way out.
“oh!” you called out causing Lexi to look back at you along with Ethan and a few other people.
“this is the part where i say break a leg. obviously don’t actually do that, but you better eat these bitches up.” you stated before leaving again, your platforms clicking away.
you resisted the urge to scream and punch Cassie and Nate in their jaws on your way to your seat.
“cunts!” BB called to the two.
you sighed sitting down in your seat beside Maddy. you were overly nervous. you knew Lexi was about to show her experiences with everyone and then some, that being said you were praying she didn’t reveal too much about you specifically.
Kat placed a hand on yours as the curtains pulled back and the first act started.
y/n: show time
fez: i’m coming don’t worry
you were so intrigued by how everyone was behind closed doors and apparently everyone else was too. you loved how Ethan played her mother and how he played Nate.
it wasn’t until an actress resembling you walked out did you mumble “she casted us perfectly.”. with that Maddy and BB pieced everything together.
“wait this fucking play is about us?!” she screeched before laughing at some of the portrayals.
you snorted and nodded before glancing behind you. Rue was smiling and even though you still felt some kind of slight resentment still, it felt nice to know she could find humor in this after all she’s been through.
Elliot’s facial expressions weren’t changing too much, but then again…his goofy ass wasn’t in the play.
Jules was into it and don’t even get me started on Suze. the entire room knew she was loving it.
it wasn’t until Cassie and Nate had both waltzed out of the theater for a moment after Ethan’s number that shit hit the fan. you turned around right in time to see Cassie fog up the auditorium doors glass.
“oh shit.” you and Rue mumbled to yourselves on opposite rows before roughly facing back forward.
Cassie walked up to the stage clapping and cursing at Lexi. Ethan tried to intervene and Suze tried to stop her daughter.
“is this apart of the play?” Micheal asked from across the room.
“how about the part where she fucked Martha’s boyfriend?” Maddy yelled out inciting a gasp from the crowd.
“they weren’t together!” Cassie cried as Maddy snickered. she kept going on and on before the crowd started screaming.
“racist!” somebody called from the crowd.
you did see some of Cassie’s points because yeah she did just literally expose you alls most vulnerable moments in front of everyone.
but honestly?
fuck Cassie.
the bitch was annoying and needed this moment.
and no matter what, Lexi’s truth would be Lexi’s truth.
and sometimes the truth hurts.
y/n: fez i don’t know where you are, but Cassie’s literally giving herself away right now. the bitch is breaking.
you put your phone down and enjoyed Cassie’s hollering on stage and pity monologue she created until she found out her sister knew what she had going on at the fair. literally everyone knew, but that set her off. the second she put her hands on her decoy you had had enough.
“ayo bitch!” you yelled standing up, Maddy standing too when Cassie’s head snapped towards you.
“rock her in her shit Mads.” you laughed.
Jules screamed out in laughter as Maddy ran up on Cassie, you in tow. phones recorded the mini fight before you, Kat, and BB followed Cassie and Maddy into the back, Lexi screaming behind you.
“nonono! Maddy no!” Kat screamed as you all chased Cassie to the back.
Maddy slammed Cassie’s head into the wall and you heard Lexi stop running and start sniffling behind you, you stopped chasing after that.
you let Kat and BB run on as you went to comfort Lexi.
“everything’s literally ruined. i fucked up.” she cried into your shoulder. you could faintly hear everyone cheering Lexi’s name from behind the walls.
“listen…” you said lifting her head. she quizzically looked at you before she sighed in recognition. they loved it. she laughed and wiped her tears away.
“they think it’s apart of the show and the shows gotta go on. go address your people. i gotta go fix “Cassie’s” makeup.” you snorted before going into the dressing room to assess the mauled actress.
you walked into the frantic backstage area. Ethan was pacing, Bobbi was reading over the script in confusion, the light people were reading a light manual, and the actors were huddled together.
“okay people get your shit together! we have a play to finish!” you yelled at them while making your way to the extra makeup kit.
“chair. now.” you said pointing at the blonde with smeared lip gloss and a loose lash.
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“now get your ass on that carousel.” you mumbled before walking off back into the auditorium and hearing the last of Lexi’s words on stage.
“so even though he couldn’t be here with us tonight…this one’s for you.” she finished before disappearing.
“y/n!” some guy said making your presence known as you sat in your seat now alone. you felt a pat on your back and heard a few chants before someone came and sat right beside you.
you knew that smell. you smelt it everyday up until a few weeks ago. it kind of irked you, but you were trying.
“are you okay?” Elliot asked you.
now i know what your thinking.
why aren’t you pushing Elliot away? why aren’t you making a scene. you let Rue off the hook with a mini beating, but your cool now? so Elliot gets the same treatment?
your dad had talked to you and honestly? moving on and forgiving, but not forgetting was way more peaceful than dwelling on it.
“you can hate them.” Ali told you. “you’re allowed to, but from here on out? what else you do is gonna determine your situation.”
you accepted their actions for what it was and forgiving wasn’t like you, but you were 18. you couldn’t cry then punch people forever.
when your dad told you Jules and Elliot both told Leslie about Rue using and her running away you felt your heartstrings pull.
you couldn’t imagine what it was like.
but that explained why a few weeks after you fought her at Fez’s house she told you she was clean. she was trying to get better. you wanted to be better too.
so you forgave her.
and if you could forgive her that meant you had to at least face Elliot.
“y/n please just wait!” he called out to as you stormed from Hayes’s office after Cassie’s impromptu attack with tears running down your face.
although Cal was long gone, his name ran long and his son still was able to pull strings. you had to promise to not press charges on Cassie and to never mention it again to get out of suspension.
she kept getting coddled and you hated it.
