#im just going to go cry in a corner
folie-a-deux · 3 months
A compilation of my favorite hannigram quotes, related lines or conversations throughout the series.
— Uhm... Just because?
S01E01: Apéritif
Hannibal: "God forbid we become friendly."
Will: "I don't find you that interesting."
Hannibal: "You will."
S01E04: Oeuf
Hannibal: "Feeling paternal, Will?"
Will: "Aren't you?"
Hannibal: "Yes."
S01E09: Trou Normand
Hannibal (to Will): "Who knows Abigail better than you and I? All the burden she bears. We are her fathers now. We have to serve her better than Garrett Jacob Hobbs."
S02E01: Kaiseki
Hannibal: "I miss him."
Bedelia: "You are obsessed with Will Graham."
Hannibal: "I am intrigued."
Bedelia: "Obsessively."
S02E09: Shiizakana
Hannibal (to Will): "No one can be fully aware of another human being unless we love them. By that love we see potential in our beloved. Through that love, we allow our beloved to see their potential. Expressing that love, our beloved’s potential comes true. I love you, Will."
S02E10: Naka-Choko
Hannibal: "Stay with me."
Will: "Where else would I go?"
Alana: "It's just hard to know where you are with each other."
Will: "We know where we are with each other. Shouldn't that be enough?"
S02E12: Tome-wan
Will (to Hannibal): "You're right. We are just alike. You're as alone as I am. And we're both alone without each other."
Will (to Hannibal): "I bond with Abigail, you take her away. I bond with barely more than the idea of a child, you take it away. You saw to it that I alienated Alana, alienated Jack. You don't want me to have anything in my life that isn't you."
Hannibal: "Achilles lamenting the death of Patroclus. Whenever he's mentioned in the Iliad, Patroclus seems to be defined by his empathy."
Will: "He became Achilles on the field of war. He died for him there, wearing his armor."
Hannibal: "He did. Hiding and revealing identity is a constant theme throughout the Greek epics."
Will: "As are battle-tested friendships."
Hannibal: "Achilles wished all Greeks would die, so that he and Patroclus could conquer Troy alone. Took divine intervention to bring them down."
S02E13: Mizumono
Hannibal: "We could disappear now. Tonight. Feed your dogs, leave a note for Alana, and never see her or Jack again. Almost polite."
Will: "Then this would be our last supper."
Hannibal: "Of this life. I served lamb."
Will: "Sacrificial."
Hannibal: "I don't need a sacrifice, do you?"
Will: "You were supposed to leave."
Hannibal: "We couldn't leave without you."
Hannibal: "Time did reverse. The teacup that I shattered did come together. A place was made for Abigail in your world... You understand? A place was made for all of us, together. I wanted to surprise you. And you... you wanted to surprise me. I let you know me. See me. I gave you a rare gift. But you didn't want it."
Will: "Didn't I?"
Hannibal: "Do you believe you could change me, the way I've changed you?"
Will: "I already did."
Hannibal: "Fate and circumstance has returned us to this moment— when the teacup shatters. I forgive you, Will. Will you forgive me?"
S03E02: Primavera
Will: "A valentine written on a broken man."
Will: "I do feel closer to Hannibal here. God only knows where I'd be without him."
Abigail: "What did you see?"
Will: "He left us his broken heart."
Abigail: "How did he know we were here?"
Will: "He didn't. But he knew we'd come."
Abigail: "He misses us."
S03E03: Secondo
Hannibal: "He said he forgave me."
Bedelia: "Betrayal and forgiveness are best seen as something akin to falling in love."
Hannibal: "You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love."
Chiyoh: "How do you know Hannibal?"
Will: "One could argue intimately."
Chiyoh: "'Nakama'? It's a Japanese word for very close friends."
Will: "Yes, we were 'nakama'."
Chiyoh: "Why are you looking for him after he left you with a smile?"
Will: "I've never known myself as well as I know myself when I'm with him."
Jack: “Will Graham understands Hannibal. He accepts him. Now, who among us doesn’t want understanding and acceptance?”
Bedelia: “What your sister made you feel was beyond your conscious ability to control or predict."
Hannibal: "Or negotiate."
