#im not okm
nhadyaoi · 11 hours
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mail-me-a-snail · 3 months
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pentiment and the meaning of legacy. pentiment and knowledge being either passed down lovingly between generations or set upon shoulders like sin. pentiment and the FUCKING LEGACY
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queenmouseyy · 10 months
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poke-irs-real · 1 year
okm hnow dos it feeel to bn elike me
it was an interesting experience. Significantly slimier than I’d prefer
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melissa-titanium · 1 year
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TEPH...o en of my ocs......... his lore is long and ineed to redo it ithink but IN Short he is the epitome of bad luck and eveyron who adopted him either had a loved one die or TEHY died or their town had famines/pillagers or just bad shit happened wherever he wejnt + if you looked him inthe eyes there was like a 99% chance youd die so someone forced himto cover them upbut then eventually they got sick of him and TIED HIM TOTHE BOTTOM OF A GORGE and planned torelease him later in life when he was older (all of this happens when hes a child) but then gradually the otrovani who came down to feed him started forgetting and then he survived YEARS on scraps of dead animals that fell down into the gorge. eventually the chains that held him down rusted and he escaped, furious at the world and at the gods for punishing him despite his innocence. yada yada shit happens Two kingdoms who were feuding are about to unite (one including hte otrovani, the dragons that improsiond him)) so he was like Okm. im gonnacome to the wedding and therye gonna get assassinated and SURE ENOUGH. that happened and a war like none before broke out and no one even knwe it was him
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nagito-komaeda428 · 2 months
The clap games tht rbothose peopl play the tgames where yoouu say sowmethjng and clap and peoel find it fun DO YOU HQVE ANY OTHER IDEAS IM WD ON TNR KNWOW WAATHWARA TRO DDO O IJ OKM THIS BOAT
I guess I could try that… I’ve never done it before. How does it go?
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ninety-pairs-of-socks · 5 months
i just have 1thibg to say and its i Louve yuo/p yoyre supa funny and Im . im grabbinf yuo (affectionate
yourethe best okm. also I still wrroy about yuo pease stay safe Ilove yuo forever/p
i wonder who this is/silly
in all seriousness though thankg yuo agogskgdgdoauruy,,,,,,, i love you too <3/p, you stay safe as well yo7r so coo!!@!!!!!
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dearimasu · 11 months
t.toichiro in the. the. in the. the . the. the inへ。といちろすずき Hello. the word dominaruon arc and anyrhing prior tot aht okm? world arc domination arc and anything rior to that. hes not ###########$$ anymore dont worryhahah. haha.
(was an image i thiz post HWAT THEうckはhうckはhther
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ok? no it goes beyond im a lucky fucky hockey pucky it goes into the grave choi yeonjun 1234 dead! dead! mayoko okino is alive in a well manga what? no clue ask her hahha ok so dead dead! dead dead! dead! death death! death? death! death? death! dead oh no shes dead! ew ur a dead donut boy jisung from nct dream is my enemy but not really i just blue song away she goes home for queeno bendy get bent! get bent! get bent ur mean and im jack skelly the whore house mafia queen of super super fuck u bitchs! ew shes a whore writer ew! ur lame not my jiathon hahha omg ok? so no! i dont write manga? i write fan fiction! what ew ur lame xxc ew ur gothic?! ew im all the time who is this? its ur lame ass mama ew! im not ugly! electrumsol is death ew! i cant understand complex emotions or simple ones for that matter and they are at a stand still what did u mean jack skellington? i mean this i love her! but i cant write with her ew! its chanhee!as ! as it were we are going to find out if this cunt is british or not bc it is really bothering me yes ok! so find out bc she si is an special interest trained assasin no! she is not an assasin she is an manga writer at best so beautiful and ew! they like each other? no! she never understood that chanhee died 3 months ago by death of a fire hazard so no way thats real! im alive!! he is not alive he died by a fire hazard chanhee said nothing else yes what day? august 31st 1963 was literally the other day are we no? im not schizoaffective so what happened to me? okM so who is this? its ur brother chanhee jack skellington is a liar its the suicide boys stop!