“Elliot please.” you tiredly mumbled. he stopped at your expression and the tears staining your face. the last time he saw you cry you had exposed him.
he didn’t like that expression on you.
“what’s wrong?” he asked in that caring tone he always had when you first started dating. you sighed before laying on the cold wall behind you and sliding down it.
you chuckled looking up at him as he looked down at your defeated frame.
“i exposed the truth and i’m still tired. i still can barely take it.” you let out a humorless laugh. “i should feel better.” you said looking at his cheek tattoo.
he crouched down and wiped the tears from your cheeks. you resisted the urge to lean in and push him away at the same time.
“i know me saying sorry doesn’t fix anything.” he softly said. “but i truly am sorry. when i say i loved you and i still do i mean it. i truly do. i treated you horribly and i’m sorry.” he sincerely said.
you took one big sniffle before nodding your head at him.
“…i know…and i forgive you.” a small smile broke onto his face before he grabbed your hand and squeezed.
you felt some warmth and had to force your small smile to go down. shaking your head and pulling your hand back to speak to him.
“i’m not ever going to forget what happened. i don’t have that luxury.” you stated. “that being said our relationship will never be the same. i don’t hate you, but i don’t think we’re ever going to be be close again.” you said struggling to stand with numb legs. you were ready to take a nap.
Elliot nodded at your words before he helped you up.
“at least i have something.” he smiled. you rolled your eyes before waving goodbye to him.
“Elliot.” you said in acknowledgment of the boy beside you as an actress that resembled you walked on to the stage again.
“Jade, Star, and i met the first day of preschool. i already knew Jade, but Star was new and gravitated towards us immediately. we were three very different people, but we were one.” Lexi narrated.
“there was once a time Star didn’t show up to school for around two weeks.” she added.
“she’s probably like, dead or something.” Jade said licking at her ice cream. Lexi smacked her shoulder and Jade quickly went to cradle her aching arm.
“don’t say that! she’s probably just sick. you know that orange chicken was green last week.” the audience laughed at her words. Jade let her arm go, nodded, and proceeded to eat her food. Lexi turns to the audience with a solemn look.
“the truth was Star’s mom had up and left her and there was no warning or reasoning why. Star hadn’t been to school because she had no ride. her food at home was running low, and there was not that much money left.” Lexi announced to the engaged crowd. your own eyes were watering as you were forced to live your truth again.
“Star never knew her father, but by a miracle the day before everything in her home was to be shut off, she was able to call him. he heard her voice and despite never knowing of her, he came running.” Lexi said walking into the darkness as the lights panned to another area.
Star was off to the side of the stage crying into a phone before Ethan appeared as her dad and took her away.
Star and Lexi laid on the ground staring up into the sky.
“she left me Lex…she fucking left me to die and he was right there, but she never admitted it.” Star cried into her chest. Lexi ran her hand over Star’s head.
“turns out her dad was close, but yet so far her entire life. her mom had her in the same town as her father, but never took her to him. little Star had so much to figure out. a new home, a new normal, once no dad and a mom to now, no mom and a dad.” Lexi sighed before continuing.
“Jade also had to figure things out too. a bit over a year later, Jade had to bury her father.” the curtain closed as they got ready for the last act.
the audience clapped as you sobbed into Elliot’s jacket. he patted your back and rubbed your head as you let everything out on him. you head was starting to hurt from the tears, but the show was starting back up.
“i was in the hall when you died…” Jade’s voice sucked you in.
you paid attention you looked at every little thing, including slightly laughing at the picture of you all at Rue’s father’s funeral. you stood up clapping and shouting as the cast bowed before the curtains closed for the final time in farewell.
Maddy and Cassie still weren’t back. Neither were BB and Kat. you felt bad they had to miss the rest of something so beautiful. you and Elliot walked past Jules who nodded at your and ignored Elliot, moving to go speak with Rue.
you went outside and waited for her. once she returned with no Jules you came to talk to her. Elliot was a yard away smoking a cigarette and watching you two.
“how are you feeling?” you asked her. she smiled and did a small squeal.
“i don’t feel…i don’t feel like a monster anymore. that play made me feel more human than I’ve ever felt these last five years.” she said smiling at you.
“i felt kind of exposed and overwhelmed, but it honestly was so freeing.” you said agreeing with her. you wish Fez could’ve experienced it.
little did you know the boy you knew who only wanted protect Fez and to make his money was laying on the cold floor, his entire life gone.
the same hall Fez first saw Ash was the same hall he saw Ash leave from.
“hey!” Lexi yelled running up to you two and giving you both a hug. Rue broke apart first.
“you’re a fucking genius!” Rue shouted.
“Julliard is needed now!” you shouted too.
she laughed at you two before gif and Rue joined in.
“you guys wanna go out and eat with me and my mom?” Lexi asked. She agreed, but you grimaced and sighed shaking your head.
“i’m going to Fez’s.” you explained. you needed to see what was up because you knew he wouldn’t miss this for anything minor.
“oh! tell him i’m not mad? i know something must have came up.” she rushed out as Suze called her name loudly.
“bye y/n!” Rue said as you started to leave.