Bedelia: "I would suggest what Will Graham makes you feel is not dissimilar. A force of mind and circumstance.”
Hannibal: “Love. He pays you a visit or he doesn't.”
S03E04: Aperitivo
Jack: "You remember when you decided to call Hannibal?"
Will: "I wasn't decided when I called him. I just called him. I deliberated while the phone rang. I decided when I heard his voice."
Jack: "You told him we knew."
Will: "I told him to leave. 'Cause I wanted him to run."
Jack: "Why?"
Will: "Because... because he was my friend. And because I wanted to run away with him."
Dr. Chilton: "Will Graham is alive because Hannibal Lecter likes him that way."
Jack: "Maybe it's one of those friendships that ends after the disemboweling."
Dr. Chilton: "I would argue, with these two, that's tantamount to flirtation."
S03E06: Dolce
Jack: "Hannibal will slip away. Will you slip away with him?"
Will: "Part of me will always want to."
Hannibal: "If I saw you everyday, forever, Will, I would remember this time."
Will: "Strange seeing you here in front of me. Been staring at afterimages of you in places you haven't been in years."
Will: "I wanted to understand you... before I laid eyes on you again. I needed it to be... clear. What I was seeing."
Hannibal: "Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?"
Will: "Mine?"... "Before you and after you."
Will: "You and I... have begun to blur."
Hannibal: "Isn't that how you found me?"
Will: "Every crime of yours, feels like one I'm guilty of. Not just Abigail's murder, every murder. Stretching backward and forward in time."
Hannibal: "Freeing yourself from me and me freeing myself from you. They're the same."
Will: "We're conjoined. I'm curious whether either of us can survive separation."
Hannibal: "I would've liked to show you Florence, Will."
S03E07: Digestivo
Hannibal: "Do we talk about teacups and time, and the rules of the disorder?"
Will: "The teacup's broken. It's never gonna gather itself back together again."
Hannibal: "Not even in your mind?"... "Your memory palace is building, it's full of new things. It shares some rooms with my own. I've discovered you there, victorious."
Will: "When it comes to you and me, there can be no decisive victory."
Hannibal: "We are a zero-sum game?"
Will: "I miss my dogs. I'm not going to miss you. I'm not going to find you. I'm not going to look for you. I don't want to know where you are or what you do. I don't want to think about you anymore."
Hannibal: "You delight in wickedness and then berate yourself for the delight."
Will: "You delight. I tolerate... I don't have your appetite."
Will: "Goodbye, Hannibal."
Hannibal (to Will): "I want you to know exactly where I am, or where you can always find me."
S03E09: ...and the Woman Clothed with the Sun
Hannibal: "Is there a child in your life, Will? I gave you a child, if you recall."
Will: "You called us "murder husbands.""
Freddie Lounds: "You did run off to Europe together."
S03E10: ...and the Woman Clothed in Sun
Bedelia: "Have you been to see him?"
Will: "Yes."
Bedelia: "You haven't learned your lesson have you? Or did you just miss him that much?"
Bedelia (to Will): "My relationship with Hannibal isn't as passionate as yours. You are here visiting an old flame. Is your wife aware how intimately you and Hannibal know each other?"
S03E11: ...and the Beast from the Sea
Will (to Hannibal): "I'm not fortune's fool. I'm yours."
S03E12: The Number of the Beast is 666
Will: "Is Hannibal... in love with me?"
Bedelia: "Could he daily feel a stab of hunger for you and find nourishment at the very sight of you?... Yes. But do you ache for him?"
S03E13: The Wrath of the Lamb
Hannibal: "When life becomes maddeningly polite, think about me. Think about me, Will. Don't worry about me."
Will: "I knew you wanted me to know exactly where I could find you when I needed to."
Hannibal: "And you did."
Will: "I need you Hannibal." ... "Please."
Will: "It really does look black in the moonlight."
Hannibal: "See? This is all I ever wanted for you, Will. For both of us."
Will: "It's beautiful."