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suiciderape · 1 year
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these photos are secrets and so are my posts bc i cannot live like this without u ruining eterni romeo u kill me and i liminal mall so go home and prepare to go to aleiahs 2023 apt bc the band got back together theresa is in europe and rhyma is in texas im in china commander in chief of the russian mafia in scared? rhyma is not scared of she knows nothing who are u? im in charge of ur late? who is she? the girl walking up? its me but? i will never hear about that keeho who is he? her brother who is her name? her daddy bitch surf! zeus ok so he changed the font picture? she was 14 i was 10 noo i was 40 bout she was 40 so why hahaha why did u say it was me? im not happy shes notA who is that?? shes renee hollins doesnt exist jessica barnes i know her cousin who? kiser barnes no relation at all nah i do know her im zeus dotta bitch huh me 2 no shes not related 2 u dude shes okM out bye ignorant bitches nah i know her no u dont im telling tahirih shes going home tonight with her real family the yoon family keeho bitch nvm ok im good so anway ub
have to meet him now shes going up
who is this walking on the bridge ignorant bitches! suprr cunt ew ok go home rn byee ew ok huh! a staircase and its got a lot of bridges too ewww ok bye bridges?! hell nah bitch its a staircase dumb af shes right it is a staircase but kiser is in to play the game as her dumb incest cousin bc that right there is why we hell nah ok bye i said show tahirih ew who is she? dotta bye ew! he goes in by sweet laanding she needs nothing from him u said his name bc of myspace what is her name? jessica landing what? ew its not its earl james jones a geto bitch jassix jessoc nvm kiser name is jassix jessoc no he is not staying so bye there ew she has no idea what is going on she got upset about something bye
waot bye bye botxh bitch it is jessica landing thats not real fb real ur right bye no syay
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
to see anyoje do id
Uh. Yng mn n wmn nt see as ugly or lusty or motherly, mybe y itnerested bc not like those types or weights
Wt, shrt dhwr ok
No bdy blnc nt hlp
2 bits begning n 1 end b mn 1. Jor n louis n pushbk n towel n hrd get out n phys attr n fst n no n wt n y n worsts n v sry? Mybe tht it, sry n shout n idk b weird eml n prsn n ok n no n idk n ok n okidk n mybe idk hkjjuh,no,dif way nt the way, n ok n idk n pths okhmuhh,
Sth idk if tht 1, mybe, omg , hste, nt cold shwr b hot shwr
Ok so ambient indirect
Nt write. Shwr,ok,ww, dif time, omg,immersivs,okhm,uh,no,jkuh
Ok df voice, idk, want do or wtjlih
Ok poo, end, when gone, idk if close js physical n joking. Not want talk to me, giant, not liked, nt handl, ww,hmih,okjmuh,ww,no,typical, nt answer when not have answer,okhmuhkokhmiij,,okhkuh,okhk,dk,hmuuokhm,ha, js have exp n thing n presence, scnd bit, b wt abt presence, urs bads? U talk w them b y stay
Ww n sth , ow , hotel room in ny? Cheapest, bc not stay there, was that it, ifk, sometime, b ww hs scold in p,ww,hkuh,yh, listen,hmuh,okhmu,okh,uh,no,hkuh,ok,hm,uh,wwzhmuh,ok,hk,i,ok,,k,u,o,k,h, ok end ww retreat to dark nt hear noises,wwhmkhuh,idk,wtzhkuh,nt hlp w hanging,hkuh,ok,uh,idk,hmkuh,nt see,hkuh,idk,wt,,hkuh,dk,wt,whowhere, idk csnt tell hkuh,y, ordr, mad w territory or wtjku,hmidk uhidk hmkhmuh okhmuh okjmuh ok hmuh khm uh, wtww idkhmuokhm,okhu
Col ideas take long to spread in business world n minorities or ppl contacting those ideas or communities believing them,wwhkkuh,idk,col nt lk that, n sui nt like that,okhmuh,sth,hkuh,,ok, viralness,okhmuh,ww,sth,hkjjmuh,2mybe or 1 or none,jkjh,wwh,ku,
Straight n not hypersexual or sexual for everyone or partciular ppl, gd lessz nt nd mthring,ww,hmkhhmuh,idk,get out,ww,idkhkuohkuh,ww,okhmuh,bits, nt ,ww,no,hkuh,so tlk, okhmuh,wwhkkkuh,okhjuh,wwm,i,jokno. Bitshkiu,ok,
Okhmuhww, long through books,wwhmkhm uh, okhmuh,ww,sth,theme,h k ih,no,jlu,edh,kuh,ok
