#im just wacky as fuck mind me
diluc33rpm · 2 years
1/3 Is your perception of yourself similar or the same to how others perceive you?
this is inaccurate no one perceives me
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#hardly if at all#and if it is then that’s limited to... very specific people? i feel like the friends i consider closest#are the ones who have the least differentiation in perception#given of course they still have their own outside pov of me. i think i’d go insane if talking to people was like being in my own head 24/7#i guess that means i have a hard time considering anyone close but i can’t exactly blame other people when im the one affecting my attitude#or rather not even affecting but just... exaggerating#every time someone’s like ‘oh lol you seem so chill about everything’ i’m like ‘thanks i’m constantly so tired i want to cry’#or ‘i wish i had your confidence’ and im in my mind going ‘bitch what. bitch what. sorry could you say that again. that makes no fucking se#‘you’re so loud and crazy’ the camera cuts to me standing in a grocery store dead inside fending off madness as california girls plays#i mean i joke but it’s genuinely bizarre to me how 15 years of repressing rage turned into being fun at parties#if it makes people like me then like ? ? sure i’m flattered but god i just wanna fucking Lie Down. the turmoil of the unexpressed#i don’t even talk to people the same way i talk to myself it takes me kicking and clawing to get out my natural syntax if ever i can#hell i couldn’t even write THIS ask in it#(and i’m not sure what others opinions on me are but my vibe internally is just not all lowercase. like at all)#feel like most people i meet are like oh zach is this wacky dude!! and i'm like YEAH you're not wrong but#*insert the hAEUEGEHH inhale from the 'i lie to myself' skit*#least i’m pretty sure everyone has moments like those these days. the vibe is in shambles but we’re all a lil bit in shambles together#on this funked up planet earth there’s a ‘the rot consumes us all’ shrugging stock emoji in every one of us
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beweepbomp · 15 days
A lil background. I knew my sexuality as like early as 12. I had two gfs but never anything physical. Now as adult trying to venture out to physical things with another woman. This person we will refer to as Lizzy, from the convos we had never was with a woman in any manner ever but interested to try with me. Okay now this is the insane shit i went thru. enjoy.
Lizzy matched on tinder with me and she asked after some great chit chatting to exchange #'s. Sounds great what could go wrong. After several back n forth spicy texts of what we want to do finally we say hey we should definitely meet up. A few days pass by to finally our meet up date. Science. Ghosted. Okay no biggie. 19 DAYS LATER “Hi i got busy how are you?” I brush it off things do happen and I’m trying to be reasonable. I reply with a hello. No reply again. 40 DAYS LATER “How are you?” At this point I roll my eyes. This is not worth the energy but wow she’s actually replying back idk maybe just shit happens. She tells me it’s been a busy summer travel & work. Okay fair. She shows me cute magnets she made and tells me she’s house sitting.
After a few text exchanges she’s asking me to come over. I get hesitant but she insists. WHAT COULD GO WRONG I SAY? I text her I’ll get ready and take an Uber over. Let me tell you i was giving femme hotness. My skirt was so hiked up. My cute shirt low v cut. Had a jean jacket since it was late into the night. I’m jittery with excitement. I call my best friend she gets the address and says to text me after etc. I order the Uber which was $30+ DOLLARS but i was too excited to care. In the middle of my Uber drive she texts she’s having a panic attack and throwing up. I feel awful. Did i freak her out? But i kept reassuring that we don’t need to do anything physical even when i arrive. No pressure. Assuring to have full consent before engaging in anything. But she insists she’s stuck in the bathroom throwing up and to turn around. Now I’m over 20 minutes away from my apartment around 11:30pm in the middle of the damn suburbs. I arrive and ask by text if i can just sit in the living room until the next Uber comes she says no. I’m outside alone in a foreign place terrified. I video chat with my best friend explaining the situation and she’s in shock as well. Putting me in danger in the middle of nowhere , just alone. Just perfect. My gay ass in the wind trying to remain calm since the streets are barely lit and i have no immediate way home. The connection to data is shitty but im able to order another Uber. Another $30+ out of to go back. But it’s fine no one’s fault right.
She insistently asks texting when my Uber will ber here. My connection isn’t great but it shows 9 minutes. It’s been at least 8 minutes now but the Uber isn’t properly showing the accurate time. My best friend what a god send kept me sane as i waited but a car pulls up and it definitely isn’t my Uber. “Oh i thought you were the girl im meeting with.” OH MY GOD i laugh almost loosing my mind. I point to her house, “oh no no she’s in there.’ Thankfully my Uber arrives as the guy calls out you’re beautiful. Oh thanks bud. Lizzy texts me to say that’s my friend helping me with my panic attack. of course i say seriously you have to be fucking joking. I freak out on her thru text and she insists she’d never intentionally try to put anyone in danger and every other excuse in the book and STILL try’s to see if we will meet up again. Of course i tell her she is fucking nuts and maybe next time be a hospitable hoe if you’re gonna be a hoe at all. I’m not against it but also don’t make a crazy lie and embarrass me. I have no idea im like crushed to seek out afraid to have the same experience of wacky shit. What do i do???? Help pls
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jokersaciid · 1 year
hii, i was wondering if you write for Hobie Brown (spider-punk!!)? if you do, maybe just relationship hcs??
if not that totally okay!!
Spider-Punk Headcanons.
hobie brown x black!male reader.
warnings : swearing ,, mentions of fighting ,, horrible british slang bc im not british<3.
since he's quite rebellious ( and spiderman ) he definitely takes you to underground illegal concerts of his own as he knows he can protect you from danger.
tries to teach you how to play guitar whenever he can,, you're definitely no good at it but you enjoy his enthusiasm.
everyday you see him you're placing new pins on his jacket or stickers on his sneakers.
he wouldn't hesitate to beat the shit out of someone who tried to mess with you,, especially in a crowd of people.
has pretty foul language,, however tries his best to tone it down once he realized you didn't enjoy it.
