#im not ready to recognize brother gaster as a possibility yet
alpacacare-archive · 2 years
short shitpost that i wanted to make for so long lmfao (audio is from mbmbam)
bonus that wouldn't have made sense in the video:
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askmicrowaveayem · 7 years
MAYEM: The Sinner In Me Pt. 4
[Archive] [Cast]
Sans seemed to approve of this sentiment, grinning at Goop and winking with his left eye. “ain’t he cool?”
Approval of Papyrus went a long way with this Sans.
...he really was just a regular Sans, all things considered.
“eh, well, you could say it’s a good pace for me.”
“The coolest.” Goop grinned.
“That all?” He asked, “I’d think just being a regular sentry and letting Pap do all the traps would be more up your alley.”
“nah,” he said, “this way is easier,” he grinned a little wider.
He had a lot more control over traps, this way.
He had a lot more control over what any human or intruder who came through would have to face, with only the work it would take to set it up.
And since time did move on slightly? He could just do a little bit the first day and build up little by little.
“Huh.” Goop looked at Kid, unsure how to get any deeper answer out of Sans, if there even was one. He turned back to Sans.
“So the King is catching anyone who falls down, I guess? You ever see him?”
Kid wasn’t sure either, and… he was more hesitant to pry, lately, he realized.
….people trusted Goop more.
He was easy to trust.
Sans’ face darkened a little, though, and he shook his head.
“nah, never seen ‘im. don’t got the stomach for it, ya know? but yeah, we’re all just waitin’ to see if he comes out again.”
Goop looked in the direction of the ruins, staring that way for a few lingering moments before turning back to Sans. “... How many years has it been since he went in?”
Sans shrugged.
“ya ask a complicated question for a guy spat out of a timeline, y’know?”
Goop made a face, but relented. “Fine, fine.”
As long as there we no humans, no resets… as long as Sans and Papyrus were safe. Everything was fine.
Sans huffed out a little laugh.
“anything else? or it’s probably time to get goin’.”
Goop glanced at Kid, then shook his head. “I don’t think so. Just wanted to make sure you ‘n Pap were safe. He doing alright out in that post all by himself?”
Sans raised one of his browbones.
“course he is. some reason he shouldn’t be?”
“No.” Goop smiled, trying to be encouraging. “Just like I said, seems strange Papyrus would want to be alone out there. At least for me.”
Sans gave him a wary look again, all the same. “Paps’ got people looking out for him.”
It was kind of an ambiguous statement, but it was still true. Sans had always been social and good at making friends, Papyrus a bit less so, and more easily overwhelmed.
But since Sans was in tight with the guard? It was no problem for Doggo or Dogamy and Dogressa to pop over every now and then between Sans’ visits to his brother and make sure he was doing alright and not too lonely or bored.
Goop nodded, “Alright. Just wanted to make sure.”
He wanted to see it for himself too, slowly shifting off towards deeper into the forest where he knew what would have been Sans’ post was. “I promise I won’t break anymore traps.”
“heh,” Sans said. “i’ll keep an eye out anyway. just for you.”
He winked.
Then, he walked off.
Kid looked at Goop once Sans was gone, following along.
“I’m no wiser to anything.” Goop mumbled a bit, sounding disappointed.
Kid let out a short laugh.
“Yeah, well, talking with Sans is like that sometimes.”
“Only sometimes?” Goop laughed too.
“Most of the time,” Kid said. “Clearly, we didn’t frustrate him enough to get a straight answer out of him. Should’ve flashed the wedding ring.”
“You think that would’ve done it?” He asked.
“Well, at the very least we’d have got a startled blink or two.”
The woods were starting the thicken as they moved along the path.
“Maybe even a ‘huh’.” Goop grinned.
“... I guess I should get a ring for me too. And an actual wedding ring for you.” His grin widened, still a little in disbelief that they were actually doing this.
Kid couldn’t really believe it either, but…
But he was looking forward to it.
It was somehow a lot more real, more tangible than the idea of the hunt for the anomaly coming to an end.
It was something they could really look forward to…?
Something to look forward to.
“Yeah, we should. Matching ones?”
