#im looking forward for the next chapter!! I know it might break my heart but AUGH Hades go get your girlie back she needs you </3
spartanexperience · 9 days
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AAAAA finally got the chance to finish this!! I just HAD to draw fanart for @persephoneflowerpetals' Persephone oc and Hades ship, and their ADORABLE fanfiction 'Til Death!! Please give it a read, it's legit one of my favorite Hercules fics and it portrays the relationship of Hades and Seph so beautiful and natural!! <333
(spoilers ahead if you haven't read it yet, because I'm about to hype 😂)
I had a hard time choosing which scene to draw, there were SO many parts that I love!! (Persephone tasting worms for the first time is a SUPER cute silly scene too that I giggled at while reading XD) But I settled with the scene right after their first kiss, their little moment with Hades picking the blue flower from Seph's hair.... and the fact that she later creates forget-me-nots out of them for Hades...UGH. MY HEART. Gotta love the big grouchy goth and the pastel pink girlfriend that he is soft for <3333
Anyways, I hope I did your girl justice, I ADORE your Persephone design so much!! Her and Eos can be the proud plus size girlies squad 😌
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ashturnedtomist · 1 year
Keep it Covert: Ch.0
@morgansplace came up with the title. everyone say thank you.
Summary: in which, things are not kept covert.
Next Chapter
TW: panic, cursing, force, Geordi starts to have a panic attack but you don’t really see anything
Read it on Ao3 too :)
Based off of this post
Morgan sighed, knitting his brows together.
Standing before him was the only other Seer Obscura that he knew existed, and they were exhausted.
“Can we just…take a break? Please?” They were working on honing their abilities and they had worn out their core.
“That’s fine, just sit down,” he gestured to the couch. He slumped down beside them, undoing his tie and turning on the TV. He flipped to a random news channel.
He froze.
‘-American government has already started making plans and precautions against this unknown threat. The leaked documents call them, ‘empowered.’
Morgan leaned forward, his heart pounding.
“Morgan?” He glanced at his trainee. “What-what does that mean?”
He shakes his head, his eyes trained on the screen. “I-I don’t know.”
‘We know little about these people. Where did they come from? How long have they been living among us? And, are they a danger?’
“Shit,” James muttered. “Shit, shit, shit.”
His phone had been ringing off and on for the past half hour.
“Your stress levels are elevated.” Asset sat to the side, eyeing their superior.
“I wouldn’t have guessed,” he muttered bitterly. They hummed in acknowledgment. “What has happened?”
James sighed, bracing his hands on his desk. “The Department was exposed.”
Asset tilted their head to the side. “What does that mean?” James looked up at them. “It means-” his phone rings again. “That the unempowereds know we exist.”
“Which means our entire project could be shut down.”
“Which means you could be shut down.”
They stare at him blankly before looking away. “I see.”
“God damn it!” He flung his phone across the room, a shattering sound echoing across the empty walls.
Asset looked around for a moment before facing him.
“Take my memory card.”
He looked up at them again. “What?”
“Take my memory card.” They repeat. “Or at least make a copy. That way, if they shut me down, you will at least have a way to put my memories somewhere else. Maybe you could make me again. Somehow.”
A glimmer of their old personality shone in their eyes. James swallowed thickly. “Okay…okay. We can-we can do that.”
Geordi was exhausted. He’d had a long day.
First, his internet went out, and so did his cable. So he had to get that fixed.
Then he phone broke, so he had to get that done too.
And when he finally turned his phone on when he got home, he was bombarded with messages and calls.
15 unread messages from Guy
3 missed calls from Guy
5 unread messages from “Honey”
2 missed calls from “Honey”
1 missed call from Cutie
1 unopened voicemail from Cutie
His stomach dropped. What happened?
Cutie hadn’t contacted him in weeks, let alone Guy’s partner. They were friends, sure, but not that good of friends.
Geordi swallowed thickly as he opened his messages
where are you
have you read the news
do it asap
maybe dont
well it might be better if you do
honey says you should
but idk
just do it
and dont panic
unless you heard something from them
then maybe you can panic
im definitely panicking
Read the news. Now.
I don’t care what you’re doing.
This is more important.
Ignore Guy. He’s in a bad headspace right now.
Check the news.
Geordi scrambled to open his news app. His eyes scanned the screen until he found what they could be talking about.
Friends or Foes? Who are these ‘empowereds?’
Geordi almost dropped his phone. He quickly scanned through the article, his heart rate picking up with every word he read. He felt like he was going to be sick.
He quickly checked his voicemail.
‘U-um, hey Geordi, I know I haven’t checked in in awhile but-‘
Something cuts them off. They sound like they’re crying.
‘S-sorry about that. Um, anyway, I just wanted to get this message out to you in case you don’t hear from me for awhile. I’m sure you’ve seen the news.’
Geordi bit his lip. So that’s what this was about.
‘I lost my job! Well, I think I did. Things are kind of a mess over here-’
Their voice cuts out.
‘-don’t know what’s gonna happen now. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me. I just- I-I love you, okay?”
Their voice grows more tearful.
‘I love you and I’m sorry I couldn’t have been a better partner to you. I’ve been trying so hard to get better. So hard. I don’t know when you’ll see me or hear from me next, so…’
They sniffle
‘I love you. Goodbye, Geordi.’
His phone clatters to the floor. He slides down the wall as his breathing grows heavy.
“No. No, no, no, no…”
Angel hums to themself as they mess around on their switch, Minecraft lighting up their screen. They had just finished building a house for themself and their dog when their phone went off. It was David.
“Hey, Davey, what’s-”
“I’m coming home. Don’t check the news. Just-just wait for me.”
“What? David, what’s-”
“Just wait.”
Beeping sounded in their ear, signaling that he had hung up.
Angel couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling in their stomach
Aaron pressed a heated kiss to his partner’s lips. “I’ll teach you to talk back, Smartass.” They giggled against his mouth, moving to unbutton his shirt when his phone went off. They whined as he pulled away. He chucked. “Hold on, it’s Elliott.”
He pressed the phone to his ear. “Hello?”
Flustered shouting could be heard from the other line.
“Woah, woah, woah, Elliott. What’s going on?”
As his brother chattered on from the other line, Aaron grew pale.
He hung up the phone.
“Aaron? What’s wrong?” Smartass clambered onto his lap. “What happened?”
He took their hands into his. He was shaking.
“The human government knows about empowereds.”
It was supposed to be a good day. An amazing day. They were gonna finish work, pick up dinner, and cuddle Aggro until Milo got home so they could eat and watch a movie.
It was great.
But now, they were hiding under their desk while sirens wailed above them, and black military boots stomped by.
It all happened so fast.
One moment, they were talking to their coworker about their latest therapy session, and how they were going to reach out to their boyfriend again, and the next, the emergency sirens were going off and government troops stormed the halls.
They huddled under the protective covering of their desk, trying not to make too much noise.
Their phone started vibrating. They scrambled to silence it.
‘God damn it, Milo.’
A gloved hand reached under the desk and pulled them out.
“What a sweet little thing you are.”
Sweetheart yanks their arm away. “Get the hell off me.”
The man in front of them scoffs and says, “Don’t make this harder than it has to be. A lot of your colleagues have slipped away, but we have a few in holding.”
“Slipped away, huh?” Sweetheart says. “Well,” They look him up and down. “I guess they didn’t tell you how stealthy I can be.”
“What do you-” The man cuts himself off as Sweetheart disappears from his sight.
“Come on, Damien. I promise it doesn’t taste that bad.” Freelancer begged. Damien looked at the meal in front of him that Gavin had made. Everyone around him insisted that he try it.
“Yeah, it’s not that bad, Dames.”
“R-really, it’s good. Gavin outdid himself.”
The incubus in question leaned in close to the fire elemental.
“Please? For me? Don’t make me beg, Damien.”
Damien’s cheeks flushed a fiery red. “Fine. If it’ll get you out of my face.” Just as he went to go take a bite, Gavin’s phone rang.
“Ah…just a moment.” Gavin rose from his seat. “Don’t eat any just yet, I want to see the delectable look on your face when you try it!” He called before he disappeared out the door.
Freelancer furrowed their brows. What was that about?
They filled the time that Gavin was gone with casual conversation and some banter here and there. After about 15 minutes, Gavin came back inside.
He came back into the room, looking pale.
“Gavin?” Freelancer stood up. “What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Turn on the news.” Everyone looked at each other. “Now.”
Notes: Geordi and Guy are friends
Honey and Cutie are friends
Honey is also empowered bc I said so 😍
Also: this will be centered around an idea I came up with, so stay tuned.
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imaginespazzi · 1 month
- nivi u angel bby thank you so much for the update!!! i always look forward to monday updates (west coast girly u did it with hours to spare) BUT REMEMBER don’t over work yourself over getting us updates!!! ily!!!
- my goal for the chapter is to stay far away from cliffs because i seem to always threaten them!
- stop paige’s little mini panic then relief when azzi and stephie are still there 😭😭 sweet girl went through it:(
- “and maybe this is how i become whole again.” oh hey it’s me, remember before i started reading i said i would stay clear of the cliffs? yeah well, fuck that! find me a cliff because i died dead. screaming, crying, throwing up. NIVI u are my evil genius but please please just protect her heart PLEASE.
- okay paige just left the bed if she leaves the house without speaking to azzi and stephie u might finally get some tears out of my eyes! i rlly don’t think she would but…
- stop poor drew 😢drew being annoyed with paige switching teams?!? im nervous for drew and azzi reunion.
- going to be honest i don’t really interact with azzis brothers stuff anywhere so i don’t know anything abt Tallulah but she seems so sweet in your fic ❤️‍🔥
- stop the fudds missing paige and talking about her😭😭 im on the floor next to the cliff bleeding out
- stop tim and paige mean so much to me
- stop paige legit tripping over her feet at the sight of stephie upset MY HEART
- I PROMISE ILL TRY TO STAY. fuck i’m scared
- god. your writing is a masterpiece. this whole situation is damaging my soul. i don’t hold it again azzi, im fully convinced she has her reasoning that were VAILD but oh my god i feel so bad for paige (this is not me saying that azzi didn’t go through shit too) but my poor bby is terrified i feel so bad ☹️
- stop stephie really is a mini azzi 🥹🥹
- love.
- kill
- me
- now
- let’s go back to me at the bottom of the cliff bleeding out, my pulse is barley there now.
- STWAAAPPPP paige spoils stephie it’s so cute
- i can’t tell if that helped or made my pulse worse
- hey so my baby fever is still here and killing me.
- “ONLY FOR YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER.” my pulse just gave out, flatlined, not breathing, dead 🤗 thank you so much.
- Aunty Chérie you say? hmm i can just smell paige’s jealousy
- “you’re supposed to be holding me and i’m supposed to be holding you; it was meant to be us.” hey so i somehow just died even more😁
- okay here is the thing, i feel for olivia i do. the situation most have been hurtful to her however, CUNT CUNT CUNT DONT U DARE EVEN THINK A NEGATIVE THOUGHT AGAINST THE AMAZING, PERFECT, GORGEOUS, SMART, TALENTED, LOVELY, AZZI FUDD. her and her passive aggressive comments can leave.
- “if it was azzi” paige babe let’s fast forward to that divorce.
- also paige going on tik tok spirals abt azzi while her wife is in the same room is just WILD and kinda sad almost makes me feel bad for mrs. cunt (my sympathy for her evaporated the second when opened her mouth around azzi 🤬🤬)
- the whole last section. omg. i know i already died then came back to life but i am not FLINGING myself back off the cliff 😁
- GODDDD NIVI u talented, talented women i cant believe how you always are able to amaze me with your writing.
- i’m gonna be honest it’s 2am for me i started reading at 10 and i just finished. i kept having to take breaks because i was screaming, no tears though!
- chapter was 100,000/10
- OKAY so ms french girl whose name i can’t remember at the moment is no longer playing with the valkyries… are we gonna get like flashbacks of azzi and her in future chapters?
- this may be dumb but if the olympics were 2028 next ones were, 2032 and its 2033 right? so did the other olympics pass? are we gonna learn more about that? did azzi and paige win gold? IM SO CURIOUS!!!!
- okay that’s all i got i think…sorry for yapping so much!
oh also i kept dying but it’s def gonna keep happening tbh
- You're literally the most precious soul ever and lowkey I really needed to hear that cause I do mayhaps stress just a little bit about updating so thank you :)
- I like that you said you were going to stay away from cliffs and then managed to get through exactly one bullet without jumping off a cliff...
- I lowkey don't know a lot about Tallulah either because I only really have second-hand knowledge of the lives so I'm just lowkey molding her into what works for the plot I guess? But I'm sure she's lovely irl too!
- Circumstance truly is a bitch because I think they're both pretty scared of things beyond their control being an obstacle again
- Baby you really went through it for a couple of paragraphs there huh?
- Listen if I have to suffer through baby fever, you're all suffering with me like I keep having to remind myself that a college dorm is not appropriate for a baby bassinet
- MRS CUNT made me cackle out loud
- Omg not 4 hours babes lmao but I'm glad I still haven't brought you to tears!
- Hmmm I lowkey don't think there will be flashbacks of Clémence like that because her and Azzi's past isn't quite as integral as their present (opposite of Olivia in a sense I guess)
- The next Olympics were in fact 2032...I wonder what happened? I wonder if we'll find out?
Never apologize for yapping, it makes me so happy to hear everyone's thoughts!
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nixoon-again · 2 years
(for the director's cut for fanfic writers). can you maybe talk about this part? (illusionary are your arms around me, chapter 2) just wanna hear u ramble abt this, not a question :') (if you want to ofc <3)
[Sonic looks at Tails, takes in a deep breath and puts forth a feeble leg. He's gotta get them out of here. He's gotta get Tails help somehow and if that somehow includes kicking Shadow's butt again, he'll gladly do it.
(If he's in no shape to carry Tails, he's definitely not in any shape to fight, much less defeat Shadow but reason completely flies over Sonic's head because Tails is lying unresponsive in his arms and it's his fault.)
"We're getting out of here, bud. Just hold on for me, okay?" The blue hedgehog whispers to the kit in his hold. He knows Tails isn't in any condition to reply but the silence from the kit still breaks his heart all the same. Sonic squeezes him, letting out a shaky breath before he attempts to pull his and his brother's weight together on his feet.
He almost manages it too. Almost because even through the god awful throbbing in his head and the alien weakness he feels in his body, Sonic manages to stand up with Tails in his arms but when he does, when he's as steady as he can be on his two feet, he feels the weight in his arms lessen.]
Hi, how'd you manage to get my current favourite part of the fic
This scene was so vivid in my head, the angst was so clear. Actually, there are so many vivid scenes for this fic in my head but like- I'll have to write them first :")
Anyway! This part was fun and we're actually going to explore it a little more in the next update but for now let's see: what I was going for in this part was to show Sonic's desperation. Three weeks, no running, losing the will to talk and eat and then bam! Little brother is here to the rescue — you can imagine how happy that makes him, the hope this one fox brings him and oh how so quickly I take it away from him when minutes later Tails is shot :)
And now Shadow's standing in his way as well? See, this is where he says "Fuck it," because those three weeks almost drove him made and he wants to escape so badly now that he has a chance but Tails is hurt, Tails is hurt very bad. He's been hoping that after he got captured, nothing happened to his little brother. He's been hoping, praying, begging that the fox is safe and when he finally sees him and he's actually fine and then they're both getting out of this hell hole and then Tails suffers a fatal wound — Sonic is desperate
He's hurt, he knows he'll lose against Shadow and most of all: the crushing weight of knowing that Tails might not make it — his little brother might not make it, he might not be able to save Tails and it makes him want to run but he can't just run now, can he? It's not like running away from lunch or running away from sleep, it's different because it's Tails.
So, even though he's fully aware that he's playing a losing game here, he still steps forward. He still struggles to stand with Tails, unmoving, in his arms because he has to.
He can't bear living in a world without his brother knowing that it was his fault he's not here anymore. So he tries, he tells Tails they're getting out of here, he gives him a squeeze to reassure himself that Tails is still here, he's ready to fight Shadow, he's ready to get Tails out of here and hes ready to take on anyone crossing his path
Except just when he stands up, Tails fades from his arms.
Basically; I give him hope. The hope is short lived but he desperately clung on to it nevertheless, tried his best to keep holding on, but then it's taken away from him so fast he doesn't know what do to anymore
Spoilerish(?) funny part: its not the worst spice im going to use for the reunion :)
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oddinary4bts · 9 months
Hi im literally sobbing right now the tissues i prepared was used 😭😭 i literally took breaks on reading because it really hurts so much this really hurts so much i cant think of anything right now anyway thank u so much for this chapter it was so beautifully heart-wrenching written you deliver everything so perfectly i felt every emotion and oh my god everyone is hurting, i feel ready bad for oc because she really loves yoongi (damn i love yoongi too) jungkook is hurting and i still hate yoongi im so sorry i hate cheaters god i knew it i hope they break up and oc and jungkook can move on, i dont really want them to end up together tho and i hope yoongi can suffer even just a tiny bit ( im so sorry im angry at him but i love him still)
again, thank you so much for this!! i really waited for you to drop this and i am so satisfied for the angst ( i am still crying while typing i dont even know what i am saying im so hurt) i love you i love you i love you and im looking forward for the next chapters pls hurt me more thank yooou so much :] and pls take care and stay hydrated 🥰
Gosh yeah this one was for people to cry fr🥺 thank you so much for reading and leaving such a nice (sad) review🫶🏼 but yeah everyone is hurting😭 I get that you hate Yoongi. I think everyone in this has committed some questionable stuff and it can make us feel strong emotions towards them for sure
And yeah will OC and Yoongi break up? Will they all move on individually? Also do you think Yoongi might already be hurting?🤔 so many questions smh😔 I can’t wait for you to read more!!
Love you lots as well, take care and always stay hydrated✨✨
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barnesbabee · 3 years
𝓹𝓵𝓪𝔂 𝓭𝓪𝓽𝓮 - 𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮
|| ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ || ⇜ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - 9 - ɴᴇxᴛ⟿
⟿ ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: No sensible person would turn down their boss if they looked good as good as Seonghwa. But maybe they would wish they had…
⟿ ᴄᴏɴᴄᴇᴘᴛ: CEO!Seonghwa x reader, bestfriend!Yunho x reader || Social Media!AU
A/N: Next chapter will be a spicy one, not in the way you might think
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: (send me a DM or an ask to be added) @ateezappreciation @shinyddeonghwa @lilithpooped @cloudyyeonnie@yeosangmystar @wooyoung-a @sanisms @mingismoon @lovelyvitamin @anawwyd @annasbannas @im-just-trying-to-survive-man @uglychildd @oddlittlefandomist
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The next couple of days at work were torture.
You could feel Seonghwa's burning stare when you weren't looking, and when you were, you could see him undressing you with his eyes. He looked at you like he was hungry and oh did you love the attention. Unfortunately, Friday, the day of the date, he had gone out for a meeting. At least your outfit would stun him later on...
He made sure to know you hadn't been forgotten, however. You liked how he didn't take you for granted. Seonghwa would send some provocative photos (to which you gladly replied) and some cheeky comments.
Seonghwa: Not seeing you all day is driving me crazy... I need to see you as soon as possible, why don't you come a little earlier? Say, after work?
You tried not to overreact too much, seeing that you were still at work, but you couldn't help a pathetic little squeal. You agreed immediately and confirmed you'd be at his place after texting San, saying that today you wouldn't need a ride.
"You look awfully happy today." Wooyoung commented as he leaned his hip against your desk.
You opened your mouth to give him an excuse (you didn't want to be bragging about your date with the hottest man to walk the heart), but Wooyoung was quicker.
"I know about you and Seonghwa, don't try to lie to me." He said with a devilish smile.
You were a little confused for a second, how the fuck did he know? You and Seonghwa were very discrete... But then it hit you.
"Would you like front row seats for Choi San's funeral?"
Wooyoung laughed at that.
"Well, it wasn't only him who snitched on your date. Seonghwa, despite looking the way he does, doesn't get a lot of ladies. Head always in the work... Also, he's a huge fucking dork in a suit and tie. He's not as mean and tough as he seems to be, he's really excited for tonight. It's adorable, really, so don't fuck it up missy." He jokingly warned, pointing a finger at you.
"Don't worry, I don't plan on it. How are you and San doing, by the way. Things seem to be moving fast."
Wooyoung blushed slightly and looked away, it was the first time you actually saw Wooyoung act shy.
"He's a great guy... I can't say any more or else you'll snitch what I said but... I like where it's going, I think we're a good match. Thank you, uh, thank you for telling him about me."
You wondered how the two most annoying people you had ever met (in a good way... sort of) could be so adorable.
"You're very welcome."
You smiled at him and, just as he was turning away, you whispered.
"Oh and he said you have a great ass."
Wooyoung looked at you with wide eyes and scurried away. To yell at San, you supposed.
You looked at the clock on the wall, and it was ticking slower and slower by the second, it seemed. You were counting down the seconds.
Once the golden time finally came, you were already out the door with your phone in your hand ready to call an uber.
You were waiting in the humongous garage of the company when a black van pulled up.
"Oh? Such a big car for one person only..." You thought.
However, as you were stepping forward to ask the driver if he was there for you, a male figure dressed fully in black grabbed you and threw you in the back of the van, closing the door shut and locking it.
In there, there was another man who tied your hands behind your back and muffled you.
To say you were scared was an understatement. Once you had time to properly understand what took place in about 10 seconds, you were petrified. Your legs were shaking and you were crying.
What was going on!? Did Seonghwa have any enemies!? Did they know about you and decided to take you as some sort of leverage!? You started breathing heavily and passed out from the panic and stress. When you woke up, you were in a dark, cold empty room. Nothing but the cliché sound of water dripping down onto the grey concrete floor. There was a very flimsy-looking door, that you were sure you could break down, but decided not to, in fear of the other side.
You no longer had any restraints, but it didn't make you feel any freer.
You were kept there, for hours.
You didn't know what time it was, you didn't know where you were, who those people were, or what they wanted.
You just kept sulking in the corner, knees hugged to your chest, imagining that you'd eventually meet your fate.
Out of nothing, the door burst open.
A panicking, out of breath Yunho barged in. His eyes instantly met yours and he knelt beside you.
"Oh my God, are you okay!?" He asked, examining your body.
A wave of relief washed over you upon seeing a familiar face, and you didn't hesitate in hugging him. He hugged you just as tightly, not wanting to let go.
Once you did, he caressed your face and looked into your eyes.
"See? You're not safe with that pesky CEO, he didn't even care that you were, you should come back to me, I'll keep you safe."
The second those words processed in your mind you shoved him away and stood up, weakly, as you hadn't eaten in hours.
"You fucking psycho! You orchestrated all this so you could play the part of hero and try to shit on Seonghwa!"
He stood up and tried walking towards you, seemingly offended.
"Y/N I would never-"
"Don't even try me. How the fuck would you even find me!? Oh and did you come alone!? Did you fight off the two guys that took me all by yourself!?"
Yunho was speechless.
"I just wanted to show you that I cared!"
You walked towards the door, angrily.
"Don't ever come near me again. Or I'm getting a restraining order." You told him, teary-eyed.
Although he was your ex you still loved him very much, as a friend of course. He was someone who you'd always treasured and trusted, even after you broke up, and seeing it all come apart like that broke your heart.
You walked outside of the building you could now recognize as an old school, and looked around.
You had no fucking idea where you were, and in a desperate fit, you called Seonghwa.
He answered quickly, and with a deep sigh.
"Listen, Y/N, if you didn't want to come or didn't feel comfortable all you had to do was tell me. You kept me waiting for hours, I didn't think of you as someone who'd do that."
"Seonghwa I was kidnapped."
There was a small silence, a mix of worry, shock and disbelief, that had caused him to go mute.
"What the fuck."
