#im not fucking lying guys it makes my day when i see yall talking about your muses
hegrowth · 11 months
listen. if you are passionate about your muse then people will notice, and they will be drawn to it. it's hard not to deny that positive, excited "this is my blorbo" energy ! I fcking love seeing folks talking about their muses on my dash, it gives me life, it makes me excited for them and excited to see more from them.
so quick shoutout to the highlights of my dash this week, giving me the meta and discussions I love to see: landis on @shiitb4lls with benoit blanc, melody on @spiderwarden with minthara, and ernest on @whiteyed with their oc ouk.
please know I respect your passion, and I'm so excited to share it with you. please please please keep it up, and never ever worry you're talking too much or that nobody cares... because you aren't, I will find your post and I will care, because you made me care. sending you all so much love for you and your muses !! <3
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mwagneto · 16 days
hungarian/nomadic magyar tumblr circa 998AD dashboard simulator
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🏞️ vándor-ló-979 Follow
not yall still spreading emese's foundation myth??? she literally claims she fucked a bird????? like either she's lying or she cheated and she's trying to cover it up or well. i dont even want to consider the third option
🪺 magánügyek Follow
tengri forbid women do anything???
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🦅 szél-könnyű-szárnyán-szállj Follow
okay im sick of the discourse let's do this.
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🐎 istván-rovására Follow
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that took so long lmao -> !!!!!!!∧◇ᛏ⋈∧
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🐴 csillagösvény Follow
i'm so serious rn if you support """istván""" in any way just unfollow and block me. we do NOT need him or his dumbass god and what he's been doing to our people to spread his religion is shameful.
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
btw we all know your real name is vajk stop larping as a christian it's EMBARRASSINGGGG
✝️ esztergom-örökké Follow
love seeing my mutuals reblogging this /s anyway op has multiple posts on their blog supporting quartering and human sacrifice. in case you were wondering. anyway stand with István
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
1) we dont even do human sacrifices, are you fucking stupid??? show me ONE post where i talk about that. 2) are you seriously forgetting that your bestie istván LITERALLY QUARTERED HIS UNCLE?????
#sorry to put this dumbass on the dash😭 dont even engage just block them #ur not making it up the tree of life lmao #discourse
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🌅 bolygó-kárpáti Follow
friendly reminder that just because you're white passing doesn't mean you're not a real magyar!! people with mixed parents are just as valid <3
🏇 attila-népe Follow
cranky coz ur ancestors decided to mix with the europeans arent you
🧺 lemezelő Follow
isnt your girlfriend literally frankish????
🏇 attila-népe Follow
you had to have done some serious stalking to find that💀 and first of all i didn't have a choice, my parents picked the tribe, and second of all she's not my "girlfriend" i got her via ritual kidnapping (WITH consent. before anyone gets weird)
🌐 a-kiber-kovács Follow
Couldn't you have kidnapped another magyar woman? Or someone from another mongoloid tribe?
🔅 hadúrsimp Follow
ohh sure so now human pet guy is gonna chime in to advocate for the kidnapping of our women while being lowkey racist. what are you even doing on nomadblr????
🌅 bolygó-kárpáti Follow
what the fuck happened to my post
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🪔 rakabonciás Follow
for the nth time, you're only a true shaman if you were born with teeth OR with extra fingers OR in the sac. the rest of you are faking & we can tell.
🦅szél-könnyű-szárnyán-szállj Follow
okay people keep spreading this but this is literally just wrong?? like congrats on the 6 fingers op im glad u and Little Golden Father have a special connection (genuinely) but like. táltos and sámán and mágus and garabonciás and javas etc are all different things with completely different requirements and life paths which you should definitely know if you're claiming to be one?? especially since your post says shaman but you're listing the criteria for a táltos, and your username looks like a play on garabonciás so. which is it🤔 maybe get your facts in order before trying to gatekeep
anyway don't listen to op!! your connection to the Upper World is yours alone and you're the best judge of what the Fathers and Mothers want your path in life to be!!
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🛐 mea-culpa Follow
It breaks my heart that the majority of my people still refuse to see the One True God and insist on sticking to their pagan spirits. I fear that when judgement day comes, we will all be wiped out thanks to their foul godless ways.
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
how tf am i godless when i literally have dozens of gods? little mothers and little fathers are in everything all around us & it must suck ass to live in a world where you're not surrounded by the small gods that inhabit everything. manifesting that the fene and the guta tag team beat your ass tonight
🔅 hadúrsimp Follow
hadúr will literally strike op down personally. he told me himself. whispered it to me sweetly even
🐴 csillagösvény Follow
while i agree with you, i feel like you might also have ulterior motives, nomadblr user hadúrsimp
#but live your truth! doubly so on the posts of these freak repressed bible lovers. meanwhile on the #COOL side of magyarhood we walk around butt ass naked!!! op have fun never experiencing joy ever again tho #discourse
198 notes
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👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
posting from an alt so i don't get cancelled but lowkey i'm starting to think koppány was right.... maybe this christianity thing isn't gonna work out after all
👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
👑 sanctus-stephanus Follow
🪺 magánügyek Follow
ISTVÁN????????????? 💀
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artemismoorea03 · 2 years
Building Trust (Chirp AU)
Anyways thank you guys so much for all the love we both really appreciate it and love reading ur comments. Im sitting here at 2am writing this and i already know by the time i wake up yall are gonna be crowding up my inbox.
Again thank you all so much for the appreciation. Cant wait to share all artemis and i have planned :D Grabs Macaque and fucking squishes him WHO WANTS BLORBO CONTENT?!?!??!
Anyways lmao enjoy the chapter !!!
MK wasn’t sure what had happened that day with Macaque and Wukong but what he did know was that it was only the beginning of a lot of changes. Both personally and in his day-to-day life. For starters, he began to chirp at everything almost instinctively.
Stub his toe? Chirp.
Drop something on his foot? Chirp.
Get frustrated or overwhelmed? Chirp.
It got so frequent and often that the other people in his life even began to take notice and question it. Pigsy asked about it and was quick to understand that it was another ‘monkey thing’. Tang thought it was a new type of stim that he was adjusting too and said, ‘it probably feels nice and calming to let out all those frustrations and anxieties so you might be chirping more and more as a buildup of stress’ which made MK feel a bit better about chirping as much, but he still worried about the effect it could have on Macaque and Wukong if they were around.
Speaking of which, both of them were beginning to make appearances around the restaurant more and more since that day. Macaque was quick to check in on him first thing in the morning before MK even properly left his apartment, his shadow figure was standing in the hall of the restaurant. He never stepped out of his shadow, only asking if he was alright, how he was feeling, and checking to make sure his head wasn’t giving him any issues. Macaque would then vanish just as quickly as he showed up just for Wukong to show up a short time later asking the same questions.
Though Wukong had the added question of “ Any sign of that rat Macaque? ”
Something MK quickly decided to lie to his mentor about. He didn’t know what happened that day but did know that he hadn’t really seen his mentor looking that vicious before. He didn’t know if Wukong could tell he was lying but if he did notice he never pointed it out.  
This continued for about a week, getting visits from Macaque and Wukong every other day, though there was once where Macaque visited twice in a row just so he and Wukong started visiting on different days to avoid seeing one another. But each time something similar began to happen until a new pattern formed.
Macaque would stay in the shadows (more so under MK’s bed once he invited the demon into his apartment) and talked to him from under there while avoiding too much light as he talked to MK or just listened to MK ramble. He also occasionally slipped pieces of paper out of the bed that were recipes, notes and even a cut out ad from a magazine.
“What’s this for?” MK asked, looking at the ad. “ Hair-and-fur shampoo? That’s a thing?”
“Yep. It’s how Wukong keeps his hair all ‘ fabulous ’ or whatever.” He said sarcastically. “If the chirping has any implications of anything, bud, you might be changing. I’m not sure how or why, but if you are starting to change I’d look into getting some of that. Normal fur shampoo will destroy your hair and hair shampoo will make your fur sticky.”
“Oh, okay thanks… but what do you mean ‘changing’?”
“Well, think about it. Chirps are the first sounds a cub knows how to make when they’re born. Could be signs that you’re turning into a monkey. Though we probably can’t be sure until you start to chatter… or sprout a tail.” Macaque said, his glowing eyes looking towards the door. “Your dragon friend is here. Cya, bud.”
Then, like that, Macaque slipped out of sight as Mei walked into the room.
“Hey, monkey man~! Are you ready to dance until your feet fall off?!” She said, then looked at MK. “Why are you sitting on the floor?”
“Huh? Oh! I dropped this.” He said, holding up the paper, “Then I sat down and started reading it.”
“What is it?” Mei walked over, looking down at it with a smirk. “ Hair-and-fur Shampoo ? Maybe you should buy some of that for Macaque. Who knows the last time he bathed.” She teased.
“Mei.” MK sighed, “You sound like Wukong.” He got up, putting the paper onto his bedside table.
“Hey, let’s keep the insults to a minimum now.” She said with a huff, “But seriously, what’s with that?”
“Uh… just started thinking, I guess. Since I started chirping I might be changing, so might as well be prepared.”
“Changing? Like what? Monkey puberty?”
MK shrugged, “Something like that. Now, let’s go before the arcade gets too crowded. I don’t want to stand in line forever.”
“Oh! Right! Leggo~” She said, taking his hand and pulling him out of the apartment.
The next day Wukong showed up in the restaurant itself.
“It always smells so good in here~” He said, sniffing the air as he sat at the stool.
“You sure have been showing up here a lot lately.” Pigsy commented, “Not that I don’t mind the business, I mean at least you pay.” He said, shooting a glare at Tang who seemed offended while MK chuckled. “Something going on?”
“Nah, just making sure Macaque keeps his grubby little hands off of you guys. I don’t know what he’s up to lately but if I show up here enough he’ll eventually get tired or face me himself. Either way, MK will be safer if I show myself sometimes.”
MK frowned, tightening his grip on the broom as he began to sweep again.
“I thought Macaque changed? Plus, he didn’t do any serious damage to MK, so… why are you out for blood, Monkey King?” Tang pointed out and Wukong frowned, then sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Macaque has ‘changed’ before.” Wukong said, quietly thanking Pigsy for the noodles and fruit dumplings in front of him. “I don’t want to think that this was like any of the other ‘changes’ but I can’t risk it, plus Macaque being near people - for any reason - is dangerous. For everybody involved.”
“You keep saying that, but what does that even mean?” MK asked, throwing his broom to the ground before he could even process that he was getting mad enough for this. “You say he’s ‘dangerous’ you say ‘he can’t be trusted’ but he saved me from you ! That’s enough for me! He saved me, helped me save you, and yes he did some bad things but he’s not a bad guy!”
Wukong tensed, looking back at him before he sighed. “Listen, bud. There’s a lot about Macaque that you don’t know-”
“THEN TELL ME!” MK said, stomping his foot with rage as the ground trembled slightly. “I don’t know anything about Macaque but I also don’t know anything about you! All I know about you, I read but I… I don’t know you Wukong.” He said, trembling as his eyes burned with frustrated tears. “I don’t know anything other than you picked an everyday, average, boring noodle delivery boy to be your successor…”
“Kid…” Pigsy began, walking around the counter. “Take a breath, you’re going to make yourself sick if you keep working yourself up.” He gently put his hand on MK’s shoulder.
“MK has a point.” Tang hummed, scratching his chin like an older gentleman would rub a beard. “All we know about the Six-Eared Macaque is some of his abilities, the Shadow Play stunt he pulled, and the way he helped us. But on a research standpoint, the Journey to The West only tells us that Macaque is one of four Celestial Primates and that he tried to use your appearance to seek out immortality. We also know that you killed him with your staff before reuniting your group and continuing your journey. Other than that one instance we have no idea what Macaque has done, and weighing the ‘good’ and ‘bads’ of the situation he’s helped more than harmed.”
Wukong popped a dumpling into his mouth, his tail swishing in a way that almost implied frustration like a cat read to pounce. “Well, there’s more to it than that. A lot more. But, no matter what that filthy monkey’s done… I have a promise to keep to him.”
“A promise?” Pigsy said as MK rubbed tears out of his eyes.
Wukong nodded, “Yeah, a promise. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you about why he’s dangerous but I promised Macaque that I wouldn’t mention it to anybody… though that was a long time ago. Before I killed him…” He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, “But for respect to the Macaque of the past I’m going to keep my mouth shut. Sorry, bud…”
MK shook his head, “Whatever… I’m going on my break.” He said, his voice wavering as he walked out of the building.
MK stomped down the street, trying to calm his heart which was pounding so hard in his chest he felt dizzy. The world was so loud when he was this upset, it was like everybody in Megapolis had microphones and big speakers attached to their backs and were all screaming at the same time. It was loud, crowded, and overwhelming.
His hands found their way to his hair, pulling at the strands as he tried to distract himself from how busy his mind was becoming with each step.
‘ He promised Macaque not to say, that means he’s doing it for Macaque, but it’s also hurting Macaque! Shouldn’t a promise not count if the person you made that promise to is suffering?! ’ He thought, tugging his hair again. ‘ Macaque needs people too, and you keep chasing everybody away from him all for a promise? Unless that promise was to make sure he was alone forever I don’t think he should keep it, and even if it was… shouldn’t the ‘respect for the past Macaque’ carry on now? If the past Macaque is hurting like the Macaque in the present then we should help him. ’
Mk took a sharp breath in, the afternoon air filling his lungs and attempting to calm him. Yet that incessant pounding in his chest wouldn't cease.The pounding was beginning to hurt, his breathing was unsteady and his eyes blurred with tears threatening to fall. It was all so frustrating. Every time Wukong did this it was like…no matter how much they go through, how close they get Wukong just won't talk to him. First the Lady Bone Demon, then the Samadhi fire, and now this! Mk let their breath out and ungripped his hands. Letting go of his hair and letting his arms fall to his sides.
He tried to steady his breathing but it wouldn't work with him, the frustration and anger grew within him with every new thought crossing his mind. He wishes he was strong enough to face Monkey King and get him to tell him everything, with no lies or excuses. The complete and utter truth, yet that seems too hard for Monkey king to do.
Mk’s walk is blinded by his thoughts and the tears that drip onto the concrete. He doesn't really know where he’s going and he doesn't care much. He just keeps walking while his frustrated mind and pounding heart guide him through the city. When he finally stops it's because he can't walk anymore. His legs have become sore and his frustrations have become too much for him. He needs to sit down.
Mk raises his head to look for a seat and something calms in his when he notices Macaques dojo not too far from him. He doesn't know how he made it all the way here yet he doesn't seem to care. His legs move on their own, walking towards the dojo with every step becoming quicker by the second till he’s full-on sprinting towards the dojo. When he gets there he throws open the door and finds Macaque in the main training room.
He’s panting while standing in a fighting stance, he’s not wearing a shirt so he must have been solo training. Mk knows he doesn't look good or okay, he wishes the thoughts weren't so deafening so maybe he could have thought to wipe away the tears and snot. Breathe the red out of his cheeks and nose. Then walk into the dojo with his usual big bright smile so Macaque didn't have to deal with this. With him.
Mk doesn't realize he chokes on his breathing, little sobs that escape him as he tries to breathe normally again. So he definitely doesn't notice the sad chirp he makes and what it does to Macaque the moment he hears it.
He doesn't have to know anything wrong, he shouldn't have to burden himself with his issues, it's not his problem, Mk’s just too sensitive for his own good and gets too upset over every little thing. It's really pathetic and stupid an-.
Arms wrap around Mk and pull him into a warm embrace, Mk is quick to throw his arms around Macaque and sob into dark fur. Between sobs, sad chirps continue to escape his lips. He lets Macaque pick him up and carry him somewhere. He doesn't know exactly where since dark fur covers his eyes as he continues to cry out his overwhelming frustrations. He’s suddenly set down in the middle of something familiar and soft. Mk opens his eyes and recognizes the familiar blankets and pillows beneath him.
It's the nest he and Macaque made the first time Mk had started chirping. He had kept it here? Mk’s hiccups and sobs crawled up his throat again as he was suddenly left alone without him ever noticing. He looks around the dim room for Macaque but doesn't see him anywhere, not in the room, not in the shadows. He’s nowhere to be found. What, did he just dump him in here to cry so he didn't bother Macaque with his annoying crying. He should have known, he should have known not to come and just cried it out on his own like he normally does. Instead of burdening other people with his issues. He should have known that he wouldn't get the comfort he sought for most.
He chirped again, this one louder than any he’s ever done before, then he sobbed and after another chirp. This repeating pattern of sobs and chirps as he curled up and hid his face into his knees is what causes something to drop outside. He grips onto his hair again, hands desperate to do anything while he sobs.
Suddenly something breaks closer to him and then hits the wall, before Mk can register what exactly that sound was he’s being pulled into those same warm warms and soft frantic apologies.
“I'm sorry, I'm so so so sorry.” Something else warm and fluffy wrapped over Mk’s back and then around Macaque.
“Im wasn't gonna be gone for long. I'm sorry, see I grabbed a blanket for you. I'm sorry.”  Macaque wrapped an arm around Mk’s back rubbing gentle circles and his other hand combed Mk’s hair.
“Shhh, it's okay, let it out, let it all out.”
Mk grabbed onto Macaque as if his life depended on it, letting out frustrations even he didn't think he was still holding.
First Wukong not talking to him, avoiding the subject like he always did, leading to the Lady Bone Demon disaster, his best friend almost burning alive within the samadhi fire, Wukong getting possessed. Anything and everything going wrong till their on their last legs, barely coming up with a plan to save the world from being completely destroyed.
It all weighed so heavy on him, sure everything is okay now…but it isn't. It's not okay, nothing is okay and it hasn't been for a long time.
So he cries, he cries and he cries till his throat is sore, till his arms become too stiff to hold on anymore and he leans limp against Macaque.  Face red and stained with tears. Macaque grabs something off to the side and brings it close to Mk’s face, he wipes away the snot and tears then throws the tissue in a random corner to deal with later. Mk isn't crying anymore, tears still build and fall down his face but he can't bring himself to care. He’s too tired to care at all over something as small as a tear.
Mk blinks and looks around, Macaque's house is the same as ever, he doesn’t know if that's a good or bad thing. The nest is mostly the same, a few pillows in different places but that's the only difference. Mk wonders for a moment if Macaque’s been sleeping in the nest since they made it, if it's still here then it must be being used. Right? Mk hums to himself with that thought and looks at Macaque. He can't really see his face since he’s leaning against his chest, but because of the angle, he notices scar’s on Macaque's chest. Weirdly placed scars that seem familiar but Mk cant-
“Macaque?” Mk croaks, his voice sore and quiet due to all his crying.
“Hmm, yes? Do you need some water, another blanket?”
“Your trans?” Mk asks, looking up at macaque now, still leaning against him.
Macaque stared down at Mk, taking a breath in before answering. “...yeah,” he says, tightening his hold on Mk just slightly. Mk hums, putting his head back down.
“Me too.” he yawns, fighting the urge to let his eyes close.
“Really?” Macaque asks gently, combing through Mk’s now untangled hair. It wasn't much of a real question as it was to keep Mk distracted. Macaque had his suspicions but didn't comment on it. Felt it best not too.
“Mhm,” Mk hums, relaxing into the touch on his scalp. Something about the gentle caresses through his hair is just so…relaxing. So comforting. More so than any other form of comfort he’s experienced. It's soothing enough to just, fall asleep.
“Mei…Mei helped me get binders…and” Mk yawns “cut my hair….”
“I think you make a fine young man Mk.” Macaque hums, resting his head onto Mk’s head.