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between-two-fandoms · 3 months
I am absolutely not staring at my ceiling thinking about how damn happy and soft buck looked on that coffee date. And how Tommy almost always waits for Buck to initiate contact first before getting closer. And how Buck looks like the weight of the world is lifted off his shoulders. And how Tommy looks at Buck like he wants to cherish him how he deserves. And how Buck melts whenever Tommy says Evan, and that they're probably maybe going to use his first name as a way for Buck to reclaim his own identity and settle into this new, post-lightning strike, person he's becoming. Even if it's scary at first. I love character-driven arcs so much. I can't wait.
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cyberpunkaddict · 3 months
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"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes
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“I love you to the moon and back.”
Prologue, Part 1
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 days
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2024 Austrian Grand Prix - George Russell
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bnanmonte · 10 months
@pumpkinpaperweight had a dream and now im suffering with brainrot. The "only sophie got taken so agatha went after her" post, and im not ok, im not ok. I have this plot in my head now, ideas and dialouges, but will i actually do it? idk so here's a couple sketches i did, what i imagined what happens at the aftermath of the kidnapping
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aaaarrghh i want this to be a full blown au so bad you have no idea i am not okkk aaaaaaaahh
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melatien · 7 months
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My submission for @aimportantdragoncollector's trioholders event (bonus round)!!
they are at the beach
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ghostchills · 1 year
nostalgia binge
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ohhhhmygod im gonna be sick. actually nauseous and i did it to myself - there was a spider on the countertop and i Panicked, grabbing the first distance-killer i could grab. it was a grease cleaner spray. i buried it in the stuff, walked away to recover mentally, came back
it fucking fell apart and dissolved into the cleaner. i both feel horrible and im disgusted beyond words. how the fuck do i get rid of it
#slamming my face into a wall repeatedly#i cant leave it there to deal with after Sleep#bc my cats like to go onto the countertops when no one is looking#and i dont want either of them to get poisoned#but i cant rinse it into the sink with the faucet hose bc there's stuff in the sink#but idk if i can bring myself to do dishes with That next to me#and my fear of spiders is so intense that i Cannot get close enough to take care of it with a towel or somethin#im very good at fucking myself over in various ways!#if i had an appetite id lose it. permanently#what if! instead of dealing with it! i curl up in a corner and cry#except im not gonna do that ive filled my tears quota for the year & doing nothing wont help anything#sorry for venting again i just. ohhhhh this is horrible this is Terrible#if i still had my whacking stick id tape a big wad of paper towels to the end and clean the mess up that way#from a Distance!#absolutely unprompted#i wish i wasnt so terrified of spiders#they scare me So much....#the point of feeling physically ill! and like sobbing! or panicking! and this spider was Big!#i wish they'd stop coming into the house.... i hate killing them but i cant function knowing theyre there#but i can't force myself close enough to put them in a cup and bring them outside#so now i have THAT on my counter. disintegrated spider.#life is too fucking much lately... jesus.... i should really just bite the bullet and get this shit over with#no use waiting a month in perpetual terror unease and guilt. do it scared yk yk#im tired of my chest hurting and not being able to eat! i dont like it! i need change! terrifying horrible change!
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
“I love you” “it’ll pass” okay but which one is Eddie and which one is reader bc I don’t think I’d be able to handle either outcome
okay. just. hear me out. listen. listen to this idea i don't know if i could ever put myself through the heartbreak of writing. (tw: i'm bringing up the cursed thing that is eddie's canon ending in stranger things as of right now. yes. his... very, very, very long nap.)
"i love you" = reader
"it'll pass" = eddie
...and how ironic it is, for him to have insisted so many times that it'll pass, especially after the canon events of season 4. in which you are left alone, with nothing more than a memory of him, and all you can think is how it'll never pass. the love, the grief, the pain - he lied. it won't pass. even when you finally crave it to.
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srjlvr · 9 months
sighing because it happened yet again.
hello my loves! remember a few days ago i told y’all about someone who actually copied my work?
we’re back at it again!
and shockingly!!! they changed their @ and i honestly don’t know why. lucky me i got their vid on my fyp so i actually caught them this time.
user @/wricxv on tiktok please stop. this is making me feel drained honestly. i worked really hard on my works and it’s not the first time you’re copying my works without ANY permission.
don’t you get how annoying and rude it gets? i understand your little brain doesn’t have such great ideas but this is NO REASON to copy someone else’s work!!
it’s giving me the urge to just drop my works and stop writing.
other authors are working hard as hell for their works and for what? for them to be copied? NO!! we, the authors work really hard and for FREE for entertainment on this app but this is honestly so annoying.