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saintobio · 3 years
OMGGGGG I LOVE THIS FIC. honestly your writing is incredible you should be so so proud of yourself and you more than deserve a break to take care of yourself with the amount of content you’re putting out.
this might be a bit of a reach but am i right for getting fat gossip girl vibes from the recent chapters? i haven’t read the jjk manga so i don’t know much about naoya but his new little scheme w sera and his affair is giving hugeeee chuck bass energy to me. toji is like nate as well. like he’s one of the only people that’s got his head screwed on well and has some maturity and dignity.
sera is like this jenny wannabe. IM SO SICK OF HER OMGGG. like she’s just delusional now. i legit think gojo and MC are gonna have to get a restraining order for her to finally get the hint.
as per, the most recent chapter was 😙👌. i feel awful for gojo, like i know most of his pain is kinda his fault atm but loosing someone like nana the same day MC announces she wants a divorce? that type of trauma heart wrenching. i’m happy that hes slowly opening the door for him to mend his relationship w his mother tho 😞
at this point, i’m gonna kidnap MC and gohoe and force them into couples therapy. the lack of communication just makes me want to🤸🚊
please take care of yourself :))) i’ll be waiting for the next chapter w open arms and open legs but your more than deserve some rest 😁
hello thank u thank you <33 i am looking forward to take a week break soon :’) unfortunately i’ve not watched an episode of gossip girl in my whole life before so lame me is missing out on these details but they do sound interesting w the way you put it tho 👁👁
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dork-empress · 3 years
Singing In The Dead Of Night Ch 2
Harley and Barman set up a playdate for their wards.
forgive the long post, i'll edit and clean it up when im home. chapter can also be found on my ao3, url in the description.
Harley made it back home, which was actually the manor of some billionaire who only really used the house for tax purposes. Harley had taken it over when Lucy came to live with her, deciding she needed more room, and they quickly changed it to suit their needs.
“Luuuucyyyy, I’m hooooome,” Harley called out to the manor, heading through the living room/gymnasium.
Lucy was balancing on the beam by her hands. “Never heard that one before.” She went into the splits and stayed on one hand.
Harley looked over her form. “Point your toes more...there ya go.” Lucy did as recommended. “I got candy for dinner!” She dumped her stolen lollipops on the table.
“I already ate, Aunt Harley,” she said, “I made extra pasta if you want.” She pointed over to the kitchen, before switching hands and flipping herself over.
“Oh,” Harley said, going over to make a plate, but feeling like ants were crawling in her skin. “You know, you don’t have to call me your aunt when it’s just the two of us,” She said, swirling her fork through the noodles.
Lucy shrugged, “Force of habit. Plus it’s a good idea in general, ya know, in case someone’s secretly listening in or we mess up some other time.”
Harley shrugged her shoulders. “Makes sense,” and it did, but it still kind of hurt. “You can have the lollipops for dessert though. You like cherry?” She tossed her the red candy.
Lucy looked down at the wrapper a second. “Can’t, I’m allergic to the red dye.”
“Oh,” Harley said, silently cursing herself. That was something that mothers should know about their kids, allergies and crap. “Well. Lemon then?”
“Sure!” They traded the lollipops, and Harley sucked on hers between bites of the pasta. Sweet and savory combined, delicious.
Lucy swung her legs as she sat on the beam. “Does...my father have any allergies?”
Harley blinked at her. Did Joker have any allergies? It was hard to say. Even now, Harley didn’t know a lot about the Joker. That’s how he liked it. “Best not to talk about it,” she said instead, “In case of those listening things or whatever.”
Lucy hummed, but didn’t seem satisfied. “Hey,” Harley said, trying to distract her from the ‘dad’ talk, “You wanna go out with me tomorrow?”
Lucy brightened, jumping a bit, “Where are you gonna go?”
“I dunno,” she said, “Go lookin’ for trouble. Let the trouble find me. Punch out a couple people but only if they REALLY deserve it!” And maybe if they only kinda deserved it, Harley thought.
Lucy hummed again, thinking. “I dunno. I think violence often begets further violence, and while it is occasionally necessary, efforts should focus more on the community building and personal improvement area.”
Harley blinked at her. Right, she was a reader, Delia had mentioned that. Not unlike Harley at her age, really, although Harley had focused on psychoanalysis instead of philosophy. “Ah, of course,” she said, “Well, what do you wanna do?”
Lucy thought for a second. “Well, there was this girl I wanted to go inspire to fight her eating disorder.”
“Oh,” Harley said nodding. It was a noble cause, really, but...also seemed really, really boring. “I...sure!” she smiled.
The truth was, when Lucy came out to live with Harley full time, she had really thought they would be a lady dynamic duo, a proper partnership mother/daughter team. But Lucy wasn’t much like Harley. Or, she was but, she was different, a goody two-shoes. Or, a goody tutu. Ha.
More than that, she followed a strange sense of logic that was oddly reminiscent of...Harley didn’t even finish the thought.
“You don’t want to go, do you?” Lucy asked.
“Hmm? Of course I do!” Harley said, “I’d do anything with you sweetheart,” she gave Lucy a wink, then went to the kitchen to hide her facial expression.
She didn’t see that Lucy had followed her until she was directly behind her. “Oh, Jesus!” She said, clutching her heart, “Gotta look out there, sweetie. Almost brained ya!”
“Is Dad like me at all?” she asked, head tilted to the side.
Harley blinked at her. She felt like her bones were shaking inside her skin. “Why would you ask a thing like that?”
Lucy spun a little in place making her tutu swish. “I’ve been reading about him. People think he’s crazy. I mean, he says it. But that’s not what your records say.”
Harley frowned, backing away as though physical distance would get her out of the conversation. “What’re you goin through my records for? What, are you a snoop?”
“They got published after one of your arrests,” Lucy said, “Other people were more interested in the little notes you left in the margins, but--”
“Alright, stop.” Harley said, hand clutching her lollipop stick so tight it might break. “Look, Mr...your father is mean and cruel and manipulative, and nothing like you! He wants to drive other people crazy, and for some people, self included, he succeded. But I grew out of it as best I could and now...you don’t need to worry about him, ok? He ain’t ever gonna know about ya, and he ain’t ever gonna find ya. Got it?”
Lucy hesitated a second and there was something strange in her eyes. Something familiar. “Got it,” she finally said.
Harley lightened, smiling at her. “Why don’t we play a game or somethin? You like Monopoly? I make up my own rules!”
Lucy smiled, “That sounds nice,” she said, all bright again. As they set up the game, Lucy said, “You don’t have to come with me tomorrow, by the way. I can take care of myself.”
“You sure?” Harley asked. Lucy nodded. For the rest of the evening, Harley felt like something was…off.
She slipped the burner phone out of her pocket. She typed, ‘Wanna set up a playdate?’
“She called it a WHAT?!” Damian said, nose wrinkled in disgust.
“Aww,” Tim said, over by the batcave computer, “Little Damian’s got a plaaayydaaate.”
“I will end you, Drake.” Damian snarled, fingers twitching for his sword.
“Enough,” Bruce interrupted the both of them. “Damian, if it helps you can think of it as a mission.”
“I thought I was forbidden from Robin duties for the next two months.” Damian said, arms crossed.
Bruce groaned. “Harley has taken in a ward, her niece Lucy. She has some petty crime charges, but from my recon, she’s not a villain. Harley wants her to spend time with someone her age, and I need someone who will watch over her.”
“Watch out for her, or watch out because of her?” Damian asked, scowling.
“Oooh, good question,” Tim said, still at the computer. “Hey, how come you didn’t set me up with vigilante kids?”
“Because you found them on your own,” Bruce shot back, “Look. Damian, you just have to spend the day with her. Follow her around, help her out as long as it’s not hurting anyone. Don’t let her get killed. Invite Jon if you want.”
“Uggh, Jon’s off world with his Dad,” Damian said.
“Oh right,” Bruce said, massaging his temple. “Why do interdimensional crises have to happen at the worst times?”
“Why is it we need a plural for interdimensional crisis?” Tim asked.
Bruce gave him a side glance to let him know he was coming up on the line that breached from ‘annoying’ to ‘problem Bruce will deal with.’ “Damian…”
“Fine, I’ll do it,” he said, “But I won’t be her friend by you forcing us.”
They met up with Harley at a neutral location downtown on top of a party goods store. “Hiya Batsy, Hey Bird Boy!”
Despite himself, Damian liked Harley. She was usually of a like mind about which villains did or didn’t deserve to live, but he didn’t tell Batman that. “Harley,” Batman said, “Where’s your niece?”
“Just doin some high-wire practice.” Harley said, “Lucy-goosey!”
From the side of the building, a girl faulted up from where she was hanging on the flagpole. A girl wearing a tutu and white paint. “Nice to meet you, Batman,” Lucy said, “Aunt Harley’s told me….a lot of mixed things.”
“YOU!” Damian said, before he could stop himself, and all three of the others turned to him.
Lucy trotted forward on her tiptoes. “Have we met?” She asked, tilting her head, and looking him up and down.
Damian swallowed. “Uhh….”
“Blackbird!” Lucy said, and swooped him up into a hug, “Oh, I knew you were a Robin, why’d you lie to me?”
“Blackbird, huh?” Batman said, and he couldn’t see, but he knew there was a very pointed eyebrow being raised at him.
Damian, still being swung like a ragdoll by Lucy, tried to gain his balance. “I didn’t...I mean I wasn’t…”
“We’ll talk about this later,” Batman said, “You kids go on, I have something to talk about with Harley.”
“Kids?!” Damian said, offended, especially that he was going to be left out of whatever this conversation was. But in doing so, he left himself vulnerable as Lucy pulled on his cowl to the edge of the building.
“Come on, birdy, whatever color you are. The city awaits!” And she jumped from the roof, grappling on outcroppings to reach the street safely. Damian grumbled, but eventually followed.
Harley looked to Batman, and her face fell. “He’s out there, isn’t he?”
Batman gave one slow nod.
Lucy skipped everywhere. It was very irritating, because it was faster than walking, but slower than running, so hard to keep pace. Also,it was just very perky, which made it hard to sulk.
Lucy claimed she had deliveries to make around town. Something about girls who were bullies in high school and were treating others poorly, but it was only because of the societal pressures that were put on young girls of America and...and thats about where Damian lost interest.
She carried a cartfull of boxes like a damn girlscout, and left them on the girls doors. Damian could have followed in his sleep...except there was something about one of the boxes….
“What’s in that one?” Damian asked as she brought it to the next home.
“Huh?” Lucy said, “Same thing as in all of them, some cookies, a letter, balloons of course and--”
“It’s beeping,” Damian said.
Damian didn’t wait any longer, he grabbed the box out of her arms and tossed it as high into the sky as he could, tackling her to the ground. The box then exploded.
Lucy gasped in excitement, clapping her hands together. “Birdy, look at it! It’s fireworks!”
Damian growled, jumping off of her and taking out his sword. “I knew it, I knew you were up to no good.”
Lucy tilted her head. “Whatcha talkin about, Birdy?”
“You--” He pointed to where the box was still smoldering. “You were going to put a BOMB on that girl’s doorstep!”
“I didn’t put that there,” Lucy said, getting up with no care of the sword pointed at her.
“You-” Damian stammered. “What?”
Lucy bent down and picked up a scrap of paper from the ruins. “Change of plans for the evening, Birdy!” Lucy said, “We’re going puzzling!”
She tossed the paper at him and he grabbed it quickly. It read ‘I’ve the tallest of trunks and thickest of stumps, a switch in the breeze, but I’m no tree. What am I?’”
They came quickly to the elephant pasture at the zoo. Damian couldn’t help it, he held out his hand for the elephant. She reached out her trunk and wrapped it around him. He couldn’t help but laugh.
Her baby came forward this time, trotting on new steps. He was already the size of a small horse, but he stole Damian’s heart all the same. He tried to bowl Damian over like a large puppy, and Damian couldn’t help but laugh. “Didn’t know you could laugh, Birdy,” Lucy said, kneeling over a shady patch in the enclosure.
Damian’s scowl returned. “Stop calling me ‘Birdy,’” he said, “You can just say ‘Robin,’ if you want.”
“But aren’t there other Robins?” Lucy said, fiddling with something, “I’d love to call you something unique to you.”
“There’s already a Blackbird, you know.” Damian said, continuing to pet the baby elephant.
“There is?” Lucy asked, “Picking a superhero name is HARD. I’m still trying to get Commedia to stick. You know, like, Commedia del arte? But I’ll end up getting called ‘Tutu girl’ or something if I don’t watch out.”
Damian gently pushed the elephant away, seeing what she was doing. She was hands deep in another box like the one they’d found in her cart. “Careful, it could be another bomb.”
“Fireworks,” Lucy corrected, “and I already diffused it.”
Damian leaned down, looking. She had indeed done so, quite efficiently. “How did you know to do that?”
Lucy smiled, “An uncle of mine taught me. You’ll meet him.” She dug further into the box. “I wouldn’t mind some more fireworks, but I don’t want to scare the elephants.” She pulled out another slip of paper.
“This has all the hallmarks of The Riddler,” Damian said, “We have to be careful. He might have bombs all over the city.”
“Fireworks!” Lucy corrected again, “And, probably. See, we already have the next clue!” She waved the paper and read out “Can you hear me make a sound, only when you are around.”
“Of course you can only hear things when you’re around.” Damian said, frowning.
“But only when someone’s around does it make a...Oh!” Lucy said, jumping to her feet, “An echo! We have to go somewhere there’s an echo!”
Damian sighed, “I have an idea.”
Technically they weren’t IN the Bat cave. They were at a far entrance to it, another end of the cave system. So he wasn’t breaking any rules. “Hey, is that Wayne Manor?” Lucy asked. “I tried to break in there once, but they have some crazy rich person security system.”
“Funny that.” Damian said, trying to seem completely ordinary.
Lucy stood at the edge of the cave and yelled into it. “ECHO!” listening for the echo in return. She skipped into the cave, humming all the way, the sound bouncing off as she went.
“Lucy?” Damian said, following her, “Don’t go too far, there’s all sorts of--” He heard a squeal and rushed forward.
He stopped short, his flashlight falling on Lucy. She waved at him to put it down, squinting. “Look here!” She brushed aside some dirt to find some rusted over metal. “Isn’t it fascinating! This cave system must go on for miles! Maybe people hid treasure there!”
“It’s just the old mining system,” Damian said, truthfully. “It’s all blocked off.”
“That can’t be hard to undo,” Lucy said, intrigued by whatever lay beyond.
Damian grabbed her hand before she could continue. “We have to catch the Riddler. There has to be another package here.”
Lucy sighed, but nodded. She took his arm with the flashlight and swung him around the cave. “Ah! There.”
She took the package and skipped out of the cave. “Careful!” Damian urged. “Come on, just diffuse it.”
“Nope, not these ones.” She tossed the package high in the sky, and Damian saw the fireworks light up.
He felt his phone buzzing, no doubt Tim could hear an explosion out here, not to mention Alfred. They’d come investigating fast enough. He leaped up, grabbing the fallen slip of paper, and grabbed Lucy again to pull her along. He read it quickly and passed it to her as he made his way away. “Even in the city scape, nature comes to take its place.” Lucy read. “It must be the park!”
“No,” Damian said, still pulling her, “I mean, yes, that is the answer to the riddle, but that’s not where we’re going.” He texted the police to inform them of the location of the hidden package so they could diffuse it, and dragged Lucy away.
The original Gotham Ice Cream shop was one of the oldest remaining buildings in Gotham, although was clearly closed for the night.
Damian saw a flash of green from the kitchens and rushed inside, finding none other than the Riddler standing there. “Stand down, Riddler,” Damian said, holding out his sword, “We’ve got you now!”
Riddler snarled, backing into a defensive stance. “Robin! How did you possibly find me?”
Damian smirked, “The beginning of each clue was clearly spelling out your final location. I-C-E. I didn’t need to follow 5 more clues to figure that out.”
Riddler cursed. “Those clues weren’t for you! They were for--!”
Lucy came skipping up to join Damian. “Hi, Uncle Eddy!”
“Lucille!” Riddler said, immediately warming. “I had so many sights around Gotham for you to see, why’d you go skipping to the end?”
Lucy skipped up to him, and Damian was once again left dumbfounded. “My friend Birdy here isn’t much for riddles, I think,” she said, “Although he enjoyed the elephants! And he knew about the mining carts in the caves, I want to explore those later.”
‘Uncle Eddy’ hugged Lucy, and Damian came to his senses, “THIS is your uncle?!”
Lucy shrugged, “I mean, that’s what I call him. I met him when I was visiting Aunt Harley a few years ago.”
“I heard you had moved to Gotham full time,” Riddler said, “I wanted to be sure you saw the sights. But the bat-brats have to ruin everything I suppose.” Riddler glared at him, and he glared right back.
“I don’t-” Damian started, but cut himself off, “You can’t just be leaving BOMBS around the city!”
“Fireworks!” Lucy and Riddler both corrected.
“Whatever! They’re explosive and they’re dangerous!” Damian hated having to be the safety one. It felt wrong.
Riddler rolled his eyes. “He’s just as much a barrel of laughs as the big one.”
“Aw, he’s sweet, really,” Lucy said, coming over to Damian and linking their arms. “Aunt Harley and Batman set us up on our own little playdate.”
“It is NOT!” Damian said, squirming away from her, “It is NOT a playdate.”
“Uncle Eddy, can my friend Birdy have some Ice Cream too?” Lucy asked, ignoring him.
Riddler and Damian glared again. “Fine.” He pushed his own bowl of ice cream towards Damian and went to get his own. “It’s MYSTERY flavor!”
Damian looked at it hesitantly as Lucy sat down to enjoy. Riddler went back to the kitchen. “It’s coconut,” Lucy said, “But Uncle Eddy likes to think it’s a mystery, so I let him.”
Damian frowned at her. “You’re really weird.”
“Thank you!” Lucy said, patting the seat beside her. “Come on, even you had to admit you had fun today.”
Damian thought about the elephants, and skipping around with Lucy, and watching the fireworks at the mouth of the cave, and seeing her all excited about mining carts for some reason. “Fine,” he said, “But it’s NOT a playdate.”
“Alright, alright,” Lucy said, digging into her ice cream. “Just a regular date then.”
“I--” Damian started, his head exploding with so many protests that he ended up just short circuiting. Lucy continued chowing down on ice cream like she didn’t say anything of importance. So, Damian just sat beside her, and ate his own.
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jikooksgirl19 · 4 years
My Soulmates 1
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Genre:Soulmate AU, fluff,angst, eventual smut
Pairing: Idol Jimin x Lawyer Reader x Idol Jungkook
Warnings: some swearing (Y/N has a trash mouth sometimes)
A/N: I’m so excited to bring you my story. I hope you all enjoy this first chapter.
Please read the teaser and prologue first if you haven’t already.
October 7, 2018 4:36pm
The boys had been practicing since 8am that morning with limited breaks, and were tired and hungry. They were all going to dinner and begin making their way to the elevator, laughing and joking with each other. Namjoon was deep in thought when the doors of the elevator opened and a woman came out barreling right into the midst of the group. Her head was down, and she seemed absorbed in something on the iPad she held in her hands when she must have realized what she had done. Namjoon heard her gasp and reach out towards Jimin and Jungkook and thought she might be trying to steady herself as they were reaching out to her as well. He couldn’t believe it when they all began collapsing on the floor, the other boys trying to catch them. He noticed that the three were still grasping onto each other, and a red ring began to encircle their ring fingers and travel up their arms. The other boys were staring at this as well and they looked at each other shaking their heads. All of them mumbled the same thing
...”Oh Shit!”
You felt warm and cocooned for some reason. It was so cozy and you didn’t want to wake up. Wait, when did I go home? Your thoughts were hazy and you were trying to figure out where you were. You tried to stretch and found yourself bumping into something hard. As you started groping around you realized that this was not your pillow at all but felt like a chest. A mans chest. You have never moved so fast as you just did sitting yourself up. “What the hell...!” You look and see you are on a bed with not one but two boys cuddled up around you. Fear immediately sets in as you look around the room and see sleeping figures on another bed and couch.
“What the fuck...!” You said out loud quickly slapping both your hand over your mouth so as not to awaken the men in the room. You are in bed with, and surrounded by BTS. They are the worlds most famous boy band. They are the Nations Treasures. THEY ARE YOUR CLIENTS!!! Your mind explodes right then and there. You think to yourself ’What Tumblr, A03, Wattpad fanfic did I just wake up in.’
‘OH MY GOD IM IN A COMA!!!! That has to be it. There cannot be any other explanation. I’m in a coma and I transported into some sucky ass wannabe Hallmark Movie’.
All you can think of is that you have some sort of brain tumor and have fallen into a life altering, dream fugue-like state and all your teenage and young adult fantasies are blending together therefore you have conjured up some poly bias delusional weirdness in yor muddled brain. This isn’t real...this isn’t real... this isn’t real....... You pinch yourself and...oh shit that hurt. You struggle to get off the bed which isn’t easy by any means when two pairs of arms AND legs keep trying to pull you back down. You debate screaming bloody murder when you hear someone speak.
“You’re awake”. You turned your head and saw someone sitting up rubbing his eyes looking at you. You recognized the leader of said boy band Namjoon from the many many posters around BigHit.
“I am” your voice sounding more calm than you felt. “Can you tell me where I am and why I’m here with all of you like some weird slumber party?” You we’re holding on the the last shreds of professionalism that you could before screaming to the high heavens.
“You don’t remember finding your soulmates” he asked?
“Excuse me, my what now?” You cocked your head like you didn’t hear him right. “What on earth are you going on about? Soulmate, I don’t have a soulmate.”
“Soulmates” he corrected. By now some of the other members were starting to wake up.
“I AM in a COMA”. You were starting to babble incoherently in a mix of Korean and English with some well placed Spanish swear words your mother used to use when you were little and she was mad. You we’re starting to panic and began trying to climb off the bed all the while the two boys on your bed were snoozing away like nothing was happening. You managed to fall off of the bed and skittered backwards like a crab til your back hit the wall. You slapped your cheeks willing yourself to wake up.
Namjoon looked next to him and asked “Jin can you call Yuna? I think she may be able to help out with...” he looked at you realizing he didn’t know your name. Jin got up and walked towards the window to call someone.
“Y/N. Sona Y/N.” I...I..I’m a temporary lawyer working at BigHit on some of your international contracts. I’d like to say nice to meet you but maybe when there’s a less murdery vibe and location.” You were quickly getting your bearings together and began to gather your composure. “Now can you please tell me why I’m here being cuddled to death by those thing one and thing two over there” you point towards the bed. Several giggles and laughs were heard at this. You on the other hand were not sure what was so funny.
A deep voice in the corner answered this time. “Well thing one and two as you called them, or as we like to call them Jimin and Jungkook are your soulmates “ he said matter-of-factly like it was everyday normal. “I’m Taehyung, you can call me Tae or Tae-Tae to piss them off if you want.” His big boxy grin made him look like a mischievous child You couldn’t help but give him a wary smile. Someone else, you think it was J-Hope came towards you and thrust forward a hand. You cautiously took it and he helped you up from the floor. You began dusting off your skirt and straightening your blouse internally thanking the almighty upstairs that you were still clothed while eying all of them suspiciously. “I’m Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi if you want.”
Jin turned around after hanging up and offered you the only chair in the room. You quickly shuffled over sitting down and tried to ask again why you were here. In a bedroom, on a bed with your soulmates and their band mates all in the same room. “ Can someone please just tell me what happened?” Your voice staring to crack as you were close to tears. “This just feels too extrodinary to believe. You keep saying I have soulmates, as in plural. I didn’t even know that was possible.” It was then that you looked at your left hand and saw the red string tatoo. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS HAPPENING TO ME....Did I have a stroke? How...what...why...” your words became so jumbled you weren’t making any sense and you were pretty sure a panic attack was just a moment away from tackling your neurotic ass into submission. Jin kneeled in front of you telling you to breathe. “ In through the nose....out through the mouth Y/N. You can do it just breathe in and out, in and out...that’s it, you got it, in...out.” You sat there holding his hands while Tae began rubbing your back in circles as they were trying their best to calm you down. Jin explained to you that he also has a soulmate named Yuna and she is ready to come talk to you about what being attached to an idol can be like.
Across the room you heard a groggy voice “Uugghhhh....get off me Jungkookah. Why are we in bed? What happened” could be heard from the bed you just left. Jimin was sitting up while shoving Jungkook off of him and staring around the room. Jungkook fell off the bed. He jumped up and was getting ready to tackle his hyung who knocked him down when his eyes landed on you. He was confused as to why a woman, a very pretty woman, but a woman nonetheless was sitting in their studio bedroom at BigHit, surrounded by four of his hyungs. “Um, hello” he said quietly making Jimin look in the same direction. Eyes got wide when he also said a quiet hello and then proceeded to ask Namjoon “ What’s going on. Who is she and why are we all in here. I thought we were going to dinner?”
“See, I’m not the only one confused” you exclaimed louder and much squeakier than you meant. “Apparently we are soulmates” you say while gesturing to the both of them and yourself. “Surprise “ you say throwing up jazz hands and beginning to laugh at the outrageous looks on both of their faces.