" what a fucking wanker he is. "
" hobie.. "
" right, right.. i'm sorry, toots. he just really pis— upsets me. "
always stands up for you and you do the same.
the moment someone calls him names or berates his actions you're immediately there defending his name while he watches you with adoration and pride.
people call him a bit wacky,, and he is— but he's yours and that's all you care about.
he doesn't mind letting you wear the pants in the relationship if you desire.
probably holds your hand when he having a sweet moment, however when he's rambling,, walking down the street or escorting you to school or work,, his arm is wrapped around your shoulders.
keeps you significantly close to him subconsciously.
if you're not british he tries to copy your accent the best he can.
you in turn copy his accent as well,, it's easier than you thought.
he visits you at home in extra ways,, never knocking on your front door but swinging outside your window until you notice.
kisses you upside down every chance he gets.
allows you to wear his suit sometimes but never lets you wash it.
" your drier is stupid, it'll shrink my suit and i can't fight when my bollocks are being squeezed all to hell. "
since you're both black,, he's very helpful when it comes to wash day.
no matter your hair type,, hobie always has a way to detangle your hair in the most non painful way ever.
he doesn't exact do retwists but he does allow you to help him maintain his hair and keep his wicks (??) healthy.
haircare within its self is a date between you two.
is always nagging you about using cantu because he saw you pick it up one time at a hair shop.
almost had a heart attack when he learned you didn't know how to do your own hair.
from then on he's swung by every two weeks to help you maintain whatever hair style you got that month.
to conclude- he loves you very much and would probably become a villain if he lost you :D
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fipindustries · 7 months
not a question but basically any time i remember your art exists im looking it up and down and trying to take inspiration from it. your expression work is always top notch, and the way you depict faces is the perfect balance between cartoony and well defined
oh my god this is such an amazing compliment! thank you so much!
you know, i think this has been a long time coming. im going to take this as a chance to go in depth about how my style works, why i do what i do and how i do it. do keep in mind that none of this is me saying "this is the objectively correct way of doing art" but rather just how my own process works, what I like to see in my own art.
that balance that you speak of comes from a commitment to underlying structures. what im going to call the stylization sandwich
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i start with a clear, well defined solid structure, i add whatever wacky cartoony features i want on top of it (none the less strongly tied and guided by the underlying structure) and then i refine by adding as many more realistic, grounding details i want, although you can go too far with it so i gotta be careful or ill end up with those shitty "cartoon character IRL would look scary!" clickbait drawings.
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(quick aside, this trend fucking sucks, its obvious the artist went out of their way to make the drawing creepy, this pretension that "actually the character would look scary irl" deliberatly misundertands the principles of stylization, its as creatively bankrupt as jokes about mario eating mushrooms)
getting back on topic, the point is that, as long as the underlying structures are solid you can build whatever you want on top of them and it will make sense
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a key tool here is internalizing the way the proportions on the face work. and i say internalize because obviously i dont actually have the golden ratio memorized inside my head nor do i stop and measure and calculate all the proportions in the features. i just read a lot about drawing, i drew a lot, i tried to always keep a critical eye to what im drawing and see if it "feels" disproportionate. once you get an eye for it then you know how far you can push things before they complitely break
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let me give you another example of what i feel is a botched execution of this.
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if you look closely at the face on the left there are a lot of things that dont make sense. the corners of the eyebrows dip down into the eyes when usually the eyes are enveloped by the eyebrows, the way the beard grows around the nose is just not how facial hair is distributed, the mouth is too big, etc. on the left i used photoshop to reorganize the factions into something that makes a bit more sense to me
(another quick aside, the real big problem at the heart of the original drawing were not so much the proportions but the tangents, when different lines touch each other like this that is usually a big no no but that is a topic for another day)
also a lot of it is just me cheating. yeah i cheat. you ever heard how people say there is no innate talent and its all practisce and hard work. well, yeah, that is mostly true, but is also true that some people are born with inherent advantages. either taller or more predisposed to being thin or with better facial structures or better innate hand-eye coordination. i was born with an uncanny capacity to visualize stuff. i have whatever the opposite of aphantasia is. i can borderline hallucinate things if i want to. and that goes coupled with the visual intuitions i developed through practisce and training.
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so first come the learned wisdom, and then comes the innate talent that helps me exploit that learned wisdom to its full potential
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on top of that is corporeality, i try to draw in such a way that it conveys depth and weight to the things im drawing, certain kinds of stylizations dont care about that and choose instead to have their drawing look flat, a classic one is the UPA style
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is a very fun style! very cute, very dynamic, very expressive in its simplicity. it became very popular in the 60's and 70's. personally i choose to go in a different direction. i draw in such a way that if one were to turn my drawings into 3d models not a lot would get lost in the process.
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whereas other artists....
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...not so much
but yeah, ultimatly it all goes back to underlying structure. any drawing can work
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as long as you have a strong foundation underneath.
PS: if you like my style i cannot reccomend enough the art of @rezuaq i feel they follow a lot of the same principles i talked about here but i could be wrong.