“will do. i’ll see you later!” you called behind your shoulder.
y/n: i’m coming over :p
taglist: @jeyramarie @lainjupi @whitejuliana1204 @theeblackbarbiesworld @leawxlker @babadowie @xxloveralways14 @colbysbrocks @euphoruya @lselnerys @thecraziestcrayon
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sun-daisies · 3 years
euphoria 2x04 you who cannot see, think of those who can
ok well everyone (that I saw in a 10 minute scroll through the euphoria tag tonight) is upset with tonights ep of euphoria and I personally fucking loved it so here's my episode breakdown (spoilers under the cut)
keep in mind this is just my raw thoughts, no editing, my brain is oatmeal and I don't have my film analysis hat on, so this is probably going to be really messy.
first of all reasons I think everyone hated this episode:
no lexi and fez, which is funny to me because when the promos were coming out everyone was confused and upset that they were putting them together in the first place (just an observation!)
SO much cal jacobs. omfg.
jules and elliot
uhhh probably the mouse thing
^ yes, these are valid reasons to be upset. I get it. I do. I dont care about mouse and im so sick of cal. jules and elliot was A Choice. I miss lexi centric scenes (and while im not sure fez is the right choice, I still think they're cute while they last).
BUT. I think this episode is a huge turning point for basically a majority of the characters and here's why:
1. rue. obviously. she's over her head in her addiction and she's got so much unresolved trauma and pain that she doesn't know how to deal with - we literally see it in the scene with her dad in the church. we've seen her scream at and threaten her mom and blow up at her sister and now we're seeing her addiction leak into other relationships - first ali last episode, now jules. AND the ending of this episode, is she dead? did she die? earlier in the season I was genuinely concerned that she might not make it through this season and now im REALLY thinking she didn't. and that's absolutely tragic, and I really hope that's not the case. but if it is, then it becomes first and foremost a haunting reality of addiction that we don't see a lot in media, and second a really interesting character moment for jules and elliot in particular as they grapple with their guilt and find ways to grow and move forward. if it isn't, then we still have the mess with the suitcase of drugs to deal with, which is going to be SO MUCH WORSE than this.
2. cassie. oh dear, cassie. the guilt is literally eating her alive and this girl is absolutely in the trenches of a nervous breakdown. I've seen a lot of people complaining about her arc this season about how stupid it is that she's trying so hard to get a guy's attention - but it's SO real. she's a high school girl without a dad. all of the attention she's ever received was for her being pretty or sexy or whatever. she doesn't feel seen or validated unless she's getting attention and this breakdown she's going through is as a result of it. (side note sydney sweeney needs an emmy for this season omfg)
3. maddy. she's recovering from a toxic abusive relationship and im really really hoping she comes out of this season knowing she's better off without nate. I feel like I have less to say about her because she's fairly straightforward as of right now? she's always been super confident, and right now she's sort of having this internal struggle of going back to nate (the evil she knows) or letting him go. and while it always seems like an obvious choice on the outside, leaving an abuser is the absolute hardest thing to do, because you still love them and you still will always think it'll be different, you'll believe them when they say they've changed. it's a cycle, and her arc right now is about breaking from that cycle.
4. nate. sigh. yes, nate. he's getting a TON of development this season and... I'm not mad at it. I still don't like him, but I do sort of sympathize with him. his arc is grounded in his relationship with his father, how his dad's abusive behaviors have affected and shaped him as a person. and it's clear that he doesn't want to be a part of it - he wants to grow up and leave the house and start a new life and not be anything like his father. but this season we're seeing just how similar they are, and I guess the reason we're seeing so much of cal's past is because it really does echo in nate. both are clearly into men, raised in toxic households, internalized homophobia, childhood trauma, and have developed angry abusive behaviors as a result of not being able to be themselves. and I think cal's breakdown is big for nate's character arc as well, because unless nate addresses his own trauma, he's on that same trajectory.
5. jules. let's just recap for a moment: jules' mother actively abuses drugs and alcohol - this has strained their relationship to a point where they no longer see each other. and if I remember correctly her mother relapsed and ended up in the hospital after visiting her before halloween? don't quote me on that. subsequently, in her special episode she expresses that she's terrified of being responsible for rue's sobriety. loosely she even says "what if she relapses and im not there?" and in the first episode of the season she finds out that rue relapsed the night jules left. and tonight? she finds out that rue hasn't been sober the entire time (and has been lying to jules). ALSO jules is self harming again SO-
6. kat. an episode or two ago I was SO happy with what they were doing with her, the whole "love yourself" scene was just perfect - and I think that's defining a lot of her character this season. she's sort of a blank slate. she started s1 as sort of this introverted person who did a lot of living in a world she created (cough escapism) - first with her fanfic writing, then when she changed and started with the whole porn thing. and she went through this huge moment where she reinvented herself but it still wasn't really her - she was sort of living as her own 24/7 character, like armor, or what she thought the world would want from her. and now? girl's still pretending. she's living this forced relationship with ethan and she's miserable in it. see where im going with this?
anyway other cool things from this episode:
visually stunning as always but this episode really blew me away
third jacobs brother???? seen in the portrait cal takes with him. actually so wild??? i saw someone saying that they might be hinting that nate's responsible for the brother's death, i'm not too sure yet? i need to let it ruminate. i think it wild. I saw someone suggesting that they might be hinting that nate's responsible for his death. I'm not too sure? I need to let it ruminate a bit longer.