Mk sighs and finally closes his eyes “hmm, thanks…Momma.”
Macaque’s breath hitches, his fingers in Mk’s hair pauses and his tail lightly thumps against the floor.
Mk deosnt reply.
Mk breathes slowly and gently against his chest.
Macaque resumes his combing, letting his cub sleep. He needs the rest after crying that much. He can't bring himself to wake him up just to….
Macaque breathes, shaken and unsteady. His head still atop Mk’s. he doesn't know what to do when his heart leaps and something unfamiliar and scary builds in his chest. Yet it doesn't hurt, it doesn't make him cry. It's warm and protective. So he lets the feeling stay as he holds Mk against him. And with a sigh, he closes his eyes and lets himself rest.
Macaque stays there for a moment, not wanting to move MK from where he was clearly comfortable but after what happened last time MK was here he wasn't so sure. So after a moment of hesitation, he grabbed MK’s phone, but this time he didn’t bother just texting Pigsy or even calling him. Instead, he sent Pigsy’s contact to his own phone, then used his phone to call the restaurant.
“ Pigsy’s Noodles, home to the world's longest noodle. We’re not currently doing take-out orders but pick-ups are available. ” Pigsy’s voice said and Macaque hesitated.
“Pigsy, it’s Macaque. Don’t say anything, please, I know Wukong is there.”
A bit of silence, “ I see, how can I help you? ” Pigsy asked and Macaque let out a relieved sigh.
“MK just showed up at my place crying his eyes out. I don’t know what happened but I can guess… I just didn’t want you guys to worry. He’s with me, he’s safe, he’s just sleeping.”
“ Got it. Alright then. ”
“Do you want me to bring him back? I can take him to his apartment after Wukong leaves.”
More silence before Pigsy let out a sound that almost sounded like a sigh of acceptance. “ You know what, I don’t think we’re interested tonight. How about you keep the delivery at your warehouse tonight and drop it off tomorrow? I’m not sure we have the room in storage for it. ”
Macaque felt his eyes start to burn with tears as his tail flicked slightly. “Really?”
“ Yeah, why not. Other than a few bruised veggies I’ve never had any issues with your company. Just know that I’ll be keeping my eye on you and I’ll be sure to check the goods for bruises and damages upon drop off. Understood? ”
“I understand. Thank you, Pigsy… thank you.”
“ Don’t thank me. Enjoy your day off. ” Pigsy said then hung up.
Macaque looked at his phone before he put it down and relaxed.
Pigsy trusted him? After everything he’d done, Pigsy still trusted him? It was amazing and made his chest feel tight. Pigsy trusted him with MK, and he trusted him enough with him that he was letting MK stay the night. Though this did come with a bit of preparation.
Moving slowly he formed a clone to take his spot as MK’s pillow, continuing the pattern of hair petting that Macaque had been doing before Macaque left the room. He went to a more lofted area where his hammock was spread out and his clothes were discarded all around the room. He scrunched his nose, going towards the wardrobe as his tail swished. He didn’t have a lot of clean clothes left but he had a long-sleeved red shirt and black sweatpants with a blue and black “RavenClaw” patch on the left thigh.
‘ They’re all I’ve got to work with so he can use these. I just hope they’re not too big. ’ He thought, grabbing them both and taking it to the nest. He then put the clothes down on the corner of the nest, checking on the clone who gave a smile and a thumbs up telling Macaque that he can keep doing what he was doing.
Macaque smiled softly walking back into the main part as his tail swished.
‘ Now… dinner. What do kids eat? Noodles? It's too risky with Wukong there. Uh… maybe I have something ?” He thought, walking over to his cupboards.
Moldy bread, soggy old crackers, rice that had been gotten into by mice (gross), the milk could have been categorized as its own ecosystem just by looking at it through the carton, and there was something growing in a tupperware at the back of the fridge. Macaque’s ears drooped slightly, as he began to dump all of the food into the trash. One trash bag turned into two, then three. Finally, all that was left was canned soups that expired nearly a year prior. Hell, there was even a can that expired 5 years ago.
‘ What is this my emotional support can of soup? Why did I bring this everywhere with me? ’ He thought, flicking his tail with annoyance as he held it over the trash bag. ‘ It’s probably still good though. ’ He decided, putting it back in the cupboard.
Once the cupboards and fridge were clear of old and rotten food he took the bags out towards the alleyway dumpster. He then got to work on clearing the counter of old, broken, moldy, or plastic/paper dishes were either thrown away or put in the sink to be washed.
‘ When was the last time I cleaned? Why am I cleaning now? I guess it’s a good idea, MK could get sick if I don’t. I need to make sure the dojo is at least safe for him to walk through and stuff. ’ He thought, tying off another bag once it was full.
He continued cleaning the dojo, little by little making mental notes about broken glass, broken pieces of floor, and anything that was growing in corners. The longer he worked the more comfortable got until finally, he reached a point of comfort in the situation that he even began to sing and hum to himself.
Songs from musicals, old songs he’d caught others singing or new songs he’d heard over the radio. It didn’t matter, he sang whatever came to mind as he cleaned.
The dojo - for the first time since he trained MK - felt light and warm. A new kind of safety, comfort, and joy seemed to flow through the broken windows and empty halls. But why couldn’t he have done this when MK wasn’t here? Why could he only do it now that MK was sleeping in the other room? It didn’t make sense but honestly, Macaque didn’t need it to make sense.
Because it felt right.
It felt safe .
‘ Mama… ’ He thought again, ‘ I think I could get used to that… ’
When MK woke up it was to the sound of singing from another room. He blinked open his eyes, whimpering at the tightness in his chest where his binder sat as he sat up and rubbed his ribs. He then went to speak to Macaque who was now sitting behind him just to pale slightly when he realized by the slightly off appearance that it was a clone.
“Macaque?” He asked hesitantly as the clone picked up some clothes from the edge of the nest and held it out to him. The clone then tapped his shoulder where the binder straps sat. “You want me to change?”
The clone nodded.
‘ Macaque’s clones are strange… they’re not like mine but they’re not like Wukongs. It’s weird. ’
MK grabbed the clothes then got up as the clone dropped into the shadows and slipped out of the room without saying a word. MK then shook his head, pulling off his shirt before putting it on the nest. He then rolled up the binder slightly, slipping his thumbs under the shoulder straps as he pulled it up then over his head. The shirt that had been given to him was a bit dusty but not unbearably so and thick enough to hide himself. He shook the dust out of it, before pulling it on, the large shirt going down to his upper thighs making him feel like a little kid in his dad’s shirt. It was fun! He then pulled off his jeans, replacing it with RavenClaw pajama bottoms.
‘ RavenClaw, huh? ’ He thought, tying the strings so that they were snug around his waist. The only problem was that the pants had a small hole in the back for Macaque’s tail, but at least the shirt covered the hole. ‘ This is nice… but why? ’ He thought, picking up his phone as he looked at the messages he’d received since falling asleep.
Wukong had sent; Sorry, bud. We’ll talk about it someday, I promise. I hope you’re not too mad. Please be safe.
The message had hurt a bit, but knowing that it was as close to an answer as he was going to get for a while he just let out a sigh and went to the other message he’d gotten.
Pigsy had said; Told the monkey to watch after you tonight, that being said your window is unlocked if you want to come home. Take care of yourself, kiddo. We’ll see you tomorrow.
MK smiled, that explained some things at least. If Macaque was told to let him stay then of course Macaque would try to find him something to sleep in. Though, that didn’t tell him what the singing was about.
Walking towards the door he slowly peeked out and into the main area of the dojo. To his surprise it was clean. Something that MK hadn’t seen since he had been training with Macaque. Though there was something even more surprising and that was the fact that Macaque was the one singing as he swept the floors. He looked and sounded so happy.
‘ Did he want a sleepover that badly? ’ MK thought, stepping the rest of the way out. “M-Macaque?”
Macaque quickly turned, then cleared his throat. “O-oh! Hey, bud. How’d you sleep?” He asked, looking a bit sheepish.
“Good, how long was I out?”
“Uh, about an hour or two? How do the clothes fit?”
“They’re a bit big, but they’re cozy.” MK said, gently flapping the sleeves of the shirt as they fell over his hands.
To both the surprise of MK and Macaque the dark-furred monkey let out a soft almost purring-like noise before he coughed into his fist.
“Great! Uh, so I don’t have a lot of things to eat so I hope you can at least tolerate some of this canned stuff?”
MK looked at the options, eventually picking up one of the cans. “I’ll try this one. Pigsy spoils me quite a bit so I don’t eat a lot of canned things.” He laughed.
“That’s good. Canned shit isn’t good for people to eat all the time.” Macaque said, grabbing a can and opening it with the can opener before gently taking MK’s can and popping it open too. He then poured the contents of MK’s can into a pot and put it on the stove while he just grabbed a fork and began to eat straight out of the can.
“You’ve done a lot of cleaning, it looks really good.” MK said, watching as Macaque’s tail flicked at the praise.
“Yeah? Don’t know what got into me if I’m being honest. Just kinda started and didn’t stop, y’know?”
MK nodded, “Yeah, I get it. You should have woken me up though, I could have helped.”
“No way, cub. You’re a guest, you don’t get to clean.” He said, stirring the pot for a moment. “So… wanna talk about what made you so sad?”
MK looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “I… was arguing with Wukong. It was dumb and I lost my temper so I stormed off like a child.”
Macaque shook his head, “Cub, you are a child, that doesn’t mean that you’re acting childish. You were hurt, mad, and sad. Your fight-or-flight kicked in and you chose flight until you could calm down. Knowing when to walk away, especially when you’re pissed , is important.” He said, booping MK’s nose with his tail, making MK giggle.
“Of course, bud. If you never knew when to walk away from an argument then every little squabble would turn into a fight to the death. It’s just as important to know when to walk away as it is to know when to keep on fighting.” Macaque said, pulling the food off of the heat, pouring it into a bowl with a spoon that he sat at an island for MK to eat.
“But… I thought heroes were never supposed to back down from a fight?”
Macaque shook his head, “Nah, the real heroes are the ones who know which fights need to be fought to the end.” He said, taking another bite of his cold still-canned food.
MK nodded slowly, sitting at the island as he began to eat his food. “Macaque… why does Wukong keep saying you’re dangerous?”
He regretted asking the question as soon as it came out, watching the way the monkey bristled slightly then looked down as though avoiding the scolding of a parent.
“Because I am dangerous, MK. Sun Wukong… he’s right about that. I’ve hurt people, a lot of people including him… especially him. Wukong isn’t wrong for trying to keep me away from you and honestly if I could stand breaking your heart even just a little I would be staying away from you because I know that Wukong is keeping his eyes on me. He doesn’t trust me, and he has no reason to.”
“But you’re different, you’ve changed! You’re-”
Macaque put his can in the trash before he walked over, gently taking MK’s face between his hands. “I’m dangerous. Even if I’m not a danger to you at this moment… I’m still dangerous.”
“But how ? What aren’t you guys telling me? Why do you guys insist on keeping secrets from me to protect me but don’t explain when they hurt me?” He asked, not as angry as before but still just as hurt.
Macaque’s golden eyes scanned MK’s face sadly, “Okay… I’ll tell you a little, but I can’t tell you the full thing. Okay?”
MK relaxed, he would finally get answers? Really? Or was this just another trick? Gods, he was sick of tricks.
“Remember that story I told you; the one about the Hero and the Warrior?”
MK shuddered and Macaque shrunk down on himself slightly.
“I’m going to take that as ‘I wish I could forget’.” He said sadly, fixing MK’s hair before he jumped up onto the counter and sat down. Macaque rubbed his hands on his face, “Well, do you remember the part where I mentioned ‘the sun and the moon’?”
“I think so?”
“‘ The Hero and the Warrior were like the Sun and the Moon. Their light a protective glow shining upon the world. Together, there was nothing that could stop the two of them. Either in the Celestial Realms or on Earth’ .” He said and MK frowned, wondering where this was going. “It wasn’t all… metaphorical. I mean, most of it was but… not all of it. See… the moon itself has no light of its own. It doesn’t glow or shine at all without the help of the sun. But if the sun left the moon could - hypothetically - get other light from nearby stars. Does that make sense?”
“Not at all.” MK said as Macaque let out a soft laugh.
“Alright, more direct then. My powers are weak, bud. I have very little power compared to Monkey King - to you - but I am able to absorb access powers that more powerful Demons and Celestials put out in their day-to-day lives. It’s how I was able to do all that stuff with your powers the first time we met. But that was ‘the moon’ forcefully stealing light from the ‘sun’ and the ‘stars’.”
‘OH, I’M A STAR! Okay, things might make a bit more sense now.’ He thought but kept listening.
“With more casual and comfortable friendships and relationships and whatever I can gain power even faster. But… at a cost.”
“What kind of cost?” MK asked.
Macaque hesitated, ruffling his hair. “Story for another day, bud. Eat your food, that stuff tastes terrible cold.”
“Oh, okay… Wait, then why did you eat yours cold?!”
Macaque laughed, “Lack of self-preservation, don’t worry about it.”
“I’m immediately worried about it.” MK said with a soft scowl.
Macaque placed his hand on Mk’s face and gently pushed, chuckling at the way Mk’s face scrunches up and he stumbles in place. “Don't.” Macaque removes his hand and jumps off of the table. Then sets his empty bowl into the sink.
“I will.” Mk retorts immediately, staring down Macaque.
Macaque takes the empty dish from Mk’s hands and boops his nose, again chuckling as his face scrunches up cutely.
“ Ack, stop doing that!” Mk demands, watching Macaque put the dish in the sink.
“Hmmm.” Macaque approaches Mk.
“No,” he says, booping Mk’s nose again and earning the same reaction. Mk shakes his head and glares up at Macaque with no real venom while Macaque just smirks. Macaque reaches up to do it again but is stopped when Mk grabs his arm and then slaps his hand onto Macaque's face. Macaque lets out a surprised noise and brings up his other hand to grab at Mk but he lets go of Macaque and runs off laughing.
Macaque huffs and chases him, back into the room where the nest is. He vaguely recognizes how broken his doorknob is. Look he’s not accountable for the things his instincts do, he heard a crying baby. He's gonna break anything and anyone to get to the crying baby.
Suddenly Macaque is attacked by a heavy pillow hitting him in the face
“Hah payback!” Mk yells pointing at Macaque with another pillow in hand. Macaque pulls his pillow down and raises an eyebrow at Mk’s giggling shenanigans.
“Ooooh you do not want to go down that route kiddo,,”  Macaque says playfully. Mk’s glare on Macaque hardens.
“Bring it. Old man. ”
Macaque gasps with half fake offense “you little-” Macaque leaps towards Mk and Mk yelps, jumping away from Macaque with his pillow.
Macaque is quick to drop the pillow and chase Mk on all fours, jumping on different tables and chairs as Mk continues to scream and run through the room. Dodging Macaques every ‘attack’. Till finnaly Mk trips on a blanket and Macaque leaps to grab Mk, they both yell and tumble into the nest laughing. They end up in the middle of the nest, Mk laying on Macaques side and both of them laughing till their lungs hurt.  
“Haha…who’s old now… squirt, ” Macaque said between laughs and breathes.
“Still you.” Mk laughed out.
Macaque grabbed Mk by the middle with a fake roar and pulled him close. Again Mk yelped and faked an attempt at escaping.
“Nooooooooo!” Mk laughed while Macaque dug his head into Mk’s head.
“Yeeeeeeessss!” Macaque grumbled.
Macaque smiled, loosening his grip on MK slightly, before running his finger through the kid's hair once again. ��As fun as all of this is, if you keep picking a fight I will have no choice but to bring out the big guns and break my promise to your father~”
“Big guns?” MK tilted his head, “What do you mean?”
“I mean, if you keep calling me old, I’ll have to do this. ” He grabbed MK’s headband, using it to turn his head to the side before he blew a raspberry on MK’s cheek.
MK let out a shriek, kicking his feet as he laughed, grabbing at his headband. “Stop! Mercy! You win!”
“Oh? Are you sure? Because there’s a lot more where that came from, I’ve been saving them.” Macaque said as MK chuckled.
“I’m sure.” MK said, “You’re not old.”
“Good.” Macaque let him go and relaxed.
“You’re ancient. ”
“OI!” He said, grabbing MK again. But this time he rolled Mk over forcefully and pulled him into his chest. The little cub squirmed a bit but Macaque didn't let go, even as his tail grabbed the nearby blanket and pulled it over them. Mk finally freed his head from Macaque's hold and took a deep dramatic breath in.    
“You stink.”
“Your old and your stinky,” Mk said digging his face back into Macaques fur.
“Am I really?” Macaque chuckles lightly.
“Yeah and I bet you snore like an old man, an old stinky man.”
“Your so kind.” Macaque sighs.
“Mhm, I know.” Mk smiles, wrapping his arms around Macaque. Macaque does the same, then commands a shadow to reach up and flip the light switch. Turning off all the lights of the room.
The moonlight is now the only thing illuminating the room. Macaque traces its light with his eyes and how it leaks through his windows and over the various pieces of furniture and blankets till it reaches Mk. His cub really is adorable, especially with the light illuminating his features. If Mk didn't look like he was trying to fall asleep Macaque would pinch his cheek right here and now bit decided against it to let him sleep peacefully.
Macaque wrapped his tail around Mk and sighed, again noting how the moonlight covers his cub. His cub, normally illuminated by the sun’s blinding light. Now here resting within the moon's dim lights, happily content and comfortable.
Macaque only wishes he could experience this more often.
Mk slurps loud and obnoxiously on his cheese tea, then munches down on a fresh and hot croissant.
Macaque had nothing good or fresh to eat for breakfast, he should probably get some for the next time Mk comes around. As long as other food things. He’d sure like to try some new snacks along with making sure Mk was fed well whenever he was around. But since he didn't have any good things to eat this morning he decided to buy himself and Mk some breakfast. Mk had insisted on cheese tea while the croissant was Macaque's idea.
“Thanks, Macaque!” Mk said, muffled by the croissant stuffed into his mouth.
“Sure.” Macaque tapped Mk’s back with his hand, gently pushing him “but maybe you should try taking smaller bites”
Mk leans over due to the push and his face scrunches up, he then straightens up and with his eyes closed tightly he swallows the entirety of the croissant. Macaque silently prepares himself to care for a choking cub, he’s sure that after this Pigsy is going to beat him away with a wooden spoon the next time he comes around. Although it seems Mk’s just fine as he throws a thumbs up with his free hand
“Hah, did it!”
“Why?” Macaque asks. Mk hums
“Because I can!’ He decides and Macaque chuckles to himself while shaking his head.
When they get to the noodle shop Macaque tenses, searching for any sign of Wukong yet he finds none, and most-not all he’d be a fool if he let down his guard tension falls.
“Hi, Pigsy!” Mk yells out, waving to the pig demon at the front of his shop messing with the open sign.
“Hey kid” Pigsy waves. Mk runs over to Pigsy leaving Macaques's side empty. As he approaches the two talking he takes notice of how empty it feels without Mk beside him, his tail gently grazing the ground where Mk once stood beside him. He dug his hands into his pockets and looked around the street. Trying not to feel awkward as Mk and Pigsy talked.
That is until the pig approached him with a white bag in his hand.
“Good job with the kid,” He said, holding the bag on his side. Macaque nodded.
“Y-yeah, anytime…for him,” Macaque said, watching as Pigsy stared him down. He almost felt like he was on the chopping block as Pigsy searched for something within him. Whatever he was searching for he seemed to find because the next thing he knows Pigsy is shoving the white bag into his arms.