“Who, who is your soulmate?” They both say at the same time.
Namjoon looks at you knowing you are barely holding on at the moment and answers for you. “All three of you are soulmates”.
They stare at each other then at you then at the group and both start laughing. “Ok ok, good joke hyung, stop playing around. Did you knock us out and this is a mystery mission? “ “Are we on a run BTS episode we didn’t know was being filmed?” They took turns asking like this was a prank or something.
When they see no one other than you are deadly serious they stop and start to freak out as well. “ARE YOU SERIOUS?” They look at each other only to both shout out that they couldn’t be soulmates. Why is it just happening now after knowing each other all these years. Brothers yes, soulmates no. NOPE. NO WAY, WHAT THE FUCK.
You get up and walk over to them. You grab both of their left hands and show them the tattoos. You peek inside your shirt and confirm you have the soulmates date above your heart, and tell them to check their chests as well. You strangely feel calm being around the two of them and less like a victim of some K-Pop Serial Killer drama that you stepped into, and you realize they also both settle down while you’re holding onto them.
Namjoon gets up and begins to explain that though it’s rare, there are known cases of multiple soulmates. They are harder to find because all of the mates must be together for their souls to connect. Once they do connect though the bond is stronger than a normal soulmates bond and can come with difficulties due to the relationship aspect of it. Prejudice often follows a poly soulmate connection due to the narrow mindedness of society and can often be looked down on. He tells the three of you that you should tell management right away so they can have a plan in place. Fans aren’t always supportive of their bias’s soulmates, and Y/N having two of the most popular idols in Korea as hers are going to come with challenges. Especially with you being a foreigner.
You three look at each other and back at Namjoon, silently agreeing to these terms. He also suggests you three need time together alone to get to know about each other because you all three had different lives leading up to today, and it would be best to figure out where you all should go from here. Other people’s feelings and relationships are going to be affected by what has happened and you all needed to be prepared for any backlash.
“Ok, now that this is all settled can we please get some dinner?” You hear from the other bed where apparently Yoongi has been napping throughout all the mental breakdowns.
To be continued...
Taglist: @mrcleanheichou @itsminniekat @dreamescapeswriting @seaoffangirling @4evahevah @sonderkook @bisexualmess007 @chxustuff @aviwasabi21 @skyys-universe @ally22042000 @ramblingsofawolfgirl
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
“All you have to do is ask.” Chapter 6 - [Reid x Reader]
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Summary: After a long stretch of crimefighting, Reader and Spencer finally get a chance to spend some time together. Reader is ready to give Dr. Reid the proper introduction to female domination and BDSM he asked for.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x (Female) Reader
Category: 85% Smut, 10% Fluff, 5% Angst.
Word Count: 7.9k for Chapter 6
Content Warnings: BDSM, Femdom, thigh riding, pegging, orgasm denial, spitting, slapping, bondage, sub drop, aftercare, brief mention of menstruation (just in case that needs a warning). This chapter is filthy, y’all. 
A/n: Before we begin, I wanted to give a small warning. When I started this story, I wanted to give an honest portrayal of BDSM/Femdom. The before, during, and after are equally important. Sub/Dom drop is a very real and emotional thing. But don’t worry, Reader is always there for our nervous boy.
y/n = your name. y/l/n = your last name. Italicized text is Reader’s thoughts.
-- Chapter 6 – “Dirty thing” --
Things started to move so fast after Illinois. We arrived home late Sunday night only to be called back out on Monday morning to assist the Tucson Police with a child abduction. We were finishing up the paperwork when the call came in from Florida about a series of car-jackings that weren’t really car-jackings.
It had been more than 2 weeks since that night in the hotel room, and all I had since then were just moments with my Dr. Reid. He sat next to me on the plane sometimes, his hand resting on my thigh when he was certain no one could see. He had placed a kiss on the back of my neck while we were standing in the conference room in Florida. I was surviving on these stolen moments.
Spencer seemed to be happy with our first BDSM experience together, which was a relief to me. I had never had a submissive that was inexperienced before. I felt a great deal of pressure where he was concerned; I knew the toll one bad partner could have on a person.
Some nights Spencer would call me from his hotel room. I would give him instructions on how I wanted him to touch himself; listening to his desperation grow every time he brought himself to the edge and I pulled him back. We experimented a bit with degradation. Learning the complexities of Spencer Reid was quickly becoming one of my favorite pastimes.
After Florida we made a brief stop in Alabama; Hotch informed us that we were only spending one night here and that we would be departing at 7:30 am the following morning. Our unit chief also swore that we were going to have the weekend off; no interruptions. I’ll believe it when I see it, was all I could think. Glancing around to the rest of the team, I could see they agreed with me.
We all had separate rooms that night, thankfully. If I had to listen to Emily snore for one more night, I might lose my mind. I wasn’t sure how JJ did it. Coming into my room, I kicked my shoes off and headed for the bed. I pulled my phone out of my bag before I very unceremoniously flopped down on the bed. The pace of the last 2 weeks was starting to wear on me.
I brought up my text messages when there was a hesitant knock on my door. It was just past 8 pm; it was risky, but I knew it had to be Spencer. I hurried towards the door, throwing it open to reveal his sheepish face. Wasting no time, I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him into the room.
“What are you doing?” I hissed. “Someone could have seen you.”
"I'm not allowed to go to my friend's room to hang out?"
He has a point. “Well, you never know! It’s better to be safe.”
His full lips turned down into a pout. “I just wanted to spend some time with you. I missed you, y/n.” Is my heart fluttering like that a sign of a medical problem? I wondered. “And not just the…stuff we do. I just…I just missed being with you.”
How could I stay mad at that? “I missed you too, baby.” I took his hand in mine, guiding him over to the bed. He propped up on the pillows beside me, both hands coming up to loosen his tie.
“Can I ask you a question?”
I snorted a bit. “Yeah, Doc, I think you can ask me anything you want at this point.”
“Well,” his cheeks were starting to turn pink. “We’ve been…” I wonder what he’s gonna call it. “…serious”Hmm, that’s fair. “for almost 4 weeks now, 27 days and 14 hours, give or take, depending on when you wanted to say this started.”
“Get to the point, darling.”
“Right,” he muttered. “Well, we’re supposed to have this weekend off. And I don’t have any plans.” He dropped his eyes to his hands which were twisting nervously. “I understand if you have plans, of course. Or you’re just not in the mood. Statistically speaking, given the time we’ve spent together,” your likely to have your period soon-“
“Woah,” I interrupted. “Let’s pump those breaks, Doc.” Spencer looked horrified that he had rambled on so much and equally relieved that I had stopped him. “First of all, I have an IUD. I don’t get my period very often.” I can’t believe he’s talking about my period. “And second, the only plans I have this weekend involve grocery shopping and laundry.”
“Oh,” he said quietly. “Me too.”
I pulled my lips together between my teeth to try and suppress my smile. “Are you asking about my weekend plans because you’re interested in being a part of them? Or just out of curiosity?” Come on, Doc. All you have to do is ask me.
“I was-I was wondering if you wanted to spend some time together this weekend? If you’re not busy.”
My sweet, sweet boy. I stretched my body up, bringing my lips to his. I brushed my mouth over his in a very sweet and unhurried kiss. “No, Doc. I’m not busy.” I felt his lips smile against my own. “And maybe we can try some new things if you’re interested.”
“I’m more than interested in everything related to you,” he breathed against my lips.
It was decided that Spencer would come to my apartment Saturday in the early evening. I left the exact time up to him, in case he had anything he needed to do on this rare weekend off.
It was around 2 pm when my phone chimed with a text message from him.
“What time is okay for me to come over?”
I laughed out loud; I should have expected this. “Whenever you want, Doc.”
His response was immediate, which was also rare. “Can I come over now?”
“Sure, Doc. But I want you to bring something with you.”
I pulled open the door a short time later to find a very nervous looking Spencer Reid. Even out of work, he was still dressed the same as always. He had dark slacks on, a navy shirt, and a cardigan, he had forgone the tie today, and he was clutching the strap of his messenger bag for dear life.
“Hi, Doc,” I greeted him with a huge smile before waving him in. I saw him taking inventory of my apartment. From the art on the walls to the rug on the floor to the books on the bookshelf. "You need a bigger bookshelf," he said at last.
He wasn’t wrong. “I suppose I do. But not all of us can have a whole wall as a bookshelf, Doc.” I put my hand on his arm, pulling him into my living room, then down onto my couch. His entire body was tense, his eyes moving around nervously. I leaned closer, putting my hand on the side of his face, drawing his gaze to meet mine.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” I reminded him.
“I want to do this. I do.” He swallowed nervously, flexing his fingers. “I just…I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what’s going to happen. And I don’t want to mess up. And I’m so nervous that I’ll do something wrong.”
I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Hey, hey. Take a breath. I’m serious. Take a deep breath.”
He rolled his eyes but complied.
“Spencer, I don’t expect you to just come in here and jump into a world that you’ve never been a part of before. I’m nervous too.”
That had his eyes widening. “You are? But why? You know what you’re doing.”
It doesn’t feel like I do. “Every person is different, Spencer, and I haven’t cared about a submissive the way I care about you in a long time.” My boy smiled at that. “Before we do anything, we’re going to let you get comfortable. I’m not going to do anything that we haven’t already discussed. If you feel uncomfortable, say “yellow” and I will pull back. If you don’t want to do anything more, say “red” and we will stop right then.”
He bit his full bottom lip, his eyes widening as he continued to meet my gaze. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”
Just when I think my heart can’t possibly handle another crack in it. I cupped his jaw in both of my hands. “You could never disappoint me, Spencer. Never.” I said the words with 100% sincerity and honesty. It was true. “Even if you decide this isn’t what you want and you walk out right now, I’ll never be disappointed.” If he left right now I would feel a lot of things, but disappointment in him wouldn’t be one of them.
“Okay,” he breathed. “Can…Can I kiss you now? I don’t know-“
I leaned closer, my lips hovering millimeters from his own. “Yes,” I whispered. “You can kiss me.”
His lips were tender as they brushed mine. It was like nothing we had done previously mattered, my nervous boy was still so afraid, but still so desperate and so curious.
I pulled back right as his tongue flicked over the seam of my mouth, resting my forehead against his. “Let’s not get carried away,” I chuckled. “I still need to talk to you.”
Spencer sat back, his hands folded on his lap, looking at me expectantly.
Forever the eager student. "The scene begins when I send you into the bedroom alone. It ends when you cum. That can always change if you decide you want it to stop." He needed to know that. “Since this is your first experience, I want you to be prepared for some pretty intense emotions once we’re done, I promise I’ll be right here with you to get you through anything, should you feel it.” My boy’s eyes were wide, but he nodded. Still so trusting. “I’ll be using toys on you this time. I ordered them a few weeks ago and they’ve all been sterilized.”
His brow quirked at that. “You had to buy them?”
It was impossible to contain my laugh. “I didn’t think you’d be okay with toys that had been used on other people, no matter how well I sterilized them.”
The horrified expression on his face did nothing to help me suppress my laughter.
“Anyway,” I went on, still attempting to get myself under control. “I have various sizes for different things. I assume you’ve never done any sort of anal play on your own?”
There’s that blush. “No, y/n, I haven’t. Does that matter?”
“No, sweet boy, not in the way you think. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable. So, we will start with smaller sizes. If you decide you like it, we’ll work up to bigger ones. Or if you like the small ones, we can stick with those.”
He was shifting his hips unconsciously. “You’d be okay with that?”
Moving quickly, I lifted my leg over both of his, my hands pushing his shoulders to the back of the couch, my heat settling over his cock. He’s already a little hard, I thought with a smirk. I leaned forward, my mouth finding the softness of his neck, my lips skimming down to his pulse point before placing a soft kiss there.
Spencer groaned softly, his hands resting on my hips. He knew our scene hadn’t started yet, which made him bolder with his touch.
Kissing my way up to his ear, I took the lobe between my teeth, tugging softly, before I spoke. "I just want to fuck you, Dr. Reid. I don't care what size cock I fuck you with." I don't know if he shivered at the feeling of my breath against him or at my words. Hopefully both. I placed one last kiss on his neck before I moved off of him.
His bewildered expression amused me greatly. “But, before any of that, did you bring what I asked?”
It took my brilliant boy a second to remember what I was talking about. He reached for the messenger bag beside him. “Yes,” he muttered, opening the bag to pull out several books. “But I wasn’t sure what sort of book you wanted me to bring. So, I brought a few different options.” He set 4 books down on my coffee table. “What are they for?”
“You’re going to read to me,” I said, not attempting to hide my smile.
"…I am?" At my nod, he said, "Oh..okay. Do you want to do that now?”
“Don’t look so disappointed, baby.” I held out my hand to him. “Come with me.”
Curious as ever, my boy followed me into my bedroom, his eyes scanning over the bed, resting on the small chest that sat at the end of it.  
“…Are we…” he trailed off.
"Sort of. I wanted to try something first before we officially start.” I turned to him, my fingers moving slowly up his chest until I reached his collar. “It will help me get you ready for later. Is that okay?” Still so nervous. Spencer nodded quickly; his pupils were already beginning to dilate. I rose up on my tiptoes to press a kiss to his pouty mouth.  "We're not really in a scene right now. I know that can be confusing, and it's not something I would normally do, but you've never done this, so I thought it would be best." I pressed another kiss to his jaw.  "You can touch me, just not under my clothes yet. Alright, baby?"
He mumbled his response while I pulled him forward until the back of my knees hit the bed, bringing him tumbling down with me. His hands tangled in my hair when my mouth found his. I didn’t pull away this time when his tongue flicked over my lips. I let him in with a soft sigh, moving my hands to tug on his soft, messy curls. I shifted until my pelvis was aligned with his, beginning to rock slowly.
This whole exercise was a bit of a tease, but I needed for him to be aroused for what I had planned. The more aroused he was the better.
I tugged his shirt out of the waistband of his pants, running my hands underneath the fabric. "Hey," he whispered, pulling back to smile at me. I ignored the way my heart fluttered at his tone. “You said not under the clothes.”
Smiling back at him, I hooked my leg around his hips, pulling him down further. I used that momentum to flip him onto his back while I straddled him. He looks so surprised, I thought smugly. He knows I help teach seminars on defensive tactics.  
“Wrong again, Dr. Reid,” I murmured, my lips moving down his cheek to his jaw, to his ear. “I said you couldn’t put your hands under my clothes, baby,” I whispered against his ear. “I can do whatever the fuck I want to you.” I brought my hand up to wrap around his throat, applying a small amount of pressure to each side. I pressed my still covered pussy against the bulge in his pants. “Isn’t that right, baby?”
Spencer didn’t even wait until the words were out of my mouth before he started to whimper. I lifted my body until I was sitting up then I brought my hands to his belt. My fingers were unzipping his fly before I spoke again. “I asked you a question, Dr. Reid. Or does that memory of yours stop working when you become a whimpering, needy little mess?” My words were harsher than they had ever been with him before; he’d really enjoyed the degradation we had done so far and said he was open to pushing it a bit further. Ask and you shall receive, baby.
I moved off of him then, rising to my feet at the side of the bed. First, I slid his shoes off. Then I reached up to pull his pants down. Then my thumbs hooked in the waistband of his underwear. I let out an exaggerated sigh as I climbed back on top of his body. My lower body was still completely covered but he was bare from the waist down.
He wasn’t prepared for when my right hand shot out and grabbed his face. My thumb digging into the left side of his face. “That’s twice you’ve not answered me, Dr. Reid.” I lifted my hand from his face and quickly brought it back down quickly. Not as hard as I had the last time we were together like this. Not yet.
“I’m sorry, Miss,” he whimpered. “I’m so sorry.”
“Are you?” I moved my hand down to grip his hard cock in my hand, squeezing him, enjoying the way his eyes fluttered at the action. “I don’t know if I believe that, Dr. Reid.” My hand was pumping him steadily now. “I think you need to apologize a bit better than that.”
His eyes shot open and he subconsciously licked his lips, causing me to chuckle and still my hands movements. “Oh no, you can’t have that. You haven’t earned that, my nervous boy. Look at you. Look how much your cock is leaking precum already.” I brought my hands up unbutton his shirt. “You’re just a needy thing, aren’t you? It’s almost pathetic.”
Spencer was shifting his hips again, trying to get some sort of friction. “I’m sorry, Miss.”
Once his shirt was unbuttoned, I brought my hands up to his throat, leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose. “I know.” I lifted up, raking my nails down his pale chest. “Which is why you’ll be my good boy now, won’t you?”
He nodded quickly, his eyebrows coming together when I moved off of him. I knelt in front of the trunk at the end of my bed. He propped himself up on his elbows as I opened the chest and pulled two items out before I moved back over towards him.
“Move up the bed, lay in the center.”
Crawling back onto the bed, I hovered above him, before I began to move down his body. I kept eye contact with him the entire time. It’s okay, baby. I would never hurt you. “Do you know what this is, Spencer?”
I think hearing his name surprised him; he forgot that we weren’t technically in a scene yet. I had only acted this way because I wanted to bump his simmering arousal up to a flaming inferno. I knew my boy would become more nervous if he wasn’t a whimpering, desperate mess. He nodded.
I pushed his legs up until his knees were bent, then I kissed up his right thigh, moving towards his cock. “I want you to be ready for when I fuck you.” I offered in way of explanation right before I moved to run my tongue up the underside of his cock.
Spencer threw his head back, tossing it against my pillows. I wrapped my fingers around the base of his cock while I moved him into my mouth. I didn't suck as hard as I normally did, instead of letting saliva slip from my mouth to coat him. After a few moments, I pulled off.
"I want you to touch your cock, Spencer," I said, uncapping the lube. "You're not allowed to cum. Remember that when you touch yourself. If you get so close that it's painful to stop, you have no one to blame but yourself. And if you cum, I will punish you."
His Adam's apple bobbed, his eyes moving from the butt plug to my hands then back to his cock. He wrapped his long fingers around it while I coated the plug with lube. Eyes fixed firmly on my hands; he started a slow rhythm. What a good boy.
I stroked his thighs as I moved the plug into position against his ass. His face was flushed with a mix of arousal and embarrassment, I think. I just smirked at him. “Don’t get shy with me now, baby,” I said as I slowly began to push inside of him. “I’m going to have you begging me to fuck your tight little ass before the day is over.” He whimpered, his hand speeding up slightly. “You do know that, don’t you, Spencer? I’m going to make you such a little slut for me.” The plug went in further, with almost no real resistance from him. “Jesus, it looks like you’re already a fucking slut.” His whimpers and groans were coming faster now. “Look at how you’re taking this plug,” I started to fuck it into him slowly. “I knew you were dirty, Dr. Reid. But I didn’t expect this.”
With one final small push, it was seated inside him. I reached to grab his hand, pulling it off of his cock. His lip was between his teeth, his forehead dotted with sweat. "You did so well, Spencer," I praised him. "You're more needy than I thought. I think I might make you bounce on my cock later." I moved off of the bed, reaching down to pick up his underwear before I tossed them to him. "I thought it would take some time to get you to ride me, but you're such a little slut, I'm sure you'll be begging for it soon."
He looked so confused, his fingers picking up his underwear. “Wha-“ he panted, his hips moving against my bed, already starting to be overwhelmed by the sensation.
“Put on your underwear, Dr. Reid; leave your shirt unbuttoned. Then come back into the living room.” I gave him a wide smile. “You still have to read to me.”
I sat on the couch, flipping through the books Spencer had brought, waiting for him to emerge from my bedroom. He really had done so much better than I expected. I wasn’t exaggerating when I said I was going to have him bounce on my cock. The thought of him moving over me, his head thrown back while I pumped his cock caused heat to pool between my thighs.
My eyes didn’t raise to look at him when he walked into the room. He sat to the left of me, where he had been before. His cock was still hard, his precum was leaving a damp spot on his underwear. “Which book do you want to read me, Dr. Reid?”
He groaned. “I-I don’t know if I can finish the whole book like this,” he mumbled, flushing a deeper red that went down to his neck.
“You don’t have to finish, darling boy.” I rose up from the couch then, undoing my pants before shimming them down my hips. “You just have to read to me until I cum.”
Spencer’s eyes went wide. Flickering from the books then back to where I was removing my shirt. I wasn’t paying attention to what book he picked; ultimately, it didn’t matter, I’m not sure I would be able to pay enough attention during this to even process what he was reading.
I stood before him in my bra and panties. He brought the thick book up to his chest, never so much as blinking while I moved over him. I put my thighs on either of his right thigh before I sat down, pushing the seam of my pussy against him through my underwear. I gripped his shoulders, moving my mouth to the tender area where his shoulder met his neck. Placing a soft kiss there, I moved my right hand down his chest, skimming over his stomach, then applying a teasing pressure to his cock over his underwear.
“Come on, Dr. Reid. You told me you’d read to me.”
His first few words were sure. I was almost positive this was one of the many books he had memorized, meaning he wouldn’t need to rely on the book itself to keep reading. This was probably good, as at the first rock of my pussy against his thigh, he released a soft groan, interrupting his words.
Smirking, I moved my hips more purposefully against him. My hands came up to grip his hair, pulling harshly. His moan once again made his words falter. “What’s wrong Dr. Reid,” I whispered sweetly against his skin. “Can you not focus on your book?”
“It’s…It’s so hard, y/n.”
I licked the vein running up his neck before I sucked on the skin. “I can feel just how hard it is, Dr. Reid.” I moved my mouth up to his ear again. “Take my bra off.” I expected him to fumble with this task, but he put his right hand behind my back and removed my bra in seconds. You’ve been holding out on me, Doc. Leaning back, I moved my hands to my own breasts, thumbing my nipples as I listened to Spencer read his book, his words barely registering in my mind.
“You don’t need both hands to read, do you?” He shook his head, his worlds never faltering from the story. “Good. I know how hard it is for you to sit here with that plug inside you. I know you’re thinking about how it will feel when I fuck you.” There’s that whimper, I thought. “I’m thinking about it too, Spencer.” My hips began to grind against him faster. “Put the book down but keep reading to me. If you stop your words, I’ll stop moving. The sooner I cum, the sooner you can get back into my bed.”
He placed the book down; his words a whisper now as he recited the book. “Touch me, Spencer. Make me cum like a good boy so I can finally fuck you like the little slut you are.” His hands gripped my hips, guiding my movements against his thigh, his mouth against my neck while he continued mumbling words I could barely hear against my skin.
"I've thought about fucking you before, you know," I said, my pussy becoming wetter and wetter against him. "The first time was on the jet. You had some book open in your lap. You were stretched out on the couch." I groaned as Spencer moved my hips faster and faster. "I thought about the look on your face if I just came over to you and sat on your lap." I moved to kiss his neck again. "I wonder what they would have said then." Dropping my hand down to palm his hot, hard cock over his underwear. "What would they have said if they saw Dr. Spencer Reid's big, pretty boy cock sliding down my throat?"
He was groaning now in between words, but the words were yet to totally falter. “I guess that would be better than them seeing you get fucked, right?” One of his hands moved up to my breast to pinch my nipple. “What would they think if they knew that their boy wonder, their resident genius, wanted to get his ass fucked and treated like a dirty little thing?”
I was so, so close. “Come on, Agent Reid. Make me cum. Make me cum all over your thigh so I can make you cum so hard you see stars.”
His words faltered then; his mouth moved to my shoulder, kissing it softly before he said, “I’d let the entire world watch anything if it meant I got to fuck you.” With that, he bit down on my skin. That small amount of pain caused my orgasm to break like a wave against me. Spencer kept moving my hips back and forth to help me ride it out.
The world came back into focus slowly, my breathing still harsh against Spencer’s shoulder. Gripping his shoulders, I pulled back to kiss him softly. He tried to turn the kiss into something deeper, his need making him desperate. I pulled back, looking in his eyes. “When you go into the room we really begin,” I whispered. “Green, yellow, and red. I need you to know I’m so proud of you, darling boy, even if we just end here. You’ve done so well.”
He whimpered again, confirming once again that he had a praise kink. “I want more, Miss. Please?”
I moved off of his body to sit back on the couch, picking up the book he had set down. “Go into the bedroom, take off all of your clothes. Lay in the center of the bed, hands by your sides. Do not touch yourself. If you do, I will punish you.”
When I finally made my way into the room a minute later, I found Spencer right where I instructed him to be. His cock was still hard; he was breathing rapidly. I stood at the edge of the bed, slowly slipping my panties off before I knelt down to open the chest again.