No food anymorez duf concern, hide, mad at leaving,okhmuh,looked? Hmhuh, see light,okhkuh,day,end, when goneo,kjmuh,no,hmuh,wt,jkok,dk,hmh,who,hmjuh,pl,jkuh,ok,not pwrson,hkuh,ok**
So mny ways cd fail n often nt care ,okhmu,kokh,m,uh,no
Ok idk ww hmkhju,understan nt lk that,okhmuh,mybeh,muh,followups,okhkuh mybe,hkih,ok,hkuh,khm,hm,okhmuh,hmuojkj,hkuh,okm,mybeh,ku,okhm,no,hkuh,idk,hkuh,agn,twc,hkh
Bursty, ok, no, ok, ok,uh,no, flourish, no, you like the other ppl b more energy,okhmuh,ok,hku,ok,uh,wwh,mkhmuh,no,hkuuh,no,ok,hmuh,okhmu,idk,js energy,hkkjuh,no,h k hu,plj k uh, ok,wwh,muh,okhmuj,no,jku,ok,hm,uh,okh,k
Doable hkhmu,okhmuh, fantasy of tv,hmku,ok,jmuh,
Ok uh ask n hlp understand idkhmuh,omg,y,hmjhuh,not understand limits, what's hapoening. Who know ,idk, die
Okhmuh,whete,idk,form,hmkuh,where,who,hkkuu,time b prejudice lk nonproblems,hmkhmuh,idk,surviv,ok,not go bc wr,hkk h uh,ok,hmuh,yesterday? Light? Wwhkhmuh,okhkuh,wwh,ku(&?, okhku,wwh,kiu,ok,j,ku,h,midk,hku,ok,h,u,wwjmkjh. Okhmuh nc hmk nc hmkuh wt hmuh
Ok idk no,hkuh,no,hkuh,hmjhuh,hno,hk j, okhm,u,no
Oknohkjkuh. Y they say yes. Nowt. Y say df of trues,j,m,u,h,h,m,u,no,worse,hkwrost,jku,ook,
Uhoh odk b cant say dk b then shame, hkuh,okhm,no,hkuh,ok,hmuh,yh,hnkkok,yh,jkokhk,uu,ok,hkuh,yh,
Ok idk, beat u. Idkh,kuh,mybeh,kuh,fure?hku,hirk,hkuh,dk,hku,ok,hm,uh,no,hkuh,idk,hk,k,ok,uh,k,hm,u,jok,w,wt,klo,jh,u
Bit ok n not ready n shock,okhmuh,n,wtzhkhkhkno,ok,
Ok when yhere maybe idk, spirituslized him n lookijg,ww, write ,idk,not record sound or thoughts? Idk, ww,idk,hkukhm,mybe,idk, trying colg or jrnl so idk,hmkhuh,wwh,kuh,not there thgh, not loss b interesting n not bc not there b that helps?hmku,o,kj,kih,
Ok idk b usually nt work,okhmu,o,kh,muh
Form evrywh
Cul,wt,business? What cul is that, jargon,hmjhju,ok,hmuh,yh
Problem omg die ,noh k huh,no,hmkhuh,ok h jj,nowt,y,hkkihokk,no,
Im nt about selling or a being an actor, if u like u can discuss , i not move on from doing b talking,hkjuh,okjih,book os for others now,mention, list, have around, b tsk other stuff,hkjhuh,im not promoterzhkuh,okhjuu,nonhkokhhn
Sont be elite. Havent seen anyone it doesnt get to alot, either they defend w too mch gratitude that cant focus, or think they're hot shit so they become hot piles of shit
Not deflect ethical. Is interest in war ethical. Why people like war. Why not express anger less violent like force w things more throwable.
Bgnr ok idkh,mulhj,
Okok plc , plc,okhmuh,dk,ok,hmuh,mybsh,kulhm,ww,early,jmukhm,hm,uh,dk,hkukhk,uhoh,jij, food tempting n btr without ish odkhmul,hm,uh,ww,fd n taste n tempt, idk, not material anymrw,hmuh,o,but,
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babylion · 3 years
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thirteenhoes · 7 years
All these concert photos are having my bIAS LISTS SHAKING PLZ
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ladyvalikage · 4 years
It was so much easier to keep up with the Role-playing and storyline aspect of the Dream SMP when it was just Wilbur and Tommy doing Hamilton bits and starting a revolution for the laughs.
Now godamn EVERYONE is getting into the roleplay and they all got thier own storylines and arcs happening all at once and I just can't even rn there too much content I only have so many hours in my day that I can watch anything please all yalls on the server please calm thyselves and slow down the plot yalls are getting too powerful I can't do this theres too many of you that are doing story things and doing cool arcs plz guys plz slow down this is too much I- *cries*
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angel-archivist · 2 years
izzy hands ppl is just wow there is something wrong with this man and it is fascinating
From the first scene w him he's just captivating, literally just watching this little pirate guy in his little enclosure w his homoerotic captain falling in love with the 'normalest' man ever and watching him lose his mind over it. hes so funny i hate him <3
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flops · 3 years
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oh ok 😁
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