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they have been my biggest inspiration as of the last 4 years, i shamelssly stole the design of one of their characters for jennyffer. go to their blog and give them a like
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robotnuts · 4 months
heres my bitching post sorry
the main thing i didnt like was how they treated grif's character. he was so angry and i feel like some of his character got leeched out to simmons. for a season that tried to call back so much to the original, that even tried to even out the great destroyer plotline from BGC that didn't make any sense, i wish they handled grif's character with more care. like a red team member manipulating sarge to do what they want is GRIF'S mo, not simmons, and i wish grif had been the one to rally and convince sarge to come help caboose instead of simmons. i feel like the grimmons breakup was the emotional scene that hit the least for me i didnt cry about it i only started crying when the credits rolled, and thats because grif felt pretty ooc for me. which sucks as a grifhead but what can you do
similarly theres kind of a weird abuse apologia thing going on where its like. im fine with how sarge treats grif because it's so clearly like water off a duck's back and grif just manipulates sarge to get his way and rolls his eyes at him and doesnt give a fuck throguhout seasons 1-10, i can take it just as a fictionalized comedy duo that isn't taking itself seriously and grif isn't actually 1:1 like a soldier being abused by his superior irl. and then shisno had the problem of making grif go "actually this really hurts my self esteem and makes me feel bad" and makes you retroactively view their dynamic in a different light. this isnt as bad as shisno, but having sarge say "i was only hard on you because i wanted to push you to be better" made me like :/ because. yknow. if we're taking it seriously, the fact that sarge was "psuhing" grif doesnt make his treatment okay. what makes his treatment okay is that theyre wacky halo man characters and obviosuly there has to be a crazy sargeant character and its not really bothering grif that much. but :/ very minor but i thoguht id mention it
um um um. tex coming back was incredible and made me scream i knew she was gonna come back i was spoiled but i didnt expect how theyd do it. really good. they got me again with the fucking chex at the end of course they did!!!!!!!!
oh right biching. um. what the fuck was going on with wash honestly LMAO like him having his fuckign DID and talkign about his memory issues was completely made for me but his role in this season was so funny and strange WHY DOES HE HAVE A DOC TULPA OH MY GODDDD. like in my ideal world of a final season it absoltuely would have had a more filled out cast and wash and carolina woul dhave been part of the reds and blues the whole time because i want this to be my sitcom where everyone is friends forever but like. I do understand why burnie wanted to take down the cast to sarge/grif/simmons/caboose as the original four founders (rip joel LMAO).
also the stuff with tucker was so scary !!! ahhhHhh why did they send him to time prison for 10 years AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!
idk ill also update this post with stuff that i loved it was really funny and i did like it overall, i need to watch it again i was tipsy/drunk for most of it and also talking about it irl so i missed some bits that my friends went crazy for and i need to watch the commentary. its not all bitching thats just waht sticks in my mind easier. god that campfire scene with the barenaked ladies song i was CRYINGGGG. it obviously felt short/rushed or whatever but like. ugh. its just a potential possible future anyways you guys KNOW in my head all the reds and blues are together on chorus forever and ever always doing their bits. i really am just glad we got more of it to watch together and got to get on burnie's wild ride one last time. thank you
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months
tged webtoon ep 152 spoilers, more thoughts under cut
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excited at the thought of this title possibly showing up in cpsm,,, heehee
now from the top!
screaming shouting tyrannus is so pretty hes so cute i love this guy,,,,
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tyrannus not only recognizing the power lloyd has but also what lloyd is choosing to do with it and subsequently cheering him on makes me so so happy,,, i want these bozos to get their happy ending so bad
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i cant quite put into words how this makes me feel ohh god ohhhh lord im gonna lose it!!!
bc like home is the place u can return to, where ur family is, where u are always always welcome; and seoul cant really be that anymore, bc he's lost his family in korea and can he really call that boardroom "home"?
he's found a new home in frontera estate. a place where he can return to, a place where he can see his new family and all the wacky friends hes made and they all welcome him w open arms AAAGHHH AAAAAGGGHHH SOMEONE PUNCH ME
lord knows he probably misses his old home, his birthplace, but he has a new one to protect now,,,, im eating my fist
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like the bandits were fr goin thru it but the elves n orcs were just minding their business 😭 ALSO EVERY BANDIT IN THIS FRAME HAS A SHOT TO THE CROTCH DAMN HAHAHAHAHAAA
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especially love that greg is making his own creations and has also developed his own kind of unhinged-ness. we love to see the birth of a new engineer i salute u greg. "TSK. WE MISSED" HELP MEEE AHHAAHAHA
ALSO SOLITAS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SIDE CHARACTERS YIPPEEEEE HAHAHAHA n greg's completely casual reaction to being a dragon LMAOOO
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and the fact that the villagers were completely chill upon realizing that it was lloyd like "oh its just the young master okay :) yay :)" HAHAHAHAHA
truly, the territory of the demon god, lloyd frontera,,, heeheehee
and finally verkis!! another fav character i hope hes willing to help,,,, ah who am i kidding lloyds prolly gonna bully him w the thought of working again,,,,,,,, HAHA
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the eeper,,,, so silly hehehe,,, also how is he laying like that and still asleep thats like impressive levels of Fucked Up Sleep Posture i just know if i did that my arm would b fucked up for HOURSSS
thats all from me see yall next week!!! seoul arc soon im very excited and curious ,,,
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butchbenrey · 4 months
listen to me. ive already talked about how ptsd haver gordie would struggle to be around the science team, but think about darnold. okay?
(this turned out longer than i thought it would so im sparing you the experience of scrolling past it. true darnold pepper heads will read on. i know this to be true)
think about her. she was like, one of the only people who ever really Helped rather than hindered gordie during canon, and she did it completely of her own goodwill. the bit of time where everyone met darnold was a distinct respite from the chaos of the rest of black mesa. at least, it was as calm as it could get with the whole crew there fucking around. and darnold, while eccentric and silly, is undeniably the most emotionally intelligent person gordie met that whole time. and she had some self-preservation instinct, causing her to stay behind, which i would say makes darnold way better for gordie to be around than any of the other characters. because darnold knows and understands to some extent what happened, she was there after all, but she's not so intimately connected to the events that it would make gordie uncomfortable.
i think darnolds narrative function as a respite in canon could carry over to post-canon stuff too... i think darnold is someone gordie could confide in and actually get some reasonable responses from. i know a lot of people put tommy in the role of like. designated gordie therapist post-canon but i really can't see that. tommy just does not share the same outwardly friendly and curious demeanor that darnold does, at least not to me. and i can't imagine him really giving a shit about anything gordie says 😭. sorry. but darnold is different to me! i can imagine a frazzled and traumatized gordie going through old work emails trying to find a way to contact darnold again, looking for closure she'll never get. i can imagine her contacting darnold, anxious out of her mind, but finding that, when they do eventually meet up for coffee and darnold does some wacky shit to her own drink for funsies, she can roll with this. this is nice, to her. i think she can be a lesbo about it to be quite honest with you.