“The kid likes you, I don't know why…I don't know what he sees in you but it's something…”
Macaque notes how the bag is warm with a container inside.
“Whatever it is for his sake I hope he’s right…about you”
Macaque sniffs the air and realizes its noodles, fresh and warm noodles.
“Don't disappoint him, okay,” Pigsy says. Letting Macaque grab the bag and removing his own arm from his chest to step back.
Macaque looks up from the bag and to Pigsy. Something clicks in him. Seeing Pigsy confront him while Mk stands a bit of a ways behind him. Just enough so that their conversation is private but Mk is still present. Pigsy cares for Mk just as much as Macaque does. Protective and warm. He wants to hold onto this feeling. He never wants to let it go. Not again. He can't ever let his light fade from his life again.
Hehehe i wrote the breakdown scene btw hehehhee If ur from my fics YOU KNOW THE DRILL LINE UP Kicks bucket TEARS GO IN HERE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. FOR COMPENSATION YOU GET A WEIGHTED BLANKET AND A HOT DRINK. Thank you so much for reading. See you guys next time!!! -Stella
(Stella is so awesome, if you haven't checked out their stuff you should. Their writing and art is just absolutely amazing! I also hope that these chapters help make up for the lack of chapters of Monkies Aren't Alright lately. I'm trying to give the Season 4 Specials/Season 4 to come out in English. But I'm still working on it, I promise :D) - Ari
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money"
these are all widely believed theories among taekookers.
and i think..its absolute garbage.
i was talking to an acquaintance the other day and while on the topic of bts and ships (she's an army+tkkr) she started talking abt how im "kinda dumb for being a jikooker", i asked why, she said "jikook is only used to cover up tkk's real relationship" and proceeded to carry on abt why she thinks so, and i sat and listened while suppressing my laugh bc it was so fucking funny how she wasnt able to provide a single concrete piece of evidence but continued to talk shit. knowing it would never end i got up and left. now im writing this here bc i can never think of a good response immediately lol.
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
suppose, you possess two gvns, one in your pocket and another at your home. but gvns are illegal w/o a license and you dont have one, the police are chasing you , so you run back home. you need to hide your gvn, you see the other gvn lying around and get a mindblowing idea.
"Let's hide this gvn behind that gvn, they'd never know!"
ofc they got to know. they found it immediately and you got your sentence.
now that you're reading this, you might think thats beyond stupid and no one would do that.
tkkrs existing: ....
bc how the fuck are you supposed to hide a gay ship with another gay ship? the backlash will be the same. the homophobia will be the same. the criticism will be the same. esp when the two ships have a common member. i have nothing else to say other than this is the most nonsensical theory ive heard.
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
you guys are making out jungkook to be hybe's little puppet who cant say no to anything the company says. like are you talking about the jungkook who doesnt give a shit abt the company's orders? who will rebel when he feels like it? who will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? the exact copy of jin? and we all know jin doesnt give a flying fuck abt the company rules lol. and neither do the other members. bts make their own rules. i thought we all established that ages ago? and what would hybe even do if they break rules? fire them? lmao, bts=hybe. hybe couldnt do anything even if they wanted to. besides yall are acting like hybe doesnt have anything better to worry about rather than getting fanservice scripts ready for jikook to follow.🙄
not to mention how yall are absolute shit at reading expressions and body language+actions.
jungkook :
*makes finger hearts and saying i love you to jimin and has done it multiple times before.*
*goes on a trip with ONLY jimin to tokyo, pays for all the expenses and makes a whole gcf abt it with "there for you" as the bgm*
*does an almost 2 hour live completely dedicated to jimin and fanboying over him*
*sucking jimins ear in front of thousands of fans to confort him*
*never forgets to reassure jimin, comfort jimin or give reassuring touches like massages and caresses*
*jungkook going all the way up to the mountain to bring snow for jimin bc he knows jimin loves snow"
*jimin travelling halfway across the world just to make it home just for jungkooks birthday* (and so much more)
like be fr rn🙄 yall only have a problem when its jikook istg.
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this speaks for itself.
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money."
this is overwhelmingly stupid. okay so obviously a company would want to make more money, i mean its basically the whole purpose. and a company would choose the most efficient way to make money.
if we bring capitalising on ships into the equation, jikook is not the ship that would make them the most money. why? bc most of the shippers in this fandom are tkkrs. but in recent years, jikook has become the 2nd most popular ship in bangtan. but even so, its still the second best option, if hybe really wanted to take advantage of a ship, then they wouldve promoted taekook as a ship more than jikook bc then more fans would buy official content, there would be more engagements and more attention in general.
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clearly these mfs decided to prioritize their ship over bangtan. if there were more taekook moments these mfs would've flocked to stores. also "why couldnt hobi get carried?" . bro. jungkook has literally kissed hobi on the neck/cheek and so has hobi. jungkook said "i never thought id fall for a man" while talking abt hobi in CNS. jungkook and hobi engage in lots of skinship. but i dont see yall calling that fanservice?? simply bc yall dont find koobi a threat to your ship and your fantasies lmao.
so why would hybe force out jikook content to make more money when they can make so much more money out of taekook content? the answer is they dont.
in conclusion, all ships have a lil bit of fanservice in them, be it jikook or taekook. but you cannot call an entire bond fanservice in order to fit your delusions. hiding a gay ship with another gay ship is plain stupidity and you know it. yet you will continue to make yourself believe it bc you dont wanna get your perfect little bubble popped. hybe doesnt control bts. bts are not hybe's puppets, they make their own goddamn rules.
i hope this was helpful in breaking down your delusions, have a good day now👋
edit: i cant believe im having to clarify this but this is not a post dismissing taekook's bond😭😭 i love taekook themselves, i just despise the ones who use the above narratives to "prove" their ship. im a jikooker and this is a jikook centric account, ofc im gonna mention mainly jikook moments here😭 please dont come into my asks fighting me on which ship is real PLEASE. yall only see the members for their ships god.
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behindbrowneyezz · 1 year
It's funny how time changes things isnt it? One minute you're super close to everyone around you, you're busy with work, extra activies, extra chores, maybe you try to sleep in an extra few days that month...then before you know so many things have changed. I feel bad that tomorrow is Indys birthday tomorrow and no one is really trying to hang out. I just feel like over the last year shes done nothing but expect us all to do what SHE wants...now everyone's tired and dont want to go and spend a ton of money on a night out when we can be at home doing the same for not even half the price. I love her, but life is hard as it is. WHY can't she be a better friend to us all? I'll never get it. Weve all been so nice to her as well and i think she just MUST have control, but the thing is we all just want to be able to be ourselves. I feel bad, i feel like Sarah is always going to break down and do what she wants...even Fernando. Im pretty sure that's why she gets upset with me, because the second i feel like youre trying to be in control of me..or make me feel less then, i just wont come around. Its actually that simple for me. I have such a hard time being around most women that are older then me. I also feel like mr. dub is literally constantly lying to me. I cant stand it. Ive never met someone so exhausting to be around besides my own blood relatives. i suppose that's used to draw me to him. I used to love how much he reminds me of my father. ..now all it does is stress me out. Its a drag actually. Looking back im not even sure why i clinged on so tight, besides the fact that he truly reminds me of my dad. the devil. I hope one day i can forgive them both for all the pain they have caused me over the years. It's even more exhausting to constantly relive through all that pain. I think my dad used to be one hell of a man. He was full of courage, love, and excitement. He hated people but he would give the shirt off his back if he felt like he should. Sometimes i wonder what really happened in his head in 2010...what made him so unhappy all of a sudden...was it really his marriage to Angela? Was it money? Did he really hate all of us at home all the time? or did he hate the fact that we weren't home enough? I wish he wouldn't of shoved me away so much. Some days its hard to love myself because i wonder why he raised me to be someone he was going to hate for the rest of his life. Its funny too, considering he never can go a week without talking his mommy. Yet, he expects his own children to be able to live a life without him, any guidance, etc. I wish i didn't hate him, I wish i could just forget about him completely. Anyway, more on that later...
Also, why the fuck are men so God damn gross?! AND fucking just pathetic most days. I truly dont get it. NO one wants to see you little dick, no one wants to hear about your stupid fantasies, no one gives a fuck about what you look like without a shirt and pants on. I mean good grief....The amount of guys that grossly still hit me up from high school...talking about 'wow i would love to see you, ya know i had a big crush on you back then' like yea yea yea sure sure sure...baby go get off somewhere else and leave me alone. I find it sad. Maybe guys really do have that hard of a time to find someone that they can sleep with on the regular...but truthfully they shouldnt be hitting people up from 10 years ago because they are horny. Its disgusting and sad. SO SO sad. Yall need Jesus. Well thats all for now, im going to go shower and maybe cut my babies hair. <3
you're loved, you dont need your dad or any other man for that matter to tell you otherwise. IM sorry people have always let you down, maybe one day when youre gone, they will actually miss you. stay strong, keep smiling, and for the love of God, finish the lost boy tonight.
XO, Ashh
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harrystylesslutt · 3 years
can you write mean dom reader fucking someone else in front of harry to teach him to be good, with aftercare too please <33
Warnings: smut, humiliation kink, degrading kink, mean dom reader, kinda sub harry, mommy kink, mmf threesome, lots of fluff in the end.
Last night harry was being bad, all you wanted to do was go home, tease him a bit and then pin him down and ride his cock until he was a whimpering mess.
That was the plan all along, but once you were both naked grinding on each other, he kept complaining about you teasing him, and when you were fucking him, he kept whining about you going too "slow" for his liking, ordering you around even though you two knew who was in control that night so you decided to punish him.
That's how he ended up being tied to a chair, watching you suck some bloke (that you tied up too) off. Harry would be lying if he said that the view didn't turn him on, his dick was now rock hard, resting against his lower stomach.
"Look at that, such a good boy for me, he knows how to behave himself, you should take notes harry" you smirk when you see harry squirming in his chair and you keep sucking the tip of the stranger's cock.
You stop working your mouth on him, and you crawl up to his face "gonna sit on your face now yeah?" you hear the guy whisper a low "fuck yes"
You turn yourself around so that you're facing harry "keep your eyes on us" you tell him, before finally lowering yourself on the stranger's mouth.
You moan at the feeling of him sucking on your clit, he then teases your entrance with his tongue, before finally pushing it in. "fuck yes!" you groan when he starts thrusting his tongue in and out.
When you feel yourself getting close, you get up and walk over to harry "aww does my baby want a taste too?" he whimpers at your words and tries to free himself "please mommy wanna taste you" when you hear these words come out of his mouth, you realise he had fallen into his subspace, but that doesn't change anything.
"Look at you, all greedy for me, you know this wouldn't be happening if you were good yesterday, not my fault he behaves better than you" you kneel to untie his hands while talking, hearing him sigh in relief.
When he goes to touch you, you slap his hands away and he frowns "you can touch yourself, not me, c'mon now, watch me ride his big cock and learn your lesson".
You grab a condom and make your way back to the bed, helping him put it on, before straddling the stranger's hips, with your back facing him, and your eyes still on harry who's slowly stroking his cock at the view, you lower yourself onto the guy's dick.
You both moan at the feeling, you could feel him stretching you, he was big, well not as big as harry obviously, but it felt good.
You open your eyes to see harry looking down to where you and the guy were connected, you could see the slight jealousy burning in his eyes, which makes you smirk.
You start moving your hips, grinding on him, before bouncing on his cock slowly before finding a steady rhythm. "fuck! your cock is so good, y'fuck me so well" you moan out when he starts thrusting up into you.
You hear him mutter "so fucking tight" which makes you go harder. The sight in front you arousing you even more, harry was obviously enjoying this, even though you swore you could see him clenching his jaw when the stranger muttered these words.
"see that harry? look at him, fucking me so good without complaining" You start to rub your clit when you feel yourself getting closer "I'm so close!" the stranger groaned.
You could see that harry wasn't trying to cum, his hand was working slowly, teasing himself, you knew that he wanted you to make him cum, which you would once you were done with this bloke.
"I'm cumming!" you scream before finally letting go, you hear the guy groan behind you as he lets go in the condom.
Once you recover from the orgasm, you pull him out of you, and untie his arms, after exchanging words he finally leaves.
You turn back to look at harry "did you learn your lesson pretty boy?" you say while walking towards him and kneeling in front of him, replacing the hand that was on his cock with yours.
You hear him sigh in relief "yes mommy, learned m'lesson" You lick a stripe up his length at his words "yeah? promise that y'gonna be good for mommy from now?" you start sucking his tip, making sure to tease his slit with your tongue.
"f-fuck yeah promise" You hum at his response before taking him further into your mouth, the action making him moan.
You feel him pulling your hair which makes you groan around him, the vibration intensifying the feeling of your mouth. You start to bob your head faster, one of your hands stroking the rest of his cock that couldn't fit, and the other fondling his balls.
"fuck m'so close, m'your only good boy right?" he pants, you pull him out of your mouth, while still working your hands on him " 'course baby, that bloke doesn't compare to you, just wanted you to learn your lesson".
"now c'mon pretty boy want you to cum" you put your mouth back on his tip sucking it, and you finally feel his hot, warm cum shooting down your throat.
Once you swallow every last drop, you pull off and look up at him, "c'mon let's get you cleaned up baby". He smiles at your words and gets up on wobbly legs.
You help him walk to the bathroom, "gonna take a shower now yeah?" he hums in response and wraps his arms around you, hugging you close to him.
When the water is hot enough you both shower, slowly cleaning eachother's bodies, while you whisper sweet nothings in his ear when you wash his hair knowing that he likes to be taken care of while he's in his subspace.
Once you both get dried off, he grabs one of your shirts and you help pull it over his head. You kneel down to help him wear his sweat pants.
You put on a pair of panties and grab one of his shirts. You both brush your teeth, bumping eachother's hips, and laughing.
You make your way back to bed, changing the sheets, not wanting your bed to smell like some random bloke, once you're done, you both get settled in, and pull the covers over yourselves.
Harry wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer, resting his head against your chest. You wrap one of your legs around his hip, while you play with his curls helping him fall asleep.
He whispers a low "I love you" before nuzzling his head closer to your chest if that was even possible, tightening his arms around you.
"I love you more" you whisper back, smiling before kissing his forehead, slowly drifting off to sleep.
A/N: i was kinda confused ab whether to write it mmf or ffm but then i picked mmf for some reason. I might write the same concept but ffm (dom reader, sub harry, girlxgirl) if yall liked this one. let me know! i might take time to post cz i got so many requests but dw im gon write all of them cz i liked the concepts. anw have a gd day <3
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annikasevenshots · 2 years
Star Trek Picard: S2E8 Reaction (spoilers)
Guinan's red hair ❤️❤️❤️
"You're Seven?" "And who is that exactly to you" GOODBYE. I AM JUMPING OFF A CLIFF
she just blows me away time after time. and the way jeri plays her as well.
Raffi's little glance when Seven says Agnes is her sister i-
Big, red beard??? Did Agnes leave with the bus punk????
"How's that for analog?" Raffi's little "i-". goodbye. fucking kill me. i'm dead
"I'm only human" don't sing it don't sing it don't s-
"No wonder i'm president" SO TRUE 😭✊
Seven's voice going back to her deeper cadence when she's talking about the Borg, yes.
"You manipulate" Raffi's hurt in her eyes????? oh no. oh no no no.
"Everyone has to be exactly where Raffi wants them to" I MEAN YES BUT FUCK, MY FEELINGS. YALL DOING THIS WHILE IM EATING MY RICE 😭
Raffi's "um" when she gets back to work mode with Seven???? She's been completely knocked off her - fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
oh my god. seven. as a baby.
Agnes wearing platform boots under her dress so true bestie. did she steal them off the dude???
Oh. My god. Seven being so weak she can't run to Raffi. the cinematography of agnes walking off having kicked their asses. ohhhhhhh my god. OH MY GOD???????
me: dying over seven and raffi
some kid: fOUr CaKEs.
i still love how Rios and Teresa switch languages. multilingual representation.
i swear to GOD if rios and teresa kiss before saffi—
What is it with this replicator making tummy hurting cake
Lol rip Q i guess
Q finds meaning in life via Picard? Qcard crumbs
God i was like "are we back to seven and raffi?" and they show me a fucking beverly hills pool
Dr Soong really needs to reinterpret his meaning of thriving lmao
Okayyy but what does Kore achieve by walking out. nothing?
God this episode has felt so long already because Saffi has just drained me. I can't have my moms fighting i have issues okay
"I'm almost okay" -puts hand on her arm- FUCK FUCK FICKENR
"Can we jump the battery with our tricorder" yes baby your tricorder is a samsung
Elnor not working in security because absolute candor? MY GOD WEREN'T WE LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE DISCORD
yeah i can see raffi being manipulative but hdjshsjsshsnsbsh i don't. fuck. i fuck. FUCK.
"I thought you wanted to follow in my footsteps"
also whew. raffi's words were my childhood. and that's on ✨ helicopter parenting ✨
Also fuck this lowkey renders my Academy graduation fic void now that we know why Elnor stayed
Agnes talking as Wersching as BQ? iconic. like she literally talks as if wersching was inside of her.
Picard being a monster in the dark so true, he has haunted my dreams since he let agnes be assimilated /j
Did this dude join the FBI because he met a vulcan as a kid once in the rare hopes that aliens would exist
When Picard said he was here to save the galaxy i LAUGHED. IS HE REALLY????? 🤡
omg i thought this episode was ending with the FBI agent and the enterprise theme music. this season is so weird with timing and cuts
What does Renee discover on the Europa mission? Like, dilithium?
in conclusion, i can't do this anymore. will attempt fix it fics in 5-9 business days when i have recovered.
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haik-choo · 4 years
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
request: Could you write how 1st years (yachi too pls🥺) going out with their s/o late at night ?
a/n: this is such a cute little concept i -- 
-tsukishima, kageyama, yamaguchi, hinata, yachi
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tsukishima kei.
not gonna lie, he’s often awake late at night. he’s a night owl and doesn’t mind sacrificing his sleep to watch some youtube videos
occasionally, he even goes out late at night, slipping past his parents and brother’s room and softly closing the front door with his headphones covering his ears and his hands stuffed in his pockets
so when you text him at 3am and ask if he can go out with you to the convenience store, he agrees in seconds to meet you at the halfway point between your houses
wastes no time in putting on his sneakers and a hoodie; he wants to get there quickly so that you aren’t left out by yourself
tsukishima knows there’s creeps out there, which is exactly why he jogs to the halfway point and is relieved when he’s the first one there
as soon as he sees you in the distance he fast walks to catch up to you, and slips his hand into yours
he totally brings bluetooth earbuds so that you two can listen to the same music instead of his wired headphones <3 uwu
is always on the lookout for any weirdos, and if he spots someone eyeing you up he shoots them the nastiest glare
eventually wraps his arms around your shoulder while your hand is sitll in his and its that cute little thing where your arms is across your chest holding his hand </3
pays for whatever you get at the store, ignores your complaints and tells you to shut up when you continue to insist on paying
“im trying to be a good boyfriend for once, for the love of god PLEASE shut up”
secretly takes a candid photo of you at some point in the night and sets it as his home screen -- NOT his lock screen, and when you see it he outright denies having taken it
tsukishima: you told me to take a picture of you
you: stop lying i know you’re a closet hopeless romantic 
convinces you to stop at the park and eat the snacks you both got there, music still humming in your ears as the moonlight washes you both in cool tones
tsukishima when he’s alone with you is so soft -- he literally kisses your hand and temple and mutters very softly “love you” 
all in all, tsukishima kei is the perfect night-owl boyfriend to go on snack-runs with 
kageyama tobio.