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to anyone who’s reading it, PLEASE REPORT this account and not only the video. i know i don’t have a lot of followers so not a lot of people would see this, every report helps. please help me out on this one as it’s starting to get really tiring.
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts
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obliviouskara · 2 months
supercorp edits are going to be the bane of my existence
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theskystillwakesup · 2 years
hayley's message via discord
(text below)
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Hello again, dear friends. It feels like it’s been a thousand lifetimes… Not only since we’ve put music out into the world but even longer since I’ve sat down with my computer to type out a note meant just for you to read.
The last few years at home were so crucial. We’re all in our 30’s now. Almost every single time the guys and I are together - and that’s a lot - we find ourselves reminiscing on the last 2 decades of friendship as if we’re ancient. It may sound silly but none of us can actually believe that we’re still here and that somehow, people still seem to care. It’s a massive deal… something we don’t take lightly.
From late 2018 until today, and for the first time in my adult life, I’ve been able to spend consecutive days, months, years, etc., at home. I kept weekly appointments (shouts to my many doctors), I cooked many meals (still wish it’d been more) in my own kitchen, and saw family (in person) any chance I could. The realization of just how luxurious all of these things are for anyone, anywhere, also became more apparent than ever. The lessons have been endless and they’ve been so different than any of the lessons I learned from living on the road, doing Paramore 24/7/365. This was a real break from whatever living I’d done before. Looking at our calendar for the next couple of years, I know that I would not be ready to give myself back to the band and the music and the life that I love so much had we not voluntarily given it up for a season.
For all of that, on behalf of us all, I want to say thank you for being so loving and supportive of us as humans first. The music industry is not a human-first industry. It’s not even a music-first industry. Look, we don’t even live in a human-first society!!!!!!!!!!!! So choosing to walk away for a spell simply for our own sanity was not an ill-considered concept.
I must admit, coming out of our respective holes in the ground and back into the “real world” is kind of terrifying. Watching and reading the news is like having the wind knocked out of you on a daily basis. The idea of getting out there and doing what we do at a time like this feels heavy and futile and necessary all at once. It also feels like the perfect time to take advantage of every opportunity we are given to leverage our platform and all of that for good causes. Whether those are literal causes or whether it’s just about showing ourselves and each other that music is still a good place to be. A show can still be a gathering and not simply a crowd. That’s what I’m looking forward to the most.
And I guess I’ll end this here.
Tomorrow, we start again!— And yet, really, we’re just picking up where we left off. For so many reasons I don’t even have words for, I think we are about to experience our happiest, most fulfilling moments as Paramore. And when I say, “WE”, I do hope by now you know what I mean.
You’ll hear from me again before long. Sending you love and all my gratitude and hopes and solidarity and all that exists in between.
Miss Williams
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gladdygirl18 · 1 month
Hey guys.....
Uhm so... following up on this post..... if you've been keeping track, then you know what today is......
My girlfriend and I are no longer together.... 💔💔💔
I'm gonna go... yknow... cry a lil bit cuz I miss her so much and.... yesterday was the last day I'll ever get to see her
Hopefully I can see her this June....
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What if Alastor does betray Charlie and the crew in the end- against his will? Him walking over towards the enemy's side as they call his name while all eyes are on him. Horrified. Betrayed. Angry.
the radio demon would just smile, keep up the grin. Plaster it on his face. Put on a show. Laugh at the disbelief in everyone's faces. He'd lie if he said it didn't hurt his face so much.
He'd tell himself that he never cared about them. That he never once thought of them as anything but pawns. That they should've seen this coming because his heart stopped beating a long time ago, his soul was jaded, and his humanity rotten.
But the heaviness in his chest and the trembling of his hands say otherwise. The smile that didn't reach his eyes told a different story. All the times he would cook them his special Jambalaya, or the the times he would join in their silly exercises, or pull an all nighter with them on game nights, or be there just as someone to listen when someone bothered them (they'd be dead tomorrow)- all these memories - was it all really just for show? And it would dawn on him, like a cruel spotlight exposing the darkest corners of his dead, black heart.