LABRINTH and the whole church scene was AMAZING
lexi quietly observing in the background, I'm just waiting for the episode where she puts it all together and becomes the active character she's en route to be rather than the passive character she's been the whole time
I think a huge part of this season is finding who you are as a person. these kids are coming of age and none of them really know who they are - rue doesn't know who she is without drugs, kat straight up has no idea how to describe herself when asked, a lot of maddy's teenage years have been defined by her relationship with nate, cassie doesn't know herself enough or can't stand to be alone with herself and is subsequently breaking down because of it. this episode shows them at (what I can only hope is) their lowest points, and I think after this we'll start to see them learning and growing.
and finally, a thought:
I really, really hate that everyone (the viewers) is dragging everyone (the characters) through the mud for their actions through the series. like "jules is the bad guy," or "cassie's dumb af," or "can't stand rue this episode." my favorite part about this series is that the characters are allowed to be human - to be teenagers that make trauma-related mistakes and fuck up and say shit they don't mean and be impulsive. like??? rue is over her head in an addiction and she acts like an addict - ruining relationships, choosing drugs over her friends and family every time. cassie craves attention and needs that outward validation to feel seen because it's all she's ever known. remember her episode in s1 where even her relatives were calling her "sassy cassie" and hugging her a little too tight and telling her she's beautiful and she's gotta be getting all the guys and all that? all of these characters act upon what they perceive is true, based on past childhood trauma they're navigating, PLUS the fact that they're still young and navigating all these intense teenage emotions and impulses and experiences. it's just frustrating to see people thinking so black and white about who's good and who's bad when they're all just fucked up kids trying to make sense of the really fucked up world they live in, you know?
anyway, that's just my thoughts on this episode, because personally I loved it (even though it was A Lot.)
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comradelasso · 3 years
i am convinced that with all this stuff about the “dark forest” and jsuds comparing season 2 to the empire strikes back, which famously ended with the heroes split up, that someone is going to leave richmond by the end of the season. and now there are 4 coaches when before it was only ted and beard, making it very possible one of them will leave, i ranked all the coaches in order of most to least likely to leave richmond:
1) nate. nate is definitely hurtling towards something this season, and we can all agree it won’t be good. his sudden increase in popularity and acclaim after winning the game for richmond means that it is very likely that another club will want to snatch him up. (in today’s ep we caught a glimpse of a newspaper article suggesting nate is ready to manage his own team .... and we know how much these writers love foreshadowing.)
nate clearly does not think he is appreciated enough at richmond, and he might accept an offer from a more prestigious club to impress his dad. if nate did leave richmond, i think it will happen an episode or two before the season finale and richmond will end up facing off against nate’s new team for their last match, which would be a neat parallel to them playing against jamie in 1x10. nate will likely come to regret his decision to leave richmond (the environment of kindness and support ted has fostered there is a rarity in competitive sport) and it might even be the push he needs to realize how terrible his behavior was. and when nate inevitably returns to richmond, it will set him on a path of trying to redeem himself and reconcile with the team, which again is very similar to jamie — ironic, considering that jamie was the primary bully of nate in season 1. the writers clearly have a very specific arc planned for nate, and i think he will get worse before he gets better (nick mohammed has said that he is nervous about audience reaction to nate when the season ends). nate is trapped in a downward spiral in which his newfound arrogance and old insecurities are at war with each other, and it will take a pretty drastic change for him to finally escape it and become a better person. a downside to this theory is it might be a little too similar to jamie’s arc, but i think the writers would avoid having it seem like a retread.
2. ted. ted’s character arc this season is focused on his struggles with mental health and him learning the importance of self-care. ted might finally be in therapy, but i doubt he will only be on an upward trajectory from now on — i think his storyline will only get darker as the show continues to explore his past trauma (im convinced that ted’s dad committed suicide and that this will eventually be revealed this season). ted is also struggling with being apart from his son and even seems to believe that he’s abandoned him. roy accusing ted of ruining jamie as a player and them then winning the spurs match without ted will likely make him feel worthless. this could all come to a head this season and result in ted resigning from richmond to return to kansas. if this did happen, it would probably be the cliffhanger the season ends on and season 3 will focus on his return to richmond. like nate, i think ted will hit rock bottom before he gets better and his panic attack in 2x06 is only the tip of the iceberg. ted leaving richmond for a period of time will allow both the team and ted himself to realize just how essential he is to them.
3. beard. i dont see beard leaving richmond the same way i can see nate or ted doing so, but his character arc is not entirely clear yet. he is still in a pretty toxic relationship with jane (he was wearing the hat she gave him this ep) but i think he will listen to higgins and break up with her before the end of the season. we know that unlike ted, beard cares deeply about richmond winning and the team hasn’t exactly been doing well since they started coaching them — they might be on a winning streak now thanks to roy and nate, but they still need to get promoted. if richmond fails to get promoted, beard might be so frustrated by their futile efforts that he quits. beard is clearly still pretty important to the team and him leaving would be a definite blow, especially for ted (it would also be a significant setback for ted’s mental health). if beard did leave, i think it’d be a season finale twist after richmond’s final match (again, beard leaving would probably be dependent on whether richmond wins or loses).
4. roy. lmao there is no way roy is leaving richmond after everything he went through in 2x05.
i can see a couple of these scenarios playing out simultaneously — nate could be recruited by another team and that could also lead to a depressed ted returning to kansas, leaving beard and roy as the coaches; ted could go home and beard could go with him; nate and beard could both quit and leave ted in a very bad place. either way, i dont think this season will have as hopeful an ending as season 1. sure, richmond might have been relegated but the team was still united and optimistic about their future — it goes back to what ted said about losing a game but still winning vs winning a game but still losing. richmond might get promoted this season, but they will still “lose” because they are left divided and still in the “dark forest” by the end of the season.
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garrothromeave · 4 years
the hell is mystreet season 6??