"why would i go out right now. do you know what time it is. i have practice in the morning”
kags really out here kinda hurtin’ your feelin’s ngl boy doesn’t understand the vibes LOL
honestly you probably woke him up, he’s asleep at like ten every night (even tho he still has homework to do he just flat-out ignores it LOL) 
only agrees to go out walking with you because you said he could bring his volleyball and you’d toss a few for him....and also because he’s a little worried because it’s so dark out
doesn’t walk with you to the park but meets you there LOL
he deadass has his wholeass duffel bad with the ball, two waterbottles, two towelettes, volleyball sneakers and everything
“you know,,,,we’re not playing a game, right, tobio?”
“yeah???? and??? what’s your point”
acts nonchalant but is totally having fun and is lowkey glad you asked him to go out so late because it’s cool out, there’s no one to bother him, and you just look...really good under the stars
he’s not a cheesy person but...god you just take his breath away sometimes. not that he’ll ever say that though
you ask to take a break like thirty minutes in because you are LITERALLY dying meanwhile he hasn’t even broken a sweat (”you’re already tired? maybe you should workout more” “shut UP kageyama”)
you both sit on the bench, and you’re lowkey waiting for him to reach for your hand but they’re just folded in his lap as he stares out in the nothingness of night
kageyama can’t take a hint. we know this. he’s incapable of knowing what you want unless you flat out tell him; so you have to be a very honest person
he doesn’t even really initiate skinship, not because he doesn’t want to, but just because it never really crosses his mind
plus he doesn’t feel the need to constantly show affection because he thinks it’s obvious that he likes you
despite this, he is good at spotting weird people, and he’s pretty protective of you, so you’re completely safe with him. trust him, he’ll keep you safe
all in all, have patience and stamina because kags will play volleyball with you until you pass out. also, he loves you 
yamaguchi tadashi.
is in bed by 11pm but doesn’t actually go to sleep until two am because he’s scrolling through tiktok on his phone
sees your text about wanting to go out for a late night walk and maybe go through the little forest near your house and automatically sends a text that says “ill meet you at your window! can you pack some snacks? :)”
he walks all the way to your house, even if it’s more convenient to meet halfway because he wants to protect you! he’s not the strongest nor is he the most intimidating, so all he really has to offer is his presence
despite not being strong nor scary, yams literally has eagle eye. you can’t tell me that he can’t read people in a heartbeat -- he’s extremely perceptive 
also texts you to not bring a jacket because he’s bringing on of his own for you !!! so sweet what the hell
he waits at your front door and when you step out he automatically pushes his volleyball jacket into your hands and he takes the bag of snacks from you and sticks out one of his hands UGH such a gentleman
lets you ramble about anything and stares at your side profile as he listens 
joins in with a few quips here and there but ultimately is pretty quite and lets you speak or lets the silence cozy into the conversation
sees that there’s a guy sitting on a bench up the road and he switches places with you so that you’re further away from the stranger 
also wraps a protective hand around your waist until you both are past the random dude but yams will glance behind yall every once in a while
when you two reach the mini forest he ends up taking the lead claiming that he knows a good spot
and damn, he’s right
it’s a little clearing that is illuminated solely by the moonlight and he sets the bag of snacks down beside him before sitting down himself, apologizing for not bringing a blanket that you two could sit on 
pats the spot next to him so that you sit right beside him and he leans back with his hand on yours ONGMIRG 
is the super cheesy type and tells you that you look really pretty and that,,,he kind of wants to kiss you
you: *experiencing heart palpitations* and you did this for what. 
yamaguchi: ...because i love you?
you: *K.O*
all in all, yamaguchi is the boyfriend that completely indulges your late-night escapades <3 
hinata shoyo.
is either completely fast asleep and doesn’t see your text or was awake and not planning to sleep for the next five hours, no in-between
but if he’s awake and sees your text, he agrees right away and asks where you want to meet up and what time because homeboy probably has to bike to get there AgAGAGAGA
literally doesn’t even show up in sneakers. he’s wearing sandals and shorts with a short sleeve top 
“i came in my pjs”
“i see that.”
asks if you two can bike around instead because he doesn’t want to have to wheel his bike around for like an hour 
he tells you to hold on tight because the bike was built for one person, and when you press against his back his warmth is literally so,,,comforting 
has no sense of awareness and will scream going down a hill in the middle of a neighborhood, no fucks given
so, no, he doesn’t notice any weriod people even if there are some around
you always end up running into some weird people and you get new interesting stories every other day because let’s be honest hinata is a magnet for crazy shit and crazy people (usually crackheads) 
you both just ride around as he talks about his day, usually his sister always comes up in the conversation( “she asked me to marry you the other day” “doirhgAEROIHFGRE SHOYO WHAT” “what? i told her i would. i keep my promises!”)
after like thirty minutes he begs for a break and you stop at a little 24/7 ice cream store that is run by the sweetest elderly couple
you share a sundae because you don’t want to eat too much this late at night
he plops on the bench right outside the store with his bike leaning against the metal handles, and h snuggles up to you and watches you scroll on your phone
he talks a little here and there, but for the most part, he goes quiet, and it’s during this time where you’re unaware of his gaze that he just takes his time drinking in your features in the yellow light of the lamppost 
he can’t read the mood most times, but this time he does, and he stays quiet, and he thinks to himself
that he really will marry you one day
all in all, hinata gives you the impulsive young teenage experience of late night bike rides while eating his fair share of ice cream
yachi hitoka.
another either or, except this time she’s either fast asleep or stressing over homework and the nine tests she has the next day
when you ask if she can go on a walk with you she’s hesitant because she doesn’t want to get in trouble with her mom and she’s a total goody goody and terrified of doing anything reckless; but then she remembers that her mom was on a business trip and so she, very cautiously, says yes
you: good. i’m outside your door btw
yachi: i never had a choice did i
you have to meet her at her house because she’s way too scared to walk by herself at night; she might even make you factime her as you commute because she’s worried for you
jumps at every little thing, even the crows cawing make her shit herself
instictively grabs onto your sleeve and nervously look around the entire time, to the point where she doesn’t hear what you say
so you offer to go to a little cafe that’s still open and right away she nods
she’s so adorable, she bows really deeply when you two walk into the store and apologizes for it being so late
and finally, because you two are safe, she’s calm and smiling as she sips at her strawberry smoothie
awkwardly and very shyly reaches out for your hand on the table and gently lays her palm on yours
canon: yachi totally has freckles and you can’t convince me otherwise 
her face is red and her freckles are just on display you can’t help but coo at her and tuck some hair behind her ear because god could she get any cuter?
you two end up staying for like a hour and a half and very shyly she asks if you could walk her home 
and this time on the walk she’s not overly cautious and seems to enjoy the nighttime breeze and your hand softly clasping hers
does that cute thing where she lays her head on your shoulder or arm while you both are walking and looks up at you through her eyelashes and asks if you could give her a kiss on the cheek </3
you: stop. please. im going to die.
when you’re at her door she literally just stands there awkwardly for a few seconds before tilting her head upwards and pressing her lips to yours and then promptly running inside
video calls you three seconds afterwards to make sure you get home safely 
all in all, you might need to be the impulsive one, but yachi enjoys spending late night time with you more than she admits. also please kiss her thanks      
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samanthadalton · 3 years
Star Crossed Lovers (part 14)
Do my eyes deceive me???? part 14???? we did it. im so sorry its taken forever, i will try my best to be more consistent with my writing. love yall for being patient with me it means the most. thank you, thank you. 
warnings: throughout this fic there will be mentions of substance abuse, homophobia, sexual abuse, violence, NSFW, mentions of abandonment, depression and death including suicide
reader discretion is advised
warnings: angst, swearing (lots of it) 
taglist: @drmmyrs @cloud9in @somewillwin @save-me-the-last-dance @baexpoppy @stanzoeywade @ognenniyvolk @thepotatobleh @crazzyplays @fall3ngods @helpconfusedpersonhere @clowneryme @dopeyouth @boys-girls-i-cant-help-it-baby @vonda-b-real @uselesslesbianfr @veenast @cloakanddaggerthings @somethindarker (sorry again if ive missed anyone, if you wanna be added on this taglist or my general one just let me know 😊) 
word count: 4k (i feel like its short considering how long it took me to write but i still hope you guys enjoy) (also i didnt check for grammatical errors properly so sorry if you find any) 
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13
The first steps to moving on 
“Bea please,” Poppy whispers, a repentant look creeping up to her face as she looks away from her girlfriend. “It can’t wait.” 
Bea sighs, her shoulders slumping as the last remains of her anger disseminates from her body. “Okay fine, lead the way babe.” 
Poppy stiffens that the pet name but she doesn’t let her awkwardness slip as she leads Bea to a secluded classroom, far away from prying eyes. Both her and Bea turn to look at each other, and both simultaneously open their mouths to talk. 
“I know you wanted to tell-” 
“We need to talk-” 
Both clamp their lips shut, a mutual smile playing on their lips as they look at one another. 
“You go first,” Poppy gestures towards Bea, as she moves to sit on the edge of a desk. 
Bea inhales softly, her tongue darts out licking her lips as she looks down at the ground, her face calculating. “Why does Chloe hate me?” She looks up to Poppy, her eyes boring into the strawberry blonde’s, sadness swimming inside of them, “I just don’t get what I’ve done for her to hate me.” 
Poppy sighs heavily, her eyes awkwardly darting away from Bea’s. “It’s complicated Bea.” 
“Complicated?” Bea lets out a humourless laugh, “I almost just went off on Chloe after she gave her condolences for my mom dying because I just felt she wasn’t genuine and you wanna tell me it's complicated?” 
Poppy sharply inhales, contemplating for a few moments before saying, “it’s because of your mom.” 
Bea scrunches her brows up in confusion, “my mom? What the hell does she have to do with this?” 
Poppy ineptly plays with her hands, not being able to look Bea in her eyes, “at first it was just a classist thing. When you first came to Belvoire, she just wanted to make herself feel superior over you, but in the last year you’ve noticed her getting more mean right?” 
“Right.” Bea stares at Poppy, her expression emotionless. 
“Chloe’s parents have been fighting non stop recently, and it’s been affecting her a lot.” 
Bea’s brows furrow in confusion, “what does that have to do with me or my mom?” 
“Just let me explain first before you react, please.” Bea’s eyes bore into Poppy’s for a few seconds before she nods understandingly. “Her dad cheated on her mom. A lot of times actually. But he was blackmailed by one of the women he slept with.” Poppy pauses for a few seconds, “your mom.” 
Bea lets out a shaky breath, her eyes blinking in disbelief, “no, you’re lying.” 
Poppy nervously bites her bottom lip, “look Bea-” 
“How long have you known?”
Poppy’s face scrunches up in anger, “this isn’t my fault Bea. I only found out that day I went to talk to Chloe about us. Chloe made me promise not to say anything to you-” 
“Poppy! My mom OD and I don’t even know why. And now you’re telling me she was blackmailing the St James family and it doesn’t occur to you that might have had something to do with her death?” 
“They’re not the fucking mafia Bea, jesus. They were trying to settle it quietly by giving your mom some money and make her sign some stuff so she couldn't threaten them anymore.” 
The devastating ramification of Poppy’s admission hangs in the air as the two girls let the words settle into them. “Chloe really is sorry about your mom Bea, we all are.” 
Bea sighs, staring off into space, as a few tears begin to fill up in her eyes. “I just don’t know what to do.” Bea begins sniffling, but Poppy makes no movement to console her girlfriend. Bea notices and her expression sobers, “so, uh what did you wanna tell me?” Bea sniffs a few more times, before looking up at Poppy, giving her a small encouraging smile. 
Poppy looks away, guilt creeping up on her face, as she tries her damndest not to catch Bea’s small smile on her face. “Bea…”. Bea carefully assesses her girlfriend’s demeanour, noticing the similar body language during when they first asked to take a break, she thinks back to the last couple of days, she had barely heard from her girlfriend, and now she’s not affectionate, even after she almost had a mental breakdown in the middle of the hallway and her smile drops. “We have to break up,” Poppy says, her tone so monotone and dry as if she didn’t mean the words she was saying at all. 
“I don’t understand,” is all Bea can muster, evidently hurt by Poppy’s admission. Poppy winces slightly at Bea’s tone, finally breaking her robotic demeanour as she lets out a few sniffles. “So is that it? We have to break up,” Bea retorts mockingly, “is that all I get after all these years?” 
“Bea..” Poppy reaches out but Bea immediately takes a step back, tears flooding in her eyes. 
“No,” she holds her hands up, “I don’t get it, things are going good, or at least whatever twisted definition of good we’ve made up. Where the hell did this come from?” 
“Bea my dad-” 
“Of course! Hayden Min fucking Sinclair had something to do with this. Why do you still live under his shadow? You talk all this shit about breaking out of your father’s prison and wanting to achieve your own goals but he sucks you back in.” 
“That’s not fair Bea,” Poppy interjects, balling her hands up into fists in an attempt to subdue her trembling, “my dad has given me so much and he’s threatening to take it all away.” 
“Yeah, all you have to do is get rid of me. Me or the Min Sinclair name.” 
“Bea this is the life I have, okay I’m not like you, I’m not built like you.” 
“So what? I can grow up without a dad and now without a mom but it’s okay because I’m used to pain and disappointment?” 
“I didn’t mean it like that, you have a plan, things you can achieve, I need the Min Sinclair name, I’m nothing without it.” 
“Wow.” Bea shakes her head, “So I just meant nothing?” Bea wildy throws her arms in the air, anger bubbling under the surface of her demeanour. “We’ve practically been together since we were kids. And you’re just gonna fucking throw that away? And for what? Fuck you Poppy.” 
Poppy takes half a step back, dumbfounded by Bea’s outburst. She scrunches her brows, evidently hurt, “you don’t get it Bea. Even though your mom wasn’t the best, she still supported you, even if you didn’t know about it. My dad he- my mom what would she think?” 
“Your mom? Poppy what kind of shit is your dad brainwashing you with? Your mom is dead! You have no idea how she would react to having a gay daughter, but I know she’s probably disappointed in you.” 
“Fuck you Bea.”Poppy runs out of the classroom, tears streaming down her face, leaving Bea on her own. 
“Shit,” Bea whispers to herself before throwing a bunch of punches at the wall, each more cathartic than the last until she can’t physically hold herself up anymore. Bea defeatedly slides into a chair, cradling her head in between her hands, letting the tears free fall, as reality begins setting in that she lost the one thing in the world that was her everything. Poppy Min Sinclair was her rock, the girl who she gave her heart to, the love of her life and just in a matter of moments it was over. Maybe it was too good to be true. The beautiful, perky popular rich girl and the girl who had almost nothing, complete polar opposites, it never should’ve worked. But time and time again when faced against the world they persevered so why was this time different? Poppy had chosen her namesake over the love of her life. She chose the life of glitz and glamour over the girl who gave her her entire heart. Bea feels her entire world crashing down, how much more heartbreak could she take? Was her life always going to be so hard? So full of hurt? Full of pain? She winces at the thought, her head hammering as she comes to the realisation that she understood her mother’s pain more than she thought. 
Bea hops off her bike, parking it in front of her house, as she pulls her phone out to look at the time. ‘It’s lunch time,’ she thinks to herself. After the day she had today, school wasn’t the best option for her right now. She makes her way to her front door but stops in her tracks when she realises her front door is slightly ajar. Her survival instincts kick in as she effortlessly pulls out her pocket knife, carefully pushing the door fully open. As she steps into the living room, her eyes dart to the closed door of her mother’s room, but when she hears a creaking sound coming towards her bedroom, she cautiously moves towards the source of the noise, the grip on her knife tightening. As she creeps up, she sees the door of her room half opened, a hooded figure standing by her bed with their back facing her. 
Bea stealthily sneaks up to the figure placing the knife a few inches from their throat before lowering her voice to a threatening tone, “who are you and what the fuck are you doing?” The figure gasps, dropping a bag that’s in their hands with a deafening thud before raising their hands in a sign of surrender. 
“It’s me, it’s me,” the voice whimpers out. 
“AJ?” Bea raises her eyebrows, retracting the knife from his throat while pulling down his hood with her other hand. “What the fuck are you doing?” Bea takes a step back while AJ scrambles grabbing the bag he just dropped moments before. When he turns to face Bea, his eyes are wide, filled with fear as he clutches the bag closely to his chest. 
“I have to go,” he says as he attempts to run out of the room, but Bea pulls him back, her face crumpled in suspicion. 
“No we’re not doing this, give me the bag now,” Bea snatches the bag out of his hands before he can protest and opens the zipper to find it filled with cash. She grits her teeth, anger settling into her features as she whips her head up to AJ, “is this my fucking money?” 
“Bea, I- I can explain-” 
“What the fuck AJ!” Bea throws the bag onto the bed, the cash spilling out as she jabs an accusing finger at AJ’s chest. “You’re stealing from me now? I haven’t seen you in god knows how long, you don’t call, text nothing. Even after everything that’s been happening in the last few weeks but you have the audacity to fucking steal from me? Money that I’ve spent years saving? Money that I’ve bussed my fucking ass off for, are you serious right now?” Bea’s voice is filled with rage as she’s practically screaming, her voice now thundering. AJ winces, guiltily averting his gaze to the ground, unable to meet Bea’s eyes. 
“I’m sorry about your mom Bea, I wanted to visit-” AJ croaks out.
“But you didn’t,” Bea interjects, her voice lowered but filled with hurt. “And now you’re taking money- I mean what is so important you had to steal from me.” 
AJ paces towards the bed, hanging his head in shame, when he speaks his voice is quiet, full of fear, “I’m in some bad shit Bea. These guys aren’t playing around.” 
“I told you not to fall into the wrong crowd, I warned you this shit would happen.” 
“Bea please, I’ll pay you back I just need it.” 
“No! What the fuck, when will you pay me back huh? This is my college money, I’m not letting you give that away to your crackhead friends.” 
“Bea please,” AJ clasps his hands together, his tone pleading, “I don’t know what to do.” 
“AJ I have too much shit on my plate right now, I can’t deal with this. You need to find something else, I can’t help you.” 
AJ’s face pales but he stands up, and makes his way towards the door, before leaving he turns to look back at Bea, “I’m sorry about everything.” 
Bea keeps her eyes trained on her bed where the money is sprawled all over the mattress, “yeah me too,” she replies quietly. Bea hears the front door close and she collapses to the ground, letting the tears flow. 
A few days later, Bea sits in her dark living room, curtains shut and lights completely off as she wallows in her sadness, drinking from a bottle of cheap beer, as she stares absentmindedly at the ceiling, so drowned in her thoughts she doesn’t hear the resounding knocks on her door until she hears a voice call out, “Bea! Are you there?” 
Bea crumples her brows, forcing herself to stand as she makes her way to the door, she wearily makes her way to her front door only slightly opening the door before poking her head out. “Veronica?” Veronica gives the girl a wide smile before pushing the door more open, ushering the figure behind her into the house too, “Carter? What are you guys doing here?’ 
Veronica looks around the dark room, noticing the pile of empty beer bottles on the floor, “yikes, drinking on your own on a friday night Hughes? That’s really sad.” Carter stands near the edge of the living room, as if he’s an explorer, his eyes darting all over the living room as he assesses this new environment. 
Bea on the other hand scowls at Veronica, “what the hell do you want Veronica, I’m not in the mood.” 
Veronica frowns slightly, pouting her lips together, “we heard about you and Poppy.” 
Bea rolls her eyes, “yeah well I’m trying to forget about her.” Bea picks up her beer bottle from the ground and makes a show by exaggeratingly drinking from the bottle until it's empty. She discards the empty bottle along with the other ones before turning to look at Veronica and Carter, “so if you’ll excuse me.” 