I had given this first scene a lot of thought. One day, I wanted to restrain him with my handcuffs when I fucked him. I could just imagine how he'd blush whenever he saw them after that. But, for this I had decided to use arm restraints that attached to the bars on my headboard, wrapping around his wrist with a Velcro cuff; he could open them if he needed to. I moved up on his left side, fastening one restraint to the bed, then walking to the right side, doing the same. His eyes were on my face, so expectant and so trusting.
I crawled on to the bed then, sitting myself on his firm stomach, my wet heat touching his skin. I leaned over to grip one cuff before I said, "Give me your hand, Dr. Reid." He complied without complaint or hesitation, then he did it again with his left wrist. I scooted my body down his until I felt his pubic bone brush against my still sensitive pussy. His breath hitched. "What's wrong, Dr. Reid?" I asked as I moved further down, my ass now resting over his cock.
“I-I can feel you. You-you’re so close.” His hands started to pull against the restraints, itching to reach out and touch me, push me back even further so his cock would finally touch the paradise that was my wet cunt.
I tsked at him, pouting my lips. “I know, darling boy. It must be so hard.” I moved my hands to his chest, bracing myself on one hand while the other reached up to wrap around his throat. “It’s so hard to so fucking needy, isn’t it, baby?” I moved back another inch.
He was whining under me now, shifting his hips relentlessly. Leaning forward, I placed my lips centimeters away from his own, my grip on his throat tightening just a bit. “It wouldn’t take much, Dr. Reid.” I brushed my mouth against his, laughing when I heard the restraints jerking against the headboard bars. “You know I won’t let you fuck me…but all it would take is just a shift of my hips.” I rocked back a bit, bringing my pussy right there, before drawing back up. “What would you give me for that, Dr. Reid? What would you do to feel my hot, wet, tight, little pussy rub against your pretty boy cock?”
“Anything,” his voice was so much higher than normal when he spoke. “I’ll do anything, Miss. Please. Please.”
You’re so good at this, baby. “You sound very pretty when you beg, Dr. Reid.” I placed one more chaste kiss on his top lip before I went back to a sitting position. Bracing my hands on his hips, I lifted my pelvis over his groin to settle on the tops of his thighs. His strangled groan was music to my ears. “You have been such a good boy…” I pretended to ponder this. “Tell you what, if you promise to ride my cock, to swirl your hips while you fuck yourself on top of me, I’ll let you feel me.”
He was nodding desperately, still pulling against the arm restraints. “Yes. Please. Please, Miss. I’ll do whatever you want.”
I moved his cock to lay flat against his pubic bone, the head pointing upwards towards his face. “I want you to watch, Dr. Reid.” I could feel myself dripping when I moved forward. Slowly, slowly, slowly, I placed the lips of my cunt around the width of his cock.
“Fuck." Spencer's eyes were glued to where my pussy was finally touching his cock. "You're so…fuck, you feel so good, Miss.”
This was the first time I had felt a man against me like this in longer than I wanted to admit. I should be scared, but I just couldn't be. It felt so right to be against him right now. I started moving my hips forwards and backward, much like I did when I rode his thigh. I looked down, watching his cock disappear as I slide my pussy over him. This wasn’t even sex in the way most people considered it, but being here, sharing this moment with Spencer was one of the most erotic and intimate moments of my life.
With one finally slide of my hips, I lifted off of him, getting off the bed completely.
“No, no, no, Miss, please come back.”
I looked back at him over my shoulder. His cock was wet with my arousal, his neck was flushed a bright red, his messy curls were sticking to his forehead, and his wrists were still pulling against the restraints. He is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
“My, my, Dr. Reid.” I moved back to the chest, reaching down to pull out my harness. “You might be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. Look at you,” I shot him a look of fake disapproval while I stepped into the harness, bringing it up to secure it around my hips. I had selected this strap-on for the specific reason that I could change the size of the dildo attached to it. So, for today I could use something smaller on my boy…until he was ready for something rougher, or bigger. Originally, I had planned on selecting the smallest dildo, but after seeing how easily he took the plug, I decided to move to the next size up.
Spencer watched with wide eyes while I pulled out my “cock”. I smirked at him. “Do you like it, Dr. Reid?” I slid the dildo into place, clip it into place. I moved closer to him, crawling up the bed, sitting on his right side. I brushed my fingers over his chest, feeling his racing heartbeat. Moving so quickly he didn’t have a chance to brace, I struck quickly, whipping my left hand up to backhand across the cheek. Rising up on my knees, I moved closer to him, gripping a handful of his hair with one hand, my other bracing myself on the headboard. “I am getting really fucking tired of not having my questions answered, Dr. Reid.”
He was positively squirming now, his pupils were huge, his mouth hanging open. “I’m sorry Miss, I’m so sorry. I can’t- I can’t think when you’re around me.” I had to fight very hard to stop my lips from spreading into a smile, but I think he saw my lips twitch anyway.
“Brat,” I muttered, yanking on his hair again, causing him to let out another whimper. “I think you need to apologize, Dr. Reid. You want to be my good boy, don’t you?” I tilted my head to the side, regarding him curiously. “Because, if you’re my good boy, I’ll let you cum. But…if you’re not,” I leaned down to whisper to him. “Well, bad boys get their pretty little asses fucked, but they don’t get to cum.”
“I’m sorry Miss,” he whined out. “I’m so sorry. Please let me apologize.”
“Open your mouth.” He did so without question, his arms pulling on the restraints harder when I spit into his mouth. “Swallow it.” Such a good boy. “Now, I want you to suck my cock, Dr. Reid. Can you do that? Suck my cock and get it nice and wet before I fuck you with it.”
His eyes were on my face; I could see just the smallest flicker of nervousness in those pretty golden-brown eyes. I’d never hurt you, baby. You know that. Almost as if he heard my thoughts, he opened his mouth for me. Releasing his hair, I brought my hand to the dildo, guiding it into his mouth. “That’s it, you’re doing so good, Dr. Reid.” I gave a few very shallow thrusts of my hips, watching his eyes flutter while his cheeks hollowed out. “I knew the first time you sucked my fingers that day on your couch that you’d be so good at sucking cock.” I moved my hand from the dildo to place it lightly against his throat. “You’re nothing but a cock slut though, right, Dr. Reid?” He moaned around me; I squeezed his throat in response.
Pulling out of his mouth, I smiled down at him while I moved further away. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek before I moved down the bed. “You know why I left your legs free, don’t you Dr. Reid?”
“I’m not sure Miss.” His response was breathy and immediate. You’re learning, my nervous boy.
“Oh, the great Dr. Reid isn’t sure? That must be first. I guess it’s probably hard for your big brain to work when all the blood is going to your cock.” I grabbed the lube from the side of the bed to place it beside his thigh. I pushed his legs up roughly, so his knees were bent again. “I left your legs free, Dr. Reid, so it’s easier to make you take my cock.”
I brought my right hand up to his cock, my grip not firm enough to be satisfying, but I wanted him to focus on that sensation, especially now. In reality, it probably didn’t matter, my boy looked too far gone to be embarrassed anymore. With my left, I grabbed the base of the butt plug, slowly pulling it out.
His breath caught in his throat, his top teeth digging into his bottom lip so hard it whitened. “What’s wrong, baby?” My tone was condescending as I worked the plug out a bit, before I pushed it back in a bit, fucking it out of him gently, much like how I fucked it into him. “What do you need, Dr. Reid?”
He knew what I wanted, I had told him multiple times, but will my boy be brave enough to give it to me. I pulled the plug out completely, tossing it to the side before I grabbed the lube. I squirted some into my right hand before I started to slick up the dildo, my eyes never leaving his.
“I-I want you to fuck me, Miss.”
“Hmm,” I acknowledged, my hands still moving up and down my ‘cock.’ “I’m not sure what you mean, darling boy. You’ll have to be a bit more specific.”
Spencer’s head thrashed, his thighs clenched, his stomach muscles tensed. “I need you to fuck my ass, Miss…Please. Please fuck my ass, Miss.”
My hand stilled. Goddamnit. Hearing those words out of him made my pussy clench, my own wetness starting to drip down my thighs. "All you have to do is ask, Dr. Reid.”
I moved into position between his thighs, bringing both of my hands up to grip his slim hips. Scooting forward, I lifted him up a bit until my knees were barely under him, just enough to tilt his pelvis up so I could see him. I ran one of my hands up his inner thigh. “You’re even pretty here, Dr. Reid.” I lifted my hips slightly, pressing the dildo against his asshole. “Hold still, baby. I know you’re so needy and that makes it so hard, but you can hold still for me, can’t you?”
He nodded rapidly, his hands fisted into balls, his wrists tugging against the restraints, his teeth still sunk into his lower lip. Usually, I would demand his words, but I understood how overwhelming this was for him. Free pass, my nervous boy. I slowly started to push inside of him. My gaze kept flicking between my ‘cock’ entering him and his face, watching for any reaction, any sign of hesitancy.  
“Please,” he whimpered.
I started making slow strokes, fucking the dildo into him in shallow, small thrusts. When I had about 4 inches inside of him, I put some more lube on my hand. I stroked some of it on the remaining 3 inches of the dildo, making sure I could bottom out inside him. The remaining lube I left on my hand…the same hand I brought up to grab his cock with.
“FUCK.” Spencer’s shoulders were raising off of the bed, his eyes locked on my movements.
“Does it feel good, Dr. Reid?”
"Green, green, green, fucking green," he muttered. Under normal circumstances, I would have laughed, but right now I just pitched my hips forward, burying the dildo inside of him. He let out a strangled moan that sounded like my name when my thighs hit his body.
"Look at that," I said softly. "Look at what a good little slut you are, Dr. Reid?" I started to thrust slowly, looking at his reactions to see which strokes seemed to have the biggest effect on him. Being a profiler comes in handy at the strangest times. “You’re such a pretty cock slut, baby.” The tempo of my thrusts sped up while I looked down to watch the dildo move in and out of his tight entrance.
“Miss, fuck,” he whimpered. “Miss, please fuck me harder.”
I moved my hips faster, watching as his mouth opened in a silent scream. I gripped his cock firmer in my hand. Building up a rhythm between jerking him off and fucking him. “Is this what you want, Dr. Reid? You want to be used like this? Like a filthy slut?”
“Yes, yes, Miss, please.” His eyes were fixed on my hand on his cock, on my hips moving quickly. “Miss, Miss, you’re so- Miss, I’m going to cum.”
“Oh, you are, are you?” I teased, slowing my hand slightly. My thighs still slapping against him as I fucked him.
“Please Miss,” he begged. “Please let me cum. Please, I’ll do anything. Please, please, I’m so fucking close.”
I gripped his cock harder, my pace never slowing. “Come on, Dr. Reid. Cum for me like the dirty thing you are.”
At my words, he let out the loudest moan I’d heard him make yet. His back was arching off the bed, as rope after rope of cum erupted from his cock. I slowed my pace, only giving a few shallow thrusts to work him through his orgasm.
Right as his orgasm started to end, I slowly withdrew the portion of the dildo that was still inside him.
I leaned over him to quickly undo the cuffs, freeing him. Moving off the bed, I unstrapped myself, letting the harness fall to the floor before I dashed into the bathroom connected to my room. Wetting the washcloth, I had already laid out, I grabbed my other supplies and hurried back into the room. Spencer was where I left him, his eyes fixed on the ceiling, unseeing.
I moved to sit between his legs. First, I wiped the cum and lube off his cock, murmuring my praises the entire time before I cleaned up the remaining lube from between his cheeks. Tossing the rag into the floor, I moved to kneel beside him on the bed. "Spencer," I whispered. "Spencer, you did so well. You were so wonderful."
His gaze fixed on mine, his eyes starting to fill with tears, his face a mask of confusion. “Y/n,” he said, his voice raspy. “Why-why-“
I pushed his hair off his forehead, bringing his arms in towards his body to check his wrists. “It’s okay, Spencer. It is fine. Your adrenaline and endorphins are hitting your body right now. This is what I was talking about that might happen. It’s called sub drop.” I cupped his jaw, my thumb brushing over his lips. “I’m right here, Spencer. I’m right here. And I’m so proud of you.”
I wanted to wait until he asked me to touch him, to be sure that was what he needed, but I just acted on instinct. I laid down beside of him and wrapped my arms around him. He turned his body to face mine, his knees curled up to hit my thighs. I stroked my hands over his back, murmuring softly to him the whole time.
After a few minutes had passed, and his breathing had evened out, I spoke again. “Spence? Do you think you can take a shower? The heat will make you feel better.”
He sniffled, his eyes never rising to meet mine. “I…I don’t know if I can leave you.”
In that moment, the tiny part of my heart that didn’t already belong to Spencer Reid, this marvelous, wonderful man, was cemented into his grasp. “Spencer, I need you to look at me, can you do that?”
His soft eyes finally rose to meet mine. They were wide and anxious and swimming with a much bigger and more frightening emotion. “Spencer, I’m not going to leave you. I’m going to take a shower with you. Then after we get cleaned up, we’re going to order some food and watch whatever you want to while we sit on my couch.” My words were hurried and dripping with honesty.
My darling boy’s face lite up with hope so bright it threatened to consume me. “You’ll stay with me?”
“You don’t even have to ask, Spence.” I pressed a kiss to his forehead.
The remainder of our Saturday went like I had planned. In our shower, I held his body under the warm water, I washed his hair, and I listened while he told me whatever fact came to his mind in that moment. After we were done, I got his messenger bag and brought him his clothes.  
Together, we cuddled on my couch. Him in his old Caltech t-shirt and sweatpants and me in loose t-shirt and leggings. We found some sci-fi show that he said was good that I had never seen to watch while we ate our takeout. I listened to everything he told me about the show, holding his body close to mine.
I felt the tension rise up inside of him the later it got. Which is why I turned to him with an over-exaggerated yawn and asked him the question he was too afraid to ask me.
“Hey, Doc?” I said softly. “It’s getting pretty late…and after…after everything we did today, I don’t really want to be alone. Would you mind staying with me?”
The relief I felt radiate off of him in that moment was so powerful I don’t know if I’ll ever forget the feeling. “Of course, y/n. I’d really like that.”
After I stripped and remade my bed and cleaned up any stray items that I may have missed earlier, I lead Spencer into my bedroom. I fell asleep that night with my arms wrapped around him, his back to my chest. I held my hand against his chest, feeling his heartbeat slow as he fell asleep in my arms. It took a long time for sleep to finally find me, but I didn’t mind. I was content to just feel the heart beating inside the chest of the best person I had ever known.
Series tag list: @abschaffer2​ @liaabsurd​ @brokenanxiety​ @thisiscalmandits-dr​​ @less-intelligent-spencerreid​​ @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @cielo1984 @sarcasticsagittarius1998​ @101donuts​ @heyitssarahk @creepingfromthecorners​ @imjusthereformggcontent​ @fanfictionislifetho​ @annestine​ @boiled-onionrings​ @gublerspublers @dolanfivsosxox​ @lamusaeuterpe @publiusvirgilius​ @suzystuff
Permanent Taglist: @rachelxwayne​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @sickeninglyshoujo @justagirllookingforherplace​ @nanocoool​
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 21
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
You push on, trying your best to remain strong to be there for your hybrids. All hope is lost and you’re just trying to live your remaining days. But the boss has one more plan up his sleeve to break you. 
Chapter warning(s): This might be a heavy chapter for some readers. Angry cursing, needle/drug abuse, violence, slight gore, killing, death, mentions of sexual assault. Please read at your own discretion!
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You would never admit it but deep down you knew, you were slowly giving up. Whatever small slither of hope you held onto was slowly slipping from your hands. Maybe it was better to die here then keep on dreaming of your release with your boys.
“Time to earn your keep, fox.”
“No, please. Not Jin!” You pressed yourself against the bars in whatever frugal attempt to stop Boss Im and his men from taking Jin away.
“Back away, Namjoon.” The man warned and Namjoon growled but made no move to step forward. He knew the hybrids would do his bidding just to keep you safe. Jin choked as he was tugged out of his cell by his collar.
“You should be there too! To experience his first fight.” You were grabbed next. You already knew the way to your viewing area.
The strong smell of iron and dirt was something you have grown accustomed to. How many hybrids have you watched Yoongi and Namjoon kill in that concrete ring? It was like you were numb to it. But you were on your toes when you knew it was Jin’s first time fighting. They were going to inject him and make him feral.
Your gentle boy, Jin.
“Everyone! We have a debut fight tonight! An arctic fox hybrid’s first fight!” The announcer stepped out and everyone jeered.
“I know! I know! Foxes don’t make an interesting fight! But we have him against our own snow leopard.” From the smirk on the announcer and Boss Im’s face, you knew what this was. They were deliberately trying to make Jin lose.
You should have known why Jin was having his first fight before Taehyung, even if Taehyung was the one with more ‘potential’.
“Why are you doing this? Jin can’t fight!” You struggled.
“Exactly. But let’s see what really makes him go crazy.” Boss Im smirked, waving his hand at the announcer to start the match. You gulped, half of you not even wanting to watch this fight unfold while the other half wanted you to continue watching to make sure Jin would be alright.
“Let’s fight!” The announcer ran out of the ring. Jin was thrown in, falling to the ground. He swayed slightly, the drugs taking effect in his system.
“This is going to be easy.” The snow leopard smiled and charged at Jin, knocking him down.
The crowd jeered while you cried silently. Jin was trying his best to fight the snow leopard off but he couldn’t. His opponent was just too strong. He only managed to get a few good punches and kicks at him.
“Jin!” You screamed until your throat went raw.
“Please. I’m begging you! Please! Don’t let him die!” You shook your head as you cried and kneeled to Boss Im. You had your pride and dignity but if seeing you submit was what you needed to do to save Jin, you will do it. Boss Im stood up, laughing.
“Unfortunately, I don’t sway with pleads and begs.” He chuckled.
“You’re heartless.”
“So I’ve been told.” He shrugged. Looking on, he already knew Jin had no chance against the snow leopard, who was well trained and a lot stronger.
“Fox! You better win that fight!” Boss Im shouted at Jin. Through his unbruised eye, Jin saw Boss Im take his gun out and press it against your temple with a mocking smile. Jin growled.
“You lose, your precious mate dies!” He threatened. Jin continued to growl, foam seeping from his teeth. With all his strength, he kicked the snow leopard off him, running at him and head-butting him. The snow leopard fell back with a groan but Jin didn’t falter and pounced on top of him. The hybrid on the ground swiped at Jin but Jin bit down into his arm.
The snow leopard yelped in pain as he gripped onto his bleeding arm. Blood leaked from the corner of Jin’s lips.
“I don’t lose.” The snow leopard charged at Jin again.
Jin jumped up and landed on the leopard’s back, making him fall forward. He placed his foot on the back of the leopard’s neck. If he wanted to, he could kill the leopard just like that. Half the crowd jeered at their loss while the other half cheered for Jin’s sudden upper hand.
“Separate them. The fox wins.” Boss Im told his men and they ran forward to take Jin away before he could stomp on the snow leopard’s neck.
“Once again, you’ve proven to be quite the asset, doctor.” Boss Im smirked, turning to look at you. With a wave of his hand, someone grasped your forearm to bring you back to your cell.
“W-Wait! Let me treat Jin, please! Your team won’t be able to handle his injuries.” You begged.
“Fine. Bring her to the medical suite.” Boss Im shooed you off. You were shoved forward, making you stumble. Jin’s face was badly beaten up but you could tell he was still conscious. You held his hand as his whole body shook, tears escaping his eyes.
“I’m... sorry.” He forced out.
“Don’t apologise. It’s okay, Jinnie. I’ve got you.” You hushed him and began to treat his injuries. Jin was so shaken by the whole experience.
“That’s enough.” You were wrenched away from Jin and both carried back to your cells. Before they could push you in, you walked in yourself, making them mutter a ‘b*tch’ under their breaths.
“Hyung!” All the hybrids were appalled at Jin’s state. Namjoon picked the elder up from where the henchman had tossed him in and laid him on the mattress.
“Hyung, can you hear me?” Namjoon leaned down.
“He’s traumatised, Joon.” You gulped.
“Jin didn’t want to fight. He was losing against his opponent and fighting the effects of the drug. The boss threatened to shoot me if Jin didn’t win. He manipulated Jin and forced him to fight, causing him to go feral. But thankfully, the other hybrid made it out alive. They were separated before anything could happen.” You explained.
“Poor hyung...” Jimin whimpered.
“Hyung, what will happen to me?” You heard Taehyung ask Yoongi behind you. It made you feel sick to think Taehyung would be like Jin. The cell gate opened again and you all turned your heads.
“What?” You frowned at the man.
“We’re not here for you.” They walked past you and grabbed Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin screeched, letting out hisses as a man leashed his collar. Hoseok growled warningly.
“Hey, what are you doing with them?!” You tried to stop the men but they easily flung you aside.
“Boss requested for them.” He smirked. Jimin whimpered and reached out for you but you were held away. Hoseok shouted and thrashed around. The other hybrids in their cells made a fuss.
“I swear, you hurt them and I will rip your heads off!” Namjoon growled.
“Let them go!” Yoongi shouted.
“One more thing, the boss said to let you know you’re fighting tomorrow.” The men pointed at Taehyung, who jumped and cowered behind Yoongi. Yoongi growled, flashing his canines at them, his black ears twitching. They laughed and just pulled the two hybrids with them.
“No, let them go! You’re hurting them!” You tried to grab Hoseok and Jimin.
“No!” You screamed and cried.
“Kitten, kitten.” Yoongi managed to grab your ankle and pull you to him. He and Taehyung held you, comforting you. Yoongi whispered sweet nothings into your ear while Taehyung stroked the back of your head.
“Chim... Hobi... This is all my fault.” You shook your head.
“No, it’s not, jagi.” Taehyung kissed your head.
“It is! Boss Im gave me an offer. I could leave with Jimin and Hoseok but I’ll have to leave all of you behind. I immediately declined, I’m not leaving any of you behind but now, this happened. If I just let them go, they wouldn’t be dragged out like that. Who knows what torture they are being put through.” You confessed and cried.
“Y-You were given a chance to leave? And bring Hoseok and Jimin with you?” Yoongi asked. You nodded your head.
“But I can’t leave knowing the 4 of you are still here.” You sobbed.
“Jagi...” Taehyung didn’t know what to say. Were they supposed to feel touched that you stayed for them? Or were you dumb for not taking the offer and rescuing yourself and two of them?
You didn’t know how long passed when the cell door opened again. You stood up from the mattress and rushed over to greet Jimin and Hoseok. Hoseok was beaten up while Jimin was having a full meltdown, shivering.
“Hoseok?” You stroked the hair away from his face. He coughed a little before opening his eyes.
“I-I’m okay... Chim...” He choked.
“Chim, Chim.” You slowly approached the calico cat.
“No! D-Don’t touch me!... Please...” Jimin hid his face in his arms, shaking his head as he balled himself up. You retracted your hand immediately, not wanting to agitate him even more. But you noticed that he was breathing so hard was turning blue.
“Alright, sweetie. I won’t touch you. But you need to breathe or you’ll pass out. Follow my breathing, Chim.” You said softly.
“H-Hold me?” He looked up at you, absolutely broken. You nodded and slowly moved towards him. Cautiously, you wrapped your arms around him and he flinched but let you draw his head to your chest.
“I’ve got you now.” You whispered.
“T-They... T-They touched m-me.” He sobbed. Your heart broke and you heard the other hybrids let out growls of anger, hearing Jimin’s words.
You remembered what you had first learnt about how ring masters treat their pets from Yoongi. Jimin must have had to relive that entire experience from his old owner. Whatever memories that he managed to forget or dissolved came rushing back to him, just like that.
“Shh. It’s over.” You knew whatever amount of comfort that you had to offer would not pull Jimin out of this trauma. He may not be as beaten up as Hoseok but he was definitely more traumatised.
“Come here, Hoseok.” You said and Hoseok moved over, laying his head in your lap as he closed his eyes to rest.
“They made me bait for the new training hybrids.” He said softly. You gently ran your hands through his hair in an effort to make him feel better. At the same time, you kissed the top of Jimin’s head. Yoongi was busy comforting Taehyung as well. The tiger was hurt seeing his best friend like that and he was afraid of his fight tomorrow.
“You’ll be fine, Tae.” Yoongi told the younger.
Turning your head, you met eyes with Yoongi. He stared at you and you blinked your tears away. He was thinking the same thing as you.
Just when will this torture end?