(warning, long post ahead)
ok so before i start this
1) ive never posted shiiiit on tumblr before so watch me suffer, im just here to talk about stuff that my friends who dont know anything about aphmau have to listen to me rant about for hours on end
2) i havent seen mystreet in like years (except season 3, i watch that frequently since im laurance and shadow knight deprived) so please bear with me because i might be completely wrong on this lol. it’s just like, pointing out things i remember
3) im sure someones already talked about this but who cares
4) im gonna do this stupid thing where i just explain myself a bit at first, if you dont want to read that just skip to the part where you see “the actual thingy:” in bold and italics 
5) mild disclaimer; i am completely aware that jessica is not a professional writer. i know that she did her best to appeal to her fans, and honestly, respect for that. while this post will come off as aggressive and probably look like hate, that’s not my intention in the slightest. it’s just... intense criticism. im sure y’all probably already know that, but yeah, just stating that anyways. i do believe that jess is doing her best, and in no way do i want to dismiss any hard work she’s done. that being said; prepare for a very strongly opinionated post.
haha watch there be 10000+ typos in this making me look like a complete dumbass
ok here we go 
one of the main reasons i stopped watching aphmau back in 2017 was the mess that was season 4. like, in the first few episodes of the emerald secret, i thought “woah!! this is kinda cool, im a sucker for mystery!” because of course i was, it was something new and something exciting. the only problem i had with it at the time was kim, but that’s just because i always found her annoying and out of place. i just didn’t understand why garroth dragged her along and honestly i still don’t to this day BUT, moving on.
anyways, as the season progressed, 13 year old me was of course just “:0!!” the entire time--that is, up until the reveal of the main villain. i remember watching the episode, seeing the reveal of ein, and then stopping. like, just for a quick break, but i was still just overwhelmingly disappointed. like, and this was the time when pdh was airing and ein just got made alpha (i think?) and i had really really liked eins character in pdh. either way, that really sucked and actually opened my eyes to a lot of things.
one of the main things bein’ the fact that this was supposed to be a slice of life kinda series that decided to take a turn to a more edgy kinda approach. which, i guess i regularly wouldnt mind? but seeing as mcd was kinda bein neglected at the time it just didnt sit right with me. BUT WHATEVER, point is i stopped watching mystreet all together at the end of season 4.
like, a whole year later my brother tells me that shit’s getting intense in season 5 + 6 of mystreet, and my brilliant self decided to give it a shot--but i refused to watch all of season 5, so i only stepped in when ein made an appearance. so whenever that was, that’s where i picked up because i didnt care enough to see 
and y’know--i honestly didn’t hate it at first. in fact, i found it oddly cool. it wasn’t enough to get me into aphmau again, but it was enough to where i was intrigued. i dont know why, but i never watched the finale, so i didnt see the ending until just a few weeks ago--but back then, i thought it was neat. looking back on it however... im just so confused. 
side note: only got back into aphmau this time around because of mcd. mainly because like, i adore the first season and the first half of the second season. and being nearly 18 now, im a lot more appreciative of plot and well-written characters n junk. 
the actual thingy:
ok back on track. imma stop spilling out my story of how i got back into aphmau, and lets just skip to what rewatching mcd made me realize of season 6′s plot and shit:
-emmalyn. how the fuck does ghost even remotely exist? if she’s emmalyn as claimed, then why have we already seen emmalyn in the mystreet universe alive? look i get that creators can do whatever they want with their stories but at the same time please provide some sort of explanation good god. and maybe they did and i just havent seen it, so if there is one--let me know. but until that day imma just sit here confused as fuck
-ok so imma just be real, the whole ‘ultima’ thing is just... not great. in my opinion, anyways. like... i saw someone mention this in another post, but if this ultima stuff was like, a really big deal, why isnt it mentioned in mcd? though i suppose since its a curse of sorts, it could be later on past the time period in which mcd takes place--but even then, how did it manage to make its way into aaron’s family bloodline? 
-WHY IS EVERYONE AT STARLIGHT ITS JUST SO CONVINIENT like what happened to this place being the most expensive shit on the planet or whatever, and how the gang happens to run into like, the werewolf trio and blaze and kai and guy and nate all of these people like god damn life doesnt WORK LIKE THAT 
-im sorry but turning people into relics? thats... thats the best you could come up with? plus, like, how does that even work? in mcd it’s established that relics are separate entitles that choose their wielder, based on a ‘personal’ connection (being a descendent of a previous wielder) or if they’re a good match personality and (i think?) moral wise. so the whole turning-people-into-relics doesnt make much sense to be honest. 