Veronica steps towards Bea, wrapping her hand around the brunette’s arm, “we’re not here for Poppy stupid, we’re here for you.” 
Bea raises an eyebrow, “for me?” 
Veronica turns to look at Carter, beckoning him forward, Carter breaks out of reverie and clears his throat, “yeah uh, we wanted to take you to a party.” 
“A party?” Bea looks between them confused, “I’m not that interested guys.”
“Wait, wait, wait Bea,” Veronica pleads, pulling Bea closer to her, “you’ve never been to a Belvoire party and the year is almost over, we thought we should take you to at least.” 
“I don’t know guys,” Bea says skeptically, “a lot of people don’t like me.” 
“Who gives a shit? You just had your heart broken and you need to let loose.” 
Bea sighs, pulling away from Veronica, “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” 
“Come on, it beats drinking in the dark on your own.” 
Bea sighs, dropping her shoulders, “what about uh Poppy?” 
“Poppy?” Veronica arches a brow, “her and Chloe are staying in tonight, she said she needed to catch up on homework or something.” 
Bea purses her lips together in thought before sighing,  “fine.” Veronica cheers, “but,” Bea over enunciates, “only for a few hours and if I don’t like it I’m going home.” 
“Okay, deal,” Veronica squeals, wrapping Bea in a big hug. Carter chuckles as Veronica gestures for him to join the hug, he awkwardly wraps his arms around the two girls, before pulling away. 
“Okay, I’ll wait in the car while you girls get ready. Just uh don’t take too long.”
Veronica playfully rolls her eyes as she Bea towards her bedroom, yelling back “thanks Carter.” Giddy, she rushes to Bea’s closest, assessing her clothes until she finds a short red dress hidden in the back. “This!” 
“No, no, no,” Bea shakes her head, pulling the dress out of the ombre-haired girl’s hands. 
“Why not? It would look so hot on you,” Veronica’s eyes trail down Bea’s body, as she sharply inhales. “Bea, you’re single and sexy, stop holding yourself back okay?” 
“I’m not,” Bea pushes back defensively, “I just-” she sighs heavily, “no one at Belvoire has ever seen me dressed up, I’m just- I’m nervous I guess.” 
“Then we have to show them what they’ve been missing for the last three years,” Veronica gives Bea a devilish smile as she takes the dress from Bea’s hands, sliding the dress off the hanger before handing it over to Bea. 
“Uh you gonna stay in the room?” Bea nervously wrings her hands together. 
“Why, are you offering a show?” Veronica lifts a teasing brow, noticing Bea’s cheeks redden slightly, which prompts her to let out a small laugh, “I’m kidding, don’t worry I won’t look.” Veronica makes a show of raising her hands to cover her eyes. Bea laughs as she slips out of her clothes and into the dress, she awkwardly clears her throat, grabbing Veronica’s attention. 
“Hey, uh help a girl out with her zipper?” 
“Sure,” Veronica moves to stand behind Bea, her hands ghosting around Bea’s exposed back, her breath momentarily taken away. She sturdies herself and places one of her hands on the small of the brunette’s back while the other moves towards the zipper, zipping the girl up. Bea smooths the dress down with her hands appreciating herself in the mirror, “you look gorgeous,” Veronica whispers into the shell of her ear. 
Bea’s face completely flushes red and slightly jerks at Veronica’s admission, “uhh thanks.” 
Veronica notices the awkward shift in the atmosphere, and promptly changes the subject, “so where’s your sister?” 
Bea sits in front of her mirror, a comb in her hand as she brushes her long locks, “she’s staying at a friend’s tonight.” 
“Cool,” Veronica answers back but her tone falls flat. The girls bask in the awkward silence as Bea continues to get ready but when Veronica notices Bea struggling to do her winged eyeliner she breaks the silence. “Hey do you need help?” 
Bea smiles bashfully, “yeah.” She rubs the back of her head with her hand, “sorry Poppy used to help me with my makeup.” 
“Right,” Veronica’s face slightly falls but she quickly covers it up, ushering Bea to come and sit on the bed. “Come on, I don’t bite,” Veronica bites the bottom of her lip, “unless you want me too.” Bea laughs but obliges sitting on the edge of the bed. Veronica clambers onto her lap, her thighs settling on the sides of Bea’s legs, and in response, Bea’s eyes widen in surprise but she remains glued in her spot, too shocked to move. 
“V, what are you doing?” Bea whispers, her voice attempting to come across as reprimanding but it comes out as breathy. 
“Relax, I’m just doing your eyeliner.” Veronica plucks the wand from Bea’s hand and angles herself close to the brunette’s face, as she begins drawing on the wings on Bea’s eyelids. Bea steadies herself, as she feels the heat of Veronica’s body so close to hers and when Veronica is finished with putting the finishing touches on her eyelids, she hops off Bea’s lap, making her way towards the desk, scuffling through Bea’s makeup bag before taking up her place on Bea’s lap once again. “Now I think this colour would look good on you,” 
“You don’t think it’s too much red?” 
“Oh babe, red means power, dominance, you don’t wanna be thinking about Poppy the entire night, you wanna have all eyes on you Bea Hughes.” Veronica uncaps the lipstick, her eyes burning into Bea’s lips as she carefully applies the red colour to her lips. “Perfect.” 
Bea smacks her lips together, evenly spreading the red on her lips. “Thanks V.” 
Veronica’s eyes dart to Bea’s lips, her tongue slightly running along her bottom lips before she breaks out of her reverie flashing Bea a smirk, “don’t thank me yet, thank me when you’re having the time of your life at the party.” Veronica slides off Bea’s lap, holding her hand out, “come on let’s finish up because Carter’s been waiting for a while.” Bea smiles up at Veronica, taking her hand as she lets the ombre-haired girl pull her off the bed, as they continue getting ready. 
Once they arrive at the party, Carter drops the girls off at the front of the huge house before telling them he will park the car. Veronica’s gaze darts to Bea, who’s nervously toying with her hands, looking up at the intimidating house, the lights blaring and as the music echoes throughout, the bass thumping in their ears. Noticing the nerves settling into her, Veronica slips into Bea's, giving her a reassuring squeeze, “hey, it’s okay, it’s just a bunch of drunk, preppy uptight teenagers, nothing you don't usually face everyday.” 
Bea lets out a small laugh, “just in a big ass house,” she jests. 
“Yeah, just in a big ass house,” she gives Bea a light squeeze as she starts pulling Bea into the house with her. Automatically, they’re met with stares and whispers, as the students look astonished at Bea, some appraising her outfit, while others are confused about her presence. “Hey, just stay with me okay?” Veronica whispers over to Bea. Bea nods, her eyes roaming the room. “I’ll get us drinks.” The ombre-haired girl gives Bea a reassuring pat on her arm and leaves her side and Bea walks into the living room, observing the difference between the vibes of the party between the north and the south. Her thoughts then move to think about Poppy, how Poppy would love going to parties in the north but Bea couldn’t find the appeal in it. Poppy. Poppy, who broke up with her. She’s interrupted from her thoughts by a tap of her shoulder, and Bea turns around to see Veronica offering her a red solo cup, Bea takes a sip and winces. 
“What the hell is this crap?” 
“Yeah for a bunch of rich kids, their taste in beer isn’t the best,” Veronica jokes, slightly nudging Bea. 
“We have way better beer in the south side.” 
“That I can agree with.” Veronica looks over to Bea who looks lost in thought, “hey what are you thinking about?” 
Bea sighs heavily, “Poppy,” she mutters. 
Veronica nods once, “right, yeah.” 
“Poppy would’ve loved a party like this, big fancy house an-” 
“Bea,” Veronica says, her tone slightly agitated, “this,” she gestures around the room, “is a no Poppy zone. That means we don’t think about Poppy, only about fun.” 
Bea nods, “fun. I can do that.” Veronica lifts her cup in the air, “what are we cheering to?” 
Veronica gives Bea a smile, “here’s to the first steps in moving on.” The girls tap their cups together before downing their drinks. “Now if we wanna get drunk, we’re gonna need a lot more of these.” 
The party is still ongoing, and Bea sits in a circle with a few girls from the volleyball team and a few of the football team and other people she doesn’t recognise while Veronica sits beside her. 
“Bea you look so pretty,” one of her teammates says. 
“Yeah Bea your makeup is literally gorgeous,” another chimes in. 
“Who knew strip tease can clean up well,” Ford jests, but Bea slumps her shoulders a little, remembering that these people are not her friends. 
Carter enters the circle slapping Ford on the head as he goes, “shut up, Hughes is cool.” Bea gives Carter a nod of appreciation before looking down at the drink in her hands. Her thoughts move a million miles a minute, but there’s a constant one stuck in her brain, Poppy.
Veronica looks over at Bea, frowning. “Hey come with me.” She stands, excusing herself from the group and Bea follows her close behind. 
“Where are we going?” 
“We’re gonna play a private game of truth or drink.” 
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jae-daddy · 3 years
Duff (9)
im jaebum au series 
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven  masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smurt, cheating plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception, but as time does on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: a short one, because I really truly hated where I had left the story last time. it was not it, but I like this. it’s better than the alternative I guess. also, I am writing all of it before publishing it so <3 hope yall like it <3 
You don’t know what came first; the guilt, embarrassment or hurt. 
But you knew yourself well, and you knew guilt didn’t touch your heart until later that night when you were lying in bed. As you stared up at the ceiling, thinking about that him, for the first time guilt laid its icy fingertips on you. 
The first thing you felt was hurt. Hurt that clawed at your heart, and made your soul whimper. Hurt that cut through you entirely as you remained in his arms, watching his face. 
“Yes,” he had said, his fingers digging into your hips. 
“Yes,” you replied, breathing him in as you leaned closer to him. 
You saw his lips draw into a straight line as he pulled away and said, “No.”
“Oh,” was all you said moving away from him. 
A simple sound, not even a word to express the pain that seared through you at his words. 
He didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
You were in his arms, your skirt drawn up to your hips as you sat on his lap. In a single breath, he changed the moment completely, and you were no longer burning in passion, but in agony. Agony of not being desired by this man, not being wanted by him, when you yearned for him. When you were begging for his lips to touch any part of you, he had turned away. 
And then came the embarrassment blazing through the darkness of lust, and it hurt. It stabbed you everywhere till you were shivering in sudden coldness. You were so embarrassed, so ashamed. You had- you had done... all of that, and all he said was ‘no.’ 
It wasn’t the rejection that the embarrassment stemmed from. It was because you had tried, because you thought it would happen, because you thought he wanted you. Because you had offered yourself to him, and all he said to express his repugnance was a simple ‘no.’ 
You climbed off him and walked out the office. Your face was on fire from the shame as you straightened your skirt. You chuckled to yourself thinking a walk of shame was better then trying to hook up with your boss only to be rejected. 
You finished work that day, and the next, like nothing was amiss. As if that moment didn’t happen. As if every time you saw him, you weren’t reminded that he didn’t want you. 
Im Jaebum didn’t want you. 
It shouldn’t hurt that bad, especially since you almost swore you hated him with your heart. But it did, it hurt truly terribly badly, and there was nothing you could do about it. 
You couldn’t even feel sorry for yourself long enough too. Because as soon as the hurt and shame went away, and you looked up at your dark ceiling, you remembered her face. 
You remembered the way she had held your hand whenever you were scared. How she would give you that look every time she took your hand giving her courage. Her love, her kindness, her friendship, her. 
How for the first time since you’ve known her... for the first time, it seemed as if Heather truly liked someone and you... 
You didn’t feel sorry for yourself, or your heart that ached. You weren’t sure if the ache was because of the rejection or from the thought of loosing your best friend. But you didn’t feel sorry because what happened was your fault.
“Thanks for the files, y/n,” Jaebum looked up from his desk. For the first time, he was seated in the big boss seat without any reason. You smiled and nodded, before turning to leave, like nothing was amiss. As if that afternoon had never happened, as if you had never crossed that line.
You were almost out the door when he said, “Have a good weekend.”
Your fingers turned white on the handle, but you nevertheless you turned around and gave him a bright smile, “You too, Mr Im.” 
Heather pouted as she sat next to you, before pulling you into a big bear hug. 
“It’s so nice to have my best friend back,” she sang, happily, hugging you tighter. 
You gave her small smile as you leaned into her, petting her arm, “It’s nice to be back.”
“Gosh, I’m so glad you’re done with that internship,” she huffed over the loud music of the club. 
You only nodded as you took a sip of your drink, “I still have three weeks left, Heather.” 
“Three weeks pass by like nothing,” she shook her head. She turned to you with a bright smile, “Remember Bali? Maybe now that you’re going to be more free, maybe we can...” 
She gave you a huge grin, quizzically raising her brows up and down to the music. Before she began bopping her head like a dork to the beat, “What do you say, y/n?” 
I’m sorry. 
“Whatever you want,” you smiled at her, and she exclaimed in joy. 
“Mr Park Jinyoung is now officially the CEO of Spring Industries, and has sent forward a report and plan for their proposal,” You looked up to see Jaebum opening his mouth, but you cut him off knowing his question. “The file is already on your desks, and I have included a summary report from myself and Mr Paul.” 
You had a month and a bit to think about what had happened. In the beginning, you had blamed yourself. It was foolish of you to put yourself out there for him, but the more you thought about the angrier you got. 
It wasn’t all in your head. Im Jaebum did flirt with you. 
He gave you all the signals, all the green lights, and the arrows leading you to him. He basically had made a pathway for you to follow into his arms, and after all that he said no? 
No, it wasn’t your fault for putting yourself out there for him. You had done it because you thought... you felt that he too... but who knows, Im Jaebum was friendly with everyone. 
But he did tell others his wish was to kiss them?
Did he ever follow anyone to the rooftop of a club and call himself a fool for letting them go?
Did he talk to everyone about his mother?
Did he smile like that at everyone? Look at them like that? Touch them with the faintest touch of his fingertips?
But you should’ve known better. 
These rich guys never go for girls like you. 
You don’t have any money, any wealth, nothing to offer them to make their status go up. You weren’t even pretty enough to be a trophy wife. You were just a girl they could play with behind closed doors. 
But for Jaebum, you weren’t even worth that.
“Spring Industries is having a party on Thursday to announce Park Jinyoung as their new appointed CEO. They have requested your presence to show the companies are friendly--,” you once again looked up from your iPad, to find Jaebum staring at you intently. You ignored his gaze, and the rage that fumed inside you, “It’s most likely a political publicity stunt, but I would recommend you do go to the party, as it will be beneficial for you both-”
“What am I going to do about you?” 
“Excuse me?” You gasped, taken aback. 
Jaebum chuckled, humourlessly. His lips twisted into a smirk, and you realised you hadn’t seen him smile or laugh in a really long time. You tried to shove the pain shooting towards your heart away, but a pang still rang through you as you saw his sad smile. 
“How am I going to do this all without you?” He clarified himself. You stammered unable to think of something to say. Jaebum let out a sigh, “Come to the party with me.” 
“I’m afraid that’s-”
Jaebum interrupted you, making you frown. 
“Your last assignment as my secretary, Miss y/n,” Jaebum tilted his head to the side, smiling slightly as he said, “Come with me.” 
“What about Heather?” 
“I can’t go to formal gatherings with her without others assuming it's a political play,” Jaebum answered, before shrugging, “It’s too early for that step anyway.” 
Too early? They have been dating for months now, and Heather was head over heels for him, and he is saying it’s too early. 
“Please, y/n,” Jaebum’s dark eyes bore into yours, and you held your breath. “One last time.” 
"Alright,” you sighed, defeated. 
Thanks, love, the ghost of his past self whispered.
You swallowed the bitterness, before looking down at your iPad once again. 
“Mr Henry and Mark are...” you continued on as if nothing was wrong. 
Because nothing was wrong. 
Everything was right. 
You were about to end this dreadful internship, and come out debt free. 
Heather was in love with her boyfriend. 
Her boyfriend didn’t fuck her best friend. 
And your best friend was still your best friend. 
Everything was just right, but everything felt so wrong. 
You were leaning against the rich white leather sofa and Heather’s shoulders. Your eyes were closed, as you tried not to break down in front of your best friend. 
You knew Jaebum wasn’t going to be here tonight. It was Friday night and he had a company dinner with the upper shareholders today. So, tonight you decided to sleep over at Heather’s house. 
Just like every moment you spent with her now, you wanted to burst out into tears and tell her everything. Tell her how you fell for him and his teasing words. How you didn’t mean to but you started to like him, how your heart ached every time you saw him. How terrible you felt every time you saw Heather smile at you like that, knowing that you were so close to ruining everything. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, babe?” Heather asked, her soft hands wiping the tears that fell onto your cheeks. 
You shook your head and moved away from her shoulder. You leaned into the corner of your sofa, and tried to hold in the tears. But you couldn’t. 
Your chin began to shake as more tears fell from your eyes. 
“Hey, hey, hey, y/n,” Heather moved towards you quickly. “What’s wrong, babe? You can tell me anything.” 
You shook your head, you couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t tell her this. You couldn’t lose her. 
“I’m sorry, Heather,” you whispered into her tank top as she pulled your shaking body into her. 
“Shhh,” she hushed, brushing your hair, trying to calm your sobbing body, “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s only to be okay. I’m here for you, I’m always going to be here for you. Okay?” 
You bit your lip as you cried harder. You managed a meek okay through your tears. 
After you had calmed down a bit, you leaned back and looked at your best friend. Her eyes were glistening with concern, and a few stray tears running down her face too from seeing you cry. 
You couldn't hide it from her, she was your other half. You had to tell her, but all you could manage was, “I love him, Heather.” 
I love Im Jaebum.
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tastyykpop · 4 years
nct dating headcannons!
I only did 127 because there's so many but ill do the others if anyone requests it :)
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Mr. Moon Taeil is the definition of a cuddly boyfriend
Hes always holding your hand or kissing your cheek
Definitely gets shy when the members are around but in public youre all his
Hes super sincere about anything too but also knows how to joke around
I mean have you seen him with nct
Hes funny❗❗
Like he's gonna make you laugh no matter what
And those deep convos yall would have at night while cuddling>>>
"What if we were put on earth by aliens as an experiment to see if we would live and everytime we see ufos its just our cousins checking up on us"
Eyes wide open, "bro"
Taeils either the big or small spoon too
There's no in between
Also the biggest baby when yall are chilling
"I call small spoon!"
"But you were the small spoon last night"
"K and what about it"
10/10 would complain if you didn't want to sit with him and watch a movie or show
Would probably guilt trip you by saying you never watch something with him
Hes a sweet manipulator...
But he could easily replace you with one of the members
Like sicheng
Taeil will always ask if you've eaten
If you haven't eaten he gets big sad
Don't make him sad
Plus hes always checking on your health
And he'll know if your lying if you say you're doing fine when you're not
Also don't lie in general cuz he doesn't like that
That would make him trust you a bit less and he definitely wants trust in the relationship
Trust is a huge key or hes out
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This man 🥲
Boyfriend Material™
So gentle and loving
Loves making you feel special and will hype the shit out of you when you don't feel confident doing something
Will always make sure you're doing okay
Johnny puts in so much effort to make this relationship work and expects you to put the same amount of effort into it too
Like taeil, hes really big on trust
Add honesty to that list
Plus he expects you to be mature when needed
If you're the type of person who depends on someone else for everything and I'm mean everything he will actually leave
Hes not your babysitter❤
But he will take care of you to some extent
Like basic things for instance
He'll make you food if you're sick, get you water if your dehydrated, will get your feminine products when you need it
Very sweet😌
Okay and he spoils you but wbk
"Why are you getting me so much things?"