i have this scene in my head of like. somebody— probably coomer— throwing some kind of party and of course gordie feels obligated to come despite knowing in her heart its a terrible idea. and of course, she ends up spending much of the party standing awkwardly in a corner trying not to freak the fuck out and jumping out of her skin when coomer gives her a friendly (hard as fuck) punch on the arm. darnold has been spending the whole party rummaging around the bar and making all kinds of beautiful and fucked up cocktails, and when she notices gordie shes like "dear god that poor thing." so she makes a special little drink just for her, approaches gordie, and offers it to her, saying: "you seem a little glum. this should cheer you up!" and gordie breaks down sobbing on the floor because its so nice and shes so overwhelmed and nobody has shown her that kind of kindness and generosity in so long.
darnold also internally freaks out a little bit, scared she fucked something up, but she reasons that regardless of why gordie's crying, it's probably a good idea to take her outside and away from all the lights and sounds. so she does; she helps gordie up, escorts her out to the porch, sits her down. and they talk. gordie apologizes profusely for ruining the party and being weird and whatever and darnold earnestly replies that she was only there for the drinks anyways, she doesn't quite care for parties in the first place. gordie chugs the cute lil drink darnold gave her, and its good, and she tells darnold as much. darnold is very thankful that its so dark out because she is so so so flustered and she hopes gordie can't tell. gordie leans on her, though darnold is well over a foot shorter than gordie, so really it's functionally gordie resting her head on top of darnold's.
gordie is very much a lightweight and she gets more drunk from that one little glass than someone whos like 6'2" should, so darnold offers to drive her home to her apartment. gordie agrees, and she's even more handsy with people when she's drunk, so she's all holding onto darnold for support and rubbing her thumbs into her shirt and getting distracted. it is not good for darnolds composure in the slightest but she is trying so very hard to be normal about it. they make it back to gordie's apartment.
as they make it inside, gordie, drunk on both alcohol and the overwhelming feeling of being cared for for the first time in ages, tries to kiss darnold. darnold is a hopeless romantic to me. she wants to accept so bad but she's responsible, so she laughs it off and tells gordie they should get her to bed. gordie agrees and within minutes she's out like a light.
darnold stays the night, hopeful for the morning.
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angellic-critique · 8 months
Honestly my biggest fear is to end up writing my characters the same way vivzie does, I feel like she doesn't even try on certain characters(female characters and literally any other that isn't her "uwu baby boi must be protected at all costs" characters like stolas, angel dust). Like imagine completely missing the point of your own character/srs
to everyone pre-release worries and anxieties just as much as I have-- Please take this time to read or explore different interests of books or authors of subjects and genres you like ! In the era of internet where the golden age of information is rusting into brainrot, the less time online anymore the better. I've been taking javascript/python tutorials for myself attempting to make a dating simulator for literal years at this point and its bounced around to the point of where I branched off to develop my own murder mystery 2-d sidescroller !
I wish for this to be a farewell letter to the crushed hopes and dreams I had for the original hazbin pilot and crew has moved on to other things whereas viv attempted to spitefully keep a story she clearly doesn't have any passion over- it is very evident over her lack of care for her own characters purely for the monetary gains of attempting and sadly wriggling her way into industry the way she did is so abhorrent to the world of genuine art and animation I grew up with.
Has Vivzie ever read a Felix the Cat comic strip or Dilbert even Hägar The Horrible? Does she even know about the history and strive of depth that animation has been at for hundreds of years? Does she even like comics, clearly not if she doesn't even have the patience to write her own and horribly rush whichever story she's interested in that day. I've never seen a careless writer be this selfishly unashamed to write literal garbage and surface level 'intrigue' of design and then falling flat face first at EVERY step. Hope she becomes as unbearable of a director as John K. is because honestly even though I'm cringing making that comparison, it's pretty fair in my book considering the outright ABUSE she has always trying to talk or hoard artists into her 'pet project' I recommend above anything else to watch Dan Stamanolous' 'Moral Orel' if you want an actually funny dark comedy or Christy Karacas' fast paced dark horror comic-come-to-life Superjail! for good animattion that doesn't belittle its audience... *[Trigger Warnings for Adult Swim-esque outdated 2007 humor and light transphobia, read for your own triggers if you dont want to though, please!]
The fact that Stollitz is written so flimsily like a wattpad fanficiton of tropes rolled into one is astounding to me, I used to like the dynamic pre-season 2 as I've mentioned on here and @tired-hellowl so I really don't want to get a headache going into how I USED to like it-Realizing the problematic consent issues all of STOLASS is, I physically cannot watch another Helluva or Hazbin promo anymore without rolling my eyes into the back of my head.
To the anons and people who used to also enjoy vivs work, there are other artists and there are other stories to tell. If you wish to be inspired from Dante's Inferno/Hell or WESTERN CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGION keep in mind what source material you're doing because I don't even think vivzie has picked up the bible once in her life.... And I say this as a drifter in the world who believes in reincarnation I don't really vibe with the athiest stereotypes however, I don't believe in most religion but more power to people that do get hope and love from their teachings and cultures.
She entirely missed the mark for several years, nearly a decade. Viv has had time and time again chance and opportunity to give a chance of storytelling with demons and what does she do? Adult Cartoon that has the demons scream 'FUCK SHIT DAMNIT DAMNIT LOOK IM SO HORNY AND SILLY AND WACKY WOAHH THE SCREEN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A SECOND TO BREATH IN ANY AMOUNT OF WORLBUILDING OR SETTING BECAUSE FUCK. YOU.'--
I have said this time and time again- there is no substance or worth about Helluva Bosses or Hazbins writing, even without the show not being released because Amazon seems ashamed about it, I know it'll be a shitshow.