“Yeah.” He paused and looked down at Kid. “You should pick them this time. I picked the engagement ring.”
Goop wondered if Kid would go for something that had meaning, sort of like he had done with the engagement ring, or something as ridiculous and gaudy as possible.
He would be fine with either.
Kid huffed, but nodded.
“Yeah, sure, I’ll do that once we get another breather I guess.”
Something ridiculous and gaudy never entered his mind.
In the distance, the shape of a tilted guard stand could be made out, two figures by it.
“Anything in-...” Goop trailed off, squinting at the two figures as they approached.
One of the dogs, maybe? … But they had passed all the ones he knew of.
Maybe Sans taking a shortcut. It stood to reason he wouldn’t want them to spy on Papyrus alone.
Neither of the distant figures seemed to have noticed them, yet, but the closer they got, the more clear they became.
One was obviously Papyrus--tall, and lanky, and wearing his period-appropriate armor, even though he was not trying to raise up rank in the royal guard.
The smaller figure they’d assumed to be Sans, though, was… too small.
Kid started to slow, hesitant.
He reached out to sense what was going on in front of them instead of relying on his eyes.
Goop didn’t have the ability to sense or feel, not really anyway. He could feel magic, but that was about the end of it. So as Kid started to slow, Goop did the opposite.
It was too small to be Sans.
His pace quickened.
Kid saw him speed up.
“Goop, no!”
The two figures heard, straightening up and turning to look. Two bright red eyes opening wide in shock.
Kid’s words turned to static inside Goop’s head and the world fell away from him, everything tunneling onto the child’s face.
The red eyes. The rosy cheeks.
It didn’t need to be smiling for him to project his greatest fears and his biggest enemy onto the child.
His magic exploded into action.
Goop summoned his long, sharp attack and teleported beside Chara.
Papyrus was not a royal guard.
Not in this world.
...But he was still Sans’ brother, and he knew how to react when sparring with a teleporter.
A long, thick bone collided alongside Goop’s attack, forcing his arm up so Papyrus’ other hand could thrust a second bone construct at Goop’s throat.
But it didn't connect.
Just barely in front of it, at what would be a perfectly safe distance for most monsters.
Chara had fallen into the snow, scrambling back against Papyrus’ sentry post and breathing rapidly.
Goop didn’t move his eyes away from Chara, body rippling with a mix of anger and fear.
His arm shook, fighting against so many things going through his mind at that moment. Trying to register Chara’s fear on something he considered almost fearless, the lack of a twisted smile, his son’s voice telling him to stop.
He didn’t dare look away from Chara, but he didn’t move to attack further either, didn’t dissipate his magic still held high.
Kid raced beside him, grabbing Goop’s wrists, magic scooping up his soul.
“I'm so sorry, are you--”
Kid could see souls.
He recognized this one.
He recognized a Chara he once adored.
To Goop all Charas were the same. They were human. They wore the same smile.
… He hadn’t hated the Chara of his original timeline. He actually hadn’t cared much about them at all, although he held an immense distrust of them simply because they were human, which only solidified once he found out what happened to Chara and the prince.
He had fought something that had once been Chara too much. Too long. He couldn’t differentiate anymore.
Goop didn’t resist as Kid pulled at his wrists, although his form was much less solid than it usually was and gave under his friend’s hands. His soul was nearly vibrating with how intense his emotions were, everything about him buzzing and wanting to kill the small child staring up at them in fear.
His eyes didn’t move away, but his wrists moved where Kid lead them, his soul didn’t resist the hold on it.
“PLEASE PUT YOUR WEAPON AWAY,” Papyrus said, one bone still at Gaster’s neck, the other held at the ready to defend again.
Chara crawled behind him fully. Shaking. Hiding behind Papyrus’ boots.
“Goop,” Kid hissed again. “We should go. Yeah?”
We should go.
The voices were fuzzy and distant, but they were there, and the hold on his soul helped pull him in just enough for him to actually move.
He didn’t put his weapon away, but he did grab onto Kid and take one large step back, pulling him close and quickly teleporting them both back to the classroom just outside the closet door they had hid their machine inside.
Kid only relaxed once they were in the classroom, letting go of Goop’s wrists and moving closer to hug him tightly. Instinct, from an old life. Instinct to pull two souls closer together.