"Because I love you."
"But why did you get me a kitten costume???"
He has some kinks to work out 😐
Johnny will go to shop after shop even if you say you don't want something (you do but you just don't want him to pay) he'll get it without batting an eye
"Youve been staring at these shoes for 5 minutes imma buy them for you"
"Huh? No! I-"
"Too late"
will take you out to dinner all the time just to be romantic
Hes actually really good at romantic stuff
I say Johnny you say whipped
His free time is always you time
So don't bother saying your busy cuz now hes busy with you
"Johnny i got a test coming up can you come later? I need to study
"Thats cute im coming over to help"
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Judging taeyong on his looks, some say he would be cold to his girlfriend
Like a tsundere
But the man is quite the opposite
Though he can be stern if need be
He has 22 children what do you expect
Will literally treat you like his members and always taking care of you
But there will be times when you have to take care of him because hes so tired from work
He turns into a baby when he's tired or lazy too
So wrap him in a burrito blanket and hes all set for the day
Makes weird noises but thats normal
You're just watching tv and hes just making some old video game sounds with his mouth
No one questions it
If he didnt make sounds you'd probably question it
Talks in pout if he doesn't get his way with you
"Why don't you wanna play games with me~"
"Bruh I'm tired"
Or just gives you those big puppy eyes without even trying
Complete other person when you're not listening
He just kinda stares at you all intimidating like until you listen
Taeyong won't do anything too bad if you kept ignoring him, but you don't know that
Omg bro he'd literally bring you on vlive with him to chat
Even if the company is like '???Shes not an idol???'
But its taeyong so SM doesn't care🧍‍♂️
"We have special guest again! Its y/n-ah!!"
You'd be just chilling on his bed giving him a wtf look until you realize there's a camera and smile
"Shes cute. Isn't she cute guys?"
Don't try to escape the vlive, he'll just get up and sit you on his lap
Makes everyone watching jelly🥲
Bro he would make fun of you the same way he makes fun of doyoung
you'd be sitting with doyoung or sumn and taeyong just comes up to the both of you and decides
'Its time to end these two'
You and doyoung are just like 'tf did we do'
Somehow some other members are making fun of yall
Of course they aren't mean
Its all fun and games and gives you a good laugh after
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Hes literally a mom
But its ok
You love it
He also nags a lot
And if you don't listen he gets mad
You wouldn't tell him this but you find it funny
And cute🤐
"Youre almost as bad as dream" 
"what are u talking about im an angel"
"Kay then put the knife down we kinda need haechan to live"
Hes beaten you with a pillow once
In front of taeyong
Taeyong was watching like 👁👄👁
I dont think he cares much for pda tbh
But he doesn't hate it
He'll hug you a lot
And doyoung will probably kiss you here and there
But thats depending on his mood
If he's tired he'd probably just hold you in his arms
Either way he still makes you smile even with the smallest of touches
When you guys go out in public doyoung always holds your hand
I mean always
Remember when I said he doesn't seem like the type to be into pda
I lied
Doyoung wants everyone to know youre his
He won't kiss you but he will pull you into random hugs and hold your hand like he's gonna lose you any second
Doyoung also can't go anywhere without dressing his best
Like even if he's just practicing he's gotta look cute
And he always does because he's fucking kim doyoung
Doyoung also has a habit to make up names for you
Like one day he'll call you babe/baby
The next day could be angel or princess
Then there's you who just calls him bunny because he hates (loves) it
Expect some random gifts from him
Cuz like Johnny, he likes to spoil you
he just loves the smile thats plastered on your face
Pinches your cheeks evey time you smile too
When you guys are just chilling in the dorms you are always doing something to make doyoung get "angry"
"Angry" doyoung is a fun doyoung
Says you and taeyong 🤭
Literally will chase you around the dorm until he gets you and "scolds you"
Hell also scold taeyong
Sometimes you prank him with the other members
But doyoung knows youre just being playful
So he kinda laughs at you
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Hes a devil
He can go from calling you the cutest lil thang to saying the most inappropriate stuff
"U have such a pretty mouth" 
"no stop" 
"how about u use it on my-"
Besides that he's actually very nice
Although he doesn't really show his affection like how most couples would
At first hes kinda like a "cold boyfriend" but not?
Gives off a tsundere kinda vibe
He lives for pda
Especially if you initiate it
His favorite is kissing your neck
Not in a sexual way or trying to give you hickeys tho
He just comes over and kisses it
Probably has a neck kink 😳
Same 😌
When you guys are out in public his arm is always around your waist or shoulders
He gets easily jealous when you give anyone any attention
Especially if you have a pet
He will be pouty for God knows how long until you notice
"I'll make it up to you"
"ok then prove it *pats his lap*"
"...I can and will replace you with this animal"
Will not let a dude flirt with you
If he sees a dude flirt with you he just gives them ㄒ卄乇 ㄥㄖㄖҜ
Lowkey hot
But sometimes gives you that look if u aren't listening to him
Its an advantage
Freaks you out tho
When your sitting on the couch minding your own damn business yuta always pulls you onto his lap or sits you between his legs
He really likes to be close to you
So when you guys are sitting he keeps his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you gently rocking you both
Omg im making myself feel single
If you are sad yuta will always be the first person you lean on
Even if its not serious
"Who do I need to fuck up?"
"Im literally just on my period..."
The members sometimes tease him because they'd never seen him so in love
He looks at you like ur his everything
Because you are
He'll tell you that too
If you say something bad about urself he gives you a whole ass lecture about how u should love yourself the way he loves you
He'd be talking for 25 minutes but you stopped listening 30 minutes ago
Literally scolds you for not listening
Loves how well you get along with the members
But also hates how well you get along with specific members because of how similar you are with them
What I'm trying to say is that you are a bit too similar to mark🚶‍♂️
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Frat boy boyfriend
Lowkey wants to fuck everyday
Idk he gives off that vibe
But jaehyuns just chill half the time
Hes like an American boyfriend like bitch you're Korean 👁👄👁
Hes super cuddly and warm
Thats weird wait
Like when you're cold just snuggle into him because body heat <3
Always loosely has his arms around your waist when just laying down
Whole different story if you're sitting on his lap and just standing around
Back hugs😫😫
Dead ass the first thing he does if he sees you is give you a back hug
It works for a lot of things
Surprise? Back hug
You're cooking? Back hug
Horny? Back hug
Solves his life problems basically
Hes a freak omg
Very flirtatious too
Hes just that bitch
Either he makes you blush or roll your eyes
"Y/n you're ass is fat"
Def an ass guy😑
Hes the type of guy to put his hands in your jeans back pocket
Wait no im feeling jaehyun too much rn
Or when yall hug his hand doesn't rest on your back but your ass
If you're wearing some shorts or something that makes your but pop
Hes gonna smack it and pretend like nothing happened
Yo someone pls save me im in my jae feels
Nah I've been talking about his ass kink for too long
Okay for real though jaes actually really nice and kind of careless when it comes to you
Fuck everyone else, if you've fallen and scraped your knee hes gonna be that soccer mom and rip a band aid out of nowhere
But if one of his members scraped their knee he'd just look the other way and smile like nothing happened
Earlier I said he was chill but hes also loud too
You walk into the dorms and the first thing you hear is "Y/N!!" Wyd?
You swear he doesn't realize how loud he is half the time because of that deep voice
This bitch always makes sure youre healthy and tries to take you to the gym with him
It dont work cuz this bitch just stares at your ass
Nah I need to do the next member
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hes literally the cutest especially around you
When he greets you its basically a whole ass bear hug
Whole lots a kissing
Literally doesn't care where you guys are
He will kiss you anywhere
Loves to kiss your forehead because he doesn't have to bend down as much🤭
doesnt care if the members are there
Nobody ever questions it either
"youre my baby right?"
He does aegyo if he doesn't get his way
It works every time don't lie
Will probably sit on your lap for some reason
Hes not light
But if you can do it so can he
you guys never get into fights
Even if you do its never anything serious
"you fucking pushed me so u could win"
"false I accidentally bumped my arm into urs"
"whats accidental is the murder im going to commit"
Smh young love
Going shopping with jungwoo is like shopping with a kid
Will beg for any food he lays his eyes on
"Omg can we get cookies?🥺"
"only if your paying"
“*gently places cookie dough back* lmao cookies? Never heard of her"
No matter how tired the boy is he will always find time for you
Hell take you too your favorite restaurants and even if you insist on paying he wont let you
If you don't marry him I will
When you guys are walking in public he will always be holding your hand
Says its because he doesn't want you to get lost
But you know damn well its actually him who doesn't want to get lost😳
Jk you just know he wants to be close to you
If you make any suggestive joke he always knows how to counterpart it
Leaving you speechless like the members
When you guys are going to bed he has his arms wrapped around your waist
first thing jungwoo does before sleeping is giving you a kiss
Doesn't care if your asleep or awake
Then a quiet 𝐼 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢
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i dont even know how to explain this relationship bruh
like its mark lee its gonna be a weird time
ok so marks actually hella nice
kinda bro or dude zones you but you do it back
theres a bunch of yo’s too
as someone who says yo a lot im happy i can relate to him
“yo youre doing that wrong though”
“dude im literally reading the directions, it said 3 cups of water”
“bro it says 3/4 oh my god”
yall cant cook 
taeyong wont even allow even you to help him cook
anyway marks special
but seriously marks actually a very gentle person with you
like legit is super nice to you even if you sometimes piss him off
marks probablys only been mad at you once then was like ‘its okay’
go to his practices cuz he loves that shit
he really likes when you are social with the members too
cuz then you guys are all friends and he can just bring you to places with them :D
this kid will literally not to pda in front of any member so you have to basically force him to just hug you
johnnys always making fun of you two and mark panics everytime while youre just like ‘yeah what about it’
compliment mark and hes blushing and squealing like an anime girl
inch resting concept 
“mark you look cute today”
“o-oh um..yeah thanks”
and this man can take compliments but with you its a whole new story
aight lemme get serious
marks mad sensitive 
so dont actually purposely make him mad, jealous, or upset
it would crush him
and he doesnt want someone like that in a relationship
cuz if he doesnt purposely do it to you, dont do it to him
take notes 
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hes a brat bye
would actually fight you just to get his way
makes fun of you on a regular
thinks hes cute 
hes not wrong
but actually he knows how to act mature when he needs to
like if youre genuinly getting upset with him, he will straighten up and quicky apologize, even give you a phat kiss and hug
might take you to get ice cream after if he really upset you
he can be nice
nah jk hes very nice and is a really energetic boyfriend
haechan always wants to do something with you liek go to the amusement park, go out to eat, or go shopping
sometimes makes everything seem like a hassle to leave and go somewhere with you cuz hes either lazy or playing video games
“cant you just go by yourself?”
“but what if i get lost”
“the ice cream place is literally five miles away”
“actually its seven so im gonna get lost”
hed groan the whole time just to be annoying but you dont care cuz you got your ice cream
if you go to any concert or practice, haechan always has to make things more sexy than they should be
like ‘fool’ became hella sexual and for what
its probably one of his favorites to make you blush
he loves your reactions
keeps him alive
hyucks always got something to say even at the most awful times
youre literally choking on water and he goes “ill give you something to choke on later”
and you have to cancel your dying session to smack his head
my guy has no filter
and he wont even hide that around the members
theres always that smirk on his cute ass face if he succeeds too
i have the sudden urge to fight him
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bruce-wayne-simp · 3 years
Ok hey hi hello i need to tell yall about a thing thats going down where i live. Its disgusting.
I keep seeing headlines that say like "this case is gripping the nation" but i havent really heard anyone talk about it? And if you have heard about it, Hi! This might make it easier to follow because its a Lot.
This is the Alex Murdaugh Case
(Tl;Dr: Super rich old money white guy is **allegedly** doing crimes and coverups and taking advantage of impoverished people but its all going downhill now) (Updates as of 3/5 2023)
SO. This case is kinda long and complicated and it started coming out in June of 2021. I remember my mom and i hearing about this on the radio
(Most/All of this is from wikipedia)
On June 7th 2021, Alex Murdaugh, a wealthy lawyer in South Carolina, arrived at his hunting lodge to find his wife, Maggie, and his younger son, Paul, dead in the yard near the dog kennels. They had been shot multiple times and with different weapons.
Alex's alibi is that he was with his elderly father and mother, who has dementia, when the murders happened.
Alex's father died 3 days later of natural causes.
The murders of Maggie and Paul Murdaugh drew eyes to various other aspects of the Murdaughs' past, though.
Alex is a person of interest in the investigation and a source close to the investigation says that one of the murder weapons belonged to the Murdaugh family. One article claims that Maggie left Alex all of her property to him in her will.
(3/5/2023) On March 2, 2023, Alex Murdaugh was found guilty of the murders of his wife and son after only 3 hours of deliberation. Alex's alibi fell apart when a Snapchat video from Paul revealed that Alex was in the dog kennels with Maggie and Paul only minutes before they were murdered. The trial fell apart when he took the stand and admitted he was in the Snapchat video and admitted to lying to law enforcement. Its thought he committed the murders to garner sympathy while he was being investigated for financial crimes. On March 3rd, he was sentenced to 2 consecutive life sentences with no possibility of parole. Lexi fucked around and found out :)
In 2019, Paul was charged with 3 felonies after the death of Mallory Beach during a boating accident.
Police did not do a field sobriety test on Paul, nor did they put him in handcuffs. His blood-alcohol level was .286, which is almost 3 times the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle. The judge denied the prosecutorial request that Paul wear an alcohol monitor.
(Its because his daddy is rich)
Since Paul was underage at the time, Alex and his other son, Buster, were implicated in providing alcohol to Paul by the Beach family.
At the time of his death, Paul was out on bail, attending college and awaiting trial.
(A lawyer by the name of Cory Fleming was involved in this case, representing another teen on the boat. Keep Cory in mind)
In late June 2021, authorities announced they were reopening the investigation into the death of Stephen Smith in 2015 in connection to the Murdaugh case.
Stephen Smith was a 19 year old, LGBTQ+ man who was killed via blunt-force trauma on a road in Hampton County, SC. Police theorized he ran out of gas, walked down the road and was killed by someone.
Soon after Stephen's death, rumors started circulating that there was a coverup, and that the Murdaughs were involved, but the case went cold.
Stephen was a friend and classmate of Buster's. I havent found anything definitive, im getting most of this from wikipedia but its very heavily rumored in local news sources that they were sleeping together.
In September 2021, authorities announced they were reopening the case into the 2018 death of Gloria Satterfield. She was a housekeeper for Alex Murdaugh.
Her death was reported as a "trip and fall" but the coroner wasnt notified, there was no autopsy and her death certificate said her death was due to "natural causes". A coroner testified that listing her death as "natural" was improper.
Gloria's sons were awarded a settlement of around $500,000 but by 2021 still hadnt received it.
Her sons were represented by none other than... Cory Fleming. Who they did not know had close ties with Alex, didnt participate in negotiations AND didnt sign an agreement.
Alex was charged with 2 felonies related to the missing money. He was taken into custody in October 2021.
EMBEZZLEMENT, BABEY (we're coming back to this later)
On September 3rd 2021 Alex Murdaugh resigned from his lawfirm after being accused of mishandling funds.
How many funds?
According to the New York Times, MILLIONS.
Insurance fraud!
On September 4th 2021 (Yes, one day after resigning) Alex was allegedly SHOT IN THE HEAD while changing a tire on a rural road.
On September 15th, an associate of Alex's, Curtis Edward Smith, was arrested because he conspired with Alex to kill him so his son Buster could get the life insurance money, which was around $10 million.
Alex was reportedly depressed and suicidal and was under the false belief that his son wouldnt get the insurance payout if he killed himself.
In September of 2021, Alex gave power of attorney to Buster, including the power to sell and dispose of his assets.
Buster then fucked off to Vegas where he was spotted in a casino.
On November 1st a judge ordered the Murdaugh assets be frozen. Buster and Alex sought to overturn it saying they had no money for food, medical insurance and utilities.
As of January 2022, Alex has been charged with 74 embezzlement and other criminal charges.
You read that right.
The first 27 charges (including the Gloria Satterfield payout) came in November 2021 and the amount was around $4.8 million.
On December 9th, an additional 21 criminal charges were filed in connection to an alleged scheme that was looking to defraud people of more than $6 million.
On January 21st 2022, the state grand jury filed another 23 criminal charges.
In addition there are 3 criminal charges for his failed insurance fraud suicide scheme.
These go all the way back to 2011. Alex would secretly negotiate a settlement for his clients, pay them enough that they would be thankful, then steal the rest. He had stolen nearly $8.5 million in total.
His clients were usually minorities who were not well off. These included a state trooper, family friends, a deaf man, and an undocumented immigrant.
A lot of his embezzlements were from wrongful death lawsuits. He would either only pay the family enough that they would be grateful and steal the rest, like stated above, or, he would tell the family they only got a certain amount of money when in reality the settlement was much much higher.
As of right now thats where the case is.
Alex Murdaugh, youre a piece of shit.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: brat Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu  Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: you finally see Miya Atsumu after six years, meanwhile, he feels pain when he realizes that you settled down with someone else that wasn’t him. notes: i um want to thank yall for supporting this story im- crying T-T I’m happy to inform everyone that i’ll be updating this twice a week every monday and saturday! yay!!! i was able to finish editing and im writing the last two chapters now. stay safe and big love to each and everyone of you <3
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“...Uh, Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, I thought you guys weren’t allowed to go.” Sugawara laughed nervously, knowing all too well where this would lead. He’s familiar with over-enthusiastic boys, in fact, one of those over-enthusiastic balls of sunshine was here right now entertaining them.
“K-Kaasan says it’s alright.” Yuuto lies but Sugawara quirked his brow, it was so obvious that he was lying.
“Yep, she did!” Youta grins, trying to help his twin but like him, he’s failing drastically.
“Then you won’t mind if I call your okaasa-”
“No!” Youta and Yuuto yell in unison. This made other people turn their way, Miya Atsumu watched the pair in amusement from afar. He noticed that they were late and that Sugawara had caught on to their scheme of joining in even without the parental consent, “We won’t join!” Youta proclaims, “Right, yu? W-We’ll pick up balls!”
Hinata feels his eyes glimmer at those words and decides to help them convince Sugawara but in the end, the twins were forced to be benched while the grey-haired teacher had to go back to the faculty to call you.
“It’s alright,” Hinata ruffles both their hairs, “We’ll try to come back next time and I’ll be sure to help convince your ‘kaasan.”
“Hey don’t plant false ideas in their head, Shoyou.” Atsumu grins, lazily jogging to their side. He directs his gaze to the twins that seem to oddly remind him of him and ‘samu when they were younger. The boy's gaze lingered a bit too long on him,unlike other kids who stared at him in awe, these ones were seething, “What are ya lookin’ at, kid?”
“Wow,you’re as mean as your brother.” Yuuto notes, eyeing him up and down. 
“Yeah.” Youta echoes.
Atsumu quirks a brow, this was quite the new reaction. Never in his life had a kid told him that he was mean as ‘Samu also how did they even know his twin brother?
“Now, now, don’t you think you should cut me some slack?” Atsumu tried to jokebut the twins remained unamused by the blonde’s antics, somehow Atsumu felt a sense of familiarity from their monotonous reactions.
“No thanks.” Yuuto crossed his arms, “The fake Atsumu made ‘kaasan cry and since you look like him, you might make ‘kaasan cry too.”
“What he said!” Youta agreed loudly, copying his older brother’s action.