That night, Jimin’s nightmares were bad. You were woken up by his screaming and him scratching at his arms and legs. 
“Get them off! Don’t touch me!” He thrashed around. 
“Shh, Chim. It’s me. You had a nightmare. Don’t worry, I’m here.” You hugged him and rubbed his back. When the men brought in the meals for the day, you didn’t even let them look at Jimin as you hid him behind your back. They snickered and nudged each other playfully. 
“Put it down and leave.” You frowned. 
“What makes you think we will listen to you?” One of them crossed his arms. You glared at them. 
“Hey. Boss called for you.” A voice said and the men immediately bowed their heads to their boss’ wife, running off. You let out a sigh of relief. You haven’t seen her since the day the hybrids were brought in. 
“It’s okay, Chim.” You ignored her presence, comforting Jimin. 
“I’m sorry, I really tried my best to keep them away.” You knew she was referring to trying to stop your hybrids from being captured here. Of course, you knew it wasn’t her fault but from all the mental fatigue that you have been facing during your time here, your brain just needed someone to blame. And it had to be her. 
“I’m sorry.” She whispered again and left. Sighing, you brought the bowls of food over to Hoseok and Jimin. Hoseok ate slowly while you fed Jimin and yourself. 
Looking over, you saw Yoongi trying to convince a nervous Taehyung at least eat a little and Namjoon was slowly feeding a still battered Jin. 
“Hey, Jinnie. Are you feeling okay?” You asked. 
“I can’t believe... I... I almost.” He seized up. You grasped his hand. 
“Hey, hey. It’s okay, Jinnie. It’s alright. You know what that drug does to you. You weren’t in the right mind. You were manipulated, you didn’t have control over your own actions and the snow leopard is alive.” You comforted him to stop him from having an anxiety attack. 
It was right after dinner when Taehyung was dragged out. Yoongi tried his best to stop them from taking him as Taehyung struggled and growled against the leash’s pull. 
“Yoongi!” You gasped when they hit him with the barrel of their guns. Yoongi fell to the side with a groan, blood dripping from his temple. Taehyung thrashed around but they still managed to pull him away. Soon, you knew that they would come for you soon. 
“Ladies and gentlemen! Another debut fight! A tiger versus a lion!” The announcer said. Even if it was happening right before your eyes, you felt like it was mile away. Your eyes only focused on the door. 
“Why so glum?” Boss Im tilted his head mockingly, lifting your chin. 
“I hope you rot in hell when all this is over.” You spat at him. He glared at you, slapping your cheek. 
“It’s nice to hear you still hold onto ‘hope’.” He chuckled, wiping your saliva off his face and sitting back down in his throne chair. 
“It’s not too late to place your bets!” The announcer told the crowd. Your stomach churned as the door opened and Taehyung was pushed forward. The lion hybrid jumped out. 
Everyone cheered as it let out a loud growl. Taehyung’s eyes were dilated and red as he smirked at the lion. 
“Tae...” You whispered. 
The drug had taken over his system entirely. Taehyung didn’t even wait for the announcer to ring the bell as he rushed forward and pounced at the lion. The lion wasn’t too scarred though as he wrestled around with Taehyung. Taehyung didn’t have fighting experience but being circus trained made him pretty agile and smooth. 
“That all you got?” Taehyung laughed. 
“I’m just warming up, cub.” The lion wiped his lips and they charged at each other again. You looked away as you heard a crack of bones. 
“Call me that again.” Taehyung growled loudly and jumped on top of the lion. The lion slammed him against the wall, making his groan. Blood dripped down his temple like Yoongi earlier. 
“Please, Tae.” You prayed silently. 
“Let him kill the lion.” Boss Im waved lazily, obviously not caring about the other fighter. He had a glint in his eyes, as if excited for blood to be spilt. Taehyung and the lion got some good hits at each other. Taehyung grabbed the lion by the leg and broke it. You winced and the crowd cheered as the lion yelped. 
“Finish him!” Boss Im commanded. The look in Taehyung’s eyes were unreadable. With one last pounce, he bit into the jugular vein of the lion. It was like Yoongi’s comeback fight. 
“Good show!” The boss stood up and clapped. 
“We have a new favourite in our hands.” He said to his men, who bowed their heads, nodding in agreement. 
You just focused on Taehyung still growled at the lion’s body, blood all over his body while he watched the lion fade out. The lion slowly bled out in front of Taehyung while Taehyung smirked deliriously. 
“Reward my new little monster with meat. And take her away.” You just let yourself be dragged like a sack of rice. Even as they shoved you back into your cell, your eyes were distant and dead. You couldn’t believe you just witnessed Taehyung do that. Your sweet, innocent, harmless Taehyung smiling at the body of a hybrid he just killed. 
“Snowflake?” Jin called but it fell deaf on your ears. 
“What’s wrong with her?” Yoongi frowned. 
“Yah! Idiot, where’s Taehyung?!” Namjoon asked the guy that brought you in and was about to leave. 
“Boss wants to treat his new little monster.” He smirked and left. Namjoon and Yoongi knew what happened. Taehyung’s fight must have been successful for Boss Im but horrible for you. You ran over to the bucket in the corner, emptying the contents of your stomach. 
“It’s okay, (y/n).” Hoseok rubbed your back. You couldn’t erase the image of the blood from your head. 
“My love/ Kitten/ Snowflake.” The others couldn’t reach you to comfort you but tried their best to do it with their voices and words of comfort. 
“(y/n).” Jimin whimpered by your side. 
“I-I’m sorry. I... I just need a m-moment.” You shivered. 
“It’s alright. Take all the time you need, my love.” Namjoon replied, leaning against the bars. You leaned back in Hoseok’s hold, putting your head against his chest. You felt your eyes roll to the back of your head as darkness washed over you. 
You woken up when someone knocked on the bars. You sat up, feeling the mattress below you. The cells were all empty, the boys were gone. You were alone.
“Where are the boys?” You asked. 
“Taking them to you now.” The person entered your cell, grabbing your arm and hauling you out of there. You tripped over your feet as you tried to follow him. It was scary not knowing where you were going. 
“Go.” You were shoved forward. Standing up, you realised that you were in the middle of the empty ring. 
“Hello, doctor. Sleep well?” Boss Im sat at his throne, looking down at you. 
“Where are the boys? What did you do with them?” You shouted at him. You didn’t like the smug smile he had on his face. It made your heart race as you were worried that he would do something to them. After all, you passed out before you could see Taehyung. Did he return to the cell after his fight? What about Jimin? Was he being tortured again? 
“Don’t worry, you’ll see them.” He shrugged. 
“What do you want?!” 
“Just conducting a little experiment. You’ll be helping.” He laughed. Before you could say anything, he sat back down. The lights dimmed and your eyebrows furrowed, just what was he getting at? 
“Hello?” You called. There was growling to your left. 
“Who’s there?” You stepped back but there was another hiss behind you, making you turn around. Eyes stared back at you. 
“N-Namjoon? Hobi?” You called. 
“No...” You gasped as the figures stepped into the light. It was them.
Your boys. 
They all growled and hissed at you. Their eyes dilated and red, just like Taehyung had been when he was fighting last night. You didn’t know where to go, you were surrounded by them. It was obvious they didn’t recognise you, they were completely drug induced and delirious. 
“Y-Yoongi.” You tried to call out to him but he just smirked at you, making you step back. You bumped into someone. 
“Jinnie.” You whimpered as he shoved you forward, making you fall to the ground. It would be impossible to fight them off. You were a human and they were 6 hybrids. 
“Boys, please. It’s me!” You constantly tried to break them out of the drug trance. They were circling you as you sat in the middle of the ring, like you were the prey and they were the predator. Fear coursed through your veins. 
“Snap out of it! Please, you’re scaring me!” You begged, watching them close in on you. Even Jimin and Hoseok were under the trance.
“Chim...” You reached out to him but he jumped forward, biting into your arm. Crying out in pain, you wrenched your arm from his mouth, cradling it against your chest, feeling your blood seep out from your deep wound. These weren’t your boys, they have gone completely feral. 
Taehyung growled and pounced forward, his palms digging your shoulders into the ground with a sickening crack. 
“Tae... Baby...” You cried in pain as you struggled to get out from his grip. 
He didn’t reply as he sniffed your blood. You cried as you tried to get out of the ring. You banged on the doors but no one would come. The boys all attacked you at once. You just took it, not being able to fight them off on your own. 
You didn’t want to fight them either, they were your boys. And they still are. You didn’t want to hurt them, you couldn’t bring yourself to.
Soon, the pain in your body turned to numbness. And yet, you couldn’t blame the boys. You knew this was out of their control. 
“Experiment success.” 
As you laid on the ground in your own blood, consciousness slowly slipping from you, you watched Boss Im stand up to leave. Yoongi wrapped his hand around your throat as they all looked down at you. You met eyes with each of them before you finally looked into Yoongi’s emotionless ones. You choked as you felt yourself get light headed from the lack of oxygen. 
“I’ll always... love you all.” You whispered as you mustered your last smile before your eyes fell shut.
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shinysobi · 3 years
i came in from the outside, burnt out from the joyride (ii)
this was born out of a conversation with @akinosakiya, so all credits go to her >.<
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | coming soon
(A/N: so... i am extremely sorry for not updating,,, uni and life has been generally kicking my ass pretty horribly (im in my final semester lol) and while i am not generally very happy with this chapter, it is important because it sets up a lot of things in the future yeeet)
word count: 4955
Attorney Park wishes her good luck as she leaves for the courthouse the next day, and Sol can’t help but feel as though he was laughing at her for some reason, and frantically checks for food stuck in her teeth on the way to the courthouse. There isn’t any, so she’s left to wonder exactly what the hell he meant when he had sent her off with a very cryptic “see you soon, Kang Sol.”
“What did he even mean?” she mutters to herself, calling her sister, “Ah, Byeol, remember to go to your academy today, all right?”
“Okay, eonni,” her sister replies, “you’re at the courthouse, aren’t you?”
“Hmm, I have a case to win,” she replies, and Byeol wishes her good luck before the call goes silent, and she allows herself a rare moment of self-reflection, taking in the image of the Courthouse. It’s imposing, but she curiously feels at home here, in the middle of the city where the noise of the cars is so loud, she can’t hear the person next to her sometimes. There’s something magical about the courthouse, and she isn’t romanticising it, but the idea of fighting for justice, no matter how imperfect, it fills her with pride, even more so when she knows that what she is doing is for good.
Not to say that there aren’t any downsides to it, either. She gets threats almost on the daily, from disgruntled clients and from people who want her to take the case, even though she knows it would be an affront to her dignity. The Dean’s voice floats into her ear, reciting the Attorneys-at-act law that allows her to reject a case if she wants to. Right. It does not feel like an insult to her now like it had done then, the act, because she chose to take this case on, and yet, here she is, standing in front of the courthouse, wearing her nicest clothes (Yeseul had raised an eyebrow, but she was too tired to pay any attention to her) and dreading her turn to go inside.
“Eonni!” a voice calls out, and it’s Yeseul, dressed for a case, “how long do you have before you have to go in?” Sol doesn’t need to check her watch to tell the time that is left, ten minutes on the dot, and she’s waiting for her client to come through, still in police custody, something which she had failed to stop, “are you staring off into space again?”
She recovers quickly, “no, I was just waiting for the defendant to be brought here by the police.” She turns to Yeseul, who’s evidently not had much sleep, “why are you here in my case? Didn’t you wrap one up today?”
“Ah, I did,” Yeseul smiles, taking a hold of Sol’s arm, “but I’m here now, aren’t I? I thought you would need some support, you know, since you—”
She doesn’t complete the sentence. She doesn’t need to. Sol smiles at her, loops their arms together, and says, “do you want to have coffee?”
Yeseul grins, “I’d love to.”
No matter how many times she’s walked in here, and no matter how much the courthouse makes her feel at ease, there’s still a part of her that is anxious when she stands in front of it, hoping that she might be able to provide adequate justice to the person she was defending. It throws her off sometimes, the court of law. But she can always find her way back to it, and perhaps this is why she loves it, loves being able to defend people from being betrayed by the same system that they had put so much trust in, betrayed, just like she had been. It’s as though the law is apologising to her, albeit in its own, slightly twisted way.
The defendant, Je Sang-Hee, sits at her designated position, looking at her, and Sol draws herself up to her full height, careful to not catch anyone’s eye on the other side of the courthouse. Its oddly suffocating, the courthouse today, the air thick with a sort of anticipation that she doesn’t really want to address. Yeseul squeezes her arm, whispering, “you’ll do good, eonni,” and all of a sudden, she’s standing there, alone, with only her wits there for help. Shit. I wish I had had gotten drunk last night. At least this would have been hazier.
She approaches the bench, the defendant sitting silently, and tries to reassure her, “don’t worry, we’ll clear your name, all right?” she’s met with silence, as Sang-Hee only nods, her eyes welling with unshed tears. It’s heart-breaking, the way Sang-Hee has accepted her punishment, accepted that she would be going to prison anyway, so, nothing really matters. Sol doesn’t want that for her. She doesn’t want that for anyone, not even the worst of criminals. Sure, she may not be defending them in the court of law, but everyone should benefit from the assumption of innocence. She may not be the one speaking up for them, but she does wish that people have the opportunity to prove themselves innocent.
There aren’t many people in attendance in the courthouse today, which is a blessing, but she also has to deal with pesky reporters stationed outside, who seemed to have taken an interest in the woman accused of attempted murder, despite having really, no evidence against her. It was funny, how people jumped to conclusions, just because of the person’s backgrounds, or due to a particular defamatory article that may have been published about them online. Sang-Hee had had one published about her, filled with lies so vile that Sol couldn’t even read through it once.
“Sang-Hee ssi,” She says, approaching the defendant’s bench, “how are you feeling today?”
Je Sang-Hee looks at her, eyes still shining with tears, and lowers her gaze. She can’t even speak. Sol is angry, of course, but even more than the anger that simmers inside of her, is frustration, for not being able to protect her client, frustration at being unable to be the person there for the victim.
“Eonni,” Yeseul’s voice drags her out of her little reverie, “eonni, I think Joon-hwi oppa is here now.”
Sol squints at the younger girl, “who told you that?”
Yeseul holds up her phone, “Bok-gi is going to be here too, so he texted me. The two of them are going to come along, him and Jiho. Jiho should be here by now, but he hasn’t texted yet.”
Sol just—stares at Yeseul for a moment, trying to understand the volley of information that had just been thrown at her, in a manner not unlike that of Professor Yang, the man who, Sol recollects with regret, had heard about this whole mess from Sol B, but had not once offered to help. She didn’t need his help, though. It’s just that he could have offered to help her, and it would have been nice.
“Eonni,” Yeseul says, warning evident in her voice, “he’s here.”
What she doesn’t say, but Sol knows, is the sentence, don’t worry, I’m here for you. I’ll be here for you. She didn’t need it, per se, but it felt nice to know that at least one person had her back in this courthouse. Bok-gi was of course, on her side too, but she knew he wouldn’t sacrifice Joon-Hwi. Not now, anyway.
“You have your back to the Prosecutor’s bench,” Yeseul elbows her lightly, and she realises that yes, she has indeed been standing with her back towards the Prosecution’s bench all this while, and most importantly, there was someone behind her.
“Attorney Kang,” She knows that voice, has heard it in her head for years now, but Kang Sol finds herself unable to lift her gaze from the linoleum floor as she grasps the warm hand that was now being offered to her, “nice to meet you, finally.”
There’s a teasing lilt to the last word, a certain edge to the syllable that she knows all too well, having been subjected to it for hours on end, in classes, in the copy room, in the café, even in her mind. It’s from a voice she knows all too well, someone she had wronged.
Courage, Kang Sol.
“Hello, Prosecutor Han,” she looks up, extending one hand to the man in front of her, and—
She didn’t have any expectations of how she would meet Han Joon-Hwi after so many years, but in the deeper recesses of her mind, she had a thought; of his eyes widening at seeing her face for the first time in so many years, her falling in love with him all over again. She had thought of looking—no, not just looking, looking at him, for the first time in so many years, after that one fateful day when she ignored the words of her heat and went running far away from him, perhaps falling in love all over again.
Instead—she feels nothing. Perhaps a pang of guilt somewhere in the recesses of her mind, but when she looks into the eyes of Han Joon-Hwi, her best friend, the person she had fallen in love with, Kang Sol doesn’t see anyone but a weathered prosecutor, the boy who had called out her name on graduation day in Hankuk Law school long gone. Even though he looks not a day older, even though his eyes still crinkle in the same way when he smiles, and his hand still holds the same weight when he takes her hand for a handshake, but she can’t find the boy she was in love with anymore.
“Attorney Kang,” he grins, and his voice is the same, teasing when he looks at her, smiles at her, but he is her opponent, she has to defeat him today. This isn’t preparing for mock trials and judicial competitions, where they only played at being lawyers and prosecutors, this is real life. Je Sang-Hee’s life depends upon her, Kang Sol, winning this case. Against him, Han Joon-Hwi.
“Noona, nice to see you again,” Bok-gi pushes forward, giving her a warm hug, which does its job to dissipate all errant thoughts of a boy whose smile had haunted her in her dreams, “I’ll be watching today, my law firm asked me to—”
“Don’t worry about that,” she assures him, “you can take all the notes you want.” He’s still looking at her, she realises when she lets go of Bok-gi, Han Joon-Hwi is still staring at me. Do I have something in my teeth? “Good luck today, Prosecutor Han.”
He grins at her then, dimpled smile making her heart skip a beat, and says, “I don’t need luck, Attorney Kang,” before sauntering off to his seat.
Kang Sol clenches her jaw. Asshole.
He wasn’t sure how it would be—their meeting for the first time, but Joon isn’t going to say he’s dissatisfied with it. sure, she’s grown up now—she isn’t Kang Sol A anymore, she goes by just Kang Sol, and he doesn’t have the pesky tag of second-round judicial passer hanging around his neck anymore.
She had stared him down, and to no surprise, he still found her beautiful. Sure, he had always thought that there was a sort of magnetic aura around Sol, something that commanded the attention of an entire room when she walked in. She looked the same as she had looked, five years ago, when he had tried to confess to her, and she had rejected him. Sol hadn’t told him that she was rejecting him, at least not explicitly; Han Joon-Hwi was a man who could take a hint, especially if it ran away from him while he was in the middle of his confession. Really, Kang Sol. You made me chase you all the way to this courtroom.
A hand slams down on his desk, and Seo Jiho’s irritated voice tells him, “If you’re going to stare, at least do it properly.”
He sputters, suddenly thankful that his co-prosecutor was running late, as he stood up to stare at his ex-roommate, who was porting a very uncharacteristic grin, “what do you mean by that? I wasn’t staring.”
“Sure, you weren’t,” Jiho says, and even Bok-gi sniggers at him, “you were just looking in the general direction of Sol noona, so much so that everyone in the room thinks that the two of you are either dating, or that you want to kill her. Personally, I prefer the latter.”
He doesn’t say anything, just grumbles under his breath, and Jiho presses on, “did you prepare well for this case? You do realise that your evidence is weak, do you?”
“Ah, of course, hyung knows it,” Bok-gi steps in to intervene, and Joon-Hwi thinks for a moment that yes, Bok-gi was always one of the better ones, and then he opens his mouth again, “he’s just ignoring all the things he said before entering the courthouse, and proving to all of us how much of a hypocrite he is.”
Joon glares at Bok-gi, who is giggling at him now, and turns to look at the judge’s bench a pout on his face. Sure, he had proclaimed in the car that he would “not be looking at her, nope”, and the fact that it had taken him exactly three minutes to break that promise was bit laughable, but his friends didn’t have to rub it into his face.
“I don’t understand,” Bok-gi asks, “why are you still hung up on her? You basically took this case just so you could meet her again, and even though the two of you haven’t talked in years, you still talk about her, you still ask about her when you get the chance, so what is going on?”
Joon-Hwi doesn’t answer. He knows what is going on, why he has been so intent on meeting Kang Sol, even after so long, but he doesn’t want to—no, he can’t tell Bok-gi that. He feels a pang of guilt whenever he even thinks of telling Bok-gi the actual reason behind him running after Sol, even though she had made it abundantly clear that she didn’t want to have anything to do with him.
He wonders, sometimes.
His co-prosecutor arrives in the courtroom, almost gliding over the floor to take their seat, and he can see Kang Sol shrink back a little, obviously intimidated. He doesn’t hide his smile anymore, not that he needs to either. She didn’t have to get flustered over his co-prosecutor entering the damn courtroom. She’s never done that, at least from what Bok-gi and Yebeom have told him; even Jiho had pitched in with his own comments sometimes, knowing exactly how much it pissed him off, but he still did it. Every time he met Bok-gi or he met Yeseul, he would ask about her, waiting for them to respond with “oh, she’s doing okay, oppa” and “I met her a few weeks ago, she was fine, hyung” and they move on after that, but he can’t.
They don’t possibly expect him to move on from her, do they?
“All rise,” the bailiff announces, and he dutifully stands up, watching out of the corner of his eye as Sol gently helps the defendant to rise up alongside her, before being seated again. She still did that little thing when she looked around the entire courtroom for people watching her, he thinks to herself. She’s still the same Sol. No, she’s different now. We both are. We both are different, but there’s still things about her that remind me of the times we spent in Hankuk.
“Prosecutor Han,” the judge tells him, and he stands up quickly to his feet, “begin.”
“Thank you, Your Honour,” He says, walking out to the defendant’s bench, “defendant Je Sang-Hee, you were indicted on charges of attempted murder, following an attack on your fiancé, Seo Changmin, on the fourteenth of November, two weeks prior to your indictment.”
“Yes, I was,” she begins, “but I didn’t do anything to—”
“I’ll be the one asking questions here,” he cuts her off with a dismissive wave of his hand, and out of the corner of his eye, he can see Sol draw an almost-imperceptible breath, shaking her head at him. She isn’t flustered. He’s very sure she isn’t flustered, because the two of them have been on opposite sides of each other, time and time again, “could you confirm that Seo Changmin suffered injuries because of you?”
She stares at him, defiant, and replies, “he did not suffer injuries because of me, I found him and I called the police, I’ve told you this.”
“Yes, you have,” Joon walks to the front of the witness’ bench, “but your whereabouts were also unknown that night, until that fateful moment when you actually found your fiancé, and proceeded to assault him. Is that right?”
She looks at him, scowling. He’s hit a nerve, apparently. They had been harping on that aspect for far too long than what was necessary, Joon had noticed when he had been preparing. He couldn’t go that way when he questioned her, because he knows Sol has prepared for it.
So, he changes his track of questioning, “Ms Sang-Hee, would I be wrong in assuming that Mr Changmin had visited you five times over the three days prior to the accident?”
She stares at him, “he is my fiancé. Or he was, before the accident happened. It wasn’t unusual for him to visit me multiple times in a single day.”
He stops, “and yet, when the police asked you about the reason of his visits, you chose to remain silent, evading the question—”
“Objection,” Sol says calmly, standing up from her seat, “the prosecution cannot ask leading questions.”
“Sustained,” the judge replies smoothly, even before Joon-Hwi has a chance to respond, “Prosecutor Han, you cannot possibly expect me to accept this in the courthouse.”
He nods his head, slightly irritated, now that she has taken his advantage away, “moving on, Ms. Sang-Hee, when you found Seo Changmin unconscious, why did you not call for an ambulance? You waited ten minutes to call an ambulance, which most people would argue, looks strange, does it not?”
She doesn’t back down an inch. Good. He hadn’t thought she would either. They didn’t have enough evidence to show that she was guilty, her indictment based primarily on circumstantial evidence that even the most punishment-happy of all judges would find difficulty agreeing with. But they had had her indicted, and now they were here, trying to get her a sentence that would be as heavy as possible. Sol had been right. He didn’t have to worry about the defendant, not as a prosecutor. He just had to punish people to the full extent of the law.
“I tried to wake him up multiple times, but he didn’t respond,” Sang-Hee responds, staring at the judge, “I didn’t think it was out of the ordinary, since he had always had a drinking problem, but when he didn’t respond to me calling his name in the morning, that was when I grew worried.”
She looks at him once, then back to her lawyer, Sol, who looked as though she wanted to strangle him. good. This means I’m winning, and turns back to him, “it was like him to come back drunk, so drunk that he could barely remember where he was, and his friends would drop him off at my house, with apologies, but he would repeat his behaviour. I wasn’t too worried when he didn’t respond to my calls at night, but by morning, he would usually be awake and demanding breakfast. That was when I started to get anxious.”