Honestly at this point I agree with the redesign community, take any character you used to like and rewrite them until it's unrecognizable from the original source material, let those fuckers in space fight alien pirates or hell take them out of the heaven and hell trope and just flip it on it's head entirely out of earth or wherever you want to set your story! I'm personally redesigning angel to be a slight aid to my addiction help via rewriting him into my murder mystery heheh while keeping the sexual abuse and recovery in mind because woah that shit happened to me too man !!!
I wish the best to any future writers, animators, programmers, lovers of animation or art, you can do what you put your mind and hands to! Spread more positivity and love then hate in this world please guys, this'll be the last time I pop in I promise I'm trying to get a better job and hopefully get accepted in a community college that i've been on the fence over trying to do more online coding ! The sky is the limit!<3
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yyxandere · 10 months
psst psst, i heard you wanted some ace attorney requests so mind if i chip in with my own idea for a oneshot you could so? (or any type of format you think is best, i don’t mind :) /gen)
how about a y/n that just cares for iris a lot and always dotes on her, kinda like a mother or sister figure to the girl and sholmes is just so fucking enamored with her that he kinda tries tricking her to stay behind and spend time with them some more, usually by using iris as an excuse. you can choose however you wish to end it or change up any of the details if you’d like, i’ve read some of your content and i like it a lot!! (i might even send in more requests if you don’t mind hehehe)
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☆ - Art Credits: NELL
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns yet female titles
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Overbearingness, Manipulation, and Drugging, Guilt Tripping and SPOILERS FOR TGAA 2
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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! You have to see this new discovery!"
Such eagerness could be heard at 221B Baker Street or the house of “The Great Detective” - Herlock Sholmes and Iris Wilson. May the days be cloudy or rainy nothing can ruin the mood the cheerfulness of the young assistant Iris whenever you're around. The giddiness she feels whenever you visit could always make you smile.
"(Y/n), please do taste this new tea that I brewed!"
"(Y/n) You have to come with me to the upcoming science festival! I already have three tickets, for all three of us!"
No matter how tired you are you can never deny her, especially not when she asks so earnestly and her eyes! Oh, her eyes whenever she pleads! They glow! She's the very embodiment of pure joy, happiness, and warmth, she could make anyone feel better no matter what kind of mood they were having, and you couldn't help but adore the way she talks.
Even if it's a simple thing such as drinking her new blend, you always manage to eat the pastries she made, but most of the time you help her make the sweet pastries, but in most cases both of you would be covered in flour yet not minding it for how you were both laughing. Iris brings a side of you, a very nice and warm feeling, like how a mother loves her child . . .
Herlock too was a nice individual to be with, even though quite an eccentric individual he was still a companion that you enjoy being with but it made you very much have less time for your own personal things, for example, Herlock dragging you from your friends to show off his new invention or basically dragging you to his crazy and wacky shenanigans the same could be said about Iris, she would also always invite you to where ever she is, may it be her inviting you to their house so you can help her bake or going where ever she and Herlock goes, it could be very overwhelming but who are you to say no to them?
Herlock knows what he is doing. The many times when he always picked up a case near your house or city just to get close to you, the times when he put laudanum a sleeping drug on one of Iris's teas whenever you were at their house so you could sleep there, don't worry about bothering them it's really fine! While you sleep in the guest bedroom Herlock likes to watch you sleep maybe it was the way your relaxed state made him feel giddy or the fact that he can touch you and kiss you while you sleep. That, or just because you look really cute when you sleep. It's definitely because of the latter reason.
Whenever Herlock sees you baking, cooking, or just spending time with Iris, he just can't help but imagine what would it feel like but him hugging you from behind as you give him kisses while you call him your beloved husband…
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"Dinner's ready Herlock!" You said as you took the freshly baked potato out of the oven while you did that Iris was preparing the table, putting the
cutleries neatly, she intentionally put your plate next to Herlock and hers, making sure that you would be in the middle. Herlock was already seated at the dining table, waiting for the two of you to arrive.
"Here you go! Hope you guys like enjoy it!" You said as you put down the bowl full of mashed potatoes that were still steaming. "Well then dig in!" you said as you sat in the middle, not knowing that you were unconsciously following their plan.
"My, this is incredibly good dear (Y/n), if you keep on cooking like this I might as well marry you, so I can taste this every day." Herlock said as he took another bite of the food, you then giggled "You're amusing Herlock." you said thinking what he said was some sort of flattery or joke, but Herlock was dead serious, he actually meant it and you felt a little flustered since you were caught off guard.
"(Y/n), there's a new festival tomorrow and I bought three tickets already, I was supposed to invite Mr, Van Zieks but he was busy, so was Gina and Mr, Kazuma, so you don't mind if you join us right? Just me you and Hurley!" Iris said cheerfully as she looked at you with such pleading eyes. If only you knew the exact plan she had.
"Ohh, Iris, I have plans tomorrow I have to help a friend of mine to do research about the new case he's trying to solve plus I have to be there to also babysit his daughter too…" You said dejectedly after you said that you noticed the immediate fade of the glimmer Iris had on her eyes and the smile she just had now vanished but was replaced with a dejected one, a sad smile that made you feel like you just ruined a dream of hers, you then noticed Herlock wiping his mouth with the napkin and taking out his pipe.
"Well that's a bother, Iris was excited for the festival and wanted anyone to be with her but all rejected the offer, mh it's such a shame…" Herlock said as he closed his eyes and blew his pipe smoke to the ceiling "It's alright, she'll find other friends to hang out with."
You were about to reply to Herlock's comment but Iris beat you to it.
"No need Hurley, I won't go to the festival…" Now that's when you saw little tears pricking in the corner of her eyes, such a scene truly broke your heart, and before you could stop yourself, you reached over to Iris and grabbed her hands, which made Iris shocked by the sudden move.
"I'll go! I'll talk to them so I can go to the festival! So please don't give me that look, Iris…" You said in a softly stern voice. Iri's eyes immediately lit up and her smile came back again. "Really! you would go!" Iris said excitedly as you nodded which made Iris yell out a little yay and as Herlock smiled and put down his pipe. "You would not regret it (Y/n), I swear you wouldn't!" Iris said as she hugged you.