-irene really over here using her god powers to only keep her friends alive like god damn not a great god if you ask me 
-can i talk about how incredibly predictable aphmaus death was? like i just kinda sat there waiting for it to happen and when it did i literally went “haha! wonder when she’ll be revived” because god forbid we actually kill off characters 
-when aphmau + demon warlock fought in the irene dimension there was no passage of time whatsoever in the real world whiiiiiiiiich really bothers me because they fought in there for at least a few minutes
-speaking of aphmau and the demon warlocks fight does it bother anyone else that it had to be aaron who took over the fight?? like we get it hes the big protector blah blah blah but god damn it wouldve been cooler if aphmau had fought this battle as her. aaron fighting this battle was so underwhelming
-...love. like, thats the only thing thats needed to break out of a forever potion? love? LIKE YEAH, GOOD GUYS GOTTA WIN SOMEHOW, but its just so cliche and overdoneeee
-oh yeah and also when travis went bonkers and became the demon warlock or whatever, why’d he only take over katelyn and garroth?? like, zane had been influenced by the potions in the past as well? DONT GET ME WRONG--i do love some good brother edge, but uh, the demon warlock was just bein kinda a dumbass by not possessing zane too just sayin’
-can aaron please go to fucking jail for mass murder now like holy shit, he just got sent home on a fuckin boat. also why did blaze forgive him for killing him thats not even remotely realistic. then again, nothing in mystreet has ever been realistic when it comes to characters and motives and personalities, (cough katelyn being actually abusive and travis being an actual pervert) but yknow whatever
-katelyn and kawaii chan literally added nothing to the plot whatsoever. like lets be real, katelyn lost her personality the moment season 5 started and kawaii chan just kinda sits there :I
-ok im sorry this was bound to come up but cmon guys imagine laurances potential if he was in season 6 like god damn this is beyond maddening. AND YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE BEEN A REALLY REALLY COOL PARRALLEL?? IF IT WAS LAURANCE WHO SNAPPED GARROTH OUT OF HIS MIND CONTROL THING, because it would mimic laurance’s speech to get garroth to snap out of his rage in season 1, episode 100 of minecraft diaries. like how fuckin rad would that have been? missed opportunity 
-also?? why does kim/ghost know magicks?? like, if i remember correctly, emmalyn is a scholar--not someone who knew magicks. i mean, i guess research? study?? but its been established that knowing how magicks works =/= being able to use magicks. i dunno, just doesnt seem right i guess. maybe its explained, i wouldnt know (yes i know that makes me look like a dick leave me alone)
-melissa should have stayed dead. LIKE, NO, ITS NOT AS SIMPLE AS “haha it takes more than a few bullets to kill me”??? look ive got nothing wrong with melissa (cough lie cough) but yknow it would have just been cool a character... stay dead? for once? its just too fuckin cliche that shes alive god damn
-can i also just say the only good thing that came out of season 6 was travis’ dads sacrifice like damn that made me actually sad
-howww was lucinda turned into a relic. or yknow, anyone else? like im sure they explain it better in the actual show i just dont remember, but its just that easy? turning anyone into a relic? granted, a normal person wouldnt be able to produce a good relic, but idk man. IM JUST SAYING; that the only really powerful relics that aphmau should have been able to wield is the one that aaron + zane produced because shad relic and esmund relic moment. lucinda isnt even like, connected to a divine warrior. ALSO, another point, if its seriously that powerful of a relic getting one from just a magic user like lucinda, why go through the trouble? i mean i guess ofc youd want the “all powerful” one that the ultima produces but i mean damn whats the point
-ok this is just going to bother me but in one of the episodes (i think might have been in season 5 actually) where that like, guardian dude was chasing aphmau and zane and at one point they split up and the dude just chuckles at zane diverting paths and goes under his breath “youre not the important one here”, suggesting that aphmau somehow is? first of all, id argue that any ro’meave is significantly more important than aphmau was, especially not knowing much about her other than that shes with aaron. i might be missing some bits an pieces, but if i was that dude id forget about aphmau and go after zane 
-killing off derek for shock factor sucked, and i know the moment was supposed to be really sad because like “oh :( aarons dad is sacrificing himself for his son” but lets be real dereks still was a shitty father and i dont think his reasons for doing what he did was very good at all
-less about plot or more like: why the absolute fuck did the gang bring kim along instead of, oh i dont know, a life-long friend? like, laurance or dante maybe?? im sure its explained, i never saw aphmaus year or most of season 5, but god DAMN id hate to be apart of this friend group AND GOD LIKE, imagine reconnecting with an old friend who ends up getting closer to your best friends and taking priority in their lives over you (cough laurance) like god damn lol
-im just going to preface this one with: i dont remember everything that’s happened, so if im wrong i apologize in advance--but (you actually can correct me if im wrong and please do) didnt like, irene reincarnate her friends in order to give them better lives? I DONT KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE, ITS JUST WHAT I REMEMBER--however, if im correct, then:
a. why the hell would she bring back someone like zane, or gene, or ivy, etc.
b. why the hell do they all have the same exact names? first and last? again, im aware that the whole mystreet+mcd tie wasn’t originally supposed to be there, but i dont think that means such a coincidence can be excused? its just a bit much if you ask me.
c. why the hell is the fact that (as much as i literally hate this) aaron is a decedent of shad being ignored? like, you’d think that something like this would be something thats actually important, or something the demon warlock couldve taken advantage of. or are we completely erasing every other connections to divine warriors besides aphmau + irene? because even if irene did reincarnate them or do whatever it is she did, does she even have the power to sever the connections between them and their ancestors? my guess is, no.
d. speaking of irene why on earth was aphmau able to talk to/see irene, they’re literally the same person are they not? did she like, fuckin reincarnate herself without actually doing it?? BUT--i will give it to them, the demon warlock did refer to aphmau as something along the lines of being “one of the 3 parts of her broken soul” or something like that. however, my point still remains. also what are the other two did i miss that or is it never explained
now; if irene in fact did not ‘reincarnate’ her friends then please ignore that little bit right there :)
but yes, those are a few of the problems i have with season 6 off the top of my head. i would go into like, season 4 and 5 more as well, but i honestly didnt feel like it. at some point i might go into other things, like how important laurance could have been to the plot of these later seasons, or HELL, even dante. i might also go into what could have made season 4, 5, and 6 actually good--maybe... a rewrite? perhaps? but im getting too far ahead of myself, so i just leave you with this for now.
and i know that as soon as i post this 15 more things are just going to pop into my head BUT im going to try and not edit this post because why stress myself with that even more
anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk 
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igotublue · 3 years
- We already been on the protect Ava Sharpe at all costs squad but PROTECT HER AT ALL COSTS
- Nate and Sara playing chess instead of getting into most of the ship drama is actually pretty damn funny 
- i wanna know what other playlists Gideon has for any particular occasion on the ship...