“Anxious? Not worried?” he asks, curiosity spiked by her peculiar choice of words, “were you anxious that he was actually dead? Or were you anxious that your—”
“he’s my fiancé, of course I would be anxious if he was not responding to my calls,” Sang-Hee stares at him, “you must not have dated a lot if you think I wouldn’t have been worried about my fiancé.”
A wave of laughter runs through the court, and he can feel the tips of his ears turn red. Even the judge cracks a smile, and he can see both Bok-gi and Jiho sniggering. They’re never going to let me live this one down, “so, you called the police then, who found your fiancé almost dead from a drug overdose.”
“Yes,” she looks at her hands, fingers intertwined, “they told me he had taken it about four hours before I called them.”
Ah, there it is. He knew it would come to this, he had known there was no way to win this case after all, even if he really did want to win. There were things he couldn’t do after all, despite being what they called a ‘star prosecutor’. “No more questions.”
The smile on Sol’s face is enough to tell him that he’s lost this case. Oddly enough, he doesn’t feel disappointed, even as his partner shoots dirty looks at him, a clear violation of courtroom conduct, but he can’t bring himself to care, fixated on the way she looks while cross-examinating the defendant, the way she turns to the judge and says “no more questions, your Honour.” It’s a far cry from the Sol he remembers at law school, the one who would have him act as prosecutor whenever she went up in a mock trial, even if he had been assigned the role of prosecutor, going up against her. She always asked him to help her practise, and like the fool that he was, he always helped her. Even now, as he stands there, watching her, it’s almost as though he is back at Hankuk; almost, but not quite.
“Court adjourned for the day, and will convene for the next trial on—” Joon can feel himself growing more and more antsy, as the judge announces the date for the next trial, and that Sang-Hee can be released from Judicial custody, especially since her health had been failing due to the stress of the trial and asthma, from which she had suffered since she was young.
He hurries out of the courthouse, only to be cornered by Jiho and Bok-gi at the entrance, Bok-gi with a large grin on his face and Jiho with his trademark expressionless look, although he knows both of them were going to tease him about this, possibly till he died and perhaps even then, they would find a way to sneak it into his eulogy.
Strangely, he didn’t mind it at all.
“Hyung, where are you going?” Bok-gi asks, even as Joon desperately tries to catch a glimpse of Sol through the now-closing courtroom doors, “shouldn’t you be preparing for the next date?”
He looks at Bok-gi for a second, eyes widening, “what are you talking about?”
Bok-Gi’s smile gets wider, if that’s possible, “really? What were you thinking about, hyung? I was talking about the next court date.”
Joon-Hwi huffs, “I was thinking about the same thing, Min Bok-Gi; now, if you will—”
Jiho opens his mouth to say something, but Joon barrels past the two of them, running down the stone steps and to the driveway, where his car was parked, and, presumably, Sol’s too. She’s walking faster now, and he has to run to keep up with her. Her ponytail bobs as she takes quick steps, in a hurry to get away from the courthouse complex. He doesn’t blame her at all.
“Sunbae!” he calls out, loud enough to catch the attention of quite a few people, “Sunbae!”
That catches her attention all right, and she stops in her tracks, turning to him, an irritated expression on her face. It doesn’t stay for long, however, fading just as quickly as it came, “so, you’re still sticking with that name, Han Joon-Hwi?”
He grins, “of course. It wouldn’t be me and you, if I didn’t call you Sunbae, Sunbae.”
She stares at him, with an expression he can’t quite place. “I thought we didn’t have that sort of a relationship anymore, Prosecutor Han.”
And, there it is. He can’t deny it and say that it doesn’t hurt to be treated by Sol this way, but he’s nothing if not tenacious, so he pushes on, “you did good today, in there.”
She doesn’t say anything, simply nods her head, before replying with a curt, “good job today, Prosecutor Han.” Of course, she would say that; he doesn’t want to admit it, but it sort of feels like she had slapped him full across the face. Who am I kidding, if she had done that, it would have perhaps hurt less. He feels like a fool, standing in the middle of the road, calling out her name, and a years-old nickname that she didn’t like, and one that he felt only held significance for him.
What they had not had was closure; or at least for him, it was that, the absence of a final answer to his unasked question, something between them still hanging in the air. She could ignore it, live on with her life, but he cannot. There should have been closure, he’s told himself time and time again, or was I just too unimportant for her to even give a damn. It isn’t true, he knows, Sol wouldn’t do that to him, or to anyone else for that matter, but on some nights, it becomes impossible. He doesn’t blame her either; he blames his own self for the loss of his closest friend. If only he hadn’t been stubborn enough to ask her out on the day of graduation. He should have waited a little bit more.
But then, should he have waited?
“Sol!” he calls out again, jogging lightly to keep up with her steps, “Sol! Wait up for a minute—”
He’s interrupted, Sol turning abruptly to meet him halfway, which results in him having to backtrack, “what do you want now?”
He smiles brightly, “how about Pyongyang naengmyeon? I know a place nearby that’s good.”
She stares at him, like she can’t really figure out his deal. He holds up his hands, “look, all I’m asking for is a meal. No strings attached.”
Surprisingly, she nods once, turning on her heel, “lead the way, Prosecutor Han.”
I should not be doing this.
Her phone buzzes, and it’s Yeseul. You should not be doing this, the text reads, and Sol has to gather all her willpower to not scream in the middle of the street, I know, I fucking know, I shouldn’t be doing this with him right now, going for lunch when there’s—no, I just cannot do it.
She thinks it would be good, for her to have one lunch with him, to get him out of her system, Yeseul’s wisdom about not having lunch with someone who is technically her opponent in the court be damned. She just needs to have lunch with him once, and then she can stop feeling this way.
The restaurant is small, but bright light filters in through the large windows as they take a seat at one of the empty tables. There are a lot of them, she thinks, looking around, just after the lunchtime rush, or the restaurant wasn’t a very good one. Either way, she was supposed to be having a meal with Han Joon-Hwi right now, and as Sol takes a seat, she realises she had been vastly unprepared for this meeting.
He doesn’t look like the Joon she knew back in Hankuk, that is certain, but he doesn’t look like what her imagination had unhelpfully supplied her with either. He looks every inch the prosecutor, with dark circles underneath his eyes and that slouching posture she supposes every prosecutor has, as though he had been carrying the weight of the whole world. It’s sad, somehow.
“Are you going to order?”
“Hm?” She turns her gaze, and sure enough, he’s looking at her just like he had done all those years ago, when she had a stupid letter attached to her name like a real-life suffix that followed one around, and he used to lean over tables and grin all up in her face and mock her by saying Sunbae. It’s—uncomfortable. She didn’t think she would revert to her university self so easily, but with him, it feels like second nature, “You said Pyongyang naengmyeon, so we should get Pyongyang naengmyeon.”
“All right,” he teases, but it’s light, the kind of tone one would use with a co-worker, which strikes her as somehow offensive (am I not more important than a co-worker?) and she spots a glint of something else in his eyes, but shakes her head free of the thought, just as he says, “so, how is work?”
She rolls her eyes, “I don’t think you asked me to lunch after all these years just to talk to me about work, Han Joon-Hwi.”
He smiles, “right, I didn’t, two orders of beef bone soup, please.”
She stares at him, “it’s summer,” and turns back to the ahjumma, “two orders of Pyongyang naengmyeon, please.”
He just shakes his head, looking at her in that funny way, and asks, “so, do you remember, or do you not?”
What is he even asking me about? “No, I don’t,” she replies, pouring out water for the both of them, “what are you even talking about?”
He shakes his head at her again, “never mind. Let’s eat.”
She can’t help but feel as though she had just missed something important, at least by the look on his face. Or maybe that’s the naengmyeon talking.
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Getting Over You by Lauv
Summary: Unexpected things happen all the time but meeting him was one of the best parts of it.
Pairings: Atsumu Miya x gn!reader
Word count: 7.1k
Tags, Genre: implied enemies to semi lovers! trope, slight angst, curse words, timeskip! Atsumu
A/N: pls i didn't intend to change it last minute but pls let me know if u liked it cuz im still having second thoughts <3
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“No- I’m sorry.” Atsumu says as you felt your heart snap and break into two distant pieces. You already limited your expectations but there was a miniature amount of hope that you held onto and that was when you should’ve lost your grip.
“It’s fine, ‘Tsumu.”
It obviously wasn’t. No matter how loud the cries of your heart were, what mattered to you in this moment was to forget it ever happened- to run away and never face another failed trial of love. Atsumu can see past your smile and he hated the way it had to end in a way he avoided. There would be a time where his feelings would be up to confrontation but when it finally happened, he’d became a coward.
He was late to realize what the outcomes could lead to. How certain was he that your paths would meet again? How was he sure that he can revert this scenario in a better way that he wanted when you were losing your hold onto him?
“I have to go but it was nice knowing you, Miya.” Your lips were tugged in a weak smile while he questions why his body lacked the power to move but what resumes to play in his mind was the way his name escaped your lips like it was a curse to say it.
Turning your heel, there was an ache in Atsumu’s head. Was it regret? His decisions tied in knots? His emotions unable to declutter themselves? Hesitantly, he reaches for you. His hand wrapped around yours as you glanced down on his soft skin you used to despise to get near to.
His eyes told you stories that were hard to decipher all at once. His stories didn’t start with a setting, it started and ended with you, not a single page where you weren’t there but it seems like the chapters you had in your own story were being torn off to erase the traces of false hope.
“Y/N, I'm so sorry.” He whispers while you felt his hand tighten to make sure that you could stay- even if it lasted for a minute because he wasn’t sure fate could spare you two another moment.
But then, you softly removed his hold on you while the cold sweat runs down his forehead.
“It’s okay, ‘Tsumu. We were just never meant for each other.”
We could’ve been.
“Thank you for your time.” You bid the player as both bow each other as a way of manner. You gathered your bag as the athlete turns to you with a kind smile.
“I enjoyed the interview. I’m impressed at how prepared and professional you are. How long have you been doing this?” He asks, adjusting his outfit while you toss your bag on your shoulder with your camera slung around your neck.
“There was a journalism club back in my high school and I joined in ever since I was a first year.”
“You’re in college now?”
“Yes, sir.” He chuckles at your formality while he gives a pat to your shoulder.
“That’s good to hear. Goodluck with everything- I believe that you’ve got bright things ahead of you.” Your heart fluttered at the compliment while you bid your goodbyes. You step out of the hotel feeling the satisfaction hit you like a prize. The report can finally be simplified into a few more subtle fixes and maybe by 1am, you’d be able to present it to your professor without doubting your work.
Sighing happily, you decided to reward yourself to a lovely lunch with a view you often visited due to a reminiscent feeling that bubbles in your system. After ordering, you sat outside admiring the way the sun sets and leaves a lasting beauty before the moon shows.
The stress was fading from you. You had expected that the project would’ve taken weeks for you to finish knowing that some retired athletes usually avoid questions to why they left the sport they used to love. You had called a few, a struck of confidence was enough to make you do so but they often cancel your request because they either paid attention to your young age or because they weren’t ready to be asked such personal questions about them. You were lucky to score and interview with a well-known athlete whose had his fair share of the spotlight during his early 20’s. Sadly, his retirement was due to an accident and his weak body levels couldn’t bare the adrenaline of the sport. He was kind, patient, and understanding. Ever since he agreed, your attention was on the questions you’d lay upon him seeing that this was an opportunity you can’t waste. After gathering some of his past glories, you narrowed down your interrogation on what remains important to benefit the topic of your project. You were more than proud because of the compliment he had given you and the fact that you might be able to catch a break after a hectic week.
Opening your camera and flicking through the photos to decide on which you were going to use. Suddenly, a photo meets your sight. The peak of blonde and gray hair with a uniform that you missed.
The Inarizaki Volleyball Team.
Most especially, him.
A few years has passed since you’ve seen him and his brother. Osamu’s last interaction with you was filled with nothing but sweet memories and a hug that you could never forget the warmth of, while Atsumu’s last memory with you remained bittersweet- like a sour flavor in his tongue that never left. You tried too hard to forget fragments of your time with him but because of how much work you put yourself through, you lost time to reflect on the moments that didn’t hurt.
Half of your high school life was compressed into confusing parts of your story.
But the chapter that seems to be the most influential part of it, was where you got to meet the blonde who has stomped on your heart.
It was funny to be remembered as a person who had the guts to sneeze during the great Miya setters serve.
You immediately cover your face with your handkerchief as your sneeze echoed through the gym making Atsumu’s hand lose its power because he was stunned by the sound, the ball hitting the net instead as he almost hits Aran who was wide eyed that ball went his way. The team could hear Osamu’s ‘uh-oh’ and it was enough for them to know what the setter feels after the unfortunate event.
Atsumu grits his teeth as the other team cheers knowing they got the score while his head jolts to the crowd, aggressively searching for the one who messed up his serve. Even eyeing his fans who got scared by the way he turned his head in their direction.
Meanwhile, you’ve got glares surrounding you as your friend nudges you, letting out an exhale of disbelief that you’ve got death stares.
“We’ll get the next point ‘Tsumu, don’t worry.” Osamu says landing a hand to his brothers' shoulder while Atsumu readies himself for the serve of the opposite team.
After that certain match, Atsumu was more than determined to hunt down whoever caused the flunk of his serve. Silly as it is, he’s never heard someone dare to speak during his serve. He’d always let out a hand signal for them to be quiet- let it be known that if someone spoke, he’d be fine with it but a whole sneeze? He’d never let it go, especially when it resonated in his ears.
So, imagine the look on his face when he hears the exact same sound when he was just stopping by his locker.
“Fucking dust.” You said sniffling as you closed the door to your locker, and you were face to face with a wide-eyed Miya Atsumu holding out his finger and pointing it to you, as if he was accusing you of murder.
“It’s you!” He shouts making you raise your eyebrow at him, but the raise of his voice had intimidated you.
“What?” You asked him, not finding a single clue on whatever he was pertaining to.
“You messed up my serve by sneezing.” He says in the tone of ‘as-a-matter-of-fact’ making you lick your lips, a hand to your hip as you looked at him.
“I’m not apologizing for something I can’t control.” You were completely baffled by this man. Sure, you were his classmate, but this was your first year and you barely cared to take notice of all of them, only focusing on your school group that had you busy.
“You could’ve held it for like 2 more seconds at least.” You blinked before letting out a tired exhale as you eye him up and down. The setter of the school's volleyball team, you were aware of that because of how many matches you’ve been dragged to, but he’s never come up to you before.
This was a whole other introduction.
“Miya, right?” You asked him as he steps forward, looking down on you with a sly smirk.
“I guess I’m sorry.”
Atsumu stays silent for a few seconds but returns to his angry pout as he continues to stare at you.
“What’s your name?” Atsumu asks, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
From thereon, it looked like your life’s plot had spiked up. Atsumu was- you could call it as a miscalculation. Someone so loud and had his ego constantly fed was not someone you would stick around due to your strict schedule of balancing schoolwork and papers from your club. It was like a bump in the road wherein the objects in your car would’ve been juggled around because of the impact- that's what it felt like. Thinking that two years would’ve passed by like a breeze, time slowed down with him. The constant bickering and arguments were embedded in you like a tattoo. The way his cackle would echo through your ears when he’d struck a nerve to you, the way he’d purposely call you nicknames you swore you hated, to the same jokes can be dragged on for hours, and how every fiber of your body promised you’d leave when you’ve had enough.
But promises were always broken.
You stuck around and he did too. Atsumu provided you with his trust and company whenever you needed it. It’s a pleasant experience but it surely wasn’t at its best. What comes with it were headaches and harsh words but having a person who knew you until graduation and stayed was a different reason. He was a familiar, a person who isn’t a call away when you needed it but being in their presence would give you a pinch of comfort.
Maybe the only thing you can thank Atsumu for is getting to know his twin brother.
You accidentally sent a text to Osamu about you panicking about a missing file to be passed the following day and Osamu was up and ready to help you locate it. After finding it, you decided to treat him for being a life saver and he of course, was having the time of his life for the free food- it was also his favorite restaurant at that moment. During this time, you’ve got to talk more about each other. Months pass now Osamu and you were way better friends than you and his brother.
You and Osamus’ bond were the type that was just so serene, hardly any type of judgement when you’d bring up a problem, and all secrets were kept tight.
Osamu was the shoulder you can lean on, while Atsumu’s would shove your head away when you do so.
Your friendship drifted away when Atsumu stabbed your heart with the words “No.” and “I’m sorry.” You hesitated that day, to dial Osamu’s phone the way you used to, but it never happened. Your sobs muffled your voice and if you called him, he’d never understand a word that you’d say.
The opposite is that Osamu would understand everything.
Because you and Atsumu mirrored the same amount of pain.
He’d never seen his brother so- ruined. Atsumu’s thin walls didn’t shield his shouts of sorrow while Osamu withstood every bit of the torture show his brother had. Checking him on the next day, the setter was fast asleep with bags under his eyes and a red nose, clutching onto his pillow so tightly.
Osamu knew that day that the damage has been done and not a single band aid would mend the two shattered hearts.
Atsumu strolls to the around looking for a restaurant along with his teammates. The sun has fully set making the streets of Japan light up with how busy and crowded they were. Bokuto and Hinata were busy pointing at stands that had their favorite slabs of meat while Sakusa trails behind them with a mask, wanting to be removed from the push of people. As the eyes of the blonde land on a certain stand with multiple notes stuck onto a board, he smiles fondly. He then sees two kids running with smiles on their lips as they held each other's hand, obviously excited to explore the night.
“Come on, don’t be a wuss.” Atsumu says as you rolled your eyes and thought hard about his hand that was held out in front of you. Atsumu grunts before taking your hand in his before you could even decide properly. You followed his lead as he walked you through the sea of people. You were nervous that he had left practice to accompany you. Observing you from afar, you looked devastated, but you continued the rest of the day with a smile like nothing happened. Seeing that you looked dull talking to Karou, he pulled you away from whatever void of sadness you surrounded yourself in.
“Atsumu shouldn’t you be at practice?” You asked sighing, still with his hand in yours as you stopped by a stand.
“I should be but whatever that Karou did is obviously hurting you, you idiot.” Your eyes widened at his statement and this reaction confirmed his suspicions as anger forms inside of him. What could that boy have done to get you this upset? Did he physically hurt you? Atsumu hated how he cared- it wasn’t his business to meddle with but the frown on your lips was something he wanted to remove from you.
“Thank you.” You muttered as he buys you the same thing he ordered. He sees how you weren’t as colorless as before. The lights of the night brought saturation to your features as his eyes adored every feature of yours.
“It’s nothing.”
“Atsumu-san?” Hinata asks, tapping the boy on the shoulder while the blonde awakens from his escape.
Atsumu looks around once more, seeing that there wasn’t a trace of you, he moves on.
Like he was supposed to do in the first place.
“For our new assignment, why don’t we take the vice versa of your last project. Retirement is inescapable but why not find the reason they’d got into the sport. What makes it so exhilarating and unforgettable? That will be our topic this week. I’m giving you a week for interviews, photos, and articles. Video format is more suited for this task. Is that clear?” You all nodded as you wrote down the list of possible athletes to meet, jotting down an outline of some key points to remember.
“A tip for you all: look for the younger generations. It doesn’t matter to me what status the athlete stands in right now, it could be a friend or even a child. What I’m looking for the depths of the details in your research.” The professor stands making all of you bid him goodbye as he walks out of the room. You gathered your notebooks, sighing that you won’t have the time to properly rest- an exam was near right at the submission of your new task. You realized that you needed to sort out the things you were required to do before everything would pile up and get tangled in the short amount of time.
Who should I interview? God, everyone is so busy at this season. You thought. It’s true- you realized that matches were always lined up by this month. You also had classes to attend to and your mind could collapse at any given moment. You were more than worried about organizing your time properly but the feeling that you’d have several sleepless nights haunts you. You wished he could have extended the submission- though it didn’t get any better since after exams you tended to be drained from studying all night.
Going back to your apartment, you decided to put sticky notes all over your wall to help you sort out your priorities. Tomorrow would be Saturday meaning that you’ve done all the works to be passed on Monday and that you had zero meetings or classes. Saturday and Sunday would be divided to work parts, by Monday you should be up and running to work again.
You couldn’t let go of this group. It had given you countless of opportunities- even an offering to be an editor at a well-known magazine agency. You were in queue for the letter, so you decided to continue with the tasks of the group. You were thankful that you got used to the craziness of it all. The ability to multitask, to put the phone down once in a while, managing your time, those were just one of the benefits of getting used to it. The things you hated was that you barely had time for yourself. To lounge and just do nothing never met with what you were doing. You envied how some people from your group would plan some hang outs during a busy week and you always questioned how they managed to do it all without panicking.
You yawned as you felt your stomach growl at the scent of the delicious street food. Seeing that you fell short on money because the amount that was in your wallet was enough for your way home, it meant you’d have to wait to eat dinner until you came home. Letting out a groan you decided to walk your way even if you get shoved. God, you were starving and exhausted. The emotions were starting to fill you the more you moved. It didn’t help that everyone was so loud. You could hear the sound of the cackles from the drunken men in the corner, the cries of the baby that brought irritation to your eardrums and even the off-key singing of a (possibly) drunk girl at karaoke. You just wanted to cover your ears and crawl back to your bed not caring if you’d only be able to get 2 or 3 hours of sleep.
As you walked, you felt a boiling pile of liquid drip to your stomach making you let out a yelp as your clothes were drenched in the coffee stain that you despised. The liquid got to your skin making you wince at just how it impacted on your skin. You felt your eyes water as the woman tried to pat away the drink but instead made it worse because you wanted the fabric to be away from you as possible- which was the opposite of what she was doing.
“Oh my god- I'm so sorry.” She kept saying while patting your abdomen while you tried to wave her off, but she kept going making the tears flow from your eyes as you chose to walk away, covering your face at how humiliated you were. You sobbed in your hands as you bumped into someone before removing them from your face to find a bench to sit on but seeing that people were already turning their heads to look at you, you’ve had enough already.
Finally finding your bus stop, you sat down burying your face in the palm of your hands sobbing as your mind replays how you’ve made a fool out of yourself for the last time. Everything was going terribly and you didn’t know how to control it without losing your cool. Sure, you’ve managed to escape the people but the feeling is still badly glued to you.
“Is everything okay?”
Someone asks but the voice became a blur to you because you were so focused on your sobs and the unstable breathing.
“Go away.” You whispered but there was a weight added to your left side as you kept your face hidden behind your hands.
“I shouldn’t have asked.” The man says looking down before standing up to leave the bench, making you intake in a sharp exhale, relieved he left.
“Why does everything have to be so fucking difficult? How am I gonna interview a volleyball player at this state?” You rambled on thinking that guy has exited your business and was free from companion.
“I mean- we’re not close- but I’m a volleyball player?”
You wiped your eyes as your heart started to run a mile now that you’ve familiarized yourself with his voice.
Lifting your head, there in front of you was the one thing that your heart had wished to see.
His eyes widen as his chest expands, his heart growing ten times bigger than it was while it beats like a drum on heavy metal song.
“Y/N- I didn’t know- wow.” Breathless, speechless, weak- those were the words that defined your emotions. You wanted to pass out- to act like you just mistaken him for a person but he was real and you had a hard time believing it.
“Atsumu?" God, he missed it. The way his name would fall of those taunting lips of yours. The tone in your voice leading him back to the memories that he couldn’t push away.
You had to believe it. There was no other way that your starvation can make you this delusional. You called his name like you were unsure that he was ever real- like a character your brain had developed to cope with your sorrows. You dared to touch him, maybe if you did it would be a wisp of air but you were scared that if you reached out to him, you could feel his skin and remember how you wanted it to be within your grasp all the time.
Perhaps it’s a dream but this time you’d never want to wake up if this was the only way you can be together.
“Y/N..I- how are you?” How could he manage to act so civil? Your presence shocked him like electricity in his veins, pumping his heart at an unusual speed. His voice was unsteady and low, experiencing the same thoughts like you.
It’s like he was dragged back to your last encounter. Seeing your eyes filled with so much agony and how you looked so torn from his rejection, it’s the same look that you had now. It’s like his eyes were playing a risky game with him but he couldn’t complain since he’s been wanting to see you ever since you let go.
“Well, I’m burned-out that’s for sure.” You said with a light chuckle as he sits back down, wondering if it’d be alright to be close to you.
“What’s this interview about?” He asks, fiddling with the strings of his jacket while you tore your eyes away from him because you knew the admiration for him would erupt anytime soon.