After dinner, Iris wanted to sleep early so she could prepare herself for the big day tomorrow so you decided to leave soon after but Iris wanted you to stay so you could read her a bedtime story, even if it was late and there's a high chance that there will be fewer cabs at this late hour but your heart ached seeing how disappointed she was by the turn of events earlier you didn't want her to be unhappy or feel bad and besides, she asked you nicely after all.
When Iris started to doze off, you carefully moved away from the book and stood up where Herlock was with his trusty pipe in his hand.
"It looks like your soothing voice really made Iris sleep, that's a kind of talent that I needed before when Iris was a baby." Herlock chuckled reminiscing about those memories, You giggled in reply, "Well then my dear lady, I should walk you home, at this late hour there are many thugs that are willing to prey on an unsuspecting woman like you." Herlock said as you both walked down the stairs, even though you were worried that you might bother Herlock but at the same time you do prioritize your safety too, "Oh, well, you are right."
Walking home was very relaxing, small conversation there while Herlock smoked his pipe but it was a very pleasant silence and when you reached your home you said goodbye and goodnight.
"Well then thank you for walking with me Herlock, sorry if it was a bother, well then see you tomorrow!" You said but before you could open your door, Herlock took your hand and kissed it, he then gave you a very seductive eye and hugged you.
"Well then, I'll be off, make sure that you actually keep your promise tomorrow, yes? You do not want to ruin Iris's smile do you?. . .'
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
So, I'm not a writer, but I am very curious 👀 What do you look for in a fic that features Kon? 👀 What kind of things do you want Kon to do, or experience? 👀 What characteristics of Kon do you absolutely wanna see? 👀 What characteristics of Kon you didn't like but want to see adressed in a fic? 👀 When you're writing, what are three major things about Kon that you MUST INCLUDE NO MATTER WHAT? 👀👀👀 Sorry about the many questions!!!!!
OHHHH this is such a good question okay okay okay. let's see.
what do i look for? primarily, kon having an actual character voice. that's the lowest bar to clear (and yet already takes out... a good chunk of the fics ive seen in the kon character tag 😭😭). he needs to be silly, geeky, deeply kind, earnest, etc. not every fic featuring him will necessarily get into the way he's also existentially lonely and has a Lot of sadness and self-esteem issues (esp after rex leech's roller coaster incident. this has been on my mind today. ough. his self-image never recovered after that one!) but by GOD does he have his issues, so if its a fic going into emotions i want it to do right by his. will def admit thats smth im incredibly picky about.
as for stuff i want him doing? honestly i am here for so much!! i want soft simple character studies. i want action showcasing how fucking powerful ttk can be, especially with a dose of creativity to its use. i want wacky yj space adventures. i want good good whump and hurt/comfort. i want him getting swept off his feet. you could sell me on almost any plot if it's well-written.
re: characteristics... i don't really split them up quite like that, i think! he's a well-rounded character, and that includes both strengths and flaws. ideally, a good fic will include both of these and represent them fairly (like, he's not perfect by any means, and he can do stupid things and struggle with personal issues, but on the other hand very few things tick me off more than portrayals where he's just completely incompetent and dumb as a rock, lmao).
BUT REGARDING MY OWN WRITING. ohhohoohoohooho three things i ALWAYS have to include? a) geek-ass loser (affectionate). i think it is SO endearing and also very humanizing as a quality that he's a trekkie/wendy fan/star wars nerd/etc. b) mixed-race metaphors. they may not be overt depending on the piece but the "child of two worlds that doesn't quite fit into either" thing is Deeply intentional. and c) HES A JUGGERNAUT!!!! i firmly believe adult fully realized kon (a kryptonian, with full kryptonian powers, WITH TTK) is a force of fucking nature. i like this so much and i specifically also always like it when he is at any given moment about 0.4 seconds from freaking the fuck out about how it's Too much strength.
to me, kon is a character made of some very delicious contradictions. he's so painfully human and yet grapples hard with his own personhood and humanity. he's a kryptonian and an alien but he's a child of earth. he's terrified of his own power. he wants nothing more than to protect everyone he loves (and everyone he doesn't love, too). he's always ready to crack a joke or make a silly reference, but he is deeply sad and spent so much of his early life suicidal. he contains multitudes. (and this isn't even getting into my hcs on his gender/sexuality crisis! ksjdhf)
i feel like a gripe i often find myself having when looking for kon fics is that he often gets slotted into the role of "emotional support boyfriend with no personality or role of his own" though, which i guess is why "does he have a distinct character voice?" is my first litmus test for whether i'd want to keep reading or not.
a good kon fic will embrace all his contradictions, i think. (a good fic for any character, really, should show them as well-rounded and three-dimensional.) and i for one love his Problems and Issues, bc man, it's a very fun space to play in! <3
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everchanging-cryptid · 11 months
live reacting to The Amazing Digital Circus Pilot because I just realized it came out
it’s all pixelly and then not, neat Ooh, ringmaster’s a fun character, love him
oh, Cain, like the Bible brother maybe?
Time loop?
Lol the flowerpot glitching through the floor
Hostile VR, nice
Haha, no swearing
I would very much like to live in this building
Can relate to Kinger, I too would love to chat with people about an insect collection
The ribbon guy reminds me of Will from the webcomic Nevermore
Blue screening when you need to come up with a list, same
I can’t tell if he’s gonna be a scary character or a funny character, that’s really cool
Why does the moon want to fuck him
Why are you like this
Ooh he’s hiding something yeah
Ok, he does not have control over minds, good to know, and he said “one of the few” so maybe he can’t control other things
Never tell a fae-like entity “I don’t care, just pick anything”
“Whaddya think of: *mouth keysmash*” lol
Pomni, that’s a fun name
“YOU PARASITE!!!” Had me laughing for like 2 minutes straight
Just pop the interrupting people
r u b b e r h o s e a n i m a t i o n b u n n y yeah favorite character material right there
I love how they all just talk over each other but you can still hear what they’re each saying
Assigned “Most Mentally Stable” at mental breakdown
Ooh, I see a bunch of X-ed out faces on the doors, did they get permakilled or something?