Goop dissipated his attack as soon as Kid wrapped his arms around him, some of his form falling away as he shook in his friend’s arms and hunkered down closer to him. What remained of his arms wrapped around Kid, pained and terrified gasps coming out of him from somewhere.
“Goop? Goop, it's okay. Goop, that wasn't them. It's okay.”
Held him.
Melted slowly towards the floor with him.
Goop nodded, but couldn’t formulate any words. If it had been it, it wouldn’t have been so terrified. Kid wouldn’t have stopped him from killing it.
Even so, it had been their face.
He held onto Kid for a few long, long minutes in panic before he could manage to say anything again.
“S-... Sorry. Sorry.” Goop mumbled out, clutching at Kid and pressing his face into his shoulder.
He had just been so scared.
“It's okay,” Kid kept repeating. “You're okay. It's okay.”
Held him tight, even if Goop couldn't feel it.
“You're safe now.”
He stayed like that for a bit longer, breathing even though he didn’t need to and only then beginning to start pulling his face and arms into something less viscous.
He was safe.
His eye was distant and fuzzy, but he finally looked up just to stare at Kid’s face because it was a living (kinda) object that moved and that brought him more comfort than just staring at the floor.
Now was not the time to morph his face into a pig’s snout, but he considered it. Just to get that terrible expression off Goop’s face.
So he tried to smile instead, even though smiling was the last thing he felt like doing.
“...want to stay here a bit? Or go inside the ship?”
Kid knew he personally always felt a little safer in the ship. There was the tablet. There was…
“We can check on your kids. Ask how they're doing.”
“Sh-Ship.” Goop said, beginning to let go of Kid and try to rise up even though he barely felt like he could form a base right now.
“Don’t want to talk to the kids like this.”
“Okay, we don't have to,” Kid said, trying to pick Goop up and help him into the ship. As long as Goop could keep his form together, he thought they would manage okay.
He opened the closet and ship door, helping Goop inside and closing it up again, finding their normal corner and sitting down in it with him.
He appreciated the help, sliding along beside Kid and then losing form a bit again once he crumpled beside his friend. Goop leaned into him heavily even though he couldn’t really feel it, shifting his soul closer and just… trying to calm himself down.
The inside of the ship was small and dark compared to outside, but it was familiar and did feel safe despite all of the shit they had gone through while inside it.
The ship had been something of a constant. Somewhere they could always return to in terrible world's. Something they could use to escape. It… It made sense that Kid also felt a lot safer inside it.
He held Goop and tried to think of something, anything, to talk about.
Get his mind off of what had just happened. Help him refocus elsewhere. Anything.
“..our…” He said, hesitating.
A part of him was screaming that he would fuck this all up and end up with Goop not liking him again, but Goop couldn't refocus as easily as literally anyone else, Kid couldn't just sit there in silence, it might as well have been like walking out of the room at this moment--
“Our… Our wedding… Do we just… Generic purple? Or,.. Use a specific tone  of one of our magics, or…? I've been trying to think of how it would work…”
Talking, a conversation, something in the future to think about, it was all Goop had. Everything else seemed so far away, so distant, that it might as well not have existed.
“... Is… is yours lighter or darker than mine? I c-can’t remember.”
Kid didn’t use it much and, honestly, Goop didn’t show his own much either outside of the basic attacks that every skeleton had.
“I think it's lighter,” Kid said softly, “a little closer to blue, maybe.”
Goop nodded, “Right… yeah I-... I remember we were talking about the colors of your souls not being set as deeply as ours or… something?”
He couldn’t remember.
He rubbed his head.
Kid nodded, encouraging. “Yeah, sometimes they blend a little. Not super common, but… But it's not unusual, either… We usually just say whatever color its closest to, but they're just… Not all the same shade, necessarily.”
Goop nodded, “Right. That.”
He took a deep breath, an old remembered motion from some old life that served little purpose now. Just something practiced, a placebo to try and calm him.
“... Maybe something in the middleground? Generic purple, maybe.”
Kid nodded. “...should we get flowers, too? Just to put around the place?”