Atsumu was just plain confused now, he admitted that Osamu had an attitude sometimes when he was annoyed but letting a mom cry in front of her kids? That’s definitely new and not-so ‘samu like (after all, he was apparently the nicer one between them)
“What’s the name of your okaasan-”
“Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, Your mom will be picking you up at the gate! Please go there now.” Sugawara cuts him off, Youta and Yuuto stand up and eye him for a bit.
“We’ll defeat you and your brother! Just wait and see, we’ll be as big as you and that other jiji!” Yuuto exclaims and before Atsumu could retaliate, they’re running off to the opposite direction. Hinata was laughing beside him, clutching his sides because apparently he was too petty while Sugawara looked at him with an apologetic expression.
“I wonder why L/N-san didn’t allow them to go, she’s usually very supportive of their hobbies, especially volleyball.” Sugawara frowns, suddenly voicing out his thoughts. Atsumu felt his shoulders stiffen at the sound of that familiar name. 
Osamu revealed he saw you last week then these kids suddenly confessed that his twin made their okaasan cry, he’s never seen you cry throughout your relationship (save for that night when you first me but you guys weren't together yet so that didn’t count). Maybe he was mistaken? it might be your relative or a common name.
After all, you were clear about not wanting a family.
“You know their mom well?” Hinata inquired,  Atsumu seems to be listening closely now, wanting to confirm if the person that Sugawara was talking about is you.
“Oh yeah, we're around the same age so I’m much closer to her than the other moms.” Sugawara blinks, “Those boys have to listen to their okaasan more. She’s raising them on her own since their dad died before he even got to know that L/N-san was pregnant. She seemed to be longing for him whenever he’s mentioned.”
A crease appeared on the blonde's forehead as he was suddenly in deep thought. It couldn’t be, right?
“Uh, Sugawara-san, may I know the name of the mom? Her last name sounds kind of familiar.” he questions, pretending to be nonchalant but inside, he feels like he had his heart on his throat.
If it was you, he’d feel those things that he desperately tried to hide behind his confident jokes and laughs. 
The pain.
The pain that you chose someone else and was open enough to the idea of starting a family. If that guy probably hadn’t died, you’d be together, happily raising those boys he had just met a while ago. Happily married, something that Atsumu tried to mention one fleeting moment while you were together back in college but you immediately shut the idea down and left him a month later.
The pain that you fell in love in a span of moments unlike Atsumu who relentlessly tried to gain your favour and follow you around like a lost puppy.
“Oh, her name’s Y/N L/N.”
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Thankfully nothing unexpected happened after what the twins did, they ended up having to pick if they wanted their video game rights removed for a week or cancel their plans with their favorite ojisan who was coming by a few weeks from now, they chose the first one on that.
They had even mentioned that they met the real Miya Atsumu and although you felt like your heart lurched out of your chest and your shoulders stiffen at the mention of that man --- their father---  they simply had called him a rude jiji like his brother much to your relief.
“L/N-san, we seem to have a problem.” Aiko frowned, handing the papers to you, “The director of the advertisement department wants a bigger budget, do you mind running it through him again? You have to go to the studio though, I heard they’re doing some photo shoot now.”
You nodded in reply, taking the papers from your co-worker. The studio was a bit far so you ended up having to commute to get there, “What a nuisance.” You muttered, you needed to buy a second-hand car soon when you had enough money. It would definitely be easier for both you and the boys, “Uh excuse me? Is Nakamura-san here?” you asked the secretary on the front desk.
“And who are you?” the secretary snapped back, still typing away on her computer.
“Y/N L/N from the finance department, I have to run through the new budget liquidation with him.”
The secretary one-eyes you and the ID on your neck for a split second, “You better be quick, the boss wants only five minutes per guest since he’s personally handling the shoot today.” was all she replied, handing you the pass. You muttered a quick thank you and made your way up to the studio, whoever the model was today, they must’ve been big for Nakamura to handle them personally.
“Oh-ho, is that who I think it is?” a very, very familiar voice calls out.
“Inunaki-san.” You greeted, trying to maintain yourself, were these the big clients that Nakamura was handling? The black jackals? good fucking gracious, god must hate you.
“Wow,” he shakes his head, feigning amusement, “You’re still so calm and cool.”
You narrowed your eyes at the insult but you waved it off, “And you’re playing for a national team, congratulations.” you replied in a blank tone, your senior probably knew what happened between you and his fellow member. You wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he reacted the same way as Osamu did.
“We’re actually doing a shoot now, would you like me to call Atsu-”
“No.” your usual calm tone switched to a colder one, “I’m working now and so is Miya-san, please don’t bother yourself.”
“Gee,” he raised his hands, signalling defeat, “Just say you don’t want to see him. You don’t need to be so cold to me, my dear little kohai.”
“I have to go back to my job, I’m on the clock here.” You ignored his previous statement, “It was nice seeing you again Inunaki-san.”
Before you could give him a chance to reply, you headed towards the studio. You took a deep breath and mentally calculated to three.
It’s been six years, Miya Atsumu would ignore you. He wouldn’t care about the girl who left him out to dry in college. He’s got a girlfriend now, a model who has legs for days and looks ten times better than you and acts more like a girlfriend than you ever did.
Yes, that’s right, he wouldn’t care.
You entered the studio, you could feel the air tighten around you as soon as you heard that laughter. The one you used to hear everyday and never get tired of. For all the laughs you couldn’t do, he’d do it for you and boy, was he patient around you since you didn’t smile a lot back then (who were you kidding? until now you still had the same problem except when the kids were around)
You want to stop and stare, you want to admire him and his glory that you were very much proud of.
Yet your legs continue to carry you to your boss, the laughter seems to have ceased and you could hear someone asking him what was wrong.
“Oh, L/N-san?” Nakamura greeted you, “You’re here for the renewal of the budget?”
You nodded feverishly, your legs seem to be turning into jelly because you want to collapse from the nervousness and thank god that you wore some make-up before arriving here, otherwise, they would’ve noticed how pale you looked, “Everything seems to be in order,” He nods, scanning the sheets and handing them back to you, “Are you busy right now?”
You glanced at the wall clock, checking the time to see if you could extend your stay and Nakamura is quick to pick up on it, “Ah right, you’ve got kids to pick up. It’ll be quick, just help set up the blocks there and you’re free to leave.” he orders.
You nodded obediently and slowly turned to the side only to catch the very familiar chocolate brown eyes of the blonde. You feel your heart hammering in your chest and your feet turn cold, it had been six years since you last saw Miya Atsumu and he was still as winsome and exhilarating as he was back then.
You may have seen him a lot on television but seeing him, right here, a few feet away from you was different. Taking in a big gulp of air, you started working on the set-up as quickly as you could yet you could still feel his burning gaze remaining on you, “Tsum-tsum, lay off her will you.” came Inunaki Shion’s loud voice snaps him out of his daze.
Great, that little twat had to make an appearance.
“Y/N-san you should really say hi,” Inunaki teased as soon as you finish your set-up.
“Oh? You’re Y/N L/N?” the orange one gushed, quickly up on his feet, you recall him as Hinata Shoyou, Youta’s favorite orange-haired ninja, “Sugawara-san’s friend?” 
You hesitantly nodded, “Oh, you know her Sho-kun?” Shion asked, seemingly amused by it all.
“What are you all crowding here for, Hinata?” Another asked, peering in them closely. This one must’ve been Bokuto, another favorite of Yuuto.
“Sugawara-san’s friend! she’s the mother of those two boys in the training camp who had to go home early!” he suddenly turns to you and then grins, “Ne, ne, the boys really seem to want to attend one of those. Why don’t you allow them to join us-”
“Forget it, Hinata.” Atsumu suddenly speaks out, that warm voice that you were accustomed to seemed cold and menacing now, “She won’t allow it.”
Shion notices the tension between you two and when he’s about to usher the energetic duo away back to the dressing room along with the other members, you let out a quiet sigh and spoke out, “I was on my way to leave, please don’t bother yourselves.” You simply replied, you didn’t waver and stared at him dead in the eye, this could be the moment to end it all and cut ties with him officially, “I apologize for what I did back then, Miya-san. I should’ve told it to you in person. I offer my sincere congratulations to you for making it this far.”
The blonde clenched his jaw, it seemed like he wanted to say something to you yet when he realizes the usual calm and collected demeanor you're putting up, he decides against it and leaves you alone by storming away first.
Hinata and the guy named Bokuto looked at you --- completely puzzled and lost like a deer in the headlights --- before following the blonde, “You truly are in a whole ‘nuther level, Y/N.” Shion whistles, “Heard you’ve got two boys now though. Congrats, where's the poor bastard?”
You continue to watch the back of Atsumu Miya. Finally, it seemed like he’d left you alone and probably for good this time, “Gone, off to a better place.” was all you replied.
Inunaki notices the longing in your voice, a completely unfamiliar emotion he had never seen back then even when you and Atsumu were together. It seemed like you and Atsumu were both the poor bastards in the end.
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Miya Atsumu sleeps alone that night.
He doesn’t call his girlfriend back despite the several missed calls, he doesn’t reply to the unanswered text of his brother and his teammates. All he feels is pain tonight, pain because of your very dry apology, pain because of your bland expression. Pain because you didn’t seem to care like that time six years ago.
He shuts his eyes tight and he feels as if he’s back in college, back to that winter night where he received that dreaded phone call from you after you disappeared from him. He remembered those days clearly, your apartment had been cleaned out and paid for, you weren’t answering him on social media, your phone line was also unresponsive and he couldn’t even call your family since you never mentioned anything about them at all.
You both may have been intimate for the past two years but when you disappeared, he had the frightening realization that he didn’t know you at all.
He didn’t want to push you out of your comfort zone, he wanted you to lead the relationship but right at that moment, he wished he pried just a bit since he was worried about you.
Then in the midst of his anxiety, it came, that phone call.
“Atsumu.” your usual calm voice filled his ears and he suddenly feels the weight of the world is removed from his shoulders, thank god you were okay.
“Y/N? Baby? Where are you?”
“Where outside exactly?” Miya Atsumu dryly asks, “It’s cold, you shouldn’t be out now and wandering about. Would you like me to pick you up-”
“I can’t do this anymore.” you suddenly cut him off and the line goes quiet. The blonde feels the world around him quiet down too when he hears those words that he wished he heard wrong.
“What’s, what’s wrong? Y/N, are you alright?” 
“I don’t know,” You mutter, “I’m just tired.”
“Tired of what exactly?”
“Of you, of us…”
“Y/N, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
“Yes.” Your voice remained dead calm as if you just hadn’t broken his heart in a million pieces that moment, “Let’s stop this here now, Atsumu. Let’s break-up.”
“That’s…” He tries to keep the mood light, praying that this is one of your dark jokes, “That’s not funny, Y/N.”
“It’s not supposed to be since it’s not a joke.”
Your response was curt as usual and he doesn’t know whats worse, the fact that you’re breaking up over the phone or the fact that your tone remains stable and the same.
“Y/N, don’t do this...Baby don’t do this over the phone.” His tone seemed desperate at this point, “I’m not stopping this until you tell me what's wrong between us, you have to give me something to work with Y/N. Is it something I did?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean ya don’t know?” Atsumu started to raise his tone when he notices how unaffected you seem at the other line.Frustration slowly started to bubble in him, the accent turning thicker as he got angrier, “Y/N ya can’t just disappear out of the blue and call me one day and tell me you want to break up! Do you think I’m some sort of fling? Some one-night stand or fuck buddies? We’ve been together for two years, Y/N. Two whole fucking years, What’s wrong? Do you not love me anymore?”
The line went dead silent again and he hates it, he doesn’t know what to say as his face contorts in sadness and confusion. 
“I don’t…” He starts to feel a lump grow on his throat when he hears how easy it was for you to say, he knew he was in love with you more than you were with him. Many had pointed out how dangerous and how painful it would be on his side in the end, he couldn’t believe it would hurt him this much, “ I don’t fucking believe you, say it right at my face. Where the hell are ya? Let’s talk this one out in person.”
“Don’t bother, I just don’t want to see you again.”
“Y/N you can’t just-”
“I can and I will.” You cut him off, your voice was growing more and more detached and he feels like he’s back to that moment two years ago where you didn’t spare him a glance and treated him like a scrub, he hears a hefty sigh on your side and the next few words is another bullet to his heart, “I’m sorry it had to end this way, Atsumu.”
“You…” he shakily replied, trying to mask his grief with a painful chuckle. He wants to be mad at you, he wants to yell at you but for some odd reason, he couldn’t bring himself to,  “Jesus christ, you really are something, Y/N. You just broke my heart over the the fucking phone and all you could do is say sorry?”
“Sorry.” you say, like a broken-record on repeat and he hates it. He hates how he feels like this was nothing for you.
“Don’t you dare say that again when you don’t mean it-” He spat and before he could finish what he had to say, the phone line went dead. He tried to call again but it seemed like you had used a payphone. Out of complete vexation, he hurls his phone right across the room towards the blue photo frame with the both of you in it.
The sound of broken glass shards and ragged breathing is the only thing heard in the quiet apartment.
It’s not even the peak of winter that night yet he feels so numb and cold.
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@fortheloveofiwaizumi​ ;  @svtbitch ; @ryaaaax ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii @juno-multifandom ; @gyubit17 ; @saeranoppa ; @nixxona ; @kyomihann @shorttstackk ; @itsmattsunshinehere ; @missingmystogan​ ; @Etherynaw ; @volleybloop​ ; @imcravingyou​ ;
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taechaos · 3 years
That scenario was really good😱 Yeonjun’s last line made me GASP lolol
can you do another scenario where Yeonjun gifts OC roses and a teddy bear through a delivery service so she is shocked when she receives them, how would Jungkook react? 😱
I love jealous/pissed/possessive Jungkook 🥵
YALL JUST REALLY LOVE THE DRAMA 💀💀 making my man suffer like this,,, you'll be hearing from my lawyers
im gonna be including this bit in the scenario so 😎
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"Is this for you or me?" you ask Soyeon who can barely keep her eyes open after waking her upon seeing a bunch of gifts when you opened the door of your dorm room to attend your morning lecture. It's a teddy bear holding a bouqet of roses in its fluffy paw, sitting on the hall floor to provide you with today's first surprise.
You know Soyeon is single, and you know Jungkook like the back of your hand: his romance doesn't extend to these cheesy gestures. It may seem rude to not even think of the possibility that it might be your boyfriend's doing, and despite being such a hopeless romantic, you're certain it's not from him.
Soyeon grumbles drowsily as she stretches before rubbing her eyes with her fists. "What?" she yawns tiredly.
"That," you point past the open door and she follows the direction of your finger with puffy eyes.
"Definitely not," she answers with a sleep strained voice. "Look for a card." She doesn't leave room for a response before turning on her side to face away from you and fall back asleep.
You listen to her advice and crouch before the toy to search for anything that would reveal the identity of the delivery person. It's with close inspection that you find a white card stuffed between the roses.
In your hand it reads: Good morning, beautiful. Can't wait to see you in Human Anatomy.
There's your clarity, and you can't doubt it's Yeonjun when Soyeon doesn't even take this course. It's pathetic, you think, to try and court someone who's already in a stable relationship. This isn't him going after you, but beckoning you to go to him just like he said you would before calling your boyfriend a cliché. It more or less sounds like a mind game, and you're stuck between ignoring his advances completely or confronting him about it.
Yeonjun seemed like an understanding guy; he did say he wouldn't go around you asking for a date, and for two days, he hasn't. If he takes orders so well, it wouldn't hurt to tell him to leave you alone once and for all.
That's your reasoning to march down the hall and find Yeonjun after crumbling the note and leaving the gift on someone else's doorstep. Front rows are your go-to spot to not miss a single detail in your lecture, and it's no shocker seeing Yeonjun sitting on a front row bench.
You clench your fists and scowl to intimidate the creep before stomping over to him. Dismissing your demands is out of the question when your stance nothing short of angry. He needs to know you're not playing around, that he can't manipulate your naivety like he's attempting to.
His eyes twinkle the moment they land on you and he stops spinning his pencil to give you his utmost attention. Good, he's listening. You don't trespass the barrier in the form of a stretched out table between you two as you glower over him.
"I'm gonna make this short," you glare with slit eyes, "I don't want anything that has your fingerprints on it nor do I want to hear you speak to me ever again. Leave me alone or I will report you for harrassment. Say yes if you understand."
The light in his gaze dims momentarily as his awed smile falters. "Y-Yes." He appears afraid and innocent, but your gut denies it. "But may I ask why?"
"Oh, you know why," you scoff in a hushed voice, "I don't want your stupid cards and your stupid gifts, and most of all, I don't want you. Get that through your thick skull."
He never knew you could be this mean, and it almost throws off the sweet impression he has of you until he remembers that you're just loyal. He loves that you're so faithful, and he wants you to be faithful to him only. He craves it so deeply, but he says nothing of the sort and instead stammers, "I-I understand. I-I'm sorry, I'll leave you alone if that's what you wa–"
The slam of the lecture room's doors echo in the spacious hall, and you hurriedly take a seat on the edge of the bench to distance yourself from Yeonjun as much as possible. He has to bite his lip to stop a smile from growing on his face from having you sit next to him.
But just as you requested, he doesn't interact with you throughout the lecture except for a few glances to drink in the sight of you being so close to him. Instances like these are the only time he can feel intimate with you, but it'll only get better on from here.
Because the professor assigns a pair project before you're dismissed.
"Before you leave, by the end of the term, you will have a report submitted in pairs regarding senses that affect the human system in a topic of your choice. More information on the college website, along with the assigned pairs. You can go."
"I already checked," Yeonjun whispers to you, making you immediately wear a distasteful expression, "I'm your partner."
"Nuh-uh," you deny childishly before taking out your phone as you stand from the bench to leave after packing your stationaries. You log onto the site just as you receive a notification from Jungkook.
the love of my life ♡: no good morning text? sus
You have to swipe it away out of worry that you'll actually be forced to spend time with Jungkook's new nemesis. The site loads. You scroll past the details of the task and finally land on the pairs.
And there it is—your name next to Yeonjun's on the screen.
"No," you exhale to yourself and rush out to the hall to avoid Yeonjun. "No, no, no."
Below the names explicitly states: No changes in the assigned pairs. It's too big of a coincidence for you to think it's just your bad luck—you're certain bribery is involved, and how lovely that you can't do anything about it.
You take pride in your intelligence, but you can't outsmart him in this situation, especially when your grades are being held over your head to force yourself to be around Yeonjun. Jungkook would get arrested for murder if you involved him in it, and he surely wouldn't leave you alone if you told him about it.
But then again, you promised—no more secrets.
You: good morning kookie!! i was a little busy so i couldn't text you :< did you sleep well?? <3
"Fuck, fuck," you shriek to yourself as you keep walking, not paying attention to where your feet are leading you. Just as long as you're safe from Yeonjun so Jungkook wouldn't find you with him. You need to tell him when the guy isn't around, so you need to wait until his lecture's over–
Yeonjun calls for your name softly while running past the roaming students, and you stop on your tracks with the desire to spit out every insult you have in mind to his face.
"You asshole!" you grit the moment he faces you while breathing heavily. "You planned this, didn't you? I said–"
"I-I'm sorry, but I had nothing to do with it," he pleads with that innocent expression of his. "I promise I-I won't act like before! I'll respect your relationship and stop being weird!"
"Good," you jab a finger at his chest as you seethe, "I don't want to spend any more time with you than I have to."