- Sara “He got all the useful stuff..” Lance 
- speaking of that like.. wat 
- wait actually where is Kayla btw.. did she leave the ship? lol i forgot 
- tbh i’m upset with myself at not remembering Ray and Nora’s wedding last night, Ava honey, you were there? 
- Ava you have a family and they’re the LEGENDS, they’re also your idiots 
- god John’s scenes are absolutely breaking my heart, he grew on me so much it’s unreal and i’m gonna hate to see him go :c (And Mick.. seriously what is it with yall leaving in pairs a season) (i know Matt’s getting a new character and im sure im gonna love him too eventually but man its still too fresh)
- Gideon.. you know the team super well by now this shouldn’t still happen.. I mean i get when it was Rip and she was conflicted and Sara hadn’t stepped into the captain role fully by that point but its been years yall. (Maybe part of why she gets a body is so that cant happen again lol, idk but it’ll still be interesting) 
- so Lita has.. 48(?) alien half siblings now? sweet
- Another team up i didnt know i needed but i absolutely do: 
Esperastra feat. Zari 
- name a more raw line than “Everything about you is love.” i’m still REELING at how goddamn SOFT- 
- ok so sort of glad to know that the John that was shown going against the legends isn’t our John (but he technically is? god that’s gonna confuse me).. the Bishop team up is not a good look tho
- speaking of Bishop i’m still wondering about his final plan cause like.. it can’t just be “mwahaha i’m gonna crash your wedding for the sake of it!” 
- Also i’m super glad the clone stuff is getting explored again cause the last time it was mentioned was in season 4 briefly then they kinda just dropped it again. Even if it still breaks my heart a little.. 
- i can’t believe B missed the whole birth thing and is just gonna come back to the ship to.. all that.
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1ofusislying · 3 years
i like your theory abt the prom being in place of addy’s party but in the trailer, they show janae with a computer showing nate and bronwyn something while they’re all still dressed for prom, so im not sure what the prom scene would be in place of?
it also seems like there’s a scene with addy hiding under the table and you can see people dressed in heels so i assumed that was the prom too
not really sure what scene the prom is taking place of but i feel like maybe it’s too hectic to be addys party? unless the show is just trying to stress us out and it really is just that LOL
Yes! I’m so confused with the Janae part also. I’m thinking nothing is going to be 100% exact to the books so maybe the prom is kinda like Addy’s party but they’re keeping the mystery going until the end? I’m thinking it’s going to end on a cliff hanger and Matt just said knock on wood there will be season 2! So I’m thinking they want to keep a mystery going, as where the book made it more final. I’m not sure what they can add or what they will add, but I hope they keep it realistic and allow it to make sense!
Also! The scene where Addy is under the table/bed takes place in Simon’s room it seems (where the Bayview 4 is seen meeting up) so I’m assuming that’s during the funeral but I really have no clue!
I’m also intrigued to see how the old theater they’re always in plays in??
If anyone knows anything/has figured anything out- shoot me an ask!! Let’s keep talking theories !!
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
(submission) anon who sent in the storyline ask and 🥺💕💕💕💕 thank you for putting so much thought into it, i love your metas!!!!!!!! funnily enough, my answers are almost exactly the same!! season 1 serena in general just had this infectious, joyful energy that she really lost in season 3, which sucks because she was my favorite character. season ½ vanessa was THE BEST, idk what they even did to her in season 3??? it’s like she lost her point of view and became a satellite character for dan, which i hated.
personally i preferred season 4 blair over season 5 blair just because i felt like she was more self-actualized and independent - like it genuinely felt like she was maturing as a person and growing past her high school worldview and prejudices. in general though, i loved blair in seasons 3, 4, and 5 - which is kind of an unpopular opinion i realize!! post-high school, pre-season 6 blair was my favorite, and i hated what they did to her character in season 6 so much. blair might not have had an “evil arc” the way jenny, vanessa, serena, and dan did, but season 6 blair felt as unlikeable and ooc to me as if she had gotten one anyway.
season 4 dan was PEAK dan, truly. so sweet and so funny and just - i loved loved loved his character development, i was so angry when they ignored it and then retconned it later down the line. and agreed about season ¾ nate - it’s funny, cause that’s the part of the show where he has the least to do? like his plots in seasons 1 and 2 were so much better, but his personality in seasons 3 and 4 - particularly in the second half of season 3 - was so much more likable. as soon as the spectator stuff started i kind of mentally checked out with him though, and sage… don’t even get me started lol.
jenny for me is the hardest to pin down - i actually did like the first half of her season 2 plots with eleanor and with agnes, when she was striking out on her own and starting a fashion business, but the way it ended was… tragic doesn’t even begin to cover it. season 3 jenny just made me so sad, especially because she had a pretty strong start to the season - the way things went down were so unfair to her. :( it felt like jenny was always in turmoil, like everyone had ~drama~ but jenny never got a break. so i guess early season 2 jenny would be my favorite maybe, if only because that seems to be when things were the brightest for her.
i started typing this out as an ask but it got so long that i’m submitting it sdfgldjsl. but yeah, i loved your responses!!!!! it felt very validating lol, especially with blair, cause while i certainly still liked high school blair i… don’t completely vibe with the way everyone seems to idolize her? so it’s nice to see that i’m not the only one!!