The framed artworks make me incredibly happy
Uhoh, Pomni went to the petrified place /reference
Where did you get a centipede???
Ooh that’s not good
he reminds me of a corrupted gem from Steven universe
Ooh that looks painful ouch
Love those broken object physics, beautiful
I love the sense of perspective, when the camera is further back and Pomni looks so isolated
I think Kinger might be the most relatable character tbh
Kaufmo just is not funny is he
God the comedic timing for Jax is PERFECT
Love a good bowling pin joke
Ok I take it back the comedic timing on Kinger is the best I was crying at the perfectly cut scream
Hmm I think poor kiddo Pomni here needs a break to cry
Ooh water cube room I like that
oh that’s terrifying they can just shoot faces at you
Well that’s certainly not Cain
Pfft they rock paper scissors and he won but did the thing anyway
“Oh.” *watches his hands float away*
Can the next person teleported in be a therapist because hot damn have we got some trauma up in here
:o barrel of monkeys! :D
Oh door?
Nope nope nope nope nope nope
Oh that’s some backrooms shit right there
Hot damn take a chill pill bro you already got him he’s dead
“This is dumb and weird.” Yeah im gonna quote that forever now thanks
“Ah thank GOD you’re okay, you didn’t experience a game show in there did you?” “Uhhhh… I— What are you talking about?”
Abstracted, like becoming abstract? Becoming just a vague feeling, a mere idea? Ooh that’s some good stuff right there
I too love the sound of a silent moving staircase
Oh this is gonna be fuckin terrifying I see how it is
Musty old computer causes mental breakdown? Interesting
C&A CAIN AND ABEL I FREAKIN CALLED IT YES oh that has some interesting implications now doesn’t it hmm souls trapped in a computer perhaps?
Oh shit it’s the void
I’ll take 5 wacky watches please
ha fourth wall break
oh Pomni is actually broken aren’t they
oh are those all the others who were crossed out
ooh healing spell
Pomni is not okay
analysis on digital eating okay sure
oh that’s an earth shattering ending oh my gosh I feel like I just experienced eldritch enlightenment
Can not wait for more possible episodes! It’s incredible, I highly recommend checking it out! ^^
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
tw for like. Chronically Online nonsense & talk of csa stuff. i have fallen into a rabbithole and wanted to share it with u because it’s fucking insane and i feel like im losing my mind
so holy shit i just stumbled across the “radqueer” tag and that. i don’t. i truly have no idea how to react to whatever’s happening over there aside from complete and total bewilderment?? literally i’ve been making some serious progress in coming to terms with and trying to heal from repressed csa stuff so to open tumblr and see people saying they are ‘transtrauma’ and ‘cistrauma’ along with Everything Else in that tag. i feel like my brain has been turned to soup. maybe i am making it up maybe my dad didn’t actually molest me and im just insane idk but at least im not doing Whatever’s happening over there
i'unno about all that cuz my understanding of radqueer was that it was radical queer acceptance so they get a little wacky (said affectionately). im not really sure what that has to do with trauma but i dont wanna like, be a dick about it just cuz i don't understand it?
like i didnt understand ppl who said they were autism gender at first but i get it now. being autistic can really change how you think about gender since it's a social construct and you might just not Get Gender, to the point that it's inextricably linked with your self identity so its like. yeah your gender is autism. whatever.
i dunno what the trans or cis dichotomy has to do with trauma and my first instinct is to say hmmm that sounds.... not real.... but since i don't know what they're talking about and i don't care to learn i figure i'll just leave 'em to it. what does it matter to me so long as they're not making it my issue. i try not to commit to my knee jerk reactions of "that's stupid" cuz that's how you fall into reactionary thinking and at the end of the day it doesn't really bother me if people are fucking around doing shit i will never understand in parts of the internet i am not a part of.
anyway onto the important stuff:
if you can't tell if your dad molested you or not you've probably got *something* going on so I'd say don't freak out about if it Actually Happened or not and instead focus on attending to the emotions you have about it. to be blunt i don't really think it matters if it happened or not.
if you are "just insane" or you had a traumatic dream as a kid where your dad molested you and it effects you to this day then that's just as serious an issue to work on, at least it is to you personally. like if you had a delusion that your dad molested you that seems pretty traumatic regardless of what actually happened. idk if that makes sense?
ok i need to stop avoiding my homework. byeee.
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blood-injections · 8 months
please oh great one, regail us with your tales of funsandman deadness levels
Yeeahheyaheyah. So Ghoul, good ol' Frakenstein's monster case, at least in that au but like in general hes just like.. i don't even know how to describe it. He's just, well, a Ghoul. Like half the time his heart isn't beating he cant control when it does hes not Dead on account of everything (for the most part) functioning normally aside from his heart and like. Being really cold. Hes not dead or half dead or undead hes just.. a little fucked up. 💀 Hes been exposed to so much radiation hes like become one with it, with the decay and mutation. It Should've killed him, absolutely, but somehow it just. Didn't. And so here he is. Radiation creature undeadish mutated killjoy. He doesn't have any special powers or anything aside from like. Having met the witch once or twice. Maybe he can see ghosts or something because hes walking that line between life and death. I think the witch absolutely hates him because shes like man youre half in my realm but youre too alive for me to take your soul get the fuck outta here. Also i think he can go like a couple weeks without eating or drinking but he does still need to eventually or he gets really weak. Also hes actually yet to discover anything that Can actually kill him for good. Like because dies he technially die every time his heart doesnt beat? Or does it not count since hes still up and about. But yeah as far as he can tell he cant die, like hes been stabbed and shot and in situations where he should've bled out but he lived, even when he lost like a concerning amount of blood, the amount to where a normal person wouldve passed out or died, but he was fine. Hes been caught in explosions, probably a few other things. But nothing works.