He frowns with a jutting bottom lip, looking like a kicked puppy as his eyes turn glossy. You are so mean, and he hates it, but his only leverage is that he can be meaner—not to you, never you, but to Jungkook. He's a step ahead of you, and you can shower him with all the bad words you can think of until you heart is content, but he sees it as just a step in the process of owning you.
You think he's submissive and persistent, but no, he's just manipulative.
"Don't get mad," you warily caution while lying down on the grass next to your boyfriend, basking in the sun to last the peaceful atmosphere a little longer. His arm is under your back and his hand on your chest as you hold it.
He has his eyes closed as he says, "no promises."
"We promised to tell each other everything, and there's nothing you can do about this one so please don't get mad at me." He quirks a brow when he opens his eyes to see your timid face. "Remember Yeonjun?"
"You have to be fucking kidding me," he groans angrily as he sits up, prompting you to do the same. "You talked to him, didn't you? I specifically fucking said–"
"Can you just listen?" you sigh. "We have a project together." His brows scrunch intimidatingly, making it harder to say what's on your mind. "And this is unrelated but... he brought a gift to my doorstep."
He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "Is there anything more I should listen to? Are you done?"
"H-he said he'd stop acting weird and respect our relation–"
"Fucking bullshit. What, did he also say he just wants to be friends? That he's not interested in you anymore?"
"He didn't say that–"
"And you didn't tell the professor you wanted a different partner? Did you keep the gift too?" he sneers mockingly.
"Jungkook, I can't switch, and no I didn't keep the freaking gift," you defend, feeling offended. He can be so provocative when he's mad. It isn't even your fault! "I'm telling you, there's nothing I can do except to convince him to work together online. Isn't that better?"
He grabs your jaw and pulls you a little closer. His grip is bordering on painful and you hold back a wince. "Are you fucking hearing yourself? You can't even be around him and yet you're not allowed to switch? Listen to me. You go to that fucking professor, tell him this guy is harrassing you and that you can't work with him, and if they don't listen, you go the headmaster. You hear me?" he slightly jolts you to command an answer.
"Y-Yes, but–"
"Don't make any fucking excuses," he hisses and lets go of your face. "If you don't do something about it while I'm giving you the chance, then I will."
You hold onto your chin as you meekly question, "what will you do?"
"Things don't need to escalate," he shrugs as he lies back down. "I'll threaten him with my pocket knife and one wrong word from him, I'll use it."
"Like kill him?" you exclaim in shock.
He rolls his eyes. You take him too seriously sometimes. "No. Just send a message. Now go run off to your professor before I ask Yoongi to be my alibi."
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fruitymimi · 4 years
Pet Hero - Tomura Shigaraki x Reader
where shigaraki finds a hero who was trying to complete a mission, things go south and he ends up fucking them dumb
warnings: uh... lots of degradation, sort of dumbification, it’s kinda gross, choking, quirk play kinda? shigaraki just mentions what would happen if he gripped them with all 5 fingers, Autassassinophilia is what it’s called, shigaraki has foul language
pairing: tomura shigaraki x gender neutral reader
a/n: heres a lil smth for yall while you guys wait for free bird 5 cause im such a simp for this mf. thank you guys sm for 240 followers, i love each and every one of you sm <3. don’t be afraid to leave requests, writing small stuff like this rlly helps me create ideas for free bird!! you can request x gender neutral reader, male reader, or female reader from any anime! <3 also... expect reader x levi MAYBE??
word count: 1885
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“Stupid little slut can barely control themselves, hm?” Shigaraki traced the back of their neck with his two fingers, his free hand coming up to yank at their hair to force them to look up at him, pinkie out of course. “I‘ll ask you one more fucking time, what’s a pretty little hero like you doing here?” 
They didn’t even know what to say to him. When the hero commission tried to explain to Y/N that even one step going wrong in this mission would easily land them right in the position they were in now. And of course, due to carelessness, here they were, tied to a chair, staring up at the most wanted villain in the large city they lived in. 
“The heroes did this on purpose, huh? Sent their dumbest slut on this mission. How pathetic,” Shigaraki gripped at their chin, giving them a sympathetic look as he ran his pinkie nail over their throat. 
“That’s not true! I am not dumb!” They yelled, tears brimming in their eyes as they looked at him. 
He let out a chuckle. “Oh… So you’re telling me, they sent a pretty little hero like yourself, one who has a useless quirk and can barely fight for themselves, hoping that you alone would take me down? If they cared about you, they would have sent someone who would at least put up a slightly fair fight.” Shigaraki stared at them with his crimson, glowing eyes. “But they sent you, a stupid little hero.”
They bit down on their lip, shaking their head. “I’m not a useless hero!”
Shigaraki leaned back, tilting his head. “Oh? I see what you’re talking about now..” Shigaraki stood up, walking over to now stand in front of them. “You’re not useless cause you’re the heroes little cumdump, aren't you? I can see it in your eyes… You’re too pretty to be a real hero. Too dumb to be a real hero.”
They just looked at him, eyes wide and cheeks hot. “No…”
“Lying right through your teeth? Tell me the truth. You’ve had Eraserhead’s cock between your lips, huh?” Shigaraki pushed his thumb into their mouth, pressing down their tongue, “ooh, you’ve probably had Endeavor’s dick stuffed in your sex, yeah? No… what was All Might’s cock like?” Shigaraki chuckled, swirling his thumb around their mouth. 
“Do you think they would mind if their filthy slut got used by the League? All you have to do is say ‘yes’...” Shigaraki leaned in, licking a stripe up their neck. “And I’ll bury my cock right… in… here…” His free hand traced their throat again, looking up at them. 
Y/N bit down on their lip. They’d be lying if they said they didn’t think Shigaraki was sexy. Especially when he didn’t have that hand on his face, they could see his eyes and his features, his chapped lips, and his wrinkled eye bags. Y/N blinked a few times, mumbling a “yes..” to him. 
Shigaraki hummed, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. “Didn’t take you long? I guess you really are their dumb little slut who’s addicted to cock… I need you to be louder. Say it. Admit that you’re a whore and tell me what you want me to do.”
“Yes. I’m a whore… I want you to fuck me, please..” Y/N said louder, looking up at him with pleading eyes. 
Shigaraki smiled, his hand going to their hero top. He clenched it, instantly decaying the thin material. “Little whore…” He mumbled, his thumb and pointer finger going to their nipple almost immediately. He tugged on the bud, hearing their breath instantly hitch at the feeling. 
“Responding so well, too.” He whispered, darting his tongue out to swirl around the hardened nipple, his teeth coming down to gently bite at the sensitive bud. He hummed when he heard a moan come from their lips, his eyes flickering up to watch their face. 
Shigaraki got a hold of their pants, decaying them with ease. “Have you ever fantasized about this? Me fucking into that pretty hole of yours, my hand around your neck. You’d probably get off on the thought of me ‘accidentally’ dropping my pinkie down on your skin, am I right?” he asked, his tongue trailing down to their thighs. He spread their legs with his knees, his lips attaching to the flesh of their thighs. 
He bit down, gently sucking a bruise onto the soft skin. “You’re gonna be the villain's pretty little fucktoy, aren’t you excited? I can tell you’re already excited, your pretty undies have a wet spot on them..”
“Please, Shigaraki..” they whispered, looking down at him. “Please touch me, I’ll be a good little slut.”
Shigaraki dipped his finger into their underwear, tracing that sensitive spot on their sex. “It’s all wet, too. I knew you’d get off on something as filthy as this..” he decayed the underwear, his hand rubbing against them. “Listen to what I’m about to do, bitch.” Shigaraki cursed, stopping his hand movements. “You’re gonna get on your knees and you’re gonna stretch that pretty hole while I fuck your throat.”
They nodded, “Please do it, I want you so badly..”
Shigaraki grinned, untying them from the chair. “Get on your knees,” he demanded, watching them instantly fall onto their knees. Shigaraki unbuckled his pants, sliding his cock out from his boxers. He gripped their hair, tugging them forward. “Wet your fingers and stretch yourself.” 
They did as they were told, their hand sliding down to their hole. Y/N slowly pushed one of their fingers inside of themselves, their eyes fluttering shut at the feeling. 
“Open your mouth and stick out your tongue,” Shigaraki told them, his cock sliding into their mouth instantly. He let out a sigh, his eyes almost rolling back. “Good slut..” he whispered, slowly beginning to move his hips. 
Shigaraki honestly got off on his own ego. It was so painfully obvious. Just the thought of him having one of the pro heroes on their knees when they were clearly supposed to be completing some dumb mission had Shigaraki already hard. It was a fucked up fantasy he’s had, but that’s not even the worst of them. “Choke on that cock like a good little whore… Those dumb heroes couldn’t fuck you half as well as I can, I bet. They just wanna fuck that pretty mouth and call it a day, hm? I’ll make you scream my fucking name.” He promised, thrusting his cock into their mouth at a steady pace.
They whimpered around his cock, looking up at him. His face looked so pretty, his eyes were hooded, cheeks were blushed red and his lips were parted as he panted through his words. 
“And look at you… drooling all over my cock like the little slut you are… how fucking cute..” Shigaraki whispered, running his hands through their hair. “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” He said when they glanced back down because of embarrassment. 
They looked up at him, swirling their tongue around his cock. Believe it or not, Shigaraki had a surprisingly sweet taste to himself. They wrapped their hand around his cock, moving it up and down his shaft along with their mouth. 
Shigaraki bit down on his lip, his hand still tangled in their hair. It really was such a pretty sight, seeing Shigaraki with his red tinted cheeks, almost matching his pretty eyes. His lip was still caught between his teeth, eyes were hooded as Shigaraki looked down at them.
“Fuck…” he said with a breathy moan, his hand tightening in their hair. “M’ gonna cum down your throat…” he whispered. Shigaraki clenched his eyes shut as he felt that familiar tingling in his cock. 
Shigaraki’s hips slowed as he reached his climax, a moan coming from his lips when he’d finally came down their throat. He looked down at them after a few seconds, watching them swallow around him. 
He smiled, pulling them up by their hair. “Good little whore, taking all my cum. How does it taste, bitch? Is that slutty little hole of yours ready to get fucked raw, hm?” Shigaraki traced their spit-covered bottom lip, pushing them to have them leaned over the table, face against the cold wood. “Speak.”
They nodded eagerly, looking up at him. “I wan-...I want your cock so badly.” They told him, gripping onto the edge of the table. 
Shigaraki hummed, walking behind them. He gripped at their hips, leaving his pinkies up as he lined himself up with their hole. “Once you take a villain's cock, you’re gonna fall in love. Pretty little hero’s gonna get fucked dumb by all of the league.” Shigaraki slowly slid into them, both of them letting out a sigh. 
“You’ve been fucked so many times and you’re still this tight? Those heroes weren’t fucking you right, huh? Left you unsatisfied all the time, didn’t they?” Shigaraki began to thrust his hips, watching their face twist in pleasure. 
All they could do in response was moan, their eyes clenching shut. The corners of his lips were pulling at a smile, his eyes narrowing. He pulled them up by their neck, putting his chin on their shoulder, pressing their body against his. “Does it feel good, slut? Tell me how my dick feels in that pretty little hole of yours..”
“It feels so good,” Y/N whimpered, looking up at him with teary eyes, “your cock feels so good inside of me..”
Shigaraki watched one of the tears slide down their cheek, a chuckle coming from his mouth. “You look so pretty when you cry, Y/N. Can’t handle how good my cock feels, can you?” Shigaraki’s four-fingered grip tightened on their throat, his teeth coming down to bite on their shoulder. 
They moaned out, back arching into him. “You fuck me so well, you’re gonna make me cum!” They cried out, feeling his hips move faster into them, his tip constantly pressing against that sensitive spot. 
“Yeah? Gonna cum while you’re getting fucked from behind? Do it. I want you to cum so fucking hard that you only think about me whenever you cum. I want you to cry out my fucking name.”
They fluttered around him, their breath becoming ragged. “You feel so fucking good!” They moaned, throwing their head back against his shoulder. They felt their climax finally wash over them as they came, eyes rolling back. 
Shigaraki reached his hand out to trace his fingers over their sensitive spot, hearing their moans grow louder. 
“Such a good little slut, making a mess. I’m gonna cum inside of you, yeah? Gonna make sure everybody knows that you’re fucking mine.” Shigaraki said, his thrusts becoming more and more sloppy as he neared his own orgasm. 
He spilled inside of them, moans leaving his own lips as he bit down on their neck. He muttered curses against their skin, feeling himself throb inside of them. 
He slowly pulled out, looking at their hole to see the cum dripping out of it. “Would you look at that..” he mumbled, turning them around.
As surprising as it is, Shigaraki pressed his lips against theirs, his hand holding the back of their neck. 
“I’ve got my own pet hero..”
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hunbomb · 5 years
roommate! jaemin
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i hope u guys like this one! i do :) 
warning: not proofread LMAO
jaemin: a huge flirt
like we been knew sis okay bUt its not like it defines him ya kno??? like yes he is a flirt but its not like he does it purposely
however that doesn’t stop every single girl from liking him
except for u cause you’re ~not like other girls~
jk you are 
cause who wouldn’t find na jaemin attractive?? tf???
okay but like the dealio between you and jaemin is that you are best friends 
and you have a fat crush on him (u have since the beginning of highschool LOL)
luckily for you, although jaemin is a flirt, he isnt interested in any girls so he doesnt bring any to your dorm
and even if he did, he would tell u because it would be shitty not to 
so u met in grade nine and yalls friendship popped TF off right away like you joined nomins duo and made it a trio in the span of 4 months and everyone was like???? this mf got that close to them that fast???? mastery
jeno was like ur brother from another mother fr
you and him told eachother everything and sometimes he would tell you things he wouldnt even tell jaemin. like everyone has those people that although theyre close w, there are some things you’d never tell and that goes for jeno and jaemin
jaemin never told jeno he listens to taylor swift
and jeno never told jaemin that he watched all of my little pony friendship is magic on netflix
but since you and jeno shared some personal things w eachother, you obviously told him about your crush on jaemin
and since you had a crush on jaemin, you never got like super super close with him just cause ur feels got in the way 
mainly just you never got as close to jaemin as you did jeno
sure you were bffs, but it wasn’t on such an intimate level
cause everytime jaemin would look your way you’d be gasping for air
so timeskip to senior year
everything is great
your friendship is still strong af and you guys are all planning for post secondary
jaemin and you get into the same uni right.... and jeno gets into the one the town over so your friendship wont take that much damage
but!!! jaemin wants to room with you!!! and ur like!! fucufejdsk!!!
cause like ofc you want to who wouldnt????? but you have such a massisve crush on him you dont want it to get in the way of not only yours but also jaemins university experience
you say yes tho and next thing you know youre unpacking all your stuff
the dorm is kind of small like there isnt a lot of space,,,,, theres two bedrooms but the beds literally take out the whole room HAHHAHA and then there is a chill space with the kitchen connected and u and jaemin have to share a washroom LOL
“jaemin what the FUCK did you eat??? beans??? i bet it was beans this shit smells so bad i-”
“it really do be ya own friends sometimes” -jaemin 2020 :((((((
anyway so like university life is good you and jaemin invite jeno over every weekend for a sleepover and vice versa its so cute GAH
but like,,,, here’s where the drama comes in
one day you are facetiming jeno and youre telling him about how you really like jaemin and blah blah ya know the usual
and youre not really looking at the screen cause youre doing your homework and focusing on that but jeno sees in the back that jaemin has fully entered the room
and you dont notice cause hes silent and your still talking but jeno is trying to get your attention UDHSJIA
and when he does you see in your part of the screen jaemin just,,,, standing there
cue you ending the call with jeno SO FAST and turning around like oH i thought you had classes right now?
“.... they ended early”
“i see” ://////////
you like get up super fast and just walk around him and go into your roomm shutting the door 
poor jaemin is just like “what”
cause to be honest he never really considered this situation ever happening yah he thought you were prettier than most girls and he liked the way you were able to talk to people so easily but he never would have thought you harboured feelings for him
so he kind of just leaves it be cause he knows that you def dont want to talk about it and is willing to wait for you to be the one who brings it up
so time skip to dinner youre both just eating in silence but you dont like it,,,
“what i said was true” you say and jaemin looks up and he knows where this convo is going but he lets you speak
“i didnt ever plan on telling you because i really like our friendship but i guess i wasn’t careful enough”
your heart is beating hella fast but you try to look unbothered and its going pretty good until jaemin asks you something
“how long have you felt this way?”
OKAY like it shouldnt be a big deal to tell him bc you already exposed yourself but for some reason that question just hit you deep cause you realized that youve liked him for so long and he never felt the same ya know
“i dont know,,, since the start of highschool? when we became friends i always thought you were cute and it just turned into a full blown crush”
jaemin just sort of nods in response “oh okay”
so that night your just laying in your bed full of regrets
you know things are about to be super duper awkward between you and jaemin and you wish it didnt have to be like that
so over the next couple of weeks its more awkward than it has ever been before and the sleepovers with jeno seem so divided 
its either jeno and you or jeno and jaemin its never the three of you anymore :((((((
jaemin isn’t ignoring your feelings though, dont worry! hes just trying to sort his out
because your confession kind of opened his eyes
he doesnt want to force himself to like you but he cant help but admit that when he first heard you talking about your feelings a huge warmth spread through his chest and he may or may not have uncovered some feelings
these feelings were always there but he suppressed in grade nine cause he thought you’d never like him and you just wanted to stay friends
so he pushed them down and never thought about it again
but obviously that didnt happen because now youre on his mind 24/7 and he wishes that he could just talk to you but hes kind of nervous
so after taking advice from jeno he tries to talk to you more, like asking how your day went and starting up conversations
youre  kind of like “what u playing at son” but you leave it cause you know jaemin would never do you dirty like that
it stays this way for a while until one night theres a particularly bad thunderstorm and jaemin is scared of thunder
and so when youre just playing on your phone jaemin opens your door slightly and has this scared look on his face
and you know that jaemin is scared of thunder so you open your arms without any words being shared
a huge boom of thunder makes jaemin squeal and jump into your arms
and he gets comfy under the covers as youre holding him, no words shared between you two
he starts to feel much better and this sense of comfort washes over him like,,, youre his home
and as hes falling asleep he softly mutters
“im sorry it took me so long”
and youre just straight confused like what does that mean is he talking about his feelings or just the fact that yall havent had such an close encounter in a while 
the next morning you wake up and jaemins arms and you guys are facing eachother
and hes already awake so when you oepn your eyes you find him already looking at you
“thank you for last night, youre the best” he whispers and youre like all good fam i understand
but then he leans in closer and is like “i should have told you this so long ago, but i am in love with you”
your eyes widen and youre like wh AT the FUCJ your heart is beating at like 420 bpm and ur shooketh
he just smiles and pulls in you in closer and its just a super soft moment and no words have to be said
that night you guys are cuddling on the couch after dinner when jaemin just asks you be his gf
OF COURSE YOU SAY YES! you have been waiting for this moment for god knows how long
jeno is all like damn fina-fucking-ly i’ve been watching this romance play out for like 5 years! 
its super cute
its even better that you guys are roommates because youre already living together so you get to see eachother everyday
jaemins room as become a guest room for sorts as he now shares a bed with you
jaemin: >:(((((( tf is that supposed to mean
you just laugh and youre like im not complaining hahaha and jaemins heart just stutters so bad 
he really does love you and he cant believe it took him so long to accept his feelings
and one night he tells you about how he pushed them down and youre like “exCUSE ME we could have been dating all this time u pussy”
sad jaemin :((((( 
anyway ya its so good its a win-win situation 
you get to room with the love of your life and its just magical there are so many soft moments between you two and just UGH relationship goals
i need me a jaemin
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