“What got athletes into the sport in the first place.” Atsumu places his finger under his chin, thinking deeply about what offer he just made.
It’d mean that he could be in the same room with you for more than the hours he spent crying to himself but why waste the chance? You needed it- heck you wouldn’t be this distraught if you weren’t so affected by it. There was a never-ending list of things to do but meeting with Atsumu wasn’t even in your list of expectations because you were over with hoping into something that takes a miracle.
But he is the miracle.
“Atsumu..I don’t want you to see me like this.” You said, looking down on your hands that were on your lap, letting your hair fall in front of you to avoid his concerned gaze.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t seen you in years, this is not what I planned to look like when I first see you.” Atsumu feels his heart frown at how low you spoke of yourself, but he understood. If you saw him in the state that you were in right now, he too would feel like he could’ve done or look better, even at least handle the situation without crumbling apart.
He knew you were in a troubled place of your mind but he just wonders where you could talk about why everything fell apart.
He missed the way it was casual to talk to you. Maybe an insult as a greeting, or a flick to the arm but he never expected to talk to you with his heart dropping in your hands. He just couldn’t forget the way you’d let him go that day during graduation, it’s almost like the sensation was still lingering around his palm even if he held a ball.
He just wished he said yes, only then, you’d be meant for each other.
“Do you mean it?” You asked sighing, not baring the weight of his silence. The pace of his heart quickens as he starts to worry if this was the confrontation that he held back all these years.
“The interview.” He was more than glad to do it. He was thankful that you weren’t talking about the bad memories or the circle of tension you two were in.
He looks at you while another strike was given to his heart seeing you this way. He’d do everything to bring back the color in your features.
“Of course.”
You smiled at his words as you both stand up but you felt conscious about the stain that was still stuck to your shirt making you desperately try to hide it by pulling your bag to the messed up section. Atsumu didn’t know that the person he had followed was the same person that got coffee dipped down on them. He didn’t recognize you at first because you had your hands covering your cries. He was worried for you when you ran off but when he knew it was you, he couldn’t believe if it was luck or a granted wish.
“Just wear this.” He says, handing you placing his jacket on your shoulders as your heart flutters at how he looked at you, completely filled with sincerity and the way his hand stayed on your shoulder.
“What the fuck do you want?” He asks you with a knife-like stare, purposely bumping harshly into you.
“Wow Miya, I was just walking.” You said returning the same fuel that he had.
“Then get out of my way then.”
“Thank you.” You said smiling lightly. He catches a glimpse of your smile and he feels his world light up at the sight of it.
I missed you.
“So where to?” He asks as you walk beside him just like old times. His height still intimidating you but it was still difficult to believe that this was the same Atsumu you had fallen for in high school.
“My apartment. We missed the bus so I hope it’s okay for you to wait.”
“I can always drive us there.” You’ve never whipped your head faster than this moment. You always trusted Osamu when he said that Atsumu couldn’t be a better driver than his own brother because Atsumu liked to rev up the engine like one of those scenes in a movie.
With the thought in your mind, you laughed.
Atsumu stops walking as he lets himself dwell at the sound of it.
Then there was a smile that he couldn’t contain.
“Sorry for laughing, ‘Tsumu. Never pictured you to have a car earlier than ‘Samu that’s all.” You explained as he chuckles, continuing to be beside you, a place that he finds himself to be the happiest.
“Yeah yeah I get it- I’m a little careless but not all the time y’know?” He says while he leads the way. The breeze felt comfortable now, it had a tweak of coldness but maybe it was just the atmosphere of you two.
When you walked to his car and told him your address, there was another silence but you tried to tell yourself that this was just Atsumu. Nothing to be worried about because you’ve known him for too long to act like all distant.
This is Atsumu- that's every reason that there is to feel nervous around him.
“How long have you been living there?” He asks while you started to feel just how badly you wanted to give in to sleepiness. You shifted once in a while to control yourself from falling asleep in his damn car. Every urge to just lay quiet for a while but you knew this would lead to a deep slumber.
“Ever since graduation.” You answered, annoyed that his jacket was inviting you to lay there and sleep away your stress though you were scared that once you wake up- Atsumu would be gone again.
“And you didn’t call to tell me about it?” He jokes but the chuckle that he expected never came because he knew just how awkward it’d be if you actually called just for that sole reason. Atsumu bites his lip at his failed attempt to drag the conversation on.
Then you giggled.
“I wanted to but I wouldn’t wanna bother the famous MSBY player.” You said smiling at him, proud that he continued on. You knew from Osamu of course, a single update when he had mentioned how well his restaurant had become, you also saw them in a poster once, even recognizing a few of his past opponents.
“Well, it would be a shame.”
There you are.
You finally arrived at your apartment and again you felt the slice of satisfaction as you removed your shoes and placed them on the table. You were partly thankful that your apartment was clean since you never have the time to spend a whole day in it only coming home late at night. Atsumu looks around as you prepare him a drink and a few snacks-it'd be rude not to.
Atsumu sees the photos where you won several awards for your loyalty and hardwork at your club. He sees how time passes and you grew into a version of you that he finds even more flawless then before. Your equipment and how everything was organized on your desk, he knew how much things changed because he used to see you doubt yourself every time you’d finish a paper but now you won awards because of them.
“Atsumu, is it alright if I shower real fast?” You asked while he raises a brow at you confused that you had to ask for his permission.
“Of course, Y/N- you didn’t have to ask.” He said chuckling while he sits on the couch, letting his eyes wonder around.
“I promise I’ll be back.”
“Please don’t rush yourself. Take yer time. “ He says while you smile at him before dashing to your room to gather new clothes, feeling like you’ve won a lottery with how happy you were to remove the coffee drenched top, tossing it to your laundry bin while you step into the shower enjoying the way the water decorated your skin, cleansing it from all the worries. While Atsumu scrolls on his phone to ease himself from the anxiousness. His finger would casually glide over Osamu’s phone number, to ask him what to do.
After a few minutes, you stepped out of the shower like a whole new person. You saw the way Atsumu’s eyes lit up when you walked in but you pushed the thought away. He pats the seat next to him while you grabbed your notebook and pen, ready to scribble down the questions.
“Are there any uncomfortable questions you’d want to avoid?” You asked him while he shakes his head while you took note of the possible questions.
“Is it okay for the interview to be filmed?” He nodded while you leaned onto the pillow, sighing happily at how you’ve managed to calm down from the pile of embarrassment earlier.
“Thank you for doing this, ‘Tsumu- really you don’t know how much I appreciate you for this.” You said leaning your cheek on the side of the couch as Atsumu copies your actions staring at you lovingly.
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” He says smiling while you returned to write a list of questions for him. With every time you look down on your notebook, Atsumu’s eyes never left you while his mind recalls every moment where he msised the opportunity to tell you just how beautiful you were.
Soon, you’ve fallen asleep while he lets the feeling sink in.
I’ve never wanted to hold you more than I do now.
He sighs before placing the blanket on your body while he kneels down and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear, his finger tracing your cheek.
“You’ll never know how much I missed you.” He whispers while you shifted in your sleep meeting his face. Before he stands up, he feels you reach for him while he’s left surprise at your touch.
“Stay please.” You whispered while he smiles weakly, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I always will.”
The morning comes and you felt the blush creep on your cheeks remembering how easily you felt asleep. You wondered if Atsumu stayed, if he left- you couldn’t really blame him. So yawning and stretching when you woke up, you certainly didn’t expect to see Atsumu cooking you some breakfast. You couldn’t even move your legs, every part of you has gone stiff just admiring the way he moves.
“Hey, good morning.” He greets with a wave, a spatula in his hand, a bright smile tugged on his lips.
“Atsumu- oh god I’m so sorry.” You said as you went to him. You caught a whiff of what he was cooking and you swore you could’ve drooled knowing you didn’t even got the chance to eat dinner. Atsumu knew that of course so he called Osamu up in the morning to serve you the best breakfast he could ever make. He was initially supposed to make you dinner but you fell asleep before he could do it so this was his rebound.
“Idiot, it’s fine. Just sit down on the table and I’ll prepare the food.”
“Just go, Y/N. I promise it’s okay- you deserve to rest before you work again.” You couldn’t even think properly with his words. It was so minimum but it was something you’d forget to do- rest. Hearing him remind you that sets a new feeling in your system. You did obey him though, you sat on the table as he even handed you coffee for him and you, placing the breakfast on the table. God, he was everything. You thought that after a few years, you two would completely drift apart but it seems like you were wrong for the hundredth time.
“Please don’t even think about ways to thank me, it’s nothing to me. “ He says taking the seat next to you while you place the food on his plate. You couldn’t even utter a word at how grateful you were for him and he’d be happy to get used to seeing you first thing in the morning.
“Atsumu, after breakfast can we have a run down of the questions first?” You asked him, growing more comfortable.
“Yeah sure.”
You sat on the couch, placing your camera on the table aligning it to the best possible angle as Atsumu sits down in front of you. You had your notebook on your lap as he praises how you looked so professional even if it was just a practice.
“Ready?” You asked while he nods with a smile as you pressed the camera to shoot so you could keep your composure, even if you struggled to.
“What does the sport mean to you?” You asked him, your eyes glimmering with the suns rays hitting it perfectly, while the words were removed from Atsumus mind. Seeing his hesitation, you decided to reassure him.
“It’s fine if you can’t answer straight away. I can always change the question if you like.” You commented, smiling at him to make sure he doesn’t feel rushed to answer. He nods, still not finding the exact same words to describe what he wanted to say.
“I’ll change the question for now.” You said while he let’s out a sigh before listening to you once again.
“What was the biggest struggle in your career?” He sends you a worried stare but his mind nearly bursts at his answer.
“Getting over you.”
You dropped your pen on the couch as Atsumu continued to speak since this was the answer his heart was sure of responding to.
“I tried to forget- I did. For every year that passes, the more fucking harder it gets to act like I didn’t love you back when you walked away.”
“I know I said no- I was too late to realize how stupid I was to be scared of falling for you. I couldn’t let myself be the man who could love you when all this time I tried to hate you because I knew I would hurt you- and I already did.”
We get hurt a lot but it doesn’t mean I won’t come back to you.
Love grew and died during your second year at Inarizaki.
Before Atsumu, you found Karou. A boy who was a new recruit to your group whose helped you multiple times and has shared a conversation with you about your similar likes. There was this strange infatuation with him that even Osamu had to question how deep was the bite of love on you. You’ve fallen, of course. Occasionally leaving notes on his desk to just let him know how he made your day but it never worked. He would only paste the note on another persons desk like it was nothing. Not even getting the reaction you wanted, it felt too normal when it shouldn’t be. Realizing how this was just rejection in the shadows, you gave up. Obviously heart broken at the mere thought of how your chances were blown away. When Atsumu saw how gloomy you were that day, he had to show you how much you didn’t need Karou and there grew a different bond between the both of you.
And with a bond like that, you became attached to him.
It was all becoming clearer and clearer as you realized that you fell for the wrong person first.
“You’re too stupid to fall for a douche like him. “ He says kicking the rock that was in front of him.
“You’re lucky with that admirer of yours, Miya. I’ve never seen someone stick around you for so long.” You teased. It’s true the half of the twin hearthrob has gotten himself a sincere admire. It wasn’t one of his crazy fans- this was a person who genuinely cared for him and the words on every note he received would make the poor boy blush uncontrollably and you envied how he’s yet to realize that he too was falling for this unknown person.
While you two were oblivious to the slip up of the universe, it took a toll on you.
Because the notes you’d leave on Karous desk, always ended up on Atsumu’s instead.
“I wanna meet them so bad. Just to see if they actually care and it’s not a prank. They haven’t given me a note and it’s been what a month? I doubt it was ever real.”
“With the amount of effort they gave, I’m sure it was real.”
It’s real for me even if it shouldn’t be.
There wasn’t any other way then to accept the feelings that stayed on your skin. The moments where you thought that being around Atsumu would bring you stressful banters and more, it turned into butterflies that surrounded your room. You chose to deny it at first but remembering that graduation and good-byes were near, you had to tell him at some point.
And when you did, you poured your heart out and not even a single drop was caught.
“Last words before I forget your dumbass?” He taunts while you felt your sweat drip down the side of your forehead as you couldn’t control it anymore. You wondered if there was a simple word to describe just how much you adored him without turning it into a whole speech. This was it- you had to do it or else you’d end up being stuck on the feeling of loving him.
“I..like you Atsumu and I can’t say good-bye without telling you.”
Then there was the awful silence that he gave making you clutch onto your shirt, preparing you for the worst.
But by the way he looked so terrified and frozen, you knew.
“No- I’m sorry.”
“And I don’t know what I’d do if I let you leave again.” He whispers as he leans closer to you, taking your hands in his while your ability to speak has been taken away by how gentle he was as his thumb caresses your hand and a look that looked so fragile.
He takes his hand and cups your cheek, pulling you close to him as his vulnerability increases.
“Do you feel the same too?” He was being so careful because a wrong choice of a word could make it all fall apart again and you could feel how tense he was but he holds you like a gem- something so beautiful that it’d cost him his life if he ever dropped you.
Your hand lands on the same hand that was on your cheek while Atsumu’s eyes widen remembering how you neglected to hold his hand before.
But it stayed.
Closing your eyes and melting in his touch, you spoke.
“I never stopped loving you, Atsumu.”
He lets his forehead rest on yours, a smile on his lips, who was soon to be on yours.
“Then be mine all over again.”
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writing-gifts · 4 years
here’s the 6th part of the incubus!doppio AU!
im gonna start posting this on ao3 too (with some editing in the earlier chapters so you can check that out if you wanna)
list of parts
@wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t @the-average-mastermind
“OW! What the hell--why’d you bite me so hard for!?”
You try to move your leg but Mutton blocks your way. Letting out a sigh, you stand in place and look down at the cat.
“What? What is the problem?”
He moves behind you and presses his head against the back of your calf hard enough to affect your balance. When you move your leg forward to stop yourself from falling, Mutton walks towards the door.
“Do you want me to let you out? But you just got here.”
The cat looks at you for a moment before placing his front paws on the door and stretching upward towards the knob.
Shaking your head, you walk over to the door. “I’m gonna get that cat door for you one day, I swear.”
Once it’s open, Mutton quickly circles your legs and pushes his head against them like before.
“Okay, okay I’m going!”
You walk out and the feline takes a few steps towards the forest ahead before turning to look back. His multicolored eyes stay locked on yours and you purse your lips when you realize what he wants.
“I guess I'm following you….”
After locking and closing the door, you walk after the cat as he continues into the forest. You wonder what exactly he’s so desperate to show you. Was this even normal behavior for cats? You weren't sure but you did know that Mutton was a little more on the intelligent side. Sometimes you even felt like he could even understand you.
So you go along with it, following a distance behind through what seems like endless trees and brush and fanning random insects out of your face. Fortunately, the weather was cool enough that you weren't sweating too.
However, the longer you walk, the more you fear that you might be lost. Trying to find your way back on your own would definitely make it worse though.
Just when you think you need to take a break, a body of water appears in the distance through the opening of the trees. When you and Mutton finally exit the packed foliage, you see that you’ve been led to a lake sitting in a giant clearing in the forest.
You stare a bit amazed at the size and notice a cabin near it a distance away. Mutton doesn't stop long to let you marvel at the scene though and continues towards the lake. You catch up to him and the both of you walk alongside the water.
“So do you know the person in the cabin?” You assume that’s where you're headed.
You didn’t expect a response, but Mutton merps to acknowledge you. You hum and your gaze quickly finds itself back on the lake. It was vast, going on so far you could barely see where it ended. The sky and trees reflect on its surface clearly and the water’s so still you almost feel like you can jump into the clouds if you want to.
Once the two of you are closer, you see that the brick and wood cabin was partially sitting on the grassy land behind it and partially on the water. You had also underestimated the size. Perhaps more than one person lived here?
Mutton leads you around the side of the house and stops to sit next to the front door. He looks up at you expectedly so you reach out to knock.
Several seconds pass before you hear the door being unlocked and when it opens, a handsome man with a neat, dark bob is revealed.
Unsure of what to do, you give a quick greeting and go quiet afterward. You didn't plan what to say when the door was answered, you just knew Mutton wanted you to knock.
Said cat walks into view, rubbing against the man’s leg as he walks into the house.
At that moment, realization seems to cross the man's face and he smiles at you.
“You must be the neighbor,” he says.
“The person who lives in the house outside the forest. I saw someone moved in but never came around to introduce myself.”
"Oh, I had no idea anyone lived out here."
"That’s pretty much the reason why I’m out here.” The man moves to make room so you can walk inside. “Would you like to come in?"
You're a little hesitant since you just met but Mutton had no issue with it apparently. And the cat had actively been prepared to attack Diavolo for you on multiple occasions.
The moment you pass the threshold, you’re instantly awed. When you thought of cabins, simple and small came to mind. This one was neatly organized but it didn't give the homely vibe you’d expect.
The monochromatic room was spacious and decorated with nice looking furniture and curtains. The living area consisted of a fireplace surrounded by comfortable looking couches, and the stone wall above it held shelves that were crammed full of old looking books, various expensive looking decor and bottles. And to the right, closer to the back of the room sat a sizable dining set.
However what mostly grabs your eye is the fish tanks that were embedded in the walls throughout the room. At first you wonder why he had so many, but when you look closer you realize that they were not, in fact, separate tanks but a giant aquarium partially hidden within the walls.
Was the whole house like this? What type of cabin was this?
While you wonder where all the fish are, something twinkles in the corner of your eye. You turn to see what it is, but there’s nothing there.
So I'm imagining things now...
You turn your attention to the man. "Sorry what was that?"
“I asked if you wanted anything to drink?”
You cross your arms and shake your head. “No I’m good…so do you know why Mutton led me here?”
The cat currently sits on the top of the back of one of the white couches.
“I actually needed to discuss something important with you, but I should introduce myself first. I'm Bruno Bucciarati--you can refer to me as either--and I'm a witch.”
You’re immediately skeptical. It wasn't unheard of, obviously, but you couldn't just believe whatever anyone told you. Bruno doesn’t look bothered by your dubiousness though.
“You're smart enough to not trust blindly. That’s good.” The man puts a finger to his chin. “You have a leaf on your shoulder.”
Before you can reach up to brush it off the man plucks it off you. Then just as quickly as he picked it off, the small green leaf begins to glow and transforms into a full flower.
You stare shocked trying to find any way to explain what you just saw. It was no trick of the eye either as the leaf’s form changed right before you into a completely different thing.
The man--no witch holds out the white rose and you gently take it.
“I--wow I just keep running into supernatural beings or something.”
"This forest does seem to attract them," he says.
You roll the flower stem between your fingers. “I’m ____ by the way.Uh, I don't know if you call him Mutton too--" You tilt your head in the direction of the feline. “--but is he your familiar or something?”
“No, he’s just a cat that likes to wander the forest. However, my familiar's over there though if you’re interested."
You get closer to the tank the witch pointed out to observe and even though you weren't exactly showing it, you were actually really excited and interested by the fact that you just met a witch.
At first you don't see anything in the huge tank other than greenery and a rocky cave ornament in the corner. But then something pops its head out of the opening. An eel that also managed to match the color scheme of the room. It was mostly white and covered in black patterns with yellow sprinkled in. It comes out of its hiding spot and swims back and forth as if it were stretching out it’s long body. Then it turns to you when it realizes that you're intently watching through the glass.
Your smile at it’s somewhat funny face and tilt your head a bit. The eel responds by tilting its own head, as if curious by your action.
"Holy crap. This is actually pretty cool! Do they talk?" you ask.
“Not really.” Bruno's smile falters. “But surprisingly Mutton does.”
“Huh?” You snicker a bit thinking the witch is joking but see that there’s no sign that he is on his face.
You look over at the cat and he stares back unblinking before glancing at Bruno.
"....I thought we weren't going to tell them."
Your heart almost jumps into your throat. “W-What?”
Bruno hums. “I thought about it and decided there's no point keeping it secret any longer. The incubus already knows. So it would only be a matter of time before he said something."
You're still reeling from Mutton talking that you almost missed what Bruno said.
“Hold on...Wait. Incubus? Are you talking about Doppio?” you ask the witch.
You squint confused. “He knew and he didn't say anything? How long ago did he find out?"
"About a week," Mutton says.
"It might have benefited him in some way but I'm not sure why he didn't say anything," Bruno adds.
You exhale, somehow already on the verge of irritation with...everyone. Doppio was usually open with you, but apparently he thought this was a good thing not to mention.
You stare at Mutton who looks at you like he usually did, as if this weren’t an issue. But that was far from the case for you. It wasn't explicitly said but you were sure he told Bruno things about you, and it left you disturbed.
“...Well is there anything else I should know about Mutton?”
"Well his name's not actually Mutton," Bruno says.
"It's Leone Abbacchio, but you can call me Abbacchio."
You grimace from the human sounding voice coming from the cat you had been cuddling practically since...since you moved here!
“Okay Abbacchio, I don't really want you snooping around my house anymore--
“That can be arranged,” Bruno interrupts. “Once we ‘exorcise’ that demon constantly visiting you.”
Your already furrowed brow deepens. Doppio wasn't possessing anything though. You weren't even sure he was capable of that.
“No, I don't want that!”
"Listen, it might seem like Doppio is harmless, but things can become dangerous if he grows too serious of an attachment to you. And if it makes you feel better, we won’t need to hurt him if he leaves quietly."
You weren't exactly sure what the witch meant by "dangerous" but his serious tone managed to spark some anxiety within you.
"I mean it would be natural for Doppio to get upset if I suddenly wanted him gone."
"He's not just talking about being upset." Abbacchio says, annoyance in his tone. "Doppio could literally keep you against your will if he wanted and there would be no way for Bruno to reverse it."
"All demons are naturally envious creatures and the way things are going between you two, it’s only a matter of time. And this doesn't even take into account the other demon." Bruno says.
Diavolo aside, you couldn't bring yourself to see Doppio in that light.
The front door slams open and the temperature in the room seems to drop.
Doppio stomps in, his face flushed. Once he sees you he seems to relax slightly but his expression is still irate.
“I finally found you!” he exclaims.
Bruno raises a brow and turns to Abbacchio.
The cat's ears fold back in frustration. "I was sure I lost him."
The incubus walks up to you, stopping too close and grabbing your shoulders harshly. “Are you okay?”
“Doppio you're gripping me too tightly.” You push off his hands and wrap your arms around yourself to shield your body from the sudden chill that seemed to appear. “I’m fine….But they're talking about you being able to keep me? What does that exactly mean?”
You wanted to hear an explanation from the incubus himself. You trusted him not to lie to your face if you asked him straight on.
However, Doppio reacts strangely, as if he's afraid. He makes some space between the two of you and struggles to look at you. You try to catch his gaze again but he refuses to keep eye contact.
"It's…" He strains his fingers. "Well, you see, incubi and succubi can form a….c-connection with a weaker being if they’re close enough. Then they could technically stay together forever."
Abbacchio grunts, "Way to sugar coat it--"
“I wouldn’t do that to you though ____! I didn't even consider it! U-Unless you wanted to it would never happen and I know that you like your space…”
The incubus is the most stressed you've seen him.
Even though you were still upset you didn't like seeing him like this, so in an attempt to ease him, you try to smile. Unfortunately, it comes off pretty strained.
You take a moment to mull over what he said though and come to a conclusion pretty quickly. "Even though that was kind of vague...I think I understand. And honestly, I can't see you forcing me into that."
You'd never seen a cat roll their eyes until now.
"Typical human. They're a lost cause Bruno. Let's leave them to do what they want," Abbacchio says before stretching and laying down.
The witch looks disapprovingly at the cat. "You know I can't do that. Perhaps they actually were charmed. I could--"
"Sir," you say to get his attention. "I appreciate your concern, but I trust Doppio and I'd prefer if you didn't get in between the two of us."
Having to tell your almost neighbor you just met to buzz off even in a polite way wasn't what you were expecting to do today.
Bruno doesn’t look upset though. He's quiet, studying you with an unreadable expression but then he nods.
"I'm having Leone check up on you. If anything seems off I'm getting involved."
Your brows furrow slightly. Didn't you just explicitly say you didn't want Abbacchio snooping around your home anymore?
You want to argue more but the witch didn't leave room in his statement to negotiate. And even though you hate to admit it, keeping the supernatural out of your home wasn't exactly your strong suit. It pissed you off but you couldnt do anything about it. So you give a curt nod and immediately walk to the exit with Doppio following closely behind.