Mr Sandman is in a similar boat of half undeadishness but where Ghouls just.. Ghoul. And is Like That cause of radiation and desert things. The usual. Sandmans more of a literal supernatural creature. Like he's just a revenant Benze brought him back from the dead once no biggie. But now he just Keeps coming back. On his own. Hes something Else now. Im playing with a few things for him ones like. Hes possessed by something or like harbors something within him, and its like the soul of the city itself? Or like Destroya or something. Or well not posessed like hes still himself but hes like.. an avatar of this thing. Its his saint and it grants him, well i guess its technically immortality since he keeps coming back. And probably some other wacky little powers.
Another idea i have for his undeadness is yknow classic vampire. Of course. But i could also throw a spin on it with him being an energy vampire as in life force, he feeds of the life force of those around him instead of blood. And i could also take it a step Furthur and its a soul stealing situation and hes going around the city stealing souls to feed on or do something else with. He probably has weird powers like superhuman speed and strength and hes like one woth the shadows, like literally you see this guy and swear he teleports from shadowed corner to corner, he just melts into the darkness. Also maybe he has telepathy or something like it, like he thinks he just so close to his friends theyre such great freinds that he just Understand them but it turns out hes literally reading their minds. But turns out they Are such great friends because he has to be really close to someone for their mental barriers to come down for him. So the only reason he can read their minds is literally because they let him. I'm not emotional about this at all(*through tears* theyre best friends your honor). Anyway he also has some like Jedi mind judo where he cant read anyone elses minds, but he can sorta hypnotize them and influence them to say or do or think something.
Soo yeah. Sandman and Ghoul. Besties in being strange and offputting. You stab one in the heart and he looks down at your knife and goes "that was rude." He pulls it out and boasts about adding it to his collection while just spurting blood all over the fucking place, but hes not being affected by it in the slightest. He shoots you and walks off still bleeding everywhere like its just another Wednesday. It is. You stab the other one in the heart and he DOES die, he is most certainly deceased. So you leave the crime scene but five minutes later you see him again, and there isn't a scratch on him and he is undoubtedly, most certaintly Not Dead somehow. He smiles and his teeth are a little too sharp to be normal and also hes marching towards you with a spiked baseball bat.
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valentinsylve · 5 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💛
um also maria addition: i did a below the cut where i spoke abt my relationship with each song so. if u wanna do that too... encouraged. i care. i wanna know. and i LOVE U👉👈 (pls dont feel heartbroken that im copy n pasting this part to a few of our mutuals too. i just love u guys sm ok)
Gang of Four - "I Love a Man in a Uniform"
Sarah Vaughn - "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever"
Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians - "Strawberry Mind"
The Who - "Eminence Front"
Shriekback - "Nemesis"
This song is very special to me and a person dear to me (deeply psychosexually of course). We made up a stupid parody of it all about soup when we were working together in a restaurant.
Sarah Vaughn's voice is a deep, smooth, gentle cardiac massage. That weight and texture moving with upbeat, downright jaunty piano and brushy percussion has an effect, go listen to it right now.
Robyn Hitchcock is the kind of guy who conveys many vibes, and one of them suggests that he knows all your secrets. The funny, gross, nasty, sexy, bitchy, sorrowful, transcendent things in your secret mind. This one's got some wacky zydeco thing going on.
Whatever the fuck was going on in this track on one of their most divisively wtf albums (which I love) is compelling genius. When I was maybe 13, this song landed on me like a tense, weighty, alive thing. It's self-absorption directed at the outside world, and it's kinda dark and absurd.
This song goes harder than anything. The lyrics are triumphantly bombastic, batshit, a pretentious stompy dance party, makes ya want to do an interpretive Frankenstein dance about parthenogenesis.
Thank you for the inbox! This was just what I needed today. <3333
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taintedmegane · 8 months
i have this new cartoon plot just hear me out. an animated series with two protagonists. one is a bubbly and nerdy nonbinary lesbian and the other is a serious and also nerdy + goth gay trans man. they go on super WACKY adventures together and get into all kinds of trouble! the lesbian is very friendly but can be kinda naive with their trust in others, and the gay dude kinda has a dark past thats kinda kicking his butt right now... but with the help of friendship he can get through anything! the lesbian protag even kinda brings out a softer side in him and he learns what friendship and love is kinda, even if he is kinda going through and and feels he doesn't deserve it because of his own past. god he's so edgy lol. but yeah. they're both spell casters btw so its kind of a fantasy setting. i think it would be funny if the gay dude was a wizard and the lesbian was some kinda being that can shift into any animal they want. i know it seems like a kids show because ✨ the power of friendship ✨ at first but i wonder if i should have them say fuck??? idk what do u think??
here's my sketches of the protagonists i have in mind :3 what do you think? do you think it's worth starting a kickstarter for this one?? i think tumblr would love it!
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hey quick question. can you send concepts of the side characters too? preferably interacting with the main two? otherwise ill be unable to fully evaluate your proposal. i need something more... tangible.
and... you do have permission to use Velaris. that is true. you already have as seen above. but know that im falling ill. weak, even. i dont have long. so hurry mf.
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cyber-crustacean · 2 months
Chocolate cake and fruit and a big squeeze would fix me oh I am not ready for what my brain does with this tonight
Okay so a little bit of context is my dreams are always concocted like they are being written by 5 little chat bots that spit the info back out at me in their own ways. They're fighting for dominance on what happens.
This can sometimes make very pleasant wacky stories, and sometimes I am in so so so much pain because for some reason I still have all my senses.
Again can be great sometimes, like when I am dreaming I'm in a really big buffet and can eat all the Chinese food I want. Other times it's like last night where I was experiencing really bad sharp cramps in my sides for no fucking reason, or the sensation of my teeth falling out.
I don't want to see what Laceys World does to the mind scape whsjenengjcidj,,,
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