Goop was quiet for a moment, longer than was probably needed before he spoke up again.
“... Yeah. I’ll ask Asgore what’ll go well with purple and… weddings.”
Kid nodded a little again, smile the faintest bit more real. “I think he'll be really excited when you tell him. Especially when you ask him to help.”
Goop smiled a little too, his lopsided and melted face twitching just a little happier.
“He’s a nice guy.”
He still hadn’t talked to him. He wasn’t sure he wanted to get too invested in a world that didn’t feel like his anymore.
“Maybe Toriel will make us a pie or something. Then there will at least be one edible thing there.”
It was his world, the same way an adopted parent was still a parent.
It wasn't fair Goop had to feel like he didn't have a home, or that the machine was the best place.
It was one thing to feel disconnected from your world, but it was another to feel like you couldn't get attached at all.
“That'll be nice. Think she'll like you better in formalwear?” He grinned.
Goop glanced at him with a tired, sagging eye. “But I’m always in formalwear.”
“No, you're always naked.”
Goop stared at him for a moment, then gave a tiny laugh. “True. Very true.”
“Narcissist,” Kid added affectionately, grinning still.
“Feeling better?”
“Nudist.” Goop added too, then took another breath and smiled a little more. “Yeah. Thanks.”
He sunk a little further to rest his head on Kid’s shoulder.
“Anything for my favorite nude narcissist, besides myself,” he said, letting Goop rest.
He didn’t bother to form any further, letting himself look melty and uneven for once. It was nice to know that it didn’t bother Kid, that even seeing him as nothing more than a puddle or a little soul peering out from the void bothered him. Those were things he never wanted to show anyone else, not even his kids.
It was all too unsettling to them.
“... Sans said the princes were dead, didn’t he?”
A little worried about the turn to what had caused this whole mess, Kid nodded.
“...yeah. I assumed that's why Mr. Dreemurr left…”
“... If they’re dead, then why was the kid alive?” He looked at Kid, confused.
Kid didn't know.
He shook his head, confused. But…
“..we… Never asked if the prince was Chara…”
Goop’s eye widened a little. “... It’s always been--”
And Papyrus was always wanting to be a royal guard, and Alphys the scientist, Undyne the captain.
“... I guess they’re the other kid in this world.”
They'd almost attacked an innocent kid in front of their son.
“...I guess,” was all Kid said.
...did that mean Chara wasn't always the face of danger? Or that weren't always adored and cares for? Or that…
...he didn't want to think about this anymore.
“...hey,” he said softly. “If everyone's all mixed up, who's Seer?”
Goop wanted to keep thinking about it, wanted to pick it all apart and understand what the hell was going on now that he was calmer but… but he knew when Kid was trying to redirect the conversation.
And that was okay. He wouldn’t make him talk about it if he didn’t want.
“Seer is still Seer or Seer just… disguised as someone or something else, I bet.”
Goop--understandably--saw Chara as a figure of terror. A demon. A curse. An anomaly.
But seeing their face again--
Kidster was a very, very different person from what he has once been, but he didn't think he would ever be able to shake the injured, flighty human who’d enchanted them all from his heart.
He would…
He'd fight Chara for Goop.
He'd fight Chara, and he would let Goop end it.
He could do that, now.
But he'd never fully shake how it has all played out, once upon a time.
“Yeah, but you think they'll look weird? What if they're a moldsmol or something?”
“Then I would laugh my non-existent ass off.” Goop snorted as best he could. “I’m not sure how we could find them though. Seer only ever shows up if they want to be found.”
“Huh, that is a problem if they're too embarrassed about being a moldsmol to want to be found,” Kid said, frowning and rubbing his chin. “Of course, if you promise to dance with the moldsmol, that might be just silly enough to convince them it's worth it.”
“Is this just your way of getting me to dance with every moldsmol in the entire underground?” Goop asked flatly, looking up at Kid.
“Hey, you said it, not me,” Kid said, fluttering his eyesockets.
“You were thinking it though.” He said with a lopsided smirk.
“Honestly, I was just joking, but if you want to dance with every moldsmol…”
“No way.” Goop said, slumping a bit again against Kid. “I’ve never danced a day in my life.”
… That seemed to make him realize something.