Maybe he did care for them. loved them as a family. Wanted what was best for them. Wished he could be with them. Be part of their family
And he hated himself for that. Because it's too late. He's chosen his side and broke their hearts. He could only stand in the side as everyone else was fighting for their side. He felt horrible. A traitor. A ghost.
So, maybe -as one last act of redemption, one last attempt to plea for forgiveness, to let them know that he did care, that he did love them - at the final battle - When all seemed lost - he sacrifices himself. By fighting for them. Going against his master. Risking his own life - not because he was told so- but because he wanted to. For them.
Ignoring the anguish that burned in him as he took hit after hit as he desperately tries to stop his master before they could hurt his friends. His family. Ignoring their shouts of worry, shouts of pleas for him to stop. For him to step back. For him to let them help him.
But he doesn't let them because they've done so much already. They've let him in, loved him, and accepted him, and he never thought he'd ever experience that again
And just like that - he's on the ground. Bleeding, gasping for air, dying. Static radio thick in the air. Him barely able to register the blurry figures hovering over him. Muffled voices that made his head ring. The pain numbing his body. Everything was so much at the same time.
But he felt it, a hand on his cheek, a trembling, soft, gentle, and kind touch. And for a while, his vision cleared and he could see her. Charlie. Crying. Her lips moving as she said something he didn't quite catch. He hated seeing her like this and it pained him to be the very reason why
And someone else is there, one just like Charlie's - Lucifer, his hand on his daughter's shoulder. Alastor hated appreciated the much concern on his face. appreciation and respect glinting in his eyes.
Alastor was too broken to be fixed. Too shattered to be put back together. And too close to the gates of death to be brought back down again. And it was alright. The only regret was not being able to spend more hellish days with the crew. But other than that? He's happy. And he wished them happiness too.
And so, with all the strength he could muster, he moved his shaking, bloodied up hand, tiringly to his own cheek, just above Charlie's hand, trying to tell her that it's alright. He's alright. It's gonna be okay.
"Smile, my dear." He rasps out, his throat scratched and his lungs tight. "You're never fully dressed without one."
The air went silent, for the static was gone. the great Alastor altruist died for his friends. This is how it ended.
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darlingcloudie-9 · 3 months
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this is my…… alter ego- ANITA MAXWYNN. ANITA MAXWYNN
#my art#My oc#Original character#oc drawing#uuuhhhh gaslight gatekeep girlboss#So sorry about the caption btw………… its past my curfew and im in a silly goofy mood :[#So meet Darling!! My one of a kind mayhaps mascot of this tumblr blog!!!! Yippee!!!!#Dont let her soft and unalarming smile fool you; this girl is really a menace to the society!!#Funfact; Darling has a younger twin brother!! You’d never know though cause they don’t look too alike from eachother.#But they are still twins!! And he works in Retail!!!#Imagine this younger twin brother also has a cute petname as a name…………… like Honey or something#Or Sunshine. Or Angel!!!!#Ah. Decisions. Decisions#Darling is definitely the evil twin……… she would also lowkey walk with her brother whilst carrying a dozen wooden logs on her back and goin#“Maybe the A in Angel stands for-“#“Amazing? Admirable? Awesome?? :]”#“…. No. Abomination.”#“…… Oh. You mean like that one giant snowman from that one Bubbleguppies episode?”#”… YOU STILL REMEMBER BUBBLEGUPPIES?!?!? AND THAT SNOWMAN??!?!?!?!?!?!”#And then they go on to discuss Bubbleguppies lore and how they miss it 💔#Ah. But kidding kidding!! That’s if i choose Angel as the younger twin brother’s name <3#Im sorry for the bad Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba reference with the Tokito Twins also#But yeah!!! That’s my oc Darling!!!!#i hope you like her :]]#I think she’d have a Mareep if she were in Pokémon#Just a thought <3#My sister called her a discount Yor from Spy X Family and omg#how could she say this and be totally right wtf :crying:#Anyways yeah!!!! Darling slays and joins the battle :heart: !!!!#Also no you aren’t going crazy the flower in the top left corner is one of the ibis x paint decals on that one picture icon thingy erremmm
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wulfhalls · 4 months
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