i’m treating this as an ask, haha! “satellite character for dan” is THE perfect phrasing, i’m like. yeah, that’s exactly what they did to her, omg.
also this submission made me realise something, which is that i….kind of blur s4 blair & s5 blair in my head?? like you made me really think about blair, and while i remember a lot of acts of gentleness and kindness from her in s5 (i was watching with my sister, and she was like ??blair is this nice??? LOL) but a lot of my favourite blair moments - like the one in war at the roses, with her “i want to be a powerful woman” ARE actually season 4 moments. like s4 blair had early season blair’s edge, but at the same time, she wasn’t cruel in the way high school blair was? so yeah, i’m swinging s4/s5 now. idk why i can’t tell where s4 blair ends and s5 blair starts. 
i feel like nate is… really good as a sidekick character? like don’t get me wrong, i love the dude, lol. but even in the books he’s very, like. blair and serena are blair and serena, and nate is just there. like nate’s thing is very much just being there. how do i explain this better? just that him being a friend are some of his best moments. like him trying to help dan with his post-threesome drama, or serena with her tripp angst, or him helping blair with epperly, or talking to jenny about trauma, or listening to a drunk dan complain about his first time having sex with blair…. like nate’s temperament and calmness and neutrality actually work really really well with characters like dan & blair who are… so Much, but also just with anyone in general. (i do like nate as an individual character, too! this sounds mildly mean, kdshsgfklhgk.) 
jenny’s arcs are complicated, yeah! what you’ve said about her never getting a break is so true. and i feel like if her arc had been handled a little sensitively, like, if the writers actually cared about her and her growth/development, even if they’d kept the main plot points of the storylines the same, if they’d executed it sensitively………….. im pretty sure i said this already though kfldhkghgf.
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libertydevitto · 6 years
god i forgot how bad seasons 9 and 10 were, the new characters were really the only thing that saved it
#and even then they werent#used#in the best ways#I MEAN SURE SOME OF THEM WERE#but really rebecca had no flaws and for a supposed main character she didnt really get an exploration of her life at all#she had her relationship with nate which mainly happened off screen#(WHICH FUCK I JUST REALIZED ALL THE GUYS AT STATIONHOUSE 4 DIDNT EVEN KNOW SHE MARRIED NATE?)#(BECAUSE THEY WERE SURPRISED WHEN SHE CAME BACK AFTER HE WAS ARRESTED AND SAID HER NAME WAS DR. DESMOND NOW)#(SO THEY DIDNT EVEN GET AN INVITE? OR A SORRY IT WOULD BE WEIRD IF WHITE PEOPLE WERE AT MY WEDDING BUT JUST SO YA KNOW IM GETTING MARRIED)#and they did touch on the racism but didnt make it her whole character.. i guess#but that's p much it#she became a doctor so that's good#and she made the decision to move and also to become a family doctor instead of a coroner but that's it#and louise cherry like i hate her?#but they should have gone farther with her being controlling to george#or at the very least actually treated it like the serious issue that it was when it came up in season 11#instead of just being like#oh we broke up because she called murdoch boring#well he is#yuk yuk yuk#OR MAYBE HUMILIATED HER IN SOME WAY? LIKE SHE LEFT HER JOB BUT SHE GOT A NEW ONE QUICK ENOUGH#and nina's issues with family should have been dealt with more?#like what the fuck was that about#i think it was just her and her bro right?#so like were her parents super controlling rich assholes who they ran away from??#thats what i assumed but WHO FUCKING KNOWS#that's partially a season 11 problem too#and watts really was the only new addition in recent years#who got a genuine arc and storyline#and is probably going to get a new one or a few new ones next season
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acnhtom · 5 years
get to know me ٩(→‿←)۶
Thanks for tagging me @venvs-comb​!
Name: nathan/nate
Nicknames: natey, natey cakes, sea bass, cinna bun
Zodiac: taurus sun taurus moon taurus rising (ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣﹏ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣)
Height: 5′6 ( •᷄⌓•᷅ )
Languages: english, but i want to learn more
Nationality: british 
Season: autumn for sure! i prefer it when its cold out so i can bundle up
Scent: my boyfriend haha he smells like campfires and marshmallows
Flower:  i had to look it up because i dont know flowers but i think  chrysanthemums are cool
Color: red! ღゝ◡╹)ノ❤
Animal: ive grown up with cats i couldnt say anything else lol
Fictional Character: bruh thats such a hard question but for now i will say ness earthbound
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa?: coffee 100% i could drink that shit for dayssss i love boba tea tho
Average Sleep: 😥 either 13 hours or 4 hours
Dog or Cat person?: 
Tumblr media
Number of Blankets: usually my 2 fortnite blankets and my regular blanket but my bf has one of my fortnite blankets rn!
Dream trip: i would love to stay with my bf and his family in PA but i’ll be doin that later this year so its more of a reality than a dream lol
Blog established: this is a brand new blog for acnh that i started a few weeks ago, but i started tumblr back in 2012 for acnl! ive had various blogs ever since but nothin was quite the same as the acnl community, i cant waittt
Followers: this blog is at 180, my main has 1593 tho!
Random fact: im a first year animation student at AUB, im working on a little tangy gif that i should have time to finish before new horizons is out (=ↀωↀ=)
i tag: @acnhbob​ @mayor-kirby​ @livelytown​ @moondropisle​ @spectracrossing​ @custardisle​ @acsummerset​ @artemis-crossing​ and @somethingcrossing​
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