Once outside, you follow the incubus through the forest. There's a long, awkward stretch of silence between you two though.
Doppio tries to sneakily glance at you, which you of course you notice but you choose to ignore it. However, after the 50th one he finally decides to say something.
You sigh, "What?"
He slows to a stop to turn and look at you properly but, again, he has trouble keeping eye contact.
"Are you mad?"
Maybe at first but now it had changed to more of a disappointed feeling.
"Not necessarily but you knew about Mutt--Abbacchio and didn't say anything to me. So I'm not exactly happy right now."
"I didn't but--"
You shake your head. "No Doppio. I'm too tired right now to understand whatever weird logic you formed in your head."
His mouth closes and the hurt on his face instantly makes you regret your choice of words. Maybe you shouldn't have said it like that but you really didn't feel like listening to excuses right now.
You look away from Doppio. "Let's just go, please."
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beomglocks · 4 years
unlikely allies ; txt x reader
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part: one ,, next chapter / previous chapter
plot: when a zombie apocalypse breaks out in your town, you're forced to team up with a group of boys from very different social standards in your school.
genre: fluff, angst, horror i guess?, not really that scary but alright, some funny moments
w/c: 3.6K
warnings: blood, gruesome scenes (kind of really detailed), cursing, everyone hates each other, definitely some major injuries, zombies duh, everyone kinda pining for mc
he sighs looking at the both of you. "if we wanna make it out of here alive...we're gonna have to fight."
silence. the room was engulfed in silence, save for the growling and moaning of the monsters outside the door. you and yeonjun stared wide-eyed at taehyun who was mirroring your expressions.
"excuse me what?" yeonjun blurted. "we don't even know what those things are and you wanna go out there and risk getting torn to shreds like the nurse? are you crazy?" all you could do was shake your head in fear. you were still shaken up from watching someone get eaten alive.
"s-she...i saw her get eaten and then she just s-stood up? she came back to life somehow?" you questioned out loud. the boys looked at you with fear in their eyes. yeonjun stared at your shaken state and frowned turning to taehyun. "see? if go out there we're gonna die!"
"well do you have any other suggestions? if we stay here we starve to death or something like that, it's better to go out looking for help and finding others before more of them corner us here!" taehyun was making a lot of points right now but going out there? where you just saw a woman die and come back to life? that would happen to you guys if you weren't prepared.
you tried to calm yourself by taking a deep breath, "ok i agree with taehyun...but we need to be really prepared. we may not be capable of murder at this moment but we can take them on enough to get away right?"
taehyun nods but yeonjun just paces around the room anxiously. "you guys are insane. i can't believe i'm gonna die here of all places." you and taehyun watch yeonjun tug at his blonde hair. he suddenly pauses. "i have an idea. what if we don't actually try to take them on." he looked at you both expectedly.
"what do you mean?" you asked. he rolled his eyes, "we could try to just trap them in here and make our escape." taehyun nods at yeonjun's vague plan, "i get what you mean. before we start though we should take some stuff with us. we got lucky that we're in the nurse's office, we can take stuff in case we get injured."
all three of you split up around the office to pick up anything that might be helpful. "its a good thing i brought my bookbag with me," taehyun chuckles dryly. you pack up all the stuff you grabbed and help him zip up the bag. "ok so here's how we'll go forward with the plan."
•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••
yeonjun sighs shakily as he crouches behind the door. "this was my plan so why do i have to be the one to open the door?!" he angrily whispers to you. you're hiding behind the nurse's desk which is right beside the door, glaring at him, "just shut up and wait for taehyun's cue. if they hear you, we're screwed."
"will you two stop arguing. if anything i'm the one with the risker job," taehyun glares at you both. he's standing in the middle of the office, just a little bit away from the desk. "let's go over the plan just one more time so nothing unexpected happens," he's nervous and you can hear it in his voice. he's trying to act brave like earlier. yeonjun starts, "simple, i open the door letting the monsters in. they won't notice me since i'm crouched below the window." you sigh, continuing, "once the monsters come running in, i pull the stethoscope attached that chair other there as hard as i can. they'll trip over it sending them tumbling."
taehyun takes a deep breath, "and i'll be standing here as bait. once i see that they're both down, that should give me enough time to run out and shut the door on them." yeonjun bites his lip, "i hope this works...my heart is racing seriously."
since taehyun is now visible from the one lamp shining down on him, the monsters outside now have new adrenaline in them, viciously gnawing at the door's window. you don't realize it but you all take a deep breath.
as soon as taehyun yells, yeonjun swings the door open. the zombies pretty much bum rush through it to get to taehyun as soon as a slither of it was cracked open, effectively managing to swing the door all the way to the wall. you watch it hit yeonjun's arm roughly and flinch. he tries to hold back a gasp and squeezes his eyes shut.
you turn your attention to your task and pull on the stethoscope. thankfully it's stretchy enough to cause the zombies to trip over it. they tumble over each other and skid across the floor. you get up to run out the door and pull yeonjun with you who's clutching his arm.
however, when you look back taehyun is not behind you, instead, he's scrambling to the nurse's closet. apparently you overestimated the recovery time of a simple stumble to the floor. they managed to get up quickly enough to chase after taehyun who thankfully was also quick enough to notice a flawed plan. "shit!" you yell out before you could think. the zombies turn their attention to you and yeonjun who are standing by the door.
they come running at you but you slam the door shut in their faces. great, now taehyun was in there and you both were out here. not to mention, he's the one with all the supplies.
"damn it!" yeonjun kicks the door in frustration. the zombies are tweaking out watching you both from inside the office. thankfully they don't notice the closet door slowly creep open.
taehyun sneaks out of the closet in a painfully slow manner, as to not get detected. he ducks behind the desk, holding his breath. he waits a moment before rising from his hiding spot and hurling a pack of unopened pens at where the cots are located. you watch the zombies whip their heads toward the sound and clamber in that direction. taehyun crawls out from behind the desk and runs toward the door. the lunch lady, who is behind the nurse, notices taehyun and runs toward him and at full blown speed.
your heart is pounding so fast, it genuinely feels like time is going in slow motion. the monster is only like a foot behind the red-haired boy. you throw the door open for taehyun and he launches himself like the outside hallway is home base. you and yeonjun once again slam the door closed on the zombie who face plants into it with a groan.
you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. sliding down to sit on the floor, you glance at taehyun. he's recovering from literally upper body diving out of the room but you figure he's fine since he's used to it from playing baseball so long. yeonjun seems fine too since he's not holding onto his arm anymore.
after a moment, you speak up, "are you ok?" it's not exactly a question directed at either of the two boys. you kind of are just asking yourself that but yeonjun answers anyways, "i think i'm ok, my arm is aching though. the door slammed on me pretty hard but im ok."
taehyun backs himself against the lockers opposite from you too. "i'm fine too." you examine him though you can't see him from the distance and the dimming hallway lights. his face is riddled in sweat and you can kind of see tears running down his face but he notices you staring and harshly wipes them away. he sighs letting his head rest on the lockers.
"i thought that would be easier...i thought i was gonna die back there. thanks for not leaving me," you feel like he means that so you make a noise of acknowledgment. yeonjun also nods at him but doesn't say anything.
it's dead silent in the hallway and you hope it's because the rest of the school is hiding not because they're dead. if you don't think of the circumstances you'd think it's somewhat peaceful.
taehyun breaks the silence, "what if there are other people in here in that same situation." he's not looking at you, he's looking into the abyss of darkness that is your school's hallway. once buzzing with students who you wished would shut the fuck up and move to their next class is now a ghost town. it's eerie and it leaves you with an unsettling feeling just thinking about what hides beyond the darkness.
"fuck no," yeonjun says. he's calm and you hope he doesn't lash out at what taehyun's suggesting. "taehyun..." you mumble. you don't want to say it out loud because you hate how it will sound. well, yeonjun says it for you, "did you hit your head on the way out. you almost died, dude! i know you're having some kind of epiphany about helping others and what not but think about this: those two zombie things aren't the only ones in this school. we could really die in here so we need to get o-"
"shut the fuck up!" taehyun spits. you can tell he's trying not to yell just in case there really are other zombies out here. "do you seriously only care about yourself? what if there really are other people waiting to be helped? we can't just leave them to die in this stupid ass school!" he gets up with some struggle, clutching his wrists again.
"look im not saying you have to help them but it would be really cool if you did...the more people that are alive the more likely we are to survive," with that he starts walking down into the darkness of the hallway. yeonjun scoffs and looks at you. you bite your lip. "i know it's risky...risking our lives for other people but i would feel like shit if i just let people die here while i run off like a coward."
yeonjun watches you run after taehyun. he's now left alone standing outside of the nurse's office. the zombies haven't quieted down and he wonders how much energy they have. he sighs dramatically, running after you both, "hey wait up!"
"so where are we headed?" your school isn't that big but it isn't that small either. there are three floors in total but most of the important rooms are on the first floor where you guys are located. taehyun clears his throat, "i was thinking we should get some weapons just in case. the gym's locker room/storage closet is where the team's baseball bats are located, we should be fine against those things if we manage to snag the metal ones."
once he answers you the silence surrounds you three again. you had been walking quite slowly since you didn't know if you'd encounter another zombie soon. it would be better if you could see but the power in the lights seemed to have died out. the school really did feel scarier when the lights were off.
"isn't it still day time outside?" yeonjun randomly asks. now that you think about it, he's right. if you were thinking about the time you took yeonjun to the nurse's office it was around 2 pm. "wait you're right," taehyun stops and turns around. "it was last period when you guys got to the nurse's office."
"damn it, i left my phone in my bookbag," you mumble. you thought it would be a quick trip to the nurse's office so you left it back in the class. yeonjun pats himself down and grumbles, "mine must've fallen out of my pocket during the fight. man, i fucking hate soobin! if i ever see him again he's dead."
you ignore yeonjun and look at taehyun expectantly, "sorry mines dead. i was playing with it while i was waiting for the nurse to come back," he answers sheepishly. you sigh, "we could've called for help since it's not late we could've called our parents or better yet, the police."
"don't worry, i'm sure they'll worry that we aren't coming back from school yet," yeonjun reassures. "i had practice today and my mom doesn't know i broke my wrist so she won't be expecting me home until after practice so i don't think she'll be worried until then."
yeonjun suddenly grabs taehyun's arm. you look at him in alarm because that was really random. this boy has just been full of spontaneous actions lately. "if you had practice today doesn't that mean the team would've been gathered in the gym by now?" a look of realization hits taehyun but he masks it quickly. "they're capable... they wouldn't have been turned into zombies, i'm sure there are some survivors," he sounds like he's trying to convince himself more than you guys.
as you're growing closer to the gym though, taehyun doesn't tell you that he's the best player on the team. he doesn't tell you that none of his other teammates can properly wield a bat. yes, any idiot can hold a bat but to properly swing it for the hit to have an impact takes real practice, practice that his teammates just haven't mastered. he doesn't tell you that he really doesn't think anyone in that gym has survived.
"you hear that?" yeonjun whispers stepping closer to the gym doors. there it goes again, the unmistakable moaning and groaning of the zombies. the sounds are harsher and louder being that there seem to be a lot of people in the gym at once. "damn that must be the team," you mutter. "there's no way anyone in there survived."
"we-we have to try and find out," taehyun tries. you eye him. you really don't think you'll get out of this one alive but you don't tell him that.
"we can cause some kind of distraction like last time," yeonjun suggests. "yeahhh no, im not doing that ever again," taehyun deadpans. "i think he means like what you did with the pens. that seemed to work...i think they react a lot to loud sounds."
there's a moment of silence where you all are just thinking. "your phone!" you turn to taehyun. he raises an eyebrow at you, "it's dead y/n." you shake your head, "look since it's dead and you really won't be needing it, we can just throw it somewhere in the gym. the impact of the phone hitting the wall will alert the zombies and they'll move. then we can maneuver ourselves through the darkness of the gym into the storage room to see if anyone's in there!"
both boys are staring at you with a weird look in their eyes but none of them say what they're really thinking. "that's... actually not a bad idea. the gym is big so there's no way we'll run into one. and since it looks like the lights are off they won't see us if we keep close to the walls," taehyun reiterates.
"ok so let's just get this over with," yeonjun mutters. you look at yeonjun who's staring into the gym, "you didn't have to come with us." you don't wanna sound rude but if he's just gonna complain the whole time then you'd rather be with just taehyun. "yeah right as if i'd venture off on my own in a school full of flesh-eating monsters," he rolls his eyes. "plus i'm the one who comes up with all the good plans, you guys need me."
"whatever," taehyun answers dryly. he's already starting to open the door to the gym, telling you guys that that's your cue to shut up. walking behind yeonjun, who's behind taehyun, you all crouch in a stealthy manner. you wouldn't call yourself the most athletic person but damn, why are your thighs starting to hurt? yeonjun cranes his neck to look back at you and when he sees you struggling to keep up, he slows down.
"what the fuck are you doing?" he whisper-yells. you don't know if the zombies can hear him but that sounded quite loud to you. you glare at him when the groans in the gym increase slightly in volume. "my thighs hurt, just- just leave me alone and tell taehyun to throw the damn phone." you see yeonjun purse his lips but turn to taehyun, telling him to get on with the plan. taehyun looks over to you with confusion and ?concern? written all over his face and all you do is nod at him.
he gets up slightly from his crouched position on the ground, still kind of in a half squat. he lets out a breath, preparing himself to pitch his phone. you watch in awe as you see taehyun get in the zone. you know this is a serious moment and everything but he looks good when he's focused.his eyes are trained on where he's made a mental target to throw to. even in this weird setting of a gym full of zombies of his own teammates, you can see that his breathing is steady.  you wonder why you'd never been to any of the school's home baseball games when you realize that taehyun had somewhat of a cult following. right, just like yeonjun everyone liked him and you just figured it was for nothing or that he was overhyped but you can see why now.
drawing you out of your thoughts was the sound of taehyun's phone crashing against the gym's wall. at the moment in which you were daydreaming about him, he must've thrown it. "ok cmon we gotta hurry, that might not keep them that occupied," taehyun whispers. you turn to look at the zombies which, thankfully, fell for your trick. they were all gathered in the direction where taehyun had thrown his phone. you all rose from your crouched positions and ran the rest of the way to the gym's locker room.
once inside you all let out a breath. "i can't believe that worked," you sigh. "i'm glad it did," yeonjun also sighs. "ok let's go get those bats, once we have them then we might be safe," taehyun leads you both to where he knows they are. walking down the locker room's hallway is even creepier than walking down the normal hallway. there are no windows plus the lights are out so it's even darker in here. once again you're the behind yeonjun who's behind taehyun. you feel uncomfortable and almost feeling like there's an eerie presence behind you. you never liked to be last; the shiver you get through your spine from the mere thought of something following you was weird.
just then you whip your body around but you feel it before you see it. a zombie that must've been in the locker room before you got here hovering over you. you're not sure what happened but it must've flown at you hard enough to knock your body to the ground. it was snapping and snarling in your face trying to get a bite. your eyes were closed but all your other sensed were heightened and you could definitely hear yourself shrieking wildly. you weren't sure what taehyun and yeonjun were doing but you guessed they were standing and staring in shock and horror. you are surely gonna die here.
just then, the back of the zombie's skull was knocked in with so much force that it came out through the front, effectively landing on the upper half of your body and face. just like that, it was no longer trying to devour you, instead, slumping down onto you like a lifeless doll.
you wanted to throw up but you bit it back. you figured the image of you on the floor with blood and a bashed brain spilling out of a once alive human on you was enough. 
the body was thrown off you in an instant and there stood choi beomgyu looking over you with so much concern that you were scared you turned into a zombie and were about to suffer the same fate as the corpse next to you. "oh my god y/n," his eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is agape. he kneels down to wipe the brain remnants off you but he does it hastily and not that gentle really. you flinch and he pauses, "s-sorry its just that...well i don't know. i didn't think anyone else was alive and then i see you but you're about to get eaten so i mean-." you cut him off with a shaky hand lifted when you realize he's rambling.
he wants to go in to hug you and shout for joy that thankfully his crush- i mean... thankfully you are alive but yeonjun steps in, "dude oh my god y/n, are you okay?" you don't turn around to look at him or taehyun because frankly, you're too shaken up to even stand.
"thank you beomgyu," you whisper the expression and you kind of hope it sounds spiteful towards the other two boys for not really doing anything to help. taehyun looks down and bites his lip and yeonjun just looks at you. beomgyu smiles lightly and helps you stand and when you turn around you see the other two boys flinch at what you look like.
you know you must look horrifying with blood all over you and you want to cry. not because you look absolutely disgusting in front of the two of the most popular boys at your school but because you almost died in front of them. you let out a sob and taehyun steps forward but beomgyu is already ahead of him. "oh y/n... it's ok. look," he wipes your face with his shirt and you feel even worse. "we're alive, you're alive, it's gonna be ok."
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
taglist: @fxd-skz​ (send ask to be added!)
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jikooksgirl19 · 4 years
My Soulmates I 2
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Genre: Soulmate AU, fluff,angst,eventual smut
Pairing: Idol Jimin x Lawyer Reader x Idol Jungkook
Warnings: mentions of death and abortion
AN: Thank you for your patience with this chapter. Not only did I delete it prior not once but twice, I had a personal loss happen that caused me to take some time away from writing. But I’m back on track and writing this story again. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. It’s short but I have some big stuff coming in chapter 3. Please let me know your thoughts and give feedback. I love talking to y’all.
The three of you found yourself on the Top floor in Bang SiHyuks office. He sat across from you, hands clasped tightly just staring at you all. He hadn’t said anything in the last 15 minutes after you and the boys explained what happened, except to call on his personal secretary. The silence was deafening and you were so so tempted to tell a joke just to break the silence. Just as you were about to open your mouth his secretary Kim Hyunjae came into to office with a stack of papers with all the information about poly soulmates. He began to explain in detail about how the bond between you three is deeper than a normal soulmates, and it plays a huge part in the emotional side of things. Not only do multiple partners have a stronger connection to each other but their emotions, feelings, even moods can be affected by the other people in the relationship. It had been documented that on some occasions each party could physically feel what his or her mates were going through during moments of heightened situations. For example if one party had a headache or got hurt or even was sexually active the others could feel this both physically and emotionally. They also could not be parted from each other for long periods of time without it causing harm to themselves. Though extremely rare the pull of the bond would act as a tether and bring all participants back to each other, or risk crippling illness and the eventual death from the one that left or was left in the relationship. Unlike a normal Soulmate bond it could not be broken except through death as the universe had decided that these were the most sacred of bonded mates hence why they were so rare.
Only one case with no death of the separated mate has ever been documented, and that is in the case of Korean Soulmates Song Jungman, Jong Ara, and Im Jinna . The group had decided they wanted children so both Jong Ara and Im Jinna had tried to conceive but only Ara was able to do so. In a jealous fit Jinna claimed that Ara somehow caused her infertility and wanted to break the three apart. She played the victim so well and convinced Song Jungmin to leave Ara. Together they would start a new life with just the two of them leaving Ara behind. Ara was devistated as she was expecting their child and knew if they left her with the intention to not come back she could get sick, lose their child or even die. She pleaded with them both claiming her innocence but unfortunately Jungmin did not believe her and they left her to move to Japan. Ara waited to fall ill knowing that the separation would be too much but her overwhelming love for her child triggered a new bond that allowed her to survive the loss of both soulmates. After several years it was discovered by Jungmin that Jinna had once had an abortion before meeting her soulmates and as a result she became infertile. He was destroyed by this information because he didn’t try to listen to Ara and wholeheartedly believed only Jinna. He threw away part of his heart because he believed the other so willingly knowing that it would lead to the death of Ara. He believed Ara to have passed away after they abandoned her all those years ago. He left Jinna to go home to Korea and accept his fate wishing to be buried next to Ara and their unborn child only to discover that Ara not only survived but had twins, a son and daughter and was married to a man that had lost his soulmate years earlier. Though he tried to make amends with Ara it was difficult for her to forgive him as their bond had been broken beyond repair. They were both still connected but since they had been separated for over fifteen years it wasn’t as strong, in fact it was like meeting an old acquaintance instead of a lover. Unfortunately his separation from Jinna became too much and he succumbed to debilitating illness and died only three months after reconnecting with Ara and his children. It was later found out that Jinna died the same day in a hospital in Japan. Ara was of course sad at this news, but the love of her children allowed her to continue living and she was able to find peace.
You had tears in your eyes and noticed that you were holding on to both Jimin and Jungkooks hands during the story. You were so wrapped up in this that you didn’t even realize you three had unknowingly gravitated towards each other for comfort. They were both choked up as well. Someone cleared their throat causing you to refocus on the gentlemen in front of you. You sat up straight and decided to get straight to the point.
“So where do we go from here? I don’t even know what I’m supposed to be feeling at the moment, and now you’re telling me I have this life altering, can’t change a thing, you now have not one but TWO soulmates, and oh yeah, you will feel all their emotions and feelings and you can’t even be away from them for too long or you might just up and kick the freaking bucket situation going on...this is what you are saying to us right now?” You couldn’t help the panic rising in your voice. Your professionalism was flying right out of the proverbial window. Jungkook just looked at you, and then Bang PD and said “What she said.” You couldn’t help it you started to giggle at his brief statement then the boys started giggling with you.
Bang SiHyuk cleared his throat and got right to the point. “First we get you moved into the boys complex. You will have an apartment on the floor below the dorm along next to Jins soulmate Yuna. This will allow visits between you three without risk for now. Only essential staff will be told about this arrangement. Y/N you will be hired on as a permanent staff member within our own legal team. Also because you are also multilingual you will assist with our translation team while the boys are traveling, as well as help teach English to to boys. This will help with the questions the public might have about you being around the boys all the time. This is going to take some preparation before we can put this information out to the public. We are also going to have to get you started on the path to Citizenship here in Korea.” Said Bang SiHyuk loudly while clapping his hands together as though he just solved all the problems in front of him. “Now I suggest that you three get to know each other and settle anything else you might need to attend to quickly. Y/N I will have your apartment ready in two days. Is that enough time to get you packed up and ready to move?”
You sat there with your mouth open like a fish trying to digest everything that was being said. This was going too fast and you needed to pump the brakes on whatever this was that was happening. Realizing you needed to answer you opened your mouth to vehemently deny any of his requests and spoke up with a resounding. “Yes Sir.” It came out of your mouth like it was nothing. You immediately slapped your hand over your mouth and thought what on Gods green earth is wrong with me? I have lost my ever loving mind. While you and your inner bitch-demon continued to argue in your mind, the others started making arrangements for you.
You noticed that Kim Hyunjae didn’t seem as though he was fond of you or this situation you had found yourself in. He didn’t out and out say anything rude or with tone but your gut told you he was not happy with this relationship between you, Jimin and Jungkook. You chalked it up to the amount of paperwork this was going to cause him so you tried your best to let him know you would be as much help as you could and you would do your best for the boys and the company. At this point you were giving Jimin and Jungkook your current address and contact information so you could meet tomorrow morning for a “ Get to know you meal”. You excused yourself and prepared to go home when Jungkook caught up to you. “ I know this is a lot Noona and we are all a bit overwhelmed and know absolutely nothing about each other, but please know that I am so blessed to call you my soulmate. You seem very kind and you are beautiful and smart and amazingly funny even when you don’t mean to be.” He smiled at you and your heartstrings tugged in the most peculiar way. You were already becoming attached as you could feel a pull towards the younger man. He took your hand and shook it in a very businesslike manner and said “Till tomorrow malady” and bowed in a funny way causing you to laugh again. Jimin came out and grabbed your other hand and said he was looking forward to breakfast and getting to know more about you as well. You said your goodbyes and turned and left the building hailing a cab to take you home so you could process the events of today. You had not been prepared for the absolute crazy that happened today but deep down you were getting excited at the prospect of having and loving two adorable soulmates.
As Jungkook and Jimin were getting ready to leave Jungkook looked at Jimin and asked “What are you going to tell Somi?” Jimin just looked back at Jungkook with sadness in his eyes and shrugged his shoulders and replied “I have no idea.”
To Be Continued...
Taglist: @mrcleanheichou @itsminniekat @dreamescapeswriting @seaoffangirling @4evahevah @sonderkook @bisexualmess007 @chxustuff @aviwasabi21 @skyys-universe @ally22042000 @ramblingsofawolfgirl @eunoiavante @angelic-lawyer @purpleheartsfortae @the-obsessive-fangirl
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