“... They’re going to want us to dance at our wedding.”
Kid blinked.
Stared at Goop.
“...okay. We have two options. One: we just wiggle a little bit and call it a day. Two… you make up with Mettaton and ask him to dance in our place. He’ll say yes. He’d love to.”
“I am not having that obnoxious fucker at our wedding.” Goop said, glaring at nothing in particular. “He would make it about him I bet. Papyrus would love it, but… fuck. This is our thing.”
He sighed in defeat, but seemed to come up with another idea. “We turn into moldsmol and wiggle.”
Kid nodded.
“Wiggling it is.”
Goop nodded in agreement. “We go on the floor, make it look legit, then go blob and wiggle. It’ll be perfect.”
Kid nodded.
“Tell Sans to video tape it.”
“Oh I’m sure he will.” He laughed a little at the thought.
Goop was actually… really beginning to look forward to this silly ‘wedding’, even if it didn’t really mean anything. For so long he had only had ‘the end’ to look forward to, but even that was a catch-22. When all of this did finally end, if it ended, what were they going to do? There was talk about traveling the multiverse and doing studies with Kid, but… it was still kind of a scary thought, not having a concrete end goal.
It helped Kid as well, to have something to think about as ‘the end goal.’ Something more concrete than… not having to chase the anomaly anymore. Something to look forward to.
“...I really do have a serious question concerning nudity, though.”
Plus, it was fun to talk about.
Goop didn’t believe this was about to be a serious question in the slightest, but he humored Kid all the same and turned to look at him with his eye.
“Are we buying suits? Or are we just morphing them? Or what.”
It was a serious question.
Goop was actually kind of surprised. “Uh…”
He had to think about it a moment.
“It’s a little hard for me to wear actual clothes, or, well, it was when I tried. Maybe it’s different for me now.”
“I dunno.” He looked at Kid again, his face pulling itself in a little more now that he was getting calmer, now that the subject had shifted away from Chara.
“Would you rather have an actual suit?”
“I don’t know. It might be more special if we can wear stuff that we can’t just morph?” Kid asked, still keeping the subject as far from Chara as possible.
Hopefully Papyrus wouldn’t tell his dad what happened.
“Also, it’ll be really funny when we dance since it’ll look like we just melted out of our suits.”
Goop laughed, “That’s true. Okay, we’ll get actual suits next time we’re back in one of our worlds. Or would mine be better for that sort of thing?”
“Yours might be better? I don’t think mine has many suit shops”
“If we want to get in trouble, we can have Sans pick them out for us.”
“Oh man. They would be so bright and obnoxious and dumb-looking.” Goop laughed again. “I guess it’s a matter if we want to look ridiculous or serious. Although I guess a regular black suit isn’t too different to what I usually look like.”
Kid nodded. “Yeah. Though if that’s what you want, we can always ask Papyrus to go along with Sans and make sure he gets the right thing,” he said, grinning a little.
Goop thought about it again for a moment.
“... What if I wore a white suit? That’s sorta the opposite of what I usually look like. Or do they look stupid?”
The bride usually wore white too, right?
“I think that’d be neat,” Kid said. “..I don’t think they look stupid? They’re pretty popular, aren’t they…? If they sell them…?”
He assumed that was how buying and selling for humans worked?
“Are they? I wouldn’t know. Shame we don’t get internet when we’re away or I’d look it up. Asking either of the boys probably won’t get an honest answer either.”
“... We should give one of the radios to Alphys. She’d probably help us out.”
She’d be a help for more than just picking out a suit too.
Kid nodded.
“Yeah. Okay, yeah. We’re making another radio for her when we get back. That’s an urgent one.”
“And she can give you morse code updates on your shows and shit.”
“Yeah. Having us to talk to is probably good for her too anyway.”
If there was anyone other than his kids that he missed when gone from his world, it was Alphys.
It was always a good thing when Goop made friends.
“Should we write a list of things to tell her when we get back? Stuff we’ll need?”
“That might be a good idea.” Goop said, pulling his notebook out from his chest and flipping to a blank page.
“Suits, gotta make that radio for her, what else?”
“How to temporarily ban Mettaton from a premises.”
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